Posted in Christian, Word of God

How to Make God Happy

Philippians 2:1-7 KJV
If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, [2] Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. [3] Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. [4] Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. [5] Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: [6] Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: [7] But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

We live in such a selfish generation. It cracks me up (and not in a good way) when I hear people say that the young people of today are an entitled and spoiled generation. I’ve been guilty of saying it. And then I think, “Really, just the young people? What about the old people? Like us.” Those who get angry if all the pieces of their daily puzzle doesn’t fall into place. If their hamburger was missing a pickle or their fries were too soft. Let’s get real for a minute about our own attitudes and expectations in life. Let’s talk about our priorities and lack of commitment to the things of God.

When Paul wrote to the Philippians he was in prison. Not even the prison of today, but a crude cell, no personal potty, there were not three hots and a cot. But his priorities and thoughts were on the people of the church. Is ours? Do we encourage one another?

Comfort one Another

How do you do that? In another letter Paul answered that question when he told the church to comfort one another by reminding each other that Jesus is coming back!

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

This has got to be a top priority in our life to keep our minds and attitudes in check about what’s important. Forget about the missing pickle, what about the missing soul that will be in Heaven because we didn’t take the time to tell our friends and family about Jesus?

Have Fellowship with the Spirit

Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:15 to Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

This wasn’t to make him a scholar. This was to help him understand the importance of staying connected with God every day. This world sucks the life out of you. There are some serious things that occur in the course of a day. It’s not always just about the pickle. Sometimes there are issues that need our attention but further more need God’s guidance. In two days I had two such incidents. Two grandchildren in what could have been a life altering incident. But praise God, they were both fine. But in those moments, I didn’t give one iota about a pickle or anything else. I knew I had to turn both of the boys over to God and deal with He decided. One of those issues is still ongoing. My grandson needs the Lord’s intervention. But I want to back up to the drive through and reorder. And God says no… you get what I give you.

Bowels of Mercy

That feeling in the pit of your stomach when something breaks your heart and makes you want to do something for someone. We expect God to have a limitless supply for us, but our level of mercy is not quite as deep. But we know when God is working in us and through us, and causes us to care at a new level, but it i’s at that time that we have to determine “what am I going to do with this mercy?” Will you act on it, or just give them a quick word and move on.

God said it is the three points of this message that fulfill His joy! This is how we make God happy.

  • We comfort one another – that means Christians should be together.
  • We fellowship with the Spirit – that means we should be with God.
  • We have bowels of mercy – Which means to act when God calls.

Are you there. Or like me, could you use a little more work in making God happy? When you think about all you have to be grateful for, it should cause us to talk to God about what to do with it. Life can get serious in a heartbeat.

Don’t worry about the pickle.🥒

Posted in Life Inspiration

But the tongue of the wise is health

In the land of social media the warriors are brave. There is no bloodshed, right? Everyone has the right to throw their opinion into the arena, whether or not it’s truth, lie, or unknown. We all know the adage we were told as children, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” And even though we also know that the adage was a lie (words do hurt) it was a different era in time. There was no social media, and most children were taught the proper behaviors and acceptable manner in treating people. There was always the bully, but they were never applauded by the majority, just a few weak followers who thought they were in the “in crowd” by being a friend of the bully and not the victim.

We’ve read the news stories of the worst end of a critical spirit. It’s the end of a life because the hope was criticized out of a heart until nothing was left but despair and a life was ended by suicide. Is it any wonder our kids don’t understand that bullying is wrong when adults have yet to figure it out?

Proverbs 12:18 KJV
There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.

Solomon… such a wise man. (Except when it came to women, not so much on that side of his life). But the words from Proverbs 12:18 stirred my soul this morning as I became burdened for the critical spirit I witness daily throughout social media. Nobody uses constructive criticism, where you build something, but rather destructive criticism where they can tear people down with an end goal of making them feel less. Putting them in their place… a place that is beneath the one in charge of the criticism. They feel it’s their obligation to line this person out. Never thinking of the soul and the end result. The nights with tears on their pillow or the pain of a broken heart. God help this entitled nation. I wonder if the people down south, who have lost everything, care one iota about the opinions of any entitled neighbor. I’ll bet there’s not an entitled neighbor because that playing field was leveled by hurricane Helene that put everyone in that area in the same mess. Praise God for those who were spared, and pray for God’s mercy on those in the middle of that tragedy. It puts life in perspective quickly for those experiencing it. But those of us high on a hill, looking down on the souls of others from our safe haven continue to think our opinions matter.

  • Opinions can’t stop a storm.
  • Opinions can’t stop a disease.
  • Opinions can’t stop tragedy.

I am of the opinion that my opinion only matters when it’s got God’s stamp of approval on it. Solomon said our words either injure or heal. But God’s word is more powerful than a twoedged sword! If a soul reads it, and just takes it for what it is, leaving mans opinion out of it, the word of God will reveal everything we need to know about life.

Hebrews 4:12 KJV
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

I shared a video on the Ridgeview News Facebook page of a friend preaching at a 1982 Foundation Event. The post got several positive responses. But one reader felt the necessity to post his negative opinion again and again. Another reader suggested I had an agenda. Well duh. I’ve never denied it and have tried to make it known that my agenda is to glorify God with the truth. Which includes the gospel truth. I do not deny the secular world their say, God gave everyone free will, so will I. But I am the one who spends many, many dollars to pay for the publishings of the Ridgeview News and The Jesus Chick sites. I do that so that I may share the gospel of Jesus Christ and share the truth about the goings on in my community. That’s my agenda. Truth.

And to tell you the truth, I’ve been struggling again. Frustrations have overwhelmed me, and some of those frustrations have come in the form of opinions. I watch as my mother ages at a rapid pace from dementia, and all that matters to her is her family. Who will stop by. Who can I tell her about so she can remember a happier time. She cares nothing about my opinion. We talk about Heaven and we talk about family. That’s it. I don’t share negative stories with her. What purpose would that serve.

And there is where I’ll land today. What purpose are our words serving?

There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.

Posted in Faith, Family, Fear, Heaven, Life Inspiration, Peace, Word of God

Sounding the Alarm on What’s Happening in the World

In these strange political times, it’s hard not to think about the end of time as Jesus tells His disciples in Matthew 24. As a new convert in 1996, the very first serious, and in-depth bible study I did was on the book of Revelation. For a new baby Christian, it was perhaps not the side of the book for which to begin, but it was not the only Word I was receiving at the time. I was listening to preaching at every opportunity from throughout the Word of God, but this study certainly planted my feet firm in the foundation that I had better be ready when Jesus returned.

Are you ready?

I sat in church yesterday morning in a Sunday School class of more than a few but not near enough. I knew that during the worship service the sanctuary would have many people in it. Many who didn’t believe there was a need for them to be in the Sunday School hour. I was frustrated and burdened. My eyes filled with tears knowing what they did not, or chose to ignore. Jesus wasn’t sugar coating the end times in Matthew 24.

Matthew 24:1-8 KJV
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. [2] And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. [3] And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? [4] And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. [5] For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. [6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. [7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. [8] All these are the beginning of sorrows.

During the Roman period, in AD 70, the Second Temple was destroyed, along with Jerusalem, by Titus’ army. It was also during this period that Jesus was in Jerusalem. He was crucified about 40 years before the destruction of the city. Jesus sat there, in the flesh of a human, telling the disciples what was going to soon happen. They were warned. It happened, and yet man still sits ignoring what Jesus said would transpire in times to come.

As I understand the setting for Matthew 24, the church will have been raptured from the earth, meaning caught up in the air. And by church I speak of those who have accepted Christ as their Savior. This will be the time when the Jewish Nation of Israel will once again be center stage in God’s plan. Currently, God has them setting on the back burner. The Muslim mosque and dome are built on top of the site where the first and second temples stood, and is known as Temple Mount. I have no idea how the destruction of that mosque will occur, but the Scripture says they’ll be a third temple built. The Bible never makes a connection between the timing of the resurrection (rapture) and the start of the third Jerusalem Temple being built, except that the resurrection must occur before the start of tribulation because scripture states that by the mid-point of tribulation the temple will be built and defiled by the Antichrist.  

Additionally, tribulation begins with a deceitful peace treaty between the Antichrist and the Jewish people which could possibly initiate the building of the third temple. However, this is mere speculation. Marking the mid-point of tribulation the Antichrist will compromise the peace agreement, taking a seat in the temple himself and calling himself God, which in effect defiles the temple as described in the book of 2 Thessalonians. That my dear friends is pretty heavy thoughts for my brain. But when you look at the world today, is it hard to believe of any of that being far off?

And yet, God’s house sets empty of many souls that are going to be left behind when God returns for His church. It’s the most heart wrenching thought that stays in my mind because I have so many family and friends that I do to know the condition of their souls. Many tell me they’re fine. But how do they know? Were I not in church at every opportunity, in the Word of God myself, reading these scriptures and receiving the great peace that comes from the gift of the Holy Spirit, I would be terrified. I know because prior to salvation I was terrified.

God started dealing with my heart at the age of nine. Why that age, I have no idea. But I had been in church enough to know this prophecy… the end would come and it was bad. I don’t think it was by chance that God started my journey in the scripture in the book of Revelation. And I don’t think it is perchance that you’re reading my blog today. Below are the words to Matthew 24 and the link to a video of the song. I love you, whomever you are. Please, if you don’t know Jesus, message me today. If you don’t attend church, find you a good one and begin. It’s the sweetest experience in life.

Matthew 24

Words and music by Lonnie Glosson

I [D] believe the time is coming
For the [G] Lord to come a-[D] gain
I believe the end is nearing ev’ry [A7] door
I be-[D] lieve the good old Bible
From [G] beginning to the [D] end
Just compare today with [A7] Matthew twenty-[D] four[D]

We are living, surely living
In the [G] days He speaks a-[D] bout
All of these we now are having every [A7] day
Let’s be [D] ready for His coming
Let us [G] meet Him with a [D] shout
For He tells us in His [A7] word to watch and [D] pray

While upon the Mount of Olives
His disciples came to Him
Saying: “Tell us when these things are going to be”
Jesus answered: “Be ye watching;
Let ev’ryone be free from sin
And take heed no man shall ever ye deceive”[D]

We are living, surely living
In the [G] days He speaks a-[D] bout
All of these we now are having every [A7] day
Let’s be [D] ready for His coming
Let us [G] meet Him with a [D] shout
For He tells us in His [A7] word to watch and [D] pray
Posted in Life Inspiration

Great is the mystery, but sweet is the understanding 

I seen a meme this morning that used the gifts given to Jesus to make a “funny”, saying There’s gold, there’s frankensense… but wait, there’s myrrh!” You might have to be an essential oil fanatic like myself to think that’s even funny, but I thought it was hysterical! And it’s how I feel about opening the word of God. There’s treasures to be found, Sense to be made, and so much more!!!!

We can learn about God through our day to day experiences with him. When we seek to follow his commands, we learn new things about him and his values and why this world is so insane. It is through His word that learn we can rely on Him for everything in our lives, and then we discover that there is so much more to God than we ever imagined. 

I hesitate this morning to even write about Matthew, because it’s not like I would have one iota of understanding of him. He was a numbers guy, a tax collector. I’m not a numbers gal. I would imagine that Matthew was a very logical thinking guy. Everything had to add up! But when it comes to Jesus, there’s nothing logical about it, even though everything certainly aligns. 

Matthew 9:9-12 KJV

And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him. [10] And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. [11] And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners? [12] But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.

The Pharisees saw Matthew and his tax buddies setting with Jesus and they couldn’t understand the logic of hanging out with such a low class of people. They viewed those people as unworthy of their company. But Christ knew their lifestyle and viewed it as an opportunity to build His church. He then used a very simplistic analogy for the religious Pharisees to understand, that just as the sick need a doctor, the lost need a Savior. This was logic that Matthew and his friends understood, just as anyone of any other personality and ability can understand. It is instilled in the heart of man, that there’s more to life. Or myrrh, as the comedian said! 

So much more!

1 Timothy 3:16 KJV

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Great is the mystery, but sweet is the understanding. 

Timothy knew what Matthew had learned. Matthew through his first hand knowledge of being with Jesus in the flesh. And Timothy, through his first hand knowledge of being with Jesus in the Spirit. 

It wasn’t up for debate

Matthew and Timothy had both experienced Jesus! And so have I. When I first became saved in 1996, I couldn’t get enough of Jesus. I wanted to hang out with preachers and teachers everyday. I met with them for breakfast, I was in church at every opportunity, and not only my own church, but anyone else’s that was having a revival meeting. There was no question that Jesus was God and He was very real, because His presence was so obvious in my life. 

In those days when Jesus walked the earth, there were eye witnesses to Him, and the miracles that He performed. As far as Timothy was concerned there was no controversy. 

We live in a world of controversy. Someone is always wanting to argue about something, especially when it comes to faith or morality. But for Timothy, neither were up for debate because he knew Jesus and knew the teaching of Jesus because he stayed in his word and with his people. 

I know for a fact that if I’m struggling to deal with something in my life it’s almost always because I’m out of God’s word. Oh, I’ll still have struggles, but if I stay in God’s word He’ll help me makes sense of it all. 

Timothy preached a 5 point message in that one verse of 3:16

Justified in the Spirit

Upon salvation a child of God receives the Spirit of God within themselves for the constant guidance of the Lord Himself. It’s not up for debate. The Lord speaks everyday. But are we listening. 

Seen of Angels

I find it hysterical, not really funny, but ridiculous that the world loves the cute little cherubs or the beautifully ornate angels statues. But most people do not understand the purpose of these God created beings. They were created to glorify and praise God. They serve Him and He gave them spiritual abilities that could go far as killing 185,000 soldiers (2 Kings 18:35). Angels are indeed gloriously beautiful. They’re always mentioned as male in the Bible. Not female as they’re mostly imaged in todays society. 

Preached to the Gentiles

This was the hardest thing for those Pharisees to understand. Jesus loved sinners and thats how they viewed Gentiles. They didn’t deserve salvation. Tell me that’s not how we often look at the lowest and vilest of people in the world today. The rapist, murderer, child molesters… they don’t deserve Jesus, right? No, that is who Jesus came to save and you and I are in that group. Everyone is a sinner. There are no righteous people until they have accepted the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection and then His blood makes them righteous. 

Believed on in the World

Another 3:16 verse is John 3:16 that many unsaved can quote. 

John 3:16 KJV

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

That’s who Jesus came to save, the entire world. The very world that He created. That’s where people sometimes have a hard time understanding, why would God create a world that was lost? For the same reason that you and I have children. We love them and we want them to love us. Not forcibly, but just because we created them. There is no greater thing in life than the love reciprocated of your children. 

Received up into Glory

The last time Jesus was seen in person was when He ascended back to Heaven. Over 500 witnesses watched as He floated off to glory. Many were killed for professing it. Would they have been willing to die for a lie? No, I don’t think so. But it doesn’t matter who believes and who doesn’t in the grand scheme of life with regards to whether or not it happened. It did. And it’s going to happen again when Jesus returns for His church and takes them home to be with Him for eternity. 

But what about you? Will you bee received by Him, or will He leave you behind to deal with this earth when evil is released to it’s fullness? Please, make sure you’re saved. Tell your family about Jesus. Do you have questions, then message me! I’ll do my very best to answer you quickly. God bless ya!!! Love ya… mean it. 

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Faith

Don’t Get Wrapped Up in the World

I have met my fair share of people who are wrapped up in the notion, even if they say they believe in faith in Christ alone for salvation, that somehow what they’re doing is more important than why they’re doing it.

The graphic below is a very good way to explain salvation. I didn’t come up with the idea, but I love it! This is what our faith is in. The fact that Jesus was born of a virgin and came to earth, He lived for 32 years (ish) until He was crucified on the cross for claiming to be God. He was God and proved that when He arose from the dead and ascended back to Heaven. A fact witnessed by over 500 people. He’s coming back, that too is a fact. Believing that is salvation. There is nothing in between the images for you to believe or do in order for you to be saved. Just faith. Nothing more. But there’s plenty to do to keep you out of trouble.

Galatians 5:1-8,10 KJV
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

The vast majority of the world is in bondage. How do I know that? Because they’re not in church. And now is where those “not in church” tell me they don’t have to be in church to be saved. You’re right. But, I will stand eye to eye with you and tell you if you’re not in church, you’re probably so bound up in the world you can’t get there.

I witness it in my only family. I don’t cut them any slack either, because I want to know that when I die, or they die, we’ll see each other again! This is not a game, but the world is playing church like a game of checkers. And when they get to the other side of the board and say “King me.” The owner of the board is going to say, “depart from me I never knew you.”

Paul told the Galatians in chapter 5 that they were indeed free. But don’t use that freedom to get tangled up in this world. Families are so busy running to and fro to ballgames and other events, that there is no time for the Lord. Not on Sunday, nor Monday through Saturday. But yet they say they know Him. How? How can you know someone that you never talk to? How can you possibly know His will, when you don’t read His word, You don’t listen to His Word and you don’t act out His Word? Yes… faith is all that is required for salvation. But that’s not all that’s required for the evidence of salvation. If you truly understood what those images of salvation meant, that God, the Creator of the universe, placed His Son in the womb of a woman, who then walked the earth and proved in countless ways that He was God, only to be denied and then crucified by the people He came to save. The most gruesome of deaths imaginable where He hung on a cross with his skin ripping and tearing by the nails, beaten to the point He was unrecognizable and His skin looked like hamburger, and yet in that state He gave eternal life to a thief, and then He died. But as they say… but wait, that’s not all. He arose. He wasn’t in that tomb and the government lied. I know… we’re all shocked that the government would do that, right? And again His resurrection and ascension was witnessed by hundreds of people. People who later were willing to die rather than deny the truth. And when all is said and done, He’s coming back, and He’s going to call His church out of this wicked world. He did all that for you. But yet, you don’t feel the need to know Him.

I am not writing in a self righteous tone. I am so aware of my failures… I know that I have no righteousness in me were it not for the Holy Spirit. But I also know the freedom I have because of the Holy Spirit. The freedom not to allow this world to tear me down. Not to allow it to be burden on me to the point that I lose hope. I’ve been there! It’s why it breaks my heart to see family and friends are there.

My point of bringing this to our attention today, is in hopes that someone will read and be encouraged to begin a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. It doesn’t make your life perfect. But it does give you perfect peace and that is worth it all!!!

Even after last week when I lost my temper in a meeting and derailed on the Mayor, I had peace. Yes I was upset and aggravated. But when I got settled down and allowed the Holy Spirit to comfort my soul and bring spiritual logic into the situation I had such an abundance of joy. I knew that the demonic forces of this world had brought all that upon me, but that God had me covered and He would settle the issue. Not me. I could have just as well attempted to settle it on my own and continue the confrontation,

What has you bound up? Does it make an eternal difference and does it encourage you and your relationship with the One who created you with a purpose. You have a purpose in this world, but this world’s plan for you is to make you miserable. Don’t let it. Allow God to wrap you up in His Comforting Holy Spirit. It’s then that the world can’t touch you.

Posted in Leadership, Life Inspiration

It’s Been a Rough Week – Let’s talk about anger

So I allowed a political figure to anger me to the point that my train derailed and I spilled my cargo. Do I have regrets. Truthfully, not so much. I regret that I allowed this man to almost cause me to have another heart attack because I wasn’t turning to the Holy Spirit within me. Unless of course that was the Holy Spirit wanting to ring this guys neck like I did. 🤣 I’m kidding… I know the Holy Spirit doesn’t want to ring someone’s neck. It really did however feel like something was trying to get out of my chest. I was that angry. What brought it on? He publicly was disrespecting my husband’s work ethic from his earlier employment. Oh, he also said unkind things my work, but that just went in one ear and out the other, because I can handle it when you trash me. But when you mess with my family, I come unglued.

So, what’s the Jesus Chick to do, when you’re that angry? Let’s go to the word of the Lord and see what His advice on the matter is.

Haven’t You Learned?

Isn’t that what we all tell our children when they make a mistake that we believe they should have known better? Have you learned nothing I taught you? God is no different. He is that same loving parent that guides and teaches us every day and then when we derail He asks, “Have you not learned?” Of course that is a rhetorical question, He knows we know and that we chose to not listen.

Ephesians 4:20-32 KJV
But ye have not so learned Christ; [21] If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: [22] That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; [23] And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; [24] And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

The truth is in Jesus. Not this world that we’re living in. This man successfully provoked me to anger, which I believe was his ultimate goal. I can’t blame Jesus for me coming unglued. If I had been acting like Jesus, I would have waited until after the meeting, and I had calmed down, and then addressed the situation. But the flesh in me wanted the public to know that this jerk had just gotten on my last nerve and I needed to call his sins out. And so I did. This man had been my husband former boss. He had played on my husband’s good heart and compassion, and convinced my husband that he should do the government a favor and work seven days a week, 10-12 hours a day on salary. I reminded him that he had illegally taken advantage of my husband and another employee by causing them to work in such a manner, which is illegal. So my question is… did I cross a line I shouldn’t have as a child of God?

Be ye angry, and sin not

[25] Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. [26] Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: [27] Neither give place to the devil.

So, we’re allowed to be angry. That’s human nature, but then Christ says “and sin not.” I cannot say that the sun didn’t go down with me still being angry. My heart had stopped thumping out of my chest by the time I laid down. My smart watch was no longer screaming at me to say my heart rate was too high, but I still felt angry toward the politician. It wasn’t until today, two days later that I began to rationalize my thoughts and deal with the issue within. The devil has had a place at my table for two days. That’s not cool.

[28] Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. [29] Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. [30] And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. [31] Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: [32] And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

Verse 29 reminds us that anything that comes out of our mouth should edify the hearer, and allow them to experience grace. My go to verse for righteous rage and holy hostility is when Jesus upset the tables in the temple in John 2:15-19
And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; [16] And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise. [17] And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up. [18] Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things? [19] Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

This of course is a totally different scenario. These men that Jesus made a whip and drove from His Father’s house were making profit on the sacrifices of God. That makes my stomach roll over. It no doubt did Jesus’ as well, because He threw them out!

Those men were taking advantage of God’s people and disrespecting God. Jesus’ Father. When during the meeting I was in this week, a government leader used his position to provoke anger and manipulate people, he was successful. He provoked me to anger. I didn’t turn over any tables or get a whip and drive him out, but I wanted to.

Government is a God ordained position. That’s not to say all those in office are in those positions by God’s design. But He allowed it. But as children of God, we are to care for our families, and the body of Christ. And when we see abuse, disrespect, and dishonor, I believe God understands the anger that wells up inside of us. I’m not saying God approved me coming unglued. But He understood that the disrespect a government official was showing toward the people was unwarranted and evil.

So what’s the answer to the question… “Was my behavior justified?” For me the answer came when I felt no regret. I usually feel regret pretty quickly for stupid behavior. But I think there comes a time when a person crosses the line and God says, “Child of God, Give them the truth.” He didn’t tell me to call the politician names. And I didn’t (at least in the open meeting). But I believe that when I got angry, God approved – – because this person, who is in a position of accountability, was arrogant, unkind and believed his position warranted him the right to hurt people without remorse.

God doesn’t tell His children to lay down and be walked on. He tells them to show Grace and kindness, but he also expects sin to be dealt with. We forgive the sinner… we don’t excuse or permit the sin.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Faith, Family, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Searching for Substance in a Silly Society

I am eternally grateful to be in a church that when I leave the building on Sundays and Wednesdays, I feel as if I have just been fed the most marvelous of meals with an exquisite desert. Those metaphors are of course standing for the Word of God and Spirit in the service. My heart continues to be burdened for a world that finds no need to be in a church with the body of Christ.

Paul warned the Church of Colosse, when they were worshipping angels rather than God:

Colossians 2:18-19 KJV
[18]Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, [19] And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.

Beguiling, deception, is what happens when one is not being taught the word of God or being taught incorrectly. Verse 19 refers to the Head, with the H capitalized, meaning God, from who we receive the nourishment required for the sustainability of the body. Someone, a false teacher, had the people of Colosse worshiping those which God created for the purpose of serving and worshipping Him.

In the book of Revelation, when John fell at the feet of an angel, the humble creature told him asolutely not! Revelation 22:8-9 And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. [9] Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.

The point of that being, they were listening to false teaching, and so are many others, because they’re not reading and studying the Word of God for themselves, and attending a church where a Pastor can keep you in line. Of course you can sit at home in your comfy chair, sipping coffee while you listen to your internet preacher, but as it says in Hebrews 10:25, you’re absent from the body of Christ.

Funny thing about scripture, it is so often given and received out of context. I was just about guilty in the writing of this post. Hebrews 10:25 is one my favorite verses. But I failed to realize that it’s the latter part of a sentence that started in verse 23.

Hebrews 10:23-25 KJV
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) [24] And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: [25] Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Those three verses are packed with good stuff!

Hold Fast my Friends!

Paul told the Hebrews to hold on to the profession of their faith. To the sound doctrines for which they’d been taught. It won’t take long when being out in the world to be influenced by multiple forces. That causes wavering and confusion in the mind like that of those worshiping the angels. God did not intend church folks to be without a body of believers and a Pastor. In the days of Paul that of course wasn’t a church house but usually it was in the homes of other believers where they gathered for house church. But they gathered. They knew that there was a need to hold on to not only the profession of their faith, but to hold on to their faith filled friends for encouragement. Get in the right church and hold on!

Provoke the People

Provoked is most often used as a term of negativity. But you can provoke good as well as evil! Paul told the Hebrews to provoke unto love and to good works. I have to tell you, when someone in the church starts a project, I’m not always a willing participant. I have a dozen other things going that I feel needs my attention. But a friend in the faith will say, “Hey Shari, I need your help.” And it’s then that I am provoked to help, because I love them and I want to do a good work. It’s always a blessing! My life is far richer and I know that I have been doing the will of God. But if it wasn’t for that friend in the faith, I’d have missed the blessing. Good Christian friends provoke us to do more for the Kingdom of God.

Can you see that the words leading into Hebrews 10:25 direct our paths, and keep us going in the direction we should go?

Always Assemble!

Wednesdays and Sundays are happy, happy days in my life. My mind begins to think on the upcoming Bible studies, the fellowship with other believers, the lifting up of people in prayer. The wonderful influence of my church family encourages me the other five days of the week! Is my church perfect? Of course not, or they wouldn’t let me in the doors. But the five days I’m out of church takes its toll on me. I can read the word of God, pray and encourage myself with good gospel music, but I need the fellowship of other believers and I most especially need the leading and teaching of the man of God. It’s not that God doesn’t speak to me, He does. But He speaks to the man of God in an amazing way, that one message can hit everyone who hears it, in a different way. It will encourage one, convict another, stir another over something they’ve been struggling with. It’s filled with the substance that we need in our lives to keep us on the right path.

I watch family and friends who are being beat down by this world struggle. And I don’t mean they’re having a little anxiety. I mean their mind is filled with frustration, anger, chaos and worse. And my thought is this, if only you had filled your tank this week, you’d not have run out of gas. The world will fill you up, but it’s got all kinds of bad byproducts in it. Junk that God never intended to be in your life. I used the word silly in the headline of today’s post. But there is nothing funny about how this world tears you apart. It’s why I stay in church… it’s the glue that puts me back together.

Love you all. Praying my words encourage you today!

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Becoming a Good Creature of Habit

I am a creature of habit. And not always good ones either. I have a few good habits, and many, many bad habits. I try to lessen them; but deed, habits are hard! In 1997 I felt such conviction over being a smoker and working with youth. I had been saved a little over a year. It was a monumental accomplishment on May 26th, 1997 when I stopped smoking. It had far less to do with me than it did to do with the Holy Spirit and prayer warriors. Ironically I share that anniversary date with my open heart surgery which occurred on May 26th, 2018.

Does God grow weary of our bad habits? I know I do. Poor eating habits have taken a great toll on my body. Poor spending habits have taken a great toll on my finances. There are consequences for stupidity. I know! I’ve got the scars. But if there are consequences for bad habits, there surely must be reward for good habit.

I began this study at the end of Jacob’s life. Jacob who (if you know scripture) you likely have read it again and again as it was in Exodus 2:24-25 when God mentions their names together…
And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. [25] And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto them.

God used Jacob mightily! But unfortunately, he is also remembered as being a liar. His name means deceiver. He stole his brother’s birthright. He was not a man of high moral character. But God seriously used him. That gives us all hope, does it not? I said that to show his habits were not always the greatest. Which I also find it very ironic that on his death bed, he called all of his sons together to tell them what they are habitually known for: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. Twelve very memorable men. Genesis 49.

  1. Rueben – strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power: but you’re as unstable as water,
  2. Simeon and Levi are cruel, the killed a man, and they’ll be cursed.
  3. Judah, your brothers will praise you and your hand will be in the neck of your enemies. He ws a lion’s whelp. Obviously he had some great habits!
  4. Zebulun was known as a haven for ships. Someone people could depend on.
  5. Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. His habits must have been that he took care of justice.
  6. Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last.
  7. Asher was my kind of man! Jacob said of him that his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties. I’m not sure if his habit was that of eating, but I do like a good piece of bread and royal dainties!
  8. Jacob said of his son Issachar that he was a strong ass couching down between two burdens and that he became a great servant.
  9. Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words, he must have had the habit of encouraging people.
  10. and then there was of course the 11th son, Joseph which is one of the most amazing stories of a man of habitually good character that he ends up saving his nation from famine.
  11. And the youngest Benjamin who Jacob loved and was a great hunter of prey.

Like us all, the 12 sons of Jacob, had good habits and bad. And he called them out, right there on his death bed. Not so sure that’s the way I want to leave this world, but for Jacob, it was his desire and his sons stood there and took it.

So what will your habits say about you? Are there habits that you’re striving to rid yourself of? Yeah… me too. So what can we do to encourage ourselves in this battle? A lesson from Joseph helped direct my mind today…

Jacob said of Joseph:

Joseph Bore Fruit

And lot of it! While we cannot work our way to Heaven, James 2:18 says Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

I want a to be known for good work habits. I have been struggling with that lately because my world is scattered between many responsibilities. But I am praying that through self discipline and focus, I can bring my work habits and fruit bearing back into line with that of Joseph. Well, let’s be real, I don’t know that I will or have ever aligned with Joseph. But I want to. I want to be habitually busy for the kingdom.

Genesis 49:22-26 KJV
Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall: [23] The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him: [24] But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel:) [25] Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb: [26] The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren.

Jacob knew that Joseph had done great and wonderful things far above what he had done. I want that for my children and my grandchildren. While we cannot physically hand down our habits, can we not practice a godly life every day that will cause our children and grandchildren to desire it and be better at than we are.

If a habit is a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up, should we not strive to habitually live for Jesus. habitually read His Word. Habitually be kind. Habitually be honest. Should these not be easier to become habits, than taking on habits that are so hard to rid ourselves of? But none the less, we have to habitually, intentionally do those things.

My prayer for you and I today is this:

God in Heaven, God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Shari. Help us Lord to make it a habit to daily read your word and allow those around us to see us, so that they too will have that desire. Father may our lives bear sweet fruit like that of Joseph that was abundantly running over the wall. God I thank You that I too have “progenitors”, meaning ancestors, who had good and faithful habits that I learned from. Let me never fail to forget those like my own Mother, who daily made a habit of caring for her home and even now as her mind is struggling, that habit continues. Let us be so faithful Lord!!!! Let us have a habit of encouraging one another as Naphtali did. Oh God, I’ve wrote myself happy again this morning, knowing that if I like James work in faith, You will reward! Thank You God for the joy in my heart and please give my friends a great dose of joy today too! In the Name of Jesus Christ my Lord. I ask it all. Amen.

Posted in Christian, Eternity, Faith, Grace, Leadership, Prayer, salvation

Prejudice, Persecution, and Profession of Christ

As a child growing up in the hills of Braxton County, West Virginia in a little community called Duck, I did not experience bigotry. I had one uncle who used the “n” word as well as other colorful words, but he was the only one I remember. The rest of my immediate family didn’t use profanity, nor did they ever say prejudiced statements against any other race or nationality of people. In our community I don’t ever remember seeing anyone of another color. Growing up in Calhoun County, West Virginia there was one family of black people and I have no doubt they likely lived a life with prejudice. Although I didn’t see them experiencing it and was friends with a boy named Tommy in my class who was an amazing artist. My point of that lead in isn’t really to speak about black prejudice but rather to help you understand I have no concept of being prejudice because of how I was raised.

As an adult I have certainly witnessed prejudices of many kinds. All of which make me sick. But the growing antisemitism in our Nation is something that I cannot understand. From a biblical standpoint I will never comprehend the depth of wickedness in a person who condones the slaughter of a nationality of people as is happening in Israel by Hamas. How on earth have we as a nation allowed this to be our leadership. And how have Christians turned a blind eye to it happening, knowing (if they do) what scripture says about Israel. I’m in full belief that many in America have no idea what scripture says at all from their own reading.

The Apostle Paul knew about prejudice from the inside out. As a card carrying Jewish leader who knew the scripture backwards and forwards, he had been taught the persecution that Israel had been through. Abuse, slavery, the slaughter of their children. And yet, this didn’t stop them from killing Christians because they preached Jesus and converted Jews to Christianity. When Jeremiah in 17:9 said “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” He didn’t sugar coat it. But the wonderful part of that verse is the verse that follows which proclaims [10]” I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” Yes, that means there will be a judgement day. But God knew the heart of the Apostle Paul and turned him from being a Jew with an evil heart toward Christians, to being a Christian of great and amazing wisdom and compassion. That gives us hope for anyone that is lost.

Apostle Paul in Romans 11 speaks of the grafting in of the Gentiles (that’s us) into the family of God. Which makes anyone who claims Christianity but has an antisemitic viewpoint, an idiot.

The Nation of Israel has experienced antisemitism from

Romans 11:13-28 KJV
[13] For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office: [14] If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.

Emulation is imitation. Paul is hoping that through his preaching and his life that others will imitate his decision and become saved. They knew he was a Jew who wished them dead, but now he is their leader and wants nothing for them, but to see them saved. This argument is showing that as the Gentiles received present advantage through the rejection of the Jews, they would receive far greater at their future recovery, and which proves that their rejection is not final. Israel will have their day again. But in the current age we’re in, we’ve been given the privilege of having God within us. And if God is within us, I can guarantee you’re not saved if you hate Israel. Jesus was a Jew for cyrin’ out loud. How can they justify that? They cannot.

One of my favorite images in my spiritual mind is that of the grafting of the trees that Paul explains in this chapter.

[15] For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? [16] For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches. [17] And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; [18] Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. [19] Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in. [20] Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: [21] For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

Israel (as a nation not individuals) has failed to accept Christ as the Messiah. Because of their unbelief the original family tree was broken. God grafted the gentiles who did believe into their spot on the tree and made us apart of the family of God. Glory and Hallelujah that makes my heart so happy that I am a child of God because of His great mercy!

Please pray for Israel today. Pray for the United States that Christians will stand in the gap for Israel with the understanding Jesus is going to return and when He does, it will be a new day in Dodge and day of terror for the unbelievers. Pray for our children and our families to be saved before it’s too late.

Posted in Christian, Faith, Leadership

The Success of Silence

Jesus calls us to His rest, and meekness is His method. The meek man cares not at all who is greater than he, for he has long ago decided that the esteem of the world is not worth the effort.
~A. W. Tozer

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Meekness

Numbers 12:3 KJV
(Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)

Moses was likely the second greatest leader since the beginning of time, and God said of him that he was “very meek.” The world views meekness as a weak character trait. They want someone who is loud and confident, and it’s not to say that a bold person isn’t a great leader. But the point of the matter is, God does not view leadership in the same manner as man. We often view it from the flesh. God knows the heart, inner strength and depth of wisdom that goes far deeper than knowledge and confidence. Moses had a stuttering issue that convinced him that he wouldn’t be the best leader, but God proved to him that if He listened to God’s guidance he would be successful. Isn’t that a novel concept? Moses was not only the greatest leader on earth he was the meekest man on earth. I find that fascinating. I personally do not know very many meek leaders. I know a few… my Pastor for one. Moses led millions of people for four decades. They weren’t just blindly following him. They rebelled several times. But he never lost control. Isn’t that amazing? What about this meek man made people listen to him?

Don’t Undervalue the Meek

Psalm 22:26 KJV
The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the LORD that seek him: your heart shall live for ever.

Psalm 22 bears the prophetic words from Jesus on the cross. Psalm 22:1 KJV “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?”

The greatest leader of all time is of course Jesus. He who wrote the words of meekness and tells us the value of meekness. My Dad was a meek man. I never, not once, heard him raise his voice. He meekly lived his life, reading the word of God, teaching the word of God and didn’t argue; but rather knew what he believed, and allowed others to believe what they wanted to. I try to live that way, but I have a tendency to want to convince others that believe something else to change their viewpoint to mine. I don’t do it demanding, that is not my personality. But if you back me into a corner on what I believe, I can be loud. I don’t believe that Jesus, even being half man, would have succumbed to shouting if He was backed into any corner. When they threatened to throw Him over a cliff, He simply walked away. Oh to have such inner strength! I want to run my mouth, I always think that will make me feel better. It doesn’t. But it does let some pressure off the pop off valve inside me once in a while.

If meekness was also the character of God, should that not be our goal? Of course it should. And if we would ever reach that goal, two blessings would come from it…satisfaction and praise. Two valuable assets in life. To be in a state of being satisfied with where we are and so happy we’re praising the Lord! Yes, let it be so.

Don’t Mis-Understand Meekness

Psalm 25:9 KJV
The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.

A meek leader may not force their viewpoint upon you, they may allow you to continue in the way you were going until you fall flat on your face, but don’t view that as an error on their part. That’s what happens so often in this world of blame where anything that happens is “not our fault.” The left and the right have been playing the blame game rather than just stating what they’re for. A meek person stands for what they believe in. You will seldom, if ever hear a meek person putting the blame on another person for the struggles in life. They understand that things happen. They understand that this world is terribly broken. They understand that they’re not perfect and when they stand before Jesus, they alone will answer for their errors. Meek people don’t waste words, especially on those who won’t accept their advice.

The Holy Spirit is also meek. After all it is the third part of the Trinity. It’s not yelling at you when it says, “Don’t do that.” “Don’t say that.” “Don’t go there.” And then you do. And maybe you don’t but it’s like I almost feel the Holy Spirit roll His eyes inside of me. He doesn’t yell at that point either. He simply forgives me and together we move on. But I understand that it was me who messed up. I didn’t listen to His guidance. If I had just been meeker and went the direction I was being told, my life would have been better.

Today, as I begin Tuesday, August 20th, 2024… this very noisy person is a little quieter in my soul. I pray I continue that way… I understand that meekness doesn’t always make noise.

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Faith, Family, Heaven

What’s in your suitcase?

Proverbs 18:24 KJV
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

I came to the Amish country of Ohio for the purpose of resetting. Over the past few months I have somehow managed to get my mind into a very weary place. I was not only physically tired, but mentally tired. I would sit down to write and my mind just wouldn’t get into gear. It would idle. As if I were sitting along side the road in a car, watching the world go by. It’s been frustrating and draining. Today is the day we’re heading home. And the first day of clarity really. We’ve been here four days; but it took the first three just to get me caught up on rest. I played the guitar, I worshipped, I read the Bible and I rested. And of course I spent a lot of time with David in the car driving the roads of Berlin, Walnutcreek, Sugarcreek, Kidron, and Charm. My absolute happiest of places. Why? Because it’s simple. It’s a land filled with hardworking families and neighbors supporting each other working toward one destination… Heaven.

Somewhere in a cornfield in Berlin, Ohio

If I were home this Sunday morning, I’d be preparing for church, literally and spiritually. The church is another of my happy places. Because it is the body of Christ. It is there that His body comes together, the hands, legs, heart, mind, all the parts and pieces. And before you say it or think it, every church has a butt or two as well. The body wouldn’t be complete without them now would it? Who are they? I wouldn’t dare say, but you may already have names and faces popping up in your mind. The point of saying that is, the reality of life is it’s not perfect. But God is.

Destination Heaven

Everybody wants to go, but I see fewer and fewer packing for the trip. What’s in your suitcase? If I were to make a check list for packing it would look something like this:

I would like to say that’s all you’d find. But there would also be many failures. Because like the “butts in the church” that is reality. Children of God are a work in progress like the farms I’ve seen in Ohio. Some of them are filled with many fruits of their labor. But there were some gardens that were struggling to produce. There were farms that we passed that I’m sure were very productive, but boy did they stink! One of the sweetest things I seen at multiple Amish homes were gardens of flowers that you could pick your own bouquet. Either I had not noticed that in years past or it’s something new, but it made me smile to think of them sharing their beautiful labors with neighbors or even strangers who passed by. Shouldn’t that be what our lives are about? Sharing the beauty that God gave us to create through our talents?

I’ve been missing that mark lately. I’ve been so tired from sitting around idling, I haven’t shared many of my flowers. How about you? What is your gifts that God gave you? Are you using them for Him?

The parable of the talents was there in scripture to remind us that God expects a return on what He’s given. He didn’t give it to you to put in the ground or in a box. He gave it to you to invest.

It’s a great day. Let’s get busy filling our suitcases for the Lord.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Do you have a Romans 16 Relationship with God & the Church?

David and I took a long awaited anniversary trip to the Ohio Amish country for a few days. It is our happy place for a number of reasons, but primarily because the simplicity of life there allows the hecticness of our lives to be reset. I’ve struggled with my mind shutting down, way too many thoughts… way too many directions of thoughts. But one direction has been forefront in my mind for 28 years… church.

The local body of Christ for which I serve with. I love them. Not only my own church, but they of course are who I serve with and have the greatest concerns over. I’ll call them my Romans 16 relationship. As I read through Romans 16, I imagined writing as Paul did, the list of salutations to the saints. I could put the names of church members into the list of Paul’s mentioning of saints and what they’d done to encourage him in the Lord.

Romans 16:1-27 KJV – 1 I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea: 2 That ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also.

Succourer of Many

Succourer was defined in a commentary as a “patroness of many of the saints in necessity and distress.” Although it’s hard for us in America to identify with the necessity and distress of Paul’s day we have versions of our own. We live in a world filled with heartaches, diseases, abuse and the lists go on. Any given Sunday a suffering saint arrives at the churches in our towns needing compassion. Needing a Phebe. Are you such a one?

There was one from the church I grew up in who called me last night to check on my Mother. Her voice on the phone is like a warm blanket in the winter. She is such a comfort to the saints. Just a phone call, but it was made to succor her friend in knowing that they were prayed for and cared for. Is there someone you could call?

Helpers in Christ Jesus

3 Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus: 4 Who have for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles. 5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Salute my wellbeloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ.

Priscilla and Aquila were a husband and wife team who served with Paul. They opened up their home to hold services, which no doubt put them at great risks for persecution. One of the many convictions in my life is that I don’t do more entertaining of saints in my home and encourage pop up bible studies. As a new convert that was such a vital part of my growth. I learned as much outside the church as I did inside. Our lives are our ministries. I’ve heard it said “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” How can they, without actions in our lives to prove it. I don’t know what Achaia did to win Epaenetus to Christ, but he obviously did something to warrant a mention in Paul’s letter to Rome. When have you invited someone to your home and share what God is doing?

These questions are question for my self as much as the reader.

Labourers for Christ

6 Greet Mary, who bestowed much labour on us.

There are for certain those who labor for Christ in the church; many of whom go unseen and seldom if ever acknowledged. That’s not why they do what they do, but accolades go much further than you think when someone is serving Christ and is often tired. I would imagine that Mary’s labor would have been providing meals, perhaps opening up her own home, fiscally responding to the churches needs. The work can be very physical labor. There are a few women in our church that have labored this entire summer to create beauty throughout the church. I doubt that was the case with Mary, but their efforts show that the people of our church care about the structure of the church as well as the body of Christ. Both are important!

Prisoners in Christ

7 Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.

How far are we willing to go for Christ? To prison? Would you? I doubt any of us have had to face that problem, but we don’t know what the future holds. In 1 Peter 3:15-17 Peter says “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: [16] Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. [17] For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.

Paul, Andronicus and Junia had that fervor of the Spirit, in that they all went to prison, rather than denying Christ. This too was not as in today’s standards. There were no posh prisons in Paul’s day. They were crude and demoralizing, and the men of that day were willing to suffer at the hands of the evil ones rather than cower to them. We need strong men (and women) in our churches today. Forget going to prison, they won’t even go to board meetings and defend the gospel. But rather they allow them convert and pervert doctrine to accommodate the sins of the world. Do you know where your church stands on the hot topics of the world today? Homosexuality, transgender, sex change operations, abortion? Are we protecting our children and defending the Word of God that is clear on such matters? The threat of prison is ever looming in the minds of our wicked government to make it illegal to defend the gospel. It’s a question that we all may face if the Lord tarries His return.

Chapter 16 continues with more accolades of the saints of Jesus and friends of Paul. But in verse 17 Paul changes his tone, and reminds us that not all churh folk have good intentions. 17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. 19 For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

This message was a real bell ringer for me. Paul’s closing words to the Romans are needful today as they were then. Same battle. New Day. Are you Ready?

Posted in Life Inspiration

The Land of Good Intentions

It’s where I live. It’s at the corner of Moral Highground and the Divided Highway. I’ve lived there my entire adult life. Always meaning to get something done, and too busy for my own (or anyone else’s) good. I get angry with myself, but to no avail. I just keep driving to that corner and either sitting on the porch, waiting for clear direction, or getting back on the road and driving in circles. Yes, that is very metaphoric writing. But I hope you get the point. If not I’ll try to explain it to you in a way that you’ll either understand, identify with, or you’ll determine I’m scatterbrained.

Moral Highground

I spend a lot of time there. Pondering life, wishing our world had taken God’s word serious. I believe every single word, jot and tittle in the Bible. I love reading, studying and hearing the word of God preached. I try very hard not to play church. But I can be just as guilty as the next person when it comes to not putting arms and legs to the body of Christ. From Sunday to Wednesday, and Wednesday to Sunday I will fail to speak with anyone about Christ in great detail, take care of the widows (with the exception of my mother) or do ministry work because I am so divided by life’s circumstances.

Married to the Master

Romans 7:4 KJV
Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.

In a few days, August 16th to be exact, David Johnson and I will have been married 44 years. It seems like yesterday that my skinny little body walked down the aisle to wed my one and only sweetheart since my junior year in high school. If I treated David, like I treat Christ, I doubt we’d have lasted 44 years. Scripture tells us that we are the bride of Christ. We are married to the Master. And someday we will live out that dream wedding that John saw in Revelation 21:2 ~ And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

But until then, I will fall short of what I should be as the Savior’s bride and servant of the Almighty God.

Every day my priority begins with bearing fruit for the Savior. But twenty minutes (if that) into my day, I am running down the Divided Highway in a dozen directions and getting nothing accomplished for Jesus. Distraction is Satan’s best tactic of causing a Christian to become ineffective. And an added bonus for him is to make us think we’re actually accomplishing something for God. But if I park my butt at the corner of Moral Highground, I have to confess that my accomplishments are always a work in progress. I’m gong to visit so and so, I’m going to call…I’m going to study more, read more of my Bible, do more ministry work, and the ideas will flow liberally into my mind where they stall, and never come to fruition.

Fruition. Fruit. I hadn’t seen that before. Man I’m slow!

Members in Particular

1 Corinthians 12:27-31 KJV
Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. [28] And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. [29] Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles? [30] Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? [31] But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

If today you and I wrote the following: My Particular Ministry is_____________________. What would it be? It’s not up for debate as to whether or not you have one. You do. God said so. This discussion doesn’t end at Chapter 12 with Apostle Paul. Chapter 13 is known at the “love chapter.” That is our primary responsibility; to love people into the Kingdom of God. To treat the world in such a way, they want to follow you home. Heaven help me if they do. It literally says “Welcome to the Chaos” on my house post.

But within that chaos is a family of 12. How blessed am I. My grandchildren are in constant need of something to eat, a ride to or from the school, help with a project, dog sitting, (I drew the line at snake sitting). That chaos is some of the greatest memories and times I have. It too is a part of my ministry. Noah made sure his eight were in the boat. But he didn’t stop ministering to the people, even while building the ark. Can you imagine the insanity around Noah’s loading of the ark, preparing for those 40 days, all while ministering to a world that would literally die around him when his job of building the ark was done. Well, we don’t have to worry about the critters, but we do have to worry about the people. We need to get them into the ark of the Covenant of God that He has promised to those who believe that He is the Way, the Truth and Life. When you look into the eyes of your friends, families and neighbors, you’re looking into an eternal being that will be somewhere when the end has come. Heaven or Hell. Both are very real addresses.

Measure of Stature

Ephesians 4:11-13 KJV
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; [12] For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: [13] Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

When we stand in Heaven, face to face with the Creator, it is then that we will have the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. We will be like Him. We’ll be given our eternal assignments! But not before we stand before the throne of God and answer for what we did with the time we were given. I preach it. I remind myself, and yet I feel like the biggest human failure on earth in the line of God’s children. Help me Lord to live today like Heaven just opened up and the ark was beginning to float.

Posted in Uncategorized

What if there was no place in your community that Satan felt comfortable?

There are days where I wish I had a pulpit that I could drag into the town square and just let loose what is on my heart. I get tired of everyone, including myself playing church. I think that may have been where James was at in chapter 4 of the book of James.

The Issue Starts on the Inside

James 4:1-17 KJV – [1] From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? 2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. 3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. 4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

What kind of lusts are warring in our members? James calls them out when he tells them that their lusts are in their very members. Within themselves. Never in history have people had so much and cared so little. It’s never enough for any of us. We want one more dollar, one more car, one more item, one more something thats shiny and wonderful. And when all is said and done, it will all burn up at the end of time, except the souls of men. Where will they be?

5 Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

Boy did that ding my bell? Was James being snarky? I don’t know, but it sounds to me like God said, “Do you think I’m talking just to hear myself talk?”

There was a sermon that I am always reminded of that Dr. Myron Guiler preached when he was talking about deer season, and how a man had prayed that God would bless their hunt. Dr. Guiler very adamantly said, “God doesn’t care if you get a deer!” He was being kind of funny, but he meant it. Most, if not all, of those men were not hunting because they were hungry. It was a sport. God is not concerned about games. He is concerned about the souls of men. Yes He blesses us with sports and things, but that’s not His concern. We’d survive without those things. But we won’t survive without Him.

How much thought do we give in the course of our day about the souls of men? Far less than we give thought to ourselves, am I right? And in spite of it all, God covers us in grace.

6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

The one thing the Devil cannot stand is when God’s people turn their back on him to look at God. It hurts his little feelings don’t ya know. When we get our attention on what it should be on, Satan flees. He doesn’t want to see God’s people caring for one another, ignoring the world and the things in it and sharing the Word of God with one another.

Yesterday a group of believers gathered at the 1982 Foundation, Avalon Campus and prayed. We shared the gospel with one another. One brother brought great joy to our hearts when he shared the story of leading a young woman to Christ. Oh my stars it was such an amazing testimony. For the half hour or so that we were there, I did not feel the presence of evil. I believe he fled for a moment in time because he had no desire to hear us glorifying God and encouraging each other in the name of Christ. Imagine if we did that all day, and not just a portion? What if there was no place Satan felt comfortable in your community. How wonderful would that be!!!!

James continued:

8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. 9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. 11 Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. 12 There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another? 13 Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: 14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. 15 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. 16 But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil. 17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

In our small community, I sometimes go weeks without publishing an obituary on the Ridgeview News. But this morning I published five, and two others earlier in the week. Some of those deaths were untimely, caused by tragedy, others were that of age. But the point is, just as James said to the people he loved, you don’t know what tomorrow holds, and neither does anyone else. President Trump was faced with that truth when God spared his life by a fraction of an inch. Some in the world were not so lucky. What was their eternal fate? Only God knows. But our greatest concern in life should not be who wins the next election or who is more blessed materialistically. Our greatest concern should be finding out if we and our loved ones are prepared to face eternity.

Posted in Christian, Church attendance, Church Unity

The Un-Assembling of the Local Church

On my many adventures out and about County and State, I pass by little country churches (and some relatively big churches) one after another of every denomination. There are some that you can tell from the appearance, someone is taking care of the physical property, leading you to believe that those in the interior on Sunday morning are taking care of the spiritual body. That’s not always the case. But as time passes, I notice far more churches (like myself) looking a little worn. Many are in severe disrepair because there is no longer a body of believers even assembling inside. At what point did they un-assemble? And why? Any number of reasons could be speculated but the most likely reason is their love of the world, outweighed their love for God.

If you’re out of church, you probably feel judged and will want to stop reading. Please don’t. This isn’t about me standing in judgement of those who don’t attend church. I could honestly speak just as negatively of those on the inside of the church who attend but don’t listen. We’re human. Sometimes humanity get’s the best of us. But let me give you three reasons why I believe you’re ready to reassemble.

  1. There’s a missing Peace and a missing Piece

There is a God sized hole in the soul of every human. If the Lord Jesus Christ is not in your life, you know you’re missing something. I know from experience. But, perhaps you’re saying, “Shari, we’re not the same.” No, but God is. And He created you with the desire to know Him. That’s the missing piece. And if you’ve ever truly known Him, when He is not a central part of your life you’re missing peace, and you know it’s gone.

John 14:23-31 KJV
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. [24] He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me. [25] These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. [26] But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. [27] Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. [28] Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. [29] And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe. [30] Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. [31] But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.

When I finally connected with Jesus in 1996 my life was a mess. I had no peace. I worried about everything, my life had very little meaningful purpose. I tried to fill it with community good, but I knew that it was just falling through the hole in my life. It added nothing of value to who I was. Both of my girls were young and I knew I was messing up their lives. They needed a foundation I could not provide.

But then I discovered who Jesus really was. Not the facts of Jesus, but the faith in Jesus. When the Holy Spirit came into my heart I knew it! It was very real and the most amazing event in my life. I had peace. I had purpose. If you’re currently not experiencing that, you’re ready to re-assemble.

2. There’s Trouble and There’s Fear

Jesus said Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. If you’re not troubled and fearful in this world, you’re not paying attention! I certainly have moments of serious concern. But understanding the Word of God and being taught by worthy leaders is an important part of every week for me. It secures my faith in the fact that the children of God are going to be okay. And the fact that we need to know we are the children of God and that our family is saved. That is where the security of the believer comes in and when Satan tries to create fear and anxiety in your life you can point him to the word of God and he will flee. His days are numbered!

But without the church, it is very difficult to stay inline with scripture. Not impossible, but far harder than it needs to be. We need to study on our own, but we need church leaders in our lives that we can trust to share what the Lord speaks to them, and how He is working in their life. Then when that trouble and fear begins to rear its ugly head, we’re not alone. Satan loves it when you don’t have anyone you can trust.

3. Satan is Very Real

Jesus said “for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.” That prince is Satan. He is the prince of this world and the fallen angels from Heaven are wreaking havoc in everyone’s life. The demonic forces have taken over the television, the computer, the music industry. You can’t escape the evil anymore. It’s every where. It takes its toll on us. The shows and movies are filled with killing, broken families and violence, and so is society. I’ve never seen a time in my life where people accept evil as the norm. But that’s how it is. What causes me nightmares, children view in a video game and become the character. That’s scary stuff! How will that affect them as adults? I think that’s what we’re seeing with so many children being abused and killed, even by their parents. It’s unfathomable to understand how such things can happen unless you see Satan for what he is. Evil and powerful.

He is not more powerful than God, but Jesus just told us that Satan is the prince of this world. Meaning he does have power. Until Jesus returns! Then his power is done. But so is the opportunity to get your life right with God.

If these thoughts are weighing on your mind. It’s time to do something about it. I pray that you will find a spirit filled church with a God lead pastor and join up! It won’t be perfect. Satan will make sure you see the flaws. But look for the good work God is doing and then become a part of that. The flaws will fade into the background and be drowned out by your peace, your purpose and your people! Everyone needs people.

Love ya! Shari, the Jesus Chick

Posted in Christian

One Foot In Both Worlds

Currently I’m studying through the book of Revelation. I think it’s appropriate for “such a time as this.” With the world being absolutely bonkers!!! I need to read the comforting words of God that tells me, “Hey Shari, I have this under control. Yes the world is going crazy, I warned you it would, but read the back of the book and it will bless you!” Of course that is the Bible according to Shari. But it somewhat says that in Revelation 1:3 where it says “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”

I’m currently in Chapter 2 and a word that kept popping into my mind was a group of people called the Nicolaitans. Twice God mentions them in this chapter, telling two separate churches that He is indeed not happy with them because of their behavior like the Nicolaitans. I had to wonder, “what kind of deeds these people had done that got such a harsh rebuke from God?”

From what I can gather the Nicolaitans were behaving in ways that were not honoring to Christ and taking sin too lightly. Boy oh boy, does that resonate with the current state of the world. I’m not throwing stones, because I’m among them. How many things or thoughts come before my eyes and mind that are far from God honoring. And how lightly I take it. I watched a movie after church on Sunday.. yes after church even… it was not a bad movie but it had the warning of sexual scenes and something else. Those warnings didn’t even phase me. Now it ended up that the movie didn’t have anything major, in comparison to today’s standards, but the fact is, I ignored it. Would Christ and I have watched that movie together? Well we did, because He lives in me. That seems such a trivial thing in light of end time events, but it’s merely a launching point for my study.

God is directing these conversations of the writer John to the churches. Not to the lost people out there in the world, but to the churches. Ephesus, Smyrna and Pergamos have been addressed so far in chapter 2, and God’s not happy. Is He any happier with today’s churches? Or the people who say they’re apart of the church and act worse than the local heathens. I’m not talking about cussing and drinking and all the other obvious sins that we know to be wrong… yet we take so lightly. God didn’t even mention those in His harsh rebuke. They’d lost their first love, were behaving in ways that brought disgrace to the name of Christ and God told John to call’em out.

Where is the church’s concern for the souls of men?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the things that God has made me steward over. I’m terrible at it! Jesus addressed this in Luke 16:1-14 KJV
And he said also unto his disciples, There was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods. [2] And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward. [3] Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do? for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed. [4] I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses. [5] So he called every one of his lord’s debtors unto him, and said unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord? [6] And he said, An hundred measures of oil. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write fifty. [7] Then said he to another, And how much owest thou? And he said, An hundred measures of wheat. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write fourscore. [8] And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. [9] And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. [10] He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. [11] If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? [12] And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own? [13] No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. [14] And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him.

A few things from that scripture really hit home. The first steward addressed in this story ad been given much, but was terrible at his handling of it and called on the carpet by his matter. “Hello… it’s coming people.” So the unjust steward then decided to go to the people who owed him and lower their debt.

What I found most interesting was verse 8 when the lord said “for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.

Children of light, children of God… those who should know better. His lord told him that the worldly people were smarter than God’s own. Because God’s own know better, and still do err, treating the word and the holiness of God in an unrighteous manner far from the seriousness it deserves. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for those sins… and yet we don’t give them a second thought.

To serve two masters was to attempt to love money and God. Love the world and say that you love God. Do ya now? Do you love God enough to take sin as serious as you should. Before you say that thing, do that thing… is God glorified?

This message hit me square between the eyes. How about you?

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

It’s Hard to Tell Where that Crazy Thing Will Lead You!

Once again on Sunday morning I went to the altar. As I do most every Sunday service. I have people I need to pray for, circumstances I need to lift up, stuff that only Jesus can tackle. My community is a mess, my State and Nation are a mess. I’m always a hot mess! Sometimes the enormous responsibility of publishing a local news site takes it toll. I grow weary of shining a light in dark places. My conversations with God have also been soul searching missions to determine the intents of my heart. You know, the Bible tells us that our hearts are deceitfully wicked.

Jeremiah 17:9-14 KJV
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? [10] I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. [11] As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool. [12] A glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary. [13] O LORD, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters. [14] Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.

Don’t be Deceived

I see social media posts, many by Christians, telling people to “follow their heart.” No! don’t do it. It’s hard to tell where that crazy thing will lead you. Follow the Word of God. Take that decision and get in the Bible and see how it lines up with the Word. That’s what I did this weekend. I wanted to ask someone for advice, but that scared me too. It’s not that we all, especially me, don’t need a person of good counsel. But on this matter, I didn’t want to bring anyone in to my battle. So I searched the scripture on how to cover the with godliness. That wasn’t an easy search.

A portion of the content I found on the subject of journalism, which really is on the subject of anyone who tells what’s happening in a community to someone else came from

The way requires the journalist to refrain from bearing false witness as well as to refrain from bearing witness in a false way. The life prohibits the journalist from holding his neighbor in contempt. Jesus said He came to bring life and life more abundantly. When the reporter considers the purpose of the report, it must conform to the object of bringing life and life more abundantly. This does not mean “good news” in the popular sense. Jesus is good news, but to some He is the cornerstone upon which many stumble. Life and life more abundantly has to do with the object or purpose of the report, not necessarily its content.

These two aspects of Jesus as the Word are reflected in Exodus 20:16: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” God prohibits false declarations of fact as well as declarations or misrepresentations of fact in a false way. He also charges the journalist to maintain a proper disposition toward his reader or listener, that is, toward his neighbor.

I came to the peace of my recent posts and decisions when I determined that it fell within the boundaries of the Word of God. The good news isn’t always good in the eyes of the world. But if we believe Romans 8:28, the result will one day be good. But don’t trust your heart… trust the Word.

Don’t be Distressed

Jeremiah said that God was going to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doing. If we obey the Word of God, keep our hearts cleaned by God and the power of His forgiveness, have no wicked intent, then our ways will be rewards, not punishments. Satan would love to have you believe that God is going to call you upon they carpet and rake you across the coals. That’s not Who God is at all. Yes, if we are wicked, there will come a day that we will answer before God. But when God’s children are trying their very best to live right, not perfect, but the best they can, He may chastise us in love, but not for our distruction but tot strengthen us.

I hate being called on the carpet… it’s happened many times in my career. Some justified, some not. But one thing I’ve learned is that when it’s in error, I learn not to be like that person. When it is justified, I know I need to be a better person. Do I get distressed. Oh yeah. But I’m a work in progress.

Don’t Depart

Many times since my salvation in 1996, the first thing that I want to do is run. I want away from the frustration, the people who frustrated me and that has never been the answer. When people get hurt, they usually hurt me. And I can usually handle it just fine. Until they call me out on my Christian values. This causes me to question the intents of my heart. Which is good! I need to do that. But it also causes me doubt myself and doubt my purpose.

In Sunday School we spent a lot of time yesterday talking about purpose. And the fact that many Christians never take the time to discover God’s purpose for them on this earth. God’s main purpose is to be glorified in your life and that your life will draw men to Him. But within that purpose is something you’ve been called to do, usually in a secular sense.

I’ve had to learn to stand my ground. It would be way easier just to cave and walk away. But I know that I’ve been called for this purpose in life. I have peace with that. And with that peace comes a backbone that I’ve never before had. It’s a little wobbly sometime, but God has given me the ability to stand my ground.

If you’re struggling- – – stand on my friend. God has you covered. And what ever you do, don’t follow that crazy heart!

Posted in Faith, Family, Life Inspiration

Don’t Waste a Minute of Life

I heard the phrase “haste makes waste” my entire life, but I never gave it any thought as to where it originated. It did not suprise me to realize that it was from scripture. What did surprise me was the way that God drew in my mind to my time with Him. 

Proverbs 19:2 KJV
Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth.

I waste so much time in the course of a day. My mind is continually laboring, never shutting down until I lay down at night and sometimes not even then. I use lavendar oil on my pulse points at night to help calm my mind, when I’m sure scripture would likely do the same or better. 

This morning as I prepared for my day, my mind at 5:30 a.m. was already going full throttle. I scrolled social meeting for a few minutes and then turned to the word in hopes of creating a calm before the storm of the day. That’s when I discovered the “haste makes waste” verse. My immediate thought went to how rushing through my day without God is such a waste of my time. It always goes so much smoother when I take the time to be in God’s word at the beginning of my day. It reminded me of Mary and Martha. 

Luke 10:38-42 KJV
Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman Martha received him into her house. [39] And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word. [40] But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. [41] And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: [42] But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

I love to imagine that I am Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus and soaking in His every word. When in reality I am Martha the vast majority of the time, rushing about, Catching a few of my Father’s words as I run past Him to do the next “productive” thing, when I’d be a lot more productive if I just sit down and rest in Him for a minute. 

As we go into another Father’s day, I reflect on the wonderful earthly father that I had. My memories of him sitting with the word of God on his lap and a cup of coffee fill my heart with joy. He loved talking about Jesus. I miss him. My mother misses him. Seldom a day goes by that she doesn’t tell me as much and how she longs to see him again. She will, she too knows and loves Jesus. 

It seems like yesterday that I was a miserable 20 years old. I didn’t know God then, not until I was 34 years of age. It was then that I experienced true peace. I understood why my father sat with the word of God on his lap every day and why he loved to talk about Jesus. I watched as he aged and his heart grew so tender causing his eyes to leak every time he talked about God. Time passes so fast. I cannot believe that I’m nearly 62. On the verge of getting mailbox money (social security) and yet I’ve still not learned that I need to slow down.

Haste makes waste. It certainly does. Rushing around costs me the peace that God affords every one of His children. 

I hope today that we’ll all sit at the Father’s feet in worship like Mary. I hope to leave Martha in the kitchen, and just sit on the porch with my Heavenly Father… I’ll ask Him to tell my Dad hello, and a few other friends and family too. I believe He will. Happy Father’s Day…

Posted in Faith, Forgiveness, Grace, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, testimony, Word of God

Sarcasm and Christianity, a Woodshed Moment

I have so many question as I sit struggling at 2 a.m. to figure out what is “acceptable” behavior as a child of God in these political times. There are lines in the sand I have always tried never to cross. I don’t bring politics inside the church. Period. The church is a place that I go to worship God and learn His word with likeminded believers. The past few years have not been easy, but by comparison to my friend Peter Mwangani in Kenya, I have no right to say that I have a hard life. Nobody has stoned me. Yet. They did Peter.

I’ve been Publisher of the Ridgeview News for three very short, wonderful years. I have struggled to find my place, and then in the midst of that my world got turned upside down in a few different ways. The last few months have been difficult. I need to readjust my life to fit all the things in and in their proper perspective. I feel called to the roll of Ridgeview News, but I was certainly not uncalled from the roll of The Jesus Chick. And then there is the roll as Wife, Mother, daughter and friend. All of which I know I have failed miserably at because I’m such a chaotic personality. Throw into that mix a very passionate, sometimes flippant attitude, God and I have woodshed moments followed by discussions about allowing myself grace to be human.

I have throughout my life used sarcasm and wit to deal with hard truths. My own truth and that of other people. I read a writer recently that zinged me a little when she said that being being snarky is “nothing but fancy-schmancy passive-aggressiveness, that leads to bitterness, anger, and unresolved conflict.”  I can’t disagree. 

But what if I mean it? Did Jesus never get frustrated with people? I have a hard time understanding how to put the pettiness of life’s problems into the perspective of the cross. I feel that I should rise above it, move on, and focus on leading lost souls to Christ. That is why Christ died that gruesome, horrible death. And then I think about how God put us in this world to live. Not to sit idly by as “Sister Susie being Saintly in the Sanctuary.” But to live in a community and take care of it. And it is there that cause the tears to flow, my heart to ache, and the feelings of failure to come.

Love is Kind. Sometimes I am Not. 

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 

4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; 6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; 7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

Love is patient and kind. In some cases, love may require me to flee the temptation to be sarcastic and snarky: 

1 Timothy 6:11-12 KJV

But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. [12] Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

That’s the problem for me. In this social society, there are countless witnesses to our behaviors through social media. Some would say that Christians should have no part in it. I get that theory, except that it leaves the whole thing wide open for the Devil’s playground. I occasionally get in a big way of talking and forget that when I shoot an arrow, the target is a person. I guess there is a feeling of justification in the flesh. After all, I am on the side of right. Right? Jesus was always 100% right. I am not. And the thing about an arrow, is once it’s shot. You can’t take it back. 

Love Doesn’t Vaunt. I Try Not to.

I knew that when I began the Ridgeview News I would be making myself a target. I was fine with that. Nobody likes to be called out. I sure don’t. It automatically puts me in a position of defense. I understand that when I publish the issues of someone else’s life, especially mistakes that have been made, it’s not going to win me popularity. I could easily justify it by saying that they should have known when they did what they did, or put themselves in a position of power that they would be held accountable for their decisions. So will I when I stand before Almighty God. I know that, and it scares me.

To vaunt is to boast and brag excessively. That is not my style. I detest arrogance. I don’t feel good about calling someone out. Not an enemy and for certain not a friend. I have had to do both. 

When you understand that you are a sinner always in need of grace, it’s hard to publish the sins of another without guilt. 

Some have said, “Then don’t.” The problem with that is the community needs to be aware of what’s going on around them that effects them. I’m not publishing private sins, I’m publishing public matters that effect other people. When you’re covering the news, it’s often in the heat of the moment. I try my very best to stay impartial. I want only to print the truth and leave my emotions out, I can’t say I’m successful at that. Emotion won’t change the truth, but it sometimes magnifies the negative and may cause people to view me as feeling above the offender. If only they knew the inner turmoil I have with that. Airing dirty laundry isn’t fun. It literally stinks. I’m not writing a gossip column. I’m trying to provide the truth so the citizens of my community can make informed decisions. For too long, and I mean decades, our community has ignored the decision makers and allowed everything to be unchecked. The cost of that has been poverty, feelings of hopelessness, and an inability to stand up for their rights.

Psalm 19:14

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Love Doesn’t Misbehave. I Do.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m working my way through my issues. Writing is the only way I seem to accomplish that. It’s a conversation between me and Jesus. It causes me to seek the only solid truth, the Word of God.

Paul told the Corinthians not to behave unseemly. Commentary said this was through using either unbecoming words, or doing indecent actions; for a man unprincipled with this grace will be careful that no filthy and corrupt communication proceed out of his mouth, which may offend pious ears; and that he uses no ridiculous and ludicrous gestures, which may expose himself and grieve the saints;

My greatest fear is offending God. But I know that’s what I’ll do if I “offend the little ones.” 

Matthew 18:3-6 KJV

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. [4] Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. [5] And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. [6] But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

The little ones doesn’t mean children. But rather speaks of the humility of those who serve God. The last thing I would ever want to do is to hurt a fellow soldier in Christ. My friend D.L. used to say, “Christians are the only army that shoots their own soldiers.” It’s the truth.

My closing questions for myself are this:

  1. Who are the little children in my story?
  2. Who’s the victim?
  3. Would Jesus handle things the way I do?
  4. How can I do better for the cause of Christ?

There is no sin by any man (or woman) that can be justified. None. Even when you feel you’re in the right. I go back to the comment that zinged me: being snarky is “nothing but fancy-schmancy passive-aggressiveness, that leads to bitterness, anger, and unresolved conflict.” 

After yet another “Come to Jesus” moment that I have experienced, I determined this about snarky comments. They’re ungodly and wrong. It’s me in the flesh and I should not be. But it doesn’t change the truth. 

Posted in Family, Life Inspiration, Word of God

Deception is All Around Us, Walk in Awareness

I will tell you without hesitation that I am a gullible soul. I love people. In general most all people. But there are some people that I struggle to love. I love them in Christ; meaning I want to see them saved. But I won’t tell you that I have a love for them in the flesh. I have to talk to Jesus first, and then I can love them.

And there are some people that God’s guidance is needed for discernment in what my attitude and action should be. Not that He would ever tell me not to love someone, but God has zero tolerance for evil and He expect the same from His children.

Today I found myself unaware that evil had been lurking around me and I had been rubbing elbows with it. Not as friends, but as acquaintances. This person gave the impression that they were a believer, and I assumed a believer of Christ. Because that’s where my mind goes when someone says believer. Even though I cannot honestly say this person uttered those words. It was again, an assumption on my part. When I discovered today through another friend that this person in question was involved in actual witchcraft and demonic forces, I was physically sick.

But this is when the flesh kicked into high gear and I had to have a little talk with Jesus. I had to remind myself that pre salvation I wouldn’t have given the antics of this person a second thought. But now, with the Spirit of God dwelling within me, I see the evil for what it is.

I had initially planned on writing today about the “spirit and power of confession.” Confession is good for the soul. It’s a very humbling experience to let someone know that you’ve failed. It’s also good for a new Christian to understand that getting saved doesn’t make you a perfect person, it makes you a forgiven person and one that should feel guilt in knowing they’ve offended God with their sin. The same Spirit that convicts my soul of sin, impresses upon my heart, provides me spiritual discernment when something around me is wrong. And there had been warnings on this person that I chose to ignore.

For Truth’s Sake

2 John 1:1-13 KJV
The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth; [2] For the truth’s sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever. [3] Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. [4] I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.

John’s letter to this elect lady, who was a believer as well as her children, gives mention of truth three times in the first sentence. It’s an important factor in the life of a child of God that you know the truth of the Gospel and will have the tri-fold blessing of grace, mercy and peace. Without knowing the truth none of those will be present in your life. But even with the presence of Jesus Christ in your life, like myself, it doesn’t preven you from being deceived if you’re not on guard.

For Deceptions Signal

[5] And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another. [6] And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. [7] For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

Antichrist. That’s a pretty harsh title. It’s not speaking of “the Antichrist” which is to come in end times. But the presence of someone or something that is against Christ. The person for which I speak, on the surface, appears to be someone of “decent” moral fibers. I couldn’t even write that without nausea in knowing that by saying decent, I mean, I don’t believe this person would should you in the back. I even have to remind myself that this same person sold me out when I asked friends for prayer against a woman who was attacking me, and this person went and told the woman I what I had done. Yes… I’m an idiot far more often than I like to confess. But I’m glad that God made me someone who gives people the benefit of a doubt, even if it sometimes bites me in the butt.

John told the lady that we need to love people, but not to the point of deception. The Spirit of God allows us the ability to feel the presence of evil and be warned that deception lingers near. But like myself we can choose to ignore it. What then?

For Your Family’s Sake

[8] Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. [9] Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. [10] If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: [11] For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. [12] Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full. [13] The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen.

John warns this lady that she should have nothing to do with a person who does not abide, meaning to dwell in, the Lord Jesus Christ. If they’re not for Him, they’re against Him. Makes good sense, right? Until you throw my upbringing into it which believes everyone has good intentions. That is far from the case. When I delved into the background of this person in question, they not only did not promote Christ, they promoted satanic belief through conjuring dead spirits and other wicked endeavors. That person was put into a short lived position of authority and access to the minds of many people. Praise God and and by His mercy it didn’t work out and access was cut off.

I said all that to say this. We have got to become more aware of the evil that abounds and the danger that lurks in our neighborhoods. Which means through person to person and media methods. While I understand that adults can be deceived, I don’t worry as much about them as do the vulnerability of our youth. These same evil spirits were around in John’s day. No doubt why he was so happy that this lady’s children also walked in the truth. We are a nation that have basically parked our kids on the porch with a handheld window to the world and no barriers from people like this accessing their minds. So before you think, “I don’t live any where close you.” You don’t have to. That is one thing that has definitely changed since John’s day. They only had to worry about the neighborhood. We have to worry about the world.

Please safeguard your mind, your home and your heart from the evils of this world. And above all stay in the word of God.

Posted in Christian Service, Political

Cast Your Vote on the Side of God

Election Day 2024. Dates like this seem to be a decade away and then they’re here before we know it. I would have loved on Election Day to give a rah rah speech of great patriotic magnitude that caused red, white and blue streamers to fall from the skies with sparkling glitter. But let’s get real… I don’t really think that’s what God’s feeling this morning as this Election Day has begun. The polls are open, and the votes are being casts, and His will may or may not be considered by those who are voting, but it’s seriously considered in Heaven.

I found myself reading one of my favorite chapters that I heard preached a decade or two ago, and never forgot. “Creeps in the Church,” from the book of Jude.

They’re not only in the church, they’re in the courthouse and every other business and home across the world. We are a society filled with creeps who have assumed that our Holy God wasn’t paying attention or didn’t care about the vile reprobate minds of this society. They’ve mocked God and His children. They’ve killed innocent babies without remorse and the airwaves and cyber space is filled with the ungodliest of images that is now considered the norm.

I wanted a reminder for myself as I go to the poll today to cast my vote as best I can with the candidates afforded. I want reminded that God will not be mocked and it is my job as His child and a servant of Jesus Christ Who willingly died for me on the cross, so that I could have the opportunity to CONTEND FOR THE FAITH! That’s our job, every day all day.

If you have that common salvation. Saved by the blood of Jesus Christ alone, it’s your job to contend.

If you have that same faith that was delivered to the saints of old, it’s your job to contend!

It’s our job to protect our families from the wickedness that would consume our world were it not for the grace and mercy of Almighty God.

When you read Jude, it’s a good reminder that, like Sodom and Gomorrah, we may be in the vilest of places right now, but God is still God, and every vile and wicked thing done is known by Him. He will have His day. But for today, we’re extended grace and an opportunity to show people that God still has a remnant of people who are willing to stand in the gap. For today, standing in the gap is to cast your vote on the side of God.

The Archangel Michael could have mopped the earth with Satan and his minions. But he left them to God. So should we.

Jude 1:3-10 KJV
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. [4] For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. [5] I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. [6] And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. [7] Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. [8] Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. [9] Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

Posted in Christian, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Word of God

How to Find Contentment

It was on the front of the church bulletin last week; those words from Paul stating that He had learned, whatsoever state he was in, therewith to be content. I have moments of contentment, about twenty minutes on a good day. And then I see something shiny and my contentment is fleeting. Am I alone with that line of thought? Do you, like myself, desire the things of this world far more than you should? It’s been on my mind a lot lately. I am still soaking in the revival from a few weeks ago, grateful for the word of the Lord that stirs the fires of my soul, but then aggravated in the same breath at the flesh that arises so often!

In the book of James 1:1-12 it says

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. [2] My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; [3] Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. [4] But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

While it’s important to note that James is the brother of Jesus, the son of Mary and Joseph, and he is writing a letter to the Jews, but it does not lessen the directive in it to the children of God who are Gentiles. It’s a good word (as all of the Bible is) for us all. And this morning it fell harder on my heart as those words pierced my soul, knowing that my flesh is every bit as alive as the Spirit in me and is warring daily in my life to take my mind off the things it should be on. James was obviously not a stranger to it either, but James didn’t have the internet! James didn’t have Temu ads popping up in his face every ten minutes with shiny things or a mega sale going on out the road with a five dollar bag that you can fill to the brim with goodies that you have no need for, but it’s really cool stuff, and it’s a whole bag for five dollars! Where’s your sense of shopping adventure.

Where’s that church bulletin, I need to find it!

I said all that to help you understand my state of mind. I really am learning contentment. But it’s a struggle, because it’s deeper rooted in misguided priorities which I fear is the problem that many face. It can become very guided in a moment of time when the news of a tragedy or heartache comes and you know that it is the most important thing in your life at that time, but then it passes, and the flesh rears its ugly head again and again and we’re no longer content … we want stuff. So James wrote us this word to remind us that we’re all going to fall into various temptations, but we’re suppose to count it as joy. And by temptations, those are not the temptations of a shopping spree, but the lure of Satan to pursuade you to follow the worldly ideas around you and not the Lord Jesus Christ. The idea that another way is better, or another thing will make you happy. It’s why He took Jesus up on the mountain and tempted Him forty days with the things that the world had to offer. Only Satan’s misguided sense of direction caused him to think that he had a power above Christ. He does not. Nor does he have that power in us if we will take back what God instilled in us through the Holy Spirit.

James goes on to say

[5] If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. [6] But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

Is it not a lack of wisdom, the wisdom of the Word of God, that causes me to want? You bet! Funny thing, when I’m reading the word of God, I want nothing, except more of the word of God. Because it fills every void in my life. And James reminded me this morning that God laid it out before me in a way that James and his friends never experienced it. The word is on my phone, my iPad, my computer, in my hand through dozens of bibles in my office, waiting for me to search the Word of God. But temptations come that distract my mind and heart causing me to waver just like that boat tossed to and fro on the sea.

The next words of James made my stomach roll like it had been tossed on a wave when he said:

[7] For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

Even in my weakened state of want in this world, I know in my heart that what the Lord offers is far greater than any material thing I could desire here on earth. And the thought of not receiving what the Lord has to offer, because I am too unstable in my ways, makes me even more sea sick! God wants to give His children wonderful things. Not material things, but spiritual things that cannot be taken and the payment has already been made. I have never experienced anything in the world that has brought as much joy to my soul as the love of Jesus Christ. Him loving me and providing me a peace that cannot be purchased, a love that is not mail order and a contentment that I could just sit on the porch and watch creation like I’d just unwrapped the neatest toy on the market! God created that for me! He gave me people to love, what an amazing gift! A gift that gives back to me in massive quantities every time I hear one of my grandchildren say “I love you Noni.” Which is most every day.

[8] A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. [9] Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: [10] But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away. [11] For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof falleth, and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth: so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways. [12] Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

There is reward here, but there is certainly a reward in Heaven awaiting those who are faithful!!! Help me Lord to be faithful so that I may lay that crown at Your feet.👣

Posted in Family, Heaven, Life Inspiration, salvation

The Gate, The Trees and the House – What address do they lead to?

Sunday mornings are the most exciting day of my week. Going to church and studying the word of God puts fuel in the fire of my soul! Fellowship with the believers is unlike any earthly relationship. My two youngest grandsons attend church with me and they have dozens of questions and often some very strange commentary on their lives as new members of the body of Christ. The boys, ages 9 and 10, gave their life to Christ this year and were baptized. I pray the zeal they currently have never dies down. It hasn’t in my life, although there have been times that struggled to keep the fire lit. So I “somewhat” get it when I meet with people who say they’re Christian, but there’s no joy or evidence of Christ working in their lives. But it causes me great angst (and not just a little bit) I mean GREAT ANGST when those people are family and friends.

Salvation is a very personal event. It’s different for everyone. But the one thing that is undeniable with salvation is that there is a change in a person’s life. That’s what causes me angst. I know many, many people who never darken the door of a church house, never crack open the word of God, never bow their head in prayer unless they’re in trouble and they know nothing about an actual relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. 

If that’s you… you scare me.

Matthew 7:13-14

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

If I quote a verse like that to someone who appears to be out of the loop with Jesus, they’re either offended, or assume it can’t mean them, because they’re “fine.” And I want to believe they’re fine, that way I can sleep easier. But I can’t… Because I believe that true salvation brings a change in a person’s life that is undeniably evident.

And so I read further to determine what God meant in the book of Matthew 7

The heading in my Ryrie study Bible says that this part of Matthew 7, verses 13 through 29 is “The Proof of the Kingdom Life.” Those who are saved are members of the Kingdom of God, so proof of the Kingdom life should be easy enough to find in them, right?

  • Two Gates
  • Two Trees
  • Two Builders
  • One soul
  • One decision

The outline of this scripture should allow the believer to look at their life and determine if they’re okay.

Matthew 7:13-29 KJV

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: [14] Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. [15] Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. [16] Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? [17] Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. [18] A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. [19] Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. [20] Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. [21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. [22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? [23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. [24] Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: [25] And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. [26] And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: [27] And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. [28] And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine: [29] For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

Two Gates

These are the words of Jesus as He preaches His gospel. He, who is the determining factor of your salvation. Should we not look earnestly at his Word? In Sunday School yesterday, I learned something new about the word earnest. That it could be used in defining the serious of a commitment such as the purchasing of a car. Earnest would refer to the down payment. Meaning that you’re serious about that new ride! How serious are you about eternity? When Jesus mentioned the two gates He said one was broad and one was narrow. One, many would choose, and one, there would be few. More reason for more angst! A commitment to God is more than the average decisions of every day life. When I think about how quickly I reached the age of 61, I’m shocked. I am so happy that I have the promise of eternity. It won’t go nearly so fast! And once I’m there, I’ll no longer lose anyone. I won’t have angst. Nothing but sweet peace in the presence of my Savior. But I am concerned about the decision makers on this earth that I call family and friends. Which gate have you chosen?

Two Trees

The proof in the puddin’ as they say. Jesus tells the story of two trees that have the ability to bear fruit. One has good fruit, and one has rotten fruit. So he rids himself of the rotten fruit by throwing the tree into the fire. Wait! Jesus throws out the whole tree? Yes. Just as He does the whole body of a nonbeliever. Not because He doesn’t want them in Kingdom, but because they’re unfruitful. How on earth can a Holy, perfect God, allow people in Heaven that have refused to acknowledge and participate in His earthly Kingdom activities. If you had a child that you had given life to, raised with every good opportunity, and they cast it off, lived a life of rebellion, never darkening the doorstep of your home or having a conversation with you, would you give them a mansion? The problem is, people don’t see their non fruit bearing life as rebellion against God, but it is. He died for you. Can you not see the need to live for Him?

Two Builders

Again Jesus offers a parable to help the reader understand. There are two people building houses… one on the sand, one on the rock. The constant shifting of the sand beneath your feet when you walk along the shore gives a good indication of what’s going to happen when a storm comes in. But the house on the Rock is safe! That Rock is Jesus Christ. He has built us a home, and is waiting to hand us the keys in a place that there will never again be any shifting sand or storms of life. All we have to do is accept the fact that He paid the full price of our eternal life on the cross. That’s all that is required for salvation. But the belief and understanding in the cost He paid should cause narrow mindedness in a good sense, in that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no man will come to the Father, except through Him. One gate, One decision.

When that decision is made, there should be fruit in your life by your service to God. Are you serving Him today? If not, why?

Are you the foolish or wise builder? Are you pouring yourself into this temporary life, when the eternal one is the only one that offers hope? When you’re gone will your family have the proof of your new address?

Please God, if you are not certain. Message me today. Let’s get your keys in hand!!

Posted in Christian Service, Word of God

Legalism, Liberalism and the Love of Jesus

In 26 years of salvation, I’ve been introduced to them all. Praise God for the latter that offers grace in abundance in these confusing times. Let me begin by doing my best to define what these words mean to me. Legalism is the unnecessary addition of unmentioned works into the Word of God, and over attentiveness to the behaviors of others that distort the true nature of Christianity and make grace secondary and almost leaves mercy out of the equation.

Liberalism on the other hand is based on the argument that there is an individual right of a person to life, liberty and property, with circumstantial ethics and scripture viewed as negotiable. It was present in the garden when Satan asked Eve, “Did God say?” That’s what liberalism does in the face of homosexuality, gender dysphoria, witchcraft and everything else from A to Z in this sinful world. They will question “Did God say?” And then add to it how that doesn’t apply to them and in the end justify it to a lost and dying world.

But that’s not the end. We will all stand accountable in the end, before a Holy God to determine whether or not we have the right to be in Heaven. Which is by the blood of Jesus, alone. So, will there be legalist and liberals in Heaven. Yes, but they’re going to live on the outskirts of town. I’m Kidding! Well, kind of.

I don’t know how God will determine who does what in Heaven. But I know He knows. He gave us clues in the Word of God when He said in

1 Corinthians 3:13-16 KJV
Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. [14] If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. [15] If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. [16] Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

You can’t say that work is not important to God. There it is in black and white, but note that God said that they’d be saved; meaning, those who confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, was crucified and died for their sin. If they believe in their heart that He is Lord, and that He died to cover their sins, they’re saved. The heart is the determining factor, not the works. But for the works that a person has done on earth with a good heart and intent, there is a reward.

2 Corinthians 5:8-14 KJV
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. [9] Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. [10] For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. [11] Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences. [12] For we commend not ourselves again unto you, but give you occasion to glory on our behalf, that ye may have somewhat to answer them which glory in appearance, and not in heart. [13] For whether we be beside ourselves, it is to God: or whether we be sober, it is for your cause. [14] For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead:

The Lord drew my heart into His words this morning in verse 12 that said “that ye may have somewhat to answer them which glory in appearance, and not in heart.” Works was never intended to be apart of salvation. From the garden, blood covered sin when God killed the lamb to clothe Adam and Eve, and it continued to be the blood when men would sacrifice unto God. But when Jesus made that final sacrifice, man’s role in the story of salvation was done. Not that it ever really paid a part in it, because what man did with the blood sacrifice still pointed to the cross. Jesus said “It is finished.” And it was. So why is it that those of a legalistic mindset proclaim their holiness because of their suit jacket and hair cut? It’s as utterly ridiculous as it is for the liberal to say that they are free to live their lives against scripture and think that they’ll not stand before that holy throne accountable. We’re all accountable!

So how do the legalistic and the liberals ignore the word of God or add unmentioned works into scripture? They’re glorying in appearance (earthly appearance). If you’re so concerned with what someone’s wearing to church that it effects your opinion of their spiritual state, you’re forgetting that their spiritual state is between them and God and you’re not privy to it. If you’re a liberal and you’re saying the word of God is antiquated or not relevant to today’s standards, you’re dead wrong and when you’re dead you’ll stand before God and answer for it. And then He’ll give you your mansion in the outback of Heaven. (Joking! Kind of)

Paul told the Corinthians that they (the disciples of Christ) were setting themselves as an example for other Christians to look to as to how you should live. A child of God should be an example to the world. But not to say “Look at me, you should want to be like me.” But to use their life to point people to Christ. Christ, Who called sin out and never made light of it. Christ who set in the midst of sinners and loved them like true friends. He had the right to judge them, but He chose rather to show mercy, love and compassion to the point that the people wanted to know Him.

Is that how we’re living our lives? If we’re not, then we’re wrong. No one will see Christ in legalism. They’ll not see Christ in the lives of people who justify sin. We, like Him, must love them into the Kingdom.

Posted in Life Inspiration

And She Still Messed Up!

Have you ever thought of God’s creation of mankind. When on the 6th day, after He had spoken the world into existence, He then decided to mix up some clay and mold man in His own image. It says Male and Female created He them. As an artist I can’t help but thinking of it from that perspective. If God spoke the world into existence, He could have just as well spoken man into being. But He rather took the time to create and mold man into His own image. God cares about every detail of us.

I am so critical of myself and have been since I was a small child. I never thought I measured up to any other girl. Everyone was prettier, more talented, bigger, better, brighter, all the stuff. And I still struggle with it to a certain degree because the world sets the stage for comparison.

But even without the world, Eve was placed with the temptation of comparison when Satan showed her the fruit and began placing doubts in her mind. “Did God say…?” and then Eve added to it when she said “God told us not to eat it or even touch it!” Well that wasn’t true. God didn’t tell them not to touch it.

What Eve lacked was the knowledge and confidence of having the word of God in her heart. She knew God had said don’t eat of the fruit, she remembered that. But then she added her own little twist, causing herself to think it was the word of God when she added that God told them not to touch it. It’s not that it really added anything to the conversation, except to cause her uncertainty and make her vulnerable to the Devil’s lies.

I doubt there was ever a time when man (and woman) had more wisdom than at the beginning of Creation.  As I was studying creation, I loved where the word said that God would create the animals and then bring them to Adam to name.

Genesis 2:19 KJV

And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

It shows the depth of knowledge that Adam had to be able to name and remember the name of every critter. But scripture doesn’t really say anything about the mind of Eve and I think we view her as kind of a dimwitted broad that got fooled by the Devil, when that wasn’t true.  God made both she and Adam in His image and put within them great minds. It’s there to show us that even at our best we are vulnerable to the devils lies.

Let’s talk about

The Wisdom of the Woman

 Proverbs 3:13-23 KJV

[13] Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. [14] For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. [15] She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. [16] Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour. [17] Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. [18] She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.

Don’t you find it interesting that God called wisdom “she.”

·   She is more precious than rubies

·      All the things thou canst desire are not to be compared to her

·      Length of days is in her right hand

·      In her left hand riches and honor

·      Her ways are ways of pleasantness

·      Her paths are peace

·      She is a tree of life

·      Happy is everyone that retaineth her

When I got to the words “She is a tree of life” I did a double take! I stumbled upon that little tidbit of wisdom in the word that I had never given any thought. The very thing that Eve had cost man was the Tree of life, but in Proverbs God has Solomon write that wisdom is the tree of life and it’s a “she.”

I don’t want to read something into the word of God that’s not there, but God said wisdom was female. I also don’t want to put a lot of emphasis on it because the world has already done that when it caused all the animosity between man and woman by women not being in submission as God intended them to be as the weaker vessel.

He didn’t do that because our minds were weaker, but because our bodies were weaker. God intended man to be our protector. Our minds are an open book to God’s library of thoughts, but we choose to stay busy and not tap into it.

I was elated when this scripture took me back to the time of Creation:

 [19] The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens. [20] By his knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew. [21] My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion: [22] So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck. [23] Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble.

Eve didn’t stumble because she didn’t have the access to wisdom, she stumbled because she didn’t access it before the Devil got in her head.

The Work of  the Woman

When God created Eve she had purpose. That purpose was to help Adam.

This really threw me into a tailspin, because I don’t always view myself as a help meet for David but rather a doer of dishes and laundry. And that’s certainly part of it for me, but God created me to help David meet his responsibilities. Adam is missing a piece of his side, because God created Eve out of it. To walk beside him, work beside and be beside him in thick and in thin. Eve was to support her man. That is an important job that women take for granted.

It gave me a new perspective on housework. Which I hate. But David likes order. I am queen of chaos. I need to do more to make sure he has order in his life so that he can be productive at what he does. In turn, it could possibly make me more productive too if I’m honest.

I spend half my time looking for stuff.

We take our role in the lives of our family too lightly. We have an example to set of what God wanted women to know.

He wanted us to be wise and He did not want us to compare ourselves to each other! We are to desire wisdom because nothing can be compared to “her.” I get such joy out of studying the word of God and yet I don’t spend near enough time in it because my life is so chaotic and if I’m painstakingly honest, I have a rebellious heart that would rather do other stuff.

The Ways of the Woman

·      Her ways are ways of pleasantness

·      Her paths are peace

·      She is a tree of life

·      Happy is everyone that retaineth her

Scripture says if we walk in wisdom our ways will be pleasant, full of peace, be a tree of life and lead to happiness.

Does that not make you want to get in the word and stay in the word?

LuAnn has taught me so much with that. She is a deep studier of the word. She cross references the word so many times during a study that she knows every nook and cranny of how the puzzles of scripture fit together. I blame my ADD because I cannot stay focused, but it still may be my rebellious spirit.

I don’t think I have to tell you that there is a difference in the ways of men and the ways of women. But what were the differences between Adam and Eve. God gave them minds of their own because Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the Devil. Neither took responsibility for their fall.

I don’t know if you’re any different but I know I’m not. I’m fat because food is good. Not because I have no will power.  Eve fell because Satan tempted her, not because she didn’t listen tow what God said or understand the seriousness of that piece of fruit. If she had tapped into what God wanted them to understand her life would have been pleasant, filled with peace for eternity and she would be happy. Is that not our goal?

Praise God we’re afforded that again through Jesus Christ. Not in the perfect sense that Eve would have experienced it, but in bits and pieces now and eternally through the ages to come.   But in order to get to that place in our lives we have to do some of the things that Eve did not.

We have got to stay in the Word and study it for ourselves, not just depend on the preacher to tell us what it says. That’s good, we need that, but it’s not enough. I’ve heard it said that Adam let Eve down by not making sure she understood, but I’m not so sure that was the case. He was willing to take the fall, but I don’t believe that Eve’s mind was lacking. I think maybe her attention span was lacking, but that may have not been the case either. My mind is often messed up because I’m over stimulated with coffee, drained from over working or just too many irons in the fire. Eve did not have that. They lived in a perfect world, and yet she still messed up.

When it comes to playing the comparison game, she had nobody to compare herself to. She was to set the standard. And she still messed up.

I think that is the greatest lesson to be learned from Eve, that the evil of this world is too much to handle on our own. We need each other and we above all need Jesus Christ and His word to guide us.

This study was from The Jesus Chick’s session during an Appalachian Heart Ministries event.

Posted in Christian, Church Unity, Forgiveness, Life Inspiration

It could be a Wood Shed Kind of Day

I had a friend come to me in church on Wednesday night (yes, there is church on Wednesday night 😬) and my friend had great concern about the behaviors of some people in our community. Behaviors of anger and resentment, lashing out at people publicly without consideration for their testimony as a child of God. This person was absolutely broken hearted at what was happening. 

I’m not throwing stones, I’ve been guilty myself at times, but for my sake and the sake of my friend, I’m turning to the only answer that I know to be truth and that is the word of God. 

It’s 1:32 a.m., He woke me up and said, we need to talk, get My word and I’ll meet you there, and so I did. 

I’ve been in Genesis for another reason, so I turned there to start my journey, and low and behold it was there I found the answer as to why people get angry.

Genesis 4:1-6 KJV

And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. [2] And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. [3] And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. [4] And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: [5] But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. [6] And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen?

The Fallen Countenance

Gil’s commentary says and his countenance fell; the briskness and cheerfulness of his countenance went off, and he looked dejected; and instead of lifting up his face towards heaven; he looked with a down look to the earth; he looked churlish, morose, and sullen, ill natured, full of malice and revenge, and as if he was studying which way to vent it; he knit his brows and gnashed his teeth, put on a surly countenance; and there might be seen in his face all the signs, not only of grief and disappointment, but of rage and fury; though some interpret it of shame and confusion.

Note that the commentary said he first took his eyes off God and placed it on his brother. That will cause a change in countenance every time, good or bad, depending upon your feelings toward the person you’re looking at. I had to do my own soul searching because there are some people who cause my countenance to change when I am in their presence. Why? Because I don’t like the way they treat people. It is then that I have spiritual confusion because God says that vengeance is not mine, it is His, but am I to turn my back on the way these people conduct themselves? That’s a tough question, I am not their judge, but I too will stand before God accountable for how I handle my life.

God knew Cain’s heart long before his countenance changed. It had less to do with his brother than it did with his own pride and the fact he didn’t like the truth. Most people don’t.

There’s no sacrifice in veggies. 

I may be taking it a little too lightly when I say that God didn’t want Cain’s side dish. The blood was always needed to point forward to the blood of Christ that was required to take away the sins of man. God had shown Adam and Eve upon the act of their own sin that blood had to be shed; they no doubt had told their children the story. The best and the first of the flock was required. Just because Cain was a keeper of the flock, didn’t mean he couldn’t have brought a sacrifice to the Lord of a lamb. But his pride got in the way. And that pride took root in his heart and grew into jealousy and hatred for his brother.

There are many things that can cause contention in the hearts of people who disagree. But pride is almost always the root of it. I am right, you are wrong. I am worthy you are not. Personalities clash, opinions and politics divide and good people can lose composure until they have nothing good to say about anyone or anything. That anger may not lead to murder but it certainly destroys. It destroys friendships and it tears at the very spirit of the community. 

In the 1828 Dictionary it defines countenance  – To favor; to encourage by opinion or words. Cain no longer had anything good to say. Even if Cain had brought nothing, it would have been better than to have presented the wrong thing to God. There was no lives lost in the garden for the beans and tomatoes. But Cain could have stood behind his brother and said “I claim the blood!” Praise God so can we. 

In the book of Psalm 42, David speaks of his own countenance when it comes to his suffering with Saul but he uses a song from the days of Moses. If you read the short chapter, the song David sings is of Korah, who was at the head of a conspiracy against Moses and Aaron, for which sin the earth opened its mouth, and swallowed alive him and his company, and fire devoured two hundred and fifty more; the history of which is recorded in Numbers 16:1. David felt the SAME frustration of conspiracy from the treatment he received from Saul. David had supported and defended Saul, but Saul’s pride caused him to resent David to the point of wanting him dead. In that Psalm David wrote:

Psalm 42:5 KJV

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.

Psalm 42:11 KJV

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

David wasn’t relying on himself to keep his countenance. He knew that God would have to provide the grace to make it through. In the flesh David would have wanted to kill Saul and move on, he was to be King and all would have been justified. But he chose rather to wait in humility for the Lord to provide the way out. It wasn’t a quick fix. It wasn’t that David was a perfect man, he’d had other times of failing miserably, as do we. But this was a time when David waited for the victory of the Lord.

I find it ironic that even though Cain lived in a world that had not been as jaded with sin as the one we now live in, and yet his first reaction was murder. It proves that the depravity of man can be found in anyone. The difference in countenance between Cain and Able was their focus. Cain’s was on self and Abel’s was toward the Lord.  

David said that he would praise God who is the  “health of my countenance”. David chose rather to focus on God than the evil Saul was doing and the hurt it caused to his heart. What David faced was nothing we could even imagine. Nobody is chasing us into a cave to kill us in the United State. And yet in today’s society we behave as though petty differences are the equivalency of it and gives us the right to tear down people and play the role of Saul. We’d much rather pretend that we are David because he was the hero of the story. But is that the case? I really am asking for a friend.

This short study was just a reminder to myself that the flesh does the talking most of the time in my life. If we want to live a successful Holy Spirit filled life we’ve got to begin by taking a serious look at how we’re behaving. I have a feeling if we did, it would be a woodshed kind of day for the most of us. 

Posted in Christian Service, Easter, Life Inspiration

Keeping my life with Jesus in Balance

It’s a real life struggle to keep my heart and mind in check with my soul. 

I attended a music concert the other night, which was a much appreciated gift from a friend. I don’t want to make light of that because I didn’t take it lightly. I went with an impression in my mind of what type concert it would be, and it was not. It wasn’t bad, parts of it were wonderful, but it just wasn’t my cup of tea. Especially since I am a Java Junkie, and a person with a tender brain when it comes to loud noises. 

So I humbly returned home, grateful for the gift but not really looking to buy the guys music. It did cause me to ponder the balance in my own life. Going into the Easter Season should always be a week to pause and reflect on how our lives align with the gospel of Christ and assess our relationship with Jesus. 

Job 31:4-6 says   [4] Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps? [5] If I have walked with vanity, or if my foot hath hasted to deceit; [6] Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity. 

If I were to categorize the areas of my life it would be

  1. God
  2. Marriage
  3. Family/Friendships
  4. Ministry
  5. Work

And under each category would be sub categories. 

  1. God (Time in the Word, Prayer, Conversation)
  2. Marriage (Relationship, Partnership, Prayer and Finances) 
  3. Family/Friendships (Relationships, Awareness, Prayer)
  4. Ministry (Evangelizing, Service, Prayer)
  5. Work (Commitment, Stewardship, Prayer)

As I write those words, I know my families in each category and subcategory. But I believe that in taking a moment in time to reflect on these matters it will help me go into the Easter weekend with a prepared heart.

Let’s look at each of those categories in the shadow of Job 31:4-6

What are the steps I’m taking to Draw Closer to God through each of the Categories. Whether or not they are spiritual or secular doesn’t matter. But it does matter what role God plays in each one. 

That was my issue with the concert… I went for spiritual edification and left hungry. There was too much world and not enough Jesus. 

How are my Ways?

When it comes to each of my points how am I stepping in each of the relevant areas. Is God leading me? Am I in His Word, shoring up my Spirit in a way that gives me confidence to make the right decisions in my life? Am I communicating with God dual directionally? Meaning am I talking to Him and Listening to Him? I talk much, but my listening skills have never been good if I’m honest. And how is God reflected in my marriage, family/friends, ministry and career. Is God guiding my steps in those places as well so that my ways are His ways? I have to tell you, when it comes to anything outside of my relationship with the Lord Himself, it is not uncommon for me to take off walking alone. 

How is my Walk?

Am I walking in vanity and deceit? I have to tell you that this one hit me pretty hard when I think of my attitude towards “stuff” and the desire to have more of it, my concept of what I should take far more serious when dealing with friends and family and how I should be more aware of what’s happening around me that might effect their relationship with God. It is so easy to be deceived by this world that there are things that matter and things that don’t and there are things that matter far more than I am paying attention to them. 

How is my Weight?

Let’s not talk about how much I physically weigh, that is definitely something that needs attention! But let’s consider how we’re going to be weighed in the balance as Job describes. Do we have the understanding of how we align with God’s holiness? That is the weight that God’s going to weigh us by. How does our lives weigh in comparison to God’s design for our lives. I have to think about it like this… If God put all my work for Him on one side of the scale, and my work in the world that had no eternal value on the other side of the scale, how would it work out for me. 

For me that is a question that I fear the answer…

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Evangelism

How’s Your Light Shining?

Matthew 5:16

Let your lights shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father, which is in heaven.

My opening question is kind of redundant but I promise you it has a point, Why is it that we turn a light on?  It’s generally not an accident that a light shines. Somebody wanted to illuminate something so that it could be seen. There are other reasons, we can turn a light on to create a mood, we can spotlight something so that eyes are on one thing and not several, or we can turn a light on to make the whole world around us light up. But when God tells us to let “Our light shine” He’s speaking of a deliberate act that requires a boldness, because when you light up the cause of Jesus Christ, you’re putting yourself on display as well. Hey! I’m a proud child of God! I want you to know what He has done in my life.  

It’s a bold move and that boldness is contagious. Think of the bold Christians that you know, they encourage you to make your light shine brighter. 

Good Work is also mentioned by the Apostle Paul in Philippians 1:1-6. It is the good works of a child of God that will build our confidence to continue through the day to day trials of this earth. 

Being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

  1. Confidence of this very thing (6) The Purpose
  2. Confidence by my bonds (14) The Pain
  3. Confidence to continue (25) The Progress

Imagine life from Paul’s perspective. He was attacked by his former church. He was attacked by the government. Every day someone was trying to blow out his light but with the apostle Paul the harder they blew the higher his flame for the cause of Christ went.

I spent this past weekend sharing this and other messages at a ladies conference in Franklin Furnace Ohio. A lady’s conference is meant to fan the flames of our faith and to encourage us, when even like Paul we are in some form of prison. That’s what the effect of a ladies conference can be when you’re with a group of women who all have the goal of getting ignited for the cause of Christ. It’s an opportunity to strengthen our confidence, 

Confidence is something I have struggled with my entire life. I appear confident but in truth I’m quivering on the inside.  Paul speaks of confidence three times in the first chapter of Philippians. The first time is in verse 6 when Paul says “being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” meaning whatever he started in you isn’t going anywhere till Jesus comes back. Paul was confident in his knowledge of Jesus Christ and the plans that Jesus had for him. 

What about you, are you confident in the plans that Jesus Christ has for you? And even in the in the face of adversity are you still able to burn and shine bright for Jesus?

You’ll note that Paul said it was a good work. That insinuates that there might be a bad work. It’s not in arrogance that I say I’m a worker. Daylight to dark my mind never shuts down. And I assure you it is not always healthy… it is not always a good work. Because of that I can get in moments of being overwhelmed and anxious and lose the confidence that God will provide. 

When Paul writes his letter to Titus he tells him in chapter 2:7

Titus 2:7 KJV

In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity,

He’s telling Titus to guard his testimony and to have a pattern. A pattern is something that is reproducible. We do it again and again, until it becomes what’s expected of us. I know some folks that people have come to expect exactly the opposite of good works, even though I believe they’re children of God. But they’ve failed to trim somethings out of their lives, that have created bad works. 

One thing I learned very quickly when publishing the news, is this… as long as I published good news, everyone loved me. But when I had to publish something bad, there were people upset. The same is true as children of God. If we continually tell people what they want to hear, they love us. But if we’re living consistently with the word of God, there are going to be somethings happening around us that don’t line up. And our good work, may just be standing consistently against the evil of the day. And that is when the winds around you will begin to blow. 

Paul goes on to tell Titus in 2:14 regarding Christ Jesus

Titus 2:14 KJV

Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

I love zealous people. But not everyone does.

God creates His people with purpose. And each one of us is created for a good work that requires the gifts that God has instilled inside us. Maybe you’re meek, maybe you’re loud, maybe you’re wise beyond your years, but what ever it is God gave it to you to be used for His glory. There is a retirement package for a child of God that Paul tells you when he says “God will perform it until the day of Christ. 

The 2nd Confidence that Paul mentions is in verse 14

Philippians 1:14 KJV

And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.

Confidence in his bonds. That’s a strange thing to have confidence in but it’s the truth none the less. One way to encourage people is to allow them to know that you have had pain, but you’ve also had victory!

A person with the appearance of a perfect life does not encourage me. It’s the opposite, because how could they possibly know what I’m going through, if they’ve never experienced anything like it. But let someone tell me about overcoming a situation in their life and walking on the other side of it victoriously and I am encouraged that I too can go on!

In verse seven Paul tells his friends:

Philippians 1:7 KJV

Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace.

In any group I can guarantee there’s been some things that have happened in lives that would make some of our hair stand on edge. This past week, we had one such incident in our community where a bus-driver was drunk and rolled a school bus over injuring several kids. That’s one of those moments in time that you think, how on earth could God use this for His glory.

Not every incident in our lives brings glory to God. I don’t believe that everything that happens in life has a heavenly purpose. I don’t believe it was God’s will that the driver of that school bus drink all day and get behind that wheel.  But I believe that God’s people can show the love of God in those situations and help people to understand that the evil of this world will not win in the end if you’re a child of God. But they have to witness a confidence in God’s people, before they’ll gain that confidence themselves. 

We can pray that God’s will be done, and that God will give us discernment to understand what’s happening and what our reaction should be. The night of that accident there was some angry people, and rightfully so. That man put the most precious thing in the world in danger and treated it with the most disrespect he possibly could. 

He destroyed the confidence of every single one of those children in the people that they were told they could trust. That’s what the world does. It destroys our confidence. But the word of God restores and builds our confidence, and its why it’s important that we stay in the fellowship of God’s people, in the Word of God and that we ourselves walk worthy of the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Most people’s first reaction was to hate on that bus-driver. But if we’re to train our children up in the forgiving grace of God, we have to be able to forgive even the worst. It’s not to say they don’t have to pay for their crimes. They do. God didn’t take that thief off the Cross. But He did take him home to paradise.

We’ve talked about Confidence in the Purpose and the Pain, and the last point is we have to have Confidence in the Progress

Paul told the church at Philippi, that their work was an example for other believers to receive encouragement from and build their confidence in the furtherance of the Gospel. 

Philippians 1:25 KJV

And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith;

John Gill’s commentary said of this verse that Paul knew that there was going to be progress in the church and he had that confidence in it because through a divine revelation he knew that he would abide in the flesh, in the body, and live a little longer in the world. It is said that the apostle was given the knowledge of his being delivered from his bonds, and spared a little longer for further usefulness among the churches.

We’re not guaranteed another day…But we can have this confidence as long as we’re here that God’s got a major plan that we’re right in the middle of. 

I didn’t have a revelation but I had a come to Jesus moment after three (what should have been fatal) heart attacks and God spared me. He not only spared me, He brought me through open heart surgery, I missed one Sunday service, I was singing in the choir a week after it. I was a walking talking singing miracle and I knew God wasn’t through with me. That’s probably how Paul felt!

Posted in Christian Service, Family, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political

What Did You Think Was Going to Happen?

That’s the question that every American and especially every American Child of God should ask themselves. When we relinquished full control to the Government of the United States, why are we surprised when life’s not ending well? 

But, most will say, that was far, far before my time. I didn’t relinquish my rights to the government, my ancestors did. Touché! But what about now? How much privilege do we allow the hierarchy in our lives to have? 

Those are tough questions that requires answers on an individual level. So today, in frustration with the current state of affairs on both the local, state  and national fronts, I went to the Word of God for advice, for you and me!

1 Samuel 8:1-19 KJV

And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges over Israel. [2] Now the name of his firstborn was Joel; and the name of his second, Abiah: they were judges in Beer–sheba. [3] And his sons walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment. [4] Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto Ramah, [5] And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. [6] But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD. [7] And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them. [8] According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee. [9] Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them. [10] And Samuel told all the words of the LORD unto the people that asked of him a king. [11] And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen; and some shall run before his chariots. [12] And he will appoint him captains over thousands, and captains over fifties; and will set them to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and instruments of his chariots. [13] And he will take your daughters to be confectionaries, and to be cooks, and to be bakers. [14] And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants. [15] And he will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his servants. [16] And he will take your menservants, and your maidservants, and your goodliest young men, and your asses, and put them to his work. [17] He will take the tenth of your sheep: and ye shall be his servants. [18] And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the LORD will not hear you in that day. [19] Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us;

So here was Samuel with one foot on a banana peel and the other in the grave where he had been Israel’s go to as Priest. But now Israel comes to him and informs him that they’d like an earthly leader, not God. Well, that worked out well didn’t it? In case you didn’t know, it didn’t. The leader they chose was a Saul. Not because of skill, but but because he looked like a leader. When God chose His first earthly leader (even though that was still not His intended plan) He chose a man who looked like anything but a leader. A young, ruddy (red faced) man who took care of the sheep. The lowest job in the land. The man we now know as the mighty king David. A man after God’s own heart. 

But let’s first go back to Samuel. While Samuel was a man of godly principals and wisdom, he raised two heathens of the Hunter Biden sect. This was the reasoning of the people to want a new leader outside the church. And so they were given Saul, a very flawed man. 

So life for God’s people changed at that point and they were no longer just under God’s law, but mans as well. And so the stupidity began when ungodly leaders made decisions and the people of God determined there was nothing they could do about it. Even though Samuel was told by God to tell the people this is a terrible idea, they didn’t listen.  

The end result was just as Samuel said, the government had control of their money, their property and worst of all – their children.

Now let’s take a look at what the New Testament leaders tell us. 

Romans 13:1

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

The leadership of today is ordained by God. It is our job as Christians to obey the laws of man, unless they’re in violation of the laws of God. 

Acts 4:18-20 KJV

And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. [19] But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. [20] For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.

So where does that put us as Christians in the turmoil of everyday life when it comes to living godly in a wicked world. When the school insists that your child be taught against the very laws of God, what are we to do? When our jobs tell us that we have to “approve” of unbiblical lifestyles?

The reason that America has gotten to the point that it has is because good people said nothing when God’s laws were violated. Why have public schools been permitted to teach absolute sexual immorality to children in kindergarten and middle school children can receive birth control or encouragement to lie to their parents about their “chosen identity?” Because parents have been lied to and deceived about their rights and because we’re electing spineless legislators. But it’s also parents don’t think church is important. Parents are naive to believe children will just “be good,” without understanding that Hell is a very real place.  I know that statement is harsh and will not be well received by many, but we have to speak truth to one another. Else we’ll never make a difference. 

When Samuel was stepping into the grave, God didn’t cut him any slack regarding his sons. This serves as a warning that even the best of people can have children in trouble. Why they turned out the way they did, it doesn’t say. But I can use modern times to reason it out. Even people in the ministry can get too busy for their own good. 

Don’t let anything come between you and your family knowing God. Your first priority should be that you and your family are prepared to face eternity, and through that you’ll learn how to become a productive family. Don’t step away from your responsibilities to impact the world for Christ. Which means speaking up when evil comes against our families in the form of wicked leadership.

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

The Wicked Can’t Steal what’s not on Earth!

My daughter calls me her “moral compass.” I am given that title not because I’m so good, but because I try to live by the Word of God. Trust me when I tell you, I’m a failure most days. But my God is not. Which is Who I rely on when my daughter needs me to be her moral compass. I don’t tell her what Shari would do, because in my flesh, I might do something worse. But God will never fail to provide the advice we need when answers fail our earthly wisdom. 

Psalm 37:37-40

[37] Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. [38] But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off. [39] But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: he is their strength in the time of trouble. [40] And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.

The Perfect Man

There is none perfect, but Jesus Christ. So when the Bible says “perfect” it’s not referring to sin free, but blameless in a situation. There is a sect of people in most every community that love being in the midst of trouble and pride themselves in making the lives of someone miserable. I don’t understand the mindset. I especially don’t understand it when they claim to be a child of God.

The Psalmist tells us to “mark” the perfect man. Take note of that person that is walking in the ways of Christ because that way is how we ourselves find peace. This morning as I lie in bed and write these words in the wee hours of the morning, such a man came to mind. A preacher who had brought me through a hard time and encouraged my soul when the saved had just about buried me. The saved? Yes! God’s people, who for whatever reason felt they were doing what was right and in the process had me beaten as low as I could get. They were not mean to my face, they were not even “mean” to my back, but because I disagreed with their doctrine, they hung me out to dry and prayed that I would blow away. And so I did. But those were people that I had earlier marked as “perfect.” Not perfect people, but walking in the ways of Christ in such a manner that I wanted to follow their example.

So what changed? In them, I really don’t know. Perhaps they were not as good as I had once thought, or perhaps that just went off the rails, but praise God, someone still on that train to Glory got me back in line. If you’re struggling, find that conductor of glory!

The Imperfect Man

The Psalmist tells us in verse 38 that the day of the wicked is coming when God will take care of them. And the Apostle Paul tell us in Romans 16:17 to mark them as well. 

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

Paul doesn’t tell us to retaliate, he tells us to simply “mark them.” Just as we’re not to puff up those who are living for God, meaning to put more emphasis on them, but rather mark them as an example of how we too should live. But the evil, we need to mark and avoid them. That is wonderful advice. And advice that I do not always heed. I sometimes mark them and rehash their ill intent to the point that vengeance is in the forethought of my mind, knowing that God does not intend it to be so. 

Oh, I’m imperfect!

This was a struggle this past week when people set their sights on a few people in my life and my fleshly reaction was to mark them and think, “I’ll get my chance to nail you one of these days.” And then those “nails” in the cross came to mind when Jesus said “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” The people in Jesus’ day and the people in my world knew that what they were doing pleased their flesh. It made them feel powerful and in control. But the reality of it was, they were in God’s sights. 

When I think about God turning His back on Christ as He hung there on the cross, I can’t imagine why. Until I think about God’s power and strength and what His reaction may have been as He watched His Son suffer the death of crucifixion. What power it would have taken as  He looked on at the anguish mankind had inflicted on Christ, Who was literally dying for their sins. He could have wiped the earth clean of them all. That’s probably what I would have done. But God allowed it, because every single person on the earth was flawed, and filled with sin. They had no concept of being sin free and attempted to destroy He who was sin free because of the conviction they felt at His words. 

Is it any different today? Tell someone they’re wrong and see if you’ve made a new friend.

The Perfected Man

We’ll never be perfect, but through the Spirit of God we have the strength to overcome the flesh.

[39] But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: he is their strength in the time of trouble. [40] And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.

Isn’t the love of God amazing. That even though we are no better than any one sinner on earth, through His righteousness He sees us as perfectly sin free. And He’ll not only deliver us from the wicked but He’ll give us that perfect peace that the world tries to steal, because we simply trust in Him. We don’t deserve it any more than the most wicked person on earth. But God in His Holiness cleans us and sits us on the side of Heaven. 

The wicked cannot steal what is not on earth to have. True peace comes only from God and cannot be found nor stolen by earthly measures. Buddy that’ll preach!!!! Have a blessed day.

Posted in Christian, Christian Service

Sometimes I’m a Real Piece of Work

Don’t ask me about mathematics, geography or science. None of which are my strong suits in life. Do ask me about life, I for certain will have something to say. I have ideas and opinions, I am far from an expert, but I make every attempt to live my own life with biblical principles in the forefront of my day and with the acknowledgment that I will one day stand before Almighty God and answer for my antics here on earth. There will be no excuses for any shoddy workmanship this side of Heaven. 

Ephesians 2:10 KJV

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Now, let’s get real. I am an epic failure most days. I guess one might say that I am an expert on failure. That often causes me to have mercy for mankind. And then sometimes my mercy is a limited human resource. Praise God, His is unlimited. 

In this current era of time I am in the thick of politics. And I’ll just tell you, it’s a rock and hard place to keep a constant flow of mercy. People are stupid and I know for a fact that there is a sect that watches me to see how “The Jesus Chick” will react. And my ordained walk is sometimes with a serious limp. 

So I take Paul’s words this morning, and before I get too far into my day, I look at his well spoken advice. 

The Workmanship

“We” are His workmanship. All of us. Created with a purpose (s) in this life. I speak of it often because I know that possibly for the first time in my life, I’m where God wants me. Shining the light on truth in my community and in the word of God. And unfortunately in that order which is NOT the will of God. My mornings should be first the Good News, then the bad news. But it’s not. I get straight out of bed and start my day producing what bits and pieces of news I have for Calhoun County, West Virginia. This is where I fail. I will attend meetings with fellow Christians and absolute heathens, and I’ll just let you in on a secret, I more often than not like the heathen’s more. 

His workmanship in me is to be a writer and an orator. The wonderful thing about the written word is it can be rehearsed again and again. And I do.  I write it, read it, correct it, read it again, and often critique it before I put it out for consumption. (And still there are errors) But the spoken word, unless it’s studied and prepared (which I do for events), but in life can get you into a heap of trouble! Especially if you are passionate about the topic. 

I am passionate about news. I love listening to news reports. I want the truth and I seek it from people that I trust. That’s tough. Because there are people I have trusted who turned out to be absolute liars! But that workmanship is on them. I am responsible for the workmanship of Shari. 

Ask yourself this today, what were you created to do?

I asked myself, followed by Paul’s wordage “in Christ Jesus unto good works?” 

The Works

That’s the result of the workmanship. 

So God created me to be a “wordsmith.” I love that phrase. It makes me sound like I know what I’m doing. And when I write and speak with forethought as to what God would say in the circumstance, I’m not too shabby. But when I get in a big way, or I am trying to please or at the very least not offend man, that’s when I feel my report card in Heaven will say, “Needs improvement and talks too much.”

What brought this on? Several recent conversations with multiple people. 

Have you ever tiptoed into a room with an old wooden floor. Creak, creak, creak. That’s what my conversations felt like. I was tiptoeing around what I wanted to say and I could hear the floor creaking beneath my feet and God saying “Spit it out Eli.”

I didn’t. I was created to share words, both mine and more importantly the Word of God but I failed because I allowed the flesh to cause me to be more concerned with hurting people’s feelings than God’s. 


The Walk

On Christmas night 2023 I began staying with my Mother at night for fear she would fall. I also started making an attempt to get her to eat better. At the age of 88, her mind and her physical strength are weakening. I feel as if I need someone to stay with me, to make sure I’m walking upright and edifying myself on the Word of God. 

Life takes a toll. The workmanship that God produced in me had no flaw, until the flesh marred it. 

Ephesians 6:15 KJV

And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

The last piece of armor that Paul told us to put on is the gospel of peace on our feet. Why? Because our walk is critical to standing before a flawed world. People are watching and waiting for us to fail. I oblige more often than not. But today’s study reminded me that be it word or deed I need to walk worthy of my calling. You too have a calling. Let’s help each other

Posted in Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Seeking Good in the Midst of the Very Bad Days

There’s a quote that people say when something bad happens in life, ~ “It left a bad taste in my mouth.” The polar opposite of that is found in Psalm 34, when David said in verse 8 “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” At the time this was written, David had just fled from Saul. A man called to be King, chosen by God, a servant of servants and yet he finds himself under attack and on the run for no other reason than King Saul’s fear of losing power; which David, though he was entitled to it, had no desire to take. David fled into the enemy territory of Gath, the home of Goliath whom he slew. Saul’s fury was so great that David felt safer in the land of the enemy than at home… but he was far from safe.

As a child of God in America, allegedly the “Home of the Free,” there are days I feel somewhat like David. I love my country and the foundation for which we stand, I have respect for authority and no desire to overthrow the government, and yet with the economy in such a state, the attack on the Word of God and the embracing of the vulgarity in society I too want to run into the house of God for refuge. David wasn’t afforded a house of any kind for refuge but rather in the cave Adullam.

I Samuel 22:1-2 ~  David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father’s house heard it, they went down thither to him. And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.

And in the cave of Adullam, David is joined by four hundred misfits just like him and he is on a strange new training ground preparing him for leadership of Israel, “And it tastes good.”

It tasted good because he “spoke good” 

David said in verse one “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Praise encourages the soul and blesses God, Who, by the way, won’t be out-blessed. Proverbs 28:20a says A faithful man shall abound with blessings…” I fully believe that those men who were in distress, debt and discontent were drawn to David because he encouraged their souls too. If you’re in trouble spiritually or emotionally the last thing you need to do is hook up with a negative Nellie. Find yourself a faithful servant of God who speaks good of “all” circumstances and you’ll find yourself encouraged in the journey.

It tasted good because he “shared good”

Verse 3 ~  O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. David and that ragtag bunch of men were in that cave under attack and they were having a Worship Service. If it were not for the fellowship of like believers I’d be in trouble; and by like I mean they too have a desire to serve God and are focused on the purpose of God. We encourage one another, we share the goodness of God, not the corruptness of the world. We have negative people within the congregation, but I love on’em and move on. Scripture says magnify the Lord, not Lucifer.

It tasted good because he “sought good”

Verse 10 ~ The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.

David sought good in his circumstances. He knew God allowed him to be in that place, at the time for a purpose and the same is true with the condition we’re in. (or the Country we’re in). As frustrated as I get with Washington, there is no other place I’d rather be than here. I still have the freedom to worship. God is King and Ruler in my world.

I have a desire to be a greater leader in 2024. I want to encourage the believers and I can think of no better way than to study those who God used. David’s words to his men are words I’m taking to heart today and sharing with you:

Verse 11-14 ~ Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord. What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good? Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.

Speak good (guard your mouth), see good (guard your eyes), do good (Let God guide your work)…. Wise words. 

Posted in Uncategorized

Don’t ever take a man’s word for Truth

My heart breaks for a world around me that does not understand the love of Jesus Christ. The Need for Jesus Christ and the Fact of Jesus Christ. When I say the world around me, I refer to family, friends, and neighbors. The people that I need to do a better job of relaying the message of the Salvation of Jesus Christ. 

The Love of Jesus Christ

Galatians 1:1-12

 1 Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)

2 And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:

3 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,

4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:

To understand the depth of the love of God, it helps to understand the life of Paul. A staunch religious leader, educated to the highest degree. In the eyes of man – Paul had it all. So God took his eyes, at least for a short while. (Acts 9:1-8) God had to shut down Paul’s vision of all else, so that he could get his attention on the one and only God, Jesus Christ. It’s not so amazing as how God got Paul’s attention as the fact that God wanted to get Paul’s attention to begin with. Paul had been killing every Christian he could to stop the spread of the Christian faith. Paul didn’t believe Jesus was God. He was so angry at the people of Christian faith that he had them stoned to death. I cannot, nor do I want to, imagine the horrific degree of pain that would involve. And every time God would have looked on it as another reminder of what these same people did to His Son, and yet God loved and wanted Paul as a servant. Would you? If someone was killing your children with rocks and justifying it in your name, would you go to the extreme that God did to call a man like Paul to preach? No. I doubt any of us would. 

It is that depth of love that allows us to see how God loves pedophiles, mass murderers, and child abusers. We can’t imagine loving them, but God does. It also removes the excuse that anyone has of being saved because they’re too evil and our excuse not to witness to them. It certainly removes our excuse for not witnessing to people we say we care about. 

The Need for Jesus Christ

Paul said in verse 4 “that he might deliver us from this present evil world.” 

Is the world any less evil now? Satan’s ability to expose even the youngest of minds to evil through technology would have been unimaginable to Paul. While in biblical times they understood the heartache of sin and disease, they couldn’t see it worldwide, 24 hours a day. If I ask you to write down how many sad or scary things you’ve seen in the course of the last 24 hours, the list would likely be long. I sat with my 87 year old mother last night who is struggling with dementia and we watched the evening news. There were Hamas children being pulled from the war rubble where a Father lost his wife and all of his children. It tore at Mother’s heart and of course mine. But there is a greater need for Christians to understand the evil behind that war with innocent victims. It’s not that God hates the Hamas Palestinian terrorists. God would save them just as He did Paul. But those people refuse to confess He is Lord, and would sooner kill the entire nation of Israel just because they dare say they serve God and not allah. But the radical leftist news will only show you the Hamas side so that the heart God put in you will feel that they are the victims. 

Jesus, through His Spirit that comes into the heart of a believer when they confess He is Lord, gives us the power to discern what’s happening in this world and the hope of eternal life where we will live in a perfect world and war will never be known. That is only one of the billions of reasons we need Jesus. 

The Facts of Jesus Christ

5 To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.

8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.

12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ

Paul was shocked that these people who had experienced the love and power of Jesus Christ were so easily persuaded to think otherwise. 

Knowing Christ is a personal knowledge and just as somebody else cannot nourish you by eating your food, you cannot be nourished through another man’s wisdom unless it aligns with the Word of God. It’s like eating poison if it doesn’t line up with what the scriptures say. And you’ll never know the truth without reading it for yourself. 

I recently hit one of the lowest points in my spiritual life since salvation. I will take the blame because I am personally responsible for myself, but I was sitting beneath preaching in error. How did I figure that out? I left the church. 

I was so miserable, so lacking of the truth in the word of God and the worship of God that I was in a pit of depression I could not claw my way out of. Until the very first Sunday in my new church, when the Spirit of God came down up me and I wept through the service in the knowledge that I had allowed myself to be deceived. Not by evil people. But by well intentioned people who believed another gospel. They preached Jesus was Lord and only one way to Heaven. They had that right!!! But I was told that the Spirit of God did not stir emotions. I’ll bet the Pharisees said that too. Did that sound bitter. It was. I am angry at myself for believing that God didn’t want me to worship in freedom. He died so that I could have that freedom!

I would not have known that if I hadn’t got in the right church, and back in the Bible for myself instead of believing what a man said. 

That’ll preach brother! 

Posted in Fear, Leadership, Life Inspiration


In the foyer of First Baptist Church, the children’s Sunday School Class left a small basket of wood stars with a word engraved on them. We were instructed as we left the church to pick a word that we were to focus on for the year. My Word was “BRAVE.” And the scripture reference on the star was Matthew 2:10-12.

Matthew 2:10-12

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. [11] And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. [12] And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.

I could see where bravery would play the part of wisemen, who were warned of God that they should go another direction home to prevent Herod from finding them.There are lots of misgivings about the wisemen. It is said that they are probably not Kings at all but rather astrologists from Persia or Babylon. I know just enough to be dangerous about them, but I do know this, they were willing to listen to God’s warning and understand that not listening would come with a high price. Bravery is often times just good sense. While some bravery comes with risk taking and not using good sense, for the average joe, or king, it just means using the good sense provided by the discernment and advice of the Lord. The wisemen were spoken to in a dream, ours comes from the Holy Spirit. 

So they wise men traveled quite a distance at the urging of the Lord to visit with a child. To be a part of this miraculous story of the Savior Who came to earth. They did not take the power of an unknown child for granted. God will use the most unlikely of people to deliver His message. That message for the wisemen was salvation had come. Not as the world wanted it, but as God prepared it.  

My second point of my study on Bravery came from a weekend sermon by a preacher friend who preached from the book of Isaiah 61:1-3

The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; [2] To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; [3] To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.

I can imagine the bravery it took of Isaiah to proclaim the words of the Lord. Much of his news from the Lord also came as a warning that there were some bad things going to happen. Isaiah brought the word of judgement and restoration. The Lord had sent him to preach to the meek. Those who had been persecuted a belittled by those in authority. Sound like anything happening today? What about people wrongfully imprisoned? While these may or may not be Christian people, God hates the arrogance, lawlessness and the pride of the oppressors. He hated it in Isaiah’s day and He hates it in ours. And just as God brought judgment upon His own people, we have to hold on to the notion that God will bring it again. But how many will be caught up in it all because there were few Isaiah’s sharing the message?

That’s where my mind is today. God always seems to be calling me to share that message and then take action on it. We cannot just sit on our keyboards and preach, but we have to proclaim the word of God. 

I did a word search for the word “brave” which appears only one time in the King James Version and that too is from the book of Isaiah. Chapter 3, verse 18 

In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet,

Three very different texts, but one very important message for the children of God.

In this chapter Isaiah says that the Lord is going to remove the bravery. Why would He do that? I believe it’s because there is a really fine line between bravery and arrogance. If you read the entire chapter of Isaiah 3, there is far more reality than most of us can handle.

Isaiah 3:1-5 KJV

For, behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water, [2] The mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient, [3] The captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counsellor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator. [4] And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them. [5] And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.

Tell me this isn’t describing our Nation’s current status. Have you noticed the dwindling of supplies? That what a “stay” is. We have issues with agriculture, water and the basic necessities across the land. We have children who are running the adults in their homes, businesses and schools. Behaving proudly against the ancient. I cannot count the times I wanted to lay hands on a child for their behavior toward an elder. And nobody dare say anything to them for fear of judgement. 

Isaiah 3:8-9 KJV

For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the LORD, to provoke the eyes of his glory. [9] The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.

You cannot currently flip through the television channels, scroll social media or search for any innocent word that does not provide a glimpse into the most vile, sinful, sexual things in this world. Of all the children I know, which are a lot, I know very few that have not been exposed to Sodom and Gomorrah up close and personal. The world around us proudly declares their sin without shame. “Woe unto their soul!” God says. 

But if I say that, I’m a judgmental church woman looking down my nose at someone else. No! I’m a mother and grandmother, teacher of the Word for God keeps hearing “Be brave Shari, tell them about Jesus and why it was really a big deal to those kings who visited Him as a child. Tell these parents to stay up against the arrogance of their children who really just want stability in their home and the security of parents that they know will defend them.”

I have such a burden for parents who have been deceived into believing that if they tell their children the world is a liar, DHHR is going to take their children away. You better believe when judgement comes theres going to be some DHHR at the head of the line. I’d like to come unglued on some of those who are telling parents not to squelch the creativity of a child who believes they’re another gender or another creature or teachers paid by County tax dollars who feel they have the right to influence a child against the Christian beliefs their parents were trying to instill. A teacher who can hang a gay pride flag in the class room but not a Christian flag. 

When I first got saved I would read the Old Testament and think, “How could a loving God kill so many people?” And now I look at the influence of people on my children and grandchildren and it makes perfect sense how a Holy God could stop sin in it’s tracks. That’s harsh isn’t it. Well so is your child going to Hell. But these people who believe in these far left notions are doing exactly that to our children and parents are sitting on their hands without a clue how to stop it. 

We stop it by standing up and saying “that’s enough,” And if we have to we take our children out of the public school system and find an alternative. I know that’s not always possible. And when it’s not, we talk to our children every day about what they’ve been told at school and we correct the errors. 

The women in verse 18, and the text that follows ends up sending a stench toward Heaven with their pride, arrogance, and showmanship. God wants His people to live a life as holy as possible in the wicked world. I am personally so far from holy its ridiculous. Every day this world takes it’s toll on me. But the word “Brave” doesn’t mean perfect. Praise God for that. It just means to have courage in the face of adversity. Even when that adversity is sometimes your own. 

Isaiah 3:18-26 KJV

In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon, [19] The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers, [20] The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings, [21] The rings, and nose jewels, [22] The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping pins, [23] The glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and the vails. [24] And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty. [25] Thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the war. [26] And her gates shall lament and mourn; and she being desolate shall sit upon the ground.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Grace

An Unlikely Heir of King Jesus

From the 2024 “New Year🦋New Joy” Womens Conference in Grantsville, West Virginia January 6, 2024

Can you remember the movie Pretty Woman? How many of you go back to 1990 when you hear that song….

I’m sorry to take your mind to such worldly place on the day of our ladies retreat. But when I began to study for this event, I realized that God used some characters that did not fit into the normal Baptist women mold. There would be some churches that wouldn’t even welcome God’s 41st Great Grandmother into the house of the Lord. Imagine?

And she is our topic of discussion today as I maybe introduce you to some outside the box ideas of who God is willing to use in the ministry of the Lord. 

When I think about the fact that God has allowed me to be The Jesus Chick, I’m shocked for a few reasons. First of all, nobody but me knows how undeserving I am of that title. It was given to me by a preacher early in my Christian walk, because I was always talking about Jesus. I could not get enough of the word of God and I would listen to any preacher that would talk to me. I wanted to pick their brains about what the word of God meant. I wanted to understand who I was in Christ and where I was heading. And so this preacher began calling me “The Jesus Chick,” and it stuck. I started the Jesus Chick ministry in 2010  and the rest is history. But what’s not history is the fact that I feel like a failure, nine days out of ten as the Jesus Chick. Because from the time I was a child I was groomed to believe that church women wear knee length dresses, very little make up and only as much bling as not to draw attention to yourself. 

So when I read that someone of the character of Rahab in the lineage of Jesus Christ, and I go back and read her history, I feel hope for myself. Isn’t it the truth with the most of us that we feel better about ourselves when we’re in the presence of someone else who struggles with life. It makes us not feel so doggone bad about ourselves if we’re hanging out with utter failures. 

It’s the same when I hear a preacher, or another Christian share with me their struggles. And it’s why it’s important as children of God that we’re honest about who we are. I have always felt less. I felt less than my smart sister Shelia. I felt less than my outgoing sister Sarah. 

I’ve met enough Susie Seat Savers and Holy Harriett’s to last me a life time. Those who pretend like their poop don’t stink and they are above reproach in the house of God. I love people who let me see who they really are. I think Rahab was that kind of woman. She wasn’t a pretender. Behind her less than godly lifestyle was a woman who truly cared about her family and the people of God. 

And I think that is most women. We’re just trying to survive. And when we start looking at who we are, and our imperfections and lining ourselves up next to those perfect women, whether it’s on social media, in the church or others in our family, it sows seeds of doubt in our character that can cause us not to step out when we’re given the opportunity. 

I have to wonder what would have happened if Rahab had sent the spies to a better part of town? What if she had “thought” about who she was, where she came from, what she had done, she may not have hid the spies, and may not have even answered the door. 

So I’ll ask you today, what doors have you closed, or refused to open because you don’t feel you’re worthy of the chance. I’m going to switch up the direction your mind is going right now. My first topic is 

The Unlikely Escort

I love secret agent and romantic comedy movies. Those are my favorite. And this is how this story plays out to me. Joshua sends two of his guys out, no names, so I’m calling them  Richard Gear and Pierce Brosnan. you pick your own heroes to play the characters in the story.  And they go to the home of Rahab, who looks a lot like Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman.” And scripture says

Joshua 2:1 KJV

And Joshua the son of Nun sent out of Shittim two men to spy secretly, saying, Go view the land, even Jericho. And they went, and came into an harlot’s house, named Rahab, and lodged there.

Why there? Likely because it wasn’t uncommon for men folk of all kinds to visit Rahab’s establishment. God said she was a harlot.  He did not make any bones about the fact that she was a woman of the evening and not of reputable character. And the two strange men showing up at her house wouldn’t immediately raise any questions.  

Do you know that God doesn’t not care who you’ve been, He only cares about who you are now. 

When Rahab, (aka Julia Roberts) decided that she was going to serve God and help His people, the fact she was a hooker didn’t matter. She knew that the God of the Israelites was a big enough deal to change her life for. That’s what I discovered in 1996. I wasn’t a harlot, but sin is sin. No matter the kind. 

Joshua 2:2-21 KJV

And it was told the king of Jericho, saying, Behold, there came men in hither to night of the children of Israel to search out the country. [3] And the king of Jericho sent unto Rahab, saying, Bring forth the men that are come to thee, which are entered into thine house: for they be come to search out all the country. [4] And the woman took the two men, and hid them, and said thus, There came men unto me, but I wist not whence they were: [5] And it came to pass about the time of shutting of the gate, when it was dark, that the men went out: whither the men went I wot not: pursue after them quickly; for ye shall overtake them. [6] But she had brought them up to the roof of the house, and hid them with the stalks of flax, which she had laid in order upon the roof.

A lesson that every Christian can learn from Rahab is to: 

Have Courage in the Face of Adversity.

Rahab was so brave, if she’d been caught in her lie, it would have likely gotten her killed. Probably right on the spot. No arrest. Just slaughtered. Because the King could have cared less about a hooker from the wrong side of the tracks. We cannot identify with Rahab’s life because the culture of their day was so much different than ours today. But we can identify with adversity about lifestyles, but unfortunately ours is from the other direction. Rahab wasn’t living in an area where religion was an issue. Except false religions. But nobody was judging her because she wasn’t at church on Sunday. She was judged because she was a woman and She was a prostitute. Both of which put her way down on the list for an

`yone caring about her. But here she was being looked down upon  of her profession and being born a woman. But you don’t see a woman living in fear. Or having any intention of staying in that lowly position. 

In this story we  learn that being a hooker was not her only line of work. She was into agriculture and maybe even the fashion industry. The flax would have been dried and used to make linen and wool. So Rahab wasn’t lazy. She was creative. She may have been a little loose with her ethics,  but she had her priorities in order.

Today’s conference was done for the purpose of encouraging women to find joy in their lives where they are. Look at Rahab’s life. From our perspective we see no reason for joy in her circumstances. But I don’t believe that’s how it was. I believe Rahab did have joy in working to be a better woman. 

She was aware of what was going on in the community. She had heard that Israel was coming. She knew that her people were in danger, and she had determined if she ever got the chance she was going to take are of her family. What a noble woman. If God could look past her lifestyle and use her in the Kingdom, even allowing her to be named on the family tree of Christ, why would he not do something equally amazing with us?

If we put our priorities in line, would they look like Rahab’s?

Concern for our family?

Concern for the community?

Concern for making a living?

What’s changed? Absolutely nothing. This is still the priority of most women. But are we so bold as Rahab to stand up in the face of adversity? 

What about 

Having Courage to Answer when God Calls

So these men of the king took after the spies. And when they did, Rahab gave the all clear to the the two spies, Richard and Pierce, to head out of the city. But before she let them go, she got saved. At that time Christ was prophesied, not known, Salvation was and is in the belief of the Only true God. So this is what scripture says that  Rahab tells the spies. 

 [9] And she said unto the men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you. [10] For we have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red sea for you, when ye came out of Egypt; and what ye did unto the two kings of the Amorites, that were on the other side Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed. [11] And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath. 

So here’s another question for you. Do you understand how amazing God is? Has your heart ever melted like Rahab and her people when you discovered who God was. She had heard of His miracles. When I got saved, God put me in a place where I heard the miracles. I not only heard them, I experienced a few of them on my own. But over the years you forget the miracles  if you don’t share the stories.

When I say miracles, I’m not talking about Moses parting the water level of miracles, but for my life, what God did was amazing. 

The house almost repossessed and unknowing friend handed me $1,000 for no reason. 

The snow donut – as a new convert I wanted to go to church on a Wednesday night of a snow storm, and only our county had a whole in the radar of no snow! That’s my God!

The open heart surgery – 3 heart attacks, 2 blockages in the widow maker, open heart surgery, out of the  in 5 days, back at church and singing in the choir. 

Those are just a few of the miracles that I experienced. In the beginning of my salvation I had such big faith.  Rahab had to have had big faith to do what she did. 

She not only had the courage to answer when God called but

She had Courage to Ask

[12] Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the LORD, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness unto my father’s house, and give me a true token: [13] And that ye will save alive my father, and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death. [14] And the men answered her, Our life for yours, if ye utter not this our business. And it shall be, when the LORD hath given us the land, that we will deal kindly and truly with thee. [15] Then she let them down by a cord through the window: for her house was upon the town wall, and she dwelt upon the wall. [16] And she said unto them, Get you to the mountain, lest the pursuers meet you; and hide yourselves there three days, until the pursuers be returned: and afterward may ye go your way. [17] And the men said unto her, We orewill be blameless of this thine oath which thou hast made us swear. [18] Behold, when we come into the land, thou shalt bind this line of scarlet thread in the window which thou didst let us down by: and thou shalt bring thy father, and thy mother, and thy brethren, and all thy father’s household, home unto thee. [19] And it shall be, that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him. [20] And if thou utter this our business, then we will be quit of thine oath which thou hast made us to swear. [21] And she said, According unto your words, so be it. And she sent them away, and they departed: and she bound the scarlet line in the window.

Remember what I said about Rahab’s priorities. She asked God to protect her family. Talk about a miracle. When that was fell in Jericho, guess who’s house was still standing. Do you know that when the world falls apart around us, if we have our priorities in check, our house will remain standing. She trusted that God would protect her family if she remained faithful and God did. She was bold enough to ask for the impossible. Can you imagine the joy in that house, when that wall fell and they were safe. Yes, they were sad about their friends. But they had joy in the safety of the Lord. 

In this day and age, we need the joy of the Lord in our families. And we need to experience the level of courage that Rahab did in order to experience the joy. You cannot have one without the other.  

There’s going to be Sister Susie Seat Savers and Holy Harriett’s in Heaven. They’re saved. But there will not be snarky attitudes in Heaven. Remember the scene in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts went back to that boutique and told that snotty woman about the sale she missed out on. Well, I have to wonder if when Rahab got to Heaven, if she didn’t swing by the mansions of Susie and Harriett, and maybe point out that hers was located a little closer to Jesus’ place, and that maybe the job Jesus gave her was hospitality hostess of the banquet room and she was responsible for the seating chart. And Susie and Harriett were going to be at the far left of the back of the room. 

Jesus gives us a story like Rahab to put some common sense in our life about who He believes is important. It’s not about the fact that Rahab was a Harlot. It’s the fact that Rahab’s heart was right. 

Our positions in this life have nothing to do with our positions in Heaven. That is entirely dependent upon how we spend our life. Are you going to spend it with Joy, or are you going to spend it in judgement of yourself, other people. 

What Adversity are you facing in your life?

How are you Answering God when He asks you to step up?

What are you willing to ask God to do. 

We look at joy as Jesus, others, yourself. 

That is exacting what Rahab did. She trusted God above all else. She took care of her family. And in so doing, took care of herself being named in the family tree of Christ. 

So we’re going to take a break, and then we’re going to be creative like Rahab. We’re going to give each of you an ornament and provide decorations that you can hot glue to your hearts content and create something that will bring joy to you when you look at it because you’re reminded that you too are in the lineage of Christ through the blood of Jesus. 

Posted in Eternity, Faith, Heaven

He Took Care of Heaven, But You Need to Show Up

One thing I’ve learned about holidays is, heartache doesn’t take those days off. As a news publisher I watched as multiple obituaries came in, domestic violence ravaged homes, a house fire, and more. Good reports as well, I don’t want to fail and recognize that even in the midst of heartache there were many joyous moments too. But life is hard, and holidays are harder. And we need to be aware of those around us. 

Last night we had a sparse night for our Wednesday night service. Many had been out due to Covid that’s making it’s way around once again. Some had family obligations, I would say that others simply decided to stay home. But the lesson wasn’t wasted on those of us who attended as the Associate Pastor taught the final lesson in our series on the “Sermon on the Mount,” from Matthew Chapter 7.

As Jesus closed out His sermon on the mount, 

In Matthew 7:21-23, He did what most preacher’s do, he questioned the audience about their relationship with Himself. Saying,Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven. Many will say to me in that day Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in they name: and in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” 

The thing about trials, heartache and tribulations; they can call into question our eternal state. So as Jesus brings their time together to an end, he has a final warning to the 

Make Believers

Getting in the middle of a hard time is not the best time to determine you’re not saved, but an even worse time is when you’re face to face with Jesus in eternity. By then its too late. The question I have to ask is, if being saved is so easy, why are there so may who won’t be? Jesus tells the crowd, salvation is more than mere words. Saying I believe in Jesus isn’t enough. Satan too knows that Jesus is God. But there has to be a difference in the heart.

Romans 10:10 KJV

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Salvation has got to bring a change in who you are and a desire to be more Christ like. 

Self Deceivers

Can you believe that there will be preachers stand before God unsaved? Jesus says as much when he says that people who have “prophesied” in His name, meaning to preach! I guess its not hard to believe in this day and age. But many of them will be shocked, thinking they were doing what was right. A preacher who changes the word of God to create works of religion or profits for themselves, causing someone else to believe a lie and making the word of God void will stand accountable before God. And be lost.

Over Achievers

Probably the greatest insult to the Lord is the filthy rags that people will drop at His feet and say “Look what I did for You, Lord.” Good things on the surface, like feeding the poor, helping their neighbor, giving to to the church. But no relationship with Christ Himself.

Can you imagine never speaking with your parent until the end of life and then trying to convince them you cared? Telling them that you thought of them often but never read their letters to you, or thanked them sincerely for giving you life. But then at the end threw your achievements down at their feet and said “I did this for you.”

Did ya? 

This week I started staying the night with my Mother and preparing a meal or two every day because she needs the help. Not according to her. But the issue has been convincing her that she needed my help. Because she is, and always will be the caretaker. Well, Jesus really is the Caretaker. He doesn’t need my help. But He does need me to visit with Him and carry on conversations as I would with any real person in my life.

You cannot be a child of God and have no relationship with Him. No matter how much you achieve it will have all been for nothing and an absolute insult to God. He took care of Heaven, all you have to do is show up.

Posted in Christian, Life Inspiration

The One Thing

Since the beginning, when man fell in the garden, they fell because they were looking for that one thing. That one thing was to “have it all.” When Satan tempted Eve with the fruit that God had clearly said “if you eat it you shall die,” he did so with the words:

Genesis 3:4-5 KJV
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: [5] For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

It was the only thing in the garden that God said they couldn’t have. Not because He wanted it for Himself, but because He knew that it would lead to their destruction. The knowledge gained by that fruit was the lust of the flesh. Once their eyes were opened to sin, nothing would satisfy them. It would drive their son to kill his brother, their descendants to sleep with their children, then to kill their children. Everything in life would be justifiable in the eyes of man. If you want it, take it. Do it. Never look back.

Why is that man’s mentality?

I see that sin in my own life far more than I care to confess. I love “stuff.” Not powerful stuff, not even stuff anyone else would probably care for. But I’m like the magpie. It is said within European culture that magpies are attracted to shiny objects and routinely steal small trinkets such as jewelry. I’m not going to steal jewelry, but I confess to have a fetish for what I call junk jewelry, that of a costume persuasion. To the point my husband had to make me a new jewelry box to hold my “treasures” because I ran out of room in the old one.

But in Luke 18, Jesus spoke with a man who probably wasn’t into “junk.” He had acquired great wealth. But he knew enough to know that he lacked one thing that he could not provide himself. Eternal life. So he has this conversation with Jesus and just flat out asks Him,z “Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”

What I realized when I read the response of Christ, is that Christ doesn’t miss a word in our conversations with Him.


Luke 18:18-23 KJV
And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? [19] And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God. [20] Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother. [21] And he said, All these have I kept from my youth up. [22] Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me. [23] And when he heard this, he was very sorrowful: for he was very rich.

Jesus started right from the beginning to unpack their conversation. “Why callest thou me good?

The ruler had obviously seen something in the way Jesus lived that made Him stand out. People were no doubt watching every move He made, especially the Pharisees, hoping He would mess up. But He never did! You can watch me five minutes and I can almost guarantee that within that time frame I’ll mess up. But Jesus’ life was so perfect that the ruler trusted Him to answer the question everyone wants to know, “How can I have eternal life.” But Jesus called him to task, saying, “none is good, save one, that is, God.

Jesus took that one word from the man’s conversation and asks him if He really realizes Who it is that he’s talking to?


Jesus isn’t satisfied with our minuscule conversations. He wants those in-depth consultations where we’re on the couch of the Creator and letting Him delve into the depth of our hearts. He knew the ruler was a “good” man in the eyes of the world. He was keeping the law as best he could. He was doing everything right and yet the ruler still knew something was missing.

Imagine me, who in all my life has seemed to do everything wrong, going my own way, asking God forgiveness far more times than permission and then I too want the peace of Heaven. We all want that one thing! I know many good people who lack it. This ruler was one. Because when Jesus told him to sell all he had and follow him, the ruler went away sad. There is no movie moment where he comes to his senses and returns to Christ, throwing his wealth down at the feet of Jesus, or dropping it off at the Salvation Army on the way back. No, it just says that he was very sorrowful.

Jesus knew that at the heart of this man’s issue was his “stuff.” He wasn’t willing to just trust Christ to provide everything he needed.

I guess the good thing about having junk jewelry is you don’t mind giving it up. But there was plenty of other stuff I tried to bring along for the journey. I’ve had many conversations and consultations with the Lord where He has shown me that I’m not willing to give up everything.


That’s what drew me out of bed at 2 a.m. and into the word of God this morning. I heard the Lord saying “Shari, we need to talk.” And no matter how hard I tried, sleep wasn’t going to happen. I knew my recent conversations with the Lord had been fleeting. Short, minuscule moments of time that I spoke to Him as if He was an acquaintance, not my Savior. I would offer up the excuse that I was busy, tired, working, etc. and it all boiled down to the same issue that the ruler had. Only he was richer. I was not wanting to sell all I had. To give up those things that made me happy or brought a sense of worldly value to my life. But then I heard Christ say, “What good is any of it, if I’m not the center of it.”

Without Him it’s just hay and stubble and will burn up when I stand before Him in eternity.


I was saved in 1996. I had the conversion where I gave my life to Christ and began following Him. I’m still following Him! But not without the occasional detour of the mind that causes me to lose focus on what’s important. That one thing! That one thing is the eternal hope of Glory that will allow me to live in eternity with the people I love, having to never separate myself from them again. It allows me to have peace on this messed up ball of dirt, while my spirit is in the hands of God in Heaven.

The conversion didn’t prevent failure, but it prevents forfeiture. My soul is safe! Not even I can mess that up.

I need a few more “wake ups” where God gets my attention and reminds me that I have purpose, and it’s for His Glory!

Posted in joy, Leadership, Life Inspiration

You’re A Part of Something Big!

In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth. ~ Genesis 1:1

That’s all I needed to read this morning before my heart began to stir with the realization that I was a part of something much, much bigger. It often dumbfounds me the way way that God has allowed me to be used. I didn’t do anything to deserve it. I fail Him to the point that I feel like He should write me off. I was an odd child and I’m even odder as an adult, yet… He still uses me. 

In studying the word of God this morning I travel a little further into the Old Testament to the history of the tribe of the Levites. The least among the children of Israel, numbering only 22,000. The tribe that God set aside for his own use, serving specific duties for the Israelites as well as educational responsibilities. And in return for their service, God expected the other tribes to support their efforts for singing and playing music in the temple, serving as guards and other duties in the service of God. God could have chosen some of all the tribes to take care of His work, but He chose only the Levites. He said in  Numbers 3:12

And I, behold, I have taken the Levites from among the children of Israel instead of all the firstborn that openeth the matrix among the children of Israel: therefore the Levites shall be mine;

I felt that way this morning as I read His word and thought about the responsibility God had placed on my life as a writer, speaker, singer, teacher, all in the service of the King. All of which I fail miserably. I am the least of who God should have chosen to serve Him, yet, just as Be said of the Levites, it was His choice. He created us. Yes, we are products of our parent’s love as physical beings, but not the soul. Not that which connects with God. 

When God created the Heaven and the Earth He created a purpose. He wasn’t sitting in eternity have arts and craft with His angelic creations, He specifically designed the earth and all that resides on it with purpose. I cannot help but share my favorite verse in Jeremiah 1:5 where God tells us:

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Of course in that verse He is speaking to Jeremiah, but the God of Jeremiah is the God of Shari too! And before I was in my momma’s womb, God knew me. The soul that is within me has met God and I too have purpose. Although all of Israel were God’s chosen vessels, he selected this smaller group to do the Spiritual work on earth. 

As I prepare my heart his Sunday morning for church, I can’t help but think of what a service would have looked like for the Levites in those early days and how most of that has changed, but some has not. Worship has never stopped being an integral part of the Lord’s Day experience. 

An Attitude of Gratitude

Colossians 3:15-17 KJV

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. [16] Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. [17] And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

What a joy to serve in the Kingdom of God. To sing, teach and encourage the body of Christ. While most do not serve in what we deem “full time” ministry how can we call it anything but? If, as children of God, we understand our role, whether that is to serve at the physical church, or serve as the church body in the jobs or in other secular roles, we should recognize that we are called just as the Levites were. What a privilege to serve the Creator. He who created Heaven and Earth. Just as He spoke the world into existence, He spoke purpose into your soul. Isn’t that an amazing thought?! Be grateful you are chosen.

A Vision with Provision

When God set the Levites aside, he ordered Moses to have the remainder of the children of Israel to provide for the Levites everything they needed to survive. If they were going to be in charge of the services of God, He was going to provide their food, their money, their daily essential needs and the provision of all things Spiritual and physical. He would give them the vision they needed to serve the Spiritual needs of the God’s children and in return the children would provide for them. 

Sharing the word of God isn’t a job to be taken lightly. I doubt the Levites were celebrating the “easy” days that were ahead. No, think about what they went through as time and time again,  Israel strayed away from God’s intended purpose. The Levites were those whom God had trusted to share the Word of God and conduct services. But Israel at various times were out serving gods made by hands and giving sacrifices of children and other wicked and vile behavior. I cannot fathom what those servants of God would have done realizing how wicked God’s chosen had become under their watch care? Is it any different today for the leaders of the church? 

Where is the vision? 

Solomon wrote in Proverbs 29:18

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

We’re not under the law, but the law is not void. And those who study and try to live the word of God, are happy! Another provision of being an obedient child of God is happiness. It’s not derived from physical things, but rather spiritual.  However, serving God is not a bed of roses and there is an expectation that leaders lead. Many do. But many don’t. They missed the memo from God that said they were responsible for keeping God’s original vision alive and exciting. 

Put the Dead to Bed

Luke 9:59-62 KJV

And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. [60] Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God. [61] And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house. [62] And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

Jesus wasn’t being rude when He told the man to let the dead bury the dead. He did not mean for us not to take care of family matters. But He meant that there were priorities in life, and the number one priority is the Kingdom of God. Nothing on this earth matters without that in the forefront. Because without eternal life, this short life is a blip on the radar screen and the remainder of eternity spent in the fires of Hell for those who don’t know Christ. 

This is why we need to put dead religion to bed and start living our life to the fullest as children of God. Sharing the salvation of Jesus Christ, first and foremost! Serving in the houses of God in the manner that God intended with worship, passion gratitude for the opportunity. 

In the beginning God created the Heavens and earth.

In the middle Christ created wisdom of the Spirit to lead us

In the end times God will recreate the original plan 

In the eternal life we’ll understand it all and it’s going to be BIG!

God is Good. I pray you have a church that is ALIVE & WELL this morning. 

Posted in Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Praise, Purpose, salvation, Word of God, worship

Weird Dreams, Limousines and what it Means

I am a vivid dreamer; when I’m awake and when I’m asleep. But those that are dreamt when I am asleep are often so bizarre! Come to think of it… some of those that I have concocted when I’m awake are pretty strange too. I most always recall my dreams and this morning was no different, however, the dreams are not always of a spiritual nature, but this one for certain was.

Last night’s dream left me perplexed about the many spiritual connotations. The setting was a Gaither Concert in my home town. Wouldn’t that be wonderful! The physical location kept changing in my dream. It began at my new church, First Baptist Church of Grantsville, but it was an expanded building. The venue was packed and the Spirit was amazing! But then the location visual changed to a gymnasium and later to a family picnic. I warned you my dreams were weird. As the concert progressed, the attendance lessened as well as spirit. The characters of the dream changed as well. The people in the beginning were Spirit filled friends and family who were enjoying the concert being performed by the original Gaither group that I have loved since salvation. The people were praising God and I could hear them singing the songs that give glory bumps!  But then the performers changed to less or even unknown singers, the music became traditional hymns (which I love when sang with feeling) but these were being sung as though it was the funeral of heathen. It was sad! 

The next setting was the picnic where many of my family, who have gone on to glory were attending. It was so nice to see them all and we were having a great time! 

But the final scene was on a dirt road with family friends who were in a pearl colored stretch limousine service in NYC on a dirt road and I was looking to go to their house for some reason.

As strange as that is, I’ve had weirder dreams. But none that left me pondering life the way this one did. 

I don’t believe that the dream was prophetic however it did take my mind into the spiritual condition of mankind. When I say the dream was vivid and detailed, I mean right down to even the attitudes of the characters. As the desire of the people to hear the music lessened, their attitudes became apathetic, until at the end they had no idea why I had been excited to begin with. They were even questioning what salvation was.

My heart broke. These were people that I cared about.

And then I woke up, let the dog out, fixed me a cup of coffee and began to write it down with purpose. It seemed important to document. 

“You’ll Get Over It.”

That’s what someone told my dearest friend Doyle Ballengee when he was first saved. He was so excited about his new life in Christ Jesus when a rigid, stiff necked believer told him “you’ll get over it.” With a sparkle in his eye, Doyle told me, “I never did!” In his seventies he was the most exciting Christian I had ever known. I met with him often for lunch at his home in town after his wife passed away. He would fix me the best beef stew and we’d have bible study as we met at his kitchen table. Praise God, I’ve not gotten over it either, and I owe much of my excitement to those who discipled me in the beginning. 

That was the spirit of the people at the beginning of my dream. When the Gaither’s sang there were hands lifted and people praising and you knew you were in church! I remember going to my first Gaither concert as a new convert and thinking… this has got to be close to what heaven is like. Thousands of people, being kind to one another, glorifying God and enjoying life. It’s ironic that the last Gaither concert I attended left me saddened by some of the attitudes of the people. At that time I was done making the effort for others who didn’t appreciate the effort I made. They too had obviously gotten over it. 

The Spirit Was the First to Go

The gymnasium concert was when my dream began to go south. People were walking out on the concert. I felt sorry for the singers, but my second thought was “Well, if you had sung it like you meant it, the people might not have left.” The music was dry. It was the lesser known hymns being sung without feeling, almost as if they were one step above recitation. Good grief, my stomach just rolled over!

Is that not many in the church today? It is those that would say to the excited new covert, “you’ll get over it” because they have. They no longer rejoice in the Spirit of God and He has left the building. I questioned whether I should write that. It’s offensive to think that God does not want to be in some churches. Even with His saved people. But they are deader than a hammer, so dead in fact that they don’t realize they died. The Spirit is waiting to be renewed but they’re too busy proving that they’re right. 

They showed up. They went through the motions. They went home and nothing changed. If that’s the case in your church, either change it or run to one that leaves you better than when you got there and makes you concerned for souls. The Apostle Paul told young Timothy:

2 Timothy 4:3-5 KJV

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; [4] And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. [5] But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

Our work is the work of an evangelist. Whether or not you are the preacher, you should be concerned for the souls of this world, especially friends and family. And if you’re not, what you’re listening to may be interesting, but it’s not doing what God wanted the word to do.

The Spirit Moves the People to Go

2 Timothy 4:6-16 KJV

[6] For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. [7] I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: [8] Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. [9] Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me: [10] For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia. [11] Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry. [12] And Tychicus have I sent to Ephesus. [13] The cloke that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but especially the parchments. [14] Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works: [15] Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words. [16] At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.

I don’t know for certain, if any, significance of that stretch limousine in my dream. Other than the fact that it was really out of place on that dirt road. The people who were in it, were the ones who looked at me like I had three heads when I told them of salvation. They’d been at the concert unmoved, and now they were unchanged and it was breaking my heart. That pretty pearl colored limousine was a pretty ride, but it wasn’t taking them to where I wanted to go. 

Paul’s departing words to Timothy hit me hard this morning. He tells the young preacher of the rewards coming to all who “love His appearing.” So many churches don’t even preach His appearing. Paul then tells Timothy to come and visit going further to say that there were people who let him down. I get that. 

For those in the ministry if you have not been hurt by someone in the ministry, you’ve likely not been serving very long. Paul even called those out who did. So could I, but I’ll not. Paul also told of those who ministered with him. It’s more important to acknowledge that and encourage them but it’s equally necessary to realize when there are people who discourage you that you mark them and move on.

In the parable of the wedding guests, Jesus said this

Luke 14:7-11 KJV

And he put forth a parable to those which were bidden, when he marked how they chose out the chief rooms; saying unto them, [8] When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room; lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him; [9] And he that bade thee and him come and say to thee, Give this man place; and thou begin with shame to take the lowest room. [10] But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee. [11] For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

In the final act of my dream, the limousine reminded me that my little Kia Soul that I call the “Soul Seeker” may be a humbler ride (which, by the way, needs prayer) but it is far better to sit in a humbler place, than to sit where you don’t belong. 

Posted in Christian Service

The Inability To Keep My Mouth Shut

I’ve had the privilege of knowing some pretty wonderful leaders; but in my mind, those who have been the best leaders by example are those who have allowed me to see them falter. I am so, so, so very far from perfect. I need to know that even the best of the best have off days. Another issue for me is that I am so involved in so many secular things, with people who may r may not be of the faith of Jesus Christ, it’s very easy for me to succumb to the flesh as those who don’t know Christ (and some who do know Christ) do. Especially in the political arena. 

This morning as I pondered a recent decision I made, and one I made abruptly, I look to the Word of God for wisdom in moving forward. Of course I should have told the person, I’ll pray about it… did I? No. Because unfortunately when it comes to making decisions small and large, my entire life has been lived making them the same way. In the spur of the moment and often with great regret.

Quite often God, in His divine mercy, has allowed me to be used for His glory in spite of my haphazard decision making. 

I think of the Apostle Peter, who in a moment of passion cut off a man’s ear who had harmed his friend Jesus. Then Jesus, just as He has done for me so many times, comes along behind Peter and cleans up his mess. Heals the man’s ear (Luke 22:51) and tells Peter to knock it off. 

John 18:10-11 KJV

Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus. [11] Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?

I have to tell you, there have been a few meetings where I would have cut a few peoples ears off if I had been given a sword. 

Between my involvement with the Republican Executive Committee, for which I currently am Active Chair, and the fact that I report on politics and other pleasant and unpleasant happenings in our area, I’ve been called out more than a few times for doing things people didn’t like. The truth is often painful and sometimes to innocent people. I hate that part of my job. But in following the concepts of journalism, people want to know things other people don’t want them to know. But where does that fall into line with my Christian faith? Is God pleased with me? That is always my concern. 

When I began Ridgeview News, I made and have kept a commitment that I would print nothing but truth. If I print opinion articles, I label it as such, and won’t print that without the evidence  of truth where I am concerned. Even still, I have cut off a few ears in my time because of my frustration with people. I would print truth, and print it harshly rather than with grace. Right or wrong, I’m not sure but you can see why I have difficulty discerning my actions. 

Add to that a recent faith based disagreement I had regarding wrong doctrine and whether or not I speak out on it, I’ve struggled with that too. 

Is it our roll as Christians to call out wrong teaching in another church? On the surface I say “no.” Because it makes the church look bad. And the issue I have isn’t with somebody misleading people on salvation, else I would call that spade a spade. But this is doctrine, post salvation, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So I stay silent. But I want to cut off people’s ears. Be not deceived. 

The Apostle Paul was a man of great passion. As a Jewish leader he went so far as killing those who disagreed with the Pharisees. He was at the stoning of Steven. But in one of God’s great moments of grace and mercy, He saved Paul. On the road to Damascus Paul is blinded by the saving grace of Jesus Christ. He then turned that passion for Jewish law to the passion of Jesus’ grace. But he obviously still struggled with the flesh. He was passionate, not perfect. 

2 Corinthians 12:7-10 KJV

And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. [8] For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. [9] And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. [10] Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

There are many opinions as to what that thorn in the flesh was. The spiritual thumping by Satan. His issue with lack of eyesight. It could have been any number of things. But the point is, something made him feel weak. 

Me too. It’s my inability to keep my mouth shut.

The question in the forefront of my mind this morning is “Would Paul or Peter have served in things of a political nature?”

I doubt it. They were after all ministers of the Gospel. But, I do believe they’d have had an opinion, and a strong one. If either of them had seen political leaders of the day dressed in drag, promoting abortion, allowing laws to be broken for the almighty dollar, they’d have called their names from the pulpit. 

Paul did. In Timothy 4:10 he told Timothy that Demas had forsaken him, having loved the present world. Called him right out! He did others the same way. It wasn’t because the people had hurt Paul, it was because they had hurt God. Paul said that Demas loved the world. Is that not the case with leadership today when they put anything above the Word of God? I’m talking those who say they’re saved. Not those who make no profession. But if you say you’re a believer, your decisions and your agenda should be God’s agenda. Else don’t mention the name of Christ and drag Him through the mud with you. 

My conclusion this morning was this:

Christians need to be involved because we believe in a God who cares passionately about his world and his creation, and consequently how it is run.  The Bible is hugely political – in that it is about how God wants people to behave and act towards him, and towards each other.  This involves economics and law because these are tools that need to be used to build justice.  So often it is injustice which dominates God’s world and this grieves Him. As believers in God we have much to bring to politics – a deeper commitment to justice and compassion which throughout history has made a difference in the political sphere. ~ Jon Kuhrt

He said it much more eloquently than I could. But what he said, I meant. God hates anyone’s sin. And I am certainly not without it. As heartbreaking as that is, I want no part of dragging others into sin, or deceiving people for worldly gain. Justice should be blind, but its not. However, God is no respecter of persons. As children of God we should not be either. Viewing all mankind the same… souls in need of a Savior. 

Posted in Christian Service, Word of God

The Issues with Rabbit Holes

My life has been on hyperdrive lately. It’s been a great asset in keeping me distracted and my thoughts away from worries or concerns. But the greatest issue with that is, it falls right into line with my ways of procrastination and avoidance of all things troublesome. I’ve had a lot of ministry work lately, which I love. I have had a lot of Ridgeview News work lately, which I love. Throw into that a mix of responsibilities with a busy life with my family, fulfilling obligations to their busyness (because that’s how I raised them) and chaos doesn’t even come close to describing it. I really do feel like I have my head down that rabbit hole, digging and digging to find where I’m going but it’s just an deep empty space that never seems to lead anywhere.

Does anyone else feel this way?

It’s always nice when Jesus throws in some stories about life with the disciples that prove to us, they were certainly relatable to our lives.

I’m going to tell you right up front, that I’m not sure I have the context of this scripture correct. I only know how it spoke to me, in light of my current busy status. Let’s see if you can relate as a child of God?

So Jesus comes down the hill and he’s accosted by people. Including a frustrated man who had taken his son to Jesus’ disciples for healing, but it didn’t happen, so he brings his son to the One. The One he knows has the power.

In case you were wondering…I’m not God.

The disciples during this time could have healed the boy through the power of Christ that had been given to them. But for some reason they were not able. There is nothing more frustrating than knowing you have the power of God on you but you can’t summons the answers from within. I know Jesus is within me. When someone comes to be with a problem, while I don’t have the power to physically heal anyone, I should be able to find the words that can give people spiritual direction. But often times, i don’t even come close.

Luke 9:37-62 KJV

[37] And it came to pass, that on the next day, when they were come down from the hill, much people met him. [38] And, behold, a man of the company cried out, saying, Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son: for he is mine only child. [39] And, lo, a spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth out; and it teareth him that he foameth again, and bruising him hardly departeth from him. [40] And I besought thy disciples to cast him out; and they could not. [41] And Jesus answering said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you, and suffer you? Bring thy son hither. [42] And as he was yet a coming, the devil threw him down, and tare him. And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the child, and delivered him again to his father.

Christ is frustrated. But not at the disciples. He’s frustrated with the Scribes and Pharisees who had been insulting the disciples, and triumphing over them, because of their inability to cast out the evil spirit: he is directing his frustration to the unbelieving Jews.

This reminded me this morning that Christ understands my limitations. He knows that I am pulled dozens of directions and everyone of them are worthy directions. I’m either ministering to people, providing information or helping family. On the back burner I am trying to survive financially and keep my home at least moderately clean so I do not fall over something and kill myself. But to the person I’m ministering to, they see none of the background noise in my life, only that they need answers and I cannot provide them.

That was not the direction I thought this was going to go this morning. I thought Christ was going to tell me that he forgives me for my sins of being overwhelmed, off task, and unfocused. But rather He tells me, Shari… this isn’t about you. The world does not want you to succeed. Even those who desire the words of encouragement or the solutions a Christian might have to offer, know that if Christ does answer their dilemma, they’ll have to confess He’s real. Hello? They want Christ to fix their problems, (me too for that matter) but they don’t want any part of serving Him. That is brutal honesty that hurts people.

But this morning as I’m getting ready for church, the vast majority of the world is laying in the bed without any concern for Jesus this morning. Of that I am frustrated. I don’t want them in church so they can hear they’re a sinner. (Although we all are). I want them in church so they can experience the same love of Christ this morning that I felt when Jesus reminded me… I’m not God.

There are things I Still Don’t Understand

[43] And they were all amazed at the mighty power of God. But while they wondered every one at all things which Jesus did, he said unto his disciples, [44] Let these sayings sink down into your ears: for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men. [45] But they understood not this saying, and it was hid from them, that they perceived it not: and they feared to ask him of that saying.

The disciples had been with Jesus. Me too! But when Jesus told them that He was going to be delivered into the hands of men, they could not fathom what that meant or why it would occur. They knew He was God. They’d seen the evidence of it. But now He’s telling them that man is going to “deliver Him up.” How could this be that man would over power God?

This is the same frustration my mind gets in when I cannot do all I want to do. How can this be? Do I not have the power of God dwelling in me? Of course I do. Then why can’t I accomplish all I set out to do? Because I’m not God.

None of us are God

Then what cracks me up, is the disciples go from trying to help people, to trying to figure out who’s going to be the boss in Heaven. They’re frustrated with a guy from another church who’s preaching in Jesus name and then when the people of the city won’t listen, they want to bring down fire from Heaven and strike them dead.

[46] Then there arose a reasoning among them, which of them should be greatest. [47] And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a child, and set him by him, [48] And said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me: for he that is least among you all, the same shall be great. [49] And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us. [50] And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us. [51] And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, [52] And sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. [53] And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. [54] And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? [55] But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.

Jesus reminded the disciples and me that as frustrating as the world is, we need to remember that we were no different pre-salvation.

We are not God, but we are God’s plan

[56] For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. And they went to another village. [57] And it came to pass, that, as they went in the way, a certain man said unto him, Lord, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. [58] And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. [59] And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. [60] Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God. [61] And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house. [62] And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

While life get’s us off task and off focus. We’ve got to keep on going. Jesus’s return is eminent. We don’t know the hour, but it could be the one we’re living in. This morning I’m headed to church to tell some children in the Sunday School hour about the love of God and how even though we make mistakes, even though we let Him down. He’s not bringing down fire on our heads. He’s putting His arm around our shoulder and saying “Stop worrying about it… get out of that rabbit hole, put your hand to the plow and get back to work.”

Posted in Life Inspiration

Don’t Let the Heat of Life’s Battles Overwhelm You

Ephesians 6:16 KJV
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

This has been the first of a new chapter in the life of my husband and I. His retirement. Not mine… I need the work for sanity, but for him, he was to the point of physical and mental exhaustion to the degree I have never witnessed in someone that I love. I would watch as he came home from work and collapsed onto the couch and fall asleep within seconds. In his latter days as the Chief of the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department (from which he retired as well) I would watch him leave with the adrenaline flowing, but come back from a scene with the life flowing out of him from exhaustion, frustration and mental fatigue that was so disheartening. He had lived and breathed rescue for thirty years. But no more. It was someone else’s turn.

I’ve seen that same result in ministry workers. But, I’ve also seen the power of God in the lives of others who went home to be with Jesus with as much passion for the fight as they had in the beginning. Please Jesus, let that be the case with me. It’s why it’s so important to stay in the word of God, at every opportunity, be it in reading, worshipping, listening and spending time with God’s people and in His service.

This came to my mind this morning when I read Ephesians 6:16 and seen a bible journaling image of a fire extinguisher. Fire is a scary element if you’ve ever witnessed it on a fire scene. This past week I had two house fires that I covered for the news. The one came in the middle of the night without warning and almost took the lives of two people. The second fire was deliberate, set by a man not in his right mind, who had likely just killed his wife and then set the house on fire and killed himself. The illustration of those fires can be viewed in a spiritual sense so very easily.

Ephesians 6:16 KJV
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

I’m not sure where this fire started, but if I were guessing I would say it began in the attic of the house. The couple retired for the evening without a thought toward what was happening outside of their scope of vision. All seemed well. Until it wasn’t. Isn’t that the case with life? Everything just seems to be going along swimmingly, and then without warning the bottom drops out of our world. Whether it’s a physical, financial or emotional crisis, the fire is set, out of control, and we’re either chasing it to put it out, or it’s chasing us. How can extinguish something so powerful?

What’s not visible in this photo is a small but powerful fan that the Volunteer Fire Department put at the front door of the house. It was a positive pressure fan that is specially designed to use positive airflow to remove heat, smoke and products of combustion from a structure on a fire scene, allowing firefighters to get a better chance at putting out the fire and advancing into a building for victim rescue. Praise God the victims were not in the house.

When a life crisis occurs, I don’t understand how the unsaved cope. But I know how I can cope, it’s by knowing that the Holy Spirit is going before me attacking anything that has the potential to do me harm. It’s not that I won’t feel the heat of the battle, or that the smoke may not allow me to physically see what’s coming at me. But I know that God has it under control, and I’ll be okay. I may lose “stuff” but I will never lose what matters. My soul is in tact. My future is in tact. God’s got me covered. Those fiery darts that Satan has thrown my direction are being quenched by my shield of faith. He didn’t promise me I’d never be afraid, but He did promise that He would calm my fears. Just like the air from that fan, the breath of the Holy Spirit breaths on the smoke and flames around me and I’m ready to be rescued. Glory to God I just wrote myself happy!

That fire scene was not a happy scene. It was heartbreaking. But the most important thing on the scene were the two lives that were spared.

The second scene fire was eerily insignificant as I arrived on scene. I didn’t know what had taken place. I could see the smoke, but little evidence of fire. I didn’t know that around the corner of the house laid a suicide victim. Or inside the house was woman possibly murdered. The fire was set by the homeowner. He knew it was coming. I realize this seems somewhat morbid of a discussion. But it’s gut wrenching to know that something was totally preventable, if only God had been allowed to be in control. I don’t know why this domestic situation happened. My heart breaks for the family. But the illustration still reminds me that we all control our destiny to a certain degree. We decide whether or not we are going to fight the elements of the fire, or embrace it.

If the Holy Spirit is within you, you know when it’s time to get yourself as far from that situation as you can and allow God to intervene. To get behind the shield of faith so that when the enemy attacks, he can’t hit you.

My husband David knew he was at the point in his career that the fires of life were going to consume him if he did not leave the situation. He had fought the battle long enough.

But what about the ministry battles? Is there ever a time to walk away? I think there is for certain a time to regroup. But not to walk out on God. Retirement for the child of God is God’s call. When He calls us home, we’re done. Until then, we’re to stay in the battle and allow the Spirit of God to bring us through every battle.

I’m so thankful and proud of my husband’s contributions to the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department and his decades of work for the Town of Grantsville. But I’m so grateful that life doesn’t end with our retirement of worldly endeavors… God’s got plans. Amen!

Posted in Life Inspiration, Praise

The Sun Both Hardens the Clay and Melts the Wax

What an interesting thought! It was mentioned in church on Wednesday night and I just couldn’t get the thought out of my mind. What causes some hearts to get stone cold when they hear the gospel and other hearts melt and are as soft and pliable as the wax.

David warned of it in Psalm 95:8

Psalm 95:1-11 KJV
O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. [2] Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. [3] For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. [4] In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also. [5] The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. [6] O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. [7] For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. To day if ye will hear his voice, [8] Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness: [9] When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my work. [10] Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways: [11] Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.

And the writer of Hebrews mentioned it when he wrote:

Hebrews 4:7 KJV
Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.

Funny thing about an excited new convert, meaning someone who just got saved, is they’ll just about beat a soul to death with the gospel because their level of excitement knows no bounds. But over time even the heart of an excited Christian can grow lack in what Christ has done in their life and forget that great feeling of strength and joy that was felt when they first came to know Christ.

My friend Doyle Ballengee told me that, as a new convert, when he told another “older” saint that he was on fire for the Lord, they responded with, “That’s great, but you’ll get over it.” Praise God I haven’t yet, and Doyle died at 80 and was the most exciting Saint of God that I ever knew. But I’ve come close on several occasions because if you hang out with soggy wood, it’s hard to get a fire started or keep yours going.

So in the context of Psalm 95, what message was David trying to get across to the children of God?

Worship is Important!

O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. [2] Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. [3] For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.

I don’t know what the knucklehead that thought worship wasn’t important is going to do in Heaven when there are praises sang to the Lord all day long! I suppose they’ll walk around looking for Tylenol. But they’ll eventually have to get over it because eternity is a long time. But this isn’t Heaven David is talking about, it’s now. We are supposed to make noise, sing and come into His presence with a grateful heart. Because our God is greater than any. Greater than the football gods, the baseball gods, the political gods…. All of them! If you can celebrate the worldly things, why would you not want to celebrate God.

Wisdom is Immeasurable!

[4] In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also. [5] The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. [6] O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.

Our Creator, He who now dwells in the heart of man is an immeasurable source of wisdom, strength and ability that we have dwelling within us. Isn’t that an amazing thought. When I think about what those hardened souls are missing out on it break my heart. Because God cannot be exhausted. I can give Him away one million times and there is still more of Him to share. When it come to why churches are not overflowing with people, I fully believe that it is because we are either stingy or we don’t know what we have.

Wilderness is Inward

[7] For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. To day if ye will hear his voice, [8] Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness: [9] When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my work. [10] Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways: [11] Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.

God was grieved for 40 years because the children wandered around in the wilderness never learning their lesson. It was their outward wandering that bothered God as much as it was their inward wandering. Their hearts did not know God. They said they erred in their heart. They grumbled, murmured, doubted and disobeyed God because they would now allow Him to govern their lives. They wanted earthly kings and earthly treasures. Are we any different. We are still wandering around in our hearts looking for something to make us happy when it’s in us. God is in us.

Today I struggled with the IRS, business, finances, housework, dogs, kids, so many things. But not one of those things seem to matter when I picked up the word of God and began to think about all He has done for me over my lifetime and over the past week.

I went on to a fire scene to cover it for the news before I realized there had been a shooting. A murder/suicide. God spared me, I could have been shot.

I was coming home from church last night and I came around a turn on my side of the road, (not like I often do) on these West Virginia turns and a large truck came around the turn too fast and I was certain he was going to hit me. He didn’t. But I knew I had just been a few inches from death and God spared my life.

God is so worthy of our praise and worship. Do not fear what man thinks, be glad God hears! I pray you are safe and you are wise and you are worshiping the Creator of you. Because He made for an exclusive purpose of bringing glory to Him through your life. How are you doing that?

Posted in Eternity, Evangelism

Is this the Beginning of the End?

I remember as a young Christian, reading the Old Testament and thinking, “How could God destroy all those women and children? How do I know reconcile that reaction of God to the loving God that I experience as a Christian? While the mother in me, will always look at compassion upon a child, the Spirit of God has given me peace and understanding of the providence of God when it comes to the eradication of sects of people in the Old Testament, and the necessity of understanding the role that Governments should take against the Hamas who murdered teen-aged girls, children and the elderly and then dumped them in the streets of Gaza so bloodthirsty crowds could desecrate their bodies, as Senator Marco Rubio of Florida described.

But what about the role of the Church? What is our role in this attack on Israel? God’s chosen. Of course we ought to kneel and pray, earnestly and sincerely that God protect Israel. But we should also stand. America’s weak kneed Government is only slightly worse than the weak kneed church that won’t stand on God’s side for fear of hurting the feelings of God’s enemies.

We live in a society where real time images and videos show the horrific evidence of what Marco Rubio described. And yet, we have people defending their actions. We have groups of people who, they themselves, would be beheaded in the countries they defend. But what are we looking at from a Biblical perspective. Many are wondering if this is the beginning of the end? Let me preface this by saying, I’m not a biblical scholar. But I know when the Spirit speaks to my soul, and I believe that God is showing us that we need to be ready, and we need to get our people ready.

The Countries at play in this war are Countries of significant Biblical importance.

In Ezekiel 38 the word of God says in verses:1-3- And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:

The significance of that is the fact that Gog and Magog are modern day Russia.

In Ezekiel 38:14-19 it speaks of a prophetic time when Russia would come against Israel, although it doesn’t seem as though they wanted to have a dog in the fight. God said in verse 16 God says that “He will bring them against Israel.”

14Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord GOD; In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it? 15And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army: 16And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes. 17Thus saith the Lord GOD; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them? 18And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in my face. 19For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;

Iran is a supporter of Hamas and is supporting them in this current effort. Persia happens to be modern day Iran and in this same group of texts, God speaks of Persia in verse 5 of Chapter 38 saying:

5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: 6 Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. 7Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them. 8After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. 9Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.

With Russia supporting Iran, the possibility of them getting drug into this war could be there.

Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 24:36 “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”

I certainly have no clue of that hour or day. But I know this. God says that we can be aware by watching what’s going on around us and studying the word of God. The much discussed Matthew 24 says:

36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 42Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 43But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. 44Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. 45Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.

I seem to be going backwards — but in the beginning of Chapter 24, Christ is speaking to His disciples. And He tells them in verses 1-6 when he tells them that there will be wars and rumors of war abounding! How many have we seen in the past few decades, and everyone brought with it the fear and concern of whether or not we are in the last days.

Well, let’s just settle that. We are. Because in the scope of eternity, our time on this earth, whether Christ returns today or 200 years from now, it’s still time to get ready. Those people in the field working when one was there and the other disappeared, was only mentioned in that context because they didn’t have the internet. Today it could read, “One was on Youtube and the other on Facebook.” But before that happens one could lose their life in a car accident, and another could be gunned down on the street. That is the world we live in. Are you ready is the question? Is your family ready? Are your friends ready? Are you prepared to never see them again if one of you have accepted Christ as your Savior and the other has not?

1And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. 2And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. 3And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? 4And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

He’s speaking to His Jewish Disciples. Those who have a different role in the events of end times. Of course, those He spoke to, are long gone from the earth. But the current, non believing Jew and the Christians of today are covered in Matthew 24. You are covered in Matthew 24 in the current state you are in.

Don’t think that the war of Israel could not come to this land. We are, whether the liberals like it or not, we are identified as a Christian nation. That came with a price tag and the denial of it will come with one too.

Stand for Israel. Stand for Christ. Stand in the Gap for the Children of God around the world. Show your loved ones that you are ready and encourage them to get their hearts ready to hear the trumpet of the Lord!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Just Jesus

Just Jesus. That’s too short to be a headline. But I used it anyway as an illustration for myself that, no matter how many bells and whistles, I, or someone else have, nothing matters except Jesus.

1 Corinthians 2:1-5

1And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. 2For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 3And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. 4And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: 5That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

A recent series of events in my life had just about turned me against Paul. Not really, but there was certainly a hesitation to turn to the books written by him because of emphasis put on his teaching by someone else. Although there intention was not draw attention to Paul, by there over emphasizing his writing, that’s exactly what happened. Paul was placed up on a pedestal he’d have puked on if he was here in this time.

But it also caused me to think this morning about the emphasis that I put on matters of the gospel. I want my blog to aesthetically pleasing, I want my handouts to be eye catching, I want all the bells and whistles when I’m up before people and this morning as I began to write and to study the word of God, my thought was drawn to “Just Jesus.”

By comparison, Paul did have excellency of speech. He studied under the masters of the day who strengthened him as a leader. His ability to read and write with rhetorical sophistication indicates that Paul received some type of formal education. Luke claims that Saul studied under the great legal teacher Gamaliel, where he was “educated strictly according ancestral law” in Jerusalem (Acts 22:3). I’ve studied under people I believe to be masters of their trade and of the word of God, but I have yet to master anything as far as I can tell. I’m an “okay” orator. An “okay” singer, a less than adequate guitar player. But as I thought on those less than thrilling attributes of my life, I jolted myself into reality with the thought, “Just Jesus.”

Whether I am speaking, singing, teaching… just Jesus. When I go to the Nursing Home today. They just need to see Jesus. Not Shari. I pray He alone is visible in my feeble attempt at entertaining the troops that have just gotten off the battle field. That’s how I view them. They’ve been warriors that battled the spiritual and secular battles of this life for decades before me. It’s their time to rest and before they enter into their eternal rest, they need Jesus. Just Jesus.

Paul could have spoken and wowed the audience. But it says he was trembling. I know the feeling. I got up to sing for the first time at First Baptist Church this Sunday and I second guessed my song, my ability, everything, my stomach was nauseous, my knees were knocking but I continued on, praying that what they heard was my love for Jesus. Just Jesus.

There was a Deacon ordination this Sunday as well, such an exciting time. My prayer for this newly ordained servant of the church was just serve as Jesus would have you to. Just Jesus.

When Paul said, 5“That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God,” he was saying, Just Jesus. Everything a child of God does should in some way or form point to Jesus. If you’re serving in a secular job, Jesus should be evident. If people come into you home, Jesus should be evident. If you’re speaking to people, Jesus should be evident.

Today I’m heavy hearted about some people in my life who aren’t well. And so I ask, what would Jesus do to encourage them? He would make His presence known in their struggle. Help me God to do the same.

How about you, are you in the midst of a struggle? I have the answer, “Just Jesus.” That’s all we can do is turn these struggles over to Him and allow Him to do what’s best. And He’s going to.

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Today, You and I have an Appointment

“I have so many things I need to get done, Lord, Where do I start?”

That was my conversation with God today as I sat down with my Bible to study. My day had began very early as always, but the agenda wasn’t mine, and it certainly wasn’t God’s if it had taken me away from studying His word. It was almost as if I had misplaced my own priorities and I couldn’t find them to save my soul. It’s a good thing priorities aren’t apart of salvation. They are, however, apart of our relationship with God. I’ve never been good at keeping anything in balance for too long. I’ll do great for a short time period, and then things start building up, things I put off, things I was going to do when I got the time; and then suddenly I realize that I have a pile of things to do that didn’t get done, and some where in that stack is my relationship with God.

An Appointment with Jesus

1 Peter 2:7-9 KJV
Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

Do we treat the Lord as if He is precious? I know I don’t. Peter’s words stung me this morning. In my frustration of the week I had spent bits of time with Him, as if to say, “Oh look Lord, I have a few minutes before my next meeting, want to catch up?” And then I wondered why everything got away from me. The irony of these verses is the fact that verse 9 is my life verse.

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

Verse 8 speaks of the Jews “appointment.” They stumbled at the word of God, not believing that Jesus was the Messiah because He had not come as they expected. Their God would surely not have been born of a lowly woman like Mary and have a carpenter as a father? Their God would have been regal and royal and come with all the pomp and circumstance! And yet He did, but they had missed it because the pomp and circumstance appeared to the humble shepherds and those who were not expecting God to make an appointment with them before He came.

Am I any different? While I know and believe that Jesus came as He did, that He died as He did on the cross of Calvary; that one drop of that “precious blood” covered the multitude of sin that is in my life. But I’m still asking God to wait until I have time for Him. “I have you penciled in tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. Lord, unless something comes up.” Right? Am I the only heathen?

An Appointment with the Heir

Hebrews 1:1-2 KJV
God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, [2] Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

It struck me odd this morning to think that Jesus was made Heir following His own death. He is heir of all things, as He now sits at the right hand of His Father making intercession for an ungrateful lot like me. I struggled with some issues this week on a few different levels and I wanted so badly to whine, but I knew better. I had no right to whine. Jesus has every right and yet He’s there, every second of the day listening to me, watching over me and pulling my butt from the per verbal fire when I don’t deserve it. Not only is He the heir, but He made you and I a joint heir!

Romans 8:17 KJV
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

Can you believe that? My suffering is nothing compared to His, but in His humbleness He allowed me to have what He has, eve now. He has eternal life, and so do I. He has a home in Glory and so do I, He has not lost one of the children that God gave Him, nor have I, so long as they are found in Christ Jesus. Glory to God in the highest who has mercy on someone like me and allows me to be an heir of Heaven.

