Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Just Do Something!

Some mornings the start is rough. The older I get it seems the rougher it seems and our 54 degree morning here in West Virginia made this morning a little crunchier. The sky is clear and the sun is shining but my bones feel like mid-November. That’s enough whining… now I’ll get to the point of today’s very short message. Weep. Pray. Do Something!

That was my mindset this morning as I attempted to wrap my head around a thought as I read in 2 Chronicles again today, trying to finish up my Bible reading list. But my thoughts were going back to scripture in the days before when the Levites had to help the Priests out because there wasn’t enough of them to do the job. My heart breaks for the little country churches across America who don’t have willing leaders, or for some of them any leaders, but for most of them, worn out leaders!  I also have many friends with broken hearts for various reasons and my heart breaks too. As the tears fell down my cheeks this morning I was frustrated at my inability to fix “stuff” and people. And then the thought popped into my mind and the burden lifted from my heart.

“Weep. Pray. Do Something!”

In Psalm 126:5 David writes, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.”

I was sowing tears in my Bible this morning and believing that God was going to turn the mourning hearts of friends into joy one day. Maybe not today. But today I could reap the joy in knowing that God had their lives in His hands and He was faithful to answer their prayers and mine. I just needed to do something. Even if it was cry. Sometimes that’s enough.

Psalm 56:8 says

Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

On some days tears are enough. God obviously appreciates that effort, else why would He put our tears in a bottle and write it down in a book. He commemorates our weeping. That thought captured my attention.

On the days when I don’t think I’m doing anything, God takes note…

So I dried up my eyes. Sketched todays image. Wrote these few words to remind you and I both. “Just do Something.” Whatever it is, if it’s done for the Lord it’s a worthy effort.

I love you… I’m praying for those that read todays blog and asking God to help you understand what your ‘something’ is.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Leadership, Life Inspiration

For They Considered Not the Miracle


It’s true in my life too. A few days of struggle, a few rough waves to get over and I’ve long since forgotten the countless things that God has done in my life. I pondered the upcoming election this morning as I read the story of the forgotten miracle:

Mark 6:48-52

And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.  But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out: For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid. And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered. For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.

Jesus had fed 5000+ people with 2 loaves of bread and a few fishes, followed by calming the raging sea and scaring the pants off His buddies and they were sore amazed and wondered. They’d already forgotten about that amazing lunch He provided from basically nothing! It was as if the bread and fish were a little miracle by comparison to the angry storm. How much different is it today?

We are so impressed when God does what we deem amazing, when the amazing is being done right before us every day in our lives by the provision and sustainment of life. So why are worrying about the waves of this election?

I’ve seen some really positive, good posts on social media recently about what Jesus can do through this election, but I feel they’re being over looked by those wanting to sensationalize, and refocus us on the stormy waters surrounding the candidates. I will confess that the candidates of choice are not my choice, but I have to look at what I have available. The folks on the ground that day with Jesus had but one choice for dinner, “bread and fish.” The miracle was not in the choice, it was what God did with the choice. I feel the same way about this election. I don’t think either one of these people are living at the foot of the cross, but I know the One Who died on the cross for the salvation of man, and He can work a miracle with the matter. It’s not much… I wouldn’t call those two a happy meal, but… let me preface this by saying I’m voting for Trump. Not because he’s all that and bag of chips, but I feel he is the provision for America and Hillary is the destruction. I won’t get into anything other than that. That alone is enough for me to ponder today when the world would rather I worry. If Christians will pray and vote… in that order, rely on God to take care of us as well as work for Him until He comes, this might be the most amazing four years of American history!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Pocket Testament League, Youth

What You Can Do Today for Our Youth

chick school

It’s the first day of school in our area, perhaps your youth began earlier or not yet, but it’s no doubt on the horizon. And with it comes concerns which differ depending on the region… or the day. Things changes so quickly and what our young people are exposed to is beyond comprehension in comparison to what it was like not so many years ago. We are now living in a world where families do not have time for each other and are living as mere strangers. It is advised to take an attorney’s help for blended families if your family is going through a tough time. As I lifted my youth group to the Lord this morning my heart was heavy for them, they’re good kids in a bad world… My heart aches for them. These thoughts brought me to the Word of God this morning in search of a Word of encouragement for youth workers, parents and anyone concerned for our youth. And here’s where I landed…

Luke 21:38

And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple, for to hear him.

This wasn’t only Sunday but week days as well… These where the days between Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the day of crucifixion. How quickly things can change. As we set here in the days between His crucifixion and return we too should find ourselves in the presence of the Lord each morning. Jesus preached in the town each morning but at night He would lodge about a mile away in the Mount of Olives; away from the noise of the city and the hustle and bustle of life. Probably away from the religious folk. Jesus’ examples for us are needful reminders in this hectic world that we need time to wind down in the evening; but in the morning as the day begins we should find ourselves in the presence of the Lord seeking a sermon for our souls.

