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For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. ~ 2 Chronicles 16:9a

I needed this verse today. Perhaps you did too. I needed it for a reminder that nothing goes unnoticed by God. Sometimes I forget that. It’s like poor little Shari is down here all alone, and nobody could possibly understand, nor do they see my struggles. I won’t share them willingly so it is primarily my fault. And so I go into this mode of frustration, all the while hearing the sirens of Satan blowing in my ear, blasting the sounds of emergency and fear. He is so good at that! And I’m so goofy to buy into it. :-/

His Eyes

I know that my bible journaling art did not capture even the faintest beauty of the eyes of the Lord, but just the thought of Him peering down from Heaven gives me great comfort. The three fold being of God is everywhere, but God Himself sits high and looks low into the earth and sees me. Personally. And you… personally. I don’t pretend to comprehend how God can be all places at all times, but I know that He is because scriptures like this reveal it to me. He sees all. I know that His Spirit is present with me at all times, because I feel His presence in me. I know that His Son is on the right hand of God making intercession for my failures, and they are many. What a joy to have that wisdom!

His Strength

The second part of that scripture says that His eyes see throughout the entire earth to show Himself strong on behalf of me. He seen me yesterday in my weakened state. He knew that I was slowly but surely buying into the weakened spirit within that still feels alone even in a crowd. The one that borderlines depression at all times and has to fight out of the pit almost every day.

Sound dramatic?

You don’t get to be a creative spirit in the work of the Lord without drama. At least that’s my belief. Satan and his minions didn’t care one iota about my creative abilities until I began using them for the Lord. And then suddenly I was on their radar and haven’t been able to get under it since. Even as I write this, his attack is ramped.

Whatever or however the Lord chooses to use you for His Kingdom’s glory is the very place Satan will attack you. And it is only by His strength that you will be able to thwart that attack.

Our Heart

My heart perfect? Not even close. But His heart which covers my heart is the purest of perfection. And it is only because of the salvation of Jesus Christ that God is ever present in my life; providing me the calming peace that overcomes the fear of rejection, failure, and loneliness. He sees me, and He sees you. He knows our struggles and they’re very real. But they are also very covered.

Get in His word and let Him minister to your heart. Ask for prayer and let your friends and family in Christ lift you to the Heavens. You’ll be amazed at how life can turn on a dime when the Lord of all makes His presence known…

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