An Appointment with God

Hebrews 9:27 KJV
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

That is one appointment that we will all make on time. There is nobody penciling in a possible time to die. When it’s your time, it’s done. And there you will stand before Almighty God and give answer to what you did with your time on earth. For all those appointments with God that were missed.

There was a man that I had been “wondering” about his soul. As if to justify it I told myself, he’s not really even someone I know very well. But in a small town, I knew of him. He had been placed in a nursing home in another county about 20 miles away. This week I had planned on going to see if he had a mind that could understand the salvation of God. But his appointment came before I got there. I get physically sick when I think about people going out into eternity that I never seen evidence of Christ in their life.

You and I have an appointment, we know not when. We have family and friends who have an appointment and we are not guaranteed another day of opportunity with them. This morning I needed this bell ringer to remind me that my appointments were scheduled for me when called saved me. There are people He placed in my path and it is my appointment to tell them about He who has called me out of the darkness and into His marvelous light. He is so precious… why do I not treat Him so.

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

Posted in Evangelism, Faith, joy, Life Inspiration

Life’s Not Perfect, But through Christ we are!

One thing for certain, when you come out of a time of mourning, the feeling is not one that is generally taken lightly.

Loss is an emotion that if it’s allowed to go unchecked will consume a persons life. Often unknowingly. It just becomes the norm. The loss can be that of a person, job, friendship, church, or even something that was significantly important in your life.

Psalm 126 is generally thought to have been written by Ezra, or some good man returned from the Babylonish captivity. Jewish people faced exile from Israel. Being forced to leave Judah, they lived in Babylon between 597 BC and 538 BC. Fifty-nine years of captivity. No wonder there was rejoicing!

Psalm 126:1-6 KJV
When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. [2] Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them. [3] The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. [4] Turn again our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the south. [5] They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. [6] He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

The Nightmare’s of Living Below

There’s an old gospel song titled “Where Could I Go But to the Lord.” The lyrics begin with

Living below in this old sinful world
Hardly a comfort can afford
Striving alone to face temptation’s sword
Now won’t you tell me Where could I go but to the Lord

They didn’t have that song in their hymnal in 538 BC, but I’m sure they had one similar and were no doubt singing it as they came out of captivity. Being held captive, literally or emotionally is a nightmare. The experience varies with great difference regardless if it is the same type of captivity. Grief is experienced by everyone, but the degree of grief, or the manner in which it’s handled is so different. I have two daughters who handle their emotions so differently. The oldest faces grief and tragedy inwardly, much like her myself. The youngest wants the world to know, as does her father. Tiffani and I may look fine on the surface, but if the inside would suddenly burst forth, the internal battle would look like a war zone. Whitney and David on the other hand, are commanders on a battlefield and I wouldn’t recommend getting in their path when they’re dealing with grief or earthly struggles.

I can only speak for myself and the way I handle it, which is to consider the effect or the result of the loss. When my dad died of Emphysema in 2003, my heart grieved for the physical loss, but my soul rejoiced in his having gone to be with the Lord. I imagined that first breath he took in Heaven. What a dream that would have been after having been unable to breathe for a decade! When I lost a friendship, I grieved not for the loss of the person ( they were still there), but for the loss of the relationship and the hole that remained in my life. That hole over time became filled with new friends and experiences but there is always an empty spot. When I left my church this summer, I grieved not only for the loss of the earthly foundational structure of my faith, but for the loss of two decades of comrades in faith that were a part of my spiritual tapestry. That tapestry was still there in Heaven in its entirety. But here below, in this old sinful world, the sword had torn it apart.

Grief is a nightmare.

The Joy of Living in the Moment

Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them.

Even to the heathen they rejoiced! When we finally come out of the storm, it’s important to tell those who care about us that we’re out, because they were concerned and they need to see us on the side of victorious living. But there’s a couple of reasons the heathens need told as well. First of all, and above all, so they are given the opportunity to see God glorified and get a desire to want that for themselves. And perhaps that should be the only reason. But there is a fleshly side of me that enjoys the celebration. I was standing at the front of First Baptist Church this Wednesday, in the center aisle at the front pew, just as I did at my prior church every service. I love to watch the people come in and I love to see them greet each other like they’ve not seen each other for a year. Oh the Joy!!!! My new people, are just that, they’re new to me. I’m not always comfortable with all of them because I don’t know their stories yet.

I’ve made it a point in my ministry to watch people. Not for the sake of being nosy, but for the point of being aware. I now know that she who sits behind me on the second row has a grandson in prison, and she needs prayer. I know that she who sits in the middle is concerned that her husband’s depression is overwhelming him. I know that my new sister in Christ was raised rough. It’s important to live in the moment, and while I still have a hole in my life, it is now being filled with new reasons to pray and watch and live in the moment. I cannot dwell on what I’ve lost, I can only rejoice in what God has given me in its stead.

Israel wasn’t out of trouble. But they were no longer grieving because of their captivity and loss of relationship with the Lord. God had turned their captivity to freedom.

Does He not do the same for each of us? Of course! Are you grieving the loss of someone or something? Look forward to the day when God will restore your joy. He will!!!

Tears come. Heartache and trials happen. But so does the joy! Savor in each second because to live in reality is to know that grief too will come again. But so will joy to follow.

And then there is that final day when there will be nothing but joy. No heartaches, trials or tribulation.

The Promise of Living in Perfection

I am so far from perfect it’s ridiculous. But I know the day is coming when I give up this earthly form that God will create me anew and I will be perfect. I will not hurt, nor hurt others. I will not grieve, nor will I have to leave anyone. We will all live in His presence, in a Home that He has prepared. But for now there is still a perfection we can rejoice in.


1 John 4:12 KJV
No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

1 John 4:18 KJV
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.


1 Peter 5:10 KJV
But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.


James 1:17 KJV
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.


Hebrews 12:23 KJV
To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,

Glory to God I wrote myself happy and I pray that this message brought you joy in the understanding that if you’re saved, even though we live in an imperfect world, in Christ Jesus, when God looks at us, He see’s nothing but the finest!

Glorrraaaaayyyyyy! Share that message with someone today. Share this message with someone today. I love you!

Posted in Christian, Eternity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, salvation

Doubt Will Come — So Will Eternity

A few days ago I stood in the home of three young women who sat by the bedside of their mother, waiting for God to call her home. Each of the girls said that they had made professions of faith. That was as far as I could take that conversation. It was between them and God whether or not everyone was prepared for the next step in their Momma’s Journey. The return home. The Momma was just a few years older than myself. She was a Momma and a Grandmomma. A sister, friend, daughter and niece. All of the things that all of us are, but most importantly she was a child of God. 

As I tried my best to encourage the girls, I couldn’t help but think about that journey we’re all taking home. This life truly is like a vapor. It seems like yesterday that I was running in the hills of Duck Creek with cousins and siblings, scooping up turtles without a care in the world. But then suddenly without warning, there’s no running, I do well to walk some days! I’m not scooping up turtles, I’m sharing the scoop on a news site that I run on the internet. I share the stories of people lives, some happy and some sad, but all are important in the scope of eternity. 

I’ve made it no secret that I have struggled spiritually for the past few years. But now, as I embark on a new church journey, it seems that ministry opportunities are on the horizon and I’m heading back up the mountain in the spiritual sense. I told my new Pastor, when he expressed his concern for me overloading myself, that a busy Shari is a happy Shari. It also creates a focus on God and His desires and not what the world would have my attention to falter on.

While the experience of watching a friend pass away is not an enjoyable one, it is one of purpose. It draws the mind to eternity and the need for a knowing the truth. 

This morning a video popped up on my Facebook feed of a preacher who was preaching that one’s salvation could be thrown away. He referred to Hebrews 6:1-6 as evidence of that.

Hebrews 6:1-6 KJV

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, [2] Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. [3] And this will we do, if God permit. [4] For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, [5] And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, [6] If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

In the previous chapter, Paul was writing to some who ought to have been teachers, but who needed still to be taught the first principles of the gospel; they were such babes in grace that they needed the milk of the Word, —the very simplest elements of gospel truth, — and not the strong meat of solid doctrine. I fear that is the case in many churches across America because preachers are no longer preaching the simplest of truths. But the writer of Hebrews had no problem preaching truth. He tells them that it’s time they get off of the diet of babies and onto the food of men. 

Hebrews 6:1a. Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection;— The very basics of the word of God and move on to the deeper understanding. It’s as if he was saying, you’ve passed elementary school, now let’s move higher up the ladder of understanding until we get to the university level. And by the way, that level is achieved through the Holy Spirit. Not some seminary or college that teaches you to be a stick in the mud. 

Hebrews 6:1b — Not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,

Let us make sure that the foundation of understanding is laid, but let’s not do it again and again. I know people who have been “saved” over and over again, believing that they had lost their salvation. God knows the wretched heart of man can not live a perfect life, but we can acknowledge the sin, repent and move on. Believing that sin was covered by the blood of Christ.  

Hebrews 6:2. Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. This is what we’ve been taught and believe, there should be no disputation about them, but move on  to the work of Christ. This is why churches fail to see souls saved. They’re stay on the fundamentals of faith, and the work of God goes undone.

Hebrews 6:3. And this will we do, if God permit. We must keep on going forward; there is no such thing in the Christian life as standing still, although plenty have sat.

The next three verses are what the social media post focused on. And the words can certainly be twisted to look like the writer is speaking of eternal security. If they’re taken out of context and no longer apart of the previous conversation above. 

Hebrews 6:4-6 — For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

The writer doesn’t say “if they shall fall.” We’re all going to fall; for me it’s multiple times a day that I fail God. But the writer says “fall away.” Meaning, it’s impossible for the power of salvation to cease to have power over the child of God. Once you believe, you cannot un-believe. If so, you never truly believed to start with.  We all have time of a lack of faith. That is not failing to believe, that is humanity. Even John the Baptist asked Christ “Are You the One?”

Without the grace of God, none of us could ever over come the evil of this world. If the blood of Christ does not purge us from sin, what more can be done? But because of grace, we are saved. Forever and ever Amen. 

For further reference look at the verses that offer us the security of being a believer. 

John 10:28-29 KJV — And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. [29] My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.

John 3:3 — Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

John 10:29 — My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.

Romans 5:l — Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

Ephesians 4:30 — And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

Those are just a few of the many verses that officer us security in the belief that salvation is forever. 

It’s a funny thing about faith. I can be having an off day, where everything is going wrong and I hear “You’re not saved Shari, if you were your life wouldn’t be such a mess.” But then I take myself back to February 18th, 1996, the year I was saved, and show myself the real mess. And then I take myself to May 26th, 2018 when I faced open heart surgery with the sweetest peace imaginable and then I tell myself to shut up. 

Doubt will come. And so will eternity.

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

How to Pick Your Battles

Not the best of advice from a Christian blogger. Perhaps I should write about how to win friends and influence enemies, but I generally write what’s on my heart, and today this is it. How to Pick Your Battles.

There were years, perhaps decades, when I would not pick a battle, I wouldn’t pick a side. I hated division to the point that I would walk away from it without so much as a comment. But after salvation, something happened in me. I became very vocal on matters of faith and then I became very vocal on matters of the world and how they related to matters of faith. I try to be polite and respectful, and steer clear of subjects with certain people that make for tense conversations, but that cannot be helped sometimes. As a child of God, should we ever battle?

1 Corinthians 14:6-11 KJV

Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine? [7] And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped? [8] For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? [9] So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air. [10] There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification. [11] Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me.

If this scripture is read in context, it of course is speaking in reference to tongues. But something Paul said to the Church of Corinth struck me this morning when I thought about mealymouthed Christians who are afraid to speak out on tough subjects. Paul said in verse 8, “If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?”

I think that will preach.

As children of God the Bible is clear that we are set apart from the world and to live our lives focused on spiritual matters, but not ignorant of worldly things. We are not to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that things around us are wonderful when there is brimstone and ash falling from the sky. If you can look at the current condition of the United States of America and say that we’re in good shape, clearly you are of the ostrich persuasion. 

I don’t believe God wants us to get a megaphone and stand on the street corner screaming to the top of our lungs that the world is going to hell in a hand basket. I don’t think He wants us to disrupt pleasant conversations with depressing political statistics and truths. But if there is a time and  opportunity to share information with friends and family that will protect them from harms way, then we should take every opportunity. We should also be known as people of astute wisdom about current events, so that if something happens we can perhaps discuss and warn others about how it came to be. 

I think about the days leading up to 911 and the destruction of the twin towers and the pentagon building. We could see the Islamic influence in America growing. There were those who warned us, but few listened – thinking we were like the unsinkable Titanic. Well of course the Titanic did sink and of course America was struck without notice. God hates arrogance. It is pride and it goes before the fall. Tell me of a more prideful Nation than America right now? It is boasting of sin and throwing it in the face of God and it will come back to bite us. 

So… what battles do we choose to fight as children of God? 

The Good Person

I was brought up to respect my elders. I have within me a great love for people of age. Especially since I’m becoming one. But people of age and authority have great influence and it’s not always good. 

There are teachers in the public school system that are well educated people. Some would call them good or great, but the influence they have over our children is anything but good. If a teacher is permitted (and they are) to hang a pride flag in their classroom, and students see it day in and day out, whether they know it or not, those students become acceptant of that flag and what it stands for. They may believe it’s wrong, but they will not likely say that it is, for fear of persecution, ridicule, or even punishment for discrimination. For the few hours in the evening and weekends that their families are trying to instill Christian morals into them, there are “good teachers” undoing it all day everyday that the kids are in school. 

This is when we as parents and grandparents have to be conscientious of what is happening in the classrooms of Calhoun County, or wherever you happen to be, and speak with our children about it daily. Ask them what they seen or heard at school today, if there was something that struck them odd, or questions they may have. Communication is key. That is why Paul said

1 Corinthians 14:19 KJV

Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.

If we are not clear with our children about what we believe and why we believe it, they’ll never understand why the things they’re hearing and seeing in school are wrong. Paul said that a few clear words were far better than ten thousand people can’t understand. Again and again we need to introduce children to the scriptures where God lays it out plainly that certain things are wrong and they are battles worth fighting. 

The Politically Correct

Correct me if I’m wrong (which I’m not) but are Christians not suppose to believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God? Of course we are. And yet Christians everywhere are jumping onto the politically correct ways of the world and choosing unbiblical behaviors and calling them biblical because God is love and love never offends. Where did they get that idea?

It was no different in Paul’s day. A matter which Paul dealt with in Ephesians 4.

Ephesians 4:14-23 KJV

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 

We have to get into our minds that Satan is playing for keeps with our families. He has every intention of keeping the souls of our family’s and friends. If your people are not saved, Satan already has control of them and he places people in their paths to make sure they stay his. One of the methods he is using is the ability to shut people up. Like using Political correctness, a tool of the devil in the hands of the government. How scary is that?

The Perception of Men

[15] But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: [16] From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. 

Because we are living in the flesh, I am here to tell you that my perceptions, any given day, can be so far off base from reality that my life is more like a cartoon that is being animated by me. Poorly drawn and bad acting. Men’s perceptions (and women’s) tend to favor that which advantages self. The same is true when it comes to the church of God which is ran by men.  Men’s perceptions often times replace the Holy Spirit.

I had a preacher tell me one time that I should not listen to the voice in my mind because that wasn’t the Holy Spirit. My stomach literally rolled over. How else could I listen to God if He weren’t speaking to me through mind. Add to that thought from another preacher that I shouldn’t be involved in politics or watch the news because they were evil and filled with lives and we couldn’t make a difference in them, and my life was turned upside down. If I can’t make any difference in this world, why did God put me here and why did  He put this passion and drive in me to make a difference?

One man’s perception almost took me out of God’s will. The men who said these things were not bad or evil men. But the perceived God’s word in a manner that was not revealed to me in the same way. If I took their word I would stop being effective for the cause of Christ and Satan would have won a battle that I wouldn’t have even known to fight. 

But the Spirit stepped in. And revealed to me that the battle is the Lord’s and He takes no soldier out of the fight before their time. 

All three of the aforementioned battles are not easy fights. But the are worthy fights. 

Posted in Life Inspiration, Life's Failures

Take Heed Lest Ye Fall

1 Corinthians 10:1-12 KJV

Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; [2] And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; [3] And did all eat the same spiritual meat; [4] And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. [5] But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness. [6] Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. [7] Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. [8] Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand. [9] Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. [10] Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. [11] Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. [12] Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

In the commentary of John Gill he says of 1 Corinthians 10 with regards the children of Israel being under a cloud, which was a symbol of the divine presence with the Israelites, as it was on Mount Sinai, and in the tabernacle and temple; was a protection of them, being in the daytime as a pillar of cloud to screen them from the scorching heat of the sun, and in the night time as a pillar of fire to preserve them from beasts of prey, as well as in both to guide and direct them in the way; and was a type of Christ, who is a covert from the heat, as well as the wind and storm; a protection of his people from the vindictive justice and wrath of God, and from the rage and fury of men and devils. 

I cannot help but think of modern day perils that we face which are not of the kind that Israel faced, but we are no doubt in a perilous spiritual battle that today I feel all too heavy on my heart and soul. I knew when I took on Ridgeview News that I would likely ruffle feathers along the way, but by presenting the truth I’d be okay. Well, I will be okay, but that’s not to say that I won’t have some bumps and bruises (not the literal kind) but those of a battered heart. 

As I spoke with someone this week about covering hard stories, I told them that God had prepared my heart for it. Where I once was fearful of hurting feelings or offending, I now worried more about my accountability for the truth and I know that God has strengthened the spirit within me to take the hard hits from people who don’t like the truth. That sounds brave and pious… believe it’s far from that. It’s just simply the way it is. 

1 Corinthians 10 is written by Paul to the Jews to remind them of the representation of Christ in the Old Testament. He tells them that he doesn’t want them to be ignorant. That is one of the most frustrating things about people getting mad about the truth; they’d rather be ignorant of the facts than to face reality that this world is broken and people don’t always do what they should. Just like the children of God in Paul’s day and in the days of the Jews exodus from Egypt, God was not pleased…

Overthrown in the Wilderness

To be overthrown is to be attacked without adequate defense. Are you prepared for when evil comes against you? Paul said that the children of Israel lusted after evil things. The world (including myself) takes everything so lightly. Even when they’re warned not to do or partake in something, they’re sure that they’ve got the power to handle what ever comes their way. I mean, it’s not that bad, is it? That’s how we think. So this TV show has a little nudity and language, it’s not a problem for me. Isn’t it? It’s just one drink.  Is it? It’s just a small lie? Is it? Every single small thing can overthrow the soul of any one. Even the strongest.

[6] Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. [7] Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. [8] Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.

Referring to the Book of Numbers 25:9 where 23,000 people died in one day because of a plague. After Covid, does anyone doubt that things like that can happen? I’m not saying that Covid was a plague, but rather that death and disaster can come at any time and from events that seem insignificant until there not. Nudity, Drugs, Alcohol, language, all seem insignificant until it’s your family involved. And then you discover that someone is in the wilderness, overthrown. 

Overwhelmed to the point of Destruction

[9] Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. [10] Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. [11] Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

Have you ever seen a time when people unknowingly get so far in over the head until they can’t possibly see a way out? Be it drugs, alcohol, finances, etc. – – There are so many things that can overwhelm a person, or an entire family, presuming on the power and grace of Christ to keep them, or upon what they have received from him, unnecessarily expose themselves to snares and temptations, and danger; and as many of the Corinthians did, who are here trusting their gifts and attainments, their knowledge and Christian liberty, would go into an idol’s temple, sit down at meat there, and exposed themselves great and imminent danger; which was a tempting Christ, whether he would preserve them or not.

Can you see that same today? When we sit ourselves before a screen and look at things we should not, or go to a bar, or hang out with people we know can lead us astray, and yet we think, even if I fall, Christ will rescue me. He will. But perhaps not until destruction comes. 

Overconfident till we Fall

[12] Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

Every day I should be on my knees thanking God for the grace of surviving yesterday. But I’m not. I don’t think of my days in those terms. But as I face persecution and ridicule from my writing, be it on scripture or on the community I have to realize that I am one failure away from being the story, rather than writing it. 

None of us should ever think that we are above falling, because the higher we put our selves on the pedestal the further down we fall and there is far more damage and pain. This week I wrote news stories about people that were far from flattering. It angered some, others used it to launch into a tirade of self righteousness, but all I could do was keep remembering that we have to keep hold of the truth and believe that God will use it for our good. Even in the worst of times. Believe… I don’t know how He’s going to make the stories of this week good. Because right now… they’re very bad. But I have to consider every warning that Paul gave the Corinthians as a warning to me not to be overthrown, not to allow myself to get overwhelmed and never get over confident that this could not be me on the receiving end.

Posted in Christian Service

The Toll Life Takes

I didn’t realize the toll it would take on my life to get out of step with Christ. By out of step I mean to lose stride and rhythm with Christ. Where I lost focus on the work of the Lord and my Conversations and requests for direction were less and less. I might take a few steps, and then I’d grow weary and sit down for a while. When I’d try to serve Him, I’d fail miserably, serving half hearted most of the time. It didn’t happen over night, it was a process of years, which, if we know anything about life at all, that’s how one falls out of things. You just gradually stop participating until you don’t realize it, but what was once an important piece of your life, isn’t even on the radar anymore. 

That’s where I’ve been spiritually. I cannot cast blame on anyone, because I should have known better. I’ve walked this same path for 26 years. And perhaps that’s the problem, the path got too familiar and there was no longer any surprises along the way. 

So this Sunday, I attended a different church, not a new church, it’s been around for a hundred years or so, but new to me. I sat in a new Sunday School Class, a new worship service, a new parking lot. I won’t say that it was uncomfortable, because I knew the people, but their methods of Sunday Schools class and worship were not what I was accustomed to. I was excited for the new adventure, but like a child on their first day at a new school, I had trepidations that I wouldn’t fit in. There’d be no room at the cool kids table. They’d think I was weird, or talk about me. Those two things probably happened, because it’s a small town, and I am pretty weird, and there would be questions as to why I wasn’t in my same spot that I’ve been in for 26 years. And that’s okay, because people are curious. And I figured if anyone cared enough to listen to today’s pod cast, they’d have the opportunity to find out. And then they can share with the others. 

But that’s not the point of this podcast, the point is to talk about understanding the toll your spiritual life takes on your secular life. Unless you’re full time ministry you generally have two walks. They should coincide, but in this world they often don’t. For many of the years since my salvation, I considered my secular jobs as a sideline to the ministry. God had placed me in those positions to show others the light of Christ. When I began the Ridgeview News, I struggled with how that would connect with the ministry. I by no means would deny my faith, but I also wanted to report the news from the truth perspective (which is certainly biblical) but I  wanted to keep my spiritual opinions out of it. When I just couldn’t manage that, I’d call it an editorial or opinion piece and let them know from the onset that I was speaking from a Christian perspective. 

But then I started struggling spiritually. I wasn’t happy with myself, I wasn’t happy with the people I ministered with, and that was also reflective in how I conducted myself in the world. Where I once had great joy discussing my walk with Christ, I now had nothing to say. At home I would spin into a pit of depression, when I was out with people I would cover it up with pleasantries and idle conversation. I no longer had a desire to do anything creative and anytime I did, I would critique until it usually ended up in the trash. I began going through the steps of being a publisher and failing miserably at the only opportunity I had to make money. I did what was necessary, but nothing more. 

And then it happened. I left my ministry of 26 years, (which hadn’t really been a ministry of mine for a few years). For a few months prior to leaving, I was in and out of services for various reasons, mostly just not wanting to deal with the pain. It’s painful to leave a ministry you’ve been in for as long as I was. I was comfortable there for years. I was at the cool kids table and people cared what I had to say. And then they didn’t. And over time I realized that I was unproductive in that place and needed to go. And so I did. 

Now, this is where I realized the toll my spiritual walk had taken on my life. It wasn’t that there was a great revelation discovered at the new church I was attending. What there was, was an old revelation rediscovered inside me. I walked into a different ministry that did things differently and I wasn’t responsible for any of it. I was going to have to find a place I could serve and the Lord and a new Pastor, who first made sure I was making a prayerful decision in coming to his church. And he said the magic words that stirred my heart and soul. He said, “come and heal, and come and serve.” 

The reason I had gotten out of step with Christ was because I was wounded in the battle and I was walking around with pain. All of us likely know how difficult it is when a part of your body is physically broken. It makes the function of day to day activities terrible. It’s no different when your spiritual body is broken. Because of the pain I was in, I was unable to focus. 

A bible character I relate to often is Peter. Peter lost focus so many times. Such as the time that Jesus bid him to come and walk on the water, and he did it! And then he didn’t and he began to sink and cried out in fear. 

That Sinking Feeling

Matthew 14:25-31 KJV

And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. [26] And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear. [27] But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. [28] And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. [29] And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. [30] But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. [31] And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

That sinking feeling. Do you remember the times you felt it in your heart that even though you knew you were doing your best, you still felt overwhelmed like you were about to drown. That feeling generally happens when you thought you could do something, but it just didn’t work out the way you intended.  

That’s what happens with so many of us in our spiritual walk and in our daily lives. We start out walking good, but if we get our focus off Jesus, and we begin to walk alone, we start to sink. Losing focus happens when outside sources attack us. For Peter it was the waves. He noticed them after he got out of the boat. What if he had been prepared for the waves. What if he knew that his feet were going to feel a little wobbly and the waves might actually throw him off balance. But he didn’t think of that, he just thought He and Jesus were going to walk on the water. Peter was also alone on the water… that’s kind of where I was at in the ministry. I wasn’t working with people in the ministry, everyone I had worked with were gone, I was just out there flailing by myself. Being alone is not where you wan to be in life, and especially in the ministry. You’ve got to have a support around you so that when you feel like you’re sinking someone will grab your hand and pull you out of the water. 

That Feeling of Denial

Peter and I have a second thing in common, Not appreciating reality. 

Matthew 16:21-23 KJV

From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. [22] Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. [23] But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

I’d have been as stupid as Peter was. I too would have told the Lord, don’t be ridiculous, You’re not going to die. You’re Jesus! I would not have liked that plan. But it was God’s plan and Jesus did have to die. 

I want everything in life to be roses and sunshine. But deed, that’s just not how life is. So when life in the ministry began to get difficult, my solution was to ignore it. Let’s just pretend that everything is fine. By the time I realized it wasn’t fine, I was falling apart. I had not only lost focus, I had lost purpose. When Jesus came to earth, born of a virgin, He had a few years of enjoying much of life. He had a family, friends, and a wonderful work in the ministry. But the purpose of His life on earth was to prepare for the cross. My purpose is to take that truth and tell others. To lead them to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, or, if they’re saved, to encourage them in their walk. It’s hard to be the encourager when you’re discouraged. 

By not facing the reality that I was not in a good place in my ministry, and that God was maybe giving me some news I didn’t want to hear, my purpose was lost. If not lost, for certain it was off track or out of step. 

That Feeling of Failure 

I’ve said it before, (stealing it from someone else) I’m not going to cuss, but if someone would write them down, I’d point to them. Well, if truth be told, I might of well have said them because they’ve ran through my mind lately. I would get so frustrated with both my spiritual life and that of the world that I didn’t say any bad words out loud, but I assure you they went through my mind. Can you imagine how Peter felt, when cursed having denied Christ for the third time, and hearing the rooster crow, how much of a failure he felt he was. That’s how we all feel when we mess up, or life doesn’t go as planned.

Matthew 26:69-75 KJV

Now Peter sat without in the palace: and a damsel came unto him, saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee. [70] But he denied before them all, saying, I know not what thou sayest. [71] And when he was gone out into the porch, another maid saw him, and said unto them that were there, This fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth. [72] And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man. [73] And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee. [74] Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew. [75] And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly.

I hate not being productive. Whether it’s my fault or just the way life happens, I need to see some proof in the pudding for encouragement to go on. It’s like when a team is losing the game and you’re on the sideline. Even if you’re not the best player, you need to do something to help. That’s how I had been feeling in the ministry. I felt as if the game was going on around me and I was sidelined. 

I’m also one of those people that needs to be in the thick of it. 

Peter had been side by side with Jesus in the ministry. But now, to be by His side would have meant being killed. His other friends in the ministry were no where to be found either. Except John, you know, Jesus’ favorite one. So he’s sidelined. He’s frustrated and panicked and he’s not thinking clearly. Jesus told him that he’d deny him but he never believed it was true. 

If you would have asked me a few years ago, if I could foresee myself falling away from the ministry I would have told you no, not ever! But there I was. 

That feeling of Excitement

It’s my first week in a different ministry. I’m coming out of the ministry slump that I was in. My mind is going places it hasn’t been in a while. Reading and studying the word of God with direction, thinking about ways to grow my ministry in and out of the church. Finding a place to serve and wondering what doors God might open. This happened when I stepped out of a place where I had grown stagnant from lack of use. This is a warning to every Pastor out there. If you’ve got good people, willing to work, don’t let them set idle. One of two things will happen, they’ll either become like every other dead weight Christian in the church that sits in the pew on Sunday and listens without reaction, or God will react by moving them out of your congregation and into one where they’ll be used. If they’re a Christian worth a grain of salt, they’ll not just drop out of church, that’s a warning to those who feel uncompelled to do anything in their church. Don’t use that as an excuse to fall out on God. Because He deserves way more. And so do you. 

God bless you, and get excited for Jesus!  

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Posted in Christian Service, Praise

Asking the Question, Who Am I Lord?

I remember my early years in Calhoun County, at the tender age of 9ish, of God speaking to my heart. I remember hearing the word Armageddon, and the Bible warnings of wars to come and feeling a deep fear in my heart. I knew only enough to be fearful; but the fear faded and I went on with my little girl thoughts and ways. I remember that fear coming back off and on through my pre-salvation life. I remember playing church as a young adult and having no understanding whatsoever about who God was or who I was. I didn’t understand why (at the time) I had such struggles and heartache in my life. I was never told I was lost, I was never told I was saved, not so much as I could remember. Not in those terms. But I knew I wasn’t right with God.

Scroll forward through a few decades to 1996 when I had my first God encounter as an adult. I sat in the back row of a new church, listening to the gospel for what felt like the very first time in my life, although it wasn’t. It was just the first time that I actually heard and received the Word into the depth of that little girl heart. I was in awe. Week after week I wept, I worshipped and wondered why that experience had never come before? I felt the power of God working in me and through me and suddenly I became somebody. 

That sounds arrogant right?

I wasn’t anybody in the world, but I was somebody in the Kingdom. God placed people in my life who literally spoon fed me the gospel until I could take it with a fork. And then with a knife and fork, cutting the meat of the word apart and discerning it for myself. And I, like David in the book of Chronicles, thought, “Who am I Lord?”

“Who am I, O LORD God:” –  1 Chronicles 17:16b

Who Am I

I had been a nobody my entire life; fading into the background of family, friends, school, church… Even as loud and as obnoxious as I am, I felt as if I was no more than an annoyance to the people around me. But then God came into my heart and I was somebody. I felt as if I had purpose for the first time in my life. 

I’ve told the story several times before of standing with my hairbrush microphone as a child, but I wasn’t singing like most kids, I was talking. I had something to say. That was a dream I had, but had no concept of it ever coming to fruition. So when I began to speak, and I witnessed that dream come to pass, I felt David’s words in my soul “Who am I Lord, that the God of the universe would use me to speak for Him?” 

I have no grand illusion that I am of the caliber of David, but in that same scope I also understand what a big deal it is that God speaks to me just as He did David. And to you for that matter! I’m not God’s favorite, although sometimes He makes me feel like it. 

David’s worship and prayer had came on the heels of God telling him “No,” to building the tabernacle. He tells David that the tabernacle will come through the earthly kingdom of his son, and it does when Solomon built the most magnificent of houses for the Lord. David doesn’t pout and ask God why, but rather praises and worships Him for allowing himself to be a part of the purpose. 

Are you a part of the purpose? Is God using you, whether now, or through what your building to build His kingdom? 

When I thought of speaking as a little girl, speaking for God wasn’t on my mind. I speak of the current trend or random thought that I had. Something goofy that had nothing to do with anything of a spiritual sort. I also had a desire to sing, but God never allowed me to utter a public solo note until I was ready to be used in His service. And I knew it. I knew that God had set me aside and although I could sing the Eagle’s hit song “You can’t hide your Lyin’ eyes” and people would go on as to how they enjoyed it, it didn’t mean anything compared to standing before God’s people and worshiping Him with them. It wasn’t about me. I also knew (before anyone thinks it) that I wasn’t the greatest singer in the world. But that didn’t matter either. I was somebody in the Kingdom of God. And so are you. 

O LORD, for thy servants sake, and according to thine own heart, hast thou done all this greatness in making known all these great things. O LORD, there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears. – I Chronicles 17:19-20

You are God

It makes me want to puke when I hear anyone reference any other ‘god’ besides the one true God. Because I know that if He would speak to a nobody like me at the age of 9, He has no doubt spoken to every heart on this planet, and they know. They may deny Him, but they know. He gave them the same opportunity He gave me, but for what ever reason the allowed the demonic side of this earth to win out in their minds. 

There are people who would read that and be so offended that I dare say they’re controlled by a demonic force, but it doesn’t take the truth away. If you’re not God’s then you are theirs. 

1 John 2:22 KJV

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

I belonged to that demonic force before 1996. That is why, like King David I’m amazed that God pulled me out of it and used me. Because even now I’m unworthy, but I’m covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. Even now, there are sins in my life but they’re forgiven. All sins, past, present and future. They are not justified. I am justified through Christ. God doesn’t see my sin, He sees His Son. In that I stand amazed. 

Three in One

A concept that is almost, if not entirely impossible to understand pre-salvation is the Trinity of God. But through the Spirit, it not only becomes understood, it becomes experienced.

When I pray to God in Heaven, I feel Him.

When I read His Word I feel Him.

When I worship Him in word or song, I feel Him.

God is meant to be experienced and the more we experience Him, the more deeper connection we have with the Trinity. You know He’s watching you, you know when you hold the Bible in your hand it is Him through His word, and His Spirit will absolutely make your heart go pitter patter when the Spirit wants to show out! 

1 John 5:7-15 KJV

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. [9] If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son. [10] He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. [11] And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. [12] He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. [13] These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. [14] And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: [15] And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

For 26 years, I’ve served God in countless capacities. Speaker, writer, singer, youth ministry, nursing home ministry, women’s ministry, evangelist… There were times I felt as if I was being sidelined and my heart broke… I’ve been there for a few years now. But through the faithfulness and encouragement of friends and ministry affiliates such Dewey Moede, who I have served with for 11 years, I’ve stayed put, knowing that the promises God gave that nine year old girl, he would never renege. I may be old… but I still have dreams. Dewey is 67, and he still has dreams. My friend and ministry goal, Doyle Ballengee, died at the age of 80, as excited as a new convert, it never got old for him. Lord, let it be so for me. 

Who am I? I am Yours, Lord.

Posted in Church attendance, Church Unity, Word of God, worship

Somebody’s got to be the Bad Guy

For almost 61 years I have been the type person that wanted to make people at the very least smile, and if possible laugh. I love hearing laughter! But I am so outspoken, so opinionated in what I believe that I sometimes leave people with a scowl, but seldom a face of indifference. I have friends who are much the same. My friend Steve Boggs has made people laugh, and he too has made people not so happy when he shared the truth of the Word of God. 

He was bringing a devotion to a group of friends the other day and as he closed his message out, he referenced the harshness of the truth to people in the world. And he said “Hey, Somebody’s got to be the bad guy.”

Ain’t it the truth!  I couldn’t get my mind away from that thought. Kermit the Frog has a song titled “It not easy being green.” Well it’s not easy being red either (meaning conservative). Although I guess I’m a little red neck too, but for the sake of this post, we’ll say it stands for conservative and more than anything else, I want to be biblical. The Bible in no way shape or form aligns with what’s going on in the world today. Republican or Democrat. And there are many who say they believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God, except they change the very definition of it when the won’t stand on what it says. On both the Republican and Democrat sides of the isle. So let’s just agree to be biblical!

God’s not political. But we live in a political world and need to do the best we can to defend God’s word and point people to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. So we have to take a stand, and it often makes a Christian the bad guy. Because most everyone in the world wants you to, at the very least, not oppose them. You don’t have to agree, but for Pete’s sake never tell them they’re wrong.

Praise God that we have an example like the Apostle Paul who tells the Galatian in Chapter 4:23 “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

The Galatians were once again listening to the Jewish leadership who wanted to keep them in bondage to the law. But Paul, serving and preaching Christ, warns them of how that method keeps them in bondage. But to follow the salvation of Christ, (which is never through works but faith alone) allows them to live free, forgiven, without the need to “do” anything. Should that not be good news? 

As Christians, we’re to share that message. Jesus forgives, Jesus saves, Jesus frees. But the world hears it as “I can’t be who I want to be.” 

Nope. You can be better!

Paul tells his friends in verse 21 of that same chapter “Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?”

Can you Hear What You’ve Accepted as Truth?

While nobody who has accepted the current liberal way of thinking would say they’re accepting the law (more than likely that is how they see us.) But what they’re accepting is very much what the Jewish leadership wanted from the people of Galatia. Just do what we say, and question nothing. The law has said that we have to march to the politically correct drum, giving special rights to those who make truth a lie – –  if not we’re in violation. Anyone with any sense knows that babies are born either male or female. That’s not up for debate. But the world has made it a new truth. There is nothing new under the sun, scripture says that too.

The world says truth is subjective. Nope. If it is based on feelings or emotions, it’s absolutely not truth. I can feel differently every day of the week. Truth is fact. Not anything is up for debate.

Paul goes on to tell the Galatians of the Old Testament story of Abraham. Who had two children, one with Sarah his wife, after he had one with Hagar his bond maid.  The child he had with Hagar was born into bondage, a child of the flesh, the child that was born to Sarah was the child of promise. The child of freedom. 

Can you hear What you’ve accepted as Law?

Paul said in verses 22-23

For it is written that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.

Hagar’s son Ishmael mocked Issac the son of Sarah. Can you hear the mocking of the Christian faith today?

Genesis 21:8-12 KJV

And the child grew, and was weaned: and Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned. [9] And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, mocking. [10] Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac. [11] And the thing was very grievous in Abraham’s sight because of his son. [12] And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.

It is hard for us to comprehend Old Testament ways. Throwing a child and his mother out into the cold, how would a loving God justify that? God knew what the future held for the children of Israel, the legitimate offspring of Abraham. Those born of the promise. They would have to face centuries of persecution, death and ridicule by the the ancestors of Ishmael. We know those ancestors today to be of Iraq. We also know their laws… We know that they have a fraction of the freedom we have, and yet we provide more defense for their religion than our faith. A religion that murders without penalty and abuses without retribution. Why would people want that for their children? Can they not see what they have accepted as law.

Who Hindered you from the Truth? 

Paul told the people what they did not want to hear. He played the bad guy so that he could save the people from themselves. 

Galatians 5:1-8 KJV

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. [2] Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. [3] For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. [4] Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. [5] For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. [6] For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love. [7] Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? [8] This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you.

I’ll be the bad guy if it saves my friends. I’m trying to get you to see and accept what Jesus Christ did on the cross as the finished work. I’m trying to get you to see that when you read the word of God, the truth is not up for debate, nor is it up to private interpretation. And if you read it, the Spirit reveals to you the truth to make you free.

I know this to be fact because God has revealed the word to me again and again. Don’t believe the lie of the Devil that says you can’t understand the Bible. The King Jame Version, (the version I use) is written in a way that children can understand. There are far more complex words in the newer versions of the Bible, many of which change the definition entirely of the scripture. 

Before anyone calls outspoken Christians the bad guy, you should first read the Bible for yourself.

Glenn Beck, of Blaze TV, asked for prayer the other day for Tucker Carlson. Carlson is the recently fired, very well known host of Fox News. So well known he was the number one news show on the air. So why would they fire him? Because he refused to stop telling the truth. But that’s not the reason Glenn asked for prayer. He asked for prayer because Tucker, as a devout Episcopalian, confessed that he had never read the Bible. “It’s not encouraged in their faith,” he said. But in an effort to understand spiritual matters he had taken it upon himself to read it. And he’s amazed. He’s soaking it in like a sponge and has fallen in love with the Word of God. Isn’t that amazing?! Imagine the reach that Tucker Carlson has and what he could do with the truth of God. He does need prayer. 

But what about our reach. What about every single person you come into contact with? What if that’s only a couple of family members? Well, do you want them to go Hell or are you willing to risk the offense of telling them about Jesus? Nobody will be calling you the bad guy for hurting their feelings when they’re in Heaven!

Posted in Uncategorized

How to Know Jesus is Moving

I want to share with you the Word of the Lord that really encouraged me in the place that I’m in. And that place is not just Grantsville, WV, although that’s my home town, the place that I’m in is Heaven.

Ephesians 2:6 And hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: 

Christ is entered into heaven as the forerunner, to take possession of it for his people, in their name; and to prepare mansions of glory for them, and in these we sit. We sit there already through Him. That is where we find pleaseure, rest, safety and security. You can’t find that in this world. 

But I’ve been in a position recently that has caused me to question a great many things. But God is faithful. I am not. I’ll run from God and run from the Holy Spirit if I feel it’s a struggle I’m not ready for. But whom ever it was that coined the phrase “If God brings you to it, He’ll bring you through it,” knew what they were saying.

So when I finally made a decision to move out of the place that I was in and move forward, things started happening. Peace began to come. The battle didn’t become any easier, but it became manageable. God began to guide me by taking me on a journey through the Word, through music, through all the things that I had relied on for so many years. 

There was joy in the journey for me today. 

When Apostle Paul got saved, I would venture a guess that there were many people who questioned his ministry. Was it real? He had been previously killing Christians? Why was He such a zealot? I can understand that one…Because he came from dead religion and he knew where he was headed!  It’s no wonder that people questioned his sincerity, but it didn’t change the truth that Paul had the power of God on him and the ability to preach Christ. To those who really knew him, they knew God had chosen him for a specific ministry, a ministry to the Gentiles. 

So it causes me to question myself, Who is my ministry too? Is it to a select group, like women, or children? Is it to all people? Is it through music, the written word, the spoken word… there are so many avenues to take. Which one Lord? Did Paul question his? No… I think he simply went where the Spirit lead. And when he got there, he joyed in his journey too and there was movement in the community. 

There is Movement When There’s Real Warriors

Paul faced persecution and unhappy religious people in Acts 17:6 where it says And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also. 

Not only did Paul face persecution but it caused his friends to get caught up in it as well. Paul and his ministering buddies had turned the world upside down. Would to God we would move that way today!  When you find ministering people who realize the battle we’re in they are true warriors for Christ. They understand our role of bringing the word to the people even in the face of adversity. 

Turning the world upside down happened in Paul’s day, I believe it happened again in the 1730-40’s in England during the great awakening. Throughout America and England in the mid 1800’s. Again in Chicago in 1875-1885. The Welsh Revivals in the early 1900’s, and through Billy Sunday and Billy Graham throughout the 1900s at various times. What brought on those Revivals? Were they in a honeymoon period of life. No… There was a movement because times were changing. Life was hard and people needed hope. Can you see the relevance today and the need for warriors for Christ’s Word. 

There is Movement When the Real Word is being spoken

Acts 17:11

These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so. 

Luke, Paul and their friends were taking the community by storm. The people were hungry for the word and they were searching the scripture with a mind ready to soak it in like a sponge. Are we that hungry? I love preaching. If I had to choose between the two, I’d choose the Word of God any day over music. Even though I love music. It all has a place in the ministry but it should all point us to the Word of God and Jesus Himself. One should not replace the other. But if the church does not have a hunger for the word of God, something is wrong. I don’t care how many times I’ve read it, every time I read it, it’s as if it were the first. There’s a new application or clarity that appears and my soul is stirred with a desire to know more. 

When the word takes root in your soul, there is also a desire that should run through you to do something with it. Not just sit and soak. But soak and serve. We are not given knowledge to horde it like a pack rat. We have a responsibility like Paul to take that word somewhere. It needs to move from the church house, from the recliner,  where ever it is that you’ve read it or heard it, it needs to move from there to the ears of someone else. Maybe it’s the Sunday dinner table. Maybe it’s breakfast at the restaurant with friends, perhaps to a ten year old that’s got questions about faith. But move with the Word of God.

There is Movement When there’s Real Worship

Acts 17:23-28 KJVS

For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. [24] God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; [25] Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; [26] And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; [27] That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: [28] For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

Glory! We are the children of God. While the world follows false idols and false ways, those of us who know God, found Him even in the darkness. I wasn’t even looking for Him when I found Him. I was a part of dead religion and thought I knew Him. But we can feel Him, like a blind man feels to find his way. God was never far away, even in our most lost state, He was just waiting for us to call out His name. And He’s still waiting for those who have yet to do it. That’s what this life is about… us showing others to the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s our job. Every child of God has the responsibility to share Jesus with those they come into contact with. It’s a divine appointment that should not be shrugged off or handed off to someone else. 

Those people who were worshipping the false gods wanted an experience that can only be had through the Spirit of the One true God. Once you experience true worship, you know that anything you had prior to that pales in comparison. Why there are dead Christians, I don’t know. I’ve really tried to figure that out. Are they lost? No, I don’t believe they’re lost. But there is certainly something missing for them if they’ve not felt the movement of the Holy Spirit in their life. 

Are you asking what it feels like to feel the power of God moving? For me, my heart rate speeds up.  There is joy that feels like it is being poured like oil into my soul. It has caused me to weep uncontrollably, and believe me I tried to control it because I hate drawing attention to myself. I have seen it work through other people the same way and different ways, but I knew God was moving in their life. I didn’t know what He was doing, but I knew He was doing something. It was a worship experience. That’s what the movement of God does. 

If you’ve not experienced Him like that, I’m sorry. I pray you do. God desires His people to experience worship because that worship is us thanking and praising Him for all He’s done. I think it’s why people like me received the worship experience early in my walk with Christ and it never left, because I know how much gratitude I have (which is not enough) but I am so very thankful for God bringing me out of dead religion, a headed for Hell life and never having had peace until I experienced salvation. 

Do you know Him? Do you have that peace? If not, please, message me, let me tell you how I came to know Him. 

For more information about me, Shari Johnson, the Jesus Chick, check out the, or, You’ll find my information and much more there. If you’d like to send a message send it via email to or message me at 3043776036.

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Let’s Talk about Church People

In twenty six years of salvation I’ve been in a variety of churches. I’ve been in many denominations and nondenominational churches and I can tell you that there are as many “styles” of service as there are denominations. If not more. Because within the denominations you’ll find various styles of worship. I don’t know that there has ever been a church that I haven’t found people that I loved. I may not have enjoyed their style of worship, but if they loved Jesus, I loved them! But the truth is, it does not matter if I like your church or not, it only matters if it is acceptable to God.

Paul told the Romans in Chapter 12, verses 1-2:
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. [2] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Paul was begging them, by the mercies of God. Do we realize how deep that well of mercy is for us? I don’t think I do. God has extended mercy to me so many times each day that I lose county before 8 a.m. I love the mornings because it is another opportunity to get something accomplished for Christ. But it doesn’t take long for me to get into an ungodly manner of thought or behavior. As I have been recently trying to sort out the direction for me and my ministry I grew increasingly frustrated with people of faith who don’t even acknowledge that I have a ministry, and then I was frustrated with myself for caring that other people didn’t acknowledge me. The only One that should matter is God. I need to transform my own thought process – – proving what is that good, acceptable and perfect, will of God for my life. The congregations of God are not my problem. God is a relational God and wants to relate to me. And you! So let’s do some ciphering on that…

[3] For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

Humility – “oh Lord it’s hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way… remember the song? Humility is tough. Just when you think you have it, the flesh rises and you realize that you don’t. It’s a behavior that has to be trained every day. And then there is sober living. Meaning without immoderate uncontrolled passion. It does not mean a sad sack disposition that I have witnessed on more Christians than I can count inside the church. Now outside… woah baby, they are not sad at all. But for some reason, they believe that the church is a place akin to a morgue or a funeral parlor. But God says to seriously consider your measure of faith.

How much do you have? Do you have enough to get through the worst day of your life when any unimaginable thing may happen? I have had a few of those days. Three heart attacks, open heart surgery, loss of a job, cut to the core by people who were suppose or care. I can say, praise God! That none of these things moved me. But it’s not been without struggle. I think that the “measure of faith” is just the amount that we need, no more, no less. But it’s in there.

[4] For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: [5] So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. [6] Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; [7] Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching; [8] Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.

A blessing that I have made into a problem are the gifts God has given me. I have multiple. And I say that with all humility because just because I have a gift doesn’t mean I always use it to the best of my ability or with the intended use of God. I am an artist. (Yet I critique myself until I hide it in a drawer.) I’m a singer, and I booger myself up until I’m sick before I perform. I’m a teacher (been known to be a preacher when God’s power is allowed work through me. But I quite often squelch it for myself in judgement. I’m a writer, but I compare myself to writers of great fame and think, why? I’m a musician, yet I refuse to practice then complain because I’m terrible. I’m a speaker, moderate at best. I have a lot room for self improvement. I could have my own show.

[9] Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. [10] Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; [11] Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; [12] Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; [13] Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. [14] Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not. [15] Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. [16] Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. [17] Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. [18] If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Here is where the rubber meets the road on churches. Without dissimulation is without hypocrisy. When I say that I love all of God’s people, I mean it and it is without hypocrisy. There is nobody that I wouldn’t want to be in Heaven with. But… praise God we’re all going to be like Christ when we get there, because the thoughts of spending eternity with some people makes me glad for a city four square. Personalities clash, scripture discernment varies, there are happy Christians and sad Christians, those who like a loud church and those who like a quiet church. You can probably guess which group I’m in. When I read that we should not be slothful in business, and we should be “fervent” in the Lord, I read that to mean excited! Give me an Amen when I’m singing or speaking, tell me that you and I agree in the Lord, stand up and clap your hands and show me your heart got happy in a service, I won’t call you down! Paul said to rejoice because we have hope. And let Satan know, like Job did, that you’re even happy when times are rough. Glory to God I just wrote myself happy!

Last week I was accused of taking vengeance. That’s okay if some people think that. I know better. God said if it’s possible live in peace. He also knew that it wouldn’t always be possible. We of course have to choose our battles carefully and make sure that we’re fighting the Lord’s fight and not the flesh. Can’t say that I’ve always won that one either. But I’m trying my best.

As I move on to a new phase in my spiritual walk, I don’t know what it’s going to be like or where it’s going to be. But I know God is with me.

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The Defensiveness of Offensiveness

Well, technically there’s not any defense of offense when Jesus said to turn the other cheek, right? But then of course there was the time that He said of the religious leaders

Matthew 23:33 KJVS
Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

In that same passage He says of them:

Matthew 23:27-28 KJVS
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. [28] Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

So perhaps Jesus did get a little snippy with some folks that were being mean to His people.

This matter of discussion came up when some community members called me out for being ungodly by a meme I posted on my personal Facebook Account which they automatically assumed was about a certain person in our community, even though I mentioned nothing about anything or anyone when I posted the meme. It was simply a video clip from the Wizard of Oz when the good witch said that the bad witch was dead. And for the record, nobody died. You probably just lost a little respect, or a whole lot of respect for the Jesus Chick. And that’s okay. But before you get too offended by my behavior, let me explain my stance, which still may find me in the woodshed of God.

I sat in a meeting for the Ridgeview News and waited for the end of an executive session for the school board where two students were having reviews of an expulsion hearing for their behavior. I did not know either student at the time, so I bore no favoritism to either one, but I’m not sure that was the case on the inside of the board room. It is unfortunate that although it was a closed session, I could hear much of the conversation.

When the first student went, I heard laughter and the child and parent exited the room with faces of satisfaction. Then the second child goes in, a student again that I did not know, but I could tell he hadn’t had the easiest of life. So my heart, which is so very tender to young people, listened as he and his grandparent told me his story before they went in. When he got into the room I heard yelling. I heard one person in the administration rake him across the coals as if the crime had just been committed and he was an heinous infidel that had destroyed his chance at prison parole. Then I heard a higher person in the administration rake him across the coals again and prod him with a hot poker (metaphorically speaking of course) until I was ready to knock the door down and defend this kid myself. That person was demeaning, and let that child know just who she was and what authority she had.

A person from a child advocate group had attended the meeting with this young person for fear that they wouldn’t get a fair shake. Well guess what, they didn’t. And nobody defended them. And yes sir the flesh rose up in me and I was angry at the administrative people who thought they had the right to treat this child in such a manner.

Now, I’m not fool enough to think that this kid was without reproach. But I’ll just say that the first child who went in, may have been of a little higher social class than the second. I’ll also say that I was later told the crimes of both, and the one who went in first had a very serious offense.

So today I used this platform for which the Lord has given me to defend myself for a bad attitude toward a person. Am I erring on the side of right… I don’t know. But I do know that I will forever be an advocate of an underdog, meaning a person who has the cards stacked against them. I’ll do that because I have an Advocate in the Father.

I was accused of throwing stones. Which wasn’t true. I did not call the person, nor the sin out. The person for which everyone assumed my meme was about, happen to announce her retirement that day. I was gleefully happy that no child would ever have to deal with that person again.

I told my “anti-fan” club that I’d post my position on the Jesus Chick Blog. Thus the reason I’m somewhat airing my dirty laundry here.

I’m weary on a couple of fronts in my life, so now was not a good time for me to come under attack, or go on the attack.

I’ve been told that Christians are suppose suppose to turn the other cheek, stay out of politics, read your bible, go to church, do what you’re told and just wait until Jesus returns. But for Pete’s sake don’t get involved and make a scene because you’ll bring shame upon the church and upon the name of Christ. Those same advisors sit in the pew on Sunday, gossip on Monday, do not serve others, judge their brothers, and then call out me because I dared to involve myself with the people God called me to serve.

I was told I shouldn’t call myself the Jesus Chick because I’m not acting like Him. And yet, Jesus walked into the church, turned over a table where the money changers were robbing the people and ran them out with a whip. He said in Mark 9:42 KJV:
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Do I think Jesus would have posted that meme? I don’t think Jesus would be on Facebook. Nor do I think Jesus would be sitting in the church house listening to unbiblical preachers, or not even go to church because He’s “too busy,” He’d likely do a little more than nothing Monday through Saturday in the name of Christ, I don’t think He’d just sit and listen to people in and out of the church mock His Father and sit idly by as someone mistreats His children.

I’m done with this for today… tomorrow I want to refocus on Jesus. Focus on the ministry that God called me to do which is to minister to the people and shine the light on Jesus!

God bless ya! I covet your prayers for my ministry and for

Posted in Christian, Church Unity, Evangelism, Grace

Marching to the Beat of Your Own Drum

I was told once, and lived it out myself, that if I played guitar alone too often, I’d have my own rhythm and have difficulty playing with other musicians. And so it was one night at a bluegrass jam that one of my favorite tunes was unrecognizable for the other musicians because I had changed the beat during my solo playing at home.

As I sat this morning weeping for a lost fellowship, I couldn’t help but reflect on that story. It is likewise true that if a person is out of fellowship with spiritual people, they too will find themselves out of step with the truth. They’ll march to their own beat, and if they hear it long enough, nobody else will be right in there mind.

One of the most widely known and shared verses when it comes to staying in fellowship with the church is Hebrews 10:25.  But like many wonderful scriptures it’s often plucked out of the center and the words leading to and from it are ignored. When the writer wrote Hebrews 10, He was likely having a conversation with  saved Jews. Many of which would have been often conflicted about no longer keeping the Jewish religious laws. He says as much in verse 1-4.

Hebrews 10:1-4 KJVS

[1]] For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. [2] For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. [3] But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. [4] For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.

Every year those critters were offered up for the forgiveness of the people, with the knowledge that the next year, there would need to be a payment once again. The blood of the animals was not a permanent fix. But it was a way of life for Israel. So like most religious folk, anything new was going to have an adjustment period.

Hebrews 10:5-9 KJVS

 [5] Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me: [6] In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. [7] Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God. [8] Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein ; which are offered by the law; [9] Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second. 

And so it was established that the law was now grace. No longer could they do anything to bring their own salvation, it was only by Christ’s finished work on the cross. A matter many churches even yet today, under the guise of Christianity still use. They want to do something… be baptized, join the church, wear the right clothes, sing the right songs, etc. etc. and God said no, it is by the blood of my Son. Alone. And what you do in His name, better point the world to Him alone.

But along the way man has interpreted and twisted scripture in such a manner that it would fit into their own agenda for their own church and God’s people became a division of over 45,000 denominations. 

Hebrews 10:10-14 KJVS

[10] By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. [11] And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: [12] But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; [13] From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. [14] For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

One offering. One way. Not 45,000. 

One Spirit

Hebrews 10:15-16

 [15] Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before, [16] This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; 

Once a confession of faith has been made, that you confess that you believe in that finished work of Jesus Christ; His Spirit, also known as the Holy Ghost, comes within you and speaks to your heart and to your mind. Another matter that a preacher worth a grain of salt won’t refute. God speaks through His word, through His Spirit and through His people called into His service. He speaks to the heart of man and to the mind of man. So if that is how God speaks, why is fellowship with other Christians necessary?

The second a man (or woman as the case may be) goes off on their own, it won’t be long until they’ll be out of step with the Word of God. Is this 100%, across the board fact? No. I believe there are those that God calls and equips to be on their own for what ever reason and for a specific time. But not indefinitely. 

Remember that rhythm I spoke of? If you pull yourself into an exclusive position without regard for the rhythm of anyone else, they can’t encourage you and you won’t encourage them. And it won’t matter how “right” you are. You’ll be of no earthly good for the Lord. 

45,000 denominations are not correct. As the Word said, there is but One way to salvation.

My Dad, Gene Paul Hardway, refused to join a church. He stood by that conviction even when the church he attended for 20 years removed him from teaching. They eventually asked him back because the people knew he knew the word of God. I am inclined to join my dad’s belief. I’ve been a Baptist for 26 years. Without regret. The Baptist people grew me into the woman of God that I am through discipleship. But over time I have slowly became less and less impressed with the “religious in the Baptist movement.” They are no different than the Pharisees who looked down their noses at the peasants called Christians and called them heretics. Because those Christians were not a formal religion. 

They just believed in Jesus. 

And so that leads us into the well known verse of 25

Hebrews 10:17-25

[17] And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. [18] Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. [19] Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, [20] By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; [21] And having an high priest over the house of God; [22] Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. [23] Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)  [24] And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: [25] Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is ; but exhorting one another : and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. 

What a novel idea! Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works. Not to  lord wisdom and authority over the believers as if they’re too ignorant to understand the word of God or too lowly to be spoken to by the Spirit. We are to exhort… ENCOURAGE… one another. Good grief this world is pathetic. Why should we focus on how pathetic it is when we serve a God that dwells within us and desires a conversation that is encouraging and uplifting. Not once have I been beaten down by the Lord. But buddy…. The world has thumped me on multiple occasions. 

This was a reminder to myself, that I need people. But I don’t need people who don’t believe what the Lord has done in my life. God called me to the ministry in 2010. He’s yet to un-call me.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian, Church Unity, Evangelism, Praisee, Purpose, salvation, worship

For All that’s Wrong, There’s Plenty that’s Right

Have you ever been spiritually frustrated? Or should I ask “When’s the last time you were spiritually frustrated?” If you’ve walked the path of faith for any length of time at all, and by that I mean greater than 15 minutes, you’ve no doubt experienced it. But one would think that the longer and further you’ve walked, provided you’ve clung to the Rock, you would experience frustrations less. I have met very few (if any) people who don’t struggle.

I have witnessed those who get in a big way of talking and and say that they got in the face of the Devil and said “You’re a liar Satan, and I rebuke you in the name of Jesus to get out of my life.” And then according to their testimony, he did. I’ll just tell you from my stand point, I’m going to let God do the rebuking of Satan, because any time I’ve tried it, Satan has came at me that much harder. I’m not always sure it’s Satan I should be giving the credit to for the hard times any way, I’m sure I am often to blame. But struggles come and go and with them, many conversations with God.

So as I read through the short book of Habakkuk following a funeral yesterday, his words struck a chord in my soul.

Watch and See

Habakkuk 2:1 KJVS
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.

Have I been watching? Have I had any desire to see what the Lord has to say about the recent frustrations in my life? I have to ask myself that honestly. I tell you often that I am quick to ask and slow to listen. It’s as if I’m a toddler who looks at a parent right before they stick their hand in the fire and then is shocked with the result. Other times it’s like the child who falls and scrapes their knee and screams bloody murder because a parent wants to put medicine on it, only to discover the medicine took away the pain. Watch and see…

Habakkuk looked high, he didn’t look low. He did not seek man’s advice but went to the One and only capable of answering. He didn’t stir the masses up with his problems and he didn’t assume that Judah wasn’t the problem. He only knew that God would take care of them some how. He asked and then he listened. Hmmm… I could learn.

What He Will Say

When the Lord answers He gives Habakkuk an instruction.

Habakkuk 2:2 KJVS
[2] And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

Write it down. And here we are over 2500 years later, reading the words that he wrote that God continues to speak through. That’s amazing! God told Habakkuk to write down the vision, a plan for the future and Habakkuk listened to his Lord’s words. God was sending a warning out to the people that judgement was going to come. It’s still true today. Sometimes it’s swift, but as it was in the day of this text sometimes God waits for a while to bring everything to fruition so that it can be understood and work for His glory.

I hate to wait. I have a microwave mentality most of the time. But if I think about the fire of an oven in comparison to the artificial heat of a microwave, the baking result is vastly different. It’s always better in the oven. Slower… but oh so good.

Wait for it

Habakkuk 2:3-4 KJVS

[3] For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. [4] Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

Waiting requires trust. Trust that come what may, it’s for my good.

This chapter records God’s answers to the questions that challenged Habakkuk’s faith: (1) How long would evil prevail (1:2-3)? (2) Why was Babylon chosen to punish Judah (1:13)? God said that the judgment against evil, though slow to come, was certain. And though God used Babylon to punish Judah, God also knew Babylon’s sins and would punish it in due time.

But what are we to do in the wait? For me I think I should consider what my role in these battles has been. Facing the reality that I could be the problem or at the very least a part of it. Habakkuk didn’t go up and get his answer and then storm down because God’s truth wasn’t what he wanted. He accepted God’s truth that there were those whose soul’s were not upright. Does that happen today? That the souls of even God’s people are not always upright? The flesh is a very real adversary in the life of a Christian. Turning control of your frustrations and desires over to God and trusting Him to fix it isn’t easy.

The Answer…

Habakkuk 3:2 KJVS
O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.

Revive thy work. That is the answer. I skirted all around it, trying to make far more out of Habakkuk’s message than needed to be. What I love about God’s word, among many things, is the simplicity of His speech. I often don’t go to the word because I too am afraid of God’s answer. I assume that even though the balm He’s about to put on my wound is for my own good, it’s going to be like Merthiolate. That bright reddish orang medicine our parents would put on a raw wound that burned like fire! But it is not. It’s a salve of goodness to the soul.

Revive thy work. The works trumps everything. Every little issue, every big issue on this earth means nothing in the scope of the work that the Christian is supposed to be doing. If we lose sight of that, then souls go to Hell.

I had a sermon from 2013 outlined in my bible from Habakkuk 3:17-19 that spoke to me again.

My notes said thus…

Yet I will rejoice – leave the doubters and get with the shouters!!
We need to practice
A salvation that is established on the Word of God
Phd can mean piled higher and deeper
Isaiah 40:8 the Word of our God will stand forever

God’s word never changes
God never changes
Sin never changes
Penalty for sin never changes
Plan of salvation never changes

God’s word is spiritually discerned

Habakkuk rejoiced in the God of His salvation. For all that is wrong in my world, there’s plenty that is right. I’ll focus on that and leave the rest to God.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration, salvation, Word of God

It Ain’t Easy Waiting on Jesus

Have you ever just looked to the sky and ask God “Why not now Lord? I’m ready, and I don’t want to see this world get any more wicked. This is plenty bad enough. Please, come and get your children!” Well, no doubt those in the days of scripture were very much looking to the same Heaven and saying the same thing. It was they who James was speaking to when He penned the Words God spoke. We know this because in the first verse of the first chapter James tells us who he is speaking to:

James 1:1 KJVS
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.

It is Israel. The Nation of God’s chosen people. The very people that had turned their back on God to the point that He gave the Gentiles the blessing of Salvation through His Son’s life being given on the cross. When the Jewish leaders continued to deny that Jesus was the Christ, God said ENOUGH! And God began a new work through the Gentiles and through the Apostle Paul. But He continued to work on Israel, although no longer through the traditions of man. It was now by God’s marvelous grace that Jew and Gentile alike could come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ with the promise that He’d return for His Children and then finish what He started with Israel. And now we’re here, waiting for God to come and get us.

In frustration. With patience wearing thin and the temptation to take matters into your own hands most every day. Or perhaps that’s just me.


James 5:7-20 KJVS
Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.

Be patient… James said. Jesus is waiting too, but He has patience because He wants both the fruits of yesterday and the fruits of tomorrows while there is still tomorrows to be had. I usually think of that right after I’ve asked Jesus to come and get me. What if He did? How many souls do I know that would be damned to Hell because they’re not saved? Far, far too many.


Again James says it, but this time he’s speaking of the Prophets of old.

[8] Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. [9] Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door. [10] Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. [11] Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

Prophets who endured the unimaginable for us, and yet James said they counted them happy in what they endured because they knew that God would one day be glorified in their suffering. Job knew it when he told his wife that she spoke like a foolish woman, even though she too had endured the unimaginable of losing every child and belonging she had. She told Job to curse God and die! But Job did not because he knew there was a plan, even if he didn’t understand it. We have to realize that when we look at this world we have to believe THERE IS A PLAN! BE PATIENT.


[12] But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation. [13] Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. [14] Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: [15] And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. [16] Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. [17] Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. [18] And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. [19] Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; [20] Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

There is plenty of things in those verses that causes one to wonder aloud, “Why did God not heal when I asked? Why did God not stop the storm when I asked?” Why… there are thousands of them. We read this scripture and doubt creeps in and we think God doesn’t hear, or we’re not living as we should, or any of the other one million reasons that the world tells you that scripture isn’t true. That it doesn’t happen as God said it would. But what we didn’t think about was who God was talking to, and at what dispensation in time was He speaking? This letter is to the Jews. It is written for our edification and encouragement but it is not written for out doctrine to live by. That’s why people get discouraged in the waiting. They’re waiting for the wrong bus. When James wrote this letter it was during the time when God was doing all kind of miracles in the lives of the Jewish people through the Apostles. But when the Gentile church came on the scene, you didn’t see those miracles happen after Paul. Not like it was then. There’s miracles… but not as it was in days of scripture.

So do we just sit and wait? Do we not pray? Do we not believe God can heal? Of course we believe!!! But God is not raising the dead because a preacher asked. He’s not healing every one the way we want Him to heal them, He may heal them in Heaven. But we ask! And we believe that God can and quite often He does and when He does we can rejoice. But when He doesn’t we can still rejoice in knowing that God has a plan and we’re apart of it.

That is why we have to stay busy. There is so much work for the church to do right now and the vast majority of them are waiting on the wrong bus. They’re waiting for God to come and get them and He will… but not until He’s done with the plan.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. About the need to study the word and try to figure out what God’s doing or why He’s not doing something. And I’ve come to this conclusion. Patience is not my virtue. I’m better off staying busy. Get out of line for the bus and get back to work! Amen? Amen!

Posted in Church attendance, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Praise, Purpose, salvation

I’m Not Always Godly…

Truth of the matter is, we can all likely say the same, but the level of ungodliness varies on any given day. I have issues that would cause many out there to say “Amen and Amen.”

I’ve never tried to play “the righteous or holy one.” I try to warn people who walk the path with me that if I stumble upon a snake, I’m gonna holler about it. I won’t say bad words, but if someone writes them down, I’ll point to them. I won’t deny that they filter through my mind on more than one occasion. This world is a terrible role model.

There are people in the world that I struggle to like. I can say eye to eye and flat footed that there is no one on this planet that I want to see go to Hell. There is nobody on this planet that I wouldn’t take an opportunity to tell them about the love of Jesus. But there are people that when I hear their voice, I roll my eyes and cringe – if not openly at least on the inside.

I will not ever apologize for shining a light on something that could bring harm to the soul. Public education that has gone off the rails, government that’s gotten too big for their britches, media who selectively report the news, people who hurt or harm others without regret, and religion that makes me want to puke. I say I don’t play church, but if I’m honest I’ve been playing it a little lately, but it’s not been any fun.

So what brings me here today, to this topic? It’s the only way I know that I can keep myself accountable, work through my issues, and possibly help someone else struggling.

What is godliness?

  • A person who genuinely loves the word of God and studies it for the purpose of being who God designed them to be, to walk in His ways, and to glorify Him through their life.
    • David said in Psalm 119:103 KJV
    • How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
    • Paul said in Titus 1:1 KJV
    • Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;
    • 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV
    • All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: [17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Ask yourself this question, “How much do you love the word of God? Are you in the word every day? Can’t say that I have been recently. There was a time that I started every day with the Word of God, read through the Bible, studied and studied the word to figure out what God wanted me to do. And then it happened. I grew weary of failing God. As a minister to the people I could encourage others but could not encourage myself. This is where I will say that “playing church” came in to my life. I could tell you the patented answers to your problems because with 25 years of studying the word of God I had become quite adept at the problems of other people and knowing what the word said about their problems. But my own… Oh no, no, no. I was queen of using my Attention Deficit Disorder to focus on something else besides my issues.

How about acknowledging the truth? When it comes to the wickedness that is in the world do we align everything up by the word of God? This is going to sound petty, and it’s really not meant to be, but I think it’s a good example. This past Sunday I missed church because my back was out. So I began early in the morning from my bed, watching various services. I have some favorite non-Baptist friends that I follow. One family happens to be of the Church of Christ. That particular denomination doesn’t believe in musical instruments in the church (most of them). So I listened and enjoyed their service. But I scrolled a little further to an in home worship service with the same people and there were instruments. Wait a minute… I don’t care if you believe that instruments don’t belong, but how can they belong one place and not another. Now… that does sound petty. Until you put it into perspective with many of the daily decisions we are faced with and are we willing to compromise on what the scripture says regarding other issues like same sex marriage, premarital sex, worldly television, lying, drugs, alcohol, etc. etc. Do we read and study what the Word of God says on those things and other popular topics?

A person who genuinely loves those who God loves (everyone).

Ephesians 6:18-19 KJV

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; [19] And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

A person of humility and understanding of their need to rely on God.

Ezra 8:21-23 KJV

Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river of Ahava, that we might afflict ourselves before our God, to seek of him a right way for us, and for our little ones, and for all our substance. [22] For I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way: because we had spoken unto the king, saying, The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him; but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him. [23] So we fasted and besought our God for this: and he was intreated of us.

Ezra, an Old Testament Prophet, knew Who it was that He had to rely on for survival. Yes it was a different day. God was speaking in a different manner, but something that hasn’t changed about that situation is, we still need to talk to God about what’s going on in our day to day lives.

Ezra “afflicted” himself, humbled himself before God. He didn’t come to God with any arrogance or self elevation. There was too much at stake. Hello? Do you think we have a lot at stake now? Sunday morning I had 5 of the 6 grandchildren at my house. Guess who didn’t go to church because I (their Noni) didn’t go to church. Ugh… I felt like a heel. I want my grandchildren to grow up with an example before them daily where God is humbly sought for guidance and safety in this world and that they understand how important God is.

How humble are we? I have always considered myself a pretty humble person… but that in itself means I’m not humble enough. I do consider the great possibility that I can be wrong. So I go to the only source of absolute truth that we have – the Bible. I seek my answers there, not from the world, not from my own opinion (as I have been accused.) I rely on the Spirit, which contrary to what some believe, does speak to the child of God.

A person who does their best to live a life separate from worldly endeavors.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 KJV

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? [15] And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? [16] And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them ; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. [17] Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing ; and I will receive you, [18] And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Unequally yoked is often used in reference to marriage. But what about relationships with people in general, or any thing in general. I do not believe that it means we’ll never come into contact with the world. How else can people be saved unless someone tells them of Jesus. But as someone called into the ministry of Jesus Christ, I struggled with God wanting me to be in a secular job. When I began to operate the Ridgeview News, I struggled reporting on the failures of others when I knew that I too had failures. It took prayer and understanding that just as a preacher has sins of their own, they have to draw the congregations attention to error of their ways so they’ll correct behaviors and help the church live a good life for Christ. In the process of their study I cannot imagine that the message doesn’t hit the Preacher between the eyes as well. When I write the news, and I have to write of the struggle of another human being, it doesn’t allow me to go unchecked. It reminds me that I too am held to a higher standard. It doesn’t stop me from failing, but it makes me acknowledge my failures and want to do better.

But to yoke up is to join yourself to what God deems ungodly. Watched any less than godly tv shows or movies lately? Encouraged or been apart of ungodly behaviors lately? It’s tough to live in this world and not become sucked into a society that says a little sin won’t matter. Or views different sins at different levels. God said be ye separate. If we line up our every day endeavors by the word of God, how many of them would pass the test as separate? I fear many, many of mine would fail. Vanity, pride, neglect of responsibilities… so many failures, so little time.

So what’s a Christian to do? Get your Bible and read it. Understand that there is far more to living for God than just studying and reading your bible. There is application. That’s what this world is lacking. I see good people being good little Christians. Likely far better than me. But they’re in their house, their job, their family and the church is left down the road. They take care of their four and no more. That is not the separation God was talking about.

We cannot choose any one point from the Bible and say that this is our main focus. Sixty-six books filled with lessons. Purposed for instruction, encouragement, and doctrine and reproof. But every single page has a purpose. Are end times close? Closer than ever before. Do we need to understand how to prepare? That depends on what your idea of prepare is. If your idea of prepare is to get as many people into heaven as you can, then I’m with you. If your goal is not worry about anyone but yourself. Sorry. I’m not in your camp. I love you. I pray you’re in heaven too. But I’m not just worried about you. Sometimes I don’t worry about what I should, sometimes I’m ungodly. But praise Him, I’m saved and forgiven. Amen.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism

Did You Know I Carry a Burden for You in my Heart?

It’s true. If you have ever read a post, met me, or have in any way been a part of my life, I carry a burden for you in my heart. I will not tell you that I pray for you every day. That would be a lie. But there will be days that God will place people I know, groups of people, or perhaps an unnamed soul on my heart. He’ll remind me of the work I was assigned to do on this earth. Today there are people on my heart from Florida, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Minnesota, Virginia and throughout West Virginia. Folks I’ve met along the way that some how or another left pieces of themselves attached to my heart. Folks I may or may not remember the name, but I remember the impact, the smile, the testimony, the love.

Over the past months I’ve grown weary of feeling that my ministry was accomplishing very little. I haven’t been on the road to speak for some time and because of that I miss the face to face I have with people. When I wasn’t speaking, I would be singing, but I have fewer opportunities for that. Partly because I’m too busy to slow down and talk to people and partly because there are fewer and fewer churches holding revival meetings. Also creating a burden on my heart.

Has the need for special meetings stopped?

Covid did its fair share of damage to the church on so many different levels. People stopped shaking hands, stopped going to church, stopped having fellowships, etc, etc. But at some point we can’t blame Covid. At some point we just have to lay the blame at the feet of the people who have bought the lie that it’s a different era. There is a reason God put the words in the book:

Hebrews 10:25 KJVS
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is ; but exhorting one another : and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Getting together is a big deal!

The Apostle Paul understood it. He said of the Philippians in 1:3-8 KJV
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, [4] Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, [5] For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; [6] Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: [7] Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace. [8] For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ.

He too remembered those he’d had fellowship with. He continued to pray for them, he knew that his ministry had stirred a desire in them to serve God too and he kept those people in his heart, longing to see them again.

Sunday services are wonderful and needful. Every single Sunday! But a special service brings with it a special meaning. It’s extra! Is God not worthy of the extra time, extra effort, extra attention to matters of prayer, salvation of souls and worship. I’ve been in services where the Lord came down in such a way I felt as if I could have physically touched Him if I would have tried. When I was at the most spiritually high point of my life it was when I didn’t have time to catch my breath between work, children, church, events, and then on top of it all I’d throw a revival or conference in and God would pour out His blessing on me. I wouldn’t have gas money and he’d provide. I wouldn’t have strength and it would bubble out of my soul! The messages that preacher or speakers would bring would encourage me so deeply…. Would to God we’d get our focus back as it should be.

Getting Stirred Up is a Big Deal!

I wonder how many people have never felt the Holy Spirit move? I don’t just mean a little tug on the heart, I mean when the Spirit moved to the point your whole world shifted.

Romans 15:13 KJVS
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

I’ve had that experience. I’ve had times when the Spirit of God moved in such a mighty way that it literally shifted my thought process to another realm. When things happened that could not have happened without the intervention of God. When God moved in a service in such a way that the tears started flowing from my eyes and were unstoppable. When I watched as the Spirit of God impressed upon person after person to hit the altar to pray, either for themselves or someone else. I heard the weeping and I’ve wept for them knowing God was doing something amazing.

Glory to God that today these memories of people, these memories of the Spirit, flooded back into my mind and I once again gloried in what God is capable of doing. It’s a big deal and it’s a privilege to be a child of God!!! It should not be taken for granted, and when doubts creep in praise God for the Spirit Who can revive the memory. Revive the Child of God. Revive the Church.

Getting Revived is a Big Deal!

Psalm 85:1-6 KJVS
Lord, thou hast been favourable unto thy land: thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob. [2] Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people, thou hast covered all their sin. Selah. [3] Thou hast taken away all thy wrath: thou hast turned thyself from the fierceness of thine anger. [4] Turn us, O God of our salvation, and cause thine anger toward us to cease. [5] Wilt thou be angry with us for ever? wilt thou draw out thine anger to all generations? [6] Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?

God’s frustration with Israel caused Him again and again to take His hand off them. He’s far from done with them, but now He stands silent with the Nation of Israel. By the time God’s hand returns to them, it will be too late for those outside of Christ. It is why, when I read David’s prayer in verse [6] Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? My heart cries the same. Lord will You revive Your church again? Will You come down and stir the water inside the souls of your people? I know You can. You’ve done it before. But the flesh is weak and so many have lost sight of Your power.

My prayer today is for those places that I’ve visited, and for places yet to come, that God will stir us up with His precious Spirit and help us to focus on the work, and rely on Him to guide us to the soul ready to step into Heavenly places through the salvation of Christ. Lord bless them…. help them… guide them. Send excited souls into the midst and shut up the nay-sayers. Please Jesus…. Amen.

Send me Lord!!!

For speaking or singing information contact me at 304-377-6036, or message at Let’s get this revival started!!!

Posted in Life Inspiration

A New Level of Disrespect: How did we get here?

I am a people watcher. Not for the purpose of judging them, but to determine where we are at in the world, and more specifically, our community. The other night I sat across from a couple of young men in trouble. No father’s in the picture. Just a concerned momma and grandparents. For some reason I gravitate and have a connection with troubled kids. They may or may not like me, but I love them. I know nothing of the lives of these two young men. Even in our small community where everyone knows everyone, I didn’t know “much” about them. I knew their first names because they spoke to each other and other people around us. I knew they were in trouble because of their location and situation. I knew their family cared enough about them to stand beside them for their punishment but as far as the rest of it, I’d have to read between the lines and perhaps still not even be close. But what I could gather from our short time together is there was no mention of a father. Perhaps he had to work, or perhaps he just wasn’t active in their lives. He just wasn’t there.

I have taught youth for many years in church and youth programming. I have had both active and inactive parents involved. I have wanted to pinch the heads off of parents when I heard the way they spoke to their children. I’ve wanted to pinch the heads off of children when I’ve heard the way they spoke to their parents. Respect is seldom in a family.

I tell you often about my Ozzie and Harriett parents, Gene and Violet Hardway, because they were such a blessing. You may have had the same upbringing. Where disobedience wasn’t really an option until your teen years and by then you had gotten better at hiding it. Talking back or disrespectful attitudes just didn’t happen. My decision to be respectful didn’t come from discipline, I wasn’t disciplined. It came from the way I was raised. We just didn’t.

So my question is how did families get from “We just didn’t” to “They just weren’t there.” The point where kids and parents respected each other, to where there is now no mutual respect for anyone?

If I would have gotten in trouble in school, my parents would have been there. I not only grew up with respect for my parents, I grew up with respect for my teachers and administration. I thought those people were a big deal and I wanted to please them. I respected elders then, and although there are fewer “elders” for me now since I am one, I still respect them in giving them my seat, carrying them coffee or food, or just simply speaking in kindness.

But what I see and hear now from people I know, and some I don’t know, is an absolute detestable spirit toward people of authority. I hear it from good kids and bad kids. I heard someone say today that an individual just didn’t seem happy any more. I knew that person, and I knew that God never factored into their life. Whether or not you have an earthly father involved or having been involved in your life you will never know true happiness without God the Father having a place of respect and authority in your life. I know that for a fact. I witness it every day in multiple people’s lives. I lived it before I was saved. I am somewhat of a professional misfit and mess up. My wonderful upbringing didn’t stop a series of terrible failures.

That Ozzie and Harriett world I grew up in, didn’t mean a thing until I discovered Jesus and made Him Lord of my life. When I discovered the roll of the Father. And how very much I need Him to stand beside me when I was in trouble. Or chastise me when I was disrespectful of people or even things. Everyone needs Abba. Jesus knew that when He taught His disciples to pray.

Matthew 6:7-15 KJVS
[7] But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do : for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. [8] Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

Jesus wanted us to have a relationship with God that was personal and respectful of Who God was. He didn’t want that religious uppity language that the church leaders used. He wanted a genuine conversation and a level of respect that far exceeded any other.

[9] After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Do we understand how Holy God is. That before Jesus died on that cross, we couldn’t just have an everyday conversation with God. It was a huge deal and we needed intercessions for us. But now. Even though He is the same Holy God we have Christ as our intercessor who allows a conversation with our Heavenly Father as easily as one with people on earth. Perhaps easier.

[10] Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

There are two Kingdoms, that of God in Heaven and that of the future Kingdom that will be on earth. When Jesus returns (when He comes for the church) our Kingdom is going to be in Heaven. There will be trials and tribulations here on earth for the chosen of God, Israel, and then a Kingdom built on earth where Christ will reign for 1,000 years. And then the final battle will happen and Jesus will be done with Satan, once and for all!!!! Glory to God I cannot wait. But understanding God’s will for then and now is important. Life is not perfect here, but it is perfect where He is. And His perfect will, will be done in our lives, but we must have a relationship with Him. Our Father, the Creator of both the Heavenly and the Earthly realm.

[11] Give us this day our daily bread. [12] And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. [13] And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. [14] For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: [15] But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Do we really understand how much God provides for us. Food, money, desires, and more. Our families are going to mess up. We are going to mess up! We have to learn how to forgive as Jesus does. He died on the cross for every single sin we’ve committed. Every time we showed disrespect, hatred, lies, and every other committed sin, Christ forgave us even if we didn’t ask Him to. Isn’t that amazing!!!! But the only way it happens is if we acknowledge who Abba is. And we learn the level of respect needed for Him.

It is through that understanding that we can love and respect even the unloveable or disrespectful people in our lives.

The question of how we got from “We just didn’t” to “They just weren’t there.” Is through the sin of all mankind. I doubt anyone has the level of respect we need. I know I don’t. I have not acknowledged God for Who He is and What He has done. I too can have a level of disrespect for people who irritate me. But as I approach another Father’s Day without my earthly Father, I can somewhat identify with those boys that I met the other day. Except… I have a Father who is standing with me and always has been.

Posted in Christian, Eternity, Forgiveness, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Purpose

What Is It That Keeps Me Going for the Lord?

Am I blessing the Lord? That was the question to myself this morning. Should that not be the goal in my life first and foremost? While that is my goal, I fall far short of it. I’ve stepped up on some parts of my ministries and stepped away from others. My frustration with the church hurt my heart and rather than focusing on the Lord, I focused much of my thought on myself. Which I detest. Because I know this is not about me. But it was my focus in my weakened state. I had conversations in my head that were not healthy on me spiritually. Rehashing past hurts and creating angst in my soul with regard to the current state of affairs. As always I ran from God, feeling that I wasn’t worthy of any mercy in the situation.

How can I bless the Lord if my focus is on me? My faults, failures, wants, desires…

Psalm 103:1-22 KJVS – A Psalm of David.
1 Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

What’s Within Me?

I had to take a serious look at myself. My faults and failures… I have to get rid of the things within me that do not bless God. I took a strong look, I prayed for God to remove those things, but perhaps He wants me to remove them. After all, He didn’t put them there. The things that take my mind away from God and cause me to feel unworthy were not of God or from God. They were poor decisions on my part. These things keep me from blessing God. That’s a painful reality.

What’s Around Me?

6 The LORD executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.
7 He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.
8 The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. 9 He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.
10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

As a reporter, I’m constantly looking into the lives of other people. Looking at government, crime, injustices of the world. I wish I could look on those things without having to have a constant mirror on myself, but I can’t. I’ve been harshly criticized for bringing things to light about other people and organizations. This weighs heavy on me at times and causes me to question, what gives me that right?

For the first time in a very long time, I believe I’m doing exactly what God created me to do. Verse 6 says that God “executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.” He sent Moses to defend the children of Israel. A stuttering, murderer. How could Moses do what he did, with the guilt of it all on him? He obviously felt ill prepared when he questioned God’s choice of him. But Moses’ desire to be obedient, repentant and just in his decisions made him a vessel God could use. Lord, let me be that vessel…

What’s Above Me?

11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.
12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.
14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.
15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.

God sit’s high and looks low. He knows my faults and failures. He knows yours too. And praise God He is our Father Who is pities our humanness. I pray that same pity is what drives me to write both on this venue and that of the Ridgeview News. I pray that while I report on what creates the oppression of people, I never fail to realize that we are all dust.

What’s Before Me?

16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.
17 But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children’s children;
18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.
19 The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.
20 Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.
21 Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.
22 Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul.

Eye has not seen nbor ear heard what is before us, but I have vivid dreams and imaginations about it. Currently that realm is occupied by spiritual beings, but someday the children of God will take their place in the Heavenly realm. What will I be then? Will I report the news of that realm too? That would be okay. Will I be an artist? I don’t know, what God has in store for me but above all I know that before me lies a life with the freedom from sin! No guilt. No shame. No sorrow or heartache. That’s what lies before every child of God who has accepted what Jesus done from them on the cross! For now the angels do His pleasure, but we’ll join them some day and be with our family and friends that have gone on before.

Those things that are before me is what keeps me going on days when I want to throw in the towel. Praise God for His Word. It is no wonder Satan does his best to keep us from reading it. He knows the power! Power he will never have. Power we are afforded through the blood of Christ! Yep. I wrote myself happy again 😀

Posted in Uncategorized

The Church of the Frigidaire

Matthew 24:4-15 KJVS
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. [5] For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. [6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. [7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. [8] All these are the beginning of sorrows. [9] Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. [10] And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. [11] And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. [12] And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. [13] But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. [14] And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. [15] When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

Those red letter words. They often bear more weight to the reader because they signify that these are words that Jesus spoke. But let’s put the reality pin in that map, every word in the word of God is the word of God. Did you catch that? Every word from Genesis to Revelation is the word of God. Written for our edification. There are words to be used for application, words to be used for doctrine and words that speak of future events that may or may not pertain to us directly. Words for Israel, words for the Gentiles and words for the Children of God saved by the grace of God through the belief of Christ and His work on the finished cross.

Matthew 24 is also the title of a song that used to be a part of my regular repertoire of music. But I have since taken it out upon the understanding that those words were being spoken to the Jewish Nation and were prophetic to the end times. Those words speak of a time when we, of the church of God, will be raptured from off of the earth; but they still bear weight for the Christian who understands that among the prophecy are nuggets of truth that bear witness in many ways.

Walter Truss, a preacher who has gone on to glory but he is so often on my mind, because he really blessed and added wisdom to my worship. You may or may not remember some of his wonderful quotes such as his warning to never become “The church of the Frigid-Aire.” Oh how he made my heart happy as he said those words in his deep southern tone and preacherized from his Pentecostal preaching days. But when I met him he was Baptist and respected the Baptist doctrine, though he never lost his Pentecostal fire!

So as we read Matthew 24 and break down the verses listed above, we can see where Walter may have gotten his quote of the Church of the Frigidaire. “[12] And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Jesus warned the children of Israel not to be deceived by preachers of false doctrine or worry about the rumors of the day. That may be directed to the Jews in end times, but it is still true today. Iniquity does abound and the church is as cold as ice in most church houses.

My question us why? Why has the church lost its fire. There are those who have fire from an unbiblical sense, I realize that. But that does not justify the real church losing its real fire. What is “real fire”? I’m glad you ask. The book of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-28 is spoken by Paul and as I read it I feel the fire stir within my soul!

1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.
9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.
11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do. 12 And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you;
13 And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves.
14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.
15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.
16 Rejoice evermore.
17 Pray without ceasing.
18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
19 Quench not the Spirit.
20 Despise not prophesyings.
21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.
23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
25 Brethren, pray for us.
26 Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.
27 I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren.
28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen

Does that sound like the words of a dried up old man?

I was commenting yesterday about someone on the 911 radio who was speaking too meek when dispatching an emergency. I couldn’t hear them well. I told a friend that they needed to learn how to project their voice. My friend said that I’d be a good one to provide that lesson! I guess that means I’m loud. But when it comes to the gospel, should the church not be an exciting place to be? Can you imagine hearing the Apostle Paul preach? Or whomever it was that was assigned to read this letter to the church, how do you suppose they read it? In a monotone method? I doubt that.

I grow weary of dead churches. It literally sucks the life out of me to see people sitting in a service with no emotion whatsoever. They are the church of the Frigidaire! I also understand that not everyone get’s excited. My Momma is one who is not a shouter. But I’ve seen the emotion in her. I’ve watched as the tears flowed down her face when she spoke of Jesus. I listened to my Dad testify and watched the tears stream down his face. My parents were never loud. But they raised loud children! I’m not saying you have to be. But the Spirit of God should stir your soul!

Glory to God I just wrote myself happy again!

I hope the fire of God stirs in your soul today! Blessings from the Jesus Chick.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Get in your Spot in the Yard and Guard it Well

We have a new puppy at our house, Ellie May. She is basically a Heinz 57, but her breeds are Blue healer, Dachshund and Jack Russell. I guess that makes her a Gentile. My pure bread Miniature Chihuahua, Izzi, acts like an Old Testament Jewish leader, laying down the law. And though the pup already stands 2 or 3 inches above her, she is clearly the alpha dog of the house. The dogs and some other issues in my life have drawn my mind into the law a lot lately and caused me a much greater appreciation for grace.

One issue with Ellie May is boundaries. I attempted, unsuccessfully, to teach her the boundaries of our yard. But anything shiny would cause my discipline to go right out the window and she was not always easy to get back into our yard. Living close a highway forced us to put a shocking collar on her which was gut wrenching for me, but I knew it would save her life. Otherwise she’d be out in the road (again.) That shocking collar is the law. For Ellie it terrified her for a few days where she wouldn’t even go off the porch; and then little by little she has adjusted to where those boundaries are. She would not go near the dingle sound that occurs before the shock. But the collar base somehow got turned off this week and one evening Ellie was once again close the road. It didn’t take her long without the law to persuade her to go out past her boundary line.

Me either. Thank God for Grace.

Like Ellie May I’m a bit of a goober when it comes to learning lessons. I hate boundaries. The sky’s the limit, right? Well, only if God wants you in the sky, otherwise the fall is great. Adam had one rule, “Don’t eat of the tree of good an evil.” He did. When Israel received the law from Moses it was ten very clear rules. Nothing complex, or difficult to understand. It didn’t matter, they broke them anyway. The ten laws turned into 613. They broke those too. And now I don’t know where they stand with the law but for certain I say, Thank God for grace!!! If we can’t keep one rule, was there ever any chance for 613?

My point of that rant was to get to this point, what is the difference between modern Christianity and the Jewish law, besides grace. Depending upon which church you go into there may appear to be very little. Their hair may not be polled, they wouldn’t refer to the preacher as priest, but some do. The laws probably do not reflect those of the Old Testament and there’s likely sausage and bacon at a church breakfast. That’s grace I can bite into!

Recent (within the last few years)Halacha, the totality of laws and ordinances that have evolved since biblical times to regulate religious observances and the daily life and conduct of the Jewish people have been added to:

  • Hunchbacks must not bend near a church even if it hurts;
  • Lice must not be killed on Shabbat;
  • Hebrew newspapers must not be read on the toilet – English is allowed;
  • Jews must not donate organs to a Gentile – receiving is allowed;
  • It is permissible to degrade a woman on the kosher bus lines;
  • Violence may be used against those who distribute material contrary to the Torah.

Regarding the switching on of electrical appliances on Shabbat:

”Will ask for a foreigner who is not his son to do the work … Ask his son or daughter to do the work with shinui (change) … The big one will do the work himself with shinui, ie insert the plug into the socket with his mouth or elbow or back. You can also hold the plug and push it with your head into the socket.”

We Gentiles look at those and think… wow, how crazy is that?

But do the unsaved look at the denominations of the Christian church any differently?

  • Don’t clap at the end of a song.
  • Don’t raise your hand in praise
  • Don’t Amen or Hallelujah out of order
  • Women’s hair must not be cut
  • Don’t use a musical instrument in the church
  • Don’t sing praise songs
  • Women must wear dresses and of a certain length
  • Ministers must wear a white shirt, 
    tie, and dress coat
  • Men must not wear short pants
  • Women must wear skorts, not shorts
  • No wedding bands or other jewelry,
    other than watches, tie tacks, and 
    dress pins
  • No going to movies
  • No going to games
  • No going to theaters

Those are some I have experienced and some I have not, but what do any one of them have to do with salvation and should that not be the fundamental question when determining what happens in a church?

I’m sure there are many who disagree with me, and that’s okay. Remember, I said I had issues with boundaries, I am fully aware that I am a heathen.

When we get to Heaven does anyone really believe that as they stand before the throne of God, He’s going to say, “Did you seriously go see Smokey and the Bandit at the Theatre in 1977?” Is He going to ask, “why did you clap at the end of ‘God is an Awesome God’ when Sister Susie sang it in 2017, and by the way that’s a little jazzier than I like My music.” Come on people, that’s humanity, not God making rules. And before any Christians get their stones out of their pockets consider each and every word in Colossians 3 (well, I guess we should consider every word in the Word of God.) But for now lets just consider these:

Colossians 3:12-17 KJVS
Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; [13] Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. [14] And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. [15] And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. [16] Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. [17] And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

The law is still there. Those original ten that God gave to Moses. And it may shock some of you as bad as Ellie’s shocking collar to know that God still expects them to be kept, but He knows and understands the weakness of every single man and woman on earth. Every one of them. Even the liberal extremist that get on my last nerve. He expects me to be the beloved with mercy, kindness, humility, meekness and long suffering. That means more than a few minutes of it. He expects His people to really forgive one another, not in word only, but in the heart. You know…. Like Christ forgave you when they hammered the nails over and over and over again into His body on the cross. And above all love one another, because that is the perfect way.

Now let’s move onto peace ruling in our hearts. Is it the rule? For certain it has not been with me lately. I need this scripture in my heart as I face the day. As I battle the demonic forces of the world that tell me to walk away from the church. The one’s that try to convince me that I can go it alone. I don’t need people. I just need Jesus. Well, that may work for someone one (although I doubt it), but it for certain doesn’t work for me. I love my people. And they love me, so why would I want to hurt them? I’m thankful God put them on my path.

Verse sixteen is the one that caught my eye this morning and caused my mind to ponder what the Lord meant. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Teaching and “admonishing one another” in hymns and spiritual songs?

According to John Gil’s commentary, he says of this verse “in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs; referring very probably to the title of several of David’s psalms, משכיל; “Maschil”, which signifies giving instruction, or causing to understand; these psalms, and the singing of them, being appointed as an ordinance, of God to teach, instruct, admonish, and edify the saints; for the meaning of these three words, and the difference between them; see Gill on Ephesians 5:19.”

There is no ministry in the church that does not have purpose for not only the one doing the ministering but those who listen. If God gave us a gift, be it to preach, teach, sing, send a card or go pray with a saint, He did it for the purpose of either lifting a spirit, correcting a wrong, or edifying the body of Christ.

Today’s scripture edified me. It encouraged me to keep doing what I’m doing even in the face of adversity. How about you? Are you doing what God called you do? if you’re not, find you a biblical body of believers, set yourself in the middle of them and do what God says. Remember your boundaries… there are some, don’t let it shock you when God rolls you across the lawn and says get back in your spot. But if it’s your part of the yard… Guard it well.

Posted in Bible Journaling

A Message from a Dirt Dog

I have to remind myself on a pretty regular basis that I’m a dirt dog. (Matthew 15:26-27). Lest I become like the frozen chosen and think that I am “holy.” Make sure you put the emphasis on the “o” when you say that, because that’s how people who put themselves above others say it. Or at least in my mind they do.

If I permit myself to get in the flesh, I begin to judge those I’m frustrated with, rather than remembering why I am frustrated and who I’m frustrated for. It ain’t me. Well, maybe it is a little.

John the Revelator. Banished to the isle of Patmos (Revelation 1:9) because they wanted to get rid of the troublemaker. This seams to be a theme in my world right now both in the secular and the religious sense. Both, because I let what’s in my heart roll out of my mouth without regard for who it may offend. And then I get offended because they’re offended. It’s a vicious cycle. I guess it’s true that the only thing that has changed with human nature is the time stamp for when it happened and what people are wearing.

Take a look at what John wrote to the church at Ephesus:

Revelation 2:1-7 KJVS
Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; [2] I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: [3] And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. [4] Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. [5] Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. [6] But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. [7] He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

There was works

John tells the church that he knew they’d been busy doing stuff. It was just that their “stuff” was of no effect on the world around them for eternity. This is where I have to be careful about throwing rocks. Because it’s been a while since I’ve won a soul to Christ too. I’m as fed up with myself as I am others. But I won’t let that deter me from stirring the waters that need to be stirred. Because in so doing, perhaps I’ll kick myself into gear.

There was patience

Patience is something I am very accustomed to. I have the patience of Job… at times. And then other times I want what I want when I want it. And I usually wanted it yesterday.

Commentator John Gill said of their patience “ This may refer to the ministers of the word, it may denote their patience in suffering reproaches and persecutions for the sake of the Gospel, which they bore patiently, cheerfully, and constantly; and in bearing the infirmities of weak saints, in their several communities; and in reclaiming and restoring persons out of the way; and in waiting for the success of their ministry, and their continuance and perseverance in it.

All noble characteristics. But there are times when patience should go out the window. Like when we are staring eternity in the face! I have lost my patience with vain, callous Christians who show up on Sunday morning and think their work is done. Those that think that knowing stuff is better than doing stuff. What good is it if it’s not put into practice?

There was Separation

Another wonderful character trait of the church, as long as you’re separated from the evil people. But when you are so far separated from the people of God and those who need God that you don’t understand what they’re in need of, you’ve gone too far.

A friend of mine mentioned cliques yesterday. I have always been the person “out of the clique.” I like it that way. Because that means nobody would ever think of me as unapproachable. I love saints and sinners because the conversations are always varying and they can always lead to Jesus if you’re in the right mindset. Sinners don’t mind talking about Jesus so long as the conversation is relatable. Don’t talk church, talk Jesus. Jesus will hopefully one day lead them to church, but they need to understand that they’re technically talking to the church, which is me. I love Saints who love to talk Jesus outside the church! I love it when a conversation leads to a scripture and you’re just blessed all over because God loves it when His children converse about Him.

I have a feeling that John was telling the Church of Ephesus, “Hey you’re doing good inside the church. But you’ve forgotten that you were called to work outside the church.

There was Resilience

I have always been one of the biggest cheerleaders of the church. But I’m telling you flat footed and eye to eye, my resilience had gotten almost transparent it was so thin. Resilience will only show itself in the battle. How else can it be seen unless it’s showing itself to be true. The church can only be resilient if they have soldiers in the battle. If their soldiers are back at the fort patting each other on the back and telling them how wonderful they are, who’s fighting the war?

I just made myself sick.

I’ve been on the verge of walking out of the fort, but not to the battle field. Just out… away from those who like to know stuff but don’t like to do stuff.

John closes that letter with this: “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

I heard a preacher say not too long ago that the “Spirit of God wasn’t that voice in the back of your head.” My heart sunk. According to him the Spirit of God is only found in the Bible. In the Word of God. What? What happens when you don’t have the Bible in your hand? Can God no longer speak to you? What about the person who cannot read. Does God have nothing to say to them? I’ll leave that there. But let me close my message today with this. If it were not for the Spirit of God that dwells within the heart of this Jesus Chick, the same one that sat at the kitchen table yesterday morning ready to walk out on God, but had the Spirit speak to me through some music, and reminded a dear friend to call and say “Shari you are loved and you are worthy.” If not for that, my resilience would have gone from paper thin to non-existent. There is power in the word of God, yes there is!!!! I received it this morning. There is power in Spirit of God, I have received it often. And there is power in the people of God, but deed they got to get out more often.

Get out of the building and into the dirt!

Posted in Praise, Purpose, Word of God, worship

The Difference Between Earthly & Spiritual Wisdom, from a Mother’s Point of View

Luke 1:46-55 KJVS
And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, [47] And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. [48] For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. [49] For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. [50] And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. [51] He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. [52] He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. [53] He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. [54] He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; [55] As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.

Not every woman has the opportunity to have children, but every woman has a mother. Not every mother/daughter relationship is perfect. Probably none are. And sometimes those mother/daughter relationships are formed without a blood bond, but rather through the grace of God when He allows a special friendship to be created from the nurturing of another woman’s heart. I have been blessed to experience all the above. But this morning my mind was drawn to the Mother of our Lord, who through her humility and a heart for God was given the opportunity to be bring the Christ child into the world.

It wasn’t until the other day that I thought about Mary as a young teen, a teen who knew the scriptures and biblical history so well that she was not confused about what was happening to her but rather embraced it with humility and grace that would likely not have been found in an older woman.

[46] And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, [47] And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. [48] For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.

The Difference between Mary’s “Blessed” and What the World Believes

Mary never had the intentions of being made into a statue to be worshiped. Her thoughts were far from what Catholic religion teaches. Mary was “blessed” because she was a vessel of the Lord. She was humbled that God would choose her to fulfill such a role in the Kingdom of God. Christ no doubt loved His mother and had a very special bond with her as most children do, but He did not elevate her above other women, and Mary didn’t mind.

Mark 3:32-35 KJVS
And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee. [33] And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren? [34] And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! [35] For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

As a young convert I read that scripture and thought in my spiritually immature mind, “How hurtful that must have been for Mary to hear!” But as I matured in the faith I realized that it did not hurt Mary because of the humility for which she was chosen. She was blessed to be a part of His story. She knew His love for her, but she knew His love for mankind. Think about the depth of His love that she had witnessed. None of us have experienced His selfless acts of love in the flesh. But Mary did. Can you imagine Christ as a Child? At every point of His life Mary would have watched God growing into a man. We have however been blessed to see His selfless acts of love in the Spirit. His Spirit working through people today.

The Difference Between the Strength of Men and the Power of the Lord

[49] For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. [50] And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. [51] He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. [52] He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.

I have no idea if Mary knew what persecution she would face as the mother of Jesus. A young woman, pregnant out of wedlock without explanation. Her reputation tarnished and facing the very real possibility of the very least being cast out. I do believe she knew from the Word of God and the Spirit of God that it was going to be okay. She said “He that is mighty hath done to me great things!” Have you ever felt that way? Just an inconceivable blessing that you knew God used you in spite of what the world thought of you? Oh I have! I have been given the opportunity to speak and sing from Calhoun County to the Philippine Islands. Me. A nobody in the eyes of this world, but so blessed by God. I don’t ever want to take any opportunity I have been given, or position I’ve been blessed to hold for granted. Because I know the world would rather I sit down and shut up. That is the Power of God! The same is true of you. Don’t take lightly the roll you’ve been given in this life and the gifts God has blessed you with.

I have recently frustrated a few in power both in the spiritual world and secular world. That’s what happens when you serve God. I say that not with vanity but with the humility and understanding that obedience often is the sacrifice.

The Difference Between the Hungry and the Full

[53] He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. [54] He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; [55] As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.

You can fill an empty vessel, but one that is filled to the brim, has no room for anything else. What an image of this world today. It is sad to say it is also an image of the church. The church is filled with people who are vessels filled to the brim with earthly wisdom and earthly things when they walk in the door. There is no room for the Spiritual and there is no desire. But you take someone who is humble and empty, who just wants to feel the presence of God moving in their life, that vessel is about to experience something amazing even if the rest sit there like knots on a log.

Can you imagine what kind of a young woman Mary must have been for God to choose her for such an amazing roll in life? Mary was created no different than any other young woman, but she caught the Lord’s eye for some reason. I believe that reason to be she was hungry for all things God. She knew the scripture at a time when probably many women didn’t, and young girls even less.

Are you hungry or full today? Pour yourself out before the Lord and allow Him to be your everything. Be blessed! And love on your momma, or a momma this weekend!

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, salvation

Elementary Faith is in Living Color!

My thoughts this morning went back fifty plus years. To a singlewide trailer, first at Leatherbark, WV (my earliest memory) 1966 ish and to another that sat on the bank of Duck Creek in 1969. Three bedrooms filled to the brim with not only five children and my parents, but multiple guests every weekend, Sunday’s were spent in church at Leatherbark and then Strange Creek. We moved to the big city a couple of years later to a house on 3211 Spruce Street, Parkersburg, West Virginia, and attended a little church on Murdock Avenue that might have held fifty people and has long since been torn down and replaced with “progress.” My parents moved every couple of years from the time they were married in the 1950’s until our family landed in Calhoun County in the 1970’s. It was here we stayed where my Father became Assessor and my Mother a social worker. The church I grew up in was Mt. Zion Methodist. That’s a brief history for the purpose of pointing you to the common thread in those georgraphical facts which was that there was never not a church involved in our move.

When I married, church was not a priority in my life until I had children; and then only because it seemed like the “thing I should do.” Scroll to 1996, the year of my salvation and that common thread once again ran through my fabric and hasn’t left. Up until 1996, I would say the thread was black and white like the old television screen. Constant but not very focused and a lot of static. In 1996 my faith became living color. It was literally as if a light had been turned on inside my dark brain and life suddenly made sense.

Faith in Living Color! That’s such a vivid image.

Discover the Difference! That was the theme of Victory Baptist Church when I joined there in 1996. There was assuredly a difference. God was celebrated every Sunday and the purpose of the people was to worship in Spirit and in truth. I had never experienced the Spirit moving like it was there. The church was not only in living color it was charged to a neon level of excitement.

1 Corinthians 3:16-23 KJVS
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? [17] If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. [18] Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. [19] For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. [20] And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. [21] Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours; [22] Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours; [23] And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s.

Do you know Who you Are?

[16] Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

It’s ironic that through the Spirit of God, even though He was not dwelling in me until 1996, I knew at the age of nine that I was meant for more. Now, I thought of that in a worldly sense. But that’s not what God had in mind. I was somebody, but not until I repented and gave that body to Christ. It was then all my childhood dreams became reality. I was content at being me, but then God gave me more. I became a singer, a speaker, a teacher, and God placed mentors all along the way. I had confidence never before experienced. It was amazing! But that’s my God!

Do you know You are Holy?

[17] If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

It is only through God that you are Holy, but if you are saved, you are Holy. In Old Testament times, God set aside everything in the temple with purpose. Every vessel was fabricated to specific details and was to be used in the service for which they were created. Hello? Will that preach or what? When I said I was nine and having covernations with God, that’s no joke. At that tender age God put a desire in my heart that He would later stir up through His Spirit and I became the Jesus Chick. A vessel of purpose in the Kingdom of God. And don’t think that it’s not been a battle. Satan has tried to pull me out of the house of God multiple times and many times almost succeeded. Satan knows if he can get me out of the service of the Lord, where people have seen me shine, I’ll be tarnished and unworthy for service.

Do you know what you were created to do?

[18] Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. [19] For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. [20] And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.

I have never been the brightest crayon in the box, nor could I sing or speak in public prior to salvation. It wasn’t that i didn’t have the ability, I didn’t have the confidence or the skill. I am fully well aware that God gifted me and anoints me when I get up before people to do what I do. If I can get out of my head, and not allow the old Shari to creep back in that views an audience/congregation as eyes of judgement rather than souls in need. The wisdom of this world tells me I am less, The Spirit tells me I am all that’s needed in Christ.

Not everyone does what I do. But you have a gift and a purpose of God. Your gift may or may not be unlocked before or after salvation. Because mine was not, I knew it wasn’t intended to be used without the Spirit of God guiding it.

Do you know why you were created to do it?

[21] Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours; [22] Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours; [23] And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s.

A child of God is set apart from the world and yet, in the world. I have struggled with that concept for many years. The world is a harsh reality and can distract the mind to the point that the Spirit is drowned out. It’s made it’s way into the church which is why the vast majority are dead. They’re listening to a demonic notion that its fine to worship the created but not the Creator. It’s fine to trust man, but not the Spirit of God. Education is inspiration but the Spirit of God is a loss of control.

Do you think I sound bitter?

You may be right. I’ve had it up to my eyeballs with dead religion, a world educated to the point of idiocy when they dare ask me to believe man and woman are debatable, and a church sits idle with out so much as a breath of support for the Lord Jesus Christ outside the walls of the church. We’ve allowed the concept of public education to take over Spiritual guidance by the Lord Jesus Christ. I may be bitter, but I believe I’m better for it. Because it’s brought me to the realization that I must do what the Spirit leads me to do and I much search for the truth of the Spirit. Of course there’s a deceptive spirit in the world that would love to get me off kilter… But if I continue in His word, I’ll be fine. The word tells me that there was a group of believers that were excited and that turned the world upside down. I want to be that person. I want to follow the Spirit where He leads me. And if the church wants to sit in the pew like a knot on a log… well, I guess they’ll just be knot heads for Jesus. My children and grandchildren will see that God has never been been black and white but He is Living Color!

God bless ya! And Stay Alive!!!!

Posted in Forgiveness, Leadership, Life Inspiration, salvation, testimony

The Dumbing Down of Repentance

I always like to start a blog post like this with the definition of our discussion, in hopes there actually is a discussion. That my message won’t fall on deaf ears, but stir the heart of the reader. From the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary it says that Repentance is define:

REPENT’ANCEnoun [French] Sorrow for any thing done or said; the pain or grief which a person experiences in consequence of the injury or inconvenience produced by his own conduct.

2. In theology, the pain, regret or affliction which a person feels on account of his past conduct, because it exposes him to punishment. This sorrow proceeding merely from the fear of punishment, is called legal repentance, as being excited by the terrors of legal penalties, and it may exist without an amendment of life.

3. Real penitence; sorrow or deep contrition for sin, as an offense and dishonor to God, a violation of his holy law, and the basest ingratitude towards a Being of infinite benevolence. This is called evangelical repentance, and is accompanied and followed by amendment of life.

Repentance is a change of mind, or a conversion from sin to God.


Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation. 2 Corinthians 7. Matthew 3.

Repentance is the relinquishment of any practice, from conviction that it has offended God.


The modern definition of repentance is from Merriman Webster’s says of repentance:

1: to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one’s life

2: to feel regret or contrition or to change one’s mind, to feel sorrow.

Obviously like most everything else in the world, we’ve dumbed down the meaning. But is the church any better? How many altars do you see lined today?

Repentance is Serious Business

The first mention of repentance is in Genesis 6:6 when scripture says that God repented: “And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” No doubt the epitome of definition one in 1828, that God regrets the day He thought it was a good idea to make mankind. Frustrated to the point of destroying them off the face of the earth, until Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. There was still a destruction but God saved mankind. That’s ours ancestors! God spared Noah and his family telling them in Genesis 6:13 “And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. But Noah’s family was saved. And earth was once again void of sin right? No. It didn’t take Noah’s family long to mess up either. But God had made a promise that He would never again destroy the earth in that manner, and He placed a rainbow in the sky as a covenant to Noah. And today God’s idiot humans have taken that covenant that spared our life and made a mockery of it. But judgement day will come again…

Of the 45 times repentance is mentioned in the Old Testament 32 speak of the repentance of God. His regret or decision to not take action on mankind. Is it because man had justified the grace again? No, but God’s mercy was extended each time in the hopes His people would return to Him with a right heart.

Old Testament or New Testament, the definition doesn’t change and neither does holiness of God. When John the Baptist came on the scene in the gospels saying in Matthew 3:2 “And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” things had changed, but God hadn’t. There had been no Word from the Lord for 400 years. But now there was a word and it was “Repent.” The very first word spoken by God after 400 years of silence is “Repent.” I’d say that was a pretty serious revelation for those who understood what was happening. God is telling His people to turn from their sin.

Matthew 3:3-8 KJVS
For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. [4] And the same John had his raiment of camel’s hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey. [5] Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan, [6] And were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. [7] But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? [8] Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:

Commentary says that “John the Baptist called people to more than words or rituals; he told them to change their behavior. “Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins” means that God looks beyond our words and religious activities to see if our conduct backs up what we say, and he judges our words by the actions that accompany them.”

Repentance was so serious to God that it was the first word He spoke to man after 400 years. I say that again because it hit me hard this morning as I read it.

Repentance is Sacred Business

Matthew 3:9-13 KJVS
And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. [10] And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. [11] I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: [12] Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. [13] Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.

Then cometh Jesus! Oh glory to God. Then came salvation. However, we are still in Old Testament times. People tend to forget that because the Bible just said “New Testament between Malachi and Matthew,” the law didn’t change. But people were still living under the law. God was still dealing with the Nation of Israel and we lowly Gentiles were still dogs in the street unworthy in the eyes of the Jews and God. Yes we could be saved, but through the works of the law, 613 rules not meant to be broken. I wouldn’t have lasted 30 seconds, how ‘bout you?

The truth of the matter is, the Jews weren’t keeping the law either. And they resented this hairy Priest eating bugs and honey telling them that they needed to turn from their wicked ways. But not all of them. It said many repented and were baptized and the religious were upset. They didn’t care that God was Holy and that He deserved their repentance and obedience, they cared more that man was in control of who was worthy of forgiveness and man was in control of the church business.

Repentance is Sincere Business

John ends up being beheaded, Christ is crucified and the Church becomes a different entity. It’s no longer controlled by man but there is a One to one relationship with Christ Jesus made possible by the cross. We’re no longer in need of an intercessor to God through the priests. Jesus, God Himself delivers us from the sins in our life, past , present and future, by belief alone in His finished work on the cross.

But what about the baptism. Baptism in the days that Christ was on earth was still a matter of works. The Jews were still “working” for their salvation. The final payment for the souls of mankind to be reconciled with God didn’t come until the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord. When He said it was finished, all of it was finished. There was nothing to be done by man from that point forward except to repent. Repentance as defined in 1828 definitions 2 and 3.

Salvation comes when we realize that we deserve the death that Jesus took on the cross. That was our punishment He took, and we trust in the fact that His death paid the price for presence in Him. A One to one relationship with God. Our continued repentance (not for salvation) but as defined in 1828 the third definition is to continually realize offenses in our lives that dishonor God. What then do we do? We don’t repent and get saved again, we’re already saved, but we repent and show honor to the God who saved our souls! Sincere repentance. Stop playing church. That altar is not just for flowers on Easter, it’s for the knees of the children of God to go to Him and pray for forgiveness, pray for the salvation of our people, pray for a national repentance and revival and do it with the sincerest of hearts. Believe that God is not done with His people or like the days of Noah, He’d have already returned and wiped this earth clean!

I’m as guilty as anyone. I’m not throwing rocks. I have taken my salvation far too lightly and I’m tired of being a slacker. Anyone with me? I need the altar! We need the altar! The church has taken that altar too lightly for too long and has dumbed down the meaning of repentance. It needs preached and it needs lived.

Posted in Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Purpose

If We Believe it, Why is there no action on it ?

It was the topic of conversation at a family dinner yesterday that drew me to these verses. It was a morning of mourning that parked me here in search of answers. What am I mourning? The death of desire. Oh there’s plenty of desire for the things of the flesh. We can all likely identify with that, but what about our desire for Jesus? What about that?

Does Anyone Believe the Child of God?

Isaiah 53:1-12 KJVS
Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?

Why is it that the weight of the the words of a child of God carry so little weight with the world? It used to be that nobody but nobody made light of the word of God. They may not have believed it, but they didn’t mock it. And if they had, – – someone would have likely ran them out of town on a rail; and everyone else, saved or not, would have said Amen. But now the mockery of all things holy, is insane. And that is why the weight of a Christian’s words are as light as a feather.

Does Anyone Believe in the Hope of God?

[2] For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

Just as newly formed plant comes up out of the ground, tender and without the appearance of purpose, so is a newly converted child of God. That is why God calls them babe’s in Christ. He also calls those “babe’s in Christ” who haven’t bothered to grow up. He said in 1 Corinthians 3:1 – And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.”

If you have Christians who don’t walk in the faith of Jesus, don’t share with the world around them the struggles they’ve had in Christ, who would ever know that God was their source of strength? I’m not real good about sharing struggles because I don’t want people to worry about me. But that’s wrong. How will they ever know what God’s brought me through if they don’t see me in the struggle? I especially don’t like to share Spiritual struggles because I fear I’ll bring shame up on the name of Christ. Is that not a lie out of the pits of Hell? How many people do you suppose are struggling spiritually and would love to know that someone can identify with them? How can they have Hope in Christ during their spiritual struggles if they never see that battle fought and won?

Does Anyone Believe in the Sufferings of God?

[3] He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. [4] Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

Everyone likes the images of Christ that show Him in His Victorious Resurrected state, but few people want to identify with the daily struggles He went through while He walked the earth. There is likely nothing that anyone of us have been through that He too did not face and to the far extreme of ours. Certainly the variances of the struggle differed, but what about

  • Rejection, yes and from His own people
  • Disbelief, yes from His own people
  • Physical Pain, Yes, from no fault of His own
  • A messed up Church, for certain both as He walked the earth and now
  • Friends that broke His heart, then and now
  • The death of people He loved
  • Crimes against Him to the extreme
  • You name your poison in life and God faced it too

But we forget that. It’s so easy to focus on our struggles and forget that the One who will give us the opportunity to live a life without struggle and in the perfection eternity. It’s coming. But for now, we struggle. Just like Him. Life’s not perfect. People are far, far, far from perfect. There is no perfect church. I have to keep telling myself that. If there was I’d mess it up.

Understanding this wisdom did not make it easier. Today I struggle with people I love. Today I didn’t go to church because 1. I don’t feel well. 2: I don’t feel well, because people have me upset. I’m pretty sure this is why scripture speaks of bowels of mercy, bowels of compassion, bowels of trouble. Evidently an upset tummy comes with the territory. If you are a disgruntled church member or ex-member who wants to rag on the church and people, that’s not where I’m at, nor do I want to hear it. I don’t believe in it. I made my issue known, and I’m doing my best to leave it in God’s hands, knowing that he’s fixed worse.

If you’re a child of God you likely answered yes to all those questions above. But my last question is….

If we Believe it, why is there not Action on it?

  • Why is there no burden for souls?
  • Why are there so few testimonies?
  • Why is there no praising God?
  • Why is there no joy in churches?
  • Why is there no conviction to serve?
  • Why is there no desire?

The world has captivated us with self concern. It’s what I think, what I believe , what I desire. If you disagree you are wrong and unworthy of our time. The biggest issue in the churches across America is mans opinions. It’s high time we better consider God’s opinion. We better be defending the Word of God, not the words of man.

I’ve not expressed my brokenness because I do not ever want to hurt peoples feelings. It goes against my nature. But between running the news, standing on the truth, printing the hard stories and getting yelled at, fighting religion till I’m puke sick, I just want to know what God alone wants. He alone matters. If the world could get ahold of that message! I’m not playing church.

Posted in Church Unity, Eternity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Praise

Why would you want to hang out with dead people?

I was shocked when he said it. I cannot point you to the YouTube video, I kind of watched it in disbelieve and then moved on. But the thought kept being triggered in my mind. I’m not even sure what else he was reporting on, but he very nonchalantly said something about being apart of the dead Episcopalian church. Why would you want to hang out with dead people?

I have little tolerance over dead churches. It’s not that I don’t love the people. But the Lord deserves so much more! What kind of glory does it bring to the Lord when lifeless people, for whom God jerked from the bowels of Hell when they were saved, sit there like knots on a log?

Should We Finish Them Off?

That was his Disciples approach when, on his way to Jerusalem He stopped by a village of Samaritans. But they didn’t receive him.

Luke 9:51-58 KJVS
And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, [52] And sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. [53] And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. [54] And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? [55] But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. [56] For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. And they went to another village. [57] And it came to pass, that, as they went in the way, a certain man said unto him, Lord, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. [58] And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

The disciples were going to wipe them off the face of the earth like Sodom and Gomorrah! I don’t know that I’ve ever been that frustrated with the dead church, but I may have been close a time or two. But these people were not the dead church, they were completely dead. Unsaved. My grandson Logan when he was a toddler would shoot you with his imaginary gun and if you attempted to come back to life he would say “You’re dead dead.” That’s what the unsaved are, they’re going to die twice. Dead dead. (Revelation 21:7-8)

Jesus rebuked them. He didn’t come to destroy, he came to save. Is that not our focus? It should be. Our first and foremost concern should be the salvation of souls. Pulling others out of Hell. If it’s not then we’re off kilter as a church. No matter how much knowledge you have or how holy you are, if your focus is not on the souls of men, you don’t understand why God sent you.

Should We Have their Funeral?

Luke 9:59-62 KJVS
[59] And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. [60] Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God. [61]

Jesus wasn’t heartless. But He was telling this individual, taking care of the dead, is not your concern. We came to care for the living! I must say, there have been some funerals that I have thoroughly enjoyed. The person was saved, the family (tho sad) rejoiced in their home going. They understood that the person in the casket had graduated to a higher place of pure joy! But we were not meant to hang out with the dead, we should be concerned with seeing the living saved before they too lie in that casket.

I got somewhat of a second wind this week when I went for the results of my stress test and my doctor was as shocked as I was that the results were good! He knew and I knew that I had been treating my body like Romper Room and snack time, not the Temple of God. It reminded me that God will not always have mercy on my stupidity. Nor will He always allow me another opportunity to share the gospel. He’ll not always give dead churches an opportunity to live. Sometimes He’ll just let them die till the pews sit empty and their purpose is gone. Like Tucker Carson’s church.

Should We Tell Them Goodbye?

And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house. [62] And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

When I left the first dead church, I didn’t know I was leaving. I went to visit a church and never left. At first it was the message of conviction that I was missing the purpose of my life. That God had created me to be His child and His servant and I had missed out on decades of joy by not knowing the truth of Salvation. The church I left didn’t understand why I left. There was a woman from the church showed up months later at my home with a gift because she had been my secret sister. She was weeping because I was no longer in the church. As a young naive new convert I thought, “I didn’t know you cared?” I didn’t know anyone in that church cared because they were dead! Well… all but a few. I didn’t tell them goodbye because I really, truly, without a doubt thought they didn’t know I existed. If you feel that in your church, don’t just walk out… run!

Can they be Resuscitated?

I guess that depends on if they’re dead, dead? Having a heart attack? Or playing dead?

The church I left was dead, dead. They were so dead they didn’t even know they were dead.

What about one in the process of having their heart attacked? They’re convinced they’re doing right. But Satan has blinded them to the fact that they are one step out of the grave and unless someone steps up and breathes new life into them, they’re gone. That is so very many churches. They’re going through the motions, but they’re not seeing any new lives in the church and there is for certain no joy.

Who wants to play dead? Your part of the game is over. You are no longer being used for the Kingdom of God but you’re just a pew sitter that will slowly but surely fade off into Heaven. I want to be the person alive and well, playing the game and bringing as many people into the church of God as I possibly can. The more the merrier! If you’re satisfied with your four and no more you have no clue how to play the game of life.

Can they be resuscitated? I hope so. But it will likely take a few cracked ribs and somebody else breathing life into them.

Not a very cheery message, but I pray it shocked someone into rhythm! Glory to God sing and shout His praises if He saved your soul!!

Posted in Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Political, testimony

But What About Me?Where do I fit in the Gospel?

As I sat in the most frustrated state I have been in for a very long time spiritually, not knowing the direction I should go, I dried my eyes and determined to continue on. Why? Because I’ve made a ministry out of being watched. I’ve put myself out there on the internet, in the churches, on the road with speaking and singing. I’ve called the religious out and I’ve failed many times in a very public way. But I did it because I want the watchers to understand that being saved doesn’t make you perfect, it makes you forgiven, and it should make you humble and grateful.

Twenty six years of walking Salvation’s road, waiting for the day that Jesus will take me home and wondering several times why He hasn’t already done it, I’m a pro at the “I’m fine theory.” I’ve told you that many times before. But as you likely know… I am far from fine.

What about me? What about you? Where are you at spiritually? I’ve always tried to be an open book, but never to the point that it would bring shame on the church or the Lord. That’s a line in the sand I won’t cross. I have seen others who have almost joyed in the fact that they can throw a church under the bus. I have watched people tear a church member or leader down to an unsaved world and my first thought goes back to Preacher D.L. Kerby who said “Christians are the only army that kills their own soldiers.” It’s truth right?

If anyone disagrees with the church, they’ll excommunicate them, trash them in public and tell people they’re obviously lost, else they’d have agreed with the church. Praise God, in my 26 years of ministry I have not had to deal with that. Not one time. I’ve watched people come and go from Victory Baptist Church and I’m still friends with the vast majority. And anyone I’m not friends with it’s been their decision not mine. Because I don’t play politics and I don’t play religion. They are very closely associated.

Religion and politics are all about control

My Aunt Nelli was likely Pentecostal. I’m not really sure, But she would get so happy in the Lord. I can still hear her in my mind and it brings such joy to my heart. My Dad was not a Pentecostal, my Dad was not labeled by any denomination. He never cared for the name over the door. He was not a shouter. He was a worshipper and a testifier. At about 10 years old, he and I went to see Aunt Nelli who was ill. When we got there some women from her church had come to lay hands and prayer over her, and there might have been a little tongue talkin’. My Dad prayed for her, and then swooped me out of there as fast as we went in. I kept asking, “Dad, where are we going, why are we leaving, what kind of words were those women sayin?” No answer came. He didn’t tell me they were crazy, or out of control or anything a “religious” person would have said. He simply let it be. That day made an impact on me because I knew there were two lessons. 1. Take care of your people. 2. Don’t judge them, that’s between them and God.

I have been a part of religion. I loathed it. I knew it was not of God, but I stayed because many other things in the church were. The people were of God. 90% of what was taught there was a part of growing a relationship with Christ. The 10% came from the flesh of men that had to get their jab in. You know, men should wear button down shirts and women should wear dresses and yada yada yada. I went with the flow because i was SOOOOOOO GLAD to be saved and be in a church that taught me how to walk with Christ. I learned early on there is no perfect church, but I considered mine to be a good balance of worship and dedication to service.

Religion and Politics Restrict Communication

And then it happened, Satan found a foothold in the church about 15 years ago. He put a rift between the preacher and I and made sure it would cut off communication. I never left. I believed in the ministry and I fought the flesh hard to stay. Because the flesh said hit the door and don’t look back. I wept day after day. I went to church with a knot in my stomach and throat. I said amen begrudgingly but I kept going because I knew people were watching. They knew I was upset, and they figured I’d leave. But I didn’t. God fixed it and I continued on. I didn’t do it for any glory. I did it because I needed that home church connection to keep me grounded in my faith.

But when there is a barrier between you and the communication of the preacher, it takes its toll. While I can read and study and continue on in my relationship with God, a broken spirit was like a diet of saltine crackers and water. I was so hungry for encouragement from the man of God. But the words he spoke were a lot like the teacher in the Charlie Brown cartoon. Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. His words fell on deaf ears, no matter how hard I tried to listen.

Religion and Politics Don’t Care What You Think

The Jews had a reputation of not caring. Especially abut someone outside the Jewish faith. When Jesus met the woman at the well, she was shocked that He spoke to her.

John 4:6-18,20-24 KJVS
[9] Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. [10] Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

But Jesus broke that barrier by knowing all there was to know about her. He understood her thirst. He too was thirsty for water. But He knew more than the water from the well, she needed the forgiveness of God. The amount of guilt this woman carried caused her to come to the well in the hottest part of the day when nobody else would be there. He knew that she needed cared for physically and she needed her spiritual needs met.

Religion is all about what man has, does and knows. Christ is about what we need!!!! I can know the Bible from cover to cover, so does Satan. But what about my relationship with Christ? What about the communication and connection. When I get there, that is when the worship occurs.

[11] The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? [12] Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? [13] Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: [14] But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. [15] The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw. [16] Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither. [17] The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband: [18] For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly. [19] The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. [20] Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. [21] Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. [22] Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. [23] But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. [24] God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

More and more people are falling away from the church because the church is more concerned about the program than the people.

When the disciples came back they wondered why Jesus dare talk to this woman. But they didn’t have the kahunas to ask Him.

John 4:25-29 KJVS
The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. [26] Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he. [27] And upon this came his disciples, and marvelled that he talked with the woman: yet no man said, What seekest thou? or, Why talkest thou with her? [28] The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, [29] Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

After her encounter with the Lord she too became a minister of the gospel. That’s what happens when you’ve been with Jesus!!!!!

I hope you’ve been with Jesus today!!!

Posted in Christian Service, failure, joy, Life Inspiration, Praise

What exactly Do I have Enough of?

That’s a question I ask myself almost daily. Do I have enough time. Probably not. Do I have enough money? Seldom ever. Do I have enough food for everyone? That depends on how hungry they are. Do I have enough news on the Ridgeview? Depends on the day. Do I have enough energy? Doubtful. Do I have enough patience? Oh dear. So many, many other “Do I’s.”

I seem to always fall short. Perhaps you too can identify. The question is, what to do when I feel like I am never enough? Right now I have dozens of things on my to do list that make me feel as though I’m a failure. The house is a wreck. I’ve failed as a homemaker. Five out of the seven days, David fixed his own meals for various reasons. I’ve failed as a wife. I missed covering some County Events for the Ridgeview News. I’m a failure as a publisher. I became frustrated in my walk with God. I’m a failure as Christian. I became frustrated with the church, I’m a failure as a servant. The new puppy peed in the floor. I’m a failure as a pet owner. F.A.I.L.U.R.E. That is a mindset that I have struggled with my entire life. It’s a daily struggle, because I fail daily, and the first thing that pops into my mind is “you’re a failure again.”

Why is that? Why do I have that mindset when God’s word clearly says that He created me in His image? (Genesis 1:27)

My lack of self respect and confidence is most likely from my lack of time with God. My lack of time with God is from my lack of organization. My lack of organization is from my lack of health and strength. My lack of health and strength is from my lack of attention to the details of life. My lack of attention to the details of life is my lack of self respect and confidence. My lack of self respect and confidence…

It’s a vicious cycle.

This morning, I sat down with the word of God and just pondered it. For me. Not for you. Although perhaps it will speak to you too. I wonder if Paul considered himself a writer? Did he know what God was doing through him? Paul had a level of confidence that I long for. I have moments of it. They generally last a few seconds, when I am confident that God is doing a work in me and I can let somebody have it with both barrels. And then I think… wait a minute Shari. How dare you call someone out when you’re such an idiot most of the time. But then I think about work God is doing through me, as a writer. Even though I too am the chiefest of sinners in any crowd. He still uses me and encourages my soul Paul’s words from Philippians 4

Philippians 4:1-23 KJVS

[1] Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved. [2] I beseech Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord. [3] And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life.

What? Divisions in the Church? Well I never…

I’ve yet to be in a church that didn’t have divisions. Some worse than others. It’s a matter that weighs on my heart when I hear of it. It weighs far heavier when I’m apart of it. It takes its toll on me spiritually and physically. It causes me to doubt who I am in Christ. I lose my confidence. And the circle starts. I stop talking to God because I buy the lie that He’s upset with me because I’m uspet. And Christians are not supposed to upset. We’re supposed to be Hoooooly. You know with lots of O’s.

The problem with division is everyone thinks they’re right. Otherwise they wouldn’t be divided. Nobody that I know ever said, “I’m wrong and I’ll fight to my dying breath to prove it!” No, we fight for what we believe in. And if someone doesn’t believe like us, there’s a battle. For me that battles takes place most of the time inside my mind. I refuse to divide the church. That’s the Devil’s game. What I want to do is serve the Lord. But division sucks the desire right out of me.

Paul said that he wanted Euodias and Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. There’s a lot of stuff in the world we can disagree on, but when it comes to the things of the Lord, that will cause confusion in the church and the world doesn’t need to see that. They need to see an undivided, rightly divided gospel.

Why do you suppose Paul mentioned the division of men, and then reminded them to help the women? Do you suppose women in the ministry wasn’t something they were comfortable with? Do you suppose men were actually wrong? This isn’t about women’s rights, I assure you. This is about human nature. People can think less of someone for many reasons. Gender, age, race, culture, etc. etc. etc. This should never be. God didn’t want anyone’s focus to be on who someone was. Only on the work of the ministry. That should be the focus of the church.

[4] Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. [5] Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. [6] Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. [7] And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

What? Extreme’s in the Church? Well I never…

Twice God said Rejoice! Oh how I love to rejoice! And then in He said, let your moderation be known unto all men.

I was watching a church service online the other day and there were people dancin’ and praisin’ and just have a great time in church. My feet got a little happy too. My first thought was, well they ain’t Baptist! And they weren’t. And I’m not saying they were right or wrong in the Lord, that’s between them and God. What I’m asking is “What’s God’s idea of moderation?” Moderation means self restraint. That means to keep the flesh in check. Don’t let the flesh get out of control. And what that means is let the Spirit have control and to know the difference. It’s that right division all over again.

When the Spirit bubbles up in me, it should not be denied. If I feel like shouting Amen! I should. If I feel like raisin my hand, standing up or saying Glory to God, I should! Paul says again and again in his writing, “rejoice.” But he never says to what level. But then there’s that word “moderation.” How we rejoice should point to the glory of God, not to the fact that you are “Hooooooly.” Or a good dancer.

Paul said in Chapter 3 of Philippians

Philippians 3:1-6 KJVS
Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. [2] Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. [3] For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. [4] Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: [5] Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; [6] Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.

Why do you think he touched on “Beware of concision?” Division. And he speaks of it in reference to rejoicing. Do you think Paul had an inkling there could some day be division in the church with regard to worship? Again he warns about the flesh which appertains to both sides. The religious and the out of control. There is an extreme on both sides. Paul had lived it.

When there is chaos in my home and life. I cannot think clearly. When there is chaos in the church, the focus cannot be on God. But when there is a genuine clear presentation of great joy, it lifts the spirit of not only the person exuding the joy but the people observing it. It’s why when I read the word of God and I see the joy in Paul’s life, that wasn’t perfect, I know that I too can have that freedom of joy if I focus on what matters.

Glory to God! I just wrote myself happy!!!

[8] Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. [9] Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. [10] But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity.

Wait? Things won’t always work out like I planned?

Paul tells the Philippians to focus on the good. To focus on the things they know are right, and let the Lord take care of everything else. The people of. Philippi would have helped Paul more, but they lacked opportunity. But what they, nor Paul lacked was joy.

I have to realize that I am not going to get everything done that I want to get done. But that should not steal my joy. And my comes from Heaven, not from earth.

Paul closes chapter 4 with the reminder that we’ll not have everything we want. But we’ll have everything we need. Even the church let Paul down (vs. 15). He was counting on them for their help. It such a God breathed scripture for me today. That in my struggle, with life, church, finances, all the things, God shows me that it is a universal issues from the days of old.

[11] Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. [12] I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. [13] I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. [14] Notwithstanding ye have well done, that ye did communicate with my affliction. [15] Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only. [16] For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity. [17] Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. [18] But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God. [19] But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. [20] Now unto God and our Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen. [21] Salute every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren which are with me greet you. [22] All the saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Caesar’s household. [23] The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Keep servin’. Keep Praising’. God bless ya! – Shari

Posted in Christian, Church attendance, Evangelism, Heaven, Life Inspiration

Even the Road to Glory has Pot Holes

I was brought up, one of five children. One of dozens and dozens of cousins. There was no drama that I recall because nobody had time for that. Social media wasn’t even imagined, and the closest thing to it was a telephone with a cord that was usually located in a spot where everyone could hear your conversation.

What a novel idea! Parents being able to hear what you’re saying. I have a feeling social media posts would be much different if that were the case, and they’d be much healthier. But what about our own conversations, let’s not throw the kids under the bus before we confess that we’re driving the bus.

For the record, I’m not an “over sharer.” It’s often like pulling teeth for anyone to discover that I’m on the struggle bus. I adopted the “I”m fine” policy as a child. And as a new convert in the late 1990’s I adopted 2 Corinthians 2:1-2 as a life verse which says “

2 Corinthians 2:1-2 KJVS
But I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness. [2] For if I make you sorry, who is he then that maketh me glad, but the same which is made sorry by me?

Partly because I love leaving the world in a happier place than it was when I arrive, but mostly because If you’re fine, then nobody probes further, right? But what does that do for the person struggling? Usually I’m a hot mess. It’s way easier helping someone deal with their problems than owning mine. That is a harsh truth for myself.

Who’s Driving the Bus?

In Paul’s day there were several people who tried to take over Paul’s bus route. But Christ was driving that bus, and taking Paul where He wanted him to go. He was in the will of God, but that didn’t stop the struggle. As a matter of fact it often caused the struggle.

In Ephesus he told the Ephesians in 6:20-24 KJVS
[20] For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

He was workin’ from the jail house! Bondage was literal for Paul, but it sometimes feels literal for us when our lives are wrapped up so tightly in the struggle, it’s as if we have fetters. It takes its toll on us physically and spiritually. Yesterday I rid myself of a few shackles. Not all of them. But a friend of compassion called and unlocked many things that had me bound; just by allowing me to freely share how I was bound. The end culprit was of course the Devil himself. But don’t think that he doesn’t use every tool in his tool box and every person in your life that he can. Paul had friends in the ministry that he called out for having bound him. Paul was a man of stature and people listened to what he had to say, but it didn’t say that all of them took Paul’s advice, many turned on him. The people on your bus may be going to the same destination, meaning, they’re saved, but that doesn’t stop some of them from being used to create strife in your life along the way.

Had I not taken a few minutes to unload my wagon yesterday of some real heartache, I’m not sure how the rest of my ride would have gone. I don’t have any plans to get off the Glory Bus, but changing routes has entered my mind more than a few times.

Who’s Got Your Back on the Bus?

[21] But that ye also may know my affairs, and how I do, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, shall make known to you all things: [22] Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that ye might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts.

Paul’s friend Tychicus, was a beloved brother. Paul obviously trusted him to tell his story and offer comfort to his friends and no doubt comfort to Paul through their trusted friendship.

I was listening to a testimony of a brother from another church this weekend and he was talking about the times that he witnessed people going to the altar. He said his church had determined that “no one goes alone.” When they seen someone struggling they went with them. Maybe it was just to stand beside them and pray for them. Maybe it was to put your arm around them and weep with them. But nobody should have to ride the bus alone. We need to be conscientious of people in our church who are struggling. Let them know they’re not alone. It’s that empathy that is the most Christ like. When Jesus passed by, something happened. It didn’t say Jesus just passed by. They felt His presence. And it still happens when someone stands with you, sits with you, prays with you! All the things. We should have each other’s back.

Where is the Bus taking You?

If you’re in a constant struggle, and there is no peace in your life. Friend… you’re on the wrong bus.

I shared this story today because I don’t anyone to think that a Christian has a life without struggles. That’s not true. As I said, Paul was in the perfect will of God and they didn’t stop until they killed him. But at no point did Paul quit the ministry. He didn’t change buses. He rode it out until the very end because he knew he was on the right bus. With the right people.

[23] Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. [24] Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.

It’s important to be on a bus (in a church) where the road home is clear. There’s no side trips to strange places, just the gospel of Jesus Christ and His salvation. No works. Nothing for you to do except Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. It won’t be a perfect ride, there will be bumps in the road. But stay in the bus! That’s where it’s safe.

I love ya and you’re not alone!

Posted in Christian, Life Inspiration, Praise, Purpose, Word of God

Praise God the Spirit Lives in Me!

When I say “I am of the opinion.” I most certainly have an opinion. A strong one. But God forbid that it doesn’t line up with His. This is my struggle. While I pray I’m always open to His leading to get me on track, I am more than aware of my human nature and the probability that I could be wrong. So doubt is an easy emotion for someone to prey on. My issues with opinion concerns are generally over things that I am very passionate about, and when someone strikes against my opinion in a way that makes me feel less than intelligent because I have my very strong opinion, my struggle goes deeper.

Knowing what I know about spiritual struggles, I’ll go to the only One who can set me straight. The Word and the Spirit of God.

The Protector of my Mind

Ephesians 6:17 KJVS
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

As a young girl I had a vivid imagination as one might imagine. One of the story lines that I continually fabricated in my mind was that of being a young girl of stature. One with “people.” Advisors and protectors that surrounded me because people wanted to know what I had to say. That probably seems strange for a young girl to think in that way, but as I have previously noted on the Jesus Chick site, my hopes and aspirations as a young girl was to be a speaker. Not a singer, or a person of fame, but a person who people wanted to listen to because I had something to say. God allowed that vision to come true in a different way, not one of stature in this world, but one of a notable position in Heaven.

When salvation came, and the Holy Spirit began living in me and through me, I had a confidence and a wisdom that was never in the fabric of my make up until then. I continued to struggle with the difference between confidence and arrogance. I loathed arrogance. It was that attitude from others that made me feel less, and I determined in my heart that if I was ever allowed to be “somebody” in the Kingdom of God, I’d never make anyone feel less. No where in the scripture is an attribute of God arrogance, confidence, yes.

As years turned into decades my experience with the Word of God and the Spirit of God was a familiar friend. Wisdom came from His Word, Understanding came from the Spirit. Clarity of subject matters came from His Word, guidance, purpose and the ability to discern and teach the Word of God came from the Spirit. That Sword helped me fight the battles I had from worldly attacks on my mind, and they were many.

The Piercer of my Soul and Spirit

Hebrews 4:12 KJVS
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

My youngest daughter calls me often asking for advice, telling me that I am her moral compass. She too has a passion that sometimes gets her in trouble. Mostly her mouth. I can advise her because she didn’t get it from anyone strange and I have more practice. But the Word and the Spirit are my go to’s. As I faced this current battle, I cried out to God asking for His wisdom. Asking Him to shield me from the flesh that had tears in my eyes and a clinched fist. Spiritual fights are every bit as real as the physical.

I knew the intent of my heart was not prove someone wrong and me right. I wanted only to know the truth. I wanted the doubt gone that had cast a shadow over the Spirit in my life, accusing me of a mind’s lie, not the Holy Spirit’s speaking. I was angry for God. And I felt the Word of God piercing my soul and Spirit. “You know it’s Me Shari.”

John 10:27 KJVS
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

In John’s scripture, he tells of the religious Jews desiring to stone Jesus. They accused Him of blaspheme because He dare say He was God. They did not believe He was God and thought only they knew the truth. That is arrogance at its finest.

The Property of God

Romans 8:9 KJVS
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Just as the anger and tears welled up on me today, the peace of God has just overwhelmed my soul in this brief study. The Word is an unchanging guide that backs up what the Spirit reveals to me. The Spirit speaks just as the Word does. If others have not experienced the Spirit in the same manner as I have, that is between them and God, I judge no one on their relationship with God.

1 Corinthians 2:11 KJVS
For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

Only I can know what I feel. And only God knows what He reveals to any man or how He works through any man.

I sat in a completely full 2,000 seat theatre in Lancaster, Pennsylvania this week watching “Moses.” A live theatre performance. I was in full judgement mode in a comedic way inside my mind, trying to determine what denomination I believed some of the people to be by the way they dressed, spoke and acted. I sat with my bestie Gloria on one side and to the other side was a woman I believed to be Apostolic because her hair was up and she wore a skirt. To the other side of Gloria was a man that could have been a member of any church, just your average Joe. Behind us was a group of gossiping, complaining, judgmental women that clearly enjoyed their time of sharing the failures of their family, another from any church USA. In front of us was a family that I’m not sure they even went to church because they made no mention of it, and were enjoying their family outing. In front of them was a woman that caused me to remember a sermon that Walter Truss preached at Victory Baptist about a Pentecostal woman in his previous church, for which the Bishop called out because her bosoms were falling out. I said all that to say this. I know nothing about how the Spirit dealt with any one of them as they watched the story of Moses play out. But I know how the Spirit dealt with me. I am chosen. I am that voice for God that I longed to be as a child. He is my Protector, my Piercer, and I am His Property. No man knows what the Spirit does in me, but I sure do.

Questions or comments? Find me on Facebook, message me at (304)377-6036 or

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Church Unity

How Can People Know What to Believe?

Every day this world get’s more wicked and Christianity is a distant relic of what it once was. The further it gets away from the scriptural defining, the more confused I see people become. Is it any wonder that our churches are empty? How can people know what to believe with so many “versions” out there. I’m not talking about Bible versions, I’m talking about Christian versions. 

I seen a post the other day on social media where someone was going through a struggle. They confessed to be Christian, and yet their post asked for prayer “to whomever their friends prayed to,” or “good vibes” which is a comment that makes me want to puke. But I almost split a gasket in my brain trying to figure out how one can call themselves a Christian and make room for another god? 

I had this conversation with a family member several years ago who told me that when they attended their Masonic lodge meeting, they laid their Bible right next to everyone else’s. Of any faith. He was telling me that his god was equal to the others. Including the Quran. I just about stripped a gear on that one too. You’ll note the little “g”. I cannot be non vocal about such statements. It’s the very thing that is causing good churches to fail. The preacher may be preaching the doctrine of Christ as close to scripture as humanity will allow. But if he’s got a congregation filled with Facebookers and Instagrammers who undermine his teaching with stupidity, then whose going to show up to hear him preach? 

This is a late night post, when I’m tired, and cranky and have a house full of children, my last load of laundry for the week is in the machine, the dishwasher is running, my suitcase is packed for a girls trip in the morning and I have stuff on my mind I need to get off. That may not be a good combination. Or maybe it is. No filter isn’t always bad. I assure you this isn’t written in judgment, but observation. 

So here’s my rant in my favorite 3 point style.

Don’t be Talking Smack Against God

Daniel 3:29 KJVS

Therefore I make a decree, That every people, nation, and language, which speak any thing amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made a dunghill: because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort.

I am so thankful that I was brought up with a very healthy fear of God. I knew He was a loving God, but I also knew at the age of nine that God held His people accountable. As I grew older I blocked that fear out, but hallelujah through the preaching of God’s word and the reading of His word I regained my healthy fear. 

When a person who professes to be a Christian, they are saying they believe:

  • Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for their sins and all of humanity’s.
  • He arose from the dead the third day took the keys to death and hell so that Satan had no power of those who believe. 
  • He is now in Heaven making intercession on our behalf, so that when we sin (and we do) He says to the Father, “That child is mine Father, my blood has covered their sin.” 
  • A child of God believes. That’s it. No more, no less. 

But when a child of God acknowledges any other god, they have opened the door for Satan to whisper in the ear of the unsaved, “see, even they believe in other gods.” 

When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, went into the fiery furnace, they didn’t ask anyone else to pray to their gods. It doesn’t say that they ask their people to pray, though I’m sure may have. What they said was:

Daniel 3:16-19 KJVS

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. [17] If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. [18] But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. [19] Then was Nebuchadnezzar full of fury, and the form of his visage was changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego: therefore he spake, and commanded that they should heat the furnace one seven times more than it was wont to be heated.

That is the child of God I want to be! (Preferably not in a furnace). Interestingly, it was Nebuchadnezzar who was the one who made the decree in verse 29, after he saw what the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego could do. He warned the people, “Don’t be talking smack about their God. Because if He doesn’t kill you, I will.” That of course is the Bible version according to Shari.  

If You’re Going to Say Something, Say it Loud

Mark 12:28-34 KJVS

And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? [29] And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: [30] And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. [31] And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. [32] And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: [33] And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. [34] And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question.

The scribes were scholars of the Old Testament Law. They figured prominently in the ministry of Jesus; they were persecuting Him and were responsible for bringing Him to trial. Their persecution of Christians continued after His ascension. But in this text we have a scribe speaking with Jesus in a tone of respect, calling Him Master. Even Jesus notes that he is “not far from the Kingdom of God.” Was the scribe changing his mind about Who Jesus was? It didn’t say, but it did say that because of this line of questioning, Jesus stopped their mouths. 

As a child of God, I always tell you that I consider myself an utter failure. I know I could be far better than I am and I fail daily. But deed, I try to be a bold witness. It’s not always a comfortable spot to be in because there are many in the world who do not enjoy hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. But I love talking about it. And in order to speak of it, you need to know it! Again, let me emphasize that I don’t know as much as I should, but what I know, and that is some, I speak loud. Because I want people to know the confidence I have in Christ. Not any in myself, but I’ve got all kinds in Him. I have that because for 27 years I have walked and talked on the road with Jesus and gone through trial after trial that He alone has brought me through. Many days that I honestly didn’t think I was going to make it. I have experienced miracles. I have prayed the prayer, “Dear God, I’m stupid, and you know I’m stupid, please get me out of this mess!” And He did. And sometimes He didn’t. And I can stand flat footed and eye to eye with an atheist who doesn’t know he believes and tell Him what I believe and why I believe it. 

This is why when I see a child of God wavering on God, I get frustrated for Him and them. If they acknowledge any other god besides Jesus Christ that says to the unsaved, “you don’t believe in Him either.”

Be loud and proud my Christian friends. When someone needs prayer, tell them, “Ima talk to Jesus for ya!” Don’t ever give Satan a foothold into a conversation by telling them you’re going to send them ‘good vibes,’ because that my friend is straight out of the pits of hell.

What You Say Has Got to Be Backed Up by Scripture

Not made up by man

Ephesians 4:1-13 KJVS

I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, [2] With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; [3] Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. [4] There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; [5] One Lord, one faith, one baptism, [6] One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. [7] But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. [8] Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. [9] (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? [10] He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) [11] And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; [12] For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: [13] Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

How can a person “keep the unity” and speak matters of separation? I have unsaved friends. But they are not friends who have ever asked me to deny my faith, walk a different path in my faith or accept what they believe as my one. Else, they’d not be someone I shared fellowship with. 

I do not argue scripture. I speak what it says, and let God do the arguing if it’s needed. Most of the time people have questions, not debates with me. And I’m always happy to answer because that is the greater depth of my learning is in finding the facts in the matter about what scripture says. 

This was indeed a rant, and probably to people in the same boat as me. But there is purpose in it. It’s to encourage myself and you who read this to read the Bible for ourselves and know what it says and what it means. That way, when someone has a question for us, we know how to point them to the answer. And not our answer, but God’s answer. 

Posted in Life Inspiration

Things that Ruffle my Feathers

Are you like me, in that I heap condemnation upon myself, until I am buried under the weight of it all and unable to walk in the newness of Christ because I’m carrying the old crap around? Perhaps it’s just me. Throughout my 60 years of life on earth I have allowed others in my life to make me feel like a dirt dog. I don’t know that it was ever their intention, but they did it through a comment, an attitude of righteousness, a haughtiness, anything that made me feel less, or under their scrutiny. It still happens today, especially with people who yield their righteousness like a caped crusader for Jesus.

Romans 8:1-2 KJVS
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. [2] For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Who’s Condemning Me?

Christ? No, it says that there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. So what exactly is condemnation. In the 1828 Webster’s dictionary it says that being condemned is to pronounce that one is utterly wrong, to blame, or to even go so far as to include the idea of utter rejection. Hello? Welcome to Shari 101. That’s how I feel so very often when I am in the presence of people of stature, position or worldly intelligence. I say worldly because people of Spiritual intelligence, generally speaking have spiritual wisdom, but not always. They too can run the risk of allowing their wisdom of the word to lack spiritual discernment in others.

When God began revealing His word to me, nobody was more shocked than myself. Who am I that God would speak such deep truths to my soul? And when I say deep, it’s not the depth of a person of great conviction to the study of God’s word. It’s just that God speaks deep truth’s to even silly people sometimes. Because He will use the foolish to confound the wise. It’s bible. Look it up!

So back to that feeling of condemnation. Where does it come from? It comes from the flesh. Both the flesh of others and the flesh of me. The flesh of others when they get on a high horse, and the flesh of me when I allow them to convince me I am less. I know this because the scripture said it, there is “no condemnation” in Jesus. So it comes from man.

Who’s Calling me Out?

Christ for certain will call me out when I sin. But my sins are generally not so bold and brazen to be committed in the eyes of others, so I don’t really have anyone calling me out for sins. What I have is people who call me out for having an opinion. I know this will come as a complete shock to people, but I am highly opinionated. I have a tendency to share what’s on my heart, and in so doing, it often ruffles the feathers of the people I give my opinion to. And the one thing I am highly opinionated on above all else is the Spirit of God and His work in my life. It’s never gotten old. It’s never NOT been exciting. But for some people, it’s just not that way. And for the love of all things Holy, I can’t understand it, but I don’t judge their lack of spirituality. I just assume they’ve missed the freedom part. But when people judge me for my Spirit, for me it’s as if they’re judging God. And I struggle. I struggle to the point of despair. Which is where I’ve been. It takes every fiber in my being to keep going some days, and that’s not me.

Who Want’s to be Dead?

Evidently some people do. I don’t know if it’s piousness or pride that causes a person to look down on another who “feels” deeper than they do. And I’m not above being in error about the whole thing. I just don’t understand it. Walter Truss, a preacher and friend who has gone onto glory spoke often about the “Church of the Frigid-Air.” I’ve been in many. My friend Tracy Miller always told me to just sing my heart out and find the one person that “get’s it.” They’re usually nodding to the beat, with a big ol’ grin on the their face and they’re happy to be there!

Not everybody gets it. Not everybody get’s me. And that’s okay. But I know for certain, I don’t want to die until I’m dead; and then, I’ll get it first hand how God wants me to act in service. I’ll bet it ain’t quiet.

Posted in Christian, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration

The Chaos, Character and Chameleons of a Christian Walk

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the character of mankind. I’ve struggled with my own character throughout the decades knowing that I never measure up to the standards that a Christian should, I fail God miserably. And yet, He chose to place me in the ministry of His work and set me in places where I’m in the public view, which just makes the guilt that much deeper. I currently serve in a secular position as publisher, publishing news and the sins of others and each time I do, it is not without the sting of my own sin. My conscience sears my soul and says “how dare you cast the first stone.” As you can tell, my soul is raw this morning, telling you the deepest thoughts of my own walk with Christ. 

I’ve recently struggled spiritually, and as usual just kept wallowing in my own frustration. I would talk to God in running conversations as I went from one thing to another in the chaos I call life. 

The Chaos I Call Life

When I say I have a day long, running conversation with God that is true. It makes me sound wonderfully spiritual. But what that looks like is, me praying over breakfast and adding a few friends into the blessing, driving from one event to the other, talking to God as if He’s sitting in passenger seat, and yet when He’s telling me that breaking the speed limit is a sin and I’m saying, “But God I need a good parking spot.” Our conversations are often, but they are seldom deep, because my mind is filled with chaos. Right now it’s Sunday morning, and on a very, very rare Sunday, I’ve decided to stay home because the chaos is out of control and I needed this conversation with God, and my people. You who read the Jesus Chick and are broken and human like me. And yet in the background I have a house filled with clutter because of a cleaning spree we launched yesterday, three grandchildren dispersed through my living room playing electronic devices, laundry clicking in the washer and dryer, a cat running wide open in front of the dog for tortures sake and someone just said, “What’s for breakfast?” 

In the book of Thessalonians, Chapter 2, Paul speaks to his people, the broken and human of that day. 

The Character of us All

1 Thessalonians 2:4-12 KJVS

But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts. 

Each of us are filled with flaws and God knows each and every one of them. Paul said “but God, which trieth our hearts.” When God tries our heart it means He examines it to see the worthiness and intent. None will be found worthy without the blood of Jesus, but when it comes to the intent, what does God do with that? That is where I began to examine myself. It’s not that I am any more worthy than those that I may write a report on. It’s not that those I report on don’t deserve grace and forgiveness. But it is not my grace and forgiveness they should concern themselves with, but God’s. It is not me that tries their heart, but God. Paul tells the Thessalonians, don’t worry about pleasing people, please God. I can be a people pleaser, up to a point, and that point is usually the same point when I struggle with the intent of my heart. 

When I see a genuine, repentant soul, who may have committed the worst of all crimes, my heart wants nothing less than grace for them. But when I see an arrogant, self righteous person who does not care who they offend or harm, my intent can go south quickly and I want them to pay. It is those days that I rely on God to remind me of how much I needed grace. Boy…. Do I need grace. 

The Chameleon in all of Us

[5] For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloke of covetousness; God is witness:

I have a shirt that I created that says “Ridgeview News – Unapologetic Truth.” That is truthfully the reputation I strive for. But it’s a struggle, because the truth hurts! And sometimes it hurts innocent people, like that of families and friends of someone who finds themselves in the news for less than wise behavior. Paul was not a man who sugar coated anything. He shot straight from the hip and never looked back. But most people have a chameleon style life where they wear different coats, (cloaks), for different people and circumstances. 

That’s what has happened to our youth and our society. We’ve ruined them by sugar coating any bad decision they make, or excusing bad decisions in the lives of other people until we’re now living in a society that has blurred the line of sin and righteousness. Myself included. When my grand babies were little, I hated to see them get in trouble. I defended them and made light of their “little sins.” Well guess what, I’m reaping what I sowed. Because now that they’re older they still expect Noni to go light on their sins. And I want to put that chameleon coat on that changes to a happy color and make light of what they’ve done because I love them and hate to see them sad. I am for certain a work in progress on this, but I am working on it. I know that when I stand before God, even though I’m forgiven, He is not going to take my sin lightly, even though He loves me. 

The Called of Christ

 [6] Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ. [7] But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children: [8] So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us. [9] For ye remember, brethren, our labour and travail: for labouring night and day, because we would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God. [10] Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe: [11] As ye know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you, as a father doth his children, [12] That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.

In those 7 verses Paul gives so many descriptions of the expectations and responsibilities of a servant of God. 

Just as they didn’t strive to please men, they didn’t want men to strive to please them. That’ll preach in a few churches I’ve been to where fancy pants men thought highly of themselves. That’ll preach to me when I get my feelings hurt, and believe me I have. But Paul tells them that he wants to be their nurse, and that makes my heart so happy when I think about the people who have ministered to me in those times of pain and put spiritual salve and bandages on my heart. As a minister of the gospel that is what we need to do more of in this hurting world, we need to heal people with the Word of God. We need to be on guard with our own actions and make sure when we leave the presence of people the words they describe us with are words that would glorify God. 

Yes my life is chaos, but I pray my crazy is in the name of Jesus.

Yes I have character flaws, but I pray the cause me to show grace and mercy to all others.

Yes I have a chameleon tendency, but God please strengthen me to live in the unapologetic truth of God. 

Yes I am the Called of Christ, called to the ministry of the Jesus Chick, and now the Ridgeview News and I pray that when I speak the truth it is done with the intent of applying a healing balm to to a hurting world.

Posted in Faith, Forgiveness, Grace, Life Inspiration, salvation, Word of God

I’d Not Last 20 Minutes Under the Dispensation of the Law

What are we hoping in today? Jeremiah has this conversation with the children of Israel in Jeremiah 17. He’d just given them a piece of his mind over their continued idol worship and wicked lives in the sight of God house, even in God’s house. It was the dispensation of the law, not the grace we live in today. It’s very easy for me to get wrapped up on the side of the law when I read these verses. I know that my heart is wicked, and God knows how wicked. While I attempt to live in this fallen world and stay out of trouble, I don’t do a very good job of it. But praise God for the Grace afforded me by the salvation of Jesus Christ!!! I wouldn’t survive 20 minutes under the dispensation of the law, but the dispensation of Grace covers my multitude of sin.

Because of that, I can read Jeremiah 17 with great joy on a day when I’m not feeling the greatest of joy in my life. I’m feeling frustration from both body and soul, and then I read the Word of God and He speaks words of affirmation that I am fine. The world’s a mess, but I am fine.

My Hope is In the Lord

Jeremiah 17:7-14 KJVS
[7] Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.

When I accepted the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, He became the final blood sacrifice to pay my sin debt. My heart was viewed with Christ’s blood over it, like the blood that was put over the door posts in the days before the Exodus of Israel from Egypt, when the death angel passed over all the homes that had the blood applied. Just as Israel was not kept from other harsh times, their promise of the Promised Land stood firm, and while I am not given license to sin, my sins are covered and I am promised forgiveness and rest in the Lord through the applied blood. And I’m promised a life in the Promised Land of God some day!

My Heat is Quenched in His Word

[8] For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

Even in these days of disparity that America is facing and that we individually are facing with health issues and other struggles, there is a cool drink of water found at the river of life that brings the Word to life inside of this aging body, allowing me to bear the fruit God intended and calm the heat bearing down on me. It is unfortunately not recognized until I am so thirsty that when I finally drink it in, I almost flood every part of my being to the point of strangulation. That’s a tad dramatic of course but it’s how I feel when I read the word of God and it overflows my mind like a flood on the banks of the creek following a storm. This world will suck me dry if I don’t stay in God’s word. That’s why God says to be planted, not just passing by the creek and scooping up a mouthful of refreshing Word, but gradually, day by day soaking it in until your thirst is satisfied and your life can produce fruit to feed others. I pray that is what my blog is, but I know I fail miserably when I allow myself to get away from the Water and get wrapped up in the world.

My Heart is Deceitful but my Lord is Faithful

[9] The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? [10] I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.[11] As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool. [12] A glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary. [13] O Lord, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living waters. [14] Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.

I’ll not pretend that I am a sanctimonious saint. Jeremiah didn’t either. That is why he said, the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. It is. We have to take responsibility for not only the good fruit in our lives but the stinky fruit we produce as well. While the blood of Jesus will certainly cover a multitude of sins, I shouldn’t feel so obliged to give Him so much. I have sins of omission and sins of commission. Things I don’t do and should and things I shouldn’t do but do them anyway. I’ll not throw anyone under the bus before I lay down in the road. But praise God He forgives and allows me to pick myself up and move forward.

Jeremiah speaks of unmerited riches and I can’t help but think of how many unmerited things I have been given in this world by God’s grace through people or circumstances. God is so faithful. For certain there is only One that can be given the glory for anything positive in my life and that is God.

During Old Testament times the sanctuary was where the people of God met with God. But now, that sanctuary is within the heart of a child of God. That’s an amazing thought. While the high priest would have to go to great strides to cleanse the temple and offer sacrifices for the sins of the people, my body is now a temple of the Holy Ghost and is continually cleansed allowing me to speak with God on my own, without the need of an earthly intercession. Without that, God in His holiness could have nothing to do me. But Christ made it possible for me to speak one on One, to have that water of the Word poured into my soul. Healing me of damages done by the world.

That makes me so happy today. I pray I wrote with understanding and this word blesses you. Shari Johnson, The Jesus Chick.

Posted in Christian Service, Health, Life Inspiration

Bugs are Serious Business on Mind, Body and Soul

I’m not sure what kind of bug caught up with me, and with six grandchildren in school and being in constant meetings and crowds its very difficult to say, but let me tell you this much, the bug that caught me this week was wicked. Little by little it has crept through my veins over several days just giving me a hint of what was to come, and then out of nowhere on Thursday evening, I was down. Down to the point of being in bed and not moving. Frustrated and angry at myself (that’s how I role) for “allowing” this bug to catch me. And on dreary days no less when I can see no sunshine or hope for a brighter future and my inward drama mama attacks my mind telling me that I’m surely going to die. Well… aren’t we all eventually! That’s been my state of mind this week. It gradually got better Saturday when I was able to rise up from my bed and rejoin the living, but this was a pretty serious attack on my already downed spirit.

King David had such a day as he describes in Psalm 63

Gill’s Commentary says that this psalm was composed by David, either when he was persecuted by Saul, and obliged to hide himself in desert places, as in the forest of Hareth, the wildernesses of Ziph, Maon, and Engedi, 1 Samuel 22:5; all which were in the tribe of Judah, Joshua 15:55; or when his son Absalom rebelled against him, which obliged him to flee from Jerusalem, and go the way of the wilderness, where Ziba and Barzillai sent him food, lest his young men that were with him should faint there, 2 Samuel 15:23.

It’s hard for me to conceptualize my whiny bug day in comparison to David’s life being threatened by either his friend or his son. That seems a little more serious than the flu. But the issue with me and the flu is, it’s also in the midst of some really harsh reality about my health. Because I don’t in any way shape or form take care of myself, my health (heart) is also not in a good way. A doctor’s appointment would shed some light on that, but the level of my loathing of going to a doctor cannot be described in words. I went to my primary physician this week because the pharmacy refused to refill my meds until I did. (Not cool). When he asked how long it had been since I had seen my cardiologist, he was equally unhappy and said he would be referring me once again. Why I felt compelled to share that with you I have no idea, other than I felt the need for you to know the level of stupidity you’re dealing with when reading my advice.

But I can say flat footed and eye to eye to you friend, I have not once been forsaken by my Lord. The person who lets me down the most is me.

So… back to David and his dilemma.

Psalm 63:1-11 KJVS
O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;

No Water for the Weary

David likely speaks in both the literal and spiritual sense. For me it is the case too. There is plenty of both Spiritual Water and literal water available to me. The problem is, when I’m down – – I partake of neither. I talk to God, all day every day, I drink all day every day, but not water. I drink coffee, Coke Zero and an occasional Sweet Tea. None of which replaces the goodness on the body that pure natural water does. And while prayer is vital, it does not replace the reading and studying of the Word of God. Whew… that was a needful reminder.

John 4:10 KJVS
Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

No Reason not to Worship!

[2] To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. [3] Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. [4] Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name. [5] My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips:

David spends time reflecting on his time in the sanctuary of the Lord, when he worshipped and praised God. The effects of Worship on the human body and soul is amazing. I can be having one of the worst days ever but then hear a sweet song of the Lord and immediately I am encouraged. But, by the same token, my second favorite thing to do is to set in complete silence. I love it. But it’s not always healthy, because in the silence there is void and Satan will take every opportunity to fill a void in your life. Was that a word for you? Because it sure was for me. I need to be very aware when I am enjoying the silence in my day that there’s not subtle words being spoken to my mind by the ol Demon himself or his cronies. Telling me things like, give up Shari, you’re too sick.

No Worries In the Shadow of His Wings

[6] When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches. [7] Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. [8] My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me. [9] But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth. [10] They shall fall by the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes. [11] But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by him shall glory: but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.

I learned, sometimes too well, that there is a difference between worry and concern. I have mastered the skill of turning worry off by replacing it other thoughts. The problem with that theory is I some times turn concern off too. But one of the greatest blessings in my life since day one of salvation is the ability to run under the shadow of the His wings and allow Him to conceal me from the enemy.

He not only does that for me, He does that for you. But it is the enemy’s job to make us feel weak even when we’re not. But on days of illness, depression or the struggle of life it is very easy for him to steal the peace that God affords when His children run to His side to be hidden beneath His wings. David knew it. I know… even though I still listen to that idiot the Devil many times as he whispers lies in my ear.

Join my in prayer for each other today. I’m praying for you… that God will wrap His arm around you and allow you to feel the presence of His Holy Spirit in your life. What ever you are facing, remember that many have tread that road before you. Including the Lord. Lots of love and hugs from The Jesus Chick.

Posted in Life Inspiration

The Final Day of Court

For this week, the Jesus Chick has been the Ridgeview Publisher for a greater portion, spending 3 of the 5 days of the work week, (although I technically work seven); but these days I spent in the Circuit Court of Calhoun. Listening as the justice system worked as best it could in a broken world. Judge Anita Harold Ashley rules over the Court of Calhoun and I do not envy her job. Nor that of anyone else in that courtroom. I do love to watch the cases and trials play out. I love reporting on them and allowing the community to know the facts. I love the same about the Word of God. Not the facts as Shari sees them, but the facts of the Word, in black and white, allowing them to speak for themselves. But to study the Word requires a little more in-depth reading, finding trustworthy resources and listening to the Spirit for guidance.

My thoughts this morning began on scripture referring to a group of disciples from Acts 17:6 KJVS – …have turned the world upside down are come hither also;

Should that not be the goal of every Christian “to turn the world upside down” for the cause of Christ. And so they did. But as I read on in Chapter 17, I came to Paul’s Preaching on Mars Hill; immediately my mind went to the fall of the Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington. A church no doubt named from this event in scripture. I’m not familiar enough with the church to stand in judgement, I only know that great was the fall of it. I don’t know the facts as would have been presented in the cases in court last week, but I know this; the bigger the church, the bigger the influence, but not necessarily for the cause of Christ.

Mars Hill began as a home church, by Pastor Mark Driscoll. I don’t know their doctrine, but I have no doubt the original group began with a good heart and without thought of what would transpire down the road. At some point the power within the body of that church must have stopped allowing the Spirit to guide and began guiding and judging for themselves.

There is but One Judge

Paul addresses the men of Athens and calls them not only superstitious but ignorant. Prior to salvation Paul had been in a position of judging men as one of the highest Jewish leaders. But now Paul did not stand in judgment as a Jewish leader but as a new creature in Christ. Having received the truth of God on the road to Damascus in Chapter 9 of this book. His wisdom came from both his knowledge of the Word of God and the revealing of wisdom through the Spirit of God. And now he stood before men who were clueless to either.

Acts 17:22-34

[22] Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. [23] For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. [24] God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; [25] Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

Paul was speaking to the men of Athens in Areopagus, in the midst of that court of judicature, amidst the Areopagites, the judges of that court, and the wise and learned philosophers of the different sects that were assembled together. They considered themselves more religious because they worshipped more gods. Even touting one that was unknown and building an idol to it. But Paul tells them who this God is and allows them to judge the facts for themselves. He is unwavering on the fact that there is only One capitol “G” God.

This is the problem with America (one of many) is that we have allowed too many religious people to influence the church, rather than the church influencing the religious. The Church has not stood its ground but rather allowed the world to infiltrate the church to the point that God is unrecognizable as Who He actually is. The nature of God does not debate. God speaks in facts. That’s one of the things I love about Judge Ashley, is her confidence. Have I always agreed with her. No. But that’s because we live in a broken world. And it’s not my call it’s hers that matters. In my life I’ve had virtually no confidence to speak of. Except when it comes to Christ. Because the word of God has not ever been up for debate. Men may lie, but there is none that can truthfully dispute anything in it. I still have no confidence in me, but I have the utmost in the Highest!

There are but Two Types of Men

The saved and the unsaved.

[26] And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; [27] That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: [28] For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. [29] Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device. [30] And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

From the beginning of time there has been one plan, for all men to belong to God. But He gave them free choice as to whether or not they were His. At first salvation came through Israel, and then the law of Israel. But Israel’s continual rebellion allowed for Gentile grace and there was a new way and a new opportunity, but no change in God. It all revolved around the fact that He is Holy and He cannot be approached without the blood. While the Jewish law allowed for blood sacrifice in the temple, those days are long gone. The temple sacrifice was replaced once and for all, for both Jew and Gentile, with the blood of Jesus. So there is now one nation of men in God’s eyes who have all been given the choice of salvation.

There will come a day when God’s attention turns back to the Jews and the Gentiles will be called out of this earth in the Rapture.

Judgment will Come

[31] Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead. [32] And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter. [33] So Paul departed from among them. [34] Howbeit certain men clave unto him, and believed: among the which was Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.

Just as it was in the days that Paul stood in Mars Hill there are still those who mock and those who cleave. But what I found fascinating about those that cleaved were the two that Paul mentioned by name. Dionysius and Damaris. The only place you’ll find their names mentioned in scripture. But through the study of others much wiser than me, I discovered that the first, Dionysius the Areopagite was a judge in the court of Areopagus. The business of this court was not only to try causes of murder, which seems to have been the original business of it; but by these judges the rights of the city were preserved and defended, war was proclaimed, and all law suits adjusted and decided; and they made it their business to look after idle and slothful persons, and inquire how they lived: they always heard and judged causes in the night, in the dark, because they would only know facts, and not persons, lest they should be influenced by their afflictions, and be led wrong; they were very famous in other nations for their wisdom and skill, and for their gravity and strict justice.

The words of Julian the emperor said, “let an Areopagite be judge, and we will not be afraid of the judgment.’

That is confidence! This was from their confidence in the truth of that court. Would to God there were more Christians of such trustworthiness. But the point of this is, Dionysius trusted ONLY in the truth. And it was he that cleaved to the ministry of Paul, because Paul too was a man of truth, and most of all the Word of God is nothing but truth.

And then there was Damaris. A woman that must have been of notable and noble character to have been mentioned in the Word of God. It says nothing of her life, only her name. While there was speculation about who she was it was only speculation and no fact. So I rendered no truth from it. But what I do render as truth is God knows her name. And that I’ll meet her one day in eternity and I can ask her then perhaps, what her role in this story was. But for now I am satisfied with the knowledge that whether or not the world sees her as someone, God does. And that’s all that matters is His judgment.

So the question is, where do you stand this morning? Are you confident in your salvation? If not, let’s chat.

Posted in Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, Purpose

God is Always Good, But Good is not Always God?

It began as a conversation in our Sunday School Class this week, and it’s been on my mind ever Gsince. A comment was made “God is Always good, but good is not always God.” It’s caused me great ponderance. I am one that believes that God has placed every soul on this earth for a purpose. I believe that because of Jeremiah 1:5 – Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

That scripture was of course spoken to Jeremiah, not Shari. However, if God knew Jeremiah, He knew Shari too. And if God ordained Jeremiah to be a prophet to the nations, God had a plan for me. That doesn’t mean I followed it. He gave me free will to do what ever it was that I determined to do. And I can tell you from the heart, I have not always followed God’s plan. Because God doesn’t make mistakes, and I’ve made plenty. Now let’s get back to the statement made.

“God is Always good, but good is not always God.”

I have never questioned that I had a good purpose on this earth. I still don’t question it. I believe that God intended for me to make a difference for Him. But the thought that, of the good I do, it may not always be of God, perplexed my heart. Perplexed from the definition of “at a loss for a way.” Much of my life is lived in a very worldly sense. I publish a secular newspaper, from a conservative Christian viewpoint, but I’m covering many things about the world. I serve as Secretary in the Republican party, I serve there because I believe that is where the Christians voice is heard, not that every Republican is Christian. I believe if we are not in those positions, there is wickedness waiting to fill the void. I volunteer in countless ways in the community, always with a heart of service and with the hope that someone will see my heart as the heart of Christ. I speak to my children often about the things they do and the direction they’re taking “how does it look with relation to eternity?” But now I’m asking myself, of the things that I do, what good are they in the eyes of Christ?

Romans 8:28 KJV says
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

No doubt one of the most popular verses quoted. Can it be twisted and used out of context? Of course, but let’s read it in context. Meaning, reading the words that lead into it.

Romans 8:26-29 KJVS
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. [27] And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. [28] And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. [29] For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

The Spirit helps and God knows my infirmities. Especially right now when this ponderance has caused me to question my own motives. Which is a good thing, because I seek truth in the matter. Just as the scripture reads, I don’t even know how to pray right now. I feel the groaning. The frustration that this world has become so dark, it’s hard to find the light in it at all.

The Rationale of the Ridgeview

This is how I’m working out the rationale for how I live, you can apply the same to how you live. As I said, it’s a secular newspaper from a conservative viewpoint. Born from the necessity of only having liberal coverage of local news and from the standpoint that nobody was holding anybody accountable. My grandchildren had become victims of the school system’s self governance (which didn’t exist as far as I was concerned). Nor did it exist in the County Government. For too long they’d been allowed to treat people poorly and keep our county poor. Now… where does that bide in the scope of eternity? Will it matter?

In Luke 16 there is the story of a conversation between Jesus and the Pharisees.

Luke 16:14-15 KJVS
And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. [15] And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

Jesus knew the heart of the Pharisees and the heart of His people now. They did what they did for show, and when it says that they derided Him it meant that they expressed contempt for Him. They hated that He called them out.

Luke 17:1-3 KJVS
Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! [2] It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. [3] Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.

John Gill’s commentary on those verses said “it is impossible but that offences will come; considering the decree of God, the malice of Satan, the wickedness of men, the corruption both of their principles and practices, that which will be trying to the faith of the saints, and a stumblingblock to weak minds, as reproach and persecution, errors, and heresies, and the evil lives of professors:”

There are people in the world who thrive on doing evil to people that they consider weak, or opposition in their lives. No matter if it’s children or adults. Jesus said if a brother (another Christian) trespass against thee, rebuke him but also forgive him if he turns from his ways. That’s easily enough understood, but what about if it’s in the secular sense? And they’re not turning from their wicked ways but rather wreaking havoc in our community.

Romans 16:17-19 KJVS
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. [18] For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. [19] For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.

Mark them. Make them known so that those who are weak, or uninformed don’t fall to the lies or deceit of others. Paul is speaking to the church, but the church is living in the world. I see it as Ridgeview’s job to warn people of the evil in our community. Paul said in Romans 12:9-11 KJV – “Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. [10] Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; [11] Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;

Cleave (hold on!) to what is good, but take care of business. That was Paul’s advice. God knows that we have to make a living. And our “living” should line up with scripture. God doesn’t approve of prostitution as a living any more than he does a man or woman who makes money through other non reputable means. One of the issues that our community had was there was no checks and balance for how government operated. The government is suppose to answer to the people (the community); but the community had become apathetic to local government shenanigans. If the people of God stand by and allow the weak to be taken advantage of, how will God react? When He arrived at the temple and they were taking advantage of people through the selling of unworthy sacrifice, Christ turned over the tables and ran them out with whips. It doesn’t look to me that God takes it lightly. I don’t think we should either.

God’s ultimate goal for us is to make us like Christ (1 John 3:2-3).

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. [3] And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

As we become more and more like him, we discover our true selves, the persons we were created to be. How can we become like Christ”? By reading and heeding the Word, by studying his life on earth through the Gospels, by studying Romans through Philemon for our doctrine, and by doing God’s work in the World. We are His hands and feet. If the tables need turned over…

The Revolt of the Republicans

Up until a few years ago I never really had anything to do with politics. Politics had left a bad taste in my mouth many years ago. But as I began to follow conservative news I realized that whom ever coined the phrase, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” was absolutely correct! That is how America became so evil. Good people did nothing. The church stayed on the sidelines and let somebody else play the game.

Politics for certain is a game. And many would say that Christians have no place in it. I can understand and respect that point of view, but I can’t live it myself. There are Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents and maybe a few others, but mainly for arguments sake there are two parties making a difference. Republican and Democrat. And they are both filled with evil people on the National level. I’m not a fan. But where difference is made is on the local level. With the hopes that we can change some of what’s going on, on the National level. Yes I am a cockeyed optimist. But if we idly stand by and let wicked takeover from our National level to the local, what will that do to the world we must live in until Christ returns. Are we supposed to hand it over to evil without debate?

That is why I joined the Republican Party, and I began looking for their leader. They didn’t have one! For years the Republican Party had been all but non existent. Out County is predominately Democrat. Many democrats with their head stuck in the sand ignoring what their National Party stands for. If they are unsaved, they already serve the Devil, but there are Christians stand with National leaders who say that aborting a child is okay, even if the child is removed – alive – from the womb and has its brains sucked out. Because it’s not a child until they say so. Remember my verse Jeremiah 1:5 – God said He knew me before I was born. Those people just killed one of God’s own whether it was in the womb or out of the womb. They are murderers and anyone who allows it is an accomplice. I make no apologies for that statement. God will hold everyone of us accountable.

Now, let’s throw the Republicans under the bus. Shelly Moore Capito is pro abortion. She will not have my vote. I’ll either find a pro lifer or I’ll leave it blank but my vote will not be by her name. There are others in the Republican Party that are the same way. But the Republican platform is against abortion. It’s the only platform that is. If we are going to be involved in this Nation and have a voice, we need a party. For me that was the Republicans.

Now what does God say about politics? Good question.

Romans 13:1-5 KJVS
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. [2] Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. [3] For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: [4] For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. [5] Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.

As a Christian we know there is no Higher Authority than God. But God ordained, created, the positions of having heads on earth to answer to. He began through the children of Israel. But the children of Israel wanted leaders like the world, so God gave them their desire by appointing Saul as the first King. Well, that didn’t go so well, as Saul determined he’d take on the role of the Priest too. So God removed him and anointed David as King over. David faced opposition right out of the gate but it didn’t change who God had put in charge. Today’s delegation and relegation looks far different than that of King David. But it still God’s plan that there be people in authority. Those people are elected by the people. Are they God’s. Maybe or maybe not. It seems the higher they go in position the more likely they are not. But again, it doesn’t change the plan or God’s intention to have His people make a difference in the world. For “conscience sake” we need to answer to the law where it does not violate God’s holiness. When it does violate God’s holiness, we need to stand on the side of right. That’s why we now have the issues we have in our nation, because very few fought for God, even though He died for everyone of us.

So back to the statement in question:

“God is Always good, but good is not always God.”

The Raised Eye Brow of Religion

Religion makes me want to puke. Religion is that hoity-toity bunch of people who may or may not be saved, but they have assumed that they are righteous and good because they’re a member in a very elite group. There are hoity-toity’s in every denomination. A relationship with Christ is usually on their terms, not His.

In Mark 10:18 KJV it says

And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.

Jesus asked this question of a man that run to him and asked in Mark 10:17 KJVS – “Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?”

So Jesus questioned him, why are you calling me good. This was spoken at a time that works were still in view for the Jewish people and to help the man to recognize who Jesus was. If religious people understood how Holy God is, and how very unholy they are, they wouldn’t be looking down their nose at anyone.

So when it comes to my statement in question. Good can’t always be God because it’s done by man. Nor can it be perfect. All I can do is live my life in a constant relationship with Christ with regard to everything in my life. I cannot separate the Ridgeview, my politics or anything else I do because Christ is in me and I represent Him. I am only as good as Christ’s evidence in my life. Nothing of myself. Only Him. I am so imperfect it’s ridiculous, but my Lord, Who saved my soul and stands before God interceding for me as His child says Shari is good, because she is mine.”

Posted in Church attendance, Grace, Life Inspiration

Why will the Church be Empty on Sunday Morning?

It’s a question I ask myself most every Sunday morning. As I pass by churches… in going to my own… in watching services on line, why are there so few people in “most” area churches. There are indeed big churches with big congregations, but they are few and far between and many times unbiblical. So let’s just keep the question to our town… where ever your town is. Are the church’s full or empty? Odd’s are against them being full, but I’m a Baptist and Baptist don’t bet, (Yeah, I know that’s not true) so we won’t put any money on it. So the question is…. “Why are they empty?”

Likely for the same reason Isaiah had this discussion back in 739 to 631 when the book was written

Isaiah 29:1-14 KJVS
Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt! add ye year to year; let them kill sacrifices. [2] Yet I will distress Ariel, and there shall be heaviness and sorrow: and it shall be unto me as Ariel. [3] And I will camp against thee round about, and will lay siege against thee with a mount, and I will raise forts against thee. [4] And thou shalt be brought down, and shalt speak out of the ground, and thy speech shall be low out of the dust, and thy voice shall be, as of one that hath a familiar spirit, out of the ground, and thy speech shall whisper out of the dust.

A Whisper out of the Dust

That’s a nauseating thought for me this morning. Ariel was another name for Jerusalem. How many times had God been frustrated with Israel? How many times has He been frustrated with us? With me? Far too many times to count no doubt. But Israel wasn’t under grace, praise God we are! God’s words about heaviness and sorrow, and that it was to Him as it is to them, breaks my heart. The people that God went to the cross for, brought them through trial after trial, gave them miracle after miracle continually rebelled until there were so few they were a “whisper out of the dust.”

Does that sound anything like the church to you? No more than a whisper. Christianity that once stood mighty in the United States and shone itself brightly to the nations around us, is barely a whisper in the world today. How could anyone view this nation as a Christian Nation? But it’s easy to look on it and say, “oh but that’s a national issue.” Is it? It started in a little church somewhere when somebody didn’t stand up for God. When people started reprioritizing Sunday morning, Pastors stopped preaching on sin, Daddy’s and Momma’s didn’t take their kids to church and the kids grew up to be heathens and their parents wondered why. And those who stayed in church wonder why nobody is there, and they have but to look in the mirror. Self included. We are nothing but a whisper to the world. They can’t hear us.

A Collapse in the Dirt

[5] Moreover the multitude of thy strangers shall be like small dust, and the multitude of the terrible ones shall be as chaff that passeth away: yea, it shall be at an instant suddenly. [6] Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire. [7] And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel, even all that fight against her and her munition, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision. [8] It shall even be as when an hungry man dreameth, and, behold, he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty: or as when a thirsty man dreameth, and, behold, he drinketh; but he awaketh, and, behold, he is faint, and his soul hath appetite: so shall the multitude of all the nations be, that fight against mount Zion.

I’m sure Israel, like us, thought that God would deliver them once again. But then destruction came upon them suddenly. All those that fight against Christianity have that same arrogance thinking that they’re winning the battle against us. They are so blatantly proud (pride) over their ability to pollute the minds of children that they openly brag about their victories. And we watch America collapse in the dirt. But just as Isaiah described in the dreams, they’re going to wake up one day and see that what they filled their minds and bellies on was nothing but a dream, and God will deliver the nightmare. I love God’s justice until I think about those who are caught up in it because the church didn’t fight for them. While I don’t believe in ramming the gospel down anyone’s throat, I do believe we should at least spoon feed it to them through taking it out to where they are. And yet, I do so very little.

If by some chance we do get them into the church, what then? Will they find hope and victory? That’s what I found when I arrived in February of 1996. But if I’m honest I have to tell you that I grow weary in this battle. Not against the enemy, but the church. Those who are saved and I feel like I have to drag them to Heaven with me. They’re not serving or fighting, they’re just sitting on their posterior ends waiting for Jesus to come back and get them. Well, what about the one’s that Jesus won’t be taking with Him. Are we concerned about them? The fact that they will be damned to an eternity in Hell?

The Burial

[9] Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. [10] For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. [11] And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: [12] And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. [13] Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: [14] Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.

That’s a dreadful title, but truth none the less. We have Christians who say they don’t understand the scriptures, we have those who just won’t read it. And those are the church goers. Those out of the church may not even know where their Bible is if they have one at all. I distinctly remember finding the one my Dad gave to me that was so dry and dusty the cover was coming off because I didn’t pick it up. I was so ashamed. When I did start reading it, it became like well of water for my thirsty soul, I couldn’t get enough. I wanted it in every shape and form, preaching, teaching, reading, studying to understand. The Word still excites me like that. But if I don’t share what I’ve learned it dies with me.

If you want to know why the church sits empty this morning you’ll have to see where it is that you’re sitting. Are you in or are you out. If you’re in, are you excited about it, and are you sharing that zeal. If you’re out, and you say you are a child of God, explain that to an unsaved person. Explain it without having to say, I should be in church. Explain to that unsaved person how they need God, and you do not.

I have family and friends who are not saved. That burial scares me for them… “God fill our churches this morning and fill our hearts with a burden for the lost.”

Have a blessed week! From Shari, the Jesus Chick.

Posted in Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration


There is a consistent struggle in my life that I know I was cut from the cloth of, but it doesn’t make it any easier to live in the garment.  The reason I land on this topic today is, because I stood before someone earlier this week and had to defend why the truth and transparency is important. Then I heard a pious air hole explain their “theories” of religion and I almost puked. The two have much in common for me and have created me to be who I am. You see, I changed garments in 1996. Believe me when I tell you that I still have pieces of the previous garment in my pockets, but the new garment that the Lord gave me reminds me somewhat of Joseph’s coat of many colors given to him by his earthly father. I’m not of Joseph’s caliber of person. Likely our only common thread is that our Father gave us a new coat and people don’t understand why.  

Genesis 37:3-11 KJVS

Not long after that his brothers throw him into a pit and sell him into slavery. They kill a critter and soak Joseph’s pretty new coat in the blood and convince his father that he’s been killed. But of course, God had a plan. This story is one of my favorites and for many reasons, not of the least which is the new coat. 

So let’s talk about this garment for a minute. 

It Caused Contention

[3] Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours. [4] And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him.

I’m here to tell you, because I’ve witnessed it in multiple people; any time God does something new and exciting in someone’s life there are people who get upset. People didn’t get upset because I got saved, they got upset because I changed garments and it was very colorful! I made it a point to stand out because my Heavenly Father had given me a new garment and I was going to wear it proudly. And if you didn’t wear yours proudly, I wondered why? Unlike Joseph, I knew that all my heavenly siblings had been given the same coat. But they’d take it off. If they were with friends who perhaps didn’t have a coat (the unsaved) they’d take theirs off so they could fit it. I’d either wear it, or we wouldn’t hang out if it bothered people that bad. If they went to work, they’d leave their garment at the house and put on a work garment. Work and faith don’t mix for most people. Praise God, God blessed me with employers who understood and honored my new garment. I didn’t ram my new found faith down anyone’s throat, but I sure didn’t hide it. When I began Ridgeview News, I still wear my garment. I’m going to stand before the Lord one day, and He’s not going to put on a different hat to judge my secular life and then put back on His “spiritual” hat and judge my faith. Nope, they are one in the same in the eyes of the Lord. Have I made mistakes in the secular world. Oh yeah. And in my spiritual walk as well. That coat has gotten soiled on many occasion, God always had a stain remover handy when I came back home.  I know, metaphors can get confusing sometimes, but to put it in layman terms, God forgave my failures, wiped the slate clean and allowed me to begin and again. Many times. In those times of contention, do we forgive those who have sinned against us? Really? With a clean non judgmental slate never to be thought of again. Not likely. 

I know this because I’ve recently brought up things that people did years ago. I wasn’t harboring any anger or ill will about it,  I just liked remembering that people who didn’t like my new coat had issues. 

It Caused Comparison

[5] And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. [6] And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: [7] For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf. [8] And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words.

His brothers wanted to know, “who died and left you in charge?” Like Joseph, I have upon a few (few too many) occasions, called people out. Right or wrong, I really don’t know, but I know it made me look as though I thought I was God’s favorite and they should straighten up because Dad and I had been discussing the situation. I didn’t for one second think I was better than them, but if they weren’t going to recognize their issues, perhaps I’d just enlighten them. Nobody like’s being called out. Me included, but for some reason I’ve always lived in a world where someone called me out on my stupidity. I’m pretty sure God set that into play too, to keep me humble. 

The point being, God did allow all of this to take place, so that He could show those who thought they were above judgement that they would be judged and God was in control. 

It Caused Controversy

[9] And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. [10] And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? [11] And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying.

