Let’s Talk   About Jesus.

For 25 Years I’ve served the Lord as a Bible Teacher, Speaker, Singer, and Writer. There is no greater joy in this life than having the privilege to serve the King and His people.

What  Do I Do? I write about, Speak about, Sing about and Worship Jesus!

What I D

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The Blog

The blog, more often than not, is written for me, to me. It’s how I deal with the daily struggles of life. But what I’ve come to discover, is we all have struggles, and knowing that we are not alone is an amazing gift.

The Conversation

I love everything there is about Jesus. And I love to share the countless ways that He has poured His love into me; gifting me the chance to inspire, encourage, and challenge people of faith to apply the word of God in practical, purposeful, and powerful ways! He is so worthy to speak about!

The Music

I will never profess to being the greatest, but what I am is a willing vessel that God anointed for the purpose of praise. I have a soulful/bluegrass style of both singing and writing Christian Music.

The Workshops

Jesus Chick Workshops can fall into any category you’d like. Want to work better as a team for Jesus? I got ya covered. Want to do a topical study, a theme or learn how to journal? I have that too. Call me to work out the details.

Explore Our Blog

Here’s an idea… Let’s Shine!

Spread the loveIn the midst of the weekend I had, I[…]

What Happens When the Sun Comes Up?

Spread the loveThere is an old saying: “If you were charged[…]

Them’s fightin’ words

Spread the loveThis morning I found myself in the book of[…]

About me

I am the wife of David,, mother to two daughters (Tiffani & Whitney) and two sons (Michael & Timmy) that I didn’t get to raise, but I claim as my own since they married my daughters, six grandchildren (Luke, Noah, Nic, Paityn, Logan and Parker) and a host of puppies and chickens that keep my life busy.

I serve in the local church of First Baptist of Grantsville, West Virginia, and I am the Publisher of a local news site called The Ridgeview News. I love to cook and you’ll see me most any time with a fresh cup of Tim Horton’s coffee, which may be why I’m so wired 😳

What are you waiting for?

Ready to get your event planned? Call me, message me, let’s get busy for the Kingdom!

Bible Journaling Workshops

Bible Journaling Workshops are a filled with Bible Journaling, Worship, and Friends, connecting with God and others all while reflecting on His Word. The artistic skill level of those attending does not enter into the equation… Just like young children, those who attend are encouraged to enjoy the experience as a child making refrigerator art for God. The class teaches techniques for journaling on the pages of your bible or creating a separate journaling book. Journaling can be image’s, lettering or even writing a letter to God with a few emoji’s thrown in for fun and expression. Bible Journaling Supplies can be your own, or provided for the cost of the materials. There is no limit to the number of people who attend or the level of fun we have during the event!

Oh the Places I’ve Been!

Through the years I’ve had the opportunity to travel to churches in West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida, Minnesota and as far as the Philippines. What a blessing! I’ve brought messages, provided workshops, sang songs and had the opportunity to encourage saints of God in their walks with God. I’ve never taken the opportunity lightly because I am fully aware that God doesn’t send you into the field without expecting your to bring some fruit back to the house!







Shari Johnson has a heart for people regardless of their backgrounds. During the ten years that I have known her, she has served in a number of different capacities in the life of her home church and community. Your audience will be blessed by Shari’s teaching and sense her genuine compassion for them. God gave her a wonderful sense of humor which she uses to break down the walls people so often build to insulate themselves from God’s truth. Shari also ministers musically and will encourage you through her songs.


“Shari Johnson is one of the finest Christian women that I know. She has so many talents. She can sing, write songs, paint, write poetry, and many more too numerous to mention. What makes her so special is her love for Jesus. She has a heart to serve Him. Among her many talents she possesses, one is her ability to take a piece of scripture and make it come alive and relevant to the listener. I have often told her that I would love for her to write my sermons. As a godly Christian woman, she knows her role and is willing to serve Jesus where He leads. Therefore, as her pastor, I am honored to recommend Shari for any event that you would need a woman speaker. If you are looking for a Christian woman for an event, book her to be blessed! Pastor Mike Worf”


I find Shari Johnson to be one of the most dedicated servants I’ve ever met. Her desire to enlarge the Kingdom of Christ shines through her singing ministry, and her enthusiasm when speaking God’s truth. She is the most talented person I’ve ever met, and she uses all of her talents to the glory of God. She sings, draws, writes, speaks, and is technologically diverse, including graphic design! She is faithful in our church home, and since she is faithful, she wears many hats as a willing servant. She sings, guides and teaches teens, directs teen rally, VBS, teen retreat; captain of a Ladies Circle, does church bulletin, and so much more. She has painted our beautiful church, baptistery, and painted a huge picture of Christ’s hands reaching down to us from the Heavens!

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