Those who met with Jesus in the temple weren’t there to sit easy in the pew. They had faced some opposition to get there and so will you. I presented my Pocket Testament League program to my youth last night and asked them to start a league of their own.  To commit to reading a portion of scripture every day and share the gospel. They’ll be facing huge opposition to accomplish that task. I encourage you as well to get your bible, or look at it online and pick you out a sermon for the soul. It’s in there… words that will encourage your heart and spear you on for service. And then share what you read with someone else. God’s Word never returns void.

If you’d like to be a member of the Pocket Testament League you can join at They have so many free resources to help you on your walk with Christ and becoming more like Christ. Resources that will teach you how to share the gospel and then give you the tools to do just that! It’s an awesome place to hang your hat for a while. If you decide to join the league (there’s no cost) please enter my membership number when prompted (574096) I want you in my league!

But before you go… take just a minute to lift up our kids to the Lord. Please pray as the Lord leads you but a few suggestions from me would be this…

  • Pray they are hedged in with safety
  • They are shielded from wickedness
  • They are a light in that dark world
  • They are brave in their witness
  • They are bold in their testimony
  • They are support for one another
  • They study (Jesus, English, Math, etc.)
Posted in Forgiveness, Grace, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, Prayer

3 High Mileage Lies

chick lie

When I think of Satan (and those in this field of work will just have to forgive me) I often think of him as a used car salesman. One of those in the polyester suit, with a cheap toupee, wreaking of cigar smoke and more gold on his fingers than a television preacher. They may not be the father of lies but they might be the grandchildren. (John 8:44) I hope my words painted the scoundrel image I was after, but the truth is Satan comes in whatever form he needs to in order to get your attention. 2 Corinthians 11:14  says “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”

What light has he shined into your world lately? Every day I hear of someone buying into his cheap lies. He did not come to them in his tacky car salesman garb; no, he was dressed in the exact apparel that he knew would cause them to give him credence in their life. He’s so very good at deception.

Here are 3 (of the many) lies that he desires you to believe.

# 1 You are unworthy of forgiveness

It’s such an easy lie to buy because most of us don’t live like we should and we’re faced with those saints that just look so good! They walk it and talk it and you just know that if you followed them home their perfect life would continue as their family gathered around the dinner table in prayer, no one argued, children did their homework without being asked, all the beds were made and the dishes done promptly after dinner, followed by devotions at the hearth with Daddy and a kiss on the cheek good night. Turn that show off, it is not reality TV. But neither is the garbage on television that we have inundated our minds with as acceptable living. The fact is we’re all imperfect. Are their saints that live closer to the cross than you and I? Yes! But they struggle too, it’s just in private and in ways that Satan chooses for them. He likely tells them too that they are unworthy.

So what’s the answer? You need to take a bath every day. It’s good hygiene for the body, but its much better for the soul.

Hebrews 10:22

 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

All that dirt Satan heaped upon you today will wash away with the blood of Jesus, and through His cleansing you are worthy.

#2 You are unheard

Usually that feeling too comes from the feeling of unworthiness. We revert back to childhood in that if we were good we were rewarded, and if we were bad we were punished. So… if I’ve messed up today, God assuredly knows it and will not answer my plea for help. Praise God He is not like us!

1 John 5:14 says this: And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

Perhaps we think our prayers are unheard because they were not answered as we desired. But our desires may or may not be what’s best, they usually aren’t because they’re created from our earthly viewpoint. We can have confidence, glory to God, in His will. God wants to hear your desires just as we want to hear the hopes and dreams of our children. But when your child at age five comes to you and says, “I want to be a teenage mutant ninja turtle when I grow up,” you don’t start looking for toxic waste to dip your child into. That’s not healthy. And God, Who from eternity’s standpoint we look like five year olds, hears our prayers they’re likely just as silly… and toxic! And just because our imperfect children get into trouble and let us down we still do not grow tired of listening to their petitions, and God never grows weary of listening to ours. But He too wants to be heard. You have to stay in His word to keep your confidence up.

# 3 You are untalented

This is my personal fave! I listen to Satan tell me that lie every day. And even if he comes to me in that cheap suit, wreaking of cigar, I buy it again. Satan doesn’t have any new lies, that’s why he reminds me of a used car salesman. He just keeps selling me the same lie over and over again. It certainly has high mileage!

What could God possibly do with me, my mediocre abilities and broken life?  I’m always shocked at the answer… anything He wants to. But first I have to put my hand into His and say, “Lead on Lord.” I’ve seen so many dreams and desires  come to fruition;  sometimes in the same mediocracy I gave it to God in and other times it was far beyond what my mind could have imagined. Experiencing God’s goodness first hand gives me the ability to boldly say “God can use anyone.” It’s not up for debate. There is a talent within you, and you know it. I don’t believe it when people say “I have no talent.” Usually I can already see what it is. But even if I can’t, it’s still there because God gave every one of us purpose. And that purpose is a talent within that only you can do.

Isaiah 46:9-11

Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.

God said to remember… He has purposed it, and He will do it. Don’t let someone else do your job, put your hand in His and say, “Lead on Lord!”