Even Joseph’s father, who gave him the coat and started the whole ball rolling didn’t really understand why Joseph was speaking this prophecy. But it does say that his father “observed” it. He took note of it. People don’t have to like what I say. I’m okay with that. I’ve not liked a lot of things, many preachers have said. But, I’m smart enough to look at someone who wears a garment of Christ and take note of what they say because I could be wrong. 

Joseph’s father was wrong. Joseph did indeed end up being over them as ruler. But that’s not the point of my focus today. The point I wanted to bring attention to was the fact that Joseph took every position he had in life serious. As son, as prisoner, as servant, as ruler. It didn’t matter, he lived every position he had as a child of God. 

Our garment is different than everyone else’s if we are a child of God. It’s a royal robe with expectation and sanctification. We are without excuse for not “observing” what God’s doing in our lives. 

Love and hugs from the Jesus Chick today. God bless ya!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Fear, Leadership, Life Inspiration

After a Great Storm, there is a Great Calm

I, like I’m sure many of you, feel that I’m either coming out of a storm or going into one. There’s always turmoil somewhere in my life. But in between those times of torment there is this stillness that occurs where God seems to say, “Breathe Shari.” This morning is to that day, but I’m believing there’s one in the near future. It caused me to look to the scripture in Matthew 8 where Jesus calms the sea. But I noticed something new this morning as I read His words, “There came a great calm, after the great storm.” This caused me to have a few questions…

Am I Committed Enough to the Journey?

One of Jesus’ disciples had a storm on land. He’d lost his father. Most of us have been in a position where we’ve lost a family member. It’s a storm of the soul. If they’re saved, you know they’re in a better place, but the loss of them from our lives still isn’t easy. Many go through depression and depending upon who it is and what role they played in our lives there can even be anxiety. But what about life? It still goes on and so does the work of the ministry.

Matthew 8:21-29,31-34 KJVS
And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. [22] But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

Jesus tells the disciple, leave it behind, we have work to do. Am I that committed that when someone in my life dies I can just say, “I meet you in the boat Lord!” Being committed isn’t easy but it is worth it. The disciple would have no doubt been in a state of grief, but immediately Jesus puts him back to work. I’m pretty sure the end result of that was a busy mind doesn’t have time to be depressed. Hello? I know I needed to hear that this morning what about you? Commitment may not be easy but it has its rewards!

Am I Complaining About the Journey?

[23] And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. [24] And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. [25] And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish.

I have been lately. I’ve been telling the Lord on multiple occasions that I’m not real happy with the way things are going in my life. I’m pretty sure I’ve even told Him that I was going down with the ship! I’ve discussed jumping over board. But didn’t because I truly hate the water. And if I did jump ship, and the Lord was in the boat, who would catch me in the water? Is that a tad too metaphoric? Well, let me just say that even the Jesus Chick gets tired, hurt and frustrated with the state of the church.

Am I Compelled by the Journey?

[26] And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. [27] But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!

How many times has God previously calmed my storm. Great storms. Huge Storms! Does that compel me to go through this one with the expectation that it’s going to end the same? Jesus asked, not the people sitting on their hands in the pew, He asked His workers in the boat, the one’s who had been in the thick of it time and time again, where – is – your – faith? Before I tell Jesus I’m jumping ship, maybe I should sit in the boat and remember the other storms He’s brought me through. They may have been on land, but I still feel like I’m drowning. It’s the weakness of the flesh. But by reading God’s word today I am compelled to get back in the boat, shut my mouth and let God handle the storm.

Are You Comfortable in the Journey?

I had to ask you because I am certainly NOT comfortable in this journey. I am not content to sit and read my Bible when there are people struggling. It’s not enough to read the Word of God there has got to be some action behind it. Yes read it. Of course read it. But then act on it.

When Jesus got to the other side they weren’t met with coffee and cookies for a time of fellowship. They were met by two possessed men who needed help. And so He helped them. He helped the devil right out of the men and into the sea. That’s who belongs overboard, not me! Throw the devil out of this ship. And then His opposition came from the people, because He actually took action. I could stop there awhile, but I won’t. Let me just say that there is opposition in the boat and on land. And if you’re comfortable, it could be because you’re not throwing any devils out.

[28] And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. [29] And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? [31] So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine. [32] And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. [33] And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils. [34] And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.

Posted in Christian Service, Faith

Life’s Hard, but the Soup is Good on Tuesday

Let’s put the rubber on the road and squeal the tires a little bit for the Lord Jesus. Every week I have good intentions that go by the way side because of a bad attention span. Today I’ve struggled as well to stay focused on the Lord. I just want to run as far away as I can and as fast as I can from the things that take my attention away from Him. I want to turn my eyes upon Jesus and praise Him for where He placed me in this world. I asked the Lord…

Who Am I?

That’s the question that King David asked the Lord in 1 Chronicles 17:16

1 Chronicles 17:16-22 KJVS
And David the king came and sat before the Lord, and said, Who am I, O Lord God, and what is mine house, that thou hast brought me hitherto?

I noted his position. He sat before the Lord. Not a stance of worship, not bowed, just a casual conversation, or perhaps a business meeting. That’s kind of the relationship I’ve always placed myself in with the Lord. I’m a member of His ministry team. Jesus said, “I must be about my Father’s business.” If I’m honest right now, He probably should call me on the carpet for not doing my job. I can’t believe I am eleven days into the New Year and have yet to focus on my spiritual path for 2023. Let’s put the rubber on the road and squeal about that for a second. I’m spinning my tires spiritually. Stuck in a place of idleness when there is so much that needs done. I have ministry thoughts every day, but I have few actions. Although I know who God called me to be and what He called me to do, I asked of Him the question David did, “Who am I?” David spoke to the position that God had placed him in. A position of high degree.

[17] And yet this was a small thing in thine eyes, O God; for thou hast also spoken of thy servant’s house for a great while to come, and hast regarded me according to the estate of a man of high degree, O Lord God.

I Am Blessed

I cannot think of myself any different. Of course I’m not in the realm of King David, but, as a Gentile, I’m in a pretty amazing place. Born into a Country with the freedom to worship (at least for now.) Born into a family that loves me, purchased of God to live a life with that the freedom of forgiveness affords. I have to stand in awe at that! I am Blessed far more than I deserve. My excitement for the Lord is not however always the level it should be.

I Am Beleaguered

Lately I’ve been somewhat beleaguered spiritually. Beleaguered… that is not a word I’m comfortable using but it came to my mind as I wrote. It’s defined as a very difficult situation. Did you know you can be in the perfect will of God and yet be in a very difficult situation? I heard a preacher say the other day that we need to be reminded that Paul wrote many of his encouraging words from a prison cell. He said for him that meant you can always find the good in a situation, even in prison you could possibly say, “Life’s hard, but the soup is good on Tuesday.”

That cracked me up! I want that to be my new phrase for 2023. Life’s Hard, but The soup is good on Tuesday. I hope it serves to remind me that I have always got something to be thankful for, even when I’m beleaguered.

I Am Believing

Paul said in Romans 15:13 KJV6
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

The God of Hope! Glory to His Name. Were it not for Him there wouldn’t even be any hope that the soup is good on Tuesday! But the wonderful thing about having been a child of God for 26 years is, there has been many beleaguered moments in my life. I have failed at many things that left me feeling less, but God made me more. I have been hurt by people in and out of the church, but God always reminded me that they hurt Him far worse and He loves them anyway. I have faced illness, brokenness and pain and not one time did God let me down. But every time He lifted me up, and like He did King David, reminded me that I’m a gal of high degree, (well, David wasn’t a gal) but no matter what the world may think. I am seated in Heavenly places, I am promised a life where there is no beleaguerment, only blessing. Yes I believe that. It’s the only reason that I can continue on, on days like today. Life is hard, but the soup is good on Tuesday. And the Word is good every day.

God bless ya! I love ya! Shari Johnson, the Jesus Chick

Posted in Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Praise

What if we believed the Extreme Possibilities of God?

2 Chronicles 7:1-3 KJVS
Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the house. [2] And the priests could not enter into the house of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord’s house. [3] And when all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down, and the glory of the Lord upon the house, they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement, and worshipped, and praised the Lord, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.

I cannot imagine the spectacular site this would have been. Can you imagine sitting in a modern day church service where the power of God comes down in the form of fire, strikes the altar and the sparks fly! In this pyrotechnical world where every thing must be bells and whistles to get our attention, I have the feeling that when God does a fireworks display, it’s way more exciting! And for certain nobody is complaining at the end saying… I’ve seen better. Yet that’s what happens in many church services. People show up more concerned about the thermostat than the thermal power possibilities of the Lord. There’s nothing or nobody at the altar for God to send a fire upon.

What will bring the fire down?

When Solomon had made an end of praying the fire came down from heaven. What a prayer that must have been! I heard a preacher once say that most of our failures are prayer failures. Prayer is the conduit for which our relationship with God flows. But prayer for many (or perhaps I’m the only one) that has a prayer life consisting of more “Dear God I’m stupid” prayers than ones that start out with, “Oh, God….”

I’ve had those prayers. But I’m here to confess it’s been a while since God and I have had any conversations that caused me to step away from the altar with singe on my shoulder. A conversation where I was so touched by the moving of the Holy Spirit that I could physically feel His presence, that joy welled up in my soul because I had seen the sparks fly in the form of revival fires and I felt consumed by His love and power. Yes, it’s been too long.

I fully believe that the only way those moments happen is when there are people at the altar, standing there with a sacrificial heart, prepared to do something. Someone who just had a conversation with God that stirred Him when He seen the desire of His child’s heart was to worship and serve. Oh God, how I pray that’s me! Let my relationship be a consistent conversation where I am so focused on your desires that my petty thoughts have been burnt up.

What will bring the Glory of the Lord?

The priests didn’t enter the house of the Lord because the glory of the Lord filled the temple. There was nothing in the temple but God. What is in the churches across America this morning? I have a feeling it’s more than God. There are some that I’m not so sure God’s even in them at all. I’m not judging, I’m lining up what scripture says with what I see. If you go back to 2 Chronicles Chapter 6 and you read through Solomon’s prayer, this man who had it all, wisdom, wealth and all the delights of his heart, you will not see those things mentioned. But in four verses I felt that I witnessed some of what brought God’s glory down to that house of God.

2 Chronicles 6:30-33 KJV
Then hear thou from heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and render unto every man according unto all his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (for thou only knowest the hearts of the children of men:) [31] That they may fear thee, to walk in thy ways, so long as they live in the land which thou gavest unto our fathers. [32] Moreover concerning the stranger, which is not of thy people Israel, but is come from a far country for thy great name’s sake, and thy mighty hand, and thy stretched out arm; if they come and pray in this house; [33] Then hear thou from the heavens, even from thy dwelling place, and do according to all that the stranger calleth to thee for; that all people of the earth may know thy name, and fear thee, as doth thy people Israel, and may know that this house which I have built is called by thy name.

Solomon’s understanding of “Who” God was, his concern for not only Israel but the stranger, the Gentile that would have come into their country to worship “their” God, God honored the heart of Solomon by allowing Solomon and his people to experience His glory. I have to wonder, what would God do if the leadership of our nation, with a pure heart of concern for the people and for the desire to be in the will of God, would pray to God this morning? What would He do in our churches if today His altars were full of people concerned about more than the daily drudgeries of life? I believe we have to start with our own hearts and work our way up. Imagine if one church as a whole got fully committed to serving God and ministering to the people in their community. Then that community got saved and on fire for the Lord and took it to the State Capitol. We look at that as impossible task, but is it?

I know I’m a cockeyed optimist but I believe every word of God from Genesis to Revelation is there to teach us of the extreme possibilities of God. If for nothing else that we never lose sight of the hope of Heaven and how big the God of Heaven is.

Verse 3 of our original text in this post says that when ALL THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL saw how the fire came down and the glory filled the temple they bowed on their faces and worshipped and praised God. ALL of Israel. What would it look like if ALL the church were at the altar this morning. Not out of obligation, not be cause the Pastor said, “Let’s gather at the altar and pray.” But because the conviction of almighty God drove God’s people there with a burden for our nation and our communities and they started praying as Solomon did in 2 Chronicles 6:4 KJV – Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, who hath with his hands fulfilled that which he spake…

It was a different day when God spoke to the leadership. He now speaks to the heart of every child of God and we are privileged to be in a place that few were in the days of Solomon. And yet we’re not listening. That’s a really scary statement. We’re not listening to the God of the Universe Who keeps our earth together. I’m pretty sure our nation needs to pray “Dear God I’m stupid…” this morning.

But back to my optimistic ways. It’s Sunday. It’s a new day that we have the opportunity to go to church and worship and pray and meet with God in His house with His people and pray for His glory to come down. Let’s do it!

Love ya all, hope you find your way to church today. – Shari, The Jesus Chick.

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Faith, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration

What to do when there’s No Leadership, No Law, and No Limit to Evil

I detest being judged, and I struggle with the fear that I will place judgment on another. It’s not easy as a Christian to stay out of the flesh and represent the grace of God. There is a verse that is so abused by people who do not understand it, that it’s ridiculous. I know because I’ve abused it myself out of context.

Matthew 7:1 KJV
Judge not, that ye be not judged.

That’s a good verse right? But God does not mean that we are not to view the acts of man and determine if they’re right or wrong but rather let His holiness be the measure for which we judge, and the the judgement be His. We’re to respect the laws of the land and the authorities that we’ve been given, but all should align with the Word of God.

This is a thought heavy on my heart today because of a personal attack regarding a Ridgeview story. And so my only recourse of not getting in the flesh and giving these people of piece of my mind for which I cannot afford to lose is to turn to the word of God and ask Him to give me peace in my heart and satisfaction that I can leave it in His hands.

My search for answers lead me to the book of Judges. Irony? Doubtful. More than likely a dose of reality that I love.


Judges 17:6 KJV says
In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

At the beginning of Chapter 18 it says again, “there was no king in Israel.” Again in 19:1 “It came to pass in those days there was no king in Israel.

Three times it mentions there was no leadership for the children of Israel. That’s a scary place to be because it said in 17:6 that every man did that which was right in his own eyes. There was no moral fortitude, their depravity just kept getting worse and worse. And as I struggled with the things going on in my community today, those verses hit home. It’s why I can’t be silent when I see injustice. It’s not that I am perfect. God forbid that I even suggest it. But there’s an accountability factor that’s currently missing in most of society because our leadership stinks!

So the story goes, in the Bible according to Shari, that the children of Israel had fallen out with each other because nobody was talking to God unless it was for their own gain. Now, if you read the story in the book of Judges, Chapters 17 through 19, it’s there. They’d fallen away from God to the point that they picked up a spare Priest from the house of Micah and with him they took Micah’s gods as well. I guess so they’d have all their bases covered. And they began to worship those gods. It says in Chapter 19 that a certain Levite had taken to him a wife, and she had played the whore, but he went to get her. And upon his return from fetching her, in the city of Gibeah, he found a home to stay in. But the Benjamites in that city came to the house and attempted to have their way with the Levite. But instead the men of the house sent out the woman. Who was then raped and murdered. The Levite was so upset that he cut her body into multiple pieces and sent the pieces to all the surrounding towns. He wanted them to know judgment was coming. The problem with that was, nobody had a relationship with the Judgement keeper. But they finally went to God and asked Him for His advice. God told them to go fight the battle for justice for the murder of the Levite’s wife. So the battle was on!

Round 1 – Israel lost 22,000 men. God said go again.

Round 2 – Israel lost 18,000 men. God said go again, but He added that they’d have the victory.

Round 3 – Israel laid out a plan and the battle was won.

From that story I gathered this advice for myself. Our county leadership stinks. If I’m going into battle, and sometimes I feel that’s exactly what I’m doing when I’m trying to use the Ridgeview News in a manner that will help our community stay informed; but if I’m going into battle, I better do it with an open dialogue with the Lord Jesus.

There may be more than one round, and I may suffer defeats. God didn’t promise me a rose garden. But it has got to be His battle, under His direction.


I’ve also got to remember that we are no longer under the law, such that they were in the days of the book of Judges. We’re under grace. If I want grace for this battle, I too need to extend grace. Israel did not have a king. I do.

King Jesus! And I don’t want to do what’s right in my eyes, that will for certain get me into trouble. When God took Israel’s battle over, Israel wasn’t the one calling the shots, but God used them to get justice. Will He not do the same if we seek His guidance over our own leaderless community? We cannot turn our eyes away from the fact that the current leadership has accepted sins as heinous as the loss of the Levite’s wife. They’ve mocked God, (see prior story of the Democratic Party.) People have died because of the dereliction of jobs, and while they did not die with malice, the fact that few cared cannot go unaddressed. And the fact that we as a nation have turned a blind eye to abortion, even up to the full term infant we will receive the Judgment of God. This county may not care what I think, but they’ll care when they face God almighty on the day of judgment.

This isn’t an easy conclusion for me to draw. I ruffled some feathers today that caused me to question my own motives. But I hear through the reading of God’s word that God’s people don’t win every battle, but they win the final one. And while that one woman, known only as the whore, didn’t seem like much to anyone, when God got involved, even the lowest mattered. God takes care of the underdog.

Mark 7:28 KJV
And she answered and said unto him, Yes, Lord: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children’s crumbs.

Posted in Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

How to Find Hope in a Today’s Reality

I spend much of my day searching for news in an attempt to grow The Ridgeview News. I also spend a lot of time listening to national news because it’s of great interest to me. But the news that I love more than all is the Good News of Jesus Christ. It stirs my soul, it encourages me and gives me hope. I’m not sure how anyone who doesn’t know Jesus Christ as their Savior survives. I remember clearly my days pre salvation. I think it’s important to remember the days of no hope, because the days of hope become that much sweeter.

My question for today is how do we share and enjoy the hope we’re given in the face of reality?

I have friends who do not watch the national news. I’m not so sure they care for my news, and I totally get it. Reality can suck the life out of you. Knowing it can create anxiety, there’s usually no answer on a local level, and little we can do about the national level. So why am I so drawn into it, and feel it’s necessary for my life? Why do I tell other’s about it? Do you want the bad news or the good news first? Being that you’re not in my living room to answer this morning I’ll start with the bad and then we’ll end on a good note.

Everyone Needs a Reality Check

That’s exactly what bad news does. It’s also what drives me to share the truth of my neighborhood, my nation and my Lord. It’s not always an easy decision and doesn’t always make me popular. Usually quite the opposite, I mean… who wants to be around a negative nelly. I try not to be, but reality is considered a negative subject. It’s also a relative subject and less appreciated when it’s about people we have a relationship with. But knowing the truth should be what we desire. But it’s not for most people.

I cannot help but think of the prophet of Lamentation and Woe, Jeremiah. You know people crossed the street to avoid him. He never had anything good to say. And yet, he’s got his own book in the Bible, so obviously God approved of what he had to say.

Jeremiah 1:1-10 KJV
The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests that were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin: [2] To whom the word of the Lord came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign. [3] It came also in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, unto the end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah the son of Josiah king of Judah, unto the carrying away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month. [4] Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, [5] Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. [6] Then said I, Ah, Lord God ! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. [7] But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. [8] Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord. [9] Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. [10] See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.

From the beginning of Jeremiah’s life (which was before he was born) until the end of his life, God had a plan for him. It causes me to wonder how many aborted babies would God have done an amazing work with if only they were given the chance. I also have to consider how many chances we’ve been ehgiven and failed to use. Jeremiah didn’t ignore reality and he didn’t fail to sound the alarms on the bad news of the day. How else can people be prepared?

Reality has Bad News

The reality of this world is, if you’re not saved you cannot prepare for what’s coming, your mind could not possibly comprehend the evil that will be on the face of the earth when God calls the church home. And if you’re saved, you should know what’s coming and be able to warn your people. But at no point did God say give up. We have job to do until He calls us from this earth and understanding the Prophets who foretold the reality of the future is a very important part of our life’s work.

So lets talk about reality for one paragraph and then I’ll move onto the good news!

There is so much I would like to say, and if I thought you’d read my paragraph for hours perhaps I’d tell it all, but I’ll abbreviate it for now. The majority of the people I talk to do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ (even those who are saved) in which they converse with Him and study His word. They do not discuss the fact that Jesus is going to come back anyone not saved will be in a literal hell on earth. They do not discuss the fact that there are people in our schools, workplaces and even churches that are not serving God’s agenda, but Satans. And by allowing those people to have their say without a response from the children of God is basically saying it’s okay to indoctrinate the people you care about with lies that can send them to Hell. Nobody wanted to hear what Jeremiah had to say, and nobody wants to hear what an outspoken Christian has to say, but it didn’t stop Israel from facing judgement and it won’t stop America either.

Reality has Good News

But you have to embrace the truth of it all. There were people in our community hurt recently because people spoke truth about politicians and it was viewed as contempt. That my friend is a lie of the Devil. He loves it when good people get upset about the truth because for certain they won’t share it, and if anything they degrade it until people don’t listen. Yes politics is ugly. And I long for the day that politics won’t exist. We’ll have one King, Praise God, and there will be no division. But that’s not now. We have people serving a Heavenly King (Jesus) and we have people serving an earthly king (Satan) and even if it’s in positions that don’t seem to matter in the scope of eternity, it does. Because these people are influencing our people. The Good news is that for those of us serving King Jesus, we are given the opportunity to share the truth of Jesus Christ and be honest about the truth of others. If I say “so and so” is a good person and good for a job, and it is know that that person is a scoundrel, why will anyone believe what I say about the Lord? And in the same line of thinking, if I warn you about someone who could do your community harm and it’s proven, will people not take my word when I warn them about the return of Christ? Is there human error on both sides, of course!

James 4:17 KJV
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

Living in Reality would Make News!

Jeremiah 52:28-30 KJV
This is the people whom Nebuchadrezzar carried away captive: in the seventh year three thousand Jews and three and twenty: [29] In the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar he carried away captive from Jerusalem eight hundred thirty and two persons: [30] In the three and twentieth year of Nebuchadrezzar Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty and five persons: all the persons were four thousand and six hundred.

Jeremiah’s prophesy came to reality. And so will that of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. For those of us who know Him as Savior, that’s going to be a great day. We need to do more to help people understand that the reality of this world is wicked, but the hope and glory in the Heavenly Kingdom is a reality far beyond what we can imagine here. God put us in this world with purpose, just as He did Jeremiah, let’s live in it!

Start with church on Sunday that is where you’ll find hope for living in today!

Posted in Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, Word of God, worship

When Life’s a Mess, break out the Mess Kit!

There are days I draw nigh to God, and there are days when I run as far from Him as I can get for fear that His holiness will burn the hide off my unholy nature. I thank God for certain that I live in the dispensation of grace and not law, else my previous statement would be fact not a figment of my imagination. I thought today how I have people who look to me for wisdom, and I have others who I think, think that I am a fool, though they may not. But my insecurities rear their ugly heads from the darkest caves within my heart and make me feel as though I’m the worst of the worst. But then I realize I’m calling Apostle Paul a liar who wrote to Timothy:

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

1 Timothy 1:15 KJVS

To put it mildly, I’m a hot mess most days.

Tonight I search for something that I really don’t even know what I’m looking for, I just need encouraged. I need God’s word to light me up, of course figuratively. I’m sure I need beaten. But I’d rather have a word from God that will draw my mind into a place of stillness. Where I hear, feel, and find direction.

I attempted to find my scripture in some Old Testament wisdom, but I ended up in the book of Acts, standing on Mars Hill with the Apostle Paul.


Acts 17:22-27 KJVS
[22] Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. [23] For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.

Paul knew the God for who the ignorant searched. And so do I… but I don’t feel very wise. Because though Paul and I both know the same God, I’m not at the same spiritual point in my life as Paul. He could stand before the people on Mars Hill with confidence, even at the beginning of his ministry because he lived and breathed the word of God. He did so after an encounter that left him visually impaired but was years later capable of seeing in to the third heaven. Would to God I could be so close to the Lord!

2 Corinthians 12:1-5 KJVS
[1] It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. [2] I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. [3] And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) [4] How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. [5] Of such an one will I glory: yet of myself I will not glory, but in mine infirmities.


Paul in Acts 17 had found an altar to THE UNKNOWN GOD. A god the people were worshiping, even though they didn’t know who it was. They had experienced nothing, yet were willing to bow down to it. But Paul was about to introduce them to “an experience.”

[24] God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; [25] Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; [26] And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

God determined when Paul would be born to the earth, where he would be born and how God Himself would use Him. Paul had this experience but it was not without God’s planning. He could preach in confidence because God had placed him in such a position as to learn the Old Testament from the greatest of scholars, but then he placed him in a position where he would experience the Lord in such a way that he would be the writer of 13 of the New Testament books. That’s a glory to God moment right there and one to take not of.

Have you experienced Him? It’s one thing to know of God, but have you experienced Him in such a way that it left your life so impacted that nothing was ever the same? Paul didn’t look at anything without judging it through Christ. Paul had experienced the Lord in such a way that the earthly wisdom for which most people accept, wasn’t ever good enough for Paul. He wanted to see it from Gods perspective. Likely why God did take Him into the third Heaven.

Israel could not comprehend that God was approachable. They’d heard about Moses’ time with God. And how God could not be looked upon for His glory. How could they possibly understand that God was not only approachable, He lived within the very heart of man? The only way they could understand it was to experience it. That is why the wise are so stupid. They’re not willing to get to a point of humility so that they too can experience God.

I’ve experienced God. Oh. My. Stars. Have I ever!!! But yet I still struggle, why is that? Why do I get to the point where I’m searching for another experience rather than just living in the moment with God as Paul did. Confident that He is going to do a great work in me.


I think it is because I stop feeling. Getting close to God requires some up close and personal time. When I said in the beginning that I ran from God because He will burn the hide off of my unholy nature. That’s true. When I begin to experience God, all that is in my life that shouldn’t be heats up. God runs it through the fire and it burns me.

But that is the very thing that drives me into a closer relationship with Him. I want that relationship. I’ve had it, I know when I’m not right with Him and I know what needs to happen.

[27] That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:

He is never far from me. He’s in me! But Paul said that if “haply the might feel after him, and find him.” Haply means by chance. It’s got to be a concerted effort. God is not going to bless overtop of rejection. Just as the people were searching for an UNKNOWN GOD, God had presented Himself to them, time and time again. He wasn’t going to make them accept Him. Nor once He’s saved us, is He going to make us “Experience” Him.

Tonight I needed a reminder of what it was like on my own Damascus road. When Christ came into my life and saved me from searching for peace, joy and happiness. All of which I found in Jesus Christ and experienced Heaven for the first time in my life. I have not always walked successful but Christ has never once failed to walk with me until I came out the other side of life’s circumstances. Yes, I’m a hot mess many days, but He gave me my very own mess kit for being a part of the army of God. It’s called the Bible. Praise Him! He alone is worthy.

Posted in Uncategorized

Voters, What are you measuring your standards by?

What exactly are standards? Has Webster’s changed the definition on it like they have so many other words, so that it will fit the agenda of today’s society?

Miriam Webster’s definition in the context of todays blog says:

3: something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example CRITERION quite slow by today’s standards 4: something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality 5a: the fineness and legally fixed weight of the metal used in coins b: the basis of value in a monetary system the gold standard

Webster’s have not changed it so much that it’s not recognizable but the world standards have certainly changed and their methods of measuring are questionable to their origin to say the very least. The American standards of measurement have not changed a great deal when it comes to product measurement. A gallon is a gallon, an inch is an inch, a pound is a pound, etc. We’re not likely going to buy a 5 pound bag of flour that was weighed by guess-timation. Although we all buy toilet paper that’s supposedly a double or triple roll that sure looks the same to me as the single rolls did, but that’s an argument for another day. The point is we would not allow another form of measurement to be used that we did not agree with for items we’re purchasing. And yet… we’re okay with society changing the social norms and standards and nobody says a word. Well, a few do. But not many.

In the book of Ezekiel, chapter 28, there was a prince who had his own set of standards. He believed he was one smart cookie. Scripture says that God laid out a plan for Ezekiel to go challenge this prince on his standards:

Ezekiel 28:1-10 KJVS
[1] The word of the Lord came again unto me, saying, [2] Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord God ; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:

This fella thought he was so good, that he was an equal to God. But did he really weigh himself against God? Could he speak the world into existence. Ummm…nope. Could he breathe life into a man? Not likely. What caused this man to think he was an equal to God? The very same thing that causes an American to say they have right to kill an innocent child. The pride and exaltation of self. The ad below was on our county democrats Facebook page. This is why I left the Democratic Party. I am told that I should keep religion and politics separate, this is why I can’t.

Their idea that making someone wear a mask is as serious as killing an unborn child proves the value that they put on life. So what does God say about killing infants?

Jeremiah 1:5 KJVS
[5] Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Proverbs 6:16-17 KJVS
[16] These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: [17] A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

The first three things that Proverbs said God hated answers that question regarding abortion: A proud look (that man has the choice of life or death), a lying tongue (to say that child isn’t a child is saying God’s word is not true), and the 3rd, what did any child do to deserve being murdered?

Ezekiel delivers God’s message of Destruction to the Prince

Ezekiel 28:3-10 KJVS
[3] Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee: [4] With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures: [5] By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches: [6] Therefore thus saith the Lord God ; Because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God;

For the record, God does not want politics controlled by religion, nor was that the intention of the Constitution. It was Americans would have the freedom to worship, the One true God, if they so chose. God does not force anyone into His army, one must volunteer. But in another form of arrogance, society today does not want anyone telling them what is right or wrong or hurting their little feelings by speaking truth. Especially the word of God. Christians should not want to control politics, Christians should have a heart that is controlled by the Holy Spirit so that they can make godly decisions. But you cannot “kill babies, change scripture, change Creation and justify pedophilia and think you’ll ever get God’s stamp of approval on it. Therefore, “religion, aka God” must go.

Many say they’re Christians. But by what measure are they measuring their standards.

The final “post” I’ll share from Calhoun’s own democrats is this one, and I’m not even sure what’s meant by it?

Jesus’ miracle wasn’t a slap in the face to anyone. Evidently they’ve not read their bible. Scripture said that “all” ate. Five thousand men, and countless women and children. To use scripture in the manner above is a slap. But to God’s face, not mans.

Matthew 14:16-21 KJVS
[16] But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat. [17] And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. [18] He said, Bring them hither to me. [19] And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. [20] And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full. [21] And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.

Some may read this and say “There’s Shari judging people and callin’ em out. I’ve had a couple of politicians accuse me of that. And that’s fine. I’m not calling a person out. I’m calling out the Democratic organization. Am I proud of my Republican organization for which I’m a member. Not always. As a matter of fact, I’ll throw them under the bus too when they go against scripture. I don’t vote by party. I vote by the word of God. But in this world of picking the lesser of two evils, I’ll side with the one who sides with God 7 days a week and twice on Sunday.

We tend to look at the National Democratic agenda as being “not us, but them.” But these ads were placed on the Facebook page of Calhoun’s democrats. If you don’t agree with them, why are you standing for them?

When it came right down to it, I’m sure there were a whole lot of politicians ready to run Ezekiel out of town on a rail. But that’s not happened. The prince of Tyrus met his demise.

[7] Behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee, the terrible of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness. [8] They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of them that are slain in the midst of the seas. [9] Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee, I am God? but thou shalt be a man, and no God, in the hand of him that slayeth thee. [10] Thou shalt die the deaths of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God.

We’ve got an election coming up, and I know Christians are not supposed to be political, but if I say I am a child of God, and that in so being I am an Ambassador for Christ, which the scripture says I am. Then I am representing God Himself in this world. And that makes me a little nauseous because I fail Him miserably. Praise God for Grace! But there are those, who with all the pride of the Prince in our story, have decided that they have the authority of God.

Please don’t think for a second the democratic agenda won’t make it to Calhoun if this county is governed by them.

On the national page, embraced by the locals in our community take a look at their priorities. Do they match yours? More importantly when you measure them by the word of God, do they measure up with His?

Our votes may be a secret inside the booth. But they’re not secret from God. Vote with the wisdom of God. Not self, and certainly not this world.

Posted in Christian Service, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration

I Didn’t know we had Icebergs in Grantsville

It’s been an enlightening few weeks as I try to navigate the waters of being a woman of God, a news publisher and just plain old ordinary Shari. Wife to David, Mother to Tif and Whit, and Noni to six. I didn’t know we had icebergs in Grantsville! But I’ve certainly hit a few.

I’ve had to ask myself on more than one occasion, “Are you being stubborn or staunch? Are you in the flesh or are you in the spirit? I am most assuredly human, God knows. But before I drowned in the frigid waters of the world I decided to stop the boat and just sit in the stillness for a while. By the way… I had to stop and restart the boat many times to find an area of stillness. These are busy waters.

What is the difference between stubborn and staunch?

1 Samuel 15:23 KJV
[23] For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

That’s a pretty serious charge and the result was Saul losing his position as king over Israel. Good thing I’m not royalty! Oh wait… being a child of God makes us royalty in Heaven, and God’s not any happier with me when I’m stubborn, than He was Saul. When I speak of the metaphorical icebergs, I speak of the cold natured attitude of the world that can either be an obstruction in my path or an obstruction in my heart that doesn’t allow me to see things clearly.

I’m still not 100% certain about some decisions I’ve made. But I’m 100% sure I don’t want to be ruled by the world. What I need to do is take a closer look at the word Staunch. It is not however in the Bible, but a close word by definition is that of “Stedfast.”

1 Corinthians 15:51-58 KJV
[51] Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, [52] In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. [53] For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. [54] So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. [55] O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? [56] The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. [57] But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. [58] Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

The Apostle Paul is teaching the Corinthians and us in this text, about a mystery that they’re privileged to have revealed to them. The day will come when Christ will call His children home, those who have accepted His power of their redemption when He died on the cross to cover our sin. Those who have gone before us, and those who are alive when he returns will be changed in the twinkling of an eye to have a perfect body. But until then… Before the victory is won, we are still in the battle. And Paul tells the believer, “be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” There it is, the difference between stubborn and staunch. One has me in mind, the other has the Lord’s work in mind.

I don’t want any of my labor on this earth done in vain. There will certainly be hay and stubble that will burn up at the end of my life when I stand before the Lord, but will there be gold that when it’s tried by the fire and the dross is removed (the parts of Shari that were in it) will there be some good left over for me to present to the King of kings, “This I did for You?”

Those icebergs of people who stand before me and judge me on this earth won’t be there with the Lord. They may be in line too, I’m not saying they’re not saved, but they’ll have no right to look in on mine and Christ’s conversation. Nor do they today. There is a stubborn streak in me, I’ll not deny. I detest self righteous people to the point that I often take a stand against them just because they turn my stomach. If that’s the case, I’m as wrong as they are.

God help me to print the truth of Your word, and the truth of the world in a way that brings glory to You alone. This world is ran by Satan and his demonic forces. They have power. But none so great as the power of Holy Spirit that can guide me through these troubled waters.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Word of God

Riding the Struggle Bus to Meet the Political Train

Y’all know I ride the struggle bus to work every day. Even though I work from home. I struggle not with what is right and what is wrong. God’s word lays that out pretty clear. Thou – shalt – not. That’s clear enough! But when it comes to the decisions of what I should involve myself in and with that is not always so clear. I can listen to one sermon and a preacher will say one thing, I can listen to another sermon and another preacher will say something totally different. I can respect both preachers opinions because it’s what they believe, but is it what God wants for me? That’s where I’ve been lately. And so it is that God and I have been talking politics.

Should I listen to the World’s News?

I’ve always loved the news. I have to take the occasional break from it and be very careful of “what” news I watch because it messes with my head. But I want to know what’s going on and I’m pretty sure God wants me to know. Ignoring reality doesn’t change it and it might get you called on the carpet before God some day.

Romans 13:1-14 KJV
[1] Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. [2] Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

The Commentary of Charles Spurgeon says this on the matter: Government is Ordained By God, vv. 1-2. Paul calls for submission to authority three times in this passage (verses 1, 5 and 7). In the first of these, Paul states the command in a very straightforward manner: “Let every soul be subject to the higher powers.” This is then followed up with the key rationale for this imperative: “For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” This is our Father’s World! As Daniel said while in captivity in Babylon as recorded in Daniel 2:20-21, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: God is Sovereign! This belief is the foundation for what Paul is saying in these verses. If God is completely in control of all things, then obviously whoever is setting on the throne is there because God put them there. The implication of this declaration is spelled out in verse 2. To resist the authority of government is to resist the authority of God and will result in judgment (both now from the civil authorities and in the future from God).

But today is a much different day than that of Charles Spurgeon’s, but not so much different than the Apostle Pauls. We know this to be true because when you read the instruction left for us by the Apostle to the Gentiles in the books of Romans through Philemon, the Apostle is speaking to people that are every bit as messed up as we are today! He speaks to them about the sins of the church, heinous sins… He speak to the churches of the false doctrine they’re teaching that leads men astray. He lines out the leadership of the church regarding their roles. He encourages and he jerks a few knots in some of them. The powers that be want him dead and until his dying breath he does not cease to expose the mystery that God had given to him to reveal. He has divine appointments with powerful leaders and he never backs down.

Acts 26:28 KJV
[28] Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

He didn’t persuade Agrippa, but what an impact he must have made on those around him!

Would to God I could make that kind of an impact, but there is a part of me that says…. “Please Lord, don’t let me lose my head in the process.”

Should I Consider the World Views?

Paul tells the Roman’s in Chapter 12:

Romans 12:2 KJV
[2] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

The theological definition of renew is “to make new; to renovate; to transform; to change from natural enmity to the love of God and his law; to implant holy affections in the heart; to regenerate.”

There’s a difference between considering and conforming. To consider something is to weigh it in comparison to the Word of God. Does it align? To conform is to ignore the word of God and go with ideals of man. Should this not be our method in politics? Not to view politics in a worldly method, but view it with the mind of Christ. If only are “so called” Christian leadership both nationally and locally would do that, we’d live in a much different world. So what is the child of God to do with regards to politics? Ignore it? God doesn’t want His children ignorant. Ignorance will get somebody hurt.

Listen to Paul’s words as he tells those in Rome (for our edification as well) that God ordained government to protect the innocent. Do they always? Certainly not. But for us to step away and allow evil to take over every facet of government would not be the mind of Christ. We may not always be able to make change, but we can make a difference.

[3] For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: [4] For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. [5] Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.

Should I Not Pay my Dues?

[6] For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. [7] Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due ; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. [8] Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. [9] For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. [10] Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. [11] And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. [12] The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. [13] Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. [14] But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

God is so good! Remember my comment about know the “Thou-shalt-not’s” of the Bible earlier. That was before I even read verses 6-14. And yet God knew I love a good outline! He just cracks me up! Paul tells the Romans not to hate Government, but to pay them what they’re worth because they are the ministers of God. He allowed them to be placed in their position. But it is our job to be the children of Light. Shining the light of Jesus Christ into the darkness of this world so that they can see the truth. And then walk in it. There is far too many again, “so called” Christians walking in the dark and conforming right to it. We need people willing to pay their dues by being involved in shining the Light of Christ and protecting those who need protected. We can’t save them all, but like the starfish on the beach, we can save the one’s we take the time to throw back in the water.

I’m so grateful for the word of God. Thank you! Jesus for shining the Light on me in 1996 and bringing me out of that dark place I was in.

Posted in Christian Service, Praise, Purpose, Uncategorized

How Not to Grow Weary as a People Pleaser

I will confess that I am a people pleaser to a certain degree, in that I want everyone around me happy. So I go to great lengths to make people happy and in so doing, usually make myself nauseous. With that being said, I only go so far and then my nauseousness turns to frustration. And my frustration turns to aggravation and then I’m in the flesh and those people have gotten on my lastnerve. Then I’ll turn to the word, and I’ll attempt to make it fit my agenda like the rest of the world does, and then I grow sick of myself. So I put it down and let Satan beat me with a big stick for a few days and then go back to it again with more determination to seek out the will of God in the matter that started out with me trying to make someone happy.


Romans 15:1-13 KJV
[1] We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. /

There it is in black and white and bold, “Don’t make this about you Shari.” My life should not be about making myself happy, but rather as verse 2 continues on by saying [2] Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. [3] For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me.

So I am in the right to please others so long as that pleasing edifies (Instructs or improves) someone. That’s an interesting fact, and continued frustration when you feel that your wisdom isn’t counted worthy. Enter Shari’s lifelong insecurities of being less and Satan has just managed to shut me up again. An additional problem is I am always on display with people, or so I feel that I am. I’ve been so vocal about my faith in Christ and my belief in the purpose of my life that I feel that people are watching me continually to see how I handle life; and lately, it hasn’t been handled very well. I’ve retreated from the gospel because of a lost hope. Not in Christ, but in purpose.


[4] For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

There is an image I attempted to find where a woman was wrapped up in Christ’s arms but it was all done by word art. it always makes my heart happy when i see it because it depicts how I feel when I read the word of God. I feel as though He has come to earth and wrapped me up in His love. It’s a real feeling and not one contrived in my mind by an artist, but rather expressed by that artist.

A sure fire way of losing hope is to get out of the word of God. I know from much experience in the matter. I also know that the way to find hope is to get back in the word of God and read until God shines the light on what you need. He did just that in Romans this morning when I read that the Old and the New were written to give me hope. That every word has purpose, just like me.


[5] Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: [6] That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There have been so many people in my past that have shown me how to praise and glorify God by their relationship with God. It’s another issue with my very faulty wiring in that I struggle with fitting someone else’s mold. Because I know I was never meant to fit their mold. That’s theirs. But if what I feel doesn’t align with what they feel and I make them uncomfortable, what do I do? I can tell you. Just as I retreated from the word of God, I retreat from the way God made me.

According to His word, we’re to be likeminded “toward another” according to Christ. That means I should be okay with how Christ designed them, and they should be okay with how Christ designed me so long as the two have foundation in scripture. One can be mild and one can be loud and both can be right.


[7] Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God. [8] Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers: [9] And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy; as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name. [10] And again he saith, Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people.

The first of God’s people were the Jews. Who overtime grew into a very formal, religious group of people who followed the law and loved rule making. And then came the Gentiles, a world of rebels who didn’t fit the religious mold. They went against their grain by not holding a formal service, not washing their hands enough, not doing all the “things” the religious did. And if I were to guess at what happened in their services that was also different was their manner of praise. They had so much to be thankful for. The God of the universe had deemed them worthy to be a part of His family through the blood of Christ. The acceptance of the blood He shed for their salvation. Because of that their worship would have likely differed drastically from what the Jews were used to. But now the Jews and the Gentiles were worshipping together. Do you suppose some took issue with the loud mouthed coverts and caused division? I do. I’m pretty sure, I’d have been a loud mouth!


[11] And again, Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and laud him, all ye people. [12] And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust. [13] Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

As I’ve stated… I’m loud. I have to reign myself in on a daily basis not to be center stage in any conversation or action. My personality is such that I believe God designed me to be heard, but He humbles me by putting people in my life who don’t want to hear me. It’s a truth I can’t fathom. I mean, who wouldn’t want to hear me, right? Kidding.

Romans 12:15-16 KJV
[15] Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. [16] Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.

So my take away from today’s discussion with God is, “It’s okay to be me.” So long as “me” represent’s Him. He told me I needed to “LAUD” Him. That means praise Him highly. That does not sound quiet to me. Just sayin’.

Posted in Life Inspiration, Purpose

Are You having a Profitable Day in the Lord?

Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 KJV
[1] … To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: [2] A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; [3] A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; [4] A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; [5] A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; [6] A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; [7] A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; [8] A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

That verse could describe any 24 hour news report. Every day people are celebrating life… and dealing with death. They’re sowing and reaping, their killing and healing, building and tearing down. Some of that is metaphorical and some of it is real, but all of it can cause anyone of us to be on the brink of a nervous breakdown if we don’t keep life in perspective.

Where’s the Profit

[9] What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?

I asked myself that both of of the financial efforts of my pursuits and the spiritual efforts of my pursuits. Is there profit in what I do for myself or others? Am I making a difference? The writer of Ecclesiastes is Solomon. The wisest man who every lived and yet his stupidity as a man defied the logic of anyone sane. What could be the gain (other than the obvious) of having 1,000 women in your life? Is one not sufficient? Sometimes one is too much – speaking as someone who is too much for my husband at times. But take women out of the equation and add your vice… Is ten cars too many? Is three jobs too much? Is 14 dresses too many to buy in one shopping trip? Are 10 pair of cowboy boots too many? Wait a minute… that’ can’t possibly be the case, I’m in Gatlinburg… and I’m planning on looking at the boot store.

The point of all that nonsense is the question, “can we buy, build or break the bank into real prosperity?” You know… the kind that brings happiness. The answer of course is no. So where’s the purpose in what we do every day?

There’s Profit in Problems

[10] I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

I have a grandson who is striving to build body strength through weight lifting. He works hard to take his little boy framework into a manly size status. And it pays off. But there are days between his weight lifting and football practice that he comes to my house and collapses in exhaustion. You’d think that he’d be ready to quit, but it drives him all the more to wear himself out.

The same is true when it comes to striving for a the Kingdom of God. A week of revival, a busy week at home or work and then fitting Bible Study, Sunday School, Morning Worship, Sunday Evening, Wednesday Night and daily devotions into life will cause some to give up but it will drive others to making a greater commitment to making it happen. Because it profits the soul in a way that is priceless. I know that as this world get’s crazier and crazier, I can make sense of it all with the help of staying in a church that preaches the gospel of Christ as well as end time living.

Solomon made many mistakes, but when he was at his finest was when he was in tune with God and speaking to Him about every decision. I too speak to God about every decision… “God, should I eat this candy bar? No? Will You forgive me I do? Yes. Okay… let’s go with that.” What can I say, I’m no Solomon. The point is… we need an open dialogue with God so that when problems come, and they will, He helps us work through them, and strengthen our faith. We’re not getting out of this world without trouble. But we can survive it much better with the wisdom of God which comes from studying on our own, attending church bible study to learn to divide the word correctly, and receiving a sermon to encourage our souls.

There’s Profit in Precepts

Precept (A general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought)

[11] He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

Understanding that there are some things you were never meant to understand, is key to living in subjection to God’s designs. I don’t have to know how God created the earth to enjoy it. Nor do I have to know why God created me with a mind that works the way it does. I’m creative and driven, often to the point of driving everyone around me crazy because when God formed me He placed within a desire to serve Him and know Him. When I work outside that realm my puzzle pieces do not fit. I would love, love, love to an organized emboldened person of wisdom. But instead I’m a cluttered, passionate person who struggles with the complexity of the world, but God has gifted me the ability to write and speak in a relatable manner with people of all levels of intelligence. the profit from that precept is that God keeps me humble which makes me a better vessel for service. It is not however always fun.

There’s Profit in the Promise

[12] I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life. [13] And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God. [14] I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

When understanding human nature, we could stop with the first part of verse 12. “I know that there is no good in them.” It’s true. When it comes to mankind, there is so much evil within each one of us that it’s hard to believe God’s grace will cover it up. But it does. And He goes on to say that in everything thing we do, it’s a gift of God. Everything? That’s everything that God’s apart of. He’s not a part of the a bank robber. But He may be a part of the Bank robber who gets saved and uses his testimony to draw others to Christ. But what about the every day ordinary people who just want to make it through the next ten minutes without cussing. How can that be considered a gift of God?

It makes us relatable. There’s way more people who cuss than rob banks. But God puts them all on a level playing field and tells them that He is capturing their lives and He promises to reward them for all they’ve done in His name. And He promises to forgive them for everything they did against His name. And when all our lives are over, it will still be written down in Heaven, for ever. It is there that there will be no more struggles in life. Just peace. The very thing we all search for is waiting for us, we just having to keep moving forward in this life.

So for today. Just go! Go forth doing your thing… but always keep in mind… is God glorified?

Posted in Christian, Church attendance, Evangelism, Faith, Family, Life Inspiration, Peace, salvation, Uncategorized, Word of God

The End is the Beginning of a Great Life!

As I read Romans 10, Paul’s words pierced my heart for my family. Those are the first people that came into my mind when I read “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.” It’s such a simple statement, yet such a hard task to accomplish. Such a simple process, yet it seems the most difficult decision. That was Paul’s desire, yet his ministry ended up not being to the Jews, but to the Gentiles. And what an impact he made there! What can I glean from Paul’s words to make my life more productive for the Kingdom?

The End of What you Know

Romans 10:1-21 KJV
[1] Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. [2] For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. [3] For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

I have people that are so stinkin’ smart, they’re too smart for their own good. They assume they’ve got life figured out. They make more money than I can dream of, have all the “things” that supposedly make their life complete, and yet eternity is nowhere in their scope of concern. They’re good people, or so they think, they don’t realize that their goodness does not enter into the equation of salvation. The same was true with Israel. They thought their goodness was enough, they’re name as God’s chosen was enough. But it was not. They had not submitted themselves to the understanding that they would never be good enough to go to Heaven. There wasn’t enough righteousness in their entire family combined to go to Heaven. It is only through what Christ did on the cross that one can be saved. Their self made theology fills the world today, they need to get out of their own head, and into the mindset of God.

The End of the Law

[4] For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. [5] For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them. [6] But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above : ) [7] Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) [8] But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

Moses said if you think you’re good enough to get to Heaven, you’ll line your life up by the law. All 613 of them and stand before God without failure. Can you do it? I can’t live without breaking one of the Ten Commandments. There is no way under the sun that I can live without breaking 613. Nor can anyone else. That’s why Christ had to go to the cross to pay the penalty of sin for every single man and woman on earth. Because there are none good enough. It is believing by faith in Christ and that work on the cross that allows you to enter in. It is His righteousness, the One who never sinned and was the only worthy sacrifice for man kind. The end of the law is your beginning of faith.

The End of the Difference

[9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. [11] For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. [12] For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. [13] For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Paul’s desire was that Israel, his Nation of people was saved. He had been a man of the law, serving in the highest of office in their religion, calling men and women out for being Christian and even killing them. No one had lived any more zealous than he had lived for the Lord and was wrong. He had walked by the letter of the law as a Jew, God’s chosen, but now he understood that it was for nought. He too was now saved, not by what he’d done, but because he believed. He believed because he had a personal experience with coming to know Christ as His Savior. “Christ ask him on the road to Damascus

Acts 9:5 KJV
[5] And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

Pricks (goads) was an instrument used to guide livestock. The guiding principals that Paul had lived by were no longer in play. He would have to walk a whole new way, and believe in what he had fought against. Is this not what has to happen to each one of us as we come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Suddenly, we realize that there is no difference in us than anyone else. We’re all sinners. Even the vilest of people that we loath is as good as we are. The Jews lived by their zealous righteousness, that they were above the Gentiles, all other people. But because of God’s grace, he took the difference out of the equation. Everyone stands even at the cross, and it is only those who kneel to it that can be viewed as worthy through the blood Christ shed for them.

The End of Excuses

[14] How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? [15] And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

For many in my family and yours too likely, there’s 101 reasons not to go to church on Sunday morning. This is the greatest of tragedies for the people of God. Many of them may be saved, Christ does not say, “Thou shall go to church.” But while we are no longer under the law, the law is not void. We’re forgiven, but we’re not excused to sin. As a Baptist it’s often said of us that we can do on Monday, what we say is wrong on Sunday and be okay. No… that’s not how grace works. While grace offers forgiveness, if you are a child of God, you’re not excused to live without accountability. There are consequences for stupidity. And one of the stupidest things God’s people and the unsaved do, is their thinking that they don’t need church.

Church is one of the greatest gifts that God gave His people. It is there we build our relationship and understanding of the word of God that allows us to live in peace. The very thing that everyone desires, and few have. They don’t have it because they have no relationship with God or His people. Victory Baptist Church did not save me, Christ did that, but it for certain has shaped me into who I am and has afforded me a peace that I never knew prior to salvation. By attending church I receive the word of God from the man of God. I have friends that lift me up in prayer and give me opportunity to do the same for them. I have the sweetest fellowship that is not in the world. You may have friends… but not friends like those in the Lord. As a child of God I have the desire to be in His House, in His word and with His people. He puts that desire in everyone of His children and we are without excuse for not following it.

[16] But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? [17] So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. [18] But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. [19] But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you. [20] But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me. [21] But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.

God knocks on the heart of everyone and asks them to believe in what He’s done. He’s stretched out His arms to a world begging for love and peace and offered it to them, but they’ve rejected it, both Jew and Gentile. It’s not easy to be humble. But it is so worth what you receive in exchange. There’s no excuse for not being saved. You have the opportunity today if you’ve read my blog. I’ve written it in love, in hopes of new kinfolk. Let me know if you’d like to join the family of God, I’d love to share with you how you can be apart of His life giving, love feeling, peace knowing family.

Posted in Christian, Eternity, Evangelism, Peace

The Benefit Package of God is out of this World

What benefit is the world offering you today? That’s my question to myself. Perhaps it might be yours too after you read my thoughts for the day. When I think of the world, it’s usually in the context of evil. And with good reason, it is evil. But while we’re here, there’s plenty of good benefits of the Lord!

John tells us in

1 John 5:19 KJV
[19] And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.

The whole world lie in wickedness. There’s no “good” thing in the world? No, I don’t believe that’s what John meant. God created the world it said in Genesis and God said “it was good.” Over and over he saw that it was good. So obviously there’s some really good stuff down here. But it’s lying in wickedness. Satan and his minions have the power of this earth to create evil, even out of the goodness of God. They can put something that was never intended to draw our attention away from God in front of us and cause our minds to delight in it so much, it becomes a little “g” god. Staying focused in this evil world is definitely not easy. The world grows more and more evil by the day. But for the child of God, there is still good.

David said in Psalm 68:19-20 KJV
[19] Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah. [20] He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto God the Lord belong the issues from death.

Both John and David knew that they belonged to the Lord. We belong to God through the blood of Jesus. He literally bought us by paying that price on the cross. And once we belong to God, there is a great benefit package! I love that David said he loads us daily with benefits. But do we take advantage of God’s goodness daily? I know I don’t. God has given us spiritual blessings, an abundance of grace, as well as mercies untold for which He ought to be praised day by day. Selah (stop and listen)

He is the God of our Salvation

Can we possibly praise Him enough for that? And do we understand the magnitude of it’s benefits. A couple of the men in our church were talking about the age of their salvation, both being around the age of 9. That is the age that God began dealing with my heart as well. Both of my daughters were saved at the ages of 8 and 10. Perhaps it’s at that time that our mind is at it’s most accepting state of the truth. The world hasn’t jaded you at that age and you can understand the difference between good and evil. God dealt with me at that age, but I didn’t get saved until I was 34. There were many years in between where this world could have been my demise and I would have busted Hell wide open. But for grace… I praise God that He allowed me to be saved, He didn’t have to. David reminded me today through that verse that it is the Lord that is in charge of the issues of death but also the issues of life.

The benefit package that comes from living for the Lord is beyond anything we can imagine.

The benefit of His peace…

John 14:27 KJV
[27] Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

He left us His peace! The peace that scripture says passes all understanding. The peace that in the face of death I can live without fear. The peace in knowing that when I lay down at night my family is in his watch care. The peace in knowing that as crazy and wicked as this world is, someday I’ll live with Him! Glory to God what a benefit in the knowledge of Christ.

The benefit of His presence…

Hebrews 13:5 KJV
[5] Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

As I mentioned before, I love things! But nothing in this world has ever given me the joy that the presence of God in my life has brought. That 24 hours a day, 7 days a week I can talk to Him and He responds. That is a gift only given to the child of God. The unsaved have never experienced a conversation with God, but we that are saved can speak to Him at any time. Can I at least thank Him daily for the ability to thank Him!

The benefits of His people…

Being a part of the family of God is also an experience never felt by the unsaved. And it’s often not felt by a child fo God because they fail to take advantage of being involved with the body of Christ.

Ephesians 4:11-13 KJV
[11] And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; [12] For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: [13] Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

Until the day we are given the final benefit of perfection, we have the body of Christ (the church of God) meant to encourage us, teach us and come along side us when times are hard. Not only our church members, but members of the body of Christ who believe He alone is the Son of God who died for the sins of the world. Jesus plus nothing equals salvation. And that comes with a host of earthly agents mean to encourage you and build you up, not tear you down, which is exactly what the world will do at every opportunity.

There are so many benefits! Too many to count and today I want to show gratitude to the Lord for He has been so good and so patient with me. What about you? Are you experiencing those benefits? I’d love to hear from you! Blessings ~ Shari

Posted in Christian, Church attendance, Eternity, Evangelism

Know the end of your story

A trip to the grocery store makes me nauseous. Not only for my own finances, but to think about those who are on a very limited income trying to buy food for their family, or gas for their vehicle to get where they need to be. It has gotten to the point that I avoid all unnecessary travel. I’m blessed with a car that gets good mileage, but even still, the cost for filling it up is astronomical compared to last year. So what is a child of God to do in these troubling times?

There’s a story in the book of Kings, no, I don’t want to say story, because that sounds like fiction, this was a news event of the day! But leading into this event was a time of trouble, the likes we have never seen. 

In 2 Kings 6:25 it tell us: “And there was a great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they besieged it, until an ass’s head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver, and the fourth part of a cab of dove’s dung for five pieces of silver.”

I may have to give up a few snacks, but I’m not eating bird poop yet! But they were at this time in Samaria. So they event that takes place in the following chapter is one that encourages my soul, both from the physical aspect of life, and from the spiritual aspect of faith. 

2 Kings 7:1-4 KJV

[1] Then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the Lord ; Thus saith the Lord, To morrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria. [2] Then a lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God, and said, Behold, if the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof. [3] And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die? [4] If we say, We will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there: and if we sit still here, we die also. Now therefore come, and let us fall unto the host of the Syrians: if they save us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall but die.

The Word of the Prophet

It was a different day for the children of God who relied on men of God such as Elisha for the a word on the future of Israel. But it was no different than now, in that there were still people who did not believe what the Lord said. So when Elisha told the King that there was some good news down the road, a lord (obviously a friend of the king, being that the king was leaning on him) didn’t believe Elisha and got a little snarky. Telling him that “the only way it would happen was if the Lord pitched that blessin’ out of the windows of Heaven.” 

The Word of the Protesters

I’ve met folks like that. After you share your faith in what you believe God will do, they throw cold water on your vision and tell you to get over it. Oh yes, I’ve experienced that first hand. So I know Elisha’s frustration in people not believing in the great ability of God to pull us out of hard times. Or God’s idea of “pulling us out” not being the way anyone envisioned it, but we know it works for His glory. 

We all know that America is in a mess, but, we also know that God can bless through a mess. And this is our opportunity to let the love of God shine through. 

The Word of the Prudent

And speaking of hard times, the next characters in the event are the two leprous friends. Banished from their own family and friends, Heaven knows how long they’ve been living away from everything they love, and relying on scraps and scavenging for survival. It was bad before the famine, but lately it had been worse than bad! Until the one leprous man says to the other, “We can die hungry or we can die full, so why are we setting here starving?”

Have you ever been at wits end? When there is no place to go but up? These fellas were there. So they decide to check out this mysteriously empty camp where their enemy had been. Was it true or was it a trap? They didn’t know, but they knew they had nothing to lose by checking it out. And sure enough, the camp was abandoned and they could eat their fill of delicacies and wear clothing fit for royalty. And they could have kept this knowledge to themselves but they decide to share it with the very people who wanted nothing to do with them. They returned home to tell the King.

There was a lesson in these bible verses for me. I’ve been struggling spiritually. Believing that my well was dry. Just like those leprous men, I can either go to meet Jesus feeling spiritually defeated, or, I can go see Jesus on a high note! Either way I’m going to see Jesus, but it will be a lot more fun if I’m having a good time on the journey. Believing God’s prophetic word as the fact that it is, and telling any naysayer to shush. And telling as many friends and family as I can so they too enjoy the journey.

But what about the kings friend who didn’t believe? Well, I’m sure he believed when the people stomped him to death to get the flour and cookies from him at the gate, just like Elisha said they would. 

2 Kings 7:18-20 KJV

[18] And it came to pass as the man of God had spoken to the king, saying, Two measures of barley for a shekel, and a measure of fine flour for a shekel, shall be to morrow about this time in the gate of Samaria: [19] And that lord answered the man of God, and said, Now, behold, if the Lord should make windows in heaven, might such a thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof. [20] And so it fell out unto him: for the people trode upon him in the gate, and he died.

His story did not end well. And neither will anyone else’s who denies the word of God. 

We are not waiting for a preacher to tell us what’s going to happen tomorrow. God’s final words were penned in the New Testament that laid the future out in black and white so we could know how the story of this earth ends. A naysayer might tell you, “there’s no way it can happen like that!” But they lie. It will happen just as God said it will. There’s going to be troubled times, but only for a while, and then God will call His people out of here. Will you be ready? Maybe you’re confused by everything that’s being said in the world. Stop the confusion by finding a solid church that preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

There are mysteries in the Bible, but none that you were not to meant to know, and none that God will not show you if you ask.

He is faithful! Amen!

Have Questions? I have answers. And If I don’t, I find out who does. Find me on Facebook, email me at Let’s connect!

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Do you every grow weary of the Noise?

Do you ever grow weary of noise? Oh my stars! I long for silence much of the time. There are sounds I enjoy, such as the sounds of laughter and joy from my grandchildren and other family. That makes my heart happy and I could listen to it all day. But there are sounds such as the television, traffic, cell phones, machines, etc… Some days I just long to escape to an island. Not an island far away, perhaps one in the middle of a pond or lake in West Virginia that I could return home quickly when I needed my noise makers. But then there are the noises of the world, they frustrate me to the point of anger. A line I’ve drawn in the imaginary sand prevents me from acting on that anger, but it’s still there none the less. I’m just being honest. I’m not violent, and that’s really good, because if I were I fear I’d be dangerous.

A massive pet peeve of mine is to be talked down to, or worse, to see someone I love being talked down to, laughed at, or made fun of. I just can’t take it. I wonder what Matthew thought when he seen the friends of a certain ruler laugh at his Lord? I know how I feel now when I hear people laugh at my Lord. I’m angry. I would be like Simon Peter when the the guards came after Jesus in the garden. I’d be needing to cut someone’s ear off and say “can you hear me now?” Yes, I’d probably be that snarky.

Noise has been on my mind a lot lately. Daily the word has come into my thoughts.

The first place noise is found in the Bible is the noise of God.

Exodus 20:18 KJV
[18] And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off.

As Moses stood on the Mount receiving the law, the people trembled in fear at the foot of the mountain, not wanting any part of what was happening. It was the first fire works show! God was laying out ten very simple rules for His people to follow and being quiet wasn’t one of them. It’s why I love to say Amen! In church. And “Glorrrraaayyyyy!” These were not words I grew up with in church. But I have grown into them since the day of my salvation. Perhaps when Moses and God were on the mountain God was telling Him how this was going to play out in the future, and the sounds on the mountain were the sounds God made as He explained salvations plan. That is complete interjection by me with no biblical foundation whatsoever, but I have to wonrder what made God so noisy when the law was being given? And at what point did church become silent?

Another mention of godly noise is that of the noise made regarding the fall of the wall of Jericho:

Joshua 6:26-27 KJV
[26] And Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before the Lord, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his firstborn, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it. [27] So the Lord was with Joshua; and his fame was noised throughout all the country.

God was with Moses when He gave Him the law and He was with Joshua when, without so much as a finger being lifted, the wall of Jericho and the houses there in were destroyed. Because God was with them. When God is on our side there should be noise! People were flapping their gums everywhere about what had happened with God’s people. When’s the last time we heard noise like that? It’s happened in my lifetime and in ministries I’ve been a part of, but it’s been a while since I’ve heard the noise of people speaking of God doing something in the church. I long for that noise again.

And then there was the noise of the religious and the wicked of Jesus’ day that are still here today and it makes me want to puke that people make light of what God said was holy.

Matthew 9:18-26 KJV
[18] While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live. [19] And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples. [20] And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: [21] For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. [22] But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour. [23] And when Jesus came into the ruler’s house, and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise, [24] He said unto them, Give place: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn. [25] But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose. [26] And the fame hereof went abroad into all that land.

Jesus never conducted a funeral. but the minstrels (aka pickers and singers) were already at the house preparing the funeral march. But Jesus wasn’t about the funeral, He was about the fun, the fun of restoring life. While the noise of religion played around Him, Jesus brought the girl back to life again. They were shocked! But the death march was turned into a dance of rejoicing. Oh God bring us some noise like that.

As I said, I grow weary of the noise of this world trying to convince me that God is not Who He says He is. Much like those who mocked Jesus when He said the girl just sleeps, the world still has a mouth full of mockery. Those who do not know Christ, trying to convince me that life is better without Him. But my question for myself is “how am I doing at convincing the world they’re better off with Him?” I have the power within me, the Spirit of God, to shut down the noise. It is I who opt in to listen, to let it aggravate me.

What about you? Has Jesus changed your life? If so, tell us about it! If you’d like to know more about having a life that is fresh and new, give me call or email me at

Blessings! ~ Shari, the Jesus Chick

Posted in failure, Faith, Family

Russia is not our issue tonight

I have not thought a great deal about the Russian and Ukrainian war. My mind has been so busy on my own life that the issues outside my own site line haven’t been on my heart a great deal. But what has been on my heart a great deal is what is in my sight line and it should be on your heart as well. My family. My children. My grandchildren. That’s what’s on my heart.

I listened to a preacher tonight on you tube, I’m not even sure of the denomination or what caused me to stop on his video, I was searching for someone else. I listened at the beginning to a lady who wasn’t a very good singer. I confess I fast forwarded through her song to get to the message. A message I didn’t even know what was. I just felt drawn to it. He wasn’t a fancy preacher. He was in khaki’s and t-shirt with tatoo’ed arms. He’d have turned the religious off before they even got started listening. But as soon as he spoke I could feel the passion of Christ bubbling out of his soul and I knew he knew Jesus. And so I listened.

I listened as he spouted statistics:

  • 68 Million internet searches each day are for pornography
  • 200,000 American men and women meet the dsm-5 criteria for having an addiction to pornography
  • 40 million American men and women visit pornography sites often, every 2 weeks or more
  • 74% of those who check into a substance abuse treatment facility report using drugs at the age of 17 or younger.
  • 10% of those were 11 or under
  • Every 47 seconds a child is abused in America, 700,000 annually.

No, Russia is not our problem. It is for certain a problem and it for certain needs prayer, but we’re not going to fix it from our houses this evening. We’re going to have to leave that to God because the idiots in the White House are clueless and any opinions we do have aren’t welcome there.

But what about the ideas in our homes. What are they in line with this evening? Are we apart of any of the statistics I mentioned a paragraph or so ago? Why do you supposed so many homes have an issue with porn? Why is there a drug and alcohol problem in so many homes? Why are children abused? Why is depression and suicide so prevalent. How on earth can America solve the problems in Ukraine when we can’t even stop our children from falling victim to the enemies we’ve allowed to come in our homes.

Jesus said in the book of Mark 9:42 “And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

I listened as he spouted standards

There was a time, an era for which I was brought up in, that children were not exposed to anything remotely vile. Cuss words were the exception to the rule and were looked upon as we look upon cocaine today. Nobody took it lightly. But now cuss words are nothing in the eyes of man. But I can tell you they are putrid in the heart. They’re hurtful and they embody evil that intends to damage the soul of the one who hears them. I hate them. But I can also tell you that they are such common place in the world for which we live that I’ve found them crossing my own mind far too often when I’m angry. As the preacher used to say, I won’t say them, but if somebody else will write them down I point to ‘em.

Standards are so low that I’m not even sure that word is in the new Webster’s dictionary.

What happens when the bar gets lowered in a race. If there’s no effort needed to win, who even tries? The school system is so concerned about the standardized tests that they’re taking and that we compete with other schools, states, countries, etc. but in the process of testing they teach nothing about ethics. As a matter of fact, morality has become the stepchild nobody wants to talk about, because it offends people when it’s around.

I’m not only casting stones at the schools, which believe me I can bring a pile of rocks to that fight, but I’m casting stones at my own door with my own grandchildren. I can very easily turn the other way when the kids are watching a video done in poor taste or vulgar ness because I don’t want to deal with the argument. And in so doing I’ve lowered the standard in my own home and the kids are striving to be better, they’re stepping over hurdles that are laid on the ground. And from that I’ve allowed a toddler that we protected from evil to now be allowed to walk beside of evil as a friend. My stomach turns to think of how far the standards have lowered, if we even have any.

I listened as he spouted stumblingblocks

Romans 14:13 Paul said, “Let us not therefore judge one another any more; but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brothers way.”

Those things that offend the pure little minds of children, those things that take our own minds into a dark world we shouldn’t dare to travel in are the very things that will cause our children not only to not try and run the race, but to fall down and not bother getting up.

So what’s the harm in a few cuss words.? When’s the last time that caused someone to read their bible? When have those words encouraged a child or an adult for that matter, to do better.

So why should we expect morals and ethics to be taught in the school? Perhaps if they were taught a few staff members might learn them as well. I remember every single teacher that cussed and everyone that didn’t. And I can tell you which ones I had more respect for, even though I might not have liked them at the time. But when I can walk into a school system and hear faculty cussing like sailors and kids chiming right in among them, there is something seriously wrong.

The church as a whole has become a stumbling block because we’ve accepted these things as the norm. And “it’s not our job to interfere in public schools.”

All of those statistics that the preacher preached this evening are right here in our community. They’re in our homes. They’re next door. They’re in the pew beside us and we’re not paying attention. I needed my own fanny kicked this evening for not paying more attention to what stumbling blocks I have allowed to come into my own home that will cause the standards to be lowered.

God has not changed. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. It’s we who change.

This message was brought to you through my own sight line. I needed to hear it and see myself for who I have become. Substandard in the eyes of God.

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Sometimes I’m a Little Much

I guess I surprised a few people at the Calhoun County Commission Meeting on Thursday evening when I spoke passionately to two of the Commissioners. Perhaps too passionately, although that will be for God to decide. But I felt that I needed, for my own testimony’s sake, to clarify where my passion came from.

It came not from self righteousness.

I hate self righteousness, I’ve been a victim of it and the Lord knows that there is no body “self” righteous. We are all sinners saved by grace and without excuse without the Blood of Jesus to cover our sins. I am a sinner. Saved only by Jesus’ death on the cross. I fail my Lord daily. But I pray to God there is no arrogance in me.

When I proclaimed my frustration at Mr. Hicks and Mr. Helmick’s Christian testimony, I may have been out of line, only God knows. My reasoning wasn’t that I felt I was better than they, it was that these men profess Christianity but they were treating people like heathens. I took offense to that for my community and for my Lord. They spoke down to the community, they were arrogant, rude and inconsiderate of what they’re being paid good money to accomplish things for our community and they’re not doing their jobs. I had watched it for over an hour and my blood was boiling and the flesh got the best of me. As it obviously did Mr. Hicks.

So as I sit down to ponder my own heart I find myself in the book of James:

James 5:11-20 KJV

Count me Happy!

[11] Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

I thank God for His tender mercy. And while I technically only endured them a little over an hour before exploding, I have endured this world for 59 years. Not a record, but it gives me standing as an “elder” int the community I guess.

My happiness does not come from the decisions I make now or the decisions of others. My happiness is solely in the fact that I made a decision to follow Christ in 1996. From that day forward I had a hope that no man could steal. There is coming a day when this world will be gone and a new world will be created by God, fresh and clean and without sin. Glory to God! That makes me so happy. But it also causes my heart angst when dealing with this sinful world in the mean time. Should I care? After all, God’s going to make it anew. Why should I get upset over stupid decisions that will have no effect on the outcome of eternity. Or do they?

Count me Accountable

[12] But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.

Everyday I fear my own testimony isn’t enough. When I make a decision that effects other people, does it draw their minds to Christ, or away from Christ? God will not look upon my sins because they’re covered by His Son’s blood. But God will hold me accountable for what I’ve done for the Kingdom. Have I drawn men to God, or driven them away?

It’s a point that many, if not most Christian’s, seldom think on when they’re doing their daily tasks of living. But people who do not know God are watching us. A decision that means very little to us, may cause someone to turn away from God because “we said we were Christians, but we hurt someone.” We are human of course and those things happen but or behavior after we’ve realized it makes all the difference in the world. It’s called repentance.

Count me In!

[13] Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. [14] Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: [15] And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. [16] Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

I’ve been afflicted, I’ve prayed. I’ve been merry and I’ve sang psalms (hymns). I’ve been sick and the elders have prayed, I’ve done all the things in these verses. Count me in Lord, Count me in! I am Your child which makes me righteous by Your blood. I’ve been the one prayed for and I’ve been the one praying. But I need to be ever mindful that this is a daily renewal of my relationship with the Lord when I do these things. I can’t just do it once and I’m done, we must serve Christ daily. Letting the world see how much we love them and how much we care about the things they care about. Because Christ did when He walked the earth. When the wedding party ran out of wine, He could have said “Get you a glass of water and quit whining.” But He did not. He took care of their current need. Should not we do the same?

Don’t ever Count God Out!

[17] Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. [18] And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. [19] Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; [20] Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

Elias (Elijah) prayed for rain and believed it would. I’m sure there were doubters but Elijah wasn’t one of them. Elijah went on to be with the Lord later on in a Chariot of fire, he could have just as well let the drought go on. But he didn’t, he prayed for rain.

What ever it is that we have going on on earth, don’t think God doesn’t care. Why else would He have created so many amazing things for us to enjoy. We also have to know that the things of this earth are not to be thought of above God. Which is for certain a major issue. Everyone wants God to help, but they have no time for what God wants, which is a relationship with us.

I love my community. A statement I made very loudly at a community meeting. But I care far more about the community that I should be building in Heaven. The one where I show you how to join me there. A place where there will be no more heartache, sorrow, disagreements or ugliness like the world has now.

There’s only one way to live in that world. Accept what the Lord Jesus Christ did on the cross for you.

He died, to prove that He alone has the power over the grave. Everyone’s life will end. But then what? Where will you be. For that there are two choices. Heaven or Hell. Please, choose Heaven by asking Jesus to come into your heart and control your life.

I love you. So does Jesus. ~ Shari, the Jesus Chick

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Things I hadn’t been Thinking About

Boy. Does life happen! Can I get a witness from anyone who has a life that spirals out of control any given moment and then on the brink of a nervous breakdown, it settles back into the routine of “just chaos” that you’re accustomed to? Is it just me? Well if it is, that’s okay too, but if it’s not come along for the ride today as me and Jesus talk it out.

This morning it was just me talking. I really wanted the opportunity to talk to someone else. Mainly my husband. I really wanted the chance to get snarky and say something ugly. I was in the kitchen rehearsing it, he was in the living room oblivious to the wonderful plan I was hatching up in my head to let him have it. Why? Because he and I are both human. And it is absolutely the worst thing to be sometimes. You didn’t actually think I was going to tell you did you? Just imagine one of your human error times when you’re hatching up a plan to give someone a piece of your mind, and then imagine it ten times worse. Because mine probably was. I’m really human.

So as I was hatching this plan, I “ask” God to help me make it happen. I was praying for it! It never did. Not one time did David or God give m e the chance to make the air blue. And so I settled back into my chaos and turned to the Word of God to help me make sense of it all.

Since the starting of the Ridgeview News I have struggled. And I don’t mean, just a little. On every plain I’ve had a battle. Physically, I struggle with pain every day. Emotionally, not good at all. Professionally… I struggle with people accepting my work as worthy. Spiritually… I talk to God all day long. And sometimes I “allow” Him to talk to me. Anyone see a problem with that?

It’s like have a GPS but not bothering to turn it on. You can go places, but it may take you longer to get there, and truthfully you may never arrive at the right spot.

So on the verge of calamity, I turn my GPS on. God’s Powerful Spirit. I allow Him to talk to me. I know… good idea right?

Psalm 18:1-3 KJV
[1] I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. [2] The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Psalm is a song of praise in reference to 2 Samuel 22:1 when God had delivered him out of the hand of Saul. His greatest enemy of the time. It causes me to ask myself… perhaps you could ask yourself… What is your greatest enemy? For me it’s finances. It sucks the life out of me. It causes me angst and sadness. My Saul is the dollar bill. Or the five, ten or c-note. Which ever one I’m in need of. Perhaps that’s your Saul too. Or, maybe it’s health. That would be second on my list of frustrations… Probably should be first, but I don’t like dealing with it that well so I put it off until I’m lying flat on my back. This is indeed intense therapy today. But back to the scripture. David is praising God for his deliverance. It will come for me too. I have the utmost of faith. The problem is, sometimes fear is louder on than faith and that’s when I have a bad day.

Faith is a subtle feeling that always there But sometimes it gets drowned out by the noise of the world.

Psalm 18:4-19 KJV
[4] The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. [5] The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me. [6] In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.

Do you ever think about your words traveling to God’s ears.

Almighty God Himself listens to my heartaches and distress. He doesn’t send someone else to do His job. He takes care of me Himself. Do I give that kind of attention to Him or do I expect someone else to do my bidding with God for me. I see prayer requests on social media all the time. And they should be! Don’t misunderstand. We should make our petitions known to our brothers and sisters in Christ so that they can be a part of the Victory. But, conversations with God should be often and taken serious. After all, tell me who in this world of any real power allows us to bend their ear? If they did, we would. But we have someone so much greater than any human, we have God Himself who can speak our cares out of existence, and He is most often a last result. He is the “glass we break in case of emergency.” We don’t want anyone to think our life is that far out of control. So we wait to speak with God, when it’s absolutely necessary. I speak of myself clearly, perhaps you’re brighter than I.

Do you ever think about God getting angry on your behalf? David did.

7] Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken, because he was wroth. [8] There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it. [9] He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet. [10] And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind. [11] He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. [12] At the brightness that was before him his thick clouds passed, hail stones and coals of fire. [13] The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire. [14] Yea, he sent out his arrows, and scattered them; and he shot out lightnings, and discomfited them. [15] Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils.

Such poetic words and how they stir my soul!!! To think that God is so passionate about His people. Does He truly care for us that much? Would He have let His Son suffer on the cross if He didn’t?

God may not show that kind of ire over the petty things I’m going through today, but there is coming a day when everything this world has put God’s children through will cause His anger to show itself. For mankind my heart breaks. But for the wicked in this world I long for justice. And while it gives me no solace to fix my heartaches of today, I know God is righteous when He allow me to go through what I do, because it will create a better Shari. I won’t pretend I like it. I won’t even pretend that I’m not wishing for God to take me out of it, but I will be as David was and I will praise Him in the storm because I know there’s a clear day in my future.

Do you ever think about how much the Lord Delights in you?

[16] He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out of many waters. [17] He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me. [18] They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the Lord was my stay. [19] He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

I must confess, that there are days when I wonder why anyone would care about me. I say that not to create pity for myself but just to say, I know how I fail God and man. so it’s not easy to understand why people truly care. And yet they do. The things of this earth that are drawing my mind away from God are too strong for me. I am so glad that my Lord brings me back into a place of delight as He did today by showing me these words that are so sweet to my soul.

God loves us. He loves us enough to allow His Son to die on a cross as the final sacrifice for mankind to allow nothin in this world to come between us and Him. But I allow it. And because of that I deny the Lord the only thing I can truly give Him. Me.

Posted in Christian, Faith, Peace, Prayer

In Search of Good News

Yesterday I had had about as much bad news as I could stomach. On the national scene and on the local scene it just wasn’t good. Russian war crimes and more Ukrainian victims is off the scale of my comprehensive thinking. Locally citizens were choosing to tear each other down rather than just agreeing to disagree about a matter; or Heaven forbid, consider that there might be other solutions than their own. I was trying to cover news objectively and unbiased, but I’m human and I really just wanted to tell a few people what I thought of their behavior. But I did not. I chose to suffer anxiety until I fell asleep. That made everything so much better.

But this morning is a new day. For everyone of us! We have a choice whether or not to focus on the negative or the positive and to choose God’s side regardless of the arguments below.

My question for myself this morning was, if I had ask yesterday, what God thought of each issue that was causing a knot in my stomach, what would He have said? Let’s take the biggest issue right now int he world, the war against Ukraine. What does God want me to do about that war? Is there anyway that I can help those people.

Oh yes, there is a way. My mind went to three men on a hill in Rephedim…

Exodus 17:10-16 KJV
[10] So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek: and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. [11] And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. [12] But Moses’ hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. [13] And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword. [14] And the Lord said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. [15] And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovah-nissi: [16] For he said, Because the Lord hath sworn that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.

Three men on a hill, not in the battle, just observing from afar. Moses lifted his hands and there was victory, but if his hands went down there was defeat. So the two that were with him, his brother Aaron and friend Hur, stayed up his arms and helped a brother out. Can we not do the same for Ukraine today? Can we not lift them up in prayer and cause the battle to sway on Ukraine’s behalf? It is not for me to say if God will do that, but how will we know if we dare not ask. And would we not want someone somewhere praying for us in like manner if this attack had happened on American soil? Prayer doesn’t seem like much until it’s all you’ve got.

Three men on a hill saved thousands of lives. Think about that! Do you have two friends you can gather with today and pray? Or just you, God won’t mind in the least if it’s a private conversation. But we have got to lift people in prayer if we want to make a difference from where we are.

How to pray for Ukraine: From “Send International”.

  1. Ask God to redeem this situation by drawing many people to Himself. May Ukrainians discover that Jesus is the only true source of peace, safety, comfort, truth and freedom
  2. For the opening of corridors both for evacuation and humanitarian aid around cities under attack in Ukraine. Many people in these cities are without heat and electricity.
  3. For many churches that opened their doors to neighbors offering food and shelter.
  4. For protection of many kids and parents who will spend another night in bomb shelters, metro stations or on the roads to safer places and all brave volunteers risking their lives to evacuate people.
  5. For logistics of getting funds and humanitarian aid to churches and refugee camps so they continue to have food, medicine and other supplies.
  6. For protection of lives but also church buildings that were built so sacrificially for years. May these churches be a beacon of light for those who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior!
  7. For many pastors leading their flocks at this critical time of decision and risk. They carry a heavy burden.
  8. For many believing men who will have to bear arms against a professional army as the war continues. There is no other alternative for them, that we know about. Pray also for the many women who are fighting as well.
  9. For the Lord to cause the opposing army to lose the will to fight, be afraid, be confused, or use other methods to stop the war.
  10. For many volunteers who are setting up camps for refugees, so that they will have necessary funds, places for accommodation, and physical strength to serve.
  11. For many believers to stay strong, continue trusting the Lord and not to give in to panic, fear and desperation.

Now, What about the day to day stresses in our own lives. First, think about the Ukrainian prayer list. That alone should put most of our lives into a different prayer category. Few, if any, who read this post are facing that kind of prayer need. But that’s not to say our needs aren’t important. They are and God cares about each and every one of them.

But today, I’m going to choose to focus on three men on a mountain. There’s a bluegrass song by that title with the the lyrics, “Three men on a mountain, up on Calvary, the one in the middle was Jesus, He died for you and me.” His arms were outstretched too, but not like Moses.’ His were stretched out in sacrifice. Today I can pray for Ukraine and know that my prayer is heard for the land far away. But because of Jesus’ sacrifice and my belief in it, He’s in me, comforting my heart and taking care of the battles that I am facing on American soil as well. There was a child in our community diagnosed with cancer this week… that’s a real life battle. That’s life in perspective. There were some seriously hurt feelings yesterday, God heard it. And He’ll handle it. In His time and in His way.

Today there is good news. God is on the throne. He sees everything happening every where and I feel so much better knowing that He understands my every fear and heartache and that He too has experienced it all. My Pastor said in a sermon last week that “Christ had to experience death, so that He could take it away from Satan who thought he had the power over it! Glory to God isn’t that an amazing thought. Satan will continue to wreak havoc for a while, but his day is coming. And until then, we have hope and security in knowing that we do not have to rely on anyone else to lift up their arms in battle. We have the right through the blood of Jesus to go before the throne ourselves and say “Lord, I need you! Please help.”

I don’t know about you, but this word wrote me happy! Three men on a mountain… yes I was as unworthy as the thieves hanging with Jesus, but He has prepared a place for me, just as he did the thief who accepted Him on the cross. Jesus took the fear of death, hell and the grave and replaced it with hope and peace! Glory! That is such good news. I pray you know that feeling today. If you do not, message me and let me pray with you. If you have a prayer need, I’d be every so grateful to be your Aaron or Hur and lift you up to the Lord. God loves you, and so do I. I even love the people that I wanted to pinch the heads off of yesterday. Hey… I’m still human. I have not got my glorified body and this one is still very much in the flesh. I understand frustration. But not as much as Jesus understands and He can help.

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You Brought it On Yourself

That’s the words that have played out in my mind a thousand times. So much so that it had taken it’s toll on me spiritually. The words had been spoken to me about an issue of the past, but it might as well have been today, because the sting of those words were like that of a bee who’s stinger was made of steel and never dulled. Nor did it grow weary of the reminder to me, you failed again Shari. When I think back to that day, the flesh was ready to rise. But I squelched it back down as I most often do, saying to myself, you deserve this. “You brought it upon yourself.” I really didn’t need the reminder from the person who said it. I’ve always kept good tabs on times I’ve let myself and others down. So today, after much anguish, I decided to study this one out, for everyone who hears the words “You brought it on yourself,” and struggles with selfdoubt, guilt and shame.

If you ask most people their advice on how to handle such things, those who are not necessarily that spiritual, if at all, they’ll tell you that you also bring the self-doubt, guilt and shame on yourself. They believe we have the power to change the narratives in our lives that do not serve us well. Really? Do we? Do “I” have the power within myself to defeat the demons that continuosly plague my mind with whispers from the outside.

As a child of God, no demonic spirit can dwell within me. I cannot be possessed because the Spirit of Almighty God that resides inside me would not allow it. But that doesn’t stop demonic forces on the outside. Or even my own fleshly thoughts that may be more at fault than anything! So what’s a girl to do? Today I find myself in the Garden of Guilt. Have you ever been there? Where every bad decision you’ve ever made is a weed choking out any hope of the flowers of success. And if they’re not bad enough, Satan will also use people to shine the spotlight on your faults.

Does this sound like I’m in a pit of dispair? I’m really not. And before any of the many friends I have come by my house tonight with boxing gloves ready to take on my enemies, you’d have to start with me. Sometimes I’m the worst enemy I have. What happens to be the worst culprit at putting me in this frame of mind is the fact I’m not feeling well. That seems to bring on times like this. So, it’s time to fight back with the only weapon I have that can defeat this mindset and this enemy. The Word of God.

My mind was drawn to the man with unclean spirts that Christ ran across in the country of the Gadarenes among the tombs. So many spirits within this one man that they were called “Legion.” I have to wonder if the man were not ADD. I happen to be and there are times that my mind feels as though there is a Legion outside of it. Sometimes that Legion is also known as children and grandchildren, Andy Griffith or John Wayne, the events of David (my husband)’s day, and the dinging of messages and emails and phone calls all vying for a piece of my mind’s attention. It’s then I retreat to the bedroom, away from the legion. My distractions are that of people that I love, but not so for the man in the tombs. He had people who loved him, Christ tells him later to go tell his “family” what happened. But the legion of spirits within him had driven him away from those he loved.

Regardless of where the noise is coming from there comes a time we have to recognize that we need Jesus to reign in our thoughts and take control. The voices inside Legions mind were telling him to hurt himself. They gave him great strength so that he could break the bonds that people put on him to try and control him. Night and day he suffered at the will of the demons.

Demonic forces are a very real occurance that most Christians choose not to think on. And I can understand that. It’s scary, boogie man thoughts that cause nightmares. But there’s an awareness that needs to be there. If my mind is traveling to dark places, it’s not going there by God’s leading. The words “You brought this on yourself.” are not of God. And if not of God, then who? And why is that phrase stuck on repeat in my mind.

Because words are binding much like those chains that Legion wore, and every bit as hard to break in the flesh. Whom ever it was that coined the phrase, “sticks and stone will break your bones but words will never hurt you,” were clueless. Words do hurt and they bind the mind with chains of the past. Chains that prevent success on any playing field.

The man in the tombs in Mark 5 is said to have run to Jesus worshipping Him when he saw Him afar off. The spirits inside of him knew God. They knew that the power of God could and would remove them from the life of the man. Christ did just that and sent the spirits into 2000 pigs that ran violently down a steep hill and into the sea to drown! Two Thousand! We sometimes treat the stories in the bible as if they’re “just a story.” No, they’re true events. Christ spoke and the legion was gone. Glory to God does that not give us HOPE!

Christ did not say to the man in the tombs, “you brought this on yourself.” His words were Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.”

Move forward, don’t forget the past but rather learn from it and never let it control you. That was my message today from the Lord.

The world wasn’t happy with what Jesus had done. It scared them that One would have such power. We should be in awe that within us there is One that has such power! I’m not sure how the man came to be possessed by the legion of spirits. Perhaps he was dabbling in the spirit world that he should not have been. But Christ did not tell him to relive his failure, He told him to tell the world where his success came from. Glory to God is that not a good word!!! I am in awe of God this morning who has encouraged my soul and I feel as though I just came out of the tombs. I hope you have been blessed by this word.

Mark 5:1-20

And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes. And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, Who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no, not with chains: Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him. And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones. But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him, And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not. For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many. And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country. Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding. And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them. And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea. And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done. And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid. And they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil, and also concerning the swine. And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts. And when he was come into the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him. Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee. And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel.

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The Concerns of the Called of Christ

As a child of God, there is a question foremost in my mind, most of the time. “Why do I feel like such a failure in service to God?” I attempt to remain faithful to the calling in my life, but I am no Apostle Paul, nor even an “Apostlette Pauline” I allow the flood waters of life to come up around my neck and make me feel as if I’m drowning. Of course I cannot be because I am a child of God and He protects me from that defeat, but the emotion of being peril is very much real. Using the word peril may seem a tad dramatic. But then again so am I. Those flood waters that have come upon me are not killing me but can, if I don’t get a grip on it, kill my effectiveness for the Kingdom.

In 2nd Corinthians Paul is telling a group of believers of his struggles, which in comparison make mine look like someone just took my binky. But in what I feel is frustration on Paul’s part with the Corinthians, and the danger of them being overtaken in false doctrine and religion, he tells them of his foundation in his identity:

2 Corinthias 11

Called out in Christ

22 Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so am I.

Paul is calling out the religious of the day, who think they are above all because of their position in Jewish Religion. They love saying that they are the chosen of God even though at this present time in scripture, they have forsaken Him, killed His only begotten Son and murdered His ministers. A notion we should keep in mind when dealing with religious people. They are not friends of God, because a friend of God put’s himself or herself above no man or woman because they understand that in Christ we are sinners saved by His grace alone.

Confident in His Calling

23 Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool) I am more; in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft. 24 Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one. 25 Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep;

Paul let’s them know that the life of a child of God isn’t tea and roses. It’s filled with struggles, persecution and conflict. But the world would have you to believe otherwise. He had told them earlier in this chapter in verse 3 “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”

Paul worried about people of Corinth falling to lies of Satan and those who serve him. And even though a saved person is saved from the wrath of Hell, a loss of confidence can occur when certain things happen in their lives:

  • Ungodly influences
  • Failure to attend a local church
  • Listening to false doctrine
  • Failure to pursue your relationship with God

The last item on that list is the easiest for me to fall to and lose my confidence in what I know in Christ. If I do not stay in the word of God, when someone comes to me with a question or I’m witnessing to someone, I am not at all confident in my ability to relay God’s word in a manner they’ll understand. Paul knew that, and he knew that the people of Corinth were listening to people who were leading them astray, deceiving them as Satan deceived Eve in the garden by twisting the word of God. We need to understand that all who preach Christ, do not necessarily preach Him correctly.

So how do we protect ourselves? Read the word yourself! Allow the Spirit to speak to you and He’ll reveal the truth. God is faithful. It’s in those times that you will build your confidence, just as I am this morning as I read and study God’s word.

Concerned for the Churches

2In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren; 27 In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness. 28 Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches.

In all the struggles and perils that Paul had, the real kind of peril, not my kind. Paul never stopped concerning himself for God’s people.

In the first two verses of chapter 11 Paul speaks to the depth of his concern:  Would to God ye could bear with me a little in my folly: and indeed bear with me. For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.

While I make no profession of being as committed as Paul, I have that concern with the Jesus Chick Ministry that I will fail you in my work for Christ. I love each one of you who take the time to read these posts and pray, “Would to God, we are together in glory.” Amen.

Posted in Christian Service, Praise, Word of God

Is God in to Aromatherapy?

A recent personal quest of my own to learn more about oils from a biblical perspective brought me to one of the first mentions in scripture in the book of Exodus Chapter 25. It was actually the third mention of oil, but the other mentions were of Jacob pouring the oil on a stone

Exodus 25:6 (KJV) says  Oil for the light, spices for anointing oil, and for sweet incense,

The oil was apart of an instruction from God for a free will offering towards various things for the worship and service of God. Acceptable things that were to be used in offerings. Since the dessert of Arabia could not furnish the oils, it is assumed that the oils were with them when they left Egypt, and would have been treasured substances. I thought about the treasured substances in my own life. Not oils… at least not yet. For I only have a few; but what is treasured in my life is the gift of the Holy Spirit. What a privilege and treasure to have within me the very presence of God.

Moses traveled upon  the mount of Sinai alone, leaving the people of God below to watch the cloud surround the mountain. Moses alone for forty days and forty nights as the people watched. Praise God we live in a different time. I’m not much of an observer, I am for certain a participator. I have always wanted to be right in the thick of anything going on and to set idle in the balcony of life while others are participants is very difficult on me. I’m not sure why I was born so nosey, but I was. 

I found it interesting that when it came to God’s request for the oils, there were (as so often in scripture) a three fold purpose. “Light, Anointing and Sweet Incense.”

Glory to God for the Oil in the Lamp

When I think of “lamp oil.” I think of a kerosene lamp of modern day. Probably nothing compared to the ancient lanterns. But they served the purpose of light. I’ve only experienced the pitch black of night a few times, where there was no source of light coming from anything and it’s not something I would be comfortable with for long. It makes e appreciate the lamps that surround me in my home that I can turn on even during the day and make more light!  But nothing is comparable to the Light of Jesus Christ in my life. 

Jesus says in John 12:46

I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

God never intends His children to live in darkness. Even if it’s dark. The fear that I used to feel in the darkness (which I still necessarily don’t like) isn’t what it was. While I have human emotions and fears, they are subsided by the Spirit of Light that lives within me. I am never alone, even in dark times.  Glory to God for the oil!

Glory to God for the Oil of Anointing

I’m learning more and more about my little box of oils that I received in the mail. One of the first things I did was downloaded to Kindle, three books on Oils of the Bible. I dove in head first to learn why they were so important and are they still? And why do I have a pharmacy in my kitchen? Don’t panic… I’m still going to use my pharmacy until the doc tells me not to, but what are the medicinal purposes of the oil and what are the spiritual?

One of the first oils I used medicinally was Tea Tree Oil. This may be TMI (too much info) for you, but my pinky toe and the one next to it were itching terribly one evening. So I looked up in the oils a treatment for skin issues. Low and behold it called for the use of tea tree oil to be rubbed on the affected area. This itch had been an issue for sometime and I’d used other store  treatments for dry feet, etc to no avail. But I slid off my cow girl boots (which may be part of the issue,) and took a smidge, and I mean just a smidge of the tea tree oil and put on my foot. The itch stopped immediately. I kept waiting for it to come back. It did not.  Who knew!? Is it gone for ever? I doubt it, I have multiple pair of pointed toe boots that I adore; but it’s been a week and no itch. I’ve had a couple of other successful treatments with oil on other pains as they would do it in Pain Clinics, and I’m slowly but surely beginning to believe that there’s something to the oil! I’d imagine that after 40 years in the hot sand, a few of the Israelites likely had itchy feet, but that was not God’s purpose for the oil in the sanctuary. 

Oil was used for the anointing of Aaron and his sons in their service to God and the vessels in the tabernacle. Oil was a sacrificial offering likely because of it’s rarity, cost and individual purposes. If oil was important to God, should it not be important to God’s people? I’m not putting more emphasis on oil than needs to be. I’m adding no emphasis toward salvation or brownie points with God because someone uses oil. But the fact that oils had purpose hasn’t changed. 

I understand why God did aromatherapy. I’m kiddding…. But when Paul told the Philippians in Philippians 4:18 KJV

[18] But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.

This was said in allusion to the sacrifices under the former dispensation, in which God smelled a sweet savour, Genesis 8:21, in reference to which, as the sacrifice of Christ is said to be of a sweet smelling savour, Ephesians 5:2, and as the spiritual sacrifices of the saints, as praises and prayers, are called odours, Revelation 5:8, and are said to be acceptable unto God, 1 Peter 2:5; so acts of beneficence are called sacrifices, with which he is well pleased, Hebrews 13:16.

I believe God does His own version of aromatherapy when the Saints of God are offering sacrifices of praise and service to the Kingdom. By the same token I believe that he also instilled within us a joy from certain type scents. Not everyone likes the same. I don’t generally care for fruity scents, but I love earthy scents. I’m not a fan of hardly any flora scents, but lavender is growing on me from my little Box of goodies. 

This study has been good for me today, it brought joy to my soul and I’ll continue my study of the various oils of the bible. I pray you enjoyed it as well. Blessings!!!! From the Jesus Chick. 

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, Uncategorized

The Handwriting is on the Wall

Titus 1:1 KJV
Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;

Acknowledging the Truth. Boy o boy, does that preach in my life right now. Our church is currently in the depth of a Bible Study that has those of us who are there thinking “Wow, why didn’t I see that before?” When I say depth… it’s cutting to the very core of us creating a desire to be and do more for the Lord Jesus. Titus 1:1 is the verse the Pastor has us focusing on for 2022 and it speaks not only to the problems in the world but the problems in the church. But praise God it speaks to the solution!

I have to be very careful with my spiritual high-hatted-ness which can get out of hand very fast. You know… that tendency to be a “self righteous saint in the sanctuary sitting in the seat of servitude.”

I’m Shari the super saint which is actually not even a figure of my imagination. I don’t ever feel that way, but I can think that way when I look at empty church houses and a world so off kilter spiritually. Thinking to myself, “Why cannot even the church see the truth of the times we’re living in?” I expect at any time there to be a hand on wall writing those words once again “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.”

Daniel 5:25-28 KJV
[25] And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. [26] This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE ; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. [27] TEKEL ; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. [28] PERES ; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

Written in scripture in all caps. In todays theory of texting someone, all caps quite often is a form of yelling. I think it was in Daniel’s day too. Look at God’s message to Belshazzar leading up to the yelling.

Daniel 5:18-24 KJV
[18] O thou king, the most high God gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom, and majesty, and glory, and honour: [19] And for the majesty that he gave him, all people, nations, and languages, trembled and feared before him: whom he would he slew; and whom he would he kept alive; and whom he would he set up; and whom he would he put down. [20] But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride, he was deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his glory from him: [21] And he was driven from the sons of men; and his heart was made like the beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild asses: they fed him with grass like oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven; till he knew that the most high God ruled in the kingdom of men, and that he appointeth over it whomsoever he will. [22] And thou his son, O Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart, though thou knewest all this; [23] But hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven; and they have brought the vessels of his house before thee, and thou, and thy lords, thy wives, and thy concubines, have drunk wine in them; and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know: and the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified: [24] Then was the part of the hand sent from him; and this writing was written.

He had been born into royalty, gifted a life of exclusivity and goodness and yet found no need for God. Would to God I would see this in my own life when I fail to understand who I am in Christ and what a blessing it is to be born where I am born. Then I go back to Paul’s verse in Titus 1:1 and think of the man Paul who born as Saul, into the royal priesthood of the Jewish Religion, who knew the law above all men and murdered the children of God. Religion is not relationship. Knowing is not necessarily understanding. I know God… I am saved! But I do not always understand Him. Saul knew much, but Paul knew more. Because Paul humbled himself and became a willing vessel of the Lord to be used in a way that 2,000 years later has us in awe of the power of God in the life of one man, who was “just” a man.

God can choose (the elect) to use us in any way He so chooses. According to “our” faith. What kind of faith is that? And do we acknowledge the truth. I think for my self I acknowledge the truth when it’s convenient and not too painful. America is a form of Belshazzar. Our nation is prideful and have forgotten the price our forefathers paid for a nation to be free of religious tyranny.

And so when I take off my pious hat and look at myself I see that God is not in His proper place. The truth of the matter is God should be in every single aspect of my life. Every breath I take should be with the acknowledgment that He gave me that privilege to have it. God is for certain on the throne, but He is also in my heart and He desires to talk to me about everything. Not just church. That is a truth that hit me like a brick this morning at 3:27 a.m.

Posted in Christian, Life Inspiration, salvation, Word of God

Peter’s Zeal, Jabez’ Prayer, Shari’s Opinion

There is no question that I am a person of opinion. If you don’t believe it, ask my husband, he’ll tell you quickly that I have an opinion and have no problem voicing it. So does he, its one thing we both agree on. We have opinions. The world has opinions. Oh… my … stars… do they have opinions. The issue with the world is, they blur the line between opinion and fact. Even in their own head. But there is nothing of “opinion” in scripture. Man can weigh in on it with what he or she believes it to say, but it’s truth none the less. And there is no private interpretation.

2 Peter 1:20 KJV

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

Since salvation in 1996 I have taken God’s word for truth. I haven’t always understood it, I have not always taught it correctly, I’m a person subject to error as anyone else is. But I think I’ve always understood that every word that proceedeth out of my mouth is going to be on instant replay in Heaven when I get home and I’m going to have some explainin’ to do if the things I’ve taught and shared with the world don’t align with scripture. I do not want any eternal ramifications for opinion. 

Opinion, I believe, is a matter of pride. Too often people form an opinion (which is fine) and then they form an attitude (which is not). That is pride. Those attitudes generally lead to a stronger stance on what your believe is fact that is not always founded in truth. 

O’ Lord it’s Hard to Be Humble (circa 1980)

1 Peter 5:6

[6] Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

Peter was Jew. He understood the pride of the Nation of Israel as well as he understood the issues with the pride of the individual man. He was zealous! In the book of Luke it says

Luke 6:15 KJV

[15] Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zelotes,

Zelotes means “zealot.” It’s one of my favorite things about Peter was his zealousness for all thing in life. But he and I both have something else in common, our zealousness gets us into trouble. I get so excited about something new that I learn that I don’t always study it out before I go off telling people about it. Big mistake! That’s how doctrines’ get messed up. We have to study to show ourselves approved, rightly dividing the word of God. That of course is a paraphrase from 2 Timothy 2:15. Wrong doctrine doesn’t always come from evil people. I’d venture a guess it seldom starts there. It starts with some who has an opinion but didn’t take the time study it out. 

When Peter told them to humble themselves that God might exalt them, I think he knew that pride was an issue. People love to be puffed up! I love it when people tell me I’ve done well… I don’t handle it well and get embarrassed for fear they’ll think I’m prideful, but if they knew what was going on inside my head they might know how prideful I can be. If I were more brazen I’d say, “Thanks! I thought it was pretty good myself!” But I can’t. Because I know I’ll probably fall flat on my face at the next attempt to do something “great.” 

I can Help, I got two strong arms (Circa 1975)

1 Peter 5 [7] Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 

Casting my cares on Jesus or anyone else is difficult. Again, it’s a pride issue, but I always think I can handle it, and I usually cannot. It’s my opinion that I can handle it. The Lord knows the truth. When Peter told them to cast their cares upon Jesus, he spoke from experience. As a fisherman he had cast his net all night and caught nothing until he heard this in 

John 21:6-7 KJV

[6] And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes. [7] Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher’s coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.

Peter was of the opinion that it was a good idea to hang out naked in the boat. Ummm, bad idea! The Lord showed up and caught him in a compromising position. Boy will that preach! That’s exactly what happens when we get in a big way and think we can handle anything by ourselves. It’s a good way to get caught with your pants down. 

But when the boys in the boat harkened to the Lord and let their net down on the right side, God assuredly blessed. We have to be on the right side of the Lord. It doesn’t matter what we think is right or wrong, the facts come in studying out the issue within the word of God. The more we read, cross reference and study the word of God, the more truth He reveals. And the greater understanding he gives us that we might share that understanding with other people. 

The House of the Rising Sun (1964)

I couldn’t help but think back to a time about 15 years ago. There was a group of us who had diligently gathered at the church every Tuesday morning for prayer at 7 a.m. We did that for years. We were a dedicated group. But one Tuesday morning a fella from the church (left the church shortly thereafter) but this particular morning he stopped by to share some “wisdom he had gotten.” He had been reading the book “The prayer of Jabez.” In a very arrogant manner he began to school us on how we were missing out on the blessing of God because we weren’t living our best life as Jabez had. 

This man seldom darkened the door step of the church. His testimony in the community didn’t come close to backing up his Christian proclamations. He was probably an alcoholic and a foul mouthed man at that. But he thought that his opinion was so worthy of sharing that he could teach dedicated believers how to live better. Needless to say it left a bad taste in my mouth. We were all gracious and nodded our heads in politeness as not to offend this brother who thought he was doing right. He was casting his net on the wrong side of the boat!

Pastor Steven taught on that very book for Wednesday night bible study last night. But it had been on my mind for a while. Pastor taught that Jabez knew where he was in the Lord. It was at a time in Israel’s history when they weren’t right in the Lord. They were fishing on the wrong side of the boat as they so often did, thinking they knew better than God and it had gotten them further and further away. So as Jabez prayed he asked 

1 Chronicles 4:10 KJV

[10] And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.

You can feel the humility in Jabez’ words. He wasn’t speaking in pride or asking God to give him an exclusive blessing for the purpose of wealth and power. He was speaking in favor of his nation. Praying that God would increase their reach. Hello… wouldn’t that be an awesome prayer for us today? 

I’m thankful for these thoughts this morning. And this direction in my life that I should be praying that God expand my reach. Not to build up any earthly kingdom, but to build a heavenly Kingdom through souls that I might reach for Christ. Glory! What an awesome thought. Let it be so….

The song titles had nothing to really do with anything, other than they reminded me of where I came from and praise God, where I’m going. 

Posted in Christian, Church attendance, Eternity, Evangelism

Where are you?.

According to a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world, 77% of adults in West Virginians believe in God. And yet only 64% of those ask believed that religion was important in one’s life. Only 46% believed that attending services was important. Notice the downward trend? It continues when ask the question of whether or not there is an absolute right and wrong only 43% of West Virginians thought that was the case. The frequency of participation in prayer, scripture study or religious education groups among adults in West Virginia, only 35% participate once a week. 

As publisher of both a faith based and secular website, I believe I’ll be held accountable for every single word published on my websites. While truth concerns me greatly, it matters to less than half of the adults in our state when 57% believe that there isn’t an absolute truth.

So my question for the readers to ponder and perhaps weigh in on is this: “If 3/4 of the State believe in God, why is there only 1/3 attending church? It bothers me a great deal and I think about it most every day. I have friends and family who profess Christian faith, and yet never attend church. A friend posted a meme yesterday that said “You don’t go to God’s house on earth, yet you expect to live in His mansion when you die.” Do ya really? And why would that be so? 

If your children never ever darkened your door step, never spoke to you, or showed any gratitude at all for what you’ve done, and you’ve done a lot! Would would will them everything you have? Some might say yes, because their blood. But do you understand what being ‘blood” beans with the Lord Jesus. 

It’s not about being given birth to. Which I can attest is a painful event and certainly makes a child “blood.” But it’s about giving His life for ours on the cross. Dying an excruciating death of railroad spike size nails driven in the hands and feet, mockery and abuse as He hung on the cross, and saying “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do,” in His final breaths. And after that, rising again in victory to show us that He has the power over death and the power to raise us again too. And when He does, for those who have professed Him as Savior, they’ll live in that city four square, in those mansions that He has prepared. I get so excited when I think of that time. But then I get so concerned about the people I care about not being there with me.

When you look at the statistics, where are you? 

The truth of the matter is, those statistics mean nothing in the scope of eternity to us individually. As a Nation and how God deals with us now, yes. But when all is said and done you alone will stand before God’s throne and answer for how you’ve lived your life. You will have no defense unless you’re truly a child of God. 

For clarity I will say that attending church doesn’t make you a Christian.  Going to church is what you do to build your relationship with the Lord and have peace in your heart about where you’ll be in eternity. Salvation comes from believing that God is Who He says He is and His Son did what He said He did. It’s believing that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. Every word is truth. We may not understand it cover to cover, but it makes it no less the truth. It makes you accountable whether or not you read it. 

That’s a great deal to fathom if you have not been raised in church. it’s why you need to start from where you are and find you a good, bible preaching church and don’t let go until Jesus comes to get you.

Got questions? Please ask. If I don’t have the answer, I’ll find the answer!

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Faith

The Only Election that Matters

Although 2022 is an off season election, as my first year in the position of Publisher of the Ridgeview News, I have a little different vantage point to look upon the election antics of those running for office. But this morning as I wrote the early morning news, and I sought out the Lord’s attention in my day, the thought of being an elect in the Kingdom of God was fresh on my mind as I read 1 Thessalonians 1:1-4 KJV

[1] Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. [2] We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers; [3] Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father; [4] Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.

I thought about being the Jesus Chick all these many years, and the great joy that writing brings me. I write myself happy all the time! I want my writing to be an encouragement to the reader. Paul, Timotheus and Silvanus, wrote to the church of Thessalonians to encourage them as well. They wanted that community to experience grace and peace that comes from knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. I want my community to share in that same experience. 

Although there were certainly cultural difference in the day of Paul and the others, their message wasn’t any more accepted than ours by the politics and the religion of the day. But if we read the word of God, and apply it to our lives as Paul suggests we will share in that great experience of knowing our “election of God.” 

Not an election to an office, for this epistle isn’t written to the officers of the church only, but to the whole church! Everyone who accepts Christ as Savior. It’s not talking about our calling, which we all have one on our lives to serve God in some manner, but rather it speaks of the eternal choice of a loving God to give us eternal life and happiness. An act made long before any one of us were born, before the world began and is the effect of His pure love and free favor. We’re not “running” for this position as in the days of modern elections. No, we’re in! The ballot box is closed!  

But there is a “but”. We’re elected, but we won’t enjoy the perks of that position without the three fold evidence that Paul speaks of the Thessalonians having. 

The Work of Faith

Do you have a work of faith? Is there something that you do that you consider your ministry and an evident work for the Kingdom? A preacher and Pastor has a calling, but they have a work of faith as well. I will not speak for my own beloved Pastor Steven as to what he considers his work of faith, but I consider it to be the great peace and wisdom he has brought to our church through the teaching of the word. But other Pastors may have an entirely different work. And I guess it could change daily. But there’s plenty to do for the Kingdom for everyone. And just like we want our elected officials to fulfill the roles they’ve been voted into, God no doubt wants to see something happening with us.

The Labor of Love

Is there a difference between labor and work? Perhaps work is the product of the effort and labor is the attitude commitment put into it. I’m not really sure, but obviously there is a difference. Do you love serving God? I’ve seen people that didn’t appear to and I’ve seen people that the joy oozed out of them. And then I’ve seen plenty of people in between, probably the vast majority just going through the motions of what must be done and never reall enjoying it. I pray when I serve that people understand that I am enjoying the work of the Lord! I’ve done some of the same “labors” for 25 years. And I still enjoy it. I don’t see it as a chore but as an opportunity to be creative for God. That is a true labor of love!

The Patience of Hope

Do you have it? Are you patiently waiting on the Hope that is Christ Jesus? We need this patience and we need to share this patience in this world where hope is all but gone in the faces of most of the people we meet. I see such a need for it in the frustrate moms and dads, and more so in the grandparents who are so worried about the world our children are being raised in. It’s fleeting in the face of an addict without a supportive network of people. A family on their last paycheck before unemployment runs out needs to know that Jesus knows, and they never will unless we show them. Some days my hope is fleeting and I need encouragement, praise God for His Word and His people. 

I pray I’ve encouraged you today to think on these things. What is your work of faith? What is your labor of love and what is your patience of hope? Share Jesus and watch all three come to life and the joy that comes from it! 

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Purpose

Hindsight is 2021

No, the headline is not a typo. It’s a real truth from my perspective of last year. I came away from 2021 with wisdom that I didn’t have in 2020. I could see very clearly things that I had not seen before. Part of it was because I chose to stay more informed, rather than being the ostrich with my head in the sand. I had stayed in that position for most, if not all of my adult life. Choosing rather to avoid the truth than face it. If I didn’t see it, it didn’t happen. I’m here to confess that that is how I still deal with a great many things when it comes to reality. Reality bites. I don’t like it.  When I met with the team of doctors doing my open heart in 2018, they ask, “do you have any questions?” I had only one… Is anything that I ask going to change what’s about to happen?” Their answer was no. Then I had no questions. It’s a mind safety mechanism that I deploy. It worked really well until 2021. It was at that point that I decided I needed to know the truth about what America was up to, and what God thought about it.

I started by watching Fox News. A notable conservative news program. Not long into it I realized that if they had ever been conservative, they’d compromised and much of their dialogue and banter was very worldly. I seen no point of watching something that made me angry. Then I found Blaze Media. I wont’ tell you there’s not a worldly language issue, but when it came to the truth, I fully believe they give it to me. And so, that’s my source of worldly wisdom, and though they helped in my perspective of the truth in news, they couldn’t hold a candle to the truth I received through the word of God. No worldly language there… just honest to goodness prophecy that’s way better than any prediction a newsman will make. 

So here’s my hind site from 2021:

We are closer to Jesus’ return now than we ever have been. Whew! I bet you didn’t see that wisdom coming. I know… it’s sound like a no brainer. Time wise of course it is, that only makes sense. But remember what I said about the fact that I could deny anything I didn’t know or understand. I could turn off thoughts about Jesus’ return, so long as I didn’t see any evidence it was about to happen. But then things on the news began to painstakingly align with scripture more and more every day. A “one world government” is a very real conversation throughout the countries. Christianity is a very unwelcome conversation. Covid-19 all but shut down church in America and the church did nothing. One world currency is also a very real conversation, and a digital money source is just what Satan needs to fully control who receives money. Israel is more and more on the radar every day, and just like Herod attempted to destroy every infant every where in hopes of killing the Messiah, Satan will continue to attempt to destroy the work of Jesus Christ. He can’t kill the Lord, but He can and does kill the ministries of so many. 

Ridgeview news has been another new adjustment for me. It’s not easy keeping up with everything happening in a slow news county. While other news reporters are trying to keep up with all the events, I spend most of my time looking for news. That’s funny! But it’s true. 

But back to my hindsight. 

Every day our current government is climbing into bed with other countries. The American dollar is worth less and less, Washington is making every attempt to take away the freedom that our ancestors gave their lives for, and there really isn’t anyone trying to stop them. It’s unreal the lack of attention that people are giving to what’s going on. And while we’re not in the tribulation period of the bible, the stage is being set. 

I’m in shock at the various things that Satan has taken over on the earth. One that bothers me to no end, and makes me want to puke every time I see it used for the purpose of gay pride is the rainbow. The very symbol that God gave Noah for hope and promise that He would not destroy the earth with water again, Satan encouraged the adoption for an anti-god abominable behavior. It’s mockery and arrogance. 

It is arrogance that America must overcome to have any chance of getting God’s hand of protection back upon us. It was arrogance and pride (ironic choice of title) that caused Satan’s fall. He wanted God’s throne and because of the very beauty that God created in him, felt he deserved it. Tell me there is any difference in political leaders?

But praise God in the realm of spirituality that the world chooses to ignore unless it’s to their benefit, there are things happening that we know not of. Just as it did when Satan was thrown out of Heaven.

The evil “prevailed not!”

Revelation 12:7-9 KJV

[7] And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, [8] And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. [9] And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

There is so much deception on the earth, it’s hard for anyone to know what is truth and what is fiction.This is a drop in the bucket of what’s to come and why it’s so important to understand end time events and prepare your family to be among those raptured out. Called to be with God off of this earth before the worst of it all takes place. 

While the prophesies of Revelation are hard for most to understand, the Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom we need for the times we’re in. 

Revelation 13:11-18 KJV

[11] And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 

The beast coming up out of the earth had two horns like a lamb. But not like the Lamb of God (Revelations 5:6) who had seven horns denoting fullness of power. Satan longs to deceive this world that he is God. He is the god of the earth, but he will never be God. He will continue to deceive the people of the earth by his mockery of the things of God, and his counterfeit behaviors.

[12] And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. [13] And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, [14] And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 

This is happening during the days of tribulation yet to come. It’s extreme deception. Today’s counterfeit attempts are not so extreme but they’re just as damaging to the church of God

Satan loves giving a sense of false hope, of securities in self and all things this world provides. It’s those things that will keep the people away from the truth and the house of the Living God. Once you’ve experienced a true relationship with Jesus Christ, you can still be deceived by Satan, but it’s not nearly as easy for him. He cannot steal the true hope that comes from knowing Christ and the true joy of having a relationship with God Himself. The difference between now and when the tribulation is going on, is we currently have the Holy Spirit residing in us. The Spirit will be removed from the earth during tribulation time. 

During this time Satan pulls the wool over the eyes of the earth and God will work through Israel who will finally acknowledge Jesus Christ as Messiah. Revelation 13 continues on with the events that many have heard about but few understand.

[15] And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. [16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The mark of the beast, the numbers 666. Widely known as end time events. Satan will deceive the people by bringing someone back from the dead. Perhaps himself. The Spirit will not be whispering in the ears of the people, “Fake News” as He is today. People will buy Satan’s likes hook line and sinker. Your people. Those who do not know Christ as Savior and will be left behind when Christ raptures out the church. 

Can you see these things in play now? Do you see the multitudes flocking to church on Sunday? No? Me either. Because people are already being lulled into the belief that a relationship with God is not important. 2021 made that much clearer for me. 

Starting the new site has required my focus to be both on the news of the world and the Good News. And I confess, I’m having trouble balancing it all out again. I covet your prayers, that this Jesus Chick does not lose site of what is the most important job I have on this earth right now. Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Unapologetic Child of God

The question arose yesterday morning during our Sunday School Class from teacher Donnie Pitts, “Why did the Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah?” It was a question I hadn’t given deep thought, but I had certainly wondered about that before. But the greater question for me this morning is why does anyone reject Christ today? In a lost world where most everyone is looking for some type of hope, why do they not start with the only source of hope?

I realize that many have not officially been introduced to Christ, either because they choose to avoid the all things Christian, or because the church has failed them, or perhaps they’ve chosen another path entirely that leads them far from any thing involving the truth of Christ. I’m sure there’s plenty of reasons. But there’s really no excuse.  And as I begin to embark on 2022, I find there’s no excuse for me not telling people about Christ. I have multiple platforms and a quite frankly a big mouth. A North Carolina Preacher told me once as I walked off the platform from singing, that I’d “Make a great hog caller.” I took that as the kindest of compliments. He was a jewel of preacher. But am I using my talents to their fullest extent. Of course not. And if you would confess it, I doubt you are either, because none of us do all we can, we do what we want, or what makes us feel comfortable and holy. Nothing past that.

The answer to Donnie’s question came in multiple forms. But for me it boiled down to the fact that Jesus did not fit the mold of who the Jews thought the Messiah would be. He wasn’t fancy, or legalistic, He didn’t hang out at the temple all the time, or with the temple crowd. He was most noted for hanging out with heathens. He didn’t begin His life with earthly pomp and circumstance. Heavenly pomp for sure! But His cheering section on earth was a few ratty shepherds and and some Kings from out of town. The local tribe of politicians were too afraid of losing power to acknowledge a Savior. Are times any different? 

Herod went so far as to killing innocent babies in hopes of getting the right One and stopping an heir to the throne. That tactic has never stopped. Although they know they can’t touch the Lord, they can touch His people. Herod’s act was one of canceling as much as today’s attempt to quiet the Christian faith is by demonetizing and devaluing anything that acknowledge Christ as Lord. Whether that is a church, business or news, the goal is still the same, kill their influence. 

When it came to my new publication, The Ridgeview News, I had to do some serious soul searching about how I was going to publish an unbiased newspaper?   The world would tell me that I can’t. I’ve been told that on multiple jobs, to leave Christ out of it.” But the Lord has pointed me to one word every time the subject comes up. Truth.

Paul told the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 13:8 ~  “For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.”

The truth will be revealed. Whether it happens today or much later, it will be revealed. So to stand on the side of truth will always be the winning side. I really want to be on the winning side! It is also what everyone will tell you they want. I’ve yet to hear the first person say to me, “Please lie to me. I don’t want to know the truth.” No, we all know that we are far better off in the end when we have the truth, whether or not we like it. So long as I stand on the side of truth, I believe God will honor my publication and the community will grow to trust it, whether or not they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. 

I have a sweatshirt that I created when the world began getting very biased against Christians, and I love it! It’s the featured image on this post. “Unapologetic Child of God.” That’s who I am. I’m not going to ram my beliefs down anyones throat. But nor will I deny the Lord Jesus or fail to give Him glory.  And if I should fail to give the truth in the matter of the news, then it’s not news it’s opinion. The news is simply “what happened, to who, where and why.” That’s exactly what the word of God is. The truth of what happened, to Who and Why. People can deny it, that doesn’t change it. We can ignore. Still doesn’t change it. 

I’ve never fit the norm for society. If I would have lived in the days of Christ’s earthly ministry, I would have most likely been the rejected of society. The weird woman down the street. For that I’m grateful. Because Jesus didn’t hang out with pretty and fancy people. The lepers, the sick, the sinners… those were Jesus friends. Because it was those people that He brought out of those lifestyles and gave purpose. The religious liked the power they over the people. Jesus was the true power, and they missed it. Don’t miss it. And don’t be apologetic to this world. Let them know Jesus needs no apology!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Family, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Purpose

I’m Telling the Family Secret

I’m in awe every day that God does not strike a bolt from Heaven and say “Enough is enough Shari, you’re obviously as bright as you’re ever going to be so just come on home with Me.” 

And if you think I’m being dramatic… well you’d be right, that’s who I am, but I’m being very honest. So when He (the Lord) keeps speaking scripture to my soul until it takes root, I’m humbled with the His patience. I’ve been stalled in the books of little John lately. Suggested reading from people, my bible being randomly open to it. I believe those are God events that He uses to take my hand and lead me when I’m stumbling on my own. Some days I absolutely feel like a toddler in the spiritual realm.

So today, on this platform, I make an announcement that’s been a long time in the making, but just a recent decision to “just do it.” It wasn’t until some recent events that it became more of just a passing thought, but had turned into a driven obsession. And so Ridgeview News was born. I plan on picking up the torch that Bob Weaver carried so very well for many years. I don’t say that lightly. Bob Weaver and I butted heads on more than one occasion. But, that’s life and that my friends is water under a bridge and way down around the bend. We’re moving on. 

With an air of transparency I’ll also tell you that my husband David isn’t overly thrilled. That might be putting it lightly. I think his final word on the matter was, “Do what you want, but I don’t want any part of it.” Bob Weaver’s not the only one I’ve butted heads with over the years, David and I have 42 years of not always seeing eye to eye. His concern about this is what anyone with any sense would have. Truth isn’t always a welcome subject. But when the road’s been rough we’ve stayed true to one another and I will tell your flat footed and eye to eye, he is my rock.

The only one who’s almost as excited as I am, or maybe as excited is my daughter Whitney who will be the staff reporter and all things sports and community. Talk about drama! She is David and I put together and on steroids drama! That’s how we love her. My oldest daughter Tiffani, who is RN will be a feature writer when she so chooses and has the time on medical matters or anything else on her heart. 

What we’re most excited about is being the voice of truth, which is needed in every community. Someone has to inform the community of decisions being made on their behalf. It’s not healthy to live in the dark. So we’re picking up this lantern and we’ll be shining the light in every decision making office and position in the community. I’m not looking for dirt. I’m seeking truth. How else can I be the Jesus Chick and the Ridgeview News Publisher without it?

In the book of 3 John, he writes to his friend Gaius, who he loves in the truth…

3 John 1:1-14 KJV

[1] The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. [2] Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. [3] For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. [4] I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

Again and again he heralds his friend for the truth. We all say we want it, but do we? It’s at times very painful.  John went on to tell of his friends faithfulness to not only his friends in the faith, but strangers as well.  Everyone wants someone they can trust, Gaius was that person for many of the people in their town. I doubt it came out of nowhere. I’m sure time and time again he had proven himself trustworthy. He was not only trusted, he was a leader of people in the right direction.

 [5] Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; [6] Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well: [7] Because that for his name’s sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. [8] We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth.

Fellow helpers of the truth! Isn’t that an awesome title to give someone one. But not everyone was a fan of John and Gaius. There was jerk named Diotrephes that John called out. He cracked me up when he showed his holy hostility and righteous rage to this fella who thought he was all that and bag of chips and had the right to rid himself of anyone he didn’t care for.

 [9] I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. [10] Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. 

John said Diotrephes had an attitude of arrogance about him. Does that not describe the vast majority of leadership in America today? How dare we question who they are and the positions they hold. How dare we not? They’re funded by public money, making decision for God’s people in ungodly ways. We need to know when that happens, and we also need to know when the good happens as well. We need that encouragement daily! 

John covered that too!

[11] Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God. [12] Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yea, and we also bear record; and ye know that our record is true. [13] I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee: [14] But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name.

Over and over John mentions truth. Truth is the only place you’ll find true peace in your life. That my friends is what I’m praying for us all. More truth. More peace. More Joy in 2022.  

Please pray for our family. We’re ready for the adventure, but it will not be a journey worth taking without God’s will and God’s people, my friends, along for the ride. 

Our first issue will “hopefully” be live January 1, 2022.

Posted in Christian, Christmas, Eternity, Faith, Family

Don’t let Satan Hijack Christmas

Nobody knows the story of Christmas better than God, Who created Christmas. But high in the realm of  knowledge of the eschaton (the final event in the end time plans) is Satan. Who though he is not all knowing, he knew enough to know that God’s Son would play a vital roll in the salvation of the world and his own demise. Although I’m sure Satan fully believes that he is wiser than God and will win in the end because that is the level of his arrogance. That is the level of arrogance of anyone who thinks they’ll survive eternity without Christ as Savior. Just like Satan, you can know God. You know who Christ is. But if you have not accepted Him as Lord, as the Creator of all the earth, and the Creator of you, you’ll have no place in Paradise. 

Satan has always attempted to hijack Christmas. Just like the terrorist on the planes the day of the 9/11 attacks,  Satan will go down with the plane he thinks is a plan, and just like that day, he’ll take down many of God’s creation to the pits of Hell, who were never intended to go there. They were victims of hijacked bodies. Those who allowed the flesh to rule the soul rather than relinquishing it back to God for His purpose. 

Matthew 2 picks up the story of Christmas of the wise men from the east. They were wise because they knew the Word of God and knew that the Messiah’s arrival came with signs and one of which was a star in the east. 

[1] Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, [2] Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

And so the wise men traveled to find He that was born King of the Jews, and he that was king in the world wasn’t happy. Herod, another man born of arrogance thought that he too could hijack Christmas through deception. There’s a reason scripture calls the wise men “wise.” It’s what the word of God calls anyone who chooses to seek the wisdom and will of God. Can I get a witness on that!!! 

My dear friend Dewey Moede called me yesterday and suggested that I read a text in Proverbs 1 that would help with my current state of mind. He was right…

It says in Proverbs 1:22-26 KJV

[22] How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? [23] Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. [24] Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; [25] But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: [26] I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

Not that I am the wisest of the wise by any stretch of imagination, but Dewey wasn’t calling me simple either. This scripture is a reminder that those who set out to hijack any part of the life of a child of God, and cause us pain or heartache will not answer to us, nor will God’s plans and purposes be interrupted by their hijack attempt.  

In the text of the book of Matthew Herod didn’t want the knowledge of God or anything to do with God. That would have meant that there was someone greater than himself. Satan thinks he has the knowledge of God, but as prophecy has proven again and again, it is the fool that ignores the truth. When Herod heard that there were wise men seeking the promised Messiah, he was more than a little concerned. I would go so far as to say he was freaked out. I would venture a guess that the same reaction that many will have in this world when the rapture occurs, and they knew the sign. But didn’t do anything about it until it was too late. And then they’ll try to stop God’s plan again, and again, it won’t be stopped. Herod couldn’t stop it when God’s plan was playing out with a new born Baby, and two very inexperienced young people who were given the job of HIs caretakers. They were given that job, Joseph and Mary, parental units of God, not because they were mighty but because they listened when God spoke. That’s all it takes to become a part of God’s master plan is to listen! I just wrote myself so happy! That’s what I want for Christmas. I want to take back the plane that Satan is trying to hijack in the world.  

The wise men were mighty in the world’s view, but they were placed in those positions because like Joseph they listened. Matthew 2 

12] And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. [13] And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. [14] When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: [15] And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.

So Joseph and Mary too the Lord Himself down into Egypt, always representing the world, and there they stayed until they received word again that they were safe. Even though they were taken away from family, career and all things normal, the plan never failed. God’s plan of action for the salvation of man continued from the infancy, through the life and through the death of Jesus Christ. There was no hijacking the metaphorical plane Christ was on. It’s destination is eternity and it’s fueled by the Spirit of God. 

And that is my launching point into the next few days of the Christmas season that can get so messed up by the things in this world. In a little more than 24 hours I need to finish 13 projects, bake Christmas cookies, plan lunch for my kids Christmas tomorrow at noon, clean house and keep my sanity. All this after having had a pretty bad few weeks personally, and been physically very ill for 4 days. It’s a good thing I like critters because my house looks a lot like a stable. 😂

How ever… I have a plan. I’m going to keep going. That’s what those wise men did! 

10] When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. [11] And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

Tomorrow, Lord willing, I’ll present my gifts (worth far less than gold, frankincense and myrrh). They won’t be gifts to Christ but they’ll be gifts to celebrate Him and what He has entrusted me with. This family, this time, this life. 

Nothing that Satan has done. Nothing that has been allowed to come into our lives for what ever reasons we can not understand can hijack Christmas if we remember that this is the plan. The completed project won’t come until eternity, but it will come. And when the plan is finished, and the final event has unfolded we will be given the gift of peace and happiness in their perfected forms. Glory to God can you imagine! 

The wise men, Mary, Joseph and all the characters of Christmas are experiencing that ahead of us, but they’re waiting for us to get to the party. Keeping celebrating! And let nothing in this world keep you from Christmas.

Matthew 2:1-23 KJV

Posted in Christian, Evangelism, Faith, Family, Life Inspiration

Stuff I have to remember not to forget

2 Peter 3:1 KJV

[1] This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:

God and I have conversations almost daily now where I ask Him to remind me of stuff I gotta remember not to forget. And so it is with the aging process. I removed a pair of my youngest grandson’s jeans from the dryer (I first typed trousers and then realized how old I sounded)… anyway… Parker had worn them to my house the other day, and either left naked or changed into something else he left here, I’m not sure, but the point of this story is, I noted when he wore them they needed hemmed. And so when I folded them, I asked God to remind me when I got home from work, to hem those jeans. 

That same mindset was in Peter’s thoughts as he wrote the final chapter of his second epistle. Not about laundry, but he reminds us not to forget. Not to forget that this earth for which tree hugging liberals are so concerned about is one day going to be a pile of ash. And the souls within the babies that are killed every day through abortion live forever, as well as the souls of every man. But they neglect that wisdom and choose rather to focus on the temporal. Another fact which Peter noted that the Apostle Paul noted, when he closed out this epistle with these words:

 2 Peter 3:15-18 KJV

[15] And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; [16] As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. [17] Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. [18] But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

My instability of mind and failures to remember can be attributed to aging and a failure to take care of myself physically. I’m not unlearned or unstable, I’m unfocused. I do wrestle with ADD.  But Peter mentions that there are things that even though it may be hard to understand, we can read and study the word of God to keep ourselves aware of future events through the prophecy of the Bible. Just as God will no doubt remind me to hem Parker’s pants, He reminds me daily of His plans for this world so that I will not be lead astray by the wickedness of this world and the liberal media outlets that fill our heads with their agendas through multiple means. The world loves to fill our minds with liberal garbage of the extreme. They believe that trees matter more than babies. That’s not oversimplification, that’s truth. They believe that puppies and kitties have more rights than children. I love puppies and kitties, I have a house full. But if the cat runs out in the road, and a grand baby runs out in the road, I can tell you which one I’m going to pull to safety first. It’s not the critter. I love them, but they are not as valuable as a child. The same holds true with this world, it’s not as valuable as those who God created to dwell on it and use the earths resources to survive. 

This seems like something I shouldn’t think I need to remind us of. But it’s all about worldly perception and perspective. 

Perception – the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. 

Perspective – the true understanding of the relative importance of things;

Both are equally important, becoming aware, and understanding the truth of what we’ve become aware of. 

As I start my day today, I pray that I am aware and will have spiritual understanding of what matters most to God in every circumstance.  Whether or not Parker’s pants get hemmed is not nearly as important in the scheme of things as whether or not Parker is raised to know Christ.

Posted in Christian, Eternity, Faith, Family, Forgiveness, Grace, Life Inspiration

What to Remember When Life is Harsh

Praise God! I’ve never professed to be perfect, else there would be so many disappointed people in my life. Mainly family, who know me all too well, but friends for sure, and general acquaintances would find me sad too. I feel I say “I’m struggling” too often, but there is no other word that would describe my week. Physically, emotionally and spiritually I’ve had the worst week ever. I topped it off by ignoring God. That really made it better, right? This is a part of the imperfections that is within me. If life hands me a bad day, or in this case a bad week, I have a tendency to give my mind leniency to wander down thoughtless pathways such as internet stories and videos that take me into someone else’s world and out of my own. It’s a coping mechanism that fails miserably and yet I try it every time. Every time. It’s as if ignoring God will allow more misery to come, which I deserve, right? That’s what Satan says. And we know he has our best interest at heart. Yes, I’m that dumb, and it’s why Eve has nothing on me in the garden. I would have taken that fruit without so much as a question. 

So today, the final day of the work week, I decide that I need to put on my lipstick and pull myself together and look for a way of dealing with nasty, hurtful, people. Merry Christmas to me. 

So here’s my text:

1 Corinthians 16:19-24 KJV

[19] The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house. [20] All the brethren greet you. Greet ye one another with an holy kiss. [21] The salutation of me Paul with mine own hand. [22] If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha. [23] The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. [24] My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.

The closing of the book of 1 Corinthians from our friend, the Apostle Paul. A man of God who more than understood being hurt. He always brings my own petty issues into perspective. although this weeks struggles weren’t all petty. Some were pretty intense. But not “Paul” intense. No one was threatening to kill me. I didn’t have to flee for my life. But I felt hatred, and that my friend is an awful, awful feeling. Especially when it comes from a person who calls them self a child of God. I mention that only so you’ll know a partial context of my week. Partial because there was more. I hate being vague, and perhaps the story can be told some day, but for now it’s too fresh, and involves other people. But take my word, it’s been a no good, very bad, week. 

So the question for myself this morning is, “How do we deal with hateful, hurtful people?”

Remember the Gift of True Friendship

At the end of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians he salutes the readers. A gesture of gratitude and respect to the churches of Asia. I have wonderful friends in Asia. That was my launching point for getting away from these feelings of hurt that I feel today. The very fact that God has given me friends all over the world. Literally! I have been to churches in Asia. I could have said to them as Apostle Paul did, to the churches of Asia, I salute you. Not only do I have friends in Asia, I friends in America and other countries too! Not fake friends, but genuine friends that if I call upon them they would do all they could do to help me out. Btu I’m not apt to call on them, because I figure everyone has issues. They don’t need mine. And so I spend a week like this one, where I feel alone, angry and hurt, without God by my side, although He is, but I pretended He wasn’t so I could wallow in self pity. But this morning I am reminded once again of the faithfulness of God and His people. 

Remember the Gift of Holy Kisses

My daughter Whitney is “elfing” houses this week with her cheerleading squad. For a fee they’re hiding elves in the yards of people with children for them to locate with clues and they not only receive the elf dolls, they receive a bag of elf kisses too. It’s such a cute concept, but it’s nothing compared to the holy kiss of a saint. I know it’s hard to believe, but they’re sweeter than chocolate!

A holy kiss is much more than, just a peck on the cheek. John Gil described it as this:

A holy kiss is a Christian salutation wishing all temporal, spiritual, and eternal happiness, to one another; and which, as it should be mutual, should be also hearty and sincere, and this is meant by the “holy kiss”; the allusion is to a common custom in most nations, used by friends at meeting or parting, to kiss each other, in token of their hearty love, and sincere affection and friendship for each other; and is called “holy”, to distinguish it from an unchaste and lascivious one; and from an hypocritical and deceitful one, such an one as Joab gave to Amasa, when, inquiring of his health, he took him by the beard to kiss him, and stabbed him under the fifth rib, 2 Samuel 20:9; and as Judas, who cried, hail master, to Christ, and kissed him, and betrayed him into the hands of his enemies, Matthew 26:49.

Covid has pretty much scared people away from “holy kisses” but there are still a few who trust in a providential God to take care of the matter. I pretty much go with the flow of the person I’m greeting. If they want a holy fist bump, I’m okay with that too. But I primarily want and appreciate the sincerity of the friends who I know to be true. That is sweeter than chocolate! It’s sweet because I am painfully aware of the fact that it is far more rare than reality that there are true and faithful friends even at the church house. So this morning I am focusing on the gratitude I have for the wonderful gift of real “holy kissable” people.

Remember Jesus is Coming Soon!

There’s a phrase in this scripture that I always forget what it means and I have to look it up. In verse 22 it says:

[22] If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

Anathema meaning “accursed”

Maranatha meaning “O Lord come.”

So it basically says “if there’s anyone who doesn’t love the Lord Jesus Christ let him be accursed when the Lord comes. 

There’s a final judgment that I don’t wish on my worst enemy. To be accursed is to be eternally separated from God. When I hear people curse and tell people to go to hell, I wonder how many dare to realize that that is a real place. I look at my husband, children and grandchildren, and I realize that the love I have for them is the same love  an unsaved person has for their family. The only difference being, I have the hope of eternity with my family and they do not. I can’t imagine, nor do I want imagine my family being in Hell. But that’s what happens to those who don’t love Christ. The thought is gut wrenching. 

At the end of a bad week, I’m focusing today on what will be the beginning of eternity when Jesus comes. When there will be no heart ache or sadness or wickedness like we face today. If you know and love Jesus, give Him glory! If you don’t, please message me on social media or through the contact information on this blog. I need to tell you why I have the power within me to go on after a week like this. Because even when people are bad, God is sooooooooo good. 

Posted in Christian Service, Christmas, Eternity, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

The Greatest of All Influencer’s

Calhoun County Community Center Tree Lighting

If you were anywhere close Calhoun County, West Virginia this week, you witnessed multiple Christmas miracles all because one woman ` had a crazy idea and the passion to deliver. I have lived in Calhoun County since 1970, I’ve seen it politically controlled until it was controlled almost out of existence. Until 2021. When one woman came back to town after a long journey and made sparks fly with her influence. 

So that’s what has brought me to this thought this morning, the greatest of all Influencers. Of course I speak of Jesus Christ. But He used commoners like Crystal Laughlin Mersh to impact the world. Not just a community.

Crystal Mersh announcing to ‘ the children the gifts they’re about to receive!
300 Bicycles and Helmets donated by Crystal

The only place the word “influence” is found in scripture is one of my favorite verses. From the book of Job it reads Job 38:[31] Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?

Pleiades, as I understand it is a constellation of  seven stars which which rise in the spring ushering in the pleasantnesses of the season, as the word may be rendered, it cannot be restrained or hindered from taking place in the proper course of the year. It is also said that it may, in a spiritual sense relate to the effects and power of grace, the influences of which are irresistible, and cause a springtime in the souls of men, where it was before winter, a state of darkness, deadness, coldness, hardness, and unfruitfulness, but now the reverse. What an awesome thought!

God has set that influence into action and nothing can prevent it so long as HE intends it to be. I believe He does the same thing with men. As much as Satan would love to destroy the influence of the gospel through the voices of men and women who have been called out to proclaim it. He can’t.  Just like the season of spring comes around in God’s timing so does the opportunities for the salvation of men.

Today, “influencer” is a buzz word and a powerful position. If you are dubbed as a social media influencer, suddenly you are of great value to the marketing community. They want you to promote their products because you influence what people think about what they need. To become a spiritual influencer is much the same. People have to want what you have. In the days of the spiritual powers of the apostles, they were great influencers. They had the power to heal, to command evil spirits and demonic forces to come out of people. Old Testament prophets could call fire down from Heaven and on God approved occasions, speak people dead. That’s not a power I should have. Nor likely anyone else. And as a matter of truth, those powers are not present in the church today. Even though there are people who tell you they have those powers. Don’t send them $23.99, it won’t work. But what will work is trusting God for the best in all matters. Even when, from this side of Heaven, it doesn’t look good. 

I’ve been watching the Old Calhoun County High School sit dormant and falling apart for years. It made me sad because it was such an awesome old building. But I didn’t have the power, or really the desire to do anything with it. But Crystal did. She began by tearing down parts of the building that couldn’t be restored. Another spiritual lesson for us. There always some things in our lives that God doesn’t want there. It’s like wine bottles mentioned in Luke.

Luke 5:37-38 KJV

[37] And no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish. [38] But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved.

When God makes a soul brand new, which is what He does when He saves us, it’s always way better than the original. And when people see it, that person becomes an influencer. My buddy and influencer Roger Carter is proof positive. All of the friends he went to high school with back in the 80’s knew Roger as a kid in all kinds of trouble. But when they see him now, his life is brand new. He’s got a whole new outlook on the world, he has what people want. Hope! That’s what it is about Christian people that makes the world take note. 

No body was giving the old high school any notice until Chrystal, tore down the bad parts of the building and began to restore the good. When Christ saves a soul. All the heart ache and bad times in a persons life are replaced by a new out look. It’s not that there still isn’t some parts and pieces still in there that can cause pain. But now that person has purpose.

What I learned this weekend is what my purpose is not. It’s not selling crafts. I always do lousy at these shows. It’s promoting and accentuating the positive. That’s what I do best. God created me as a marketer. Not to sell in a market. It goes to show that life isn’t all roses and sunshine. But its a learning and growing experience that each one of us has to go through until God takes us a home. And then when we get there, He will have prepared us for a new career. I fully believe that! And that excites me because I know it will be everything I love to do down here. But the only way to get there is to be His child. To be saved. And the only way to be saved is to accept that Jesus alone is your ticket to Heaven. He died for you on the cross, to the pay the price for your sins and if you believe that, it creates a relationship with Him that is as real a friendship as anything you’ve experienced down here. 

I hope and pray you know Him today. And I hope and pray if you don’t you will send me a message and let me tell you how to have that relationship and grow that relationship until you, just like the Old Highschool will be bursting at the seams with new life. 

God bless you! And have a great week. Please share this post, and share Jesus with someone today. 

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Faith, Family, Life Inspiration

Folks like us in the Church

Jim Bush, Servant, Friend of God, Maker of Laughter

Since 2019 I have watched the decline of the church both locally and nationally and each Sunday I ask myself “why?” What happened to the people that called themselves friends of God  who now are no shows to His house causing the gospel of Jesus Christ to look as if it had no effect on their lives and was not worthy of their effort. That thought makes me physically ill. But it’s how I feel as I too struggle spiritually at times because I allow the world to consume my mind and my time. Like, every day to some extent.

I lost a good friend yesterday from our church who was so faithful. Before his illness he and I chided every Sunday over various things, and his most favorite thing in the world was to find mistakes in the bulletin. It made him gleefully happy! I would occasionally hand him a blank one so that he would have a mistake free bulletin, which was probably the only way he was going to get one from me. The bulletin is something I’ve done for greater than 20 years. Someone once ask me why I didn’t “let” someone else do the bulletin and offer them a chance to serve. Well, number one, nobody has ever expressed an interest and I won’t hold my breath til they do because it takes weekly dedication. And few people want the commitment of being relied upon in such a way. Jim, my friend who passed away, waited every Sunday morning to search that bulletin for mistakes like that was his job. I wouldn’t mind if someone else stepped in on his behalf. Because that too took dedication to the house of the Lord. I could always count on his wit and his joy and that meant as much as if he’d been their helping me to prepare it. I knew he appreciated my work.

The Old Folks

I now consider myself to be an elder, not in title but in age in the church. I love when the kids have an expectation of me to know something scripturally or show respect to me through their actions and words. The Apostle John wrote to Gail’s in 3 John as an elder who loved and respected his co laborer in Christ Jesus.  

3 John 1:1-8 KJV

[1] The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 

Obviously Gaius was someone that everyone loved. No doubt a wonderful servant of God who could be depended upon and who John loved in the truth. The truth of God’s word and the study and sharing of it. John lived through the gospels. He wrote one of the gospels! What a privilege Gaius would have had to call him friend. I feel much the same way about the people who have stuck it out through the pandemic. Faithful servants of God who have never wavered.  At every given opportunity they’ve been in their place in the church serving and gratefully doing so. Excited to learn more about God and looking for openings to serve. They are not abundant but I’m so grateful they still exist. 

The Busy Folks

[2] Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. [3] For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. [4] I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

Gaius was a doer of the word. I pray that would be said of me. It was certainly said of Jim. There wasn’t a church event that Jim wasn’t in the thick of doing his part. He walked in the truth. The church wasn’t just a place he went to fulfill his spiritual obligations, it was where he went because he was apart of that family and when he got saved, he was saved to serve, not sit.  I also had the privilege of witnessing his salvation. He literally wrestled at the altar and when he stood up his hair was going every direction! we laughed about that for a long time and so did he. There is joy in serving the Lord, and Jim was proof. 

The Faithful Folks

 [5] Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; [6] Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well: [7] Because that for his name’s sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. [8] We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth.

Fellow helpers. That is my friends of Victory Baptist Church. Since the Corona there’s not as many of us, but we are blessed to still be above the norm. They are along for journey and not they’re not carpet baggers. You know, the people who show up for what they can gain from a group and leave when they’ve gotten enough. 

When would you ever get “enough” of God. 

I never have enough. I want to be in His presence all day every day. And when I’m not, I know it’s because I’ve shut him out. I’m not casting stones at those who have failed to stay faithful. I genuinely miss them.  

I had to grin when I read the next verses where John called a fellow out for not being who he should have been. 

3 John 1:9-10 KJV

[9] I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. [10] Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church.

John can to that. He’s the great Apostle John after all. I’ll call no one out because in truth I’m no better than anyone else, I just show up in spite of my failures. Diotrephes loved to be considered for all his greatness. I just want to be considered a friend of every single person in the congregation of the Lord. If you’re out of church. Please know that you are missed. If you’re attending some where else, God bless ya! If you’re not, please come back and celebrate the Lord with us. Amen!

Posted in Christian, Church attendance, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Purpose, Word of God

The Truth About Titles

Perhaps it’s a known fact about me, or perhaps it’s little known, but truth none the less, I like titles. I like being acknowledged as a person of purpose. I’ve always wondered about the difference between purpose and passion. Not of stature, because that to me seems arrogant, but I like the fact that in any given organization I have purpose and evident works with outcomes. It is the fabric of who I am. Who God created me to be. So in the study of Paul’s writings, I found it interesting that Thessalonians is the only one that Paul didn’t acknowledge his title of Apostle, or status as servant or prisoner of Christ. He simply listed his name with the others who were with him as he wrote to the church in Thessalonica. 

One hundred years ago or less, I worked for the local newspaper in town, the Calhoun Chronicle. It’s a small weekly paper with a circulation of less than 3,000 where I was Advertising Manager. It was my first ever job with an official title and it was one of my fav’s! It was there that I found a passion for publicity that would serve me well throughout the years. The Editor at the time was Merrill Pollack. A retired editor for the New York Times, and to say he was quite the character wouldn’t do him justice! He was also the first boss who treated me as an equal and brought joy into our lives every day with his story telling ability and his vast experience in the media. 

Depending upon the tasks of the day, Merrill would retitle us accordingly. If we were going shopping, we were fashion editors, if we were going out to lunch we were food editors, he was so much fun to work with. He shared his vast amount of knowledge with us without any sense of arrogance, but rather exuberance in handing it down to the next generation.  

While I’m not sure Paul would have been as crazy as Merrill, I imagine him to have been a zealot and more to share his vast amount of knowledge with others. As Saul he had allowed religious authority to consume him; but as Paul he was just as humbled as he was proud in his previous position. But never lacking confidence! Would to God I was such a one. I lack confidence every day, which may be why titles are important. I guess I’m self diagnosing my psyche. 

The first chapter of 1 Thessalonians is packed so full! The Bible never ceases to amaze me how God can use just a few words to express so many important truths. 

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 KJV

[1] Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. [2] We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers; [3] Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father; [4] Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God. 

The lack of a title came with a few concepts from the commentary’s but no real explanation. Just something to take note of. Perhaps it was a either because he was well known by this church, having been lately with them; or lest these young converts should be offended and stumble at any pompous title, which they might imagine carried an appearance of arrogance and pride; or because there were as yet no false apostles among them, who had insinuated anything to the disadvantage of Paul, as in other places, which obliged him to assert his character and magnify his office. We won’t know until we get to Heaven and ask him ourselves, if it ever comes up. 

Paul then moves on to the matter at hand that was all important to him, the Lord Jesus Christ. That is his purpose and he gives great thanks that it is their purpose as well. They are laboring in love, and patience of hope in the eyes of God, showing evidence of God’s purpose for having made them of the elect. That too is my focus this morning as I prepare my heart for church. 

I have carried the title “Sunday School Teacher,” proudly for 20 years. But over the past few weeks I stepped out of that position and back into the position of student of the word in the adult class. I really, really struggled with that decision. Until yesterday when I realized the great level of peace I had and excitement for being in a class of my own. There is a time to teach, and a time to listen, and this is my time.  I pray that you have that place of learning. It’s important in these troubled times to have a good understanding of the word and what’s going on around us. How does it effect us, and some things that shouldn’t effect us.  

I pray today finds you in the Lord’s house, hearing His word and having it stir your soul. Grace and peace to you… from the Lord and Shari, His servant. A title I carry proudly.

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Faith, Life Inspiration, Praise

Tough Times Don’t Take a Holiday

At three a.m. this morning I heard the tones drop for an ambulance at the home of a friend. My heart sunk, I prayed for him and his sweet wife and then as my mind has a tendency to do, it jumped from thought to thought, heartache to heartache, trouble to trouble, struggle to struggle. Tough times don’t take a Holiday. 

There’s a song in my head that’s on repeat called “Power in Prayer” by 11th hour. It’s a good one to be stuck! It’s a soulful song saying, “It’s a di-rect line to the throne room, where you can find someone who cares. And if you need some proof I can tell you, there is power, power in prayer!” Glory! I just took a little break to listen to it. It causes my heart to be grateful that I serve such an amazing God. 

Psalm 100 says 

[1] Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. [2] Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. [3] Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. [4] Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. [5] For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Make a Noise

Making a joyful noise takes an effort on our part, does it not? I’ve never had any issue making a noise. I was born with that ability in abundant supply. I spoke with a friend this week about the gift that God gave me of music and my fear that I wouldn’t have the strength to sing after heart surgery. But nine days after that surgery I stood with the choir at Victory Baptist Church and belted a song out as  if nothing was interfering with my health. That my friend is the power of prayer and the power of Almighty God who sits high and looks low.  He looks at a land that He created with such detail and splendor, and turned it over to an ungrateful people. Ingratitude is disease rooted in pride. Pride that we deserve this great land we live in. That we deserve the wonderful people and things in our life. But a three a.m. phone call can change your perspective of life rather quickly. We need to make noise while we have opportunity.

Serve with Gladness

It’s unfortunate that there is probably more sour than sweet saints serving in the sanctuary. If they’re even serving, Many are just sitting. And I’ll not be ungrateful and say I don’t appreciate their presence, because I do! But just for a second, imagine that we are Old Testament saints and not under the grace of God. 

Deuteronomy 28:47-48 KJV

[47] Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things ; [48] Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things : and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee.

I’d venture a guess those who God spoke to would have much preferred serving with a smile than what they got. But it was too little too late. God had had enough. Praise Him for His grace and mercy! Part of our service is simply to lift up our voices in songs of praise. Is that really too much too ask? Another 3 a.m. though that ran through my mind was “uh-oh, I’m on the music schedule this week!” It was a sting in my soul that I haven’t practiced anything yet. I should be preparing to sing a sermonic solo that will encourage God’s people and prepare their hearts for the Pastor’s message. But as always, it’s been down on my list of priority since the last time I sang. I forget what a privilege it is to serve the Lord in such a way.

Get with the Program

He reminds us in verse 3,  “Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” Have we forgotten our role in this world is to glorify and to serve the Creator? I always find it humorous that God refers to us as sheep and we prefer to associate ourselves with foxes, or horses or other more graceful creations, but God says, nope… you’re just dumb sheep. And as always, He’s not wrong. And even though He knows who we are, He loves us and has purpose for us, and that purpose is going to be expanded into the Kingdom depending upon how we serve Him here. 

That thought makes me so much more excited about Heaven. I’m all about having something to do, and to imagine that being something that will allow me to serve God eternally and love every second of it, I’m in like Flynn! How can Christians be sad sack saints? Why can they not see what they’re missing. I pray they discover Who they are in Christ. It’s amazing!

Be Thankful

Thanksgiving shouldn’t just be a day on the calendar. God children need to learn to be more thankful. Society may have huge issues with many things, but there’s no shortage of issues within the Christian family either. There is a failure to understand what we read, comprehend it and then live it. 

The cross isn’t just a piece of jewelry to wear as a symbol of faith. It’s an actual wooden instrument of death that our Lord was crucified on and treated despicably, taking every sin of ours upon Him and yet we wear it as our trophy. I say that with guilt in my own soul because I take too lightly what He did for me. 

That is why when I read this Psalm, knowing what David did not when He wrote it, should give me greater desire to show my gratitude to the Lord Jesus.  

[4] Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. [5] For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

The Lord is so good. And I am in need of His mercy every day and everlasting, and I praise Him that it extends not only to me, but to the generations before and after, that when eternity comes, there won’t  be separation and family tables won’t have empty seats. Glory to God! And may you have the happiest of Thanksgivings! ~ Shari, The Jesus Chick

Posted in Christian, Evangelism, Faith, Uncategorized, Word of God

What makes me want to Walk

If it were possible to walk off this planet and return, I’d do it multiple times a day. And I think I’d be better for it spiritually. If I could just get away from the insanity we call living I’d be a better person, I’m sure of it. Last night in the children’s program, one of the littles ask me “how old I was?” I quickly replied “59.” To which another child replied, “Wow, our teacher at school won’t ever tell us how old she is.” But I’m proud of the number of years God has given me on this earth. Every year I survive is a trophy, especially after the heart attack. But right now, in this age, I have to say that eternity gets sweeter by the second because I want to lay hands on people just about that often. “

This “me first” society has gotten so out of control that the only way I can see it becoming remotely sane again, is if God does something drastic to cause it. That’s a scary thought. And even then, the reaction to any kind of catastrophic event would likely be “me first” to the point of extinction. Yep, that’s the path my mind is on this morning. I got up at 4 a.m. which is typical, only wasted an hour scrolling social media before getting my heart right and turning to the word of God, which I’m sometimes worse. But my mind still labored to turn off yesterday. There were things people said, frustrations expressed, and the flesh rearing it’s ugly head like the snake it is on multiple occasions. And that was me, I won’t even tell you what other people did. And all the while, I’m trying my best to serve the Lord. I more often than not think of myself as the crumbs in a bag, more so than “all that and a bag of chips.” But I have days that I want to go to heaven, push anyone out of my way that’s between God and I and say, “Excuse me, but it’s my turn!” There’s actually nobody between God and I except the people that I put there all the time when I stress this mess we’re living in. But it would just be so nice if I could walk off the planet, and into the throne room of God and have a conversation with Him face to face and allow Him to restore my sanity that the world sucks out of me. 

And then I read this:

Galatians 6:1-9 KJVS
[1] Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 
[2] Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. 
[3] For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.
[4] But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. 
[5] For every man shall bear his own burden. 
[6] Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. 
[7] Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
[8] For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 
[9] And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

So if I Shari quoted that scripture in a way that my mind could really get ahold of it and apply it my life I would say it like this. 

(1) Brothers and sisters, if there are stupid people in your presence, and you are saved, try to help them get their lives together and do it without pretending you’re holy, because you are they, if it were it not for God’s grace.
(2) After that, help them where you can, as Christ has done for you as an example.
(3)Do not think you’re all that and bag of chips, you’re the crumbs.
(4)But do what God would have you do,  and don’t worry about what others are doing, or not doing. 
(5)You have enough troubles in your own life to keep you busy. 
(6)Take care of the people who teach and preach, spiritually and monetarily. 
(7) Don’t be so stupid as to think God’s not aware of what’s going on. He’ll take care of both those who do good, and those who don’t. 
(8)The “me too” society you’re living in will receive in kind what they’re giving out. 
(9) So, don’t try to walk off the planet. In due time, your day will come. 

That my friends is some serious liberty taken with the Word of God. But that’s what I felt this morning as I read Galatians 6.

When I say I want to walk off the planet. It’s not from the people I love. Or even the responsibilities that God has given me. Those are good times. But this worldly influence that can make even a good person selfish, and unconscious of their effect on others make me want to go to the highest hill and yell, “Gabrielle, blow the horn!” And you know how I hate to walk! But desperate time call for desperate measures. That is why I’ll continue you on gleaning from every opportunity God allows.
Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

How to avoid a perverse Gospel

Galatians 1:8-12 KJVS

[8] But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. [9] As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. [10] For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. [11] But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. [12] For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

In twenty five years of following Jesus Christ, I can assure you I have been lead astray more than a time or two on the subject of the gospel. Especially in those early years. I would listen to any thing that had the name of Jesus Christ attached to it. My curiosity was insane. I wanted to learn every thing I could  and right now. That made me an easy target for the accursed.

Accusations of the Accursed

The definition of accursed in the 1928 Webster dictionary is: Separated from the faithful; cast out of the church; excommunicated.

That’s a pretty strong action! Twice in Galatians 1, Paul said to let them be accursed. But that is what the apostle Paul meant by the seriousness of what these people were doing with the gospel of Christ. They were making grace of no effect in the lives of people He died for by adding works. I understand where the confusion comes from, I’ve been there. And the people I was listening to, were not evil people. At least not all of them, there were a few that I’m pretty sure were devils in disguise. But most were simply put, religious. Believing that surely to goodness man had to contribute something.But that is not the case. And although I am an independent Baptist by church title (IBC), I’ve had issues with IBC from the get go, but much of it I chocked up to my rebellious nature. My issues have never been with their viewpoint of salvation, they believed saved by grace alone, they just occasionally add a few works to whether you’re worthy to be in church.

John Gill’s commentary said this: the doctrine which attributes justification to the works of the law, or mixes grace and works in the business of salvation, which was the doctrine of these false teachers, is no Gospel; not truly so, however it may be called; nor does it bring any solid peace and joy to distressed minds. There is but one pure Gospel of the grace of God, and Christ, and his apostles; there is not one and another; there is but one faith, one doctrine and scheme of faith; the Gospel is single and uniform, all of a piece, has no yea and nay, or contradiction in it; this trumpet gives no uncertain sound, nor any dreadful, but a joyful one:

The phrase “distressed mind” was what really caught my attention. That is certainly what religion does! If I have to wear certain things, do certain things, speak certain ways and act certain ways it is for certain I am stressed! I’m going to mess that up somehow because thats not who I am, or who God created me to be. I know that there are some IBC people who would strongly disagree, and that’s okay. Me and Jesus love you anyway. 

The Jews were adding circumcision and feast days and many of the works of the law back into the grace of God. Tell me how that differs from religion of today? You may have to be an IBC to understand what I’m about to say, but tell me the difference between culottes and shorts? The only difference I see is culottes are ugly! I’ve probably just been excommunicated. Not from my church but the IBC group chat. 😂🤣😂I crack myself up! 

It is unfortunate that I can think of many other acts of works that I’ve seen in many denominations. One is no greater offense than than the other to the grace of God. Anything required of man to be considered good enough to attend church is works. If you want to keep any law God said you have to keep all of it. All 613 of them.

Right now, my goal is to get people to church!  To get people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and understand that He is the only one that has the authority to judge them.

Now, with that being said, He will judge you. You will stand before Christ and answer for what you’ve done for Him. If you’ve accepted Christ’s crucifixion as payment for your sin, you’re saved and your sin is covered. You have nothing else to do for salvation. But He did not save you to sit on a shelf or in a pew, look pretty and make godly potato salad for church dinners. He saved you to serve with humility and to any position He calls you to do. 

I wish God gave me the position of appointing positions, but He did not. That’s His trumpet to blow and yours to hear. 

So as for the perverse doctrines of man, I won’t make any more lists, just a thought: kick worldly ideologies out of the church first. Then perhaps people will see the truth that Jesus saves anyone.

Posted in Faith, Life Inspiration, Word of God

We can want it but we can’t will it

Would to God I had full understanding of all things in life. Why things happens and why certain things don’t. Why can I not be everything people need me to be? My heart breaks in two and I stitch it back together spiritually just like the doctors in Morgantown, West Virginia did literally, with one exception; they actually knew what they were doing. I struggle with guilt on a good day, add to my day the inability to fix a problem, and the realization that I am no where close the Apostle Paul level of human, and I’m defeated and the wind is sucked out of my sails. 

I spent yesterday in Parkersburg on Church errands while listening to preachers and I thought I was ready to take on Hell with a water pistol. Oh… I was feeling so accomplished spiritually. And then real life happened. Where real people have real problems and I couldn’t fix it. I was physically hobbling around the city because one of my medicines (atorvastatin) is shredding my heels and ankles. Both  of them… not just one. Hey, it’s all or nothing with me! Following that I attempted to fix other issues like I was the Apostle Luke. A doctor of both the physical and the spiritual. As it turns out, I’m not either.

Proverbs 3:1-6 KJVS

[1] My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: [2] For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. [3] Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: [4] So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. [5] Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. [6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Although I can quote Proverbs 5 and 6, I won’t tell you that I can live it. As for verses 1-4, mercy and truth often feel like they’re choking me so perhaps I at least have them in the right place. 

But let me get to the gist of todays thoughts and try to work my way through this frustration with the word of God as my guide.  

The writer of proverbs is none other than the wisest man ever known,  and yet he too made stupid mistakes. Just because everything is yours for the asking doesn’t mean you should ask. The difference between Solomon’s mistakes and mine is he had the money to back his dumb ideas. But there was a time in the beginning of his life that he sought wise counsel and godly wisdom. Another reason why God doesn’t trust me with money.

Thank God for Grace

Old Testament is filled with History and examples of real people living life in an era not meant for us. Can you imagine if television evangelists could call down fire 🔥 from Heaven for real 😮. Can you imagine stoning a person to death for breaking the law? I have no desire to live in that era, and yet I do when I try to align myself with the law. Grace did not make the law of no effect.

Galatians 5:1-4 KJVS

[1] Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. [2] Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. [3] For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. [4] Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

When the Galatians were trying to live out the law under grace, Paul told them that Christ is become of no effect. What a painful statement. And that is how I felt last night, trying to encourage someone without the ability to physically do something. My flesh wants to fix everyone’s life, but I can’t. So Satan tells me I’m a failure. But where grace and Old Testament still exist is when Solomon tells us to lean not on our understanding. While the Spirit came upon Old Testament saints, the Spirit lives within us. They nor us have to go through this life without the wisdom of God that was once given to the Old Testament priests. But we still have to acknowledge Him. 

Acknowledge Him how? 

His Authority. 

Our lives are a product of our decisions, but there is a Kingdom authority that has the power to change hearts, minds and circumstances. But it is at His discretion.  And that’s where our understanding has to come in. We can want it,  but we can’t will it. That’s God’s decision.

We also have to acknowledge His Sovereignty 

God has the authority to make things happen or not, but His sovereignty decides whether or not it does, and both are good. Boy did I need to hear that this morning. Perhaps you did too. Bad things seldom, if ever, appear as good. But the good will come in God’s sovereign time.

Thirdly, we have to acknowledge His instruction.

1 Corinthians 10:13 KJVS

[13] There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

I attempted to quote this verse last night but only made it through the first part. Which was okay, but it was incomplete; in that it didn’t finish God’s thought. God is faithful and unfortunately so is Satan to his work of creating troubles in the lives of God’s people. The difference is, God can take the temptation away or he will help us to bear it and either way we’re coming through. 🙌🏼

Glorrrrrrrraaaaaay! I hope this word encouraged you today. It sure did me! #Shari #TheJesusChick

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

God Said They’d be Days Like This

This is the third day in a row that I’ve woken up angry. Monday was as a teacher, Tuesday I was angry with David (who has been making me breakfast in bed multiple times this week, so don’t tell him; and then this morning I woke up angry at a Preacher from Wadsworth, Ohio who I adore. All three times were because of the dreams that I had, that were so vivid I would have sworn they were real. The reasoning behind each one upsetting my soul was that the characters in the dreams weren’t doing what they were supposed to do. Teacher didn’t teach, David (I really don’t know what he didn’t do, I just know he made me mad, you know, it’s a Mr. and Mrs. thing.) And this morning, the preacher didn’t preach. 

In my dream I had been so excited to hear this preacher preach that I skipped my own church homecoming. Well, that wouldn’t happen in real life, but it happened in this dream. When I got there, I was ready to hear the word of God! But what I got was the same thing I got from the teacher on Monday. Gibberish. No gospel, just ear pleasing words for the world. I left the service defeated and confused as to why this gospel preaching preacher had gone by the world’s standards and given up sound doctrine. 

Why indeed? 

Do I think it’s a sign? Yes, that I need to talk to my Doc about my meds, but other than that, not really. It does give cause for concern, because both the teacher and the preacher are positions of great power and authority as well as accountability. Some school board officials might want to think about that, and what they’ll stand accountable for exposing our children to, just saying.   There are some people with a calling to teach, and there are some people who answered someone else’s phone! Why do cranky, nasty, intolerant people become teachers?

As for preachers, a real honest to goodness preacher is appointed by God, not man. But as is the case in many other aspects of life, man has assumed the role of God, or so they think. They’ve actually assumed the role of the god of this world, Satan. Which is why I woke up angry. 

When Paul spoke to the worldly church of Corinth, he gave this warning:

2 Corinthians 4:1-5 KJVS

[1] Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; [2] But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. [3] But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: [4] In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. [5] For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.

The Ministry

We have this ministry… Yes indeed we do! And these are exciting times. While every age lives in an age that no one has lived in before, the current age is like watching the words of the gospel play out on a movie screen. For the saved it should be obvious that we need to be busy getting people saved, and when you speak with active church folk that’s what they believe, but there’s not any action on the screen. It’s as if we’re just sitting in the Theatre waiting for the actors to show up. But we’re the actors!  

Paul said “we” have this ministry. There are no other players showing up this season, we’re it. And we’ve got to get busy. 

The Mercy

Mercy is the driving force for me. When I look back on the mercy the Lord has bestowed on me in my lifetime, I am beyond in awe that He would go to such extremes for a failure such as a I. I have let Him down on so many occasions I’m surprised He hasn’t just kicked me to the curb and gotten a new Jesus Chick. I repeatedly say “I’m struggling,” and yet I do very little to fix it. I know some things need to change in my life, but I’ve found multiple excuses to leave them the same. Can anyone else identify with me? Oxen aren’t the only critters that fall in ditches. People do too. And I seem to have been stuck in a ditch lately trying to wiggle my way out but low and behold I just bury myself deeper. 

I need mercy!

Saturday morning as I was doing laundry in my wonderful new machine (that I love) I noticed that the sheets had balled up and I decided to un-ball them. In my great wisdom I opened the front loading washer door, bent over at face level, and pulled the sheets apart. Sheets filled with bleach and detergent… at face level. I suddenly had massive chest pain. I’m not exaggerating the massive part. It took my breath away… or was it the bleach I asked myself. The pain radiated into my back and rather than calling 911, I called my husband David. My go to for times of stress. He told me to go to the hospital, but I didn’t think it was necessary. I told you I need mercy! So he talked to me for a few minutes and I sat in the chair for about an hour until the pain stopped…. No wait it didn’t stop.  To which my conclusion was if it were a heart attack I’d have already died. I’m not making this stuff up, this is what goes on in my head. This is why I had three heart attacks and the Lord extended me mercy in 2018. Mercy in the form of open heart surgery. Which still didn’t teach me a lesson. 

I told you that, not to let you know how very ignorant I am, but to tell you there was some bargaining with God in the waiting room of my pain.

“God, please don’t let this be a heart attack, I have work to do.   There are people I need to see saved, and people I need to tell about Jesus, and I know I’m stupid, and You know I’m stupid. Please have mercy…”

I won’t say that’s verbatim, but it’s close. And I feel the same way a few days after the pain has stopped. I feel the urgency to tell people about Jesus.

The Message

The message is hid from people because Satan has blinded them to see what spiritual minds can see. What a privilege to be among those who can see. Do we understand that privilege? I doubt it. I know too many people who profess salvation but have no desire to share the gospel. That glorious message for which we’ve been given, we are the elite of the Lord and yet we choose to sit at the mercy seat of God and plead for more time that we’re not promised. Not one time in my arm chair pleading did I hear the Spirit say, “okay Shari, you have more time.” No, all I heard was the sound of my pleading.

So this morning as I finish this blog, I’m pleading with myself, and I’m pleading with you, Let’s get busy today. Our ministry is to share the Message… God be merciful unto us and send us souls to share to. Love you all. Mean it for realsies. Shari.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

The Greatest of Educators

I watched yesterday as someone touted their own greatness because of a college degree. I’m not making light of the hard work that is applied to getting a degree, but what complicates this subject for me is when people pay good money for their minds to be corrupted by worldly educators who teach self focus and ungodly principles to live by.  If you disagree that is fine, and if you survived unscathed by higher education I praise God for that, and this blog isn’t even about the worldly education system. Today is brought to you by the Holy Spirit. The best, and only worthwhile Educator that currently resides in this world. 

Titus 2:1 KJVS

[1] But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:

This world is so corrupt that I have no doubt that even the most pure of mind struggles. For the record, that’s not me. I struggle on a good day. Scroll two seconds on social media and something corrupt will be before your eyes and ears. Then one might ask, why do you expose yourself to it? Because mingled in with the world of tares is a bushel of wheat that loves Jesus. 

Matthew 13:25 KJVS

[25] But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

This is why it’s so important to stay in the word of God. It is pure and undefiled. It is full of nothing but truth and righteousness and through it the Holy Spirit speaks to us and gives us the greatest of all education. Because of it, I can live in this world and look out at the vast fields of earth, and see God’s goodness and I can continue on in sound doctrine, knowing that I am privileged to have unlimited knowledge dwelling within my soul. Is that not the wildest, most wonderful thought? For someone who wrestles with self worth, the Holy Spirit is a touch of Heaven. As I wrote this morning I didn’t feel “less.” Because He makes me feel “more.” He gives me purpose in the day which is to tell the world what Jesus has done in my life. Not to “tout” my own achievements, but to glorify God.

So this morning I speak the sound things that have become sound doctrine in my life and will serve to protect me from the evil of the day. 

Were it not for Grace…

Titus 2:11-15 KJVS

[11] For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, [12] Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; 

I cannot look at the word grace without seeing the acronym “God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense.” The wealth of God given to “all” men by their acceptance of what His Son did for them on the cross. It’s so simple, which is why so many in the world have trouble accepting it. It allows no room for their works or their glory which is what the world teaches us to seek. Humility is not the new black. It’s never been an “in” color. And I love color! Imagine the joy that Joseph had when his father gave him the coat of many colors that aggravated his brothers. 

Genesis 37:3 KJVS

[3] Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours.

They knew Joseph was the favorite and viewed him as a threat. The same reason Satan has sought to destroy Jesus from birth and men and women of the world would rather have religion than the relationship. Religion puffs a soul up, relationship with Christ humbles the heart.

Were it not for Hope…

[13] Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 

Every day I’m looking and listening for the trump of God to sound. I want it now, but also later. I have family and friends who do not know Christ and when the trumpet sounds, and the church disappears from off this earth, my heart sinks in the knowledge that they’ll know why we’re gone. They’ll know because they’ve heard me talk about it. There will be many people on this earth who won’t know because they’ve either failed to hear, or they’ve never been told of what’s coming, or should I say Who’s coming in the clouds of Glory!

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJVS

[16] For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: [17] Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. [18] Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Were it not for Hope they’d be no comfort.

Were it not for Redemption…

[14] Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. [15] These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.

Talk about an expensive education. Mine cost Jesus His life. How dare I allow anyone to look down at me or despise me when the Creator of all the universe gave His life for mine. It is when my relationship with Christ suffers that my self worth suffers. If I’m not reading the word or being encouraged through preaching and other gospel means, I’m a walking target for Satan and his minions to pummel my mind with vile thoughts. And so are you!

An education should lead to purpose. Too many Christians get saved and then begin the wait for Christ’s return. But rather than serving they just sit. They sit in church on Sunday morning, and if they’re die hard’s they’re back on Sunday night and Wednesday. They sit in Sunday School to learn the word, but seldom use the knowledge. I guess they’ll stand before God one day and hope to recite it. And God will pat them on the head and send them skipping down the streets of Heaven. I want to hear, “Well done thou good and faithful servant!” I want to hear God say, “Thank you for your zealousness!”

I hope this word comforted your heart in this trying world. I sure do love Jesus. And I sure do love you. 

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Evangelism, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration

The Word of God is Finished, Not the Work

Titus 1:10-16 KJVS

[10] For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: [11] Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake. [12] One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. [13] This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; [14] Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. [15] Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. [16] They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Religion has always left a bad taste in my mouth, but lately, it’s come to the point where I feel like the whale that swallowed Jonah. No wonder he finally puked him out on the ground… one can only take so much. This is the emotion I felt as someone described the current state of their church. (I’m going to claim righteous indignation on this one). I think God’s okay with my ire, after all, it is the souls of men dangling over hell while a preacher looks on, not wanting to hurt their feelings by preaching what thus saith the Lord. 

That was not the case in the letter from Paul to Titus, though the result is much the same. The prophet of which Paul spoke of is said to be a man named Epimenides. The commentary of John Gill said that in his (Epimenides) poems stand the words here cited; the apostle rightly calls him “one of themselves”, since he was a Cretian by birth, of the city of Gnossus; it is reported of him, that being sent by his father to his sheep in the field, he by the way, at noon, turned aside into a cave, and slept fifty seven years and he is very properly called a “prophet” of their own; for in Crete Jupiter had his prophets, and he might be one of them: the priests among the Heathens were called prophets; so Baal’s priests are called the prophets of Baal, and the prophets of the groves, 1 Kings 18:19. 

Epimenides was a judaizing Christian who mixed the works of Old Testament law with the grace of God. Paul warned Titus of the likes of men such as him and told him to call them out, (vs. 13). Would to God that this were the case today. But instead we sit idly by and watch as religious nonsense goes from one extreme to the other. 

I love encouraging people in the word of God, and the Bible certainly tells us to exhort one another. There is plenty of things to be exhorted by in the word of God, it is good news! But today as I focus my mind on being doctrinely sound, trying to be a responsible child of God, frustration mounts and I want to call out lying, evil beasts and slow bellies which is how I view anyone who is in a position of authority in a church (such as a Pastor), who stands before a congregation of God’s people with out regard or a feeling of responsibility or accountability for their souls and fails to tell them how to be saved. To the outside world they’re “good” people. But in reality they are a tool of Satan himself.

Did that word encourage you? I doubt it. But let it be for you, as it is for me this morning; a reminder that we too will stand before God accountable for what we’ve done with the word of God. Not just the Preacher. I’ve been scattered and lack with my blog because I’ve been tired and weary with life. That’s not an excuse, it’s just a fact. So as I read Paul’s charge to Titus, I couldn’t help but wonder what he would say to me as I debate what my role is in the church, and who is it that is coming up behind me? Who are the modern Titus’, Timothy’s, Aquila’s and Priscilla’s? The word of God is finished, but not the work. The names are now ours, and God is calling us out. That is a word of encouragement! 

If you run into a lying, evil beast of a slow belly, tell them what Jesus has done in your life. Perhaps, through your words they’ll desire to know the truth about God.

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Evangelism, Forgiveness, Life Inspiration

Are You Wearing Compassion

Philemon 1:1 KJVS

[1] Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer,

I encourage you to take a few minutes of your day and read the book of Philemon if this blog stirs your soul. I think most of us can relate to an act of betrayal by someone we love. It doesn’t have to be an affair, it can be even the smallest of betrayals;  but any act by someone we love that shows a lack of consideration or respect for the depth of love in a relationship, hurts. For Philemon, this wasn’t a betrayal by a friend, or perhaps he was, but Onesimus the character for which Paul is writing, was a slave who had run away. That was a crime punishable by death. A crime every child of God is guilty of. 

The book of Philemon struck a chord with me today because of a need to forgive some people in my life. People who likely don’t even know, or care that I have ought against them. They’re not friends, they’re just acquaintances through someone else. But their actions hurt someone I love. So therefore, I ain’t happy. And if Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. Or so they say. 🙂 Actually, that’s not true either. I generally don’t even let people know that Momma ain’t happy. Believing another of Paul’s theories of behavior in 2 Corinthians 2:1-2

[1] But I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness. [2] For if I make you sorry, who is he then that maketh me glad, but the same which is made sorry by me?

But Philemon was such a good place for me to be in spiritually today. Reminding me that the world is need of the forgiveness of children of God. Those who understand the ultimate cost of it by Christ, else how will the world ever know there is a difference. 

What makes this story such a wonderful Christian reminder is the fact that a man of such great stature took the time to write a letter, while he was suffering in prison. He did so to defend a slave and seek out the compassion of his owner to treat the slave not as the piece of property he was, but as a brother in Christ, an equal to the owner. Glory to God that stirs my soul!!! 

Betrayal is harsh, personal and it cuts deep. How many times had Paul been betrayed? It didn’t matter to him, because he looked at the ultimate betrayal he himself had committed against the Lord and it’s where our spirit of forgiveness should come from. That is the chastisement I feel in my soul this morning. I know we’re all human, but humanity is not an excuse in the scope of eternity. While I can get in the flesh and say, “look what they’ve done!” I can just as easily get in the Spirit and say “look what I did.”

Paul knew that Philemon was within his rights as a slave owner to be upset with Onesimus. But he appealed to him not as a slave owner, but as one who had been freed from the bondage of sin in his own life. According to one commentary, there is evidence that a slave who was initiated into the owners religion was no longer a slave, but because of the common bond, was a free man. When Onesimus had left Philemon, he wasn’t a believer, but as God would have it, he met Paul and found his name written in a book of eternity, both on this earth and in Heaven. 

Are there people, who through our treatment of them, can be found to be written down in the book of Life because God made them a divine appointment with us? What if at that appointment we treated them like dung and they were forever lost? Will we not be held accountable? Paul both showed and taught compassion. For me today I have an assignment from the Lord, perhaps it’s yours too. Compassion, wear it well my friends.

Posted in Christian, Eternity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Purpose, Word of God

I’ve been reading Israel’s Mail

Psalm 46, a Psalm I’ve heard quoted and one that I myself have quoted with little regard to the context. But with the current state of affairs in our Nation, suddenly scripture that once encouraged my gentile heart, now points my heart toward eternity and the word toward Israel. Our Pastor’s been doing an amazing study on end times and drawing our minds into the word of God, in ways that cause us to look at scripture, and wonder why it had not been so obvious before. 

Psalms has always been an attractive read for me because of its poetic nature. And that perhaps has been my downfall for understanding. I looked at the eloquence of the words more so than the meaning. With that compass pointing a solid north for me this morning, I delved into Psalm 46 as if I was reading it for the first time. 

Psalm 46:1-11 KJVS

[1] God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. [2] Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; 

Verse one may be one of the most quoted scriptures of all times. And for certain the application can be made to every child of God! He has never forsaken me in a day of trouble, for which I’ve had many. I would still put that on my wall today and call it good; but it’s not written to me. I’m reading Israel’s mail. When I have continued on to verse two, I’ve read it metaphorically. After all, I have yet to see the mountains of West Virginia carried into the sea. But there will come a day when this scripture will be in the literal sense; and those who read it then, who see it live and in action for themselves, will hang onto every word of God as if it’s a life raft, which it will be. Israel will be those people. 

 [3] Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. [4] There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. 

The upheaval  we see in our nation and others now will be nothing compared to the upheaval of end times. The mountains referred to in this passage are metaphorically speaking of the  kingdoms and the water  speaks to peoples and nations as it does in Revelation 17:15

 Revelation 17:15 KJVS

[15] And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 

So the waters roaring in verse 3 are equivalent to the nations in uproar in verse 6.  We have witnessed in 2020 how quickly nation can turn against nation. How quickly the land of the free and the home of the brave  can become a nation of cowardly jailers who lock up or shut up anyone who disagrees. If you are a liberal of mind, you can say that  i’m wrong, but you can offer no evidence to back up your argument. If you happen to be a conservative who doesn’t believe me, give back your badge, you’re out of the club. 🤪 I brought that up as evidence to the quick changing of times for which we have been warned about. Living in denial (which I personally love) does not stop prophecy. Woah. That should be on a tee shirt. 

For reference I point to 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4 KJVS

[1] But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. [2] For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. [3] For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. [4] But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

As I continue on I read that the mountains shaking, tumbling, or dissolving (v2, 3, 6) are equivalent to kingdoms falling (v6). This is similar to the picture painted in Micah 1:3-4:

Micah 1:3-4 KJVS

[3] For, behold, the Lord cometh forth out of his place, and will come down, and tread upon the high places of the earth. [4] And the mountains shall be molten under him, and the valleys shall be cleft, as wax before the fire, and as the waters that are poured down a steep place.

If God Himself comes down out of the heavens, He whose hand can span the heavens, what damage might He do to the earth? When Jesus came to earth He came in the form of a man; the foot prints He left on this earth were of no greater stature than that of ordinary men. But end times is a game changer for the earth and God can return in any form He so chooses. Praise His holy name, the church will have been called home. Yes! I am pre-trib.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 KJVS

[13] But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. [14] For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. [15] For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. [16] For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: [17] Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. [18] Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Now, on with my study…

[5] God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. 

A new friend gave me a gift yesterday which is what drew me into his scripture. And it was this verse in particular. I adore gift, the giver and the scripture. God is in the midst of me, in m very soul and i shall not be moved! But in context this speaks to God being in the midst of Israel. Right in the thick of end times. There are those in this world that are naive enough to believe that they will have power over God’s people. Foolish, foolish mortals read the end of the book!

[6] The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. [7] The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. [8] Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth. [9] He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. [10] Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. [11] The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

Verse 10 is yet another verse we find on walls, bible covers and note cards. And yet i doubt there is any person on this earth that would want to live through whats happening when these verses are being played out. 

While reading, and receiving encouragement from the word of God is always a blessing, bible study and understanding will bring God’s purpose for it into perspective. So, even though i had always  opened Israel’s 🇮🇱 mail by mistake, it was good to read and reflect on how God used the psalmist to share prophecy that will encourage us to get busy for the King!

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Grace, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Sharing God’s Bounty

Here it is, 9:30 Tuesday morning and I’m just getting in tune with God. It’s not that I’ve been totally useless this morning, I did a little laundry folding, took a couple of grands to school after fixing them a highly nutritious breakfast…. Okay it was filled donuts,… but hey, they didn’t go to school hungry. So I consider that a win! My grandparenting skills are no better than my parenting skills, except I,m a tad calmer. Or perhaps I’ve confused calm with weak.

So my last few days went something like this… I left for Pennsylvania on Friday, turned a four hour drive into a five hour drive by getting lost,which was a win because of the fall country scenes.  I did a conference from 8 to 4 on Saturday and then drove home fours hours and fell in to bed. I got up at 6 am Sunday, did the bulletin and the PowerPoint and headed off to church where I taught Sunday school and met some favorite cousins from Florida for worship. Went to my sisters for lunch and then to a football game for my grandson, but only until it was time to leave for church. Went back to evening service and then home for a few hours before bed. I did five loads of laundry before 10 a.m. on Monday and then did my live feed on Facebook. Went and did an art project for my daughter at 11:30 and then off to the nursing home to sing at two p.m. Picked the grands up from school, fixed burgers and fries for supper collapsed for a few hours before bed and now I’ve pretty much filled you in on my life. 

I’d love to tell you that it’s not my norm, but it is. Which is why I found my mind in a weary place today. Not sad, not troubled… weary. Perhaps you feel my pain.

Paul felt it. And at a much more extreme level than myself. So to myself, I say, “Suck it up buttercup.”


Galatians 6:8-14 KJVS

[8] For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. [9] And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 

It is sad to say, that there were many wasted hours within my days. Time that I could have invested much wiser. I know God understands but for all my well doing, I’m a hot mess more often than not. So how can I refresh this weary soul? This morning I’m looking at Paul’s advice to the Galatians and trying to imagine if he had dropped by my house along the way to encourage me. Can you imagine! 

It feels a little like that as I read his words. He has put the prize of life everlasting before me and said. “ Don’t grow weary! There’s going to be plenty of time to rest on the other side. As fast as time is flying down here, I know he’s right, but there needs to be some hoeing to go with that reaping and sowing.


[10] As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. [11] Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand. [12] As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. [13] For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.

When I think of gardening (since I am an experienced farmer now 😂) part of the fun is having a bounty to share. I can’t say that my two 8×12 foot  patches heaped enough to share, but spiritually speaking can I say that I have heaped enough of the word of God into my soul and hoed the ground around it.  I know my metaphorical speaking is tough this morning but it’s where I’m at! How well have I tilled the ground when it comes to in depth study so that I have a good root foundation to make a harvest. 

Paul’s words have me pondering that. I want to study harder so that when I speak it’s with a greater passion and less weariness. Part of the reason I am so weary is the guilt I put upon myself for being so unproductive, and yet, that’s part of what Paul warned about when he pointed them to the religious crowd insisting upon circumcision. Works make us weary. But building our relationship with God and His people is a worthy invigorating harvest. 

My life is BUSY! But this mornings focus on tilling my own ground has renewed my Spirit. I pray you find some time to focus on God today too!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Faith, Uncategorized

Have you thanked your Pastor?

October is Pastor Appreciation month! Have you shown your Pastor the appreciation they deserve?There is so much more to be being a Pastor than most of the congregation understands, which is primarily because most people only think about the Pastor one day a week, unless there is a wedding, funeral or illness.  If you ask many people how many days a week they believe their pastor to work, they’d say one or two. Again, a misunderstanding on the life of a Pastor. 

I have the advantage of knowing Pastor’s from all across the globe. There is certainly a difference in how the ministry is approached dependent upon the region the Pastor lives in. America is a blessed Nation, but even here geographical location matte rs. My Pastor moved from a larger city in Florida to very, very rural West Virginia. His prior location had more people in one city than we have in our entire county. Our population is less than 7000 and it’s scattered throughout paved and unpaved roads. My friend Dewey who lives in the vastly populated city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, traveled four hours on a Sunday morning to get to a church in a scarcely populated area. Four hours!!! What would cause a man to do that? A Pastor’s heart. 

In the King Jams version of the Bible I looked up the word “pastor” for relevant texts to begin my journey into today’s post. 

The word “Pastor” is only mentioned nine times throughout the entire bible. (Yes there are other variations, but the title Pastor only nine times) and eight of those were in the book of Jeremiah. Six of those eight verses are not in a favorable light! The final verse is Ephesians 4:11

Ephesians 4:11 KJVS

[11] And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

With the charge to follow in verse 12

Ephesians 4:12 KJVS

[12] For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

Perfecting doesn’t mean to make us perfect without sin, but rather equipping us with what we need to continue on in this world. That doesn’t sound like a part time job to me! Not in the world we live in. God didn’t just give Pastor’s that responsibility, He added ministers of the gospel to the work as well and all to feed the body of Christ. A call to my own life through Pastor’s who rightly divide the word of God.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the Nursing Home to minister in song to the residents. Because of Covid I’m no longer allowed to interact with the residents. I walk through a back entrance into the hallway of the unit and sit in a chair with a microphone that is tapped into headsets on the long term care as they sit in their rooms. It’s not ideal for me, but at least I’m there. As I sang a little lady popped her head out of her room which was on my end of the hall. She whispered, “can I set with you?” I motioned to a chair sitting across the hall from me and told her I wouldn’t tell if she wouldn’t. I had forgotten my usual repertoire of songs, so I had borrowed their “heavenly highway hymn” book and was content to sing from it. She sang every tune with me and tapped her little foot and it was such joy to be apart of her day if only for a few minutes. I’m not a Pastor, but I am a minister and privileged to be so. 

When a Pastor “perfects” the body of Christ, he’s equipping them to go out and minister the gospel as well. 

The problem Jeremiah had in his day, is the same problem we have in churches across the country today. Jeremiah gave warning in Jeremiah 23:2 KJVS

[2] Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the Lord.

There’s plenty of fault to go around both from lazy congregations and lazy pastors as to why the church hasn’t kept the true calling as Paul described in Ephesians. I’m not pointing fingers (today anyway) I’m just throwing this thought out in hopes of dinging a few church bells. We need to thank our Pastor’s and Praise God for those who work in the labor of the Lord. Who understand the accountability for souls and take it serious. We need to encourage each other to share the work load… and it is a load of work!

Every day is another opportunity to examine our lives and see what we can do to improve our relationship with the Lord. Today, we can start by taking a few minutes to thank the preacher. Get the love train going for our church leaders!!!  

Posted in Christian Service, Life Inspiration

Are You Laboring in Vain?

I am a lover of words. I love the fact that they can paint an image as clearly as paint on canvas in the mind of a listener. I desire to write in such a manner that causes the reader to feel as though they’re a part of my story. My friend Ed Eisley has that power with words, he’s the greatest of story tellers. He is the greatest of story tellers because he is passionate about the stories he tells and he loves to excite his listeners, that’s a good lesson for the child of God. How excited are you about how God is working in your life?

The Spirit Speaks

When I was first saved, I was beyond excited and I thought everything in my life had godly purpose and intent. As I grew spiritually I began to realize that many of those things that excited me, or I thought were of God were actually distractions of other spirits to get my mind off Kingdom works and onto earthly works. Whatever I do, I’m a zealot. Sometimes to a fault. I was the same prior to salvation, but salvation gave my works value. Perhaps that is what Paul reminded the Galatians of in chapter 4, or perhaps he was just tired of zealots like me who can easily get off focus. 

Galatians 4:6-18 KJVS

[6] And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. [7] Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

Paul reminded them that God had written them into His story! Isn’t that an amazing thought. As the body of Christ, He tells stories through our lives using us as illustration. Is it any wonder I get so excited? But then Paul reminds them about another story that was written prior to their salvation. When they were caught up in the world and the story being written was one of heartache and sorrow, and yet they were turning back to that very thing. So much so that Paul was afraid he’d invested his time in waste.  

The Flesh Speaks

 [8] Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods. [9] But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? [10] Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. [11] I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.

I can get so wrapped up in worldly things that are not wrong, but they’ll have no heavenly value, and they’re for certain a distraction from what my focus should be on as a servant of Christ. I caught myself yesterday volunteering for something that would have been fine, if I had the time, which I do not! Praise God the person for whom I volunteered had enough sense to say, “no, I have someone else who can do it.” I felt my soul sigh a sigh of relief and wondered why I had opened my mouth! Because I’m always trying to please people. And forgetting that I have Kingdom work to do. 

And so I questioned, did God give me the many talents for which He has, as a labor in vain? Should I use them as a bondage to the world and not for the freedom I have in expressing what Christ has done in my life. God created me to be a story teller, an artist of words as well as images, but not to be in bondage by the world who will use my talents and cast them away like yesterdays news. What about you? Have your talents been squandered away by the world and used for their entertainment or glory. And if so are you ready for God to re-focus your attention to His work? I for certain am.

 [12] Brethren, I beseech you, be as I am ; for I am as ye are : ye have not injured me at all. [13] Ye know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel unto you at the first. [14] And my temptation which was in my flesh ye despised not, nor rejected; but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus. [15] Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? for I bear you record, that, if it had been possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me. [16] Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? [17] They zealously affect you, but not well; yea, they would exclude you, that ye might affect them. [18] But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when I am present with you.

There was a time when the Galatians were so zealous and excited over Paul’s ministry that they would have plucked their own eyes  out for him to be able to see more clearly. But that depth of love for him had ceased. And when Paul continued in his excitement for the righteousness of God, their focus went elsewhere and now Paul words that had once painted a beautiful image, now upset them because the truth hurts. They were still zealous, but not all zealousness is good.

It’s good to be excited and it’s fine to exited about things of the world. Heck, I got so excited over a recent washer and dryer purchase you would have thought I had gone to Walt Disney World when I did the laundry. It still hasn’t worn off. I was excited because for the first time in all my years of doing laundry, I felt that my clothes were beyond clean!!!! The smell is amazing, the stains are gone and my clothes look shiny and new… a lot like my soul after the salvation of Christ! And yes I’m still excited about that!!!! But I can get off focus. 

Paul’s words reminded me today that I need to get some excitement back in my ministry and stop losing focus to things in this world. I don’t have time for that! 

What about you? Where is your zealousness focused? I pray it is on the things of Christ and that He uses your talents for Him mightily!!! Glory to God He is so good. How can we not be excited?

Posted in Faith, Family, Life Inspiration

Pardon Me While I Work Thru My Issues

I fear the concept of being the “bride” of Christ is lost on most of the church. (Revelation 21:9) No man or woman in their right mind would tolerate a spouse who only spoke to them on Sunday. And only then through a third party. Monday through Saturday conversations might be grace at the table, but I doubt it, because even that is viewed as extreme Christianity by many. I know for a fact that many Christians use God’s name, although I don’t believe it’s directed to him but more at an object or circumstance. Many call on the Lord’s name in times of trouble, but what about every day conversation? I used to jokingly say I thought I was a prayer warrior until I realized I was just always praying for forgiveness. I stopped joking about that… it was too true and not funny at all. 

Pardon me, while I work through my issues.

I began this mornin in James, thinking about my own relationship with Christ. How I desired more, but failed miserably. I thought about my relationship with my earthly husband David, who I have days that I want to knock his head off his shoulders, (in the name of Jesus)  and then other days I could not love another person any more. I wonder if that’s how Jesus feels about me? And then I got that image stuck in my mind about the woman pulling away for her beloved, and my heart broke to think of Jesus in that position every time I pull away from Him. What about you? How’s your marriage to the Lord? Or are you even on speaking terms? I can assure you that He will speak to you, because I’ve tested that theory too many times to tell. I walk away and when I walk back, He’s still there… and He receives me as if I’d never turned my back on Him. Would to God I understood the depth of His love. 

In the book of James, he calls us adulterers and adulteresses. Wow. That’s pretty harsh. But God doesn’t mince words. So why should I. 

I was in a meeting yesterday with some very “honest people.” I loved that about them. And almost everyone there agreed that they’d like to hear the truth and only the truth. My first thought was “would ya really?”  Cause if you’d like the truth I can stand up and start preachin’ right now because I’ve got a few things on my mind. But I did not. You know… timing and all. But together let’s you and I for the gospels sake, read these three little verses in James and see what God has to say about the matter of wayward children.

James 4:3-5 KJVS

[3] Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. [4] Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. [5] Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

What are you asking for?

Every time I see something shiny I ask God for it. And He gently reminds me about my “first world problems.” But for the sake of our conversation, what is the very first thing that comes to your mind of something you really want? Write it down. I did. I want in my life “stillness.” No waves, just a calm sea with everything: relationships, finances, spirituality… life. I have faith that Jesus can deliver, I also have faith that when He does, I or someone else will throw a rock in the water and the ripples will start!

James said we don’t receive it because we ask amiss. For all the wrong reasons. So I ask myself, why do I want “stillness.” And it’s totally for me. Because I am tired of waves. 

Jesus said in John 16:33 KJV

[33] These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

One of the reasons I don’t have peace is the fact that when I ask God to calm the sea, I just want to get out of the boat and away from the trouble. When often times God wants me to be very present in that storm. I hate confrontation, disputation, tribulation and any other “ations” that make waves. I also do not like being my own sermon illustration. But as I have said many times, I am because I make my life is full of material to work from. And usually because I merely want out of a situation that I got myself in, or God has placed me in someone’s life to be an example of Christ. Boy do I fail that one!

Point 2 in James conversation with us is:

That’s what you’re asking for?

One of the things that causes chaos in my life is our small home. Most people could fit my house into their living room. I have a small home and a large life! A large blessed life. On any given day there is upward to a dozen people in and through my house. Many of those, at least six if not more, are children. Rowdy, loud, wonderful, messy children who have no clue what a trash can or a dishwasher are for.

So in the context of James scripture he speaks of being friends with the world. Well, what does that have to do with me wanting some peace of mind? If God took my rowdy, loud, dirty house away from me, He would likely have to take the element of family away. Then I would have all the time in the world to deal with the world, but to what avail? 

I was watching one of my favorite podcasts the other day with the Duck Dynasty Robertson family. They were all at Phil and Miss Kay’s house. Although his humble home is somewhat bigger than mine, it still had a lot of similarity. He was hosting a redneck dinner with family and friends and his house sounded a lot like mine. Except his was adults and they probably put their plates in the sink. But what I took from that was what I needed reminded of, it’s not the size of the home, it’s what you do with it. I know many people with beautiful homes and miserable lives. I’m not miserable… I’m just tired. Be careful what you ask for…

James’ 3rd and final point, dinged my bell when he ask: Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

Lusteth to envy? What on earth does that mean?

In the Bible according to Shari it would be worded something like this:

Do you think I’m just talking to hear myself talk? You just want that stuff so people will envy your life.

What? Is that true Lord. Do I want to impress people? I don’t know if that was so much the case as being ashamed of what God had given me. That rang my bell. And so a few waves calmed today. I’m not nearly so worried about keeping up with modern trends or who thinks what about my home. Just be prepared if you visit. We’re loud. The kitchen is likely going to have dirty dishes because someone is always eating or I am baking. The furniture is comfortable and moderately clean with the exception of the occasional dog hair. Okay, more than occasional. But people are loved and welcomed. And I have coffee. 

I feel a little tighter with the Lord. He reminded me of how very blessed we are to be a child of God and that we have everything we need. 

Posted in Christian Service, failure, Faith, Forgiveness, Life Inspiration

You’re Not Alone

I had no sooner gotten into bed last night, when the lyrics to a song began to run through my head. It’s been another rough week, spiritually speaking. And truthfully the lyrics came from a dark place inside my mind where I allow thoughts to gather and attack my peace. Am I alone? I kind of doubt it, which not so coincidentally is the title of the song, “I’m not alone.” One of my favorite lines in the lyrics is “A saint is just a sinner who fails yet still believes.” 

It’s never been a secret that I struggle with confidence. I push through it because I know God has called me to serve Him in front of people, and so I do. Flaws and all. But then there are days when someone looks at me wrong, or says something, for which they likely gave no thought, but it cuts me to core and I’m feeling less. I know that I’m less than I could be, but I feel less than I am, and that’s down right pathetic! I’m self critical, I fail God daily, and the tole it takes is running me down spiritually and causing me to run from God. 

Let me just say… that’s a bad idea. 

So why does God choose to use me in spite of it all. I have only one answer that makes any sense. I’m my own sermon illustration. 

If you don’t take notes in church, you should. It will make the sermon connect with you better if you write down key points that speak to your heart. I need life application preaching, because I know that God doesn’t say anything without purpose and when I hear the preacher speak, I know it’s going to be something I need for my spiritual tool kit this week. Maybe that’s what this blog is for you today, it’s a spiritual tool kit.

One of the things that the preacher said Sunday was “Satan comes after us with the things we agree with.” He can captivate our attention with that and distract us from the work of God for hours. P.R.E.A.C.H.! That is me in a nutshell. He distracts me by allowing me to get hung up on things I have no control over. Like churches not preaching the gospel, or self righteous people, or what about politics? Satan doesn’t care if I go on a tyrannical posting jag over things like that. If I’m on those subjects, I’m not winning souls or encouraging someone in their faith.   I’m also not focusing on my own flaws. Hello? 

So this morning I just wanted to remind you, if you’re feeling like a failure, you’re not alone. That too is something Satan will pack his arsenal full of to keep you down. I’m fighting my way back out of that hole, I’ve been there so much lately I keep snacks in there so I don’t get hungry. I ain’t lyin!

Here’s my game plan.

Face reality… what ever it is.

Let God work through it and you pray.

Commit to faithfulness to His word. (READ!)

That’s a game plan that will work… I just keep forgetting. 

Romans 8:31-39 KJVS

[31] What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? [32] He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? [33] Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth. [34] Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. [35] Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? [36] As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. [37] Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. [38] For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Life Inspiration

The Truth About You

My frustration mounts daily. Certainly with myself and also for my people. There are times that I truthfully don’t understand why God has not taken me home already. And then there are times when I know my purpose and God’s eternal plan, I make every attempt to accomplish the goals He sets before me and by the time I jump through the hoops of the day and work my way around the obstacles of life, I collapse in exhaustion. And such is life. But my frustration for the people in my life for which I care about has been hitting an all time high. And then I hear a statement like that made of David O’Steen, a visiting preacher to our church and I’m back in the battle again. Armed with the Word of God and ready to take on the toughest case.

“God did not put us on this earth so we’d have a beautiful place to leave for Hell from.”  – David O’Steen. That’s a very simplistic thought with some deep doctrinal truth that I need to share today with the people I love.

It’s not a statement that takes a philosophical thinker. It should be a statement that makes common sense. And the great danger in not understanding this simple truth is the wrath of God.

Hold On to the Truth

Romans 1:18-20 KJVS

[18] For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 

In this world where the truth is a rare commodity, it’s hard to know what is truth and what is lie. With one exception. The word of God is absolute undeniable truth. Whether or not a person believes it is truth doesn’t change the fact that it is. The denial of that will reveal the wrath of God because it is an ungodly and unrighteous act to say that scripture is questionable. Is it a sin to question God? I have certainly questioned God with why He allows things to happen. That’s human nature. But to read the word of God and question it’s validity is to call God a liar. And as a fully human person, I am certain that I have questioned why God did what He did in many of the books of the Bible. But I don’t question that He did it. And as for the moral compass that is within each verse and chapter, if a person lived by it, how wonderful their life would be. Speaking from the experience of not living by it like I should and suffering the consequences. 

Wrath however is different than consequences. I see consequence for sin as a child of God as worldly suffering. Wrath can come when you have denied the Word of God, questioned His legitimacy and you will find yourself in the hands of God and He is angry. The same Who spoke the world into existence can speak you out of it. 

I will hang on to the truth. That is also my recommendation to you.

Hold On to the Evidence

[19] Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

God not only gives us His word, He gives us His evidence. Everyday God’s creation testifies of itself. How on earth could anyone look at creation and think that it just one day magically appeared. How does love magically appear. How does the human body in its intricacy and amazement just one day come to be. The person who believes that is beyond ignorant.  And I say that in love. For me a mentally challenged person is not one who is subpar in earthly knowledge; it’s someone who has wisdom and fails to give God the glory or use it for His good. 

One of the very evidence of God is you. You prove His existence everyday in the way you laugh, breath and go on in spite of everything you’ve been through. God creates tenacious people! Hold on the evidence and share it with those who question.

Let Go of the Excuses

[20] For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

You my friend are a created being with eternal purpose, else why would God have bothered to invest so much into you? Think about everything that goes into making you, you. Your body alone has so many amazing things about it, but add to that your thoughts, your passions, your desires and talents…. Oh my stars! You’re crazy amazing!!!!  I’ve never doubted that God had purpose for me, it’s just that some times I don’t know how to use the gifts I’ve been given. I understand if you have fears about God asking you to step outside your comfort zone. I fear. He sometimes just shoves me out in front of a crowd and I just roll with it because I don’t know how else to to do it. But if He allows many any time to think about it, I begin to question, (not the fact that He created me) but why He created me. And I’ll begin making excuses for why I can’t or shouldn’t do what He created me to do. But I don’t question that He created. And as Paul wrote the Romans, anyone who does is without excuse. 

If you read my blog, you are most like a believer. But if you know people who aren’t (and we all likely do), stop making excuses and step outside your comfort zone so they can see the evidence of God in your life. He’s amazing! The truth is, You’re amazing. Let the word see it!

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Forever My Lydia

After fourteen hours of travel, as a very tired and weary traveler, I pulled onto the tree line streets of Windom, Minnesota for the very first time in my life. I had loved seeing a part of our nation I had never had the opportunity to visit, but I had no idea on that day how much I would come to love the city of Windom, but even more so the people. I had little to no apprehension of stepping out of my car and knocking on the door of an address I had been given to meet a woman who had opened up her home for the purpose of hosting me during my stay. Her name was Loretta Jackson. A woman small in stature, but huge in heart. She answered the door with a smile that lit up the outdoors and we were fast friends. 

We had two things in common. First of all we both loved and served the Lord. Secondly, we were married to fire fighters, although her fighter husband had retired. We started talking when she opened the door and we didn’t stop until she and I hugged goodbye a week later. Her home was modest and filled with memories of her life that showed her love for her family and friends. She and I shared our work in the ministry and how God had changed our lives through allowing us to serve. God has been good to me to allow me the privilege of knowing some of His greatest servants. 

Loretta will forever be my Lydia. 

Acts 16:14-15 KJVS

[14] And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us : whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul. [15] And when she was baptized, and her household, she besought us, saying, If ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house, and abide there. And she constrained us.

By the time I came to know Loretta, she was retired and up in years, but like Lydia she never stopped working. While there were certainly younger women who could have stepped in and did what Loretta did for the Lord, she knew that God had called her to serve, so serve she would! 

One story that will let you understand her heart as I came to appreciate it was the call she received from another church, not of her Denomination. This is how crazy our religious world has become. Loretta had such a reputation as a woman of God in the Windom community, that this church of what I would consider dead religion, called her to teach their children. They had no people in their own congregation who would volunteer to teach the children about the Lord Jesus Christ, and even thought they knew the doctrinal differences that they had with Loretta’s Baptist background, they wanted her to do it. And so, armed with her baptist curriculum, she taught and the children learned that God loved them, because Loretta loved them. Oh, that story brings me such joy! Because it wouldn’t happen just anywhere and it wouldn’t happen with just anyone. Loretta, like Lydia, worshipped God with an open heart and she attended to the things of God and the people saw. 

Oh to be known as a Lydia! Oh to be known as a Loretta!

Posted in Faith, Grace

My Thoughts and Hope for America

It’s unbelievable that twenty years have passed since that horrible day that will forever live in the memories of Americans. As I heard again the words of then President Bush say that it was an “Islamic attack”, and now to scroll forward into the present age and hear the rhetoric of the far left and their insistence that America embrace the Taliban, I’m saddened and I’m sickened at the state of our national leadership. Washington DC has never had much of a spine, but their current intent is nothing less than sabotage of America past. The fact that America is not mentioned in scripture certainly leaves our future in question, and if we do not stand together as men and women against what our leadership is doing, it’s a done deal.

I’m not a dooms day reporter. I’m not even a very good realist. I tend to lean more to the “Little Susie Sunshine.” But I will always stand on the side of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that is not the side of our national leadership right now. 

My thoughts this morning as I pray for our country and us, is to praise God for grace. 

Romans 5:6 KJVS

[6] For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.

Christ died for Shari Hardway Johnson, but He also died for the every other person on this earth, even those that I’m having a very hard time having any compassion for right now. Today as I think about the heartbreak of all those who lost someone on 9/11, I ask God’s Spirit to create in me a heart of forgiveness for those who have launched any attack on our country and our God from within and without. I will not embrace their ideologies, nor will I condone or ignore the stupidity of people who justify what has happened in our country. If you voted for the current administration, and you continue to support them, it’s you that I’m praying God will help me to love. Because this morning I’m feeling very human. 

I cannot ignore the fact that I’m human and far from sinless. But to those who say all sins are viewed the same in God’s eyes, I don’t believe that.  Sin is sin. There are sins of omission, (unknowingly). There are sins of commission (knowingly). But there comes a point when God gives to the unrepentant heart that embraces this world and turns their back on Him, exactly what they want. But the result will not be what they thought.

Paul wrote a letter to the Romans that addressed the very issues we face today. 

Romans 1:21-32 KJVS

[21] Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. [22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [23] And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. [24] Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. [26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. [28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; [29] Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, [30] Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31] Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: [32] Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

My mind is in a solemn place this morning. But I have not lost my hope in Christ for the Nation of America. 

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Evangelism, failure, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Jesus Knows Where You Are

Why is it that the children of God never learn? Again and again we go through life faithing and failing. Yes, I know faithing is not a word, but hey, the world makes up new words every day, why not us? One day we’ll have mountain faith, and the next day it wouldn’t take up the corner inside a mustard seed. Or do I speak of myself alone? I’m certainly in that boat! Anytime I need a reminder of faith and failure I almost inevitably go to a passage about my friend Peter. I kind of feel sorry for the guy! He is so often preached on for his examples of failures, but the man lead thousand to the Lord! Oh to be a Simon Peter!

But the scripture that caught my eye this morning was another of Peter’s failures. Literally caught with his pants down in a boat of backslidden boys. 

John 21:1-14 KJVS

John 21:1-4 KJVS
[1] After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he himself. [2] There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples. [3] Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing. [4] But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus.

Distance Learning:

Perhaps it was the distance between the boat and land, or perhaps their minds were not in a place that caused them to recognize the Lord; but none the less, they didn’t know it was Jesus. That’s what happens when you drift further and further away from God. Trust me, I speak as a woman of experience. I allow the world to drag me down spiritually until I’m feeling like an empty gum wrapper and of no use to anyone, before I finally realize it’s because I’ve been drifting toward them, not toward Christ. 

Part of the reason my mind has been scattered of late is the fact (without regret) that my grandchildren need me more. They are in remote learning because of the virus again and I am the shuttle between them and getting things done while their parents are at work. Remote… Distance learning. I’ll just tell you, it doesn’t work for public school children. It gives me great respect for home schoolers. It does not give me love for the public education institution because they’re getting paid to do a job they’re not doing, whether by circumstance or not. And the children are suffering. They are too far away from the teachers and it doesn’t work.

A lesson that could be learned by the child of God. If we’re not spending time with the Master, we are ripe for the picking of an angry world that wants to have us for lunch. 

Distracted Leadership

[5] Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No. [6] And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes. [7] Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher’s coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.

I’m not sure why Peter was naked, but that had to have been one of those “Oh crap” moments in his life when he realized he’d just been busted by the Lord. Oh my stars, how I can relate. Not that I’ve been naked in a boat, nobody needs that image! But I’ve certainly been away from the Lord and then suddenly realized that He knew where I was at all along. He constantly rings the dinner bell for His children. Come and dine, come and dine… can you hear Him saying that to us? I sure can. All He wants to do is spend time with us and we continually struggle between the distractions of the world’s calling and His. I am dinging my own bell this morning! 

Delivered Lunch

What an amazing Lord we serve! He knew Peter was in the boat naked, and he knew that it was Peter’s idea to take everyone fishing rather than to be doing the work of the Lord. And yet, there is the Lord, fixing lunch on the bank of the sea. He does the same for us. I feel as though I’ve just had a full course meal as I read His word and devour it like honey. My time with Him is always sweetness to the soul and blessing in abundance, just as it was to the disciples.

[8] And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits,) dragging the net with fishes. [9] As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread. [10] Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught. [11] Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. [12] Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord. [13] Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise. [14] This is now the third time that Jesus shewed himself to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead.

Nobody questioned the delivery guy. They knew it was the Lord! This was the third time they’d seen Him alive after they’d seen Him crucified. Would not that be shock and awe every time? I can’t imagine getting over it, and I’d like to say I can’t imagine forgetting it, and yet, I do. I know the power of the resurrection because I’ve felt it in my life again and again and again. And yet I will fall away from the Lord the same number of times. Here is the Lord, on the bank preparing lunch for His friends who are neglecting their ministry and have gone fishing. Except their not catching anything. Can I just remind myself right now that there will be fishes in the net of a child of God away from the Lord and not giving due diligence to the ministry the Lord has entrusted us with. Amen? Amen Shari.

A few verses later, we hear the Lord ask Peter:

[15] So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.

Lovest thou me, Shari? I hear it this morning. 

Lovest thou me reader? Can you hear Him?

It’s time to get busy…

Posted in Christian, Faith, Family, Leadership, Life Inspiration

When Controversy Rears it’s Ugly Head

I am one who does shy away from unnecessary confrontation, (unnecessary is a relative term dependent on my mood of course) but I am not one to shy away from controversy and differing opinions, especially when it is something that I feel convicted over.  My absence over the last week from the Jesus Chick site, and social media has been because of a busy life of grand parenting, parenting, working, ministering and exhaustion. I’m back on today because I felt the need speak out on the current state of our country, state and county. All of which, I am a proud card carrying member. I love America. Not what she has become because of idiot, evil,  spineless politicians. I love the State of West Virginia, not the fact that we are giving away money that could be used for programs all across our state rather than paying people to take a vaccine. That’s beyond ridiculous. I love living in Calhoun County, no other place I’d rather be, however, it ain’t utopia. This is where God called me to minister. I minister to the young, old and in between because I am somewhere in between. I look for opportunities to help people and encourage people, but I am often met with more discouragement in return. Which is where I’ve been of late. 

This is is where controversy rears it’s ugly head. 

I adore my grandchildren. And they in kind adore me. There is no controversy there. I love the time that I get to spend with them, but I don’t want to have spend my time teaching them because they’ve been quarantined. I might not mind so much if it didn’t bring out the fact that the school system is once again failing my grandchildren and calling it their fault. As I helped one grandchild on Monday and Tuesday do a full days schoolwork in 20 minutes, I questioned why there wasn’t more. They didn’t know. But they were glad they were done. And why wouldn’t they have been? They’re children. Homework isn’t fun. This is America, this is West Virginia, This is Calhoun county. We’re raising a country of low expectations, and I’m calling the “educators” out. You are funded by my tax dollars. You consistently scream you are underpaid and under appreciated. I speak collectively of course. Don’t bring that topic up to me without an answer as to why my grandchild can do what you supposedly teach them in 6 hours in 20 minutes. 

Now that that controversial topic is laid on the table. Let’s talk about the vaccine. For which I’ve had. But I by no means think that it is my responsibility to tell anyone that they too should have it. Nobody in the medical field can guarantee the safety of the recipient. But I’ll just add this, many of the same people who are delegating that you have to put a vaccine in your body to keep them safe, are the same pro-abortion people that say they have the right to kill a child inside their body who is alive and has the potential to be a wonderful person. Don’t bring up that topic unless you can look me in the eye and say a child’s life isn’t important.  

Now for my favorite side of the aforementioned topics: What sayeth the Lord? And why did He make this my business as the Jesus Chick? 

When it comes to wisdom, God used Solomon to write the books of wisdom. Not because Solomon himself was wise, but because he was humble, God made him to be wise. I myself am humble… but God doesn’t trust me with great earthly wisdom, He knows I’d blow stuff up. And then I’d feel bad about it. Because that’s who I am. But not the world of today. No…. We kill people, those in Afghanistan and those in the womb without regret or apology. And through Solomon God addressed wisdom and stupidity. 

Don’t Get Mad too Fast, take it Slow

Ecclesiastes 7:9-23 KJVS

[9] Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. [10] Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.

The subtitle is the Bible according to Shari. But it’s how I broke down verses nine and 10 to my understanding. There is no need to look back because every day is a new day and every day most of us are doing the best we can. Except the stupid people. Those for which were put into office by people with poor judgement. But regardless, we’ve got to move forward. Anger seldom creates anything but division. But wisdom spoken with the foundation of truth without an agenda could fix a multitude of sins from the past days. How we handled Afghanistan, the Vaccine, and the School System could be overcome by the words, “I made a mistake”  by some adults acting like children, and some adults who need imprisoned. 

Don’t Get too Big for Your Britches

 [11] Wisdom is good with an inheritance: and by it there is profit to them that see the sun. [12] For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it. [13] Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which he hath made crooked? [14] In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him. 

There is nothing in this world that God can’t make, or make over. But because of mans arrogance and vanity God allows us to make our bed and lie in it. And sometimes, many of us have to lie in a bed made by somebody else. Life is full of struggles for me. Some that I created and some that others created. But God allows me to calm and center myself on the fact that He has the final say. And that the arrogance of this world will one day meet the King of Control. Glory!  

Don’t Assume God’s Children are Without Issues

[15] All things have I seen in the days of my vanity: there is a just man that perisheth in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickedness. [16] Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself? [17] Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time? [18] It is good that thou shouldest take hold of this; yea, also from this withdraw not thine hand: for he that feareth God shall come forth of them all. [19] Wisdom strengtheneth the wise more than ten mighty men which are in the city. [20] For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not. [21] Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee: [22] For oftentimes also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others. [23] All this have I proved by wisdom: I said, I will be wise; but it was far from me.

Solomon didn’t give those warnings to waste his breath. Solomon was the wisest of the wise and he had 1000 women in his life. If the wisest of the wise was dumb enough to do that, surely we are far from above mistakes. I’m not going to throw rocks at Joe Biden. I won’t say I wouldn’t like to. I’m not going to throw rocks at the Governor of the State of West Virginia, I might hit Baby Dog. I’m not going to throw rocks at the Calhoun County Board of Education, although I could because they’re a mile from my house. But I am not going to be silent as stupidity reigns. God gave me a mouth and He gave me a platform. And He gave me the passion to take care of my people and defend the gifts I’ve been given. I pray you too will be vocal and defend the innocent that is under attack both far and near to our hearts. Hold leadership accountable. It’s biblical.

Posted in Christian, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, salvation, Word of God

The Passion of Stupidity

1 Corinthians 15:32-43 KJVS

[32] If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die. [33] Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. [34] Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

I’m not sure of the beasts that Paul fought, according to one online commentary (one that simplified it enough for my understanding- I’ll speak to that later). But the beast of this passage were described as follows:  By wild beasts he means men, gross and savage in wickedness. Heraclitus called the Ephesians θήρια. If we refer to Acts 19. we shall find that certain men were entitled to the designation. We read of them “being full of wrath,” of the whole city “filled with confusion,” of some “crying out one thing and some another.” They seem to have been bereft of reason and given up to the wildest fury of passion. – D. Thomas, D.D. 

Welcome to America. Have you ever seen such passion of stupidity? Morally bankrupt and daft with confusion people who have princess issues. Entitlement, angry over anything and everything and nothing that they can even defend, bereft of reason! Oh my stars, was this commentary prophetic to today?

I seldom tweet on twitter, but because I have the app on my phone it notifies me when people of interest tweet something of importance and I’ll occasionally check it out. Yesterday a preacher I follow tweeted and upon checking it out, it lead me down a dark path of the American leftists who opposed the Pastor’s ministry. They are clueless as to the difference between humanity and perversion. People who are more concerned with the make-up and manicure styles of the male Whitehouse marketing specialist 🤢 than the current state of affairs in Afghanistan. Nancy Pelosi, a woman third inline to the Presidency, worked feverishly this week, according to the press, to try and  insure her leftist agenda was passed; while thousands of Americans are in harms way because our Nation turned their back on them and “abandoned” them in a foreign country. But only after they stirred up a hornets nest with the Taliban because of their passion for stupidity when it comes to dabbling in evil communications. 

Why have Americans allowed traitorous behavior to go unchecked? I have to believe that is the question on the minds of those facing a firing squad in Afghanistan. People, like those of whom Paul dealt with in his day and was eventually beheaded by.  

Paul said it was “to their shame” that they knew not God. He was speaking to the church in Corinth. Could he make that statement just as easily to the churches across the country we live in? I have to wonder. It’s an evident fact that our country is in the state it’s in because of the evil around and in  Washington DC. Not all those politician are corrupt, but far more are, than are not, because they’re all exposed to the corrupt. They either communicate with it, or ignore it, but none of them kick it out! What about the church? I personally know preachers who have stopped preaching on sin, but rather preach messages of “encouragement and spiritual enlightenment” to pacify people who refuse to call sin what it is. 

I have what I believe to be righteous rages and holy hostility approved by God because I’m not angry for me. I’m angry that they’ve once again made God’s house a “den of thieves,” but not of their money but rather their souls.  Listen to Paul as he describes how they question the resurrection: 

[35] But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? [36] Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die: [37] And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain : [38] But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. [39] All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. [40] There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. [41] There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. [42] So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: [43] It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:

They were so concerned about the resurrection that they forgot about the life they live. I won’t say that’s the case today, because I’m not sure how many churches understand the resurrection or that there’s even going to be one. How can they when their Pastor’s aren’t preaching the gospel? I have a friend who says I’m bolder than most pastors he knows and that is extremely worrisome because I don’t consider myself bold. There are many occasions when I clamp my mouth shut for fear of offending. Not on this blog, because I pay for this space and this is my domain. But in the world… I’m hesitate. Not for fear of people who disagree, I expect that, but for fear of confrontation of those who should agree and are deceived. 

Paul calls the people of Ephesus fools! No fear on him. He remind them that seed that is sown God has encapsulated it in it’s very own body. And when He brings it back to life, it is once again in a living version of that body. The seeds of earth are then harvested and resown again. And so will it be with man. The bodies that have been planted in the earth will be harvested by the Lord and we will stand before Him. I’m not concerned with what kind of body I’m going to have in glory, I’m only concerned that I’m going to be in Glory! Glorrrraaaaaay what a day that will be. But not for those who “know not God.” For this world so passionate about stupidity and worldly vain things that have nothing to do with eternity they too will live forever, but not in Heaven. They’re going to bust the gates of Hell wide open because there are too few preaching the gospel. 

I pray to God all who read this are either in a Bible Preaching Church that rightly divides the word of God or you’re looking for one. That commentary that I previously mentioned, I read multiple others that were “so deep” you’d have had to dig to China to find the truth in it. I don’t have time for that. Any commentary that is “that deep,” I have to wonder if God is in it. God made scripture to where the common man could understand and be saved. If you’re not preaching and teaching it plain enough for the average Joe and Jane and understand, you may have a passion for stupidity. Because the people for whom you teach may leave as dumb as they came. Just saying. 

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Church attendance, Faith, Family, Uncategorized

The Church MIAs

Where are you? There are people on my heart daily. This morning as I made up the bed, and I placed the squeezey bear that I got on the day of my heart surgery from the hospital on my pillows where she lays everyday, I thought about friends that are going through the struggles of life. Some are in church and some are out; some would be there if they could. There are days when I get less than godly thinking about people who walk out on God. I get in the flesh and I’m angry.  I am not Saint Shari. I will not tell you there have not been times in my 26 years of salvation that I have not thot of leaving Victory Baptist Church, but I can honestly say it’s not even five fingers worth of counting. It’s not a perfect church. If it was, I wouldn’t be allowed to attend. What it is, is a church of personality. Strong personality! For which I am one. And strong opinions. One such opinion that is shared by many of us, is that we are committed to the cause of Christ. You’ll note I said many, not all. As I said, we’re not the perfect church. But when it comes to the time that I stand before God, I stand before Him accountable for the life of Shari. Nobody else. 

So I ask you that read this today, when you read Hebrews 9:27 what is the thot that comes to mind:

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Yes, I know for many of you your response would be, “God knows my heart.” Yes He does. That always scares me. I don’t know who Frank is, but he must have been a straight shooter, so let me be “Frank” now. If you say, “God knows my heart,” and you are not serving Him, (and I mean serving) from wherever you are, that’s almost, if not really, smarting God off. And that my friend is dangerous ground.

I say friend because you are my friend. The only enemies I have are enemies of the cross. And that’s a true story. There are people I don’t really care to spend time in their presence, but they are not enemies. I would sing at their funeral. That may not have sounded very nice. I would sing at their wedding too. I don’t spend time thinking about them and allow them to take up free space in my head. I only think about people I care for. So if you are someone who is out of church, let me be the first to say to you, you are missed by someone. Maybe me.

My whole reasoning behind saying all of that was to remind myself of this, a few of the man reasons I go to church:

  1. Because I love God and it’s His house. We are His children, but the church house belongs to God. I’ve been in churches where that was not the case. “So and so” in the church thought it was theirs and treated it as such. The people in that church would ask that person before they’d ask God if something should or should not be done. I told you I was going to be “Frank.” I may identify as him all day!  That comment was pure comedy…. After all, these days you can identify as anyone you want too, right? I identify as Frank. In a girls body, just saying. 
  2. To learn the word of God. The Bible says study to show thyself approved. I need study buddies and the church is filled with people who enjoy the word as much as I do!
  3. The fellowships of the saints. These are my brothers and sisters every bit as much as Sheila, Sarah, Richard and Leonard, my siblings by blood. They were born of another mother and father, but the blood we share is the blood of Jesus Christ and it causes us to love like family. If I don’t speak to, or see my siblings I miss them dreadfully. The same is true about the family of God. Many of those who I miss, visit God in another house. But their still my brothers and sisters. I do not care what is over the door of your church, I only care about the God you serve and if He is mine, we’re family!
  4. It’s where I’ve been called to serve. Every believer inside the house of God has a purpose for being there. And it’s not likely just warming their pew. Although, if that’s all you can do, do it! But do it with purpose. You can say Amen, lift a hand, encourage another believer and especially the preacher. There is something you can do. For 25 years I’ve done the bulletin and taught Sunday School, for 15 or more years I’ve lead the youth ministry. Have I grown weary? You betcha! But I continue on because I was called to it, and God does not “un-call” people. People walk away from their calling or they never step out for it to being with. Refer to Hebrews 9:27
  5. Because I need it. If I’m not in church (which is rare) I’m struggling both spiritually and physically. This world wears me out. Today, I’m struggling physically. I’m hurting because of the fibromyalgia and an overdoing it around the house (although there’s no evidence.) But I can walk in the church, or do the Lord’s work and the breath that is breathed in me cannot be explained. It must be felt. I love serving God because He makes me feel good. And these are just a few of the many reasons I go to church. 

I would love it if you would share yours. Or, if you’re not in church, let me know that, and let me pray about it for you. And if you just need to vent, vent to me! But don’t walk out on God. He’s so worthy to be loved on. 

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

The Mathematic Equations of the Apostle Peter

Let me preface this by the statement, “I hate all things math.” It makes me feel less than average that my brain cannot comprehend and compute the simplest of problems. I praise God for computer programs like QuickBooks, even though it too frustrates me because I have to put in the decimal point myself. True story. I am that person. I have been looking around A-Level maths online tuition in KL area to improve my math skills. Praise God that there won’t be math in Heaven! I don’t actually know that but I do know that God was opposed to counting, just ask King David. And Heavenly multiplication isn’t complex, It’s simply adding to the church any number, the more the merrier! I love God’s math! It’s also not numbers at all, but rather the multiplication of life edifying behaviors that will add sweetness to your life and less heartache. 

Today, I have heartache. There’s and issue in the secular world that has drama written all over it; and I don’t need it. I desire peace. I think I’ll play the song “Peace be still” on the guitar when I get done writing. It causes me to remember, if Jesus can calm the angry waves, He can calm a situation in my life. Amen? Amen! It’s basic mathematics in the life of a child of God to have peace in their life, but when the world get’s involved, that’s when it become complex.  

Grace and Peace Be Multiplied

2 Peter 1:1-11 KJVS

[1] Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: [2] Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, 

Grace and Peace be multiplied, not by anything I can do, but through the knowledge of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. No other people are required in this equation to create peace in my life. Whether or not someone else is creating havoc is irrelative if I stay focused on Him and allow Him to calm the storm. That’s good preachin’! But it doesn’t take the other people out of the problem, and it won’t guarantee that I won’t have an upset stomach at days end. But I can still have peace as the answer even if the problem doesn’t get solved because I have knowledge that the world doesn’t have.

The Subtraction of Corruption

[3] According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: [4] Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

I can have grace and peace through Christ as well as confidence given to me through power and strength not possible in the life of someone who doesn’t know Christ. They may have confidence in themselves coming out their ears, (I know those people) but that also puts the pressure on themselves to perform. I have confidence in Christ, which not only takes the pressure off of me, but allows me to glorify Him through my reaction to the conflicts around me. I have His (Christ’s) divine nature within me (added on my day of salvation) that helps me to handle life’s problems. Now, for the record, I sometimes ignore that addition in my life and choose rather to react in the flesh which is the subtraction of the Holy Spirit’s guidance which most always ends with a bad grade and a poor example to anyone watching.

The Addition of Fruit

 [5] And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; [6] And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; [7] And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. [8] For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. [9] But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. [10] Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:

I want so very badly to have fruit in my life. The one common denominator that prevents it is myself. I don’t always have faith, my virtues are sometimes lacking, my knowledge is limited by the lusts of the flesh that desire worldly entertainment, and my sisterly kindness is sometimes overshadowed by human frustration. I sometimes ignore the call, choosing rather to shut myself off from the world because the world will hurt me. 

Below are a few tidbits I’ve discovered in life and found through Noah Webster’s 1828 definitions.  

Faith: Forsaking all, I trust Him.

Virtue: Voluntary obedience to the truth.

Knowledge: We can have no knowledge of that which does not exist. God has a perfect knowledge of his works. Human knowledge is very limited, and is mostly gained by observation and experience.

Charity: Love. The highest exercise of charity, is charity towards the uncharitable. 💖

It is these acts in the life of a Christian that will create a party in Heaven.

 [11] For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I love a good party! I especially love the thought that there will be no division in Heaven! Glorrrraaaaaay!!!

Posted in Bible Journaling, failure, Faith, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures

Holes in my Armor

Yesterday was the straw that broke the camels back. Another day of brain fog and frustration had created a fearfulness in my soul that had left me drained. Not a fear of something happening, but rather, something not happening. A fear of being ineffective in life. My heart was broken. I knew I was under attack but felt helpless in fighting it. I can usually write my way out of those kind of days, but lately, even writing hasn’t came easy. I’ve had writers block before, and this wasn’t it. This was an inability to compose thoughts. Trying to speak them was even a more daunting task. It perhaps can be attributed to a “fibro fog” which 80% of fibromyalgia patients suffer from to varying degrees. My degree yesterday was at full throttle. By days end I was in tears. And to top it all off, I had lost a day. My 41st Wedding anniversary. I thought yesterday was August 15, it was not! A fact I discovered when my husband came home from work and ask why I hadn’t mentioned our anniversary on social media. Okay… now add feeling like a dirt dog to the brain fog, and I’m an utter mess. 

Welcome to my world. And when I say “my world,” that’s exactly what I mean. I don’t share it with anyone. God only knows because He’s God. Not because I tell Him.

Holey, Holy, Whole

According to spell check, “holey” is not a word. And yet, I’ve said it for years. According to “Grammar check” it is indeed a word and spell check doesn’t know what it’s talking about. Whether or not the red line ever disappears from my type written page is irrelevant to me. Holey is exactly how I feel. There are missing pieces of my mind. I feel holey, not holy. And add to that mix, my iPad keyboard is randomly not typing vowels, a very necessary part of words. 😂 If only I could type in emojis my morning would look something like this. 😔🥱😖🥺😩🤔😶‍🌫️😏.

I’ve set out this morning to find the missing pieces in my armor. 

Ephesians 6:10-20 KJVS

[10] Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. [11] Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. [12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

There is an unseen realm where Satan and his minions gather together to plot evil against God’s children. Or perhaps Satan just lets them go Willy Nilly all over the world creating chaos. But today they are in Calhoun County, West Virginia. Scripture says that God is not the author of confusion, therefore it is left to Satan. If he cannot fill my mind with wicked thoughts he will fill it with gaps that cause questioning. Yesterday I would start a thought and then my mind would see something shiny and off I’d go on a random hunt, only to return to my thought which now had lost sight of it’s destination.  This morning is not much better. But I’m trying to stay focused on God’s word. I’m trying, but I’m wrestling. 

[13] Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. [14] Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

Guard Your Heart and Gird Your Loins!

My heart is a physically weakened vessel. I venture to say that we’ve all got weak “spots” in our bodies, and those are marked for attack. Other than the obvious physical ways that my heart is under attack, it is the truth that causes the greatest pain and distraction. The truth really does hurt. The truth that our government is corrupt and there’s little I can do about it bothers me.  The truth that the youth in my ministry has the world bombarding their minds with hogwash for which I repeatedly have to convince them are lies, is disheartening. The truth that people hurt other people without remorse and justify it in the name of Jesus, makes me sick. The truth that Christian people have convinced themselves that they don’t need to be in church to have a good relationship with God, makes me sad. These are daily attacks on my mind as Satan try’s to convince me he’s winning this war. I’ve needed a deeper focus on the word. Do you?

Guide Your Feet

[15] And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

The only way we can be assured that we’re going in the right direction is to prepare each day by studying the battle plan. I’m in awe every time I read the word of God and see current event application laid out as if it was written yesterday. My problem is I’ve been skimming the word, not delving into the deep of it which is necessary to make it through these troubled times. My frustration with life has taken it’s tole on my own commitment. You want to know how that’s working for me? It’s not. Not spending enough time in God’s word is like taking a trip without a map and ending up on a cow path in a front wheel drive Kia Soul. My little Soul Seeker has about as much chance in navigating that path as I do in figuring out what God wants me to do any given day.

Grab the Shield!

 [16] Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

I took my two youngest grand babies to their elementary school open house last night where they made a paper bag shield. (It was actually a poncho, but not for two imaginative boys.) They wore that shield like it would have prevented a bullet from penetrating their hide. Oh I love kids! Some days I think I have paper bag faith and some days I have Kevlar faith. The only difference is a foundation in God’s word. That is the theme for the day with me, sure up the gaps Shari. Study to show thyself approved, rightly diving the word of truth! The more we study, the greater coverage we have from those fiery darts.

 [17] And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 

Those holes in my mind occurred because gaps in my reading and studying occurred, as well as gaps in my prayer life. That is why I believe I’ve had issuance with utterance and the ability to speak boldly. It’s hard to speak bold, when you’re walking in uncertainty. 

[18] Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; [19] And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, [20] For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Today has been a good study. But not nearly enough. I hope this study helped you today, and I pray that you and I both will find ourselves deep in the trenches of God’s word throughout this day. Glory! 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Heaven, Life Inspiration, salvation, Uncategorized

Don’t Gamble with Eternity

David didn’t Gamble with the Day
There are some days where when I feel the favor of God so richly on my life that I am ashamed of the countless ways I fail Him. And then there are days when I absolutely feel that there is a target on my back that marks me for every demonic spirit in the world. Murphy’s law has nothing on Shari’s odds. It’s a good thing I’m not a gambler. I don’t gamble and I don’t play games with God. But I feel that there are people who do. I guess King David did as well. 

Psalm 5:1-12 KJVS

[1] Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation. [2] Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray. [3] My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord ; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

Bright and early in the morning David started his conversations with God. He didn’t wait until he was in trouble and then “hope” God would listen. I can feel the conviction on my own life on that one. I’m not nearly the prayer warrior I once thought I was. But then of course I’ve always said that I thought I was a prayer warrior until I realized all my prayers started with, “Oh God forgive me.” How would I feel if my children only spoke to me when they were in trouble? Praise God that’s not an issue, because I know I would feel unappreciated and unloved for certain. Is that how God feels? Do I cause God to feel unloved? God forgive me if I do. Sometimes I feel like I need a conversation starter, with people and with God. How’s this for a starter: God, what’s on Your heart for me, and what can I do for You today? 

The moment I typed that I felt His gentle Spirit massage my soul. I know my heart has much turmoil right now. I have people that I love who are hurting. I’m hurting. I’ve had friends move on to eternity this week and my heart is broken for their people. My daughter Whitney had kids going in multiple directions a few days ago and her little Party Schnauzer, who goes by the name of Maggie, was staying with me. Whitney finished her day and went on home without remembering where Maggie was. All evening Maggie watched for her people who didn’t come. The next day when Whitney and the kids returned, Maggie’s disposition changed. She ran to them, excited her people were home. That’s how it will be for us all some day! All our people will be home. But until then, life will have heartache. Please pray for the peace of my husbands family, whose  son Marty passed away due to Covid this week. For my friend Sue whose sister won her race for Heaven. And for the Stull family, whose sister Leona, and wife of Clay, is having a grand reunion with her siblings that passed before her.  

We never know when a day starts, what it will bring. It’s good to start the conversation before the crisis.

Don’t Gamble that there’s nothing in the Dark

[4] For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. [5] The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity. [6] Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man.

I’ve never been a fan of the dark, but I can’t say that I haven’t walked on the edge of darkness. There are things in my past that I look back on and think… “how could I have ever thought that it was okay to be involved with that?” It wasn’t as if I was involved with the mafia, but I’ve had some people in my life that took me to some pretty dark places, be it literally or just in my mind. It’s why I’m so concerned for the youth in my life. The world around them shows darkness in a bright and shiny way. It’s seems like an oxymoron. But if I say the name “Hollywood,” you likely know immediately what I mean. It certainly glistens, but the darkness in that city is something we cannot imagine. But are we gambling that there’s nothing in the darkness around our world? 

Our kids our getting ready to head back to school. Just so you know, it’s dark there. Don’t gamble that there’s nothing there. Warn them, pray for them, talk to them and to God about them.

Don’t Gamble that you have another Sunday

[7] But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple. [8] Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face. [9] For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue. [10] Destroy thou them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against thee. [11] But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee. [12] For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.

There’s countless people that thought they’d live to see another day, but they did not, our relationship with God doesn’t end at noon on Sunday when the service does. For many people it didn’t even start. They’re waiting for life to settle down so they’ll have time for God. My brother was 19 when he was killed in a car accident.The Wolf of Law Street attorneys helped us in claiming the compensation as he was killed out of third party negligence. I’ve never had the promise of tomorrow. But that still didn’t stop me from being stupid until I was 34 when I got saved. Praise God for His multitude of mercy. It’s one of the many reasons I go to His house on Sunday. Here’s a list of a few of the reasons I go to church:

  1. He has been merciful to my soul without me deserving it.
  2. He guides me through life and shares His destination with me.
  3. He allows no enemy to come at me without His protection of me
  4. Many are those who have forsaken me, but never God.
  5. People talk smack. God speaks nothing but the truth.
  6. I trust Him.
  7. He brings such joy.
  8. He blesses me beyond measure
  9. I feel His favor in my life. 
  10. He gave His Son that I might have an eternal life with my children and family. Can you think of a better reason? Can you think of a reason you shouldn’t go? If you can… send it to me in a message and let me talk to you about it and pray for you. 

God is amazing. 

Posted in Christian, Health, Humor, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political

I’m Not the Keeper of Your Life

Oh man! Do we live in a judgmental society. I had to use “oh man,” in the context for which I did, because Paul used it in Romans 2:1 a couple of times, and totally made me snicker as I read it; knowing that Paul didn’t know the context for which we would speak that today, but God certainly did. Did it ever occur to you that nothing ever occurred to God? Hey, don’t judge me for my warped humor; which just so happens to be todays thought on my heart. The judgement, not the humor.

I listened as someone this week spewed judgement about someone else without regard to their  own failures in life. They didn’t give their failures any thought because they believe their failures to be excusable. But if they understood the word of God… hey  lets get real, if any of us put the word of God into action as it’s intended and applied it to our lives, how often would our lips be zipped?!  God’s righteousness will not allow anyone to be excused for judging others. He is righteous. We are far, far from it. 

God’s not Snarky, but I am

 Romans 2:1-11 KJVS

 [1] Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. [2] But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. [3] And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? 

When I read verse 2, I read it as if God had a snarky attitude. Of course Paul wrote the words of the Lord, so maybe Paul did! To country quote what Paul is saying, “O man,you’re inexcusable! You’re judging people when you do the same or worse. But you are sure that the judgement of God is going to go way worse for them. O man! You think you’re going to escape judgment, think again. 

That’s what it would have said if this were the Bible according to Shari. But it’s not, so Paul’s writing is much more eloquent. And it’s what God told him to say, so there’s that.

The judging that’s on my mind and heart this morning is that of the current state of health in America. Vaccine or no vaccine, mask or no mask, stay home or go out, home school or public school? It’s ridiculous (yes I’m judging) from my perspective. I seldom think I have the right to infringe my beliefs upon others. Note I said seldom, not that I don’t ever do it. But knowing that God did not make me the keeper of another man’s life, I do not ever feel I have the right to insist that he or she follow my conviction. If i feared for my life, I’d stay home. I don’t. So I’m going to work, church or where ever I desire because I’m not living my life in the fear that “I feel” media has put into the minds of America. What is most concerning to me is that Christians don’t consider it judging to tell another person they shouldn’t feel the way they do. It’s considered right or left thinking rather than right or wrong thinking. Oh yeah, I went there.

I went there because a fellow Christian went there with me last week when they insinuated I shouldn’t involve politics in my Christian teaching. For the record, I name the sin not the political party and they applied it to the party, not me. They caused me to question whether or not I should speak out on certain sins that are apart of our current political climate and debates. The Apostle Paul called out the sins of the day, (which happen to still be active sins). He gave the Romans, Corinthians, Philippians and others a message that they could apply to the current events and struggles they were facing. Should that not be how we minister today? 

When Paul spoke on judging others, obviously it was an issue. It’s still an issue. But what’s more of an issue is the fact that we’re worried about whether or not someone has the vaccine inside their body and not Jesus. I want to ask anyone who’s complained about someone not wearing a mask, or not taking the vaccine,  “When is the last time you ask someone about the condition of their soul?” If you call yourself a Christian and you are more concerned about their vaccine status than you are if they’re going to Hell. Zip it. 

As is every message I bring, that “zip it” was a reminder for me too. I do not care if you’re vaccinated or if you wear a mask. But sometimes I care a little too much that you care. Sometimes I forget that fear is a real monster that’s not hiding under the bed. It’s living out in the open in Washington DC. And people feel what they feel and I should acknowledge that and not make light of it. So, I’ll believe your fearfulness. But please, listen to my love for your soul. 

Posted in Leadership, Life Inspiration, Word of God

The Undeniable Untruth

I’m sure I’m dating myself with the image of soda pop bottles that I well remember saving up and returning for a deposit of 3 cents each, possibly 10 cents each by the time they stopped collecting them and went to plastic. The “Uncola” advertisements began running in 1968 for the 7-Up brand; though I’ve never really been a 7-Up fan, unless it was in a punch bowl with sherbet, pineapple juice and HC fruit punch, but that probably doesn’t count. UnCola was a great description because it wasn’t anything like Cola! Just like the garbage the world is feeding us today isn’t anything like the truth. 

A few sweet tidbits to chew on today: 

God’s righteousness won’t be perverted by the world no matter how hard they try.

You can fabricate a lie but you cannot fabricate or disprove genuine truth. It either is or it ain’t.

The UnAshamed

Romans 1:16-32 KJVS

[16] For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. [17] For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

There’s plenty in my life that I could be ashamed of, but the gospel isn’t one of them. In it is the power of salvation! Glorrraaay! That should put a shout on you if you’re a child of God. Every time I read the word of God my soul starts stirring inside. I love that feeling. But how do you explain that to the lost? It should be evidenced in your life, but too often people aren’t watching you be a successful saint, but rather they hone in your sucky sinful side. I am aware. But that doesn’t stop me from proclaiming the gospel because it is the gospel that lead me to His saving grace. Most people love a good life application and the scriptures are a whole book of life applications. Christ used people of the day as illustration, so should we not? I love telling about people in my life who have won victory over things in their lives that have taken many a good man or woman down. Their stories have helped me to fight my own demons. I’ve also draw strength from telling my own stories and reminiscing about the victory of serving such a God who hears your cry.

The Unrighteous and The Ungodly

[18] For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

And there it is: the untruth. Society is denying the truths of God. they can’t disprove it, they don’t even attempt that. They simply deny it again and again and scream the lie as loud as they can again and again, until the world hears it enough and then says, “Oh yeah, that must be true.” They did it with Darwinism until the educated became idiots through education. Preach!!! All you have to do is throw a few letters behind someone’s name and suddenly they have credibility. My own insecurities used to cause me to clam up in front of well educated people until I realized that the Devil was using that to squelch the truth. 

I worked with a PHD fella once that ask me where I got the information that homosexuality was a sin. I opened my bible and  read him Romans 1:26-27. His only response was, “Oh.” He didn’t even question it. The problem with most educated people is they’ve been educated by biblically uneducated people. They don’t know what the Bible says because they’ve never bothered to read it, rather they’re believing the lie that it is an antiquated book of no modern value.

The very fact that we have allowed Critical Race Theory (CRT) to come as far as it has into the public school system proves the ignorance of educated people. While they suggest and rant about discrimination among Christians toward people because of their sexual preference going against scriptural principles, the same “educated” people are embracing an ideology that is meant to demean and divide our nation. Take twelve minutes and seventeen seconds and listen to the YouTube link below of a teacher in California fighting CRT coming into their schools 6 months ago. And before you think: 1. It’s California. And 2. It’s not here yet. You’d be wrong. It’s already made it’s way into Calhoun County, West Virginia public schools now. I was told that first hand by a member of the faculty. 

The Unexcused

While their education may get them positional living on earth, it may just get them kicked out of Heaven. 

[19] Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. [20] For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: [21] Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. [22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [23] And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. [24] Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. [26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. [28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; [29] Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, [30] Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31] Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: [32] Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Tell me where there is anything that can be misunderstood about homosexuality or the many other behaviors of the educated and morally bankrupt leaders in our country. There may be a few “big words” in that text, but there’s enough little ones that even a child could figure it out.  They don’t know the truth because they ignore the truth. But God is clear that He’s not ignoring their behavior. 

Posted in Christian, Christian Service, Church attendance, Faith, Family, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures

A Question I Dare Not Ask

It’s on my mind most every single day. I’m not sure that it may not be a sin on my part. I’m concerned and frustrated about the empty seats in the church of God. I’m not concerned about why someone who has health issues is not at church. I can almost guarantee that if they had their druthers they’d be there. I’m not frustrated, but rather saddened about those who are not saved. But children of the living God, whom I see in multiple places, without regard for virus’ or concerns of life, but seldom, if ever, darken the doorstep of God, bother me. And as I said, I’m not so sure it’s not sin on my part that I put so much thought into it. I want to ask them why. I dare not for fear of answers. 

A friend of mine who has had health struggles month after month was telling me this week of a neighbor who hasn’t been in church for 30 years because someone hurt them. What? It’s a good thing God doesn’t stop talking to those who hurt His feelings, else He’d never speak to me again. That thought makes my heart hurt. I don’t know what I’d do were it not for having Him to talk to. And I fail miserably at that sometimes. But how can one stay away from God’s house for 30 years and call themselves a child of God? How do you not have doubts and un-soothed fears that create an unsettledness inside of you that is too much to bear? I’d love to ask them, but I dare not. I have a feeling that I’ll get some half hearted answers such as “God and I talk all the time.” Do ya? Or  they’ll say “You’re judging me, and the Bible says thou shalt not judge? Does it? I have a song in my repertoire with the words, “I’m not judging, I’m just wonderin’ if Heaven’s going to be her home.” 

I wonder that, because I remember when I used to say I was a Christian, but had no desire to darken the doorstep of God. For the record, I wasn’t a Christian. I also remember when someone in the church broke my heart, and I mean broken beyond description. 💔. I remember considering leaving the church, but I knew that that was where God had placed me and purposed me, so I stayed. It hurt. Not just a little. Over time God repaired my heart.   ❤️‍🩹 He restored the relationship between me and the person that hurt me. It took time and it still hurts sometimes. But then I think about how many times I’ve hurt God, and my pain pales in comparison, so I shut my pie hole and get back to serving God. 

I felt the need to write this blog as a therapeutic way of dealing with the struggle in hopes that maybe anyone who’s out of church might read it and remember what God did for them. Or perhaps someone who’s never to been to church might wonder 💭 what all my wondering is about. Why is church so important to me?

The Lost Girl

Have you ever felt a disconnection from the world you live in? I did. As a child I felt that disconnection and I know now that it was God preparing me to come out of Satan’s world and into His. I knew I didn’t belong, but I didn’t know why until the day that I went to a church and experienced Jesus. Experiential faith. That’s what happens when your life does a 360 degree turn like mine did. I belonged for the first time in my life! I have always had an awesome family, but that didn’t fill the void that was in my life. People tried to make me happy, but they could not. I filled my life with “stuff” to satisfy me, but it did not. I would lay down at night and fear death. I had no peace, nor did I have the answers even though I was brought up in church and attended church with my children, until I experienced Jesus. That was the day the lost girl was found. 

The Found Girl

February 18, 1996 I sat on the back row of a new church wishing I was anywhere but there. As the preacher preached my eyes leaked. A few weeks later of being drawn back to that church my eyes were not leaking, I was sobbing. The conviction upon my heart for living a sinful, ungrateful life was more than my heart could stand until I finally repented and gave my heart back to the One who created it. Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see. Yes! To the song writer John Newton, I understand. I experienced sweet salvation and discovered to Whom I belonged.

The Jesus Chick

It’s more than a title, it’s a ministry and purpose. It was given to me by a preacher who knew my heart for Christ, who poured into me the word of God and gave me the tools to minister to a hurting world by living it out in his own life. He was a mighty man of God, used to build a church of two thousand; it was that same man that Satan relentlessly sought until he fell. And when he fell, I got a huge dose of reality. If Satan could take down such a warrior, he could take me down in a heartbeat. And so there is another of the many, many reasons I’m in church at every opportunity. Falling both spiritually and physically terrifies me. But falling spiritually can not only leave a mark on myself, but can also cause others to fall as well. I want no soul laid to my charge because I failed God. 

Hebrews 10:25 is often quoted as a reminder to stay in church. But the preceding verses are what causes 10:25 to come to pass.  

Hebrews 10:22-25 KJVS

[22] Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. [23] Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) [24] And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: [25] Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is ; but exhorting one another : and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

If you don’t have a church, please find one.

If you are away from church, please return.

If you have a church, please stay faithful.

If you are seeking a church, (and you’re close) come to mine.

You are loved. ~ Shari, the Jesus 🐓 chick

If you want to study the Bible more extensively, aside from going to church, you may want to consider attending a Biblical College as well.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, failure, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration

When God Cracks You Like an Egg

Tent meeting night number two, and the faucets inside my eyes refused to shut off. I truthfully didn’t try. Tears like that had been a long time coming and I knew I needed it. Pastor Alfred Hickman had started the water works on Monday when he preached the message “It’s your Move.” I cried through the music of Brother David Harney (which was amazing) and right through the message which spoke directly to my soul, knowing that I had to get myself out of this place of frustration I was in. Why am I frustrated? Because the world was taking it’s toll on my ministries and I felt powerless against it. I’ve been smiling and saying “I’m fine” for months when that was far from the truth. I fully believe that this is why we have revival. Because it’s easy to say I’m fine, until God cracks you open like an egg and all your insides gush out. 

The word of God is indeed sharper than a two edged sword…

Hebrews 4:12 KJVS

[12] For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

I’ve watched that verse play out the past two days. 

Cut to the Quick

Have you ever done that when manicuring your nails. 😣 Owch! It’s even worse when you play guitar and you do it on your chording hand. While we think the word quick as generally speaking of something fast, in this context it’s speaking of “to make alive!” The word of God stirs your soul and brings to the surface things that are deeply rooted. It is painful, because that’s what the world does, it bury’s itself in you and wraps itself around every facet of your life. For me the world had rooted itself into my children, grandchildren, husband, Mother, family, the teen ministry and many of the people of God that I know.  I felt as if I was making little to no impact anywhere. These people are my heart. I love them more than anyone of them know and seeing the world taking a hold of them definitely cuts to the quick.

Quick to Decide

Part of my issue, (believe me when I say I have many issues) but part of my issue is defined in the very first verse I claimed as a life verse. 

2 Corinthians 2:1-2 KJVS

[1] But I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness. [2] For if I make you sorry, who is he then that maketh me glad, but the same which is made sorry by me?

I’ve always been determined to leave people better than I found them. I thought it better not to let them know I had struggles. But what ended up happening is I’ve adopted their struggles as my own. And they are many. So many in fact that I’ve collapsed under the weight. I’m sure you’re not shocked. But I was! I thought that I could handle anything.Yes, I know. Foolish mortal. God never asked me to take on the world. But I felt that it was my job as His child. I needed to fix what was broken but I was powerless against any of it. Just like the egg, only the Creator can repair that kind of damage. When Pastor Alfred preached, “It’s your move” Monday night, I thought maybe my move is to get out of God’s way and step out of the ministry for a while. I’ve only felt this way one other time since I’ve been saved. And it was a battle. A battle to where I literally held onto my seat in the church because Satan had told me to start moving toward the door. For all you backseat Baptists, maybe this is for you. Don’t get too close the door. When I say I hung onto my seat, I mean that literally. I have sat front row, isle seat for 25 years. If anyone wants that seat, that’s fine, I’ll find another front row seat or possibly 2nd row; but I’m not moving far, because Satan wants me out of the church. And before you say that that’s an arrogant statement, if he doesn’t want you out of the church, you’re not doing enough. Yeah… this is revival week. 

I was a little too quick to decide it was time to get out of the ministry.

Decide to Follow

Night two, and Preacher Brian Evans stirred my heart like a scrambled egg. I wept the entire service. His message title was “Just Keep Grinding.” Preached from Luke 1 and the story of Elisabeth and Zachariah and their unfruitful times that became fruitful. His points were this: 

  1. Unfruitful and broken
  2. Faultless but trusting God (not perfect, but doing their best)
  3. Faithful to God
  4. Fulfilling God’s work

He might as well have titled it the life of Shari. Before you think that I’ve completely lost it to think a man preached a sermon just for me. He didn’t, there were others touched just as deeply by his message. But it’s whats amazing about the Word of God; one message can touch every life in the building in a different way. But for a couple of us, we were both leaning the same direction, out the ministry door. But his message to just keep grinding, even on the rough days when you think there’s no hope, just stand your ground on the spot God gave you to stand on. For Zacharias it was the temple of God. Even when God did not provide them a child, year after year, decade after decade, and yet it says 

Luke 1:[8] And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest’s office before God in the order of his course, [9] According to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord.

And so he did, year after year, decade after decade… He followed God’s design, regardless of how he felt. Even if he may have wanted to throw his hands up in the air and walk away, he did not. He stayed the course. Oh Lord Jesus! How sorry I was for not wanting to stay the course. How dare I say that I am suffering when I look at the examples set before me in the word of God. Every disciple persecuted, everyone (save John) killed for the cause of Christ. Zachariah and Elisabeth’s long awaited son was beheaded and yet these people stayed the course. 

Am I struggling? You betcha! Am I gonna quit? No. God has plan and I’ll continue to follow. If you’re on the edge of a decision like mine, stay the course dear friend, stay the course!

Posted in Eternity, Life Inspiration

God is still God

Scripture always catches my eye. But when it doesn’t sound right, it especially catches my eye and makes me want to find out why. And so it was this morning as I turned on my phone and opened the Bible app, which is often where I start reading. And this particular Bible app opens with devotion suggestions that are not always KJV, even though my bible app is. The scripture reading recommendation was from the book of Isaiah, chapter 42. The particular verse used was Isaiah 42:16

[16] And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them. 

But their version was not KJV but rather the New Living Translation which read like this: 

I will lead blind Israel down a new path, guiding them along an unfamiliar way. I will brighten the darkness before them and smooth out the road ahead of them. Yes, I will indeed do these things; I will not forsake them.

To some folks,  the changes may seem trivial, but for me, any change in the the way God wrote the word, is not trivial, but highly dangerous. It’s not transcribing scripture when the meaning is changed in any way. I promise I’m not going to get stuck on this today, but it’s what caught my attention, so I think it’s important. The world wants us to believe that God has changed His mind about certain things in scripture, or we misunderstood what He meant. Be wary of anyone who says God changes. Scripture is clear, 

Malachi 3:6 KJVS

[6] For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

The scripture in context for our study today:

Isaiah 42:14-20,22-25 KJVS

[14] I have long time holden my peace; I have been still, and refrained myself: now will I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once. [15] I will make waste mountains and hills, and dry up all their herbs; and I will make the rivers islands, and I will dry up the pools. [16] And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.

A Long Time

God’s timing differs greatly than our own. Mainly because time does not exist where God is. Praise God for grace that He has waited this long and allowed many to be saved who would have otherwise gone out into eternity lost. God has held His peace… but not forever. Judgment will come and those who have put off salvation again and again will have put it off a day too late. But those who accept Christ, and His work on the cross will be as the blind, brought in a way they knew not. The unsaved are ignorant to the gospel until that light shines in their heart and then they experience salvation and never a God who will never forsake them the way this world has. 

When you read the NLT verse, (number one it doesn’t sound like God, it sounds like man) and they’ve added and removed words. They added Israel. Which Isaiah likely spoke of, but God did not impress upon him to put the name of Israel into the text. Was it just Israel, or did it also mean that the Gentiles of the future would come to the light of the glorious gospel as well? Again I know it sounds trivial, but it not. They changed who the word was for. 

They also changed making the making darkness into light, and made it “brightening the darkness.” Still the same? No, it’s really not. God got rid of the darkness. In the NLT version they only brightened it, the darkness is still there. 

This kind of change in the word of God always takes my mind back to the “Poop Brownies Video” that I share with the kids in the teen group. One of the best Skit Guys videos EVER! The premise is this: A son wants to go to a movie with his friend that has a “little language and a little nudity” in it and is surprised when his dad says yes. But before he goes his dad wants to share some brownies with him. And as the son dives in to his dad’s new recipe he tries to figure out what the new ingredient is that makes it taste a little different. Finally his dad tells him that the new ingredient is dog poop!!!! Oh the son is disgusted! But the dad reminds him that it’s just a “little” part of the ingredients and it shouldn’t have hurt anything. Just like the movie had only a “little” language and nudity. Just a little doesn’t hurt… right? Well that depends n what it changes. 

Oops, I guess I did get hung up on the translation thing today. But I said all that to say this. God cares so much about us that He preserved His book for thousands of years so we’d have His word to guide us through these hard times, which Isaiah is speaking toward. God’s not going to leave any darkness in this world. None. Nada. Nil. When all is said and done, Satan and his minions are gone forever. Not in part. But in whole. Satan would love us to believe he has a chance. Well he doesn’t. 

This world would love you to believe that God has changed His mind on what sin is. Homosexuality is still sin. Living together before marriage is still a sin. So is gossiping and slander which half the people in the baptist churches or more are guilty of. And I won’t mention gluttony because that’s my issue and well, I know God didn’t change His mind on it being sin, but I don’t want to talk about it. 

Have a blessed day! And I hope my words encourage you to remember that God is still God!!!!

Posted in Christian, Evangelism, failure, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures

It’s Not Just a Problem with the World

There are times I read the word with such conviction of the heart. It pierces my soul as I know the failure of Shari. Not the failure of mankind. That, I have very little control over. But myself… that’s another story entirely. And sometimes that story needs a brown wrapper. Okay… I may have exaggerated that point – no brown rappers for me, but sin is sin, whether it comes in a brown paper bag from a convenience store, or something else thats takes your heart away from God’s purpose.

The word of God has been washing my soul this morning and cleaning up the inward woman that has a tendency to stray into unhealthy spaces. Not the brown paper bag spaces, but perhaps my craft room, video game or social media. Plunging my mind down a rabbit hole of time that cannot be regained and has nothing of value to show… well maybe not “nothing” but for certain very little. Even my craft room has become a place of discouragement lately with unfinished or failed projects that allow evil thoughts lurking in the recesses of my mind to poke their heads out and whisper “failure” into my mind. And rather than calling them the liar they are, I simply respond with “you’re right,” knowing that I’ve just spent hours doing nothing productive for the Kingdom. And I don’t mean t drag you down this tunnel of fun, but I think it’s a question we need to ask ourselves daily.  “Did I impact this world for Christ?”

James 1:21-27 KJVS

No Brown Bag Living 

[21] Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. [22] But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

I’m not talking about a sack lunch either, but rather the brown bag of disguise we call denial that we have an issue with our spiritual self. The things we’re not so proud of and we’d certainly not boast to the Pastor about. But on Sunday we wear the Gucci bag of religion that makes us one of the pretty people, but then before we get home from church, or maybe in church, our mind starts to drift into paper bag space. 

I’m ashamed of the time I’ve spent recently on mindless games and videos. It is so easy for me to go there to seek refuge from weariness and frustration.  The video’s make me laugh or ponder, and the games take me into an world of illusion that takes my mind off the cares of the world. Neither of those things are bad really, until I fail to do the missions that God has put before me because I’d rather not deal with life. I’m not kidding. That’s how I roll. Maybe you’re rolling with me. I hope you’re not, but if you are, give this girl some love today and let m know I’m not alone, and that perhaps this blog encouraged your spirit today too. 

No Brainless Laboring 

[23] For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: [24] For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. [25] But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

How does one labor brainlessly? Basically not thinking about the effect of what you’re doing in life. I love it when my fine wispy hair is newly cut and styled and my make up covers up the blemishes on my face as I get ready for the day. But not long into the day the make up is wearing thin, my hair is droopy and the real Shari shines through. Or maybe “shine” isn’t the appropriate word. It could just as well be the Shari Charade. The last time I looked into the mirror it was great, but now what I’m unaware of is the effect the day has had on me.  That’s what happens when we go about our days without taking the time to reexamine our motives and the intents of the heart through the word of God. Why am I doing what I’m doing? And what purpose is it serving. Scripture really serves as a mirror to the soul. When I examined mine I could see a little brainless laboring and a lot of brainless living. I was doing very little that was going to have an effect on eternity. 

No Brandishing Lips

[26] If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain. [27] Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Brown bag living and brainless laboring is bad enough, but all talk and no action is the worst. People look at our lives and the pretty images we display but do they see us doing something in the world for the cause of Christ, or just talking about it? I know that what I do on my job in the secular world helps to provide safe drinking water to our community. But what am I doing with the water of the word to keep my people safe? And how bold am I about it. 

Yesterday I clinched my lips shut when my conversation with someone made them grimace.  I stifled my opinion to prevent their agonizing over what should have been a shared moral standing as children of God. But unfortunately it wasn’t. The reason it wasn’t is because this world has caused most Christians to stop looking in the mirror but rather they’re looking out at the world for a moral compass. FYI, the moral compass of the world points south. But let me put a good dose of self reality on it: even though my moral compass was not pointing south, it wasn’t pointing north either. I was not nearly well versed enough to defend my opinion if the opportunity had arisen, and the fact I didn’t means I’m somewhat east or west.  Thats the dangerous reality of me,  I often times knows just enough to be dangerous. As a Christian I need to know the details as to why my compass points north.

So there you have it. Brown bag living, brainless laboring and brandishing lips are not just a problem of the world.  

Posted in Christian, Eternity, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Word of God

The Song of 2021

As I searched the scripture for inspiration for the day, my mind was drawn to this past weekend’s sermons and Sunday School lessons I heard. My mind was scattered over the weekend in weariness from activities that had taken a tole on me both physically and spiritually.  Business is not always my friend. Though it keeps my mind busy and off of the troubles of the day, it drains me of energy and focus.  I need focus. And so I turn to the word of God which never fails to reign in my mind. 

Psalm 9 commentaries seem to be decision about the nature of this Psalm and even it’s title. One says it is about the death of Goliath, another says of the death of Saul, there’s disagreement about the name Muthlabben, and to it’s meaning or to who it is spoken. I’m not so much concerned about any of that. God will let me know the truth of that matter when I get to Heaven. But the final paragraph of commentary to the purpose of the writing of Psalm 9 says what my soul needed to hear: “That this psalm, according to R. Sol Jarchi, belongs to the time to come, to the days of the Messiah, and the future redemption by him.” 

Amen! Even so, come Lord Jesus. But what truly captured my attention was the way this Psalm aligned with the woes of 2021. 

My Rights and My Cause

That’s what it’s all about, is it not? This world has gone absolutely mad with self promotion and entitlement. Even children of God are falling into the theories of this world that what we believe is more important than God. It’s not by happenstance that PRIDE is the name of their organization because that it in a nutshell. They’re ignoring the humbleness required to be a child of the King for the prideful sake of being a queen. Good night a mighty, that’s good even if I did write it. That should be on a tee shirt somewhere. I’m not going to wear it because I don’t want shot, but I’ll say it!  Because it’s truth. Look at the first verses of Psalm 9:

To the chief Musician, upon Muthlabben, a A Psalm of David.

Psalm 9:1-20 KJVS

[1] I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. [2] I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. [3] When mine enemies are turned back, they shall fall and perish at thy presence. [4] For thou hast maintained my right and my cause; thou satest in the throne judging right.

If our hearts are in order, our rights and our cause are in the hands of God and not to be fretted over. We’re not to worry what man thinks, we’re to concern ourselves with the word of God which will align us with Him. And in so doing He will take care of the enemy.

Who is the enemy? Anyone who’s turned their back on God. That should scare some folks, because the word says they will fall and they will perish at His presence. The people of this world can have all the pride they want while they’re in this world, but when it’s finished, and their standing before God, they will fall and they will perish.  Our being spared should cause every child of God to praise Him. 

My Memorials and My City

[5] Thou hast rebuked the heathen, thou hast destroyed the wicked, thou hast put out their name for ever and ever. [6] O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end: and thou hast destroyed cities; their memorial is perished with them.

The political left has destroyed any memorial they could get their hands on that had to do with history. It is there intent to rewrite history so that it will agree with their narrative of conversations and they can write God out of America. Be not deceived. Satan has a plan, and the history of Christianity is not a welcome part. Satan doesn’t care about the color of anyone’s skin, he cares about the color of the 🩸 blood of Christ. He wants it gone, which is leading us toward the antichrist and his agenda. Just as history cannot be rewritten neither can our future when it comes to end time events; there is a plan. We can change individual lives, but we cannot change what is written in the word of God. 

My Refuge in times of Trouble

 [7] But the Lord shall endure for ever: he hath prepared his throne for judgment. [8] And he shall judge the world in righteousness, he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness. [9] The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. [10] And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. [11] Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people his doings.

This Psalm shocked me at how it has followed the woes of 2021. Every single thing we’ve been facing, God has a plan for our peace in the midst of this mess. I love ❤️ it!

Oppression is certainly the hot topic word of the day! Everybody is oppressed. Their little feelings are hurt, they’ve been offended and they’re crying like toddlers at a candy counter. It’s pathetic. These people have no sense of oppression. They’re not oppressed, their spoiled. We have foreign countries literally waving our American flag as a symbol of freedom, while Americans are destroying it because they have the freedom to do it. Oh yeah, that’ll preach. But do you know what matters most dear child of God? The Lord is still on the throne! I cannot help but feel sorrow for this spoiled generation that doesn’t realize what truth and righteousness is. But I thank God that the truly oppressed, and those of us who seek refuge from the storms around us have full understanding of what God offers us through the salvation of Jesus Christ. 

My God and My Lord!

 [12] When he maketh inquisition for blood, he remembereth them: he forgetteth not the cry of the humble. [13] Have mercy upon me, O Lord ; consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate me, thou that liftest me up from the gates of death: [14] That I may shew forth all thy praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion: I will rejoice in thy salvation. [15] The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken. [16] The Lord is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah. [17] The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. [18] For the needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever. [19] Arise, O Lord ; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight. [20] Put them in fear, O Lord : that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.

We are but men. We have no power over the earth.  It is in the hands of the principalities of the air and the demonic forces are having the time of their lives but not forever, hallelujah! But in the mean time they seek the blood of the saints knowing that the more they can destroy those who share the gospel of peace, the fewer people who will hear and be saved. Satan’s not concerned with the heathen unless he can use them as tools of destroying the saved. But child of God turn your eyes toward Heaven because the “poor shall not perish for ever.” Jesus is coming back, it’s just on His time table, not ours. We must realize that we are “but men,” and there is only so much we’re capable of doing on this earth without God’s intervention. So keep praying, keep praising and keep professing the word of God to everyone you can. And by all means keep believing that just like 2020 came to an end, so will 2021, and so will this earth.  Our God reigns. 

Posted in Eternity, Evangelism, Grace, Life Inspiration, Peace, Word of God

Prisoners of Hope

What better description can we find for the children of God today! While it is true that most days the frustration of this world makes me feel like I’m in prison, I am assuredly a prisoner of hope. Just as the prophetic scriptures of Zechariah describe us in verse 12 of his book:

[12] Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee;

For certain a good verse for the refrigerator! But an awesome verse for the encouragement of the Spirit when you read the preceding prophecy:

The King is Coming!!!!

Zechariah 9:9-17 KJVS

[9] Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass. 

The prophetic telling of the triumphal entry told 500-ish years before the actual event unfolded on the streets of Jerusalem. Our Lord in His humbleness, who should have had at the very least a Cadillac chariot, was content riding on that little donkey. What an example He set before us as to what our attitudes as children of God should be. Humble and grateful. But I’m not. I’m more often than not, bratty and discontent. Praise God, Jesus knew there would be stress and struggles and His mercy extended forward to the days we’re in. I love the word of God! The more I read and study, the more I discover His magnificent plan for us. And what a privilege it is to be living in these days. We’re spoiled! We don’t deserve the life we’re living, and yet God has promised us an even better life for those who trust in Him and believe. While we often feel as though we’re captive in this wicked world, we’re prisoners of hope and promise. Golly, I just wrote myself happy! Thank You Jesus!!!

But read on! There is coming a day when the wars we see on this earth will end and we will live in peace. Can you imagine a world of nothing but peace? It’s hard for me to imagine. Not only a world without wars, but a world without disagreements and politics. A world where there is nothing but truth. Nothing but TRUTH! Oh my stars won’t that be grand!

Just as the old hymn says:

There is coming a day when no heartaches shall come

No more clouds in the sky, no more tears to dim the eye.

All is peace forevermore on that happy golden shore,

What a day, glorious day that will be.

The King is Bringing Refreshments!

 [11] As for thee also, by the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water. [12] Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee; 

You should know by now where my mind goes! 😂 

In this latest heat wave that we’ve been experiencing in West Virginia, nothing is as refreshing as a cool drink of water on a hot summer day. As much as I love Coke Zero it’s not nearly as good as water to quench the thirst.  But the water that Christ brought to us on the cross, that life giving water that Christ told the woman at the well she would never thirst again after receiving, that is what we’ll experience when the King returns. We’re drinking it now, but the world drains our well daily. Or at least mine. I have to go back to the book, the Word of God for a refill. But when Christ returns to takes us home for eternity, where we will live in the presence of that Water. We will never know thirst again. But when these words of Zechariah were written, that water had yet to be experienced. They living in dry times before the Messiah had come. But here lies the promise, the hope of Glory that they would one day receive that life giving water. I say that we are the prisoners of hope, which is true, but not to the degree that the Old Testament saints were. We are living under grace, they were living under the law. I don’t see how it would have been possible that God wouldn’t have struck me dead within 24 hours of me forming my first human opinion as a child. The Lord knows my heart, and He for sure knows my mouth! Before I was a mouthpiece for God, I was a mouthpiece for Satan. 

Back to the Refreshments… In the presence of the King, we will want for nothing. This morning I have desires that have yet to be fulfilled. You know… stuff. Stuff that I’m relatively sure will make my life complete. It won’t. But I think I need it. But there in His presence, there will be nothing I desire but Him and His desires. He’s going to refresh my every want with a double portion. Nothing will take my attention away from the purposes of God. Like Amazon… EBay…. Cato’s. You know. Stuff. 

What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see,

And I look upon His face,

The One who saved me by His grace;

When He takes me by the hand

And leads me through the Promised Land,

What a day, glorious day that will be.

The King is Still on Schedule

[13] When I have bent Judah for me, filled the bow with Ephraim, and raised up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O Greece, and made thee as the sword of a mighty man. [14] And the Lord shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning: and the Lord God shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirlwinds of the south. [15] The Lord of hosts shall defend them; and they shall devour, and subdue with sling stones; and they shall drink, and make a noise as through wine; and they shall be filled like bowls, and as the corners of the altar. [16] And the Lord their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people: for they shall be as the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land. [17] For how great is his goodness, and how great is his beauty! corn shall make the young men cheerful, and new wine the maids.

Commentary says of this passage that it speaks of the Jewish Apostles, who belong to Zion the church of Christ, who were sent forth into the Gentile world to deliver the gospel with weapons of warfare, not carnal but spiritual, which went forth as a bow piercing the hearts of mankind. Yes! It did pierce my heart in 1996 and left a hole that Christ alone could fill. Salvation filled me with that new wine that made me make noise! Where I once made noise for the world, now it’s for Christ and for His glory. We are the saints that are filled with the final sacrifice of the cross through the Holy Spirit. There is no more animal blood on the altar, but Christ’ 🩸 blood is there. Those of us who accepted that sacrifice that was made in our stead to pay the price for our sins will be as the stones of a crown. And you know how I like to 💖 sparkle. 

Many in the world have given up on Christ’s return, if they ever even believed it. They’re living day to day without hope. But that is not the case of a child of God. We know that His timing is not ours. Just for the record, God does not have an 🍎 Apple watch. We’ll know it’s time when the trumpet blows, but not until then. Until then we have work to do. 

Sparkle little children! Shine the light of Christ to someone today. 

Posted in Life Inspiration, Word of God

We’re making Satan’s Job Easy

If I have any advice for this day, for anyone, especially myself, it’s “Don’t take your vulnerability to Satan lightly.” There was a thought in my mind this morning that I dare not say out loud, for fear of Satan getting to know me too well. Sometimes I think we talk entirely too much. In this “touchy-feely” society where everyone wears their emotions on their sleeves and they constantly tell people what they’ve done to hurt their little feelings, Satan is having a hay day with the conversations. He doesn’t have to wonder where our vulnerabilities lie, he has a play by play from our own mouths. 

Just 2 Corinthians 10:4 reminds us (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;), the weapons of Satan are in the spirit realm too and the evil devices and forces that he chooses to use. He is the god of this earth and right now he’s living his best life thanks to the ample supply of weaponry provided by us. Take a trip around social media and read the posts of people who have been “wronged” by someone or something as they give Satan the fiery darts he can use to shoot them with later. The funny memes that are meant to stir the ire in people who believe differently are a wonderful distraction against the good which the word of God can do. It makes people feel so accomplished that they’ve stood for what they believe in by such offensive means, and there’s always someone ready to be offended. What good does that offensive method do? 

Hey! I’m not throwing stones at glass houses, I’m the first to think a meme or conservative cartoon is hysterical and share it. But yesterday a person I “followed” on instagram, who confesses Christianity, posted a meme with cuss words in it, insinuating that Christ would say this “funny thing.” My ire went from 0-90 in about 2 seconds. I quickly sent a message saying the Lord would by no means would say such unholy things and to make light of His holiness in such a manner was unacceptable. I’m sure they didn’t care. They have thousands of followers. Which I am now not one of. I didn’t say it obnoxiously or self righteously but hopefully in a manner that will make them think. But the point of this whole rant is that Satan uses human emotions to promote his own agenda. This conservative person, allowed Satan to use them as a tool to attack the holiness of God. They were vulnerable because they took lightly the sins of this world. 

This caused me to re-examine by own life in relationship to what I’m exposing my mind too and what I invest my time in. It is so easy to get sucked into the rabbit hole of Hellywood. (Intentionally misspelled). And it’s not only California that does it’s share of distracting the people of God, but ever state in the union, and every country in the world has less than godly things for godly people to get off task with. These invisible enemies are very visible to the vulnerable and very attractive. It’s a meme that makes us laugh, even though it’s not very nice. It’s a video that has a “little language,” but it was sooooooo funny we needed to share it. It’s a video rant of someone with an agenda, who plays right into the hands of Satan to cause our next Christian post to go unseen because we’ve angered the masses. What would happen if before we posted something we ask ourselves, “what is the end result of this going to accomplish for Christ?” 

Oh, I know. I’m the Jesus Chick, I have to say these things right? No I’m very human with a warped sense of humor that Satan attacks regularly. I’m also an outspoken person who Satan can use very easily when he gets my mouth engaged without my mind. Which is often. While I’m very conscientious of not saying my own weaknesses aloud, knowing that Satan can use it against me; but what about the weaknesses of others?

I noticed something about some solid Christian people I follow on social media. My attraction to them was in the fact that their posts encouraged my soul and pointed me to Christ. I also noticed that within my sphere of influence was a lot of negative drama that had  no business being there. At some point they had made me laugh or love deeper with one post, but I failed to notice that 20 other posts were less than godly and often took my mind into darkness. While I thought I was shielding by self from Satan by guarding my own mouth, I wasn’t guarding my mind from the mouths of others. 

Hey, I’m so human it’s ridiculous! I always write these blogs to myself and for myself. If they help you, that’s awesome! I’d love to know. But the truth of the matter is, this venue is my own soul check.  How about yours? Have you check the vulnerability level lately of your own mind and soul? I encourage you to do so today. I certainly need to!

Posted in Christian, Christian Chicks Uncooped, Christian Service, Grace, Life Inspiration

Why now for a Ladies Retreat?

Song of Songs 4:6 KJVS

[6] Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense. 

There comes a time, at least for me, when I just need to step outside the everyday monotony that I call life, and check in with Jesus. I long to walk into a room where my Lord is sitting, waiting for my arrival and say “Honey I’m home!” We’ll both laugh and then I’ll sit down at the table and together we’ll sort out the messes, calm the chaos, and bring my mind into a place of rest and peace. And when I later leave, I’ll know that I have been in the presence of the Lord. I’ll step back into my very imperfect life in a better place inside my mind. Even so Lord, let it be! I am so ready for September 4th and verse six in the Song of Solomon, chapter 4 does a wonderful job of preparing my heart. 

If you’re as I am, and you feel the end days getting closer and closer to the point that every loud sound causes you to wonder if Jesus is getting ready to call His church home, then follow along as we unpack verse 6! 

4:6 Until the day break, and the shadows flee away,…. Until the day of grace breaks on every sinner, and the shadows of darkness, ignorance, and unbelief, are gone; or until the everlasting day breaks, and there will be no more night, nor any darkness of affliction, nor any more desertion, doubts, and fears, we’re in time of waiting, but not without purpose. They are the words of Christ, declaring where He would go till that time came. But what did He do when he got there. Sit and twiddle His thumbs? Perhaps He did the Laundry. That’s what is whirring in the background as I write. No, I don’t think that that was on His agenda but rather He would spend time away from the shadows.

What are the shadows looming in your life right now? What feels like it’s leaning over your shoulder, whispering in your ear and making itself known, every day, for the purpose of distracting you from God’s work? Is there something taking your eyes off the goodness of God in your life and putting into view the fearful and uncertain times we’re living in? All of those are a very real struggle in my life. So I determined to pull a retreat together in two months, that would afford us a place in the mountains to gather with friends and for one day, focus on the freedom of being a child of God. 

I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense: the allusion may be to the mountains and hills where  myrrh and frankincense grew and the scents were abundant and filled your mind with fragrant thoughts. As my husband and I drove through the hills of West Virginia last night, that was where my mind was. We were in our Oreion Reeper (a dune buggy type vehicle without a top) and every scent of the mountains was so strong. Every hill and holler tickled my nose with amazing fragrances. Oh if only the evenings were longer to enjoy the time! But it was still nice to escape just for a few hours where struggles of the world weren’t on our minds. Just  growing closer to each other.

That’s the day I long for with Christ. To know Him better and to Know His people better. To enjoy the company and fellowship of others who want the same things. 

According to the commentary of of John Gill: By this “mountain” and “hill” may be meant the church of Christ, gathered together in Gospel order, so called for its visibility and immovableness, Isaiah 2:2; and for the trees of righteousness which are planted and flourish there, the saints; and for the fragrancy of their graces; and for the sweet smelling odor of their sacrifices of prayer and praise; and because of the delight and pleasure Christ takes in his people, and they in him here; where they have mutual communion, so that it is to them both a mountain of myrrh and a hill of frankincense: particularly, here Christ delights to be, and here he resolves to dwell until his second coming.

Those are such sweet thoughts! I rely on fragrances a lot in my home to take my mind to a sweeter place. It seems as though that was the Lord’s intent when placing those scents here on earth for us to enjoy. 

As I continue preparing for this retreat, and preparing my heart to encourage those who attend, I’m praying earnestly that  women will join together in the fellowship of Christ and will be rewarded with a refreshing day on the mountain just as Solomon spoke of. I am for certain that I need it now! And that is why the time is now. Please, Pray about joining us. Here’s the the link the ticket, and I look forward to seeing you September 4th!
Posted in Eternity, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

How to Shut up the Stupid People

An Independence Day Message

Let’s be frank. There’s too many stupid people to shut them all up. But there’s a biblical way that may work on a few in your neighborhood. It’s found in the book of 1 Peter where he speaks to the redeemed of Christ, (that’s us) reminding us that we should be more like the nature of God than the nature of man. We should be holy and righteous in our daily walk so that the unsaved world can see the light of Christ. 

Peter doesn’t say it will be easy. He was the apostle crucified upside down. He quite obviously was willing to put his money where his mouth was. Where is there faith any where close today?And where is there committed Christian Americans who are willing to walk for Christ in honor of the temporary country they’ve been given by God. There is such a lack of respect in America right now that it’s more popular to be anti-American than patriotic. And within the church it is getting more  popular to take the holiness and righteousness out of the church and replace it with worldly apathy so that anything goes and nobody is offended. Preach! I say. Ain’t it the truth?

And so Peter did Preach it.

1 Peter 2:9-17 KJVS

[9] But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

That’s my life verse! I was born to be peculiar. 

Let’s see some Bling!

This country needs to see some Christians standing out in the crowd for what they know is right. Someone shining the light of Christ while standing up for the foundational truths that this nation was founded on. One Nation under God.  People who are willing to fight for what they believe in.

It’s not hard for me to speak Christ when I remember the dark place that I came from. The place where Christ called me out of. It’ was literally like stepping out of a dark cave, where I felt alone and frightened, into the light of day where I had friends waiting for me and a support system like I’d never had. I had family who loved me, but I felt they had to. That was a rule. But I’d never had this genuine relationship with a body of people who were working for the same goal. And the goal was to love on and take as many people with to Heaven as possible. That should be what the world sees when they see the church. But unfortunately too many Christians can’t get the world out of themselves. They don’t realize how important God thinks they are. They are a “royal priesthood.” 

Put on Your Crown!

Your not an ordinary person. You used to be, but now you’re someone highly important and you should live like you are. 

Peter said:

 [10] Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. [11] Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; [12] Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. 

While America is our home for the time being, we are still considered pilgrims, just as Peter called them in his day. We are a visitor in this land, never meant to put down roots like we’re going to be here forever.  When I go out of town and stay with someone I don’t move in like I’m never leaving. I treat their home and them with respect, and honor their ways, even if it’s not something that I would do at my house, so that when I leave I’ll be spoken well of. 

That’s how we should walk through this world. People should love to see a Christian coming as they would if the King and Queen of another nation were coming to visit. Think of a time when you had visitors that weren’t the best kind of visitors. They’d didn’t leave you with the desire to invite them back. Kind of like the people in Seattle that destroyed their own town. Who in their right mind would want to invite them into their city or their home. 

So if we represent God in our hometown, what should people see when they visit us? If we are the representatives of Christ here on the earth, the royal people of God, what should we do when we meet people in every day life? Should we expect them to bow? No! We’re in their land. We should be treating them with respect. We should also be oozing the goodness of God to the point hat they can’t wait to be in our presence again. But is that the case?

What do your friends and family see in you? What do they hear from you? And leaving their presence better than when you arrived? Or are they telling their neighbors that they’re glad you’re going? There used to be a slogan at Victory Baptist Church that said “Discover the Difference.” Is there still a difference?

Don’t Ask Anyone to Kiss Your Ring

[13] Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; [14] Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. [15] For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: [16] As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. [17] Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

While we’re just visitors in this foreign land and our actual home is in Heaven with God; unless He decides to take us home, we’re going to be here a while. So what should we be doing?


A terribly dirty word in society today. Everyone wants their own way. But that is not God’s way. His way is for us to submit and humble ourselves as visitors in a foreign land. If it’s a new decree that citizens are to wear purple on Fridays. Wear purple, what’s it going to hurt? There’s nothing in the scripture that says you shouldn’t wear purple. But if they make it a decree that we’re to wear a rainbow in support of pride, what should we do? Sorry folks, that’s where I draw the line. And I would hope that I have respected people enough on the ordinary laws they’ve made, that when I stand out against matters that are biblically incorrect, people will honor me because of my kindness.  But maybe not. I’ve certainly seen it both ways with the mask mandate. 

I humbled myself many times and wore the mask. Other times I had a rebellious spirit that said no. I’ll be honest, I’m probably not the poster child for Peter’s verse when it come to that issue. But I always tried to explain in kindness that I didn’t mind people wearing them, but I can’t breathe with them on. So I opt to breathe. I hope you don’t mind! I wasn’t using my liberty as a “cloke of maliciousness” as Peter said. But there have been some who did. 

While Christ is the Son of God, and came from Heaven which we have never seen. Was perfect in every way, that’s not what He flaunted when He came to earth. He did not have people kiss His ring and bow to Him. He didn’t even wear a ring. He came humble, not even having a home to live in. So what is expected of us?

Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

Respect everyone. Saved and unsaved alike. 

Love the people of the church. They are our people!!!         

Understand who is the sovereign leader of our Nation. It’s not the senile old man in the White House, but he our president. And unless it goes against scripture, I’ll honor what they say. And then perhaps, they’ll keep their mouth shut and won’t prove themselves ignorant. 

Posted in Christian Service, Church Unity, Eternity, Evangelism, Faith, Forgiveness, Grace, Life Inspiration

Heaven is not a Pot Luck Dinner

What the Bible Doesn’t Say

Be careful what you say to me, it may just be the topic of tomorrows post. I don’t say that viciously, it’s just that when someone get’s the wheels in my mind turning, I usually can’t get them to stop until I figure out what the Bible says about it. And so the conversations went, that there were topics that God just didn’t discuss; therefore they were up for debate as to the moral position that a Christian should take. Okay, game on. Now my mind is not going to stop wallowing this around until I get it nailed down. 

Heaven’s Not a Pot Luck Dinner

Romans 14:16-23 KJVS

[16] Let not then your good be evil spoken of: [17] For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

That thought just cracked me up! Proof that my title is true and Heaven is not a pot luck dinner, no matter how many baptist think it is.  No one is really arguing about Heaven being a pot luck dinner, but there are plenty of people arguing over food, alcohol and other activities in the Bible. 

 How many times have I heard the argument about alcohol being wrong. I know how serious alcohol addiction is and how important medical rehabilitation center in Oregon is. And then some smart aleck will say “well gluttony is a sin too.” Of course it is, why are you looking at me when you say that? Go over in the corner and drink your beer. Just kidding. Nobody is drinking at my house.  But I’ve had that conversation with waaaaaaaaay more than one person trying to convince me that my stand on alcohol is not biblical because wine is mentioned many times in the scripture. I’ve heard preachers say that it wasn’t fermented when Jesus drank it, it was the pure juice of the vine.  I honestly don’t know the answer to that question. I do know that at the wedding of Cana, wine was on the menu because Jesus created it.

John 2:7-10 KJVS

[7] Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. [8] And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. [9] When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, [10] And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now.

Within the statement of “when men have well drunk”, John Gill’s commentary said “and when men have well drank; not to excess, but freely, so as that they are exhilarated; and their spirits cheerful, but their brains not intoxicated: so the word, as answering to the Hebrew word is שכר, used by the Septuagint in Genesis 43:34.

I, quite frankly am not a scholar of Hebrew. I only know the English language and I tend to butcher it. So when I read the words “well drank.” To me it means they drank a considerable sum. And in so doing they aren’t aware or don’t care when the cheap stuff comes out.  Were they intoxicated? It sounds like it to me, but what do I know. So where does that put us on whether or not God says it’s okay to drink alcohol? It doesn’t.  It does however say things like 

Proverbs 23:30-31 KJVS

[30] They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. [31] Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.

It’s not talking about the color of the wine being the issue but rather the intent behind the heart that’s looking at it. Don’t be lusting after the wine like a drunkard. 

And Proverbs 20:1

[1] Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.

Neither verse says “thou shalt not drink alcohol.” But they certainly give indication that it’s not always a good idea.  And as for the advice for our era of time,  meaning the advice we receive from Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles… that’s us… and his advice which was that of Romans 14, “the kingdom of Heaven is not meat and drink.” Heaven isn’t about what you eat or drink. It’s rather about righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Ghost. What’s the Holy Spirit say about it? To you personally? And would you know if He was talking to you, or is He even talking to you? If you’re not a child of God, saved, having accepted the salvation of Jesus Christ through the His blood on the cross, then you’re not hearing the Holy Ghost, because you’re not on speaking terms yet. God is not so concerned for what is on the menu for dinner as He is on what are the desires of our heart, and what testimony comes from those desires. 

 [18] For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. [19] Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. [20] For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence. [21] It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. [22] Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. [23] And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

As with everything in life, this goes back to the intent of the heart. Why is alcohol important to you? (If it is) And if it is, do you drink it without regard for those who struggle with it. That you may cause an alcoholic who can’t control themselves and therefore may die in alcoholism, then it’s unquestionably sin. So for me, I would just sooner abstain. 

The same is true with dieting. If I have a friend who’s trying to live healthy and I’m eating cheesecake in their face, it’s not different than the alcohol question. But God is not so much concerned about what we eat and drink as He is on who’s going to be setting around His table in Heaven. This is where our focus should be. If you’re wanting to orange alcohol and food, you’re heart’s not right to start with. Heaven is not about a pot luck dinner. 

Heaven is not about who you’re married too

Luke 20:34-35 KJVS

[34] And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: [35] But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:

Scripture does say if you’re saved you should not marry the unsaved.

2 Corinthians 6:14 KJVS

[14] Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

So, if you’re saved, and your single, your future mate should be a bible believing child of God. Nothing else will be in the will of God. But for me, I, nor my husband were saved when we got married. So ye were equally yoked, unfortunately in sin. But then I got saved, and David was still lost. Should I have left him? No! The Bible says 

1 Corinthians 7:12-15 KJVS

[12] But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. [13] And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. [14] For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. [15] But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases : but God hath called us to peace.

There’s a common word used both with regard to alcohol, and marriage. Peace. 

That’s where the rubber meets the road for me with both. I hate confrontation and arguing. H.A.T.E. It! It is a life of misery I have lived and have no desire to return to it. I’m not saying I haven’t argued since I got saved, but I’m saying that I have never sought it. I have witnessed both alcohol and the unsaved be the culprit in what would lead to a violent end. It’s terrifying, it put’s children and adults at risk, in fear and it breaks hearts. But Satan will give people justifications. He/She hurt me. They were wrong. They sinned. All of that may be true, but it doesn’t justify, an ugly battle instituted by the child of God. God only wants peace. And anything that comes between you and a peaceful day isn’t of God. Peace. Oh my stars, if Heaven were nothing but that, would it not be worth it all! But it’s going to be so much more. 

Our relationships in Heaven will not be those of the earth, they’ll be better. We’ll be known as we are known, but with perfect love in our hearts for everyone and most importantly for God. Our lives will center around Him and His purpose. As it should now, but can’t because there’s too many worldly things in the way. Like man’s opinions. 

And speaking of worldly relationships, I’ll touch on this only for moment and then move on. It’s settled in Heaven and it’s settled in my heart about the matter of homosexuality and the Bible. Does the Bible word “homosexuality appear in the Bible. No. Does it’s failure to be in there mean that the subject wasn’t addressed. No. Did Jesus personally say anything about it. Yes. Because every word in the Bible is His word, whether or not it’s highlighted in red.

1 Corinthians 6:9 KJVS

[9] Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Effeminate is defined as (womanly characteristics in a man). Clearly labeled as sin, not accepted of God. 

1 Timothy 1:8-10 KJVS

[8] But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; [9] Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, [10] For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;

It once again is not said to be homosexuality. Bu who are they who are guilty of sodomy. (Acts against nature as it’s defined. Leviticus 18:22 the wrath of God was revealed from heaven in a very visible and remarkable manner against this abomination, by raining fire and brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah, and upon the cities of the plain, who defiled themselves in this way. Without getting graphic as to what “acts against nature” would be, let’s just say it’s not natural for men to be with men and women to be with women. The manner for which a man and woman come together is a perfect jig saw puzzle that’s not up for debate. 

Romans 1:24-27,29 KJVS

[24] Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. [26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. [29] Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

Let’s get back to Heaven not being a potluck dinner. I’m not sure what’s going to be on the menu our first day in Heaven. But I know in my heart that God’s got that dinner planned just like He planned creation and how it should work. And then mankind messed it up by putting our own ideas into the mix. Our opinions do not matter one iota to God, nor change His mind from the scripture He created as Law. Yes we’re under grace. But grace forgives sin, it doesn’t excuse it. Thank God for grace and peace… and pot luck dinners on this side of Heaven.  

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Family, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Hearts in Hot Water

Why is it that every news report, countless daily conversations and many of the thoughts we have are currently filled with struggles. Or is it just me? I’m thinking it’s not. Right now there are basically three types of people that I contend with. Those of a conservative and concerned mindset about the moral condition of our world, those who have allowed the world to convince them that sin is acceptable and only relative if it effects them personally, and those with little awareness who deem it easier to live that way than in reality. I love each one, but I can tell you that I struggle with the matter of conversing with the latter two. 

A word search of “struggle” lead me to only one mention of it in scripture. And a fitting scripture it was. The story of two nations in the womb of a concerned momma who feels them struggling within her. 

Genesis 25:21-34 KJV

[21] And Isaac intreated the Lord for his wife, because she was barren: and the Lord was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. [22] And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the Lord. [23] And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

The Inquiry

Rebekah’s first reaction was to “inquire of the Lord of the struggle.” Would to God that people would ask God His opinion of the current struggles in our world. I had a conversation with a young person this week that I finally had to just shut down the conversation to keep a contentious attitude in control. My attitude wasn’t so healthy either. I could feel the ire rise within my soul as they implied that God approved the sin of homosexuality, made light of bible characters, and wanted to debate morality. This is the world we live in, and it’s not only the young. The influence of the secular collegiate educators is corrupt and our young people are in the mouths of a lion. 

After that conversation I too inquired of the Lord. Where is this struggle deriving from and how do I change that mindset? It hurts my heart that the word of God gets less and less respect. I believe the reasoning behind that is the conviction it brings. John Powell’s comment about the Bible being a “Spiritual Washcloth” always comes to mind in times like these. The word of God is meant to clean up the heart of the reader and the world wants no part of it. Their solution is to struggle against God’s purpose by injecting Satan’s questioning. Just as it was in the garden with Eve when Satan ask “did God not say,” and then continued to manipulate the words of God to fit his agenda. 

The two nations that Jacob and Esau came to represent were literal countries: Israel and Edom. Two brothers formed in the love of Isaac and Rebekah became two nations at odds of one another, and what was a simple family struggle became nations at war. Can we not see that potential in the church? We have one side standing on the Bible as the inerrant word of God. We have the other side saying, well yes it is, but we believe God didn’t necessarily mean what He said. Wait… what? How can that be. Well it can’t. And a simple “family struggle” has become an assault against us and their using our children to attack. 

I beg you to make an inquiry of the Lord yourself, and see what He says.

The Counter Intelligence

Counter intelligence is activities designed to prevent or thwart spying, intelligence gathering, and sabotage by an enemy or other foreign entity. If you break the word apart and define it, it’s the opposing effort of mental capacity. Good vs. Evil. Smart vs. Stupid. There is God’s side, and all others.  If you go against any part of the word of God, you are siding against Jesus Himself. Oh, but the world says no. You’re allowed to disagree with God. Yes, yes you are, it’s called free will; and its what all of us will stand accountable before God and answer for. And many will discover that all those “errors” in the word of God were in fact truth. And they’re going to be in a heap of trouble. 

On with the story of the birth of Esau and Jacob:

[24] And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. [25] And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau. [26] And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau’s heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them. [27] And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents. [28] And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison: but Rebekah loved Jacob.

The boys were born to adversity between each other, and the attention of their parents, pitting one against the other. I’ve watched this play out in families that I know and it basically works the same way every time. Animosity and division that seldom ever heals. Personalities clashed between the brothers, one as a hunter and the other as a momma’s boy and sides were chosen.  There was now a division in the family. 

How many divisions are there in the family of God? There are 45,000 denominations globally according to google. And we know that Google is the truth second only to the word of God. I’m joking!!! But it is a source of information none the less, so we’ll go for it being that I only wanted a guess-timate anyway. Like the churches of today, both boys were vying for the attention of the parents, believing that they were the favored and the righteous. But not until a wrestling match did one gain the favor of God, but that story is for another day.

The Integrity

 [29] And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came from the field, and he was faint: [30] And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage ; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom. [31] And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. [32] And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? [33] And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob. [34] Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright.

And this is where integrity went right out the window! I don’t know how long it was since Esau’s last meal, but I’m pretty sure he wasn’t on the edge of death! He was however famished and desirous of his brothers soup. An opportunity that Jacob took full of advantage of to con his brother out of his birthright. He traded a very temporal satisfaction for a lifetime of inheritance. 

The writer of Hebrew says this of Esau: Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.

While Jacob’s character at this point was certainly in question, Esau is said to have despised his part of the world to come, he denied the resurrection of the dead, and had no regard to the spiritual blessings or to the Messiah. Jacob, who like every man on the earth is flawed, becomes Israel through a change of heart and obedience to God. 

I see the world as having Esau’s heart. While Esau was seemingly more productive than his brother Jacob, his lack of respect for the things of God caused him to lose everything of importance. Today the world focus’ on their own opinions being more important than truth and  their disregard for their own inheritance of the Kingdom of God will leave many in the church lacking.

I pray that as I continue working and serving the Lord, I pray that my words always align with scripture and that the flesh has no part of this message.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Fear, Life Inspiration

The Devil is Looking for Trouble

It usually takes multiple attacks, tears of frustration and self blame, nausea and a weakened spirit to the point of utter despair before I finally hear the Spirit of God say to me, “Shari, You’re under attack.” It wasn’t that He probably hadn’t said it several times. He may have even nudged me or spiritually slapped the back of my head but as always, I’m distracted. I could chock it up to being a slower learner, but that would imply I’d “learn” and do better next time. That is probably not the case. 

Attacks come in many forms and are usually quite unique to our own vulnerabilities. Our weaknesses are not hidden from Satan and his minions; they know what captivates our attention and what will feel like we’ve been struck by a violent blow to the gut. Dramatic? But of course, Satan loves drama! And he’s an excellent actor. His first stage was the garden, deceiving Eve, and he’s been adding acts to the same old show since then. We are not slow learners, we’re no learners. At least in my experience. 

So what’s the point of me telling you something you likely already know? Because I know it too, but as I drew the image for this post, (before I wrote the post) it was so obvious that I was in the midst of an attack and hadn’t even realized it because I was so wrapped up in my drama. 

Peter tells us in 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

The Devil has one job until all of Hell breaks loose during the tribulation… having God’s people for lunch. That’s why Peter tells us that we need to be sober and vigilant. Seriously on the lookout! Satan is slinking around in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to pounce. 

He did not miss that snarky little comment your husband made… and so he replays it in your mind again and again until it’s blown so far out of proportion from it’s intent.

He did not miss that you felt like the fifth wheel at the last dinner. You’re never in the click. And so you’ll avoid them all. Yay! Now Satan now has even more time to mess with your head.

The images on social media look so perfect. And so silent. They do not tell the storylines behind the smiles of the broken families and imperfect relationships. You just know your life is no where near as great, and then the comparison starts. 

Everyone of those examples and countless more have happened to me. I’m a full course dinner for Satan anytime he wants to have me for lunch. He knows that all he has to do is bring attention to an issue and then I’ll take over from there, making a mountain size problem out of it. Call me gullible. It’s okay.

So what’s the answer? Read Peter’s advice to his friends…

1 Peter 5:9-11 KJVS

[9] Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. [10] But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. [11] To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Resist Him. Satan loves to be the center of attention. That’s what his entire life has been about. Trying to get himself into the place of God. Ignoring him and focusing on your faith and your relationship with God will be what wins the victory over these battles.

Remember you’re not alone. Everyone faces theses same battles, it’s just that theirs are geared to their vulnerabilities. You may never struggle with what they do, or vice versa, but the struggle is every bit as real and hard to overcome for each of you. If only our focus could be on that rather than on the comparison of how easy their life assuredly is. I have this conversation with myself all the time when I look at the “perfect” lives of others. I’m only seeing a snapshot, not the full story. Their life might break me completely if I knew the truth of it. 

Refuse Satan’s words. God has not called you to have the spirit of fear, or frustration but rather there is a work God has called you to do. Which is what Satan is trying to get you off task from. By refusing and rebuking him for lying and manipulating your world you can take charge of the situation. But you have to turn him off like a staticky radio station.

Refresh yourself. Take time to read and study the word of God. Get in the presence of God’s people and focus on what you can do for them. This is my advice for me. Do with it what you will, but I know for certain if I don’t follow my own advice, I’m going to have a miserable day. 

Posted in Christian Service, Family, Heaven, Life Inspiration, Music, Praise, salvation, worship

The Day my Dad Danced

I love to hear the stories of my families faith. Some of it I grew up with, but was unsaved and ignorant to its meaning in my life, and much of it took place before there was me, or I was too young to understand at all. And such was the story of my Dad, Gene Paul Hardway, as told to me by my cousin Jerry Hughes. Jerry, fortunately for me, not only has great faith, but he has a great memory of spiritual matters with family. I could listen to o him for hours because now, it has meaning. Great meaning.

The story was told (as well as I recall) that at an old time revival in the hills of Braxton County, West Virginia my Dad stood to testify and the Holy Spirit took charge. His testimony went from testifying to preaching, and as he preached on the old wooden platform, he danced. My Dad’s dancing was a cross between a clogging style and a soft shoe. Not showy, just softly. I witnessed him do that many, many times as a child and as an adult. He loved to dance. But this night he danced in the Spirit. Jerry said that Dad apologized to the congregation for the dancing, to which they responded for it to continue as long as he liked because they too knew that the Spirit had a hold of my dad. .

It was such a sweet story.You’d have understand my Dad’s demeanor to appreciate the story. He was the most kind hearted, gentle man I ever knew. He never cared if he had the latest and the greatest. He knew and lived apostle Paul’s verse in Philippians 4:11 KJV, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” A matter I’ve struggled with. 

So on this Father’s Day weekend, in honor of my earthly Father who is now with my Heavenly Father I share this story and these thoughts on Psalm 149.

Don’t be Shocked 

PSALM 149 [1] Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. [2] Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. 

My heritage (and yours) goes back much farther than that time in the hills of West Virginia when my Dad danced. I have to wonder if Adam didn’t dance in the garden. It doesn’t say he did, but I’d imagine it to be the case. What was the music? Maybe the song birds. Only God knows. But since then, dancing has got a bad rap. Literally. I really don’t understand why unless Matthew 11: 15-19 is an indication. 

[15] He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. [16] But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, [17] And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented. [18] For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil. [19] The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.

Religion! Always a sour note in life’s song. Far be it from any of the religious tribe to dance. They are far too “dignified” (aka dead) for that. Regardless of what those in the Spirit do, the dead will make light or evil of it. They did in Jesus’ day, and they do in ours. Judgement abounds in the church setting. 

Do I think we should dance in the church. No. It’s not that I would mind if someone did (so long it was of the Spirit’s leading) But the problem is there are always those who find the need for showmanship. And while my Dad was of a meek and gentle spirit, not everyone is. But from Christ’s own words he acknowledged the deadening of the religious and it was not good. 

Dancing is only mentioned 37 times in scripture both old and new. So from that I think we can surmise  that it was not be be a major part of worship. But we also should not be shocked if it happens! 

Don’t be Stupid

PSALM 149 [3] Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. [4] For the Lord taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation. [5] Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.

The song of salvation! Of what joy those words bring to my heart. I understand my Dad’s dance. I understand it so well I got me some clogging shoes a few months ago. I hope to learn how to clog just for the fun of it. (Not in worship… although I might praise Him while I dance,) especially if I don’t collapse from a heart attack!  But what struck me as pertinent to our blog today from this verse is the fact that David said God would beautify the meek.  What my Dad did in that little country church was a beautiful thing. He was overcome by the Spirit with gladness in his heart for the salvation Christ had afforded him. Like me, my Dad was in his 30’s when he accepted Christ as his Savior. There was a lot of water (and sin) under our bridges. We knew what God had saved us from and we are grateful! I believe it was because of Dad’s “meekness” that God was glorified in that moment. He wasn’t behaving out of control (stupidly). He was in the perfect control of the Spirit of God. 

Don’t be Silenced

PSALM 149 [6] Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand; [7] To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; [8] To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; [9] To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the Lord.

It’s an honor to be a mouthpiece of the Lord. I was born for that! My Dad used to call me Charlie because of a character played by Bernadette Peters, who was a loud mouthed woman on a sitcom back in the day. For some reason, I reminded Dad of her. Go figure!  But Dad may have seen in me (at least I hope) the potential that Christ would get a hold of this mouth and use it for His glory. 

On this Father’s Day weekend, I’m so proud to be the daughter of the meek Gene Paul Hardway. But, I’m even prouder to be the child of the King along with my earthly Father. I hope you enjoyed this memory as much as I did, and I pray you have a blessed Father’s Day!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

The Unintentional Faux Pas

I just went back and re-read yesterday’s Jesus Chick post. Oh. My. Stars. And. Garters! The grammatical errors and typos were beyond.  I really should go back and fix it, and I really need a proof reader, but neither of those things are likely going to happen because when I write these blogs it’s often in the wee hours of the day, or I’m typing at lightening speed  (the way I talk.) Mouth engaged. Brain not so much. Which is how I do life. Fast and furious, hoping nobody get hurt in the process. This morning that caused me to slow down and ponder the intents of my heart. 

It started when a prayer request popped up on my social media feed for someone who no longer attends our church for reasons I know not why. The flesh took hold of me for a split second until the chastisement of the Lord took a stronger grip when I allowed the thought to enter my head, “You’re going to seriously pray for them after they hurt you like they did?” Yes, I’m that wicked. I don’t play church. So when someone leaves my congregation for questionable reasons I’m hurt. I’m hurt for the Pastor. I’m hurt for God. I’m hurt for me because I miss them. It’s a character flaw that God’s working on.

Typos and character flaws have a lot in common. 

Both are unintentional. Both are often caused by no brain engagement. Speed is a factor.

The Unintentional Faux Pas

Paul said it for me in Romans 7:19 KJVS

[19] For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

I would never intentionally hurt someone. I have many flaws, but being mean isn’t one of them. As a matter of fact, I’ve been told that I could be a little harsher, I just don’t have it in me. Nor do I think it’s what Christ would have me do. But I can’t say that I haven’t hurt people without intent. It probably happened when I was speaking without thinking. While I know I’m forgiven, it still may come with regret and consequences. And just because I’m forgiven, and aware, doesn’t mean that this blog won’t have just as many typos and my life still won’t have regrets. Being human is a harsh reality. 

So my thought for today, that perhaps you’d like to ponder as well is “How can I slow this train down?” How can I be more intentional about doing good, and less unintentional about doing bad. 

As I write this I’m sitting on my porch and it’s a brisk 59 degrees this morning. But that doesn’t stop the critters from entertaining me, especially the hummingbirds. They’re fragile little bodies are so tiny you’d think that they’d still be huddled in their nest. But no, they’re flitting about the feeder going a hundred miles an hour and my first thought is, I’ll bet that’s how people see me. Lighting here, lighting there. Never anywhere for long.

Slow this train down Shari. 

I wish I were like the lightening bugs. They also fly, but ever…so…slowly. And they light up! I’m always looking for ways to sparkle. The problem is I’m more like a lightening bolt than a sparkle which isn’t always bad. Eleven verses in the book of James summed up my dilemma this morning. 

James 1:17-27 KJVS

Destined to Sparkle!

[17] Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. [18] Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.

Nobody is any more surprised than me when God’s word fits so cleverly into my train of thought.  It’s like the question, “Which came first the chicken or the 🥚 egg?” The answer is God. He is the Almighty Awesome Creator! Of both the gift and the giver. He creates us to be who we are, and even though we mess that up, He even built into the plan an agent of forgiveness. His own Son. He made this Jesus Chick to sparkle and spoke me into being just as He did that little zippity zip hummingbird!

Designed to Listen

I love the quote that says “The reason God gave us two ears and one mouth is because He wanted us to listen twice as much as we talk.” Boy o boy do I have issues with that!

[19] Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: [20] For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. [21] Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. [22] But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. [23] For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: [24] For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. [25] But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

I’m relatively sure any wrath I feel is likely because I didn’t take the time to listen and study the situation out. When David and I have what I call a “Mr. & Mrs.” (aka disagreement) it’s more often than not because one of us didn’t listen and consider the other’s side. How much sweeter life would be if before I judged someone’s intentions I’d consider their reasons. Hmmm… God’s word is so faithful!  

The latter part of that verse brings up the mirror and the fact that when we walk away we forget what we look like. A fact for which I’m happy about this morning with my crazy hair and yesterdays make up. But it’s not good at all when we walk away from he word of God, which serves as a mirror to our soul, and like this word this morning reminds me of where I need some serious attention. 

Listen Shari….

Dealing with Deception

 [26] If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain. [27] Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Satan’s strategies from the garden of Eden was deception. It’s still his weapon of choice when dealing with the children of God. If he can capture our attention with the mirrors of earth which only show our earthly image, he can change our focus from God’s design to a self centered diva. Then we’re not listening and visiting those who need visited or taking care of the afflicted but rather we’re just taking care of us. Which is what this “me” generation is all about.

Once again I have a dozen things on my agenda today and only 6 or so will fit. I’m glad for this morning’s study which reminds me to slow this train down and enjoy the opportunities I have to serve. I hope it helped you too! Please let me know if you’ve been encouraged by this word. And if you have please share this blog with your friends. Perhaps they need to sparkle today too!

Love ya. Really mean it. Shari.

Please ignore any typos.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, Praise, worship

How Many Ways to Worship?

I gotta tell ya… my ways really haven’t changed over my 25 years of salvation. But what has changed is my understanding of why I do what I do. Worship is a very personal thing. If we’re speaking of the worship of God Almighty, we have to make that clear first. Because there are people who worship many things, and some “know not what” they worship. There is nausea in my belly when I think of the many that might fall in to this category. They know there is something to be worshipped. Or Someone to be worshipped, but the world has left them confused as to who or what specific “god” is that they’re to worship. Or what is acceptable worship. I must confess that in my earlier years of salvation, I would follow the cues of the church I happened to be in as to what style I was to worship in. And then they’re came the day when I just decided, that “this” was the style of worship that God had laid upon my heart and I began worshiping as I felt was the Spirit’s leading no matter where I was. 

But there is a method to madness of worship, and there truly is a little madness in the mix with some people. Who I’ll not mention. I’ll just discuss what the word says about worship, because that’s all that we need to know. 

188 times worship is mentioned in scripture. But in Philippians, Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles tells us of the worship experience and the warnings. 

Philippians 3:1-3 KJVS

[1] Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. [2] Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. [3] For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.

Flesh is certainly an issue with worship. I’ve seen it in action as I’ve watched as people competed to see who could worship the best and the loudest. The most “spiritual.” And then again there are times when I want to say to whom ever sits beside of me “Here, hold my mule,” so I can shout the glory down…. But then I don’t because I wonder if it’s the Spirit or is it me. Perhaps I’m wondering what people will think.  Perhaps I think too much. When I say I haven’t changed, I haven’t, I’m a relatively free wheeling worshipper who shouts Amen! And praises God with lifted hands and all the stuff worshippy! (It’s not a word, I know you grammar natzi’s) but it is a feeling. I don’t however want to bring attention to me. I want to bring attention to God and He alone. 

Questionable Worship

Stifled Worship.

I’ve seen some questionable worship. Such as the “stifled worship” of the religious. Nobody raises their voice above a whisper, and for certain you do not make a spectacle of yourself by raising limbs or standing up. That’s just ridiculous! Rising up is rebellion you heathen. That’s really how I feel when I go to a Spirit stifled church where everyone leaves the same way they came in. Dead. 

Mark 7:6-8 KJVS

[6] He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. [7] Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. [8] For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.

They are pretty people. But I’m pretty sure they’re not God’s favorites. Just saying, not judging. How is God glorified (which is our job by the way) in a dead church? Jesus said they honor Him with their lips but there heart is far from Him. Because if you have Jesus in the right position in your heart, your heart is about to jump out of your chest. It’s exciting! Here, hold my mule and I’ll tell you about it. 

Secular Worship

Wait a minute. How can there be secular worship when secular means nonreligious, nonchurch, temporal, worldly, earthly, profane; unsanctified, unconsecrated, unhallowed? If a church believes they should agree with and stand with other god serving religions, accept lifestyles that go against biblical principles, and support decisions that take the life of an unborn child, then God’s not in their church. He is holy. He will not be where sin abounds. Scripture makes that very clear. So there can be all appearances of a spiritual service, but God’s not in it, because their hearts are not serving Him. Am I judging. No. I’m reading the Bible. 

I follow on instagram, a conservative, right wing, outspoken young black man who is HIGHLY opinionated when it comes to conservative things, but he’s a proud gay man with an effeminate  character. I follow him out of curiosity in hopes that the Lord will one day open the door for me to speak with him and ask him (in love, not hatred) how can he say the Bible is the inerrant word of God and be gay without remorse? It’s the same as a church saying the previously mentioned things are okay, but their God’s people. No, if you were God’s people you’d never under any circumstance say His book and Word was wrong. 

If you belong to a church who puts their seal of approval on sin. Leave. That’s my advice. 

Simple Worship

In my travels I’ve been to many little country churches across the nation. And  many of them have been my favorites. There is no choir, except the congregation which may have been counted on no more than two hands. There is no fancy pews, just hardwood, backbreaking, bottom hurting benches! The preacher isn’t a college graduate. Sometimes he’s not a high school graduate. But what He is is God’s man and God teaches His own. In the words of Tony Morgan, “Simple People have Simple Ways.” Indeed. And sometimes it’s just what God wants. No fluff, just favor. And the Spirit of God in His people whose love is evident. Simple worship. They may be God’s favorite. 

I’ve always felt like God’s favorite. I’m not. But God makes all His children feel that way who love His presence and look forward to His coming. The churches who are not following and studying His book may not even be aware that He’s coming back. Some have even denounced it. Because we can do that you know. Tell God what He’s going to do. Oh… my …. Stars… the arrogance of this world we live in! 

Silly Worship

I almost didn’t address it. Because some of these people I adore. They’re good hearted, Bible believing children of God, but they’re picking and choosing what parts of the Bible they want to focus on. Most will tell you every word is truth, but certain words mean more or certain actions mean more. They border on works because of their belief that if you don’t do certain things, the Spirit of God is not on you or in you. There’s a problem with that.

1 Corinthians 14:23 – If therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad? 

Anytime any church does something that causes mass confusion, it’s not of God. Because the scripture says in 1 Corinthians 14:33  – For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. That clears up the issue of tongues for me. Only one time in my entire life have I been interpreted to by a Pentecostal friend when speaking in tongues.  It was not an open church service, it was a private prayer. They spoke in tongues, not I. I still didn’t understand it. But I appreciated their respect of my belief and I respected theirs. We have an awesome friendship of peace. I don’t think the people are silly, but to an unsaved person, who may be looking for Jesus, I can almost guarantee they’ll think it’s silly and it won’t point anyone of them to Jesus. Which is our job. 

So what do I consider acceptable worship? 

It’s not what’s acceptable to me that matters. It’s what lines up with scripture and what points people to Jesus. It’s not how others worship that matter to me, unless they’re apart of my congregation and they’re worship is disruptful or unbiblical. Many years ago we had a group come into our church to sing and one of the singers got “happy in the Lord” and ran the aisle. Then he slid into home plate. Literally! Slid down the aisle leaving black tread marks from his shoes on the carpet. The church janitor who had to scrub those black marks out of the carpet was not a happy camper. It turns out a few years later we found out that the aisle runner was having an affair with the lead singer… dear gussy! 

The question would be, was he happy in the Lord, or was he covering for sinful behavior? Again… that ain’t none of my business. But it calls into question, why people do what they do? God know the motive and that should scare false prophets to death. 

Now let me tell you of another time when I fake praised. I was struggling spiritually for reasons beyond my control. I didn’t want to bring attention to my issues because with attention would bring unwanted questions and hard feelings when I’d have to say why I couldn’t say. So I fake praised, and it was no doubt apparently fake. But nobody questioned and I was cool. Right or wrong, God will have to decide. As will he on the cause of all others who praise without the Spirit’s involvement. 

I guess that’s a pretty lengthy blog post today, but I really needed to get it off my mind. And I pray it helps you when it comes to your relationship with God. Worship in Spirit and Truth. And that alone. Amen.

Posted in Family, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

A Letter to Frustrated Parents

What has happened to American Youth

That is a question near and dear to my heart. I’ve been involved in youth leadership for r over 20 years both in the ministry and the secular world of substance abuse prevention; and in that 20 years the deterioration of attitudes and respect is apparent. Having gotten into the ministry when my children were in their teens I witnessed first hand what happens when you try to fit square pegs into round holes. By that I mean when you take children who have not had faith as a primary focus in the home and then suddenly it is. My girls were very, very patient with me as I discovered Jesus and then took our lives on a 360 degree turn from worldliness to faith based living. It wasn’t always easy for them, but they knew the difference it had made in my life. They’ll tell you that they were not perfect children and that I was far from a perfect mother. Mistakes were made! Sins were committed. And by God’s grace we all survived. But the reality of it is, today’s youth have far more exposure to evil than the last generation. Evil has always been, but I don’t believe there has ever been an attack on the home to such a degree as Satan has launched in the past 10 years. 

Dear Frustrated Parent, I see you.

I watched as your belligerent teen, flitted off after having completely ignored your request. I watched as your anger turned into a sickening knot in your stomach as you realize you’re no longer in control. I know there have been tear stains on your pillow from wondering how life got so out of control so fast, and that beautiful baby that you couldn’t wait to talk, you’d now like to shut up with duct tape. I can come to you as an experienced parent and now grandparent. I too am going through it, but this time from the back seat, it’s a new generation. So I write this letter to offer you hope and to give advice from a non-judgmental perspective. Please read my words and know that each one is written in absolute love and brokenness for you and your family. 

I do not know if you know Christ as your Savior. I’m the Jesus Chick, so that’s how I approach everything in life. Since I’m unsure,  I’ll proceed assuming you are not saved. Please don’t feel judged either way. Seeing that young parent involvement in the church is almost nil and I know from my interaction with many local churches, the youth departments are not overflowing with children, so the odds are not in your favor that you’re saved. There’s a handful of children in each church at best, and yet there are over 1029 students registered in public schools in Calhoun County. So here we are where the rubber meets the road in my life: how can I convince you that Christ will make a difference in your family life and that church might possibly be what saves you from heading to the duct tape isle at Walmart, wondering at what age you can tie a child up and have it not be considered abuse, or loan them out to someone for labor until their 18. You know that’s a joke because nobody would expect a teen to know anything about labor. 

What you may not know about the church

They are filled with broken people just like you. Some of them know they’re broken and make no attempt to conceal it. Some pretend not to be broken (although they are) and make their life look like a social media post for the purpose of public consumption. They’re the pretty people that you strive to be like. Don’t bother. They’re messed up too! The only perfect person ever to be on the earth was Jesus. And even his parents lost him in a crowd for three days when He was twelve. (Luke 2:41-46) Church folks are trying to figure out life, just like you. The difference is they’re closer to the answer than you are, and have a support staff that you’re not afforded outside the church. 

Support staff? That’s right! People that God has placed in your path to help in the rearing of your children. No, they won’t take them home for the weekend, nor will they pay for college. But they will spend 45 minutes to an hour in the Sunday School class teaching your children what public schools are no longer allowed to teach, right from wrong, manners, respect, and the truth about evil and most of  all about Jesus. And while they’re in their own class, you have a class you can go to (away from kids!) that will teach you about the dangers your family is facing, who is attacking you, and how to safeguard your family from those attacks. 

When I began church on February 18, 1996 at Victory Baptist Church I was of all people most miserable. My marriage was failing, my kids were at the brink of the teen years and I was clueless as to the solution of fixing my family. You’ll note that I remember the date my life life changed. It coincided with the date I began a relationship with Jesus Christ. It was a massive transformation, I kid you not, but it was not immediate. Like everything it was a process, but you have to start somewhere.

So now you know, nobody’s perfect. Point two

The Pastor’s not perfect either. Shocker!

But what he is, is a mouthpiece for God. He’s the man that God is going to hold accountable for his direction and instruction of us. You know, the messed up people. God has tasked him with the job of leading His (God’s) army into battle against those are trying to tear your family apart. Only one weapon is required, the word of God. You only need to know the truth to defend your family, and that’s something the world will not tell you, but a good preacher will. The world is full of deceivers and liars who want to sell you an elixir that will “fix” anything that ails you. 

Have you fallen out of love? Buy this…

Are your children unhappy? Buy this…

Is your home lacking? Buy this…

Have you lost your sanity? We found it! Buy this…

No. None of that is for sale on Amazon or Walmart. Only God can fix every single one of those issues. I know from experience. He fixed them all for me. God did that by leading me to a church where the Pastor and the people took me under their wing and helped me discover the truth about why I was falling out of love. Why my children weren’t happy and why my home was never enough. 

And for my final word (though I could go on for days) 

Stop beating yourself up and just continue to love your children. Set up a savings account for them at The Children’s ISA to secure a good future.

There’s another story in Luke 15:11-32, the story of the prodigal son. Imagine being a good father, and then having your son ask for his inheritance early so he could squander it way on wild women and living. It happened, and then he returns home, but a humbler boy. The father did not chastise him and remind him of his utter failure. He embraced him, loved on him and threw a party, because his son had come home! Children are like us, they make mistakes too. They don’t need you to beat them over the head with guilt, but rather teach them how to admit failure, accept forgiveness, and move on to a victorious life. They need to see that in you too! Forgive yourself first. God has. 

As I said, I could write to you for days of my experience! But I wont’. We’ll stop here. I encourage you to find your church. (Of course I’m hoping it’s mine) But find yourself a church family that will give you the support in these trying times. You need it. And God has made a way for you to have it. The local church. 

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, failure, Faith, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures

For the Love of Pete!

One of my standard phrases when trying to express disbelief or surprise in something is “For the love of Pete.” I’m not really sure where that phrase originated. According to Google, you know… the indisputable truth (I’m joking of course) the phrase began as a substitute for using the Lord’s name in vain.  Hopefully Peter doesn’t mind. But I was I was having moments of shock and awe as I read Peter’s words this morning in 1 Peter, chapters 1 and 2. The flood of guilt pouring down on my own soul is not up for debate. I fully understand 1 Peter 2:25 KJV

[25] For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.

We’re headed home baby! Because of the willingness of the Savior to take the sins of this wretched person upon Himself, I can live in the freedom of Salvation. Therein lies the confusion for many, especially those who mock the Baptist who believe in “once in grace always in grace,” and the Baptist who misunderstand it and make a mockery out of their salvation. That’s right, let’s just lay it on the table today and deal with the mess of our own lives. Just because I’m the Jesus Chick, doesn’t mean that I don’t fail God daily. It’s not that I too haven’t taken grace lightly, oh believe me when I say, it’s been far too often. Thank God for grace. “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” Whoever came up with that acronym did great! 

It was not by happenstance that Christ uses sheep to describe his children. Sheep are the perfect representation of the human race. They are gullible little creatures, apt to stray and easily lead to their own destruction if away from the Shepherd for any time at all. Sound vaguely familiar? If I am not in God’s word every day, my mind is on the fence line, getting ready to go over when something shines in the neighboring field.  I know I use a lot of euphemisms in my writing. I do that because I don’t want to tell you what a fickle sinner I am and give you too many details on my life. And while I spend my days writing words that hopefully bring folks closer in their relationship with Christ by pointing out where we fail in life,  it’s because the material comes from myself. And I know, if I struggle, probably other people do too. So together we can strengthen one another through experiences. You know…. iron sharpens iron. A good proverb to keep in mind. 

It’s also good when we can remind one another that we are all sinners saved by grace. So that when someone points out “those Baptist” who are living like their accountable to no one, we can remind ourselves that are most assuredly accountable to God. And that if you can sin without the conviction of Christ, you might want to check whether or not you belong to Him. And if you can point out the sins of another person and not look upon your own, you too might want to check your salvation. 

It’s been way too apparent in my life lately when others want to throw stones and come to me for some ammo that I know too much about too many people. God has entrusted me with a great deal of  information and sometimes it can spill out when I don’t want it too. I quickly see my error, but it’s often too late. I’ve judged another and haven’t considered myself. I’m trying to be a better human. But for the love of Pete! I have a lot of work to do. There was no shock and awe that I’m a sinner. I’m very aware of that. The shock and awe that I have for 1 Peter 2:25 is that we are “now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.” It seems all roads lead me back to Jeremiah 1:5 KJV

[5] Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

And now… following our acceptance as Christ as Savior and believing in His work upon the cross we are returned to Him. Full circle. He knew me before I was formed in my Momma’s belly, He know the ungrateful sinner I am today and yet He takes care of this dumb sheep as the Shepherd and Bishop of my soul. Glory to God that makes me happy this morning!

How about you? Does that stir your soul up today for the goodness of the Savior toward you? If it does, how about sharing my post. If it makes you wonder what’s missing in your life, send me a note through Facebook on the messenger on this website and I’d be glad to pray for you and if you’d like with you. 

God bless you! Love ya. For realz. ~ Shari

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Eternity, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration

What Angels Desire to Know

My Minnesota friend, Darlene Quiring, posted a meme this morning with a list of random foods that asked the question, “How adventurous are you? One point for every food you have tried. To which I responded zero, but I was thinking the question asked if I liked those foods, but even still I had only ever tried 3 of the 39. I am indeed a finicky eater. With my waistline, one wouldn’t think that. But I don’t do very many types of meat. My main problem is, I think too much about what I’m eating. Praise God there were no critters harmed in the making of cheesecake! 

Which got me to thinking about the many things that angels haven’t tried. Like Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. A staple in my life. I’m not sure if they’re even curious about their diet being lack of certain fine cuisine, but I know they’re are curious over one thing, because the scripture tells me they are in 1 Peter 1:12. It is there the word reveals that the angels desire to look into the gospel. God’s heavenly creation, that can travel between earth and Heaven, know God face to face, as well as kill thousands when called upon to do so, are curious about something we humans take for granted and many decline. 

Born Again Babies

1 Peter 1:2-12 KJVS

[2] Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied. [3] Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 

I understand the foreign concept of salvation and words like born again to folks who haven’t been raised in church. But tell me how many “foreign concepts” those same people will accept without question that border if not cross the line of crazy! They’ll believe that there was an explosion one day in the cosmos that created earth as we know it and that somehow intelligent life just came to be, that’s the craziest of  all…but of course the world is full of crazy. So if you happen to be reading this and “born again” is a foreign concept to you, let me explain what it means in my life.

As an unsaved person I went to church as a dutiful child should. I grew into an adult without understanding the concept of salvation. I was a rebellious child on the inside. I tried to behave on the outside so that I might please my people. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe in God, I just hadn’t ever really understood how salvation came to be because I’d never experienced it myself and had unfortunately witnessed too many professing Christians who failed to back up their belief with actions. Outside of church people did not talk about the Bible. Except some of my family,  my dad loved talking bible! Oh how I wish I had appreciated his wisdom when I could have. 

Oh glory I also understand the Apostle James who said in Chapter 2:18 “Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.” I understand, because when I got saved I had a desire to work!

But back to those angels. I Understand their salvation confusion. Not from the fact that God is real, they know He is, they know Him face to face. They also know how Holy He is. But what I’m sure they have massive confusion on is how God could love us? And love us enough to die for us. We’re a bunch of reckless, ungrateful sinners who fail Him daily and yet He still chooses to send His Son to die in our place. Wait… if you’re unsaved that’s also foreign to you… how could someone die in our place? 

Just as most people understand the concept of sin and punishment, there had to be an ultimate payment for this reckless, ungrateful bunch of people. Knowing that nothing could appease a God who is perfect in every way, He allowed His own Son to become the ultimate sacrifice. It may not make sense, but when He reveals Himself and His truth to you through our acceptance of this as truth, suddenly, what seems foreign to the world, makes perfect sense to us. 

But not to those angels, who have also seen our inheritance. Yes! As children of God, we’re in for a big reward at the end of this life. Continuing on in 1 Peter 1:

[4] To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, [5] Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. [6] Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: [7] That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: [8] Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: [9] Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

Because we believe and have faith that the word of God that we’ve received is truth, God has an amazing inheritance laid in store for us in Heaven. We’ll have plenty of problems and heartache on this earth, but nothing will take away what God has planned for those that love Him and look forward to His coming. 

Another foreign concept for the unsaved, and unfortunately one misunderstood by many who are saved.  Misunderstood often times because Christians do not read the scripture for themselves, but rely on the preacher to tell them what they need to know. And a sad indictment against the ministry because they don’t preach it because it’s a heavy subject to study. But I am a believer that God will reveal the truth of end times bit by bit as we need and that He is currently opening up many Christians to understanding parts of Revelation not understood before. No, I’m not saying I’m a scholar on the subject, nothing even close! But I understand more now than I did. My Pastor has opened my eyes to much of it, Joe Lancaster has been teaching and opening up the word from Revelation in his Sunday school class at Victory Baptist Church. And I can read and understand for myself because the Holy Spirit is within me. 

Ahhhh, something else that may be foreign to the unsaved. How the Holy Spirit works. Even the prophets of old wondered how that would come to pass. 1 Peter 1:

[10] Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: [11] Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. [12] Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.

And now we’re back to the angels. The Prophets knew that God was going to send salvation through the Messiah. They did not know the specifics, they only knew that God said it was so, and how it happened was up to Him. And so following His Son’s sacrifice, God left a piece of Himself within each believer so we’d have the guidance, understanding and assurance that everything in His book, the Bible, would come to pass and we’d be a part of it.

So I have what Peter described as “yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” It is that joy that gives me a desire to share the salvation of Christ, which like peanut butter and jelly, the angels have not experienced. But I’m hoping when I get to my house that God has created for me, that some of the angels will come over for dinner and I’ll get to share some fine cuisine with them. I’m kidding. I’ll have cheesecake too. 

Bless you! And if you have questions about your salvation, about the Bible or Jesus. I’m not a scholar, but I’d love to help where I can. Just send me a message though Facebook or through this website. Love ya! I really mean it!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism

How to find News that speaks Truth

This morning I sat at our kitchen table, frustrated with myself that for over an hour I had fallen into a cyber hole and had a terrible time digging my way out. Part of it was searching for the current news on Israel that was the truth. It’s more difficult than one would imagine in this left leaning world. Another portion of time was spent on absolute stupidity. Which I’m not against when I want to wind down from a long day, but I was trying to wind up for the start of this glorious Sunday morning. I just want to focus on God’s word, get a grasp on the reality of todays headlines and keep keep myself sane in this insane world. 

One of the lead stories this morning was that the building that housed the Associated Press’ Gaza City bureau was destroyed by Israeli military forces on Saturday, prompting questions about why the media organization allegedly rented office space in the same building where Israeli officials said Hamas terrorists operated. Terrorists organizations are said to use press agencies as a shield assuming they will not be attacked . But conservative radio host Erick Erickson commented, “Will someone ask the @AP if they were paying rent to a designated terrorist organization or were they accepting a gift from a designated terrorist organization?”

Steve Guest, an adviser to Senator Ted Cruz, (R – Texas) asked the question “Are we just going to ignore the fact AP and Al Jazeera worked in the same building as Hamas terrorists?” Those are good questions; because in a world where the truth is getting to be less important than liberal feelings, and scripture is often used out of context and manipulated to fit agendas, our information sources that can be trusted are few and far between. 

Paul wrote to warn Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:1-11 KJV

[1] This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. [2] For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, [3] Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, [4] Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; [5] Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. [6] For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, [7] Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 

What better way to “creep into houses” than through the guise of the news, social media or popular movies, shows and sports. You cannot watch any of those things without succumbing to the liberal rhetoric of people who believe they have the “right” to mislead people into their mindset for their own good. And while I love listening to conservative news I’m not so naive, or one of those “silly women” led away with different lusts… although I could be. It’s why scripture often refers to us as sheep. If we can’t hear the Shepherd, we’ll just follow anyone. Especially those 

[8] Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. [9] But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. 

These were not Jews, who rose up and opposed Moses, as Dathan and Abiram did, as some have thought; but Egyptian magicians, the chief of those that Pharaoh sent for, when Moses and Aaron came before him, and wrought miracles; and who did in like manner by their enchantments, (Exodus 7:11).

That word “enchantment” keeps coming into things I read and it dings a bell in my head every time. It means witchcraft, sorcery and feelings of great pleasure and delight. Sounds like our current new climate. How else could people watch a building being torched in the background of a new report and believe it when the reporter says its a “peaceful protest.” And I am to believe that the Associated Press wasn’t influenced by Hamas and others in their building when I hear news reports about the “poor Palestinians.” In the words of our senile President, “come on man.” 

So what are we to do today as children of God who simply want the truth? Pray and seek wise reporting and counsel. For me that comes comes from Blaze Media and Online News such s, but there are no doubt other outlets as well. But first and foremost, above all, read the word of God. Today’s current news is there too as well as how to live in this crazy world. Paul continues telling Timothy in 2 Timothy 3: 

[10] But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, [11] Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.

Paul has preached the gospel of Christ. He ministered to churches who faced what we’re facing and possibly worse. (Although our current state of affairs is pretty pathetic.) But Paul told them that come what may, cling to the word of God. That’s why it’s important to stay in it. And it’s why I have to fight hard to dig my way out of a cyber pit. Lord deliver us… please.

Pray for Israel. 

Posted in Eternity, Evangelism, Faith, Family, Heaven, Life Inspiration, salvation, Word of God

End Times will come

The Israeli Air Force bombed Hamas’s underground tunnel network late Thursday night in the northern Gaza Strip in what military officials said was one of the most aggressive aerial assaults’ in recent years. Rockets continued to pound Israel as the Israel military pummeled Gaza in one of the largest bombardments of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad since the fighting started. In a 40-minute long air campaign which began around midnight, some 160 aircraft dropped over 450 missiles on 150 targets belonging to a network of tunnels dug by the terror group known as “the Metro” under Gaza city. This, according to the Jerusalem Post. 

Matthew 24:4-6 KJVS

[4] And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. [5] For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. [6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

It’s hard not to be troubled when news such as this is on the internet, television and radio continually. Anytime Israel’s name is in the news to this magnitude, many begin to think and ponder the possibility of end times; religious leaders use the information for fodder to stir souls and then there are those of us who know just enough to be dangerous from multiple sermons over multiple decades when wars, and rumors of wars have existed. There have also been multiple explanations given over multiple texts in the scriptures that point to coming of Christ. And I will not profess to be an expert on the subject, but I can say this as a matter of fact: It’s closer today than ever before. Nobody with a belief in Christ Jesus will say any different. But in this current era, what should our reaction be and our main concern in these current times?

The Return of Christ in the Air

1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 KJVS

[14] For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. [15] For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. [16] For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: [17] Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. [18] Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Those words do indeed bring great comfort to my heart, because I’m on the wonderful receiving end of the rapture as a child of God. Rapture defined is “caught up.” But what about the lost, those who have never accepted Christ as Savior, during this time? For them the world is about to go into a tailspin and the many worldly explanations for the disappearance of the saved will abound. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we are currently seeing reports of UFO investigations by the Pentagon and other national agencies.

The Pentagon’s inspector general is looking into the actions the military has taken to address the spate of UFO sightings in recent years involving high performance aircraft that have violated military airspace.

The probe comes as Congress awaits a public report, due next month, from a host of national security agencies on the issue, and as advocates complain that some departments and agencies are not fully cooperating by sharing data. (Source: Politico)

What was once considered fiction involving a tractor and too much corn liquor in a field in Iowa is now being discussed by congress. Satan is no doubt pleased with all this attention to alien forces and will gladly jump the band wagon to promote it as the reason children and beloved family members disappear off the face of the earth without reasoning. But there is a reason. It’s been preached from the days of Christ and has never been more evident to those who understand scripture than now. We see it. Most are like myself and do not profess to be a scholar on the matter, but that’s not necessary to understand the logistics of what’s taking place in the world. Christ will return for His church, and chaos will no doubt ensue. The Holy Spirit will remove Himself and His people from off the earth and life will drastically change across the planet. It will be Israel’s turn to once again be God’s main focus. There is no doubt in my mind why there currently is a rise on anti-semitism. Satan has always hated the Jews. He knows that God’s plan for them is mighty and involves his eventual demise.

I have always been taught that Matthew 24 is the current time we’re living in. And there is no doubt similarities, but the question of context is “who is Christ speaking to in the gospel of Matthew?” He’s speaking to the nation of Israel. It will be the Apostle Paul who brings the gospel to the Gentiles and those who in this era accept Christ as Lord and Savior:

Romans 15:15-17 KJVS

[15] Nevertheless, brethren, I have written the more boldly unto you in some sort, as putting you in mind, because of the grace that is given to me of God, [16] That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost. [17] I have therefore whereof I may glory through Jesus Christ in those things which pertain to God.

It is through the divine revelations of God given to Paul that he presents to us what will come through the rapture and end times for us. But when this era is done, and Christ has returned for His church, then will Matthew 24 come into play as well as the anti-Christ and the damnation of this earth. For certain, nobody should desire to be here to experience it. 

I believe that I am here for such a time as this, to help present the gospel in layman’s terms as best I can. I want to see my people saved. I want to see your people saved! 

Today we not only need to pray for Israel but for our family and friends who don’t know Christ. Because as horrific as it is across the seas in Israel, it will be far, far worse for all the earth, including the United States of America in those last days.

Posted in Evangelism, Fear, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Word of God

Getting a Handle on Frustration

The level of frustration I have felt lately has been extreme. Liberal viewpoints abound, Corona numbers have soared in my county in recent weeks – a inciting fear, and the political accountability from a national and local level is is nil. I truly have just two desires that I struggle to keep in focus: to build strong people in the two houses of my life – my home and the church. But it seems every day there is a new frustration that comes along, preoccupying my mind and delaying the building of the house. I feel it’s my fault. I allow the distractions to come in and once they’re there I allow them to play house in my home. But they play for keeps. They’re doing everything they can to thwart my ministry efforts. I can feel it. Which frustrates me all the more.  

As soon as my eyes opened this morning a message popped up on my phone from an African friend. “Pray for Israel.” I had heard bits and pieces on the news yesterday and knew there was unrest between Israel and the Palestinians.

Gal Gadot, an Israeli actress best known for portraying “Wonder Woman”, issued a statement calling for peace and pro-Palestinians critics melted down in response calling her an ugly Zionist. Seriously… every time I hear these people I want to give them a bottle and pacifier and put them to bed. They too are much of the frustration in my life. I don’t mind a differing opinion, I do mind a liberal, venom spewing attitudes that have no concern for how anyone in the world feels except the one in the mirror. And running a close second for my frustrator award is the uninformed liberal who defends them. Oh dear gussy, why did I go here this morning? 🤷🏻‍♀️

But I did go here because it’s effecting how I share Jesus. 

It was a liberal rant that fueled the fire for my post on being an “unapologetic child of God.” I’ll be making me that shirt (literally) this weekend if God allows. It’s my way of fighting back against an enemy that is weakening my resolve to the point of reconsidering parts of my ministry. That is an unhealthy place to be. 

Frustration by Hire

In an Old Testament story Israel is facing frustration that scripture says was hired against them. I have no doubt that there are hired liberal activists for the purpose of frustrating the conservative side.  It’s true. When the Devil finds a plan that works, he doesn’t stop using it. He just finds new victims. So this morning as Israel troops are preparing for literal war on the border, I’m fighting a spiritual war in my life and using the word of God encourage my soul on both fronts.

Frustration by Hindering

Ezra 4:4-6 KJVS

[4] Then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in building, 

Perhaps by threatening them, or by dissuading the workmen from going on, by endeavouring to hinder their getting materials from the Tyrians and Zidonians, or money out of the king’s revenues to bear the expenses. I have to wonder if they raised the price of plywood? That’s what happened here! Again, Satan has no new weapons, just new victims. He finds out where there is a demand and stops the supply, whether that is for physical or spiritual material. So the question is, when we’re lacking what we need, and our bodies grow weak, how do we regain our strength to fight back?

We either need to find a new source or a new method, but above all, don’t stop working!

The book of Ezra spans many years; this wasn’t just a few days of frustration. I usually start complaining to the Lord about 20 minutes into a struggle. For certain I need to gain tenacity to withstand these attacks on my ministry. I’m not in need of plywood for building a church, I’m in need of patience and understanding, and a little extra wisdom would be wonderful to help me build the Kingdom of God. Often times my frustration comes from knowing just enough to be dangerous about the world we live in. I know many things about the agenda of leftists and their organizations. I do not know “who” exactly is involved with those organizations. So by only having subject matter and not names, I lose leverage in the debate with naysayers of the conservatives. 

Israel had been away from Jerusalem for a long time. They’d been “out of church” for a long time. There relationship with God was being restored but it wasn’t strong enough to fight the enemy. I know I’m a broken record, but its the problem with the church. Our relationship with the Lord needs it’s subscription renewed!

Frustration by Halting

[5] And hired counsellors against them, to frustrate their purpose, all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius king of Persia. [6] And in the reign of Ahasuerus, in the beginning of his reign, wrote they unto him an accusation against the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem.

Their tactics continued until verse 24 of this chapter says “Then ceased the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem. So it ceased unto the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia.” 

So for two years the work on the house of God was halted.

There is a great danger in halting a labor of the Lord for any amount of time. We do not know who may have come to be saved during our absence from the ministry work. So many people step in and out of the work of the Lord as if it’s an optional service of little importance. In my frustration this week, when I was debating if this was a time for me to step away from some of the work that I have been called to do, I began to think about what that would mean. I know I’m not all that and a bag of chips, but I know I encourage some in everything that I do. So what would happen if I’m not there? Who would go un-encouraged and what effect would it have on their life? I don’t want to be guilty of that. 

What about you? Are you on the verge of halting your work? Please don’t. There are souls in danger and we may just be their only hope of hearing the gospel of Christ and His saving grace. 

Posted in Eternity, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Know ye not?

Gas shortages, Covid spikes, cyber attacks on the pipeline, it’s just another day in America. But these are certainly trying times. However… I taught my a lesson on Sunday morning using my previous post. “Unapologetic child of God.” ` And I’ve since pondered it again. It was great class, with great response from the kids. But a response that struck me was that when I mentioned the sexual sins in the temple. The kids were a tad shocked that I mentioned it. But I wanted them to understand that immorality is not just an issue off today. 

But the more I thought on this, the more I became like the children in my class and was more than a little shocked at the level of depravity of the people. And then I thought about the Old Testament behavior of Sodom and Gomorrah. Wow. We have been a wicked generation of people from the beginning. You’re probably not shocked with that information, but still yet, does it not boggle the mind sometimes? Why is it that we have become so accepting of sin, even in the church.

The men in Corinth are visiting prostitutes and they want the rest of the church to accept it. To which Paul asks them in 1 Corinthians 6:15 KJV “Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.”

Know ye not? That seems like a no brainer to me, but Paul had to ask it. So it took me into a study of the other “know ye nots” of chapter 6.

Know ye not that we shall judge angels?

The members of the church fo Corinth were destroying there testimonies with a multitude of sins. One such sin was that of suing each other. Which is why he asked them in verses 2-3 of Chapter 6

1 Corinthians 6:2-3 KJVS

[2] Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? [3] Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

How lightly do church people take church squabbles, gossip and backbiting? I don’t suppose it to be an error when I say that it’s likely more of a plague than the corona virus. Rather than making brothers and sisters a matter of prayer, we make them a matter of gossip or ridicule. Ask me how I know. Go ahead. Ask. … Because I’ve been guilty of it. And its a sin that’s just looked over and ignored. And yet…. we expect God to make us judges over the world and angels? Ummmm. I’m thinking not everyone will be task with that. 

I was extremely hurt by another child of God (not anyone in my church) last week. I’ve really struggled with forgiving them because it’s not me they were mean to, it was someone in my family. And when I say they were mean… I mean “mean😡.” And in a very public way. No… not social media. But in a meeting. As a person in high authority of a church, they did major damage to their testimony for Christ by spewing venomous speech. Yes it was that bad. I’m sure to them it was justified in their mind. But would it be justified in Heaven? And would much of my speech?  As I said, we take our behavior very lightly with regard to sin.

Know ye not that sinners are watching? 

Paul asks another question: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 KJV

[9] Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, [10] Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. [11] And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

The Corinthians poor behavior and lack of concern for one another has Paul asking them, “Do you remember who you were?” Whew! That’s a question that should have anyone of us dropping to our knees for forgiveness and gratitude to the Savior. And what is the reaction of the lost in the world who see the present day lack of concern for sinful behavior? I’ve heard it said on more than one occasion by a lost, non church attending person, “Why should I go to church when there is no difference in their behavior and mine?” Now we know that many of the lost are looking for an excuse, but it’s the truth none the less. We know that we are all sinners saved by the grace of God, there is none perfect, save Jesus! But there is a difference between being a repentant sinner and a blatant one that either denies their behavior or ignores it and either way it could be causing someone to have no desire to know God.

While we are free to behave anyway we want, Paul defines that behavior as this:

1 Corinthians 6:12 KJVS

[12] All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

I question my own self today when I ask, “What am I under the power of that may cause a lost person to stay lost?” 

Know ye not that Christ is in you?

1 Corinthians 6:15-17 KJVS

[15] Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. [16] What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. [17] But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.

I read once that there are three reasons people justify sexual sin:

  1. It’s LEGAL
  2. It’s NATURAL
  3. It’s PERSONAL

I’m pretty sure that’s how most people in the church view any sin. If it’s okay with the world, it’s okay with God. And yet it’s the furthest thing from the truth. We’re not on this world’s morality scale. What the world thinks doesn’t mean one thing to God. But what God thinks better mean something to us.

I may finish up my Sunday School lesson tonight in the Teen Bible Study class, and I’ll be using my thoughts from today to finish it up. I want my kids to understand early on that the world’s opinions are messed up! Are we as perverted and immoral as the church of Corinth? Well, that depends on whose standards you’re looking at. We all better be praising God that we stand accountable for ourselves and not the actions of other people. But then again, I believe there will be a level of accountability for our role in the church we attend and what our leaderships view on sin was. 

Accountability is not something the world has a grasp of when it comes to God. It’s only through reading and studying the scripture that you understand there are costs and rewards to our life on earth. And for certain the rewards far outweighs any earthly costs. But what about Heavenly costs? When we stand before God and answer for our life down here, and He places us in our Heavenly positions based upon how we served, and what we stood for? Hmmm. That’s a good thought for me today. Father… help me Lord to serve you better, love you better, understand you better. Amen.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Word of God

Unapologetically a Child of God

So you think me a fool. That’s okay. It seems that I’m in good company. 

That was my thought a few days ago when someone belabored my opinion and reaction of false religion. I bit my tongue, not wanting to create a scene and take away from the spiritual lesson I had hoped to achieve. For a second I questioned myself, which I think is good. It keeps you humble to understand that you yourself are not above mistakes. But like the Apostle Paul, I prayed my debater would tolerate what they considered my foolishness til I could further explain my reason of passion on the matter of false religion. 

It wasn’t until the following day, when I held back tears in a store in town as I seen the evidence  and damage of false religion in my own community. It made me nauseous, it made me angry, and if they’d have ask my opinion I’d have gladly told them, but they did not. I did not horn in on a conversation that I was not invited into, but rather once again bit my tongue. But I will not do that with those who have been laid to my charge to teach. I will encourage their zealousness for Christ, and gently correct their apathy toward false religion. And so began this brief study, 

Bear with Me

The Apostle Paul speaks to the Corinthians when he says in 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 KJV:

[1] Would to God ye could bear with me a little in my folly: and indeed bear with me. [2] For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.

It is not in arrogance of wisdom that I get angry when someone defends the behavior of false religion. As I said previously, I have no great wisdom and education to boast of. Though I have some.  But what I do have is the Spirit of God that causes me to understand Paul’s “godly jealousy.” I am not a jealous person by nature. I have always believed if I was not enough for someone, be it in a relationship or a friendship, then that person was free to move on, because in Christ I’m enough. It is because of His great love for me and ultimate sacrifice of His life for mine that I can defend the Christian faith and call out those who attempt to lead Christians astray, especially those young in the faith. I take my role as a teacher very serious. It is an absolute shame many who teach Sunday School or other church classes treat it with a lackadaisical attitude. As if what we do is somehow unimportant in the grand scope of life. I mean… “it’s just Sunday School.” Right?

Well, let me tell you a tale of “just Sunday School.” Prior to my salvation I was placed in the position of teaching youth Sunday School classes without ever the question, “are you saved.” I didn’t even know what salvation was. I had no concept of the Bible or the importance of the role I played in the eternal state of my students. So now, you’ll forgive me if I’m a tad jealous and zealous over the role I understand as life altering and the fact that I know I am a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth. Sunday School is serious business.

Fear with Me

 [3] But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

Salvation is so simple. And yet… the depth of what happens to a soul that is saved is beyond what you could possibly understand when you say the words “I believe.” Satan loves to make it difficult. It’s why he’s so effective with false religion. And lest I be misunderstood about what I believe false religion is, I believe that false religion is anything or anyone that teaches salvation in anything or anyone other than the blood of Jesus Christ. Christ alone saves. “Not by works lest any man should boast” the scripture says. So tell me thou man of religion, what can you do to be saved? First of all, don’t be a man of religion, be a man of relationship.

What brought me to tears in town this week was a man that I stood behind in line at the pharmacy. I had been brought up in the same church he attended, I knew him and his wife and I loved them. Sweet, sweet people. My thought was “there will be lots of sweet people in Hell because someone dared not to offend them with the gospel.” There are fewer and fewer churches sharing the need of having a burden for the lost. Few churches preach conviction of sin and the power of the cross. I speak from the experience of having been in many churches across the nation, both physically and virtually. Are their churches my business? No. But when their churches have a profound effect on people I care about, that is my business. 

Paul said he feared, lest by any means Satan would beguile (to charm or enchant) people as he did Eve. That’s a good description of what’s happening in many churches. They’re charming people with music and programs that attract people but do nothing to edify the soul with preaching and encourage believers to live right. The church of Corinth had issues, not the least of which were claims of spiritual superiority over one another, suing one another in public courts, abusing the communal meal, and sexual misbehavior. It was a community of wealth but Paul says in verse 8 of this chapter that he had “robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service.” He was referring to the fact that many poor churches were supporting his mission work so that he could preach and try to correct the errors of the wealthy churches like that in Corinth. Paul called them out, he did not walk on by. He had too much invested in the people he cared about. And so do I. 

I have felt fearful for many years that we, who were once known as a godly nation, would be the recipient of world missionaries coming to present the gospel to the godless nation of America.  I could seriously see it happening now. Our current government is anti everything conservative, so where does all this fit in with false religion. It makes our people ripe for the picking because the nation is such a state of despair. There is no trust in the government, local or national. People are searching for a place to find hope, which would have once been the church, but now because of Corona, many churches are not open, or have limited services and outreach ministries have gone by the wayside for “virtual” meetings. Non- relationship meetings. Oh…. even writing it my stomach turns over. How can we be the hands and feet of Jesus from a phone or computer screen? We were created to be a relational people. 

According to the Washington Post, even though suicide rates have fallen globally, they have climbed every year in the United States since 1999, increasing 35 percent in the past two decades. Another fear that I have is that these rates will continue to rise because hope is quarantined and not able to come out and play. But you better believe Satan and his minions have immunity and readily available to deceive people from where they are. 

For many children Satan’s location of choice is in the public school system which has our children’s minds at their disposal from 8-3, and the parents are too busy and too tired from 4 to 9 to deal with them, so they’re left exposed to the internet on their own until the wee hours of the morning. In 2014 there were 4200 religions listed in the world; if Paul was “fearful” over what was happening in Corinth, imagine what fear he would have today at what his people are exposed to. Parents and children alike search the web for hope and for help and there is any number of organizations out there waiting for a way into their lives, and Satan will use them to manipulate them right into Hell. 

Don’t Bear with Them

[4] For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

Paul was in fear that the people of Corinth would “listen too long.” Someone once said that if you say something long enough and loud enough the people will eventually believe it. I could add to that, if you start it early enough it will be a seed sown deep into the heart of a child. That’s why it’s so important to Satan to get his hooves in the door of a school house, and believe me, he has that door propped open wide. 

While science was always his preferred route of invasion, calling Creationism into question; Satan has now used false religions to infiltrate the minds of youth by promoting that all beliefs are acceptable, but Christianity is too narrow minded and prejudiced to be considered. Unless of course it’s the Catholic religion, which is perfectly fine because Catholics are not encouraged to read their own bible, but rather have it read to them through their agents of God, the priest, who is their method of communication to God. It was this religion by a teacher who my grandson commented to in school. Unfortunately he knew just enough to be dangerous. But he spoke truth none the less. And it was likely my fuel that fired him up. For which I’ll not apologize. 

Paul made no bones about the fact that he didn’t want the people of Corinth giving ear to people who preached another Jesus. Do the Catholics preach another Jesus? They preach that Jesus’ sacrifice alone wasn’t enough. They preach that the veil that was torn asunder on the day of the cross meant nothing for the “average man,” but only certain men could speak to God. They preach that a man has the power to forgive our sins. None of which is true, and is damnable doctrine.

So…. while I’ll not go on a hunt to try to correct people of Catholic religion, or any of the other 4200+ religions, if they come hunting for my people, or if their influence is felt in my community, I’ll not sit silent. Nor will I worry about offending them.  I have family and friends who have been influenced by the false teaching of this world, or a more common issue, they’ve been influenced by churches who do not consider it their job to preach the gospel of conversion. If there is not change in the life of a person professing Christ, if sin doesn’t convict their soul, I dare say they’re not a child of God. But it is unfortunately not the teaching of many churches. I’m not judging. It is truly between them and the Almighty God for Whom I serve. 

I am unapologetically a child of God, I am not about what’s over the door of a church. I am about what is within the pages of the Bible and that alone. But I am still, unapologetically Baptist, because it is the doctrine for which I agree with. What I teach the youth in my department is this. Know Christ. Know why you believe in Him. And when people call your faith into question, let it be unquestionable what you believe in because you and Jesus are that tight.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration, salvation, Word of God

Enemies of the Cross

I am a woman of great compassion. I can be treated in the worst of ways and still pray for a person. Don’t nominate me for sainthood yet, I can also pray God kill them. Just saying. But for the most part, I pray that God save their souls and they become friends in the faith. I speak often and lay the blame at the feet of wonderful parents who raised us with kind hearted beliefs and in Christian faith. It is why I have honestly struggled throughout my life with the inability to have righteous anger and holy hostility. But I eventually got there. And the while the world tells me I must accept them, it’s simply not true; because under no circumstance will they accept me and would have me destroyed if it were within their scope of ability. And you as well, if you are a child of God. So here we are, stuck between the Rock and a hard place. The Rock, Jesus Christ Himself said:  “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” ~ Matthew 5:44 KJV

So what’s a girl to do. Hey, I told you I “prayed”… that God kill them. But all kidding aside. There is a non-contradictory plan in place for God’s children and the enemies of the cross. Apostle Paul dealt with it in Philippians 3:18-21:

[18] (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19] Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.) [20] For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: [21] Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

Paul said that he was telling them as he was weeping. Obviously even the great apostle Paul had compassion on them, even though before, when he was known as Paul, he showed no mercy as he killed Christians of the day. That’s what the heart of Christ will do to a person. It strengthens the power of your own mercy and grace toward others. Or at least it should. But back to the enemy.

The god of the Cyclops

That was the belly Paul referred to. Those people sacrificed to themselves indulging their own desires, making themselves voluptuous people and having more regard for that, rather than the service of God. 

Tell me you can’t see that in our nation today. Food is such a massive part of our lives. People in third world countries couldn’t even possibly comprehend the waste of American food, not to mention the indulgence of American foods. Put me in the category of guilty. But at what point does the food become a god? I personally believe it can go in both directions of health. While our bodies are the temple of God and there is certainly an expectation by God to care for it (which I’m lousy at) I’ve also seen those who care a tad too much for their bodies. When it becomes far less about health and more about vanity. This will likely not ever be a problem for me. If I had my “perfect life of fitness,” it would be everything within moderation.

But how is this the enemy of the cross of Christ?

Anytime indulgences come between us and the Lord, it’s an enemy of the cross. The world is targeting us and bombarding us with media posts that draw our minds into vanity, or lusts of the heart and away from the good and wholesome things that God intended us to have. It’s apparent I’m not a health nut, but that doesn’t stop me from seeing my own failures in life. I have indulged in unhealthy foods that have taken my insulin level to a diabetic state. My health right now is not good, or is ability to do all the things I want to do for the Lord. This is a serious enemy of the cross, and I’ve allowed it to happen. 

The gods of the Corinthians

From John Gill’s Commentary: Paul spoke of those whose glory was in their shame, in their evil practices committed in secret, of which it was a shame to speak; in their hidden things of dishonesty, crafty walking, and deceitful handling of the word of God, which were vile and scandalous, 2 Corinthians 4:2; in corrupting the Gospel, and the churches of Christ, with their false doctrine; in observing and urging the ceremonies of the law, which were dead, and ought to be buried; and particularly circumcision in the flesh, in that part of the body which causes shame, and in this was their glory, Galatians 6:13. 

Anyone spouting false doctrine and taking away from the very sacrifice that Christ made so that all men might be saved is an enemy of the cross and of the greatest offense. Churches who put any works into the mix of salvation, organizations (such as lodges) who claim to have a high authority in the Kingdom and do “things in secret” which Christ never did, are enemies of the cross. I have never been real out spoken about the lodges and secret orders in our community, unless of course I was ask. But I will stand flat footed and eye to eye with anyone involved in them and say I fully believe they are of the devil. And if their honest, they’ll agree. 

I had this conversation with an uncle once who informed me that the Bible laid perfectly even and honored on a table with the Quran and other religious books. What?! Was my response. My Bible lays even with no book. It is above all because it’s the word of God. That did it for me and the Masonic lodge, it was an enemy of the cross. There are no “secret orders of Christians.” Salvation is open to all. Wow… Not sure how I got there, but it’s truth none the less. 

The god of Opinion

John Gill Commentary: (who mind earthly things.) the Arabic version renders it, “who entertain earthly opinions”; and some by, “earthly things” understand the ceremonies of the law, called the elements and rudiments of the world, which these false teachers were fond of.

Everyone has an opinion, but mans opinion has nothing to do with the word of God. As a matter of fact mans opinion can quickly become an enemy of the cross. When I said that I struggled with the inability to have righteous rage and holy hostility, it was true. Because I, like my kind hearted parents, would not offend people, even if we disagreed. My parents would tell you if you ask, but only then and never boldly. Maybe they never had cause. It was a different world when I grew up. But now… oh my stars… is this world bold and in your face and wrong! There are countless false doctrines being taught by churches, and then there are churches who teach absolutely nothing! But rather they have taken the blood and sacrifice out of the scripture and made it less likely to hurt anyone’s little feelings or make them feel bad about sin.

So I got bold.  And now I speak out, because I have friends and family who are going to bust Hell wide open because they’re listening to man’s opinion and not the gospel of Christ as told by the Apostle Paul, loud and proud and unashamed. I’ll will not argue doctrine, I will simply repeat what God says and if you have a problem with it, take it up with Him. I’m not trying to be holy, I’m trying to keep the people I love out of hell

Posted in Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Peace, Political, Word of God

We Have Hope in the Desert

There are times that I have to take a break from all forms of media. It gets so overwhelming on my soul and leads me into a time of depression and frustration. But the problem with me is I shut down from everything. Including God. Add to that a life that is chaotic, ballgames, work woes, laundry piling up, dishes in the sink and the reality that I don’t have maid service,  and I’ve dug myself quite a pit. So what’s a chick to do on a day like that? Get in God’s word and dig my way out!

One of the greatest culprits of my state of mind is the state of our Nation. I’m going to share some thoughts here that may rub some folks the wrong way, but as my old friend Doyle Ballengee used to say, “If that ruffled the cat’s fur, turn the cat around.” Oh he cracked me up! But our nation has gone mad. From the national to the local level; we’ve lost our ever lovin’ mind. And for those of us with an ounce of sense, (which comes from Heaven, nothing on our own) we know that the lies and hypocrisy are so deep they end in China. Which according to one of the youth in my teen class, if we dug our way to China the earth would whistle… total random thought. That too is where my mind is at right now. 

But deep in the book of Isaiah, in a lesson for Israel, I found a lesson for me. There will come a day when God will shut up the lies and hypocrisy, but until then, just know 

Truth Flows from Above

Isaiah 41:17-24 KJVS

[17] When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them. [18] I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.

Rivers in high places? That’s kind of strange place to find a river isn’t it? But not for the children of God! Oh glory that thought makes me so happy. I’ve been feeling so dry and barren lately. This world just is just getting “hopeless-er.” I know… not a word. But when you look at the world from a human perspective, it’s worse than hopeless. What’s happening on a national level has made it’s way into the local level and the depth of it’s depravity has yet to be understood by most people. Sound dramatic? Our public schools have become a petri dish for the liberal left to test their theories of race, gender and misinformation on. And our “so called” educated people are the lab rats turned loose on our children by exposing them to anti-Christian rhetoric, sexual reorientation of elementary school children and panic porn medical officials creating fear in children and parents. Still sound like I’m being dramatic? It’s being taught at West Virginia University to their up and coming teachers on how to present the BLM curriculum. This image is a coloring page from it for elementary school. Is that close enough? And so, that is why my mind was in the low, dry place.

But God said He would make us rivers in the high place, not the valley. So get out of the valley Shari! God has heard my cry. Through His word He is pouring hope into this gal. 

Wisdom is in the Fountains of the Deep

 [19] I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the shittah tree, and the myrtle, and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the fir tree, and the pine, and the box tree together: [20] That they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the Lord hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it.

A pine tree in the desert? Who but God could make that happen? I have to believe that in this spiritually dry and barren world we’re living in, it’s us who have been planted planted by rivers and fountains of life giving water that keep us sustained and give the lost hope, in a world that has gone absolutely mad. God has given us the ability to “Know, and consider, and understand together,” that we have the truth and He is providing us the wisdom to fight against this attack on the moral fibers that He has made us up of. “Together.” He planted a multitude of different trees in that dry land, and there is a multitude of churches planted on this earth. So long as their roots are grounded in the foundational truths of God, we can comfort this fearful people. I realize that I’m speaking in a lot of metaphors today, but it’s how the Lord spoke as well, so I’m going to run with it, hoping that it encourages your soul as it is mine. 

Ignorance is in the minds of Men 

 [21] Produce your cause, saith the Lord ; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob. [22] Let them bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come. [23] Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together. [24] Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of nought: an abomination is he that chooseth you.

I love it God calls someone out. I’m seldom brave enough to do it. I’ll speak my mind, but I generally leave stupid people to stupid ways. But not God! God tells them to put their money where their mouths are. If they believe their gods are so powerful, prove it. He did the same thing with Elijah and the Baal worshippers, Daniel in the Lion’s den, The three Hebrew boys, and now he tells these worshippers of the “little g” gods to prophesy in the name of their gods. They can’t. Nor can this tribe that’s on earth today that believe in nothing, give hope to a world looking for it. But we can. And that is why God has a remnant of us here to proclaim and prophesy that the Lord is returning. And when He does, they’ll have figured it out too late. 

Satan is making yet another attempt to get at the children in our nation. The California Department of Education will soon vote on a new statewide ethnic studies curriculum that advocates for the “decolonization” of American society and elevates Aztec religious symbolism—all in the service of a left-wing political ideology. The new program, called the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, seeks to extend the Left’s cultural dominance of California’s public university system, 50 years in the making, to the state’s entire primary and secondary education system, which consists of 10,000 public schools serving a total of 6 million students.

In theoretical terms, the new ethnic studies curriculum is based on the “pedagogy of the oppressed,” developed by Marxist theoretician Paolo Freire, who argued that students must be educated about their oppression in order to attain “critical consciousness” and, consequently, develop the capacity to overthrow their oppressors.

What used to take ten years to make its way across the United States to West Virginia seems to take less than a year now. 

The Black Lives Matters Curriculum that has made it’s way into West Virginia and every other state is going to mar our children’s minds in an unrepairable way if we don’t stop it. If you’d like to see more on the curriculum, follow this link.

Now is not the time to be lacks. Share this blog, share this information and make your voice known. In the words of King David, “Is there not a cause?”

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Life Inspiration

Positioning by God

Positioned for Purpose

I knew a man of moderate wealth, not a millionaire but one of good means. I fully believe; and the proof was in his life that this man was given wisdom and opportunities because he returned the favor to God. He was born to nothing. His mother literally gave him away to his grandfather at the age of 5 to pay for a doctor bill that he had covered the cost of during his infancy when he had  pneumonia. This is a true story. He and his Cherokee grandmother were the man’s slaves until he was grown and she was too old to be useful, at which time the grandfather had her placed in a mental institution. He grew up on beans and bread most every day, so he appreciated food and fellowship as an adult. He went to church, and as a teen was saved, and called into the ministry. He married and graduated from a bible college, and after working in the secular world he became the Pastor of one of the largest churches in Ohio. During that time, he invested any extra money he had into two places: future income for his family and God’s work. Both of which he prospered in.  He gave 100’s of dollars away most every day. I was the beneficiary of his $100 ministry often. Most every time I seen him, he gave me money to make life easier, he knew I struggled. He knew because he took the time to get to know people, and when he did he acted on what he learned about them. Because of his kindness he is often a testimony in my life. 

Think about the people in your life. Is there someone who has shown you that level of kindness, or someone who you have seen having issues with life? Was it something that you could have done something about? I have to wonder how many opportunities I pass by because I’m so doggone busy. 

There was one such woman of generosity in scripture.

Positioned for Piety

It says in 2 Kings 4:8-37

[8] And it fell on a day, that Elisha passed to Shunem, where was a great woman;

From a commentary it says she was possibly a woman of great wealth and riches, of great benevolence and hospitality, and of great grace and piety; that feared sin, as the Targum paraphrases it; a woman of great credit and reputation on all accounts. The Jews say she was the sister of Abishag the Shunammite, and the mother of Iddo the prophet

Because she was of grate stature, and of such a wonderful mindset, scripture goes on to tell us that:

and she constrained him to eat bread. And so it was, that as oft as he passed by, he turned in thither to eat bread. [9] And she said unto her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually. [10] Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall; and let us set for him there a bed, and a table, and a stool, and a candlestick: and it shall be, when he cometh to us, that he shall turn in thither. 

So she not only offered him a place to stay, but food to eat and created him a little hotel room in her home, just for him. She went to great length to make sure he was comfortable. She did so because she knew he was one of God’s men. That should be the mindset that we have over servants of God. We should want to go above and beyond the call of duty for them.

Positioned for Possibility

[11] And it fell on a day, that he came thither, and he turned into the chamber, and lay there. [12] And he said to Gehazi his servant, Call this Shunammite. And when he had called her, she stood before him. [13] And he said unto him, Say now unto her, Behold, thou hast been careful for us with all this care; what is to be done for thee? wouldest thou be spoken for to the king, or to the captain of the host? And she answered, I dwell among mine own people.

So I imagine that Elisha is just laying across the bed with his arms folded up thinking about how good this woman has been to him, and he wants to do something for her. He tells Gehazi his servant to call for her and ask her if he can speak to the King on her behalf. Perhaps giving her husband a position of authority. Or some other favor. But she was very satisfied where she was and didn’t want that favor, she politely declined. 

 [14] And he said, What then is to be done for her? And Gehazi answered, Verily she hath no child, and her husband is old. [15] And he said, Call her. And when he had called her, she stood in the door. [16] And he said, About this season, according to the time of life, thou shalt embrace a son. And she said, Nay, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie unto thine handmaid. [17] And the woman conceived, and bare a son at that season that Elisha had said unto her, according to the time of life.

Obviously Gehazi had learned from Elisha. He had noticed that there was no children in the house, and perhaps seen evidence that this woman had truly desired to be a mother, but for what ever reason had never became pregnant. We see her desire when she tells Elisha not to even joke about it! But it’s not a joke. In their older years, it happens. What she had long given up on as even a possibility, God makes it happen and she is blessed with a son. 

Positioned for Promise

Have you ever felt as though you’d been chosen by God for a certain purpose, but its either not happened, or not as you expected? Well, the Shunamite woman was experiencing just that in the time that followed. Great, great joy was felt over the son. But then tragedy struck, but she held on to the promise she had forgotten about. 

 [18] And when the child was grown, it fell on a day, that he went out to his father to the reapers. [19] And he said unto his father, My head, my head. And he said to a lad, Carry him to his mother. [20] And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died. [21] And she went up, and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door upon him, and went out. [22] And she called unto her husband, and said, Send me, I pray thee, one of the young men, and one of the asses, that I may run to the man of God, and come again. [23] And he said, Wherefore wilt thou go to him to day? it is neither new moon, nor sabbath. And she said, It shall be well. [24] Then she saddled an ass, and said to her servant, Drive, and go forward; slack not thy riding for me, except I bid thee. [25] So she went and came unto the man of God to mount Carmel. And it came to pass, when the man of God saw her afar off, that he said to Gehazi his servant, Behold, yonder is that Shunammite: [26] Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well. [27] And when she came to the man of God to the hill, she caught him by the feet: but Gehazi came near to thrust her away. And the man of God said, Let her alone; for her soul is vexed within her: and the Lord hath hid it from me, and hath not told me. [28] Then she said, Did I desire a son of my lord? did I not say, Do not deceive me? [29] Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thine hand, and go thy way: if thou meet any man, salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not again: and lay my staff upon the face of the child. [30] And the mother of the child said, As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. And he arose, and followed her. [31] And Gehazi passed on before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child; but there was neither voice, nor hearing. Wherefore he went again to meet him, and told him, saying, The child is not awaked. [32] And when Elisha was come into the house, behold, the child was dead, and laid upon his bed. [33] He went in therefore, and shut the door upon them twain, and prayed unto the Lord. [34] And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and he stretched himself upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm. [35] Then he returned, and walked in the house to and fro; and went up, and stretched himself upon him: and the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes.[36] And he called Gehazi, and said, Call this Shunammite. So he called her. And when she was come in unto him, he said, Take up thy son. [37] Then she went in, and fell at his feet, and bowed herself to the ground, and took up her son, and went out.

She never stopped believing that God’s promise that she had long forgotten would be restored. She took the boy and laid him on the Prophets bed where she had gotten the promise, and where later Elisha restored the life back to her son.

But the struggle and the triumph doesn’t stop there! Can I tell you that life doesn’t always go as planned!

The Right Place at the Right Time

4 chapters later the story of the Shunamite woman continues. 

Famine has come to the land and Elisha tells her that she’s going to have to leave the wonderful home she has created, and so she does. But when she does, the king takes possession of it! So now she has to go and ask for it back.  But the day she does it just happens that Gehazi is there and the King wants to know what Elisha has been up to. Well it just happens that he can not only tell him, he can show him through the Shunamite woman’s testimony. This didn’t just happen. It put her in the right place at the right time for God to provide for her again. 

Positioned for Provision

2 Kings 8:1-6 KJVS

[1] Then spake Elisha unto the woman, whose son he had restored to life, saying, Arise, and go thou and thine household, and sojourn wheresoever thou canst sojourn: for the Lord hath called for a famine; and it shall also come upon the land seven years. [2] And the woman arose, and did after the saying of the man of God: and she went with her household, and sojourned in the land of the Philistines seven years. [3] And it came to pass at the seven years’ end, that the woman returned out of the land of the Philistines: and she went forth to cry unto the king for her house and for her land. [4] And the king talked with Gehazi the servant of the man of God, saying, Tell me, I pray thee, all the great things that Elisha hath done. [5] And it came to pass, as he was telling the king how he had restored a dead body to life, that, behold, the woman, whose son he had restored to life, cried to the king for her house and for her land. And Gehazi said, My lord, O king, this is the woman, and this is her son, whom Elisha restored to life. [6] And when the king asked the woman, she told him. So the king appointed unto her a certain officer, saying, Restore all that was hers, and all the fruits of the field since the day that she left the land, even until now.

She was not only given her home back, but a freezer full of meet and veggies!  Okay… no frozen foods but plenty of goodness for which I have no doubt she once again began sharing. I know this was a lengthy blog. I’m usually at about 1000 words. Today at this point I’m at 2,174. But her testimony reminds me of the goodness of God throughout my life and God’s great provision. His word is so encouraging to my soul. I’ve been struggling for weeks to do His work, and today I feel like the Shunamite woman made me a bed and a loaf of bread and said, “rest here for a while. God’s got us covered.” Maybe you needed the rest too. Love ya! Mean it. Please share and encourage someone with God’s word!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration

The “Blinky” Milk Face of Religion

Trying to find volunteers for church positions is often like asking someone to volunteer to drink the milk to see if it’s spoiled (or blinky as we called it as children). I’ve often times been given the same face. I’m not blowing my own horn, just stating a fact, that for 20 years I have taught youth classes. It’s honestly been one of my greatest joys. And I can certainly hear folks say “Well Shari, I just don’t enjoy it, it’s a lot of additional work in my life.” Yep. Sure is. But let’s talk the future of the Kingdom of God. 

The Lacking of Faith

Paul ask the Thessalonians in Chapter 3:9-10 of 1 Thessalonians

[9] For what thanks can we render to God again for you, for all the joy wherewith we joy for your sakes before our God; [10] Night and day praying exceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith?

To Shari quote it “How can I thank God for the opportunity to serve you, see you and help you grow in the Lord?” 

Does it sound like he was more than a little excited?! I totally get it. No greater time do I have than when I’m in the teen department listening to them ask and answer questions about scripture, all the while giggling over something totally silly. I also get when 20 minutes before I leave, I’m exhausted from a day at work for which my brain says, “Stay home Shari, you need rest.” I get that it’s additional work on top of already hectic lives or that you’ve already done your tour of duty. (Remember 20 years) Oh… but the joy! 

The pure joy in knowing that you’ve helped a child to grow in his or her faith. That you’ve allowed them to see the joy of the Lord. Not the “blinky milk face of religion.” Those who see no need to volunteer in the church are part of the cause of a lack of faith in the church. Those who think Sunday School and Wednesday Night Bible Study aren’t necessary are those who cause a lack of faith in their own lives. Every time I study, whether it be for myself, my ministry or the classes I teach, I learn something new. I learn something that helps me be a better person, and boy o boy does this world need better people!

If you are struggling with life, for what ever reason, I can almost guarantee you aren’t getting enough gospel. I haven’t been feeling the best lately and it wasn’t until this morning, when I knew it was about time to get my prescriptions filled, that I realized I had missed 6 morning doses of my medicines this month (which are many pills). Yea, that probably has something to do with me not feeling well. But the same holds true if you’re not fueling your spirit with the word of God and the fellowship of the saints. It causes a lack of faith when you need it the most.

A Lack of Love

Paul prayed that God would lead them to His people: 

 [11] Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you. [12] And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you: [13] To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.

He did so because of his great love for the children of God and his concern for their souls. It begs the question: “How concerned are you for your people.” God has placed people in our lives, in our path, to edify our souls, that we may be “Unblameable before God.” Because of a lack of love, and a lack of faith, there’s going to be plenty of blame to go around. 

Last night I had 6 teens in my class. I was grateful for those six souls!!! But I couldn’t help feeling great sorrow for the teens who never experience church in the way those six did last night. In just one short hour I watched human relationships grow in the Lord, and grow into adulthood. 

Several months ago the teens painted a slogan on the wall of their class room that says “You gotta Grow up!” It’s from 1 Corinthians 13:11

[11] When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

In so many ways the kids in my class are more spiritually mature than many adults. And yet… they giggle like children because they are. They also make me giggle. Oh the joy! 

The teens don’t always get along. They have days when they get on each other’s nerves, much like the adults. They’re not all on the same level spiritually. Some have barely stepped into the water of faith. It’s often easy for the churched kids to be “shocked” that an unchurched kid doesn’t know the basic spiritual truths. I wish they’d known me at 34 years of age. I knew nothing! But it’s always a good lesson to remind them that it’s okay not to know so long as you’re willing to learn. They also need to know it’s the responsibility of those of us who do know to shine the light into the lives of those who don’t. And to never, never, ever, give someone the blinky milk face because they don’t understand the word of God. 

Posted in Eternity, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration

How to Repair Your Life

Are you, or someone you know searching for answers in these troubled times for which we live? It’s not by happenstance that you’ve landed in this domain today. I’m for certain not going to tell you that I can solve all of your problems, I don’t even know what your problems are! I’m not going to tell you that I have a miracle quick fix that will allow you to avoid any consequences of bad decisions you’ve made. I’ve been there, done that, and have my own “I survived stupidity” tee shirt. That’s not why you’re here. You’re here because God uses folks like me to encourage you, give you hope, and if you’ve never met Jesus Christ, I’m here to shine a light on the greatest decision I ever made. 

Jesus Christ sets the Standards

No matter if you’re on the right or left, I think we’d all agree that the worlds standards are messed up. But the fact of the matter is, this world, nor anyone in it, is in charge of “the standard.” That was set by the Creator who, as Jesus Christ, was there at the creation of this planet and all things around it, and even knew you, before you were created. (Jeremiah 1:5) Isn’t that amazing! That thought always encourages my souls.

Jeremiah 1:5 KJVS

[5] Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Now back to the issue of standards:

Romans 3:23-31 says: 

[23] For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; [24] Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: [25] Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 

A few key points from that text for those who might not be familiar with scripture. Every single one of humankind has sinned. If you say you haven’t, you just lied, so welcome to the club, you’re a sinner. We come short of the “glory of God,” because unlike us, He has never sinned. He is perfect in every single way. Never a bad thought or deed, and that my friend is the standard. 

As children we know that sin and rebellious behavior must be punished, else we’ll never understand it’s wrong. But what punishment would be just for the sins of this wicked world and its total disrespect and depravation? By the standards of God there is only one, death. As a loving God, all He has ever wanted in return was love, obedience, and respect for Him and what He created. We’ve failed. Therefore we deserve punishment. 

But our Loving God took even that upon Himself when Christ paid that price once and for all on the cross by giving His life. That was the “propitiation” mentioned in the verse. Propitiation means it pleased God, to allow His Son to pay our debt. He did that because nothing else was pure enough, and that was God’s standard.

Jesus Christ set the Strategy

[26] To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. [27] Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. 

Once the standard was set, and the price was paid, there needed be a plan put in place for the children of God to live on in this world until we get to the perfection of Heaven, where we’ll be with God. That strategy is to live in faith, not by works. But it’s our nature to try and fix things ourselves. I don’t know about you, but that is usually when I get in the biggest trouble! 

If we could possibly save ourselves, or live without God, we would. And in our arrogance we’d take full credit for it. And most of mankind right now is doing exactly that. They’re living without God, they’re boasting about what all they’ve done, but when this life ends… and it will… where will they stand before a just and Holy God? They won’t be standing, they’ll be flat on there face begging for mercy that will never come, because they rejected God. They’ll be forever separated from all the people they thought they impressed. They’ll forever be in the darkness and fires of Hell. 

That strategy doesn’t seem so hard now does it? Just believe and trust that regardless of whatever happens in your life, Jesus is there with you. He may not pull you out, but He’ll walk through, because as His child, He has a vested interest in you. He died for you. 

Jesus Christ Set the Stones

[28] Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. [29] Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: [30] Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith. [31] Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.

I always think it funny that man took 10 commandments and made a million laws. Mankind always makes life more complex than it needs to be. It’s those complexities that leave the average joe or Jane falling short of what we to be. For most of us all we want is to be happy and carefree. But with sin in our life, with the struggles of day to day living and getting along with a crazy world, neither of those things are possible.

When I got saved, (accepted what Christ did on the cross as payment for my sin and trusted Him for the provisions of my life) I still had the same problems, but I wasn’t alone in trying to solve them. I still failed God and sinned, but I had immediate forgiveness through Christ. When I laid my head down at night I had peace that if I died in my sleep, my life would go on in the presence of God in a perfect world. Those Ten Commandments that were written in Stone, were now inscribed, “Repaired when Broken.” It’s inevitable that I’ll fail God, but through my faith, that law is established as “never having been broken at all.” Glory to God, does that make me happy today! 

Friend, if you’re struggling in life, Give it to Jesus. He’s fully prepared to take care of it.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Heaven, Leadership, Life Inspiration

A Profitable Truth


I’m not so sure what the world believes anymore. There would have been a time that I would have said “most people are God fearing people.” They had enough reverence for Him to at least respect the authority of out sovereign God. But now… I sit in disbelief as I watch people live their lives, clueless to their eternal destination and that it could possibly be entered into today. Perhaps even before this sentence is completed some will find out if they believed as they should. 

I have such confidence in God and His eternal plans that I know I am with Him in Spirit now. That excites me! While I cannot see Him physically, I feel His presence and I know that to be absent from the body is to be with Him, therefore my saved friends and and family who have died, are literally with Him. So God is my go between, between my Dad and many others. They cannot answer me, but I can ask God to tell my Dad and Doyle Ballengee, hello. It is in those conversations that I either sound completely mad to the lost, or give great hope and peace to my own soul and others who know Jesus.

The Apostle Paul understood my weirdness. He too was very weird to the world. Especially the religious world he came out of. Even though, they were the ones who originally had conversations with God all the time. They were the “oracles of God.” Privy to His wisdom like no others. But when the Messiah came on the scene they refuted every thing He did, including the miracles, choosing rather to call Him a heretic than the God of the Universe. 