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Posted in Life Inspiration

Sunshine for a Rainy Day

reagan's sunshine

I don’t think a day goes by that I have not heard the “C” word. Cancer. A word that can bring even the mightiest warrior to their knees asking for mercy. It is no respecter of age, gender, or socioeconomic status. Saint and Sinner… it has claimed both.

As I listened to a devotion on Periscope this morning from a sister in Christ Jesus in Pennsylvania, she always closes her broadcast with prayer requests and prayer. There too the “C” word popped up. And as I listened to her sweet prayer she said something that sent my mind here… this place I’m at today. She asked God to heal those who He had created the blueprint for. The Creator. We just don’t give Him His just dues do we?

1 Peter 4:19

 Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

Them that suffer

I cannot say that I have not questioned God’s divine wisdom when it comes to the diagnosis of someone I love. Even someone I don’t know! I see on social media post after post of heartache and my heart breaks. I see images that almost rip my heart out of my chest and I weep and pray and ask God to heal them and sometimes He does… and sometimes He takes them home and I’m left to pray for a heartbroken family; and again I ask God why? Why must these people suffer? It doesn’t seem right.

And then I am confronted with the truth that I am not the judge of what is right, only the Creator of all has that privilege. God’s plan was never that man would suffer. He created us in perfect health, in a perfect place with a perfect plan and then along came sin.

So rather than blame God for the suffering, which is what the world tends to do, we skip past the fact that Satan brought all of this into the world when he wanted to play God. And the human race is still allowing him to play god, the only problem is God is good, Satan is not. And this suffering that is in the world has an agent, Satan himself.

Suffering His Will

So why then is it the will of God that we now suffer? I do not know. Everyone’s blueprint for life is laid out differently, except for the fact that everyone is born with a sin nature, even the most innocent of child has been born into sin. That is why the bible says it rains on the just and the unjust. Everyone’s life is designed to point them and those around them to the Creator and that perfect life that He will afford His children one day in Heaven. A time when we will look back on this tidbit of life in the scope of eternity and think… wow… so that’s why it happened.

Committing the keeping of our souls to Him in well doing

How do you do well when life is not well? How do you sit beside someone who is suffering and tell them that God loves them? You commit them to Christ and then start looking for the work He’s doing through them.

The countless times that I have watched a child of God suffer, and yet still find the strength to praise God, I have also watched the blueprint unfold before my eyes. As hard as it was there was purpose.

I have many friends suffering right now, but there is one little girl on my mind especially who has suffered again and again because of Juvenile Arthritis. Last weekend she went into crisis having to have multiple surgeries and my heart ached as I watched for updates by her mom. She came through and so did Christ. Because she didn’t get to go outside a merciful nurse brought her some window paints and let her paint on her hospital window. The image above is her artistry. And there it was even in her darkest hours she was sharing the love of Jesus.

Her mom is a child of God. She has committed her child to Christ as they go through these hard times. I pray and believe in the Creator that holds her blueprint in Heaven, that He can guide the doctors to a cure for her disease. But until that day He continues to use her for His glory. And one day she’ll look back on these rough days and God will show her the souls that she touched for Him.

Just hold on… God is faithful.


Please pray for the sunshine girl. Her name is Reagan.

Posted in Uncategorized

He Knows!

1 Samuel 2:1-3 ~ And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation.There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God. Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.

In the context of this scripture Hannah had just given her son back to the Lord. The child that she prayed for, and as a young mother would have adored the opportunity to raise him and spend that time with him, and yet her promise to the Lord would be kept. She delivered Samuel to the Priest and prayed these words.

She acknowledge Him with Rejoicing

Every prayer we pray should have praise to God for what He has done; acknowledging Him for His provision. How often I get so caught up in what I want that I forget just what He gave. Hannah was grateful for the child she’d been given, but she was most grateful that He was the God of Salvation. Is that not what life hinges on? Our life is so fleeting here, but to understand that the God of Salvation has saved us that we can spend an eternity unseparated from those we love. Oh my goodness! How Hannah understood. Yes, it was likely painful to leave her child in the temple to serve God, but she knew that the God she served would allow her to spend forever with him. I’m ready to shout!

She acknowledged Him as the Rock

There is “no Rock like our God.” Oh my goodness. What words those are. People will let us down, we’ll let ourselves down, but God is there every second of every hour. He knows every heartache, every thought, every fear, every need… our God knows and provides. It was Hannah’s prayer of faith that allowed her to have Samuel. What is it you stand in need of today? Have faith that God will provide!

She acknowledged His Reasoning

Matthew Henry said “Every stream should lead us to the fountain.” What wisdom there is in that! Hannah reminds us that there is nothing within ourselves that we can boast of. We’d have nothing were it not for Him and His goodness, and whatever it is that happens in life He knows why and as Romans 8:28 says “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

When His actions are weighed, they are weighed with perfect measure, just what we need, at just the right hour. When my actions are weighed… I’m found short of it all.

Rejoice in the Rock today, He is so faithful! We all wonder “why” sometimes, but not God. Did it ever occur to you that nothing ever occurred to God? He knows!!!