Uncompromising Truth

Romans 3:1-12 KJVS

[1] What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? [2] Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. [3] For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? [4] God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

Paul was one of the greatest of the Jews, no doubt headed for power and a Jew of great understanding and wisdom. The same wisdom He applied to Christianity when He met Christ. He wanted to see his people saved, and the rest of the world as well. He taught and preached without compromise on the truth, because God doesn’t compromise.

Paul understood, and everyone else should that judgement is coming. Whether or not people believe that God is the Creator of all and the Righteous Judge of the earth doesn’t change the fact that He is. Nor does it change the fact that we will one day stand before Him and answer for what we’ve done in these bodies for Him. How have you shined the light to this dark world? That’s our job. Regardless of what our career path is, our job is to tell the world about Jesus and what He willingly did for them. Will you be justified when you stand before Him and He asks, “How did your life glorify Me?” It’s an uncompromising truth and its. And 

Unavoidable Truth

 [5] But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance? (I speak as a man) [6] God forbid: for then how shall God judge the world? [7] For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner? [8] And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just. [9] What then? are we better than they ? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin; [10] As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 

While the arrogance of the world goes on with their day, as if there is not even a possibility that God will return today, the unavoidable truth is “you are a sinner.” I am a sinner. Everyone born of the flesh is a sinner in need of a Savior. While Paul’s writing sometimes reads as a riddle to me, the truth of it reads all too clear. I needed saving. Praise God I was!  Just as today, people in Paul’s day were slanderously reporting… Hummmm, they must have been the ancestors of CNN and the rest of todays modern media tribes! I’m going out on a limb here to say that they are one of the greatest causes of people turning from Christ, second only to the depravity within the soul of every man. But they speak to that depravity. It’s a me first society and that’s the message they want the world to hear. That mindset causes people to ignore the truth of the gospel and believe a lie because the lie makes them feel better about themselves rather than facing the fact that they’re a sinner needing a Savior. 

Unprofitable Truth

[11] There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. [12] They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

While the world strives for their next dollar, their next title,  the next material thing that allows them to one up the Jones, they do not understand how very unprofitable they are. While we are expected to “live” while we are here, that life is not to be the focus. This is the journey and the audition for our next life. This morning was the first time I thought of it in that context. I’m auditioning for the role of an eternal lifetime through my actions down here. If I am living only for this world, it will be entirely unprofitable. But if I “lay up my treasures in Heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt,” glory to God I will have a position in the Kingdom to be proud of because it came from glorifying God here. 

Paul was no doubt slated for a high earthly title. But he walked away from it, forsook the law for grace, signed his own death sentence because he knew that was the path God had chosen for him. It was a hard, profitable truth. This world is unprofitable. It’s heading to the burn barrels. You may or may not be familiar with that term. Long ago and far way, before Waste Management trucks drove through the neighborhoods of West Virginia picking up the garbage, there were burn barrels. My parents had one behind their house and that was how we disposed of the garbage. You burned what would burn and you buried what wouldn’t. Well… this world will be destroyed one day. It is for certain an unprofitable ball of dirt. And the souls on it who do not profess Christ as Lord will be among the rubbish, but the fire will never go out. It’s the truth, whether or not you confess it. And so is Heaven, which should be your obvious choice. 

A profitable truth is this. You have the choice of Heaven or Hell. Which is it? Let me know, I’d love to hear from you.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration, Praise, Uncategorized

What About the New Glory Days?

What is your fondest memory in church.

George Barna, the sociologist of religion, notes that most people form their religious identities by the time they are thirteen years old. For many people true worship is what they experienced as children. For me that was in the 1970’s. I remember the revivals and the packed churches and the weirdness of a lively church because the Sunday church was dead. I praise God that He gave me a second chance to see revival through Victory Baptist Church. God help our churches in America and may we never be one like that. 

I got the idea for todays lesson from a preacher who went to a Lutheran Church in the 1960’s where the attendance was 3,000 or better. He said they had to arrive at church at least 20 minutes early to get a seat, they sat up folding chairs in the aisles. Many of the people look back on those times as the glory days. But a visiting Pastor said that he was there in the 60’s and said that those folks looked back on the glory days of the 1950’s. We’re always looking back. 

And that’s where our text is at today. 

Don’t Look Back

Isaiah 43:18-25 KJVS

[18] Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. [19] Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Nostalgia, for which I and any other person my age is usually guilty of isn’t helpful and it’s not true to the Bible. It oftentimes makes us unhappy. As Christians we need to remember God’s work in the past, but never lose sight of what He’s doing now. Because it’s every bit as wonderful. 

Right now we seem to be in a terribly dry dessert. What will be your memories of church during this period of your life? 

What’s something amazing that you’ve seen Him do during the past year?

For me it’s the longing in my soul for spiritual things. That sounds bad, but it’s what drives me and for that I’m grateful. We’re most often not thirsty until we’re dry. And then we really want a drink and when we get it it’s amazing. Perry Noble’s church, which just expanded their building, had 14 saved last Sunday. In the midst of this dry time they’re growing because thirsty people are showing up. And that can happen anywhere, but we’ve got to offer the drink, because some people are clueless that church is where it’s at. 

Don’t Be Silent

[20] The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen. [21] This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise. [22] But thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob; but thou hast been weary of me, O Israel. 

Somebody or something will praise God. But when the people of God are silent, it makes us weary. I don’t want to be guilty of that. God has provided water to drink in these dry times. But where do we find it, and how do we share it?

Have you ever felt dry and thirsty spiritually. Be honest. Why or why not. Why do you think the thirst isn’t in many churches today for wanting to feel the Spirit move in their congregations. 

Don’t be Inactive or Ungrateful

[23] Thou hast not brought me the small cattle of thy burnt offerings; neither hast thou honoured me with thy sacrifices. I have not caused thee to serve with an offering, nor wearied thee with incense. [24] Thou hast bought me no sweet cane with money, neither hast thou filled me with the fat of thy sacrifices: but thou hast made me to serve with thy sins, thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities.

Usually when people talk about the “good ol’ days it’s about the sacrifices people made to have the churches that we have today. They gave of their time, and their money and they would have never considered laying out of church. They had too much invested in it to turn their back on God. But now that the church building is built, we’ve stopped building the body of Christ. That is a sign of ingratitude. We’re failing to remember that were it not for someone else’s work, we’d not have what we do. So what are we going to leave the next generation. 

Don’t be Afraid of the Future

 [25] I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.

Jesus reminds us to live each day knowing that God loves us and forgives us for all our failures. The Bible’s not filled with perfect people (save One) and that was Jesus. It’s filled with people who failed God, but stayed faithful.

Are you prepared to stay faithful to the church. 

God’s prophet Isaiah spoke to a people demoralized and in exile in Babylon. They had suffered much—the towns and farms of Judah were destroyed, Jerusalem was in ruins and the Temple, God’s House destroyed. The land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, was now in the hands of others who did not know the Lord God. God had brought the people out of slavery in Egypt into the land of milk and honey but now they were exiled from that Promised Land. It seemed as if God had abandoned them. But the words of the prophet went out: DO NOT REMEMBER THE FORMER THINGS, OR CONSIDER THE THINGS OF OLD. I AM ABOUT TO DO A NEW THING, NOW IT SPRINGS FORTH, DO YOU NOT PERCEIVE IT? God’s mercy and salvation were not only past actions, but present and future—and what is coming, the Lord says to the people of Israel —and us—is greater even than God’s work in the past.

Just like it still is. God’s word still brings us hope! It’s okay to remember the past, but don’t discount the future. We need to focus on how God sustains us even when the times are dry just like He did Israel when they fled Egypt and for forty years, God provided for them. Suffering almost always results in a closer relationship with God. And by the same token, good times seem to cause us to stray. 

When the temple was destroyed the people had to gather together in small groups, in congregations, to study and learn God’s Word. All that was left to them was the Scripture. The people gathered around Torah, God’s instruction and learned in a more personal way of God’s loving intention for them. The suffering of the people resulted in a closer relationship with God and a renewal in their trust and dependence upon God.

We remember what God has done for us as well. Our Christian faith is based upon God’s faithfulness in the past which we remember and also make personal. We look back to the Old Testament—and Isaiah’s prophecy came to pass—the people marched back through the desert home to Jerusalem. And after almost two thousand years in exile from AD 70 to 1948, the Jewish people have found a home again in the land of Israel. What God promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 1900 years before Jesus is still God’s promise 2000 years after. For us as Christians we look to Jesus, the Messiah of Israel and Savior of the whole world. In Jesus, God Himself paid the penalty for our sins. In Jesus, God came into the world to be one of us; nothing human is foreign to this God. In Jesus, God is with us now and will be forever. God will never leaves us or forsake us.

So what are we going to focus on now?

What do you want to see accomplished in our church. I personally want to see the Sunday School classes grow because if this grows, so will the worship hour.

What would you like to see happen in the church?

Isaiah 43:1-2 KJVS says 

[1] But now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. [2] When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

That’s a promise to Israel, but to us as well. 

God going to bring us through. But as He does, we don’t want to make Him weary. 

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Life Inspiration, salvation, Uncategorized

Are you ready for Christ’s Return?

It’s a question that has been heavy on my heart for the past few days as I worked on a graphic handout for my ministry. It’s impossible to say all that I want to say on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. It’s such a serious topic of conversation that lends its self to a million other questions that I struggled with how to condense and put a few parts of God’s plan in a way to help people understand what’s happening in the world today. I feel the concern of lost souls who have no concept of God’s plan, they only know that this can’t be all there is to life… We that are saved know it’s only the beginning of a great and wonderful eternity. But those that are lost… Heaven help me to share the cross.

I’m sharing my printable graphic here in hopes that it will help others, and if you have any feedback, please contact me. (Unless you’re saying that it’s not correct.). Don’t bother with that one, because I know that I know that I know. But questions about the text, or comments about how easy or not so easy it is to understand, I will greatly accept!


Posted in Bible Journaling, Easter, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration

The World’s Warped View of Christianity

Last night was communion at Victory Baptist Church and it’s been a long time since we gathered together for that purpose because of the Corona. My heart was tender to the Lord, a fact I’m grateful for. It had not been the case this week. I had allowed the world to come between me and God to the point I was feeling worthless and ashamed. Not a good spiritual condition to be in the week of Easter or any day. But such was the case and I needed my heart stirred. The Pastor’s text for the evening was 1 Corinthians 10:21-23 KJV

Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils. Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he? All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.

Those verses immediately resonated with my spirit. I felt like I had been dining at the Devil’s table all week. I hadn’t read the Bible like I should, I hadn’t prayed like I should and going into the time of year that we celebrate the very reason we are who we are, I was lower than a snail’s belly. Praise God by the time the wafer and communion cups were passed out I had asked God’s forgiveness and felt as though fresh oil had been poured upon me.  God is so good.

The scripture still drew my thoughts back to the week I had endured and the world we live in. It’s so warped. To most people Easter is just a holiday, not a holy-day. So long as it’s the celebration of Easter bunnies and baby chicks all cute and cuddly nobody has a problem with it, but mention the truth that Christians pause this time of year to celebrate our risen Savior and the world has a problem with us. Delve into the depravity of man that created the need for Jesus to be crucified, and the world gets its little feelings hurt because they’re offended. And not only the world, the church (collectively) has chimed right in with that reasoning. They’ve removed the blood songs from the hymnals and excluded any sermon topics that aren’t politically correct for fear offending the power of the left, and the powers of the right are as week as day old dishwater. How did we get here? How did I get where I was the beginning of this week and stay there throughout! It’s ridiculous. 

“Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy?” as Paul asked. I have no doubt. It’s why I began scribbling the communion glasses on my iPad as the preacher preached last night. One represents the world, the other the purity of the Lord. The worlds glass is dark and tainted with the opinions of man not the doctrine of Christ. I listen to this young man on Instagram for entertainment that I perhaps shouldn’t. But he intrigues me. His name is Christian Walker, and he is the son of retired professional football player Hershel Walker. He is epitome of the world, and has made a name for himself as an out spoken Republican conservative and is praised for his boldness, and the shedding of the typical stuff shirt that the right is usually viewed as. I’ll give him that. He’s definitely not your typical conservative. He’s flaming gay and broadcasts it loud and clear without apology as he professes his Christian faith. 

Ummm, doesn’t that go against what the word of God says in Romans 1:25-27 ~ Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

It sure does! And yet I watch him and enjoy his rants and ravings against the leftest agenda as he ignores his own sin because it’s his lusts, and somehow his sin is okay. That’s warped. But that’s the world we live in and it’s created an unholiness in the church that’s going to make God puke. 

Revelation 3:15-16 KJVS

[15] I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. [16] So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

So what does all that have to do with Easter and Communion? How much value do we place on what Christ did for us? How many times do we compromise in our own beliefs to cater to the world around us, or to our own lusts, pretending they’re the “small sins.”

By the end of the service last night my mind had drifted to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, who stood at the foot of the cross that her Son hung on having been beaten beyond recognition, spit on, stripped naked and mocked. I could feel her heart breaking, I could feel the tears sting my own eyes as I tried to imagine that as my child, but couldn’t. It would be too much to bare. I imagined her screaming, “This is my Son! He did nothing but love us!” And with that the shame of my own lack of reverence for the Lord and the things of the Lord stung me. Thank God for grace.  

The world may take this day lightly, the day before our Lord arose from the grave. But imagine being there, having witnessed the horrendous events of the days before, and then seeing the tomb empty, feeling your heart burn within you as the men on the road to Emmaus. (Luke 24:32) Meeting the risen Lord face to face, being with Him, speaking with Him, seeing Him ascend back to Heaven where He awaits our arrival. Glory to God how can we be so lacks when it comes to the Holiness of God?

Following His crucifixion Peter went back to fishing, the other Apostles hid for fear of being the next to be killed, until He arose. And then the gospel was back with a vengeance against Satan’s plot to destroy the Lord. 

Well, the vengeance is on us now. Satan has turned the world against us, but we still have the same reasons to rejoice and loudly proclaim Christ arose! But first we must stop cheapening the price He paid by allowing the world to convince us this day is about bunnies. Nothing against bunnies, but our children need to know that it’s about Jesus!

I was one proud Noni this week when my grandson Logan wanted his hat for the Easter Bonnet Parade at his public school to be about the “real meaning” of Easter. I’m proud of His boldness! God…. let me be so bold in my world

Posted in failure, Faith

There is None Good but One

It’s incomprehensible that a crime this heinous could take place anywhere, but atop that is the reaction of the onlooking security guard, who not only does not help her, but closes the door. An updated report says that the security guard has been suspended and the assailant Brandon Elliott has been arrested. Elliott is on lifetime parole for killing his mother in 2002. He was released from prison in 2019.

The woman was attacked for nothing more than being who God created her to be. This story took my mind immediately to Matthew 19:16-22 KJV
[16] And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? [17] And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. [18] He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, [19] Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. [20] The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? [21] Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. [22] But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

The rich young man was distraught because he had accumulated great wealth. He wasn’t sorrowful for his sin, but was sorrowful for the fact that all he had done was not enough to obtain eternal life and Jesus ask that he would part with his worldly goods. While that certainly does not equate to what happened in the video, it quickly reminded me of the value that we put on material things in this life, and the “me first” attitude we can all be guilty of. The rich young man chose rather to turn his back on God rather than turn away from his wealth, the security guard didn’t act like he even considered coming to the poor woman’s aid even though you would have thought that would have been his first natural reaction. But the nature of man isn’t good. As Christ said, “there is none good but One, that is, God.”

When it came to the crucifixion of our Lord, it doesn’t say that anyone stepped up to His defense. And yet they had seen the miracles He had wrought, many of them had been recipients of His goodness and grace, and yet they stood by and watched as He was beaten, scourged, hung on the cross and subjected to torment and torture by heartless guards. No, there is none of good, not one. But we compare our lives to that of the people like the security guard. And we look pretty good. But then I look deep into the crevices of my “me first” heart and I see so much that could be better for the Lord. Soooooooooo much. If I truly take the time to keep looking, I don’t feel that I’m any better than the security guard at all.

This week should be a week of deep reflection, but I fail miserably at that too. So caught up in the days with things I want to do, not giving heed or attention to the things that Christ would rather I be doing with my time. Not nearly grateful enough for all He’s done for me. Not coming to the aid of people that I see hurting as I should. The video is a visual reminder of the condition of the world we’re in. Why Jesus hasn’t said “enough” and called His children home, I don’t know. But I’m none the less grateful that we are still here with time to see more people saved. But will we step up, or will we close the 🚪 door?.

If we were on parole for our role in the death of Jesus Christ, would it be revoked today because we’ve failed Him yet again? I know for certain mine would. Thank God, O thank You Jesus for your undeserved grace.

Posted in Evangelism, Family, Life Inspiration, salvation, testimony, Word of God

The Certainty of Salvation

I haven’t always had it. And Satan tries his very best to make me question it, but I know that I know, and that’s a great place to be in life. Apostle Paul told the Romans in Romans 8:38-39, 

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The Persuaders

Paul knew too! And for the much the same reasons as myself and many others who are saved; there was a drastic change. And drastic is not used purely for dramatic effect, its reality. From the top of my head to the bottom of my feet I was changed, with the greatest of all changes happening in my heart. 

It was a topic in the teen class last night about the evidence of salvation in someone’s life. When I brought up the fact that even a preacher could be lost, they were a little taken aback. Most of the preachers they know are strong, outspoken men of God that confirm their salvation by their actions. But not all. It was one such preacher that could be cruel and unkind and with that I ask them the question, “What if he’s lost?” What? They couldn’t comprehend that. He preached the gospel how could he be lost? I assured them I wasn’t saying he was, we are not the judges of a man’s salvation. But I recalled the video (which I know is not biblically correct) from the Left Behind series many years ago. Whether or not it was biblical, it had a lasting effect on my burden for those in the end times. It depicted well those who will be “left behind” at the rapture and their heartbreak. One of those left was a preacher who stood alone in his congregation having preached what he didn’t believe. Gut—- wrenching. “How could a man preach and not believe,” the teens wondered.

Anger Persuades Me

The same way I grew up in a family of believers, but didn’t. Religion is a vicious deceiver. So when I came out of it, I was changed and I was angry. I was angry at those who dare not preach that there should be a change, who stopped preaching on Sunday, and dared not to offend their congregation with the truth of the gospel, that it cost Jesus His life. Who treated their position as Pastor in a church as a job, not a calling. 

Prior to salvation I didn’t really know that type of righteous anger. I could get angry, but my nature is not one of having a temper. I’ve always believed that life is too short to stay angry. But righteous anger hasn’t left me in 25 years.  

The Spirit Persuades Me

The presence of the Spirit on and in my life has been amazing. Conversations with Him have been ongoing since 1996. To the world I’m just a chick from West Virginia, but to the Creator of the universe I’m a friend, and that is no small thing. We were discussing favoritism as well in teen class last night and they ask who was my favorite of them. I answered the same way I answer my children and grandchildren, how can you have a favorite when each is so unique. I love them all differently!  They of course thought they were my favorite. Which I love, I pray they always feel that way, because that’s how I feel with God. After all He takes time to speak to me when there are billions of people in the world. Surely I must be His favorite. And so are you.

The Word of God Persuades Me

Just like my conversations with God through the Spirit, He speaks to me through His word. Over the course of 58 years I’ve read a lot. But nothing compares to the word of God. I’ve had books that entertained and stirred my soul, but none compare to the living, breathing words within the Holy Book. The way it opens the eyes of my heart to knowledge that without God’s intervention, wouldn’t come from “just words.” I’ve written this blog since 2010. Thousands and thousands of words and thoughts that the Spirit of God would speak through me and always to me. I’ve been the recipient of words from others, usually preachers, who have preached a message that caused me to wonder if God had told them every secret in my life. Their messages would be so on point to what I was dealing with and never shared that it couldn’t have happened any other way. I’d leave the sanctuary and want to ask, “Exactly what did God fill you in on?” The word of God is powerful! Scripture says that it is a two edged sword, cutting in both directions, in and out.  

Death Persuades Me

Though I have not been stoned like the Apostle Paul, I have faced death when I confronted mortality through open heart surgery. Although I was not done with my life and the people I love, I was ready to meet God. I was tired. I still have days when I think “Just take me home God…” But then I think of my unfinished work on the earth and I know it’s not my time. Paul said in Philippians 1:21 KJV – “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” I fully understand that. Moving to a place where there is no sorrow is certainly gain! I miss my Dad, my heart breaks when I see the longing for him in my Mother’s eyes. I don’t want to lose another friend to cancer, I’m tired of the evil of politics, but I know there is work to do and I will not pass front this earth until God says mine is done. 

I used to fear death. I had no peace in my life and I struggled with it every day. I kid you not. Every day. That is another change, one of the many, many changes in my life. It’s what drives me to tell people about God and to share my testimony with them because I have the feeling many others struggle with it as well. But for the saved… 1 Corinthians 15:55 KJV – O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

There are other persuaders, but I’ll leave those for another day. Are you persuaded? Do you have that assurance in your heart that if Jesus would call the church home today you’d be among them? If not, take action. Call someone, speak to a friend or a preacher that you’ve seen live life differently than the world. Someone who has persuaded you that there is more to God than the world would have you believe. 

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Grace, Life Inspiration

I’m a Gracist, Not a Racist

The title isn’t a Jesus Chick original thought, it came from the folks of Duck Dynasty who interviewed hamburger man Kenny Moore on their podcast, Unsashamed. Kenny, who owns the Highway 55 Restaurant chain, said at one point in that interview, “I’m a Gracist, not a Racist.” And I thought….. “Oooooo that’s good, I’m so going to adopt that mindset! I am so sick of this racist chatter. If you born white in America you’re automatically labeled a racist. Which is such a racist comment. It’s just one of the many ways our country has gone mad! But Mr. Moore had a wonderful thought for any child of God; if you’re living life the way it should be lived, which is by the example that Jesus lived with and scripture teaches, other than the culture of the country for which people live, color doesn’t enter the conversation.

When I met my friend Juma from Tanzania, his color didn’t surprise me. He’s a black African. It in no way made the conversation awkward. We weren’t talking about color, we were talking about Jesus. The God Who made every color. The idea that anyone would think that one race is above another is ludicrous. God loves all that He creates. Does He have plans for certain races? Oh yes! The Jewish race has been apart of the Master’s plan since the beginning of time.  It doesn’t mean He loves them more, it only means that their plan was the first in place on this earth. And by the way… a part of that plan was that God allowed them to become slaves in the very first book of the Bible when Joseph was sold into slavery to the Egyptians. But the world is not trying to rectify that slavery are they? We’ve not apologized to the nation of Israel. 

Grace is first found in scripture in Genesis 6:8 when it says 

Genesis 6:8 KJVS

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

But what about all the others? The earth was full of people. Of those it says:

Genesis 6:7 KJVS

And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

A Dangerous Game

He considered killing them all… but verse 8. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. He was the only exception to the rule. God always reserves some, in the worst of times for Himself. There is a remnant according to the election of grace. The elect, those who God chooses. The Creator of all, and the only one who has the right to put anyone above anyone else. Man doesn’t have that power, but they assume it because they want to be God. Anytime we put another person above or below someone else, we’re playing God. And that’s a dangerous game. 

We are of that remnant. Which is why Joe Lancaster preached a sermon 10 or so years ago titled “There’s a few of us left.” There’s a few of us who truly care about the things that God cares about. The rest of the world in Noah’s day had stopped caring about the things of God. But Noah was grateful and acceptable to Him. He pleased Him in his service and sacrifices. He was made fun of by men, but he kept serving God even though he had never seen rain, but God said it was on it’s way, and so Noah for 120 years was faithful and it allowed his family to be saved.  But for those who did not care about the things God cared about, they perished.

That’s what’s going to happen in this world that we’re living in now. We are the Noah of the day. But this time God has allowed anyone to get on the ark who believes in the sacrifice His Son made. One rule. That’s it.  And for those of us who have been saved, thinking about the devastation of the flood and the loss of life should make us extremely grateful for grace, and cause us to be Gracist, even to the racist. 

Playing for Keeps

The second place grace is mentioned in the Bible is in the story of Lot.

Genesis 19:19 KJVS

[19] Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shewed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die:

Lot, his wife and children were allowed to escape because of the grace of God, certainly not because of his righteous behavior. He had moved his family into a city of the vilest behaviors. Pretty much like we’re living in today. Abraham pled their case with the Lord, trying to save the city in Genesis 18 asking, when the Lord said He was going to destroy Sodom and Gommorah,  

Genesis 18:23-24 KJVS

[23] And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? [24] Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?

He made it all the way to requesting mercy if there would be ten righteous found in the city, but not even those few could be found. So the city, save Lot and his family, were destroyed

For me Lot exemplifies the average American. He may not have participated in the sin of the day but he certainly didn’t depart from it or take a stand. And just like He did in the days of Noah, God destroyed who He said He would destroy, because God is playing for keeps. He will defend who He says, and He will destroy who He says, and those of us under grace, should be be shouting it to the roof tops for others to hear.

The third place we find grace mentioned in the scripture is in the story of Jacob and Esau. The twin sons of Isaac, the grandsons of Abraham. 

Winning the Game

 Genesis 32:3-5 KJVS

[3] And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the land of Seir, the country of Edom. [4] And he commanded them, saying, Thus shall ye speak unto my lord Esau; Thy servant Jacob saith thus, I have sojourned with Laban, and stayed there until now: [5] And I have oxen, and asses, flocks, and menservants, and womenservants: and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find grace in thy sight.

Jacob needed the grace of Esau because his deceitfulness had ruined their relationship and drove him away from home. But now he wanted to come home and it would require mercy from his brother, mercy he was willing to pay for. The kind of mercy that man expects is not God’s kind of mercy. Jacob figured it would cost him something. And that’s what the world thinks now, that there’s no way something as good as Heaven could be without cost to us. But it is. And in knowing that we should offer it to everyone in our lives. Regardless of their skin color, what family they’re from, what country they’re from or anything else that makes us different. Because in the eyes of God, we are simply, His created. And when we look at the world that’s what we should see, whether or not they are different in color, or belief. We all need Grace. 

Jacob originally thought that he needed to win the coveted birthright, so he convinced a hungry Esau to trade it for a bowl of soup. But what he altered realized was that all that really mattered was whether or not he was in the will of God, and had peace in his home. We’re not going to have peace in this home, but we are headed to one of the sweetest of peace. And while we’re on the journey we need to bring as many people with us as we can. Be a Gracist, not a racist that’s what wins the game. 

Posted in Faith, Family, Life Inspiration, Political, Word of God

We need some Women on the Wall!

I love to read both the Old and the New Testaments of the word of God, but I sometimes struggle to understand the culture of the day. While grace is certainly present, judgment on those who were against God’s people was swift and harsh and without regard for the feelings of  Momma’s of the day that would have to see their son’s die, and sometimes die with them. God was swift and He was just. Today justice is anything but. I have to wonder if I were born in the time of King David would I be the same Shari…? the tender hearted, non violent child of God. Or would I have the gumption to be the wise woman spoken of in Chapter 20 of 2 Samuel; Who orders a man killed for the vengeance of her city and the King, and then they throw his head over a wall to David’s men. That’s pretty intense!

2 Samuel 20:16-22 KJVS

[16] Then cried a wise woman out of the city, Hear, hear; say, I pray you, unto Joab, Come near hither, that I may speak with thee. [17] And when he was come near unto her, the woman said, Art thou Joab? And he answered, I am he. Then she said unto him, Hear the words of thine handmaid. And he answered, I do hear. [18] Then she spake, saying, They were wont to speak in old time, saying, They shall surely ask counsel at Abel: and so they ended the matter. [19] I am one of them that are peaceable and faithful in Israel: thou seekest to destroy a city and a mother in Israel: why wilt thou swallow up the inheritance of the Lord ? [20] And Joab answered and said, Far be it, far be it from me, that I should swallow up or destroy. [21] The matter is not so: but a man of mount Ephraim, Sheba the son of Bichri by name, hath lifted up his hand against the king, even against David: deliver him only, and I will depart from the city. And the woman said unto Joab, Behold, his head shall be thrown to thee over the wall. [22] Then the woman went unto all the people in her wisdom. And they cut off the head of Sheba the son of Bichri, and cast it out to Joab. And he blew a trumpet, and they retired from the city, every man to his tent. And Joab returned to Jerusalem unto the king.

They threw his head over the wall, and then they took a 😴 . The Bible according to Shari. Not necessarily a bed time story for children, 😳but truth none the less and I feel a worthy story to look at in scope of todays politics. 

The story leading into this action was the treasonable behavior of Absalom the son of David. He attempted to steal the throne from his father and ended up getting his head stuck in a tree branch allowing David’s men to come by and kill him. But he was not the only traitor in the pack; so was Sheba, the son fo Bichri who Joab had come to kill. Even if it meant tearing apart a city and killing innocent bystanders in the process. For this “the woman” called him out, asking why he was going to destroy her city and a mother in Israel. I can almost hear Joab stuttering and stammering, as if caught off guard by this brazen woman who stepped upon the wall and asked how he was justifying that move? Oh to be so bold! We need more people like her who in defense of their town is not willing to go down with the ship but rather throw the traitors overboard. 

We have politicians from the local level to the national level who have no problem selling their souls for their office and failing to serve the people who elected them, settling  rather to cater to minority. 

For Example: Nationally our idiot Government has rented a Civic Center in Dallas, Texas to house 3,000 young (teenage) illegal Mexicans that they allowed to come into the country, with or without Covid screening and without a response to the question. I am clueless as to what they would pay to rent said facility, but I can guarantee it is thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. The convention center in downtown Dallas will soon house migrant boys, ages 15-17 for up to 90 days, according to a memo to city council members. They didn’t ask the city, the just did it. A Texas Sheriff reported that “Basically, the border is open… Cartels are making a killing right now.” 

Our Country’s leaders have gone mad. 

And yet… when our own National Guard was told to report to Washington DC, they were housed in a parking garage, sleeping on concrete with limited bathroom facilities. Is there not something seriously wrong with this. And is this not the acts of a traitor when United States Government Officials treat illegal people better than United States Military. We need some Momma’s to climb some walls. 

West Virginia State and County offices continue to be closed causing issues for residents when needing to conduct business. They’ve paid thousand and thousands of dollars, (likely millions in the state) for protective devices in their offices to protect them from a public they’re not exposed to! and yet their offices are closed. So what are we protecting them from. And why is it safe for kids to be in school but not safe for county employees to go to work. And you may be asking…. so what does that have to do with David and his army? How is that a biblical conversation? 

When Absalom’s efforts brought evil threatening to this woman’s home, she took a stand on the wall and said, “We’ll take care of the problem from the inside.” If from a national, state and local effort our government is not caring for the livelihood of it’s people, how do you think that will work for us if we’re in a real battle. They put a fence around the Whitehouse to protect themselves, but refused a fence at the borders to protect their country. They’ve locked the courthouse up like Fort Knox, yet, they refuse to hear the concerns of the people. I know this is a far cry from where David’s battle had been. But when that battle started, it was a conversation between Absalom and a few disgruntled people at the gate. It doesn’t take much to start a war. And with the unstable state of our society, it certainly wouldn’t take much today. 

I’m not asking for heads on a platter, or over a wall, I’m asking us all to be very conscious of the world around us, and who’s taking care of business. 

David ended up back in the position he was intended for, but not without losses. I fear we’re going to have some too. But this momma is going to stand on the wall. 

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Stay in Your Lane

I guess every community has them; those power hungry people who want to prove their value by wielding their authority in such a manner that all who see them know they are king or queen of their domain. It’s not enough for them to have the title, they want the awareness of their power and position by the underlings. I just cracked myself up, because I know these people! And I borderline, if not crossover the threshold of sin with my lack of respect and tolerance for them. I written before about my issues with arrogance and how I struggle to love people who put themselves above others. Well, toss children into the equation and I have an even bigger issue with you, because I love kids and if I determine that you’re not treating them well, well… I’m upset. 

And so was the case in a discussion I was in this week which lead to today’s blog post and my position on leadership. What I wouldn’t give to throw my moderate good sense to the wind and tell you who I’m speaking of and why they’ve upset my wagon. But I won’t, because that wouldn’t be wise or godly. So I’ll think my frustration through in a manner that will hopefully help us both in a lesson on “what not to do when you’re in charge of the world.”

In order to establish the “world” of which I speak, I’m referring to any domain that you’ve been given authority over. Such as the school, church, or even the home. So where ever you are that matters to you, that is your world. Are you in authority, are you an underling, or do you live in the bliss of a well ran monarchy where everyone knows their position and stays in their lane? I pray so, but if not… read on. 

Rehoboam was the son of the great Solomon, placed into the position of King not because of his talents, but because of his birthright. Which was the culture and rule of the day. Nobody would deny his right to be in that position because that is how God intended it to work. God also intended those who were and are given positions of authority to lead through His guidance. This was not the case of Rehoboam. Rather than seeking God, as did his father, and grandfather, Rehoboam thought it wise to bring his childhood friends on as advisors, who then gave him ill advice. Although they were called young, Rehoboam was actually 41 years of age. Wisdom doesn’t always come with age it so seems. 

The people had came to him and ask him to lighten the heavy load that Solomon had put on them. But rather than heed to their request, he heeded to the popularity of his friends and put more stringent work and taxes upon the people, ending in rebellion and war. But it all started with an commonly spoke quote of today. “I’ve got more strength in my little finger than that guys got in his whole body.” Sounds good… until it’s proven otherwise that a pinky strength isn’t worth a whole lot. 

1 Kings 12:10 KJVS

[10] And the young men that were grown up with him spake unto him, saying, Thus shalt thou speak unto this people that spake unto thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, but make thou it lighter unto us; thus shalt thou say unto them, My little finger shall be thicker than my father’s loins.

Rehoboam ended up losing the majority of his world to his brother Jeroboam, who was a terrible leader as well. He worshipped false gods and trash talked the man of God until the man of God turned his arm to stone. And then suddenly he had a change of heart about him, desiring him to come to his house. But the man of God wisely spoke and said

1 Kings 13:8 KJVS

[8] And the man of God said unto the king, If thou wilt give me half thine house, I will not go in with thee, neither will I eat bread nor drink water in this place:

Two leaders, placed into the position at the Lord’s will, but neither with the good sense to lead a nation. And so it would seem America is in the same mess. Whether it be a national or local incident with leadership, poor leadership effects the whole of us. So what are we to do when we’re in charge of the world?

Consider yourself a leader 

In my home, where my children are grown, my husband and I are King and Queen of our domain. I haven’t always taken my role as serious as I should, nor has my husband. And I have to wonder how many people do? Do we understand the cause and effect of who we are on those  around us, that lead out to, and effect the world around us. Our reach extends to the universe… that is a pretty far piece.

The man of God understood it. He wanted nothing to do with Jeroboam’s wicked world. 

What if today we refused to allow the world to enter us? The man of God said he’d not travel in the path of Rehoboam, nor would he enter his home, eat his food or drink his water. How would that advice fit in our world and the places we lead? 

The Man of God Understood Authority

Do we really understand authority. It is God Himself that we should be looking to in every part of our world whether that’s in the workplace, home or church. God should be the head of all, and we should never put ourselves above those whom we lead to be taskmasters over them, but what we should be doing is following in God’s footsteps of creating leaders. We do that by instilling confidence in people, not tearing them down. Teaching them purposeful productivity not completion of tasks. At the end of the day everyone needs to know they’ve made a difference. 

The Man of God Understood Spirituality over Materialism

Our worldly worth is more often than not measured by our material worth. A man or woman with great wealth will garner respect and opportunity, while a person of meagerness will be thought of as labor, not leadership. But that’s not the view of God. Nor does it mean that labor cannot make a great difference in the Kingdom of God. Jesus Himself labored in the ministry and lead by example. The man of God could gone with the King and “been somebody” but he was far more concerned about his relationship with God, than the earthly King. 

The Man of God was still Human

Boy o boy can I identify with being human and being often swayed by the world around me more than the Spirit that dwells within me. In the 12th and 13th chapters of 1 Kings, the “man of God is never mentioned by name. He leaves the presence of the king and runs into another character, a nameless prophet. It is the nameless prophet that will be his demise. The prophet lies to the man of God and tells him that he’s been visited by an angel of the Lord that said it would be fine if he stopped into his house, and so the man of God does. Because of this he was later eaten by a lion!

“But wait Lord, he was lied to, that doesn’t seem fair!” Life’s not fair, and even good leadership makes mistakes and the price is sometimes high. While it seemed a small thing to enter into a prophet’s house for dinner, even a good thing, it wasn’t a God thing, and it wasn’t His will for his life. And so the man died. 

This short study this morning brought a great thought to my mind that I, and I only, am responsible for the role that God gave me. I need to lead well, but I need to follow better. If only the man of God had talked to God, He would have told him, stay on the path… but he didn’t and then he was dead. 

I have a tendency get out of the lane God gave me to stay in as the Jesus Chick. I want to go to certain places in my community and give them a piece of my mind in regard to their leadership. But as I wrote this, my youngest grandson Parker came into my room crying. He was watching a video where someone was being mean to and elderly couple. He was literally weeping because the elderly didn’t have good food and the young people did. It was a good discussion between me and a piece of my world named Parker. And it made me realize that this is my Kingdom, and it is here I’ll make the greater impact. Stay in your lane Shari… stay in your lane.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Word of God, worship

The First Cancel Culture Target

It’s Saturday morning, and I’m off to a slow start. I was sick much of the day yesterday, (just a belly bug) nothing major, but I slept most, if not all of yesterday evening, right into this morning and then stayed in bed until 6 a.m. Oh my stars! Half the day is gone. That is really how I feel when I sleep until 6 a.m. Morning is my best “thinking” time. But here we are at 6:55 and I have a few thoughts on my mind about getting to know Jesus better. He knows me inside and out. Every hair on my head and what hair products I use. He knows that I’ve struggled with ADD-oss) Attention Deficit Disorder Oooooo Something shiny! That’s a real thing, but the only prescription for it is more online shopping. It doesn’t cure it, it just pre-occupies you to the point of not noticing what someone else has that you might need. Jesus also knows that I have a real problem staying tuned into Him when I’m so focused on me. 

So this morning I decided that I would think, and ponder what it is that made Jesus the first ever “cancel culture” target.  Cancel culture wasn’t a phrase back then, but it was certainly a social norm in the Pharisee and Sadducee circle. They wouldn’t even consider the possibility that He was who He said He was. Why? Why have such a closed mind in what was written in Bible prophecy?

Micah 5:2 KJVS

[2] But thou, Beth-lehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

They knew  it. They had God’s word as proof, and yet they still wanted to cancel Him.

They Wanted to Cancel Dinner

Bethlehem signifies “the house of bread”, and a proper place for Christ to be born in, who is the bread of life; 

John 6:35 KJVS

[35] And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

Ponder that for a second as a child of God. This morning I had lemon cake for breakfast. Not the breakfast of champions but it was tasty. And while that filled the hunger in my belly from no supper last night, it’s not the hunger that Christ refers to. That “ooooo something shiny” nature in me that I continually fight, was truthful filled the day that Christ came into my heart. I’m just a slow learner and weak vessel when it comes to pretty stuff. But when it comes to “needing” things in life. Christ fulfilled my every desire spiritually. I love being a child fo God. And I love having His Spirit within me that causes me to love like He loved. Even people that the flesh would like to slap in the mouth. But Jesus causes me to see them as God does. Which helps me better understand the Pharisees and Sadducees that the world had gotten a hold of. They weren’t Spirit lead leaders, they were self lead and worldly minded leaders. Just like we have today. They wanted no part of a Jesus who could provide for the people, both physically and spiritually. They likely knew that would cut into their treasuries. So they in effect tried to cancel supper for everyone! 

They wanted to Cancel Livelihood

Bethlehem was a place of pasture which we know from the shepherds watching their flocks by night in Luke 2:8

I don’t think it was happenstance that the angels came to the shepherds, the lowest of the low in the economic side of life in that day. In the times of scripture being written they were so little trusted that a shepherd’s testimony would not be accepted in a courtroom. Most shepherds were considered on a par with Gypsies, vagrants, and con men. Add to that the fact that shepherds were on the lowest rung of the economic ladder and had little or no formal education. Why would the Bible scholars of the day have even considered them as worthy testimonies of the birth of Christ? Their testimony was canceled before it every made it’s way to the church. So now there’s two strikes against this man called Jesus. He’s born in the lowliest of towns, and testified of by the lowliest of people. 

For me that helps me to identify with the Lord and love Him all the more! Coming from small town West Virginia, being a gal of common work and being used in the Kingdom of God makes me weep with gratitude. God is sooooooooo good to me. Bring on the cancel culture! They didn’t cancel Jesus and they didn’t cancel the lowliest of shepherds, they only made their story that much greater. Please Jesus, let it be so in my ministry as well. Allow the words that You put in my soul to encourage many across they land. This lowly shepherd girl who loves caring for God’s sheep in Calhoun County, West Virginia. 

The world today would love to cancel our ability to take care of ourselves and cause us to rely on the government for our very livelihood. Be not deceived, the corona virus shut down had more to do with the disease of power than the flu.

They Wanted to Cancel God’s Word

Bethlehem Ephratah”, which was a small city, in the midst of the cities of Judah; and “although thou art little in the thousands of Judah, out of thee shall come forth unto me” a man, a ruler in Israel, “whose goings forth are from the days of old”; the meaning is, the goings forth of the family of that ruler are from the days of old; that is, from the seed of David, and a rod from the stem of Jesse, who was of Bethlehem Judah.

While on the surface they appeared to “worship God,” that was furthest from the truth. They had all the tools of the trade and the very of God written down in their hands, they didn’t believe or live it, and I have to wonder if they didn’t more so fear what they did read and know. After all, they were told that God would return one day and reign over His people. I think they’d have rather been their own boss, and that’s how they lived. Satan had convinced them that God’s word needed to be canceled and it would be done by canceling His Son.  But what Satan didn’t know was that the attempted cancellation only gave way to the un-canceling! 

Woohoo and glory to God in the highest! Does that put a shout in my soul!!! They couldn’t cancel the Creator. And as much as society tries today they cannot cancel the Spirit of God that is alive and well in His people. It is no small wonder that Jesus was the first and greatest cancel culture target and still continues to be. The power from His Spirit and His Word that is working through His people certainly has to be frustration to the cancel culture’s ego. They may have won small battles in the realm of Christianity but they have by no means won the war and we are proof! All of the “little people,” in the “little towns” who have the Risen Savior empowering them to continue sharing the word of God keeps us moving toward Heaven. And when we can no longer move in that direction it will be because we have arrived. Just wrote myself happy again!!!!

Posted in Faith, Heaven, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Uncategorized

Are You Ignoring the Jots and Tittles

There are days when I pay great attention to detail, to the point that I am one step shy of being psychotic about it. It’s usually when I’m tired and everything in life has gotten on my last nerve. It happens more than it use to the older I get. It also causes me to wonder how God, who is ageless, doesn’t grow so weary of us that He looks down from on high, and just wipes us out. Because if I were God, and I seen the nonsense going on in the world like it is today, that’s what I would do. ZAP! But praise God, He’s God and I am not, and HIs attention to detail doesn’t error on any side like mine does, but His is a perfect attention to detail. Not one jot it tittle, does’t matter.

Matthew 5:18-20 KJVS
[18] For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Have you ever thought about the Bible from the fact that it is a book, unlike any other on the planet, that has been read again and again, generation after generation, and is never considered antiquated by a believer because every day it’s fresh and new and every single word, jot and tittle, the smallest of punctuations, is an important factor in the lives of man and God. And yet mankind ignores it, rewrites it, takes it out of context to fit their own agenda and uses it with their own words to manipulate people.

Being a teacher of the word of God is not something that I take lightly. I know that I will stand before Almighty God one day and answer for the way I’ve taught it. All of us will stand before God and give answer for our attention to the details. It’s why He sent us His word. And changing it doesn’t change God. He will never get with man’s program which is what the world would have us believe. Any government official who says they’re a Christian and does not consider the Bible the inerrant word of God, and understand it’s meaning as much as Senate bill 179 doesn’t understand how very, very much God pays attention to the details.

Our own West Virginia Senators Joe Manchin and Shelly Capito profess Christianity, and yet neither have stood on the side of it in their office unless it benefited them personally to do so. At least that’s how I see it. This is not a political statement, this is a statement of accountability to everyone. We will be held accountable for the positions we hold in life, every jot and tittle of it. So that means we are without excuse for the bits and pieces of our lives that we considered not our responsibility or accountability. If God cares so much that even the punctuations marks matter, for certain the words and actions of our life matter.

So for a moment, let’s unpack Matthew 5:18-20 and apply it to today.

When Christ said “For verily I say unto you,” He was letting the recipients of the word know that this was an oath. If He said it, it’s happening without debate. The problem with man kind is few are any good on their word, so “verily,” is not a concept they (meaning us) are familiar with. But God’s letting us know, we better take heed to His words. Everyone one of them.

When He says “when Heaven and earth pass,” it’s means they’re going too. When? We will know when we know, and not until then. But for certain it’s going to happen, and yet the world, even those who profess, just keeping moving along as if it’s not, unconcerned that time or the jots and tittles in their lives that don’t match up with God. You know… the details.

[19] Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Who hasn’t broken a commandment. 🙋🏻‍♀️Every single one of us, there is no doubt. But what about teaching the breaking of commandments? Unless you’re a flat out heathen, you’re not going to teach people to steal, lie, cheat, kill, etc. And yet, the laws of our land right now do that very thing. I’m using the Covid bill as an example because it’s a life application that makes sense to do so. The so called “Covid-19 Bill” has far less to do with the virus than it does politics. It’s certainly not about helping the American people and yet they’re deceiving the people to believe so. They’re teaching deception and we’re ignoring the jots and tittles because we want our 1400.00 in relief money.

Hey! I can use that $1400.00. But what about the 10 trillion dollars of debt that they’re using to finance railroads and other projects unrelated to Covid-19? Actually, it has more to do with the fact that when Biden shut down the pipelines he moved the plan of transportation of oil and gas to the railways which his buddy, financier Warren Buffett, just happens to own. Hmmm. Might there be something fishy there? Of course! But it’s a jot and tittle that get left out because we don’t pay attention to our government and our government is happy as clams because they’re not going to have to answer for it.

Oh…. but they will.

So what does that have to do with scripture?

We all have jots and tittles in our lives that go overlooked intentionally or not. Some more serious than others. It happens. But when we turn a blind eye to elected, appointed or hired people in our lives who approve things such as the killing of babies through abortion, up to the birth age… and don’t call that murder, and when we fail to call out the politicians that voted for it, we’ve got our jots and tittles indeed and we’re teaching our youth the same. When we allow the powers that be to bankrupt our Nation both financially and morally without so much as a raised brow, I think that is details that God’s going to call some people on.

Christ continues on to say:
[20] For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

The scribes and Pharisees were notorious for playing politics in the church house, adding jots and tittles of their own that the people couldn’t possibly keep, to the tune of 613 laws; they in truth couldn’t keep Ten Commandments! So how does that differ from modern day? The hypocrisy of our national (and not so national) leaders, who are God ordained positions is ridiculous.

This is why “religion” leaves such a bad taste in my mouth and makes me want to get very vocal and make people I love uncomfortable. Churches have used this pandemic as a reason not to share the gospel. Christianity and every part of it is a curse word in Washington DC and our church leaders are watering the gospel down to suit them. Oh that makes my blood boil. We have heretics and abominations on our American payrolls. More jots and tittles against our nation. If God held His beloved Israel accountable for their politics, do you think He’ll not do the same for a nation that has claimed His name and profited for decades from it.

If Americans don’t get their heads in Heavenly places, there’s going to be some mansions used for vacation home because the intended tenants didn’t catch the plain to Glory…. just saying.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Children of the Day

It was a Facebook story that drew me into this scripture this morning and a version of the Bible that I don’t know. I just knew it wasn’t the King James Version and it was frustrating me as I compared the two versions together. And then as God does, He drew me away from the world and into a spiritual mindset, one that was concerned about souls… not bible versions. That’s not to excuse the changing of the word of God to fit man’s agenda. And God knows my heart. It’s simply to say, right now now there are more important things to worry about Shari. 

Like the fact that like Paul, I don’t have to tell you that these times and seasons we are in are preparing us for eternity. If you have read the Bible, you know. But what I have to keep telling myself is “stay focused.” Paul writes as much to the Thessalonians in chapter 1:

1 Thessalonians 5:1-28 KJVS

[1] But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. [2] For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. [3] For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. [4] But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. [5] Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. [6] Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. [7] For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 

Does anyone else find it odd that Paul compares the Lord to a thief? I do. Paul is not referring to the character of the thief but to the manner in which he comes: unawares, suddenly, when there is no thought of it occurring. You know… kind of like now for most of the world. While I can get so wrapped up in things of this world that I pay no mind to what’s going on outside the walls of my house, God is faithful to bring my mind back into the matters I need . to be aware of.  Like daylight, not darkness.

[8] But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. [9] For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, [10] Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.

Last night I gave myself a manicure, and then realized my fingers looked like an advertisement for the weather app on my phone 📱. But I needed ☀️ sunshine in my life. Even if just on my fingertips. The cold and dreary weather of February always does a number on my psyche. Add to it the mud of living in the hills of West Virginia, and it’s a recipe for depression. But this morning my nails seem to be a fitting reminder that I am a child of the day, not the night! 

Paul reminded the Thessalonians that they were saved with purpose. God had pulled their souls out of a destination of wrath and awarded them salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, which they could rest in day or night, life or death. God had spared them, and now spares us as we go into these final days whether they end today or a century from now. Though I’m inclined to believe it’s going to be sooner than later.  

As children of the day there should be an openness of our relationship with Christ. We should be talking Jesus at every opportunity. Paul continues on to say:

 [11] Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do. [12] And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; [13] And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves. [14] Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. [15] See that none render evil for evil unto any man ; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. 

Quite a while ago I spoke to someone in our area about being in church, to which they replied, I’m a member of “this” church. To which I replied, “Oh, so and so is the Pastor there.” I could tell by the look on their face they were clueless as to who that was. That set me aback. How could you profess to be a part of a body of believers and not even know who the Pastor of that church was? I highly doubt anyone in Paul’s day had that problem. Just saying you were a part of a church might get your head on the chopping block.  You had to know who was laboring among you, because anyone else might kill you. That’s not the case in America, at least not yet. We need to know who it is that actually does the work in our church, and encourage them! 

Churches have been in such a strange place for the past year. Some open, some not, no visitation, no choir, no fellowships. We need to get the church doors open  and return to being children of the day, we need to let our little lights shine! 

The remainder of Chapter 1, Paul gives a charge to the church that this epistle be read to the members. They needed a reminder to live holy, boldly and encouraging within the body of Christ. The world will beat around on us and stir up mud and strife, but among each other our light should shine and warm the hearts of our friends. Praying for one another, loving on each other, till Jesus comes. It’s hard to do that when the church isn’t meeting.

[16] Rejoice evermore. [17] Pray without ceasing. [18] In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. [19] Quench not the Spirit. [20] Despise not prophesyings. [21] Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. [22] Abstain from all appearance of evil. [23] And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. [24] Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. [25] Brethren, pray for us. [26] Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss. [27] I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren. [28] The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

I pray these words encouraged you as they did me today. God’s word is timeless. But actual time is fleeting. Tell someone about the saving power of our Lord today!

Posted in Leadership, Life Inspiration

The Woman Who Caused a War

In search of scripture this morning to encourage my heart, I ended up in the book of Judges chapter 19, and there was a story, of the strangest kind that drew me in. The story of a Levite who took for himself a concubine, who then forsook him and went back to her father’s house. Funny thing about “unattached” people, there is no bond that requires them to stay and be faithful. But the Levite goes to the home to retrieve his gal (kindly) and does so after a hiatus with her father where they partied like it was 1999 for 5 days, and then began his journey home. He, his servant and the girl opted to pass through the city of Jebus because they were not of the children of Israel. So they lodged in Gibeah, the home of the tribe of Benjamin,  where after searching for a place to stay without success, a man invites them in for the night; where again they party like it’s 1999. (Seemed to be a theme with the guy). While they were partying, some men of Belial (of the Devil) came to kill him and his servant. But the master of that house bartered with them and gave his daughter and the concubine instead. The concubine returned the next morning and fell dead at the door. And now the Levite was upset. 

I have to wonder, where was he last night when his woman was being raped and brutally attacked. I am aware that it was a different day, when women were not always held in high regard, but this was extreme in my mind. 

Then in an act right off of a “48 Hours Murder Mystery Show”, the Levite cuts his gal up into 12 pieces, symbolic of the tribes of Israel, and has them delivered to the actual tribes of Israel, he later stops by to explain and rehash the tale of his concubine. Now keep in mind, this is the Bible according to Shari, not the KJV scripture. So you should really go read the story yourself in Chapters 19-21 of Judges for reference.  

When the Levite asks their counsel, it brings on full out war between Israel and their own fellow Israelites, the Benjamites. Israel inquires of the Lord, and He says go and fight. The Benjamites kill (scripture says “destroyed down to the ground”) twenty two thousand of the Israelites. They’re shocked! God had told them to go to battle and yet they were defeated. So they inquire of God again, and He once again tells them to battle the Benjamites. Once again they’re destroyed to the ground, eighteen thousand of the children of Israel. They weep sore again to God and inquire of Him. This is extreme obedience! They go a third time… but this time they destroy the Benjamites. Twenty five thousand, one hundred men of the tribe of Benjamin fell that day. 

Israel took care of it’s own, but at a great cost. And not without God’s counsel. What drew me into this scripture and the lesson I gleaned were the words that began and ended chapters 19 and 21.

Judges 19:1a KJVS

[1] And it came to pass in those days, when there was no king in Israel, …

Judges 21:25 KJVS

[25] In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

Twice in this story it is brought to our attention that “there was no king.” No leadership. And every man was doing what they viewed as right in their own eyes, which we know is a recipe for disaster. 

For me and my way of thinking, that story reminded me much of America right now.  The biblical role of the Levite tribe was that of worship leaders, trustees of the church, taking care of the temple as well as teaching, judging and maintaining the cities of refuge. None of those acts were mentioned in the story. From what I could gather, he was the Levite was a partying Jew unconcerned about the church until he himself was disrespected. And then he seeks through their counsel. It’s basically the same thing I do when I’ve messed up… “God I screwed this up, now will you fix it back?” And God is faithful. But it still comes with a cost. For Israel it was the lives of their people. The same price America is going to pay if we don’t get off this road we’re on. 

Right now we have two forms of leadership in the United States: evil and mentally incapacitated. The Nation for which everyone in a bad nation wants to become a citizen is now no different than those from which the immigrants come from. Benjamin, the smallest of the tribes of Israel was fraternizing and defending evil and was the cause of war among their own people. Causing the deaths of 65,100 people. Can you see that similarity in America. The smallest minority of opinion (those of Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ, and other likeminded liberals) are 1% of our nation. And they’re at the ship’s helm steering us into battle. Good grief! How did we get here? 

We got here the same way Benjamin did. Protecting evil.

God will not be mocked and a nation that calls evil good, is clearly going to answer for it. If you read those chapters in Judges you find out that Benjamin nearly got itself disinherited from God’s chosen people, all because of a few of Satans minions, a whore (the Bible’s word, not my own)  and leadership refusing to turn them over. How many cover-up have we had lately? And again I say good grief!

There’s one major problem in America’s theory of it’s high position in the world. It was people who  began calling us a “godly nation, a blessed nation, a chosen nation,” not God. And our earlier behavior backed it up. But not so now. And the difference between us and Israel…you will find the U.S.A. written no where in prophecy. 

I’m not a prophet. I’m the Jesus Chick from Grantsville, West Virginia. I don’t have any inside track on end times, and I know just enough about the Bible to be dangerous. But I know when I read the word of God and He shows me things like this, it’s for a reason. It’s for a warning for myself that I need to be more diligent about sharing the gospel. I need to be bolder when people are calling sin something less. And I need not ever bow a knee to anyone other than Jesus Christ, and that includes the 1%.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, salvation, Uncategorized

Don’t Run Over People with the Salvation Bus

Once upon a time, on a public school playground, there was a little boy who considered himself a man of God in a little boy body. He’d watched the preacher at church, and watched his dad witness to people, and had concluded that it was a simple job. Ask people if they know Jesus. If they say yes, say “glory!” If they so no, say, “then you’re goin’ to Hell.”  And so went the conversation between he and his friends, who didn’t appreciate his brief synopsis of the plan of salvation. 

That was an ever so slightly embellished story of my nephew at 5 years old because I can’t remember all the facts from 25 years ago. And it’s the story that came to my mind as I read Proverbs 18 this morning.

Proverbs 18:19-21 KJVS

[19] A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle. [20] A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. [21] Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

The difference between a five year old soul winner and an adult soul winner is the style of delivery of the message. Well sometimes. I have seen a few preachers deliver it much the same as my nephew. And while that sometimes works, more often than not the result is a mad, offended sinner and a soul still “goin’ to Hell.” The wisdom of Solomon knew it, and the church should, but passion sometimes drives the salvation vehicle right over the person we’re trying to get saved. 

Today’s blog is directed to anyone with family and friends who need saved and your frustration that I totally feel. But together lets use the wisdom of Solomon to create a strategy for welcoming them into the family of God.

One of my favorite quotes from my friend Doyle Ballengee was “If you ruffle the fur on the cat, just turn it around.” That cracks me up! Cats much prefer being petted and groomed in the direction their fur lays. Going against the natural man is much the same. Ruffling their fur will not cause them to succumb to your chatter. But speaking words of soothing comfort will certainly ease the conversation. I’m not speaking of sugar coating the gospel. Not ever! The gospel stands as the inerrant word of God and can handle itself. But it’s not necessary to hit them over the head with the Bible, just present it in love. Why do we not see that in Christ’s own example? When He dealt with the Pharisees and the religious tribe that were trying to kill Him, He was was point blank bold and in fur ruffling mode. But He could have said applesauce and cinnamon and they’d have screamed heresy. They had their fur ruffled before He ever said the first word. But when He spoke to the unsaved, He spoke in answered questions and informed them with compassion. 

When Nicodemus came to Him in the night, likely for fear of being seen, Christ didn’t call him on his cowardliness, He called him on his lack of knowledge as a bible scholar, but not until after they spoke of salvation. 

Nicodemus Knew there was Power in Christ

John 3:1-21 KJVS

[1] There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: [2] The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. 

The world should see that power in us. Not the power to perform miracles, but the power to live life in such a manner that people notice the difference, and they begin the conversation. “Hey, why are you always so happy?” “How do you go through the troubles you’ve going through with such a great attitude?” “How did you not come unglued when that guy yelled at you?” 

Nicodemus knew there was something different about Jesus. So he sought Him out and asked the questions he needed to ask. But whether or not they start the conversation with us, they should still see the difference, so that when we seek them, they know it’s because we care. 

Nicodemus didn’t know the Position of Christ

He said that he knew that Christ was a teacher that had “come from God.” He did not know that He was God! And that’s what we have to help the lost to understand, that there is power in being a child of God, but it’s not from the child but from God. A fact that we “with” the Spirit understand, but those “without” the Spirit are clueless as to how the Spirit works. So Christ informs Nicodemus with weighty emphasis (Verily, verily) on the what he had to understand to be saved.

[3] Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. [4] Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? [5] Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. [6] That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

The fact that Christ was God couldn’t be understood by the flesh. The Spirit reveals that knowledge to us. 

I can easily share my experience with discovering the Spirit. He had spoken to me for years, guided me from afar, but I did not know Him. And then I felt Him dealing with me more and more, “verily verily.” I knew it wasn’t Jiminy Cricket, this was different. This was a life altering moment, the moment I knew the man called Christ, was in the position of God. 

Nicodemus didn’t know the Person of Christ

 [7] Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. [8] The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. [9] Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? [10] Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? [11] Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness.

Again Christ wants Nicodemus to understand that his religious-osity had failed him. Nicodemus was a religious leader; he understood religion but he didn’t understand this relationship that Christ had with His disciples. He goes on to tell him that He was not of this world. The Pharisees believed that they were going to be the hierarchy for God here on earth. God had washed His hands of them, they were ate up with corruption, arrogance and control. Jesus came in humility, servitude and sacrificial love. Religion doesn’t understand any of that. 

So what does this have to do with our soul winning? We have to examine our relationship with Christ, and know who He is in our lives to be able to share Him with others. We need to feel what He feels on the inside of us so that when we begin that conversation with our lost family and friends, we’re speaking it with the humility, servitude and sacrificial love of Christ. We have to get ourselves and our frustration completely out of the equation. That’s tough… believe me when I tell you, “I know.”

But that is the strategy I want in my life. I want my family saved…. now. But I have to allow it to happen in Christ’s timing and with His words and compassion. 

Love ya! Don’t run over anyone with the salvation bus 🚌 this month. Let’s get them into the Kingdom safely. 😀 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Family, Fear, Forgiveness, Heaven, Life Inspiration, salvation

Who Can Stand?

I have a constant gnawing at my heart that the church should be far busier than we are. This finger points at me first, because it is myself that I am accountable for. The same is true for us all. We’ll stand before God one day in answer for our lives… you know… the living part. How did we live for Him? As I read these verses in Revelation this morning my heart was pricked again, but so was my mind. I know I have a need to be careful about how I handle this word for which we’ve been given. Rightly dividing it; and to do that I must understand it, and the book of Revelation is not one that you just read and comprehend every jot and tittle of its composition. No… it’s a book of future prophecy, but the problem with that is, that future is getting closer, and there will be a day in the not too distant future that it will not be prophetic but reality.

Revelation 12:10-12 KJV

[10] And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. [11] And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 

The Power of His Christ

Woah. The God who spoke the world into existence, is about to speak it out.  These verses are halfway through the book of Revelation so there’s still plenty of death and destruction to go before the end, but it’s heating up and even Satan knows his days are now numbers which even an elementary school child can count without issue. He has accused the brethren… that’s us! But no more. He’s about to lose his membership to the high brass of Heaven. He’ll no longer have access to the spiritual realm where God dwells and his full wrath will be taken out on earth. 

The thought came to my mind, “there are no board meetings in Heaven.” God doesn’t need anyone’s opinion; although man continually strives to make theirs known. And all the while we have been down here struggling, Satan has been in the presence of God pointing out our many failures… but no more by Revelation 12. God has kicked him out of His presence and those for which he had been accusing are now standing with God. They have overcame Satan by the power of the blood that had been applied to them through the death of Jesus Christ. Woo Glory that’ll preach! Can you imagine the power of “no guilt?” Satan accuses me daily of every failure that I have, and there are many. And that alone causes me such defeat.  But there will come a day when I will stand in the presence of the Almighty without guilt, for God will have wiped that memory away and kicked out the reminder. Yes, I did just write myself happy.

The Power of His Praise

[12a] Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. 

I would imagine that the decibel of praise would put the mortal man crazy or deaf as they rejoice in Heaven for what God has done to the Devil. That’s why mortal man can’t be there… well one of the many reasons 

But there is a portion of us in Heaven now!  

Ephesians 2:6-7 KJV says: 

[6] And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: [7] That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

One of these days we’ll see God face to face, but right now we feel Him heart to heart. For myself that means that I could, if I would, experience a greater presence of God in my life if I got closer to Him and would delve deeper into His word, rather than just skimming the surface as I so often do in trying to get a blog up, rather than build my relationships with God. Owch… that hurt. But it’s true. I have lately felt the Spirit of God welling up in my soul and bursting forth with an Amen, glory or Hallelujah. I love it… I had missed it. I feel His power in me right now to be greater than it’s been for a while. Not because I’m any better at life, but I want it more than I have for a while. I had gotten lacks in my service, partly because of the coronavirus and partly because I had allowed life to become discouraging by listening to the siren sounds of this world rather than the praises of God’s heavenly hosts. I forgot that a piece of me is there with them.

The Power of His Wrath

[12b] Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

The wrath of God (I believe) is considered by most people to be an Old Testament issue. The world today has not witnessed the wrath of God as the children of Israel did. We have not seen God open the ground and swallow up evil as He did Korah, his men and all their goods in Numbers 16. But there will be a day when the children of God are removed from this earth, that the whole earth will experience the wrath of God, and somehow in the midst of that the children of Israel will once again be under the spiritual protection of Almighty God and be unharmed. But all others will face not only the wrath of God, but the wrath of Satan. He knows his days are now numbered and he’s angry! And that anger will be vengeance on any one of God’s creations, especially mankind. It’s this thought that drives me now. While I look forward to the fact that I am protected by Almighty God from this day, any unsaved loved one is not. This will be a terror like nothing ever imagined in the nightmares of this world. 

Revelation 6:12-17 KJV describes it as thus:

[12] And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; [13] And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. [14] And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. [15] And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; [16] And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: [17] For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Who shall stand? Nobody. 

If you’re reading this and you don’t know Christ as your personal Savior, if your family has not been saved, this is your future and worse. I don’t say that to be sadistic or fear mongering. I say that because I love you and I want no one, even those who hate me, to go to that place or be exposed to the wrath that is coming upon this earth. 

When is it coming? Maybe tomorrow… maybe 100 years or more. It’s not for me to say. Nor would I want to wager mine or my families life on it, because we know not the day,  but there will be a day. Please, I urge you today to make that decision. Here’s the link 🩸on how to be saved. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. My information is on this website, or you can contact me through Facebook. If you’re already saved, do me a favor, and share this post so that someone you love might read it and come to know Jesus.  Amen.

Posted in Bible Journaling, doodles, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized, Word of God

This is my Friend

As a Christian artist I’ve drawn my fair share of “images of Christ.” Clueless as to whether they bore any resemblance at all, and really not so much thinking there was even the possibility because I have not seen the Lord in person. While I have no regrets about the images I’ve drawn and painted, a sermon from my Pastor has had my mind a little pre-occupied with the notion that I really need to sort out how I will depict Him in the future. 

What really pricked my heart on the issue of His image was when the Pastor, who is such a wonderful Bible scholar, said during his sermon that many of the images of Christ resemble the images of Zeus, the Greek God. And so in true Shari form I had to google that theory. It only took one image for me to see it, and my stomach absolutely rolled over. I was nauseous at the thought that any of my art would ever depict the same. Well… knowledge is power right? So I went to a scripture reference made by the Pastor during that same sermon in the book of the Song of Solomon, chapter 5. A vivid description of Christ

Song of Songs 5:10-16 KJVS

[10] My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand. [11] His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven. [12] His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set. [13] His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers: his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh. [14] His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl: his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires. [15] His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars. [16] His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.

White and ruddy? Biblical terminology differs greatly from that of today. Most often it’s far more eloquent, but this… well for me it didn’t sound the least bit flattering. But in the day of it being composed, it was of great favor. White, as that of a lily and red as that of a rose speaks to both his divine and human nature according to commentary. The purity of white would make perfect sense, but does not speak to the color of His skin, but rather the divinity of God. The red perhaps reflects that He is a partaker of the same flesh and blood as His people.

While many, many, modern images of Christ have his hair as a light brown with highlights to be coveted that never struck me as correct, which verse 11 confirms with the description of his hair as “locks are bush, and black as a raven,” giving the impression of a corse jet black hair perhaps sparkling like gold in the sunlight as aforementioned, but certainly not blond! I googled images of Christ and not one image was that of a black haired Christ, but of the American preferred brown with streaks fo gold. Why is that I wonder?

Next in the physical description were the eyes. I love the thought of looking into the eyes of Christ, and even more so at this description of them saying “His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set.” While the color of doves eyes vary, those that I viewed were the richest brown, and the kindest…not fierce and furious but rather loving, concerned about His people.  Washed with milk I would imagine would have the clarity of the whites of His eyes. Not blood shot from lack of sleep or weariness, but rather crystal clear and sparkling as cool water. Oh how that though comforts my weary soul that too often bears bloodshot tired eyes. 

His eyes were also “fitly set.” I would say the anatomy of Christ is as perfect in proportion, without flaw, without ever the need for any of our earthly mechanics of appearance fixing. 

The narrative continues: His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers: the commentary of John Gill aptly says perhaps in His humility His cheeks are blushed with color, He who was equal with God, yet took upon Himself the form of a servant. For me that is the greatest missing component of the body of Christ. Servitude.

There is no doubt in my mind of the significance of the next illustration of “his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh.” Myrrh being one of the spices at his birth and at His death. The significance is so much deeper than my pea brain can imagine I’m sure. But I can imagine, because I have experienced the power of the words that come from the lips of Christ. His words are sweet, filled with grace and pardon, and they defend my soul against the demons of Hell who would desire that I live in the defeat of sin. Oh how true, and praise Him for His goodness throughout my life.

The body of Christ bears in it the scar that my sin have inflicted. It’s a thought I don’t like to ponder, knowing that every sin I’ve committed is cause for His pain and suffering on the cross, and my 24 hour a day, seven days a week need for grace and mercy. But this image is not one of the beaten Christ on the cross, but of the Victorious Christ who is coming again in glory! 

 [14] His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl: his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires. [15] His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars. [16] His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.

He is my friend… oh word. He is altogether lovely and there will be a day when those of us who know Him as Lord see Him face to face, and we’ll probably say something like… wow…. that is not what I thought You’d look like. But the world would have us attach an image that could be used now and in the future to mislead people into thinking someone is God who is not and that is the ultimate danger of images of Christ. So for now, I’ll share with you that image of the statue of Zeus. And then the image above that I doodle in ponderation of the day I will see my Lord… He who will be so much lovelier than my doodles.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Eternity, Faith, Fear, Health, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Fighting back against depression

Psalm 77 reads like the worst possible day, ending with the best possible circumstances. It was a song sent to the music composers by Asaph. Oh that brings joy to my heart to think how very much God loves music and what an important role it plays in my own recovery from depression. I’m sure it doesn’t work that way for everyone, but… it’s a worthy try is it not? Depression is such a wicked tool of Satan and his minions and such an easy snare to fall into. 

This Psalm was written by Asaph, David’s worship leader. Imagine being in such a terrible state of mind and being in charge of worship? I’ve been there! I’ve written some pretty sad songs in that frame of mind, so I get where he’s coming from, even though I don’t know the circumstances that lead to it. From the sounds of it, it sounded a lot like 2020 and 2021. But what Asaph and many other song writers and composers find out, is that God works through the valley of those lyrics to bring us back to the mountain top of genuine worship. Glory! Keep reading and see if I’m not saying what’s so!

Cries In the Dark

Psalm 77:1-20 KJVS

[1] I cried unto God with my voice, even unto God with my voice; and he gave ear unto me. [2] In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord: my sore ran in the night, and ceased not: my soul refused to be comforted. [3] I remembered God, and was troubled: I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed. Selah. 

Depression and heartache almost always seems multiplied by darkness. It’s during those wee hours of the night that Satan has free reign to our minds because they’re not occupied by anything other than rehearsing the troubles of the day. I speak from experience. For years (a decade or two)  in my unsaved state, I literally went on three to four hours sleep a night, because you can do that when you’re young and because I wouldn’t lie down in the dark. I knew when I did it would only lead to terrible thoughts. And so I stayed awake, drank coffee and smoked cigarettes. That was my happy place pre-salvation.

Unlike Asaph, I didn’t always remember God, but He always remembered me. Getting saved didn’t stop the night terrors, (it did stop the smoking) but I was no longer in it alone. When I felt overwhelmed it was as if God would remove the cloak of darkness that weighed heavy on my shoulders and replace it with His tender arms of mercy. 

Castaway in the Deep

[4] Thou holdest mine eyes waking: I am so troubled that I cannot speak. [5] I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times. [6] I call to remembrance my song in the night: I commune with mine own heart: and my spirit made diligent search. [7] Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will he be favourable no more? [8] Is his mercy clean gone for ever? doth his promise fail for evermore? [9] Hath God forgotten to be gracious? hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies? Selah.

Who hasn’t felt like they’ve gone too far? “God is surely done with me…” I know it’s at that point that I’m usually done with me! I’ve given up, why would God not give up? Asaph is there where we’ve been. David’s worship leader has gone to the dark side and cannot seem to find his way back. He thinks God’s mercy is over and His graciousness is done, and the only thing left to do is throw his hands up in the air and give way to the dark. At this point he doesn’t even know what to say…

I’m not so sure that’s not what the church is doing in America. They’re assuming God is done with us because we’ve gone too far and there’s no coming back from this. Well, I’m not ready for that Asaph! Sing me a song of praise and worship because I believe God’s got some more work for us to do before His return. Yes, there will be a day when God says, “Son, call Your children home, they’re work is finished.” But until then we need to fight our way out of this dark hole we’re in, back into the light and show the lost that there is a way out. 

Church in the Deliverance

 [10] And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High. [11] I will remember the works of the Lord : surely I will remember thy wonders of old. [12] I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings. [13] Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God? [14] Thou art the God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy strength among the people. [15] Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.

I love it when Asaph says “This is my infirmity.” He realizes that the problem does not lie with God but it lies with him and his stinkin’ thinkin.’ Have you been there? Have you forgotten how many times before you’ve been in a dire straight and God has brought you out? Why is this time different? I cannot tell you the joy in my soul right now as I write the words, “Get to church!” that’s what Asaph finally figures out. It’s in the sanctuary of the Lord, that place of worship and surrender that he finds the light to lead him out of the darkness he’s in. And it’s the place everyone of us can find the solution to America’s problem now. I only have to miss one service for Satan to be on me like white on rice, but I only have to go back to realize that through Christ, anything is possible. I’m not making that up…. that’s Bible! 

Mark 10:27 KJVS

And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

The first station of any battle should be the house of God. It’s there that you’ll receive direction for the battle you are in.

Clarity in the Direction

 [16] The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee; they were afraid: the depths also were troubled. [17] The clouds poured out water: the skies sent out a sound: thine arrows also went abroad. [18] The voice of thy thunder was in the heaven: the lightnings lightened the world: the earth trembled and shook. [19] Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known. [20] Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Now more than ever leadership matters for us. As Asaph worked his way through those hard times by writing (boy oh boy can I identify), he looked back at the leadership God had provided Israel in the past. Not the typical leadership. Aaron was the mouthpiece but Moses was the Motivation. God never fails to send the right people for the job. But are you listening? I can’t help but think of that murmuring tribe he lead who constantly gave him grief about his leadership and picked the worse case scenario of what might happen. 

Yes, I’m a little Susie Sunshine in a world of doom and gloom. There are plenty of Negative Nancies that will tell you to get ready for the end. God keeps telling me “Keep working until we start the new beginning.” 

Posted in Faith, Family, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration

A Gentle Reminder from Dad, a Stern Reminder from God

Self awareness is always a good trait to have in this sinful world. Else we’ll get too big for our britches. And I’ve been there both spiritually and physically. It’s amazing the many forms for which the word of God takes on:

It can be a cool drink of water 💦 when the heat is on

A comforting blanket when you’re tired and weary

A sword when you’re in the battle

A ❤️ love sonnet when you feel unlovable

A cheerleader 📣 when you feel discouraged

And a for those of us who have a tendency to wander and stray it most assuredly can be a trip to the woodshed. It can be so much more! Its an ever transforming living document that was inspired by Almighty God and has powers that no ordinary writing has.  This morning I’m in awe at what I’ve been given… and yet do not use to my full potential. That is why I need those trips to the wood shed to remind me.

 Hebrews 12:9-13 KJVS

[9] Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?

It’s Dad’s Fault

I’ve often told you of my earthy father, Gene Paul Hardway. He was (and is in Heaven) a jewel of man. But chastisement was not his forte. No, I could count on one hand, possibly one finger the times I remember my father chastising me. His kind heart and nonjudgmental ways were what most who knew him would say they remember. That and his love for music, dancing a jig and above all, my mother. He was a great example of God’s love. He was not however a great example of God’s discipline. He just expected us to be good. God knows better. It is because of my dad’s non disciplinary ways that I attribute (aka blame) my failures at taking God serious until I hear from Heaven. Because I didn’t grow up with a great deal of discipline. Until I met Jesus, and then I learned what real discipline was. 

It’s God’s Fruit

 [10] For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness. [11] Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. 

While somehow or another I managed to come out unscathed by my earthly fathers lack of discipline, that would not have been the case spiritually speaking. If I did not have the continual  chastening of God upon me, I’d be a wino at the bottom of the ditch of life. And if you think I’m just writing words, you are wrong. Were it not for the salvation of Christ I’d be a much bigger mess than I am. But because of His continual correction I walk with the freedom and peace in the knowledge of my forgiveness and grace. That precious piece of fruit can only be tasted by a child of God. 

It’s my Feebleness

[12] Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; [13] And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.

Paul was the church’s spiritual earthly father. Not Catholicly but rather in leadership. We all need the leadership of a Pastor who (through the Holy Spirit) guides his people on the earth. The Bible used mighty men of God throughout each era. Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Isaiah, and so on. Times have not changed. We still need earthly leadership to keep us accountable. Hands hanging down and feeble knees could have certainly spoke to the churches weak praise and prayer life then and now. It’s tough to praise and pray in tough times. That is why we need earthly leaders that arouse in us the Spirit of God and excite us about the hope of Heaven. I’m excited now just writing about it. Thinking of my Dad today and what it must be like for him to be in the presence of Almighty God! That’s exciting stuff! 

But for now I must go on on the earth. I have work to do. I need to get my feeble hands and knees in action in praise and prayer. I needed this stern talking to this morning to remind me that my Father has great expectations about my day. And I will not accomplish that which He has set before me unless I’m prayed up and ready for Victory. 

How about you my feeble friends. Are you ready for the day? Let’s go! 📣 

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration, Purpose

Distractions, threats and battles

And such is life.

Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to visit many churches, and from those visits I always leave with new friends. Then, by the means of social media I am able to stay connected to those that I grew to love in just a very short while. Apostle Paul did not have that privilege. And I do count social media as a wonderful privilege, even though it can also be used as a tool of the Devil. Satan always does his best to take what God receives glory for, and make it evil. And  he’s wildly good at it. But he will never be as good as God with connecting to people; because there is a definite difference between Spirit filled friendships and friendships formed by worldly means which is the biggest tool in Satan’s box of devices. It’s why it’s very dangerous to attract people to a church with worldly ideas. While a coffee bar is sweet! And I’m all about coffee and fellowship, but if they come for the coffee and don’t receive the truth of the gospel, you’re in Satan’s wheelhouse, not the Lord Jesus’. If you attract young people by loud music and lock-ins,  and at no point during that evening you calm it down and bring their minds into the comforting Spirit of Christ, you’ve missed the mark. But this isn’t a blog post about coffee bars and rock music, it’s about friendship. But just like a good church service, the Spirit of God, and the message of Christ has got to be the foundation of a sustainable friendship. 

I have friends in the world who don’t know Christ. And as much as I love them, I do not receive the same encouragement from them, who I may be with in person quite often,  as I receive from my friends in Christ, who I met once, but they continue to encourage my soul just by remembering them, or connecting online. 

Philippians 1:27-28 KJV

[27] Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; [28] And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.

 Paul wrote to the people of Philippi about his desire to visit, but whether he came in person or not he wanted their relationship to be founded in Christ and rock solid in the wisdom that no matter how many times and ways Satan came against them, they had the power of God through their salvation to withstand it!

Glory! I just wrote myself happy with that remark. Because while I receive encouragement from friends in Christ, the demons of Hell don’t let up. 

I got up this morning and asked God to please give me a message. And then I tuned into social media for a couple of hours…. yes, you read that right, and ignored God. Because that’s how fickle I am when something shiny, funny or inquisitive pops up on the screen. 

But when I finally settled in to some scripture, immediately my heart was pricked with the word of God and it seeped into my soul. Reminding me that, like Paul, I have friends that I need to encourage. 

Satan can come from any avenue he chooses. And the closer it is to the avenues that Jesus walks on, the better he likes it; because he knows all he has to do is get us distracted, scared or bothered and he has our mind ensnared and away from the thoughts of God.

Diva Distractions

I can be such a Diva! I keep telling you guys how shiny things capture my attention, but not just shiny, anything that floats my fleshly boat. A diva is defined as a temperamental woman who’s hard to please. I don’t really consider my self that until I think of myself in the Spirit realm. Remember the earlier comments about the worldly attracts that get people in church, well, worldly distractions keep me out of the word of God. And God will not compete with the world. He already won that battle on the cross. He’s not fighting it again. 

He wants His people to desire Him above all else. When “else” is in the picture, we’re distracted. Whew! Can I get an amen! How can I study the word of God when the world has my number on speed dial with bling and things? That’s why Paul told them to “Let their conversations be as it become the the gospel of Christ.” Turn the world off! 

Terrifying Threats

Another distraction that Satan loves to use is fear. If he can keep you cowering in fear from speaking boldly for Christ, he’s gotcha. Today’s current trend is to “cancel” anyone who speaks the truth. That’s scary. Especially if you use the social platform for the ministry. Because the very reason you’re there is the very reason that will get you canceled.

Speaking boldly won’t only get you canceled on social media, it will get you canceled by friends. Years and years ago, when I was first saved, a friend was having a party. It wasn’t evil, it was just a little tasteless. Someone who went told me later that when they ask my “friend” why I wasn’t there, she said, “I can’t invite her, she’s all churchy now.” Hmmm…. I was canceled before canceling was cool! I can assure you if you’re bold for Christ, you’re gonna get canceled. But count it an honor that you are too exclusive to be on their list. Only the best will dine with Jesus in Heaven.

While that is scary, it’s not terrifying. Terrifying threats come when your Christianity prevents you from participating in things like getting a job, getting a loan, getting healthcare. That’s what this cancel culture is trying to accomplish.  They want to “retrain the brains” of conservative thinkers by putting us in “retraining camps.” That’s no joke, and I’ve heard it come out of the mouth of more than one popular liberal whose voice will be heard in Washington. This is why we need to speak out in our communities while we have the chance. We need to tell every elected official that we will not tolerate their votes going toward the liberal agenda, and if it does, we need to make sure someone stand against them boldly and loudly the next election. 

Apostle Paul did is best to persuade King Agrippa who said in Acts 26:28 “Paul, almost thou persuades me to be a Christian.” Has anyone said that about us lately?

Bothersome Battles

A great distraction from the gospel is anything for arguments sake. Scroll social media and I can almost guarantee at least one of your friends is on a rant about something. Our minds immediately go to that place… then to the comments…. then maybe commenting ourselves. Then back to follow up on those comments! Those bothersome battles can consume our day. I speak from experience. Just bein’ real. If it’s shiny, I’ll look!

Take this challenge today… scroll your own social media posts for one day and count how many are encouraging in Christ, or simply worldly thoughts and notions. If it’s the latter, why? This is not to get on you, it’s to encourage you to keep godly conversations going, not worldly ones. Because your worldly conversations may be the “something shiny” that distracts another brother or sister in Christ. Not that we can’t have normal conversations; but the bulk of our conversations should be used to draw all men to Christ. 

Hey, here’s an idea. If this blog encouraged you today, share it! Then you’re one post up on the side of Christ!

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Faith, Life Inspiration

How I Get My Fix

Again and again I write of missing my comrades in faith that have yet to return to church because of the Covid-19. No doubt very much like Paul’s friends were missing him during his ministry work elsewhere. In the very instructional book of Romans, Paul tells His his friends that there is purpose in his desire to meet with them, because he wanted to impart unto them a spiritual gift.

Romans 1:11-18 KJVS
[11] For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;

That’s what the 1828 Dictionary says about the word “established.” The modern dictionary used the word fixed, but did not add the word firmly. Being fixed firmly in our faith and the spiritual gifts that God has given us means that we are tuned into the purpose God has for us and solid in the practice thereof. Paul knew that a young church would need encouragement to continue on when life got hard. That’s still true, no matter how young or old. I don’t harp on church attendance because I think people are heathens, I repeat and remind the church of their need for one another and the fellowship fo Jesus Christ to firmly fix us during these hard times. Pastor Dolton Robertson tweeted this morning

“I feel like I’m preparing for a long, exhausting walk into the cold darkness of tyrannical revenge and yet, we are far from what the majority of believers throughout history had to endure. The difference-they rejoiced at the stake. I get discouraged over inadequate phone signal.”

Can i get a witness on anyone else who can identify with that? I know God understands when I get frustrated with this world today, but do you think sometimes you can hear Him say. “Will you stop whining for a second so I can speak?” I’m pretty sure I’ve heard that. Praise God for Sunday and Wednesday. It’s how I get my fix on faith. All the loose parts and grinding cogs get tightened and oiled with the Spirit and the word of God.


[12] That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.

My heart receives such comfort from my friends of mutual faith. Friends that I know struggle just like me! Listening to their testimonies of having made it through struggles and trials is such encouragement to my spirit. I know the next time I’m in a dire straight, I can remember of their success and how God brought them through and have hope for my own journey. That’s just one (but a very important one) that we all need.


[13] Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles. [14] I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. [15] So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.

Paul knew there would be disappointment in the church when he was unable to come and teach and preach. I can’t imagine the frustration and disappointment of those who want, but can’t come to church. It has to be greater than mine. Paul had responsibilities to take care of multiple churches. He couldn’t always be there for them. It reminds me of the circuit riding preachers of the day. But when the time came, he’d get to Rome and he’d give them the Gospel. How exciting that must have been!!! I have to believe and encourage myself that my friends will be back. And I hope soon. I have to trust God that this rough patch we’re going through will end. I don’t really think we’ll return to the old normal, but I do believe God is going to bring us back together again. I have to fix my mind firmly on that thought, else it would be too much to bear. We need each other. We have much work to do.

[16] For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. [17] For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

The fact is, we need each other to strengthen our faith. When we see others praying and serving it encourages us to go on with our own ministry work. And yes! You have work to do. How else will you have nourishment for your spirit? Sharing your faith, (faith to faith) builds our confidence in why we continue. Getting re-oiled like the tin man… or woman as the case may be, every time we study the word of God, share the word of God, pray for each other and receive the answers. All of these fixes us firmly in the facts of the gospel. We know its true because we’re experiencing it and expressing it to each other.

The Bible is unlike any other book. You cannot just read it once and think that you’ve received all you need in wisdom. Everyday. Everyday. Every day. Get some word in you. And at every opportunity get some time with your people… we need each other. That’s how I get my fix.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, joy, Life Inspiration, Music, Word of God

Creative Armor

So yesterday (against my will, kinda kidding) I received the Covid Vaccine. When I say against my will, I meant that I really didn’t want to take it. But the hubs and the daughter thought I should, and so I did. There is a rebellious side to this Jesus Chick that doesn’t like being told what to do. Sometimes even by God if I’m being honest. But especially by the government. When they gave me my little “passport” card it made me slightly nauseous. And so it begins… my permission slip to travel, to go to a concert, to live. Does it sound like I’m bitter? Well maybe a little. I came home and took my frustrations out on my guitar, which in hindsight with a sore arm this morning may not have been such a good idea. Rebellion comes with a price. 

But it all got me to thinking about prevention. You know… an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I believe that; I’m just terrible at practicing it. Except spiritually. I’m a “little” better at that. Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. A worthy study this morning is from the book of Ephesians, a well known and quoted verse in the Christian circles, but it certainly takes on a weightier meaning in present day.

Ephesians 6:11-18 KJVS

[11] Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 

Wiles: devious or cunning stratagems employed in manipulating or persuading someone to do what one wants: 

There isn’t any earthly armor that will stop that bullet. But there is something that will stop it. The Word of God. If I don’t begin my day in Bible Study, I begin it in a weakened condition. I’ve already allowed penetration points in my armor. I’m not sure what was in that vaccine yesterday, but supposedly some form of concoction that will sure up my body against an attack of the Rona. Spiritual battles are far more complicated to predict, and individualized, but one similarity for certain is that they both attack the weak. The virus attacks the weakened immune, the devil and his tribe attacks the weakened in spirit. 

That’s what’s wrong with most churches and most Christians. Folks show up on Sunday, take a dose of medicine from the preacher and then head back out into the world. But come Monday morning, some of his words were forgotten, the spiritual high you had when you left church is beginning to fade, and Satans minions are on you like white on rice. You could refortify the armor but, you’ve got a busy day, or Facebook is calling, Instagram is rolling and you need your peeps! No, we need God.

Speaking from experience, the second I enter the passcode to my phone Satan has me on a downhill slope to Socialville. It’s a great place… til it’s not. Much like Covid it’s a communicable disease. It attacks without warning, crippling the spirit through cunning strategies of Satan. Manipulating our minds and persuading us to do what the world wants us to do. Comply. Accept their norm as our norm. 

In a month or so, I have to go back for Maderna part 2. A booster to the shot I received yesterday. That’s what daily bible study is. It’s a booster to the word you received on Sunday! I know life happens, but in some form or another, your have got to get the word into you. For me it’s either bible study, preaching or podcasts. I listen to Christian based news on Blaze, I avoid liberal media and people as best I can, unless it’s for the purpose of soul winning. And that mind set is another avenue to strengthening my armor. If I have in my mind to win souls for Christ, I’m not thinking of them as foul mouthed liberals with an anti conservative attitude. I’m thinking of them as an unsaved child that needs God. 

Another tool for buckling up the Armor of God (at least for me) is creativity. The happiness I glean from being creative helps my mind shield the negative thoughts that Satan would like to pummel me with. Whether it’s music, art, or crafting around the house I fully believe God put desires like that (or others) that keeps our mind active and protected from wicked influences. Maybe creativity is not your thing, but I guarantee there’s a spot in your brain with a desire to do something that makes you happy. Take time for it today!

I did a pod cast on Saturday called “Thank God for Grace.”  It’s less than a ten minute listen, but it encourages you to get creative with a project of the week. The link is at the top of this page under “The Jesus Chick Podcast” tab. I hope to do those every Saturday, and maybe even expand into some other bible studies. I do that as much for me as anyone else. Because every creative thing I do for the Lord helps to keep one of Satan’s wicked darts from penetrating my mind, or heart. Spiritual battles scare me. Because one that burns out of control can take a child of God from the mountain to valley very quickly. 

So here’s my advice for us all. Get creative for Jesus. Or organizational or cleaning or what ever it is that floats your boat and makes your soul happy in Christ. 


Posted in Evangelism, Faith, Fear, Grace, Life Inspiration, Peace

Don’t Live with Stolen Peace

“I’ve been reading in the book of Revelations a lot Shari.” That has been spoken to me many times lately. I love the fact that people are so inclined to share their scripture reading with me, those who are church goin’ folks, and those who aren’t. People are searching for answers to these unprecedented times. They know somethings up, they just don’t know what it is. And it’s no coincidence that even non bible reading people are searching scriptures for the answer. From birth we are drawn to God, and He continues to draw His people to Him. Unless, He gives them over to their own wickedness because they’ve gone past a line that He alone knows. Scary thought. 

John 12:32 KJV

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

I’m so glad He drew me in February 18th, 1996. My life has been so blessed and this is my 25th anniversary year of salvation. Woot woot!!! That’s a reason to celebrate! And the peace of salvation is yet another reason. I truly don’t understand how the unsaved are making it through these days without the Holy Spirit’s comfort. Peace, beyond understanding… what a gift. 

In the book of Revelation peace is mentioned two times. Once to those who have it, and once to those who it was stolen from. 

Revelation 1:4 KJV

John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and fro,m the seven Spirits which are before his throne;

Peace to the Church

John wasn’t speaking to any denomination regardless of what religion tells you. Nobody owns Saint John. Well, God does. But not any church. At this time John is writing to seven church in Asia from the Isle of Patmos where he’d been banished. They had tried to “cancel” John too. It’s nothing new. But the word of God will not be stopped, not then and not now until He has completed His work on earth. And that is the reason that people are drawn to the book of Revelation, because it is the book of God’s final work on earth. While we’re not living in the tribulation, else the church would be gone, we are living in times of trial leading into it. God is preheating the oven for Sunday dinner, so to speak. 

Sunday’s coming…if you’d like to listen to that sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles. It’s a good one! and here’s the link:

But if you’ll stay tuned to me for just a second, I’ll finish up my thoughts on the peace of God for these troubled times.

John reminded the church of their gifts of salvation, the grace of God, and the peace of God. Thank God for grace! Lord Jesus knows I need it daily as I stumble through this world making error after error, watching my world fall apart around me, knowing that I don’t measure up to the word of God, and yet He still allows me to play a part in the salvation of others by sharing God’s word in this and other formats and experiencing the peace that passes all understanding. We cannot allow ourselves to take grace for granted and our opportunities to talk to our family and friends about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. They need to hear it whether or not they want to. Yes, they’ll cancel you out if they can. But hopefully that seed will take root in their hearts and they’ll discover how wonderful the peace of God is. We are a privileged people to have peace. Surely we know this when we see the opposite of that in the faces of those who know not Christ, or they know Christ, but they’re failing to experience Him because they don’t have a relationship with Him. 

I know the people in my own life get tired of hearing me say, go to church, go to church, go to church. But John didn’t write to the people of Walmart. He wrote to the church. Those who were active in the body of Christ. They’re not a perfect people. But they’ve got enough sense to know they need to be with God’s people for encouragement and they need to hear the word of God on a consistent basis so that the peace doesn’t slip away. Glory to God for the church!

Now lets discuss for a minute the other group of people John wrote to and about. 

Stolen Peace from the Earth

Revelation 6:1-4 KJV

 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

Satan has always loved chaos and God is never the creator of chaos. Although some would have you believe it. God will certainly let us reap what we sow, that’s scriptural too, but its not created by Him, it’s created by us. We are the ones who have allowed this earth to get in this shape. We’ve sat silent and watched as the church faded into the background of Sunday morning priorities, given way to the lake and the shopping mall and sleeping in. Oh gracious, I’m preaching now! But it’s the truth. If you’re not in church on Sunday morning you know it’s the truth. You don’t have peace, and if you think you do, you’re being deceived by the guy on the red horse. Actually I don’t know who was on the red horse. Likely one of Satan’s minions who in John’s day were emperors of war who stole their peace, but spiritually and metaphorically is speaking of the spiritual wars we’re battling today. 

I’m certainly not a scholar of the book of Revelation. I know just enough to be dangerous, but I know the gospel. and I know how it works. God is peace. Satan is everything this world thinks is peace. He is the great imitator of God and attempts to deceive even himself that he will have that role some day. Foolish demon. 

Are you a child of God? Don’t let Satan take your peace. Trust that God has our story written out in Victory. And tell your people, they need to know! And for certain live that peace in front of them because that testimony will be what wins them over and makes them desire to know the God of all!

Amen? Amen!!!

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Life Inspiration, Prayer

Well, Now that you mention it

In the book of Luke, chapter 11, Jesus gives His disciples a sample prayer. Not the prayer to end all prayers, but rather a starter prayer. Then they were to build their relationship with the Lord from His example. But too often in vain repetition the world takes a prayer and recites it again and again in hopes of yielding different results. Imagine if I came to you every day and said nothing but, “Hello friend, Your a good soul, may God bless you with food to eat and forgiveness and protect you.” And then the next day again I come to you and say, “Hello friend, Your a good soul, may God bless you with food to eat and forgiveness and protect you.” And again the next day and the day following. How annoying would that be! I don’t believe you’d feel my love for you, but rather you’d feel I was patronizing you as a friend. I fear God may feel that way with us. While I don’t recite the Lord’s Prayer every day, I say many others that, even though they are heart felt and desired, they’re not necessarily thought out and inspired. There is a time and a way for repetition in prayer, but it’s not through memorization. It’s through meditation. When we begin a conversation with God, while He’ll take it from an obligatory vantage point, He would much prefer, it were from adoration. 

The Adoration of God

If rather than the repetitious conversation from above, I came to you each day and said, “Hello friend, what can I do for you today?” Suddenly that conversation sparks opportunity. And you might say to me, “Well, now that you mention it, I need your help with…” And so our relationship grows and you feel loved and I feel needed. And it’s a great day! The same holds true with God. Just as any earthly Father, God wants to feel loved and appreciated. After all He is our provider. Jehovah Jireh. That alone gives us plenty to say to Him. 

The Consecration of  God

When Christ gave the disciples His prayer, He addressed God as His father and then said “Hallowed be thy name.” Can I tell you that I often forget Who’s throne it is that I’m approaching. If we want our prayers answered, we might begin by realizing that the God we’re speaking to is a Holy, perfect, and all knowing God. He didn’t want the pretentious attitudes of the Pharisees, He knew their hearts already, and just wanted truthfulness and the recognition that He is all that and a bag chips and He makes the world go around. Consecration is to ordain, or dedicate something to God as Holy and Sacred. It’s also the acknowledging that He is Holy and Sacred. Thinking of Him in that respect does not diminish the fact He is also a relational God who understands our humanity. The religious of Jesus’ day (and ours) just puffed themselves up through vain words and showmanship. God just wanted them to be real.

The Motivation of God

God gave this wonderful illustration after the prayer of friendship. 

Luke 11:6-13 KJVS

[6] For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him? [7] And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee. [8] I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth. [9] And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. [10] For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. [11] If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? [12] Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? [13] If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

He tells them of a friend who came to spend the night with Joe, and the friend was hungry, but Joe’s kids were in bed and he just wanted to get some rest himself. He had to work in the morning. But the friend would not shut up. And so Joe got out of bed and gave him a fried bologna sandwich (probably not; unless it was made of chicken) but any way, he did that not because he loved his friend, all though he did, but because his friend kept asking and asking and asking! It was wearing on his soul. 

For the record, we do not wear on God’s soul. But, He does honor repetition borne from the Spirit with passion and desire. This is when repetition is fine with God. When we want something for the right reasons. When our kids ask us for a sandwich, we don’t give them spinach. Well maybe bad parents do. 😂 But a good parent wants to give their children something that satisfies their longing and is good for them! God is no different. But He’s not speaking of prayers that ask for cars and houses. While those things may or may not be needful, God is much more concerned about the spiritual state of His children. Verse 13 says as much:  If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? 

This of course was written before the Holy Spirit was placed in man. We now have the Spirit in us every day without fail if we are saved. And even though He’s within us and certainly knows the desires of our hearts, He still wants a relationship with us. From the beginning, in the garden with Adam and Eve, all God wanted was a relationship with them. When they valued the product of the tree more than their relationship with God it had to have been gut wrenching to Him. I don’t believe it’s any different today… and yet I’m so guilty.

Last weekend my Apple Pencil broke. Oh my stars, I was absolutely lost with out it! It didn’t stop me from using my iPad but it certainly squelched my creativity. It’s an expensive tool of the trade for a artist and I spent my week in frustration, whining because I didn’t have my apple…. good grief. I was such an “Eve.” I could have better spent that time getting creative in my conversations with God, but I did not. Just like Eve could have yelled for God to come to her rescue, but she let that idiot Satan tempt her with that apple. I know it was a fruit… not an apple. But my point is, its a physical thing, that took away from the spiritual. Just Iike my apple.

Perhaps Joe should have gotten out of bed and spent some time asking his friend… “what can I do for you?”

Today we should be asking God, “What can we do for you?” We need to adore Him more. Respect Him more. And passionately seek Him more. 

When the disposes ask Jesus for a sample prayer, Jesus didn’t hesitate, He gave them the spiritual guidance they needed. But when some lawyers came on the scene later in the chapter and ask Jesus why He was upset with them, He answered them too!

Well, now that you mention it…

Luke 11:45-46 KJVS

[45] Then answered one of the lawyers, and said unto him, Master, thus saying thou reproachest us also. [46] And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers.

There’s got to be some action involved with our friendships. Including that of our friendship with God. When we go to Him in prayer, seeking the many desires of our heart, we need to ask Him about the desires of His heart…

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Eternity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

The Mayhem, the Ministry & the Master

A January 7th, 2021 perspective.

Woah Baby! What a ride we went on yesterday. Praise God for Wednesday Night Church and leadership that has the hard conversations the church needs to hear. There were times yesterday when I wished I was in Washington. I am so fed up with our National leadership who failed America in her most desperate moment. Most desperate? Seriously, after everything our country has been through from the Civil War to Afghanistan? And yesterday was our most desperate? Yes and Amen. Because yesterday was the first time EVER that the constitution was not defended by our government with the exception of President Donald Trump. And the citizenship who did was mocked for it.

I didn’t spend a whole lot of time on social media yesterday, I mostly tuned in to what was happening at and in the Nation’s Capitol. But yesterday evening a post went through me and I wanted so badly to respond. But I did not. The post was from the liberal perspective. An “educated” person, as a matter of fact an educator without an ounce of common sense when it comes to what they should be teaching. When BLM and Antifa took hostage an American city, killed innocent people and destroyed homes and businesses, this person said nothing. But suddenly they have an opinion on the Republicans right to defend their opinion. Remember… I said there were times I wished I was in Washington, DC. And I’m under no circumstances a violent person. Well, let me say under few circumstances. Push the right buttons and … But the arrogance of the liberal anti-American to the core Democrat body is more than my heart can stand. It physically ached yesterday for my Nation and for my God knowing the wickedness that we have allowed to now be in control. They are clueless. 

Okay…. now that I’ve spoken from the flesh, let me speak from the Spirit. Normally on Wednesday night I’d be down stairs teaching teens. But last night I wanted to hear from my Pastor. I needed his calm, sound advice. Because I was hurting and I knew when I was hurting that I was controlled by emotion and I don’t always see God’s design and plan as I should. Shari is strong willed. Shari has a strong opinion. Shari loves America, a lot. So much so that sometimes I forget this is not the Promised Land I should be defending. 

Our scripture last was in John 6:

 [15] When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.

He could have been King of the earth that very day. He had just fed thousands with 2 fishes and 5 loaves of barley bread. The people wanted a leader like that. They wanted someone who could provide the money… the bread. And there He was before them, and they were ready to put a crown on His head and follow Him wherever He lead.  Wait a minute? If thousands were just fed and ready to crown Him, where were they when the crown of thorns was pressed down around His brow and He was beaten until His body was unrecognizable? They were no where to be found.

Donald Trump is not my Savior. He’s my President for a few more days and I will relish in every second of it because what’s coming in is a disgrace. But yesterday, in my broken hearted state I temporarily lost site of my purpose on earth. I’m the Jesus Chick. Jesus is my Master and the church is my refuge. Not the Capitol. My Pastor’s sermon reminded me of that last night. It also reminded me of where my attention should be. On the local body…. that’s the one I have the most influence over. Nobody in Washington gives a rat’s butt about Shari Johnson. But locally, they know me. They know where I stand and I stand for them. I stand for Victory Baptist Church, because it is there that I was called to serve.

It’s the one commonality I’ve noticed about most of the liberals who voice their opinion against Donald Trump. They have very little to say about Jesus Christ. They don’t share the gospel… it might offend. They are one step away from that idiot, disgraceful representation of a holy man who said “A-woman” in an opening prayer to the Senate. If he was around in the days that Jesus walked the earth, he probably would have been selling the doves in the temple when Jesus turned over the table and threw them out.  Yes, my God got angry, called people out and even got violent because there’s a time for it.  That time is when people are mocking God. (Mark 11:15). 

So where does that put my frame of mind today? Where does it put yours?

For me, today (at least this hour) I’m focused on Christ and His purpose for this girl. The Jesus Chick. My purpose in the ministry has always been to be an encourager for people to continue on in the faith and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To teach it to the best of my ability through the platforms that God allows. In 2021 I want to be here for my people. And my people are God’s people. I want to love on you, encourage you and strengthen you with His words and His ways. I want to be a resource of Christ. Use me Lord Jesus. Amen. Just Amen…. So be it. 

Message me, call me or find me on social media. Let me know your prayers and anxieties. Please share this post and most of all, share Jesus! The world needs to meet Him.

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Praise

Take the High Road

I don’t know why anyone thought that 2021 was going to change the perspective of the world we’re living in. The world is still full of stupid people. Nothing has changed in that perspective. That’s what I told myself as I began wondering where the next set of struggles are taking America. I’m glad BlazeMedia is off vacation and back to work because I was going through withdrawals on world events. I don’t trust anyone else, but my mind no doubt needed the break from the preponderance of bad news. It has a tendency to tear me down. But BlazeMedia taking a vacation didn’t stop the world from turning, nor did it stop discouragement from coming into my life. 

Oh boy! Do I sound like a Debbie Downer or what!? I promise the news gets better. But I’m just sharing the state of my mind over the past week. I’ve been frustrated and depression is kicking in. That combination has a tendency to kick my fibromyalgia into overdrive with pain and I ask the Lord, “Lord… what would have me do?” And I heard the word “walk,” in my soul. No big grandiose thought, no double rainbow like so many seen in our area on New Year’s Day, just the Lord speaking “walk” into my soul. Which brought me to Habakkuk 3.

Habakkuk 3:17-19 KJV

[17] Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: [18] Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. [19] The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.

I cant say it any better than John Gill did in his commentary on chapter 3. His depth of understanding of the scripture makes me envious of his obvious relationship with the Lord. You don’t get that depth of understanding without putting forth much time in prayer and conversation with God. Which is why most of us cannot boast about our own relationship with the Lord, because we know it’s not what it should be. 

That’s right… I just threw you under the bus with me. But maybe you’re better than I am. I just know that the hour or so that put into my study for theses blogs, isn’t enough in this chaotic, wicked world. 

So here’s what John Gill had to say…

The title of this chapter is a prayer of Habakkuk the prophet, composed after the manner of a psalm of David, and directed to the chief singer, Habakkuk 3:1. The occasion of it is expressed, Habakkuk 3:2 in which the prophet declares his concern for the work of the Lord, and the promotion of the kingdom and interest of Christ; and observes the various steps that were, or would be, taken for the advancement of it; for which he prays, and suggests that these would be after the manner of the Lord’s dealing with the people of Israel, and settling them in the land of Canaan, Habakkuk 3:3 and there being several things awful in this account, both with respect to the judgments of God on his enemies, and the conflicts and trials of his own people, it greatly affected the mind of the prophet, Habakkuk 3:16 and yet, in the view of the worst, he expresses his strong faith in the Lord, as to better times and things, that would most assuredly come, Habakkuk 3:17.

Woah, Glory! Isn’t that good stuff? 

Maybe it just happens to be where my mind is at. I’m so, so very concerned for the church collectively. Both the Spiritual and economic health of our country. I understand Habakkuk’s concern for the work of the Lord and the promotion of the Kingdom. Just exactly who is promoting the Kingdom? John Gill said it greatly affected the mind of the prophet. Well… I’m no prophetess, but it for certain has effected my mind. 

And if your mind’s not sharp… you don’t need to be walking in the high places, else you’ll fall and crack your head open!

Habakkuk said in verse 18 and 19,  that he was going to rejoice in the God Who saved Him because that’s where his strength was. And that the Lord would make his feet like the feet of a deer to walk in high places.  And then he made it into a song. A man after my own heart!

Take the High Road… that’s what I heard from the Lord. 

When this world gives you grief… take the high road and trust God’s providence over them.

When people let you down… take the high road and remember that God never has.

When nothing makes sense… take the high road and understand that God understands whether you do or not.

When other’s fail to serve… serve more, you’ll be better for it. 

When all else fails… sing and glorify the Lord. That makes everything seem better. Amen…. no, I’m not going to say Awoman like that idiot preacher in Washington. See what I mean about stupid people? 

Above all we need to stay in the word of God. Be blessed! And take the High Road!!!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Are We a Peculiar Treasure?

It always amazes me when the Lord leads me where I didn’t expect to go, or He shows me something I didn’t expect to find. Such was the case today. I’m continuing on in my journey with my word of the year, “treasure.” I’m following through the scriptures and my third treasure, literally! I found in Exodus 19, primarily verses 5 and 6, but I’ll give you 7 and 8 for context of today’s message. 

Exodus 19:5-8 KJV

[5] Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: [6] And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. [7] And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the Lord commanded him. [8] And all the people answered together, and said, All that the Lord hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the Lord.

While it’s an awesome scripture and an awesome thought on it’s own, it bears significant meaning to me because may life verse is 1 Peter 2:9 KJV

[9] But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

My New Testament life verse, given originally to the Nation of Israel, and yet, I too am allowed to claim it because of the great mercy of Christ that engrafted me into the Kingdom of God. I’m sure I’ve read it, and yet I didn’t know it was there, and would not have known still if God had not laid the word “treasure” on my heart for 2021.

God’s People are Still Rebellious

Obedience has not always been my forte. As a matter of fact, I’m ashamed to say, it’s still not. I rebel in so many aspects of life. And yet, God chooses to use someone such as I. Praise God for grace! I’d have not last 2 seconds under the law, and it’s why I would not ever throw stones at Israel. While I’ve questioned why they turned their backs on God again and again having seen His miracles first hand, I know in my heart I’m no different. I too have seen His miracles and yet when He calls me out to do something for Him, or do something I know is right, I fail. Again and again just like Israel. I will choose the rebellious path knowing that there is a high price to pay later just to avoid reality for one more minute. 

God’s People are Still Peculiar

Or we should be. The back story on why 1 Peter 2:9 is my verse is because a preacher called me peculiar one day. I didn’t know what he meant, but I knew it was good, and so I looked up the word in the concordance and it so it became my word. I loved it! I knew God had a purpose for my weirdness. I don’t always (or ever) understand it, but I know He’ll be glorified in it if I allow myself to follow His heart and my desire.

The problem with human nature is, we want to go the way water is flowing. It’s hard to flow against the current, and yet that’s what God expects us to do. What’s right and acceptable in the world is far from right and acceptable in God’s eyes. But so many churches have adopted policies rather than the principles and peculiarities of God. Their mission statement are politically correct rather than biblically correct, and so are the lives of their people. The very fact that we have shut down 9/10 of the churches in American proves it. (That’s my number, not actual fact) I don’t know the percentage, I just know it’s too high. 

I know there’s real fear. And I can sympathize and empathize with it. But there’s got to be real faith too!

God’s People are Priests

I don’t begin to understand it all. But in reading the commentary of John Gill, my soul is stirred, so I’ll share it with you.

Priest, a character which one of the Jewish commentators says shall return to the Jews לעתיד לבא, “in time to come”; and well agrees with all the people of Christ, whether Jews or Gentiles, who are all of them kings, through their relation to Christ; and at the present time have a kingdom which cannot be moved, or taken away from them; being not only brought into the Gospel dispensation, the kingdom of the Messiah, and having a right to all the privileges and immunities of it, but have also the kingdom of grace set up within them, or grace, as a reigning principle, implanted in them; which lies not in anything external, but in righteousness and true holiness, in inward peace, and spiritual joy; and they have the power of kings over sin, Satan, and the world; and the riches of kings, being possessed of the riches of grace now, and entitled to the riches of glory in another world; they live like kings, they wear royal apparel, the robe of Christ’s righteousness; they sit at the king’s table, and feed on royal dainties; and are attended on as kings, angels being their life guards, and ministering spirits to them; and hereafter they shall reign with Christ on earth, and that for the space of a thousand years, and, after that, for ever: being raised up from a low estate, to inherit the crown of glory, to wear the crown of life and righteousness, and possess the kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world, of which they are now heirs: and they are “priests”, as well as kings; being made so by Christ, and through his priestly office; are anointed with the Holy Ghost, and sanctified by his grace, and allowed to draw near to God, and offer up by Christ their spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praise; and are enabled and assisted to offer up the sacrifice of a broken heart, and their bodies also, and even their lives when called to it; the allusion is to the kingdom and priesthood being formerly together, and which met in Christ, Zechariah 6:13 and in his people. The Jews were wont to call the priestly dignity and office כתר כהנה, “the crown of the priesthood”:

I am not so eloquent in speech as Mr. Gill, but I feel as he does, he just explains it better!

How exciting to look forward to a time when this world will not be in the dismal torment it is now. But peace shall reign. Christ shall be with us and we with Him and our jobs will assigned according to our work here below. Oh God, help me be a peculiar treasure every day…

Posted in Christian Service, Life Inspiration

My 2021 Word of the Year

It’s unusual that I’m ahead of the game. But here it is, New Years Eve and I’m declaring my word of 2021. My word for 2020 was “Wisdom.” Although I’ll not say I’m much wiser at the end of the year, I will say that I have obtained wisdom that I hope will lead me into 2021 understanding the value, or lack there of, of many things in this world. Which is why I believe the Lord lead me to my 2021 word of “treasure.” I thought it was an odd word, until i began to study it out in scripture. Which is where God is leading me as I embark on 2021. Let wisdom guide you into the treasure of 2021. 

Matthew 6:19-20,22-23 KJVS

[19] Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: [20] But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: [22] The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. [23] But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

While many things changed in 2020, and not for the better; one thing never changed and that was Heaven. Anything that anyone of us have laid up in Heaven is still there! Isn’t that exciting in this world of disposability where nothing is viewed as valuable, even life. But in Heaven it’s not that way, and everything that we’ve sent there: our good works and our people, they’re waiting on us! That makes me very happy, to know that God is taking care of my people and my work that I’ve done in His name and for His glory.

Ninety-eight times treasure is mentioned in scripture (KJV).  The first of which is in the story of Joseph in Genesis 43:23 when Joseph restores his brothers treasures back to their sack causing them to think they’re in big trouble! When actually Joseph is just messing with their head. The treasure was all apart of Joseph’s plan to bring them back in humility for more provisions out of Egypt. Humility is indeed a treasure. It causes us to recognize how very unworthy we are when we sit before the King. 

That’s a good place for me to begin 2021, in a place of humbleness and willingness to set things right with God. The only way of which I can do that is claim the price His Son paid as enough. There is nothing that I can do to pay my entrance into eternity or pay the price for the peace I’ve received here on earth. But I can go to God and acknowledge that I am grateful for His provisions for me on earth. 

A few chapters later Joseph confesses his identity to his brothers and they’re shocked to find out he is not only alive, he’s in a place of power because of their deceitful behavior and God used it for His glory. How wonderful to know that even the many, many, many mistakes I have made can be used for God’s glory. 

This morning as I begin to wonder what 2021 will hold, I don’t have to wonder Who holds it. And my word for the year is “Treasure.” For which I’ll begin by examining where my own treasures of the heart lie. Hmmm…. how about yours? 

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism

John the Baptist 2020?

Have you ever given much thought to John the Baptist? The man most Baptist churches wouldn’t even want in the building. I imagine a modern day version of him with dreadlocks, a leather biker jacket and chaps. Holy jeans and a pocket tee with the sleeves ripped out. The pocket would have gospel tracts and a post card to write his bible verse of the day on. His worn out motor cycle would be an off brand, not a Harley, and his saddlebags would hold a tent and the word of God. Maybe a few tools for foraging food. That’s John the Baptist 2020. 

He’d pull into town, set up camp in the edge of the woods and then let the preaching commence. But that’s not quite how it was in the year of our Lord 30ish. 

Matthew 3:1-6,8-12 KJVS

[1] In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, [2] And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. [3] For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

John is preparing the people to meet the adult version of Jesus. He was telling them, “Straighten up you Heathens, the Lord’s coming to town!” The Jesus that John had grown up with. They were likely known as “John and his weird cousin. While other kids were making sling shots to play war, Jesus and John would have been playing secret Santa to the widow ladies in the neighborhood and healing stray dogs. But now they are adults and God had paved the way for them in prophecy and they were about to step into those roles with passion that hadn’t been seen since Elijah. Wowzer! I just wrote myself happy with that. Can you imagine witnessing that first hand.  I can imagine it, but the problem is I don’t want to give up my modern tech and lifestyle to live it. How about you? 

I just got the coolest Cricut for Christmas, John ate Crickets… well, locusts, but bugs none the less. I’d like to think that a  2020 John would eat McDonalds Big Macs and drink sweet tea. But that was not the case of 30 John.

 [4] And the same John had his raiment of camel’s hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey. [5] Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan, [6] And were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. [8] Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:

You’ll note the people came to John. Maybe in curiosity, but when they got there they began taking action! They repented and were baptized and began their ministry journeys My salvation was a little like that, there was a preacher man hollering in the hollow outside of town, who caught my attention and made me realize that i was going to Hell. I was so thankful. And so began my life in the ministry. 

That’s kind of where I’m at this morning, reminiscing about where my life with Christ began, and where it’s going. Am I ready to get radical for Jesus in 2020? I need it. I need to do something that makes people look at me weird but then causes them to say… I need that. I’m tired of old religion. I want the new stuff.

[9] And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. [10] And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. [11] I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: [12] Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.

Just a short post this morning. In between nodding off. I’m a little past exhausted from all the Christmas festivities, but I’m more just tired of myself. You probably won’t see me in town on a motorcycle screaming “Straighten up you heathens and come to Jesus.” But I pray you see some weirdness for Christ in my life come 2021. How about you? What’s Jesus doing with your life?

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Faith, Fear, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Whose Influence are we under

I wasn’t sure where my thoughts were going this morning when I began to read the scripture. I’m still not, but I know where my mind has been lately; and if I’m right, God’s word will align. If I’m wrong He’ll line me out. That’s how God’s word works. I’ve been lined out on more than one occasion. 

I have this question for myself, as well as my readers this morning. What’s your influence, both that of the influence you make and the influence that is made upon you? Luke, who had been under the influence of Christ Himself wrote about it in the book of Acts 19. There were two very strong influences in the community, one of evil and one of good. And both had made an impact in the area and both had a following of friends. But it was about to come to a head as it often still does in the world we live in when right has the audacity to step into wrong’s territory. 

Acts 19:24-30 KJVS

[24] For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver shrines for Diana, brought no small gain unto the craftsmen; [25] Whom he called together with the workmen of like occupation, and said, Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth.

There’s Big Money in Evil 

Demetrius was a man of skill, and he used that talent to craft items of worship to the gods of the day making great wealth from it. You know… like Apple products, boats, cars, etc. Things that keep folks out of church. And he was none too happy when Paul and his disciples came into town and started getting peoples mind off of the world and onto the matters of the Spirit of God. So he called a town wide meeting of the merchants and reminded them of where their bread and butter came from and who was making toast. And that my friend is what continues to happen today. Evil is big business. From the drug industry (both prescription and illegal), social media, social standing, and our selfie society that is all about taking care of my four and no more with everything materialistic and no focus whatsoever on their standing with God. The god’s and marketing strategies may have changed but not the dollar made.  

There’s a High Price for Morality

But it doesn’t have a thing to do with money. 

Demetrius continues his conversation:

 [26] Moreover ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands: [27] So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth. [28] And when they heard these sayings, they were full of wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.P

Long, long before social media, Paul’s influence was vast. And it still is. And all for the sake of Christ. The world has tried multitudes of manners to destroy Christianity, to no avail. They’ve tried persecution, that made it grow. They left it alone, which worked for some who became “religious” to the point of no affect, (but then a new generation stirred the fires again). But their latest “divide and conquer and by all means stir fear” tactic has been surprisingly successful. 

I love online ministry and the part it plays in filling the void where people can’t get to church; but I’m telling you right now, that’s not God’s intention for the church. As one preacher used to say, “when someone in your family dies, see if your internet preacher will come and do the funeral.” God never intended the local church to be global. But Satan did. Because he knows if people aren’t talking, they’re just listening and usually to multiple things… they’re not physically feeling loved and a part of a body of believers,  they’ll have time to listen to him too. “Stay home… don’t fellowship… nobody cares… 

So what does that have to do with morality? There’s no accountability to an online church. If your people are all over the world, they know nothing about your behavior, but if you live in a community where people you go to church with see you on a regular basis, you’re held to a higher accountability. Not to the man, but to God. It’s true! I love my church people, I want to encourage them and live my life in a manner that makes them say, “Yes! Shari is apart of our church.” But if my church is 3000 miles away, I can live my life how ever I want and the Pastor will be none the wiser. I’m not saying that internet church doesn’t do a great work. It’s taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. That’s awesome. But when people use it as an excuse not to fellowship with their local church, Houston we have a big problem.

Morality matters. And Satan knows it. The high price for morality isn’t the dollar. It’s the life you live.

There’s Massive Confusion in the Whole Matter

 [29] And the whole city was filled with confusion: and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul’s companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre. [30] And when Paul would have entered in unto the people, the disciples suffered him not.

Gaius and Aristarchus are attacked by the powers that be in the community that were “filled with confusion.” This describes that state of the world. Satan has them continually stirred and confused. The world today is on information overload. Likely the people of Paul’s day were coerced by the evil powers that be in the spiritual realm, the same as they are today. Brother Paul was going in to take care of the situation but some of his homies persuaded him not to. Why did they stop him? Likely because they feared for his safety and they knew his value in the ministry. Not that God values anyone above the other, but if leadership is gone, you run the risk of the body of believers falling apart. I’ve seen it in the best of churches. Praise God, when we were Pastor-less for a year while searching for a new Pastor, God sent strong leadership in to keep us going, and we as a body knit closer together for fear of falling apart. We knew what we had and we didn’t want to lose it. Not every church knows what they have. And some, unfortunately never had it.  I don’t say that viciously or facetiously, I say it in all seriousness and concern. I’ve seen churches treated like nothing more than a social hall for good deeds and a few encouraging words. That ain’t it! Paul and his friends were willing, and many did, to die for the cause of Christ. 

God’s not asking us in America to die for the cause, He’s asking us to live for the cause. Which still might be dangerous. So, I go back to the original question: what’s the impact we’re making in our community. What is our sphere of influence. Are we willing to rush into the “Theatre” to rescue those in danger? How about into a house or local business where you know there’s someone in need of Christ? How about in your own family? Are you satisfied with a cyber church? I love my cyber peeps, but that’s not where God called me to be… I need my locals!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

It’s a Good Day for a Drink

Coffee of course… what were you thinking!

One of my favorite drinks is definitely coffee, I can’t go to church without stopping for a cup somewhere, but if I can I prefer making my own at home with these delicious keurig pods.

As I head into the Christmas season, my floor is filled with the goodness of God in a material form, and for that I’m grateful because I know with it will come the joy and laughter of my family and a great opportunity of togetherness. But we all know that even that can change on a dime when Covid-19 comes to your door step and finds you quarantined. I’ve had family and friends who have been through it and some who are in the midst of it. And it can cause your simple ways, not to be so simple. For me this virus has somewhat jaded my opinion of many professionals and confirmed my opinion of some idiots. 

Maybe that’s where David was in Psalm 116, I don’t know, but he certainly seemed fed up. 

Psalm 116:6-13 KJVS

[6] The Lord preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me. [7] Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. [8] For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. [9] I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living. [10] I believed, therefore have I spoken: I was greatly afflicted: [11] I said in my haste, All men are liars. [12] What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? [13] I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.

I don’t believe all men are liars. But there’s a bunch of them right now! Most of which are in Washington. But David’s words put life into perspective this morning for which I needed. 

The Lord Preserveth the Simple

That’s what David said and I believe it. And as it was with David, the Lord preserves us often times by allowing hardships to come upon us and then bringing us through. The humility of it all causes us to realize we’d be dust if it were not for His great mercy.

The Lord deals Bountifully with the Bawl Babies

For which I am one. I have a tender heart that takes very little to upset. But that tender heart is also what causes the compassion to well up in my soul and have a desire to help people. To love the unloveable and to want to share Jesus with everyone, even those who make it known they don’t appreciate my efforts. They break my heart and cause me to care deeper. But then what, where does one go from there when the world doesn’t want your gift of eternal life that Jesus’s provides. Rejection is hard, even if it’s not you they’re rejecting. 

The Lord Delivered me, and I need to tell people!

Isn’t the words of David amazing. How many times he allowed God to use him and then penned his successes and failures for all the world to see and receive guidance for their own lives from. David walked in the Lord’s paths and he Believed!!! And because of that he spoke it. Glory to God I love that! I’m a talker and telling people about the amazing things God does is so encouraging to my own soul. But then I suffer the affliction of this world and in my haste I don’t think there’s a trustworthy person on the earth. 

That’s what David thought, until he was reminded of his own salvation.

The Lord Reminds me of Who I am and Who He is

Before salvation I was that loser and liar that I’m so frustrated with today. I have no possible way of repaying Him for His goodness; from  the gifts under my tree to the gift of life.  All I can do is sit here with my cup of coffee and praise Him for His cup of salvation. All I have to give Him is my praise. He owns everything else already. 

I’m so grateful for His word and how a portion of scripture can put my life into perspective. At least until the next minute I am falling apart. 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Forgiveness, Grace

There is no stone in my hand

If you’ve been in the Bible anytime at all, you know her. If not, let me introduce you. She was a woman caught in the very act of adultery. Exactly how does one get caught in the act of doing something behind closed doors? If I were guessing I’d say there were some perverts in the neighborhood. But that ain’t none of my business… Nor was it any of theirs when they caught this woman (and the unmentioned male counterpart) in a compromising position. But they did catch them and set out to make an example of her by casting her into the street to be stoned. But along came the Lord Jesus, and that story turns into one of the greatest stories of redemption in the Bible. An adulterous woman ready to accept her stoning found herself rescued by God and her accusers gone.

John 8:7-12 KJVS

[7] So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. [8] And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. [9] And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. [10] When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? [11] She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. [12] Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

What brought this story to my pen this morning was verse number 9 and the word “convicted.” The only time that word, in any form is mentioned in the Bible, and yet it is such a common topic of conversation within the Christian realm. A fact I found rather interesting. I got my day started early this morning, about 4 a.m. and began praying for family and people in the church. I’m not always (seldom ever) that in tune with God when I first get out of bed, but this morning I felt a sense of urgency about praying and writing. As I prayed, I mentioned to God that some of the people in my life needed to feel His conviction to have a greater relationship with Him. And then I thought about how crazy that sounded. Why would anyone need “convicted” to be in a relationship with God? The greatest experience in my life has been my relationship with Him. There is no greater friend and Person of understanding than the Lord Jesus Christ, and yet there are so many still lost and undone in the world. It also took that aforementioned conviction to bring me to the saving Grace of Christ.

While guilt and conviction was no doubt upon the woman laying on the ground. That conviction came from the crowd, not Christ. The crowd had their stones ready and were actually excited about it until Jesus wrote something on the ground. It doesn’t say what He wrote, God leaves that to our imagination. I often thought it was the sins of the onlookers and mainly those of a religious nature. They’re usually the ones excited about throwing stones. But it says they left one by one, with the oldest leaving first. Funny thing about age… the older we are the more sins we stack up. Praise God for salvation! I certainly have my share and more under the blood. 

The woman didn’t know anything about the blood that day. That event had not come to pass. But she knew about forgiveness and the freedom it affords. Possibly for the first time in her life she felt of value. That’s how God makes me feel. Until I came to know Christ, nothing I ever did felt of any value. It wasn’t because people didn’t encourage me, but I believe it was because I had yet to use those gifts for their intended purpose. 

When I pray for the conviction of friends and family, I’m not throwing stones. I don’t know their sins. But I know their needs. Everyone needs to feel loved and worthy and that’s what Christ does. But until we realize how very unworthy we are to have a friend so wonderful, one willing to die for us in a way far more harrowing than that of the condemnation of people, we cannot appreciate the gift of salvation. I pray you know Him. I pray you’ve felt the love of God in your life. Christmas is a wonderful season because it’s filled with family for the most of us, but there are many who have no one. Help me be the one who stoops to the ground and picks the unloved up and introduces them to Jesus. 

Posted in Christmas, Faith, Life Inspiration

My Christmas Wish

Today I’m expecting a rather large shipment of presents for my kids and grandkids. I have resorted to being an Amazon junkie. The world has sucked the desire for spending hours in a Walmart or toy store line with opinionated liberal nazi’s, who look with judging eyes to see who’s not wearing a mask, and would (and have) called the Rona-cops to report them. (Not that all mask wearers are liberals, but you know the ones who are). There was no Black Friday shopping for me this year. And while I’m excited about those gifts coming today, because they were purchased with great thought for the ones I love, those having nothing to do with my Christmas wish. 

3 John 1:2 KJV

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

The very fact that I have the aforementioned thought of judgmental people proves that there is still sin in my soul. I shouldn’t feel like that, but I do. Our souls are not diseased with any virus, they’re diseased with sin. But through the Spirit of God it can be said that we are in good spiritual health if we allow Him to reign over our thoughts and desires. So that is my first wish for you and I this Christmas. 

The 🎁 Gift of Self Control

Thats a tough one. But the world doesn’t need to see the Shari who looks back at them in frustration because I personally believe that mask is detrimental to my heath and doesn’t prevent the spreading of this disease. If it does why are 85% masked up, and it’s still rising. According to Fauci that’s all it would take to get this disease under control. And yet here we are. The frustrated Shari wanted to call him “fathead Fauci” but that wouldn’t be very godly and would ruin the point of my first Christmas wish. The self control I don’t always have and is not a proven fact. Praise God our iniquities are all forgiven. 

My second Christmas wish for us is

The 🎁 Gift of a Spiritual Appetite

With that we will surely prosper. I wish that I could tell you that I get up every morning, open the word of God without delay and never get side tracked. That would be nice and is certainly within the scope of possibility. But first I have to ignore my appetite for social media, coffee, breakfast cereal, Blaze Media and all thoughts shiny and bright. True story. It falls right in line with the self control. We do what we want to do, and far too often that is putting God on the back burner to simmer and wondering why we’re not on fire. Man, did I ever just step on my toes!

My third Christmas wish for us is 

The 🎁 Gift of Salvations Joy

The whole reason that Baby was born in a manger wasn’t so we’d have a quaint scene on our fireplace mantel. It was the prophecy fulfilled as spoken in Isaiah

Isaiah 7:14 KJV

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Emmanuel, meaning God with us! Helping us to have self control, driving our Spiritual appetite and giving us the joy of Salvation through the countless gifts of the Spirit. None of which are available on Amazon. Through His word I have stirred up that 🎁 gift and reminded myself of the countless joys the Lord brings to me daily. The first and most important is knowing I have the gift of Salvation that allows me not to fear what this world can do. It also helps me to love and pray for the person behind the mask that I sometimes would like to strangle. Salvation restores and renews my faith when the world tries to make it fade away. And the experience of having fruit in the Kingdom from my work as “The Jesus Chick” is an unexplainable joy because I know that it is the only gift that I can give the God who gave me life.

I pray you have those gifts as well, and that the word of God stirs up the gifts within you! God bless you!!!! The 

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Family, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political

Take a Stand

I have read and written from the book of Nehemiah multitudes of times. It’s a book of encouragement from the standpoint of the defense and rebuilding of a nation. If we were truly a Biblical nation, this would be a reading assignment for every American. But we are not. Like Nehemiah and Israel our Nation is under duress and in great danger, and yet we’re Christmas shopping, singing carols in our cars and pretending as if life outside our home is normal. Until you realize it’s not. But then we feel overwhelmed and wonder what to do next. 

I called upon folks Monday to contact their Senators. I’m doing it again. Like Nehemiah take your place on the wall and tell the world we will not be silenced. We want a nation we can have pride in and a governmental system that we can trust. And that won’t happen until the people tell the leaders. You’re it. You are the people. We cannot wait for someone else to do it for us.

Nehemiah 4:11-15 KJVS

Like Israel, we’re under attack from within

[11] And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come in the midst among them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease.

We’ve been warned by those who honestly report the news*

[12] And it came to pass, that when the Jews which dwelt by them came, they said unto us ten times, From all places whence ye shall return unto us they will be upon you. 

It’s Families who will cause the defense of America, else it won’t happen

[13] Therefore set I in the lower places behind the wall, and on the higher places, I even set the people after their families with their swords, their spears, and their bows. 

One Prophet started it all, the church has got to stand up

[14] And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses. 

Please, get to work and write or call your elected officials and tell them you know the truth of the attack against our Nation

[15] And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that it was known unto us, and God had brought their counsel to nought, that we returned all of us to the wall, every one unto his work.

Here is my letter:

Copy it, or write your own. But what ever you do, do with passion and prayer!

Dear Senators Capito and Manchin:

As a proud citizen of West Virginia, and a prouder citizen of Heaven (Ephesians 2:6) it has broken my heart to see the sad state of affairs of the United States. And while I realize you are but 2 of the many representatives of our nation, you represent the people of the great state of West Virginia who made their voice clear when they re-elected President Trump. Yes, I believe, and I figure you know, that the election was a farce and nothing short of tyranny on the side of the National Democratic Party. If you allow this to go unchecked and unanswered for you are not worthy of the calling you have received as Senator. I don’t say that lightly. The Bible tells me to respect those in authority and I take scripture serious. That word also goes for you. 

I know I’m not alone when I voice my concern for the system of rightful election that has always had issues but is now on the edge of extinction. If you do not stand up for what’s right you can guarantee the next election will be far worse and less participated in and the blame will lie with you and all others in Washington who haven’t bothered to straighten their back bones, remove their yellow stripes and stand up for the rights of their people. 

We are at a crossroads. You either defend us, or you you stand before God and Nation answering for your sins. And yes, it’s a sin to know to do right and not do it. James 4:17 KJV says “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” Case closed.

So, I implore you to do what we have elected you to do. Defend us. And stand on the principles of the Christian faith you profess. There is no election fraud acceptable.  Please join  the  Eighteen states who have joined a Texas lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton against the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

We need to rebuild our country, and it starts by rebuilding faith in the officials we elected. 

Shari Johnson

The Jesus Chick


Posted in Bible Journaling, Christmas, Life Inspiration

The 12 days of Christmas according to Psalm 62

I have a fluctuating heart. Spiritually speaking. It is calm… then it is not… it is angry… then it happy…it is uncertain… then it is confident. And that’s just during a news segment from BlazeTV. But it’s likely a good description of the heart of many in this world today. We get the rug jerked out from underneath of us on a regular basis if you’re on the side of conservatism. King David understood that. He’s often (if you read this blog you know) my go to guy when I need to sure up the walls around me. So when God gave me the 12 days of Psalm 62 this morning I rejoiced!!! I needed it.

Psalm 62:1-12 KJV

Possibly written when in distress, either through Saul and his armies, or by reason of the conspiracy of Absalom. Either way, he was having a bad day. I feel as if we are in such times of conspiracy. I’m not a conspiracy theorists but I am trying to be more in tune to reality. I have a tendency to go inside my house and pretend there isn’t even a world outside my door. But you can only do that so long before you run out of coffee, cookies and Coke Zero.  It’s a good thing David didn’t have those luxuries in his day, or he’d not have survived. Well, I guess he had the cookies… But for our encouragement today read the 12 verses of Psalm 62 after you sing The 12 days of Christmas according to Psalm 62, a 🎄2020 Christmas Carol🎄

On the 1st day of Christmas my God gave to me: Salvation pure and free.

On the 2nd day of Christmas my God gave to me: A defense of my faith and salvation pure and free.

On the 3rd day of Christmas my God gave to me: A brick from their wall, defense of my faith and salvation pure and free

On the 4th day of Christmas my God gave to me: Truth about their lies, a brick from their wall, defense of my faith and salvation pure and free.

On the 5th day of Christmas my God gave to me: strength to wait on Him, truth about their lies, a brick from their wall, defense of my faith and salvation pure and free.

On the 6th day of Christmas my God gave to me: the Rock of my Salvation, strength to wait on Him, truth about their lies, a brick from their wall, defense of my faith and salvation pure and free.

On the 7th day of Christmas my God gave to me: Glory from on high, the Rock of my Salvation, strength to wait on Him, truth about their lies, a brick from their wall, defense of my faith and salvation pure and free.

On the 8th day of Christmas my God gave to me: Trust in all times, Glory from on high, the Rock of my Salvation, strength to wait on Him, truth about their lies, a brick from their wall, defense of my faith and salvation pure and free.

On the 9th day of Christmas my God gave to me: their vanity exposed, Trust in all times, Glory from on high, the Rock of my Salvation, strength to wait on Him, truth about their lies, a brick from their wall, defense of my faith and salvation pure and free. Read the article here for the meaning of number 9 in the Bible.

On the 10th day of Christmas my God gave to me: Oppression defeated, their vanity exposed, Trust in all times, Glory from on high, the Rock of my Salvation, strength to wait on Him, truth about their lies, a brick from their wall, defense of my faith and salvation pure and free.

On the 11th day of Christmas my God gave to me: Power in His word, Oppression defeated, their vanity exposed, Trust in all times, Glory from on high, the Rock of my Salvation, strength to wait on Him, truth about their lies, a brick from their wall, defense of my faith and salvation pure and free.

On the 12th day of Christmas my God gave to me Mercy and Grace, Power in His word, Oppression defeated, their vanity exposed, Trust in all times, Glory from on high, the Rock of my Salvation, strength to wait on Him, truth about their lies, a brick from their wall, defense of my faith and salvation pure and free.

I hope you sang that as I did when I wrote it. That’s good stuff right there, because every day aligns with the word of God. Now read Psalm 62.

[1] Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation. [2] He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved. [3] How long will ye imagine mischief against a man? ye shall be slain all of you: as a bowing wall shall ye be, and as a tottering fence. [4] They only consult to cast him down from his excellency: they delight in lies: they bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah. [5] My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. [6] He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved. [7] In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. [8] Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah. [9] Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity. [10] Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart upon them. [11] God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God. [12] Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy: for thou renderest to every man according to his work.

He will bring us through as victors church! That rock He gave us on day three will cause their wall to come down eventually. I believe it. I don’t know, nor will I guess or profess the timing of it. That’s up to God. But it is as sure as the last minute of life on this earth. Amen? Amen. And that gives me great hope as I start my day. I pray it did you too!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, salvation, Word of God

The Bread and Water’s Free

You don’t necessarily have to look at my waistline to see that I love bread, but it helps. I have found very few forms of bread that I don’t love. Possibly none. Homemade is my fav, but store bought’s just fine in a pinch. I prefer to think that my mindset is godly. (Like most Christians.) Is too much unhealthy? Yes. Does that stop me from wanting it? No. And I’m positive that won’t send me to Hell, unless of course you talk to a skinny person about it, and then they make you think it will. I’m only partly joking. 

I got on this thought this morning because of a song by Chuck Compton. “Bread and Water.” I’ll post the video below, it will bless the socks off of you. And because of my bestie Glo’s desire to share homemade bread to encourage folks in our church, and in so doing, share the love of Jesus. Isn’t that a great idea! Of course it’s not about the 🍞 bread so much as the love behind it, but the bread doesn’t hurt! 

Life Giving Bread

John 6:32-51 KJV

[32] Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. [33] For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. [34] Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. [35] And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. 

It’s absolute truth that when I discovered Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my Savior, I never wanted for anything spiritually again. I won’t say I didn’t what things of the world, I’m still of the flesh, and I like all things bling, but spiritually… Jesus filled me to the brim and overflowing! When I see this world going crazy around me, and I’m still at peace, I sometimes even question it myself? “Shari why are you not falling apart.” And then I remember, Oh yeah… because Jesus is the glue that holds me together. I don’t understand how people survive without Him. 

While we focus much of our testimony on the forgiveness of God, which is huge! We should also be sharing how much fulfillment comes from know Jesus with those in the world who are searching for something they don’t even know what is. They’re just following the loudest crowd.  

Soul Raising Bread!

[36] But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not. [37] All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. [38] For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. [39] And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

I love making homemade bread and seeing the yeast do its thing. Once those ingredients come together, the warmth of the activated yeast causes the dough to rise and begin it’s journey to the oven. Oh glory! That’s a little slice of Heaven for two reasons. The obvious of which is the fact that the bread will be ready within the hour when it gets to that point. But the other is perhaps not so clear to those who don’t know scripture. 

1 Peter 1:7 KJVS

[7] That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

When we finally see Christ, only the things in our life which cannot be burned in the fire will make it to Heaven with us. Those things we have done in this life that have brought glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ, some of which were absolutely no fun here on earth. But before we get there, I fully believe those works we establish on earth in His name are wafting to Heaven in the form of a scent much like that which comes from the baking of bread. Isn’t that an amazing smell? When freshly baked bread fills the kitchen. 

I imagine a scent much the same when God hears of His saints serving Him boldly in these trouble times. The world needs to see what’s cooking in God’s kitchen, and they can only get a glimpse of that through the life of one of His children. 

Stale Bread

 [40] And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day. [41] The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven. [42] And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven? [43] Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Murmur not among yourselves. [44] No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. [45] It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. [46] Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father. [47] Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. [48] I am that bread of life. [49] Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. 

Those pious, religious Jews were missing out on the sweetest experience they could have ever had on this earth. Experiencing God in the flesh. But they were so wrapped up in their stale religion that they missed. I almost did! But praise God for His mercy that lead me to a church that handed out the Bread and Living Water every service and every time they went out in the community. You could tell there was a difference when they passed by, just like you can smell that aroma from the oven when the bread is about to be done. Glory to God! I just wrote myself happy. 

It’s on the Table

[50] This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. [51] I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

While much of this blog has been metaphorically speaking. The word of God through His Spirit makes it clear. Christ was laying it out for the Jews, but they refused it. I’m laying it out for you today, please don’t refuse it if you’ve never experienced Christ. 

Jesus is coming soon, and we need to be ready and have all our friends and family ready. 

2000+ years ago, Christ walked this earth and spoke with people face to face. But now He speaks through the Spirit. Perhaps you feel it. The Salvation of Christ is much like the baking of bread, it’s a process.

The yeast is activated through warm water. And the soul of an unsaved child activated through the Water as well, it’s known as the word of God. When anyone hears the word of God they’re stirred. Whether or not they confess it, the word of God will never return void. But it can be rejected. 

Once accepted things begin to change. The Spirit will rise up in you and give you the assurance that you are a child of the living God. You received that by believing that He loved you enough to die for you. The Jews didn’t believe Christ, His truth angered them, and so they crucified Him just like He prophesied. But He rose again!!!! 

When you make bread you have to punch it down a few times, but then it rises again! Just like Jesus. They crucified Him, mocked Him, Spit on Him, they knocked Him down more than once, but that didn’t stop Him from coming out of that grave to show us that we too could have victory over death in Him. 

Isn’t that a great illustration! If you’d like to know more, message me, or click the “salvation” link at the top of the page. I pray you enjoyed this study of the Bread today. I sure did!

Here’s the Link to Chuck’s song. You might want to get a tissue!

Posted in Christian Service, Christmas, Eternity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Varying Degrees of Light

Midweek services were last night which is my clothesline propping up point for the week. As I drove down the country roads to the church last night I was excited to see several houses lit up in celebration of Christmas. It’s where the title of today’s blog came from. “Varying Degrees of Light.” There were houses that were lit enough for planes to see them from the sky. There were others with just a few candles in the window and everything in between. They may or may not have been representative of what was going on inside. But the lights inside the children of God are far more telling than that.  

2 Peter 1:19 KJVS

[19] We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

A Dark Place

Calhoun County, West Virginia, my earthly home til Heaven has few claims to fame. It’s population of a little more than 7000, its 281 square miles of land and it’s poor economic conditions make it a dark place for more than one reason. But on Route 16 south of Grantsville lies the Calhoun County Park that attracts people from all across the United States for the simple fact that it’s a dark place. Stargazers love the fact that they can gather on it’s high point, where the lights do not shine, and stare at the sky with an unencumbered view of the stars. 

The number of lights on the homes last night didn’t matter when it came to attracting my attention. There are no street lights on our rural highways, so even the smallest of light shone brightly in the darkness. Even the smallest of bulb was important to the Christmas spirit. And regardless of your geographic location, your light is important in this dark world. You are there for a reason. 

Jesus Christ is the only light that regardless of the time of day, or the conditions in life, His light never fails to shine. But we can hide it from the world by pulling the shades down on the windows of our souls and refusing to let Him do what He does best. SHINE!!!

Our Praise Shines

1 Peter 2:9 KJVS

[9] But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

My life verse! I chose it because of one word, “peculiar”. The best description anyone ever gave of me. Praising Christians are getting fewer and fewer. The sentiment is not appreciated by the world and so most Christians have allowed the world to dim their light for Christ by not sharing His goodness. Make it a point today to share something that God has done in your life recently. Someone needs to hear about it. Someone needs to see Jesus shine in you!

Our Gifts Shine

James 1:17 KJVS

[17] Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

A recurring theme in much of my writing will be on the gifts of God. It’s because I’m always shocked that He gave me any. I’m so unworthy. He didn’t just give me one gift, he gave me multiple. And though I never use them to their full potential, I try to use them in a manner that brings glory to His Holy name. I’m a failure. He is perfect in all His ways. 

I encourage you today to use the gifts (and I’m sure they are many) within you to shine for Christ. Are you artsy? Create something for Him! Are you musically inclined. Sing for Him! Are you an encourager? Oh how the world needs you to encourage people for Him! What about being a person of honor? Oh how that glorifies our Father when they see a child of God living in such a way. Keep on shining with everything in you! 

Our Hope Shines

2 Timothy 1:10 KJVS

[10] But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:

As this world gets darker and more evil, we see less light shining in the world. Satan is turning off the light of the church, it’s people and it’s leadership one at time. Churches are closed, giving is down, outreach isn’t always what it should be and our world is hurting. They need to the light of Christ and the hope that come from Him. We can do that by sharing His word in every form possible. 

I can’t help but think of my friend Doyle Ballengee who has going on to glory. Your seldom every met him that he didn’t pull a hand scribed index card out of his shirt pocket where he’d written down a scripture he wanted to share with everyone he met. Doyle was so little in stature, but his light shine brighter than anyone I know for the cause of Christ. 

We are blessed with multiple ways of sharing Christ. Our media forms are almost endless. Use it for Christ. Tweet the Savior! Shine the face of Jesus on Facebook. Be instant in season and out of season on Instagram. Oh the places we can go with Jesus today! 

Don’t let Satan have an inch of ground within the temple of Christ called You!

1 John 1:5 KJVS

[5] This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

Posted in Church Unity, Faith, Life Inspiration

The World Smells Fear

I struggle with sleep nightly. But it’s not something that I mind. I hate the feeling of exhaustion the next day, but when I awake in the middle of the night, I do one of two things, scroll social media (which I don’t recommend) or I begin praying; usually going through the seats of our church in my mind. The congregation is heavy on my heart in these days of lunacy. I wanted to give a good word this morning, one of encouragement. I needed it as much for myself as I want it for those who read this blog, because the world is filled with evil words.

There was a time that Peter was filled with evil words. The night of his Lord’s arrest; when they accused him of being among those in Jesus’ group of disciples. He needed to convince the world otherwise and so he quickly cussed like a sailor and denied his position in Christ, just as Christ said he would. And then it says… he wept bitterly. (Luke 22:62) Those words always break my heart. I’ve been failed the Lord so many times too. I understand. But not this day of reference in 1 Peter Chapter 3:

We are Family

Right now I have the Sister Sledge song in my head… maybe you do too.🎵 “We are family, I got all my sisters with me.🎶 It takes so little to get me off the track! But family should be something that stirs a song in your heart, be it blood family or a church family, especially because you have the common bond of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

1 Peter 3:8

[8] Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:

It’s why when I wake up in the middle of the night those folks are on my mind. They’re more than just acquaintances and friends, they’re brothers and sisters. I have concern for them just like I do my biological siblings who I adore. Ask yourself right now, “Who do I have in my life that would literally go to war with me?” If you can’t think of anyone, you need a church family and you need the right church family. One who has compassion and love for each other. Who hurts when you hurt and treats you with kindness. 

When I see church folk gossiping and tearing each other down I don’t have to wonder why the world doesn’t believe the church is the body of Christ. Who wants a nasty, cranky’ ol’ body like that? 

We are What we Speak

[9] Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing. 10] For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: [11] Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.  

Luke 6:45 KJV says:

[45] A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

You don’t have to be in the presence of anyone for very long before you can determine the “treasures of their heart.” Even if they’re trying to pretend they’re someone they’re not, it usually slips out.  Peter advises his friends in verse 9 to watch their mouth. He was speaking from experience. And so am I! I can fall victim to a negative attitude. While I’m not prone to cuss… I won’t say that those words don’t ever enter my mind. As a friend once said, I won’t say them but if someone wrote it down, I’d point to it. That’s not a lie. 

But our tongues will sell us out! And in so doing, our words become words of discouragement and before long we’ve created a conversation that everyone around us is willing to chime in on and tear the world apart piece by piece. It also rips at the very fabric of our spiritual selves until we’re not feeling very happy in the Lord.

We are Children of God

[[12] For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. [13] And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? [14] But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye : and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; [15] But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

I love the family I was born into. I’m proud to say that I was born a Hardway, that my Mother was born a Spencer. I have a great blood family. But I also have an amazing blood bought family. Not only in my church but all over the world. God has been so good to me! They encourage my spirit and I have seen the hand of God on their lives, and they on mine. We’ve shared testimonies of how God has protected us and brought us through troubling times. And some of us are sure that we’ll know our angels in Heaven because they will be the ones without feathers! (We have no doubt worn them out!) We are a happy people especially when we’re together, and we are a protective people when someone’s in trouble. And just like the pride I have in my only family, I am proud to profess that I am a child of God. I pray that always comes across the second someone meets me. I pray they know, because He is evident in my mouth and in my manners. 

Last night was a night where I scrolled social media. I tuned into the hearings from the voter fraud cases. When Joe Biden said the other day that they had “put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization,” I’m quite sure that’s something he didn’t mean to confess and was likely an issue of his Alzheimer’s medicine wearing off allowing the truth to be revealed. 

God has ways of revealing truths and protecting His children that the world cannot understand. Often times I don’t understand! But I believe and I know that I am a child of the King, and that title cannot be undone because the price paid for me to have that title was written in the blood of God Himself. As children of God we must speak with confidence, not wavering. The world can not only smell fear, it can see through insecurities of the faith. They’ll know when you’ve not been spending enough time with your Father.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Health, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Uncategorized

Thou Shalt Not and other Mandates

I worry about this social media, non socializing society. It’s much easier and justifiable to stay in your own little bubble and comply to the commands. Ugh… that makes me nauseous. God knows that I’m not a very good rule follower when I should be. I’m really kind of a rebel at heart. But when rules have been made that shouldn’t have been made I have major issues following them. 

Perhaps you’re now asking “what are you talking about Shari?” Well, let me tell you. Religion and Government Mandates have some stark things in common.

It’s for Control not for Protection

When God separated the Israelites from the Gentile nations, many of whom were wicked; He did so to protect them both physically, and spiritually. The gentiles worshipped other gods and did all sorts of wicked things that would have defiled the people of God for which He had a purpose. And God is all about timing and purpose. 

Deuteronomy 32:8 KJVS

[8] When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.

We no longer live in the days of separation. There are no bounds between Jew and gentile. While God tells us, that we are children of the light and should not have fellowship with children of the darkness, that separation is from a spiritual and  behavioral circumspect. Even though Jesus remained sinless, He still had physical fellowship with the sinners of the world. A fellowship for the purpose of their salvation. The religious leaders of that day were still living under the law and separation;  they were blinded to what was about to happen with regard to the Savior. 

So what does that have to do with the governmental control of today? I think I can bring that thought together, it’s just taking me a minute of back tracking. I wanted to bring to light the fact that God has a purpose in separation that is for our good. But man’s purpose of separation is contrary to God’s. 

Thou Shalt Not Gather

Unless your protesting, and then it’s fine. Unless you’re an important person, and then it’s fine. It seems the Corona virus is a highly educated 🦠 disease! It knows if you have a liberal purpose or agenda, if you’re apart of the the Marxist or Antifa tribe or if you are a liberal elected official and it doesn’t expose itself to you. That’s amazing! And it’s a load of crap. The virus, a very real virus, is clueless, but the people manipulating the virus for their agenda are not. They’re making edicts, calling them laws, and controlling people without any congressional or legislative body allowing it. And the citizens of the USA are bowing in submission without a second thought because it’s for our own good, right? Business are going belly up, churches are being fined, government entities are closed down without accountability, schools are not teaching our children and we have  allowed an election to be stolen and are keeping our mouths shut like the good little citizens we are. Well some people are. I myself have never really mastered keeping my mouth shut. 

Want proof that religion doesn’t have the best interest of our church in mind?

Thou Shalt Wear a 😷 Mask

Another edict pretending to be a law. I have no problem with a mask recommendation. However, I do have a serious issue with a mask mandate. Especially for being told to wear them outside, (totally idiotic) in my own house, ummmm no. And being told how many people can gather in my house or my church for that matter. That’s opening up the church to government control and persecution the likes of which has never been seen in America, but has been seen in many other countries. 

I see multiple reasons why the crazy leftists would want us wearing masks. Because for those who are actually out and about it takes the human connection out of the equation. You don’t see people smile, you don’t share emotions. We walk through the stores like unfeeling robots. Fearing of getting in someone else’s air space and the interaction is limited to say the least. And we’re complying. And it’s evident who’s complying and who’s not and if you’re not you’re shamed into wishing you did or angry because they’re wanting you to be ashamed. It’s nuts! Especially since the mask theory is just that… a theory. If you want or need to wear a mask, do it! But if someone else has a reason not to, leave them alone.

Below is a link to a Danish study regarding masks.

Yes, I know I can find anything I want to preach my side of the argument. But the fact of that matter is, so can they. So who do we believe?

Thou Shalt Have no Other Opinion

Acts 11:1-18 KJVS

[1] And the apostles and brethren that were in Judaea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God. [2] And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem, they that were of the circumcision contended with him, [3] Saying, Thou wentest in to men uncircumcised, and didst eat with them. 

Peter had had the audacity to commune with gentiles. Good grief, he should have been crucified! He was, they did that later. But at this time they did at least allow Peter to explain himself.

[4] But Peter rehearsed the matter from the beginning, and expounded it by order unto them, saying, [5] I was in the city of Joppa praying: and in a trance I saw a vision, A certain vessel descend, as it had been a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came even to me: [6] Upon the which when I had fastened mine eyes, I considered, and saw fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. [7] And I heard a voice saying unto me, Arise, Peter; slay and eat. [8] But I said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean hath at any time entered into my mouth. [9] But the voice answered me again from heaven, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.[10] And this was done three times: and all were drawn up again into heaven. [11] And, behold, immediately there were three men already come unto the house where I was, sent from Caesarea unto me. [12] And the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing doubting. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered into the man’s house: [13] And he shewed us how he had seen an angel in his house, which stood and said unto him, Send men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter; [14] Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved. [15] And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning. [16] Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost. [17] Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God? [18] When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.

The religious crowd wants no part of anyone who goes against the “rules” of their religion. It was hard for Peter to come out of that mindset. But at the Spirit’s leading he did. Glory! Because of those who did, this Gentile gal could hear the gospel. And that is truthfully what this world seeks to control. Through people in power being used by the demonic forces of this world, they are controlling who can get the gospel. They’d prefer nobody get it. But at least for now they can control the number. Bit by bit they take away our liberties. 

That’s certainly not a cheerful message is it. The cheerful message is this, we will over come! But until we do, don’t be dumb. Know what this world is up to. 

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism

Don’t Drive Your Stakes Too Deep

Ministry Friends – Patricia & Butch Dunnick

In a two story house, on small street in Windom, Minnesota, I met Butch and Pat Dunnick. They’d opened their home for me to stay in while I spoke in their city. Two small in stature people with hearts the size of Minnesota. They had dedicated their home and their lives to the service of Christ. Their story wasn’t one of living in perfection, but in my eyes they were everything I seen in the story of Priscilla and Aquila who ministered with Paul.

I’ve been fortunate to meet people in my life that impact me in such a way, when I hear their name, I have utter jubilation in my soul. Butch and Pat are two of the many. Windom, Minnesota has some great memories for me, and I wish I could pack up all those people and bring them to West Virginia with me, but that’s not how it works. But I miss them. For some reason, at 3 a.m., the day after Thanksgiving, I’m homesick for Windom. It began when I read a post of Pat’s where she shared the story of a child they had taken into their home. 

 Charlie had been a neighbor who they’d heard playing ball in his apartment. Not realizing he was alone, and waiting for a drunken mother to return home. Until one night his mom didn’t return home, she died in a car accident and he became a foster child of Butch and Pat. Charlie had secretly wanted to be a part of their family. He wanted to belong in a stable house where people loved him. He also became a part of the family of God through their influence. That’s the most important family of all! And it’s what makes Minnesota so special.

In just a short, ever so quickly passed week, I became apart of the Dunnick family through our shared Father, the Lord Jesus Christ. I belonged. Not that I haven’t always been blessed with belonging, which is why Pat’s story stirred my soul so much this morning. Not everyone does belong. There’s a world out there filled with loneliness, and praise God for missionaries like Butch and Pat who open up their home and hearts to the Charlie’s and Shari’s of this world.

They were People of Trade

Acts 18:1-3 KJV

[1] After these things Paul departed from Athens, and came to Corinth; [2] And found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, lately come from Italy, with his wife Priscilla; (because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome:) and came unto them. [3] And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought: for by their occupation they were tentmakers.

God used the tent making to not only provide funding for the ministry, but likely to house it as well. Tent makers by trade, I can’t help but think they were the originators of the first “Old Fashioned” Tent meetings. I could imagine many a sermon coming from the illustration of those tents not being a permanent dwelling, nor are we to consider this world a permanent place, it’s anything but! We are just a passing through going to a far better land. 

But far too many of us have set our tent stakes in concrete. Not willing to push ourselves out of the comfort zone we’re in to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. God actually had to trick me to get me out of the religion I was in, and into a place of service. The number one question for any child of God should be “Are we traveling toward Heaven, or just hanging out at the station?” If you’re not moving, find another train. 

Those tents were not only a temporary dwelling, they didn’t have a denomination associated with it either! While I’m a Baptist, by doctrine, I’m not fool enough to believe Jesus was a Baptist. There is but one church in Heaven and that is God’s church. Those who believe on the finished work of the cross of Jesus Christ for their salvation. In Christ alone. No other way. 

They were Ready to Persuade

[4] And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.

Paul, Priscilla and Aquila knew what they believed and were standing firm on that foundation in a place where their opinion wasn’t always welcome. If it were easy to persuade the world of their need for salvation there likely wouldn’t be such passion in the pulpits of soul winning churches, nor would there be such great opposition. Living your life in Christ is not a comfort zone, it’s a war zone.

My salvation was so far from anything I had ever experienced in the religious world, I knew I wanted to share it with everyone I met. Dead religion sucks the life out of you, but faith in Christ restores the soul!!! It pours Living Water into your life and causes you to overflow. When Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus it was anything but religion. He knew religion… far better than I.  Paul was a good man, and there’s still plenty of good men in dead churches today. But when a soul is lit on fire for Christ, they become persuaders! 

Being brought up in religion will do one of three things: It will either squelch your spirit till you are of none effect, cause you to leave church completely, or, once you’ve discovered the difference between religion and relationship with Christ, you’ll become a persuader. Paul, along with Aquila and Priscilla were persuaders. I know a persuader. I am one, and I’ve had the privilege of meeting many, such as the Dunnicks!

They were Eternally Unswayed

Acts 18:5-6 KJVS

[5] And when Silas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia, Paul was pressed in the spirit, and testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ. [6] And when they opposed themselves, and blasphemed, he shook his raiment, and said unto them, Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean: from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles.

Paul was called out to serve the Gentiles. The Jews were rejecting his message and so it was that Paul knocked the dust off his feet and headed in a new direction.

When I met the Dunnicks, I was headed in a new direction with an old story. They encouraged my plight, with their deep passion for the things of the Lord. Like Priscilla and Aquila persuaded a Jew name Apollos, it’s my prayer that I, like my friends and biblical predecessors, am a persuader and I’m unswayed when this world comes against me. 

Acts 18:24-28 KJVS

[24] And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus. [25] This man was instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John. [26] And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly. [27] And when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him: who, when he was come, helped them much which had believed through grace: [28] For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publicly, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ.

Let it be so!!! That we are convincing this world on it’s way out that Jesus is Christ is the way, the truth and the life! Apollos was helped out doctrinally by Priscilla and Aquila. We need to know the word, stand on the word and share the word. Glorrraaaaay!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism

That Ain’t None of My Business

It’s not spoken aloud, but I can almost guarantee it’s spoken in the minds of the church majority. Those who read the book of Romans, comment of its worthiness in church leadership and direction of salvation and then ignore the fact that it’s more than a book to be commented on, it’s a book to be lived. 

In its final chapter, I found solace in Paul’s words. I struggle for many reasons, but one of the greater reasons I struggle is from feelings of unworthiness. I’m sure I’m not alone. That’s why I thought perhaps this was a good word for today. Satan knows he has my number when it comes to pointing out my flaws. Add to that, the fact that I’m a “woman in the ministry” and not all agree that women should be; my feelings of inadequacy are at the forefront of most days. Let me preface this by saying there are few in my circle who have made me feel that way. I’ve always been embraced as a woman of God. I make no proclamations of being a preacher. I’m a servant of God, used of God to further the gospel through various forms of media and speaking. I basically just like to talk. And when I discovered the wonders of Jesus, I had plenty to say! 

As Paul closes out his letter to the Romans, he runs down a list of people that have blessed his britches!  And the first one happens to be a woman. For that day and age, that was amazing! She was obviously quite the servant of God to have garnered the great Apostle Paul’s attention and mention. 

Romans 16:1-2 KJVS

[1] I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea: [2] That ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also.

During Paul’s day, I highly doubt there was any “sittin’ saints in the sanctuary” just taking up space. To be apart of the church in that day, your literal neck was on the line. But not so much today. You can sit and soak it up and do absolutely nothing to contribute and not feel the least bit bad about it. True story, right? The 90% can watch the 10% do all the work of the church and say “That ain’t none of my business.”

Well, Phebe made it her business. She was the deliverer of this letter to church in Rome. I can imagine that Satan either was clueless to the power of this letter, or God had His hand of protection upon Phebe as she traveled. Probably both. But Phebe served the church in such a manner that Paul asked them to not only receive her into their body of believers but to help her out with whatsoever she asked. She had been a “soccourer” of many and Paul was included. 

To succor someone is to help them out in times of hardship and distress. Phebe stepped up and stepped out when someone needed help. Would to God I would be that person always.

While most people don’t consider themselves to be in the ministry, that’s not the case. If you’re a child of God you are “in” the ministry by proxy. You are Christ’s representative on earth and are to do His work. For that you will stand accountable. Paul may have used a gal like Phebe in this letter to prove that there is none without purpose and position and most of all none with an excuse. If Phebe, a single woman, can be used by God to deliver the gospel, care for the “business” of the church in a day when women were seen as possessions not persons of value in the world, the church would take note. 

Paul was one who had lived out his faith in such a way it wasn’t up for debate as to whether or not he was God’s man. I want to live my life in such a way. I don’t ever want to say “That’s none of my business” when it comes to serving God. 

What about you? Do you have feelings of inadequacy? Just like in the days of Phebe, this is not the time to be a timid church mouse. It’s time to step up and into the role that God positioned you for. The key word is “God.” He does the positioning. He provides the purpose. He’s always placed me in the front row of the church, both figuratively and spiritually. I’m not above any other person in the congregation, but my outspokenness and willingness to serve allows me to have “business” in the church. You are a part of my business. I love you and I want to serve you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray I’ve done that today with this word.  

Posted in Bible Journaling, Praise, Purpose, Word of God, worship

Judas and the Proverbial Straw

The story of Judas is one of the most, if not the most tragic of stories in the Bible. A man who was given the opportunity to walk with God, as had not been done since Adam and Eve. He, and others of that day, witnessed miracles first hand. And yet the Bible says we are more blessed:

John 20:29 KJVS

[29] Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

I’m not sure of what it was that caused Judas to betray God, but I know the final straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back: Greed.

Matthew 26:6-16 KJVS

[6] Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, [7] There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat. [8] But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste? [9] For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor. [10] When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me. [11] For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always. [12] For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial. [13] Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her. [14] Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests, [15] And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. [16] And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him.

As we’re going into the Christmas holiday, I have a difficult time coping with myself. I feel my o inner brat rising to the surface. The one who loves stuff! Stuff for me, stuff for my hubs, kids and grandkids. Decorating stuff, etc., etc., etc. I love all things Christmas. This morning on the 20th day of November, a week before Thanksgiving, I’m sitting in my bedroom with a small decorated tree, snowflakes on my curtains and a few gifts ready to wrap. And then there is the world outside my snowflake adorned windows that has people starving, and I want to keep my life in prospective and focus of God’s design and purpose. That is why the story of the Alabaster box caught my attention this morning. 

When Judas seen the woman break the Alabaster box, he, as well as the other disciples were shocked. That box of ointment was the equivalency of a years salary. I’ve read that it could be valued today from 20,000 to 50,000 dollars. There is no doubt in my mind that it garnered some attention. It would in our world today! But for Judas it was more than just shock and awe. It was greed and gall. He didn’t even want the money for the ministry, he wanted it for himself. And at that point he traded hope for the almighty dollar. 

Greed comes in many forms and degrees today. It does more division than an 8th grade math class. It divides homes, churches and businesses now using tools like this software to make fake pay stubs. And takes a terrible tole on the spirit of man. One might wonder how the woman with the alabaster box over came it. 

She overcame it by owning it. 

She Owned the Box

She literally owned the box of spikenard ointment. If anyone had known they’d have probably knocked her in the head and took it. But it obviously wasn’t something she flaunted. She would have kept it close. I’m sure there was a sense of security in having something so valuable. Until she discovered the Lord. That’s when

She Owned the Bad

She knew the life she had lead had been what gave her the ability to have something so valuable. But having met God she realized that what He offered was far more valuable than the box and it’s contents. It meant she could own up to what she had done, and then live as if it had never happened. Glory to God, doesn’t forgiveness feel wonderful. 

She Owned the Blessing

Acts 20:35 KJVS

[35] I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

If Judas had truly intended to give the money to those who needed it, she might not have broken the box and poured out it’s content. Perhaps they would have used the money from the sale of the spikenard. But God sees through the greed of man. He knows the intents of the heart without causing us to prove it to the rest of the world. And so that day the spikenard poured upon the Lord and the aroma would have been amazing! Wafting all the way to Heaven. Just as does the gift that are now passed on the Lord with a right heart. 

What are you and I “owning” today. It’s the season of giving; are we giving away that which we own. And are we owning that which we fail at? I’ve got my share of owning up to do. We have to be very careful about the power of greed and all other evil spirits. Judas kept tempting himself until greed took hold and he missed out on an eternity of bliss for a few days of wealth. God helps us not to lose sight of the season. Let us have the heart of Mary. 

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity

What to Deny and What to Desire

We live in a society that has begun to accept hypocrisy as the social norm. Whether it’s in the secular world, the government or the church, hypocrisy is just a fact of life and few, if any, are held to a an accountability. If anyone understands the damage of hypocrisy, it was the Apostle Peter. In Matthew 26:31-35 we have a conversation between Christ and His disciples at which time Peter proclaims his loyalty to the Savior and the fact that he will never deny Him. He’s feeling very confident in his role as disciple of Christ, as do the rest of the disciples!

Matthew 26:31-35 KJVS

[31] Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad. [32] But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee. [33] Peter answered and said unto him, Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended.

Who hasn’t had days of confidence? I certainly have. I’ve also had days of utter failure as Peter was foretold to have by Christ in the scripture that follows:

 [34] Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. [35] Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. Likewise also said all the disciples.

It’s irony for me that Jesus used a chicken as a reminder of Peter’s failure. It was however a boy chicken (aka rooster) and I’m the Jesus Chick. So there’s that. But none the less, there’s no excuse for hypocrisy. Is it forgiven? Of course! All sins are under the blood of Christ for a child of God. But we still have to stand on the side of Christ and His Holiness as being the standard for what’s expected, even though human nature causes us all to fall short. 

So in light of that, I’m looking at our current world and the hypocrisy explosion and wondering where the church is?

1 Peter 2:1-4 KJV

[1] Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, [2] As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: [3] If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. [4] To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,

Just this morning I heard a conservative news agency reporting on the closely followed Senate race in Georgia. The were reporting on the hypocrisy of one of the Senate candidates, Raphael Gamaliel Warnock, who is the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. A pastor, great right? No. Not at all. In addition to being a pastor he’s pro abortion, Marxist and has made politics the topic of conversation in his church for the purpose of turning our nation against itself, not the salvation of souls. I’m glad there are news agencies that are willing to call hypocrisy out. But what about the local churches? 

I don’t want any church body focusing on politics. But when the Bible speaks of the church, it doesn’t speak of a building full of people. It speaks of the body of Christ which includes all who accept Jesus as Lord and the only way to Heaven. If you’re one, this message from Peter, with commentary by me, is for you! 

Lay it Aside! 

Malice – Intention to do evil.

Guile – Underhandedness, deception, scheming. 

Hypocrisy – proclaiming moral standards but failing to have behavior conforming to it. 

Envy – resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions.

Evil Speaking – profoundly immoral talk

Welcome to the vocabulary list of 2020.

We have a self proclaimed President Elect (Biden) and his son who have been involved with possible treason, and yet we’re not even looking at his malice. We have an election with known fraud, and yet the winning party is angry that there are people upset with their conspiracy and guile. Elected officials are mandating us to mask up (even though 70% of the people who contracted Covid-19 were mask wearers), they’re dictating how many people we can have in our home, controlling where and when we can go (especially church) and then going against those very orders themselves with the justification that their title and position allows it in great hypocrisy.  The list of envying and evil speaking people is too great to list. 

Peter said to lay it aside. It is the churches responsibility to step around this tribe of ne’er do wells and move forward in the name of the Lord. And when His name is attached to us, so is the expectation of His moral compass, not ours. Our compass is too apt to go off course. There is no justification of any of the aforementioned things. Regardless of what box you checked on your ballot, or what church you go to. We will all stand before God giving account to what we’ve done in His name.

Moving forward isn’t just going on with our lives and pretending it doesn’t affect us. It has affected us! We’re not going to church! Well… not all of us. 

Eat it Up!

Peter tells us to desire the word of God like babies desire milk that we may grow. If a baby is not being fed, they’re screaming their head off. The church has just sat back and shut their mouths, saying nothing. Never mind that the statistics prove the risk is low. I’m not saying don’t use common sense and avoid sharing the virus, but all of that can be done without closing our schools and churches. 

Why will we not accept the word of God as fact, but will accept anything the state says as rule of law? When it’s not law. Laws take a congressional decision. To my knowledge, none of these “mandates” have been made by congress, but rather by governors and other leaders that have suddenly turned into envying and evil speaking dictators who envy a President who’s not. 

I know, I’m showing my red colors in the political realm. I make no apologies. Because the blue people don’t believe in apologies. According to them they do no wrong. 

Know Your Value

The world did it then, and they’re doing it today… rejecting Christ as Lord. Both the political and the religious denied who He was. But that changed nothing!  And as children of God we need to understand our value. I was so tickled last night in the teen class at Victory Baptist Church as the kids told me that they were excited that they would be featured in the history books of the future. What a great attitude! It’s the same type attitude that Peter ended up having after he had a “come to Jesus” moment in his life. He was no longer living in fear as he was the night that Christ was arrested. He himself was arrested many times, and yet in his ministry he healed people, he encouraged people and he led thousands to Christ! He was also martyred, hung upside down on a Cross. But he’s now with God forever and he assuredly is in the history books!

I’m glad the teens know how precious they are in God’s sight and how important they are to the story. Do you?

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church attendance, Evangelism

Cancel Culture, Curmudgeons and the Cross

So let me just preface today’s post by offering up a few statistics in America. 

The CDC says that if your are of the age of 0-70 you have a 99% survival rate if you contract the Covid. If you are over 70 the survival rate is nearly 95 percent. That being said, I realize (as an “at risk” person) that statistics are not just numbers, they’re real people with real families. I too have a real family that I wouldn’t want to receive a Covid diagnosis. But with that being said, I have real family that’s headed to Hell and I’m not blind or dumb. (No comments on the latter please)

According to a survey by the “Pew Report”, among adults who go to church regularly; 55% said their congregations place of worship is open with modifications, 21% said it is closed and 6% said it is open as normal prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. 45% of those surveyed said their house of worship required social distancing, 36% restricted attendance, 35% required masks, and 20% restricted singing. Online services are available through many churches for those fortunate to have the internet, but the percentage of elderly not being ministered to at all would be high if I were guessing. Meaning, don’t take my word for it, but I’ll bet I’m right. 

In looking through a list of business closures, a few states still have restrictions for businesses but most states have nothing formally in place, leaving it up to the common sense of their people. West Virginia is, of course, under a mask mandate. Please don’t get me started on a piece of paper preventing disease. You can disagree with me, it’s okay. 

Let’s face it, we’re all drastically effected by the virus and I believe that most of us are doing the best we can under the circumstances. But then there’s those doggone statistics at the beginning of this post. Only 1-5 percent of the relatively healthy population are at risk, and yet we’ve shut down our nation. Put schools and businesses out of business, closed nearly half of the churches in America. Something we’ve never done for the flu, and yet the flu does it’s share of damage to the American health every year. 

There’s a real virus, but that’s not what’s killing America. 


2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 KJVS

[1] Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, [2] That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. [3] Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; [4] Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

It is unfortunate that I see many in the church being shaken. This post is not to discourage those at risk, who have opted to stay home because of the virus. But rather to encourage you and let you know that you are loved and prayed for. And I have a feeling that you would agree that your absence from the church has greatly affected you spiritually. We need that fellowship. That fellowship encourages us that we are not alone. It affords us the opportunity to physically feel the arms of Christ around us through His people. While cyber church is better than no church, it’s still not the same as in person church. The cancellation of fellowship is killing church attendance in a way that I fear will be permanent with many if we don’t get a handle on what we need to fear for the day of Christ is surely at hand. Is there not a falling away. Oh my stars. Is there ever!!! and it is so readily acceptable. This is just the way it is and there’s nothing we can do about it… ummm, I’m not so sure. And I’m going out kicking and screaming regardless. I’m tired of Satan messing with my people. He longs to be worshipped and if he cannot he desires to take away the worship of God. Hello COVID-19.


A curmudgeon is a bad tempered person, especially an old one. (i.e. ~ Pelosi, Schumer, etc) but old cranky people aren’t the only ones. Anyone who is ill tempered toward the people and purpose of God is a threat to America. 

Daniel 5:23 KJVS

[23] But hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven; and they have brought the vessels of his house before thee, and thou, and thy lords, thy wives, and thy concubines, have drunk wine in them; and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know: and the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified:

Every religion in this country is accepted and respected with the exception of Christianity. Why do you think that is? It has not changed since the days of Daniel. Nor has the price. God will not be mocked by anyone, and especially a generation that grew up in the America where God was reverenced and feared. 

I have once again been blocked from singing at the nursing home. Believe me, I understand it and believe it is necessary for their safety. But it saddens my heart, for these are not the curmudgeons. They long to be with the people of God, and hear Him praised and sing His songs. It’s why when Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York demanded that nursing homes expose their residents to COVID-19, it made me so angry. His arrogance at causing 6500 deaths, and yet making money from a book of how he rescued his State, makes me want to puke. All the while America stands by and very few call him out. I think I’ll order the coffee cup from It won’t fix the stupidity, but it will be a reminder for me to pray about it. 


1 Corinthians 1:17-18 KJVS

[17] For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

[18] For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

The only thing that’s going to save our Nation is the blood of Jesus Christ. There will be no political or worldly salvation, and Satan knows it. It’s why he is fueling the fires of anyone who comes against the church. He knows his time of evil is limited and this is a last ditch effort to take as many souls to Hell with him as he can. And liberal America has bought it hook, line and sinker. The justification of unchurching our Nation is pathetic. 

Paul knew what I know through wonderful teaching by mentors in my life. My words will not save anyone, but the word of God, that includes the cross, will save the world. Hallelujah! As long as we are on this earth, and Christ has yet to return, there is hope. But the reality is, He’s coming back and you, nor I, nor anyone is guaranteed one more breath. If you have not made a confession that Christ is Lord of all, that He died on the cross for the sins of all, and that He is now the Mediator and Intercessor for all, you need to take care of it now! If you know people who are lost (and we all do). Share Christ and the cross now! 

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Heaven, Life's Failures

A little encouragement for other humans

I wonder daily at what point God will tell Gabriel, “Gabe, That guy just got on my last nerve, go get your horn.” I think like that because I’m human, God quite obviously doesn’t think like or there is no way we’d have made it through the 2020 election. Praise God for grace and mercy! But surely it can’t be long. Again…. I’m human. It could be another 1000 years. But I’m doubting it. 

Today I want to be like my brother in Christ, Apostle Paul. I want to encourage the body of Christ to live bold and be loud for the cause! It’s our time. In Philippians 1, Paul is writing from Prison, and he longs to hear some news about what’s happening in the church. So do I! I love hearing the stories of souls being saved, of the Spirit riding high in a service, of an awesome job by a Preacher. Those stories stir the soul of a child of God and let us know that this is a worthy effort!  Not that we don’t always think it’s a worthy effort, but sometimes life get’s discouraging when we see the opposition. 

Let me Hear!

Philippians 1:27-30 KJVS

[27] Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; 

Paul wanted to hear the good news of the good news. He wanted to know that the church was continuing on and working together in one Spirit. He knew there would be opposition against them, after all, he was writing from jail. Many of them would share the same fate for their boldness. While I’m not in literal jail, sometimes I feel like I’m in spiritual jail. There is certainly a threat of Facebook jail, but that pales in comparison to the jails of a biblical sort. And yet here we are in a time with the world doesn’t know it needs our message, and our sources of spreading it are getting harder to deal with because they’re limiting our reach. While Paul fought a spiritual war with soldiers, we’re fighting a spiritual war with cyber thugs, who can turn into real thugs. It’s why I long to hear the stories of success in your churches. 

If you’re so inclined message them to me! I’d love to share in the experience. Tell me the good news of your church.

Never Fear!

[28] And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God. [29] For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake; [30] Having the same conflict which ye saw in me, and now hear to be in me.

Paul was proud of the fact that they were bold and fearless in their work for Christ. I’m proud of you! I read your social media posts, I listen to online sermons, I see the work of folks like my friend Dewey Moede of and folks like Glenn Beck on  BlazeTV getting the news out from a biblical worldview. We need to share those resources! Can you imagine if Paul had had those?! During this month of gratitude we need to be grateful for the gifts we’ve been given to share the gospel and encourage one another as often as we can.

Heavens Near!

I certainly don’t have a projected date, but I have a gut feeling. We are in the same conflict that Paul was in. We face the same threats. Our religious freedom is very much under attack. It’s why the election was so darn crooked. Share your faith while you still can! When it gets to the point where we cannot, that’s when Gabe’s gonna blow that horn. But until then, Preach on child of God! Get a handful of gospel tracts and spread the good news. Find a good sermon and share it online, call a saint of God who’s stuck inside and encourage them with a good word. Nothing will go unnoticed by God. 

Posted in Christian Service

These are the days of our lives

As the world turns, these are the days of our lives. That’s what was running through my head this morning. I can remember sitting in the floor playing with toys in our mobile home in Duck Creek, West Virginia as a youngin’ of the age of 5 or 6, and hearing that show open up and watching my Mother fold the laundry as she watched. It was probably the only frivolous thing I ever watched my Mother do. It’s kind of how I feel now when I watch the news post election. What’s the point right? 

But the other day when I had the epiphany that I was too world focused and not Heaven focused, my news watching became more of an “as the world turns” experience. I began to watch and listen as one that was watching a plot play out on a soap. With the espionage, theft and threatenings it could no doubt be a crime drama as well. The primary characters of this day and nighttime drama are oblivious to the roles they’re playing to usher us into eternity. These really are the days of our lives! 

I’m always clear to say that I’m not a Bible Scholar, but I have the Holy Spirit within me Who can and does instruct me in the word of God, and I have a wealth of information at my fingertips that I must be careful with accessing because contrary to popular belief, everything on the internet is not true! I know, Shocker! Right?

Bible prophecy from the book of Daniel says that in the last days there will be four powerful kings rise up in the world. 

Daniel 7:17 KJVS

These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth.

According to John Hagee in his book “Earth’s Last Empire,” those four kings will be:

The king of the North, Russia

The king of the South is Egypt and Arab Islamic forces

The king of the East is China

The king of the West is America and the United Kingdom

Those four kings are going to have one primary purpose on their agendas, the attack and demise of Israel. Which won’t happen, but they think it will. They also want to become global dictators taking our civil liberties. They’ve been working on that and have been pretty successful.  All of this will because they desire to control Jerusalem and prepare for the false Messiah. I love Bible prophecy, especially since I’m on the winning side! But it doesn’t stop me from being concerned for those who are not on the winning side, I’m very scared for them when I watch the news and see scripture playing out, just as God said it would. 

Right now across the world Jews are being targeted and Anti-Semitism is very much a thing in the United States. If you read the book of Revelation you witness it as John pulls back a curtain 2000 years ago and looks into our days. How weird is that thought?  While I don’t profess to understand all the prophecy of that book, I know enough to be dangerous. The God of all the Universe has promised to take care of us throughout eternity in a land where evil has been defeated. Our Savior is beside His Father in Heaven and they will be victorious! But in the mean time we are here. I long for the innocence of my youth in my Ozzie and Harriet world. But we must go forward. 

So in looking at those kings listed above we see the actors one by one that need our attention in the matter of prayer. If Jesus tarries His coming, these players in the days of our lives are going to have their focus set on destroying our nation and they’re not going to have to set one foot on American soil to do it. They’ve got understudies all across our nation and most of them in high government positions. So as children of God, what can we do?

We can certainly pray, and don’t take that lightly! It’s powerful. Daniel prayed three times a day and even under the attack of 🦁 lions, he was unharmed. The three Hebrew boys went into the fire believing their God would deliver and He did! God has broken jail bars and broken chains on a crazy man in cemetery. Don’t ever under estimate in the power of our Lord. I personally don’t think He’s done working through us, else He’d have already called us home. Maybe He’s just waiting for His children to stand up in faith when the attacks come.

I’ll continue to watch the days of our lives play out on Blaze TV and continue to read the word of God, because I don’t want to be caught off guard, and I love being in the know. I hope you feel encouraged today, even though the news is not always good. But our God is always good!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Uncategorized

God’s will is easy…’til it’s not

If I ask you “is anything too hard for God?” There would no doubt be a resounding yes!!!! Provided you are a child of God. But what if I ask you “Is anything too hard for God to do through you?” That certainly changes the context of the question and if you’re like me would result in possibly silence. I certainly believe that God can do anything, but if you throw me into the mix, that might even mess up God’s plan. 

Praying God’s “will be done” is easy, until it comes to letting it play through; and then sometimes it’s not easy at all. It can come with some very serious costs to us on this side of eternity. I think often about following God’s will. Am I in it, did I mess it up sometimes by allowing my will to overpower what He wanted? After all God allows free will for us. 

There are certain interferences in the will of God. 

Pride is an Interference in the will of God

I detest prideful, arrogant people. Myself included. Pride can yield it’s ugly head in a multitude of ways. When God lays something on our hearts and we refuse, that’s pride. We’re allowing our self will to tell God we’re going another way. Imagine if from day one of life, we only went God’s way. Our spiritual success would be such that even if we were absolutely broken we’d be experiencing such a peace in life, we’d not care about the physical conditions we were in. Like Job, we’d know it is well with our soul. Most of the angst in the life of a child of God who’s trying to live for God is in our failures and lack of faith. And many of those failures are prideful failures. Our way, over God’s way.

Doubt always has a way of creeping in. At least in my life. Even if I’m “pretty sure” I’m in God’s will. I’ve recently doubted so many of my life’s choices. I do not always see the fruits of my labor and sometimes my labor seems downright scant. I always feel I could have done more. If it’s not pride getting in my way it’s another PR word. 

Preparedness is an interference in the will of God

Am I truly prepared for the day and what I’m going to face. If a question pops up or someone needs advice, am I spiritually prepared to fulfill the will of God to lead that person or answer that question? Good question. It’s another way doubt enters in and it’s because I’m not always studied up and prepared for the day. I allow “things,” even sometimes good things, to get in my way of studying God’s word. We have the Bible, those who wrote the Bible or lived during those times did not. They were the forerunners of what we’re living and the reason we have a guidebook.

In the coming days we don’t know what we’ll face. Are we prepared? Do you know the end of the book? I’m not talking a bout understanding all the prophetic words of Revelation. But what about what Apostle Paul taught clearly about end times. Are we prepared for it and can we share that wisdom and our experience with that wisdom with someone who is living in fear of the end time events?

Hebrews 11:7 KJV

[7] By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

Noah’s faith was amazing! But he still made mistakes. He got drunk and exposed himself to his kids. That’s not cool. And not only did he do that, God put it in the Bible so we’d all know it. How embarrassing! That’s far worse than a social media post. If this earth continues, I doubt anyone will be talking about me in a 1000 years. But Noah, it’s been thousands of years and we’re still telling his tale. But the point of his life is, because he listened to God he saved his family and God’s creation. 

Do we have the kind of willingness to step out in something so bold? This is why Paul (or the writer of Hebrews) brought up Moses, and Abraham who also followed God’s will but lied along the way. And Sarah, who laughed when God said He would give her a child, and because of her unwillingness to wait, we have the story of Ishmael, and the mess his people have created. Sometimes our refusal to submit to the will of God comes with a great Price. 

Price is an interference in the will fo God

It costs us to stay in the will of God. It costs us free time to study God’s word, it might cost us friendships. It costs commitment to go to church and be a part of the body in leadership ways. This is a price that much of the world is not willing to pay.  Parents want obedient children, but they’re not willing to take them to God’s house where they can be taught why we obey. People want respect on the job, but rather than standing strong in the word of God, they allow the world to interfere with their mind and expose themselves to language and other evil things, and then no one respects them. Being a child of God cost Jesus His life, is it any surprise that it should cost us something to carry His name? And truthfully He is still paying the price, because those failures are what He died for. And our unwillingness to acknowledge that causes us to be unproductive. 

So my final question is this: 

How productive are you in the will of God?

We all fail, just like all of the heroes of the faith. But will we be productive in the work of the Kingdom today? Have you prayed and ask God what His will for your “day” is. Not your life, not such a broad scope, just your day. You’re about to embark on a day filled with possibilities and people. Have you swallowed any pride? Are you prepared? Will you pay the price to produce a work for the kingdom that will not burn up in the 🔥 fire?

Let’s do it!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Uncategorized

The First Mask Mandate

In seeking some comedic relief for my own sanity this morning in light of living in a nation of treasonistic (I know that’s not a word, but it should be) democratic leaders, my my wandered to wondering. I wondered about where the first mask mandate was in the Bible. I know… that’s odd thinking, but…. I’m an odd duck and I need entertainment that will keep my mind off of stupidity. But the irony of it all, is that it drew my mind right back into this weird world for which we reside. 

So here we go… 


Exodus 34:29-35 KJV

[29] And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses’ hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him. [30] And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come nigh him. [31] And Moses called unto them; and Aaron and all the rulers of the congregation returned unto him: and Moses talked with them. [32] And afterward all the children of Israel came nigh: and he gave them in commandment all that the Lord had spoken with him in mount Sinai. [33] And till Moses had done speaking with them, he put a vail on his face. [34] But when Moses went in before the Lord to speak with him, he took the vail off, until he came out. And he came out, and spake unto the children of Israel that which he was commanded. [35] And the children of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ face shone: and Moses put the vail upon his face again, until he went in to speak with him.


Moses, the leader of the people, who had stepped out in faith so many times, who had been mocked and murmured about… wait a minute…. you mean even that far back in history, God’s people mocked leadership? Yep. But this day they were not mocking him, because this day he stood with the shekinah glory of God upon him that caused his face to glow and they were afraid! They wouldn’t even come near Moses until other leadership stepped up and proved that he wasn’t an alien or something. And then, because of the glow from his face he had to cover it up before the people would listen. 

There’s something about the glory of God that makes people very uncomfortable. I used the phrase “fear of faith” because it’s an evident fear of the Holiness of God. It’s why a person who judges the world by biblical standards doesn’t have too many close friends and are often mocked for being “holier than thou”; when in fact that’s not the case, but rather they know themselves to be every bit as unworthy as anyone else. People can’t handle holy. 

The world has a fear of faith when it comes to Christianity. Like Moses, a child of God should not fear nearing the Lord. But in drawing close and allowing the light of God to illuminate the sin in our lives, our relationship with God becomes closer. There is no need for a mask, God knows the true you and loves us any way. But when Moses descended from the the mount he was descending with the law, and it for sure called them out of how they’d been living. I’m really surprised that they made him wear the mask and not themselves. It was they who didn’t want to see the holiness of God. 

Neither does America. Right now in America we have people giving us evidence that treason occurred in multiple states, in multiple ways and our election was anything but fair. And those who hate our current administration would rather allow treason than admit wrong doing by their party. 

This was the second time Moses had had to bring them the commandments. He’d destroyed the first set because God’s children had fallen into idol worship and drug leadership down with them before Moses made it to the top of the mountain the first time. When he returned he discovered they’d made a golden cow to worship because, obviously that could save them in days of trouble. Good grief, I guess we’ve always been idiots. For certain if you can create something it doesn’t have any power. When God creates something He speaks it and it “is.” Glory! That’s power. And the world is afraid of anything they can’t do. 

So Moses masks up so not to intimidate the people with the glory of God. 

We need some leadership who are willing to let God’s glory shine until the people adjust. It’s been a long time since there has been in holiness in our nation. We’ve allowed evil to overcome and be justified. I’m always shocked that Aaron cowered to the people and made the calf. He was so close to Moses. He had seen all that God had done and yet without Moses by his side he fell hard and fast. Just like America. While politics have been corrupt for quite a while, there seemed to be a some checks and balances in the mix that kept us out of completely vile behavior. But not now. But then again, Aaron and Miriam murmured against their brother Moses. Humanity is fickle.

It’s no wonder the Lone Ranger and all the other heroes of the day wore masks. This world doesn’t like the truth in any shape or form. 

I am an anti mask gal. I haven’t worn them much in this mandated era. I don’t for two seconds think they do us any good. And if you listen to right medical people, they’ll tell you the same. But when it comes to spiritual masks, I’m not about to wear one. You can see my flaw, they’re an evident fact. But you can also see my God and His glory and I will not cover it up! 

It’s my prayer that He uncovers the deception of this country and that the wicked are dealt with and justice is served. If He chooses to allow it to continue, I continue to wait for Gabriel’s horn. I’m pretty sure Gabriel’s not wearing a mask either… how else could he blow the horn?

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Youth

The Day Religion played Politics

Last night was our Wednesday Night Bible Study at Victory Baptist Church and I dashed in the door at the last minute. I had come home from work earlier and sat down “for a minute” in the recliner before church. That minute somehow turned into an hour and I was almost late after a much needed nap from staying up with the election results. Well, I guess results isn’t a good word. 

My heart was a little broken. I felt like our country had betrayed our President and his job well done wasn’t appreciated. But my lesson for the night was on lying. And how not to believe a lie. I feel such an obligation to help my teens with life. I love listening to their little adult minds share their daily struggles and taking those angsts and making them into a lesson. Sometimes I’m the teacher, sometimes I’m the student. 

Last night they shared with me how they felt as they watched America determine their future without regard. Such maturity! 

We spoke about living in a society where the truth is not regarded of high importance. How it takes a toll on us personally and even Christians pay little attention to the ethical behavior of people. It’s just a part of life. But that is far from God’s reaction!

The first recorded lie in the Bible was in Genesis 3:1

Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Imagine that day for God. He watched as the beings He had created betrayed Him. Satan, who at that time was called Lucifer, was created to be one of the most beautiful of God’s angelic host. That beauty had caused him to elevate himself (in his own mind) to desiring the role of God. And the desire turned in to the act of betrayal and the fall of man. I can’t imagine the level of broken-hearted ness the Lord experienced that day. I realize He’s all knowing, it didn’t catch Him off guard, but that would not have stopped the God of such compassion from feeling the slap across His face that Satan had yielded and Adam and Eve had fallen for. And so it began, the wickedness of men that over time certainly hasn’t gotten any better. 

But there came a day, Glory to God! When redemption of the world occurred in another act of betrayal, forgiveness and restitution for every sin, past, present and future. In the most dramatic turn of events man has ever known. I wasn’t there, I really don’t have too much of a concept on the power of the situation. My mind cannot comprehend the level of intensity of that day. But I’m grateful none the less, and I’m grateful for this message. I needed it. Maybe you do too in light of our current days of uncertainty. 

As I went in to election night, I had a sense of calm. I knew that God had it in control, and that regardless of the outcome, I was okay. That’s a nice religious statement isn’t it? It was true, but as the night progressed my sense of calm waned. Until I finally went to bed in frustration. I couldn’t shake the feeling of deception across America. The “magic votes” that just “appeared” in other States and the arrogance of the leftist who loved to mock President Trumps reactions to their wickedness. 

I was unsettled. But still believing God’s providence over the situation. I have to. My trust in Him is the only thing that keeps me sane. 

Hebrews 6:17-20 KJV

[17] Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath: [18] That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: 

The world will lie. God will not. He is willing more abundantly; meaning He wants to heap upon us, his children, the counsel through the Spirit and He promises it. It’s one thing that makes us far more advantaged in this world with regards to what’s been happening. The confusion heaped upon us because of the circumstances of politics and the virus, the arguments and differences of opinions are what Satan is using to discourage us from listening to the Holy Spirit. He knows if he can cause enough distractions our focus likely will cause us to miss God’s guidance. And we’ll most certainly not be focused on His immutability, unchanging God! Our world may change, but our God will not.

Two things never change:

It is impossible for God to lie the strong consolation (comfort) we have in that fact. Being able to trust someone without question brings great comfort! We not only have comfort, we have hope!!!!

[19] Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; [20] Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

Trust, comfort and hope are built in a relationship, the closer we get to God, the greater will understand the working of the Spirit. 

The mention of “the veil” in verse 19 is what brought me to the thought of “the day Religion played Politics.” Imagine the arrogance and glee Satan got having thought he had defeated God. All of the conniving behind the scenes and betrayal by using the religious crowd, the political crowd and the gullibility of Judas to set that plan in action. But what none of them knew was that the very plan they had set into action was the very plan God had orchestrated from the beginning of time to redeem man and restore our relationship with Himself. Proven by the renting of the veil from top to bottom and meaning that there was nothing that stood between the Lord and His people any longer. 

And so it was as I sat trying to conceal my brokenness to the teens last night that I suddenly realized they had once again taught me by allowing God to work through their lesson and remind me that God will take care of the arrogance and pride in this world once more. And regardless of the outcome, we are one day closer to the return of Christ when we will meet Hope face to face. There will be no more hurt feelings by us or God and all will be right with the world. There will be no elections because we are the elect of God, the ones He has chosen to be His children, yes! He elected us and we ran unopposed because nobody is a match for the will and the Word of God!

That arrogant tribe of today will not likely read my blog, but that’s okay. I encouraged myself, and I pray I encouraged you!

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political

Hold on for the Good News

The Jesus Chick Art

What if this were your last free Sunday to go to Church?

That question puts Tuesday in perspective. And no, I’m not a conspiracy theorist or a right wing fanatic. I’m Shari Johnson the Jesus Chick, who loves to go into denial and 

believe that the world is not full of evil. I much prefer believing the best of everyone. That tomorrow is filled with gumdrops and flowers. But at this stage in the game, I can’t. I hope you’ll read on for a little bit of a reality check, and then keep reading on for hope! 

The Rise Against the Church

Following the North Valley Baptist Church being fined over $100,000 for refusing to close their church amid the Corona Virus, they finally caved on September 15, not being able to withstand the continued persecution. Pastor Jack Trieber said that he was “Going to let God fight this battle.”

My heart breaks for Pastors who are trying to do what’s right in a world gone so wrong. I’ll was at Victory Baptist Church Sunday morning, properly distanced from anyone but family. We’ve done the live broadcast when necessary, we encourage those of ill health to stay home, but seeing half of my congregation out for greater than 7 months is heart wrenching, because I know the tole it takes on me to miss one service. 

Because of the state of our Nation and the current political climate, I question what part of that California incident was because of the virus and what part was a test on seeing how quickly government could mandate and receive compliance for churches to close. While it certainly caused us to be creative in getting the word out to our people, we cannot deny the effect it had on those (and there are many) without access to preaching. Add to that the fact that social media has began monitoring our posts closely and controlling them to the point where, either no one sees them, or they’ll just flat out ban it and lock you in Social Media jail until you remove it. That’s not conspiracy theory rhetoric, that’s a known fact. They’ve controlled the narrative of this election to the point that if you didn’t search for the information, you didn’t see it. And if you didn’t search on a search engine besides google, the truth evaded you.

If  Biden and Harris are allowed to win on Tuesday, I fully believe what’s happening in California will make it’s way east at an alarmingly fast pace. Their voting records show it, don’t take my word for it. When the riots broke out in the west and north, there were no Democrats calling for arrests because of the lack of social distancing. But the Governor and Mayor of New York were threatening Jews for holding a funeral. Life went beyond ridiculous. 

So let’s look at it from God’s perspective by aligning the word up with the way the world is turning. 

Prior to Paul’s conversion, in Acts 8:3 it says:

As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering into every house, and hailing men and women, committed them to prison.

Within the last two weeks over $150,000 in fines have been levied against houses of worship in New York for violation of COVID-19 restrictions. Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York called the religious community “super spreaders” and that the church meetings had been a problem for weeks. They are the modern day Saul’s. So you may say, “well no ones being beaten for their religion.” 

Tell that to the Jews in New York who have been beaten. And yet it’s not been on the news.

Imagine if there had been social media in biblical days. What if Stephen’s stoning was captured on video, or the Apostles could have texted one another where the danger  ⚠️ was or who’s house the next meeting would be held.  We may not have video, but what we have is the word of God that has been preserved for thousands of years. Paul didn’t sugar coat his part in the story of being the persecutor or the persecutee. But you’ll not get that level of honesty today.

Saul’s and Paul’s are alive and well today, but their tactics have modernized.

Consider the fact that Governor Cuomo of New York has put a mandate on churches and schools in certain COVID hot spots in New York and threatened to withhold funding from those communities that don’t comply. Sounds like a Saul tactic of today.

Its not just New York, it’s Nationwide that government has taken edicts and made them laws without congress. That is very dangerous ground. Especially in light of the fact that a CDC update  says individuals are more likely to survive the coronavirus after contracting it. The health agency says if you have the virus between the ages of 0 to 70, you have a 99% survival rate. And if you’re over 70, the survival rate is nearly 95%.

And why are we locked down? Use individual caution, yes! Destroy our nation from within, no!

Acts 9:1-2 KJV

[1] And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, [2] And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.

While the examples I gave are Jewish, it is all religions that acknowledge one true Jehovah GOD that are at risk. You’ll note they’ve been no Muslim Mosques in the news.  Scripture doesn’t say that Paul went after any other type of worshipper. Just Christians.  

But for hope!

Hebrews 6:18 KJV

[18] That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:

There is no fake news in Heaven!

And in these scary days we have a strong consolation (comfort) in the Lord Jesus Christ that no man or mandate can take away. The Holy Spirit, God the Father and God the Son have us covered, come what may. It’s in the Word of God that we will find every ounce of hope needed to make a dark day into a glorious day of light! God spoke light into existence, and it took over the darkness.   Well glory to God the same holds true today. It’s not that the darkness still doesn’t exist, but when God speaks it’s gone! And the day will come when it will be gone completely, but until then our hearts can go on singing and praising the One True God, that the world has no control over. 

Unless Christ returns today, Tuesday will come and go. The election results may or may not be what we want. But our hope is not in those results anyway. Yes, It’ll be better if Trump wins, but it certainly won’t be without issue. If Biden and Harris win, be not deceived, what’s happening in New York and California will be a drop in the bucket by comparison. Better forewarned than caught off guard. Be ready!!! But never lose Hope! Never lose your “happy.” We win folks. Let’s go along for the ride until the Lord picks us up!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

The Profit and Loss of God’s People

Job 22:1-2 KJV

Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said, Can a man be profitable unto God, as he that is wise may be profitable unto himself?

I’m not a fan of Eliphaz the Temanite, after all, when our man Job was down as low as he could get, Eliphaz was one of the three not so encouraging friends who came to tell Job to get his heart right and his life would get better. Who needs a friend like that? But how many of us don’t have one. I’ll not name names. They likely don’t read my blog anyway, because I’m sure my grammar is just ghastly and upsets their psyche. But as for Eliphaz, he did have a great question. One he likely should have looked in the mirror and asked, “Am I profitable to God.”

First of all, what would God look upon as profit, He who owns the universe? 

Samuel told the people of God in 1 Samuel 12:20-21

And Samuel said unto the people, Fear not: ye have done all this wickedness: yet turn not aside from following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart; And turn ye not aside: for then should ye go after vain things, which cannot profit nor deliver; for they are vain.

That’s a good word for all of us! It is so easy to turn away from God to something that catches our eye and looks “profitable” but ends up being little more than a distraction, if not a great waster of time and money. Oh good grief, am I preaching to myself alone? It’s true. I need that “one more thing” from Amazon to make my life complete but then after that is “one more thing.” And before long I have no profit to give to God, only debt. So back to my 2nd question, What does God look upon as profit? 

Wisdom is Profitable

Ecclesiastes 7:11 KJV 

Wisdom is good with an inheritance: and by it there is profit to them that see the sun.

For me the definition of wisdom, in the “dictionary of Shari” is “intelligence wrought with insight.” Deep right? Maybe not. But what I mean by that is wisdom goes further just what we learn. It’s the application of intelligence that is profitable. Okay… maybe that should be definition 2 in the dictionary of Shari. Knowing something isn’t wisdom unless it applied properly. Someone can have the intelligence to invent something amazing, but unless they have the wisdom on how to use it for good, then it’s not wisdom. For example, Bill Gates. A man of great intelligent with regard to the computer world, but right now he’s not using that with wisdom. He’s using it for evil. He’s a “ga-jillionaire” but what is his purpose in eternity? 

While the widow, who knows nothing of cyber land, but receives a small pension from her husband, and tithes it into the collection plate at church, allowing for extra for the missionaries, is highly profitable in eternity. 


Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death.

Isaiah 48:17

Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy God which teachers thee to profit, with leaders thee by the way that thou shoudest go. 

God has not problem with His children profiting in life, but He wants that profit to have godly purpose.

The Word is Profitable

Acts 20:20-21 KJV

And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house, Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

Just going through these scriptures this morning I realize that I do not profit in the word of God nearly as much as I should. Every time I read scripture my heart overflows with blessing. Far greater than the blessing of any Amazon order arriving on the door step. Because I know that the wisdom that I am awarded for my effort, and will hopefully share with those I come into contact with will lay up for me rewards in Heaven. I’ll have those stars in my crown that are so often sung about. 

But not without using the word with godly wisdom. Studying to show myself approved and applying that wisdom to my life. Then I have gifts 🎁 🎁  🎁 for the King!

1 Timothy 4:8

For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. 

The Woodshed is Profitable

2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

I’m no more of a fan of the woodshed than I am Eliphaz. It’s not a good time when you feel the Spirit of God chastising you for wrong doing. But it’s profitable. Else I’d make the same mistake again. But we live in a world where no body wants to get their little feelings hurt… myself included. But I have first hand seen the damage that causes not only in my own life but in the lives of families who choose not to discipline their children or accept godly preaching on behavior. 

When I see those nutcase children screaming into a camera and posting it on social media for all the world to see my first thought is “Your parents must have disciplined you with cupcakes and rainbow sprinkles. The woodshed may hurt temporarily but the outcome is of great reward. 

Good Works are Profitable

Titus 3:8

This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. Theses things are good and profitable unto men.

While good works will not save you, they don’t go un-noticed by God. And while I’m not sure what the stars in our crown will be awarded for, I do know who we’ll have the opportunity to award them to, and that would be the Savior! I want that profit! I don’t want to stand before my Savior, Who gave it all for me, and have nothing to give Him in return. I want to be a part of the celebration on that glorious day in Heaven when we stand before the King and He says well done! And then I want to lay that crown down at His feet like the woman with the alabaster box. I want to kiss His feet and thank Him for all He’s done in my life!

This World Is Not Profitable

Mark 8:36

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

If you owned it all, and lose your soul by failing to accept the price that Jesus Christ paid for you to be in Eternity with Him for ever, you’ll burn up in the final days and live in Hell for eternity. If you do not know what it means to know Christ as Savior and Lord, please, contact me or a bible believing preacher, and it’s sad to say, that’s not every preacher. Remember what I said about there being a difference between wisdom and intelligence. There’s a lot of smart preacher out there who don’t have wisdom. They’ve bought the lies of the world as well. If you’re unsure of who to turn to, message me, and I’ll find you a preacher in your area. But don’t miss out on the greatest of all blessings!!!! 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political

Simple People Have Simple Ways


I never make any professions of being a bible scholar. I, quite frankly, know only as much as the Spirit thinks I can handle on any given day. I could know more, there is no doubt about it. But it is my failure at study to do so. And yet God is so gracious and kind to me to allow me to share my thoughts with you; never in arrogance or self righteousness,  but in simplicity, the way He reveals it to me. 

The origin of thought…

Have you ever thought about it? When an idea pops into your head and leaves you thinking, “Where did that idea come from?” My mind is one of creativity. Some days it’s filled with mature thoughts that a woman in her late 50’s would have. But most days it’s filled with ideas just short of insanity. And I have to wonder which one is of the Spirit? This morning the light bulb came first. And I fully believed that God wanted to show me some bright and shiny new thing, and so I began to draw the light bulb. But then He turned it into a blueprint. “That’s kind of cool,” I thought but certainly confused my direction.  And then the word. 

2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Back to the basics. The very beginning of who you are Shari. Who I created you to be. 

Casting out Carnality

I’ve been running head first into my carnality recently. The act of carnality to me is when I allow worldly things to take precedence over my life more so than the spiritual. It’s also what’s collectively  wrong with the United Sates right now.  Most of our nation is self absorbed and concerned about themselves and are clueless as to what God’s intention for the Nation is. We’ve raised a society of young people who feel that they’re purpose is non existent in the political realm unless it’s rebellion. There seems to be two extremes, youth (and older idiots) who are tearing down America both physically and spiritually and then there are the young people who have just checked out of it all. They want no part of the vote or vindication of what’s gone wrong. 

I know it’s true because I was that kid of the 70’s. The Vietnam war was ending, women’s liberation was full throttle, technology was beginning to blossom in a major way, U.S. doctors went on strike in 1975 and I was really just concerned about whether or not if I would ever find a boy who liked me before I graduated in 1980. Life has somewhat changed but not for the better on carnality and selfishness. I did however friend the boy. 😊 

Children of today have every bit of information, the good, the bad and the down right evil at their finger tips. So do adults. There is no need to socialize any more, we have the internet and we can communicate via social media and avoid all kinds of reality. Good grief… adults are guilty of that too! Many youth of today have to be forced into getting their drivers license because they don’t need a car to hang out with friends, they can do it in their bedroom on line. Yep… adults too have locked themselves inside their homes and go out only when necessity strikes. We can pretend that the riots across America didn’t happen, and if they did, they’re not coming to our community. And the stories about evil politicians are just the same old news on a different day and we are not responsible. Societal concerns have been reduced to what’s happening inside of our homes. It’s why Satan has no problem getting people to accept the masks and the shutdowns, because we like our world closed off from the rest. 

In a time where we can effect someone or something clear across the globe, most of America isn’t going out in the yard! 

Casting out High Things

2 Kings 17:9

And the children of Israel did secretly those things that were not right against the Lord their God, and they built them high places in all their cities, from the tower of the watchman to the fenced city. 

It didn’t say that the children of Israel did things in ignorance, it said they did it in secret, as if the Lord wouldn’t know what they did. America unfortunately isn’t doing what’s wrong in ignorance, or in secret. They’re just blatantly going against the word of God and pretending it doesn’t matter. “Professed Christians” are turning a blind eye to murder, abominable behaviors and espionage for the god of politics and for control. And when they’re called out on it, they scream “separation of church and state.” Well guess what… God says be ye separate but not in the context they’re using it. 

2 Corinthians 6:17

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

They better be worrying about not being received in Heaven, rather than being received by the wickedness of this world. 

Capturing our Thoughts

My thoughts are hard to capture, they’re quick! And they’re fickle.  I’m not throwing stones at anyone on either side of the party lines. I view people as saved or unsaved. There is nothing in between. You’re either right with God, or your not, and right doesn’t mean perfect. But it does mean that you are doing your best to align with scripture. 

When I go to bed at night, I don’t turn on the dark, I turn out the light. That’s a concept that I didn’t think of until a preacher brought it out in a sermon. It’s simplistically true. I love simple. And the while my thoughts can be complex, it’s the complex ones that will most likely get me into trouble because they cause confusion. And we know who the author of confusion is. It’ ain’t God. When God created the earth He didn’t speak darkness into the world, He spoke light. The darkness was already there. Before you think I’ve gone off on a tangent, I want to bring the thought of capture and light into perspective. 

In 1878, Thomas Edison filed his first patent application for the electric light and in 1880 he began commercially manufacturing his invention.  In the scope of time that hasn’t been so long ago, 142 years. It took men thousands of years to be able to mechanically produce something that God spoke into existence. And God’s light never burns out. And yet, men think they’re smart enough to live without God. God would much prefer we come to the realization that we are simplistic beings who need much guidance to stay out of trouble. That’s why He sent the Spirit. He turned on the light inside the dark hearts of all men and women, boy and girl who ask Him in. Fixing the world isn’t complex. It would simply take, every honest to goodness child of God allowing the Spirit to lead. Casting out carnality, getting rid of the high things we put above God Who is Lord of all and allowing our thoughts to stay reigned in. 

In the words of my friend, Attorney Tony Morgan, “Simple people have simple ways.” God’s way is simple and it’s the best. 

Posted in Christian Service, Church Unity, Evangelism, failure, Faith, Political

The Power of Jesus Christ

One week from today will be the final day of voting. At this point I just want it over. I’m tired of the lies and betrayal. I’m really especially tired of the stupidity. And the fact that they document it on video. When I see some of the young people going into a tirade of a fit that cannot be outdone by the brattiest of toddlers, my thoughts immediately goes to their parents. What must they think? Are they embarrassed, ashamed, heaven help us… proud? We are living in insane times. I’m praying that next Tuesday goes in the Lord’s favor and for His glory, and that when it does the crazies don’t come out of the woodwork. But what are we going to do if it happens? I am the queen of denial! I can just go into my make believe world where it’s all candy bars and gum drops and forget the crazies exist, but then what if they break into my sweet spot? 

What happens then?

This morning I read t through the betrayal of Christ. I imagined the sting in the heart of Christ as Judas kissed His cheek, followed by His arrest. I  wondered about the fear and confusion in the hearts and minds of the disciples, who had been warned, but were far from ready. I could feel the arrogance in the hearts of the soldiers who thought they were grandiose having captured the Man Who said He was God. But more nauseating than that for me right now, is those same attitudes are alive and well 2000 years later. So what happens if our gardens become war zones next week? 

The Followers

Matthew 26:57-60 KJV

[57] And they that had laid hold on Jesus led him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled. [58] But Peter followed him afar off unto the high priest’s palace, and went in, and sat with the servants, to see the end. [59] Now the chief priests, and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus, to put him to death; [60] But found none: yea, though many false witnesses came, yet found they none. At the last came two false witnesses,

Peter had to have been in shock. His best friend, whom he thought was going to establish His Kingdom on earth had been arrested and was being beaten and abused and he stood afar off and watched. He followed Him to His trial. But earlier he had said he would follow Him to the end of time. No doubt Peter’s mind and heart were at odds. His heart said “Defend Him!” But his mind said run.

Yesterday on BlazeTV’s, the Steve Deace show they were taking questions from his Facebook followers. The first question was “If I should be persecuted for Christ, should I fight, or should I stand silent?” That’s a tough question. But it’s why I love the Blaze news. They ask the tough questions. Steve Deace didn’t really have an answer because everything is circumstantial. There is a time to fight, but there is also a time to say, “Come Lord Jesus.” We have to rely on the Spirit for guidance by Seeking Knowledge In Christ.

But in Peter’s day, the Spirit had not yet come. 

The Failures

Matthew 26:69-75 KJV

[69] Now Peter sat without in the palace: and a damsel came unto him, saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee. [70] But he denied before them all, saying, I know not what thou sayest. [71] And when he was gone out into the porch, another maid saw him, and said unto them that were there, This fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth. [72] And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man. [73] And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee. [74] Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew.

I’m sure he never thought it would happen. But it did. Suddenly he found himself between a rock and hard place and fear consumed him. And so he denied God. 

What would we have done? What will we do if we are put in this place? For us, we hope we stand strong in the Spirit of God. But what about the people who have professed Christianity but have refused to stand on His word when they were not being persecuted. What will happen to them? Are they even saved? Will they see the error of their ways, or jump on the band wagon of persecutors.  

The number of people who say they’re Christian is huge! The number of people sitting in the church on Sunday morning is not. That should tell us where they’re going to stand in the day of persecution. It unfortunately gives us a glimpse of where they’ll be when it comes to defending the people of God, or crying crucify.

The Faithful

[75] And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly.

Peter knew he had failed. Nobody needed to tell him. Reality kicked in, and he was no longer in his world of candy bars and gumdrops. If he ever was. But this is where I find great hope! Yes, there were hard times ahead, but in the midst of the hard times there was the Pentecost! 

Acts 2:1 KJV

[1] And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

The church had reunited. Thousands were saved!! How exciting is that! The Holy Spirit had come upon and in God’s people and they had found the strength needed to make great things happen in His name and for His glory. Hey folks! We have the Spirit too!  This is not a time to feel as though we’re failures as followers. No, we are given the power in Jesus Christ to do great things. And now I’ve wrote myself happy. 

Thinking on next week I know in my heart of hearts, that as a child of God He has me covered and He has a plan for me. Regardless of the outcome I am a disciple of God meant to tell the world about Jesus. My job is laid out. If you’re a child of God, so is yours. Walk in hope!!! Our God is faithful to the faithful!!!

Posted in Eternity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Word of God

I hope you’re not color blind

Glory to God it’s the weekend! I have a few extra minutes to spare this morning in the wee hours before my six grands get up and desire pancakes. My house has been turned upside down and we’ll address that later on, but for now I want to address my heart. The one that aches for my Lord when I think of how He gave everything to redeem a world that He created. He bought us back, after we sold our souls to the Devil. Hmmm… too dramatic? Let’s talk about that via the word of God beginning in the book of John.

John 1:1-15 KJV

[1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [2] The same was in the beginning with God. [3] All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 

You’ll note the word Word is capitalized, meaning that Word refers to God. But how could God be with God? I mean, I have upon occasion gotten beside myself, but I think that’s merely an expression. This is the real thing. God was with God. Isn’t He wonderful! That just brought such joy to my heart this morning to think that God, in the form of Jesus Christ, was with His Father God before the world began. Just hanging out! I don’t know if it was a planning meeting or if they were listening to the angelic choir, but for certain, things were about to happen in a big way! And I’m sure it did bang! 

Imagine the depth of thought that went into the shade of green. Below are two images. One is a photograph off the internet of a forest scene. I used that image to create a color palette for my Procreate iPad artist app. I can use the iPad camera to pull colors from a scene to use in digital art. Pretty cool, right? But imagine having that ability in your mind to create the original colors. I’m not really sure how many actual shades of green there are. The internet says everything from 30-295. I just know there’s a bunch! Imagine the depth of colors in the rainbow around the throne that is spoken of in Revelation 4:3. It blows my mind and it excites my soul to think about experiencing it for myself! And all of that is just a fraction of a minuscule thought in the Lord’s mind. I love color! Nothing in my house really matches. I have themes of color in specific areas, but I need color in my life to make me happy! 

A little known pre-salvation fact about me. I surrounded myself (I’m sure at Satan’s suggestion) with tones of brown. Painters from helped me in getting my house brown .My clothes, my house, my paint. All of it was shades of brown. Is it any wonder that I suffered depression! But then salvation happened!  And the colors of the world came to life. The Lord turned a light on inside my ❤️ heart and my mind went wild! I never looked at color the same. My son-in-love, Timothy, says that I’ve literally lost an inch of circumference off of my living room because I have so many different layers of paint. That cracks me up.  Because it may be true. I can’t ever make up my mind what color I want. 

But prior to salvation, I didn’t comprehend the Light of the world. It’s what’s wrong with the world around us. 

[4] In him was life; and the life was the light of men. [5] And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. [6] There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. [7] The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. [8] He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. [9] That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. [10] He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

When I said that the world has sold their souls to the Devil, that’s really not true. They gave it away for free. Buying his lies that he has anything we need. All he has is counterfeit. He cannot speak color, all he can do is steal it from the Lord. He cannot create happiness, he can only make you believe you’re happy, but it’s only temporary. He cannot give you power, but rather he can create the power of deception.  These idiots who stand and shake their fist at God, who say that there is no God, will experience reality in the future should they not get saved. And that reality is Hell. A pit of ever lasting darkness where there is no light. Imagine that. Look at the beauty of this earth and imagine never seeing it again. Or better still, imagine the beauty of Heaven that you’ll never have to leave. Which do you prefer? Which do you want for your family and friends. 

I don’t want to miss out on anything that God created for me. So I’m willing to suffer this world until He calls me home. And when He does… I have no doubt that my new home is filled with color that only new and improved eyes could behold. Amen! Wrote myself happy. 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Eternity, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Those in Denial Need Not Respond


I’m a little frustrated with myself that after 4 days of not having a blog post up, my mind is here. But it is, and I might as well park here for a second and get it out of my system. I’m praying that as I go along I’m in the Spirit, not the flesh. I can assure you that one of those is far easier than the other. I’ve been very outspoken about my political stand lately. Because it has spiritual repercussions that are far beyond what most people in this world understand. And no, I’m not saying that I’m a spiritual genius. Far from it. But what I am is informed and in tune with the Spirit of God. And I’ll not apologize or back down from what I believe is truth. 

The Final Debate:

Even in the midst of it (the Presidential debate) last night, a person I adore,  sent me a post of our President from 1999 about a statement he had made about being pro-choice. What do I have to say about that? “Praise God he changed his mind! And I’m glad that my decisions of 20 years ago are under grace. Now let’s talk about today.” Man (and woman) are as unstable as cooked spaghetti. But God… 

For I am the Lord, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. ~ Malachi 3:6

There is no debate with God. He doesn’t change His mind, nor does He change His ways, and He for certain hasn’t changed His attitude toward sin. Let me speak from the heart, when I say that my decision to vote for President Trump, to respect the man that God put into office, has nothing to do with who he was in 1999 or any year prior to 2020. My decision was made from information obtained from media sources that isn’t in the hands of the government. CNN, NBC, CBS and unfortunately parts of FOX could be called “the State News.” I literally stay tuned in no less than 6-8 hours a day. I’m not kidding. That doesn’t mean that I’m sitting glued to it. It just means that its playing in the background of whatever I’m doing. 

What makes me so sure that my news is different? Because the world hates them.

“Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.”  ~ 1 John 3:13

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.” ~ John 15:18

“The world cannot hate you, but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.” ~ John 7:7

Woah baby, that sums it up, does it not? The world hates the truth. The Democrats (nationally) have gone after President Trump since 2016 because he didn’t play politics. For him it wasn’t about making a name for himself, he already had. (And not always a good one.) But it was about his stewardship. He took this country out of the  economic demise it was in and put us back up on less than shaky ground. Far from out of trouble, but far from the trouble the democratic government had us in. He spoke to men and women of God and accepted their prayer and proclaimed the name of Jesus Christ.

But they were offended. Accusing him of using Christ’s name as a political tactic. But they didn’t mind Obama using Ala? Hmmmm, I wonder why? Why would anyone who calls themselves a Christian, be offended by a President who prays in the name of Christ Jesus or gives credence to those who preach in His name. 

Look at King Darius of the days of Daniel. When he was anything but a Jehovah God worshipper and yet by Daniel’s life and testimony he decreed this:

“I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and stedfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end.” ~ Daniel 6:26

He knew Daniel’s God was the true God. I believe the same of President Trump. There were times when President Trump would have made the mistakes of Darius, but he’s came a long way because he has surrounded himself, not with politicians, (although they’re their) but he has included, into the mix, God’s people as well. Including a Vice President who is a wonderful outspoken unapologetic Christian man.  Glory to God! I just wrote myself happy. 

Biden and Harris are corrupt people who have made millions off the American people at the expense of their families. I’m not saying that in judgement. It’s a fact. It is no wonder they see nothing wrong with killing children, because they don’t care for their own. I’ll not apologize for that. Like I said, I’ve been watching an unbiased news and I know the truth because the Spirit of God reveals it to me when I ask. Do I believe every word out of the mouth of every person on the news I watch. 

In the words of Biden himself, “Come on man….” 

“Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity.” ~ Job 31:6

I’ll stand accountable for what I say. Not what anyone else says. But when I hear the truth and the Spirit says listen… I do. And for the record, When we all stand before God, he’s not going to say, “Well done thou faithful Democrat or Republican,” but rather SERVANT. And if you’re serving baby killers, then you are serving the god Molech. Be not deceived. 

This election isn’t about money. It’s about evil and control. If you are a professed child of God, I beg of you. Hit your knees and ask God to reveal the truth. He is faithful. We have two weeks to decide whether or not this nation ends up in the lions den with or without angels. Right now there is a spiritual realm waiting God’s direction, and God knows the outcome. 

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: ~ 1 Peter 5:8

There will not be a final debate in the presence of God. His Word is final.

Posted in Faith, Fear

No New Thing🤐

I woke up this morning with an attitude of disdain for the day. I told my husband David, I’m hateful as the dickens this morning. Hopefully so that he’d understand, forewarned is forearmed.  In other words “Don’t mess with me right now.” To which he quipped as I’d expect, some smart aleck comment. We both both laughed and went on with our day. After 40 years, there’s not much new here. There’s not much new in the world. As a matter of fact, there’s nothing new in the world…

Ecclesiastes 1:9

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

“Did it ever occur to you that nothing ever occurred to God.” I love that quote.  And yet I seem more like the Athenians lately when Luke said of them in Acts 17:21

(For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.”)

If truth be told, it’s Glenn Beck’s fault that I’m not in good humor this morning. Prior to going to sleep last night I watched his special “Election Hijacking: How the Left is Ensuring Your Vote Doesn’t Count.” It was the news on the Democrat attempt (and scary success) to derail the election through theft and fraud. Not a good bed time story to say the least. Praise God for Pew Prayer. That’s where I start going through the pews of the church with my minds eye, praying for people to keep my mind from going into the darkness of the night. God is faithful! But it still didn’t stop my mind from thinking about that special last night when I woke up. We really are what we feed ourselves. I’m a Lemon filled Krispy Kreme donut and a hot mess! I had that too while I watched Glenn Beck 😋

Like the Athenians I’m always looking for the next new thing. And believe me! The world has plenty to tell you. But it’s not new. It’s the same old trick of Satan, just on a new generation. And one closer to the return of Jesus Christ, so Satan has upped his game.  But it’s still not new. His goal for the believer is to steal the one thing we all desire. Peace. 

John 14:25-31 KJVS

[25] These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. [26] But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. [27] Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. [28] Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. [29] And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe. [30] Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. [31] But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.

Jesus was telling His friends that He was going away. No wonder they were worried. They did not have the wisdom we are afforded from this side of the cross. They were fighting religious persecution and political struggles for power and were considered the enemy of the day. Hmmm. Perhaps if you’re a conservative you can identify. … no new thing…🙄

It’s why watching a show like last night upset my heart, because I don’t understand how to share that information with people, and not be called a conspiracy theorist like Glenn Beck. There’s one big problem with that, it’s not a theory. It’s an evidenced fact. News broke yesterday on  another Biden lie about him not having anything to do with his son’s Ukrainian business deals, a story filled with sex, drugs and treason behavior, and yet, the main stream media isn’t going to cover it, and the world knows it and isn’t going to care, because they hate President Trump more than a lie. …no new thing…

But upon reading the words of our Lord, I discovered not a new thing, but something I needed reminded of yet again, which is why Jesus said in verse 26, He sent the Comforter to bring all things to remembrance that we might have Peace! Glory to God that’s just what I need. I’m not supposed to be troubled or afraid because the prince of this world (Satan) has nothing in Christ. No Thing.  No sin, no hold, no power! Nothing! And guess what… I’m in Christ!

In Christ there is only good things. 

Philemon 1:8

That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. 

This world is for certain filled with a lot of bad things. They’re driving me to the brink of 🤪 crazy. But God has given me this platform of communication for the purpose of sharing, not the bad news, but the reality of the good things we have in Christ Jesus. We have peace that the world cannot feel. We have hope that the world cannot see. And we have a future that many in the world will not experience unless they profess Christ as Lord, and leave this world behind. 

I need to be less like the Athenians; “looking for a new tale to tell”. But rather tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love. No New Thing.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Family, Life Inspiration

Was Jesus Being Rude

There’s something about my country upbringing that causes me to question (in reverence) some of what I read in the Bible. Like Mark 3:31-35 for example. 

[31] There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him. [32] And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee. [33] And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren? [34] And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! [35] For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

Those are not words that any mother would likely want to hear. But Mary wasn’t just any mother, and Jesus wasn’t just any Son. While I’m not Catholic, and I put no greater worth on Mary than any other child of God, she was still an amazing woman of God with many lessons to teach those of us who fall so short. Mainly me.

It doesn’t take very long into the study of this scripture until I realize just how meaningful Jesus’ words were, and how any Mother would have been proud to hear them proceed from her Son’s mouth. So let’s unpack, what could be a Christmas message for me. I seem to already be in that mode at my house, having recently bought serval new decorating pieces for the season. Hey… don’t be hatin’ on me for listening to Michael Bublé’s Christmas album already. 😃 

On the Outside Looking In

That was Mary and His brother’s place that day. They were not in the inner ⭕️ circle. At least not at that time. They had come upon Jesus speaking to a multitude of people, likely people of all socioeconomic statures from the least to the greatest. For some reason they’ve called Jesus to leave the crowd and come to them, but He declines. I can imagine His brothers, not being happy. They didn’t always understand that He was God. But Mary did. I imagine her saying, “Boys, get your knickers out of a knot, your Brother has work to do,” and I can imagine them rolling their eyes and wondering why she always made excuses for Him. Not everyone understands God’s ways.

Isaiah 55:8 KJVS

[8] For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

On the Inside looking Out

That was the crowd’s vantage point. They no doubt recognized His mother, and wondered why He didn’t go to her. Perhaps they had the same thoughts as His brothers. But then the words settle on their hearts, “He loves us, as much as He loves them.” Only God can love like that. While I can love people, I can’t love a group of strangers to the depth I love those close to me in my life. How could that possibly be? Yet with Jesus our Lord, it was such a deep truth, that this same group of people watched it play out on the cross, and yet even  many of them may have been those rejecting Him as God. 

We are a flawed people. We certainly need a friend like Jesus, who loves us even though we’re total misfits. 

Is not it true today?There are those of us on the inner circle who understand the price God paid for us, and then there are those, who are oblivious to the fact He is God! And many times, even I, who know the price He willingly paid, am out of touch with Who He is. Yep, I’m a misfit. 

He’s Nowhere to be Seen

No, He’s really not. Because He no longer stands in the crowd, but His Spirit is within each of His children. And we experience something that only the mother of Christ experienced in the days of this scripture, and she only experienced it for 9 months. The Pentecost had not happened yet. Jesus was physically among them. But now each one of us carry Christ within us who have accepted Him as Savior and we have experienced a love like none other. This morning that thought amazed me. He is not only my friend, but He is my family. And because of Him, I have an extended family, many of whom I do not know and may not know until Heaven, but I can love them and have compassion on them because He has shown me how. Glory to God isn’t that wonderful. I have sisters and brothers in the physical sense, but I have them int he spiritual sense, and there will come a day when together, we’ll all experience Christ face to face,  without regard for who we are, but entirely 💯 percent focused on Him as Lord and with purity of thought where we will love everyone equal. Just as He does us. I am God’s favorite, I’ve always known it. But then again, so are you. God Bless ya!!!!!! From Shari, The Jesus Chick.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Faith, Life Inspiration

To the Empty Seats in the Church

1 Samuel 20:18 KJVS

Then Jonathan said to David, To morrow is the new moon: and thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty.

For me there is no greater story of friendship than Jonathan and David. And in reading chapter 20 this morning, I wept, as if I were apart of the story, even knowing that the two friends are now together in the presence of the Lord! The empty seat was more than my heart could bear without breaking. Because, David would have rather been in that seat than anywhere and continue on with his friend in the work of the King, but, because of a threat against his life by Jonathan’s own father, he could not. And so he leaves the city. His final few minutes with Jonathan are gut wrenching as they bow, weep, kiss and depart.

1 Samuel 20:41 KJVS

And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.

David’s heart was broken to the point he “exceeded” Jonathan. David was not only leaving his best friend, but his wife and family as well. And on top of all that, and probably the straw that broke the camel’s back, David would no longer be in the sanctuary of His God in service. And with that thought, I know why God brought me to this scripture this morning. 

As I prayed this morning for many of the people on our prayer list, I began perusing the seats of our church with my minds eye. While our attendance has been okay, and I consider us blessed, there are still many empty seats. I’ve been at Victory 24 years. In the same seat most of those 24. Front row, center aisle. Most everyone else has their selected area too. We really don’t mind if someone is in our seat,  we just happen to be creatures of habit. And because of that I can almost do a role call in my mind of who was in Church on Sunday, and unfortunately, who’s seat was empty. 

An empty seat in the house of God is more than a number. It’s a friend. Perhaps the reason they are gone is because of something wonderful, like a wedding, a vacation or some other celebratory event. (Like a kidney transplant) Cheryl Metheney 🙌🏼 But at this point in time, its most likely because the enemy has threatened harm. There is an arrow that has been aimed, not only a physical arrow of COVID-19, but a spiritual arrow that is designed to draw that soul away from the presence of friends and the encouragement that is garnered in the house of the Lord. Oh, my heart is as broken as Jonathan’s this morning for those empty seats…

Dave Stull, right side, third or fourth row up, Leona and Clay Yeager, Left side aisle seats, 2nd or 3rd row up from the back, Peggy and Terry Dye, left side, 4th or 5th row-ish, by the window, Charlie and Mandes Richards, same row, and that’s just one corner. There are many, many more. Ed and Patty Eisley, second row back, behind me, my bestie Glo! Front row, beside me. You are not forgotten this morning! Sandra Lancaster, Left side, third or fourth row up from the back, aisle seat, I could go all the way around the room, because I am in a house of friends. And an enemy has come and taken them away temporarily. Praise God the last time we were together we were not as Jonathan and David, we didn’t even know we were about to depart for a very long time. It’s been 7 months since many were in service. Yes, Satan has launched a very harsh blow on the fellowship of the believers. 

Everyone has to do what is right for themselves. But this is a reminder to all of us, just because the arrows been launched, doesn’t mean it’s going to hit; and while the day is upon us, we need to serve! Saul, Jonathan’s father, had earlier launched a javelin at David, but it missed! It wasn’t his time. David was going to miss his friend Jonathan and all of his family, but David wasn’t called just for the castle times, he was also called for the days of battle. David had some very troubled days that lie ahead of him, but he continued serving God. 

From a castle to a cave

1 Samuel 22:1-2 KJVS

[David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father’s house heard it, they went down thither to him. [2] And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.

Troubled time for certain! Saul was after him, his rag tag army of men were not valiant soldiers (at least not yet) they were in distress, in debt and discontent! Wowzer! That sounds like the story of my life! But this same army ends up being warriors. And God will make no less of us in these days we’re facing. Whether you are privileged to continue on servicing in the house of the Lord as I have been, or your in your home because of this stupid virus, don’t stop serving!  You are a warrior on the rise! 

If you know David’s story, you know he made it out of the cave and back to the castle. He served God, he fought battles, he made very human mistakes and yet here he is in 2020, still a hero of the faith. Just like my friends that I miss so much at Victory Baptist Church. Granny and Genevieve (Right side, 2nd row back, aisle seats. My ornery friend Jim Bush and his sweet wife Barb, Right side, middle of the church, aisle seats. Linda Simers, part of the Stull tribe in the right hand corner, Jackie and Otis Harris, over by the window. Jim and Trish Harris and Trish’s Momma right behind them. Bob and Brenda Bush and Nic, right side, center of the church, Trooper Jeffrey Hunt bestie them. Many others who have been there when they could, but have not been there as much as they’d have liked. 

I know that most of us don’t feel on the level of David our hero of the faith most of the time. But the point of this ramble today is, you have that ability in you. David and his friends had days where that cave had to have gotten the best of them. But they were still victors! And so will you be. I miss you terribly. If you’re not a part of my church, I’m sure you’re church misses you terribly. But don’t give up and for certain, get out of that cave as soon as you can and get back to the castle. We’re waiting for you!  You are missed because you’re seat is empty.  

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Family, Peace, Political

Being on the Wrong Side of Politics can cost you

I’ve thought much about taking a stand politically. I realize it makes me opposing someone’s viewpoint and therefore may cause them to turn me off when it comes to sharing Christ. But then, if someone is already in that mindset, they likely have turned me off anyway. And so I just decided that I stand not on the side of Trump, but on the side of Christ. And if He lead me to stand with President Trump, I would. And I believe He did.

It’s one of the reasons why I decided not to become a 501c3. You can’t take sides with the government, well, unless you’re on the liberal side and they’ll let you park there all day long. 

I have to ask myself, “Was Jesus involved in politics?” And then I think about Matthew the tax collector. Jesus hired him right out of politics. He knew there would be people who didn’t like Matthew because of his background, but He made him a disciple anyway; even let him write one of the gospels!  Glory! That puts a shout in my soul. Matthew was no longer a tax man, he was God’s man because Jesus called him out of it. 

And so it is that I too have been called out of the world of politics. I worked in it for years. I loved the people, but I hated the position. It left a bad taste in my mouth because I always had an opinion, and it usually went against what most others would say. And I’m still that same person, but with a focus on the office of the High Priest, and that lead me back to the office of the President of the United States. 

Jesus was having a conversation with a multitude of people; warning them agains the religious tribe who wanted to control them, not for God, but the power of it. Ugh… is that not what has become of our government. It’s indeed a power struggle, not a government for the people, by the people, but a government for the political. 

Jesus says in verse 1 “Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.” He goes on to say that their sins will come to light, and that the world will know. And that’s exactly what we see happening in Washington. While they’re not the hierarchy of religion, you’d think they were. They’ve made themselves gods, to the point of controlling life and death. (i.e. ~ abortion, healthcare, etc.) All the while, we’re told to beware, and yet the liberal church appears to be oblivious to it and the sin that surrounds them. And its why as a child of God, I feel compelled to stand with President Trump. He’s not a perfect President! I get why people are so against him, but if they’d only look at what he stands for in comparison to the other side, there would be no doubt who’s side God is on. God would not be on the side of anyone for abortion, anyone for the pornography and filth that’s being used by the left (democrats) to educate our children. In the words of Biden himself…. “come on man.” That is so hypocritical it defies logic. 

Jesus’ conversation continues in chapter 12 and then comes to a head in verse 49-59:

Luke 12:49-59 KJV

[49] I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?

Jesus didn’t come to put out the fires, He came to start them! He knew that we would be the opposition in this wicked world, and so He advises us not to stand down, but rather stand out, even in the face of adversity with friends and family. 

I adore my family. They’re truthfully some of the nicest, compassionate people on earth. But not all of them stand with me on the side of Trump. Oh no…. there is a division. And so most of the time I keep my mouth shut for the sake of peace, until verse 51.

 [50] But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished! [51] Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: [52] For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. [53] The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Scripture also says in Matthew 12:25 that “every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.” So what has happened to the House of God? It is certainly divided. While they’ll say it’s wrong of a church to take a stand on politics, (and they shouldn’t tell anyone how to vote) it’s not wrong to stand on scripture. The Democrat party is anything but biblical. And the hierarchy of that organization is not the same as it was in the past. That’s where Christians have derailed. They’re saying, “but i disagree with those parts of the the democrat committee.” But your title says you don’t. 

Jesus said “Beware.” Be aware. Don’t stick your head in the sand. 

 [54] And he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is. [55] And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it cometh to pass. [56] Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time? [57] Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right? [58] When thou goest with thine adversary to the magistrate, as thou art in the way, give diligence that thou mayest be delivered from him; lest he hale thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and the officer cast thee into prison. [59] I tell thee, thou shalt not depart thence, till thou hast paid the very last mite.

Being on the wrong side of politics will cost you. 

It may also cost your family it’s soul. I’m not here to play politics, I’m here to be the voice of the Savior Who is telling me  “Warn them Shari.” And so I do.  Warn your people too, please!

Posted in Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Overthrowing the Faithful

That’s Satan’s daily agenda. He can’t have our souls, so he’ll settle for our days and boy do I make it easy for him sometimes. As I began to write this morning; trying to wrap my mind around spiritual things, the debate from Tuesday night’s Presidential spar came into view. I was nauseous because President Trump did not bring his “A” game. I expected better. Biden, no doubt through the aid of medicine, and only the Lord knows what else, actually kept himself together with he exception of a few meltdowns and multiple bold face lies that Chris Wallace, the moderator,  helped him with. And so my mind went there, because all it took was a little something shiny to get my mind off the task of sharing Jesus, and onto my frustration. My mind was almost overthrown.

Overthrow by definition is to “subvert or defeat.”I cannot be defeated because I have Christ living in me, but… I can certainly be subverted (overthrown or confounded).

On my phone is the 1828 dictionary which defines words from a biblical viewpoint. One of the best apps by far for a child of God who studies the word. When using “subvert” in a sentence for example it read “ He is the worst enemy of man, who endeavors to subvert the Christian religion. The elevation of corrupt men to office will slowly, but surely, subvert a republican government.” 

Wow… did that fit in where my mind was going! Maybe God didn’t mind me being frustrated.

America is being overthrown from within and the children of God have two choices: either stay distracted with Satans political rhetoric which will accomplish nothing productive, or point lost souls to Christ, Christians souls to their purpose, and leadership to the cross as a reminder that Victory has nothing to do with the outcome of an election.

So today I fight the overthrow, perhaps you need some help too!

2 Timothy 2:16-21 KJVS

The Babblers

[16] But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

Have you ever seen a time when people ramble on without reason? Or a time when people feel that they have the right to spew their opinion at anyone, regardless of insult or injury? It’s crazy. And yet we tolerate it as the norm, because suddenly it is. Babbling or rambling, they run a close race. But the word babble comes from Genesis 11 in the period of time after the flood, when all the earth was in one language, but God “confounded” them with multiple languages as the result of their belief that they could become as high as God by building a tower. 

Have you seen a time when so many people believe they are as smart as God, or that there is no consequence for actions against God? God doesn’t have to create a new language, we’ve confounded ourselves with unrealistic ideas that make no sense. Someone thinks something up, and it must be right, because they did. Kneeling (which I consider an act of humility) is now an act of disrespect toward our nation and flag. Vulgar and unapologetic language that used to be a rated “R” conversation in front of the general pubic and especially children, is now rated “G.” And most everyone accepts it as the norm. 

Babblers are tearing at the fabric of our nation by tearing down our nation one family at a time where nobody respects anybody and anything goes. As Paul instructs Timothy to avoid ( shun) these vain babblers, he tells him that the lying and misleading speech is like a mouth canker. Ouch! Paul even goes so far to call out their names.

 [17] And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; [18] Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some. 

But Paul warns that those lies will “overthrow the faith of some.” Cause their downfall. The problem with society (as a whole) is that we’ve become so accustomed to a false narrative by the left, that we’ve stopped defending the right. 

[19] Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. 

We’ve been told to shun (avoid) the babbling, and now Paul says to depart from the iniquity. “Walk away Chuckie, just walk away.” 

It’s easier said than done sometimes. But by staying in a conversation with anyone who argues that what’s going on, on the left, is okay, we’re subjecting our mind to the damage it does. Arguing with them will serve little purpose, but a mic drop moment of walking away might cause them to think, and it will certainly let them know where you stand. 

[20] But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. [21] If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

If we avoid, and sometimes just walk away from the negative, nasty comments of the day, we’ll be doing ourselves a favor and allowing our minds to focus on what God would have us focus on. His work… you know… the good work.

As I begin my day to day, it’s my prayer that God will send someone who needs Jesus across my path, and that I will have the clarity of the word of God to share Christ with them in a way that causes them to desire to know Him. 

Just because the world is evil, doesn’t mean that I have to be subjected to it. I have the light of Christ living in me that can certainly outshine any darkness of this world. Amen! Shine on Children!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church Unity, Faith, Family, Heaven

God’s kids are weird

It was up on iPad bible when I opened it up. It happened to be the verse of the day on No coincidence… I needed it again. 

1 Peter 2:9 KJVS

[9] But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

A Chosen Chick 

Every day we need a reminder, or at least I do, that God, the Creator of all chose me. Me. A little nobody from the hills of West Virginia to serve Him and tell the world about His Son. He chose you too by the way. So what are we doing with that information today? 

As a child I was almost always odd man out. I wasn’t athletic, so I was most always one of the last chosen for a game. I wasn’t a talented singer, so I was placed in the background of all productions. I wasn’t overly academic, nope… that would have been an exaggeration. So nobody had high hopes in my future. Least of all me. I was everyone’s  friend, and few people’s girlfriend, until I met David Johnson. Someone who thought I was worth fighting for.  And while that sounds like it should make me a little sad, it does not. It fashioned me into the compassionate, socially aware human that I am. While I always thought God had a plan for my life,  even pre-salvation; the closer to eternity I get, the more I realize how critical it is that we fulfill our created purpose. 

Being chosen is a big deal. Not for kickball, but for Heaven! 

A Royal Reason

A Royal Priesthood? According to the 1828 dictionary, a priesthood is “an order of men set apart for sacred offices.” 2 Timothy 2:21 tells us “If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel of honor, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.”

The “these” of that scripture speaks of things that dishonor Christ. God expects His people to be different than the world we’re living in. That purpose that He’s chosen us for, (not our earthly purpose) but the one we’re working for in Heaven is also a big deal. There is a position awaiting us in Heaven, a title to be given that we know nothing of while we’re here. But be rest assured it’s a big deal up there. We’re not going to be twiddling our thumbs on a cloud, we’re going to have a position in the Royal House of God! Glory to God! We need to be practicing our best royal behavior while here on earth, because God’s watching and He’ll reward us in kind.  

Being Royal is a big deal.

A Holy Home

While America is an amazing Nation, it’s far from Holy! John 15:19 says “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.”

For the most part, the nation we live in doesn’t even like us. God said it would probably hate us. And yet, we’re called to defend her. That’s tough. But the guiding principles that we were founded on is a worthy defense. 

When David and I were young, he was terribly jealous. I didn’t understand it because it was not an emotion I felt and certainly not one that I cared for.  It made me feel as though he didn’t trust me. But that wasn’t it at all. He feared losing me, because he had witnessed loss in his life. We belong to a Jealous God. He won’t lose us, because it is He who keeps us, but He knows that the world has attractions that will steal our love for Him and pull us toward evil and heartache. He’s protecting us when He desires our separation from this evil world. 

When God “fabricated me,” He put within me desires that would serve the Kingdom. This world would gladly garner those talents for their use but I’ve been “set apart” at the point of salvation. Those gifts and talents are Holy and they’re placed within the home of Christ (my heart) for a purpose.

Being Holy is a big deal. 

A Peculiar People

Some days I feel flat out weird! But it’s okay, God likes it. Not fitting into this world is readying me for the next world. I don’t want to feel at home here, if I do, that  means that I’ve settled for far less than God intended. Not being popular as a child allowed me to walk a path that hadn’t been cut by someone else. Sometimes the things in our life that feel the worst, end up being what makes us the best… an original piece of art, created by God for the Kingdom. 

Christianity can indeed play a significant role in family dynamics and how parents choose to educate and nurture their children. Many families prioritize spending quality time together in activities that reflect their faith, such as attending church services. Additionally, showing love and care for their children may extend to tangible expressions of affection, such as providing them with gifts like tznius clothes or toys. These gestures can serve as symbols of love and also contribute to a sense of belonging and cherished values within a Christian family.

Glory! Being weird is a big deal. 

It’s why 1 Peter 2:9 is my life verse, and on days that I’m feeling a little weirder than usual, I need the reminder of why. 

Posted in Christian Service, failure, Faith, Fear, Health, Life Inspiration, Political, Praise, Word of God

The Rona & the Radicals


First off, me using a football reference is somewhat comical, because I know nothing about football, well…. except when they score. But it doesn’t prevent me from watching the game and cheering when the rest of the crowd cheers as if I knew all along what happened. But a football analogy is kind of appropriate when it comes to speaking about the Rona (Corona Virus) and the Radicals, because apparently nobody can give us a clue about their next move either. And now pro football is completely political just like the virus and radicals. But the fear involved is very real for a lot of people. 

What do you fear most right now in your life? How much of your day does that fear monopolize? What would you rather be thinking about? Good questions to begin our topic of today. 

The Rona and the Radicals

Both are current events out of our control! When the disciples in Mark 6 were without Jesus on the boat in the middle of the storm, they were suddenly faced with the possibility of death. 

We know from experiencing storms that they either calm down, or grow more fierce and we can’t aid in either direction, we can only buckle down and get ready. Life is much the same way. There are some things right now that are so far out of control, it’s ridiculous. I have no problem comparing it to how the disciples must have felt before Jesus got tin the boat. 

But where we differ; Jesus is never outside of our boat!

Mark 6:46-53 KJVS

[46] And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray. 

What do you suppose Jesus talked about with God that day? Do you think they discussed current events? I have to think they did. Not that either God or Jesus was surprised at any of the events, but maybe they talked about they human reaction of the people involved.

“Did you see the look on Peter’s face when he realized the bread basket wasn’t going empty, that was priceless!?”

What about the look on Matthew’s face when I told him to feed the 5,000 with that little bitty 🧺 basket! He almost swallowed his tongue trying to figure out the math on that one!

I would have loved to have been in on some of their conversations during Jesus’ prayer time.

But while Jesus was up in the hills talking to His Father, the disciples were down in the boat in the middle of a storm.  And it says they were toiling and rowing in contrary winds.

[47] And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land. [48] And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them. [49] But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out: [50] For they all saw him, and were troubled.

In the process of their fighting the waves, they were so caught up in that fight that they almost didn’t see Jesus walking on the water. But that was not a common happening in the day, or in our day! I don’t know if I seen Him walking that I would have immediately thought, “Oh, that’s gotta be Jesus, who else could do that?” No, I would have been shaking in my shoes, or worse! The same is true in the happenings of today. When something goes down with the virus or with the current uprising, I’m more apt to immediately feel fear of the unknown, rather than asking myself, “Okay, where is this coming from and who or what is responsible, and what should my reaction be.”

We are quick to say, oh, it’s Satan. While he’s having a field day, we can’t always blame him. Sometimes it’s evil people struggling for power. So once I’ve determined who might be responsible, what am I to do with that information in order to calm myself down. 

Do what they did. Talk to Jesus. 

 (50b) And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

Nothing said Jesus started the storm. But He showed up in the middle of it and talked to them and told them to “be of good cheer.” I can’t help but sing the song, “don’t worry, be happy.” 

I think it’s important for us to key in on the fact that it didn’t say Jesus started the storm. God is not starting this nonsense in our world today. But He for certain is here with us and He’s telling us, “Don’t be afraid, I have this under control.” The question is, are we talking to Him, and then listening to Him. 

He’s not going to come in and stand in the middle of the room, but through prayer and the Bible we can get the peace we need to calm our souls in the middle of the storm. 

Don’t forget your miracles. 

 [51] And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered. [52] For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.

They were “sore amazed.” They just couldn’t believe that Jesus did that. Well that might be our problem too, When we’re in the middle of a miracle, we’re like, “Yeah baby, that’s my God!” But then we get in the middle of a crisis, and we think, “this is it, we’re going down!” 

What happened to our miracle mentality? And I don’t mean Moses parting the water, but the very fact that God is Who scripture says He is.   He spoke the world into existence. And this world is trying to speak us out of existence. He parted the water, He really did. He fed the 5,000. That’s not a fable, He really did that, He has huge plans for us, but we’re letting the current state of our world cloud our thoughts until we can’t see or remember those miracles of God. 

When I started watching blaze news, it was almost more than I could stomach. It often times caused anxiety. So I have to keep life in perspective, even watching a show that focuses much of the news on Bible. Every day we are given the opportunity to live our lives in a way that shows our faith in God or our fear of the world. 

What’s scaring you today? Who’s responsible? Where is God in it? How is He speaking to you? Those are the questions that we need to ask. Maybe even journal. It would be interesting to read what some of our thoughts today are, or a year from now, or a decade… or maybe we won’t even have to read it…Maybe Jesus will come back and we can just go home! Glorrraaay! 

But until then. Let’s keep telling the world about the amazing God we serve, so that they will desire what we have. 

Posted in Eternity, Faith, Fear, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Don’t Fear the Grasshoppers

Isaiah 40:21-23 KJV

Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.

I’ve talked to adults, I’ve talked to children, and the consensus of both is one word… I’m afraid. 

My heart is broken for our country. I’m concerned that this path we’re on is impossible to get off of. I keep asking myself, “Shari, are you just too stupid to fear?” No. I just believe in God’s divine providence and I believe He’s going to bring us through. But I do understand the fear that being felt. Because there are weak times when for a moment I’ll succumb to the liberal information out there that is set to destroy America. And then I remember… I’m a citizen of Heaven first. America 2nd. And of course I live in West Virginia which is almost Heaven, so it’s a win win!

Isaiah 40:21-23 gives such great encouragement to the child of God. It reminds us Who exactly is in control. It doesn’t matter what the world tells you. Those grasshoppers across the United States who have strategically placed their minions in political positions and truly believe that they control this world, are going to have a harsh reality when God finally says,

“Hey Gabe… get that trumpet polished up, you’re gonna need it today.” 

It’s why their arrogance doesn’t bother me. Because I know God is going to wipe it off their face. And I’m on His side, so I’m going to be okay. But it’s the folks who aren’t on His side that I worry about. Those who do not know Christ as their Savior. 

But when I sat across from the folks who expressed their fear, it wasn’t because they were lost, I know their life; they believe that Jesus Christ died for them, they believe He arose the third day and now sits beside God in Heaven making intercession for His children. They believe! But it was because they were not staying in the word, but rather tuning into the world. That’s a bad idea! We have to do our best to plug every hole in the galaxy that allows the world to undermine the Spirit’s work in our life. The Spirit gives you hope and security, God’s word tells us that He never gives us the spirit of fear, but Satan and his minions do at every opportunity. 

One way that I can fall prey to the liberal agenda, is to believe that because I live in a nowhere zone of America (Calhoun County, West Virginia) I cannot make an impact in the world for the cause of Christ. It’s easy to see yourself as a speck on the map. I may be a speck on the world map, but I’m a pretty big deal in Heaven. And so are you! 

The publisher of the world’s most read and sold book (God Himself) is on a first name basis with us and speaks to us every day. Oh… my … stars. Why are we fearing these people. Why are we not praying? Why is the altars across America not lined with children of God calling on ABBA. Our Father. Don’t think it wouldn’t changes things. Because it would. But it’s going to take more than a couple of dedicated people of prayer. God wants to see His Nation arise. 

I know this is a short blog post today. But I just wanted to encourage you to turn off the news. Unless it’s BlazeTV. The only truth out there as far as I’m concerned. But tune into the Spirit of God. Listen to His guidance. Be bold in the face of adversity and liberalism. Defend your President. 

God Bless you! And remember He knows everything about you!

Luke 12:7 KJV

But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Posted in Christian Service, Life Inspiration

God Doesn’t Take Antacids

I can always count on Preacher Roger Carter for truth through the word of God, and a chuckle. Roger was blessed with the glorious ability through the Spirit to expound the truth of God in a way that (like Paul) common man can identify with. Paul wrote to his friends, like Timothy, who he thought more of as a son, to encourage them to continue on in the faith and to update them on how the Spirit was brining him through those days of trial. Would to God that the church would begin that again. Can you imagine, how encouraging that would be? 

It’s why I love to read and write, because I cannot rehash those thoughts in my mind again and again without concern for proper remembrance. It’s why I scribbled on my iPad during revival service last night when Roger said “God doesn’t need antacids.”   What a thought! Silly that it is, but how I needed it in this troubled world. I needed reminded of Paul’s words to Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:7 ~ For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Do you know why God hasn’t given us the spirit of fear? Because He doesn’t possess it. Glory to God in the highest! No antacids for Him. God doesn’t even have a Medicine cabinet. 

Three things God gave us for our “medicine cabinet” from that verse: 

He’s given us Power!

Some days I feel like I wear a super girl cape, other days I feel like it’s a blanky to cover up with and wait for the Calvary. The blanket days are the days that I’m not tuned into the Holy Spirit. Paul reminds Timothy that within him is a gift of God.  

2 Timothy 1:6-14 KJVS

[6] Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.

That gift is where our power lies. It’s within you. But you’ve got to tap into your own super power. For me it’s creativity, be it in the form of writing, art, or song. But for you it could be something entirely different. But rest assured it’s a Kingdom gift, and you need it! 

 [7] For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. [8] Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God; [9] Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

He’s given us Love!

Not only the love of people, but the love of doing something for Him. Paul tells us through His letter to Timothy, not to be ashamed of our testimony. Of course I believe that refers to what God is doing in our lives, but I also believe that that refers to what God is doing through us. When we follow through on what God “before the world began” placed within us, it brings great glory to Him.

It seems most everything in my life points me back to Jeremiah 1:5

Jeremiah 1:5 KJVS

[5] Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Before I was created, I had purpose. And so did you!

And that purpose is an ability within us that God created us to love. I love to write, sing, create! It’s my way of testifying of the goodness of God. What is within you that is trying to bust out? I have seen so many, many people who are not using their God given abilities, even though it would bring them such joy. Because they’ve bought the lie of Satan to fear the opinion of man.

He’s given us a Sound Mind!

This is were the thought for me comes in that “God doesn’t need antacids.” He’s not worried about how this world is going to turn out, it’s a done deal. Read the book! It’s in there. But Satan loves to create a fear with in us, knowing that it will cause us to hesitate on our actions and second guess what we know we’ve been called to do. 

When I got up to sing last night at the revival, I was feeling anything but secure. I was unprepared, and really just wanted to take my super girl cape off, go back down in the pew and wait for service to be over. True story. But I didn’t. Through the Spirit I sang, I spoke, I cried and it was good. Did I have a sound mind? Not until I was obedient. Because up until that point Satan was still trying to mess with my head. 

Every day he does. Every time I see this world gone mad, I have an anxious moment.  But then, (when I tune into the Spirit) I am reminded of  what God has placed within me, and I am strengthened. It’s why preaching such a powerful thing and why we need it. Oh how Roger stirred my soul last night with his obedience. 

I was tired, I had ran all day for various reasons and I just wanted to go home and be in bed with my iPad and a cup of coffee. But God gave me purpose, to sing. He gave Roger purpose, to preach. And through our purpose and subsequent obedience, we did our part to encourage the body of Christ and each other. We need each other! 

Paul was proud of his gifts that God provided and he trusted God to take his purpose and use it for God’s glory!

 [10] But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel: [11] Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles. [12] For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. [13] Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. [14] That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us.

Your medicine cabinet: POWER, LOVE, SOUND MIND. 

Take one of each, and call on God every morning!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Family, Fear, Leadership, Youth

How wicked do you think this world is?

From the days my girls were born, I enjoyed every stage of their life. I didn’t always do it right… more often than not, utterly wrong. But parenthood is trial and error. 

Where I mostly got it wrong was the fact that God was not in my life until they were 8 and 12. By that time I had sewn quite a few mistakes into the material that they would use in raising their own children. Sad fact, but one I have to take responsibility for. They’re good gals. They too are navigating the parental waters, but their sea is so much rougher than mine. I’m proud of them. They have no idea how proud. But I’m scared. Not in the sense that the world is frightened of everything right now, but from the standpoint that my children and grandchildren are facing the greatest evil I’ve ever witnessed. And I’ve seen some pretty crappy stuff in my 58 years.

I would like to remove my grandkids out of the equation of harms way, but that’s not humanly possible. Even if I put them in a padded room, they will be within reach of the spiritual wickedness of this world. Be not deceived… you may be the greatest, most protective and sheltering parent on earth, but your children are in danger. And the reality of it is, most parents are not the most protective and sheltering parents, because we want our children to experience life. We mainly try to keep them away from wicked things. 

But what happens when the wicked come in when we’re not with them?

I know I’m a like a broken record lately. But I feel compelled to tell the truths I’ve been told so that I can forewarn my part part of the world.

Did you know that 27 states in the United States have adopted a curriculum for sex education to be taught in all grades from kindergarten through senior high, that is so graphic in nature (even for the 5 year olds) if we showed it to children outside of the school we would be arrested for exposing children to pornography, but its considered “education when the teacher does it.” I doubt many of you know. Get ready to be shocked! The images on the curriculum are blurred, else my site would be marked as porn. 

Here’s the link to some samples:

Now that the crazies have got the worlds mind on the corona virus, racism, etc, they’ve now set their sights on our kids. And if you’re thinking I’m a conspiracy theorists, you are so wrong. I have always been naively simple when it comes to trusting people. But the world we’re living in has made me very tired of having a Susie sunshine attitude, and I had to give myself a dose of reality to protect my family. The liberal crazies are now targeting our kids directly in the classroom with “Comprehensive Sexuality Education.” They’re teaching kids — as early as kindergarten — masturbation, anal sex, transgenderism, and abortion. It makes me nauseous that those words are in my blog. I want to share Jesus, not that. But 27 States have already adopted it! Just in case you didn’t look at the curriculum, I need you to understand the perverseness of this world and the direction they’re headed, which is to our children’s schools. 

Ephesians 6:10-12 KJV

[10] Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. [11] Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. [12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

When God had Paul pen those words to the Ephesians, I wonder how much insight Paul had toward the year 2020.

The Spiritual wickedness in high places refers to the spiritual realm of Satan and his demonic forces. But it could just as well refer to American hierarchy who is cutting the throat of their own nation. 

Satan has launched this attack against the children of the world and most people refuse to listen, thinking rather that folks like me are the crazies and we’re fabricating fear when I’m truly trying to warn my kids and everyone else’s to put that armor on your children and yourself, and don’t blindly let the world “educate” your children. And never assume it won’t come to us in the little communities of America. 

My grandchildren’s schools have been on again, off again because of the exposure to the virus in our community. I seem to go from one extreme to the other in worry. One minute I’m worrying because they won’t get to play like children, and then the next minute, I’m worrying that they won’t even get to be children. 

Praise God! That although this world is filled with bad news, we have the good news every day to guide us and to give us hope that Jesus is coming soon to take us out of here. We are complete in Him, Jesus Christ. He, Who through the Holy Spirit gives us wisdom to know what we need to know. I believe that He sent me to tell you this information. And I believe He’s telling the church to do their best to stop it now before it’s too late. 

Colossians 2:10

And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

Posted in Evangelism, Faith, Fear

How to Survive Today

I could feel the panic in her request this morning on Facebook. A mother’s plea for prayer for her child as the new school year finally began. It was genuine. Not the passive plea as many do, who almost think of God as a Jeanie in a bottle. The unseen enemy of this nation right now isn’t only the coronavirus. As a matter of fact, that’s the lesser of the worries for our children. People are not even aware of most of the enemies that threaten our children every day. 

Satan has managed to either close the church or diminish attendance to less than half in most churches across the land. And yet few people have stopped shopping. The virus isn’t allowed at a riot, but it thrives on a meeting of the righteous. Give me a break. Am I concerned about our children starting school? Yes, but not because of the virus, but because of what the virus and the unrest in America have unleashed. Now is not the time to be fearful and unknowledgeable about the world we live in. 

It’s easy to get sucked into the wormhole of fear that media creates. I’ve worn that t-shirt more than once. The only way that I have found to live outside of fear is stay in the word of God and believe in His sovereignty over my life. I believe in washing your hands and staying out of spittin’ distance of folks. Other than that, I’ll leave the rest to God. 

Don’t Tire in Telling

Hebrews 5:11-14 KJVS

[11] Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. 

I can feel the frustration of the writer of Hebrews when he says they are “dual of hearing.” Because our nation is the same. The Nation (as a whole) has turned a deaf ear to the gospel as if it’s powerless, when in reality it is a universal power for all who read and listen. It will give us the guidance we need to face Covid-19, to disprove the slanderous lies of the media and not cower to the wicked powers that would have us living in fear. The wicked know that a fearful world is not one that can convince anyone that their opinion is worth having. If we live in fear and say nothing, we’ve said plenty on behalf of the enemy. 

Don’t grow weary of telling the world about the greatness of our Lord and then power in His word.

Don’t Tire in Teaching

[12] For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. [13] For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.

The world needs to see real, godly leadership. 

I have been chomping at the bits to get back in the classroom to teach. I missed it! The time that I spend preparing for Wednesday Biblical Studies Classes and Sunday School Classes gave me purpose and drive for the gospel. When that part of church ceased, part of my drive went with it. I could easily see how people can turn back into babies in need of being coddled. It’s much easier to let others do the work. 

But the more we study the word, and teach other’s about Christ, the more wisdom we receive from Heaven. The world needs to see godly leaders who are able to discern the difference between right and wrong thinking and provide the evidence of it through the word of God. It’s like building a wall around a city and taking care of our community. But when the world sees Christians living in as much fear as the lost, it undermines and tears down the walls that have been build by leaders going before us. 

Don’t Tire of the Truth

That’s what discernment is, discovering the truth…

 [14] But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Staying in the word of God in every medium available (listening, reading, teaching), builds strength just as exercising the muscles. It’s building the muscles of your mind so that when you are faced with right or wrong, truth or lie, deception or reality, the Spirit of God will reveal what you need to know. That’s survival in this day and age. 

I do not know how people who are not in church, and not in the word of God and in relationship with Christ survive day to day in this world. I would be in a fetal position in the bed were it not for Jesus Christ Who gives me the strength, energy and wisdom to fight against the principalities of the air that are stirring up our world with a big stick. 

It’s why I understand that momma’s fear for her child. But with God, we have the ability to discern the truths of this world that will help us live in peace until finally God says, “enough.” And calls us home. Until then, survive! And encourage others to do the same.

Don’t grow weary in well doing church!!!! I love you. God loves you more! 

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Which Chair?

The First Chair Experience

The summer of my junior year was musically transformational. I had “half-heartedly” played trombone for 4 years. I really just liked being a part of the band. But that summer as I was going into band camp (real band camp) I was determined to improve. So I practiced all summer on my own and showed up for the first day of pre-camp with Director Jack Downs. This was a time of personal instruction if you desired, but was not mandatory. As I began playing the music, I remember the look of “pleasant surprise” on Jack’s face. He took my 2nd chair music, and replaced it with 1st chair. For those of you who are not band geeks,  1st-3rd denoted your level of ability. 1st was the more difficult piece. Within minutes I had proven my worthiness to receive the better placement. Jack was happy, and I was jumping up and down on the inside at my labored for accomplishment. I was no longer a half-hearted slacker but I was part of the 1st chair seating. Glory to God! I remember that day like it was yesterday, when in reality it was 43 years ago. 😳


I listened to an Apostolic preacher this morning preach a sermon on first, second and third chair people. That’s what brought back those fond memories of one of my greatest of high school experiences. 

Joshua. Truly one of the finest of all band leaders. His band blew down the walls of Jericho and defeated an army. Take that football teams of America! Who’s the hero in that story? Just kidding. The hero was God.  But there’s a lesson in those trumpeters. They got to experience that event with Joshua because he had proven his commitment to the home team when he and Caleb refused to be discouraged by the size of the enemy in the land of Canaanites, but rather believed that their God, He who they had first hand witnessed His deliverance, could win the battle against the giants that made the other ten spies feel like grasshoppers. And because of their faith and commitment, God allowed only them of the original wilderness wanderers to enter the Promise Land. 

Yes! 1st chair has its perks! 

Then there are the the second chair folks. They’re still apart of the band, but they’re playing a lesser role. They are not droppin’ walls. They’re cheering the trumpeters on to victory and doing their part to back them up. They’re important, but personally they are far from living their best life. They are far from committed. They’re simply participants. 


As the years of the nation of Israel went by, the children of God had extreme highs and lows. What was once a burning bush experience with Moses as the leader who brought the Ten Commandments from God off the mountain, became a religion of 613 laws. Laws that no one could keep, setting the people of God up for failure, and causing their relationship with the Lord to become one of participation, much like what we see in the world today. People going through the motions of church, but failing to have a real relationship with the Lord as He intends. 

What was the difference between Joshua and Caleb, and the next generations? The more they became involved with religion and the less they became involved with God in a first hand relationship, they began distancing themselves from the experiences of the past. They were stories they told rather than times they experienced. They carried the banner saying they were God’s children, but nobody was blowin’ a horn and knockin’ down walls. 

How true of todays church. While we will not likely witness an experience like that of the walls of Jericho, each of us in our lives could be experiencing a first hand relationship with God that would cause God to have that same pleasant look that Director Jack had. Jack loved that I had committed myself to the music and he rewarded me with a new position. God would like to do the same for His people today. But they’re content playing 2nd chair. Let someone else teach, preach, sing, testify, serve, etc. I’ll show up for church, and put my dollar in the plate and that will be enough. When I’m out side the church, I’ll say I’m a Christian, but I’ll not offend anyone by asking them if they are or telling them what it means to me. And that will be enough. Hello? It’s not enough. And it is so far short of what God wants for you. 


Somewhere down the line someone coined the phrase “there are no small parts in a play, just small actors.” Meaning that every part is important. And it’s true. But in the roles of God’s children there is neither a small part or small person, and if one is content in standing in the shadow of the church and never growing in the grace of God, they’ll live a defeated, discontent life, and the generations to come will be as those generations of Judges 2:10 that says, “And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.”

The children of Israel went from experiencing God to not even knowing Him. 

So which chair are you in today? I pray you are blowing that trumpet loud and strong and expecting a wall to fall for the cause of Christ.  But if you are in chair two or three, I beg of you to examine your relationship with the Lord, and get int practice so that you’ll be called out to do more and to glorify the Lord more in these days of trial when people need to see God working in our lives.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Word of God

Some days just stink

If you notice an absence of my presence on the web and social media, there’s a good chance I’m struggling. Struggling with what? I often times don’t know myself. For today, I think perhaps part of it is my health, or the political climate, or literally sometimes it is the climate…. humidity kicks my butt. I struggle with depression. Medication helps on the home front of all those issues, but doesn’t alleviate anything completely. And then there are days when I personally think that I’m just a self centered brat. For certain, life is complex, and it gets complexor by the day. Yes I know “complexor” isn’t a word.  But it should be. 

We recently acquired some baby chicks, three have survived of the four. Two are Sapphire Gems and the third is a Cinnamon Queen. I like my chickens like I like my life, fancy! I know… chickens and fancy just don’t really mesh together right? Neither does my life mesh with fancy. But it doesn’t stop me from liking it. I love all things sparkly, and sometimes life is anything but. That metaphor may or may not have made sense with you, but it struck a chord in my heart as I wrote it, because I think about my trips to the coop and the less than desirable smells and such that’s in there awaiting me. And yet, it brings me great joy to gather the eggs, the fruits of their labor and bring them into the kitchen to wash up and box for breakfast or baked goods. The nastiness of the coop is overlooked when I realize that those chicks don’t care if they’re wading toe deep in poop.  Even the fancy one, ain’t that fancy. 

But I wasn’t created to wade in crap. And when my days stink, and I’m wading through self made messes or just a broken world being thrown a sparking gem or golden nugget of the word of God is just what the Great Physician ordered for my soul.

Psalm 138 is like a page from my life right now:

Psalm 138:1-8 KJV

[1] I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee. [2] I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

How wonderful to have the wisdom of God at our fingertips. And yet, when I struggle I avoid it. Why? I don’t know. But I do. The very thing that brings me joy, strength and puts my feet back up on the solid rock is the very thing that I leave lay on the table. Is it Satan’s sirens in my ears, or just stupidity. Maybe both. But this Sunday morning I long for the house of God where I can praise Him and hear His message because through Psalm 138 He has magnified His word to me! I see it Lord!

 [3] In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul. [4] All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, when they hear the words of thy mouth. [5] Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord : for great is the glory of the Lord.

I am reminded that this wicked world that loves to mock God will one day see every knee bowing and every tongue confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord. Those who elevate gods above God will not have a leg to stand on because theirs will be collapsed in the weakness of man before Almighty God. God strengthened my soul this morning just as He did the Psalmist because there is power in this book! Glory to God in the highest!

 [6] Though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off. [7] Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me. 

This world undoubtedly looks a whole lot like that stinky chicken coop. How on earth could a Holy, loving, and perfect God hang out with us? I don’t know, but I am ever so grateful that He does. 

I don’t spend a whole lot of time in the coop. I take care of business and scurry on my way. Some days the smell overwhelms my nostrils and my stomach turns. Other days it just is what it is, but I can tell you that it’s never sweet. But the experience is. I love my chickens, I long for a farm filled with all kinds of critters, but I live on a half acre lot, that’s filed with double wide trailer and a world of stuff, and some days that too overwhelms me. I’m just bein’ real folks. Life’s too short to be anything but. My lack of financial success often is a tool of Satan to weaken my spirit.  Remember… I like sparkly stuff. So I have to make sparkles out of tinfoil sometimes. I’m not wanting pity. Believe me when I say loathe pity. What I’m wanting is for God to kick me in the seat of the pants… and He takes me up on it. 

[8] The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.

My sparkles and diamonds are the gifts ( and they are many) that God has given me to encourage others. It’s not to say that I don’t have some sparkly things around me that make me smile, I don’t live in poopy coop. I live in a nice house, with creations of my own and my husband David that we’ve worked hard for, and we love. But thing about realizing that the Lord sits high and looks low to where I am, is a reminder that we’ll all soon be where He is. And where He is everything sparkles! So if you don’t like glitter, you might want to learn to love it. 

But for now God is perfecting that which concerns me, He made me with His own hands to be what I am, and I need to perfect that which is in me to be what He desires, until Jesus returns. 

Posted in Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, testimony, Word of God

Why I Jumped Ship

Read Psalm 55 and it reads like King David was living in Wisconsin, DC or Washington State. He was so frustrated that he was hated without cause. 

Psalm 55:2-3 KJV

[2] Attend unto me, and hear me: I mourn in my complaint, and make a noise; [3] Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me.

My current focus has been on the rioting and trends of the United States. I can’t stop thinking about it. So as I read David’s words this morning I felt his angst. I personally am not persecuted and attacked like David or many, many others in our country right now. I’ve not experienced the personal loss of my home being vandalized, but that doesn’t stop the heartache in my life from seeing it happen to others. I lay my anxiety at the feet of Jesus, but I occasionally pick it back up just to make sure it still scares me. I know… crazy right? 

According to commentary, David penned this Psalm at the time of the betrayal of his son, Absalom, and Ahithophel’s council against him. It has also been interpreted as a type of Judas betraying Christ Jesus. Can we not see that in todays chaos. The betrayal of our Lord by our Nation (as a whole) is unbelievable. Anyone on the side of the Lord is considered by the left to be an enemy of the state. I want to scream “We’re the good guys!” We’re not destroying our nation, we’re praying for it. We’re not disrespecting authority, we’re wearing our stupid masks that I believe are a farce because we’ve been ordered to, and we’re trying our best not to go the wrong way down the Walmart aisle. Give me a break! 

By comparison to David’s trials of the day, it seems almost petty. But it’s not petty, people are dying. Not in Calhoun County, West Virginia, but in my country. We have a nation of brats out of control and they need judgement now.

David prays as much:

Psalm 55:9-11 KJV

[9] Destroy, O Lord, and divide their tongues: for I have seen violence and strife in the city. [10] Day and night they go about it upon the walls thereof: mischief also and sorrow are in the midst of it. [11] Wickedness is in the midst thereof: deceit and guile depart not from her streets.

When I see someone up in someone’s face, screaming BLM rhetoric to the top of their lungs, I’m tempted to pray as David did. “Kill’em Lord!” But that’s not a prayer for this era of time. We’re to pray for the lost. Lord, give me strength… I know I’m to offer grace, but deed it’s difficult.

I did something over the weekend that I’ve not spoken of a great deal. But this morning it seemed to line up with my current writing. I changed my voter registration. An an 18 year old I registered Democrat, my dad was a Democrat, however he was one with morals. In my county of 7500 (ish) people, the bulk of which are registered Democrat, there is seldom anyone on the Republican ticket to vote for. Many of my friends are on the Democratic ticket and I want to support them. But come the next primary election, that won’t be possible. And I’m not sad about it. My beliefs are the enemy of the Democratic Party (as a whole) and I wanted no part of it. Yes, there’s still some good people in it, I have family in it. But for me personally, I will not have my name attached to any organization that defies God. And they do.

For David it was much the same. His current enemy was people he had once been in church with: 

Psalm 55:12-14 KJV

[12] For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it : neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him: [13] But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance. [14] We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.

How sad… and how very much 2020. 

I know that my friends are not the ones rioting in the streets or speaking out against God. But it is unfortunate that they are not standing up for Him either. They’ve not fallen in line with the leftest rebels, but they’ve scooted over from the right so far, you’d not know it. I worry about them. I love them. But I’ll not stand with them. There may not be one Republican on our local ballot, or maybe there will be… either way, I’ll not be affiliated with a party that stands for:

  • Abortion
  • Taking God out of the Pledge of Allegiance
  • Calls Murder, vandalism and tyranny a “non-violent protest.”
  • Refuses to call sin out
  • The removal of the 2nd Amendment
  • Calls for the defunding of police
  • Fails to support our troops
  • Indoctrinates public school children with BLM (Black Lives Matters) philosophy to include the destruction of the “family unit.” (Blaze special on this tonight with Glen Beck at 9 p.m.)

Yes, I know many of you that are democrats don’t believe in that… but that is the open and proud agenda of the National Democratic Party. And your name is on their roster. Like it or not, you’re listed among’em. I have no ill will toward you or lack of respect for you. But for me, I wanted no part of it. 

David’s conclusion is why I changed to the Republican Party. While I had originally determined I would file as an Independent, and I have no qualms with that; I determined I wanted to be apart of the committee that endorsed my President, Donald Trump. I wanted to stand beside him. 

In the latter verses of Psalm 55, David says this: 

Psalm 55:22 KJV

[22] Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

I’m by no means saying the Republicans are righteous. Oh, I know they have issues. In this fallen world, there’s nothing created by man that doesn’t have issues. But when it comes to the biblical principles, they’re far “more” right than the Dems. And the Dems have just about crossed over to demonism. If the Republicans move to the left, I’ll jump their ship too; but as far as my faith, my trust that the word of God is truth from Genesis to Revelation, that God has not changed His mind on any sin, on that I shall not be moved. Amen! God has no political affiliation. But He has standards, and He expects His people to stand on them. 

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Life Inspiration, Word of God, worship

Sounding the Sirens of the Antichrist

There is much conversation in these current times about the antichrist. I guess there always has been. But for me, living in this time, and you, it is certainly more relevant. While there’s been much speculation on who the antichrist is or will be, I found it more interesting a topic this morning that John said there are many antichrists. Woah…. many? 

The title of antichrist is found only four times in the scripture. All four are in the little Johns, 1 and 2. And are not in the context of the way we think of the antichrist. At least not how I think of the antichrist. I think of the antichrist as the person who comes to deceive the world during the last and final years of earth. As Paul speaks about in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 KJV

[3] Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; [4] Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Though not called “the antichrist” in that text, we see the man who will come to deceive the world in the last days. 

But John is speaking of antichrists of having been present in his day, and that they will be present in the future days, because the antichrist as John refers to it in these texts, are not so much a man, but a type of man; and I have no problem seeing his presence in modern times.

1 John 2:18-29 KJV

[18] Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. [19] They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. 

Antichrists in the church

John warns that we’d know them because they went out of the church and made it known that they were not all of us. This is heartbreaking to me, because I’ve known them, some of them I’ve met after they’d left a church and now deny that God is God. They fool people for a while, playing church, but then their true colors are manifest, made known, that they did not truly know the Lord as their Savior. I don’t believe this speaks of people who are in and out of church, saying their saved, but are not. I believe these that John speaks of comes into the church with an agenda, even if they’re not aware of it. People who Satan uses to draw people away from God by worldly deception. There are those that fall away from the church and then there are those that are drawn away into a dangerous territory. They’re often put into a position of power where they can garner a great following and in so doing draw people to them. I won’t say the names that are inside of my head, maybe you have some too, but there are self proclaimed evangelists that draw people out of the local church and into a cyber church where they are feeding the leaders with high dollar salaries and false promises. They preach Christ, but they have a spirit of antichrist. When I think of the almost worshipful allegiance their followers have, its not hard to see how the Antichrist who comes in the end could use them as little shepherds of his evil. And everyone that followed them, would fall right in line to following the antichrist. 

Scary times…

Christ in Us!

[20] But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. [21] I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.

How awesome to have the Spirit of Christ living within the heart of a child of God. It is that Spirit that will protect us from falling under the trap and guile of the greatest deceiver of all times, Satan. But just as Satan positions himself for deception, we must position ourself for reception. In the local church to receive the edification of the word of God that will keep us in check agains the wiles of the Devil. 

As Gloria and I traveled the roads yesterday, we spoke as usual about our beloved Victory Baptist Church and how much the people of that church mean to us. The people are our brothers and sisters in Christ, but Christ and His teaching through the Pastoral leadership are why we’re there.  We have both been in places in our lives that were away from God, so when we found where the Spirit abounds and grows, we’re not leaving. But many have…

I used to get very upset when people would leave. Until I began to notice that sometimes (not always) but sometimes God opened the door. The people were sewing division, or false teaching, or other things that would confuse new believers. So God moved them out! 

But what scares me now is that we have many people out of the church because of COVID19 and I’m not sure of where they’re getting fed, and what (if anything) they’re eating. While ours and many other good churches are on line, the internet is not always cooperative. And while online is better than nothing, its not the same as fellowshipping with believers and hearing the word of God uninterrupted. 

I understand the fear in the hearts of the people who have underlying health conditions that put them at risk. You have to do what’s right for you. But please guard your heart from believing every word that spoken to the church about the disease. I have a feeling they’re are some antichrists in the medical industry. And I feel it’s my task today to sound the siren on false teaching in and out of the church.

Posted in Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political

The DNC ain’t the Boss of Me

This morning I awoke to bits and piece of the Democratic National Convention being covered and shared by Fox and Blaze News. While I’m fully aware that their perspective will be on the conservative side and not in favor of Democrats (nor is mine), that fact didn’t undo what the Democratic Party said. It was slanderous and negative as always, bold face lies and shockingly an attempt to be patriotic, although we know them to be anything but. The icing on the cake was when they had the brother of George Floyd as a guest speaker as if Floyd was a national hero. He was a felon. He did not deserve the treatment he received but he was not a hero or a martyr. Unless drug abuse and robbery is your cause, then perhaps he could be called a martyr. 

While politics are always dirty, the fact that they spent such effort focusing on the negative of the republicans, rather than anything positive on their side, leads me to believe they have nothing to bring to the table. It also causes me to hope that the republicans will focus on the positive and not on tearing apart the man with no mind, and the woman with no morals who are running on the leftist losers. State the facts and move on. Tell me what you have for our country, and tell me how you love it. I need to know somebody in this country has pride in our nation and they’re willing to fight for it. 

I guess Asaph the writer of Psalm 73 felt much the same. 

Discouragement produces Depression

Psalm 73:1-28 KJV

[1] Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart. [2] But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped. [3] For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. [4] For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm. [5] They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men. [6] Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment. [7] Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish. [8] They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily. [9] They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth. [10] Therefore his people return hither: and waters of a full cup are wrung out to them. [11] And they say, How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the most High? [12] Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches. [13] Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency. [14] For all the day long have I been plagued, and chastened every morning. [15] If I say, I will speak thus; behold, I should offend against the generation of thy children. [16] When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me;

Asaph acknowledges that God has been good to Israel. Has God not been good to America? And yet, when Asaph said his feet had well nigh slipped, I get it. The fueling of division, the spewing of hatred and lies, and the justification of violence and the anti God attitude is more than my heart can withstand. I love my country, but I do not like what it has become. I want no part of any of this nonsense. I’m glad I’m not God. I would have already cleaned the swamp with a call to the principalities of the air to wipe the smile off their face and their soul from the earth. And that’s wicked I know, but I just told you my feet have well nigh slipped. 

Encouragement produces Enlightenment

 [17] Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end. [18] Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction. [19] How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors. [20] As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image. [21] Thus my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my reins. [22] So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. [23] Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand. [24] Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. [25] Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. [26] My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. [27] For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee. [28] But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works.

Please join with me to take Asaph’s words to heart. Pray for the left and leave them to God. He is far better at cleaning the swamp than we are. Regardless of their ignorance and arrogance, we win in the end. They cannot have our victory for it was paid for by the blood of Christ. They can deny God, despise the truth and defend the wicked. But those decisions will lead to destruction. We on the other hand can “declare His works” and do our part, knowing that our end is Glorious!


Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Uncategorized

The Measure & the Mockers of God

 John, the writer of the little Johns, was one of the original 12 Disciples,  having witnessed, walked and withstood the trials of faith in ways I cannot imagine and because of that his words bear weight with me. As does every other word in the scripture being divinely inspired by God Himself and surviving all these centuries with the evil that would have loved to have snuffed it out. While I have felt the Holy Spirit rise up within me, I have never physically touched the Lord, yet I know I am “one who Jesus loves.” I did not sit with Him at the last supper and lay my head on His chest, nor see Him perform miracles in person, but I’ve witnessed it through the Holy Spirit in the lives of people I’ve seen Him work in and through, including myself being a first hand witness of that fact. 

This morning I begin a study for myself of the little Johns. I need focus, so here it is I’ve decided. 

This letter was written between 85-90 A.D., before John was exiled to the island of Patmos where he wrote the book of Revelation. Jerusalem had been destroyed and Christians were scattered with a declining commitment according to commentary. John’s goal was to encourage the believers to stand strong and true even in the face of extreme persecution and the inability to gather publicly. Hmmm…  sounds vaguely familiar to our modern day issues. Although I won’t say that persecution is the reason for the churches decline. More aptly the reason would be non committed saints, or people who call themselves saints, but they ain’t. 

The Manifestation of God

1 John 1:1-10 KJV

[1] That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; [2] (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) 

How absolutely awesome is it to know God?! He Who was “from the beginning.” I don’t think the church as a whole, or most of us individually have any concept of how great that is. I talk a good game, and yet, I forget. Until I read a text like this and then I am reminded, “Oh yeah, God spoke the world outside my window into existence. What! I’m pleased as punch when I create art that remotely looks like it’s supposed to, but God created the originals from nothing. 


And then He created mankind to live in this world, and among us He placed

The Ministers of God

Folks like John. And folks like me (unworthy as I am) to share the gospel and remind us all that in this wicked, sin filled world, God has given us joy!

[3] That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. [4] And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. 

John is reminding us that God created us for each other and that in that fellowship with God and each other, it is there that our joy would be full! 

Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings and Wednesday nights can’t come soon enough for me. I need my people. Those who are absent because of the virus have no idea how very much they are missed. I’m always running around like a chicken 🐓 with my head cut off, and I fail to let them know. My heart aches as I go down the list of people missing from their normal seat in the church. I’m still there, left side, front row, center isle chair. That’s my spot and it has been for 24 years. But the friends behind me are not. And the friends to the right of me across the isle are not. And so today I write to my friends who read this blog and are not in their seats to say, “I miss you. I love you.” I’m hoping that they’re joy may be full in that wisdom. 

The Measure and the Mockers of God

[5] This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. [6] If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: [7] But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. [8] If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. [9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. [10] If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

The friends that I speak of know the measure of God. I’ve witnessed the light in their lives. They too have been ministers of the gospel, but for now they’re sidelined and it’s breaking their hearts and mine. The measure of child of God is how brightly the Light of Christ shines in their life. It’s not that they’re perfect; as John said if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. But there is evidence that the cracked vessel for which their soul resides has the Light of God beaming out of it. I’ve witnessed it, they’ve encouraged my soul many times!

And then there are the mockers. Those who walk in darkness pretending to have the Light, but their light is a dim bulb of deception. What’s so very sad about it is they not only deceive themselves into thinking they’re saved, but they deceive the lost into thinking that’s what salvation is. We will all stand accountable before God for what we’ve done in His name. And there will be those who hear “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

So the question for us all today is “What is the Measure of God in us?” If someone were to pour out of us all the God that is evidenced through our lives would it fill a thimble? A cup? A book? Would to God that when I get to Heaven He will show me the pages that the testimony of my faith has been written on. I pray the same is true for you. War on Christian Soldiers! I love you, but more importantly God loves you and He see you where you are.

Posted in Church attendance, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration

There’s a Cause for this Curse

It’s my birthday and I’ll rant if I want to. We’re in the sixth month of the COVID19 crisis, and it is a crisis, but the crisis has nothing to do with the virus. Although the virus is very real, and very sad for a great many people. But what I have on my heart today is not the loss of life, but rather the loss of living. I haven’t taught Sunday School in 6 months, and while that may not seem important in the scope of things, its important to me. I had three teens who have graduated high school and gone out into the world, and this world is a wicked place right now, and getting more and more wicked by the day. 

So yesterday I’m listening to the news and heard a report of a teacher in the public school system (not in our state) but that’s irrelevant, the fact that it’s in our country terrifies me. The teacher was upset because the virtual schooling that they were going to have to do would 

“Unfortunately” allow parents to hear them teach, and allow parents to know what they were indoctrinating their children with. And it wasn’t good. While we know that the world embraces homosexuality and other lifestyles contrary to the Bible, that’s only the tip of the iceberg with what our children are being told is acceptable, and what ideology is not acceptable, which happens to be bible principles. How do I know this… because I’m watching it lived out on social media by people that I’ve known to be brought up in godly homes. And I’ve watched as that teaching was sucked out of their brains and replaced by liberalistic jargon that’s meant to divide them from the life they were meant to live in Christ Jesus. Oh my heart breaks! 

So for now, the government is telling me that I can’t teach Sunday School because we’re in too close of quarters, but the liberal media is in their face every day exposing them to far worse than a virus. Oh yeah… I’m on a rant. But I need to speak it and speak it loud. GUARD YOUR CHILDREN!

I heard Glen Beck of BlazeTV yesterday speak of his children going to secular college. He informed them that he’d fund their way, until the ideology of the world  took over their thought process and they’re values changed from what they were raised to believe and then his funding stopped and they would be withdrawn. God bless him! Now, I realize that that’s not always possible. But it’s why the foundation of our children is so important and right now it’s being threatened by the closing of society. Not that I am the all in all of a child’s choices in life for which I reach for 45 minutes on Sunday morning. But we need every opportunity to speak the gospel into our children. And if your children are not in church, you are missing out on giving them the survival skills for this world. They need it. We all need it.

Galatians 5:2-9 KJV

[2] Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. [3] For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. [4] Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

Real Church isn’t Religion

It’s relationship. When Paul told the Galatians that their circumcision would profit them nothing, he spoke of an Old Testament law that was done away with through the grace of Jesus Christ. Nothing that man physically does can gain the forgiveness of God. That comes only from the acceptance that Christ’s death on the cross paid the final price for all. If they were trying to do a work for their salvation then they were saying that the death of Christ was of none effect. God forbid! But that’s what the world is teaching our children today. That the Bible is an antiquated book that does not apply in the world for which we live in. 

Real Church isn’t Our Righteousness it’s His Righteousness

[5] For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. [6] For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

We live in a fallen world. If you don’t believe me, turn on the news. We’re a mess! Even the saved are a mess. Less of a mess than the lost, but still a mess. If you can make it through the day without an evil thought you are so much better than I. I don’t know that I can make it 15 minutes. It’s why I’m not shocked that our youth fall into the trap that Satan lays when they buy into socialism, liberalism, pantheism and all the other isms out there. They are inundated with it from kindergarten. 

Am I advocating home school? No, I realize that that is not always a possibility, and with some parents, not even a good idea. What I’m recommending is if you have children in your life, speak Jesus!

Deuteronomy 11:19-20 KJV

[19] And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. [20] And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates:

Yesterday as I traveled the mile and 1/2 to and from the middle high school with my grandson Luke for football practice, we talked about the second coming of Jesus Christ. The importance of having a relationship with Christ. The fact that none of us, even children are promised tomorrow. Yes, it was a short drive, but I packed a much Jesus as I could into the conversation because I knew that as he begins his journey into public school reopening, the greater influence on his life is not going to be me. Speaking Jesus to our kids is teaching them that our faith proves they are loved. Who but God would die for us?

Real Church is the Rejection of Rebellion

[7] Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? [8] This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you. [9] A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

The world right now is encouraging rebellion on every front. When I read “who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?” I could very well put names to it across society. I’ve seen great teachers in the public schools and I’ve seen wicked ones as well, I see political leaders right now embracing the notion that vandalism, heretic behaviors, anti-American and anti-God beliefs are not only the rights of people in our nation but encouraged. When I say I have evil thoughts, part of them are wanting to slap the face off a few politicians. Now I know that’s not godly and not what Jesus would do. But I struggle when I see the cause and effect on children.

Proverbs 26:2 reads

As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

We will reap what we sow. There is a cause for this current curse our nation is facing.  And if we allow our children to be infused with the evil ideas of the society we’re living in, and we do not at least try to fill them with as much gospel as we can, we’re failing our nation and we’re failing our God. 

Okay, I’m done ranting for now. Happy Birthday to me 😀

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, worship

Where’s Your Faith?

Hebrews 11:1-2 KJV

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. [2] For by it the elders obtained a good report.

I make no profession of having all things “faith” figured out. As a matter of fact there are days when my level of faith makes me feel like an absolute babe in salvation. And then this morning as I’m sitting here with the door open, listening to creation outside with an almost zoo atmosphere going on inside the house with critters, I watch as they each just do what they do without regard for the other and I thank God that most of the world is at least a step above that. Or are we? 

This week we’re grand kitten sittin’ my daughter Whitney’s cat. Her name is Gypsy, and while she came from a litter our cat Callie gave birth to, she’s not the least bit thankful for the momma who gave her life. Or for the fact that her very food depends upon my provision of it. This is not her house, yet she has decided that she is the boss. And the normal boss, Who is Izadora the Chihuahua has relented to allowing it. Gypsy stays guard in the kitchen over the food bowl, and doesn’t allow anyone else to eat. So each of the critters wait, until she is elsewhere and then takes their turn. This seems oddly similar to the current news cycle. 

Those who once believed that they were given authority by the God of Creation have suddenly given way to non-believing, American hating, liberal thugs that have moved in and said, “we’re the boss of you.” And spineless leaders have said, “Okay, we’ll stand back here ‘til you’re done.” 

What? Where’s your faith?

These are the same leaders that when they were running for election, said they were “Christian” leaders. We voted for them on that stance. Well, someone did. And then there’s the American people, who are watching in bewilderment that this is happening and have no idea what we’re to do to make the madness stop. This is where Sunday morning comes into play, and why it’s been so important for the liberals to stop church attendance by controlling how many, if any can attend. A fundamental right of the American people and we’re standing back and saying, “Okay, we’ll wait until it’s our turn to live our life again.” No. That’s not at all how that should work!

I could step outside my door right now and scream to the top of my voice “shut up creation!!!!!”  And guess what… they wouldn’t. It’s who they are created to be, and I can’t stop them. Hello? Are you hearing what I am this morning? God is saying, “I created you to praise, they can’t stop you. Where is your faith?”

Luke 8:25 KJV

And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.

I have a confession to make. I have been judging some folks. Not folks that are protecting themselves from illness because of underlying health circumstances. I get it. But what about those who go shopping, who go to the beach for cryin’ out loud, but avoid church because of the virus. This doesn’t have anything to do with faith, this is flat out inadmissible into the court of Jesus excuses. Am I saying I’m Jesus. Heavens to Betsy no. But I’m saying that I don’t buy for two seconds that Jesus buys your excuse. 

You’re refusing to do what’s God created you to do.

I have some friends that are truly “stuck” at home. It breaks my heart because they would rather be in church than anywhere in the world. They are faithful to watch on line, they study the word of God on their own, they read this silly blog, and they love God and He knows! But what about the rest of the world, who tomorrow morning will sit at home and say it is because of the virus, when that it is because they’ve bought the leftist lies. 

I found this verse this week that kind of cracked me up. 

Ecclesiastes 10:2 KJV

A wise man’s heart is at his right hand; but a fool’s heart at his left.

Speaks volumes to me, how about you? Now I know why I’m not siding with the left. 

Today’s post may or may not have been a rant. But tomorrow is Sunday. And I need my people. I miss them. But whether or not they care if I miss them is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is, God misses them. 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Purpose, Uncategorized

Don’t Flip Your Lid for just Anyone

To be honest with you, I don’t feel much like a dispenser of the gospel this week. I’ve struggled spiritually, as is usually the case coming off tent meeting. I get exhausted from full days of rising early, working all day, late nights in the tent and topped off with the joy of house housework and laundry. Which I truly am grateful for the ability to do, but it frankly just wears me out. Add to that mix, six beautiful grand babies that I adore, and who adore me (and my high speed internet) and I’m ready for a nap before the day gets started. 

Now that I have you feeling sorry for me, let me add a little more truth to the mix about the fleshly side of Shari that loves BlazeTV and social media. Those two things require little to no effort on my part so I can just allow them to consume my mind and take me on all kinds of trips around the world. So… time that I could be putting into the study of the word of God is spent catching up on the  commentary of todays news and  what’s happening in Natties world on Instagram, who I have a love hate relationship with because she’s a sinner like me. Except she says bad words out loud and I just occasionally say them inside my head, and talks about things she shouldn’t and calls her self a child of God pretty regularly just after she justifies her behavior. She and I are both train wrecks. I think that’s why I love her and why I have a burden for her. 

From Sunday night’s sermon with brother Paul Lucas I got many thoughts to think on, but the crazy one that stuck is the Pez dispenser. Every day this week that thought has been here inside my head, making me smile and waiting for me to write about it. And so today is the day. 

I’m pretty sure my head on a Pez dispenser would not be a marketable product, but I’m telling you, in Heaven it’s priceless! Just as it is with any other minister of the gospel of Christ. Can you imagine what a hot ticket item it would with the Apostle Paul. It makes me wonder if they have trading cards in Heaven? Would there be a card game like “Old Maid”, but rather with an “Ol’ Satan” card that if you got stuck with him you lost he game? I know, I know… weird thoughts, right? Welcome to my world. But in this crazy world we live in, dispensing the gospel is a lot like marketing. Except, I don’t have sell it, the Holy Spirit does that work. All I have to do is be the vessel that presents it and then let the Holy Spirit take over with the power of conviction. But just like marketing in todays world, there needs to be some testimony about what that “Product” has mean to you and your life. 

The text today is  Colossians 1:23-29 KJV

[23] If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister; [24] Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body’s sake, which is the church: [25] Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God; 

So there it is! The Pez scripture. Let’s break it down into a marketing strategy as suggested in Local Client Takeover: Mastermind and Coaching Experience Exclusive page:

An Established Company

Who but the church can say they’ve been established from before Creation? What does that say about Product reliability. Who doesn’t want something that was, and is and will be. Nothing on this earth can tout that success. But we who have been saved by the glorious gospel of Christ know that before we were in the womb, God knew us (Jeremiah 1:5) And that where we are God is, and He is a “very present help in trouble”. (Psalm 46:1b) Nobody else’s God can send a legion of angels to rescue us, and most assuredly none of them promise us forever! 

1 John 5:11

And this is the record, that God hath given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

Wowzer, I just wrote myself happy again. 

That wisdom is an easy speak. Who doesn’t love sharing good news? That’s marketing at its finest and we are part of the a company, “the church,” that’s been an established part of God’s plan from the beginning of time. 

An Enduring Company

Most successful businesses didn’t rise to the top without some struggles along the way. And those who were willing to endure the heartache did so for the payoff in the end. Is Heaven any different? I had to do some studying on verse 24. It just didn’t read in a way that obvious as to what it meant. 

Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body’s sake, which is the church:

After mentioning his ministry of the gospel, Paul goes on to include more details about what that ministry involves which is suffering, and that suffering is for the people of the church, so that they can see God glorified in his ministry.

I don’t know of anyone in my life that hasn’t had some sufferings at times. But the question is, what eternal purpose did that suffering fulfill? My sufferings have all been with purpose. When I struggled in marriage as a young person, it had purpose to tell others of God’s victory in my life to begin praying for my husband and seeing those prayers answered. When I faced the heart attack and open heart surgery, it was for God’s glory that I faced death with peace.  When I fail God, and humbly come before Him and He restores my relationship with Him in this broken world, that is a testimony to those who long to be loved. My struggles pale in comparison to Paul’s but I’m not Paul. I’m Shari, the Jesus Chick, and this was God’s plan for me. 

The world needs to see us endure!

And Enlightened Company

How wonderful it is to have the wisdom of Almighty God within us! 

[26] Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: [27] To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: [28] Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: [29] Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.

Anyone with an ounce of sense should want what we have, but there’s a few reasons they don’t. The first is the same reason I struggle with being faithful to study the word of God: because the world captures my attention. I’m somewhat in shock at the condition of this world at this present time. I truly didn’t see it happening so quick, even thought the Lord warned, and warned, and I read, and read, but didn’t take heed that it would happen. It never became any clearer to me than when I read a school teachers comment the other day when someone posed the question “Who would vote for a man with Alzheimer’s just to get rid of Trump.” And this school teacher proudly proclaimed. “I would!” My stomach rolled. This mindset is what’s teaching our children. Oh…. my… stars…. 

While this teacher has told me before that they are saved, I’m hard pressed (not to judge) but to be concerned that they’re deceived. While Trump isn’t an overwhelming example of Christianity… he is still placed into power by God and has done so much that is good. And has been attacked from every side by evil. Which makes me believe even more he is a vessel being used of God. 

While I detest politics, I can’t allow myself to ignore it. Because it is a tool of Satan to distract and discourage this world and to draw the people into Hell like the pied piper while they just blindly follow along. But those of us who are saved have the Spirit guiding us so that we are “enlightened” by the wisdom of Almighty God! What an amazing thing. And what an amazing thought to think we’ll be held accountable for what we do with that wisdom and how we handle it. Paul said that he was making perfect people. We know there is none perfect but God, but we who know Him as Lord and Savior will stand before Him perfect one day. And that happened because someone enlightened us about the gospel and what it meant to be saved. 

So how about you? Do you have your real estate laid up in Heaven? Are you sending out invitations to others so they can be apart of the family? If you’re saved, that’s your job. Dispense the gospel!!!!! Don’t flip your lid for the world, flip it for Christ! 

Posted in Evangelism, Faith, Fear, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Purpose, salvation

A Certain Place of Rest for Stupid Sheep

I for certain need rest. I never realize that anymore than I do during tent meeting week. I wish I was spiritually prepared going into the week. But that has seldom, if ever, been the case. I’m always worn out. Physically, spiritually and emotionally. Which may say more about the condition of my heart than I like to admit. But as I awoke this morning and went straight to the kitchen, started my coffee, unloaded the dishwasher, cleaned the counters, bagged the garbage and then back to make the bed, I realized that I already needed rest and the day hadn’t even reached 6 a.m. yet. Welcome to the world of the Jesus Chick. It’s so glamorous! 😄 

So I went in on my freshly made made, piled up the pillows, climbed in the middle and got out the word of God. 

Ahhhh rest.

Oh Lord Jesus, I love how you speak rest to my weary soul…


Hebrews 4

[1] Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. [2] For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. [3] For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. [4] For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. 

That “certain place” was in the book of Genesis. At the beginning, the foundation of the world; when God created it and then sat down and enjoyed it. I do that usually after I create something too, be it art, writing, music… I sit back and rest in what the Lord has done through me. Because for certain without Him, nothing could happen. Although God really didn’t need the rest, because He is God; imagine Him seeing the earth in its purest, undefiled form of beauty. No wonder He just rested on that seventh day and took it in! And in this place again He says we shall enter into His rest. 

There are days that I’m ready. Lord take me home! And then I think of what’s left undone, and my heart goes into overdrive, because I realize that there isn’t much time left. And there are many who do not understand, because they have no faith. They’re not going to enter in to that final rest with me. And it breaks my heart. When God created the earth in the beginning, He knew there would be a day when He and the people He created would rest in that place. But not all and not until it would be recreated in the final days. The ones we’re heading into. 

[5] And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest. [6] Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief: [7] Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. [8] For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. 

God spoke through King David on a “certain day.” One of my favorite people, and someone I have a hard time wrapping my mind around meeting. In that future rest, I’ll meet the man that penned those words in Psalm 95 when he wrote:


Psalm 95:7-11 KJV

[7] For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. To day if ye will hear his voice, [8] Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness: [9] When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my work. [10] Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways: [11] Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.

Those are the days that I fear for my people. The ones who have yet to come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. They’ll never know true rest if not for Him. I know this as a fact, because I have experienced it and God has given me opportunity to share it. But times have not changed so much since the day the scripture was written, because the people are still hardening their hearts. Refusing to accept the price paid for the rest, or the purpose He has in our creation. We are His sheep. Stupid sheep. Who will stray off the path away from the Shepherd in a heart beat because of the distractions of this world. 

We are in the middle of that place. Somewhere between creation and eternity, wandering around. We have purpose, but deed, I struggle with living in it. It’s why I’m always tired. Even though God has given me a spiritual rest through His Holy Spirit, I still refuse to get into that certain place, until I collapse in it like this morning. And I’m reading God’s word in awe. Perhaps it’s not even making any sense to you, but for me I see God’s purpose in the writer of Hebrews, and David and myself (not that I compare to them) but the fact that God chooses to use me in the middle of this place. For He is God and we are His people! Oh my ✨ stars, how awesome that is. I don’t want to aggravate God like the children of Israel did, but I feel like I too have done my share of wandering. 

Stupid Sheep.

Back to Hebrews:


I know I’m only unpacking a smidge of this scripture. There is so much in here. But its like the cheesecake I’m having for breakfast, too much of it’s goodness is overwhelming. So I only eat a slice… or two. 😋 Which, if I don’t quit, is going to get me to “that” place sooner than later. And I really have more to do!

[9] There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. [10] For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. [11] Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. [12] For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. [13] Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. [14] Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. [15] For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. [16] Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

What would Jesus do? Well, He wouldn’t have ate the second piece of cheesecake. 🍰 Or would He? It’s irrelevant in the scope of eternity, but not so much in the place we’re in. What is relevant is this word for me this morning… His word indeed pierced my soul and He discerned my thoughts and intents. He knew I was tired, overwhelmed and in need of rest. That is why He is in Heaven, my High Priest, Who has been where I am, but He didn’t eat the cake. He is without sin. Praise God, I can come boldly to the throne of grace and get the help I need for such a times as this. In this world with a whole lot of other stupid sheep. I am not alone. 

Posted in Eternity, Evangelism, Faith, Fear

God is not Random

In my lifetime, and likely yours too there has never been such an ever changing time. Minute to minute the news updates with the latest news, the latest the trend, the latest and the greatest of everything, and many in the world are riding that rollercoaster of information with their sanity hanging on the hinges of the next open door. I’m forever grateful that God created the fabric of who I am, which is to live in the moment. Now, if I’m honest that same character trait gets me into trouble, because by living int he moment I often times don’t plan for the coming days, months, years. That’s a very abbreviated version of my messed up life. But unlike this changing world, God is not random. 

In the first chapter of the book of James we find this word that I’m clinging too this morning:

James 1:17 KJV

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

No variableness… no changing. Nothing just happens. 

The Pastor last night introduced me to a new word. “Plandemic.” Does that not crack you up? Maybe your sense of humor isn’t as warped as mine. But this pandemic that we’re going through is an irritation to me. The virus is real, and so is the panic surrounding it. But I have believed from the beginning that the current leftist, anarchy against capitalism, are capitalizing on America’s paranoia and our nation has fallen into the rabbit hole of some kind of wonderland. Where is people’s logic? 

God’s Wisdom is not Random

There is nothing that He does not know.

James 1:5 KJV

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Call me crazy. But I just believe God will tell me what I need to know.  Because of the fallen world in which I live, I certainly don’t always get it right, but when I ask, listen and follow His guidance I do. The problem has always been, I ask, listen, and then ask myself, and take my own advice. That is what gets me into trouble!  Scripture says that if I ask God, He’ll give me wisdom liberally. That doesn’t mean God is a liberal democrat… Hahaha, I cracked myself up. Liberally means “generously.” All the wisdom I need is mine for the asking. At least all my pea brain can handle. And he’s not going to upbraid, (scold) me for asking. I am free in Christ Jesus to approach the throne and speak to the Lord and Creator of the universe. And so I do. And He points me to the words this morning in this ever changing world. 

God’s Promises are not Random

God gave promises to the nation of Israel, and He gives promises to the Gentile nations, which is the world we live in in America. (Not America only, but anyone other than Israel) We may be one nation under God, but we are not God’s chosen nation. He has allowed us to belong. We weren’t stray cats that showed up on His door step that He allowed to stay. We, those of us who accept His Son Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross receive the promise of eternal life as well as many others because God had a plan before He ever spoke this world into existence.

James 1:12 KJV

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

My theory, and it is seriously my own, is that God created man to prove to Satan there are those who regardless of life’s circumstance, will choose Him over this world. Pastor also touched on this last night when he said that God created man, a creature He could enter into and redeem. He did so after part of His own angelic nation walked out on Him and followed after Satan’s rebellion. God knew it all and planned it all. Nothing just happens. Unlike the promises of man, God’s promises in the word of God will, beyond a shadow of a doubt come to fruition. And that included the destruction of this world.

God’s Goodness is not Random

Now back to the key verse of today, James 1:17 KJV

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

There is much in life I make no claims of understanding. One such thing is why God doesn’t just kill some people outright and rid the earth of their evil. Oh, yeah…. if that’s how God worked, I’d have likely been gone long ago. I’m sometimes shocked of the evil thoughts that can come into my mind. Praise God for grace and mercy. It didn’t catch Him off guard that I have evil in me, but because of my decision to accept His Son’s payment for my wickedness, God has chosen to have mercy on me, and give me many “good gifts” because of that. Gifts to be used for His purpose and glory. It wasn’t random, He specifically chose me to be the Jesus Chick. This is my ministry, given by God for His glory and to further the gospel.

So why does the evil seem to prosper as well? Satan is an imitation of everything God is for real. Satan too has power in this world to give seemingly good things to bad people. Those good things are many times their undoing. They feel they have no need of God when their barns are full.  But God gave that warning in Luke 12:18-20 KJV in a conversation with a rich man:

[18] And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. [19] And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. [20] But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?

Many are lulled by their gifts into thinking judgment day will never come. But it will. And those who God has chosen to redeem: those born again believers by the blood of Jesus Christ, will receive the goodness of God by being removed from this world before it’s destroyed. 

That is why I can live in the moment. Because in the moment in the twinkling of an eye, I can be standing in the presence of God and this wicked earth will be in its final days.

1 Corinthians 15:52 KJV

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

How about you? Are you ready? If not check out this page and then let me know! I love to rejoice in a new brother or sister in Christ.

Posted in Eternity, Evangelism, Faith, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Uncategorized, Word of God

Is Christ Divided?

Woah. That’s quite a question. And it certainly deserves an answer.

I was at a family event this week, when the topic of politics came up. Dangerous ground for any family at this time. While my immediate blood line is non-confrontational, I was raised by very passive parents, so I and my siblings have been somewhat the same, although it seems that we did learn to express ourselves a little louder. Add to us an expanding family of in-laws and children and another dynamic was added into the mix. Now a conversation can get much louder and much more passionate than that of my childhood. But we have still managed to keep the peace. A fact that I don’t take for granted. I see so many families divided by multiple reasons and the worst of it is the family of God. My family has agreed to disagree, but mostly we avoid talk about politics at the dinner table. 

But a problem is, I was born to talk. And so God gave me a blog. Else my head would explode. It’s here I air my feelings and share my thoughts because I pay for the page. So my family is not the boss of the me. 😀 I said that in humor, but what is not funny is the world for which we currently live where we cannot share our thoughts aloud in most venues for fear of an outright war. And many of those warriors are from the church and I’m not sure Jesus is any where in the battle because of the question I found in 1 Corinthians 1:

“Is Christ Divided?” 

Paul asks that question of the Corinthians:

1 Corinthians 1:10-13 KJV

[10] Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. [11] For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. [12] Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. [13] Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?

Their divisions were over who was lead to Christ by who, or baptized by who. Ours are not near so spiritual. And our founding father of these United States were wise enough to see that when they placed a separation of church and state in the constitution. Not to keep Christ out of government but to rather keep politics out of the church. Government and politics are not the same thing. We have one Government. The government of the United States. We have many forms of politics for which everyone has a right to believe. But when it come to the church, politics should never enter in. Whether you are democrat, republican, independent, from a blue state or a red state, the scripture is still black and white. So we are not to ask “Would Christ be a Republican, Democrat or other party?” We’re to ask, does what we believe line up with scripture? The only division that should be in the life of a Christian is “rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

Speak the Same Thing

2 Peter 1:20

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

I praise God that I am too limited to read more into scripture than is there. Scripture was meant to read, believe and apply. If God says “thou shalt not”, don’t. If God says “thou shall,” then it’s okay. If He says nothing about it, then don’t tell people it’s in there. God did not say every Baptist preacher had to have a white shirt and a black suit. They didn’t wear britches in the Bible. As a matter of fact, they wore dresses, robes and sandals, and they looked like men and women. I said that to say, speak of what matters. And it ain’t britches. Paul wasn’t concerned about the outward man, he was concerned about the inward man. If we get that right, then the outside will match. And it still may not look like you expect it to. But it’s between them and God.

Paul’s goal was to refocus the Corinthian church on the word of God for the purpose of leading people to Christ. They’d gotten off task. It was not about how they got saved, it was what they were doing for Christ after they got saved. So I ask of you who are reading this today these questions: “If everyone in your church spoke as you do all day, what would the conversation be mostly about? And would it line up with the Bible?”

God doesn’t expect you to never talk about things in the world, but if you are talking about those things, would you talk as you do if He was there in person? He would probably like a NASCAR race, but what would He have said about the noose in the locker room? He may have said something like “Will you all shut up, people are going to Hell, and you’re worried about a garage pull. Eyes on the prize people.” I would like to be there if He did.

Have the Same Mind

Perfectly joined together in the same mind? What would that look like? Well it wouldn’t look like my mother’s dinner table I assure you. Because there are people there with a wide array of opinions and they ain’t even close the same. 

So rather than being upset with people I love, I go to the word of God.

Proverbs 29:11 says “A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.”

While I love that that gives me the right to say “I told you so.” When things turn out poorly, I won’t, and that’s not the intention of God’s advice. But rather keeping your mouth shut in the midst of political passion is better than arguing with someone who’s not going to change their mind in the midst of anger. But if later I can go back to that person, or write about my beliefs and why, then maybe we will one day have the same mind. It also means that I might not always be right either. If I read and study God’s word, and I do, He just might change mine. But for certain, our minds have got to align with God’s word. And what I see in most all liberal arguments is that God’s word has no where entered into the process. If they occasionally quote scripture, it’s almost always out of context. But truthfully I don’t hear many liberals quoting scripture to back up their agenda. 

The same mind that matters is only the mind of Christ. 

In the Same Judgement

Are we a judgmental society or what?! And what is the favorite go to judgy scripture?

Matthew 7:1 – Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Oh that’s a good one! But when people use it, they’re usually saying under their breath, “You are not the boss of me.” Nor is Christ usually their authority. 

While God gives us a freedom of mind, He does not give us the freedom to choose His judgment, and His is the only one that will truly matter. So when judgment day comes, and you stand before the Lord, what will your conversation be then? 

I’ll bet Chloe was not a very popular person in the church of that day, because it was they who told Paul that the church folk were fussin’ about who was better because of how they came to Christ.  And that’s when Paul brings up the subject of judgement. A subject also brought up by Jude who tells of why we should be more concerned about the word of God than about the word of men, which seems to be where we have our focus now:

Jude 1:14-25 KJV

[14] And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, [15] To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. [16] These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage. [17] But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; [18] How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. [19] These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. [20] But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, [21] Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. [22] And of some have compassion, making a difference: [23] And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. [24] Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, [25] To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

Christ isn’t about division. Nor should the church be. Make sure you’re on His side. It’s the only one.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Common Creeps

So You Wanna Be a Contender

Everybody wants to go to Heaven, well, at least anyone with any sense wants to go. But a strong profession of faith will get you thrown into the theoretical and theological debates of life. It will make you enemy number one on the liberal agenda. But the great joy that comes from serving our Risen Savior makes it all worth while. So let’s contend together and do it using the wisdom that God has put at our fingertips. Like the book of Jude. As I read down through the  meager 25 verse book, the wealth of wisdom on its page far far outweighed the little space it consumed in scripture.

Jude 1:1-25 KJV

[1] Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called: [2] Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied. [3] Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

Jude lays it out and encourages us that we should earnestly (with intense conviction) contend for our faith. 

Well They Wanna Be a Creep

 [4] For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. [5] I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. [6] And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. 

A memorable sermon from days gone by is “Creeps in the Church.” I’m not sure of the year for which Mike Worf preached it, but I remember the word, and the realization that within the church , most every church, there was probably a creep or two, trying to deceive the flock into thinking they were the real thing. But their agenda was anything but godly. But what I see going on right now is the battle of the world against the worshippers. They’re trying to stop the worship of Christ on any level, in any place. That is Satan’s agenda. And his tactics are vicious and vile. 

And They Wanna Be Corrupt

I’ve never been one who enjoyed crime dramas. They make me very uneasy and put thoughts in my mind that I don’t want to be there. I don’t understand the mindset of a criminal or anyone who can hurt people without regard. So now that I’m tuned into BlazeTV most every day, the level of corruption in our world is somewhat shocking! I much preferred living in my false reality where everything was peachy keen. But that’s not where God would have me right now. It’s very clear to me that I’m to make the world more conscientious of what’s happening around us in the spiritual realm. While there is plenty of wickedness in the flesh, that of the spiritual realm is in abundance and they know their time is limited. God’s Word is sure.

[7] Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. [8] Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. [9] Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee. [10] But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. [11] Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.

Read Numbers 16 about the demise of Koran (Core). It too makes me nauseous! I don’t have the heart to kill people. But God does, especially if they’re corrupting His people and challenging His authority. And while we don’t live in Old Testament times under Old Testament laws we still serve the same God. And just as Moses said to the men of Korah, there will come a time when God will prove “who are His and who are Holy.” Numbers 16:5

But until then, we’re to keep on contending for the faith. God is so worthy!  So in the church and out of the church be every conscious of those who come in among you and speak against any leadership. Leaders are ordained by God. And while not all are godly, they were often placed in those position so that God’s will can be accomplished. Michael the Archangel wouldn’t even speak against Satan, rather leaving him to God. 

I encourage you in your reading to read the book of Jude. It’s only 25 verses; but as you read, you cannot help but see that 2020 and 65 A.D. have serious commonalities.  Not only is there a common Salvation, but there are unfortunately “common creeps.” And as Jude, I write to you of “common salvation.” If you do not know Christ, then you are likely struggling greatly with our current times. Please, I pray you’ll message me and let’s talk about Jesus. 

I enjoyed this scripture this morning, because it reminds me that nothing catches God off guard. Not then, not now. 

Posted in Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration, salvation, Uncategorized

Our Defining Moment

A salvation experience is different for everyone, and yet the same. For me it was a struggle getting past “religion.” On February 18th, 1996, a date I have etched in my mind, not only because it’s my Mother’s Birthday, but because that was my first service at Victory Baptist Church and my first time of feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit in a life altering way. But for the months to follow I sat in my seat, weeping, burdened and alone in my thoughts because I couldn’t tell the world what I knew. I was lost. I would often go to the altar, where I left my tears, but picked back up the burden. I was a church girl, (at another church), I had been a Sunday School Teacher, I had served in their Church youth ministries, but I was a faux believer. A faker. I knew the man Jesus, but not the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

The Defining Moment

Mark 8:27-38 KJV

[27] And Jesus went out, and his disciples, into the towns of Caesarea Philippi: and by the way he asked his disciples, saying unto them, Whom do men say that I am? [28] And they answered, John the Baptist: but some say, Elias; and others, One of the prophets. [29] And he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Peter answereth and saith unto him, Thou art the Christ. [30] And he charged them that they should tell no man of him.

Christ asked the disciples two questions: “Who do men say I am, and who do you say I am?” He asks us the same question. Because there comes a time when we each have to answer that question for ourselves. There’s more to Christ than just knowing His name. There’s a defining moment when you realize that He truly is the Son of God, and the breath in your body. He is the reason behind the purpose for your life. For me it came the summer of 1996. I don’t know the specific day, I just knew I once was lost, but now I’m found, and I was changed from head to toe. Every fiber in my body was created anew. My voice, my talents, my heart, my hands, and my feet. I had purpose that must be used for Him.  There was a defining moment.

The Defining Years

Jesus had only a few years with the disciples. But my, my, my… what an impact He made. It took a few years for me as well before I felt the calling in my life. Bible study, Discipling and then Bible College and I knew, though I didn’t always feel confident, I felt compelled to share the gospel. 

 [31] And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. [32] And he spake that saying openly. 

What a strange thing to hear from the mouth of the Man who had become your friend and your hope. They had seen the miracles, they’d witnessed His power, but now He’s telling them He’s going to be killed?  That no doubt made no sense. I’m sure that’s not good English, but it’s good reasoning. Because it didn’t make any sense to me either when I discovered the sweet Spirit of the Lord. Why on earth would anyone want to kill someone so marvelous? Every time I would hear or read of His crucifixion, my heart would break again. As a new convert I had much to learn about Jesus, and much to learn about mankind, who wasn’t so kind after all. Those defining years were filled with mentors.

The Definition of Denial

And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him. [33] But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men. [34] And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. [35] For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. [36] For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 

Peter didn’t understand. But Satan most assuredly did. And so he put the thought into Peter’s mind to question the Lord. Sound familiar? Have you ever questioned God on Who He is, and Why He does what He does, or allows what he allows? Just this week I did when a young child grew very ill very quickly and his parents are now in the process of telling him goodbye on this side, but Christ will welcome him on the other. But why Lord, Why does that have to be? And then I thought of the condition of this world, and all that child would be spared. And while I was sad for his parents and grandparents, I found peace in knowing that God was taking him away from the wickedness down here. When Christ told His ministry team to “deny” themselves and take up their own cross, it was a message for us as well, saying put yourself, and your desires aside. That’s tough. But its a necessity to get through the rough times down here. And it’s why our conversion doesn’t quit at the altar. While you are saved completely and immediately, your life is an ever learning journey through the Spirit of God. 

The Day of Discovery

[37] Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? [38] Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

I’ve made many, many, many trips back to the altar. It’s my place of solace in this troubled world, but it’s also my place of renewal and guidance. Too many altars are empty. Too many Christians stopped their visits to the altar at the time of their salvation and the price we’re paying in America is the result. But there will be a day of discovery on Who Christ is. And for many it will be too late. And for some it will be too little when they stand before God and He asks “What did you do for me?” 

I guess I’m somewhere in the middle. I don’t ever feel like I’ve done enough, but I’m trying to discover what God wants me to do each day. If you’ve read my blog much, the story of my salvation is an old one. But for me it’s as good today as it was when I experienced it. I hope you find that in yours. The reason I shared it today was as a reminder of where I came from, and to remind me that there are expectations upon me from the Lord. Not for salvation, that was paid on the cross. But when God saved me, He didn’t pay that price for me to sit down and wait for the train to Heaven. Yes, this train is bound for glory! But I want to load my car with some friends along the way. 

What’s your salvation story? Share it with me, share it with anyone. But that testimony is a part of your purpose.

Posted in Christian Service, Church Unity, Evangelism, Faith, Forgiveness, Political

Let’s Make Sure We’re On God’s Side

Why is it that a Christian Nation is so divided? How can that be? Any innocent conversation can be drawn into a battle of wit and words with a phrase or ideology that goes against the person you’re conversing with. 

It is with hesitancy that I share my opinions, I never mind sharing the gospel, for it is not my words, but God’s, so if they have a problem with that, take it up with Him. But my words, my opinions are made often times in the midst of great passion of conversation. Things come out of my mouth that I really wish they’d paused for effect so I’d have a chance to stop them completely. But the reality is, I speak first and think about it later. 

A Bible conversation that could have had great dividing power was the one between Apostle Paul and Philemon. Philemon had a slave named Omesimus that had stolen from him and then runaway. But as fate would have it, his runaway journey ran him straight into the arms of Jesus through the Gospel preached by Paul. He not only became a child of God, he became a great friend and encouragement to Paul, but Paul knew his backstory. And wanted to reunite him with his master, also a friend of Paul. 

Paul wrote the letter (the book of Philemon) for this purpose. Which I read this morning in search of guidance as I travel in this world of division today. It’s only a 1 chapter, 25 verse book that you can read it in just a a few minutes. The verse that struck a chord in my heart today was in the latter of the book:

Philemon 1:17-20 KJV

[17] If thou count me therefore a partner, receive him as myself. [18] If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee ought, put that on mine account; [19] I Paul have written it with mine own hand, I will repay it : albeit I do not say to thee how thou owest unto me even thine own self besides. [20] Yea, brother, let me have joy of thee in the Lord: refresh my bowels in the Lord.

I smiled when I read those verses. Paul basically offers to repay Omnesimus’ debt, but reminds Philemon, in my own country words, “I ain’t even gonna remind you what you owe me.”

Can you hear those words from the Lord Jesus this morning in this divided world? Where everyone wants to be right and free the slaves that aren’t slaves and pay the debt that isn’t owed. 

This morning I’m sitting in an empty Hotel Lobby that would likely be bustling in a normal time. But we’re not living in normal times. We’re living in a time when our entire nation is as divided as Philemon and Omnesimus. The only hope for a restoration is if people, starting with the church, listen to those words of Paul, and imagine them coming from the mouth of the Lord Jesus. 

“I ain’t even gonna remind you what you owe me.” 

But His Father will. 

Before we launch into that argument. Before we tell our side; let’s take the side of Jesus and offer forgiveness, even if it’s not warranted. A little love goes a long way. 

Let’s share God’s opinion more than ours today. That way if there’s division, we’re for certain on the right side. 

Posted in Christian Service, Fear, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Purpose

So You Want God to Heal America?

Yes! Of course the answer is yes! So why is He not? Truthfully, only He can answer that question, but this morning as I read the word of God I perhaps received a little insight into my own life that might help you too. 

The Arguments of the Religious

Mark 9:14-30 KJV

[14] And when he came to his disciples, he saw a great multitude about them, and the scribes questioning with them. [15] And straightway all the people, when they beheld him, were greatly amazed, and running to him saluted him. [16] And he asked the scribes, What question ye with them? 

You’ll note as the scripture continues that the scribes don’t answer the question of Christ. Religious people always have more questions than answers. They love to point out the powerlessness of ordinary people. The scripture to follows describes the disciples inability to heal a man’s son that was possessed with a spirit. I don’t have to wonder how many parents are struggling with children that are not necessarily possessed, but are in serious trouble of one form or another. And the parents are searching for answers and the religious have no hope to offer. 

I knew a woman int the higher education field who had a daughter who struggled with mental illness. She lived a few hours away from her and phoned one night to say she was suicidal. The mom was in extreme panic, and being a woman of religion, she turned to a member of her denomination in the area where her daughter lived for help. She was then told, she’s not a member of our church, we can’t help her. My shock was not so much in the fact that the religious didn’t help her, it’s that the mother justified them failing to help. 

The scribes were not questioning the disciples because they were concerned for the mans son, they wanted to disprove their Master, Jesus Christ. When a Catholic Priest loses his job for telling his congregation the truth, as it happened in Indianapolis, it’s proves the lack of concern from the hierarchy of the religious. But its not so different in many other denominations of today. And this is not about me being a Baptist. This is about any church who cares more about he institution than ministry, which is what we’re called to. I wasn’t called to be a Baptist, I was called to be a servant. 

The Anxiety of the Broken

[17] And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit; [18] And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out; and they could not.

When I think about the people in the streets rioting and tearing down our nation, I feel as though they are like this mans son. And while they may not be possessed, they are most assuredly in the control of evil spirits. Watch the videos. It’s genuine insanity. Now… imagine being a good parent at home watching your child in that mess. Wondering how on earth life got so messed up when you did the best you could to raise your child. While I too believe that many of these people were raised by idiots, there are some who were not. But the world got a hold of their child and they could prevent the evil from taking over, and they need help, but it’s not happening. 

There are those of us who do not have children involved, but I can empathize with those who do. They may not even be rioters but they’re children who have bought the lies of a the liberal left and are waging a war that they don’t even understand. Black people love Aunt Jemima Syrup, but the whites are taking it off the shelf for “they’re own good.” In the city of Portland, Washington, the white employees were made to take a vacation day and receive training to become “less white.” I kid you not. Churches are telling people who live in ungodly lifestyles that they are okay and that God changed His mind, all the while asking God to fix our country. Hello? Do they actually think God’s going to fix stupidity? But our acknowledgment of what we know is stupid, doesn’t help the anxious. What are we who know the problem doing? 

The Answer for the Righteous

 [19] He answereth him, and saith, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me. [20] And they brought him unto him: and when he saw him, straightway the spirit tare him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming. [21] And he asked his father, How long is it ago since this came unto him? And he said, Of a child. [22] And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him: but if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us. [23] Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. [24] And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. 

The problem with the failure of the disciples to heal didn’t lie with the God they served. It lay with the people who weren’t doing their part. There’s a Matthew West Song that my cousin Andrea reminded me of this morning titled “Do Something.” That’s America’s problem. We’re not doing anything except watch our country be torn down and asking God to fix it. But many of the churches asking God to fix it, aren’t willing to step out and say to those tearing it down, “You’re wrong.”

When it comes to the Coronavirus that is now holding our country hostage we’re not willing to step out and say, “you’re lying.” And they are. The virus is real, the panic is real. The reasoning behind it is not. I won’t argue it, but I’ll point you to where I get my information and why I believe them meaning “BlazeTV”, rather than ABC, NBC, or CNN and yes, even FOX. And most importantly the fact that the Holy Spirit speaks to my soul and says “this world is crazy Shari. Keep your eyes on Me.”

Now, the question Christ is asking is this: “Who do you believe?”

Most of us will say Christ. If that’s the case, why are we not believing His word when He said this was going to happen. And now that it’s happened and we want Christ to fix our country, why is their not a passion on the side of righteousness like that on the side of unrighteousness. Why were the people of insanity not met by the sane? 

When the father realized that the problem wasn’t with his son, but with him, things changed. And when the church realizes that the problem may have manifested itself in the insanity of the liberals, but it exploded when there was no reaction from the sanity of the conservatives. And that my friend means we’re almost as crazy as they are.

The Absolution for America

[25] When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him. [26] And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, He is dead. [27] But Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose. [28] And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out? [29] And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. [30] And they departed thence, and passed through Galilee; and he would not that any man should know it.

It’s Sunday morning. What are we as a church doing? Are we on our knees crying out for this country. Do we really believe that God can heal our nation? Or are we just willing to accept that this is the beginning of the end?

The end will happen. But it doesn’t have to happen like this. Not with Christians saying nothing. Believing Nothing. Doing Nothing. 

Forgive us Lord. Forgive my unbelief Lord. Lord I believe

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration, salvation

The World Needs a Hero

So yesterday I shared a post on Facebook from Dennis Prager, the  founder of Prager University, an online source for information “to promote what is true, what is excellent, and what is noble through digital media, we make exceptional video content that advances Judeo-Christian values. By reaching millions of people every day, they educate, influence and changes minds.” Or so their website says.  His “Fireside” chat about neither blood nor race mattering in the scope of love was great. And while I agree, and even responded about how much my friend Gloria, a non blood relative meant to me, I couldn’t get the thought out of my mind…

“Blood does matter.”

As I went to sleep last night, that thought was there. As I awoke this morning, that thought was there. Obviously the Lord wanted me to address it. 

I married David Johnson, August 16th, 1980. My first and only love. We will celebrate our 40th year of marriage this year. Unbelievable! As they say, it’s not a record, but it’s not the norm anymore. To look back and see how we survived each other is only by the grace of Almighty God. David is not my blood relative. (No matter what they say about West Virginians.) So when Mr. Prager said as a child he realized that love wasn’t about the blood, he was correct. And while his catchy title in this day of argumentativeness over race was effective on getting my attention, blood does indeed matter in the scope of eternity. Not mine. Nor David’s, but the blood of Jesus matters.

Contemporary churches of today have all but removed the blood from the church. They’ve taken it from hymnals, they no longer preach it, they no longer use it for the premise of salvation for it offends the world. Why is that? Why is blood so important in the matter of families, but offensive in the matter of faith? 

I will confess that the site of blood makes me queasy. I couldn’t watch the movie “The Passion of Christ.” It was far too graphic for me. I am however glad to have seen images from the movie, because it gives me an greater understanding of the price my Lord paid for my freedom and my eternal relationship with Him. Those images are seared into my mind, but I doubt they do the reality justice. Satan wanted to destroy Jesus. And he thought he had as Jesus hung on that cross suffering, as He was removed and placed in a tomb. As they sealed it up… Oh, I’m sure Satan did a little victory dance. But then the tomb was found empty! Woohoo and Glorrraaaayyy! It was a new day in Dodge! But it wasn’t the Calvary that had shown up to rescue the world, it was the same Jesus that hung on the cross as meek as lamb, but returned with the vengeance of a Lion. 

Without the blood of Christ, there would have been no hope of salvation for man. There’s not enough critters in the world to atone for the sins of this fallen society. But the world doesn’t want the blood. Not the blood of animals, not the blood of God. They want Heaven, they want some type of eternal peace, but not the humility of Christ’s sacrifice. If we genuinely see that in the context of the cross, we know, “I can do nothing to repay Christ for His suffering.” His blood mattered.

So how do we explain that to a fallen world who wants nothing to do with the blood or the Savior? How do we explain that it needs to matter to them too?

They must first see the effect of the blood in the lives of the children of God. The evidence of Christ’s love for us was written and testified of throughout the scriptures. The Spirit reveals the truth of it through His word, be it in preaching or reading. Christ set the example of how we are to live and conduct ourselves as children of God, and then closed that chapter with the ultimate sacrifice, that when it was witnessed, His followers were willing to do the same. They had seen the power of the blood. Have we? Has this world?

Some have. Some have witnessed God do miraculous things, I’ve witnessed it. But how quickly those times are forgotten when the world garners our attention with its evil. We forget about the power that is in the blood. The blood that Christ took back to Heaven (Hebrews 9:12)  

Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

There was no other blood pure enough to enter that holy place, other than the blood of God’s only begotten Son. That blood on that day, took the price and the burden of sins away from all mankind, whether or not they accept it or desire it. And that has to be seen as evidence in the life of a child of God. Even in the face of this adversity we are in, we have got to continue to live in the victory of Jesus, that He will bring us through this crisis. If the world sees Christians falling apart, then they will not see that His blood mattered. 

Satan continues to try to rid the church of the blood, to give a counterfeit version of all that God provides, but He cannot find anything that replaces the blood of Jesus. Which is why it’s so important for him to get it out of the church. And why it’s so important for us to fight for it to stay. 

When you think of the blood of Christ, how does it make you feel? As I thought about it this morning, I imagined me as the child of a the greatest Warrior and Hero of all time. He is ya know? How do you see Your Savior. Is He Your Savior? Have you accepted the price He paid for your peace and freedom on the cross of Calvary. If not, follow this 👉🏼link, or message me, and I’ll tell you how to to have the greatest day of your life!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Word of God

My Jesus Agenda

When I tell people that it’s a struggle to stay focused, I’m not sure they understand the depth of the struggle. I can start out with the greatest of intentions of writing a blog, 3 minutes later I’m writing a song, but before it’s done I’ve thought of a media banner, or an instagram post, or perhaps there’s a load of laundry calling my name. Or like now… the beds unmade and it’s bothering me. I kid you not. And that’s not a random occurrence of a thought pattern. That’s every day, all day. I struggle. When I wasn’t working (in the secular world), I laminated a list of daily chores to keep me on track. But now my chore list just has to get done the best it can because my at home hours are less. Which has been another burden on my soul. The ministry work has suffered so I can pay bills. Bills I created… ugh. Well, that’s depressing. So this blog thought has been a few days in the making. In the midst of all that hoopla that I just mentioned I’ve lost five of the ten chickens we just bought to a dumb racoon, and had to coon proof my coop. Which took two days of serious labor, but its done and the coon was live trapped last night. The same coon I was ready to knock in the head myself, but this morning when I looked at it’s cute little face in the trap, I made David take it to work with him and let it loose by the river bank. I’m too tender hearted. 

Wow…. that’s a lot of info. Welcome to my world.

Now, for My Jesus Agenda. It’s a three point agenda as mentioned in the artwork above. The first of which is to:

Speak Jesus with Clarity

It’s seems to be an issue the world has a problem with right now. We have to speak Jesus in a round about way that won’t offend their poor little souls. The same souls that are headed down the path to Hell on a wide road. But nobody’s worried about that. Well except me. And thousands of other ministry people who try their best to speak the word of God clearly and correctly. But the trouble is.  There are far more in the ministry catering to this world and not speaking speaking the Word of God with enough truth so that they can understand salvation. Which is sad, because the plan of Salvation isn’t complex! Neither is knowing how to live after salvation if you read and study the word of God. But we’re not raising Christians to feel the need to study on their own. They want someone to spoon feed them the gospel one day a week, (if that)  and then when they are fed, to make sure it’s not any rougher consistency than mashed potatoes so they don’t struggle to swallow. 

Wow, I feel like I may have just unloaded my wagon on you. 

Clarity is my goal, so I guess I’m not mincing words or mashing potatoes today. Rather than getting caught up in any theological debate, I just want to tell you about Jesus. From Genesis to Revelation, I want to help the world (and myself) know the God of all Creation, and the God Who is coming to take us home, better. 

Agenda point number 2:

Stand Firm in His Authority

Another struggle I have is remembering that it’s not my words I’m speaking. It’s the Word of God. And if people don’t like it, that’s their problem. 

I was listening (again) to the Glenn Beck program on BlazeTV and he spoke to Dennis Prager, the founder of Prager University, an online information source. Lots of great content on it. But during the interview, Mr. Prager said of the 10  commandments, regarding the 3rd of which is “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain,” that it means in Hebrew “to carry the name of the Lord.” In your life, how do you represent God? That gave me a serious think time on the law, and a deeper gratitude for grace. But in the process of his defining of the deeper meaning, there was a point when I, who’s think tank is much more shallow than Mr. Pragers, was grateful for the lesser amount of knowledge that I have. Mr. Prager said that there are those who in religion teach the commandments, they teach the third commandment as meaning saying OMG is the unpardonable sin. Well, of course it’s not. The unpardonable sin is not accepting Jesus Christ as Savior. And while I’m grateful for the wisdom he imparted to me about “carrying” the name of the Lord, nothing ever justifies speaking irreverently the Lord’s name. When people cuss, they’re not always taking the Lord’s name in vain, I don’t necessarily think they’re headed to Hell, but it sure doesn’t make me think of Heaven.  That’s why I started the “stop the cussing campaign, that I need to get back at. But for now there’s a far greater evil in the world than a few cuss words I’m not comfortable hearing. 

Our people are going to Hell. And partly because God’s people don’t take our job of being “Christian” serious. 

Mr. Prager is Jewish. He is well versed on countless religions, but knowing religion doesn’t mean you know Jesus. I know Jesus. And that makes me a lot smarter than a lot of really intelligent people. It also makes me a lot more powerful than a lot of people. You too. But are we walking in the wisdom that the power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ is upon us? Good question right?

Agenda point number 3:

Serve the Lord with Gladness

Psalm 100:2

Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. 

King David was not the apple of God’s eye without reason. He loved the Lord, He communed with the Lord, He sought the wisdom of the Lord and He worshipped the Lord. Serving God was not a part of His life, it was His life. He was human, he made mistakes, but when He was in tune with God, He was a happy man. 

That’s the secret, although it’s not really a secret, to the success of a child of God, be it in the secular world or the spiritual world. Be in tune with God. My happiest days are days that His word encourages my soul and His Spirit fills me up to overflowing. My saddest days are the days when I let the world consume my thoughts and turn the Spirit off like a water faucet. Remember my focus issues. Yep. How many happy days and how many sad days do you think I have. If I’m honest, I have way more sad days than I should. Because this world and all it’s chaos has gotten my mind off the Jesus Agenda. 

Time to make a new list of daily priorities. 

How about you? What’s on your Agenda? 

Posted in Christian Service, Leadership, Political, Word of God

This is Serious

Today, I want to share with you some things that are heavy, heavy on my heart. I emphasized heavy but even that doesn’t do it justice. Yesterday evening I attended church and was encouraged by the pastor’s message from 1 Timothy. I felt the Spirit of God as we sang “What a Friend we Have In Jesus,” and loved sitting by my bestie Glo. She is my sounding board in life and ministry. So are you that read my blog! And I thank you! I am grateful for every day I can spend in the house of the Lord, especially with the recent pandemic closures, but I was a little more than disheartened over the lack of attendance, yet I understood. I realize that my sometimes gung-ho approach to life isn’t always appreciated. But having been saved out of dead religion was a life altering experience for which I’ll not apologize, which was followed by being given a ministry of the Lord which is something that I alone will stand accountable for. Which brings me to the burden of today. 

After I got home from church last night, I tuned into a Blaze special by Glenn Beck. It was not on public television, it is not on YouTube or Google, because they’d have taken it down. Glenn’s investigative reporting unveiled the dark side of this world we’re living in right now as I would have never thought possible. But I’m a cockeyed optimist. I still am, but I want to be optimistically informed as well. And so I pay my BlazeTV subscription and I tune in to what most of my Democratic friends and family would call a radical right approach to life. Can you be too far right? Just asking…

The unfortunate part of my television viewing last night was, I was tired. Which means my attention span would waver. But not much. Especially when he got to the root of the nights show which was to reveal the truth of Black Lives Matters (BLM) that most Americans are probably clueless to. These times are far scarier than you think. Starting with Susan Rosenberg.

This statement is from Wikipedia:

As of 2020, Susan Rosenberg sits as vice chair of the board of “Thousand Currents”, a foundation- and contribution-funded international grant-making charitable organization which supports grassroots organizations in the “Global South” as well as acting as a fiscal sponsor of the Black Lives Matters Global Network.

Also according to Wikipedia she is an American far-left revolutionary terrorist, author and advocate for social justice and prisoners’ rights. Rosenberg was active in many radical movements of the 1970s. After living as a fugitive for two years, she was arrested with an accomplice, Timothy Blunk, in 1984 while unloading 740 pounds of dynamite  and weapons from a car into a storage locker in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. She had also been sought as an accomplice in the 1979 prison escape of Assata Shakur. Rosenberg was sentenced to 58 years in prison on the weapons and explosives charges. She spent 16 years in prison, during which she became a poet, author and AIDS activist. Her sentence was commuted by President Bill Clinton on January 20, 2001, his final day in office.

Might this help you understand the violence happening in our streets? If you go onto the BLM website, you’ll discover that their agenda doesn’t have quite so much to do with black lives as it does, gay, transgender and ridding the world of the  “biblical defined family.”

I believe that a lot of good American people, who believe they’re defending black families, have inadvertently gotten themselves on the wrong side of a dark organization and when they realize it, it will be too little too late. We are a country who thrives on underdog stories. We love seeing the little guy win! But this isn’t a little guy story. This is a white political funded organization that has a designed objective. We’re talking about millions and millions of dollars funneled through the BLM organization. But that’s not where the money’s going. And that was the Glenn Beck show. He listed the organizations and the people who were receiving that money. Because I only know enough to be dangerous I won’t even get into that. Just take note that I’m telling you its scary stuff, it’s very political. And what’s happening is meant to do one thing, “take down America.” And they’re making a good attempt. Starting with our President and anyone who supports him. 

So. Back to my heavy heart. While America is a burden, it’s not near the burden that my people are. The political deception is not only a tool of Antifa, but Satan is living his high life as he watches souls headed for Hell and clueless that they are pawns in his plan. 

My church was pretty empty. I pray they were watching on line. But that’s not enough to assure me that they’re okay. I know how hard it is for me, the Jesus Chick, to stay focused on my ministry work. It was hard for me to write these words today, and wonder if it would cause my site to be taken down. Causing yet another source of the gospel to be lost.

But then I read the story of Philip and Simon this morning. Not Simon Peter, but Simon the sorcerer. He loved the entertainment side of his work. But something happened. Phillip happened. He began to make a difference in his part of the world, so much so, that even Simon got saved!!! But there was still apart of him that like the entertainment. So when he saw the apostles casting out spirits and healing people he wanted some of the action, even offering to pay for the gift of the Spirit of God. But Simon Peter said to him in verse 20 of Acts 8:

“Thy money perish with thee, because trout hast thought that the fit of God may be purchased with money.”

So much for that theory of Catholics.

But Simon repented and said in verse 24 “Pray the Lord for me, that none of these things which ye have spoken come upon me.” 

And so they went on to continue preaching the gospel in Samaria.

The gospel isn’t a show. Too many churches and people love the pretty, entertaining side of the church, but when it comes to standing for the Word of God, they’re found lacking. So the story of Simon gave me hope! Those of us who are standing on the side of right, speaking out against what’s happening, sewing love, not hate, but always speaking the truth of the gospel can make a difference in the lives of the Simons of this world who like a show. We can turn them around until they too are converting others into in the name of Jesus and taking down those who are trying to tear down America. 

Yes I’m a cockeyed optimist. But it’s not a false hope. It’s a belief that I serve a God Who can stop this nonsense and put our world back on the right track. But not without the voices of His people. Don’t be silenced. And if you can, go to church. The Lord needs His people in the battle. 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church Unity, Uncategorized

Service With a Smile

I’m sure I quite often sound like a broken record with regard to BlazeTV, although I don’t think I talk about it continuously, but it is a source of information that I use more often than not. But yesterday morning, or maybe the day before, I was ready to turn it off too… but only for a minute.  😀

Steve Deace is one of the Christian News Hosts and I generally love this guy. But he was in quite the Debbie Downer mood. He gave no hope. President Trump wasn’t going to get re-elected, the Democratic view point was going to consume the world and if Jesus didn’t come back soon, Hell in a Hand-basket was going to be the United States. The only thing left to do was poke my eyes out and I’d have been set. It was that depressing. I listened a little while and then finally just had to turn it off. He was tearing my spirit completely down.  

Now… for the record, if it’s truth I want to hear it, good, bad or indifferent. And while Steve Deace had a foundation in truth, and he for certain believed his commentary, it was just too negative. So I watched a little of the Blaze TV show “Relatable” with Allie Beth Stuckie. If you don’t know who she is, you should look her up on YouTube. I’m not sure of her denomination, but she is 100% Bible based. Her sweet spirit will almost make you a diabetic, but don’t think that she’s a push over as a journalist. She is such a defender of the truth! But she’s sweet. She will make you smile all the while slicing someone to bits with the word of God. Oh how I love her! And she’s such an encourager. 

I’ve always tried to be such a person of character. I want to leave people better than I found them. But I haven’t always. Because, like Steve Deace, I’ve allowed the world to drag me into a pit of despair on more than one occasion. But God has a way of sending the right message for the right time, which is exactly what He did during Wednesday night Bible Study last night with Pastor Steven’s message of good news with a good attitude.

I have friends, and I do love them, but when they share the news, they share the good news with a bad attitude. For me, that tactic of the gospel is like speaking in tongues. You may be being “spiritual.” But ain’t nobody understands it. And with as many people spewing hate as there are in the world today, people need to see the love of God in action, in truth but not with an iron fist pounding the pulpit. I want the people that I love, who don’t know Christ, to hear the gospel truth, know that there is a judgement day coming, but never think that I’m the one judging them. 

The Battle is About to Take Place

So back to last night’s message: In the book of Numbers, chapter 32 is the story of the children of Israel’s starting point into the land of Canaan. But before they go, two tribes (Gad and Reuben) decided to stay on this side of the Jordan for the cattle land. Moses took this as an affront to God for having brought them through the wilderness. Moses feared that their action would cause the others to doubt the victory. After a “come to Jesus moment,” The two tribes told Moses that they would go and fight, and help win the land, and then they’d return to the other side of Jordan, to the land of Gilead. And so it was. And the rest (as they say) is history. 

Just as the children of Israel were about the fight for Canaan, this is the time that Christians are going to have to fight for America. I pray not in the literal sense of a civil war. And just as Israel marched around Jericho and the Lord won that battle for them, I am one of faith who believes that God can take care of this battle that we face too. But not without unity. If all tribes were not present in the day of Jericho, we might read a different tale. 

We all have to Fight 

So, let’s talk denomination for a minute by way of Jesus. If your denomination believes that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no other means to Heaven except through the belief that His blood paid it all, then we’re kin. We may not be of the same tribe, but we’re members of the family of God. And we’re all going to have to march into battle together. Once we’re done, you can go back to your yard, and I’ll play in mine, but during this mess our country is in, we need to stick together. Stop arguing and accusing the brethren. Just love each other, and love others into the fold. 

We have to Fight with the Truth

I have never been a fighter. I hate confrontation in the worst kind of way. But with the battle America is in right now, I have to stand up and be counted as a defender of the truth. It’s why I like BlazeTV. You can watch the shows on YouTube free of charge, I encourage it. But I encourage you more to focus on standing God’s ground where you are and stay armed with the gospel ready to fight this leftist group that wants to take over America starting with our police force. 

Romans 13:1-3 KJV

[1] Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. [2] Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. [3] For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

The only people who should ever have a problem with law enforcement are those who do evil. 

Are their evil police. Yes. And evil doctors, secretaries, congressmen, moms and dads, every body under the sun as the potential for evil.   But I don’t hear anyone saying we need to fire everyone that holds those positions, except police. We have to know whose behind that. Satan doesn’t want justice for anyone, nor does his minions. And guess who’s yelling the loudest and garnering the greatest attention. Not the good. 

We have to Fight Loudly

When the children of Israel took down Jericho they didn’t do it with their might, they did it with their march and their mouths… Hello? That’s a good word! I haven’t had an opportunity to speak lately, so the only platform I have is this one. And I’m pretty sure that I’m not on Google’s list to be successful. I’m happy with my numbers, because I know that those are the people that God wants me to encourage. But I’d be happier still if those numbers would increase because I feel like I have something that needs said. And I feel as though you do too, and it’s my job to encourage you to cross over. Stop waiting on this side of the river for someone else to fight our battle. Join in. Be vocal. Not nasty, but loud, and with a smile.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Word of God

The Panic, the Pandemic and the Pantheism

Pan – the root word of our subjects today. Derived from the Greek meaning all, any, everyone. Dr. Mickey Carter brought this to our attention in his sermon on Sunday evening a Victory Baptist Church in Grantsville, West Virginia. Far away from the city of Caesarea Philippi and the Temple of Pan. Mickey Carter is one of those men of God who has likely forgotten more than I’ll ever know. But the wisdom in the recesses of his mind is amazing to me and it causes me delve deeper in scripture. Which is what good preachin’ does! 

So here we go, I hope you enjoy this quick journey in the very shallow pool of my wisdom. The bulk of the information that I’m using today came from an article on The title of the article is “Gates of Hell.” Which sometimes I think the world is standing at with anticipation and a ticket to get in. It’s insane how the world is embracing this nonsense of today, and yet it’s nothing new is it? 

In Jesus day they may not have had the World Wide Web, but they still had access to filth and sin. One such place was in the the city of Caesarea Philippi. It stood in a lush area near the foot of mount Hermon and was filled with immoral behavior and pagan worship. Much like America today. It was the center for Baal worship and eventually the worship of Greek fertility gods. This area became the center for worship of the Greek god, Pan. The Greeks named the city Panias in his honor, but it was later changed to Philipi when it was conquered by the Romans and rebuilt by the Herod Philip. 

In a cliff above the city the people built shrines and temples to Pan. And this is where Jesus chose to deliver his “graduation speech” as it was referred to in the article of information, to His disciples. It was in that pagan environment that Christ would ask the question in Luke 9:18 –“Whom say the people that I am?”

Many in the religious world would have told Jesus not to take His disciples to such a wicked place. 

To the pagan mind, the cave at Caesarea Philippi created a gate to the underworld, where fertility gods lived during the winter. They committed detestable acts to worship these false gods.

In order to entice the return of their god, Pan, each year, the people of Caesarea Philippi engaged in horrible deeds, including prostitution and sexual interaction between humans and goats.

When Jesus brought his disciples to the area, they must have been shocked. Caesarea Philippi was like a red-light district in their world and devout Jews would have avoided any contact with the despicable acts committed there. And there they were in the midst of an evil society, much like we are today, but the shock value seems to have worn off most of the church. They’re willing to embrace the wicked rather than listening to Christ who instructed the disciples in Matthew 16:18

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Christ didn’t want us to fear and avoid the evil of the world but rather storm the gates of Hell and win the battle. But for now we’re too busy. 

The Panic

There’s our root word again. According to the 1828 dictionary, the pan of panic is derived from the fear caused by the god Pan who was not only the god of fertility but the god of the wild shepherds and flocks and companion of nymphs. He had the hindquarters, legs and horns of a goat. I too might panic if I seen such a creature. But it’s not the creature that has caused the panic in our land. It’s the created.

The Pandemic

A man created disease, but as bad as the disease is the emotion that men have created in mankind. We’re as unreasonably frightened of this pandemic as the people were in the day to be afraid of the god of Pan. There is a vast difference between caution and panic. We should be cautious. We should protect the weak. But we should not have ever cowered in fear in our homes, ruined doubt economy and avoided the assembly of ourselves together. The quarantine of our nation incited greater fear and sent our nation not only into panic but into insanity. And most churches have halted the work of Christ and are now adopting the theology of men allowing pantheism to soar.

The Pantheism

Pantheism is the worship of many gods. Hello? Sound like Caesarea Philippi? It sure does to me. And every bit as crazy. On the far left of our nation, both literally and figuratively, the drive for paganism and pantheism is a force to be reckoned with. But not one to fear. If we fear it and what’s going on out there we’ll be as ineffective as the government was on their solution to the pandemic. We know as children of God there is “no other God than Jesus Christ. Capital “G” God. They may have a little g god, but what is that by comparison to the Lord Jesus Christ, who took on the sins of the world, won victory over Hell and returned as our risen Lord and Savior! 

This is for certain not an exhaustive study of the subject of pan. But it always helps and encourages me when I realize that Satan’s tactics haven’t changed. And the advice of Jesus during the days of the Apostles is still His advice for the day of Shari. And He is still the God of Victory! 

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Faith, Fear, Leadership

It’s Our Job

One of the very few problems about being raised by Gene and Violet Hardway is that they’re really nice people. They were not voice raisers, they’re hard workers, and under no circumstance was there a reason to be rude. And at the time I was being raised, that was the way it was in most country homes. Not all. But most of the ones that was around. There was the occasional opinionated loud mouth, for which I always had a great fascination with. So long as they weren’t hurting peoples feelings. I have never had an acceptable tolerance of that and don’t plan on changing. But what I discovered as I grew in age and established a personality all my own, is the fact that I am inwardly that opinionated loud mouth. It’s still very difficult for me to break through the barrier of my upbringing and unleash it, but I do. I hope I’m nice about it though. But I consider it my job. And if you’re a part of the body of Christ, I consider it your job. 

1 Timothy 3:15-16 KJV says

But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Of course Paul is speaking to Timothy about the leadership inside of the church, and you may not consider yourself among the leaders of the church, but it’s still our job. There are times when there ain’t a preacher in the vicinity, and someone has to defend the truth, and that someone might be you. If there’s no one else, it must be. But it gets harder and harder to do that. It’s also getting more dangerous. Not quite as dangerous as it was in the days of Apostle Paul, but still yet, if you speak out for Christ you will likely get berated for you belief. And in some places possibly worse. So… what’s our job description in this wicked world for which we are living. 

You Oughta Behave

In the church and out. I’m not going to stay on this point because that should be obvious to us all. But human nature being what it is, we all fall. And when we do, we should be man or woman enough to to confess it and move on. 

You Oughta Be Alive!

After all, we are the church of the Living God! So why is it that most churches are as dried up as a cracker barrel? They’re afraid to lift a hand, shout amen, glory or hallelujah and for pete’s sake don’t stand up and shout or testify. That’s inside the church. On the outside there should be evidence of the life on the inside. Our communities need to see the body of Christ outside the church doing something. Living our faith out.

I been beating myself up for not doing more for the body of Christ during this pandemic. Hindsight’s always 20/20 and I see so many places I could have made a difference.

Our reach has had limits because of the COVID19, but I personally believe that many of those limits have been put on by the people, not the government. While there are some who should not risk their life to be out in the community because of the health risks,  their are more that could have been. This is where I’m going to step outside of my Hardway upbringing and lay what I believe on the table. 

I don’t believe America should have been shut down. If you do, that’s fine. I won’t argue. But I’ve never understood the quarantining of the well. Yes the ill, yes those at risk, but not those who are well and can wash their hands and avoid contact with people. Don’t shake my hand, I won’t be offended. But if a healthy person being paid for by tax dollars locks a door in my face,  I’m frustrated. Create fear in my church people and I’m angry. Encourage caution. Yes! Incite fear… hmmm… we know who the author of fear is. 

You Oughta Be Firm

Paul told Timothy that the church is the “pillar and ground of truth.” We are the very foundation of the church of the living God.  It’s our job to defend the word of God when it’s attacked, and it is being attacked from every leftist direction while the church is just now getting back on their feet after having taken a Corona hiatus. I know there was some great work being done in the realm of online church, and I won’t make light of it. But what I’m not seeing is the church speaking out against what’s going on in Washington, DC and across the nation.  

How does someone kick a police force out of their building and city, ask for the mayor’s resignation and proclaim it their “own country? And Americans sit by with a glazed look in their eyes and do absolutely nothing. Oh… and those non-violent loving people have guns, which they don’t want us to have. I wonder why? They call their city CHAZ, standing for the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. They’re now threatening to come into rural areas. Are we still saying nothing? 

I watched in horror yesterday as a white woman, screaming at the top of her lungs, threatened a woman in her car for not giving the “black lives matter” salute in a line of traffic, and then refused to let her move her car, while more protestors surrounded her. That’s scary stuff. And I totally get it when we say, “but it’s not where I am.” But my question is, “will it be?” 

I said all that to say we need to know what the word of God says about what is right and what is wrong. Because from Washington DC to Seattle, Washington the world is pushing an agenda that is as unbiblical as it gets. The more time you spend in the word of God the less controversy there is in your heart about what and who is right or wrong. And when someone’s is wrong the Bible says to mark them. I’ve marked a few. Starting with the show the Voice. I’ll not watch it again as long as John Legend is on there. He was one of the first to ask for police budgets to be cut. He who has a paid security force. I’m going to stand my convictions, and I’m going to be loud. 

1 Timothy 4:1-2 KJV

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

The iron is heated and it’s seared many a conscious.

I just needed to be loud for a minute. Okay…. maybe for more than that. I’m not done.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

What to do with a bickerer

There are people always looking to argue in this life. I however am not one of them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I stand on the foundation of the Word of God, and should someone attempt a debate, I simply point them skyward and tell them to talk it over with God and have Him let me know. But I’m not not debating. I teach a Sunday School class with very strong opinionated teens. We don’t always agree and I’m okay with that. But being that I’m the teacher, I tell them what I believe and where I find it in the Bible. And then we discuss it, oft times at great lengths.

I imagine the apostle Paul to be much the same, except with greater authority than I. His wisdom far surpasses anything in my pea brain. But the point of todays conversation is to address what to do in a world full of bickerers. 

In the beginning of Paul’s ministry he was top authoritarian on the Jewish Faith but He had much to learn when it came to the Christian faith. So when arguments arose he had to rely on the wisdom of those who had traveled with Christ and knew Him and His ways. That’s why I love hanging out with old time Christians. They’ve walked the paths that I’m on and I can learn from their journey. It’s why I’m never too impressed with the letters behind someone’s name, and I’m even less impressed if they’re using them to impress me. Paul, in that day would have likely had every letter available. He was trained at the school of Gamaliel in Jerusalem, one of the most noted rabbis in history. Oh, Paul was book smart, but until that day where he received the hard knock education on the road to Damascus, his education, though impressive, didn’t get him out of this world alive. But the his knowledge and relationship with Christ changed everything. Including the humility factor. 

In Acts 15 somebody is trying to upset the apple cart of the apostles ministry. 

The Upset Apple Cart

Acts 15:1-12,15 KJV

[1] And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. [2] When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question. 

While Paul and Barnabas had “no small dissension.” with those folks, they didn’t argue it to the point of no return. They stopped the conversation and set out to find the facts. Oh… would to God todays church would do that. Before they argue “what God thinks,” perhaps they should talk to people who have had long conversations with God. Not theologians or college professors who talk more to the god in the mirror than the One true and Living God, Jesus Christ. There are those in the our college, universities, schools and businesses today that live to upset the apple cart with foolish arguments that have nothing to do with God’s plan. So if it’s not God’s plan they’re arguing about, whose is it. 👿 Yep. He is the best apple cart tipper I’ve ever seen. 

The Rotten Apples in the Church

[3] And being brought on their way by the church, they passed through Phenice and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles: and they caused great joy unto all the brethren. [4] And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of the apostles and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them. [5] But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.

Those doggone religious folks. They’re often just as bad as the “educated folk” on creating arguments. There is seldom a humility factor involved, unless it is to humiliate another brother or sister in Christ by showing them how much more “religious” they are. And there’s nothing like the religious to tear down or confuse a new convert. Here Paul is, trying is best to get it right, and the Pharisees are still hung up on works. It has to be about men, else they’ll get no attention. That’s the problem with the humility factor and, again Paul was so good at it. He wasn’t trying to impress anyone, he was trying to get to the truth. 

The Apple Seeds and the Sowers

[6] And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter. [7] And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. [8] And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; [9] And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. [10] Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? [11] But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they. [12] Then all the multitude kept silence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul, declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them.

Oh how I love those mic drop moments in the Bible. When Peter dropped the mic after telling them what the Lord said their purpose was and how his purpose had been changed, to include the Gentiles, the argument ceased. When God purifies the heart of man, there is no difference. Jew or Gentile. Black, white or any other color. Male or female. Just two, the Bible mentions no other. Peter not only stopped the argument, he ushered the way for Paul and Barnabas to share in the work that they had done on their missionary journeys. But not before he lined them all out about putting a yoke around the neck of those who were just trying to serve God. That’s what Satan would love to do with this upset apple cart in America right now. He wants us to focus on transgressions of the past so that he hinders the future.


I, nor my parents or grandparents had slaves.

I, nor my parents have any prejudice toward anyone of any color. 

I, have friends of every color, and their skin has never entered the equation of how I feel toward them. 

So those yokes should never be upon my neck and cause me to apologize for something I didn’t do. I will say, I’m sorry your ancestors suffered. But I didn’t do it. Just like the Gentiles had no reason for circumcision because that was a law of the days of Moses. Not of today. 


The Bible doesn’t mention anything about any “genders” other than male or female. Therefore I won’t acknowledge them either. 

The Bible does say that homosexuality is wrong. I have no authority to change God’s word. Nor does anyone else. 

The Bible says to mark those who teach in error.  I have a rainbow of colors in my office and on my computer that I can color with. God owns the rainbow.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Heaven, Leadership, Life Inspiration, salvation, Word of God

Don’t Kick God Out

Matthew 8:28-34 KJV

[28] And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. [29] And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? [30] And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding. [31] So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine. [32] And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. [33] And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils. [34] And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.

A World Possessed

Two people (does not say male or female) though I think perhaps they were male, which I don’t suppose matters in the scope of life. What matters is that they were possessed by devils! How many it doesn’t say but it must have been more than a few because an entire herd ran down the hill and into the sea. I can’t say that of all of Jesus’ miracles this is one I would have wanted to see. It seems a little violent to watch a passel of pigs commit suicide. But, and no apologies to PETA, a human life is worth far more than a pig. And I love pork, so there’s that. And I wouldn’t mind seeing a herd of pigs run out of Washington with the demons that live there. Our world is a mess, and I believe that there are still many demon possessed, whether or not the world wants to believe it. I find it ironic that the world is so fascinated (and not fearful) of paranormal activities, but doesn’t believe in the spiritual realm with relation to Christ.  And scripture like this tells us a couple of facts we shouldn’t ignore. 

Demons know Christ and the power of Christ. Verse 29, “What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God”

Demons have great power, though less than Christ. Verse 32, “and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea.”

So that should settle as to which side you’re on.

A World Stressed

Never in my lifetime have I seen the world as stressed as it is right now. The fear rising up in people need only be activated by a word on the nightly news that they take as fact and law. Knowing (at least they should) that the media lies and manipulates the country into their agenda. And so, that leaves the question, “where did their agenda begin?”

2 Timothy 1:7 says

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

That settles that for me. If God doesn’t give us fear, then the same tribe that convinced those pigs to run down the hill and kill themselves has that power over the world today. But rather than just hanging out in the country of the Gergesenes, their across our country with full access to the media and a nation hanging on their every word, rather than the word of God. 

So the world refuses to accept a “sound mind” but rather the embrace the sound of “demonic forces.” Ugh… that makes me nauseous.

A World Refusing to Blessed

That pretty much sums it up. God has not given us the spirit of fear, although we lived in it daily for the weeks of the Corona Virus. And now with the potential of rioting breaking out anywhere in our country the fear is again on the rise. 

I have to wonder what would happen if the church, and I mean every church of every denomination who believe in Jesus Christ alone (which are the only churches with the power of God), what would happen if tonight they hit their knees and prayed “Lord, send the demons out!” Not only said it but believed it and then waited to see what God done. 

That’s not what happened in the country of Gergesenes. They kicked Jesus out. Verse 34 tells us, “and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.

What? They kicked the power out of the country! And so it seems that that is now the attempt of the ungodly bunch in our nation. People will believe an outright fabricated lie of people they do not know, but the one who they say lives inside of them, they refuse to accept His words. Which leaves me asking the question, “Do they know Him at all.” Our nation has kicked Him out of the schools and their latest attempt is to stop the gatherings of the church in their own house of worship, but allow them to gather in dens of iniquity. Come on world, open your eyes!

Hebrews 10:31 KJV

[31] It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

And without an action on the part of the church, that’s what is about to happen. I don’t believe God will forever accept this rebellious land. 

A Worldwide Emergency Broadcasting Test

This trial that our world is facing is only a test by comparison to the end times. I’m not a “Debbie Downer,” but I am the Jesus Chick. And if He said it, I believe it. This world is playing out like the book of Revelation. We need to prepare and know that if Jesus calls His church home, and He will, are you in a relationship with Him where you are one of the called? As I said before, the Demons knew who he was, but they were not spared. And those who profess to know him but do not possess Him in their hearts won’t pass the test of Jesus’ return.

Get your people ready church!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, failure, Faith, Family

Live it Loud!

The Spirit got a hold on me in 1996, and my life drastically changed. I don’t know if that adequately describes it, you’d have to ask my family. The same family for which some of them are still not saved. But I guarantee that they know there was a time when I become a new person. And although they still don’t understand it, they know it happened. I guess I’m in good company with that, because the same thing happened to Jesus.

John 7:3-5 KJV

[3] His brethren therefore said unto him, Depart hence, and go into Judaea, that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest. [4] For there is no man that doeth any thing in secret, and he himself seeketh to be known openly. If thou do these things, shew thyself to the world. [5] For neither did his brethren believe in him.

What happened from the age of 12 to 30 years of age with Jesus isn’t spoken about in scripture. But at the age of 30, after His Baptism by John, things were certainly happening in Jesus’ life that made it clear, He was not the average man. Miracle after miracle was going down and the people were following Him like God groupies. They wanted to see more. It wasn’t about their relationship with Him, it was about the curiosity of what He would do next. Even His family. It’s why, I’m not shocked that as outspoken as I am about Christ, there are many in my family who do not know Him. Why should it come as a surprise, when those who were with Jesus Himself, had the same problem. So what are we to do in order to see our family saved?

Miracles? Nope, not in my wheelhouse. Preach to them or at them? Nope, it will likely drive them further away. Bring attention to our holiness. Nope, that’s a sure fire way to fall on your face. I’m doing the only thing i know to do, and I believe it’s working.

Black and White

I speak not of the color of skin,but rather the color of lies and truth according to the word of God. When it comes to what all is going on in our world right now we have to speak the truth as it is according to the word of God. If God says it’s wrong, it is. If God says it’s right, it is. And there is no middle ground. No shades of gray. Jesus never viewed a man differently because of their race or nationality, nor should we. He didn’t discriminate because of social status, nor allowed the past of a person to ruin their future. A person’s life could change on a dime if they truly came into a relationship with Jesus. That’s what happened to me. 

All my life I had heard of Jesus, but in 1996 I came to know Him and began forming a relationship with Him and it changed the way I talked and walked. And people noticed. I knew from that point forward I could no longer ride the fence about socially acceptable issues that were against the word of God. I had to take a strong stand, do no wavering, and know what I believed and why I believed it. Because people would question who I was. 

I’ve failed many times. But that’s black and white too. I failed. I said I’m sorry to Jesus and I started over…. again…. and again. I’m still not perfect and will not be on this side of Heaven. The last thing the world needs to see is a “Hoooooly” saint of God. They need to see a real saint of God. Accepted and professed flaws and all.

When Red Runs

When I think of the shamed face of a child of God I think of a red cotton towel in a white load of laundry that’s soon to be pink. That’s what happens when a child of God fails, the purest of white is blemished by sin and the blood of Jesus is obvious and needed again and again. And while the pink towel may or may not come white again, the child of God does become as white as the driven snow with a repentant heart. But an action has to be taken. God can’t wash clean what never makes it to the laundry. And when an unsaved person sees that stain in a child of God’s life, they’re not impressed. I guess todays blog is about failure. We all make mistakes and “I’m sorry” or “I should have done or said that” goes a long way to impress those we care about. 

Tie Dyed Testimonies

Whether blood relatives, adopted, or just friends in the faith, family is a blending of multiple colors and flavors. Personalities clash, opinions differ and disagreements are inevitable. But the relationships should not suffer. And won’t if Christ is always in the forefront. 

I have family who does not agree with my conservative viewpoints. I won’t argue it. Because that’s not going to lead them to Christ. As a matter of fact, it will likely drive them further away, because if they connect Christ to my politics, and my politics disagrees with theirs, they may not view Christ as the answer. I have to separate the two, yet always let it be known that my faith is what drives my political view. It’s a fine line to walk. 

It’s much like the tie dyed shirts that I love. I love color!! And I love the blending of color. But there has to be a barrier (like the rubber bands) to prevent to the colors from coming over too far. I can blend a little with a liberal thinker. But there comes a point where I have to take a stand and say, you’re flavor has to stop, I can’t allow it to bleed into mine. That’s where the word of God makes it black and white again. And our need to study and understand scripture is crucial to our testimony to friends and family who are walking another path. We need to be able to explain why we tie our selves to conservative thinking. 

Liberal thinkers allow for freedoms that God does not allow. God says in Isaiah 55:8-11 KJV

[8] For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. [9] For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. [10] For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: [11] So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

The Word of God will accomplish His will, but we have to read it and know it in order to sow those seeds with our family and friends. His ways are higher, higher than mine too, not just the liberal thinkers ways. I don’t profess to know what God’s plan is for this earth. But I know I’m a part of His plan and I need to do more to make a difference in my family.  

I need to Live it, and live it loud!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political

Legos, Liars and Lawlessness

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I have the hardest time with this new reality that we’re living in because it is not the reality for which I grew up in or raised my children in. But as I listened to the Blaze News reporters talk about an action taken by the Lego (R) toy company, my stomach rolled over. 

This is a snippet of one of the online reports:

The email requests removal of product listings and features for more than 30 LEGO building sets, Minifigures, and accessories that include representation of police officers, firefighters, criminals, emergency vehicles, and buildings. Sets include the LEGO City Police Station, Fire Station, Police Dog Unit, Patrol Car, Fire Plane, Mobile Command Center, Police Highway Arrest, and many more. Even the LEGO City Donut Shop set — which includes Police Officer “Duke DeTain” and “Crook” Minifigures — roleplay items including a Police Handcuffs & Badge Set, and the adult builder LEGO Creator version of The White House made the removal list.


What side do you suppose their on? Perhaps they should make a LEGO looters set to replace it. It could have little glass shards that protrude from the store windows, I’m sure those wouldn’t hurt children. Perhaps it could have little old ladies with removable hand bags for the muggers, and Molotov cocktails for throwing. Ridiculous right? Well for me, that is no more ridiculous than a toy story not wanting to promote our local heroes. As the wife of a fire chief I can tell you what I’m not going to do, I’m not going buy any more lego products for my grandchildren. Getting rid of the ones they have is not a good idea, why punish the kids for adult stupidity? But I’ll not sit in silence when I see a company who has made millions off the product line of  emergency services and then throw them aside like trash.

As I posted yesterday, I’m so glad I live where I do, I’ve not witnessed anyone in our area being unkind to our local heroes. Well… with maybe the exception of a few people who were on the wrong side of the law to start with. When I quote a scripture like 1 Timothy 2:1-2 KJV, I can’t help but to think about the writer of that scripture, Apostle Paul. He wrote:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

Break that verse down into the divine instruction that it is:

Let’s talk to God about “all” men.

No color. No gender. Just everyone. Let’s pray for each other. Those in a uniform and those without. The created beings of the Creator. 

Let’s thank God for all men.

Have you thanked God for the people in your life lately. The policeman, fireman, those who defend our country? How about those that defend our homes, like the mom’s and dad’s who watch over the children and the critters and all the things. Have you just thanked God for your people. 

How about the king…oh wait, we don’t have a king, but we have a President. 

Have you thanked God for him? You may or may not be a Trump fan. I personally will love you either way. But I am a Trump fan, because (while I don’t think he’s perfect) I think he’s chosen and appointed by God for our country for such a time as this. I think he’s been attacked worse than any political figure in history and too many have ignored the truth.  

Now, last but not least, let’s talk about those in authority.

The Police and defenders of the law. The same people who are spreading hatred and lies against law enforcement are the same people who have round the clock body guards. When they perform a concert, they call for extra police (at the cities expense) to cover the area so their safe. They live in gated communities and hire people to run their errands. When they feel that they are in harms way, they dial 911 and expect an answer and an action. And yet, these are they who have just requested and started a petition to have the budgets cut of local city departments and the money given to minorities. 

Are you kidding? 

Remember who wrote the verse in 1 Timothy. Paul. Who was beaten and arrested for sharing Christ. Yet he defended the laws of man. Paul knew that even though sometimes life is broken, and doesn’t work like it should, there is protection in law and order. And God is for order. 

Satan is for Chaos. And he has got his minions by the thousand across the United States offering money for chaos and crime.  

While there is no justification of an officer who uses force against a man in cuffs. That officer is a coward and a creep that deserves the penalty for which he charged many to and so do those who idly stood by and watched. But the fact of the matter is our law enforcement is the only thing between us and chaos. Well… unless you live in West Virginia, and then there’s a few rifles, pistols and other ammunition between us and chaos. Yes. This Jesus Chick is Pro-gun, Pro-Life, Pro-law enforcement and Pro-President. I will continue to teach the children in my life to respect and honor emergency service workers and all those in authority. And I will explain to them the evil that is in the world and call them by name when necessary so they’ll know who to avoid. 

I pray you are safe, and I pray you are wise. Don’t buy the liberal lies. Stand strong in the word of God and know His will and His ways. 

Love ya! – Shari, the Jesus Chick

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Family, Heaven, Life Inspiration

One Race Only

I feel like I should have to preface the image above by saying, “For display only.” The odds of me running in any physical race are slim to none. But the spiritual race… oh, I’m in that one! 

It’s times like the ones we’re living in where I am extremely grateful for where I live and where I was raised. Were it not for the providence of God, I could have been anywhere. Including smack dab in the middle of the riots. But the only rioting going on around my house is when the six grandkids come over. And I am sometimes crowd control, and I am sometimes the instigator. It depends on the day. But one thing that hasn’t changed in my life is the blessing of being raised where the color of someone’s skin was more of a curiosity to me, than an issue. I knew that the color of the skin meant that the culture of that family was almost inevitably  different than mine. I have not met too many dark skinned red necks. And as I grew up in Calhoun County, West Virginia, there was only one black family in our area. So to say that I can identify with racial indifference isn’t true. I have nothing to relate too. Over the years the diversity of skin colors has changed in our area, but still yet, for the most part, white skinned red necks are the lot of our bunch. But I’ve traveled and I’ve met people of all different nationalities and I’m here to say, each are a product of God’s purpose. Some living in it, some running from it, and most trying to figure it out. So when I see the hatred and vicious behavior of the riots going on, my heart breaks for the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not who He created us to be. 

I said all of that so that you’d get a snapshot of who I am, culturally speaking. I’ve lived in the country most of my life, with the exception of a few years in the city of Parkersburg, West Virginia. My kids were raised country. I have a daughter who’s an avid fisher and hunter, and the other who loves everything about mudding and frog giggin’, my sweet little girls did not grow up to be fancy pants. I on the other hand, love everything sparkly, which is why I have such a fascination about Heaven. And why I could care less about the color of someone’s skin, thinking that all of our souls are transparent at this point. Or perhaps they too are sparkly. I’d like to think that way. 

The most frustrating part about the state of our country right now is the division. We should be fighting for each other, not with each other. When I agreed to run the race for Jesus in 1996, I didn’t look back. All my past transgressions were under the blood and the people that I had issues with in my life, there’s were no longer on my mind. I just loved everyone. I just wanted to see everyone come to know the Jesus that I know. The One and only who could die to pay the price for all of my sins, and they were many. They one who rescued me from a heart of turmoil. Who exchanged for one filled with peace. Oh my goodness, why would I want to go back into that life, or why would I consider standing in judgement of any man or woman knowing what Christ brought me out of. I love running this race. I do not like physical running. It tires me quickly with my heart condition. The only thing that tires me quicker, is see people running down my nation. I love it. I’m a die hard fan of God and He is a fan of the old America. Not the one we’re living in now. 

We need to go back to the old paths, where in is the way.

Jeremiah 6:16 KJV

Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

Jeremiah’s instructions are a timeless solution

Stand in the ways… God’s ways.

See… His provision.

Walk… as He leads

Rest for our souls… we need it now more than ever.

But even then they said, “we will not walk therein.” And America is filled with that same rebellious spirit. But regardless of it, we who are children of God do not have to follow suit. We can run this race single minded, God focused. We can choose to love, even the most despicable of characters, you know… like politicians. I know… that wasn’t very nice. I’m not lumping them into one category, how rude would that be? 

I hope you are safe, and I hope you are filled with the Spirit of God, guiding you. Have a topic you’d like to hear more on? let me know. I’m always looking for a good study. 

Bless ya! ~ The Jesus Chick

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Life Inspiration

I’m here… Yet not

“I’m here.” Those are the words I wrote this morning as I spoke to a friend who’s hit a rough patch in life. As the words settled on the screen, my next thought was. “Where is that? Where is here?” This stupid virus has messed with my ministry work and my head. While I’ve not been “quarantined” as many have, meaning I still work and see people; plus I’ve been in church helping with the live broadcast, but times have drastically changed.  The world as we know it has changed. I’m concerned for my people. 

Tomorrow will be our first Sunday with an actual in person service at Victory Baptist Church in Grantsville, West Virginia. I’m so excited. Victory is our happy place. It’s where we come together as friends and family to share in the week and receive strength from that, and most importantly strength from God’s word.  And now it’s been months! How has everyone been? I know how I’ve been, absent from the body. The body of believers, yet still here. 

Absent from Touch

I still cannot hug and kiss and shake hands with my people. That makes me sad. Yes, I’m glad to see their face, but I’m a hugger! I love it when I feel someone wrapped in my arms as they let go of the stress of life. To know you’ve been the arms of God is a powerful thing. And this virus has taken that ability away from many. They may not have anyone in their life right now hugging them and making them feel loved. The quarantine has worsened that for many. But for me, it’s made me realize that I need to touch people with my God given abilities of song and the written and spoken word. 

Absent from Emotion

I’ve been given the gift of gab and the gift of writing, but even that does not always adequately allow me to describe how I sometimes feel. How do you explain that flutter in your heart, or the joy that causes your mind to reel. How to I feel someone else’s pain that I’m not living with? How do I share in the emotion of someone if I’m not physically with them in their time of need? It’s tough.  

It’s always my fear when I’m texting with someone that my emotion won’t come through. They won’t know how much I truly love them and care. The new “care” Facebook emoji makes my heart smile. Because as important as liking and loving someone is, they need to know we genuinely care. The absence of emotion is a struggle for me. I’m a touchy feely person. I love the sparkle in an eye, the gasp of joy and elation. But I also miss the tears and cries of a child of God who needs the presence of a friend. 

Absent from God?

Nope. It can’t happen. Although I may be absent fro the touch and emotion of man, I am never absent from God. David wrote in Psalms

Psalm 139:1-14 KJV

[1] O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. [2] Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. [3] Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. [4] For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. [5] Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. [6] Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. [7] Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? [8] If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. [9] If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; [10] Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. [11] If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. [12] Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. [13] For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. [14] I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

I needed that word this morning. I needed the reminder that although I cannot physically be there for people often times, our God is there for everyone, all the time, wherever “here” is. Gloorrrrraaaayyyy! 

I wrote myself happy again

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Heaven, Uncategorized

I Need You There!

I’ve had somewhat of a writers block for about a week. It always aggravates me, but then I think that perhaps it is also a rebellious spirit. My mind is scattered and frustrated, my worthwhile accomplishments few. And then just like that Apostle Paul sums up my goal and I’m back on track. With one exception… I am in no way Apostle Paul. He is amazing!

1 Corinthians 9:23-27 KJV

[23] And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you. [24] Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. [25] And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. [26] I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: [27] But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

Verse 23 is my text today, and a thought that has my mind reeling. 

I need you in Heaven.

It’s the very thought that gave Christ he strength to stay on that cross. You. Me. Us. He needed us to be with Him in Heaven. 

Yesterday I got up early and prepared my Facebook live material, and then decided we’d have a family day where I would prepare food for my family. Not just any ol’ food. But the good stuff! A couple of new recipes I’d been wanting to try, which turned out amazing. Pulled pork sandwiches (made with cinnamon, garlic and chili powder. Yummmm!)  A new peanut butter pie recipe and a white Texas sheet cake.  I stood on my feet the vast majority of the day, preparing for my kids and grandkids. It was a good kind of tired.

I kind of imagine that to be the case in Heaven. Without being tired.

Jesus said in some of my fav-o-rite verses

John 14:1-3 KJV

[1] Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. [2] In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. [3] And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

My heart is overwhelmed this morning to think of His goodness. Jesus is a multitasking God! All the while He is making intercession for me, He is also preparing me a place. I imagine it with a big ol’ pickin’ porch. A place to gather, because we’re gonna have all kinds of time to do it. And there will be times where we’ll gather together at the Lord’s banquet table, and I’ll bet His Peanut Butter Pie is stellar!!!!! These are the thoughts on my mind today. But more than that is the thought that there will be people not in attendance. That burdens my soul, and causes me to go back to my verse in 1 Corinthians:

 23] And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

This is why I write, and sing, and speak about Jesus! This is why I am really The Jesus Chick. You are my prize. If you are encouraged by my words, and draw yourself closer to Jesus, then I have won my reward on this earth. As I said, I’m in no way the level of Christian as Paul. I do beat the air a lot! And I in no manner keep my body under subjection… thus the peanut butter pie. But I am still on the same career path. I want my friends and family in Heaven with me. 

So today I beg of you. Examine your life. Share your faith, and prepare your heart for Heaven’s shore!!! It is not to be missed. 

Posted in Life Inspiration

A Million Mic Drop Moments

The Bible is filled with them. And every one that I read makes my souls leap within my body because I know that I am one too! Read Acts 4 and let it stir your soul as it did mine, I’ve only used a portion of it for todays post,  but I want you to think just for a second on your own life, and how many “mic drop” moments their might have been?

Acts 4:8-14 KJV

[8] Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, [9] If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole; [10] Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. [11] This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. [12] Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. [13] Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. [14] And beholding the man which was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it.

To the Arrogant Leader and Politician

I know that we don’t have the exclusive on that title, but we have our share of both in our small West Virginia community. I detest arrogance. I can tolerate belligerent and obnoxious, but I have no patience for arrogance. The word says that “pride cometh before the fall.” But the problem for me is, I want the fall to be immediate and God is far more patient. Which is a doggone good thing for me, else I’d be the first one down! But I want that mic drop moment to come sooner. However…

Your Time Will Come

Peter called’em out!

In the verse prior to this those arrogant rulers ask, “By what power, or by what name, have ye done this?” And so, Peter answered in great detail. It was in the name of Jesus that they had healed the lame man and made him walk; the same Jesus that Peter reminded them that they had killed. 

We have a politician in our own community for which he thinks the sun rises and sets in himself. He is one that attends church and yet, when I did a puppet show in an area elementary school for Christmas, he complained that I sang songs of Christ. Hello? I needed a mic drop that day. I didn’t get it. But 300 children sang along to songs about the birth of the Lord Jesus, and the mic drop will come. Perhaps it did that day as they sang. But for certain on the day this man stands before Jesus heading into eternity, he will answer for it unless he gets his heart right prior to that day. 

The religious leaders of Peter’s day have had their day before the Lord. As will the rest of us as we stand and answer for what we’ve done for the Lord in the days that’s been given. But those who have a problem with the name of Jesus (I don’t think they’re saved…yes, I’m callin’ them out) It’s not for me to judge, but anyone who’s ashamed of Jesus, God’s ashamed of them. And me too… even though my opinion doesn’t count. 

What counts in this life is the fact of whether or not you know Him as Savior. Not just know the name, because most everyone in the world does, but do you know Him as Savior and Lord? Those Pharisees of the day had seen Jesus face to face, and yet they refused to believe Who He was. That problem still exists today. He may not physically be on earth, but His presence is obvious.

To the Ignorant and Unlearned

Before you get offended, I consider myself in that group! Just a commoner! I’m not against education, but I’m not always a fan of it. I’ve watched more people come out of colleges damaged by the world than better off. And I’ve watched preachers, who have no degree from an institution but have the greatest degree of wisdom from the Holy Spirit! I’ll take the ignorant and unlearned any day if they follow God over the preacher that follows his “education.” Don’t give me big words, give me the gospel!

It wasn’t Peter that stopped the persecution and shut up those naysayers of the gospel. It was the evidence that stood in the crowd. The man healed. They couldn’t argue with it. And if those of us who have been healed would show the evidence of that in our lives, we could shut up people of today! But the problem is people are afraid to tell the world what Jesus has done because they don’t want to look like a fanatic. Well, for the record, I’m a fanatic! And as my friend Doyle Ballengee used to say, “Go ahead and call me a fanatic, if you hear the “C” word (cancer) you’ll be looking for a fanatic!” 

That too was mic drop moment. 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Uncategorized

Another Day in Euroclydon

Acts 27:14-16 KJV

[14] But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon. [15] And when the ship was caught, and could not bear up into the wind, we let her drive. [16] And running under a certain island which is called Clauda, we had much work to come by the boat:

What will become of us? I’m sure that was a question on the boat in the midst of Paul’s storm in the book of Acts. I say Paul’s storm, not that it was created by him or his fault, but it was certainly his lot in life to go through it. All the man wanted to do was serve God, accomplish his purpose of being the Apostle to the Gentiles, but it wasn’t without issues! 

I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly not an Apostle Paul. I can’t say that I have dedicated myself to the Lord in such a degree as he. But I’ve faced storms, and no doubt so have you. Perhaps you’re in one now. I guess if you’re in this world, amongst the effects of this pandemic you’re in the storm. America is facing a Euroclydon of sorts. 

Another Day in Captivity

Paul’s placement on that boat wasn’t a joy ride. He was a prisoner on his way to Rome. Held for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Do I believe that the Coronavirus is a spiritual battle against God’s people? Yep. But just like the shipwreck Paul endured, God was glorified and I believe the same is true with us. I’ll keep saying it until God calls me home or Jesus’ return which is what I’m hoping for. We’re all very much being held captive by this stupid virus. Well, perhaps the virus isn’t what’s stupid. Just saying. But captivity is our lot for now. And like it or not we’re going through this storm. 

Another Day of Calamity

Euroclydon is a whirlwind storm that comes suddenly, and places anyone in it’s path in peril. Sound familiar? The death toll of this virus (although some of which I fear is false) is heartbreaking whether it’s one or one million. Losing someone is tragic. But it is unfortunately life until eternity. I’m not making light of it, I’m just speaking reality. Something this world avoids. We seem to be living in a state of subjective reality. It truly does depend on who you’re talking to as to what is real vs. what is fraud. But for Paul the storm was very real. And whether or not the facts of COVID19 are true or false, the effects and the storm we are facing is very real. Peoples lives are at risk due to not only health issues, but financial and emotional. The latter of the three is certainly taking it’s toll on people. If you’ve got to worry day in and day out about your families livelihood it’s going to take a toll. 

Another Day in Circumspect

Circumspect is the unwillingness to take risks. And while I understand and agree that those with health issues shouldn’t put themselves in harms way, this virus has caused the world yo fear everything and everybody. No, let me rephrase that, people with an agenda have caused this world to fear everyone and everybody. Quarantining is for the sick, not the well. And what it has created is mindset of fear. We fear the virus, we fear the economic fall out, we fear that it was an intentional attack. And here we are, sitting in this ship waiting for it to strike the shore of Claudia. For now we’re letting this storm drive.

I had never noticed that part of that scripture before. We let her drive. It actually struck me a little bit funny in a warped kind of way. Number one, the fact that it was referred to in female form. But hey, I’ve seen more than one woman on a mission to destroy. I can understand it. While the spiritual connotation should likely be that we should let Jesus take the wheel, that’s not what I see happening in America. We’ve allowed an ungodly government to dictate our every move. I’m not suggesting a rebellion, but I am suggesting a stand. Enough is enough. Until the citizens of this country get a back bone we are going to continue in this storms path. What would have happened if our founding fathers never took risks? We would not be the country we have become. Or the country we were. Now, I’m not so sure.

Another Day in Clarity

When this ship finally runs ashore and the storm stops, there is going to be much work to come. America has an uphill battle to get back on our feet. Most people are a little seasick and weary. (Aka nauseous). That’s how I feel every time I listen to rhetoric the left spews out of their mouths trying to twist this entirely and obviously for their political agenda. They’re not even hiding it, and American citizens are buying it, hook, line and sinker and it’s going to sink us. The arrogance and wickedness of American politics is at an all time time. That is clarity. 

I truly try to stay out of political debates. Because they only serve to separate and God is seldom glorified which is my goal. I want to draw people to Christ, not separate them from me. But there comes a time when as a Christian we have to take a stand. We cannot continue to stick our heads in the sand and let Washington’s political tribe of heathens destroy our nation for their own gain. When Pelosi and that bunch put things in a relief bill such as “adding higher fuel emissions standards for airlines, and expanding wind and solar tax credits,” and Americans say… “well, as long as they help us a little.” What has happened to our nation? The founders could not have possible imagined the idiocy of future leadership. But who’s dumber, them for putting it in the bill, or us for allowing it?

I know, that’s not popular in todays liberal thinking, but doggone it I’m tired of Miss Euroclydon steering me into a shipwreck. 

I guess I just needed to vent a little today. Pray for me… pray for my Country as we spend another day in Euroclydon.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, failure, Faith, Grace, Uncategorized

I’m a Blessed Mess

2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV – And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

If God’s strength is made perfect in my weakness, He is REALLY rollin’ in perfection. There’s nothing like a little alone time and reflection to make you realize how very imperfect you are. Or at least so is the case with me. It seems of late that every art project, writing project, music project etc. that I have worked on, I’ve thrown my hands up in defeat and picked it to pieces. It ain’t easy bein’ me. 

This isn’t a post in hopes of having the world tell me how wonderful I am. I have great encouragers in my life.  The only real discouragement I get is from me. I grow weary of myself. Perhaps you can’t or possibly can identify. But today I turn to the scripture in hopes of finding a happy medium for myself that will restore in me my creative flair in a way that comes with a little more confidence and assurance that what I’m doing makes a difference. It’s not just fluff.

God’s Grace… God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense. Great acronym and great truth.

I love the scripture that leads me away from an identity crisis and into who I am in Christ. That’s the part that I forget when I’m picking myself apart. That’ I’m actually being critical of God’s gifts placed within me. I’ve never liked my self criticism nature. I just don’t do a very good job of shutting her up, even though I have that power in my arsenal of Christian defenses by using the word of God. So, let’s do that today! 

Follow the word of God as it tells us who we are “in Christ.” Those of us who know that we know we’ve been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.

We are Justified! (Just as if I’d never messed up)

Romans 3:24 KJV – Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

He knows my weakness! (And loves me anyway)

Romans 5:6 KJV – For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.

There is no condemnation of those who are Spirit lead! (Satan may point a finger, but God never will)

Romans 8:1 KJV – There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

I feel the Spirit of God with me. (Confirming that I am a child of God)

Romans 8:9 KJV – But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

He is my defender! (Everyone needs a Hero)

Romans 8:34 KJV – Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

Nobody or nothing can separate me from God. (He’s within my heart)

Romans 8:39 KJV – Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We are separate from this World. (We are the Saints of God, not a statue on a church lot)

1 Corinthians 1:2 KJV – Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:

We are the complete package. (Completed by Christ at the Cross)

1 Corinthians 1:30 KJV – But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

We have hope eternal. (Even in death)

1 Corinthians 15:22 KJV – For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

We have purpose! (He has anointed us to fulfill it)

2 Corinthians 1:21 KJV – Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God;

If Satan brings up our past (and he will) Remind him of his future.

2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV –  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Our surety is in the word of God. (Stay in it!)

2 Timothy 1:13 KJV – Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.

Glory! Just wrote myself happy. Hoping you just read yourself happy!

Shari – The Jesus Chick

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Overcoming Common Challenges in Podiatry Billing and Reimbursement

Podiatry Billing Services and reimbursement can be a complex and frustrating process for healthcare providers. With intricate coding requirements, frequent claim denials, and ever-evolving regulations, podiatrists often face significant hurdles in ensuring they receive timely and accurate payments for their services. This article explores common challenges in podiatry billing, identifies frequent coding errors, discusses the causes of reimbursement delays, and offers practical solutions for navigating insurance policies. By addressing these challenges proactively, podiatrists can secure a steady revenue stream and reduce administrative burdens.
Introduction to Billing Challenges

Podiatrists encounter several challenges in the billing and reimbursement process that can impact both their practice’s financial health and patient care. Some of the most common hurdles include:

Complex Coding Requirements: Podiatry services often involve a range of procedures, each with specific coding requirements. Ensuring that each service is coded correctly is crucial for claim approval, but the complexity of coding can lead to errors that result in claim denials.

Frequent Claim Denials: Claim denials are a common issue in podiatry billing, often stemming from coding errors, incomplete documentation, or issues with insurance coverage. Denied claims require resubmission, leading to delays in reimbursement and increased administrative work.

Keeping Up with Regulatory Changes: Healthcare regulations and coding guidelines are continually evolving. Staying updated on these changes is essential for accurate billing, but it can be challenging for busy podiatry practices to keep pace.

These challenges, if not addressed effectively, can lead to delayed payments, increased administrative workload, and financial strain on the practice.
Common Coding Errors

Accurate coding is the cornerstone of successful billing in podiatry. However, coding errors are a leading cause of claim denials. Some of the most common coding mistakes include:

Incorrect Procedure Codes: Using incorrect or outdated procedure codes can lead to claim denials. Podiatry services often have specific codes, and failing to use the correct ones can result in the insurance company rejecting the claim.

Lack of Specificity: Coding needs to be as specific as possible to accurately reflect the services provided. Vague or generalized codes can trigger denials or reduced reimbursements.

Bundling Errors: Certain podiatry services must be billed together (bundled), while others must be billed separately. Mistakes in bundling can lead to incorrect reimbursements or claim rejections.

Missing Modifiers: Modifiers are essential for providing additional information about the procedure performed. Omitting necessary modifiers can cause confusion and lead to claim denials.

To avoid these common errors, podiatry practices should invest in regular staff training and use up-to-date coding resources.
Reimbursement Delays

Reimbursement delays are another significant challenge in podiatry billing. These delays can be caused by several factors:

Incomplete Documentation: Insufficient or incomplete documentation can slow down the claims process, as insurance companies may require additional information before approving the claim.

Insurance Verification Issues: Failing to verify patient insurance coverage before providing services can lead to reimbursement delays. If coverage is not confirmed upfront, claims may be denied or delayed until the issue is resolved.

Payer Processing Times: Different insurance providers have varying processing times for claims. Some payers may take longer to process claims, leading to delays in reimbursement.

Appeals Process: If a claim is denied, the appeals process can be time-consuming and further delay reimbursement. It’s crucial to address denials promptly and provide the necessary documentation to support the appeal.

To minimize reimbursement delays, practices should ensure thorough documentation, verify insurance coverage before services are rendered, and follow up on claims regularly.
Navigating Insurance Policies

Understanding and navigating insurance policies is essential for ensuring smooth reimbursements. Here are some tips for working effectively with different insurance providers:

Know the Coverage Policies: Each insurance provider has its own set of coverage policies for podiatry services. It’s important to familiarize yourself with these policies to ensure that the services provided are covered and billed correctly.

Verify Coverage: Before performing any procedures, verify the patient’s insurance coverage to avoid claim denials. This includes checking for pre-authorization requirements and understanding the patient’s benefits.

Communicate with Insurance Representatives: Building a relationship with insurance representatives can help resolve issues more quickly. If there is a problem with a claim, having a direct contact can expedite the resolution process.

Stay Updated on Policy Changes: Insurance policies can change frequently. Staying informed about these changes is crucial for accurate billing and reimbursement. Subscribe to updates from insurance providers and attend relevant training sessions to stay current.

By understanding and navigating insurance policies effectively, podiatry practices can reduce claim denials and delays, leading to a more stable revenue stream.
Solutions and Best Practices

To overcome the challenges in podiatry billing and reimbursement, consider implementing the following solutions and best practices:

Staff Training: Regular training on coding and billing practices is essential for minimizing errors. Ensure that your staff is knowledgeable about the latest coding requirements, insurance policies, and regulatory changes.

Use Specialized Billing Software: Invest in billing software designed specifically for podiatry practices. This software can help automate the billing process, reduce errors, and streamline claim submissions.

Conduct Regular Audits: Regularly auditing your billing processes can help identify and correct errors before they result in claim denials. Audits also provide an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of your billing practices and make necessary improvements.

Stay Updated on Coding Changes: Subscribe to coding updates and attend training sessions to stay informed about changes in coding requirements and regulations. This will help ensure that your billing practices remain compliant and accurate.

Proactive Claims Management: Monitor claims regularly and follow up on any that are pending or denied. Address issues promptly to avoid delays in reimbursement and ensure that your practice receives the payments it is owed.

By adopting these best practices, podiatry practices can overcome common billing challenges and ensure a more efficient and effective reimbursement process.

Billing and reimbursement in podiatry are complex processes that require careful attention to detail and a proactive approach. By understanding the common challenges, avoiding coding errors, addressing reimbursement delays, and effectively navigating insurance policies, podiatrists can reduce administrative burdens and ensure a steady revenue stream. Implementing best practices such as staff training, using specialized billing software, and staying updated on coding changes can further enhance the efficiency of your billing processes. Ultimately, overcoming these challenges will lead to better financial outcomes for your practice and improved patient care.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Uncategorized

Are You Prepared?

It’s a rarity that the state of West Virginia receives accolades for something well done. But during this pandemic we have twice been acknowledged as the best prepared state in the nation for dealing with the Coronavirus. As the wife of a first responder that brings great joy to my heart, because I know the efforts that go into being an emergency service worker on many fields, David’s done just about all of them. But this morning my mind is on the spiritual battle field, and my preparedness as a minister of the gospel. Am I prepared  as much as I’d like to be? Of course not. But I want to be. I want to be there in the moment when someone has a scriptural question. Not that I’ll know the answer off the top of my head, but that I’ll be tuned into the Spirit to have the words that need spoken. Ezra the priest was an example of such a minister to the people. 

Verse 10 of Chapter 7 summed this thought up for me this morning and I hope it will encourage you to prepare your own heart for the mission fields for which we live. 

Ezra 7:10 KJV

[10] For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments.

Ezra was just like a Nike shoe, he was ready to “just do it!” And so am I. I’m ready to be back in the trenches ministering to people in person. Well, kind of ready. I don’t feel that I’m ready to an Ezra level. And I certainly wouldn’t be number one in my field. But I can take Ezra’s example and hopefully make application to my life helping myself and perhaps you too!

A Prepared Heart

There’s a willingness that’s necessary when starting any venture. If your hearts not in it, you’ll find it difficult to be successful. And by that I mean fully committed. The problem with myself and many others is that we have a desire but we’re not fully committed to the point that there’s no other way than through. I can say I’m going to be an extraordinary soul winner, but unless I’m willing to put myself out there on the mission field with a boldness to proclaim the gospel in unwelcome territory, or resistant territory, I likely won’t be successful. I needed this pep talk for Era today to keep me going forward.

A Prepared Mind

While a willingness will take you far, once you’re on the road your mind has got to be fully engaged. Like Ezra, fulling engaging in the word of God was not stopping until every drop of goodness is squeezed out of every word, because every single word is important when seeking  the scriptures. It’s why I love listening to preaching by a variety of people. God speaks to every one in a different way. While the word of God never changes, the way it’s applied to a person’s life can be vastly different. 

A Prepared Body

Ezra was not just a mouth piece for God and neither are most ministers of the gospel who are worth a grain of salt. If you’re not willing to put the words you share into practice, who’s going to take you serious? Telling people to “be like Jesus” won’t take you very far if you’re not a shining example of that yourself. 

The word said that after Ezra sought the word of God he “just did it.” Glorraaay!!!! On that one. He was a man of action. So am I, but not so wise as Ezra to always be prepared in mind. Oh, I have the heart and I have the willingness but there is an order to doing things for God and it’s why He left us the book. He didn’t leave it to look pretty on a coffee table or to lay in the seat of the car until next Sunday. Hmmm, I’ll bet that one would hit a few people square between the eyes. Now I realize that many people have multiple bibles, so do I, but you should have one that looks fairly worn from use. Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson says that a bible usually last him about four years before it falls apart and he has to invest in a new one. He then gives the worn out bible to family or friends so they can enjoy his many many notes through out. 

But the point of it all is is how we put God’s word into practice in our daily walk with Christ. We’ve got to prepare, we’ve got to study and then we just need to get r’ done as Jeff Foxworthy says. So today, I’ll work on a little of this and a little of that and in between it all a few loads of laundry and some house work too.  It all fits in to living out the word of God. Even the laundry. 

I hope your day is blessed and I pray you’re safe and well! God bless!!! 

From Shari, 

The Jesus Chick!  

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church attendance, Church Unity, Health, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Let’s Be Separate Together

Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if we could just block out the wickedness from our lives and have no contact or affiliation with anything that took our minds away from the Lord? If our children and grandchildren were never exposed to anything that would corrupt their minds, and not a foul word was spoken in our presence. Oh Glory to God would not that be awesome! Well of course it would, but it ain’t life as we know it. I stood in the grocery line yesterday; yes, six feet apart as the tape on the floor instructed. But it didn’t take me out of earshot of the guy behind me with the filthy mouth who uttered words that I loathe without consideration of the fact that he was in a public place where children may or may not have been present.  It has become an acceptable part of society that language isn’t to be stifled for any reason. The same is true with images and behaviors that were once considered inappropriate for public display, and now children are exposed to behaviors that cause them to have emotions they’re not prepared to handle. It makes me sick. But such is life, so what am I to do. 

Staying in the word helps. It’s a refocus tool that God meant for every child to not only have, but to use. What a novel idea! Pastor Steven preached Sunday evening about how we take the word of God for granted. It’s so true. I have it with in my grasp 24 hours a day. It’s on my phone, my iPad, on my table and multiple shelves in my home. And yet, I’m not in it nearly as much as I should be. I take spurts where I read and study, and then I get distracted and people and things take my mind away from the word and I get in a worldly state. Again…. what do you do. 

The one great thing that this quarantine captivity has done for me is cause me to realize that being separate isn’t a bad thing. When the children of Israel came out of captivity, one of the first things they did was to separate themselves. 

Ezra 6:21 KJV

[And the children of Israel, which were come again out of captivity, and all such as had separated themselves unto them from the filthiness of the heathen of the land, to seek the Lord God of Israel, did eat,

That’s a couple of my favorite things right there… God’s people and food! 

I think it’s important to realize that the fellowship with God’s people is vital to our Spiritual condition. And as we get ready to join together again we need to appreciate those places where the children of God can commune without the world. 

In the Word of God, not the word of the world. 

A prepared heart for a time of fellowship goes a long way in the receiving of the message that God has laid on a Pastor’s heart. If we are prayed up, and read up when the word is spoken to us, it seems to sink deeper into the heart of man than if it has to break through the walls we put up to keep the hurt of the world away. There’s so much discouragement out there. I can so easily start putting up a shield to people around me for fear of my mind going places that it shouldn’t. There are even some church folk who evoke that spirit in me. Their negativity or worldly words cause my mind to be distracted and frustrated. But if I prepare my heart before I enter the sanctuary, I seem to have an inner shield that protects me from the world, and allows the word to take root. 

In the house of God, not the dens of iniquity.

It’s a sad day when even the grocery store is filled with filth. We need our time in the house of God to separate ourselves from the world. When the churches were closed for quarantine it took a necessary part of a Christians life away. Separation. Even the home is no longer a sanctuary of escape. We have television, radio, internet, etc that drags that world exposure right through the the front door with us. We need the church where the world is less. Unfortunately it’s still there in some ways, but it’s far less. And with a little help from godly leaders who are tuned in to what God wants His people to focus on, the world can be shut out for a while. 

It’s why we have to be careful about allowing the church to look to much like the world. Yes, it might attract people in, but it also opens the door wide for Satan’s influence. We still need the old ways, scripture is clear on that…

Jeremiah 6:16 KJV

Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

In the Spirit of God, not the spirit of Fear

2 Timothy 1:7 King James Version (KJV)

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

For certain the Coronavirus has caused us all (or most of us) to fear a little greater. That fear has caused us to avoid people and places and now going back in and around people and places is going to come with some hesitancy that I fear will take it’s toll on the church. Handshakes and hugs will be rare, if at all, and smiles will be behind masks, some tied on, and some painted on. It’s another reason to get in the word of God and read the many, many promises and fulfillment’s of His care of His people. 

He’s going to take care of us! We need to believe that, not just say it. 

I’m not saying that we should proceed with caution when joining together again. But the spirit of the church should be one of peace. We may not be able to shake hands or hug as we once did, but we can use words of kindness and eyes of affection to go a long way! I can’t wait to be back with my friends of the faith. I want to celebrate that day and remember how good God is to allow us to be together again. 

I hope my words today have reminded you that you are important to God’s house. You are missed, and loved. Consider yourself cyber hugged today, until once again we can greet each other as before. 

In His love, and for His glory. Let’s be separate together!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Leadership, Uncategorized

The Return to Church

It was the heading in the book of Ezra that caught my attention this morning. “The Returning Remnant.” That’s very much how I view the church at this point. It’s as if we’ve been in captivity and we’re about to return to build the house of the Lord. Oh my stars, that makes me so happy, and I hope that when this remnant returns we truly build the house!

I always find prophesy so fascinating. Two hundred years before this event in Ezra, Isaiah foretold of it happening. I’m told that there are 1817 prophesies in the Old and New Testament, As one preacher said, that alone should cause us to stand on the Word of God! It’s events such as those that the world cannot deny… well, they can and do, but they can’t change it. Hallelujah! Now, back to my story. 🙂


Ezra 1:1-2 KJV

Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,

Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah.

I see it today.  Perhaps you do too. God has clearly stirred the leadership of our country. It is God who has the hearts of all men in his hands, even the kings, and Presidents, of this day. I don’t question why the Coronavirus happened. I don’t like it, but I don’t question it. What I do enjoy is that God has gotten so much glory and it’s causing many to turn to God, wondering if this is truly the end times. Not nearly enough, but many. So I’ll take it! So what will happen when we return to the house of God. I have to wonder. Will there be a great stir in the church. Will people remember how sad it was when we were told that we could not congregate together. I remember how I felt. Nauseous. I missed my people. 

So when we received the word through the Governor that the churches could once again gather together, even with limitations, my heart was overjoyed. Perhaps it’s a chance for those of us who God has called into leadership to regroup and plan for a great gathering of our communities. I feel that this is our time to let the light shine for Jesus. People are listening and receptive to eternal thoughts with so much sickness and death in view. 

For such a time as this… those words have echoed in my ears for weeks. 


Ezra 1:5-6 KJV

Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the Levites, with all them whose spirit God had raised, to go up to build the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem. And all they that were about them strengthened their hands with vessels of silver, with gold, with goods, and with beasts, and with precious things, beside all that was willingly offered.

I have to ask myself this morning, what am I holding onto that I have not given to the house of God? Ask yourself that question. What thing, what talent, what precious thing are we holding on to that we’ve not given to the Lord’s house for use?

When God stirred up the King, He also stirred up the leadership of the church to give of what they had to the service of God. It’s a great question that deserves an answer. I look about my home this morning and think of how good God has been to me. The many, many gifts, talents and precious things that God has given me. What can I do with those “things.” How can I build His house with these things He has given me. And if I cannot build His house with these things, what am I doing with some of them at all? Iff there are things in my life that take my mind off of God, and many things that I have does, I need to look at those things and refocus on what’s truly important in my life. 

I like to “think” that I am sold out for the ministry. But am I? This morning I’m not so sure. Yes, I’m dedicated, but I’m not so sure that I have sanctified myself to God’s liking. Sanctified means separated. Have I separated myself from he world enough? Ugh. There’s that nausea again.

Although I’ve technically not been out of church, I still help with the live broadcast on Sunday’s, my Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings have been spent at home. And I must confess, it’s taken its toll. I have not prepared lessons, and prepared my heart for those services that I was missing. I have not really prepared for the time when God calls His remnant back together, which is now! There is so much work to do.


It’s often time in the “role call scriptures”, where name after name after name is listed, that my eyes glaze over and I become “churchy.” Just reading through the word to get through to the next interesting part. But today as I read through the countless names that total up to the 42,360 children of Israel that God called the remnant; I thought about each name, and that number. All of which is important to God, else He would have not brought it up. 

You too are in the role call of the church. Your name and the role you play is an important part of the ministry. 

Look at the children of Israel in Ezra, chapter 2:

Ezra 2:64-70 KJV

[64] The whole congregation together was forty and two thousand three hundred and threescore, [65] Beside their servants and their maids, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven: and there were among them two hundred singing men and singing women. [66] Their horses were seven hundred thirty and six; their mules, two hundred forty and five; [67] Their camels, four hundred thirty and five; their asses, six thousand seven hundred and twenty. [68] And some of the chief of the fathers, when they came to the house of the Lord which is at Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God to set it up in his place: [69] They gave after their ability unto the treasure of the work threescore and one thousand drams of gold, and five thousand pound of silver, and one hundred priests’ garments. [70] So the priests, and the Levites, and some of the people, and the singers, and the porters, and the Nethinims, dwelt in their cities, and all Israel in their cities.

Those people and things that God thought important enough to mention, might not have seemed important to the world. There were people, critters, things…. God can and will use anything that is given willingly. He used it in “their” place. (Verse 70) Just where they were. And I believe that as we go back into the house of God after this very long hiatus, that God is calling us take a look at all that we have, and ask ourselves, what can I use for His glory? 

It’s a question that needs answered, at least by me. God bless you all, and I hope that some of you will take the time to let me know if this message stirred your heart and made you ponder some of the precious things that you’ve been holding back from God’s service. 

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Uncategorized

How to lose a friend

If you’ve lived on this earth very many years, you realize that there’s actually countless ways to lose a friend. Some leave this earth for a better place, some leave this earth and we’re not really sure of their eternal state, and then there are those who live on, just not in our world. They live in a world all their own. This morning I experienced the latter, while my friend Dewey lost a dear friend to Heaven. I can’t be sad for his friend, but my heart aches for Dewey’s loss of earthly fellowship. But I’d like to focus (just for a minute) on my friend in her new world. 

She wasn’t a close friend, but we had had many spiritual conversations, until one day i realized she’d “unfriended” me. Curiosity got the best of me and I decided I’d stalk her social media page to see what her life currently looks like. I was shocked but not (you know what I mean?) 

When we were “friends”, her spiritual questioning of me was always a little haphazard. I was never sure if we’d be friends by the end of the conversation because her questions always seem loaded. So when she disappeared from my feed, I wasn’t surprised. Folks who are more concerned about getting their questions answered by men rather than God tend to fall out of sorts with most of the people they question. And, I think, that they don’t ask God because the undeniable truth is too much, and unarguable. So they ask folks like me, and then question my wisdom. Which is not an insult. I am only human. But back to the point of this blog…

On this dreary, West Virginia, Sunday morning, I needed a little sunshine in my ❤️ heart. So I ask the question, “How do you lose a friend?” I mean, what’s the proper way? The answer, regardless of whether or not you’ve lost the friend in death or life is the same, “In Christ.” I’ve lost so many friends to eternity, and praise God, because of the circles I travel, most of them have been “in Christ.” Glory to God! Our parting is only temporary, and the next time we’re together will be the last of our separation. It will be for all eternity! Amen? amen! 

Dewey’s friend, Glen Strock. was a Cowboy preacher and Pastor. A minister of God serving in New Mexico. He and Dewey shared a common bond as brothers in Christ, each with their own mission field in that territory. Glen went the way we all will if Jesus doesn’t return in our lifetime, but the most important part of his departure was the fact he continued to serve Christ. I know that even in his ill health he continued to encourage Dewey, because that’s what friends “in Christ” do. We encourage one another. That’s not to say we never have differences of opinion. What it says is that regardless of differences, we are common in Christ. In the spiritual matters of this earth.

Acts 2:44 KJV

And all that believed were together, and had all things common;

In this day and age, with all the information overload, it’s so easy to get off track with what’s “common.”

The friend that disappeared from my Facebook feed, disappeared back into the world. I am, and will continue on, in Christ. Whether or not she has a relationship with Christ, I’m not sure. When I look at her current feed, it’s filled with talk of wine and men. Neither of which draws me to the conclusion that she is “in Christ.” At one point it was filled conversations of going to church, and scripture references. So how does one get so far off track? I blame information overload. It’s why I try my best (and it’s not hard) because in the words of my friend Attorney Tony Morgan… “simple people have simple ways.”  And so I stay focused on simple gospel truth.

It’s true. 

And if one has to lose a friend in this world, the proper way is to stay “in Christ.” That way should your friend ever need you, they’ll know where to look. 

She wasn’t the first person who has unfriended me on social media, nor will she likely be the last. Jesus said if the world hated Him it would for certain hate us. So at least I’m in the greatest of company. 

Today is Sunday, and I’m declaring it “bring a friend to Church day.” Call, message or share one of the many services online with a friend. Just because you’re not in the same building doesn’t mean you can’t share in the same service! Blessings!!! And stay well and safe friends!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Uncategorized

The God of All Comfort 2020

 I love the word of God! I love the way it speaks to my soul as if I’m sitting in a house in the town of Corinth in the year 55 A.D. and  I receive the letter of Paul. I read it as though he had written to me and I’m in that day. Wait… we are in that day. For the Bible is an eternal word, not only a word of the year  55 A.D when it was written. It’s relevance never fades. So this morning as I sit in my recliner having my morning coffee, I am comforted in these day of unrest. Unrest from a lack of sleep, unrest from concerns of the day and concerns for my “people.” I’m not facing anything close what Paul and his friends were facing.

The image above is an original art piece, not an original thought. I had seen once done similarly on instagram and I loved the thought of the arms of Christ around me. I wish the world could feel that now. Many can, but far more can’t. They have no concept of the Holy Spirit of God and how He is as present today as He was in the days leading up to His crucifixion. So, Paul writes to remind us…

2 Corinthians 1:1-12 KJV

[1] Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, unto the church of God which is at Corinth, with all the saints which are in all Achaia: [2] Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. [3] Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; 


Well, almost. The God of the church of Corinth, the God of Victory Baptist Church, the God of (insert your church name here). The churches of God. Not the buildings, but the people. Where ever you happen to be, as you listen to God’s words believing in the power of His Son, Jesus Christ. But not to the believers of Buddha, Mohammad or any other of the “little g” gods of this day. He is not their God, and He is not their comfort. 

When Paul talked talked to King Agrippa in Acts 26 the king said “Paul, almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.” He was almost King Agrippa’s God. But almost doesn’t count in eternity. You will not “almost make it.” You’ll either be in Heaven with God, or Hell with Satan and his demons. It was Agrippa’s choice and it is ours. 


Well almost. All those in Christ. Do you see the theme? It’s that almost that I want to ring in your ears, because it’s ringing in mine today. 

[4] Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. [5] For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. [6] And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation. 

It’s my responsibility, as it was Paul’s, to share that comfort with you. I can’t give it to you without your acceptance and understanding that it comes from Christ, but I can share it with you and afford you the opportunity to experience it in your life as I do in mine. Just as we share the afflictions of this day, we too can share the same comfort. Paul said that the comfort of Christ was for “any trouble.” Do you have “any” trouble? I’ll bet you do! It may not be the COVID19 virus. It could be any number of issues, but for certain God is the comfort of you and your circumstance. 


Yes, you’ve likely fallen into line by now. “Almost” all. Those who know…

[7] And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation. 

My hope will be in the fact that you are in the hope of Christ. Paul was counting on the fact that his friends knew Christ and regardless of their circumstances, he believed they had hope.

Do your friends have hope? Many of mine do, but some do not. And that word ringing in my ears this morning is “share the hope, Shari!!!!” It’s our responsibility in life and it will be our accountability in the afterlife to answer for whether or not we have shared that hope. 


Yes, almost all. 

[8] For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life: [9] But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead: [10] Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us ; [11] Ye also helping together by prayer for us, that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf. [12] For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward.

Did you catch your part of the story? It put a shout in my soul this morning as I write myself happy! Paul thanked his friends for their part of his deliverance. Yes, to God be the glory for certain, but it was in part because of the prayers of the saints, and the salvation of many will be in part because of the prayers and sharing of the gospel of those who are in Christ Jesus today. Oh glory! That’s me. I fail a lot. But God and the angels are not counting my failures, they’re rejoicing in the saints who know Jesus because I’ve done my part. Because you too have done your part! And because of our part, there will be those who not almost, but in full know the comfort, the hope and the deliverance of God. 

Glory!!!!! Do you your part. Tell the world about Jesus. Share the gospel, either your story or that of folks like me who God has gifted the platform of grace. 

Stay safe and well friends….

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Purpose, Uncategorized

The Reckoning of Restless Nights

Ironically, this is what I drew right before going to sleep last night 😀
Coincidence? I think not

Countless nights of restless sleep have been my lot in life lately. I wake up feeling like I need a nap. That ain’t good! My mind has been scattered like weeds across the lawn. Visit this website here to hire the weed specialist to help you to perfect your lawn in no time. You know… like the dandelions that blow in the wind. That’s exactly how my mind feels right now. So, in an attempt to figure my spiritual health out, being that my physical health seems to have gone awry as well, I finally, after four dry days turn back to the well for a drink in hopes of renewing my mind, body and soul. I look for another time of dreams, when someone else struggled to sleep. Jacob. In the book of Genesis 28, his father Isaac has sent him away, partly to keep him from getting his head cracked open by his brother Esau, but also in search of a wife from the “right” people. So along the way he lays down for the night, making a stone his pillow. I can’t imagine! My bones are so achy right now and even my nice soft bed isn’t pillowy enough… but a stone! Owch! 

He obviously sleeps, because in that time sleep he dreams:

Genesis 28:11-22 KJV

[11] And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep. [12] And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.

The Lesson in the Ladder

Jacob’s dream is not a common dream, (like the one I’ll tell you of later) but rather a dream under divine direction, else it wouldn’t have made it into scripture. The dream has spiritual denotation: the ladder denotes the providence of God, being that He is at the top, perhaps the rungs of the ladder denotes the steps of life that God orchestrates to complete His purposes, like the steps in Israel’s history. It’s all apart of the plan! 

I have to wonder what part of the plan we’re in right now with the COVID19 pandemic. I don’t think it’s without reason, but I don’t think man knows the reason yet either. I think I needed these hard nights sleep to bring me into this study. Again… nothing without purpose. 

The angels ascending and descending showing that God and His divine powers reaches down to earth in ways we cannot comprehend. I have to wonder if there is an angel looking over my shoulder right now as I write? I love thinking about the spirit world, but I’m not going to overthink it… I’m just going to leave it to God. The primary thought that comes from the ladder is the connection it makes between Heaven and earth, and the fact that the ultimate source of connection between us and the Heavenly Father came when the Lord Jesus connected us together through the cross. We’re not in Old Testament times, God doesn’t (at least not to me) speak through dreams and visions like He did to Jacob. But it’s not to say He can’t use those dreams of today to bring some thoughts along that will cause us to take steps to getting things in order. 

The Leading of the Ladder

[13] And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; [14] And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. [15] And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.

God had made promises to Abraham, and those promises continued to unfold through his descendants, for which Jacob was key. 

Just like Jacob, there is still a work to do here on earth, which my restless nights have eluded to. In 2010 God spoke to my heart to put “The Jesus Chick” ministries into play. And so I did… half hearted. And then God literally took half my heart through a heart attack that He allowed to happen to get my attention.

Let me be clear: it was my poor diet that created the heart attack, God just used it to get my attention. And lately I’ve not been paying attention… again. I’m a slow learner for sure! 

But last night in a series of nutty dreams, I had one that really struck at my core. I was on a mission trip to India, with David and Gloria. Two of my favorite people. We were in danger of being discovered, they didn’t appreciate the gospel in their country. I woke up with a sense of urgency and the realization that regardless of the risks, the gospel must go forth and I am a vessel for which God will use. Ironically there was lots of food in my dream… and I know that my diet is again an issue. And then I awoke. Just like Jacob… only I didn’t have a rock to pour oil on, and I didn’t really feel the need to go get my Wessons’ vegetable oil and pour it on my pillow. No, the effect of the dream was duly noted and I need to listen. Perhaps you do as well. 

This is not a prophetic dream, it’s a “hey Shari, straighten up”dream. 

The Labor From the Ladder

 [16] And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. [17] And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. [18] And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it. [19] And he called the name of that place Beth-el: but the name of that city was called Luz at the first. [20] And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, [21] So that I come again to my father’s house in peace; then shall the Lord be my God: [22] And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God’s house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.

After the dream comes the purpose. Jacob knew that God had been in that place. It changed Jacob’s mindset. For all his uncertainty of the past, and how he must have felt having been known as “the deceiver”, he now knew that his purpose was far greater and his commitment was going to have to be as well. God would no doubt take care of the steps, but Jacob had to do his part. I don’t think it’s happenstance that the “tenth” is mentioned to him. It’s our job to take care of the church, the work of God!

During this pandemic, churches are sitting empty, but the work must go on, the finances must continue and God’s people must stay focused on the mission. I’m not sure where India played a role in my dream, but I know where the remainder of those thoughts did. Four days in too long to be out of God’s word, and throughout this pandemic I’ve been scattered. Trying to keep up with this, that and the other and losing my focus on the mission work. 

I’m grateful for the restless nights…

Posted in Eternity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political, Uncategorized

Today’s Political Rhetoric won’t Hold Water with God

I know I may sound like a broken record, but how can we not see the writing on the wall of end time events when we see what’s happening in our world. I’m not a dooms day speaker. I believe in speaking hope at every opportunity and encouraging souls where ever I go, but buddy it’s tough! the world doesn’t share much of my enthusiasm. We need Apostle Paul to be the Whitehouse spokesman. Can you imagine? I want to. I’d love to see someone with some spiritual backbone get up there and say what needs to be said. Trump does his best from a worldly viewpoint and interjects Jesus upon occasion which I so very much appreciate. But for some reason, most of the rest of those knuckle heads in Washington believe that they can say or do anything without standing accountable. Well… maybe not on this earth, but there will come a day. As much as I am uncomfortable with confrontation, I find a little joy in my soul that some of that tribe will be squirming in their sandals when they stand before almighty God and try to explain what they did in the name of political correctness.

I believe in Forgiveness

But people have to want it.

The gift of salvation cannot be had without repentance and acceptance of Christ’s work on the cross. So wouldn’t it be grand if our leadership on capital hill got their hearts right with Christ! It would be amazing! And if they did would the n’er do wells in our society be able to accept it. Would the dems and the republicans have brotherly love, or would they still want to nit pick everyone to death. 

Paul tells the Galatians in Galatians 6:1-18

[1] Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 

My friend Tracy Miller wrote this amazing song titled “One Stumble from a Fall.” Ain’t it the truth! We all are. So in the sight of almighty God there is no high horse to get on. We’re all lowly sinners. And if anyone repent we’ve got to be ready to accept it and encourage them regardless of which side of the fence they’re on. After all, only God’s fence matters.

But we are in a prideful day. The arrogance and entitlement of our country’s leaders make me nauseous. So many are touting their own agenda, they’ve long forgotten who elected them. Well, let me just tell you, I won’t soon forget their agendas come election time. 

I Believe in Community Support

But not socialism

[2] Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. [3] For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. [4] But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. [5] For every man shall bear his own burden.

Paul told the Thessalonians in like manner in 2 Thessalonians 3:10

[10] For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

Hello? Can I get a witness that we need someone in Washington to say that! I believe that we should help folks out in these dark times. Right now even those who want to work cannot. And those of us who are working should do what we can. But not to the point where our families are not taken care of. God also speaks to that through Paul in 1 Timothy 5:8

[8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Again I say, we need a modern day Paul speaking from that podium in the Whitehouse press room!

I Believe in an Unchanging God

He’s not political correct!

Malachi 3:6 KJV

[6] For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Washington has no idea how lucky they are that God does not pour His wrath down on them as in Old Testament times. Praise God we are under grace and He is a patient God. But for those of us who study and share the word of God, it’s still our  responsibility to call them out! 

Paul continues in Galatians 6

 [6] Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. [7] Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. [8] For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. [9] And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

The liberal world would love it if they could fit God into their ideology, but it ain’t happenin’. God is and always will be a non sin excusing God. He’ll forgive it, but He won’t excuse it. If it was sin in the Old Testament days B.C., it’s sin in 2020 A.D. And the strange thing is, the very sins of those days is the very sins of these days. As in the days of Molech (Leviticus 20:4) the world is still killing babies. As in the days of Lot in Genesis 19 the abominations of men abound throughout our earth, space does not permit me to call out the list of comparable sins, but you know doubt see it too. But scripture is clear that if we faint not, if we continue on in the faith of Jesus Christ, we too shall reap, but we will reap the blessings of God! Glory! 

I Believe we should take Care of One Another

It’s about relationships not religion

Paul closes out his letter to the Galatians with words of wisdom for the church.

 [10] As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. [11] Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand. [12] As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. [13] For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh. [14] But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. [15] For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. [16] And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. [17] From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. [18] Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

Paul gave his life for his Savior, but he’s not asking for that from us, he’s asking for us to look after one another, and remember why we do it, Because Christ did it first. They were first called Christians in Antioch. (Acts 11:26) Because they were so “Christ like.” Would to God it was said of us. Amen? Amen!

Blessings on your day. Stay well and safe and share me if you liked what you read. 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Faith, Family, Life Inspiration

You are Essential

These days following Easter have me in a “let down” kind of mood for some reason. It’s inexcusable, but it is still a reality. While we had truly blessed Easter services at Victory, the concern for many of my brothers and sisters in Christ is very real. As a part of our church leadership and broadcasting, I was in church, they were not. I have had very few changes in my life because of Covid-19. While I’m certainly more cautious, I still go to work, (my job for a public utility is considered essential.) But thinking of those no longer involved in the every day scope of life outside the home, and their inability to be physically in the worship services of our churches, makes me wonder how essential they consider themselves as the body of Christ. 

It’s easy to feel unimportant when you’re away from people. Not everyone has social media, not everyone has likely been called to see how they are, or if they stand in need of something. I wonder if it was somewhat like that in the days following the crucifixion of Christ. Christians had gone into hiding, fearing they too were in line for execution because of their faith. For some reason Thomas was not with the other disciples when they had seen Jesus, once they had came back together he was hesitant to believe the Lord was alive and telling them as much:

John 20:24-28 KJV

[24] But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. [25] The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.

So there were another eight days between that day and the next time the group gathered together. How must Thomas have felt as they others where so excited over having seen the Lord, and wondering what direction their ministries would now go? Thomas’ ministry must have somewhat been on hold, how could he be excited about something he hadn’t experienced, He’d only been told of the visit from the risen Lord.

Is that how my brother and sisters who are suffering from a church disconnect now feel? I realize that they know the Lord is our risen Savior, but a Spirit filled service is such a part of who we are at Victory Baptist Church. We genuinely love each other’s company. We’re not without issues like any family, but I tell you they are rare. And when we are together, we feel essential! We know we are apart of the body of Christ and we share in the ups and downs of the days. Whether or not we play an active role in the church we are essential to that team of believers. But it’s been far more than eight days since we’ve gathered together with the exception of a few, and those of us who were on the parking lot for our drive in sunrise service. So how essential is everyone feeling now? I don’t know, but I know this, when we come together again it’s going to be a great day! Just as it was for Thomas when they gathered again, but this time the Lord showed up!

 [26] And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. [27] Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. [28] And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.

Those words of Thomas ring in my heart this morning. “My Lord and my God!” I cannot imagine how elated Thomas was to see Him face to face. And the boldness of their ministry grew to the point that many of them died for their faith. 

So that also has me asking? What’s in store for us when COVID-19 is finally over? Will we return to church as if nothing ever took place, or will this be the game changer in our relationship with Christ and our church siblings? Does the church as a whole now realize that within a split second. There are people dying without Christ, and unless you’re on the inside of their lives, we have no way of getting the gospel to them. When this is said and done, will we do more for the Kingdom, will we all become essential to the building of the church? I can only speak for myself, and you for yourself. We know from the days following 911 that it doesn’t take long for people to return to their sad normal. I don’t want that to be said of me. I don’t want that said of you. I want to be team Jesus in a bolder more deliberate way. I want this to have changed me in a positive way that lasts. 

When we come together again as a body fo Christ, I want to be like Thomas and stand in awe of the Lord and say “My Lord and my God!” I want to feel the Holy Spirit move as in He did in that room with the disciples. Yes, I know He is within me, and yes I feel Him move daily, but I think the Lord’s going to be a little excited too when His children get back together! Gloraaaay!!! 

Just in case you haven’t heard or felt it today, You are Essential! And you are loved!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Easter, Eternity, Faith, Life Inspiration

Take Heed!

Matthew 16:6 KJV

Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

Of this text J.C. Ryle wrote: 

I believe that our Lord delivered this solemn warning for the perpetual benefit of that Church which He came to earth to establish. He spoke with a prophetic knowledge. He knew well the diseases to which human nature is always liable. He foresaw that the two great plagues of His Church on earth would always be the doctrine of the Pharisees and the doctrine of the Sadducees.

He later said in that article that the Pharisees doctrine could be summed up in three words, “formalists, tradition-worshippers and self-righteous.” The doctrine of the Sadducees could be summed up in the three words, “free-thinking, skepticism, and rationalism.”

J.C.Ryle died in 1900. I wonder what his thinking would be in the 21st century. We’ve certainly came along way since his day, and not for the better. 

As a new convert I remember being told the way to remember the two sects of religion was to remember that the Pharisees, were “not fair, you see,” and the Sadducees, were “sad, you see,” because they didn’t believe in the resurrection. Another good summation of two very religious groups.

I try to be anything but religious. I came out of religion. Religion is what was about to send me to Hell as it allowed me to go to church, hear a sermon and remain unmoved or unchanged. I didn’t consider it as such because unlike the Pharisees I wasn’t judgmental, but perhaps I was more the “free-thinking” Sadducee. Seeking a sign, not a Savior. 

Jesus described it best in Matthew 23:15 when he said “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.”

I would have considered myself a child of Hell. And if that makes you nauseous, imagine how it makes me feel. To realize because of “religion.” I was two times closer to Hell, than Heaven. So I take Jesus’ warning very serious and desire to tell the world of my relationship with Christ, not my religion.

I’m not seeking a sign, I have a Savior

Matthew 16:1-12 KJVS

[1] The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven. [2] He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. [3] And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? [4] A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

I don’t have to seek a sign, they’re everywhere! If the religious leaders of that day had only come with a heart open to hearing the gospel they too could have discerned the signs. But they didn’t. The Pharisees and Sadducees much like the world today were closed minded to anything other than their ways. Religion wants it written in black and white. But Jesus wrote it in red on the cross. That’s not logical. Religion loves to make it about self. But Jesus took self out of the equation and let it be known that there is nothing you can do to be saved. Nothing. He took it all to the cross with His final sacrifice. But religion needs to do “something.” 

I’m not seeking a reason, I was the reason

[5] And when his disciples were come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. [6] Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. [7] And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have taken no bread. [8] Which when Jesus perceived, he said unto them, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have brought no bread?

Even though I know in my heart of hearts why Jesus did what He did, it’s still hard for me to fathom that He would do that for me. I know how unworthy I am. It doesn’t make sense. Until, I think of it it respect to my children. My daughter Whitney is in Texas right now with her husband and children. And though it’s not the same as those who have been separated from family because of death or other harsh reasons, it’s still tough on this momma. I know they’re fine. But I can’t see them and touch them. That must have been how God felt when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. He could no longer be in their presence. I know how it breaks my heart, but that’s got to be a drop in the bucket by comparison to God’s broken heart. Which is why He was willing to got to the cross. And why He hates religion. It’s not about what we do, it’s about what He did. And every time religion makes it about self, it’s as if we’re saying what He did wasn’t good enough. That is beyond heartbreaking. 

I’m not seeking religion, I want the Relationship!

 [9] Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? [10] Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? [11] How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? [12] Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

That is why J.C. Ryle’s words hit me so hard this morning. In this day of disease (COVID19) the greater disease is not that, but rather the disease of Pharisee and Sadducee doctrine. It spreads through this earth like wildfire and is being broadcast on every form of media. It’s all about self reliance, fault finding and skepticism. The world does everything possible to get our minds off of Christ and onto the disease. When, what it should do, is cause us to realize that our only hope lies in Him. He who took death upon Himself on the cross so that we would only die once, and then live an eternal life with Him, never to be separated again. Without Him death is twice, once in this life, the second an eternal death in Hell, forever separate from our Lord and family and friends. 

But the world doesn’t want you to hear that. But it’s the truth. And I’m so grateful,  that while the world seeks the cure for COVID19, I found the cure regardless of the outcome. Jesus. He is my hope. He is why I “can” live in victory. And not in fear.  However… I’m human. This world takes its toll on me. And that is why I heed the warning of the Lord, not to have a Pharisee or Sadducees heart, because I can. I cannot lose my salvation, but I can lose my hope and peace if I listen to religion and not my relationship. 

How’s your relationship this day before our greatest of all Holiday celebrations? When HOPE arose f rom the grave! Glory!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Watchfulness in View of the Return of Our Lord

The title of this blog was the heading above the text in my bible for my thoughts on today. 

Mark 13:34-37

For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.

He put us in this place to watch His house until He returns; but how many are watching the house, and how many are watching Netflix, or Heaven only knows what else. But for certain there are fewer and fewer watching the houses of God and the people of God. This morning I heed the warnings of the Lord and believe that I too need to do a better job until His return, which is eminent.

His Journey

When Jesus returned home 2000 years ago I can well imagine there was a great celebration! 🎉The horrific crucifixion had been no doubt more than many of His angels could bear. The fact that it was finished, and they would never again have to see their Lord suffer would have been cause for a deafening time of rejoicing. Now that His earthly journey was over, He had left the earth in the hands of His people. I’d never really thought of it like that. This was His Creation, fabricated from His Word and created so that His people would have a place to dwell until the final story unfolds. And look at it! Spring is an amazing time to live in the country. Everything is greening up and the budding out and it smells heavenly outside! And in all that, most of the world fail to see the Creator.  They fail to see the new life that is symbolic of what will come. But before the new life, there will be great destruction for those who don’t believe. 

Our Work

It’s why He left us with marching orders.

🎵🎶🎶Onward Christian Soldier, marching off to war

With the cross of Jesus, going on before 🎵🎶

He didn’t leave us here to sit and soak in the sun until He returned. He told us to watch and gave us authority as His servants. So the question has to be, where are we serving? COVID-19 has opened up doors of opportunity to serve in new ways. Some of which are not easy to accomplish, like taking care of the church when the church isn’t where it’s normally at on Sunday. This will be my first Easter since salvation that I haven’t gotten to take communion, or enjoyed the fellowship of many of my friends in the faith. I worry about those who don’t have the blessing of social media, and who are not able to tune in to our services. We can’t visit and see them face to face, and so I worry about their spiritual wellbeing. I know I need to do more. I need to accept the “authority” I’ve been given. In the words of Nike, “just do it.”

His Return

Watch, He says. It could be morning, night or noon, but we’ve got to be ready. I know that I, personally, am ready. But I don’t believe that’s the only thing the Lord is talking about it. How are we preparing His house for His return? Too many houses of God are asleep. They’ve allowed the sirens of Hell to lull them into believe in theres always time. Or many have gotten so far away from the word of God that they don’t even know what the truth is any more. 

When I read Mark 13:14 this morning it pierced my soul.

Mark 13:14 KJVS

But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

Let him that readeth understand? How many do? How many know what the scripture refers to when it speaks of those words in Daniel and the times of tribulation. Believe me when I say I don’t know nearly as much as I should, just enough to be dangerous most likely. But I know that when I read end time prophecy it reads like a modern day newspaper. Well, not really, because a modern day newspaper is far from the truth! But the word of God is every single bit of truth. 

Going into the Easter weekend is a great time of reflection but it should also be a great week of service. Many in the world have their eyes on Heaven right now because they’re worried. It’s our time to let the light of Jesus shine and give them hope!  

David and I sat in the living room last night and I caught just a few minutes of the nightly news. NBC I think. It made me want to throw up. Nothing but negativity and any spin they could use to make this the President’s fault. While I don’t expect those heathens to be sharing the gospel, it would be nice if they shared the truth. And so we turned it off. That’s what the world is doing to Christians today because they’re not living out the truth either. We’ve got to be more diligent about taking the word of God out to the world around us. We need to do a better job of taking care of the Lord’s house.

I have a feeling that that ol’ rooster could crow any moment. What will you be found doing when the Master returns?

Posted in Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Only God Knows When Enough is Enough

Somewhat less than a one hundred years ago, when I was new to the faith I heard a sermon from a preacher, who I believe was Dr. Larry Brown, and the title of the sermon was “Then Came Amalek.” It obviously struck a nerve, because here I am still talking about it. That’s when you know it’s been a good sermon, when it strikes a chord that continues to sing a melody in your heart years later. Well, this sermon was one, and this morning it’s on my heart again. “Then Came Amalek.” 

Amalek was a people who were descendants of Esau, and they were a very strong people. Amalek was the first of the nations, but their latter end would be that they perished forever because they messed with the wrong people.  So Amalek is an illustration of those who are sources of conflict for the people of God. And do we, or do we not, have many, many sources of conflict? It’s why we need a sermon like “Then Came Amalek” to remind us that there will come a day that God will wipe the face of the earth with this arrogant lot of people who continually berate the children of the Living God! Amen…. that thought makes me happy. Not that souls will go to Hell, but that God is just in His decisions. And He will not be mocked. For now He gives this tribe of naysayers grace and the opportunity to be saved, but there will come a day when God will say, enough is enough. 

Even the children of Amalek continued for a while to be an issue for Israel. There are stories of the battles from Exodus to Samuel, where Saul and David continued to fight them. But there did come a day when God said… that’s it. You’re done. And glory to God there’s going to come a day when God says that to this nation of heathens that are mocking Christ today. 

As I go into the Easter weekend, I can see the writing on the wall. Just as it was in the book of Daniel 5:25-26

And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE ; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.

Only God knows when “enough is enough.” Now back to Amalek.

Prior to this battle, the children of Israel had murmured and complained to Moses that they were thirsty. And I would assume it was complaining to the extreme. Because God gave Moses and extreme measure of getting them that drink.

Exodus 17:2-7

Wherefore the people did chide with Moses, and said, Give us water that we may drink. And Moses said unto them, Why chide ye with me? wherefore do ye tempt the Lord ? And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, Wherefore is this that thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst? And Moses cried unto the Lord, saying, What shall I do unto this people? they be almost ready to stone me. [5] And the Lord said unto Moses, Go on before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Israel; and thy rod, wherewith thou smotest the river, take in thine hand, and go. Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.  And he called the name of the place Massah, and Meribah, because of the chiding of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the Lord, saying, Is the Lord among us, or not?

That scripture is important to our story because the Rock is representative of Christ. And it is when one receives Christ that the troubles usually begin. Satan doesn’t strive with the unsaved. He has them in his grips already. He strives with the children of God to try and stay their hands and prevent them from winning more souls to the Kingdom. That what his battle on earth is about. Stopping them work of the cross.  

I don’t believe in happenstance and I certainly don’t think the Coronavirus has us house bound on Easter Sunday without reason. Would Satan not love to get the mind of the world off of Jesus this weekend? But what it should do, is draw the minds of God’s people closer to the cross, because it is there that we have hope. 

A few lessons from the battle with the Amalekites that we could learn is the Moses got a little help from his friends.

Exodus 17:13-16

And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.  And the Lord said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovah-nissi:  For he said, Because the Lord hath sworn that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.


As the battle pursued, Moses, Aaron and Hur went upon the mountain. Moses held his hands high in the air and as long as he did, Israel won, but as they lowered, the battled would go in the Amalekites favor. When Moses’ arms tired, Aaron and Hur would get beneath him and hold him up. And Joshua discomfited Amalek.  (Exodus 17:10-12)

That’s what we need to be doing to our leaders who are defending Christ. I don’t know if those who are making the professions of belief are saved or not, but I know this, God knows. And God has been glorified when Christ’s name is mentioned in our nations capitol and our State. And I will continue to uphold these men and women who choose to make that stand, whether or not their life has always been backed up by faith. It’s not up to me to judge, but I would gladly take a stick and smack a few things if God would ask me too. (Kidding) maybe. 

But the only way we are going to discomfit the leaders who are taking a stand against Christ is by lifting up those who defend our Lord. 


God told Moses to rehearse this in the ears of Joshua. We too need to talk about what’s going on in our nation and world in a way that encourages people to believe. We need to talk about the battles that God has won, again and again in the face of all adversity and odds. But He has taken care of His own. We need to tell our troops that we are praying for them and lifting them up, and those troops right now are not just our soldiers, but our medical and emergency personnel as well. Talk about Jesus! Tell them “He wins!”


It’s going to happen. The destruction, not only of the COVID-19 but the destruction of the enemies of God. I have no idea when, but I know, as Moses knew, God’s word will be fulfilled. When Christ hung from the cross and said “It is Finished,” He meant the sacrifice, not the battle. But when He returns in those clouds of glory and says it again, there won’t be another chance for the those who deny and mock Christ. Just as God utterly destroyed the Amalekites, He’ll do the same with this heathen world, Satan and all his minions. But for us, the victory is sure! 

But for now, we’re in the battle. This word encourages me to be more faithful at lifting our leaders, pastors and people of God up in prayer. We need to lift the arms of those who are weakening because of this battle. 

I pray today finds you well and encouraged to do the same. 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Purpose, Word of God

Bad Behavior: Own it and move on

I’ve often said there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. In my world there’s an even finer line between confidence and lack of forethought. I am that leap and the net will appear kinda gal. So, yesterday as I drove down the road listening to a podcast of some of my favorite people, I should have seen the warning signs. That bristling on the back of my neck, the fact that I was biting my lip, my righteous rage and holy hostility festering just beneath the surface, and then, just as I pulled into my destination it exploded in an iTunes rating. 

So let me back up and tell you how the story began. 

The podcast that I was listening to was a Christian podcast of some characters that I will leave nameless for now although some of you may already know. In faith, I love them. I love their stand for Christ and the great witnesses they are. But they had a day of stupidity and it caught me on a day of pondering it too long. They were talking about the stock market and the fact that one of them loved dabbling in it and was pretty successful. I don’t have a problem with that. And I don’t think the stock market is gambling, even though there’s risk. I theorize that on the idea that it’s investing in the hope of American business. Is it guaranteed? Nope. But neither is going into business. That’s a risk. But if you have the money and you’re investing your money at VT markets with the knowledge it’s not a sure thing, I don’t think God minds.

But then their conversation went somewhere I never expected. Poker and other forms of gambling. Only one of the three was involved, but he was very adamant about the fact that he didn’t consider it gambling because he was very good at it. Therefore it wasn’t a risk.


The conversation progressed into a the fact that he also agreed with video gambling because he was very good at. At which point he goes on to say that he had recently had a conversation with President Trump’s son, and tried to convince him that they needed to legalize it again because it was a great way to make money. 


My outspoken, Christian star, who I adore and love listening to, just broke my heart. I have heard this man take a stand on the word of God, witness to lost souls in places that he wasn’t invited for that purpose and do it boldly! But this day his focus is not on the things of God, but rather the almighty dollar and how it’s okay to bilk other’s out of their money who aren’t as good playing cards. Trump’s son, took the high road, and informed him that gambling was indeed wrong in that it destroyed people’s lives. And it was at that point that I pulled into my destination. 

For the record, I didn’t throw stones.  I just pointed to the word of God and that in Romans 14:13 it clearly reads:

Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way.

Whether or not you consider that it is “not an issue for you,” doesn’t change what it is. 

Gambling defined is “To play games of chance for money; bet. Or to take risky action in the hope of a desired result.” That would mean that those who do it are “gamblers.” It doesn’t say only those who lose. And somebody has to lose for someone to win. That’s not so with the stock market. Everyone “can” win. They likely don’t, but they could. 

Probably the preverbal straw that broke the camels back was when he added alcohol into the mix saying “drinking is not a sin, but there are those who are alcoholics, that shouldn’t drink.” But the fact of the matter is, how do you know who’s an addict? And if by your drinking (which this guy doesn’t) and you cause an alcoholic to fall, by drinking in their presence, who’s accountable? I’m pretty sure, you’re a stumbling block.  

Now, that being said, and off my heart, let me put this into perspective as a child of God in times like these. As I told my brother in Christ in my iTunes rating. “I have issues.” I’m not saying I’m perfect. But what I’m saying is if we’ve been given a platform for the Lord, He is going to hold us accountable for how we use it. And in these uncertain days, our time is way better spent witnessing for Christ rather than lobbying for the devil. 

I will continue to listen and watch this podcast. Because I’m not throwing away all the good that they’ve done on the 50 other shows I’ve listened to, because of one bad day. For the record, the other two on the pod cast who are his family, never defended him. They however, didn’t call him out very well. I said all that to get to the point of my bible journaling pic… Life is war. We have to be confident in our battle and we have to be bold in our stand! Don’t destroy your testimony by defending bad behavior. Just own it… and move on.  

Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith, Forgiveness, Life Inspiration, Prayer, Word of God

I’m optimistic, not stupid

As I’ve previously stated, I’m a cockeyed optimist! But before anyone gets the notion that I’m unrealistic, I thought I’d squelch that thought with some good old fashioned realism. My friend Tracy Millers sings a song with the lyrics “I’m not a Jeanie in a Bottle.” And that is truthfully how some people treat God. They forget Him for 364 days and then on the tragedy of the 365th they want God to pull their butts out of the fire. I said, we’re gettin’ real here today. I’m not throwing stones. I too have been guilty of ignoring God’s warning and then when all heck breaks loose, I want Him to fix it. It’s the way of human nature. And sometimes He does, and sometimes He lets me feel the heat of the fire. 

Isaiah speaks a needful word to the children of Israel 700 – 651 B.C. (ish) in chapter 48. But not just for them, it’s a great word for the Christians of 2020.

So, you call yourself a Christian…

Isaiah 48:2-14 KJVS

[2] For they call themselves of the holy city, and stay themselves upon the God of Israel; The Lord of hosts is his name.

It’s my biggest pet peeve. Those who call themselves a Christian but could never be convicted of it for lack of evidence. And God is speaking to the children of Israel on the same matter. “So, you say your from my town, where’s the proof?”

It’s why, when things such as the Coronavirus comes into our lives, people are ill equipped to handle it. They say they have a relationship with God, but there’s no confidence of it when facing theirs and other people’s mortality. That’s when the rubber meets the road. Believe me when I say I’ve gotten the t-shirt. It fits on a little teddy bear 🧸 that says West Virginia University Hospital which I received during heart surgery so that I could hug it when I needed to cough following open heart surgery. I had been warned, “eat better, exercise, etc., etc.” Yes God, I’ll get to it. And I did not. And I paid the price. But praise God when I went through the fire, I had the confidence to make it through un-singed because I had a relationship with Him. Do you? In these troubling days are you confident that regardless of the outcome He’s bringing you out! Or can you feel the flames flickering at your heels?

So, you’re trusting in this world….

 [3] I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I shewed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass. [4] Because I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass; [5] I have even from the beginning declared it to thee; before it came to pass I shewed it thee: lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, hath commanded them.

I see it every day. It makes me nauseous. If you’re reading this, you’re likely not one of them, else you’d not take the time to study God’s word. But they’re in the world and unfortunately their in our families. Those who still don’t see the need in turning to God and renewing their relationship with Him. Or discovering the need to have a relationship with Him.

God calls Israel a stiff neck, brow brassed nation. Hello. He’s callin’ em out! I guess that’s what I’m doing today. What are your trusting in to bring you through COVID19. And do you actually believe that you are untouchable?

[6] Thou hast heard, see all this; and will not ye declare it ? I have shewed thee new things from this time, even hidden things, and thou didst not know them. [7] They are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day when thou heardest them not; lest thou shouldest say, Behold, I knew them. [8] Yea, thou heardest not; yea, thou knewest not; yea, from that time that thine ear was not opened: for I knew that thou wouldest deal very treacherously, and wast called a transgressor from the womb. [9] For my name’s sake will I defer mine anger, and for my praise will I refrain for thee, that I cut thee not off. [10] Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.

I read those verses and thought… that’s why we’re still here in the midst of this crisis. God’s not about to let man say “I brought you out.” He’s allowing us to be in this furnace of affliction to not only get our attention, but to let us know… again… Who is in control. He’s deferring His anger. 

So, you thought it was about you?

Ha! Not so. That’s where the arrogance of man gets us into trouble. It’s always about us, right? 

[11] For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it : for how should my name be polluted? and I will not give my glory unto another. [12] Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last. [13] Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together. [14] All ye, assemble yourselves, and hear; which among them hath declared these things ? The Lord hath loved him: he will do his pleasure on Babylon, and his arm shall be on the Chaldeans.

God tells Israel they’ll be restored. But it’s not that they didn’t have to go through some no good, very, very bad days. But when they came out of Egypt, and when they come out of the end days of this world, there will be no doubt WHO brought them out. And because of that history, it’s why I can say in the midst of this furnace, I’m believing in the miracle that God will bring us out of COVID19 in a miraculous way. Because He’s tired of this world too, but He still defers His anger at this present time. 

So yes, I’m optimistic! But I’m not foolish enough to think that there is not always repercussion for sin and arrogance. I’m praying for our nation, I’m praying and believing that I’ll be in church on Easter Sunday wearing my new dress with the rest of the church around me. Do I know it to be true. Nope. But I know it could be!!! Glorraaaay!

Posted in Bible Journaling, doodles, Life Inspiration, Word of God

The Bible According to Satan

It was an instagram post. It’s why I love that platform. Because without words, (tho technically this was a word) but through images we can stir the soul; remind the world… no remind me, that I am loved. Unconditionally, unequivocally, without hesitation or regret, loved. I don’t always feel that way. And given any time at all to think and I will pick my faults to death. But with a few markers, some happy thoughts and a little time in God’s word, I wrote myself happy. It was needful. 

When I catch the news or social media clips I hear the Bible according to Satan.

We expect you to suffer long, we are unkind, and we envy one another. We vaunt (praise) ourselves for our knowledge and we puff ourselves up. We behave unseemly, but we judge the behavior of others. We are provoked by good, but we think and encourage evil. We rejoice in iniquity, there is no truth in us. We help no one, we believe in no one, have no hope, offer no hope and  tolerate no one. We fail. 

But listen to the word of God!

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

[4] Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, [5] Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; [6] Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; [7] Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. [8] Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. 

Children of God, love each other. Take care of each other. Pray for each other. Rejoice in God’s word and we believe in His hope! God is love, therefor Love never fails. That is my hope this morning! I hope that it is yours. Turn off the television and tune into the word of God and encourage yourself in the only known truth in this world we live in!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Prayer

It’s not that He will, It’s that He can!

There it was. Sandwiched in among those stories of multiple miracles, and it just leapt off the page, capturing my attention. Just a few words, but so much wisdom to be found,

Matthew 9:23-26 KJVS

[23] And when Jesus came into the ruler’s house, and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise, [24] He said unto them, Give place: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn. [25] But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose. [26] And the fame hereof went abroad into all that land.

The Music Makers

That’s what captivated my mind. Why were they playing music in the ruler’s house when they’d just announced that his daughter had died? So, my first thought was, “Oh, well that makes sense. Music brings comfort.” But no, that wasn’t it at all! Upon studying it out, I find that the music makers were there to create atmosphere of mourning. What? I doubt they needed help in that respect. They’d just lost a child! 

As it turns out there were people paid to mourn and create a somber, sad ambiance among the people in the home. The minstrels were thought to have used pipes, such as the pan flute that omits a low, mournful tone. Although I downloaded some not so mournful sounds in my research on iTunes. There was to be no less than two musicians, but the richer, or more prominent the person was, the more they had. 

It reminded me of the story of an old friend, whose wife’s family owned a funeral home. The wife of the funeral home director would run in to any funeral, whether she knew them or not and wail and weep over the deceased to makes sure the family got their money’s worth. Merrill used to laugh and tell that story again and again. I enjoyed it every time! But there was nothing amusing about these mourners, they were serious and they wanted to create a serious mood. They for certain didn’t appreciate Happy Jesus coming in and disrupting their depression with sounds of jubilation. 

As I read the phrase “Give place: for the maid is not dead,” I wanted to lift my hands and choo choo around the room. Jesus turned every funeral He attended into a party.  But what about those music makers? Where do they fit in? The same place they do today…

They’re Misery Makers

I know I’m a cockeyed optimist. I always see the glass half full. I want to be like the woman with the issue of blood whose story was also in the miracle sandwich. She believed in the ridiculous. Just a few verses before, it said that she had had that issue of blood for 12 years. Nobody could fix it. But Jesus fixed it with a second of faith!  I’m believing that for the Coronavirus. It inundates my thoughts day and night. I’m concerned for the souls that don’t know my Lord. But I’ll not be a misery maker. I’m not going to tout that this world is doomed. I’m going to speak a message of positivity until the Lord tells me otherwise. Because if Jesus can heal that issue; if Jesus can raise a child from the dead, He can turn this virus around on a dime. The world would have you believe otherwise. Satan loves to encourage hopelessness. He thrives on it. The minstrels job was literally to incite sadness, and I fully believe that’s what the media believes it’s role now is.

They’ll get out their pan flutes and play songs of melancholy to drag us into the pits of despair. If anyone had a reason to join the in the music it was the ruler who had just lost his child. But he did not! He followed Jesus in faith and watched as mourners became scorners. And then glory to God he watched as his little girl awoke and the fame spread throughout the land. She’s alive!!! 

Those misery makers are alive and well today. I hear them on the news, in the grocery store, over the telephone. It doesn’t have to be a funeral. They’ll use any reason discourage the children of God from having hope! I wont’ do it. I believe!

The Miracle Maker

Will Jesus squelch this virus? I don’t know, I’m not God. But I believe when the woman got down on her knees and pressed through the crowd that day, risking being ostracized, risking her very life, she didn’t think He could heal her, she knew He could. She didn’t know that He would, but she knew that He could. 

That’s how I believe when it concerns this virus. I’m not gong to fall victim to the “gloom, despair, and agony on me” song as the HeeHaw gang used to sing. I’m going to wait for Jesus to say as He did to the woman with the issue of blood, “your faith has made you whole.” As He did the rulers daughter, “Arise!” It’s not time to lie down, it’s time to kneel down. 

We don’t know God’s plan. But for certain, we know God ability! Believe church! And pray in faith believing.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith, Health, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Praise, Prayer

The COVID19 Game Changer

For the most part, the quarantine hasn’t effected me too much. I still work, with the water system being an “essential” part of our community. So I’m out and about. I go the store for myself and my mother, and I feed and water the chickens. I was the broadcaster of our Sunday service so I was under the spout where the glory comes out. But from my mother’s stand point, I realize the world is not so blessed. 

I imagined a true quarantine being much like that of the leper’s in biblical days. Luke 17 has the story of 10 very famous men of quarantine that I thought were a good illustration for a message on the Statewide day of Prayer. I personally don’t know much about our Governor Jim Justice, but I must say that I was very touched as he announced the Day of Prayer. It seemed heart felt as he (under comment persecution) said that we needed to spend the day lifting our precious people to the Lord. Glory! I say! It may not seem like much to the world, but us of faith know that prayer can be a game changer!

The Day of Prayer

Luke 17:11-17 KJVS

[11] And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. [12] And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off:


It was a desperate time for them. Much like we are experiencing now. There was no cure and there was no hope without God’s intervention. These men could not experience family, nor could they experience love and hope. They were social outcasts and loudly humiliated having to yell to those who walked near them “unclean, unclean!” So they’d know not to be socialized with. How sad. But today, those who wish to stay well are the ones having to distance themselves from others. And the disease is silent. 

The Day of Proclamation 


[13] And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. [14] And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed. 

Just like now! Today we need to cry as the lepers did, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” Those who are saying separate church and state obviously have no concept of hopelessness. Their hope is in this world which is nuts! There is no hope outside of the Lord’s intervention in this day we are in. The fact that our Governor (who personally doesn’t strike me as a man of faith, and that’s me being judgey in all honesty) gives me great hope! Because I don’t think that decision came easy for him. He knew there would be ramifications from a liberal thinking society who wants to throw God under the bus at every opportunity, forgetting that He is the only one with a license to drive. 

Today is our opportunity to cry out to the Lord for healing! It’s not a time to be quiet. It’s also not a time to doubt. Before they had experienced the healing, Christ’s order was for them to go tell the priests they were healed. Hmmmm. Should that not tell us something. We’ve got to have faith going into this that God will do what He says! 

2 Chronicles 7:14 KJVS

[14] If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

He’ll heal our land! But it takes a humbleness to acknowledge that God is God! And that He will do what He says if we do what we are asked to do.

The Day of Promise


[15] And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, [16] And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. [17] And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?

The fact that scripture mentions that the one who turned back to praise God was a Samaritan, makes me wonder if the nine were not Jews? It also makes me think of our own religious tribes who will say “these people only cry to God because they are desperate, not because they know Him” which is probably true. But it still didn’t stop God from healing them. And it caused the Samaritan to acknowledge that Christ was God. And the religious went on and enjoyed their healing. God’s not in religion, He’s in relationships. He wants us to spend time getting to know Him, to turn back! Just as it said in 2 Chronicles. Then we receive the promise. 

President Trump’s Easter wish. I heard and seen the mocking of the President’s desire for the country to be back to normal by Easter. Well, I bet their were mockers of the lepers to, who cried out to God. Well… who’s laughing now? 

That’s going to be a part of my prayer today! “Lord heal our land, and please do it by Easter!” 

Will He? I don’t know, I’m not God. But I know Him and I know He can. And I want Him to shut that liberal, Devil servin’ crowd up!  I want Easter Sunrise services across our country to have new life and great praise!



Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Faith

The Invisible Enemy and the Visible Hope

I see the panic. It may be an invisible emotion but it is very visible to the eye when you watch the people on the news, in press conferences and for me, a closer realm, social media. The world, even many Christians are buying into the lies of Satan (and the media) that we have reason to allow our emotions to control our lives rather than faith.

This is not a bash against people who have fear of the Coronavirus. I won’t say that I have fear, but I certainly have concern. I wash my hands after someone looks my direction. My skin is dry and cracking because of the hand sanitizer. I have no intentions of stopping that, I think it’s good hygiene as well as precautionary against the virus. What I do not do is allow the virus to control my thoughts. My thoughts are truly focused on those living in fear, and I have a desire to share the message of God that cries Peace!!! Just as Jesus spoke that over the water when the storm came and scared the disciples to death. Hey! They were saved… it didn’t stop their fear, so we’re in good company. Jesus calmed the water, and He’s doing the same for folks today but we have to take the time to sit a spell, and listen to what He saying.  Rather than running in fear of an invisible enemy, which takes faith… you have to believe it’s there, even though it may not be, use that faith to trust in the invisible God, Who has proven Himself there time and time again. 

I’m speaking to the saved. Those who have experienced God. If you’re not saved, or you’re not sure, keep reading until the end, your message will be there. But as for those who know Jesus and yet live in fear, ask yourself this question: Why are you fearful? Are you afraid of the virus, death, the economical effects… there’s plenty of fear to go around. Satan has every base covered and we’re heading around the home plate. This is not shaming you for your lack of faith, this is spoken in hopes of shoring up your faith. 

Let’s look at Moses. He had faith to follow God’s instruction to be a leader, yet not enough faith to have confidence in his own leadership. That describes me so often. 

Playing for the Home Team

Hebrews 11:24-32 KJVS

[24] By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; [25] Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; [26] Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.

When Moses was “come to years” meaning when he had matured, he refused to be called someone he wasn’t called to be. Even though that meant stepping away from the comforts of everything he’d ever known. That’s what faith is. It’s what getting up in the morning and stepping outside the door is. We have to believe that even though this isn’t a comfortable place to be in, God is there with us, and that’s way better than being outside of Christ. The knowledge that Moses was switching to his home team gave him confidence to face his greater fears. 

I didn’t mean for this to be a baseball analogy, but it’s working, right?

Plagues for the Away Team

 [27] By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. [28] Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them.

Plagues of the literal sense for the Egyptians, not for the children of God. But that’s not the day we’re living in, this plague can attack the saved and unsaved alike. The clean and unclean, it matters not. But what seems to be a greater plague on America right now is the consistent plague of fear and confusion. People have no clue who to trust. Scripture is clear who the author of confusion is in 1 Corinthians 14:33

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace as in all churches of the saints. 

At this time in scripture people were causing confusion in the churches which was disrupting the confidence people had in the Lord. hello? Sound familiar? They were speaking things that people didn’t understand, it almost sounds like someone was having a liberal press conference. It’s what happens when people don’t read their Bible. The world speaks gibberish and they buy it as truth. 

Not knowing the truth will cause panic. But understanding that regardless of how this thing unfolds, our Lord’s got it every bit in control, will bring peace and confidence that we’ll be okay. And if we run out of toilet paper, there’s options. Just saying. It’s not the end of the world. But as for the away team, those who don’t know Christ as their Savior. There is no peace or anyone to have confidence in unless it’s mislead. It pays to be on the Home Team!

Planning for the Game

Everybody has to have a game plan and every team needs a leader. When Moses took off with the millions of Israel, He didn’t have any plan, other than to follow God’s leading. That’s how we have to plan each day now. I’m not a scientist, I can’t search for a cure. But I can practice social distancing, wash my hands, and stay home as much as possible. That’s what my leaders have said to do. I figure if I follow those guidelines, I’ll likely be okay. But what happens if bad things happen?

 [29] By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land : which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned. [30] By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days. [31] By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace. [32] And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:

Moses when through the sea being chased by Pharaoh’s army and the enemy drowned! Joshua went into the Promised land and had battles ahead, but God fought the battle! Rahab risk her life for God’s people, Gideon fought a battle using a pitcher and stick and fooled the army that sought his life. How many battles did David win and how may times did Samuel warn. Glory to God we serve an invisible Savior but His victories are evident!!

Yes! I just wrote myself happy.

We have to strategize for the coming weeks. Plan accordingly as we can, but trust God for everything uncertain! And do not fear. That is Satan’s tool to keep you miserable. Make the most of every day in your home. I’m looking around at a mess right now thinking… I perhaps should spend my time more wisely. 

And for those who don’t know Christ. You cannot have hope outside of Him. He is the way to victory regardless of what life brings on us. Please,, ask questions, seek answers, God will provide and if you need help message me! I’d be glad to help you find answers

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Fear, Life Inspiration, Praise, Word of God, worship

What’s Your Norm?

Today begins a new experience for my beloved Victory Baptist Church Worshipers. A day where we meet online in stead of in person and my emotions about this have run the gauntlet. I usually love new adventures, but this one not so much. I love social media, but today, it feels cold and sterile. It disrupts the norm, which in truth, God’s really not about the “norm” is He? God likes to upset apple carts. 

Now let me preface todays blog by saying I don’t think God created COVID-19. That sounds more like the handiwork of Satan. He loves his triple “D” tactics, death, disease and despair. He loves it when people are panicked and I have no doubt that he loves the effect this has had on the church not being able to assemble themselves together as Hebrews 10:25 tells us to do.  So I’ve put a lot of thought into how our services are going to work today, and what will it be like. What should I wear? That was a big question! I know, ridiculous right? 

I’m not one who generally cares what anyone wears to church. And my warped sense of thinking is one that has me dressing to the 9’s on Sunday morning, but going in a more relaxed attire on Sunday Night and Wednesday. It’s a personal preference. I just don’t argue clothes. I think that is the least of the worlds problems. But for me it was a big deal this morning because, today is the new norm. And how I approach this service will be how the world sees it. Woah… that is a scary thought. 

So I went to the word to see what God thinks of worship services. 

The very first place worship is mentioned int he Bible is Genesis 22:5. And it’s a very fitting verse for today. I wanted to name this blog “Satan’s no good, very bad day.” Because it had to have been. The day that worship was instituted as a word, a way and a witness.

Genesis 22:5 KJV

And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you.

The Word Worship

Abraham left his men, and took his son and went out into the wilderness to worship. Hmmm. Just family. And not even all of them. Sarah was still at home. Abraham had been told to lay his son on the altar and sacrifice him to God. And in what is an unthinkable act, he was headed that direction. We of the church know that that is a symbolic act of what was to happen to God’s own son. Not Abraham’s son Isaac, for God provided a lamb! But my focus is on that time of worship. Following the realization that God had provided the Lamb, just as He did for us all through His Son Jesus Christ. What a reason to institute the word and the act of worship! What a service that must have been. I doubt he complained that it was only family. Because of that act we have victory over not only COVID19, but anything Satan puts in front of us. Including the fear. We have a worthy reason to praise God from our place today! 

The Way of Worship 

Oddly enough, there is no mention of what Abraham and Isaac wore. Only the act.

Genesis 22:10-12 KJV

[10] And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. [11] And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. [12] And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.

My soul shuddered when I read those words. My eyes welled with tears. Thinking how far off we are from what true worship should be. It’s not who’s there, or where “there” is. It’s whether or not you have laid it all on the altar. That is the way of worship. Is every fiber of your being in it? Abraham’s literally was. He was about to slay his own son that he had prayed for and loved. So I have to ask myself this question today. What am I bringing to the service this morning? That is the way of worship.

Forget the fact there will only be a few of us in the building. Who knows who might be out there in cyber land and above all, God will be there! 

The Witness of Worship

That’s what today will be about. It’s our opportunity for the world to see that it’s not man we come to church for. It’s the Lord God Himself. He alone! That is the witness that we need to bring in our cyber services. Lord, You are Worthy.

Yes, it was no doubt a “No good very bad day” for Satan on that day in the wilderness. Because Abraham and his son instituted the act that Satan hates. The very thing that he desires and will never experience, because God alone is worthy.

So… whether you’re dressed to the 9’s or sitting on the couch in your pj’s don’t stress it. But as you listen to the word being preached, remember that day int he wilderness when one man was willing to lay it all on the altar, and that day on the cross when one Man did. 

Glory! Let’s worship together!!!!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, salvation, Uncategorized, Word of God

Saved in Such a Time as This

It all started with one verse this morning that I seen on a social media post of Brian Houston. Psalm 32:7 – Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah.

Good verse for the day! But before I could claim it as a word for myself I needed to find the context of the writer. What was he going through, was there social distancing in his life at the time? This Psalm, as so many other was written by David. One of the most “in touch” men of all ages, who experienced social distancing on more than one occasion, not by choice. I’m not sure at what point in his life this Psalm was written, but for some reason he took it upon himself to give instruction from personal experience so that we too might live better lives. 

There is no Social Distancing With God!

Psalm 32:1-11 KJVS

[1] Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. [2] Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.[3] When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. [4] For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. Selah. [5] I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord ; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah. [6] For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him.

There are many, many blessings of salvation, but the greatest of all is the forgiveness of sin which allows us not to have social distancing from the Lord. It’s the greatest thing on earth to feel as though you’re sitting right beside Him in the room as you pray, read His word or worship. David knew the separation sin caused… but he more importantly knew the fellowship of God that forgiveness brought! The world can order us away from one another, but it can never order us away from the Spirit of God! Glory!

He is our Sanctuary of Deliverance!

[7] Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah. [8] I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.

When the world lets us down for answers, it is for certain God never will. I watched an update of President Trump yesterday with regard to COVID19. While he was doing his best to stay positive and calm his troubled nation, the media was doing their very best to undermine everything he was saying. I loved it when the President set them straight like the toddlers they are. But it still doesn’t do anything to calm the concerns of the people, especially those who don’t know Christ. I have a feeling that David death with the same nonsense within the confines of his people. They loved stirring him up! But David knew, and share with his people the one sure place of peace in the days of trouble. The instruction of God which comes from His word. Hallelujah we still have it today!

Don’t be Stubborn, but rather Determined

They often look the same. David warned about it in the final verses of Psalm 32.

[9] Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. [10] Many sorrows shall be to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about. [11] Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.

I have a stubborn streak for certain. Especially when it comes to the church. I detest this social distancing. I need my people! My heart cries out “Let’s meet anyway,” and then my Lord cries within “I feel it too Shari, but my people need their safety, and I am with you all.” This is such a good word for me today… not because I’m writing it, but because the Lord gave it to me for such a time as this. On a day when I am discouraged about God’s people not being able to meet. There is a reason the Bible says “forsake not the assembling of yourselves.” We need one another. 

So tomorrow I will meet brother Roger Carter at the church who will preach our Sunday sermon in a new way. It will not doubt be a test for us both. But then we will share it to social media which gives us great distance (as in reach) And who knows who might be stirred to come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and know the peace that we know in the storms of life.

I don’t profess to have the answers to this new normal, but I know Who has it fully in His control and will use it for His glory. But we must not be stubborn and require being drug to our next destination. But rather willing vessels of God that He can use us from where ever we are because He is within us! 

Glory! I’m glad I’m saved!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

We’re Not There Yet

It’s my nature (and I’m ever so happy about it) to think of things in the biblical perspective. Asking questions like “how do I see God in this, is this symbolic of something spiritual, or is God trying to get my attention or the world’s attention?” All good questions, and questions I’ve asked myself concerning COVID-19. I seem to go from one extreme to the other myself: thinking one minute “why is the world in this panic?” And then swinging far into the other direction and thinking “yikes! That’s why!” It’s another crazy day in the world, and I can fit right in. So this morning I turn to my one true source of news, the Word of God and asked the question “Lord, why is this plague upon us?”

Now… I’m not prophesying. I’m just asking God, because He’s my ‘go to’ for such questions. And I know if I’m going to make any sense out of this nonsensical world, I’m heading in the right direction by going into the living word of God.

A Future Plague

There is no doubt in my mind that COVID 19 will literally seem like the sniffles by comparison to the plagues of Revelation 15. And for a world that’s always looking for a “sign”; by the time this one is upon them, they’ll not be looking any longer. But for now we’re in the precursor days of Revelation 15. So what are we to do? Ignore it? No, that would not be the answer. Trust God? Of course, but trusting in God does not mean sitting idly by watching the world go nuts. God expects His children to be busy. Busy doing what? I’m glad you ask!

There is Victory

Revelation 15

[1] And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God. [2] And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.

Is it time to play the victory song? I’m always looking for a reason. But we’re not there yet. This world is still in a panic, the medical and science community doesn’t have the answers and life is inconvenient. Which makes people insane. Imagine how John felt on the isle of Patmos as he wrote the book of Revelation and was seeing those visions of the end of time. I’m sure toilet paper was not high on his list of priorities. Did they even have it back then?  For certain there was no Walmart. So who were those who had gotten the victory over the beast? I’m not sure you want to know…

The beast was the antichrist who had overcame the saints and killed them, but they who had won the victory, were the children of God who had overcome the antichrist by the blood of the Lamb!

Anyone who dies in Christ, (meaning that they are saved) has won the victory. But we don’t see it like that from our worldly view because we want the ending that has everyone well, and this virus ended! Yes Amen! But we don’t see things as God sees them. While there are those that will say this is the wrath of God playing out, I will not be one of those, because I haven’t a clue what God’s intentions are. I only know that He can and will use everything that happens in this life to draw us to Him if we’ll allow. That is the victory that I feel this morning as I read His word!

There is a Song to Sing

 [3] And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. [4] Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.

God is Just and True and the King of His people. How wonderful to serve Him even in this corrupt world. To know that there is coming a day when the devastation will be done and gone and we will live in peace. But for now, we live here. Serving Him and trying to get as many people to understand that there will come a day when God will allow us to understand it all (when things will be “made manifest.) But for now we are to continue on, living by faith, looking for the good and the opportunities to show people the reason we sing.

I wrote a new song yesterday called “In this new day.” The lyrics came easy,  but not the tune. I still haven’t got that settled. I think that’s kind of how I feel about the world right now. I know there’s a reason to sing in all this, but I just don’t have the tune yet. I’m waiting for God to show me the victory.

There is a God of Glory

I cannot see Him, but I can feel Him. When I read the final verses of chapter 15, I feel the end of time playing out. I haven’t a clue when that will be, but it will be.

[5] And after that I looked, and, behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened: [6] And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles. [7] And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever. [8] And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled.

There are angels in Heaven with God. In that spiritual realm. But that temple is still filled with smoke from the glory of God and no man can enter in until the end of time. God is apparent, but not transparent. Those who see Him, who feel Him and know Him have to know Him from the spiritual side of life. The world wants to see Him plain and clear. That’s not gonna happen until it’s too late for those who don’t accept Him as He is now. By faith.

The God of glory has every right to pour out His wrath on a world that doesn’t acknowledge Him as their creator. But if He did it wouldn’t just be COVID-19. As bad as that is, it’s not Revelation 15 worthy. Praise God we’re not there yet and there is still time to serve the Lord in his day! Praise His Holy Name! Let’s do it

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith

What are you building on

During my video blog yesterday on Facebook, I spoke about how I thought many churches stopped having services long before COVID-19. They just used that as an excuse not to have to show up. I know that sounds mean, and it’s not really meant to be. It’s meant more to be an awakening for anyone attending such a church. I’m not casting stones, because I can lose my way on any given day as to the purpose of why I’m on this earth. And that is to serve God, and see souls saved. I believe that very few people in any congregation feel it’s their responsibility to win souls. O perhaps they know it, but how many act on it.? Myself include. That breaks my heart.

It’s easy peasy for me to write words… well, not always, but it is something I consider a gift. But it’s not as easy to be the mouth piece, face to face with someone that I believe is lost. It stems back to the foundation for which I was raised. I’m not knocking my parents, nor am I ungrateful for the upbringing I had. I was raised by parents of strong Christian values. But both of my parents are quiet in nature. Though my Dad is now in Glory… so maybe not! But neither were vocally outspoken with regards to anything. They were by definition, meek. I on the other hand, and a few other of my siblings were loud by nature. We were the polar opposites of Mother and Dad. True story! I no doubt drove them to edge of crazy. That sounds like a new song title 🙂

But that foundation started me on a path of not offending. And bold faith offends. It’s hard for me confront someone with regards to their faith, when I know it’s likely going to hurt the feelings. That is not my nature. I’m loud… but I’m not mean. And for the record, neither is God!

When I first got saved in 1996, the Pastor was tough, but tender. God used him to usher me into service by allowing me to slowly understand the character of God. The Old Testament was filled with confusing ideals for me. How could a loving God allow children to die in the battles? How could He wipe out all the earth in the days of Noah? The images in my mind were gut wrenching. But through patient discipleship I began to see how a loving God was protecting His children. I had never seen my parents angry, but had someone messed with one of us, I have a feeling I would have! But God… though I’ve not “seen” God, I’ve seen the effects of His anger and read the historical facts; and even I, raised in a non-violent, non-disciplinary home, get it. Don’t mess with God’s children. When I seen the results of the disobedience to God’s commands, the destruction of souls and ruination of nations, I was grateful for patient teaching that brought me out of dead religion and their theology for which I’ll call the religion of “N.O.P.E.” Not Offending People Ever.”

So, as you can see from paragraph one, I’ve gone past that. So here’s my question, “What is your faith built on?” Read the scripture and then answer the 4 questions that follow.

Matthew 7:21-29 KJVS

[21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. [22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? [23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. [24] Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: [25] And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. [26] And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: [27] And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. [28] And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine: [29] For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

  1. What was your “experience” of Salvation like? (Describe it)
  2. What is the “joy” of your salvation? (Testify about it)
  3. What is the “assurance” of your salvation?
  4. Do you know that you know you are saved?

These are questions I have to ask myself too! And they are the driving force of my boldness for Christ. Because prior to 1996 I couldn’t answer any of them and I lived in fear of Hell.

Salvation changed every fiber in my being. I was indeed made new. I would have said Lord, Lord. But He didn’t know me. But following that transformation of salvation I lived and breathed with a desire to serve God. I’ve failed that mission many times, but I still live it.

The joy of my salvation is the realization that God not only saved me from the Devil’s Hell, but He now walks with me and speaks to my soul. The God of all the universe, the One Whose hand is the span of Heaven, is on a first name basis with me, every day. And my faith is Rock Solid and unwavering, because when that fear disappeared, it was amazing!!!!

I know that I know, because when the storms of life have come, and they’ve been many, but far less than I deserve, my faith still didn’t waver. And I felt the rain and the floods come. But, rather than the old Shari, which would have cowered in fear, I faced the rains and received a flood of peace in my soul! Glory to God it was amazing!!!  Yes, I know that I know!

But do you?

It’s not my intent to cause you to doubt, it’s my intent to make sure you’re building on the Solid Rock, not the sands of this world.

Ephesians 2:8-9

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.

Salvation isn’t about what I do, but rather my belief in what He did. That being said, armed with that knowledge, and that assurance and hope should cause your life to look differently than the worlds.

John 5:24

Verily, Verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but be passed from death unto life.

Are you truly living for Him? Do you know your purpose in the realm of eternity?

Matthew 7:21

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Do you have a desire to do God’s will? Are you doing it?

1 John 5:13

These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. 

He wants us to know that we know. I pray you do. If you have questions, please, please message them to me. I’d love to be a part of your coming into that knowledge. I don’t know everything, but I know Who does!

Posted in Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

A Walk in the Wilderness

For several years after I was saved, I failed to get baptized, because I had been baptized pre-salvation. But I had a praying friend, Doyle Ballengee, who the Spirit revealed to him the necessity of that event in my life. And so I stood before the congregation of Victory Baptist Church and told them of my “assumption of salvation, realization of being lost, struggle to believe I was saved when I actually got saved, and the wisdom that I needed to be baptized to make it clear in my own head once and for all, I am a child of God and this is how I will identify with Him, both publicly and personally. And from that decision point, I’ve never turned back. My salvation is stead fast in Christ and my service is bold! But it’s not been without many, many wilderness experiences along the way.

I’ve heard a few sermons lately, and the mention of the text on several occasions about the transfiguration of Christ. And any time I hear a specific word of God on multiple occasions I can assume that God is getting my attention and saying “Shari… park here for a while.” And so this morning I’m parked. In between jumping up and down in a giddy, childish excitement kind of way. It’s like I got the prize out of the box of cereal before my siblings! Now it’s not just mine… and I didn’t actually think it up. It started with my co-teacher Doug Rowe a few weeks ago who taught on the transfiguration. Then I’ve heard it in sermons and comments a few more times, and then this morning I listened to Jace Robertson on “Unashamed” the podcast and I couldn’t stop thinking about the significance of this word in my life. 


Both Elijah and Moses did some serious wandering in the wilderness. It wasn’t Moses’ fault that he was leading a rebellious nation of people. (Exodus)  Elijah, in a moment of weakness, wanders into the wilderness believing himself to be alone and the last of the mighty men of God willing to take a stand, and in 1 Kings 19:8 it reads

And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights into Horeb the mount of God. 

40… seems of great importance.

Although my salvation at 34 begin a whirlwind of faith, the dates and times of significant events seem to escape me. However, I was nearing, if not 40 years of age when I got baptized. And that was the for certain the start of my ministry. Where I actually considered myself in the work of the Lord. But even knowing that, I still did my share of wandering! It wasn’t until 2010 at the age of 48 when I settled into the “Jesus Chick” role, that I stopped wandering on a large scale and began wandering within the bounds of wordpress, trying to figure out how to market and use this platform for the Glory of God. So here I am… still wandering in that zone, but ever so happy to be. But it’s been a struggle. My decision to step out in faith immediately put me on Satan’s radar, and I’ve been there ever since. He has a lot to work with in me. As someone so cleverly once said, “serving God is being on a battleship, not a love boat.” It’s war!

Jace tuned me in on a verse this morning in Hebrews that really ties some strings together when it comes to my own walk with the Lord, and what I see happening in the lives of others. Please understand, I AM NOT saying I have all of life figured out in the realm of faith… but… I have a little snippet that has brought me along thus far, and Hebrews 4:1-2 explains it!

Hebrews 4:1-2 

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.


War’s scary! But a life without rest, the constant fear of the enemy would be far worse. Because of Christ we can enter into the rest and security of the believer, but not without the Word of God being a large portion of our life. It’s why so many people are living defeated lives as Christians. You cannot possibly live in peace if you stay in the battle zone all the time. Moses and Elijah, the two on the mountain of Transfiguration stand before us as an example that we all, even the most faithful, struggle. But neither of those men stopped serving, or listening for God. 

I have good friends, who just don’t get the importance of church and personal bible study. They “fit” church in when they can. Scripture is a “go to” in times of trouble, and prayer is an occasional “formality.” Or something they ask for because they don’t know how to have a conversation with God themselves. It makes me nauseous! Because I can fall into that trap just as easy as anyone else. The writer of Hebrews summed it up! The word does not profit those who aren’t mixed with faith. If you’re not active in your relationship with God, you’re gonna find yourself in a cave thinking you’re the only one left! (1 Kings 19). 


Nothing Satan had to offer Christ was of interest to Him. But He still used the Word of God to put Satan in His place. There was little mention of Christ’s life prior to that day in the water, but suddenly Jesus was on the scene and Satan wasn’t happy about it. He placed the very things that were of interest to himself before Jesus figuring that would catch Jesus’ eye. What Satan wanted more than anything was worship. And he knew that mankind (for which Jesus was now a part of) loved stuff! Oh… I just stepped on my own toes to the point I may have severed a couple. My eyes can so easily be captured by shiny, blingy things. Be it music, apparel, jewelry, etc. I just love STUFF! So Satan knows if he wants to capture my attention just put those things in front of me.

The children of Israel exited Egypt with more “stuff” than any had ever owned. Egypt was throwing things their way to get their plague brining bodies out of their town. But even with all that stuff, they still wanted more. It’s the nature of man. Nothing’s ever seems “enough.” Until you’re at the end of life and then you truly realize there is nothing that will bring “rest” to the body and mind except the Lord Jesus Himself. He was on the mountain with Moses and He was on the mountain with Elijah in that still small voice! And He has been on every mountain top experience I’ve had and He lead me out of every valley!

In all honesty. I have needed nothing that God didn’t provide. But that did not stop my wantoness.


Elijah’s wilderness experience came after the drought of water in 1 Kings 17.

Moses’ wilderness experience came after the parting of the Red Sea in Exodus 15.

Jesus’ wilderness experience came after His baptism in Matthew 4:1.

Following the water… wilderness. Water us significant. The Bible is called the “washing of water by the word.” It is through the word of God that we find healing, cleansing, leading… everything we stand of need of. It’s in there! And once that’s discovered by a child of God, Satan ain’t happy!

James 4:7

Submit yourselves there to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Submission gets a bad wrap in society today. Nobody wants to submit. Israel didn’t… and the Gentiles don’t. We’re just another nation of people that wants to give God a headache. Praise His Holy Name! He is so patient with us. 

When Jesus took James, Peter and John upon the mountain to pray, and there introduced him to Elijah and Moses, woah… what an amazing time that must have been! Until the next “40”

Acts 1:3 – To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

Isn’t the word of God amazing! Can you understand why I was so captivated by this word this morning and how all those “parts and pieces” from the Old Testament and the New Testament fit together like some amazing spiritual jigsaw puzzle? Just like you and I. 

There will come a day when we get to glory, face to face with the One Who saved us and He lets us in on all the mysteries of the Bible and how we too played a role. Oh…. goodness… gracious!!!!  Thanks for letting me share that with you. I hope it made sense. It does in my head, but that’s a dangerous ground to walk. 

God bless ya!!! And if you find some nuggets of truth, share them with me. And let me join in your journey!

Posted in Uncategorized

The Green Eyed Monster in Me


There are all kinds of jealousy, There’s the jealousy over a significant other. Which I’ve experienced it as the victim of jealousy early in mine and David’s marriage, where he used to drive me crazy assuming everyone in the world was someone special to me.  If a complete stranger said hello, David was asking me 20 questions about where I knew them from, who they were, why did they say hello if they didn’t know me. It was a insane. So I hated it to the point where I was not going to be jealous and drive anyone else crazy. 

Then there’s jealousy over the Jone’s. Not Johnny and Gloria, but Jone’s in general, meaning friends and neighbors that you constantly try to keep up with. If they have three cars, you need three cars. If they repaint their house, you put on new siding. Not only are you keeping up with them, but you’re one upping them. 

I don’t have time for that either. I do well to function in life and keep my kitchen up. I’m not worried about competition with other people. My competition is with me. Can I do better than I did yesterday. That’s my goal. 

But… what about jealousy of people with a better life. A life that seems so less complicated than mine. And top top it off. They’re not even nice. Those people I truthfully have a problem with. So I do identify with jealousy from that prospective. Perhaps you have all, one or none. If it’s none, then you can judge me. If it’s jealousy at all, i hope todays podcast puts it in perspective for you and I both. 

My first point is


Psalm 73:1-5 KJVS

[1] Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart. [2] But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.

This Psalm was written by Asaph the music director at the temple. Not doubt a passionate guy about a lot of things as most artists are. But obviously someone notable to God, else God would not have used him to write books of the Bible. 

He has a relationship with God and understands that God is good! To those of us with a clean heart, and we know it’s clean by the blood of Jesus, nothing by our own goodness, we understand that too. Our lives are far better than we deserve… but…

That doesn’t stop us from pondering other stuff. Life why that person has the beautiful home, family, money in the bank and seemingly has it all, but is as wicked and nasty as the day is long. 

I’m not jealous of nice, rich people. I will celebrate their wealth and goodness. I love it when nice people get stuff. But over the years I’ve acquired a deep rooted disdain for people who have money and goodness and if I were in charge of the world, they would not. I think about it a lot because I’ve been in a jam a lot. Most of which was self inflicted. So it adds salt to my wound when I see Joe Smoe, or Jane Smane, not having to struggle. 

To the point I understand Asaph when he says, I was on a slippery slope. That kind of thinking will get you into trouble. 

It is for certain


An epic waste of time. Asaph goes on to confess:

[3] For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

So now I don’t feel quite so bad, because even a guy that God put in charge of writing scripture, had issues with wealthy nasty people. 

So where did i get the word slothful?

Hebrews 6:12 says

That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

We have to remember that there’s a difference between Old Testament thinking and New. In Old Testament times they were often rewarded right on the spot by God for the goodness. Such as David and Solomon. But we are in the age of grace. And our inheritance that truly matters is no longer to be laid up here on earth but rather in Heaven. So the writer of Hebrews is saying, don’t waste your time following the world, but rather if you want to envy someone, be a fan of someone who has it spiritually together. 

For the record, that’s not me. 

My third point is 


[4] For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm. [5] They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.

Sleightful is deceptive as in a magicians sleight of hand.

Ephesians 4:14 speaks about it like this. 

That ye henceforth be no more tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive. 

I think we often by into the prosperity gospel lie. That if we live for Jesus, He’ll reward us accordingly. Or with a jet. I know that’s not right. But when I’m struggling in life, I really want it to be right. Why am I tired, broke and sick and the Smoes and the Smaynes are living like kings and queens? 

Please don’t tell me that I am the only one who is so vain. 

But all of that brings me to my last point. 


This is where the rubber meets the road. 

I recommend that you read all of Psalm 73,  but the summation of Asaph is in verses 27-28:

For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee. But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy words.

Asaph figures it out. And I know it’s true. I just need the more than occasional reminder when I’m in the throws of a pity party. 

In Luke 18:25 Christ’s words are convicting:

For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. 

My struggles have given me an identity with a lot of other people. I know far more struggling people than rich. So when Asaph says he’s declaring  all of God’s words, I think he’s accepting the responsibility of a minister of the gospel to remind himself as well as others that this life is a mission, not a vacation. And those that are living in a carnal perpetual vacation and taking no responsibility for their spiritual life are headed down a path of destruction that is not for the child of God.

Last night’s church service at Victory was a praise and worship session. Testimony, scripture reading, songs. All the goodness of God packed into an hour and a half. Lots of struggling people praising God. And the sweetness of the Holy Spirit being blessed by it, left not a dry eye in the house. I totally understand Asaph. I can so easily get off focus and forget how very blessed I am to be a child fo the King!

I hope my story of the green eyed monster in me, helps you to understand that we can all relate to being very flawed. But in Christ Jesus we have the peace of knowing someday there will be an inheritance that we cannot even wrap our minds around down here. 

Heaven is going to be awesome. Are you ready. Do you know my Jesus?

K – HE knows you. From before you were born, He knows you. 

N  you need Him. Because He’s the answer to every problem you have in life. 

O – He has opened Heaven up to you. He says in John 14, I go to prepare a place for you that where I am there ye may be also. And then He goes on to say,

W – I am the way. 

Only through the understanding that you are a sinner, you need a Savior, and Jesus is the One. He died on the cross so that you wouldn’t have to experience Hell and so that you could have a relationship with Him. 





Your ticket to heaven!Paid in full. But you have to claim it. 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Uncategorized, Word of God

The Danger of Taking Scripture Out of Context

I know I’ve been guilty. Believe me, I’ve been guilty! It’s not hard to make the word of God fit into a circumstance of your own choosing. But the question is… Is it biblical? 

I’ve been pondering this thought a lot lately. And last night as I watched “Unashamed” on Blaze tv, Jace Robertson (who I love), referenced a scripture from the book of Hebrews 5:7

“Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard that he feared.”

Jace, his dad Phil Robertson (duck dynasty) and brother Al were discussing the difference in churches and how some were loud, some were not, but all should be! And I agree. There should be evidence of life and joy inside the church.  They also discussed that everything should be done in decency and order which is for certain biblical. Paul warned against acting otherwise in 1st Corinthians 14:40. But Jace referenced the scripture in Hebrews, as evidence of Jesus’ loud worship. 

I don’t doubt that Jesus was a lively worshipper when He was on earth. But to my knowledge… and I’ve been wrong so many times before, I don’t remember reading anywhere that Jesus was shouting the house down in a service. Might He have? Oh yes!  I think that when they were singing psalms and praises He may have just got carried away and choo choo’d down the isle! But it doesn’t say that. Now, as for the scripture Jace referenced, it’s clearly speaking of the time before Christ’s crucifixion. Not a church service. And while I love the way Jace studies the word of God, and can reference scripture off the top of his head so much better than I, this is why I think it’s dangerous to take something out of context.

I am a shouter in church. I’m a hand raising, Amen saying, I’ll talk to the preacher during service kinda gal. (Not to the point of disruption) but I ain’t quiet. I’m excited about the message. But there are those in our church who are not.  There are those who seldom if ever say anything! But they are worshippers no less. And I don’t think Jace was saying they weren’t. But by using the scripture that says Jesus had “strong crying and tears” as worship, could lead someone to believe that if they didn’t, they’re not worshipping as Jesus would have them to. 

God wants us to “feel worship.” Feel “His presence.” That emotion can be expressed in a sigh. Or eyes closed just for a second as you quietly praise Him for His goodness.  Perhaps the scripture never references Jesus’ worship style because God doesn’t want us putting worship in a box. This is how it has to be. Or cause someone to doubt their own love of the Savior because they’re not loud mouthed like me. 

Now… that being said. I don’t want someone to twist the word of God to say that we should be “reverent and holy” to the point of a stagnant service. Which I believe is the state of most churches in America and an insult to all that God has done for us. 

I said all that to say this… I’m so thankful for our Pastor who speaks often of the “context of the word” and making sure we understand it. It’s important. It may not seem like much in the scope of somethings in life but it’s why Paul told Timothy to Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

2 Timtothy 2:15

Don’t make the word fit your circumstance. Make your circumstance fit the word. Wooo Glory! That’ll Preach!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Fear, Leadership, Uncategorized

Three two-fold Blessings

And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. 

ISAIAH 11:1-4

I love the word of God! I love that it speaks more than is written on the page. It’s a blessing that we receive as a child of God. 

Prior to salvation, I knew the Bible had power. And in days of struggle I would turn to the word of God, having seen my Dad go there daily as a child. But it might as well have been written in Greek, because that’s how much I understood of it. But then came that wonderful day of salvation in 1996, that it all changed. It was then, when I opened up the word of God, that it no longer was Greek, but it was a spiritual English that spoke to my soul with words between the words. I would hear the whisper of the Holy Spirit within those pages and a few words became a whole message! It still happens that way, and I am still in awe!

I love the image of the branch growing out of the root. Isn’t that just the way they seen the Lord Jesus that day as He was being taken down from the cross, and laid in that borrowed tomb? Praise God they didn’t pay money for it, because He wasn’t going to be there long. Just three days! And out of death, came life. Just like that branch that grew up from what was assumed to be a dead tree. But if You are the Creator of the tree, You can recreate it. So Jesus rose from the dead, and He Who was once walking among them, was walking again. And as He parted back to Heaven He left the most marvelous gift. The one that I discovered in 1996, the Holy Spirit. And it is for certain the gift that keeps on giving, just like the words in Isaiah attest to.

The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding

“Wisdom is my 2020 word for the year. And there it is on the pages today, but not just wisdom, understanding. Each of these are a two fold gift. With wisdom comes understanding. It’s not enough for us to just know God, He wants us to understand Him as well. Why He came as He did, Why He made promises in the Old Testament that were concealed, but then revealed in the New Testament. That Davidic Covenant, where God promised the coming Messiah and the Savior of the World. The One the world doesn’t understand, because they don’t have His Spirit. How blessed we are as children of God to have the understanding of God. But do we do with it as much as we could? I know I don’t.

This morning as I read social media, a friend of mine announced that she had been diagnosed with cancer and that it was “incurable” but treatable and what her plan of action was. My heart broke for her, her husband and her children. And so I posted that I would pray and be available if she needed to talk. But in the back of my mind I’m thinking… “What can I say? How can I help her? This is not a battle I have fought. But then I read this word, and God was quick… yes, just like His word said, that I have nothing to say… but He has everything to say. In Him is hope! Hope comes from the wisdom and understanding of the Creator… He who brought back to life His Son! And it is that hope that I have for everyone who has gone on before me, that I will see again if they knew Christ!

The Spirit of Counsel and Might

Within each child of God is the strength to be what a friend needs. Isn’t that a wonderful thought? 

Luke 12:11-12

And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say: for the Holy Ghost shall teach in in the same hour what ye ought to say.

While that scripture refers to the persecuted saint, I have no doubt that the same holds true when we stand in need of the words to comfort a friend, or help them to find direction for their life. 

I would not dare say that I have the answer to all the questions that must be running through my friend’s mind. How many “why’s” must she be asking. But I know Who does have those answers. And while I cannot offer her healing, I can offer her the Healer! 

The Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord

With my pea brain I think of wisdom and knowledge as the same. But obviously God does not, else He would not have written them separately.

Perhaps wisdom is of the mind and knowledge is of the heart. Both will bring you to awe of the power of the Lord. That fear isn’t a fear that causes you concern, but rather a knowledgeable respect. Woah… that’s truth. When you realize Who God is, and what power is within His breath, it will create in you a healthy fear of our Lord.

Another of my favorite scriptures is when Jesus was in the garden about to be arrested and taken to the cross:

John 18:4-6 KJV

[4] Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye? [5] They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them. [6] As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.

I imagine when they thought on that later, there was a healthy fear of a Man Who could speak with not only the authority of God, but the power of God! That’s Who God wants us to know. He wants us to understand the power in even speaking the Word of God. It may be my voice, my fingers on the keyboard, but if I am using His words, in the context that He spoke them, there is power! That’s good stuff! 

I pray this word encourages you to share HIS WORD! BLESSINGS!!!! Shari

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Faith, Heaven, joy, Uncategorized

The Unimpeachable Jesus

Last night’s teen lesson at Victory Baptist Church was a “little lesson” about end times and the signs we see all around us. I call it little because that’s all I know about the end times. Just a fraction of what’s in the scripture. Every page from Genesis to Revelation leads to the return of Christ, on that glorious day when we will be like Him, we will see Him and worship Him in living color. Glory! Won’t that be a marvelous day! But for now we battle.

We battle the naysayers and the the demonic forces that would love to rid the world of the notion of Jesus. But He is, unimpeachable! They cannot undo the cross. They cannot refill the tomb. He is not there. He’s unimpeachable and untouchable. Not until Heaven will we be able to see and touch the hands of Jesus. 

There were those who did. The Bible is full of eye witness reports. The world can’t undo that either. There are versions of the Bible that are slowly but surely writing God out of it. It’s why I’m a KJV girl! But the word of God. The true word of God will stand until those skies split open and He returns for His church. The word of God will stand after that for it is forever settled in Heaven!

I just needed to remind myself of that today in this world of uncertainty. There is one thing for certain. The unimpeachable Jesus! 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Faith, Uncategorized

Just Like John

1 John 1:1-4 KJVS

[1] That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; [2] (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) [3] That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. [4] And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.

It’s still the same story. And it’s still the same truth. From the beginning of Time, and where God is, time has always been; and I need you to know what I know. That’s what John is saying, and that’s what I’m saying this gloomy Tuesday morning as I get ready to embark on a day with my bestie Glo. It’s a joy to experience friendship with her, but more so with the Lord Jesus Christ. 

On my heart of late has been the state of the world around me. I see so much heartache. I have friends that are right in the middle of some of the worst struggles of their lives. Many of them know Christ, and for that I’m grateful. Because I know where I let them down, Christ never will. But there are those who don’t know Christ and it scares me, because I know in Him is my hope to go forward through the hard times. 

Like John: I have heard

I have heard the Spirit of God coercing me to fight, to take one more step, to try one more time. I have felt the flutter in my soul when I know He’s about to show me something amazing. I have not audibly heard the voice of Jesus as John did. But the voice I hear is still every bit as real and evident. But it can only be heard if you “know” Him. 

Like John: I have seen

I have seen the evidence of the Spirit of God moving in my own and others lives. I’ve watched as He has taken control of a situation, a service, or a person and done great and mighty things. I’ve seen times when the answers didn’t come as we wanted, but God brought the strength and the promise of hope that only He can provide. 

Like John: I have touched

Picking up the word of God is literally touching God. His breath is in the book. From the day of salvation, and from the first word I read in scripture I felt His presence. No book on this earth has the power to do what the Bible does. It literally floods my soul with happiness to think about how the Lord speaks to this world through those pages. When I read the stories, the Spirit transports my mind to the time, so much so that I know when I get to Heaven, I’ll be able to walk up to David and say, “Brother! Your life inspired me! Thank you for allowing me to see God through your eyes!” 

Like John: Christ manifested (made Himself known) to me and and because of that I can make Him known to you so that you too can have the fellowship of God Himself. Glorrraaaay!!! Does that not make you happy!This is a short post, but I needed to stop by for a visit and remind you that you are loved, by me, yes! But most of all by the Lord Jesus. If you’re struggling today, open the word of God and let Him speak peace to your soul. So you too can be “Like John” who through his obedience and sharing of the Gospel teaches us what he was taught first handed. Be like Jesus! Life is about Him, by Him, through Him, In Him! Do you know Him?

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

What the World Needs Now

Love. It’s what’s missing in society. I believe that it’s just that simple. I grow so weary in my soul when I hear people spewing hatred against people they don’t even know. Now, I realize there are some who heap that anger upon themselves. Believe me… when I tell you I struggle in the politics of the day not to hate people. I have to continually remind myself that they too were created by God with purpose. But somewhere down the road, they got off the intended path. Or perhaps never found the path and they are lost and headed to Hell. Even sadder. But the reality of it is, I will not answer for them. I will only answer for what I do as a child of God. 

We need Fervent Love 

Peter would understand me. After all it was Peter who cut the soldiers ear off when they came to arrest Jesus. I might have wanted to do that more than once. But it was Peter who wrote in 1 Peter 4

[8] And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. 

Peter was zealous when it came to what he believed in. Far too many people are apathetic about their relationships, especially their relationship with God. I’ve kind of been in that state of mind. I’ve struggled lately to do what God called me to do. The weariness of the world was stuck to me like goo. Not glue… but rather an ick. I just couldn’t seem to get out of the funk I was in. I pray this is the first step out of that hole… It’s not that I lost my zeal, but I lost my drive. I lost the fervency for the Gospel. 

Fervency is a passionate, glowing and growing desire to accomplish a matter of the heart. That should be my driving force, and no goo of this world should be able to cover it!

We need Forgiving Love

[9] Use hospitality one to another without grudging. 

Never in my 57 years have I seen such an unforgiving society. If we’re not on the same page, we can’t even be on the same bookshelf. We can’t even be in the same library. I love the book analogy. Thinking about Malachi 3:16

Malachi 3:16

[16] Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.

It should cause great concern that God is ever aware of our conscience. For the good and bad. It should cause us to be that much more forgiving of others who are struggling in the same manner we are to figure this world out. But what it should do most of all, is cause us to have a desire to live for God, not man. The depravity of man is evidenced in Washington. Hospitality is barely in our vocabulary any more. 

My mother is the most hospitable person on the earth. At 84, Her door is open 24/7 and has always been. I remember a time when my “hippy cousins of the 70’s” were hitchhiking across the country and stopped in at our house with their friends in the wee hours of the morning. My mother never grimaced. She let them in, fed them, and bedded them down. Strangers, without regard for what they believed. She’s just kind. That is how the heart of a Christian should be. Open to love. But never wavering in what it was designed to do. Share the gospel and forgiveness of Christ Jesus.

We Need an Un-failing Love

[10] As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. [11] If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

What ever your gift is, and you certainly have one, and likely many! That gift is made to minister. I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s why these past few weeks of a lack of fervency have been so hard on my spirit. I know that God created me to minister, and when I’m not… I’m failing. Miserably.

God helps us to be the men and women of God that You formed us to be. You knew me before I was in my hospitable momma’s belly. Help us to regain the fervency to share the gospel with a world that’s going to bust Hell wide open unless someone shows them the forgiveness and freedom of knowing Christ as Savior. Help us to have an unfailing love for the created. You love them. So must we.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

What’s Love Got to Do with It


Tell me something that you’ve created with your hands. 

What would happen if someone came in and destroyed your creation? 

How would you feel?

Imagine how God felt, when Satan did that very thing. He attempted to destroy what God created beings. And although he can’t, because ultimately God holds the power of life and death, He does wreak havoc with it and it all started in the garden. 

But thinking about someone destroying something that you created helps us grasp what it is about God’s love for us. We are created beings. designed exclusively for His purpose but with free will. 

So let’s look at God’s love for us through 1 John Chapter 3


Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

When we see the word “Behold” it means there’s something noteworthy here. 

John is about to tell us, what manner, what kind of love God has for us. It’s the same love that He has for His only begotten Son. because He calls us the sons (or daughters as the case may be of God. And that God not only sees us as He sees His son, but the world sees us as they see His son.

And how does the world (those who don’t know Christ as Savior) see Him?

Unimportant. Of no significance to their lives. And that’s the same way the world sees Christian people. We’re not important to them. Even though they’re important to us. It doesn’t hardly seem fair,  and that’s likely how God feels too. 

What if that thing you created could talk. and it tells you that it likes your friends better than you, and wants emancipation (no longer to be yours.) How would that make you feel. Life and love is all about perspective. we need to be able to identify with God. And the only way to do that is to learn more about Who He is. He already knows us, He created us, but we don’t know Him unless we read His word. Because there in lies the image and character of God.

He loves us like sons and daughters. How should we love Him? (Like our Father)

How can that image get messed up? What if you don’t have a good relationship with your earthly father, do you think that will affect how you feel about your Heavenly Father. 

(my relationship with my dad)

I was loved, but my dad was very Passive. Non confrontational. laid back.

Too often I look at God in the same light. Which is so far from Who He is. 

(2) Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

John continues on to tell us that we not only are the children of God, there will come a day when we will be like God

What’s going to be one of your favorite parts of being like Jesus? 

For me I think it’s got to be living without sin. To never have an ugly or evil thought. To never fear.


And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. [4] Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. [5] And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.

I think that may have been John’s favorite thing too. And this is what we have faith for… that one day we’re not going to be messed, and we’re not going to live in a messed up world. It’s why we study the word, and work on having a relationship with Christ, because through the word we are purified.  

My friend John said that the Bible is like a spiritual washcloth. It’ll clean you up? How does it do that? What happens if we don’t read it? 

We feel dirty, and often times unlovable. 

Dick Jarvis found this little dog one day at Bakers mart. It was skiddish and wouldn’t come to anyone. Scraggly mutt. But Dick started feeding it, and it became his friend. He took it home and cleaned it up, and it was the cutest little critter. It made a home with his purebreds dogs. That’s a good example of what it’s like to be a child fo God. The Jews were the purebreds. We were the mutts, but God adopted us into His family, and now we are loved every bit as much as the children of Israel. But no body lost their position . 

That purity (cleanses) that we experience is something the unsaved will never experience. They do not know what it’s like to live guilt free. 

Jesus manifested (made Himself known) to the world so that we could be forgiven. He has never sinned. There fore He was the perfect blood sacrifice for our forgiveness of sins. By having a relationship with Jesus, we get to experience what it’s like to be without sin. We’re not. We do sin. But when God looks at us. He sees nothing.

The world can’t understand that, because they’ve never experienced it. And they won’t unless they get a relationship with God. Without having a relationship with God, you’ll never understand the depth of His love. How could we ever believe that our family loves us, and we love them if we never spoke.  

(6)Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

Abide means to continue in a place. To wait patiently. 

As a little child, or with my own children, I remember what it was like to wait until one of my parents got home. I can remember how excited my children were when I got home from work. That’s the very same attitude we should have when waiting for the return of Jesus Christ. But too many Christians or church goers know just enough bible to be dangerous. They fear the coming of the Lord, because they’re not ready for His return. If we’re ready, and in a good relationship with Him, we can’t wait until He comes back. Because it’s then that we know we’re going to experience that purity and perfection in our own bodies that Christ has in Him.

Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. [8] He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. [9] Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. 

John sends us a warning not to be deceived. 

How do we become deceived in this world? Where do we see deception?


Hollywood certainly gives us a jaded view of what our lives “should” look like. What we should have to make us happy.

Social Media

Everyone’s family is perfect except yours, right? Wrong.

Our brains are inundated with lies so many times a day that we begin to buy it. And then we buy what ever it is they’re selling, because that will make us happy. We believe that nobody can disagree with us, or they’re not fully committed to us. If we get our feelings hurt, its because those people didn’t love us enough. 

But the truth is, this world is broken, nobody or nothing will make you happy. Only Christ can do that in a way that leaves you satisfied. If it’s in the world, there will be a new version before the day is over that you bought whatever it was that you thought would make you happy.

But there is no new and improved version of God. He has never changed. And Christians shouldn’t waver either. There is an emotion of love, but there should also be an action of that love. 

[10] In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. [11] For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. [12] Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous

Just as Christ made himself known to the world. We have to make ourselves known to the world too. It’s not to puff ourselves up, but rather to point people to Christ. 

Just as Gods hasn’t changed, neither has His message. It’s one of great love. And that’s exactly what the world needs to see now. They don’t need to see hatred, and animosity towards each other and the unsaved. they need to experience the love of Christ through us, so that they’ll desire to know that love themselves. 

13] Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. [14] We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. [15] Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. [16] Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. [17] But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? [18] My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

There should always be evidence of God’s love in our life. And it has to be with action. But when the world sees Christians hating on each other and the lost, that’s how they view God. And Christians are going to stand accountable for that. 


(19] And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him. [20] For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. [21] Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. [22] And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. [23] And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. [24] And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.

If we want people to understand the love of Christ, we have to share what Christ’s love looks like. 

Christ’s love





Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, salvation, Uncategorized

The Haters and the Doubters

It as been decades since I came to the knowledge of Jesus Christ; only two, but none the less decades. As a child, a decade seemed like an eternity, now a decade seems like a month. Time passes ever so quickly by, but one thing never changes. Haters and doubters. They were in Jesus’ day, and before that. They are in our day, and now they are louder than they were then. Their voices can be heard through multiple medias. There are agnostics, atheists, idol worshipers and worshipers of other gods. They’re bold and brazen and often heartless. They love throwing stones. Just like the haters and doubters of Jesus’ day, only they proclaimed to be serving the God of Abraham. The same that Jesus spoke of. But the difference was, Jesus knew Abraham; He’d actually met him. Although to the crowd for which He spoke, they knew Jesus was physically too young for that. And so what they didn’t understand, they doubted and hated. Hated to the point that they would have picked up a stone and done bodily harm to God Himself. But Jesus pulled a disappearing act and walked out right in front of them and they missed His grand exit. 

If you don’t know Jesus… don’t wait for the exit. 

John 8:52-59 KJVS

[52] Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death.[53] Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself? [54] Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God: [55] Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying. [56] Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. [57] Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? [58] Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. [59] Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

Going right through the middle of them! I at first thought that He disappeared and was elsewhere. But no. He was still there, He was just in some way or another invisible! Just as He is today. And yet He is here, right in our midst, and the haters and the doubters are still looking for someone to cast stones at. They can no more hit Him now, than they could then. So often times the target becomes the only one they can lash out at and that is us, the believers. 

So what do we do with the doubters and the haters. 

Have First Hand Knowledge

Jesus had first hand knowledge of Abraham and Abraham first hand knowledge of Him.

Genesis 18:2 KJV

[2] And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground, [3] And said, My Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant:

Two were angels, but Abraham addressed One as Lord.  Abraham didn’t want Him to pass by. He wanted Him to stay. A lesson even Christians can learn. Don’t rush out of the Lord’s presence, or rush Him out of yours. What an honor to find the favor of God to the point where He chooses to be in your presence. 

That’s kind of how I feel this morning as I write these words, Jesus passed by and sat a while with me in my little junked up office. He didn’t mind that it wasn’t a church, or a mansion. He just wanted time with me. And together He and I conversed and this is the product of that. This message. A message that I needed, and I’m pretty sure you do to.

Until the end of time there will be haters and doubters. Pray for them. But don’t let them distract you from God Himself. He’s still teaching us through the Holy Spirit, stay in His word! He’s still walking around unseen in the midst of those who do not know Him. It’s up to us to allow them to see Christ. It’s up to Him to help them feel His presence. Let them throw their spiritual stones of words; if they throw real stones, Move! But when it comes to the words of doubters and haters they have no power over the word of God. Their words will be forgotten tomorrow. His words have lasted how long? 

If you’re reading this and you don’t know Christ as your Savior. Don’t let Him disappear in your midst. You’ve no doubt felt His Spirit moving in your presence, ask Him to reveal Himself to You, I believe He will. If you have questions, I’d love to answer them. If you stand in need of prayer, I’d be honored to do that too. 

Have a Blessed day! As I write this it’s Wednesday. I hope you have a place to attend Bible Study tonight! Blessings ~ Shari

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Uncategorized

I have Questions

I do not have questions of God… well, I do, but I more have questions of those who will likely not read this, but perhaps they will. “Those” are they that I used to attend church with – – those who used to stand and testify about the goodness of God; but now their seat is empty. They’re memory fades from the mind of the congregation and many wouldn’t know who they were if I called their name in prayer because they’ve not darkened the door of God’s house in forever. 

Am I angry?

Only that Satan won a battle. I’m not angry at the individual. I just don’t understand it. I will mention a few “generic” situations and perhaps it will prompt you to call someone out in prayer today, or perhaps it’s your story.

There was a couple in our church who served God faithfully for many, many years. He retired, she was a homemaker and a beloved mom. Little by little they stopped serving, slowed their attendance, and then stopped altogether. He got a job that had weekend hours, she got cancer. And God cured her! And through it all they never returned to God’s house. I don’t understand and my question is why? Why did you not return to praise Him? 

Another couple with the same story of attending many years. They struggled to keep their marriage together, God healed their home and they left church. Their home was no longer strong enough to to fight the world and it separated due to infidelity. But they managed to get back together. He got cancer. He was cured.  No return. Why?

Throughout the years I have watched countless people battle, win, and walk out on God. And they will say almost assuredly “I still worship God, I just do it at home.” 

That may be true. But I doubt it. Because I know how hard it is for me to stay faithful to worship while I’m in the house of God at every opportunity. My focus can get so worldly in a heartbeat…

And speaking of heartbeats. The reason I wonder about those who struggle and do not return to God’s house is because I remember laying in the hospital facing open heart surgery and needing and receiving the presence of God in that place. I remember feeling the prayers of the saints of God that I knew were lifting my name to the Lord. That’s what friends of faith do. But if you’re not there, they’ll likely not remember you. But this morning I remember them. And I’ll bet there’s someone on your heart too.

In my teen group this week we watched a video of Francis Chan. I love this guy! He wrote “Crazy Love” and other books, but his back story is just so doggone amazing! His mother died in childbirth and then his father remarried a few years later. His second wife died when Francis was 8 in a car accident, then his father died at when Francis was 12,  leaving him orphaned. He goes to a youth rally and gets saved and finds God’s purpose for his life and he, his wife and seven children continue to serve the Lord. And he stood on the stage and thanked God for the life he was given because it caused him to seek God. Glorrrrraaaaayyyyyy! Can you say that about your struggles? I cannot always. But I can say that about the heart attack because it got my attention on what’s important, and who’s important. 

My family is important. My friends are important. But God is the most important of all. Without Him I would not know healing, peace, love to the depths of the ocean and beyond. I would not know sacrifice. His sacrifice. 

Luke 17:17

And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?

I asked the same question today. “Where are the nine?

Tomorrow’s Sunday. Make the plan to go to the house of the Lord! Don’t let Satan convince you that it’s not necessary. It is necessary and He is worthy. Go and praise Him! 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

How to live a blessed life

It ain’t easy! But it’s totally doable for a child of God. I must also say that it’s also not perfect. There will likely be some heartache and struggle. But even that too can be a blessing from the other side. Seldom ever in the middle!

That’s where my thoughts are going this morning as I prepare a lesson for my teens that always  hits this grown up right between the eyes. As I study and prepare, as I instruct, i always learn more than they likely do. And often times I learn a greater lesson directly from them. One of which is when they call each other out. I’m not one who’s ever made a practice of calling anyone out. I won’t say I haven’t done it, but it’s a rarity. But this current group of teens I have are notorious for calling each other out. They cut nobody any slack! I sometimes cringe wondering how their comments will be taken; but funny thing about being called out in the house of God, if you’re a willing vessel to hear, the word is accepted and we move on. Could not the old folks learn from that?

God will call you out for certain!  From the book of Isaiah God not only calls us out, He tells us to write it down:

Isaiah 30:8

Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever:

Leading into that word, He’s speaking to the children of Israel. 

Isaiah 30:1-2 KJVS

[1] Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: [2] That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt!

Stay out of Egypt

Egypt adds to the sin that we already have. I have enough without going down into a place that has my mind in a place it shouldn’t be. Egypt can be anywhere. A television program or movie, a group of friends, a business establishment, a shopping center! Any place that has your mind on less than godly things. It adds sin to sin for the weaknesses that we are apt to fall victim too. 

For me it could just as well be the bread isle at our local market. Jeepers! I love bread. I love donuts and cake and pie! those are weakness that I’d be better off staying clear of. I have others. Many others. For some people their weakness may be alcohol, drugs, friends that drag them into a world they came out of.  Egypt is anywhere that takes you away from the will of God.

God’s original design for His children was that they never got exposed to Egypt. But Satan messed that up!

Stay out of Rebellion

Isaiah 30:9-11 KJVS

[9] That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord : [10] Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: [11] Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.

It’s hard to imagine those words about ourselves. But I only have to think of the times that I have turned a conversation with God off because it was taking me to a place of chastisement or a place I was less than comfortable in. I am no different than the people who stood at the base of the mountain with Moses and said, “You go Moses! We’ll wait for you to get back and let us know what God says!” Fear is a not so funny thing. We are taught to fear (reverence) God, but that perfect love casts out fear. And yet, without studying the word and staying in it we will allow Satan to cause confusion and shame to come into our life. These are the times when we do not want to hear the holy words of God.  We need to

Stay Put!

Even in the hard times. Even on the days when the Lord’s words cut us through. The end result will be Victorious living. I know this because I’ve experienced all of it! The victory and the defeat. I needed a teen around me to call me out! 

This was a quick thought for myself today, to get my mind into the zone i want it to be in. How about you? Are you there? I pray you’re blessed!

Posted in Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

What Will be Your Act Today?

1 Kings 10:6-12 KJVS

[6] And she said to the king, It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom. [7] Howbeit I believed not the words, until I came, and mine eyes had seen it : and, behold, the half was not told me: thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame which I heard. [8] Happy are thy men, happy are these thy servants, which stand continually before thee, and that hear thy wisdom. [9] Blessed be the Lord thy God, which delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel: because the Lord loved Israel for ever, therefore made he thee king, to do judgment and justice. [10] And she gave the king an hundred and twenty talents of gold, and of spices very great store, and precious stones: there came no more such abundance of spices as these which the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon. [11] And the navy also of Hiram, that brought gold from Ophir, brought in from Ophir great plenty of almug trees, and precious stones. [12] And the king made of the almug trees pillars for the house of the Lord, and for the king’s house, harps also and psalteries for singers: there came no such almug trees, nor were seen unto this day.

My 2020 word of the year has captured my thoughts. But I want to be careful not to get wrapped up in the search for wisdom and lose out on the acts of wisdom. Something obviously Solomon lived out; else why would the Queen of Sheba said what she did in verse 6  of 1 Kings 10? She was in absolute awe of what she witnessed of the “acts” of his wisdom. For me its the danger of Bible scholars. Not that I’ll ever consider myself one. But I’ve seen enough well educated Christians to last me a life time, who know the word, but don’t act on it. Or are far more interested in the depth of theology causing a shallowness and inability to care for the day to day needs of God’s people.

When studying the word I want to see the relevance to my everyday life. How can I apply, or act, upon what I’ve just read? That was my question after I read the aforementioned text. And so I kept reading to see what the act of the Queen was once she had discovered the awesomeness of Solomon. And what I discovered was, to the man who had everything, she gave more! Gold, spices, precious stones… things that would bring joy to his senses. Perhaps it was a spice that when he caught a whiff of he would think…. “ahhhh…. that’s from my friend the Queen.” I hope that I encourage folks in such a manner, many have encouraged me that way.  That when they see or hear something down the road it will remind them of me (not for my glory) but for remembrance of my acts for Christ.   

Another of the gifts of the Queen for Solomon was a boat load of almug trees for which the King used to construct the house of the Lord, and instruments for singers. Glory! Another reason of love King Solomon. He loved music. And so again he would likely hear the instruments play and as the music encouraged his spirit, or helped set the tone for the Worship of God, he might take the time to thank the Lord for the Queen and ask the Lord to bless her. 

Solomon acted… he just didn’t sit on his wisdom. What am I going to do with this wisdom today?

A man from Canada stopped by my table in the Hotel lobby this morning. As always a conversation ensued. He and his wife encouraged me at first just by their presence in the breakfast room. They enjoyed each other’s company. She went off to prepare for their journey on to Florida and he was interested in what got me up so early… “Yes! Thank you Lord for an opportunity to tell him why was I was up at the crack of dawn. We talked about our perspective churches and and pastors and then he went on his way.  Just a few minutes with Mr. Reesor. He left me with the gift of conversation. A small act, but one worthy of pondering today.

I hope someone encourages you today! Blessings! Shari

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Who are you Joshua to?

Deuteronomy 34:9

And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands upon him: and the children of Israel hearkened unto him, and did as the Lord commanded Moses.

Oh to be “filled” with wisdom! It most certainly is possible, I guess. But for me there is always too much other junk that wisdom has to work it’s way around. Wisdom has to fight for it’s place in my world. This should not be, but I’ve left so many other pieces of junk in it’s path. Of course I speak metaphorically, but… you have no idea how very real that concept is. 

Even my dream world is filled with garbage and chaos. It may or may not be medicine related that I’m having crazy dreams again. And while I do not believe I have the gift of dream interpretation, I don’t think it’s happenstance that my dream last night was filled with clutter. And that Miss Betty and Louis’ sister Kay had to come and straighten me out. But then again, if anyone was going to straighten you out, and make your world pretty, it would be my previous choir director Miss Betty.

So what does that have to do with wisdom?

Wisdom creates great leaders. Joshua followed the greatest leader of all time. What shoes to fill! And yet he did. But it didn’t just happen, it was intentional. The Lord had a plan to redeem His people, and that plan was to use people to create models of the final plan, the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Joshua was a type of Christ, as well as Adam. But before I get ahead of myself, let’s talk about leadership and the wisdom needed.

My husband and I spoke this morning about the need of every organization having good leadership. Else 90% of staff will just do what comes natural. Nothing. Were it not for the leadership of Moses and Joshua the children of Israel would have still been in the dessert wandering around, and the giants of the promised land would have thumped their gourds. That of course is the Bible according to Shari. But I know this because I know me. If it were not for the leadership of Christ, and His encouragement in my heart I would just sit around all day and draw and pick guitar. Perhaps play the fiddle or any other fun thing that came to my mind. The clutter would consume my life and I would get overwhelmed and sit in my self made wilderness. But there is wisdom in me that scripture foretells in the book of Isaiah

Isaiah 11:2

And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord ;

This scripture speaks of Christ and the wisdom that was upon Him, qualifying Him to the office of King! And glory to God, it is the same wisdom at our disposal through the Spirit that now resides within the heart of a child of God. Christ was filled with the Spirit of wisdom from the womb, the Spirit of God came down from Heaven and rested upon Him at His baptism. He Who was anointed to be Prophet, Priest and King and He would loves us so much that He’s willing to share that wisdom with us. Does that not put a shout on you! I love examples like this in scripture that can give me an image in my mind of what God wants me to know.

I’m still in the picture book stage of faith. Don’t judge me. 😀

So why I “think” I had the dream last night…

My life is cluttered with stuff. It’s good stuff, but most days it’s a jumbled mess of what I create it to be. If you went to my office right now there are stacks of “stuff.” Payroll. Billing. New Accounts. Marketing ideas. Stuff to do… stuff that should have been done two days ago. It’s clutter!  But it has to be that way until i can get in there and get it sorted out. The same is true spiritually with me.

I praise God for the Spirit that dwells with in me and is directing me not only in my spiritual life but my work life too. Holding me accountable for what I do. Moses held Joshua accountable as he taught him how to lead and if we allow the Lord, He will will guide us through every facet of life. We are leaders in our own domain and there are people watching to see if we take our jobs seriously. 

As I wrote this today I felt the tension leave my body. At least for the moment. It was the wisdom of God that I received through this word this morning, reminding me that I am not alone. His hand is upon me guiding me day to day. But I have to listen! I have to take this time in His word to reign myself in. I think that’s why God sent Miss Betty to my dreams last night. Betty is a woman I look up to for leadership. She trained our Miss Susan who is a great leader in her own right. 

God gives us Moses’ and Joshua’s to follow so that when we are the leaders we’ll know what to do. 

Who are you Joshua to? There are people looking to you for leadership. Teach them well by example. 

God bless ya!!! Hope this thought encouraged you today. ~ Shari

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The Heart of Wisdom

At this present time my thoughts are going wild! Every scripture I read on wisdom sends me in so many directions seeking the truth of that word. Of course it makes sense, since wisdom is found in seeking that one would go a seekin’. And so I have been and God is so faithful to give as He said He would in the book of James, to all who ask. 

But seeking and then finding wisdom will most assuredly require an action. That’s when the rubber meets the road and we’re going places. 

The Heart of Wisdom is Willing

Exodus 35:1-35 KJVS

[1] And Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together, and said unto them, These are the words which the Lord hath commanded, that ye should do them. [2] Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the Lord : whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death. [3] Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the sabbath day. [4] And Moses spake unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying, This is the thing which the Lord commanded, saying, [5] Take ye from among you an offering unto the Lord : whosoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it, an offering of the Lord ; gold, and silver, and brass, 

I wrote a new song recently and it has become a fave when I sing at the Long Term Care on Monday’s. It’s called “You Know Where I’ll Be.” And that will be at church on Sunday morning. It’s a priority in my life. It’s one of the big rocks!

The Pastor spoke last Sunday and used the illustration of the rocks in the jar.

A teacher once stood before his students with a jar full of large rocks. He asked the students if the jar was full? To which they replied, it was. He then took a hand full of small pebbles and added them to the jar, shaking them so they’d disperse around the larger stones. He asked again, “Is it full.” To which they replied.  “Yes.” He then took a cup of sand and poured it into the jar and it quickly filled the remaining spaces. He asked again,  is it full? “Oh yes!” They replied. Certain that that was the final filling. But then the teacher took a cup of water and slowly poured it into the jar, where it flowed around the sand and rocks and topped the jar off completely. “Now the jar is full!” the teacher exclaimed. 

The illustration as he explains it to his class goes to show that once we have the big things in our life in place, like the large stones, the other things in our life will fall into place so long as we have them in order. We have to prioritize what goes into our lives, just like we had to put the largest stones in the jar first, then the pebbles, the sand and the water last. If we had reversed the order by putting the water in first and filling the jar, it would have overflowed and caused a mess. 

Prioritizing our life is the same way. 

This morning I almost made a mess of my day. I have things that need done at the office and I was going to forgo this time to get started there. But as I began to read and write, it was clear I needed the preacher’s message again.

God first… then all else will fall into place. Family. Purpose. Life.


Thank You Lord. 

That sounds so simple. But that wisdom comes from the willing heart that Moses spoke to the children of Israel about. He was preparing them to go into the promised land. A land that was full of all the things they’d not had for 40 years. It would be like me receiving the newest version of Apple technology. I’m always overwhelmed with it’s goodness and it occupies my mind and time for days and days. Imagine going from he wilderness into a land filled with all the goodness of God. I’m sure they didn’t know what adventure to go on next! But Moses was reminding them… “God first.” And it was serious business. They put to death those who didn’t take it serious. 

That sounds so harsh. It should certainly make us appreciate the grace of today. But instead, in our land flowing with milk, honey and grace; the world has turned aside to seek earthly pleasures rather than Heavenly promises. And Sunday mornings are made for sleeping in and going on outings for most families and church is no where on their radar. 

I’m so grateful that upon salvation in 1996, God put a desire in my heart to be in the Lord’s house at every opportunity. Not just Sunday. Any day there’s something going on, I want to be there and I’m elated to be! Sunday church should be a big rock. But not Sunday only for seeking the wisdom of God… every day some of those stones should be the Lord. That takes a willing heart, and an open heart. Ready to hear the word of God. 

This morning I really wanted to get to work as soon as I got up. But I’m so glad, with the coercing of the Holy Spirit, that I slowed down. Put the big rock of God in first and now I can begin filling my day with the pebbles… sand… water. 

Yes. The heart of wisdom has to be willing to listen.

Part 2:

The Heart of Wisdom is Ready

EXODUS 35:10-20

And every wise hearted among you shall come, and make all that the Lord hath commanded; [11] The tabernacle, his tent, and his covering, his taches, and his boards, his bars, his pillars, and his sockets, [12] The ark, and the staves thereof, with the mercy seat, and the vail of the covering, [13] The table, and his staves, and all his vessels, and the shewbread, [14] The candlestick also for the light, and his furniture, and his lamps, with the oil for the light, [15] And the incense altar, and his staves, and the anointing oil, and the sweet incense, and the hanging for the door at the entering in of the tabernacle, [16] The altar of burnt offering, with his brasen grate, his staves, and all his vessels, the laver and his foot, [17] The hangings of the court, his pillars, and their sockets, and the hanging for the door of the court, [18] The pins of the tabernacle, and the pins of the court, and their cords, [19] The cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest’s office. [20] And all the congregation of the children of Israel departed from the presence of Moses.

They didn’t depart from his presence to go play Nintendo. They departed from his presence to get it done! Moses had laid out the instructions for what was necessary to construct the parts and pieces of the tabernacle. But today, we are not building a tabernacles of earthly hands, but rather we are building the Kingdom of God. And the plan is still the same. Although we never leave His presence, because He is always with the child of God. The plan for us is, to get it done through sharing the word of God and the wisdom that He has instilled in us. 

What fascinates me most about the children of Israel in this text, is they didn’t question Moses’ leadership. He spoke it, they did it. So my next question is, what are we doing with the wisdom that’s being imparted to us through church leadership today. When you depart from the presence of the Pastor on Sunday morning, hopefully Sunday night and Wednesday; what are you doing with that wisdom. 

The illustration of the jar is one I’ve heard multiple times. It always stirs me up, because it’s a true illustration. But the illustration’s purpose stops if I don’t take it and apply it to my life. It’s not enough to just prioritize our lives. We then have to go out and get busy doing what God’s called us to do. 

Perhaps the children of Israel departed from Moses and spent a little time reflecting on what part of the tabernacle was there’s to build. 

People look at my talents (for which they are many) but I always say I’m the jack of all trades, but the master of none, although that may be disrespecting the Lord’s gifts. It’s not that I can’t master them, I just have always been so scattered among them, I don’t feel that I do any of them well. 

For instance, last night I started taking Mandolin lessons. What!? Like who has time for that, right? Well, I guess I do. About ten years ago, a friend called me to say that he had bought me a new mandolin at the Lord’s leading. It’s either hung on my wall, or laid in its case since that time with me randomly strumming it every once and a while. I was willing, but not ready to put the time in to get it done. Let’s pray I’m there. 

The same is true with our service to the Lord. We can say we’re willing, but if we’re not ready to put legs on those words it’s futile. Futile defines is “incapable of producing a useful result.” Ouch! That stings, does it not? Nobody want us fill as though they’re not useful. At least I hope not. We all want purpose. But purpose is useless unless it’s acted upon. 

The Heart of Wisdom is Able

EXODUS 35:10-20

 [21] And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the Lord’s offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his service, and for the holy garments. [22] And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold: and every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the Lord. [23] And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats’ hair, and red skins of rams, and badgers’ skins, brought them. [24] Every one that did offer an offering of silver and brass brought the Lord’s offering: and every man, with whom was found shittim wood for any work of the service, brought it. [25] And all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, both of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine linen. [26] And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats’ hair.

Talent is often looked at as the ability to create music, art, construction, etc. But there are talents that go far beyond the realm of creativity. Talents I would love to have! Yes, I covet other peoples abilities the same way people covet mine. And I hope that doesn’t sound arrogant, because it’s not meant to be. But people look at my ability to do art and music and would love to have that skill (and many of them just haven’t discovered their own). And God’s purpose for their own. 

One of the talents I was not necessarily gifted with was that of finance. If I was, I totally missed the memo. And yet, my new job is marketing and finance. My first thought was “are you kidding?” This is what I am the worst at. Not the marketing… but the finance. And yet I’m there. And so I’ve had to work very diligently at doing this job. And what I’ve discovered is, I kind of like it. Although I still don’t consider myself good at it. But it’s a new adventure. It’s me stepping outside of my comfort zone to try something new at the age of 57. 

I also am working in my husband’s realm of expertise. A water company. So he and I have a new conversation going and all those years of my eyes glazing over when he told me stories about work, I’m now listening intently to try and glean from his wisdom. Because he’s very, very good at his job. 

I said all that to say this. God gives people talent in a variety of ways and it often goes unnoticed. It perhaps is a secular job, that makes an abundance of money that will allow you to contribute to the ministry in multiple and needful ways. Perhaps it’s the ability take the things you already have and give them away. That’s what was happening in the day of Moses. They were shopping in their closets and beginning to learn more about the costs and fees to see what they could contribute. 

We all know that there are things in our closets that we don’t use, but is there something there that could bless God? Right now I have a passel load of clothing that I need to get rid of. I could have a yard sale, but it’s a lot more fun to gather it together and give it to a like sized lady who could use some nice things for her wardrobe. Now, I just need to get that done. 

Ability is just taking what we have and using it for the Lord’s work. Everything is a possibility. Love to cook? Make someone some bread. Love to sew? Make some small things to give to widows and widowers. Love to talk? Call someone lonely. Everyone has something to offer!

The Heart of Wisdom is Spirit Lead

[27] And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate; [28] And spice, and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. [29] The children of Israel brought a willing offering unto the Lord, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which the Lord had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses. [30] And Moses said unto the children of Israel, See, the Lord hath called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; [31] And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship; [32] And to devise curious works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, [33] And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of wood, to make any manner of cunning work. [34] And he hath put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. [35] Them hath he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of work, of the engraver, and of the cunning workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any work, and of those that devise cunning work.

Bazaleel was not only able, but he was lead by the Spirit in how to use his talents for the Lord. It’s why I think when the children departed from Moses after his instructions, they pondered their abilities and the ways in which God would have them be used. 

If you’ve followed me for long you know that I am notorious at leaping before any net appears. That’s what makes me fun, and that’s what makes me foolish more often than not. And it’s how God designed me. However, He didn’t want me to do that every day. That’s the foolish part. There comes a time when I need to ponder and pray about the direction of my day. Being Spirit lead is complex. It can mean just jumping and assuming that net is there. But it can also be assessing your abilities and praying about where God would have you use them. 

I pray that as we move forward in the year of our Lord, 2020, that we allowing the Spirit’s leading in our direction. So here’s a few question to get you started:

  1. What gifts or talents do you have?
  2. What do you love to do?
  3. How are you using those things spiritually?
  4. Have you prayed about all that you have to offer?

Questions I need to ask myself.

I know this was a pretty lengthy study for a blog, but I pray that you found it useful in your search for wisdom 2020. And I pray that you’ll share it.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Purpose, Uncategorized

Who is a wise man?

James 3:13

Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.

Who is a wise man? Good question right? I’ve known my share. Some of worldly wisdom beyond my comprehension, but I was never really impressed with those. They mostly irritated me because they speak over my head in hopes of impressing rather than speaking to my understanding in hopes of helping me. That is the difference between good and bad educators.

We had a preacher come to our church several years ago for a few nights of revival. The first night he was late and ill prepared because he’d gotten lost trying to find our church. It was obvious as he preached that he was having to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide him through his message. It was phenomenal! He came back the second night “prepared.” Yielding big words and theological discussions. Guess which one made the greater impact. Not the big word preacher. The Spirit lead preacher was so much more in tune with the congregation because the Spirit knew what we needed.

In my search for wisdom, I’m not seeking to become theologically greater, but spiritually greater. I want to understand scripture in greater depth, but only for the purpose of taking that information and applying it to my life and messages so that I can become a better child and servant of God.

So when James asks his readers, “Who is a wise man?” I don’t think he was searching for the scholars of the day. He spoke of those who were endued with knowledge. Another word for endued is infused. That is my desire. To be filled with the Spirit of God through the absorption of His word and knowledge. I love the essential oil infusers that fill the air with natural scents and healing oil. They arouse my sense of smell and create a happy response from my soul. So does the word of God!

Don’t Get Too Big for your Britches

...with meekness of wisdom. I pray I never feel as though I (personally) have something to tell. I hope that my ministry work is always a Holy Spirit lead adventure. Meekness is often viewed as weakness in this world. Because a person isn’t loud and boisterous, people believe them to be an obvious push over. And yet, someone like myself who has a naturally loud personality is often considered bold and brave. I know the exact opposite to be true. Meekness is strength concealed and controlled. I have to work on that daily. So a meekness of wisdom is not someone who flaunts what they know,  it rather someone who shares what God has revealed and gives credit where credit is due.

James 3:14-16

But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. 

Don’t get Bitter with your Brothers

Or your sisters as the case may be. On the occasions when I’ve been aggravated with someone I’ve realized that there is a pride involved that is straight out of the pits of Hell, and that I’m lying to myself and anyone else when I try to justify that anger. Satan loves it when we have strife with our family and friends, because in no way will God be glorified. Oh James, you are so wise. That type of strife will cause the wisdom of God and our purpose on earth to completely leave the track of our destined plan by God. That’s a dangerous pride that could have consequences resulting in someone never seeing Jesus because they could only see us. 

How very confusing it must be for the lost child to witness a saved child hating on someone. 

But godly wisdom is where it’s at! It’s why it so important to stay in God’s word. It keeps our heart in tune with Him. If you’re in love with God, you cannot be in hate with others. 

James 3:17-18

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. [18] And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

Get Better by being Broken

Understanding where we come from is a good place to start when showing someone how to get where you are and on their own path toward a deeper relationship with Christ. 

There is a fair amount of snow falling outside right now, and as it falls, it falls slowly, peacefully, covering up the mud and earth below that is so abundant outside this time of year. I’m not a fan of winter for a few reasons, though I do love the snow when I have no where to be… which is not today.  But it serves as a great illustration on the purity of God, and how He washes our sin as white as snow, covering up those muddy days in my life when I’ve failed Him miserably. And I was miserable. That’s a part of my testimony. 

I did not have the peace of God for 34 years of my life. I believed in Jesus, but I did not “know” Jesus. There is a vast difference. Satan is fully well aware that Jesus exists, but he has no desire to have a relationship with Him. And unfortunately neither does most of the world. They are lulled into accepting a false peace that comes from money, fame, even family. But get broken and suddenly you are looking for a repair kit. That repair kit came looking for me in 1996. I experienced it sitting in the back row of Victory Baptist Church, when Mike Worf opened his bible and shared his own brokenness with me. I’d never heard a preacher be so open and honest about his own failing. I needed to know I was not alone. 

Help me God to show that to those I come into contact with. Those who make peace, whether it’s law enforcement, judges, etc. do so by squelching conflict. That’s what the Spirit of God does. We were not made for this world, therefore there is an automatic conflict in our soul. But a soul saved immediately resides in Heaven, and that conflict (though we still experience it on earth) finds peace in Heavenly places. Glory to God! I just wrote myself happy! 

The world would like you to believe that being humble and broken brings shame. The Spirit of God shows us that being broken is when we’re at the point were we can absorb the Spirit of God and allow His goodness to leak back out of us so that others may see. It leaks out of my eyes a lot. 

Praying that today you are getting better in your relationship with Jesus. Blessings! Shari

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Purpose, Uncategorized, Word of God

Just for the asking!

I didn’t get a great start off to 2020. I have a few reasons to blame, though truthfully they won’t hold water, but it is what it is. For the time being we have little to no internet because we’re switching providers and there were “issues” with installation. Next, my part time job turned into a full time job for a while, and lastly and most frustratingly, exhaustion cluttered my mind. But today, at least for a couple of hours I’m home. And I’m trying not to feel guilty about the disarray of the house, and focusing on my time with God, and other ministry labors for which I don’t consider labor. 

For the last several years, thanks to my friend Sue Walker, I’ve chosen, or had chosen for me by God, a word for the year. It usually happens when I began to ponder the thought and then over and over again a word will appear in my mind and other places, and it will become clear that that’s where my focus needs to be.  Last year my word was “courage.” For which I needed much. This year my word is wisdom, and I need it more than courage! Though courage may be necessary as well when it comes to the wisdom I am granted. And I say “am” because the word tells me, if I ask, it will be given. 

James 1:5 KJVS

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Change can be Scary

Now the problem with wisdom, is it’s wiser than me. And when it’s granted, sometimes I’d rather go back to being ignorant. Because ignorance, which isn’t ever really bliss, is usually easier. Wisdom comes with responsibility and most often, change. 

Change is usually in the zone just on the other side of comfort. Once you get there it’s good, but stepping into it is like those other dimensions we see on futuristic shows. We don’t know what’s there, but we’re pretty sure it’s monsters. We know that’s not rational thinking, but when we’re scared we’re not rational. That’s why we need the word of God because it turns our irrational thoughts into intrigue.

Scary can be Exhilarating

Some of the greatest times I’ve had in life usually began with, “No way under the sun would I do that.” And then I did it… at least once. It’s like the time I went repelling with my husband. Once and only once, to say that I had done it. The first time of stepping off the cliff into absolute space was scary stuff! Once I got over the edge and got my feet placed onto the rocks it was still a little scary, but exhilarating as well. And I knew the worst was behind me. That’s much like it is stepping out into new territories of life. 

So what does all that have to do with wisdom? Just in case you’re asking. 

Exhilaration can lead to Wisdom

It reminds me of the lyrics from “O Holy Night”, when it says “A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn, fall on your knees….” Can you imagine. The day the Lord was born and the changes that were on the horizon for the world?! There could be some glorious changes for us in 2020. But we have to have our minds in the position to hear the leading of the Lord and be willing to step off that cliff into a new space. Wisdom is an exciting thought for me. That I will learn some new and glorious things this year that the Lord would have me know. 

I pray that for you as well. And that together on this journey we’ll go amazing places. Perhaps literally, which I always love, but more importantly, spiritually. 

Please continue to follow along with me on the blog, share my posts and if the Lord leads invite me your way to speak or sing. Blessings!!! Shari

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church Unity, Eternity, Evangelism, Uncategorized

Reunion Ready

Paul’s letter captivates my thoughts quickly this morning, causing me to wonder about my level of commitment to the saints of God and to the service of our Lord. The depth of his heartache can be felt so intensely if you ponder each line as I believe God intended in our study of His word and our desire to get to know Him through Paul. His greatest desire at the point of his writing was to see those in the church of Thesalonica. But because of his own obligations, he decided to stay in Athens alone and send Timothy to the check on the spiritual welfare of those he trained in the gospel.

His goal of discipleship is listed in the final verses of this chapter, 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13

And the Lord make you to increase, and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you: To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.

Three quick points for this Monday morning of the year 2019’s final days leading into the New Year of 2020. It’s my prayer for you.

That your church has

Love Abounding

Not only toward each other but toward all men.

It is so easy for us as separate denominations to feel superior over another. Believing that we are right and they are wrong. Forgetting that there is one gospel and that it was never Christ’s intentions to have the separation of the churches as we do today. No, I’m not suggesting we all join up into one church. That’s a good way to get a fuss going. But would it not be a grand gesture if our love could abound toward all men and women without regard to denomination. 

I’ve sang and spoken to churches of another denomination without concern for our differences. We had a common ground that made that very easy and is a necessity for communion with other churches, which is, that they too believe in Jesus, the way the truth and life. Only His sacrificial atonement though the blood as our way into Heaven. Not of ourselves in any way, shape or form. That said, I sing and speak Christ. And the Spirit of God joins in because of our love abounding to one another. 

Hearts Established

Unblameable and Holy? That’s tough right? We likely all feel that there is plenty of blame to share in us and holiness is far from an achievable feeling. Namely because we have an accuser who loves to walk this earth and remind us of our failures. But having your heart established, meaning that you are conscious of where your spirit actually abides, will bring you to the next level of service. Because God “hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:” (Ephesians 2:6)

Together. We are members of the body of Christ. There is no Baptist church in Heaven. Glory to God! There is no Methodist, Pentecostal or any other church in Heaven. When we meet together up there, there will not be no fussin! We will know the truth because we’ll be in the presence of the Truth! 

But here, in this place, we have to get our hearts established through the Spirit that indwells us. And that means staying in His word until we see the world and ourselves through His eyes.

Paul never claimed to be perfect. In Romans 7:15 he says “For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.”

Can you identify? I sure can! The things I want to do, I don’t. And the things I don’t want to do, I do. It’s the flesh. Paul battled it and so do we. But through Jesus Christ we are seen blameless and holy in the eyes of God. In that we have to get established and continue on doing the best we can, not the least, so that we are

Reunion Ready!

Paul said that we need to be established at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints. That glad reunion day when all those who we miss on earth, we’ll be joined with again! I have so many. I know that they have no concept of time, and as fast as time is going in my life, I hardly having any concept either; but our reunion day will be one of great joy and the beginning of a life without complexity. No denominations, separations, aggravations and failed expectations… just celebrations! Worship. Collective worship as one Nation! The Nation of Heaven. 

Just wrote myself happy! I am reunion ready, are you? 

But until that day there is a work to do and a people to care for. Let’s do it today! 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Uncategorized

Why my crown is rockin!

For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For ye are our glory and joy.

1 Thessalonians 2:19-20

For the most part television evangelists miss the mark. Not all of them. There are guys like Cal Ray Evans on our local channel 3 on Sunday Morning that will bless the socks off of you, give you solid teaching and truly cares about the reach of his ministry. And then there are others… nameless others… who possibly seek to glorify God, but they’re concern for the congregation of cyber land, radio wave and satellite is more about how many wallets they can reach. Sound like I’m bitter? No, not bitter, but most assuredly frustrated. Because when I read scripture like the one above, and I see the true compassion and dedication of Paul and the others, I wonder where it’s gone to.  And I understand why there is a trust issue in the world when it comes to gospel teaching.  How many of those on the air waves today would be willing to go through a fraction of what bible disciples went through to reach the masses? Would I? Good question. While Paul and the others were preachers of the gospel, it wasn’t only the preachers willing to die for Christ, but the congregation as well. So before we throw stones at ministers of the gospel, we have to acknowledge that the accountability of spreading the gospel does not only lie at the preachers feet.

What is our Hope?

More now than ever the world needs hope. I see it and more aptly read it in the faces and posts of the people I meet through social media, visiting other places and in my own home town. Folks need hope, but they have no idea who to trust when it comes to sharing their struggle. I’ve shared my own struggles with people who I could tell by their reaction they really were not that interested in what I was going through. And so I too find myself retreating inside my head because I don’t want to bother anyone, and I certainly don’t want to feel unloved. And that’s the truth as I feel it when someone turns me off when I’ve risked my personal exposure of pain to tell them what’s going on. O boy… that’ll preach won’t it? How many people have felt like that? And how many of us (myself included) have been the one turning people off?

So what’s our Hope. Our hope is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the one that we have to share so that people know when the world let’s you down there is ONE WHO WILL NOT EVER!!!

What is our Joy?

We sing “Joy to the World” this time of year, but who has a depth of understanding of it when the commercialization of Christmas has become so ridiculous?  When people want to get through the Holy Days so they can get to the Holiday. We don’t want to be inconvenienced by church services lasting too long, or the expectation that we should worship Christ in the ways of scripture. From Christ’s birth to His death we find powerful worship. And then post death, pre-return, we find disciples like Paul and his buddies who were willing to be imprisoned, beaten and killed to worship. And we, in a free world, won’t go to church on Sunday, but expect people to believe we’re Christ’s disciples. Nope… can’t do it. 

It’s when I get bitter. 

This year for Christmas I made my sweet delicacies in sparing because of time. I love to bake and cook and treat my family to special foods all year long. But in the process of making my fudge this year, one of my kids came in and I neglected the stove. 🤦‍♀️ Not good. So when I poured my fudge into the pan to cool, I knew it was off. I’d scorched it. It still sits beside me on the table taunting me of my failure and it’s bitter taste. But it also reminds me that Hell’s 🔥 fire will scorch the souls of men someday, and are scorching souls now that were neglected by the church. So you want to know about true joy? 

It’s the saving grace of Christ that allows a soul to go to Heaven and never taste the flames of Hell. That is true joy. It’s why I want to live bolder and pray that God gives me opportunity in 2020 to share the gospel of Christ with people. It’s my prayer every New Year, and at years end I always feel that I fail miserably.

What is my Glory?

You are. Those of you who read what I write, and receive encouragement from it. That is my glory, because I know that that is bringing glory to God. I do not seek the applause of men, but I sure do seek to see the fruits of my labor. I pray that I do better at posting and sharing the gospel every day in some form or another and I pray that I’ll be able to be face to face with many of you this year sharing the gospel in song and word.

The days of scripture being written are done. Revelation caps the book and no other words were added, regardless of what some religions tell you. It’s finished. But the word of God, written thousands of years ago is still as fresh today as it was the day it dripped from the pen of the writer. Every time you open the Bible it’s like a brand new book never read.  And we have need to share it! Because that is where this miserable world is going to find hope and joy and God will be glorified! And I just wrote myself happy!!!!

I pray you know Jesus. I pray you’ll make a commitment to live bolder in 2020. Because there are souls a plenty in 2020 who need Christ! Let’s get out there people and tell the world about our Savior!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Evangelism, Uncategorized

What Does it Mean to Wait?

There are days that I consider myself a fairly good example to the children of God and to the lost… maybe two days out of the month. That would make it multiple so that I could use the tense of “days.” But most days I feel like an epic failure because I know that I’m not living up to the potential within me through Christ. 

These past few weeks have been a blur; I went from one project and one task to another until they all ran together like melted crayons. I felt consumed. That’s not a good feeling. I had very little rest, mostly just collapses of exhaustion and then I would wake up and begin again. But today… the day after our celebration of the Lord’s birth I feel renewed. There’s nothing pending… well except work. But that’s okay. There’s nothing that has my attention away from the Lord. His word is honey to my mouth, and oil to my joints. I’ve been stale and stiff. I have no other description of how I’ve felt of late physically. Nothing satisfied my tastebuds, and my body groaned under the pressures of the day. But today… not so much… That makes me sad and glad all at the same time. Because I missed Christmas this year. Or at least the Spirit of the season. I was too busy… again. 

But today my mind is slowed down, absorbing the word and the mind of God. I’ve missed Him (I moved, not Him). And I wasn’t a very good example; not like the children of Thessalonica  for which Paul, Sylvanus  and Timotheus wrote to.

1 Thessalonians 1:7-10 KJV

[7] So that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia. [8] For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing. [9] For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; [10] And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

Sounding Christians

Ensample is a large example; meaning that the Thessalonians were collectively serving as a group of believers, sounding out the word of God, not only in their hometown but spread abroad! Yes, that’s exciting for those of us on the internet and those of us who are a part of the body of Christ through the local church. Because imagine what the folks from Thessalonica could have done with such a tool. And while I have sore attempted to spread the word abroad, I’m not always successful because I’m not using the tools I’ve been given to their full potential. That’s what I believe the children of Thessalonica were doing. They were being heard… loudly!

Showing Christians

To be a part of an ensample, you have to personally be an example. Showing the love of Christ is more than a December thing. The world seems to get extremely good at showing love this time of year. But by January the feeling has long since faded into background of Christmas and the New Year and new goals and objectives are on their minds. This ought not be the case with Christians. We should have that Spirit of giving 12 months out of the year. Not that we should be giving out fruit baskets continually, but the fruit of the Spirit! 

The Thessalonians were so good at being an example that it says nothing else needed to be said. Oh that I were such a one! 

Serving Christians

The word “wait” gets a bad rap. It is so more often thought of as a spirit of setting, not serving. But add an “er” at the end, and suddenly the spirit of serving, as in being a waiter or waitress, shines a different light on it’s meaning. The children of Thesalonica were not sitting around twiddling their thumbs, waiting for the return of Jesus, they were telling the world about the One that was to return and save this world from the wrath to come. For the record… the wrath is still on our timeline. 

Those who don’t know Christ will not be spared the wrath of God when He pours out judgement upon the earth in the last days. We see the signs of it everyday. God has a calendar too. 

My friend Sue gave me another beautiful date book for me to keep my busy life in view. I love it… but this morning it reminds me that God has something else I need to keep in view. Eternity. Where will you be in eternity? Where will your friends and family be? Let’s find out today and add another mansion address!

What does it mean to wait? Serve not Sit!

God bless ya! Shari

Posted in Uncategorized

More Important Than God

I have a 4-5 a.m.  morning routine and 3 critters that know it well. Izadora, who as I write lay curled up with her master in bed, and she would lay there as long as her little puppy bladder would allow, because it’s warm and toasty and it’s her favorite place in the world. And then there is my alarm clock Versace, my beloved Jackjuajua (Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix). And then the most important of all (in her world) Cali the Calico cat. Who is the subject matter of this blog today. 

Versace knows my morning routine so well that he, by repetition, meets me where I’m going when I get up. He knows my first 🛑 stop is going to be the potty. And so he runs before me and waits for me to get there. His potty break is to follow.  He knows my third stop is the coffee pot and the fourth is the kitchen table where I have a bowl of cereal. It never enters his mind to interrupt that process. He is a loyal servant minded dog. Our dog deserves the best, so we go the extra mile and make sure to only buy the best cbd oil for dogs.

That was my routine this morning, and as I sat down to have my cereal, I began to pray; but I prayed a little long for Cali. She was outside my kitchen door wanting back in, as she does every ten minutes after having been let out five minutes prior. I continued to pray, and she climbed the screen door and began shaking it to get my attention. She didn’t care that I was talking to God, she wanted in. She believes she is indeed, “more important than God.”

It reminds me of the joke about the creation of dogs and cats. It’s been said that God seen that man needed a loyal companion, to hang on his every word, and be there at will… and knowing the nature of woman, and that she probably wouldn’t, God created the dog 🐕 , And the dog was so loyal to the man, that the man got arrogant, and began to think he was more important than he was. So God created the cat 🐈 , who ignored the man, until she needed something, and then she demanded the man’s attention, and got it. So God created the 🐁 mouse to attract and entertain the cat, else the man would spend all day doing what the cat said and never get anything accomplished. 

I’m pretty sure that may be a true story from the perspective of my critters. But are we too much different than Cali?  The vast majority of us are an impatient, demanding lot of people, who thinks the world 🌎 should be at our disposal, as well as God. He should be there when we have desires, and He should not when we have ideas other than His. When we’re hanging from a thread (or a screen door) He should fix the issue. But He should not interrupt day with the expectation of service. He is so often treated as Cali does me, I am her servant, not her master. And the dogs are a nuisance unless she wants entertained. Much like those who need us in the world are to Christians.

Today is a day I dread. I’m going to work to meet a man at 8 a.m. who is going to fix a problem that I created. He’s a very expensive software project for my company, which makes me sad. This guy is arrogant and loves to speak down to the lesser sort, for which he considers me because I don’t understand his 20th century computer program for which I wasn’t trained. And he wanted to do that for $1800. But I want his antiquated system gone, and so I “thought” I could muddle through until we get a new one next month, and in that process, I created a problem that today will cost us $900. My company is fine with it. I am, as I said, sad. The board doesn’t care for the computer man either, and they realize the problem was partly my impatience, combined with the software companies terrible business practice, but also the jam our company is in right now with a correlating new board and staff. But it is what it is, and I must go deal with it. 

But my question for myself today is, am I going to be like the dog or cat? And will this man see Jesus? Am I here to serve or be served? The flesh in me says for 900 dollars this man should entertain me all day, and pat my head every time he passes by. But I have a feeling he is going to be the cat today. And I will buy his food, praise him for being so beautiful, and will understand that I was put on earth to make him feel better about himself. 

I wrote all that to tell myself this, I am not God and I should treat no man as they are. I should be a servant to all mankind, because Christ Himself was. Never take my word for it, take it from the Word of the Almighty God.  

1 Peter 2:9-17 KJV

[9] But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: [10] Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. [11] Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; [12] Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. [13] Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; [14] Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. [15] For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: [16] As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. [17] Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

I don’t think it’s happenstance that God took me to my life verse (1 Peter 2:9). But the verses that follow put me in my place. However… me being me cannot forget the fact that Christ put the arrogant Pharisees in their place when needed. While I am a humble servant, I am also a child of the King and should act accordingly. 

I covet your prayers! Love ya 💕


Posted in Christmas, Eternity, Uncategorized

It’s Going to Happen!

But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; after those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for light by night, which divide the sea when the waves thereof roar; the LORD of hosts is His name.

Jeremiah 31:33-35

The house of Israel. God’s original chosen and still His people He has a massive plan for them; one that breaks my heart as a tender hearted woman. I wish the world wasn’t “the world.” I wish that the original sin in the garden with Adam and Eve, never happened. But it did. I wish that Israel had not continued to rebel against God and refuse to acknowledge His Son, and in the finality of their decision making, crucified Him. But all of that happened. I wish that the woman who sat beside me in the lobby of the Holiday Inn this morning didn’t have a rebellious son that had caused their separation. But it happened. Life is real and it’s filled with poor decisions from the beginning of time, to some of my breakfast decisions. The degree is not always the same, but it is all the product of a fallen world. But I love the “buts” of the Bible. Times they are a changin’! Glory to God!

The lobby has cleared out, and so as the distractions for me… well, except the news. But I can’t help to be tunnel focused on this word this morning. God made that covenant of Jeremiah with the house of Israel; but He, in His great mercy, grafted me into the family so I too share in that promise. And if you are a child of God, so do you! It’s the Christmas 🎄 gift 🎁 that keeps on giving! Every day… Amazing grace. It’s like the simplicity of the Christmas tree in the hotel lobby, just for ever green with specks of red. It reminds me of eternal life because of the blood of Jesus.  

Israel doesn’t get it…yet. But God’s covenant isn’t going anywhere. It’s going to happen. And there will come a day that they will experience what we have the blessing of experiencing now: they will KNOW GOD! We will dwell in eternity together. Us and them. Us and God. Us and Jesus! Yep! Just wrote myself happy!!!!!

I’m headed home today after having come to this area to watch the Cirque Musica at the Keith Albee Theatre in Huntington, WV. Personally… I don’t recommend it. The show for the money wasn’t there. But what was here in this place is the presence of God because He travels with this chick. And every other Christian. Some folks just seem to put Him in the bottom of the suitcase, rather than letting their little light shine. Let Jesus shine in your life today.  Talk about Him, share Him… Talk to Him. 

Blessings!!! ❤️ Shari

Posted in Eternity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

How to Know if You’re Religious

Jesus Chick Graphics

Luke 1:17 ~ And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

John the Baptist. One of the characters of Christmas that I seem to gloss over until it comes to his beheading. And then I quickly read past it because it breaks my heart to think of the profound immorality of the world then and now. Not much has changed in regard to religion. And I use that word only to generally define us. John the Baptist wasn’t religious. Religion wore a fancy robe, John wore camel hair. Religion drank wine and had fancy hors d’oeuvres, John ate locust and honey. Religion pointed a finger, John pointed people to Christ. Religion was pompous and societal, John was loud!!!! “Prepare ye the way!!!” He cried. Even Isaiah warned the people about  him. 

Isaiah 40:3 ~ The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Sunday as we prepared for the Christmas Cantata, our sound man Carl, struggled to hear the voices of the music. (He didn’t know there wasn’t any on this particular part of the sound track.) In his attempt to find them he turned the split track up full blast, unbeknownst to the choir. When voices did finally come onto the track they blared out full decibel, and the entire choir just about jumped out of their skin! It was hysterical! We laughed and laughed and it took five minutes to regain our composure and get back to the matter at hand of rehearsal. Good times! 

This morning it reminds me of what must have been the reaction of those stuff shirt religious Pharisees when they heard John the Baptist coming out of the wilderness and into their part of the world. Religion doesn’t like to upset the🍎 apple 🍏 cart.

My text today, Luke 1:17 likens John the Baptist to Elias, also known as Elijah. Both were men of the same spirit and disposition. They were zealous, leaders and loners. They dressed weird. 2 Kings 1:8 says that Elijah was “an hairy man, and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins.” Neither really cared about what the current trend of the day was. They both reproved kings and both suffered persecution because of it. 

Religion makes me nauseous. 

How to know if you’re religious. (I do, because I was)

  1. You not only care about what you wear (which is fine) but you judge the apparel of others (which is not.)

I personally love clothes. But, I like every kind of clothes. Yesterday I wore the cutest red 👠 shoes ever, a black lace skirt and a shiny jacket! I love them. But to the evening service, I wore 👟 sneakers and jeans. I’m truly not about impressing the masses with my apparel. I wear what I like. I fully believe it is more about my relationship with God than my relationship with a tailor. 

  • You care about where you live (which is fine) but you judge where others live. (Which is not.)

I love beautiful homes. I however do not live in a home that will ever find it’s way to the cover of a design magazine. It’s a double wide that’s had work done, and needs work done. It’s small, but it’s home. I raised my kids here, and they come home here. It’s got a lot of hand made goodness by my husband that makes me smile every time I see it. Because he was proud of his handiwork. It’s loud. And the kids are rowdy and sometimes annoying, but it’s where we live. 

When John the Baptist came out of the wilderness, he must have looked a sight! But those who listened didn’t care. They got the message. In Luke 3:3 it says of John that he came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;”  and some folks listened and others loathed him (much like today), especially Herod the tetrarch, because John called out his sin of having an affair with his sister in law! 

John didn’t judge… he left that to God; he just spoke truth and the world doesn’t want the truth. And the truth of the matter is, religious people really do care where you live and where you come from. And they care for the wrong reasons. John didn’t care where people came from, he cared where they were going! That’s good stuff right there isn’t it? Forget the neighborhoods we live in, let’s talk about where we’re moving too! Glory!

Posted in Christian Service, Christmas, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Our 2019 Christmas Project

Question: At what level is my commitment to the mission of Jesus?

____ I do not care about Jesus or His mission. I have more important goals.

____ I am a little confused at times as to what part I play and how I do this.

____ I want others to know Jesus, but I have too much going on in my life at this time.

____ I want to make disciples and help others grow and know I should, but I am not.

____ I am committed to helping others grow in spiritual maturity and am currently (or recently) discipling someone.

Those were the questions on a recent blog post I ran across from the First Baptist Church of Scott City, MO. Good questions I thought. And while I would select the last of the five, I began to worry about answers 1-4. 

Somewhat less than a hundred years ago when I taught substance abuse prevention in the school, one of my youth made the comment that his dad had said (upon seeing one of the commercials for requesting money to feed starving children in Africa) “I don’t really care about the starving children in Africa.” In his poor attempt to be funny, and teach his children to keep their money at home, he actually spoke what I believe is the attitude of most Christian people. We take care of our own. Those outside of our family, or church are not on our hearts. 

I know this blog seems random, but I promise I’ll bring it together. 

Yesterday my friend Luann Johnson, from North Carolina, drove to Calhoun County, West Virginia to plan our 4th annual Christmas Project. Four years ago she ran across my name on a Google search for “West Virginia Christian women,” which I love that she did, because she and I became fast friends and sisters in Christ.  For three years she and her husband Daniel, and often a few other friends have driven 5 hours to serve as Christ served, in our community. People she doesn’t know, who might as well be from Africa because she may never see them again. But for one day she serves them as though she were Jesus and they were her close personal friends. She always encourages me and reminds me not to get wrapped up in the wrapping of the Holiday, but to get tied into the Holy One! Oh how glorious to be a child of the Living God. Who desires our help… and would never, ever say, “I don’t real care about the starving people in Africa.” It is sad that every time I see the man who uttered those words, that’s what I think of. Even though, he’s probably a nice fella, and is very active in their church. And that reminds me that I too am accountable, and far from guilt free, on the words that I utter.

Our project this year for 2019 is “A Fruit Filled Christmas.” We want to reach souls for Christ, and be fruitful for the Kingdom. We’re going to give folks a little token of love in fruit and gifts for the families who are given invitations. We’re asking local churches to give us the names of families who would benefit from an evening of Pizza, and fellowship with a message of love for them from Luann, Daniel and the Jesus Chick. The Johnson Trio! If you have someone in mind, contact me through social media, or by phone (304)377-6036 and I’ll reach out to them with a personal invitation.  We’d also accept any donations of fruit and other foods to bless families with this Christmas.

As it stands now the event will be December

This season is so wonderful to remind us to give. But it should also remind us to serve. So back to the questions from the First Baptist Church. What is your level of commitment to the mission of Jesus? He’s not the baby in the manger… He’s the King of Glory! And our Christmas goal should not be our family only, but the family of God and what we can do to reach and win more souls for Christ before His return. Every time I utter the words “His return,” in any form, my heart flutters. I think it’s nearer than we can imagine… and nearer than many want to believe. 

God bless ya!!!! !~ Shari

Posted in failure, Grace, Health, Life Inspiration, testimony, Uncategorized, Word of God

You Don’t have to Pay for Common Sense

Can you believe it? Here we are smack dab in the middle of the Holiday Shopping season. Today is Black Friday, and I can’t say that I’m sad to be working. While Black Friday is fun, kind of… it’s also, at least in my experience, a waste of money. A trip to the big city requires a half a tank of gas, eating out a few times, and buying things that I usually discovered weren’t that great a deal. There would be a few bargains, but the bulk of it was not. This message is brought to you by God. He actually gave it to me, but I decided it was a worthy share! You’re welcome. 😀

My text today is from Hebrews 5:8-14

[8] Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; [9] And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; [10] Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec. [11] Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. [12] For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. [13] For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. [14] But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Wisdom In Common with Jesus

He is the Son of God, for which we too have been made. 2 Corinthians 6:18 tells us “And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” And as the children of God we are entitled to wisdom the world is not. Although I know that, I have a tendency to forget, and it was a commercial for a diet plan that popped up on Instagram that brought it to the forefront of my mind, where it has been for several days. While I truly believe this woman has some wonderful ideas to share about our relationship with God in diet decisions, and her plan wasn’t that expensive, for me I knew wasn’t something I needed to spend $50.00 for. God spoke to my heart and said, “Stick with me kid, and I’ll show you the way.” It’s true! While there are specific diets that I need instructions for, the Bible is truly all I need if I read it, and use it for guidance in every day decisions. We have the Spirit dwelling inside of us, making us in common with Jesus’ wisdom. 

Suffering In Common with Jesus

While Christ was indeed the perfect Son of God, one thing that He he not experienced in Heaven was suffering. Verse eight said “yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered.” Which is where some of the greatest lessons in my life have come from, because I am anything but perfect. I make the same mistakes over and over again. Jesus didn’t make a mistake that brought suffering, I made His mistakes, and you did. It was our sins that brought on the suffering of the cross, but what He learned was that He was willing to suffer it all for us to have a relationship with God the way He does. Did that knock a knot on your head like it did mine? Wow! Every time I come to the realization of what the Lord did for me, I stand amazed. 

Sense in Common with Jesus

We should have sense in common with Jesus, but as the writer of Hebrews says, many are still suck babies who haven’t moved out of the bottle stage. Truth? I think so. I too can fall into that category. Especially when it comes to making life decisions that I know the right answer too, but go in error because it tastes better. Literally. The young lady with the diet plan speaks of praying her way through the grocery store. Isn’t that a great idea, and it should be common sense, but it’s not something most of us consider because our mind is in the cheesecake isle… or maybe that’s just me. 

Verse 14 says “But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

Good and evil speaks to what’s good for us, and what’s bad. Exercising is good. Even though scripture says it “profiteth little.” (1 Timothy 4:8) That’s my favorite part of that verse. But the problem with me, and many others, is that we want the milk of the verse, and not the meat. The full verse says “For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the the life that now is, and of that which is to come.”

We all want Heaven. Most of us want it a long time from now. But we make decisions like we want it tomorrow. Ouch. I just felt another knock on the top of my head again. It’s like Black Friday shopping, it’s only a good deal if you need it. Whether it’s dieting or shopping, do you need it? That’s where the wisdom and sense of God come into play. Else there will be suffering.

I don’t know about you… but for me that was good word going into this shopping season of insanity. Amen! 

Love ya! Hope you have a blessed day. ~ Shari

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Family, Life Inspiration, Praise, Purpose, Uncategorized

What is Needful, What is Vanity?

Jesus Chick Graphics©️

Thanksgiving Eve. I feel as though I have been so very ungrateful for the goodness of the Lord. My days are running one into another, my nights are little more than naps in the dark. I understand the psalmist when he says in Psalm 127:2 It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

Why am I always shocked when the Lord gives me the very word I need for such a time as this? But I am. Every time. I haven’t been in the secular work force for years. And it has upset my apple cart, and I feel like I’m letting the Lord down and friends down, and my church down… and the guilt is heaping upon my soul unresolved because I’m not dealing with it. Hello. Can anyone identify? 

So this morning I went one direction, and the Lord said… nope, you’re gonna deal with it Shari. So here I am. In a very public way; dealing with it in hopes of helping you this holiday season when the world gets you overwhelmed. And we all know that this is just the season to do it!

Vanity. For me the definition of vanity is “self promotion and elevation.” It’s when I put myself before all else. And while the job I’ve landed in seems like trying to untangle a tiny gold chain that has been pulled taunt and laid in a drawer for years…it’s also like a puzzle that needs put together. And in that I’m somewhat fascinated. And so it’s on my mind. A lot. So is decorating for Christmas and shopping for gifts and finding the right shoes for the right outfit. Yep… vanity.

I’m being real. This is why the guilt is on me. What is needful and what is vanity? Back to Psalm 127:

[1] Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. [2] It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep. [3] Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord : and the fruit of the womb is his reward. [5] Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

My job title is “Marketing and Finance.” I see that in psalm 127. My job in marketing is to promote the company. Not me. Not who I am. But rather using my talents to promote some one else. Is that not similar to our faith? It’s not my job to put myself in the forefront of my life,  but rather He who redeemed me! Glory! I love that. Unless God is building my life, it’s vanity.  It’s vain for me to rise up in the morning and put my will above God’s. It brings me the bread of sorrows, when God desires my rest.

I think that verses 3-5 speak to prioritization. God. Family. Ministry. All else.

I am so very thankful to those of you who have patiently awaited my return this week. You drive me to seek God for us both.i pray you have an amazing Thanksgiving! Blessings…. Shari

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

The God Connection

I love the Word of God. In the many forms of which He has provided it, I can’t say that I love one more than the other. Spoken, read, Holy Spirit lead… words. I just love them when they are connected to God. Words are often a trigger for my mind to go off like a gunshot whirling through space and time. I get excited about where I’m going to land. Like last night, when Doug Rowe taught at Victory Baptist Church. He is a co-teacher and friend through the church and teen ministry, and last night was his first opportunity to teach in the adult realm of the church. He did not disappoint. He is a deep thinker spiritually. But the word that I kept getting hung up on as he taught last night was the word “sound.”

I love sounds too! In the form of music, preaching, worship… sounds connected to God. There’s a pattern of joy in my words this morning. The God connection. It’s an awesome thing.

Sound, the Noun

The word “sound” can be a noun, a verb or an adjective. As can the Name, Proper noun of God. The Verb of I Am and the Adjective of Holy. I love this thought this morning! God is most certainly all encompassing in life. Especially through words. 

According to Merriam-Webster, sound is a noun when it is a particular auditory impression. Such as a tone. The sensation perceived by the sense of hearing. It’s that joy that I spoke of earlier. What a privilege to be able to hear sounds. Lose your hearing for even a second, and you can understand how blessed we are to have it. Imagine never hearing the sound of baby giggles. Wouldn’t that be a sad world. The aging process often dulls hearing, but praise God there are sounds through the Spirit that can never by dulled if we’re in tune with God, because they’re not auditory, but rather internals sounds. Oh my stars… I just wrote myself happy!!! I need a shirt that says that… 

Sound, the Verb

To “cause” a sound. I love that Merriam-Webster’s definition said “as a trumpet.” Glory!!! There will be a trumpet sound one day when the arch angel is given the order by God to call His children home. I am so ready, but so many of the people I love are not. And so I pray as the song says “Wait a little longer please Jesus, a few more days to get our loved ones in.” 

When sound is a verb it’s because it’s an action. And every action should create a re-action. The sound of the Word of God should cause us, you and I, to take actions in our lives. I’ve really felt that I’ve let the Lord down lately because I’ve not been as faithful to reading and studying the word of God lately. Going to work is a new norm for an old body and I haven’t quite got in the groove of things yet. My 4:30 a.m. wake ups seem little more than house cleaning alarms and I’m failing miserable at that too.  So this morning has been a blessing to get in the word of God and hear the sound of God’s voice in my Spirit.

Sound, the Adjective

I believe it is what the world desires more than anything and it can only be found in God. A sound mind. 

Merriam-Webster describes the adjective version of sound as stable, secure, reliable… is that not what we all desire for our lives? It’s the reason I use Merriam-Webster as my source for definitions. Because I have yet to find any other version of the dictionary that is biblically sound for describing what a word means. It’s why I use the King James Version of the Bible. All others have too much interjection by man. We have to be cautious of where our sources of information come from. Our lives must be backed up by the word of God, every part of it. Who we are. (Proper Noun) How we act (verb)  and how the world sees us (adjective) 

2 Timothy 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

A sound mind describes that feeling of “all” being right with the world. The feeling you can only have knowing that Christ has “all” this world in His control. And He will bring us through whatever the world throws at us. 

2 Timothy 1:13

Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou has heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ.

From the version of Bible that you use, to even the version of dictionary; the sound word of God is what stabilizes our lives in the wonky world we live in. That is where we find the sound doctrine of 2 Timothy 4:3

For The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

Have you ever seen a time in life when people want coddled and sugar coated words to make their lives easy? They do not want the truth, because it convicts, and conveys the message that causes them to know their world is not right; because Christ is not the center of it. 

So my prayer for you and I today is that we will hear the sound of God through the Spirit, and have the sound mind we need for this world, so that if the trumpet sounds today, we’ll be ready!!!! Stay Connected! God bless ya! And Thank you Doug Rowe for being a faithful man of God and sharing what the Lord laid on your heart.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Praise, Uncategorized

The Fruit of our Lips

Hebrews 13:15

By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

In search of a word from the Lord, He reminded me that I have words too. Words of praise, words of encouragement… words.

Lots of them. 

His words come first. For guidance, instruction, chastisement, peace, and sometimes just wonderful conversation. All of which is an example to me that I should be more about my Father’s business. It came in the form of a visit from a childhood Sunday School teacher, Miss Janet. One of the sweetest ladies in my life. She stands just a little over four feet tall, but inside that tiny frame is one of the first people I met in Calhoun County who forever impacted my life for Christ. She’s was a soul winner, long before I had heard that terminology. She loves Jesus and she uses her words for that purpose. She uses her words to tell her little part of the world that she loves Jesus. That is a huge part of our Father’s business.

The Thanksgiving Holiday is just a few weeks away. Can you believe that? Where has another year gone. I stand in awe at how very quickly life is passing. I’m 57 years old. Yesterday I was in Miss Janet’s Sunday School class in the basement of the Mt. Zion Methodist Church. And I know that for her it seems like yesterday that she too was a young woman. We have less and less time to make our words impactful. But along that pathway of life, we need to take the time to show our gratitude to the Lord for all He’s done. To praise Him continually. It’s what I learned from Miss Janet yesterday. She’s still a teacher. Never stop praising Him. 

Words are the fruit of our lips. What’s the flavor of your fruit. Sweet like an apple, hardy like a pear? Perhaps in that ooey goodness of a banana. I hope if you’re a lemon you add a little sugar. Are you a peculiar fruit like a star fruit. Oh my goodness. My mind is going so many different places. God’s creation is a great place to start praising Him!

What’s in your frig today? If you have anything, and I’ll bet you have more than that! We need to thank Him for it. So many in the world have nothing. They don’t even own a frig. I learned that from my friend Martin in Africa. They harvest, kill and eat. No left overs. No frig. Just living day to day. Oh… we have so much to praise Him for today! 

I pray you’ll use your words wisely. Be sweet and fruitful. Using your words to glorify the Father. Happy Saturday! And if you’re reading this today, remember tomorrow is Sunday. A good day to go and praise Him!! I’m ready!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Life Inspiration

You Can Do It!

Those are the words of Christ, that spoke to my heart this morning. He did not say it in that manner of course, His words were documented by Matthew in chapter 19, verse 26:

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

All things? Well, let’s unpack the context of that verse and see what Jesus says about “all” things. I need to unpack it, because I hear that verse yielded around so often. It’s a great Instagram and Facebook verse. It encourages those who are down and need a word to continue on. It’s encouraged me in like fashion. But that response wasn’t toward something that most people use that verse for. Jesus had just told a young man to sell every thing he owned and give it to the poor. 

So is that a word for everyone? Yes and no. When the young man asked the question “what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” God knew the intent of his heart. As well as ours. Scary thought. In my teen class a few weeks ago, one of the younger of the boys was there when we were discussing the fact that God sees every thing. And I said to them, “God sees all the good you do.” To which he replied with direction to his peers, “Yeah, God sees it when we’re good!” To which I followed it up with “And, God sees when you do something wrong.” At which time he responded with a a look of concern on his face, “He does?” Makes sure you draw that word “does” out to about three syllables. Because he did, and I cracked up. Because I knew he had just fed me a line about something he did that wasn’t true. Well that attitude is in little boys and boys, and little girls and big girls. And God knows our heart.

The rich young man wanted eternal life. And in all honesty, God did not need his money. But Christ’s response about a rich man going to heaven being as likely as a camel going through the eye of a needle, bothered them all. It bothers the vast majority of the earth today. The young man wasn’t willing to even consider giving up what he had to serve Jesus. And Jesus knew that. It wasn’t that he couldn’t be saved, it’s that he wouldn’t be saved. That broke my heart. Because I see it everywhere I go… including the church house, and including my own heart.

I am viewed, and I’m humbled by it, as an outspoken child of God. I am very vocal about my love for Jesus and the worlds need for salvation. But if I truly examine myself, and I don’t have to dig very deep; there are parts of my heart that I have yet to surrender to God. I’m hanging on to my riches… Anything I have, I owe it to the one who gave it to me. So when Christ says “with God all things are possible,” He means all. As I said, it’s a great verse of encouragement. But God speaks in spiritual terminology. Not of monetary means. Which is why the young ruler wasn’t willing to give it all. He valued that more than heaven. While the unsaved often will not surrender their heart to the Lord because they don’t want to leave the pleasure earthly means give; Christians, who have already been given enteral life, forgo all the spiritual goodness of God because they forget that He knows their heart.

He knows. Two little words that render the feeling in my soul of inadequacy. Praise God for grace. So back to the title “You can do it!” Yes we can. We can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13) He gives us strength, but He expects some effort on our part. So a word for me, and perhaps you today is this: in the examination of your heart, what is it that you refuse to give up for Christ? 

I give up a lot to serve God. Mostly time. And I know my Lord is grateful. But there’s this thing in my heart that I’ve yet to trust Him with… and He knows. Emphasis on “knows.” Draw that out to about three syllables. Because that’s how I feel today.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith, Forgiveness, Health, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

You Can Fix Stupid

It’s Saturday morning, I’ve had a crazy week and I stand in need of some serious rest. Well. Guess where I’m going? It’s not to the world. And it’s not sleep of which I speak. It’s mental rest that I’m in need of. This world can drag me into oblivion and I feel like I’m drowning. And so I go to the only place I’ve ever found true rest. The Word of God.

Christ says in 1 John 14:27

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 

John 14 is one of my favorite books. It’s speaks of that place for which God Himself is preparing for us, but until then, He has provided the Comforter. And just reading the word of God causes my anguished soul to calm and the peace for which I’m longing is there. 

Sometimes the blog comes and then the image, but this morning it was the other way around. I could feel myself collapsing under the weight of the world before I got out of bed. I love the quote “The struggle is real!” Because it is. I’m sure I’m not speaking anything new to you. We all feel it. I’m not the only one with issues. Am I? Of course not. And our dilemmas are personal, and although the struggles of other people may be far worse, it doesn’t mean that ours will be ignored by the Lord. He understands. Long before He went to the garden, where He felt a struggle far beyond anything we will ever know, He still had earthly struggles. 

There were stupid people who walked the earth in Jesus’ day too. That may be a Jesus Chick original quote… just sayin’. Stupidity was a seed planted in the garden of Eden and we’ve been eating of that tree ever since. I won’t throw the rest of the world under the bus and say that I have not had moments of stupidity. Most of the pressures I feel are self inflicted. That seems to be a reoccurring theme on my blog and in my life. So I guess the question for today is “What do we do with the stupidity of this world?”

Fix What You Can

I’m looking at my own life and what’s going on right now. I’ve re-entered the workforce and have taken a job that needs some serious TLC. (Tender, loving, care). This week had me wading through paper work, checking accounts and new computer programs and the occasional stupid person. Mainly a computer programmer who I have no desire to ever meet. What I discovered is, I can fix this. But every problem has to be dealt with one at a time and with wise counsel. I’ll be honest with you, that’s never been my strong suit. Asking for help has always made me feel weak and less. But when the computer program kicked my butt this week, I had to call for counsel; and when the computer programmer talked to me like I was an idiot, and told me that his program took 2-6 months of training, which wasn’t included in what I’m paying him, I immediately knew who the idiot was, and it wasn’t me. So how do you fix stupidity. Get a new program.

The same is true in life. If what we’re doing isn’t working, we need to get a new program. It might be my stupidity or that of another that’s causing me issues, but I can’t keep doing the same thing and get a different result. So let’s change it up.

Don’t Let What’s Broken Cause you to Fall

For certain something broken can cause you to fall. My broken body has put me into the position of falling on several occasions.That feeling has caused me frustration and I’ve had to learn that aging is a process, but it’s not an ending. It’s just a new program.  And I’m slowly learning that the new program isn’t bad. I’ve just had to adjust my ways of doing things and my way of thinking, a lot! 

But what if it’s not something physical. What if it’s a broken heart or broken dreams. Perhaps it’s a broken promise. All of which can cause us to fall into a spiritual trap of the Devil. Satan loves it when something stupid happens in our lives that breaks us. When we’re down on our knees we have two choices; we can either cower to the demonic forces that want to make us miserable, or we can take what’s broken to the Lord Jesus Himself, and allow Him to fix it for us. It takes counsel. Sometimes from people, but always from the Lord. He is the only One that has the power to mend a broken heart or spirit. 

So you see, contrary to popular belief, you can fix stupid. 

I am aware that there is an exhaustive list of stupidity. And that it’s not a one size fits all. But it is a One size fix’s all. And that’s the Lord Jesus. Regardless of the category, the level or the depth of disaster. God’s got it covered and is more than willing to work with us. Isn’t that great?! You can fix stupid… who knew!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Eternity, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

At what point will God say “Enough”

I have to ask myself that question as I read Revelation 3:14-22

The lukewarm church Is the modern day way. I see it everywhere I go, and I run the risk of falling into that spiritual category with my own personal relationship with Christ. I can get too busy, become too apathetic about my great commission; which is to go, observe and teach. So it makes me wonder, at what point is God going to say, “I’ve waited long enough.” 

There is coming a day when the door of opportunity for salvation is closed, be not deceived, it will be a sad, sad day… not only for the unsaved, but the saved as well when our opportunity to win the souls of our friends and family is over.

Revelation 3:14-22 KJV

[14] And unto the angel k of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; [15] I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. [16] So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. [17] Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: [18] I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. [19] As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. [20] Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. [21] To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. [22] He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

The Laodicean church was the wealthiest of the seven. It was known for four illustrative things in Christ’s message on their final days. Three industries and their source of water (a vital part of any community).

The Banker

It was known for its banking industry, being a city of great wealth. How much of an Industry is that across America? It’s big business and it’s more often than not a merciless business. So when John writes the words of Christ “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire.” He’s not trying to sell them something, He speaks of the spiritual treasures. Those things that moth and rust cannot corrupt and cannot be obtained through earthly means. There will be no banker in Heaven, but there will be great wealth. 

What does that say about our time here on earth? Which is the more important to focus on, dollars or destiny! Gloray! I’m headed to work in about 40 minutes, but I can assure you, my heart is not on the dollars I’ll derive from my day at work. It’s on what spiritual gold I can lay up today by doing something for Jesus.

The Merchant

Another industry of Laodicea was the manufacturing of wool. As we are heading into the winter season here in West Virginia wool is a great thing. But the Christ speaks to the desire within most of us for “stuff”. Or perhaps it’s just me. I love stuff! But verse 18 continues with Christ’s counsel “that thou mayest be rich, and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear.”

I love, love, love clothes and shoes. I’m a fanatic . But I am aware that my trip before the throne will not find me clad in leopard boots and cute jeans. Nope. My apparel will be the robe of righteousness that Christ made for me when He took my sins upon His back on the cross. Christ reminds me that I need not be so focused on how good I look on the outside, but what is most important is what is going on inside with my heart. My robe and my position in Heaven, will be dependent upon the spiritual treasure I lay up through the winning of souls and my Kingdom work.

The Educator

Within the city of Laodicea was a medical school that produced eye salve. Can you see the spiritual implications there? Christ continues His counsel “anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mightest  see.” 

I am forever grateful for the medical team that did my open heart surgery. I’m especially grateful for those that I felt understood my reliance on Christ, not them. But of the team who did my surgery wasn’t a completely saved group. Yet God worked through them to save my life. How I wish that they would have healed their own hearts by accepting what Christ did for them. This was Christ’s counsel to the educated of they city… don’t forget Who created you.

The Water Source

At one time an aqueduct was built to bring water to the city from hot springs. By the time the water reached the city it was neither hot nor refreshingly cold, but was rather lukewarm. Christ used this for the illustration of the church that had lost its zeal for Him. The church had become as bland, tepid water, not fit for anything.

And so it is with religion of today. The churches who are more concerned with appearances and worldly acceptance have nothing that will satisfy the dry thirsting soul of the sinner, God help us.

I pray today that you and I will take the refreshing water of the Spirit and word of God to the world around us, I gotta go… but praise God,  I’m fired up and ready. 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

A New Name and an Old Story

Revelation 2:12-17
[12] And to the angel l of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; [13] I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is : and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. [14] But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. [15] So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. [16] Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. [17] He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. …

In this day and age there are plenty of issues in the church. But one of the most nauseating is the “compromising” church. Those who ride the fence on any major political issue and those who look the other way when folks in the church are boldly living in sin without regard for the Lord and how it reflects on Him.

I guess it’s not new!

The church of Pergamos was one such church. Built high on a hill, 1,000 feet above the surrounding countryside and right in the center of Greek culture and education. A very sophisticated city, but with it a very worldly and wiceked culture. It was the center of four cults and highly influenced with people traveling from all over the world to experience the god of healing. It sounds so familiar to those of today selling everything imaginable and knowing that none of it will heal. The world continues to buy the lie to the tune of a billion dollar industry,

The church of Pergamos wasn’t entirely bad; John had some great things to say about them. Including the fact that one of their members, Antipas, was killed for his faith. Obviously some of them were living right. But the trouble was, in their midst was this group of heathens that they simply ignored. Nobody calling them to task for leading people into idol worship or living in sexual immorality. And so, I would imagine that the churches name as a whole, in the surrounding areas, wasn’t of the standard God, or anywhere close.

We are running that risk today when we allow the worlds ways to go unmentioned for fear of hurting the feelings of a world going to Hell in a hand basket. A world who could care less that they not only offend us, but they tear at the very fabric of our being. That’s not being dramatic that’s being honest. Every time we compromise our faith it becomes less and less believable in the eyes of the unsaved.

Try convincing the unsaved that you have anything different when a church member that they know is living like the Devil. You’ll be hard pressed to make any headway,

But at the end of the letter to this church is that wonderful news, that even though there are those that fail around us, if we stay faithful we have so much to gain! The hidden mana that God provides His children in the form of spiritual food that fills the body with contentment and great peace, and a new name written on a white stone in Glory that will be known only to us and God.

I’ve always liked my name because it was a little weird in the way it was spelled, but imagine receiving a name from God. How unique and wonderful will that be!

I’m starting my day with the song in my head, “A New Name Written Down In Glory.” That’ll put a shout in your soul! Stick to the old ways, it will lead to a new day.

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Faith, Heaven, joy, Uncategorized

Keep reading… the war ain’t over.

Revelation 2:8-11 

8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was de-ad, and is alive;

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

The church of Smyrna was just 25 miles north of the church of Ephesus. To me it’s symbolic as well. There’s not a whole lot of distance between being on fire for the Lord Jesus, and having your world turned upside down by the troubles and trials of life. Some of which can be brought on by the fact that you’re just trying to do what the Lord called you to do.

The persecuted church of Smyrna was facing tribulations that most of us have never experienced, nor can we imagine. Facing death for our faith isn’t something that Americans understand. Most won’t even live for Jesus, dying for Him would be unimaginable. But it was a very real possibility in the days for which John wrote. And it will be again.

According to the website An in-depth investigative report focusing on global church persecution showed “a staggering 11 Christians are killed for their faith in the top 50 countries ranked on the World Watch List.” If you’d like to read the article, here’s the link:

While most of us cannot comprehend persecution, we can certainly understand troubles and trials. I’ve had my own and I continue to watch as friends and family suffer. But what I also see is the glory of the Lord.

Last Monday I went to the Long Term Care unit of our local hospital to sing. But before I could get my guitar out of the case, a dear lady pulled me to the side and whispered in my ear, “Shari, I’ve been diagnosed with cancer again, but I’m not seeking treatment. Please just pray for my comfort.” My heart sunk. But what joy there will be in Heaven when this dear friend meets Jesus face to face, for Whom she trusts her life to. I’ll be very sad. She will be very happy!

I’ve watched friends lose children, I’ve seen marriages fall apart and watched them restored, I’ve seen others disintegrate, I’ve seen people lose their jobs and I’ve been victim of that too. But the common thread that always made my heart smile, was the fact that we all held onto hope even on the darkest days because we knew there was a better day coming.

This was John’s message to the church of Smyrna and it’s God’s message to us today. Hold on! It ain’t over until God says it’s over! We may, or we may not have the victory we desire on this earth. But either way, Satan’s going to lose.

This brief and not so in-depth study of the book of Revelation is stirring my soul for Heaven. I’m tired. And not just because of the physical stress. But because of the spiritual stress on my soul. I’m back in the workforce on a part time basis which allows me to continue my ministry work and pay my bills. Win! But what it also does is put me back into the world where I see firsthand the brokenness of society. It’s not that I didn’t know it was there. But being home every day allowed me to retreat into my world more often. Now, one day on the job and I realize I’m among it; and we are not winning that battle.

This world is under the curse of sin and the power of Satan. So what’s a girl to do? Keep reading… the war ain’t over.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism

Candles in a Crazy World

Revelation 2

1Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;

Ephesus was the capital of Asia Minor, a center of land and sea trade. It was one of the most influential cities of the eastern part of the Roman Empire. The temple of Diana was located within the city, as well as the major industry, which was manufacturing the idols of the goddess Diana (Acts 19:21-41) Paul ministered in Ephesus for three years, warning people that false teachers would try to draw them away from their faith. But glory to God, the church of Ephesus had resisted them!

Paul could do a work here today if he were alive. Although we do not have a temple to the goddess Diana, we have an internet. We have crazy religions like “The church of the Spaghetti Monster.” Not joking… that’s a real thing. We have religions that indoctrinate people with a little bit of Jesus and a whole of world. That too was like the world around the church of Ephesus. The Nicolaitanes, mentioned in verse 6 of Chapter 2, were “believers” who compromised their faith in order to enjoy the sinful practices of the Ephesian society. Sound familiar?

It’s why the book of Revelation reads like the headlines of a newspaper laying on the counter of a newsstand today. And why those of us who truly want to let our little lights shine in this world should be reading it, heeding it’s warning and preparing for the sky to split open. And by preparing, I mean ministering to our friends and family that Jesus is coming soon! And that’s not just a song title.

Candlesticks and Stars

We’re about to go into the holiday seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Candlesticks and stars are a center portion of the décor and this year the meaning will be a little deeper for me having read the book of Revelation at the start. John said “These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;

He that was holding the candlesticks and stars was none other than the Lord Jesus. The candle sticks were the churches, and the stars are said to be the church leaders or angels that guard the church. Church leaders are earthly angels that guard the church, are they not? Tears fill my eyes when I think of those in my own community who I adore, and have such a burden for their church, not just my own. I know they struggle. Every day is a fight for the believer. Funny, how thing haven’t changed so much since this book was written.

I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

John commended the church of Ephesus for their stand. Just as he would commend the churches of today who stand for the gospel of Jesus Christ. He alone as the way of Salvation. The churches who believe that there is a separation from the ways of the world, not from the world. We have to live here and minister to the people in our community and let our little lights shine. But we also have to stand with unwavering faith in the doctrines of the bible. I know that that is my calling for this website.

There are times I want to be funny and trendy and do all the things that entertain. That’s just my nature. But then there are mornings like today that as I’m going back into the work force for the first time in years, that I know I’m about to go back into Ephesus again. And my focus has got to be right.

So, this morning I went back into the routine of years gone by. A 4:30 a.m. wake up call, which came naturally, no alarm. Not because I’m “all that and a bag of chips” spiritually. But because I know I need it. I have to have the guidance of the Lord on my day. Christ, through John said of the Ephesus church:

And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Even thought they were good people, they had lost their zeal. I don’t want that said of me. I want my candlesticks and stars to shine brightly in my community and for that to happen I have to stay excited for the coming of Christ. I have to let them see Christ in me.

Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

I’m going back in the world. But I’m not apart of them!

My home is in Heaven and I have the very Spirit of God within me that is sitting on the throne of Glory! That gives me a much better vantage point for the day.

I pray your day is blessed! Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church attendance, Evangelism

My Burden for the Little People!

When I make the statement “I have a burden for small churches,” I get a multitude of looks and responses. If the person to whom I’m speaking is not a member of a small church, or usually any church, they just don’t get it at all. But if they are a member, their response depends upon how active and concerned they are for their portion of the body of Christ. Most are very concerned, and bewildered perhaps, on how to do anything to get their church motivated and growing. I get that. The struggle is real in every church regardless of size. It’s very difficult in our apathetic society who sees no need to arise on Sunday morning with their family and attend their local church. That is what drives me to be up at the crack of dawn on Saturday morning to write about it. And my soul stirs within me because I know I’m called to exhortation of the “little people.” The forgotten church houses in the hills and hollers of the United States. No, not just Calhoun County, West Virginia. Although that is my first mission field. But after traveling to New Mexico and seeing the battle firsthand on that side of the country, my burden is for everyone from east to west and north to south. That is my mission field.

In reading the book of Revelation, I see the little churches. Although the churches for which John is writing may or may not have been little in size. They were notable churches of the day. But read verses 12-16:

Revelation 1:12-16

12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

First of all, the image of John seeing God should get you excited. That will be us one day who know the Lord Jesus as Savior! The seven candlesticks are the seven churches to whom John writes. The seven stars in the hand of Jesus are the seven angels of the seven churches as written in verse 20.

That thought caught my mind this morning as I began to think about my own beloved (a very churchy word with a very deep meaning) Victory Baptist Church and the fact that we have an angel. I have to tell you, with our tribe, that angel gets a workout. That’s spoken part in fun and much truth. Victory Baptist has been my training ground for 23 years. The Lord placed me there because He knew I’d be under great leadership and receive the edification necessary to make a difference in this world. He allowed me to go through trouble, strife and anxieties within and without the church. That too was training ground.

I’ve experienced the power of Jesus in the midst. That’s where He is. Just like He was in the midst of those seven candlesticks, He’s in the midst of our churches. No matter what our church faces, Jesus is there with all power. We lack nothing of what’s necessary to thrive in his world, and yet we all struggle because the battle is very real. Jesus knows that, and that’s why He’s there.

Those angels that are with Jesus are also there to remind us that although Satan and his minions are out there wreaking havoc, we have our own spiritual realm of defenders. Glory to God! that makes me very happy!

Today I am encouraged in this word. I hope you’re encouraged too! Tomorrow is the Lord’s day and we have a few hours before the bell rings. Let’s do what we can to strengthen the body of Christ by prayer, and an invitation or two! That’s where the growth starts.

Save this meme, and share it with your friends… you don’t know until you ask!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration

Go Face the Day, You’re Amazing!

I have to wonder how much of my life I’ve taken for granted who I am. Not that I, on my own, am anyone. Because I am truthfully very well aware that I’m nothing. But in Christ, I’m everything. I can do “all” things through Christ, according to Philippians 4:19, not just some things. All things. And just as I take for granted who I am, I also take for granted Who God is.

So as I began a study in Revelation this morning, I only made it 8 verses until I had to stop. Realizing that it’s amazing that the God of all the universe is living within me. Woah. That’s beyond amazing!!!

The study notes in my bible said that “in reading the book of Revelation, don’t get lost in the imagery and events, so much so that you lose sight of the infinite love, power and justice of the Lord Jesus Christ.” I kind of feel like I do that in life. I get lost in the sights, sounds and emotions of the day and lose the concept of Who I belong to and what my role in this world is.

I want to make the most of every day, but in so doing, I’m wrapped in chaos. I need to slow down. That’s what I keep hearing this week. Perhaps you do to. We need to slow down this weekend and just ponder the fact that we are children of the Almighty! Who was at the beginning, when all the world was spoken into existence, and will be with us through the end and everlasting! Glory!

John, on the isle of Patmos, in the Aegean Sea, off the coast of what is now Turkey, writes this letter to the seven churches that are there. Those letters cause me to wonder what John would have written to me? I realize he wrote to the body of Christ, but in looking at my walk with Christ, what would he have said. Would he have said “You’ve left your first love,” as he did to the church of Ephesus in Revelation 2.

Would he have predicted my persecution as he did the Church of Smyrna or said he wanted to puke me out the church of Laodicea? And what would be my reaction if I heard those words.

Scripture tells us to examine ourselves.

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

2 Corinthians 13:5

So I am.

If Jesus were to split the skies today, What would I be found doing? Well… at 11:00 I’m having my hair done. Which is all good and well, a fellow child of God is doing it. She and I together chat about Jesus, sing hymns and have a grand time of fellowship. Her parlor is like a church service. But I don’t think Jesus is too worried about my outward appearance. The examination is one  of my heart. And on any given day, it falls short of what I desire it to be for Him.

Like understanding the concept of Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. The Creator of time! Living inside of me. And yet I don’t think I can do stuff. I have not forsaken my first love, but I’ve forgotten Him. I need to remember what it felt like when I first experienced that flutter inside my chest when I realized He was knocking on my heart’s door from the inside. That’s another “woah!” moment. He’s literally in there. God Himself!

Now… go face the day Shari. You’re amazing!

Posted in Christian Service

A Day in the Life with Tire Marks and yellow stripes

I get a fascination with Bible characters and think about what their take on today’s society. What would they think of social media? What would they think of the modern churches? Would our services be any thing close to theirs? If they sat in our house on a Tuesday night and viewed firsthand what we did and watched, what do you think they’d teach on, on Wednesday night?

I watch people with a curiosity much the same. How can a Christian so boldly speak foul language and mock sin, and then profess their faith as if it’s a girl scout badge?

Our Examples

Apostle Paul is a character that I cannot wait to meet! He was so bold. He didn’t play church! He died for it and his letters reflect that when he taught the church the manner in which we should live our lives and the degree of dedication. That is my personal biggest issue with the modern church. Their commitment and dedication is ridiculous in comparison to the scripture.

I don’t fair very well either, so I’m not throwing anyone under the bus alone. I’m getting scuffed by the tires too! But this is check list of just a few of Paul’s model ideas for the church.

1 Thessalonians 1: 4-5

Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God. For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power; and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance: as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.

Paul and the other Apostles and Disciples that traveled with him set an example for not only those of their time but of our day too. But I know from my own life that I’m not following their examples any where close to the biblical standard.

Most of the world doesn’t have a clue what the biblical standard is. Christianity is far more than a title. It’s a position.

Our Election

Not to an office, as President of the United States, but rather the fact that each of us who accept so great a salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ are elected to an everlasting life and happiness. It is the effect of His pure love and favor that we are given this position. We were elected by the majority vote. God’s. And yet we live like the underdog. Some of us live like strays. Like we don’t even belong to the church.

Paul calls the elect “beloved.” He has a deep devotion to the churches that God called him to work with. For me this is the bell ringer for whether or not a child of God is taking their election seriously. Do they show up for the meetings? That time that should by all means be set aside to not only fellowship with the brethren but to study God’s word together and receive our messages for the week.

It’s a time that many Pastor’s across America have failed to take seriously. Perhaps because their congregation stopped showing up, or perhaps they need to examine their own commitment.

If the doors are open and the body is able, we should be there. Sunday morning, Sunday Night and Wednesday and any other opportunity! Why? Because this world wants to take us out and we need the Armor.

It’s why Christians aren’t living as they should. They’re not putting on the armor of God. They’re just letting their flesh be exposed the ideals of the world, which Satan loves. Once a person is saved, he’s lost them. He cannot have a child of God. But he can influence them until they’re of no effect to the world around them because their standards are no different and they’ve forgotten that they even hold a position in Heaven.

Our Encounter

Paul mentions that they not only taught the word of God they lived the word of God with the power of the Holy Spirit and in much assurance.

Because the world lives so far from the biblical standards their assurance suffers immensely. Paul had the assurance because his eyes were on Jesus and the mission that He have him. Paul didn’t dabble in the world Monday-Saturday and attempt to show up with a message on Sunday.

Yes, I’m preaching to myself! No, I’m not at bars or destroying my testimony with foul language, but I can turn on Netflix, a magazine story or any of the number of other things that garner my attention away from God and get wrapped up in Hollywood which takes my armor and lays it aside for a sparkly cape and cute boots. I am fickle with the world.

True story.

I must question myself. What kind of encounter am I creating for those who come into my home on any given day? Mainly the grand kids, but there are others and it could be the people I meet on the street. Do they see Jesus, or do they see worldly adorations?

The main question is what effect does my encounter have with the people I meet?

When I was in New Mexico, I had a different boldness that I do not have here. It was obvious to my soul. I do not speak with the same power there that I spoke with there. Because I know the people here, I let the flesh intimidate me into saying less than I’d like.

Being less of an influence. My encounters are not up to standard because they are influenced by location.

In New Mexico I felt the power of Satan fighting against me from the day I agreed to go. When I got there, I knew it was because God had given me that assignment and I didn’t want to fail. Even though I often felt like I did. But I fought on to give the song and message to the people for which I’d been called to serve. At home I slump into a routine and the boldness digresses and I become the Jesus Chick. Not near so bold. Not near so focused.

I just really scared myself there. I know that I’m under the bus with skid marks going up my backside and a yellow stripe. Because I don’t have the bravery that I desire to have. I allow the world to beat me down and convince me that I’m not called to do what I know I’ve been called to do. Speak Boldly!

Life is our mission field. I need to stop forgetting.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Eternity, Life Inspiration, Not Another Manic Monday, Peace, Word of God

The Great Escape

Every time I reach the point of exhaustion, brought on by too much list and not enough time, I have one of those wishful Calgon take me away moments. If you remember the commercial, it’s where the mom soaks down into a tub full of Calgon bubbles and somehow her world goes away.

While that’s awesome. The problem is you have to get out of the tub eventually! Monday comes. That’s where the manic Monday concept comes from. The dishes need done, the work needs done, people need stuff, the phone’s ringing, the bills need paid and it all gets to be too much.

It’s then that I need my life to make sense. I need order in my chaos. And because I am personally my own chaos, I can’t do it. So I go to the word. And I look for my escape from the manic I call Monday.

I knew it was coming. So when the Pastor preached from Philippians four last night and I heard the word escape, my mind began to drift from Sunday night to Monday and I felt that overwhelmed feeling and thought, “that’s my word for the week.” I need to escape!

But just like the Calgon bath, I knew I would eventually have to face it. Just as we all do. So I might as well face it with the Lord and His word.

When looking for an Escape, Don’t Ignore the People

Hebrews 11:32-35

And what shall I more say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae, of David also and Samuel, and of the prophets: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out o the weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in the fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:

Glory to God what a line up of people for us to gather encouragement this Monday morning!

Most of them did escape. They eventually got their Calgon moment. But some went by the way of great escapes because they escaped to the best Calgon Moment of all, the one that never ends called eternity.

And while none of us are likely wanting to shorten our time here. We can still have those Calgon moments if we stay in the word.

Those people, as well as others in our life are there for an example.

Hebrews 12:1 says

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

God knew there would be “Calgon take me away” days. He wanted us to be prepared for them, so He put examples of the others who faced worse, and many in our own lives today. You know who they are. The people that you just don’t know how they do it.

I think of Louis Milam. A man in our church who had crippling arthritis and the deformities that came with it, and yet he seldom ever missed church. He’s my go to guy even though he’s already gone on to Heaven. Every time I want to throw in the towel, I think of him. I don’t figure Louis had one Calgon day in the last 20 years of his life. And yet he didn’t quit.

Don’t ignore the people that God put in your life to encourage you.

My second point:

When Looking for an Escape, Don’t Ignore the Preacher

Hebrews 12:25

See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven:

If that’s not a warning, I’ve never heard one!

October is Pastor appreciation month. It may be one of the most unappreciated professions of all times in this day and age. The world doesn’t want to hear preaching. I crave it. I listen to it more than music, because to me it is music.

It restores my hope! Last night the preacher said something that really made me take note. He said “Nothing should make us go to one extreme or the other, because nothing changes the fact that the Lord is going to return!”


Nothing that happens today is going to change the fact that Jesus is coming back! Woohoo and Glory to God! that should put a shout on you. Because you can say that to Satan and it will for sure get his goat, because he knows it’s true.

Someone once said “If Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.”

That’s why we go to church and take every opportunity we can to listen to good solid preaching because we need that reminder that we will have our day.

Which brings me to my third and final point:

When Looking for an Escape, Don’t Ignore the Promises

2 Peter 1:4

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

We have within ourselves the divine nature of God in the Holy Spirit. We have a Calgon moment in the making anytime we want it, but we have to have the promises of God in our lives to escape the corruption of this world which is also still in us. Those promise are found in the word of God.

I don’t think any of us realize how precious the book is. But we can see how precious Satan knows it is because he keeps doing everything within his power to destroy it. It’s why we have to fight for it.

Not nearly enough came to the fight with Madeline Murray O’Hair in 1963 when she single handedly managed to get prayer and the word of God out of public schools. I wonder what our lives would be like today if she had lost her battle. I read the story of her distorted life and horrific death this morning and praise God for her only living son, William, who is saved and serving God in D.C. as an author, Baptist minister and chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition.

So I’ll say this in closing, the only way to escape the wickedness of this world, is to understand that Jesus is the way, truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through Him. He is the only way to a true Calgon moment. Do you know Him today. I needed this message today. Take heart child of God, Jesus is coming soon!

Please share this post and I pray your week is awesome!!!

Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Health, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Weary, Worry, and Wantonness

There used to be a quote that said, “My momma warned me they’d be days like this.” And while that’s evokes humor, it’s true none the less! Today is a day of feeling overwhelmed. It often happens when I come back from a ministry opportunity because, not only am I facing the undone things of the home, I’m facing the undone things of the spiritual realm too. Things like, promising myself that my prayer life would be richer and deeper, that my ministry would be better focused and scheduled, and my music rehearsal time would become a priority. Hmmmm. Did I really say I’d do all that? Add that to the physical things of the world that has to get done: Chickens to feed and water, 3 critters under my feet today and an extra one, because Maggie Mae the grandpuppy is visiting, in amidst the posters I need to do for our high school cheerleading squad, which my daughter now coaches, 6 children I’ll be picking up from school this evening and yes… my plate is full.  

Some days I wonder if this is considered sanity or insanity.

And, I overslept. Not cool Shari.

The Three W’s of life take their toll. So what are we to do as children of God when it all seems too much?

Weary = Rest

Galatians 6:9 says And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

We must schedule rest; it’s not an option if we want to avoid fainting. And while I will agree with what you’re most likely thinking “There’s no room for rest!” As I said it’s not an option. As Pastor Mike so often said, “You do what you want to do.” And so, I think of my day and the many, many wasted moments that I piddle with this, that or the other that actually serve no purpose and I realize there is time for rest. I just need to schedule it like a doctor’s appointment and during that time allow the Healer to heal this weary soul.

You schedule yours now too!

During that time we need to

  • Tell the Healer where we hurt – Even the places we don’t like to go.
  • We need to close our eyes and listen to His advice. – Shssh.
  • And then we need to just breath. Quietly and peacefully. Imagining the sounds of heaven….

My 3-year-old nephew Jensen, who lives in Maine, is one of the wisest boys I know. He told his Momma last week that “His socks make noises like this… and then he sat very still and quiet for a few seconds.”

I have laughed at that for a week. Thinking of how wise this little fella was to understand that silence is a sound that we need to hear. There is a depth of wisdom in that boys statement that goes beyond what we allow ourselves to understand. Shsssh.

Worry = Trust

Proverbs 16:20 ~ He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.

A lesson that I have to learn again and again, is to do the best I can, and then leave the rest to God. Because I’m a fixer, and I want to fix it… quickly. Trusting even in the Lord Jesus is a struggle. No… let me rephrase that, “Waiting on the Lord Jesus is struggle. I know that I know His way is best. But I so often think my way is faster. And while that is true sometimes, it messes up the plan and causes my happiness to be less than it should be. I’m wondering if you too can identify?

His way leads to happiness, our way leads to happy less. Oh dear… that one smarted!

Finally but not the least of the three that I struggle with is

Wantoness =  Conent

It could speak to “stuff,” or “position or place.” Wantonness is a fleshly struggle for me. I love bling baby!!! And I love it so much so that I get lost in it sometimes. Wanting things for my house, my kids, myself, my husband. It’s hard to be content in a world of media!

And so I’ve been trying to focus myself on using media to promote the Lord rather than allowing it to promote the world to me. If I spend time in my artistic endeavors of Christian banner and art creation, it will hopefully fill my days with causing the world to desire what the Lord provides. Contentment.

Does it always work? Nope. But as always I’m a work in progress.

I hope that my attempts at making my own self better, helps you with your life. I love ya, and I hope you have a Christ focused day!!!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Uncategorized

Three Misunderstood Christian Question/Quotes

I’ve been on foreign mission fields, and I’ve been on American mission fields, and the only difference is the cultures of the people. And that is not only a foreign country issue, but a state to state issue.

I realized that when I tried to explain to a hunter in New Mexico that I was in his state singin’ and speakin’. To which he replied, “What?”

And then I realized that my redneck dialect had gotten me in trouble again and I had to slow down and annunciate my words. So I replied in kind to his question. “Singing and Speaking.” And that he understood.

Sometimes I think we forget when we talk Jesus that that too is another language all together. I realized this when I spoke to a woman in New Mexico who said to me, “I had to call a friend the other day and ask her what sin was. I really didn’t know.

That shocked me. Because sin is, well, sin. But to the lost who are totally unchurched, it’s another one of those Christian words that goes unexplained and assumed that the world understands.

I understood when I had to explain words like that in a foreign land. They didn’t understand my language, but in America. Seriously? A word as simple as sin. It was as crazy to me as the hunter, (who technically should have spoke redneck) but didn’t understand the word “speakin.” It caused me to wonder this morning how many times not only my redneck dialect gets me into trouble, but my Christian dialect.

Churchy words.

Three phrases I throw around too easily without explanation.

  1. Are you saved?

Saved from what? Am I in danger?

Well, as a matter of fact you are. But the unsaved truly doesn’t what there is to be afraid of. We speak of things in the spiritual realm they speak of things in the physical realm.  And to talk about the spiritual realm is like speaking to them of Ghost Busters, Green monsters and perhaps a small concept of Angels.

I’m not so sure that many Christians understand the spiritual realm and what goes on there.

1 Corinthians 2:14

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

So, it’s clearly saying that the unsaved cannot understand spiritual things because they’ve yet to receive the Holy Spirit. And many saved people cannot explain the Holy Spirit because they’re not in touch with Him themselves. We have Christians who don’t find in necessary to go to church on Sunday morning, read their bible, or witness to the lost. Those are three non-negotiable expectations of God.

The best way to explain the word Salvation is almost always through your testimony. And usually any other spiritual question. Because it makes it personal.

I knew what I was saved from the second I got saved. Fear.

My entire life, from the time I was old enough to be lost, I had a fear of Hell. It was placed inside of me by God and I fully believe that everyone of us from a child know that there is a God. Because the Bible says that in Romans 1:20

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:.

Romans 8:16 

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

It’s why it’s important to pray before we speak to the lost. The Spirit has been dealing with them, but we just need to pray so that we too are in tune with what the Spirit would have us say. So to answer them Saved from what is an easy answer for me if I just rely on what God instilled in me as a child. And what I came to know when I did get saved is the truth about Hell. It is a total darkness, fire and separation from everyone and everything. Especially the Creator. And though they do not know Him, they will when they hit Hell and they’ll understand too little too late how wonderful He is.

Another question that we take under assumption is:

  • Do you know Jesus?

I give it very little thought. I assume everyone has at least heard the name. But yesterday a friend of mine blew that theory out of the water when he said he ask a person in the prison that he ministers in and their response was “Who?”

They’d not heard the name. That’s unbelievable in our day and age. But yet it happens. And although most people have at least heard the Name, they still do not understand the concept of Who He is. And if you’re ask that question, how do you answer?

He is God. God in the flesh who wanted to experience life as we did, so He came to earth as a man and walked in the body of a man so that He could understand what it felt like to be a man.

He understood temptation, fear, pain, heartache, betrayal and every other aspect of humanity and yet stayed perfect and Holy. We cannot. I can’t stay perfect 10 minutes. The fact that God understands that connects us to Him in a greater way. A way that the lost wants someone to understand.

It’s why when a Christian stands in judgment of the lost, the lost cannot experience Christ. Because Christ forgave and understood the sin of man, His judgement comes in eternity.

If we can help the lost to understand that first, we’ll be ready to explain Jesus! The lost have to experience Him through us. And we’re going to answer for how and whether or not they have.

Final Quote

  • Christ Died for You.

What? Why would He do that and why did He think it was necessary.

It’s a notion that I have a hard time comprehending myself on a regular basis and I know it’s truth. Why would He do that? And if it’s hard for me to comprehend. Imagine what goes through the mind of a person who’s lost and how do we explain the justification of Old Testament rituals to them, especially in this critter loving world?

For me the only way that I can explain that is through the eyes of a parent – child relationship. One that most everyone understands, even if sometimes it’s from a warped perspective.

I think about Adam’s love of creation. Imagine the time he spent with all of the critters as he named them and loved on them. Imagine the horror of having to kill the first lamb when God had them clothe themselves after the fall in the garden.

I believe God wanted them to understand the separation of death in the same way He experiences it with a child who never accepted His sacrifice. It’s a pain beyond description.

If we can understand that, and the fact that He went from the sacrifice of animals to the experiencing the sacrifice of His Son and watching Him suffer as no animal ever did, then we’ll have a better grasp of why He died for us.

It’s not uncommon for my redneck dialect to get me into trouble. But what I don’t want is for my witnessing to get me into trouble. I want to know that when I tell people about my life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, it’s apparent through my life and my words and it’s done in a way that makes them want what I have.

Who wants what a cranky, judgmental, poor example of Christ has? No one.

But if we can not only show them the love of God, but the explain that love of God, we’ll be on the road to sharing in the salvation of Jesus Christ with them.

My next blog is going to be about my New Mexico experience. I wanted to wrap my mind around it myself before I tried to explain it to everyone. I’ll share some of the amazing things that God did and allow you to come along on the journey, especially those who prayed for this trip.

You’re going to love what you were a part of!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Uncategorized

Will You be Listed?

“I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea.” Romans 16:1

The final Chapter/Letter to the Romans by Apostle Paul. What joy it brought to my soul this morning to read the names of the servants of God that had served with Paul throughout the churches and the roles they played. I imagined my own name being written down in the books of Heaven as to the service that’s being provided in New Mexico in fellowship and service with Gloria Jones and Dewey Moede.

To say that my time here is a blessing isn’t enough. From the first step inside the sanctuary of the First Baptist Church of Magdalena to the final dinner prepared by Pastor Paul Holt, the Spirit was moving. I wept as my heart was overwhelmed with the music by their worship leaders. I sang and spoke and listened to the sermon being delivered by a man of God who was filled with the Spirit and wisdom of God and thought to myself, “Shari, you are blessed, don’t forget it.”

To be in service to the King of the World isn’t something to be taken lightly. And yet, we do. Or at least I do.  Gloria and I traveled to Silver City, NM for more site seeing of this beautiful State. We witnessed to the people in the shops and left broken hearted as realized that our message wasn’t received as we’d hoped.

When I asked an artist at one local shop about being a Christian, she quickly said,  “I’m Lutheran, that means I’m fine, right?”

To which my reply was “No, being a Lutheran won’t save you, only Christ can do that. She replied “that’s a personal decision.”

“Very personal I responded.” And went on to explain about my salvation experience. She was kind and took my business card. Perhaps some seeds were sown.

Another young woman in another shop questioned why we were in town. Upon explaining about my speaking and singing, she told us she was of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I questioned her about her belief in Christ alone. She said she believed, but that Joseph Smith was a prophet, not to be worshiped but to be believed. She misunderstood that that statement also meant that she was saying the bible was not the only word of God and that it was incorrect according to their belief. She said that “We were all the same.”

We are not. Apostle Paul was commending people who had laid their lives on the line for what they believed. Not for assumptions or for catering to misguided beliefs. The body of Christ must stand strong in our convictions. Having hard conversations like those and others I’ve had this week may seem like I’m losing the battle, but Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:6 “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.”

We do not know who may come after us and share the news in a way that turns their stories into testimonies of salvation. All I can do is be faithful to what I know as truth.

I feel the Lord commending my soul today just as Paul commended Phebe and the other men and women listed in Paul’s letters. And I want to encourage you to speak Jesus wherever you are.  For me, oh my stars! It’s New Mexico! What a joy and a privilege to be in this place. The mission field isn’t a foreign land (necessarily). It’s the street you live on, your home, wherever you are. God has a work for us to do. It’s a very real assignment.

Paul listed one after another who had ministered with him in various capacities. Will you be listed? And what will it say? God bless you! We are co laborers in Christ and I want to hear what’s going on in your world. Write me and let me know!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

The Reason is You!

That I may come unto you with joy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed. ~ Romans 15:32

Not happenstance that this verse was on my reading plan today, September 28, 2019. And not happenstance that tonight I’ll fly out to New Mexico to make some new friends and enjoy the fellowship of the Spirit. I certainly covet your prayers for our safety and for the will of God to be done. There is much traveling and not just by plane but by car as well. It will be an adventure and an opportunity to see a part of the country I’ve never seen. But more important than that, it will be an opportunity to share the love of Jesus in a place I’ve never been in hopes of making a difference by encouraging God’s children.

A thought that I’ve had for weeks tumbling through my mind like a constant tumble weed is the notion of how many we touch for the Kingdom of God. The teens and I discussed the number of how many people we think that Apostle Paul may have touched for the cause of Christ.

I used the illustration (showing my age) of the shampoo commercial of days gone by when it talked about “if they tell two friends, and they tell two friends and so on and so forth, how many people will hear about the product. Well. If we used that theory believing that Paul preached to 5,000 as a round figure totally guessing number. And each of those would have told two friends about Jesus, some more, some less, and there being 30 generations in 1,000 years, and there being 2,000 years between us and Paul. Now… how many people have been effected? The answer… I don’t know. Ask a math person… I am not that person. One of my kids immediately knew the equation. They were not shocked that I did not.

But all of this is said to make the point, that the reason we do what we do is to get the word out! Jesus saves. That first. But then once people are saved, the blessing doesn’t stop! We have the blessing that comes from the fellowship of God’s people. It’s a little taste of Heaven here on earth.

I’m excited to share in that this week in Magdalena, Reserve and Glenwood. My friend Gloria is excited to share in that too!

Please pray.

And for those we’ll be joining, get ready! Your West Virginia sisters in Christ are on the way!

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Life Inspiration, salvation, Uncategorized

Do You Know that you Know?

Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. Romans 14:5b

What a word from Apostle Paul. The great persuader and crusader of Jesus Christ.

In this wishy-washy world it’s good to know that I know. A very wise statement from a friend of mine, Shirley Fitzwater, was one his daughter Teresa shared with me and I’ve yet to forget it. It may not be an original, but I’m giving him credit. Shirley said, “The only thing worse than the guy who doesn’t know, is the guy who doesn’t know he doesn’t know.”

Confused yet?

When you break that statement down, it speaks so much to society. There’s nothing wrong with not knowing something. We’re all learning as we walk this earth, and I have so much to learn! But those who don’t know that they don’t know, are unaware that they’re missing any knowledge. It breaks my heart. The sirens of Hell are screaming loudly and yet they ignore them.

As the wife of a fire fighter I’ve had to listen to the sirens (tones) drop on David’s multiple radios for years. Some days when emergency services are very active, I want to take the radio out into the driveway and smash it in to a million pieces. I think I might find great joy in that. Noises bother me. But over the 30 years he’s served, most days I tune it out. I try to let it be a reminder to pray for the people who are involved, but some days I just don’t. I’m not a super saint, I’m Shari. Fully a failure much of the time. But isn’t that illustration a world view. They’re tuning out the sirens of Hell and pretending that their day will never come. They don’t know that they don’t know.

As I said, I’m glad I know.

In the context of Paul’s scripture in Romans 14:1 Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.  Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him. Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

I must confess that there is a part of my less than lean body that made me smile when Paul said that “another, who is weak, eateth herbs.” That’s the evil side of Shari. But the jest of this conversation speaks of judging the manner of life someone is living who does indeed know, although they’re not living as we believe they should. Another’s life is truly not ours to judge. And the world loves using that statement against Christians saying that we are judging them when we speak to their salvation. They don’t know that they don’t know. And arguing that point with them may or may not drive them into a deeper relationship with Christ. But Paul said that those who are weak in the faith, just accept them. Don’t argue.

It’s a fact that I am ever so grateful that God always impressed upon my heart that I didn’t know. I knew there was something missing in my life. So, when I received the salvation of Christ, I knew I didn’t know, and I set out to know it. But not every child of God is like that. It’s like children, they grow at different rates.

My grandson Luke is almost as tall as I am. Well over five feet. His cousin Noah, who is just a few month’s younger is so much shorter! But we do not look at his stature and say, “Noah, you need to do better.” No, we encourage him to work with the stature he has. Should we not do the same for the child of God?

I am grateful that I know and I am indeed persuaded in my own mind about the word of God, my standing with Christ and the doctrine for which I believe. But I believe what Paul is saying and reminding us of, is that we need to take care of our relationship with God, and not to judge the relationship that others may have and the way in which they worship God. If a person is saved, he or she is the property of God, and He is their Master. It’s not up to us to judge the Lord’s servants and argue.

But Paul said Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. We, as mature saints of God, need to know what we believe and why we believe it. That requires more than an occasional Sunday in church, and reading the word of God. I’m not judging, I’m just saying what the Lord has impressed upon my heart as the only path to fully being persuaded of who He is.

Do you know that you know? If so you need to glory in it! And you need to share that wealth with someone today.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Uncategorized

This is How He Works

Good morning New Mexico!

My heart is full this morning as I prepare to head your way with a message that has me shouting the Glory of God in my office this morning. It’s a message that I’ve heard 1,000 times, (well maybe or maybe not so many) but it is a familiar word. But  the thing about the God we serve is, though it is familiar text, it is unique to the circumstances of the day, and to this trip.

The picture in this message is one that I drew in my bible this morning as I gloried in what God was speaking to my heart. That’s how He works in my life, through images and outlines of His word. He spoke to me about purpose and plans and I listened… And now it’s time for us to pray.

  • Pray for my journey (and specifically my guitar) Airports are not musician friendly. I need favor!
  • Pray for Gloria and I, that we’ll be obedient to everything the Spirit tells us to sing or say.
  • Pray for your congregation that the Lord will prepare the hearts before the service even starts.
  • Pray for your church that they’ll be blessed, and that our trip will be an opportunity to exhort our brothers and sisters in New Mexico in such a way that a fire is stirred in their hearts and ours and forever unite us as friends in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Can you tell I’m excited? I don’t take this opportunity lightly. I love you and cannot wait for our fellowship time.

This is how He works: through His people. That’s us!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Grace, Life Inspiration

🦆An Ugly Duckling Story🦢


From a child I’ve felt like an odd duck. I always had hopes that I would be the ugly duckling that grew into the beautiful swan, but never felt that I met that accomplishment either. Not asking for pity, just sharing my heart. Believe me when I tell you, I’ve came to terms… well kind of… with the fact that I’m peculiar.

It is my life verse you know… But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light; ~ 1 Peter 2:9

But peculiarity won’t be a part of Heaven. Have you ever thought of that? That in that place, we will never again feel inferior. That alone should make you shout! But here I feel inferior because I know the inward Shari that the outward world does not. When they look upon me with a judging eye, it’s generally their critique of my abilities or looks. But I not only have that to contend with in this world of glitz and glam that attracts my eye, but I have the failures of the flesh as well. Oh glory… I needed a dose of Jesus this morning to remind that even though I am peculiar here, I am a part of the family of God.

Romans 11:17-18 ~ And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.

While Israel awaits their coming Messiah, having missed His first appearance, we partake of the root and the fatness of the olive tree.

That thought brought such joy to my soul and tears to my eyes, to think that their rejection and God’s infinite mercy allowed me to be grafted into their family as the wild olive tree would be grafted to the Original. How can I boast about the fact that I am a child of God, and forget that for now Israel is astray?

How can I not be burdened for God’s heart as I would if my own children were astray from me?

My daughters are both loving young women. Both married. And I have accepted their spouses as my sons as well. It’s an easy fit for me, because God’s acceptance into His family was the ultimate example.

When this world tells me “I don’t fit.” I can honestly say “You’re right. I’m sorry I tried to!”

Because I do. I love worldly things. There. I said it. I love make-up and shoes and clothes and God has gifted me with such. But none of those things ever seem to heal the ugly duckling syndrome. I always feel less.

Nothing brings it on more than the blessing of a singing and speaking opportunity. I begin to tear myself down.

But this morning I was reminded that my ministry came with a high price. The life of Jesus Christ. And because of Him, and His willing sacrifice, I’m apart of the family of God and privileged to serve.

Every word of the Bible is a worthy read, but the Chapter 11 of Romans is a good read for the day if you need reminded of what a high price was paid for your soul.

I feel a little prettier today because I am one of the “All” God will conclude my blog today with Romans 11:22-26

6gtFor God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all. O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor? Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

On Second Thought

Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.

~ Proverbs 16:3

The thought began last night as I once again had “second thoughts.” It’s a character trait I’m familiar with. I will second guess every decision I ever made and inwardly struggle with whether or not it was God’s will or Shari’s way. And yet, I’ll leap off a cliff without regard (figuratively speaking only) and not question if other things in my life are right decisions, or merely a whim. Oooo something shiny moments where I think, life cannot go on without that. There is no rhyme nor reason to me. Can you identify? Your personality will no doubt be what determines that.

My friend Chief and I have much in common. We are both “mango” personalities, who married apples.  (it’s a personality study) We drive them crazy, but they love us and because of that their tolerance level has been high. Love binds even the craziest of people together. But the little bird tweeting her song in the image speaks more than most people would see just by looking at the image. She represents me, doing what I have been anointed and called to do. Anointed? Yes. I know it’s a churchy word and if you’re not churchy, you may question my sanity. But God doesn’t. He does amazing things; like give me song lyrics and tunes inside my mind that turn into huge blessings to myself, and to those I minister to. I can’t explain it, I only know it happens.

It’s why when second thoughts come into my mind, it bothers me. Because 24 hours before, I was as rock solid on my decisions as Niagara Falls. And felt that I had every bit as much force in the spiritual realm!

Satan works to de-commit us. He wants to shake my world and yours until our bones rattle within us.

The Commitment

Some days I think I need committed. But Proverbs is a book of wisdom written to give us word for everyday life. Especially those days when we second guess what we’re doing. It can be the smallest or the largest of decisions. But either way, it disturbs our peace of mind when uncertainty is added to the mix. Am I preaching to the choir? I’ll bet I am. Because if you’re a child of God, Satan cannot take you from the grasp of the Master but he can shake everything up around you. Especially things that we have committed to do for the Lord. A commitment to me is a contract. When I accepted the call of God, I said I’d do… whatever.

So, what do we do?

We have to remember

The Work

Mission work is real. Although to most of the world it looks like “Baptist Welfare.” That’s what someone once said to me that it was. They were saved. They just didn’t understand. It was said to kind of poke fun at some missionaries that were getting a good bit of support. Not rich, but they’re expenses were more than covered. It was not me by the way.

What a novel idea! …That we should meet the expenses of a missionary. Yesterday I journaled Philippians 4:17. I didn’t realize how it would play into my day, but it did. Satan had taken my mind places it should not have gone, but it did.

Philippians 4:17 says “Not because I desire a gift, but I desire fruit that may about to your account.”

Missionaries don’t desire a gift when they request support, they desire the ability to provide fruit for the Kingdom of God for themselves and for those who support them and can’t go and do it themselves. You don’t have to be a missionary to be a soul winner. But you can be a soul winner through a missionary.

It is a worthy work. How can I second guess that?

 The Thoughts

2 Corinthians 10:5 remind us that:

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Our thoughts cannot be established if anything is exhalted above it. You know like, lording an idea over you, in the manner for which Satan does. He cannot be Lord of our lives, but he can pretend that he is by doing his best to control the thing he has access to; which is our mind.

I smiled with the thought of “taking thoughts captive.”

I imagined it, for myself, much like those little fella’s on the junior football league field when they’ve discovered they actually caught the ball! They tuck it into their arms and they run for all it’s worth, once they’re over the shock that they have it.

That’s kind of how I handle being given assignments by God! It’s like, oh my stars! I have this idea, I’ve got to run with it, which way do I go? Sometimes it works out, and sometimes Satan takes me down before I make it to the next yard line. But the goal is, don’t let him get the ball.

I need your prayers, and if possible I can always use your support. That’s not what this blog is about. It’s about understand that if God has called you and anointed you into a position for the Kingdom, you’re going to have oppositional times. Lots of them. But stay committed.

Believe me when I tell you… I am not receiving Baptist welfare, or any other kind. I’m just an American missionary bringing the gospel of Christ through word and song to my part of the world. I believe that America needs us on our soil.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Evangelism, Heaven, salvation, Uncategorized

My Hearts Desire

Romans 10:1

Brethren, my hearts desire is that Israel might be saved.

Continuing on in my journaling of Romans, I made it no further than the 1st verse of Romans 10 today. My heart broke for the Lord. It broke for Him, not because of Israel’s rejection of the Messiah, although that was certainly a part of it; but it broke for my own failures as His child that He so willingly included into His family. Shari Johnson, gentile, who He willingly allowed the crucifixion of His Son, Jesus Christ for. So that I could be a part of His amazing family. And what a privilege!

And so now I turn back to Paul’s burden, that is my burden too, that Israel might be saved.

Dying and end times can be scary . The world would love it if we’d just ignore it. It’s way easier than facing the reality that eternity will come to all. The world would have you believe that you should never ever read the book of Revelation! It’s far too confusing. That’s a lie. It’s not confusing if you’re in a good bible believing preaching church that teaches the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Will you understand every jot and tittle? If you do, you’re a better bible scholar than I am. But you’ll understand what the Lord needs you to understand. And while it won’t take all the uncertainty of our end days away, it will give you peace. And help you to understand that God has a plan.

It’s a plan that will restore his precious Israel back to a right relationship with God. God’s desire. It will happen the same way it happens to a Gentile. Through belief on Jesus Christ. It will not however come as easy for those who believe after the church has been raptured (caught up) to be with Jesus. Which could be any day now. There’s going to be a terrible time of tribulation. Seven years, that those who believe on Jesus Christ now will be privileged not to have to go through. Something else I’m grateful and humbled for.

When those who have not read scripture, or been in church, hear this teaching it sounds insane. That’s what Satan want them to believe. But get in the book and read the prophecies of the Word of God and understand what has come to pass already, that was predicted thousands of years ago and suddenly it doesn’t sound so insane, but rather reality sits in, that there is a God. And He has a plan, and it’s playing out just like He said it would.

The end times will play out like no Hollywood production ever could. There will be a Hero that swoops in from the sky and saves Israel. There will be heroes on earth that will take a part of the Master’s plan and set things into motion that eventually put the Devil into the pits of Hell where he’ll stay. But not until he does some serious damage on earth by deception (which he already has). And during that time there will be trials and tribulations that have people crying for the rocks to fall on them.

Revelation 6:16

And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

But it’s not something that anyone has to fear who knows Christ Jesus as Savior. Jew or Gentile. It’s why I want and desire, as does the Lord, for Israel to accept what Jesus did for us on the cross.

Have you accepted that? Do you know where you’d be if God decided today to call His church home? Would you be with Him and your saved family? Or would you be left here to face those 7 years of tribulation. That you likely will not survive. That’s not said to cast fear. That’s said to help you understand it’s not a fairy tale. It’s real.

Want to know for sure? Follow this link.

If you did, please, please, please let me know!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration

Why Hast Thou Made Me Thus?

I’m trying very hard to stay focused on the ministry God has set me at task to do. And it’s not hard work when you love it, it’s just hard staying focused when you don’t always feel valued. Please don’t feel sorry for me. I just thought perhaps this might help someone else today too. God even gave me a song to go with the feelings on my heart today, so I’m feeling blessed, in the midst of being stressed. You know what I mean? It’s those days when the world tells you title + money = value. And the lack thereof = slacker.

And then I read verses like Romans 9:20-21

Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?  Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

Did that hit you as hard as it hit me? Who am I to tell God Almighty that the one he created (me) isn’t of value and suggest that my purpose isn’t valued. It is God who honors or dishonors and I can tell you flat footed and bold faced that God honors those who serve. And by service, I’m not necessarily speaking of preachers, deacons and such, although they are included. But by service I mean anyone who:

  • Draws a breath and thanks Him for it.
  • Gives a glass of water in His name, cup of coffee, or a jar of scrumptious pears – Mr. and Mrs. Eisley.
  • Shares the most precious of gift with someone in need, time.
  • Tells a child that they’re amazing and loved.
  • Prays for someone because, or just because.
  • Tells someone “I understand.” Or “I don’t understand, but I’ll try.”

I realize the world doesn’t always understand why Christians do what they do, and some days there are Christians who don’t understand why we do what we do or see little value in it. But it’s God who gives the honor and it is He who has the power to mold us into something amazing. Sometimes He does that by making a little mud with the tears in our lives. It makes the clay more pliable. I hope this word encouraged you today. God sees. And He will honor you in His time.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Family, Leadership, Life Inspiration, testimony

Never Give Up

We do not cross paths in life by happenstance, of that I’m certain. While we may be there by circumstance, it’s not by happenstance (coincidence). I look back on my 57 years, with a primary focus on the past twenty-three, those are the years since salvation; my formative years of serving Christ in the capacity of me which lead into The Jesus Chick which came to be in about 2005ish. I’m not very good at dates, but I’m very good at events that made a difference.  There are things that happen and people who cross our paths that leave us saying “I’ll never be the same.”

When my brother was killed when I was ten years old, it forever changed my outlook of life on earth as to whether or not it was forever. It was not. At the time however I didn’t understand it all, I only understood that life was very, very sad and I couldn’t fix it. And I tried in my 10 year old state of mind to fix it by living in altered realities called my imagination. It’s what makes me weird and okay in a world that I still can’t fix. It’s not always healthy. It sometimes leads to not facing reality as one should. True story. Don’t judge me. 😊

I had another one of those bell ringing moments this morning as I read a social media post of a friend who just lost her father. One of the things that made a deep impression on her was the number of people who came up to her at her father’s service and said “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the fact that your dad never gave up on me.”

We need some more Gene Duerksen’s in the world.

But even in a world where there’s a shortage of Gene Duerksen’s, and we often miss out on taking advantage of those that we do meet who encourage us in the battle of life, I was reminded through the word of God this morning that there is one will forever spur us on! Gene Duerksen now see’s Him face to face…

Romans 8:37

Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.

How many times have I attempted to fly and sometimes crash landed and other times succeeded but with no witnesses for review? Many. But how many times have saints of God had faith in me even when I had none and cheered me on or gave me words of advice and encouragement.  Too many to count. I’m still privileged to that.

Lynn Stoneking’s testimony of her dad’s character of encouragement reminds me that I too have the opportunity to never give up. Not on my kids, grandkids, friends, family and me. Because God will never give up, so how can I? Did you need that word today? He doesn’t give up on you either! Share this post. Tell a friend or family member you believe in them. Shoot me a message and let me know I’ve encouraged you. We need to share and care for each other.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration

No Matter How the World Dresses up Sin – Dirt is dirt

O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin. ~ Romans 24-25

I’m pretty sure I have the best teen group in the nation. If you’re a teen leader, you probably think so too… or you should. They stretch me with my idealistic notions of what faith looks like, by granting me the new generations perspective. Just when I think I have it all figured out, we get into a deep (or sometimes shallow) theological discussion and I have one of those “You are not as smart as you thought you were, Shari,” moments. They are really quite frequent if I’m honest.

But last night’s ill prepared teen lesson was on “restoration” of the body of Christ. We skimmed the tops of scriptures about Peter, David, Saul and others whose failures sometimes lead to renpentance and sometimes not. But God’s love of broken people is evident from Genesis to Revelation.

The one glaring fact that comes from muddy pink boots, is that no matter how the world dresses up sin, dirt is still dirt. It aint pretty. The lesson that I learned from my diverse group of thinkers in the teen group last night was, children, (like God) are so quick to forgive the people they care about. And so quick to move on from mistakes understanding that they’re learning! I’m not so quick to move on. I sometimes put my pretty muddy pink boots in the corner as a reminder about that time I didn’t go around the mud, but walked right through it. I walk by my failed attempt at life and kick myself. I try buying a new pair of boots, but they’re not fun to wear, because i really want to wear the pink ones.

I know that’s a very odd parable. But what I hope you learn is what I did: Restoration also has to be done within. Especially if we’re not apt to share the fact that our boots are muddy to start with. Christians seldom want anyone else to know what they struggle with for fear of being seen as “less godly.” Well let me tell, I am for certain less godly. And I struggle with lots of “stuff.” I have a tender heart willing to forgive everyone but me. God is showing me through the youth who love me faults and all, that He does too.

I need to clean off those pink books and get back to walking.

How about you? Do you struggle with self degradation and unforgiveness. Maybe your boots are another color, but they’ll clean up just as nicely if you’ll spray them down with the water of the Word.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Purpose

Let God be True and Social Media a Liar

Today is Friday, August 30th, 2019. Winding down and the summer and heading into fall. Much like I feel about life right now! How did I get here, you know… 57 years after the picture of me graffitiing my Mother’s belly? Time is swift and not for the faint of heart. Beauty is fleeting, it’s a good thing I never felt that I had it. (Not asking for compliments or pity, just being real). It wasn’t something that I put a lot of stock in as a young person.

Now I attempt to beautimitize myself (totally a made up word) as I travel about and I am concerned a little more about the flavor of style when I’m up in front of people. But none of the frilliness of life ever interested me or caused me to want to do make up tutorials and style videos. Those things were not things I was purposed to do.

My immediate family consists of a dozen, myself and husband, two grown daughters with husbands, and six growing grandchildren. Five boys and one girl. The little girl I get… I raised two of them, the five boys! Oh my stars they are so different from girls for obvious and not so obvious reasons. But mostly because God designed their hearts differently from the womb. So when I read a verse like Romans 9:11 it causes me to ponder what God will do with them, and me!

(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of Him that calleth;)

It draws me back to one of my favorite verses, Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

For me, that verse answers the abortion debate. Before we were even in the belly, God had a plan for us. So, nobody will ever tell me that a little fella or gal in the beginning stages of formation in the momma’s womb isn’t somebody. They were somebody, before they were a body! Glory!

But back to my point of God’s plan.

While I would love it if my plan for each of my children and grandchildren were God’s plan, I have to look at the very real potential that it’s not. But understanding that their potential is God’s to do with what He will.

Paul was teaching the Romans, and the Jewish people in these passages, that no one can claim to be chosen by God because of his or her heritage or good works. God chooses who He desires to choose to use, and He uses those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. Jew or Gentile. God uses them all. He can use anyone lost or saved to accomplish a task, but no one will live up to their potential unless their in Christ.

Three Prayers for my dozen

So that is my first prayer for those that I love and myself. A right relationship with the Lord. It’s the beginning of every good plan.

My second prayer is the will of God for our lives. As I said, “I have many ideas about direction for theses kids.” But if I project my plan onto their life, I may have them headed down a road to destruction. So, I have to leave well enough alone, and boy is that hard! But what I always fail to remember is that it’s hard enough to keep myself in check with God. I’d do well to leave everyone else to Him before I rurally mess things up.

And my final prayer is that our potential is made known so that God can be glorified through us. It’s where I feel parents (myself included) can discourage their children and their selves. Trying to put anyone into a position that God did not ordain for them, really is like putting a square peg in a round hole. It will not work.

Social media is the bomb. Until it explodes in our face. Looking at the seemingly perfect lives of people and their staged photographs will put unrealistic goals into the minds of anyone. Yes, me too! I follow artists, speakers, singers and I love it! But then I hate it. Because I begin comparing myself to their look, style, design and I feel like an unworthy dirt dog.

I need to stop. If you’re doing that, you need to stop.

That crazy baby in the womb, who loves graffiti. That’s me for realsy. I need to love her. And so that’s my prayer for all my peeps. Let God be true, and social media a liar. He determines our destiny. Not the numbers or the masses.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, salvation

Rewired for Christ

Romans 6:18-23

If you had to describe your state of mind, pre-salvation what one word would you use?

I would use the word “tumultuous.” Meaning unbridled and unrestrained. I wasn’t connected to anything solid and so I was flailing around like a windsock going what ever direction the wind blew me in. I didn’t have direction and things good or bad seemed to jolt me into a new direction without any thought to where I was going.

So think about your world pre-salvation for just a second. What did it look like?

Coming to the knowledge of who we are in Christ is a game changer for the child of God who happens to be in a place where they can grow in grace and under discipleship and solid doctrine. But prior to that life seems to be …

Short Circuited

At birth we have a disconnect from the Creator. The reason I could be jolted in any direction was because my wires were not connected.  

I thought the definition of “short circuit” was fitting for a person of a lost nature:

[in a device, an electrical circuit of lower resistance than that of a normal circuit, typically resulting from the unintended contact of components and consequent accidental diversion of the current.]

It was never God’s intention for mankind to have contact with the low side of life.  And once we were, we were diverted from God’s control. We were severely disconnected. We fell short… as in “for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” – Romans 3:23

What happens if you grab ahold of a short circuited wire? Nothing good, right? We’re shocked. That too is a reaction to sin. As a child we know when we’ve done wrong. We generally feel bad about the transgression, even thought we seldom confess. The more we do it, is like getting shocked by low does of electricity. We get used to it. Maybe our nerves get seared and no longer feel the guilt that we once did for committing sin. So in order to get a jolt that makes a difference, usually something drastic has to take place.

What took place in Paul’s life that made such a drastic difference?

Acts 9:3-9

 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:  And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?  And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.  And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.  And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man. And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus. And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.

I love reading the story of Saul becoming Paul. That’s what happens when we reconnect with God. We become an entirely new person!

Romans 6:19

 I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness.

Apostle Paul is helping the Romans to understand that he understands. He totally gets where they came from. Prior to salvation they were following their sinful fleshly ways, but now, there should be something new that they have a connection to – righteousness. They should be drawn to it.

John 12:32 says “And, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”

Praise God for that drawing.

A great illustration of drawing electricity is the power between water and static electricity.

It’s in a like manner that we are drawn to Christ. The Water of life! But also prior to salvation, you were not only short circuited there was a

Circuit Breaker

20 For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness.

The sin that was in our lives is what kept us from coming to Christ. We felt the draw, but there was a break in the connection. Sometimes ever after the jolt of reality that we’re lost, it’s years and years before people come to Christ.

Why do you think that is?

There are probably as many excuses as there are stars in the sky, but the truth of the matter is rebellion. It’s the same reason that Satan and the angels fell. Everybody wants to be in charge. The ol’ “You are not the boss of me attitude.”

It’s a funny comment when a parent says “I brought you into this world and I can take you out.” But that’s illegal. Else it might happen more often. But with God it’s very much the truth! He kicked Satan and his crew out of Heaven, and He will now allow those who have rejected His authority to be in Heaven.

Praise God for


Romans 6:21-22

What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.

Conductors conduct electrical current very easily because of their free electrons. Insulators oppose electrical current and make poor conductors. Common conductors and insulators:

What would be a conductor of the Christian faith?

Pastors, teachers, social media posts, evangelists, ministers of the gospel, songs…

So many! You and I, if we’re doing what we should are conductors of the power of God. People see it in our lives, we touch people with our actions and words, just like the wires that carry electricity. We too can jolt people into the reality that they need Christ. They may break the circuit by rejecting it, but they can’t stop us from sharing it. Because we are


Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Our decision to accept what Christ did on the cross creates within us a hardwire to the Lord. We can’t disconnect from it.

Verses of reminder:

John 10:27-29 – My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.

John 6:37 – All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

John 10:28 – And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand.

John 5:24 – Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Romans 11:29 – For the gifts and calling of God [are] without repentance.

Jude 1:24 – Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present [you] faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,

1 John 5:13 – These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

2 Corinthians 1:22 – Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

Romans 8:38-39 – For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Ephesians 2:8 – For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:

Philippians 1:6 – Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform [it] until the day of Jesus Christ:

It’s important for us to remind ourselves that God is in charge of the connection. Not us. We might walk away from God, but He will never walk away from us.

He will continue to call His children home when they stray. Because that’s how He loves us.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

The Access Point

Grace is hard to understand. We want it, we attempt to give it, sometimes tongue and cheek (meaning we forgive but never forget). We, I speak collectively, though I really mean me, when I say I often think I’ve messed up past the point of being offered grace, because life sometimes just flat out stinks.

True story.

When life gets hard, this Jesus Chick is not so spiritual as to immediately ask the question, “What is God teaching me in this moment?” That would sound really good and churchy wouldn’t it?  No, I’m more apt to ask the question, “How long will I be here, Lord?”

Romans 5:1-2

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:  By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

So much is missed in the midst of a struggle. And life is full of struggles. But the Apostle Paul reminds us that as people of faith (those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ) we have access to some things the world is not afforded.

We have Access to Peace

There’s a difference between access and acceptance. It’s the same as salvation, we’re all offered it; but if we don’t accept it, we’ll never experience it. There is a difference in the end result. Those with salvation will go Heaven whether they experience the benefits of salvation here on earth or not. The journey is just a lot more difficult. But those who never accept salvation are headed to Hell.

I’m not surprised when children of God don’t have peace in the middle of a storm. Because I’ve been there too. It’s usually a matter of feeling worthy or letting myself get too far down before looking up. If there’s sin or other failures in our lives, we don’t feel worthy. Even though neither will keep you from peace if you talk to God about it. As children of God, it’s ours for the asking!

That’s just the kind of Lord He is.

We have Access to Grace

I love the acronym for G.r.a.c.e. = God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense. Isn’t that amazing? There’s nothing we can do to earn it. It is however what makes me be the person I am. I was born with a servants attitude and when God saved me from the Devil’s Hell, my gratitude went toward servitude.

Grace will do that if you strive to understand it. Many Christians miss the mark because they’re not in God’s word, they’re not in church and so they cannot fully comprehend what the Lord did for them. I sometimes avoid the truth of it myself, because I can’t imagine the degree of pain and humiliation my Lord took upon Himself for someone like me who adds more too it when I fail Him.

The shame wasn’t only on the day of the crucifixion. It’s on us when we blatantly fail God, knowing what He did for us. But the grace is still there. That’s why it’s amazing.

We have Access to Joy

It’s what we can experience even in times of sorrow. The loss of a loved one is gut wrenching, but the knowledge that they were saved and now in the presence of Jesus brings great joy!

The struggles we face are never pleasurable, but the victory is always a joyous moment and made that much sweeter because of the struggle. We realize the strength that we have from knowing Christ as Savior. The unsaved may experience moments of victory, but not as the child of God. Knowing that there was Someone standing beside us all the way and there was never a reason to feel alone. That is joy! He has our back here and He’s waiting for us there!

We have Access to Hope

Not just hope, but we need always reminded that the peace, grace, joy and hope are always for the glory of God. It’s a privilege only afforded a child of the King. I wrote on hope yesterday. It’s a subject I could write on everyday and never grow weary because I need it. I need to know that my aches and pains, those of the physical, mental and spiritual nature will someday be lifted whether here or Heaven.

Maybe you needed to know that too. If I’ve encouraged you, let me know! If I can pray for you, let me know that too. We’re here to be the hands, feet and sometimes words of Jesus. Use us Lord!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Uncategorized

Against all Hope

I totally get the anxiety and frustration that Abraham and Sarah may have been feeling. They’d been promised a child, but then, as it does, age crept upon them from no where and low and behold they found themselves past the fruit bearing years.

Sarah was 90 for cryin’ out loud and Abraham 100. It was a dark day in the land of Canaan when Abraham continued to believe in the promise that God had given him. With the point being, he never gave up hoping.

That’s our problem. We lose hope.

Romans 4:18 says of Abraham:

Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.

Against Hope

There’s nothing like age to make you feel unfruitful. With every passing year new aches and pains are introduced and your children start “calling to check on you,” or asking you if you think you’ll “feel up to it.” Good grief! It’s not that I’m not very grateful that I raised such concerned children, it’s just that I didn’t think I was that old. And then I look in the mirror and the age lines that I used to consider laugh lines aren’t so funny anymore.

Welcome to the silver years Shari. I’m not yet to the golden years, although they’re drawing nigh.

If I trusted what the mirror says or what my lying bones say, I’d take off my Jesus Chick hat and consider sitting back and waiting for Jesus to come and fetch me.  Those are physical things against the spiritual realm of hope. And they are not the only things “against hope.”

Logic is often the enemy of hope. If Abraham had looked at it logically, he wouldn’t have even put out the candles and turned the radio onto soft music at 100. What chance did he have at conception with 90 year old Sarah.

This story gives me hope! See, I’m still waiting for some fruit… not of the Isaac persuasion, but of the spiritual kind. I’m waiting for God to do a great work in my ministry that will bear fruit for the Kingdom. I’ve waited a while! But I’m not 100 yet.

In Hope

Just as Abraham I’m believing in hope. Wouldn’t it be a sad world with out it. Truth be told, it is a sad world. I’ve listened to many speak without hope. It is generally the unsaved, but not always. None of us are immune to losing hope. This world is filled with adversarial demons to strip even the strongest of a good attitude.

Today I have hope, because today I’ve been in the word and I’ve read myself happy. But a few days ago, as I traveled down the highway, I looked in my rear view mirror and all I saw was lost opportunities, failed attempts and I was in the previous state.

I should have told myself, “don’t look back.”

Luke 9:62 

And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

If a ploughman doesn’t look forward, he won’t make the proper furrows, nor do his work well. The same is true of the child of God. If we are continually looking back to see where we’ve been, we might assuredly miss where we’re going. We need to be forward thinking Christians. Always looking for opportunity, not resting in the laurels of previous ones, or sulking in the disaster of errors.

I can find myself sulking if I’m not careful.

Hope Delivered

Sarah delivered that bundle of hope and named him Isaac, meaning laughter. There is great joy when hope is delivered.

What does that look like to you?

I know what it looks like to me. It’s a strange delivery I’m waiting on…

  1. That souls are saved and lives are changed.
  2. That my ministry be viewed as a ministry, not a hobby by those who should know better.
  3. That it is financially sustaining for my family.

That may or may not sound like much to you. But there are days when I look back at the furrows I’ve made, and my fruit is sparse. I lose sight of where I know I’m supposed to go.

Just like the farmer who’s responsibility it is the take care of the land, it’s ours to take responsibility for this land. Starting at home and working our way out.

 I can’t help but think about J. Vernon McGee:

Following cancer surgery in 1965 at the age of 61, the doctors gave Dr. McGee six months to live. The Lord gave him 23 more years.

In 1967 he launched the radio program “Thru the Bible” which took 5 years. At its completion the program tapes continued to run, and Dr. McGee and his board determined that the program would run until the money ran out. Through generous contributors it’s still running today.

Dr. McGee died in 1988, falling asleep in his chair and waking in the presence of Jesus. At the time of his death the bible program aired in 34 languages, but has since been translated into over 100 and is broadcast on Trans World Radio throughout the world every weekday.

At the age of 63 Dr. McGee continued ploughing and didn’t look back. He was a successful man of God, but I love that what he deemed as his greatest compliment came at the beginning his ministry.

His greatest compliment

As a student pastor, Dr. McGee’s first church sat on a red clay hill in Midway, Georgia. It was there he said he received his greatest compliment: “It was from a country boy wearing high buttoned, yellow shoes. After a morning service he came to speak to me. He groped for words, then blurted out, ‘I never knew Jesus was so wonderful!’ He started to say more but choked up and hurried out of the church. As I watched him stride across the field, I prayed, ‘Oh, God, help me to always preach so that it can be said, I never knew Jesus was so wonderful.’


Would to God that it could be said about me and the Jesus Chick Ministry. I want the world to know how very wonderful Jesus is.

But that will never come to pass if you and I put the ploughs in the barn and fail to work the fields.

We have a Hope. His name is Jesus. And we need to tell everyone we meet.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Old Faith, New Faith, Bold Faith, Few In Faith

I feel like it could be the title of a new Dr. Suess book.

From Genesis to Revelation it is the same faith. But it certainly varies in the way it’s displayed.

Old Testament saints had faith the Messiah would come, and they were charged with setting forth the principles of New Testament Christianity. Speaking went from a direct line of communication, when Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden… can you imagine what that must have been like! And then following the fall and rebellion of men, a priest would have the responsibility and accountability for God’s children. Not a role to be taken lightly. Handled inappropriately would mean certain death!

God’s Spirit would come upon men like Moses, Jacob and others and it was no doubt an awe-inspiring time. Most likely a little frightening too! It’s from their testimonies that we can experience Old Testament faith.

What characters of the Old Testament would you like to question? And what questions would you ask?

What would have been your reaction if God had showed up in the burning bush to you? Or wrestled with you as He did Jacob? Have you ever felt like you did wrestle with God?

Scroll forward to the New Testament and a whole new line of communication came when Jesus, the Son of God walked the earth once again. But only for a short time. Following His crucifixion and resurrection, that act of unconditional love would humbly allow us, the nobody’s and the somebody’s to speak to God through the Holy Spirit.

As I thought on this today, the images of the two different phones came into play. The old faith and the new faith are still one faith. It’s still the same God on the line. It’s just the way of communication differs.

Old Faith

Romans 4:1-8

What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found? For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God. For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.  Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.  But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.  Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,  Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.  Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

Old Testament faith was still faith even though they were keepers of the law. Or attempted keepers of the law.  613 of them. I can’t keep ten! Nor could they, so a sacrifice was put into place that would be used year after year. Lamb after lamb. Slain as a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. Did they know that’s what it was? I don’t guess. But they knew it was God’s design and their only hope at the time; and that it all pointed, somehow, some way to the coming Messiah that they hoped for.

Every generation from the days of Adam hoped for.

I think of that old phone as the Old Testament way of communication with God. There was a line you had to go through. The Priest would go into the Holy of Holies and God and he would converse about what the people needed to know. Then he would deliver the message. We too experience that some through the preaching of the Word of God. But the difference is we too can receive a word. That should make you shout! That’s a privilege Old Testament, average Joe’s or Jolene’s didn’t experience.

When God showed up on the mountain, the children of Israel told Moses to go and talk to Him on the mountain. They feared God way too much to want to hear from Him direct.

Exodus 20:18-19

And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.

Have you ever felt that fearful of God? Why or why not?

I must wonder if some Christians still fear God’s voice. Many don’t even make the attempt at communication, or at least not very often.

New Faith

The words of David used in Romans 4 are from the book of Psalms 32:2

Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.  Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.  When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. Selah. I acknowledge my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.  For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him.  Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah.  I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. Many sorrows shall be to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about.  Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.

David experienced God in a way few people did then, or do now.

Why do you think that was so?

It certainly wasn’t because he was perfect. He acknowledges that he’s a sinner.

Romans 3:23 says

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

David wasn’t sin free, he was bold in his confession because he wanted a right relationship with the Lord. He knew his relationship wasn’t right because he felt the heaviness of God upon him.

Have you felt that? What was going on at the time? Likely something that shouldn’t have been going on at the time. It’s not a feeling we like but we should love it, because it tells us that we’re saved.

Salvation comes from repentance.

David received his forgiveness and a renewed relationship with God when he repented, acknowledged what he did and turned away from it.

We too should be so bold!

Bold Faith

David’s relationship with God caused him to take some actions. He trusted God’s guidance for war, or not having war. He composed writings and songs, he played music and was a mighty leader when his relationship was right with God. He was bold!

Are you bold in the faith? If not why?

Few in the Faith

As time goes on, our churches seem to be dwindling in size and number. I pass empty church houses with grown up lawns everywhere I go. It makes my heart heavy and very sad. Because I know at one point there may have been a thriving congregation in that place. But they lost their zeal and their desire to serve God. They also lost the best thing that ever happened to them.

I love missionaries and consider myself a missionary to the United States. When I see folks with burdens for other countries I wonder… when will some get a burden for our own.

I have that.

In just a little over a month I’m traveling to New Mexico to minister in two different churches, if not more. I’m praying the Lord opens doors for me there to encourage the believers to be bold in their faith!

For this trip I ask that you’ll pray too. Pray that God will give me words and songs and that a great Spirit of revival will come upon that place. Pray for our safe travels and pray that our expenses are met.

I’m booked believing that we can’t out give God.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Grace, Word of God

The Real Rainbow Still Shines

I’ve spoken of it on many other occasions: the fact that my upbringing causes me not to say what’s on my heart and mind because it’s seemingly impolite.  Never mind the fact that it’s the truth. And especially never mind the fact that everyone else is intitled and can ram their opinions down my throat, in my face and stick it to my heart with a dagger, but I should smile and say, “thank you, have a nice day, please come again.”

Did that sound bitter? It’s really not. It’s just frustrating.

And so today as I study my way through Romans, God laid the deer image on my heart. I hesitated to publish my words. I could just use this as my own personal study; keeping my thoughts to myself rather than risking the chance at offending. But then I thought of Paul. Who was martyred for the Word of God and most of all Jesus Who died for me. Why should I keep silent about the angst in my heart and my desire to see the lost come to the saving grace of Christ. The fact that I want them in Heaven with me. The only way to do so, is through the word of God.

I had just heard Paul say, only a few verses before. “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.” Verse 16 of Chapter 1.

And so in love, I share my heartfelt plea to those who have made homosexuality their life style. And my honest opinion that the use of the rainbow for the pride agenda is a slap in the face of God, for which someone will stand accountable for.

The rainbow was a covenant symbol between God and man in Genesis 9:

11 And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. 12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: 13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

We don’t speak in that phraseology today. “Covenant” isn’t a word you often hear. Even by definition, it doesn’t mean in man’s terms what it meant in God’s. Because God’s covenant’s will stand the test of time.

This weekend is mine and David’s 39th wedding anniversary. It’s hard to imagine that those two kids who walked across my parent’s lawn on August 16, 1980, and said their vows have survived what we have. It’s not been easy, and it’s only been by the grace of Almighty God. Divorce would have been easier at times than fighting through the battles we did. But we made it because we both believe in the covenant of marriage.

That bow (rainbow) God placed in the sky was a promise that God’s wrath toward sin would not come through in the flood again. God’s grace would flow through Noah to a world who didn’t appreciate it and God would offer His Son, Jesus Christ, as atonement one day for all of mankind. It did not however, promise that judgment would not come. It will.

I am sad to say that I will not buy anything with a rainbow on it. I just can’t. The pride agenda has tarnished that beautiful image of God for me. But every time I see one in the sky, I think to myself, “They can’t do that.” They cannot place a beautiful arch in the sky.” Not like my Lord!

And so today I took back the rainbow, and placed it over my husband’s favorite critters. (although for him he likes them seasoned and smoked on the grill.) For me I love the fact that they cannot change the fact that nature knows and obeys God’s design.

And so I shar His word. In truth and love. ~ Shari. The Jesus Chick.

Questions? feel free to message me. Let’s talk about it.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Evangelism, salvation


Even creation awaits it’s turn for redemption. Can you imagine that day?! I think about it a lot. The more and more wicked this world gets, the more I think about it. Perhaps you do too, or perhaps you’ve not given it any thought at all. You may not even know the truth about creation through the Word of God. But regardless we are all excuseless when it comes to the Creator.

Genesis 3:17

And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

Revelation 22:3

And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:

Between Genesis 3 and Revelation 22 is a whole lot of history. A whole lot of sin and praise God! a whole lot of grace for those of us who know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. But one thing there is not, is an excuse.

Romans 1:20

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

This morning as I sit in my little office at the back side of my house, I hear the rain pouring down outside. It’s replenishing the ground, filling the rivers and doing what nature does. Taking care of us. It’s also making my White Silky chickens, tan, but that’s a part of nature too, even if I don’t like it.

I’m not a big fan of Hell either. Neither is God. It was never His design for us. And yet there it is, looming at the end of a life who denies the Lord Jesus Christ.

Redemption. Just like the end of time when the curse will be lifted from off this earth, so will it be lifted from the souls of men when we spend eternity, forever and ever in a curse free, perfect place with the Lord Jesus. We can do that because He redeemed us by His blood sacrifice on the cross. He died for you, and for me and for all others and that is why we are excuseless.

Think about it…

If you gave your child, that you love more than life, for the redemption of a nation, would you be willing to accept anyone who wouldn’t confess what your child did?

I didn’t think so.

Yet, the world expects the Lord to. Even though He gave us not only His Son, but all of Creation that testifies of the Creator. It’s all written in His book, even science can’t deny it. But men can.

We can deny it because unlike creation we’ve been given free will. God wants those who want to be apart of His family. It’s that simple. Why would you invite someone into your home who didn’t want to be there?

I’m extending an invitation to all who read my blog, to join me in Heaven when it’s our turn. You have received your invitation. If you don’t come, you’re excuseless.

I’d like to say you’ll be missed. But truthfully, I don’t think so; because there’s no sadness in Heaven. But there will be a great sadness, pain and separation in Hell.

The greatest road anyone will ever travel:  Romans Road of Salvation


Romans 3:23 KJV “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”


Romans 6:23 KJV “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”


Romans 5:8 KJV “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”


Romans 10:9 KJV “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”


Romans 10:13 KJV “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”


Romans 8:1 KJV “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”


Romans 8:38-39 KJV “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity

Mutual Faith

For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. ~ Romans 1:11-12

When to Take Testosterone Boosters for Muscle Gain

If you’re aiming to build muscle and increase your muscle mass, you may have considered using testosterone boosters. And you’re in the right place! Timing is crucial. Understanding the right time to take these supplements can maximize their effectiveness in supporting your muscle growth goals have a peek at this web-site outlookindia.

When I first started my fitness journey, I was eager to see quick progress in building muscle. That’s when I discovered the importance of timing when taking testosterone boosters. By strategically incorporating them into my routine, I noticed significant improvements in my muscle gain and overall performance at the gym.

We’ll explore how different factors such as your workout schedule, sleep patterns, and nutritional habits can influence the effectiveness of these supplements. So, if you’re ready to optimize your gains and make the most out of your efforts at the gym, let’s get started!

It’s what’s kept me going for 23 years. I believe with all my heart that it is the most undervalued superpower of the church today. It’s why pews are sitting empty and saints of God are living defeated lives. God never intended for us to go through this alone. Even He had 12 friends.

Mutual faith is a beautiful thing. Let me tell you what it looks like in my life.

Mutual Desire

On Sunday morning I’m with the local church. A body of believers that I stand doctrinally in agreement with. We don’t argue. Haven’t for the 23 years I’ve been there, (which for some churches is unfathomable). We’ve not argued because we’ve had strong leadership and a mutual desire to keep Christ as the Head of the church. He’s in charge, then we fall in line accordingly – Pastor – Deacons – Church.

If everyone is doing what they’ve been designed to do, you don’t want to do what someone else has been called to do.

On Saturday my heart begins to desire my Sunday morning time with God’s people. It’s genuine and I know that I’m called to serve in that place in my multiple positions. I don’t want anyone else’s! Believe me, God has placed enough on my plate. That’s what He does when you share His mutual desires.

GlucoTrust Ingredients Revealed: Do They Really Work?

Are you on the hunt for a natural and effective solution to support your overall well-being? Look no further, because GlucoTrust has got you covered! This incredible formula is packed with key ingredients that work together to provide numerous benefits. So, get ready to discover the power of GlucoTrust ingredients in this entertaining yet informative blog post!

Now, let’s dive into the fascinating world of GlucoTrust. Picture this: a blend of carefully selected components that are not only scientifically proven but also have a touch of magic (well, almost!). These ingredients have been purposefully included in the GlucoTrust formula to give you the best possible results.

So what exactly are these magical elements? We won’t keep you waiting any longer! From ancient herbs to modern wonders, GlucoTrust combines the finest natural substances known for their remarkable properties. But it’s not just about their individual strengths; it’s about how they synergistically work together to support your health journey Check This Out ndtv.

Intrigued? Well, buckle up and join us as we explore the amazing benefits associated with GlucoTrust ingredients. Get ready for an exciting ride filled with surprises and insights!

Mutual Foundation

When Victory Baptist church was established in 1992, it came to be out of heartache. A church split that was never desired, causing division among God’s people, which was never intended. I came on board 4 years later. After the dust had settled.

I came in from a church that had been established for decades. A church that loved each other but had lost their mutual desire. There was no Kingdom purpose. No foundation. (I don’t say that lightly) it makes my stomach turn to think about it. But it is unfortunately what is happening to most churches of today.

The foundation of the church is to edify the body and seek souls to be saved. Victory was built on soul winning, something we too have lost sight of over the years. It’s easy to get complacent and become very comfortable with those we have.

Peter sent thousands out from Pentecost. Can you imagine? These people in Rome were of that lot and they were excited, and Paul was excited to meet them. He loved where he was, but he desired to go where he had not been.

That’s a lesson for us! I so desire to go where I have not been.

Mutual Faith

It doesn’t matter where I go, I find those of mutual faith. Or perhaps God sends them my way. I seldom ever go anywhere that I don’t meet up with God’s children.

My husband David and I went on the hunt of yard sales in the city last weekend and low and behold, one after another I met with God’s people. What a blessing!

I drew strength from them. They perhaps did not even know it. Or maybe they too drew strength from me.

By the same token at those sales I also met people that my soul bore witness that they did not know Christ. I feel like I missed the boat because I didn’t take the time to tell them about Jesus. I have friends who you’ll not be in their presence, but a few minutes and you’ll know that they have come to tell you about Jesus. They do it unashamedly, with bold conviction!

I have bold conviction, and a big mouth. I know that I’m failing to use my spiritual gift to do what God designed me to do. Tell the world about Jesus… better.

I don’t take lightly the web platform, after all, how many people has Paul reached and continues to reach for the cause of Christ through the written word. It too is a superpower. The point is, there is not only safety in numbers there is power in numbers! Together we are an amazing team.

I pray this has encouraged you! Feel free to share it and invite people to your church. Let them know you’re a part of a great team too!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Purpose

For God is My Witness

On my radar of hopes, prayers and desires for the past five or six years has been an Albuquerque, NM trip, Not entirely for selfish reason, but I must confess there is always some selfishness in my hopes and dreams, because they become so very personal.

I will not say that my trip is in line with the desires of Apostle Paul, because when Apostle Pauls said “by any means,” that was sometimes as a prisoner on a boat with a shipwreck in the future! I am not that brave. And while I would prefer a first-class flight, that’s a bit expensive too, so I opted for a less than typical mode of transportation. The train. It’s a long trip, but it’s much cheaper, and I think a little bit of an adventure. I’m always up for that! Especially if it gets me in a new part of the country where God can use me.

And so as I begin to study my way through the book of Romans, with a heavy heart about more than a few things… this trip being one, Paul’s words spoke to my already tender heart.

For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, and without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers; – Romans 1:9

God is my witness, that although I fail Him miserably and I will not say that I pray without ceasing… I cease. But, I do serve Him with my spirit in the gospel of His Son. I am passionate about my role in the Kingdom There’s something about traveling that makes my heart flutter with joy, because I know it will be an adventure and I know that if I go in His name and in His will, He will make things happen.

Why Albuquerque? Good question. And it deserves an answer. It was 6 plus years ago that I connected through social media with Radio man Dewey Moede. God was dealing with Dewey’s heart to leave his job and go full time ministry. I was struggling with that same issue. I still am. Although I’m full time, it’s not quite what I had in mind.

Kind of like when Paul’s boat hit that storm. I’m sure he would have preferred even coach tickets. He wasn’t expecting first class. But what he got was the prisoner’s pass. I’ve felt like that many times in the past 5 years. I’m not asking for sympathy, I don’t deserve it, I just want to be real.

Paul continued in verse 10 to say, making requests, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you.

And there it was. The train trip (at length) made sense, and the fact that God could prosper my journey through the winning of souls or the encouragement of the church made my soul rejoice. Some might say I’m making the word fit the circumstances. I don’t believe that because the last thing I want to be is out of the will of God. I will say that my circumstances fit into the word.

When Paul wrote his letter to the Romans, he’d never met them. They were a group of believers that left Peter’s conference, also known as “Pentecost” and went back to their country and got busy planting churches and spreading the gospel. Paul had hopes and dreams of meeting those he’d heard about, and encouraging them in their faith.

He wanted to impart to them some spiritual gift! Me too! He wanted to comfort them! Me too! The work of the ministry is a struggle. It’s worth every bit of it, but there are days it’s not easy to go on. I spend much of my time encouraging believers and ministries by offering them my help using the gifts I’ve been given in music, graphic arts and speaking.

My desire is to do that more and more and travel anywhere the Lord leads. Like New Mexico.

The price on that ticket stub is the cost today of the ticket only, there are other expenses as well. It may go up as time goes by. I’m also not going alone, I plan to go with my bestie Glo, who’s been a part of my ministry from the beginning. If you’d like to contribute, that would be more than awesome and more than appreciated. You can contribute through the Paypal button below, or contact me directly.

If you’d like to be a part of the Jesus Chick Ministry, by prayer, financial or you’d like to know more about what I do through out the week, message me, I’m an open book! It’s the gospel.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Purpose, Uncategorized, Word of God

We are People of Purpose

Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,

Romans 1:1

And that’s all the further I made it before my mind started reeling. Thinking about Paul, who he was, who he became, and the fact I’ll meet him some day in glory! And the absolute fact that I am so not like Paul. He was so very committed to everything he did. It reminds me of the children’s rhyme:

There was a little girl who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead
And when she was good, she was very very good.
But when she was bad, she was dreadful!

Sorry! But that’s how my mind works. And that’s kind of how Paul was. When he was a Jewish Pharisee, he was very good at being very bad to the Christians, but when he became a Christian, oh my stars!!! that same zeal that he used to persecute and kill saints of God, he used to spread the gospel every where he went. He sowed seeds that would no doubt harvest a mighty crop of kids for the Kingdom. Oh, that that would be said of me… or you!

We are people of purpose, but we tend to forget it; or at least I do. Maybe you’re better.

As we continue reading Paul gives us more insight on our purpose as he scribes his letter to the children of Rome.

The Gospel

Romans 1:2

 (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,)

Malachi 4:1-6

For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts. Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

That’s the whole chapter, just 6 verses, but my what a kick in the pants and a reminder that this story wasn’t new in  Paul’s day, and it isn’t new in ours, but what it is the prophecy fulfilled, for what the old testament revealed. And Paul’s reminding the church of that very thing.

And there in those 6 verses we see the reminder of why we should be far more diligent at getting the Gospel out. Just as Christ came the first time, He’s coming again; but this time He will not be the gentle man that the world loves to view Him as. He’s coming as King of all and Lord of all and He’ll judge the earth in righteousness. And those who do not know Him as Savior, our chance to see them saved will be gone. Who are we going to meet today that we’ll not see in Heaven? That’s a sobering question.

The Good News

The good news is that though His return is imminent, for the time being we still have time. So, what will you and I do with it? I’m asking myself that question in all seriousness.

Romans 1:3-6

Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name: Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ:

If you’re saved, you’ve been called. And unlike the iPhone, you can’t pretend you didn’t see it. You can reject the call, as many of His children do, but somebody is going to suffer the consequences of our disobedience. That’s the bad news.

The Grace

Thank God for it, I’m going to need an abundance.

Romans 1:7

To all that be in Rome,

  • or Mt. Zion, West Virginia
  • Grantsville, WV
  • Windom, MN
  • Albuquerke, NM
  • Manilla, Philippines
  • Marietta, Ohio

Well, you get the picture.

beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Even in our failures, we are still His beloved. He didn’t die for perfect people, else there would have been no reason. He died for folks like us who failed before we were saved, and we’ve failed afterwards. But the difference is, we now know the whole story. It’s been revealed to us through His word that there is a purpose for us on this big ball of dirt! It’s to tell the world about the wonderful news of Jesus. And that the evilness of this world will be overcome. We will win the victory. But only those who know Jesus.

Who can you share that news with today?

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Church Unity, Eternity, Faith, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Faith is Not Routine

There is nothing routine about God! We like things neat, tidy and wrapped with a bow… but God’s not on a schedule, and there’s no such thing as time in Heaven.

Text: Ephesians 3:16-19

16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; 17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

Four verses, one sentence and a lot of goodness that we need to understand. And by the way, nothing common, ordinary or routine. Because just when we think we have God figured out, He goes and does beyond anything we could ever imagine.

When we think we can’t take anymore, He allows more. Just to prove to us that we’re stronger than we think, and that we need Him more than ever.

Exercise routines are good… I’m lousy at them, but they’re very good. They strengthen the body the same way trials strengthen our spirit when our faith is exercised. It builds faith muscles when we’re pushed outside our comfort zone. Praise God it’s not routine. They don’t happen every day, if they did, we’d likely give up. God never puts things on us to cause us to quit, He wants us to understand how far His love extends and how far He’ll go down this road with us. All the way to the end of this road, when eternity begins.

Paul said that the love of Christ “passeth” our knowledge. We can’t imagine the depth of it. It’s like the bible school song many of us sang, “Deep and wide, deep and wide, there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide.” And remember the second verse, when we’d add the Mmmm… in place of the words. I thought a lot about that today, and how the writer of that song may have been inspired by the fact that the depth and width of God’s fountain of overflowing love is indescribable.

After this weekend, where 30 people were killed by the wicked devices of this world, we need to remember that love. Those people were just living life, not waging war, and yet they were killed. That is a level of evil most of us, praise God, cannot understand either. We can’t imagine the frame of mind of those murderous individuals. But it’s not hard to understand the feeling of hopelessness that many people in this world face because they’ve never experienced the “fullness of God.”

Our church just came out of revival. Our annual tent meeting. A yearly scheduled event we call revival. But that’s not the revival God wants. Paul lived in a state of revival, not because life was roses, but because he was constantly under persecution and threat of death. That will cause you to get your priorities in check, quickly! A look around us should remind us of our need for bold exercised faith.

I kind of figure there was a time the very disciplined Paul lived a routine. But when Jesus blinded him along the road, Paul’s routine life went right out the window. And he became a man who lived in the moment.

In the last two verses of Chapter 3 of Ephesus Paul writes this:

20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

He reminds us all that God can and will do far more than we ask or think, but He just won’t do it and hand it too us on a silver platter; He does it through us and through our church body. And He does it for His glory!

What are you going to do this week for the cause? Are you in revival, or are you a walking corpse waiting for the upper taker. Be alive in Christ Jesus and working for His cause. He is worthy!!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

A Portion of My Cup (and Dewey’s)

For the greater portion of my ministry, which I feel officially began in 2010 when I really felt the Lord’s calling on me to be full time ministry, I really didn’t know what that ministry looked like. Couple that with my Pastor’s (at the time) response, who said to me when I announced that thought, “You can’t preach, Shari,” I was perplexed. I had truly never given preaching a thought. I hadn’t given anything a thought; I just knew that’s what God said. But I was ever so directionally challenged.

Bible College had trained me to outline, write and speak. Wonderful mentors had taught me how to share the saving grace of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit revealed to me my calling and I was set to go forward, but unfortunately in an utter state of confusion.

Throughout these years God has sent opportunities in abundance to serve. One such opportunity is the ministry. A news, views and avenues of faith and life topics to keep your mind focused on God. It’s Co-founder, Dewey Moede, has become one of my greatest friends and ministry partner’s over the past seven of my nine years. He has been a large portion of the cup which the Lord has given me to drink from. Dewey and I share 3 ministry drives that I want to share with you today in hopes of encouraging you to find your place in the ministry.

Psalm 16:5

The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot.

Everything for God’s Glory

That’s Dewey’s life goal and ministry mission. He and his wife Sharon (co-founder number 2) named their ministry For God’s Glory Alone, when Dewey walked away from the security of a very nice income, to live on Sharon’s nursing salary and faith. Those life decisions and that sold out faith is what brings glory to God’s name. It’s a given opportunity to share with the world that our Lord provides. He maintains our lot.

It’s the same purpose and drive that causes me to continue on the Jesus Chick Mission, believing that God’s provisions will take me through till Jesus’ return, or He calls me home.

 You can find more information on giving a worthy contribution to their 501c3 ministry on the website. And by the way… any contribution to the Jesus Chick will be of the utmost appreciation. For information on what my expense are, and if you’d like to contribute for the direct expenses, click here.

Anything for God’s People

I’m a born encourager. So is brother Dewey. It’s why we work so well together. If he has a down day, my words encourage him, if I have a down day, the same holds true with his words. We speak most every day in one form or another, via phone or text. His ministry has needs that I can provide through the gifts of artistic expression and graphic work that God has enabled me to do. It’s a privilege. He promotes and supports my ministry, and together we’ve become quite the duo for Jesus. FGGAM provides me the opportunity to help a brother out and in the process minister to the world through the banners and graphics I provide.

In this “all about me world,” even Christians have lost sight of the fact that we’re here to help each other out through this life. Anything God has given us the ability to do, we need to share it with God’s people.

Philippians 2:4

Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Nothing Without Accountability

Another great ministry attribute of and one I hold to with

Matthew 12:36

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

That’s the Word of God, and it’s a very scary word (or it should be) for those who don’t take it seriously. What we understand as ministry partners is that our convictions are more than just “notions,” they’re founded on the word of God. When we speak it, we want those who read our material to know that we’ve backed it up by the Word of God, and the resources that we’ve used for information gathering are trustworthy and honest.

When I stand at the throne of Christ, I want to hear Him say, “Well done thou good and faithful servant!” I don’t want to hear Him say, “Seriously Shari, what were you thinking?”

I hope these three attributes are a part of your life, and I pray that our ministries edify you as we’re instructed to do!

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Uncategorized

The Fool Hath Said “God Will Wait”

They used to say “There are no atheists in fox holes.” I don’t think that’s true anymore; the arrogance and pride of man is shockingly ignorant.

We’re in the second night of tent meeting at Victory Baptist Church, in Grantsville, WV and while the church in the holler is feeling the Spirit of God move in a mighty way, the world around us goes on, oblivious to the truth of God, that He’s coming back. And you’d better be ready!

Psalm 14

1The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.

The context of this scripture does not speak of men in general, but rather a specific group (Sennacherib’s invasion of Judea) to which David is writing and directing this Psalm. Well, I too could write and direct a Psalm toward specific groups of people that I feel fall into the category of fools. But I won’t. They will not listen and my words would offend and do little for the cause of Christ. So I’ll direct my thoughts to those who perhaps will listen, the children of God.

While we would never say there is no God, we will skirt on the issue of foolishness by pretending His return is far, far in the future. So I pose these questions for you and I today.

If Jesus phoned you personally and said, “I’ll be leaving Heaven in 15 minutes to call my children home,” who would be your first call? I have to ask myself that question too. And why haven’t I been more persistent about their salvation?

Would there be any materialistic thing that you’d look at and say, “This is worth staying for?” Mmmm…. Not when I got a mansion there waiting! However, you’d think that some of the things for which I put great value on were worth staying for, because I sure waste enough time on them.

My third and final question is this… “How soon after reading this will we forget the questions?”

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, salvation, Word of God, worship

Pardon Me For Whining

Okay… so I feel like I should apologize for whining yesterday. It’s not that it’s not in my character, it’s just not in my character to do it out loud. I always do it in my head so the world thinks I’m super spiritual. Just kidding… they don’t. But I like to think myself super spiritual sometimes; because then I don’t feel so bad about myself when I realize I’m an epic failure. Now that I’m done with that, let me tell you what I really want to do. I want to Psalm 13:6 it today!

Psalm 13:6

I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.

So in case you missed my whining session at the end of my vlog (video blog) yesterday, I was a tad emotional about the fact that temptation in this world is hard. Everyone faces it, and I’ve had my share lately when it comes to wanting to escape the will of God. That sounds bad. I should want to be in the will of God, right? Well, I technically do, until it’s a struggle. Like in the world of my finances and then I want to jump this ministry ship and get a “real job.” I get in that mode because that’s what the world tells me I should do. So this morning as I went merrily on my way, bible journaling through Psalms I came upon David’s whining session. However in his defense, his own son Absalom was trying to kill him. That really trumps my reasons to whine.

Abandonment Issues

1How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me?

Forever? Have you ever felt that way? When God does not answer immediately, especially in the microwave society for which we live, the feeling of despair can take over quickly. I want an immediate resolve so I can move forward. I want God to fix this mess! But with that cry I have to realize that God didn’t make my mess. I did.

Just like David. While he didn’t cause his son to become his enemy, he caused himself to lack the confidence that he had earlier experienced (before the sin with Bathsheba). Failing in our walk with Christ causes the feeling of abandonment, not because God moved, but because we’re not as close as we once were.

Advice Issues

How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me?

The worst thing I can do is ask myself for advice.

Taking counsel in my own soul will just add insult to injury. I’m a little too close to the situation, don’t you think? And yet when I don’t hear from God, rather than being still and waiting, I talk. And talk. And talk some more.  I’m such a slow learner.  

Ability Issues

Consider and hear me, O Lord my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death; Lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved.

Can you not hear the whining heart of the Jesus chick? It’s pretty loud. “I’m dying here Lord!” that’s what David said and that’s what I have a tendency to say. Because of my struggles I don’t have the ability to get the things accomplished that I want to get done. And because of that, I too feel like the enemy is rejoicing in my failures and I’ve been moved out of the place I long to be in.

Unexpected Blessings!

So here I am sitting in my office this morning and God reminds of a pumpkin that’s sitting at the edge of my yard in a pumpkin patch that I didn’t even plant. I had pumpkin décor last fall and it stayed in front of David’s wood shop on a few bales of hay, until it decayed and David as he often does, he cleaned up my mess. He threw the hay, pumpkin and all at the edge of a field. The seeds from those pumpkins made it into the ground and bore fruit. It was so exciting when David discovered our unexpected blessing and showed it to me.

So this morning I hear… this mess too will bear a surprising fruit. Be Still.

But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.6 I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.

So let me unwind and un-whine. God is good. That pumpkin is far from the only blessing in my life. I received such sweet encouragement from a few friends yesterday.

I shall not be moved! Because the Lord has more than dealt more than bountiful with me. How about you? Do you have a pumpkin in your patch? Praise God for it. And run the enemy off the porch of your dreams. Thank You Jesus.

The signs of a fruitful ending
Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, failure, Faith, Uncategorized

Common Temptations

Common Temptations

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

1 Corinthians 10:13

We all have them, yours are different than mine, but it’s still the same emotion, days of victory and days of utter defeat.

There’s not any new temptations according to Apostle Paul. And even though sometimes I think mine are so pathetic that everyone else has won their battle with it, the scripture says I’ve gone through nothing that someone else hasn’t already faced. You may be facing it today.

You and I are not that weird.

Satan does not have anything new to use against us that he didn’t have in the day of Paul.

When I was a teen alcohol was an issue. Do you know that in Paul’s day, the people of the church would come in and get drunk on the communion wine? If you don’t believe me read 1 Corinthians 11. It’s in there.

It’s why the Baptist use grape juice. We can’t be trusted in the wine barrel.

How big of an issue is alcohol today? Not with teens only, but more so with adults who should know better. It’s an issue that can so easily out of control, and blind side the strongest of Christians even. Especially those prone to addiction. For which I have that personality and it would take nothing to get me over the edge of any addiction.

They didn’t have pornography as we do in Paul’s day, but they were so brazen, they were having scandalous relationships to the point Paul had to preach on it in 1 Corinthians 6 and it’s captured in the eternal word of God. So Satan doesn’t have anything new there either, he just has a new outlet. The internet. And while it’s done in secret with man, God still knows

Paul preached on corrupt conversations (Ephesians 4:29) How many things could fall into that category? Gossip, anger, criticism?) Finance issues, 1 Timothy 6:10,

Tell me these aren’t the same issues that we’re facing today. There is not new sin. Nothing’s changed since the garden. Man is still trying to make it on his and her own, without getting busted by God.

I heard a really deep sermon on this topic this week.  A lot of bible study had gone into it. I’m not going to tell you that I’ve done a lot of studying. But I can tell you that I’ve done a lot of thinking about how to speak on relevant topics of discussion for today. And going into tent meeting I wanted something for my own life to jerk a knot in me and say, “Shari, you can do better.”

If you want to be successful, you cannot continue dragging your heels in the dirt of this world, you’ve got to get up in the heavens where the air is clean and the sky is clear.

We’re seated in heavenly places the bible says.  

That may sound metaphoric, but it’s not.

This earth is disgusting. The preacher reminded us of a story of Billy Sunday, who was asked by a woman why he found the need to hold revivals all the time? And he asked her why she found the need to take a bath all the time? We need a bath for the same reason we need a revival. Because we’re dirty.

So I wanted to speak on something that is relevant and something that we can all agree is an issue. Dirt.

1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

The Lust of the Flesh

John Gill described it as “All unchaste thoughts, desires, words, and actions.”

Have you ever seen a time when there was more exposure to corrupt immoral behaviors? You can’t watch a commercial, a television show, movie, or even a child’s cartoon that it’s not there. It’s not only there, we don’t think twice about it. That is the scariest part. It’s on us and we don’t even try to wash it off.

I’m not sure how much it affects your world, but it certainly has been affecting mine. I don’t watch a lot of television during the day, but late at night, Netflix has been my go to source for entertainment. There’s hardly anything fit to watch. I finally resorted to watching kid shows because I needed to get a break from “too much adult content.” I’m not that grown up. My mind goes places it shouldn’t go. I’m just being real… And it always pops up in the middle of a sermon, or when I’m trying to be spiritual. It’s like someone is trying to sabotage my relationship with God. I wonder who that could be?

It ends up being two sabotages’. Satan, and me. I don’t want too, but I do.

The Lust of the Eyes

Sinful pleasures most generally begin with the eyes. Covetousness, vanity, idolatry… if we see it, we want it. We want to look like them, be like them, live like them… who are they? Anyone with something we don’t have.  It takes over our thoughts and desires and soon God is pushed to the side for stuff… It’s what takes people into a world of debt and destruction.

One poll that I read said that financial issues were 1/3 (it was the leading cause) of marriages ending. I don’t think that’s a shock. And I would dare to say that most of those debts came from the lust of the eyes. $50,000 dollar cars are standard issues for families. And the houses are beautifully insane.

Have you ever watched the shows where people are looking for a new home? I’ve pretty much stopped watching them because I couldn’t stand the bratty attitudes of the people who were appalled that a home only had 2,000 square feet. My home is less than ½ that. I lived in a tiny house before it was cool. Raised two girls here. And always felt inadequate because of people’s comments about other people’s houses and the fact that they unknowingly were speaking of me.

I’m not throwing stones. I have my own wants and desires that I could spill a list of. Some of which I need, and some of which, I just want. The lust of the eyes will take our eyes off what’s important.

The final of the three is

The Pride of Life

What seems to be meant is, “ambition and honor.” Titles.

Again have you seen it any worse than now when people are far less concerned about the ethics of work as they are about their position. Children are brought up in a world of entitlement and our next generation of employees just think they deserve a pay check for the same reason they deserved a trophy. Because they showed up. Not because they excelled.

The same thing is happening in the church. People feel like they’ve done enough because they showed up on Sunday morning and participated. They sang a song, they put their dollar in the offering, they shook the Pastor’s hand and told him he did a great job, now. Bring on the week and don’t think about it until next Sunday! And if you have a revival, don expect them to be their every night because that’s just too much.

I can guarantee some of our people feel that way, and I’m not worried about saying it, because I can almost guarantee they’re not watching me. Most of them don’t know I’m even on here, or what the Jesus Chick ministry is about.

This is where I broke down this morning.

I know this is what I’ve been called to do. But … those first two issues. The flesh and the eyes, have put me in a position that causes my family great issues financially. I want stuff. And stuff costs money, and I’m not really upset that I don’t have what I want, I’m more discouraged because sometimes I don’t have what I need to ministry work. And that causes me to want to go back into the world to get it. But there’s issues.

So this is where it got very relevant with me this morning. Do I trust God, or do I turn to man? And I think it’s where we all are in this world of dirt. This world gets on us and causes us to be uncertain about Heavenly things, because we can’t see them. It’s like my glasses most of the time. They have so much dirt and grime I can’t see clearly. Well, God cleared it up for me. I have to make a living… but not in the world. And that’s where I need to focus.

And then there was peace.

I hope you find yours today too…

Posted in Bible Journaling, Uncategorized

Oh Lord It’s Hard to Be Humble

I like to think myself as humble, and then I have to ask myself “Are you really? And if you were, would you think you were?” I don’t know. Sometimes I don’t think I’m fully understanding of God’s opinion of humility, so God’s word in Psalm 10, verse 17 was a good launching point to understanding my humility level.

Lord, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:

Psalm 10:17

Humble People Have Desires

I often think to myself and tear myself apart for wanting stuff. And I’ll confess, my desire for stuff isn’t always for God’s glory. Sometimes it’s just because this girl wants to have fun. Much like the gift I received from my overly generous husband yesterday who has always wanted to give me the desires of my heart, and I him. It’s how we’ve come to celebrate 39 years in just a few weeks. Which is why he bought me the Apple ® watch. He knows it’s been a desire of my heart. But then I often cannot reciprocate gifts of such value because I don’t have a “real job.” You know… one that pays money. So the guilt sets in. And it’s much the same with my relationship with God. I feel guilty that I’m not better at life.

Humble People Have Disappointments

Mostly in myself. I’m sure there are humble people out there who have great confidence as well as humility. I’m just not one of them. So when I read that God prepares the heart, it made me wonder what I’m missing that causes me to lack confidence and be disappointed with my accomplishments. Why am I not fully prepared? Obviously God isn’t the issue, He has prepared me; so how do I tap into it? I found that answer in 2 Timothy 2:20-21

But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

And there it was in the honesty of God. I often lump myself in with wood and earth, rather than gold and silver. I know that I fail God again and again, and so does God. But rather than accepting His grace, and purging myself, I stay in the condemnation of this world. Foregoing His grace for misery. And how does that make sense? But it’s who I am, and I need to do better.

 Humble People Have Discouragers

Some on earth, some in the spiritual realm, and some in the mirror. But the latter of my verse says “God will cause his ear to hear.” But for some goofy reason, I buy the lies of my discouragers. Oh… I believe God hears. They can’t fool me on that, but my problem is, I don’t feel worthy of an answer. And that would be true, if it were my worthiness that matters. But it’s not. It’s the worthiness of the Savior Who thought I was of enough value to die for. The discouragement comes when I allow the sounds of the sirens of Hell to speak louder to my soul than the trumpets of Heaven that proclaim God’s glory.

This act causes me to live far short of the glory of God than I should, and doesn’t allow the world to see me living in the triumph that a child of God should.

A lesson for me, and probably a lesson for you too. Let’s practice it today!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Political

They are But Men

I declare it was an accident! I had to take two of my grandchildren for their sports physicals yesterday and as I sat down in the waiting room, I realized the television was on the news. CNN no less! And they were broadcasting live the Mueller hearing. My stomach rolled over. I was forced to listen to the arrogant democratic questioner as he so obviously twisted and turned every word to fit his agenda. This isn’t political rhetoric I promise. This is a stand as a child of the Living God, and a prayer to my Savior to help us.

Enough is enough. I see little to no representation of the Nation and the believers on Capitol Hill. They mock my God and allow absolute Godless, satanic representation to have the louder voice while professing Christians sit idly by and say nothing. Yet they’ll show up at Christian rallies and say they’re our voice. Horse pucky! If you’re my voice, defend my God.

This morning as I continued my journey journaling in Psalms I concluded Psalm 9 as my prayer for our Country. It seemed fitting for my experience yesterday.

Put them in fear O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah. (verse 20)

They’ve Lost Their Fear

I can tell you quite honestly, as 2 Timothy 1:7 says “God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  I still know to fear God in reverence.  He spoke the world into existence and He can just as easily speak me out of it. I don’t stand in that fear, I stand in the confidence that He loves me and it’s what humbles me to want to serve Him and stand for Him in this country that has turned their backs on Him. They’ve turned their backs because they don’t understand who He is.

Romans 3:11-18

11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. 12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. 13 Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: 14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: 15 Their feet are swift to shed blood: 16 Destruction and misery are in their ways: 17 And the way of peace have they not known: 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.

Sounds like Capitol Hill to me.

They’ll Get it Back

Revelation 15:4

Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.

It’s what keeps me going. It’s why I continue to celebrate the Nation that I live in because I know on what ground it was founded. They can deny it all they want. It doesn’t change history and it doesn’t change the word of God. Though many versions have tried. Something they too will answer for.

I just needed to say today, though I doubt any of those Capitol Hill convicts will read it, I may not watch the news, but when it comes to the elections, I watch what you do and say. I see your hypocritical behavior, and you may not hear or support my voice, but my God does. And you really should fear. This world will end and when it does,that hearing will have but one Judge. His word will be final and His truth will be spoken. Your arrogance will cease and His Righteousness will stand. You are “but men.”

Glory! I wrote myself happy again! God Bless America!!!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Evangelism, Faith

It’s The Real Thing

I would tell you not to tell the preacher on me, but I literally set just a few feet away from where he stands preaching on Sunday evening, so I’m pretty sure he knows. My attention span is only as disciplined as my imaginations allows. It is the boss of me so often. I’ll begin my note taking with the greatest of intentions. His sermons are packed full wisdom that I long to remember, but then… the Shari of constant chaos engages with my brain, and my pencil has a life of it’s own. My notes turn into doodles and quick jot and before long of got an entire page of nonsense. Well, to anyone who dares to look at it. But to me it’s the sweetness of God’s word saved to the page for me chew on later like a fine piece of licorice!

Sunday night it was that Coke can that caused my mind to go amuck. Pastor Steven was preaching on one of my favorite topics, the Holy Spirit. And the difference between the thirst quenching power of the world (which is fake) and the thirst quenching of the Spirit, which of course is the Real Thing! I know it all too well!

It was at that point the Coca Cola jingle from my childhood began playing in my head. I had learned it in the 5th grade Grantsville Elementary School Choir. We all stood on the playground and sang it at a special event for which I don’t remember. But I remember the day, and I was excited, because that day had music, and music has always made me happy. Just like many things in the world do, for a while. But it never lasts.

But the day I felt the Holy Spirit move in my soul for the first time, I wasn’t trading it for anything in the world. I knew I’d found the real thing! How did I know? I’m glad you ask!

A Real Peace

That was the most significant thing in my life. Because I’d never had it. From my earliest memories my soul was in turmoil and fear of eternity. But the day the Holy Spirit moved in, the day I said yes to Jesus as Savior, was the day that peace arrived on the scene of my heart and hasn’t left. I may have moments of insecurity or uncertainty, but it’s quickly followed by assurance and steadfast confirmation that my world is in God’s control. That’s the Real Thing!

A Real Place

With real people. Not perfect ones, but ones like me who made mistakes and let me know it was okay to not be okay, but it wasn’t okay to stay that way. A place where the altar was more than a step to the platform, but it was a step to getting your life together. Sunday after Sunday I wept at that altar, trying to figure salvation out for myself, thinking I could fix my life. Because that’s what the world wants us to believe. That’s a lie. Salvation is through our belief in Christ  and His finished work on the cross, alone. But being in a place to grow and learn is how you keep on going and winning the real battles that come in life. Those are a real thing too!

A Real Passion

When I discovered the love of God, and began to understand what He did for me, there was a passion that began welling up in my soul and God sent person after person to add fuel to it. Preachers, musicians, singers, mentors… so many people of talent and a like passion that I couldn’t get enough of serving the Lord! That’s all I wanted to do. It’ was the first time in my life that I was doing something that I knew for certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, made a difference. An eternal difference.

I’d done a lot of  great things in my life to help folks out, but all of it was going to burn up on the last day of earth, and I knew it. But now I had a purpose that would last all of eternity. And that passion is still alive and well today. It’s the real thing!

Is it real in your life. Do you have real peace, a real place of acceptance and love and real passion make a difference in this world. I pray so. If not, please, please shoot me a message on Facebook, or in the comments below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! Let’s get this matter taken care of! We have places to go and people to see, and an Eternity to spend together.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Leadership

Twelve 2019 A.D. Truths from 1044 B.C.

Every day I become more and more conscience of the scriptures playing out right before my eyes. It’s why I can “Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.” To the world that makes no sense. How can you rejoice in fear? To me it makes perfect sense. I know what a mess I am, and for certain what a mess this world would be in if I were in control, or any of the other knot heads that think they are. Why would anyone want that!?

Psalm 2 has 12 verses; one for each month of the year. Twelve 2019 A.D. Truths from 1044 B.C.

1Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

Have you ever seen a time when rage and vanity was as bad as it is now? You can’t turn on the news and not see it. Everyone’s angry because someone has an opinion that differs their own. And they’re not questioning whether their opinion is right, only that they’re entitled to it and nobody else is.

The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,

Not only are they entitled to their theories of morality, they’re also entitled to their people and God’s design doesn’t enter the equation.

Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

We are raising a generation of children who define the rules rather than obey them. They also have a mighty fine example of that in Washington D.C.

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

And God laughs. Only it’s not funny. The last thing anyone in this world really wants is to be mocked by God.  Because He alone holds our future in the balance, determining what direction we’re to go. America elected Donald Trump President, who has at least stood on the side of Israel, pro-life and conservative values. I didn’t say he was perfect. But he is our President. However, talk about derision!  Good grief. There’s a reason that word rhymes with division. We are a nation of disrespect for the very thing that has made us stand out among the world’s leaders. Freedom.

Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

Do you think we’re a vexed nation? Vex defined is annoyed or aggravated. America is an angry Nation. Myself included. I have to check my attitude on a pretty regular basis because I want to hurt people. Believe me when I tell you that I’m not always thinking about the soul of an unbeliever. Sometimes I’m thinking about their neck and how I’d like to wring it for stupidity, pride and arrogance.

Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.

But then I remember Who it is that is in control. And it’s then that I’m in awe that He hasn’t wrung my own neck. My Savior. He Who died as a meek Lamb, but will come again as a roaring Lion!

I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

We tend to put God into the perspective of man.

The God of John 3:16, long before the world knew Him face to face, He was. His plan was laid out before Him, and He stepped into it without regard for Himself, but for the sake of His people. He did so for an example to His children of how to put others before themselves. And there was a time that America did. It’s what made us a melting pot. People would come to our country for opportunity and they were accepted and loved not because of where they were from, but because of where they wanted to come. America! They loved our Nation and wanted to become a part of the dream. Now many have become a nightmare.

We are children of God because He chose to allow us to be. Not because He had to, or that we were deserving of it.

Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.

God has been highly tolerate of a rebellious generation. Our government preaches tolerance, yet they don’t understand the first thing about it. Getting your way isn’t tolerance. And God has been far more tolerant that anyone would have believed in 1950. Immorality has become the norm not because of tolerance but because of apathetic people who rather than stand up for the morals of a godly nation that was fought for, they chose to cower to people who wouldn’t defend them for love nor money. But God’s tolerance will most certain wane.

10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

As I said before, serving God with fear is easy. Especially when the result of serving man is being lived out on the evening news. I love the fact that I know that I know the Creator of all the universe. That the God Who named the stars, has a new name waiting for me in Glory, There’s a new song that even the angels cannot sing. What a privilege to know Him and commune with Him with just the speaking of His name. There is no disconnect for the child of God and if the kings of this world were wise, they’d be calling on Him to give them instruction. And He will!

If our leaders would call a prayer meeting, good night Irene!!!! I cannot imagine how this nation would turn around. Because I know He has that power is why I rejoice and tremble in His presence. He’s amazing.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

To “Kiss the Son,” is to choose Him above all else. It takes humility and faith. A very small price to pay for the gift of eternal life. For the gift of peace during this life!

Praise God He is in control 365 days and every second of every day! I’ll gladly serve Him and what an honor it is.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith

These be They, but Ye Be Loved

It seems like an eternity since I woke up this morning, and yet it’s 9:00 a.m. and I’ve got very little accomplished. It’s hard for me to stay focused today. My mind is in so many different places. It’s in New Mexico with Dewey, it’s in Minnesota with Lynn, it’s in Virginia with Whitney, Spencer with Tiffani, Marietta with Dr. Guiler and in the Word with my Lord. I told someone yesterday that I felt scattered. That’s the only way I can describe where I’m at. It’s exhausting to try to pick pieces from all corners of the earth, much like I need to pick up pieces throughout the corners of my house. My desk looks like something exploded on it.

And yet she is so remarkably calm. If only I could get inside her plastic brain and rest for a while. If only I could actually sit in that position and then stand up again without assistance! But life happens. So I continue on in my journaling exercise in the book of Jude, nearing the end of the book.

Jude vs. 19-20

These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

My first question is an often ask one, “How do people survive without God?” I know I did it for 34 years, but the truth of that is, I at least was pretending to have Him in my life. In all my years I have never said there was no God. I knew there was, I just didn’t know how to connect to Him.

Romans 10:14

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Thank You Jesus for preachers!

So this morning as I grieve with a family who lost a child, as I miss my children, and as I give thanks to God for friends who feel like they’re in the room with me, when actually they’re across the country; I’m ever so grateful that in my soul, within the very being of my body is the Holy Ghost. He who finds me “beloved.” He who calms my fears, soothes my stress points and sends laughter into my soul through nutty videos that wasted more of my time, but was oh so necessary.

He is Who builds my faith like a Lego house. Brick upon brick, day by day, bad and good. Never failing to remind me that He has all these things in control and we be loved.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Leadership, Uncategorized, Word of God

How to Deal with Mainstream Mayhem

Many of the conversations I’ve had, both inside my head, and with other people, have recently been around the discussion of end times. It’s a topic not everyone desires to discuss. For me, from the standpoint of myself, I get excited! But then I begin to think of family and friends who aren’t prepared. It’s at this point that those who are not prepared, or those who are uncertain turn me off. And it’s when I begin to worry and stress about how much I’m doing for the cause of the Kingdom. I need to find ways to reach more people. I need to find a way to reach my people! You know… the family who “think” they’re okay, and those who just don’t think about it all, but would rather live in ignorance, not knowing that Jesus could be ready to step out on the cloud at any moment and call His church home.

Are you ready? Do you know that you know? I knew that I knew last year when I had open heart surgery. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can afford that peace. When I see that people don’t have an understanding of the end times, and really don’t care to know, I’m more than a little alarmed. But I guess that’s because I know. So in reading Jude, which by the way reads like a book specifically about 2019, I feel compelled to share the news I discovered about the news!

Jude vs. 16-18

These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage. But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.

Wow. How accurate is that?

According to a poll from Axios last year, 72% of 4,000 Americans polled, believe “traditional major news sources report news they know to be fake, false or purposefully misleading.” Other polls say it’s less; but then again, how do we know if even those who do the polls are reporting honestly. It’s just a sad state of affairs that we live in. Jude didn’t need the internet, a poll, or the evening news to tell him what the prognosis was for mankind. He heard it straight from Heaven. He walked with the Creator of all, and his words give an outline of modern times.

How not to Mistake the Fake

Stop watching all mainstream television. There are none that truly don’t have an agenda. I fully believe that. And in so doing, they’ll do they’re very best to persuade you in to believing what they say, even if it’s only in part. And it’s not only the news outlets. You can’t watch a good comedy without an agenda in it! If there’s such a thing as a good comedy. The dark side is found in almost every show I’ve attempted to watch over the past years. Wholesome television is almost nonexistent. And if you think children’s television is any different, think again. I’ve had to ban complete children’s channels off my television with the grandkids because they promote homosexuality, violence, and disrespect. It’s insane! So what’s the answer? Are we going to stop watching entertainment? Probably not, but we need to take Jude’s advice to heart before turning it on.

Never Trust Their Lusts

I’m not just trying to rhyme. It was a fact I learned about myself in our Sunday sermon at Victory Baptist Church. I covet stuff. Shiny stuff. I have a serious issue of wanting things I don’t necessarily need, and much of it comes from all the time I spend on social media. There’s always something shiny and new waiting for me on the web. Just ask They’ll show you your shiny desires too, because they follow your networking trends. But it’s not always your lusts that are the issue. Their lusts can be come your lusts if it’s entered into your information gatherer enough times. That’s why I can’t watch shows who push the liberal agenda. Because I know their design is to mess with my conservative brain.

Don’t Fluff up the Puffed Up

Meaning: don’t take their efforts lightly. They’ve got it down to a fine art on how to manipulate the American mind. They use people and things that appeal to us. It’s why the celebrities are pushing every product and agenda out there. Because if we love their shows, music and movies, we’ll be easy marks to love their mindsets too. Which if you’re not careful will lead you down a pathway far away from the Lord Jesus Christ.

I’ll tell you where I stand. I’m a pro-Jesus, pro-life, Baptist conservative that makes no apologies for rolling my eyes at liberal brats who want my children and grandchildren to be corrupted by the notion that they are entitled to a world of shiny things that will take their minds to places God never intended His children to go. I hear it in their voices every time they get upset because life treats them unfairly or a commercial comes on with the latest and greatest and they want it, or a show or song plays that has garbage throughout it and they repeat it. And yet, when I praise God, or bow my head to pray I’m the one viewed as a fanatic.

It’s why Jude makes it clear that if you want the truth there is only one place to find it.

Take a look at the book!

So how do we deal with the Mainstream Mayhem? We measure everything we see and hear by the words of Jesus Christ. It is the only absolute truth in this world.

It’s why I love writing and working for Because Pastor Dewey Moede views the world through a biblical lens, and before he publishes it, it has to meet God’s standards. We know we’re accountable for what we say. The Bible is clear on that! We’ll stand before God and give an account of the words we speak and write. We’re not the only ones. That liberal bunch of liars that’s out there, they’ll have their day when they’re mockery comes to an end.

The book of Jude is one chapter from the end of the Book.

I feel like that’s where we are on the time line of eternity. And this chapter is coming to an end quickly…

Posted in Bible Journaling, Grace, Life Inspiration, Peace, Praise

The God I Know

For the past week, you may, or may not have notice my lack of presence on social media.

In the world of rural West Virginia, for lack of another terminology, crap happens. My niece-in-love Kaitlin was traveling the highway in front of our home, as well as a dump truck that had just unloaded his bed. In thinking that the bed was completely down he began moving on the road, when it turns out the bed was still partially up. He then clipped our phone and internet cables, which was bad, but; but also in the process it broke a bolt from the truck projecting it like a shotgun shell through Kaitlin’s truck windshield where it lodged. (see photo below) Which was a nightmare that I can’t even fathom. Accidents can happen at any time. You may get into an accident and your car may be wrecked while driving to work. In such cases, you can hire an attorney who can help you get compensation for the injuries or damages caused.

Without the providential hand of God, this story could have ended so much worse. I’m sure it’s a thought that ran through Kaitlin’s family’s mind on more than one occasion. I’m so grateful that she’s okay. I’m so thankful that I know that God!

Because of Kaitlin’s truck accidents in Beaufort, it caused me to spend far less time on social media. I was not entirely without service. If I walked around the house or yard, held my hand and my mouth just right, I could get enough service to get the occasion message or post through to my phone. I’m a sad and desperate social media junkie. I need help! (Insert smile here)

But I spent my time journaling the book of Jude, verse by verse. Which I’ve only made it to verse 13 of the 25. There’s just so much meat in the book! I could chew on one verse for days and not get all the flavor out of it. So I share with you today, Verses 9 and 10 and a few of my thoughts on religion and why I’m so glad I know the God of that bolt!


The LORD is There

Satan loves religion! So we find him in verse 9 arguing with Michael the archangel; but Michael is refusing to argue back. I’m not that strong. I run my mouth to Satan on a pretty regular basis. But the scripture is clear that it wasn’t Michael’s fight. And I fear that I may have fought more than a few battles with Satan that weren’t mine to fight.

As I understand it from commentary, Satan wanted the body of Moses to be buried where the people would be able to set up a monument, which would become a shrine. Far be it from the children of Israel to worship something other than God, and their great respect for Moses (occasional) and reverence (with days of hypocrisy) would have likely caused them to take their eyes from their true deliverer, which was God!

El Shaddai

Lord God Almighty

He was the One with the power to deliver, not Moses. He may choose to use people, or like in the circumstances of Kaitlin, He may just stop a bolt bullet. None the less, He is God Almighty! And worthy of praise!

In verse 10, it is a continuation from verse 8, which speaks to the people of Jude’s day (which sound a lot like the people of our day). It says they were filthy dreamers, defiling the flesh, despising dominion and speaking evil of dignities. Sound like American politics to you? Politics and religion are close in relation. Satan loves when both make it into church house conversations because they are sure to cause division with “most” people. But not a church whose focus is the unity and leadership of God.

Jehovah Raah

The Lord Is My Shepherd

Michael the archangel had a relationship with God, not a religion. He knew the Lord well enough to know that he did not need to argue with Satan, but leave that conversation to God, Who will put the smack down on Satan in the end of our story! Glory to God! Even though Michael, a spiritual being, had the power to kill thousands, and would have no doubt been a worthy adversary of Satan, he was strong enough to shut up. I’m not that strong. I am more often than not in the natural. It is in that mindset that we corrupt our relationship with God. Because we don’t allow Him to have control of us.

I’m so, so very grateful that Kaitlin is safe and is the momma of three beautiful little girls and can continue raising them. And I’m grateful that through her safety, I learned many lessons from the book of Jude. Including the fact that I can rest in the knowledge that God has my world in His control.

Satan may be the little “g” god of this world. But he can only go so far as the Lord will allow! Glorrraaaaaay!

Jehovah Shalom

The Lord Is Peace

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Purpose, Uncategorized, Word of God

When Your Value Seems Less

23 For it was the king’s commandment concerning them, that a certain portion should be for the singers, due for every day.

35 Lod, and Ono, the valley of craftsmen.

Nehemiah 11:23,35

I realize that those two scriptures may or may not mean much to you this morning, but for me as an artist, singer, creative person often less than extraordinaire they meant a great deal.

When I tell people that I struggle. That’s not a lie and it’s not said for pity or pride. It’s just reality. I get up way too often in the morning feeling like a failure and that what I do doesn’t amount to a hill of beans in the scope of eternity. So when I read in Nehemiah this morning, as I’ve read at other times (but too often forget), God truly cares about the creative.   That brought such joy to my heart.

While people enjoy music and art; unless you’re an honest to goodness “professional” your value is often viewed as less. It’s a hobby or a past time, not a career because it doesn’t come with a paycheck. And while I have people in my life that more than value me, I don’t value myself enough it seems.

So today I thought I’d post this short thought for those dealing with “feeling less.”

God made the moon the lesser light… and yet how many nights have we sat marveling at it. (Genesis 1:16)

The mustard seed is less than all the seeds on the earth… yet birds find rest and lodge there. (Mark 4:32)

There are parts of the body that we view as less important, and yet, we dare not want to live without them. (1 Corinthians 12:23)

Paul thought of himself less than all the saints (Ephesians 3:8) … but look at the difference he made in eternity.

David, King of Israel was the least of his brothers and not even considered by family in contention for the position, but God had other plans! (1 Samuel 16)

I reminded myself of these scriptures today, in hopes of encouraging my soul that lesser is often as it is, so that God can do the greater and receive the glory He deserves.

You and I are valuable members of the body of Christ. We are irreplaceable by anyone else.

He cared so much about me this happy Thursday morning that He showed me in His word and through friends how much the God of all creation, cares about the creative.


Posted in Bible Journaling, joy, Life Inspiration

Just for the Joy of It!

While there are numerous verses in the Bible for which folks can cling to and call their own for such a time as this in their lives; I may have found a new life verse for me. Insert smile here for the cupcake, but the verse does speak more to my heart than just that sweet treat! It speaks to my soul on a level that God knew I needed today.

I always say I have issues, but I really believe that I have my share and someone else’s too. I love to live life, I love to give joy, I always mean well even when it doesn’t end well, and I have the hardest time of receiving anything with joy. I’ll receive it with gratitude, and the consciousness that I am beyond unworthy, but joy doesn’t come easy.

So Nehemiah 8:10 pricked my heart this morning.

A friend had sent a message today that they were going to contribute to my ministry and I didn’t have words  (other than thank you) to tell them how I felt. It doesn’t come natural for me to receive things without guilt.

Why that is, I don’t know, because that’s never been the intent of the givers. They give with joy… so why can I not receive it with joy? Follow along with me in verse 10 and I think you and I will both discover why…

Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Accept My Goodness

I don’t know why God is so good to me. I don’t say that in humility, I’m really clueless. I know my heart. I don’t deserve any of it. And yet, He pours His goodness down upon me and says, “Here it is Shari. Just take it and enjoy.

Share My Goodness

I don’t always have things to share. Not like people share with me. But when I do it does bring such great joy to me. It’s why I love sharing the art that I do and why I give so much of it away. Because it does bring great joy into my life. It’s also why selfish people are miserable. Because they don’t experience the joy God intended us to have.

Celebrate my Goodness

For this day is holy! That part of the verse got me. God intended this day to be used for His glory. That’s why He puts His blessing upon it and says, “I did this for you. I did this so you and I could celebrate the day together.”

Isn’t that a great thought? That God creates a party for no particular reason, just because He loves you. 

Now stop feeling guilty about it. You’re ruining His fun. That’s what I heard. God said I was a party pooper.

Draw Strength from my Goodness

Life is full of enough bad days. When we get a good one, we need to store up that goodness and remember it.

Much like me, the children of Israel were not always obedient. They were more often than not a rebellious nation. So there was plenty of guilt to go around and they were justifiable in the feeling. But God tells them to “stop living in defeat because of past mistakes.” It won’t fix them and it will mess up what He had planned next.

Glorrrrraaaaay! That’s a good word, right? Let’s celebrate with cake! Just for the joy of it!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Heaven, salvation

It Doesn’t Change the Book

I can tell by the look in their eyes when they’ve tuned me out and they’re wishing me off the planet. Even family. It’s not that they don’t love me, it’s not that they’ll not tolerate me. It’s that I make them very uncomfortable. Which is never my goal, but almost always the outcome. And such is the life as someone who loves to share Jesus and wants everyone regardless of heritage to become a part of my family. To share my Father. The Lord Jesus Christ.

And to ask most of them, they’d say they already do. But deed… “the proof ain’t in the puddin’,” as the saying goes.

It’s been the case as far back as Genesis. Someone always trying to get in by somebody else’s coattails, or by works, or just assuming God would never let them go to Hell. And so those of us who know the truth, continue to tell the truth and those who don’t want to know, shut us out. But that doesn’t change the book. –

In the book of Nehemiah, which happens to be where I’m reading, I was dreading chapter seven. It’s a chapter of name after name after name. And as I read I prayed, “God, please let me get something out of this besides a glaze over my eyes.” And as I traveled through the names, hoping someone’s would pop off the page and capture my attention, it didn’t. It wasn’t the name God wanted to capture my attention with. It was registration process.

In verses 64-65 my heart broke.

These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found: therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood. And the Tirshatha said unto them, that they should not eat of the most holy things, till there stood up a priest with Urim and Thummim.

Urim and Thummim were priestly devices found on their breastplate and used to determine God’s will. In my small mind, I imagine it to be as a priest flipping a coin. Don’t believe everything I tell you, I might lead you astray. But that’s still how I see it.

But for today, there’s no more coin flipping. And there’s only one Priest that matters and that’s the Lord Jesus Christ. Friends and family can tune me out, shut me down and tell me to go away, but when it comes to their final days, the question will remain “Are you a part of the family of God?”

Matthew 7:21-23 King James Version (KJV)

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

There were 642 persons (verse 62) who professed to be children of Israel. But the word said they were polluted. What an indictment. And it’s the same indictment that’s going to be against those who profess to be children of God but have never made Him Lord and Savior. Oh… they believe in Jesus. But then again, so does Satan. They believe in God. Satan knows Him personally. That won’t keep him out of Hell. Some of them go to church, most do not. But to tell you the truth, Satan’s in church every Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday. He never misses a revival. He’s usually sitting beside of me trying to get my attention off task. The question still remains, “Is your name written down in the Lamb’s book of Life?”

Revelation 21:27

And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Those who are not written down, having accepted what Jesus Christ did for them on the cross as payment for their sins, are still covered with the pollution of this world. They won’t enter into Heaven with that pollution on them. They’ve got to be clean, and the only way they can be is to be covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. And why would they be?

If your child died for someone so that they could be free, and that person denied what they did and never acknowledge with gratitude the cost that was paid for them, why would you want to spend eternity with them?

God not allowing folks in Heaven sounds harsh until you view it from there.

What a privilege to be a child of the King! A member of the Family of God. You can’t change the book. Not the Bible or the Lamb’s book of Life. Both were written in indelible ink.

Posted in Bible Journaling

Finding a Happy Place in the Rain

This has been the rainiest of seasons for West Virginia. According to the national weather service it has rained 11 out of the 21 days of June. And it’s not the rain I mind as much as the mud in rural West Virginia. Jeepers! I spend more time sweepin’ and moppin’ than anyone should. Between the 2 dogs, a cat, 4 children and 6 grandchildren, and of course the husband, my house isn’t a show place. It’s very well lived in, and that’s how we like it. I have enough stress in my life, I don’t want to have to stress “stuff.”

Any day I’m with them, it’s a good day.

Psalm 118:24

This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

I will not tell you I have mastered Psalm 118:24. I won’t pretend when Versace (the Jackhuahau, half Jack Russell and half Chihuahua) went hunting behind the house yesterday and came back coated in mud to his belly, I didn’t groan, grab him and take him to the tub immediately. I had just mopped for cryin’ out loud. Neither of us were happy about it, but life happens. I had just gotten home from one doctor’s appointment and had 20 minutes before I had to head to the next doctor’s appointment. In between phone calls, text messages and a dinner my husband had planned on my behalf. Insert smile here.

I have a beautiful 5’x7’ cream and blue rug in my living room by the front door that I love. I have to wash it weekly because the little feet and the big feet make it brown and navy. Drives me crazy! But it’s how we live. Rainy days happen in life, and I have to look behind a lot of gray clouds sometimes to find the sun, but it’s always there.

Three things about that verse that caused me pause this morning.

God made the Day

As my friend Gloria and I traveled to the beach last week, it rained the entire trip. All 7 ½ of it. However, we were too excited about the next 8 days, to concern ourselves with the dreary journey.

Should that not be how we are in life? So what if it’s rained half the month. Do you know where we’re going? Where the sun shines every day and there is no night. And if there’s rain there, it’s probably liquid sunshine. And I’m pretty sure there won’t be mud in heaven!

I spoke to a doctor yesterday, who I adore. But he’s stressing life. And life can be seriously stressful. I’m sick and tired of feeling sick and tired so I’m asked my doctor for a CBD prescription. CBD has been found to have an abundance of health benefits for people, including calming anxiety and reducing the risk of depression. The extended shelf life of CBD oils is also a big plus. I also know in my heart that God made every day of my life and allowed whatever comes into it to happen. I really do have a happy place, and it’s in that knowledge.

Rejoicing isn’t optional for successful living

It’s why I can tell people “I’m great!” when they ask how I am and not feel like I’m lying. I really am great, because I choose to rejoice in the fact that I am a child of the Living God and His presence in my life helps me to understand that if I want to fulfil my purpose and be successful in my calling, I have to allow the world to see the absolute joy in my heart because of Jesus.

Gladness will follow

It turns out if your face keeps smiling, the rest of you follows suit. And if you smile long enough the people around you will fall in line too! It’s truth!

So where is your happy place? My happy place is in front of this computer, a sketch pad and many, many markers of every color under the rainbow! If you have the time, share with me your happy place. Let me rejoice with you! Maybe it will give me an idea how to find another happy place.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

3 Things You Need Approved

Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king’s words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.

Nehemiah 2:18

Get God’s Hand of Approval

Nehemiah encouraged and excited God’s people when he informed them that the hand of God was upon him. He only knew that because he’d been in prayer from the beginning. When Nehemiah heard the condition of the wall and the people of Jerusalem his heart was broken. He took the news to the only One who could change the forecast which was the Lord, Jehovah. Our provider.

Bad news comes in many forms today. It may be a wall that’s falling down, but usually it’s a life that’s falling apart. For the church it’s a world that’s falling apart around us. I don’t know how you feel, but I feel much like Nehemiah. I’m distressed at the condition of the souls I meet.

As Gloria and I traveled down a street in Virginia Beach last week, we happed upon a little lady crouched on the curb. Gloria felt compelled to stop and help her out and tell her about Jesus. We approached her, and it was apparent she was skeptical as to why. I ask her if she knew Jesus. She said she was a part of a certain denomination. For me that’s a bell ringer that she knows church. Not Jesus. We attempted to speak to her about the condition of her soul but she wanted no part of it. We just happened to be beside a Chick-fil-A, and I just happened to have a Chick-fil-A gift card in my wallet. (Nothing really just happens). So we gave her the card and wished her God speed.

I don’t think we fixed any walls, but I don’t know. Perhaps the act of kindness will restore her faith in humanity. Or not. Only God knows. What it did was cause me to be more aware of the curb side people in my community.  We need to take care of our own.

That’s what I hear God saying to me this morning. And I need to do that through my ministry (The Jesus Chick) which is my responsibility. But I also need to do that work through my own church. The local church for which every believer needs to be a part of. To do that I need to

Get Church Leadership’s Word of Approval

When Nehemiah prayed for God’s wisdom on what to do about the decaying state of their city and community, He received God’s words of wisdom. But Nehemiah was a servant, the cup bearer, of King Artaxerxes. So rather than just taking God’s word and running with it, he prayed again and sought the Kings approval for the journey.

I’m a doer. Sometimes to a fault. I’ve on more than one occasion ran ahead of church leadership on projects because I wanted to get it done. And it seldom ended well. There’s an order in life. And I have learned to stand my ground in my place, and allow others that same privilege and respect. Its how the church works best, and the world needs to see the church working in harmony. The only way that can happen is if we respect authority. Nehemiah did it even though it wasn’t the church it was a worldly authority, surely we can allow God’s people to guide.

It’s through that process that we can

Get the Stamp of Approval

“A job worth doing, is worth doing right” is often said, and it’s certainly truth.

Philippians 1:6 ~ Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

The Jews rose up for a good work because of Nehemiah’s leadership. We need that today! We need the congregations of God to rise up and do a good work that we can be proud of for the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to start by rebuilding the walls in our communities. And by walls I mean spiritually building a fortress around the people through prayer and communication. We need to take back our schools from out of the hands of influences of evil. It’s there. I’ve witnessed it firsthand. We need to be on the streets and roads of our community speaking to those we see about Jesus. We may not have a Chick-Fil-A near by but I can almost guarantee we have some casserole dishes in our cupboard that we can fill with some homemade goodness for someone.

It’s a start. We need it. I need it. You need it. Let’s do it.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Word of God

Honey in the Morning

Honey has been a staple in my breakfast this week at the complimentary Holiday Inn Breakfast. Honey and butter on wheat toast just fits the bill for my taste buds. I seldom consider it at home even though there’s a tasty bottle of honey in the cupboard. It must have been a part of Solomon’s regular diet too. He mentions it multiple times and uses it as an illustration of blessing.

Proverbs 24:13-14

My son, eat thou honey because it is good, and the honeycomb which is sweet to thy taste; so shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou has found it, then there shall be reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.


We don’t study by accident. And blessings don’t come that way either.


Like the waxy comb, pondering the word of God and considering His message in every word, jot and tittle. Every verse is like a meal…


Nothing is so sweet is as the word of God, and it’s amazing how a word that’s been read by millions of people was written just for you.


Read it with the expectation that God going to show you something amazing. He always does!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Eternity

Beach Combers

Beach Combers

I’ve watched them with their metal detectors; searching the sand in hopes of unearthing treasure. It’s how I read the word of God. Sifting a verse, just a few words, in hopes if discovering something that will sparkle in my soul.

A treasure to be desired…

Matthew 6:21 says For where your treasure is, there will heart be also.

Proverbs 4:23 says Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

I have plenty of issues… believe me!

I search the scriptures for wisdom and I’m not always wise with what I find. Sometimes I’m like a beach comber, except when I find gold, I cast it aside and pick up a seashell. Enamored more by its beauty than the value of the gold. I warned you I had issues. I know it doesn’t have any value, but it’s pretty.

Matthew 6:20 says of treasure that we should lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven… I need to desire eternal rewards by focusing on the spiritual not the carnal. It’s not easy for me, this world is like a giant candy store and my carnal state is alive and well. I love all things shiny and tasty. I could say it’s how God created me, but I don’t think so. He created me with a desire to serve and a heart of compassion. But I choose to let the bling of this world blind me.

A verse that caught my attention this morning and pierced my heart was Proverbs 21:16

The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.

It’s those who are not seeking at all. They’re just wandering around on the beach. Oblivious to eternity. They stay in dead churches because the Pastor’s preach pretty sermons without substance. Not gold. Just seashells.

Don’t get me wrong. God’s creation is to be marveled. But we’re to worship the Creator in spirit and truth. Those seashells are going by the wayside when this earth is destroyed by fire. But not the things that we’re laying up in Heaven. Today we should be combing the beach for souls that need saving. We should be encouraging ourselves with His word and looking for an opportunity to share what we’ve found.

I know I’m anointed, but deed… some days I don’t think I even uncap the bottle of oil God gives me.

Posted in Bible Journaling

An Ocean of Truth

Proverbs 20:5

Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.

I love the ocean… from a distance. But being up close, feeling the sand shift beneath my feet, watching the waves come closer and closer, higher and higher, lower then higher again. The uncertainty of it all creates a fear in me. I don’t panic; I just walk away.

So when reading Proverbs 20:5 this morning I fully understood what God was saying to me… “You don’t want to understand Shari.”

Counsel, whether it is of man or God is not something I’m comfortable with. It’s not that I think I’m right, usually it’s the opposite. But with counsel comes a change of direction. A shifting of the sand so to speak. Or a deeper searching for God’s purpose. Waves of overwhelming emotions. I’d prefer staying on the balcony watching those who dare to drive than be the one with my head under the water.

There are many places that I look brave, but the shore of uncertainty isn’t one of them. I look brave in the concrete jungle which could typify the world. There are sharks there too but I don’t fear them. The god of this world may use them to make life difficult, but the God I serve can and will devour them before they destroy me.

It’s not even the sharks of the water that scare me, it’s the water itself. It’s deep! seemingly bottomless, much like the wisdom of God.

Searching it, seeking His counsel takes me into un-chartered waters. It also reveals things about myself that I don’t like – like the fact I’m pretty shallow. My attention span does not always go into the deep. Rather I read, write and stop the search short. I’m satisfied with a little wisdom. A little water, rather than delving deeper because I know it will reveal God’s truth that I need to hear.

It’s why I believe most Christians don’t read and study the word of God. It’s a powerful thing. It’s an ocean of truth…

Hebrews 4:12 ~ For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, Word of God

He’s Still the Lion

Proverbs 19:12

The king’s wrath is as the roaring of a lion; but his favour is as dew upon the grass.

This is the third day of journaling in the Holiday Inn Hotel dining room. Just as I’ve done in many, many places across my travels. Used to be my open bible was always an introduction to conversation with passer by’s. If for no other reason curiosity. But no more. Perhaps it’s our sense of privacy, but I don’t think so.

I don’t think the people around me fear the wrath of God or desire His blessing. But rather are believing in their own power, Enjoying their own world. But whether or not they believe…

He’s still the Lion

Revelation 5:5

And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

I’m not saying they’re not saved or that they’re not good people. I’m not judging. Just observing. No one bowed their heads to bless their food or took note that I studied the Word of God. They just went merrily on their way, enjoying their breakfast. But whether or not they took notice…

He’s still the Lion

I won’t judge. But Jesus will. He’s coming again. And this time He will not be meek as a Lamb; no, this time they’ll know and understand that He is the Messiah. They will know

He’s still the Lion

Meanwhile, I’m enjoying the dew that falling on me this morning.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church attendance, Church Unity, Faith, Family, Life Inspiration

We Need to Take Care of Our Land

The Land of Less

It’s so easy to forget that we need to glorify God when things are going well. But let the well run dry for a while; and then be refilled, and suddenly praising God comes easy! When heartaches come it feels like we’re walking through a desert land. Creating a thirst for what once was and what we hope will be again. The land of less is relative to the life you live; for some it’s the land of nothing. A fact I often forget. What I deem as less would be a life of luxury for some in other parts of the world. True story…

We live in the land of the Blessed

When the Lord thy God shall enlarge thy border, as he hath promised thee, and thou shalt say, I will eat flesh because my soul longeth to eat flesh; thou mayest eat flesh, whatsoever thy soul lustest after. ~ Deuteronomy 12:20

Our great and Almighty God enlarges our territory, he expands not only our physical places but our reach. He makes promises that we can hang onto believing it to already be true. But we have to be in a position and a mindset to receive them.

For me I struggle between frustration and guilt so often that I miss the places I’m already blessed. I fully believe that I’m not further along in my life’s work because I’ve failed to appreciate the place I’m in. God expects more from His people than I give Him. I know I’m chosen. I know I should be living like it, but I don’t always do it.

The Land of the Stressed, Depressed and sometimes Oppressed

Sound like America? It does to me. Are we not a Nation that appears to be one step from needing hospitalization? And I’m not speaking of physically. The behavior of our people is crazy. Even the blessed are stressed and depressed, and the oppressed are likely in better condition than the blessed; because they at least know on Whom they can depend.

Even those of us who are spiritually grounded can relate.

Times of separation from what we desire in our life leaves a thirst that only God can fill.

Satan however uses stress to separate us from peace. God is peace.

Satan uses depression to separate us from joy. God is joy.

Satan uses oppression to separate us from the feeling of belonging. God is ours and we are His. Glorrrraaaay!!!!

Psalm 63 1 ~ O God, thou art my God; early will I see thee: my soul thristeth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is.

That is why

I know the Land of Refreshed

There is a built in desire of the people of God to be in fellowship with likeminded souls.

Psalm 84:2 ~ My soul longeth, yea even fainteth for the courts of the Lord: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the Living God.

It refreshes my soul to be in the right congregation with the right people. That place is for you to decide, but this is a criteria you should consider.

  • First and foremost the Word of God must be your primary focus. A church that fails to stand on the word of God is nothing more than an organization of members. It is not the body of Christ. He has to be center.
  • The people should be encouragers, not discouragers. You should feel loved!
  • The people (especially leadership) should exhort, not distort. The truth of the Word refresh your soul and you should feel filled!
  • There should be affirmation not condemnation from the people.  You should feel as though you are a part of that body in Christ and that they too desire to be with you. You should feel accepted, not judged.

I’ve been in enough congregations to know that this is not always the case. It doesn’t mean they don’t have good people or they’re not doctrinally sound. It means that perhaps they need to examine their church the way we have to examine our lives. If we are not what God desires us to be, we know it and it causes us to thirst for what we need. We need to take care of our land. Personally, Physically. Spiritually.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Grace, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Christ didn’t Focus on the Pretty People

When I finished this drawing (an idea that I totally stole from a Pinterest post) I didn’t like the way the words “gentle and quiet” ended up turning out. They were bold, and jagged and totally not gentle and quiet. And then I thought about me… and how I struggle with the concept of being gentle and quiet. I’m more apt to be loud and obnoxious. And so I left them as they are. For the struggle is very real.

I want to be that gentle and quiet spirit that sits posed in the best designer royal blue prom dress and matching jewelry but I’m much more comfortable in a pair of jeans or leggins and a sloppy tee. That’s me. I love the pretty stuff but I much prefer to be in comfort. In apparel and in life. As for the spirit of me, I wish she would sit quietly too, but she rises up like my Chihuahua Izadora and my Jackjuajau (half Jack Russel and half Chihuahua) Versace. Which is why I love them so. They get excited! And they need to be heard. So do I! and I don’t care if people don’t want to listen or particularly agree with what I say.

If you want to be something else or believe something else that’s fine. I don’t mind. But please don’t ask me to be something I’m not.

So spiritually speaking, what do I do with the verses in 1 Peter 3:3-4

Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

As I understand it, Peter speaks to pride and vanity, a character trait that can also be found in the religious of this world. Now, before some religious naysayers write to me and tells me that I’m in the flesh (which probably won’t happen because they don’t read my stuff) , I need to speak to how I got here.

Matthew 23:27 ~ Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.

There is no difference between the “whited sepulchres” and a shallow grave; they both house the dead. One is no more or less loved because of the investment someone made in it and what it looked like outwardly. It’s what you can afford. The substance of the matter comes from whether or not that soul was placed in the hands of Jesus before it was placed in the ground. It’s a matter of the heart.

I have no doubt that I have hypocrite tendencies. I get in the flesh on a pretty regular basis. Just today actually. But not when it comes to who I am in Christ. He knows me and accepts me for who I am. Do you realize you can’t be a hypocrite with Christ? He knows you inside and out. He desires and encourages me to be better, just as a good friend would. Knowing that living better means living with less guilt.

There’s a reason that the sinners felt at home with Christ and the religious didn’t. Because Christ wasn’t focusing on the pretty people. He was friends with the imperfect, the loud and obnoxious, as well as the gentle and quiet.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Family, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Give Everything to God – Early, Fully, Only

Just in case you haven’t figured out where I’m at in Bible reading, I’ve been in the book of Proverbs the last few days. And it’s good timing. I’m in need of wisdom. I’m trying very hard to stay spiritually focused on a matter of the heart, but there’s been an issue with my heart far longer than the issue that caused the heart attack.

Proverbs Proverbs 4:23 says Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

As I’ve told you before. I have issues. Lots of them! But that’s not the verse that caused me to ponder this morning and examine my issues. It was Proverbs 8:17 ~


I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.

I do love the Lord, and I realize that in seeking His will through His word, it’s always best to try and discover His plan before you jump off the cliff, or open  your mouth, or volunteer, again. Or possibly choke the life out of someone. That’s why I don’t necessarily think that the word “early” always refers to the time of day. Perhaps it means “before disaster.”

The old adage “The early bird gets the worm,” is only good if you’re the bird. The worm really gets the short end of the stick. Perhaps if he’d prayed about direction before he came up out of the earth, he’d be having a picnic with friends today. But what I got more than anything out of this verse today is that God loves devoted children. He knows we don’t have all the answers. And where Siri falls short on answers, God never does!


Jeremiah 29:13 ~ And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

Far, far too often I not only fall short but I stop short of where God needs me to be. I search for His wisdom until I grow weary, or something shiny takes me away and then I lose the train of thought that brought me to His station. The process of finding the answer isn’t always as easy as just opening up the book. That’s where we start, but there’s prayer and conversations with God. In order to fully understand what it is that God wants us to understand He wants His children to be serious about it.

I have issues there too. I want answers but more often than not I want the Readers Digest condensed version with the answer key in the back.

True story.


Deuteronomy 4:28-30 

28 And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men’s hands, wood and stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell. 29 But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. 30 When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the Lord thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice;

Seeking the wisdom of men and using the ways of the world for guidance always fails in comparison to what can be obtained by speaking to the Savior. We forget that. It’s so easy to desire a conversation with people we can touch, or look at the examples of people who have succeeded in our area of need. And although there’s nothing wrong with either of those things, God is an exclusive God. He won’t be added to a list of possible solutions. He is the solution.

I had to remind myself of that today. I can’t fix stupid. Some things and some people are beyond my control. But what is within my control is my reaction to the world around me.

  • If someone is in need… seek God’s provision, perhaps you have it.
  • If someone’s in pain… seek God’s comfort, perhaps your words can bring it.
  • If someone’s in harms way… seek God’s protection, perhaps your request will summon the powers of Heaven.
  • If someone’s in need of answers… seek God’s wisdom, perhaps you’re the vessel.

The reality of it is, you may or may not be the means God uses to fix a situation. But He wants to hear from you. The problem may be your own,  He wants to hear from you. He is the Lord thy God.  100% yours. And 100% mine. He hears every word we speak (or think). Give everything to Him, early, fully, only. Thy God.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church Unity, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Mind Your own Business

You can color me guilty. I most always have an opinion. But I thank God for the Holy Spirit that indwells within me and jerks a knot in my knickers when I begin to focus on the life or lifestyle of another person. When I begin to think that I need to do a running commentary. It’s usually just inside my head. It’s sometimes to those close to me. It’s seldom ever, if ever to the person for which I’m forming an opinion. I’m not that brazen, or stupid.

But it’s become quite obvious to me lately that not everyone has the ability to know when to keep their mouth shut. And no, I’m not thinking of anyone in particular. Just many, many, many people in general. It’s an epidemic! And because of social media, the world has a stage.

If you go to “The Jesus Chick” page or my own personal page for “Shari Hardway Johnson”, as well as my twitter feed and Instagram, you’ll note that it’s positive commentary and images. That’s not a holier than thou statement, it’s just truth. I don’t want to be in anyone’s drama, or a discouragement. So my posts are positive. I made that choice, and I’m pretty sure God agrees with me.

Proverbs 5:15

Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.

I read that this morning and thought, “there it is. What I’d like to tell every nosy, ne’er do well in the world. Mind your own business!”

Who makes these people judge and jury of the lives of someone else and what skeletons would come crawling out of their closet if the door was open?

Although it is far worse in the political arena, or at least it far more outspoken, it’s just as bad in the church. And I speak collectively, not of any in particular.

I think of an incident many, many years ago in my own church where a young woman with several children had the audacity to come to church without a slip under her dress. Oh my stars! And as she exited the ladies room a ne’er do well woman said to me, “can you believe she forgot her slip.” To which I responded, “With all those kids, I just praise God she gets here on Sunday morning.”

Where on earth was this woman’s mind? And why did she think she had the right to tear down a young mother trying to do the right thing?

Now, that may seem trivial. But a comment like that is what will discourage someone, who’s struggling anyway, to decide to leave the church. And that could be devastating to a family and Hell bound someone because of it.

The longer I travel this road with Jesus, the more I realize the focus of the church is so off kilter.

I personally love pretty clothes. And God has gifted me with several. But I don’t love them because I think they’re holy, I just love girly stuff. God made me that way. I also have a personal conviction that when I go into a church I dress in their common attire. If they’re casual, so am I. If they’re fancy, I try to be a fancy Nancy too and I enjoy it. But I don’t look at anyone who’s not in the common attire and think about their heart toward Christ. Clothes do not make the man. The Spirit of God does. And I’ve known people who looked like ragamuffins that I was in awe with the depth of their relationship with God.

I’ll not tell you that I am above judging. It’s human nature. Or that I don’t have other issues in life. But it’s something that makes me so nauseous because I’ve seen the damage it’s done, especially in the circles I travel of the Independent Baptist realm. Trust me, they’re not all the same. That’s why we’re “independent.” I’d probably be kicked out of some.

My faith is not in the denomination. It’s in God. But I agree with the doctrine of my church and so I’m there and I love my people. Mainly because the vast majority are not judgers. They love all people. Even if their knees are showing. Insert smile here. Even if they’re a girl who wears britches. Or a fella that’s a t-shirt, blue jean, work boot kind of guy. We love them.

So does Jesus. And this morning I think I’m delivering His message when I say. Mind your own business.

Insert smile here.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Grace, Health, Life Inspiration

The Struggle with Social Media

I hate vain thoughts: but thy law do I love. Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.

Psalm 119:113-114

The Struggle with Vanity

By human nature we are a selfish lot, are we not? I tuned into social media this morning and the heartaches of other people overwhelmed my soul. I felt helpless.

I can’t rebuild a life that was lost in a fire.

I can’t undo the bad decision of a young man that didn’t feel there was any other way than death.

I can’t control the fierceness of nature or the devastation it can leave in its path.

I can’t un-break a heart or protect people from destruction.

It’s life. And in this day and age it’s being lived out in a very, very public way that affects so many people with the stroke of a keyboard. Social media can be a blessing or a scourge. I have a love/hate relationship with it, as I’m sure most people do. But like it or not, despise it or not, it’s here to stay. But you and I need to be careful about the vanity of it all. If we are in the mindset of Christ… as we should be. We should shield ourselves from ourselves. Visit to promote your brand or any service to a greater reach on Instagram.

One of my many, many faults is counting. Now I know it got David in serious trouble in 2nd Samuel 24. So I try not to; but remember the struggle I spoke of. It really is a struggle on social media. How many people likes my post… how many people viewed my video… how many people liked a post, or loved a post. And who were they? Oh. I’m vain. For me it’s validation as to whether or not I was a success.

That a load of lies from Satan. But I buy it like a good flea market find.

Our lives will never be defined in eternity by how many people seen our posts. But it will be defined by what that post did for the cause of the Kingdom.

The Shield of Victory

For all my vain thoughts, and they are many; God put a heart of compassion within me. It’s what drives me to share the hope of Jesus Christ that I find in His word. It’s what creates images like the umbrella in my mind when I think of how many times the Lord has shielded me from the sun and rain. The good times and the bad times that would have had a negative result in my life.

It’s not only the bad times in our lives that cause damage. The good in life can bring more vanity, more self-reliance that can destroy the good things that God wants for us.

How many people do we know with great wealth and health that have no relationship with God? Or how many do we know that have “seemingly” never struggled as we have and are so ungrateful.

Some of the worst things in my life, I am certain, have protected me from forgetting where my hope lies.

I’m so thankful that we have God’s word! It is as if I’m sitting here in my office this morning with God, and I hear Him say… “That’s my girl. Keep writing. Keep drawing. Keep serving. And by the way, stop counting.”

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration

Enjoy That You Are Wiser

Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? or wings and feathers unto the ostrich?

Job 39:13 was one of the many questions the Lord had for Job when it came to helping him to understand that regardless of what the world thought, God’s creation, design and planning was His and His alone. He didn’t need Job’s help in the beginning and He didn’t need it now.

As I read and thought about the magnificence of the peacock this morning and I surveyed my marker and colored pencil collection I was in awe once again at how very much thought God put into the earth and all that’s around us.  And as I considered Job’s “friends” and the arrogance of the fourth and final man, Elihu; who in his youth thought he could “teach Job a thing or two,” it brought to mind the arrogance of today’s modern and liberal thinking lot who think they too can tell God’s people a thing or two.

I want to ask them. Where were you when God gave the feathers to a peacock?

How can a person of any intelligence whatsoever look at creation and not see God? How can you look at the fabric of men inside and out and not see how God’s hand created them. An explosion? Give me a break. How does an explosion create love and how does it speak to the soul the way the Holy Spirit does.

The problem is, they don’t know God and they have no desire to. Because it would take them out of control. Which is so funny, because they’re not in control!

So this brief yet very deep and pondering thought is what I’ll leave you and I both with today. We will no more understand what God’s doing behind the scenes in our lives than we’ll understand how He put those “goodly wings” on the peacock.

But we can be rest assured of one thing. It will be beautiful. And the world will still be filled with idiots who think they know more than God.

Pray for them. And enjoy the fact that you are wiser.

Posted in Bible Journaling, failure, Fear, Forgiveness, Grace, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, Word of God

I’ve Been Taken to the Woodshed

It’s true. As I wrote the outline for this blog, I arrogantly thought, “Oooo that’s good, I didn’t deserve that.”

And then I heard in my soul… “No. You didn’t.”

And I knew in my heart that this was going to be a teachable moment between me and the Lord. As a “Father and child. Go to your room and I’ll be in later.” Kind of moment.

And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is  wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. ~ Job 28:28

A Healthy Respect

I’d lost it. The (fear). I’d grown selfish in my walk with Christ as I grew weary from responsibilities. And not overwhelming responsibilities, just your ordinary, everyday life kind of duties. I’d finish doing what had to be done and I’d think, “I deserve a break.” And that break would consist of mindless television (Netflix) or a game on my phone rather than going to the word of God or simply having a conversation with Him.

This morning I came to my desk knowing what was on my heart and before me was a bluegrass song I’d been working on the chords for, and lo and behold I got out the guitar and figured them out. Knowing that the Bible was laying there beside me and the Lord wanted to talk.

So… when I finally decided that I could spare a few moments for Him, the conversation turned very serious. I had been disrespecting the Savior.

I don’t believe that God wants me to set with the Bible every second of the day, He knows that life happens and that I need to be with people, else, how will they see Jesus. But there comes a time that He and I should be conversing along the way.

When He speaks, regardless of what’s going on around me, I should pause to listen. Unfortunately the world was too loud in my ear because I had opened that door.

A Hallowed Reverence

Matthew 6:9

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Note that Hallowed is capitalized. It’s a part of God’s name, meaning Holy. Separate (depart) from the world.

There comes a time when God expects us to shut the door to the world and be separate from those things that draw our minds away from Him. Things that when we see them we know in our heart of hearts, this isn’t good for me. This takes my mind to places it should not be.

For example. Netflix.

I’m not talking R rated movies but just the average sitcom is filled with content not fit for the mind of a child of God.

I love to laugh. It allows me to forget about the cares of the world and escape reality for just a bit. But that bit can turn into hours on Netflix because it literally doesn’t stop. And I get wrapped up in it and ignore the calling of God. I forget that God said, Be ye holy; for I am Holy. ~ 1 Peter 1:16

To be holy is to separate ourselves from everything worldly. Including the mindset that “I deserve this.”

I don’t deserve anything more than God. That’s a hallowed reverence.

A Heavy Reliance

A reliance is a belief and dependence (understanding) on the Lord Jesus Christ for every breath of life. After all, He holds it all in His hand, does He not?


Job was so much wiser than his friends who looked at life from a very human perspective. As if they could see inside the mind of Job and know who he was in the secret hours of the days and nights before that dreadful day when he lost it all.

To them, it was surely because of sin. But it was not. It was because God knew the inward strength and character of Job.

We’re not God to know the hearts of other men and women. It’s our own hearts that we have to be concerned about. I’m not Job. I doubt my character would stand the testing and trials he experienced. I don’t want to know if it would. I can’t even resist Netflix. How on earth would I submit to the level of testing that Job did?

This morning God needed me to understand that I was not submitting to Him as I should be. Not even close. I want Him to fix all of my life’s woes: take care of my family, fix my finances and make me healthy, wealthy and wise. And yet when He call on me, I turned a deaf ear.

Without fear.

Without reverence.

Without understanding.

Forgetting that He gave His all, so that I could have life and have it abundantly.

Father forgive me.

Draw me close Lord, This I pray,

Forgive this wicked soul that strays.

Remind me with each breath I take

That I am yours, I’m no mistake.

There is purpose in my soul

But I must give you full control.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Health, Life Inspiration, Word of God

Get Me a Water Gun! Satan’s out of control

A note I scribbled on a scrap piece of paper in my office said “More of an attack on my heart than the actual heart attack, has been the spiritual attack on me.” In recent months it’s been very, very real. The final icing on that well decorated cake was a hacker tearing down my web site on Tuesday. Years of labor disappeared into the oblivion of cyber space and I was a mess. I don’t understand the mentality of people who live to do something like that, but I understand their source of evil. Satan and his minions I’m sure had a huge laugh at my expense.

I don’t have a web designer or personal tech support. Everything I do is on my own through programs designed to make it easy, mainly by paying for hosting. I know just enough to be dangerous to my health when something like this happens. Three days, and a $120 poorer my site is back up but I am drained emotionally and physically.

It’s not been just the website issues. My overall health has been on the decline since the knee injury, another of those fiery darts meant to bring me down. Okay, I’m done whining, now onto lifting you and I up together!

Get me a Water Gun!

For the record, Satan only has the control that God allows him to have. An idiot tearing my website down did not catch God off guard. Satan never has one over on God. It’s why God has me in the book of Job right now. If He can bring Job through the heartache he went through, He as me covered too. I have no doubt.

There is Wisdom in the Water

I love Job’s response to his friends in Job 12:15

Behold, he withholdeth the waters, and they dry up: also he sendeth them out, and they overturn the earth. With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his.

Water is one of those biblical words that has great spiritual meaning and depth. Just in saying that God is the Water of the Word is like drinking a cool glass of water on a hot day. It soothes the soul, just like it does the body. How wonderful to understand that it is God who control such an amazing substance. The substance that will put out the fire of Hell that try to heat up the life of a child of God.

Satan will never see us in Hell, but he can try to make our lives Hell here on earth. He and his minions can tear down websites, families and even bodies, but they cannot have the Spirit of man. God control them all. Glory to God, I just wrote myself happy again! I love when that happens. I hope you read yourself happy too!

The Water Gun is loaded. And the fire is about to go out!

There is Life in the Water

Job 26:5-7

Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof. Hell is naked before him, and destruction hath no covering. He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.

Verse number 7 is one of my all-time favorite verses. But the words of Job leading into it cause me to ponder greatly. And then from the depths of my soul I heard this response.

“Water creates life, and fire causes death. God is water, Satan is fire. Nothing is concealed from God, even those who believe their destruction is hidden in the world wide web. God knows them. Personally. And they should fear. If he can hang this ball of dirt in the midst of space and keep it there, one web hacker is nothing.”

My knee pain is not too hard for God to fix or to work through it. My heart is fixable. Both the physical and the spiritual. God is in charge.

There is No Water without God

Job 38:34

Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters may cover thee?

God’s response to Job was a reminder to us all that we better understand Who it is that’s in charge of every aspect of our life. The good, the bad and the ugly is under God’s thumb.

I found a warped humor in verse 3 of Chapter 38, because I think I too have had this conversation with God.

Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.

It almost felt like I heard God say, “Put on your big girl pants and answer me Shari, who did you think was in control?

In my ignorance I gave credence to the destructor of my website and forgot who had destroyed this body by not taking care of the temple. We have the power of destruction, but through God we can have the power of life. But only through Him.

We can pray for rain, but the final decision is His.

God asks Job in chapter 41, verse 1:

Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? Or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?

Leviathan was a sea creature, whale and even Satan is referred to it in the scriptures.  Something larger than life. We cannot control it on our own. It would literally be like fishing for a whale with a Walmart rod. How long would that last before we too were destroyed by the beast?

Satan and his minions are not to be taken lightly. They certainly have destruction powers. But not when God intervenes. The question is have we given God full control to hand the situation before us. Or are we still trying to catch a whale with a $2.00 hook? or shoot Satan with a water gun.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Word of God


“The BRANCH” is a Bible Lesson that I composed for the teens at Victory Baptist Church. There are questions within the lesson that, although it was written for teens, I consider them young adults and treat them as such. Feel free to read and enjoy or use it for your ministry if you so desire.

Spring branches are a visible reminder of the new life we celebrated on Easter Sunday. The same God that the Jews longed to meet in the Old Testament, but refused to submit to in the New Testament was the BRANCH. Listed in scripture in all capital letters, which for me is like God shouting His name! It makes me want to know more about why it was listed that way, and what information God wants me to know.

Zechariah 6:12

12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord:

The BRANCH is what caught my attention, but the context of the scripture begins in verse 9:

And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,10 Take of them of the captivity, even of Heldai, of Tobijah, and of Jedaiah, which are come from Babylon, and come thou the same day, and go into the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah; 11 Then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest; 12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord:

Joshua. A name we’re very familiar with, and a named that is translated from Hebrew Joshua to the English, Jesus. Joshua is also the common alternative form of Yeshua.

So Zechariah is being told by God to tell Joshua the Priest that he is a figure of the one to come. Jesus, the Messiah, now being referred to as “The BRANCH.” And just like the branches of this season come to life, The BRANCH was going to be born (come to life) in Bethlehem, but raised in Nazareth. And just like the spring branches that we have in view now, Jesus was going to spring forth, full of life and glory for God.

There are two roles of Christ that we’re going to talk about by unpacking the scripture references in Zechariah and those two roles are Priest and King.

We too are referred to as priests and kings in Revelation 1:5-6

Revelation 1:5-6

And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

So how does it make you feel to know you are considered a priest or king?

Is that a position you’re comfortable with now, or is it something that you think you’re going to grow into? At what age, or state of mind do you suppose you’ll arrive there?

Jesus grew up just like kids of today. He may not have had an iPhone, but He had family, friends, siblings, and all the common things of that day, and things that we’re used to having as a family unit.

When you think of growing up in biblical times, what do you think the cultural differences and likenesses of that day were in comparison to ours?

What would teens have done for fun?

What would church services have been like for teens?

The scripture says that Jesus was going to grow up out of that place, the place called Nazareth. That was His place. Nazareth or Netzer, means “The branch from a multitude of plants that grew there.” Another branch in our story

Our place is where we live now. Far from a kingdom view. But so was Nazareth during that day. It was said to be an “insignificant village.” Even the religious of the day said “can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

Have you ever had that feeling about our small town?

While Nazareth wasn’t a big city of that day, it’s now the largest Arab city in the country of Israel. And clearly something Amazing did come from the Nazareth. So why can’t God do something amazing here?

Pastor John Powell of Wadsworth, Ohio was born and raised in Calhoun County, West Virginia. But like many of his era who were born in the 30’s, he left our area to find work. But before that he had a back story. He had a Nazareth village.

When he was just a few months old he got pneumonia and his mother had no money to buy medicine, so she went to her father to borrow it. But instead she had to give John to him at the age of 5 in exchange for the medicine. He was used for child labor and treated very poorly. But even in that state he rose above others as an athlete and in popularity. God called him into the ministry while in Akron, Ohio and it was there that he graduated Bible College and became a man of great means through investments. But the most important thing to know about John Powell was that he reached thousands for Christ and was known for his generosity and kindness all over the world.

The man from Calhoun County.

Jesus grew up in Nazareth and didn’t travel very far in the lifetime of His ministry. One study said about 90-120 miles. In this day and age, that’s not many. But we have to consider His travels were by foot. But look at the impact He made in those 100 miles.

What’s the furthest you’ve traveled, and where do you desire to go?

Jesus’ time on earth was spent preaching the Kingdom, and building a temple not made of hands. What temple has Jesus built?

When Jesus prophesied of His resurrection He said in three days I’ll rebuild the temple, which made the religious of the day angry because they thought He spoke of a building. Which was not so.

We too are considered a temple, how?

There are three ways to build the temple we’re in charge of building

  1. We listen (preaching and teaching)
  2. We learn – (Study to show ourselves approved)
  3. We live (Sharing the word of God)

That is how we build the temple, ours and the body of Christ.

It’s the same thing that Christ did as a young person. When Christ disappeared from His parents and was found three days later it says in Luke 2:46

And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of doctors, both hearing them, and asking questions.

That’s how we grow in the Lord, we ask questions. If we want to grow and feel worthy of our royal positions of priests and kings, we need to do what Jesus did.

If a child never ate physically they would die. They’d also die of boredom if they ate the same thing over and over again. The same is true of our spiritual lives.

Eat. Work! Because as we grow we also need to build.

The new temple that Christ said He was going to build in three days wasn’t what they expected or wanted. They wanted it on this earth. That was not the plan. They wanted the royalty to be here. That was not the plan either. And that’s why it’s hard for us to comprehend that we are priests and kings. Because we live in red neck country. Not Jerusalem.

Just as Joshua was active in the building of the temple, Jesus was going to be the Master Builder of the Spiritual Temple that we call the church today.

Zechariah 6

13 Even he (The BRANCH) shall build the temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.

All for the Glory of God.

So what are the responsibilities of priests and kings?

I view it as one governs and the other guides.

So, what do we govern, and what do we guide on this earth.

1 Corinthians 12:27-28

27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

Not everyone is a prophet, teacher, etc. but everyone has a purpose. And every one of us are a part of the body of Christ if we’re saved. So we are overseeing the business of the Lord until His return. We are in charge of guiding others. We truly are a part of the Royal Family. And not the one in England, but the one in Heaven.

Zechariah 6

14 And the crowns shall be to Helem, and to Tobijah, and to Jedaiah, and to Hen the son of Zephaniah, for a memorial in the temple of the Lord. 15 And they that are far off shall come and build in the temple of the Lord, and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you. And this shall come to pass, if ye will diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God.

There were earthly examples like Adam and Joshua that God put on earth as examples of Christ. We are to be the examples of the Lord set before the generation we’re now a part of.  We are the priests and kings of this generation, even if they don’t know it, or want it.

When someone is born into a royal family, only the head of that royal family can kick them out. God’s the head of this family, and He says that none shall be lost. (John 18:19)

That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.

So whether the world likes it or not, we are the royal family. The BRANCH’S government. Not a branch of the government. We will have our day of sitting with the royal family in person, but today we’re ambassadors in this foreign land.

So the question is, to who, where and how are you an ambassador? Pray and seek the Lord’s will for the land the Lord wants you to cover. And don’t ever think that He can’t take a kid from Calhoun County, and do something amazing for the Kingdom. Because you are children of the King.

Don’t forget …

Isaiah 62:3

Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Heaven, Leadership, Life Inspiration, salvation

Just Give Me Jesus

He also shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not come before him.

Job 13:16

It’s not that I don’t feel like a hypocrite on a relatively regular basis. But for years I have felt like this was my message for the world. Not in judgement, but rather in tender compassion and pleading to the soul playing church on earth, and missing Heaven in eternity.

There’s a vast difference between being in church and being in Christ. But for too long the religious crowd has preached (and I use the term liberally) that all the world is fine, so long as they’re in the building.

Iglesia ni Cristo

When I visited the Philippines several years ago there was a huge church that was the size of a small West Virginia city. It had pointed steeples and ornate architecture that gave it a castle appearance, but not in a good way. It just looked cold and evil. It was the Iglesia ni Cristo (meaning Church of Christ) but not as the American Church of Christ. They believe that they are the one and only true church called out of Isaiah 43:5. It’s a very formalized methodical religion. All who are not a part of their church are Hell bound. according to them. That doesn’t sound any crazier to me than those who preach what many churches are preaching today, which is just show up occasionally, continue living in sin throughout the week, and you’re fine. It causes me to wonder if even the Pastors are saved who preach a message that is anti-relational with Christ.

I can’t help but think that my message today will be viewed as judgmental. But I promise it’s not. My heart breaks for church leadership as well who don’t have a deep enough relationship with Christ to understand its importance and their purpose. They’ve been deceived by this world too.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

This is my friend Chuck McDonald’s life verse. Because when he got saved, he became a new creation. And anyone who knew him, seen the evidence in his life. That’s the key, and it’s the missing piece of many people in our own churches. Evidence. They walk out the door on Sunday morning and walk back into the world looking no different. There’s no evidence that church made a difference.

It’s not that the message doesn’t go out of many churches, because it does. There are many, many good preachers. So what makes the difference? Church leadership.

It’s not just the Pastor’s job. What made the difference in my friend Chuck McDonald’s life, and in my life is that there were people who stepped up and took me under their arm as a disciple of Christ. I keep saying it, but I’m not living it any better if I’m honest.

My formative years as a new Christian were spent in fellowship almost every day with people from our church. We had breakfast together at a local restaurant, we spoke on the phone, we were in constant church services of some sort, somewhere. It was amazing! If our church wasn’t holding a revival I was looking for someone else’s.

Does it have to be that extreme? I don’t know. It worked for me. And it worked in the days of the Bible.

Acts 2

41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Steadfast, in doctrine, in fellowship, breaking bread and praying! Glory to God if only we had that kind of time.

Well, in this modern day of technology, do we not? We can be across the globe, and still be in constant fellowship, and yet we don’t.

I joyously speak with my friend Dewey Moede from New Mexico most every day. He is who God sent into my life to follow up where others left off. You too are that person who is in need of a Dewey, or perhaps you are the Dewey.

My point being is this; we should be living our lives, wherever we are for Christ. So that people know we’re there for them and that a relationship with Him and them is an important part of our everyday.

I’m not about what denomination is over the door, I’m about what your relationship is with my Lord. Are you truly a brother or sister in Christ?  

Only those who are will be Heaven.

Just give me Jesus.

Posted in Faith, Family, Life Inspiration

Be Someone’s Reason

Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.

Job 2:9

What an odd scripture choice for Mother’s Day week, right?  Well, this is my thinking this morning as I ponder the upcoming weekend. Number one… I am blessed. My 83 year old Mother, who truthfully puts me to shame in her strength, ability and agility, lives next door. I watch as she meanders out at 8 a.m., fully dressed and make up donned and surveys her well-groomed lawn and flower beds. She cooks dinner for 30ish people every other weekend and not just a small meal. But multiple dishes and always amazing desserts. She is one of 8 children, 4 remaining. She has loved and lost family, including a son and husband she adored. She set the example before us; when I ask her how she did not blame God when she lost my brother Richard at the age of 19. Her response was “How can I blame the only One who will allow me to see him again.”

Yes… I’m blessed.

So now for what got me thinking about Job’s wife. Not everyone is so blessed.

Before I throw Mrs. Job under the bus, I have to acknowledge that she too had just lost ten children at once and her means for livelihood. She was no doubt fighting depression and anxiety as none of us could likely comprehend. But her response to Job was so bitter.

I’ve known bitter women. They have an ugliness inside that, regardless of their outward beauty, makes me cringe. I’ve known bitter men too, they ain’t handsome.  I’ve watched the damage they’ve done to their families, even though many are unaware that it’s an issue. It’s hard enough to face the battles of this world, without having a discouraging enemy living in your camp.

So Shari, again… how does this celebrate Mother’s Day?

We need to look at Job’s life and commit to ourselves that we will not be anyone’s Mrs. Job or Mr. Job’s friends, who added salt to his already open sores.

Learn to Respond

Proverbs 16:24

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

That sounds much better than having your friends and family hide from you as suggested in Psalm 64:2-3

Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity: Who whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words.

That’s how I view the discouragement of people who without regard for what someone is going through, use their words to hurt rather than heal.

But I’ve experienced firsthand the healing words of family and friends who soothe my soul in times of trouble. I’m so grateful that God has put them in my life.

Be the reason someone is grateful.

Learn to Reason

While I know that nobody is perfect, and myself included can lose touch with logic and speak in frustration words of discouragement. But there are times when there’s no room for a lack of logic.

Someone needs you, and they need you now!

Be the reason someone never doubts your loyalty.

Learn Who to Rebuke

When Peter rebuked the Lord, which was not his finest hour, the Lord said in Matthew 16:23:

But he turned, and said unto  Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

Jesus said to Peter that he was Satan! While I don’t profess to understand the theological depth of that conversation, I understand that Jesus didn’t truly think Peter was Satan, but that perhaps Satan was controlling the conversation.

Ya think that happens to us? Oh yea. If Satan can use us and others to discourage us and others, under the guise of our stupidity he’ll do it.

When the feeling of rebuke comes into your mind, and you may be on the verge of tearing someone you love down further than they already are, rebuke Satan. Not your loved ones.

Be the reason someone feels supported.

Learn to Rejoice

I’ve not always appreciated or understood my Mother. I’ve been far from the perfect daughter. But I rejoice in the fact that my Mother brought me up with manners, respect and accountability for behaviors. She taught me that love was unconditional for children, therefore I understood that love was unconditional with God.

Be the reason someone feels loved and rejoices for you.

Isaiah 1:18

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

We all have a reason to rejoice!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Don’t Miss Your Shuttle

It was one of those words that caught me off guard; sent my mind pondering about what it was doing there.

Job 7:6

My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and are spent without hope.

I’m just focusing on part “a” of the verse. Part “b” is a little too sad for my spirit this bright sunny morning. Even though I spent the night battling blood pressure and sleep deprivation. Perhaps the two coincide. But it all coincides with age and the thought process that suddenly changes.

Please don’t think that I’m considering myself ready for the grave, but it’s a part of the mindset when you have several days of feeling poorly. Now back to the verse…

The weavers “shuttle.”

I viewed the word shuttle as a modern word, not one from the oldest book in the Bible. And being that I’m not a weaver, although I might like to be, I had no concept of what that instrument might be. So I had to Youtube it. Isn’t that a great tool in the ministry?!

And there it was, the little shuttle boat that goes rhythmically through the threads of a loom; swish, swishing back and forth, carrying the bobbin of thread through and intricately weaving a beautiful pattern of art. Just like life.

The years have swished by to the count of 56 for me, though I’ve been telling people I’m 57. I’m a nut! For Job, though the years of his life had passed quickly, time had suddenly slowed painfully down and in his sorrow, and the discouragement of his friends he had lost hope.

It’s easy to do.

It’s why I’d rather focus on part “a.”

In the words of Jerry Reed’s country song, “I’ve got a long way to go and short time to get there,” I want to weave more into that pattern of life.

The little shuttle boat is a handcrafted vessel that carries the fabric of the tapestry. Is that not us? Every single person is a beautiful piece of the Master’s work that He uses to weave into the lives of others. And together we all makes this beautiful piece of work called life.

Job had no concept of the impact his words would be making thousands of years after that terrible day.

My live video feed yesterday was along this same path. “Why we go through what we go through.” There is always a reason, and one of my favorites is the Overcomer’s Club. It’s those people, who against all odds became a victor. They weren’t supposed too. Just ask Job’s friends and they’ll tell you what a terrible person they thought Job to be. They thought he was a sinner deserving of his woes for being non repentant. When in truth he was a vessel of God’s amazing grace. A little boat passing swiftly through time but leaving beautiful colors in the path. His words encouraged my soul because I know the end of Job’s story.

He wanted to die. But God gave him a new reason to live! It will take a few chapters before I get to read about his victory again, but it reminds me that I may have a few chapters of my own before I get to sing the Victory song too.

So where is your little shuttle going today, and how are you going to weave the Word of God and the purpose of God into your day. Don’t miss it. Blessings!!!!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Political

What to do with Fools

What To Do With Foolish People

Three times in Job 1 it says “While he was yet speaking,” when the four servants of Job delivered the heart wrenching news of his losses. Three times he loses livestock and servants, and the fourth and final blow was the loss of His ten children. As parents, we can’t imagine a greater loss. God totally understands. It’s why it makes today’s tolerance of the liberal agenda so much harder to stomach.

I’ve stated in this blog on more than one occasion that I don’t “watch” the news. But it has a way of sneaking into my world through social media. So today I sought a way to deal with foolish people. There’s plenty of them out there to deal with and they seek to destroy every work of the Spirit.

They love tearing down ministries, and governments that bring glory to the Name of Jesus and discourage those that support them; convincing them all they are the victors. Part of the reason they are so successful is that we, as the children of God, are not stepping into our roles.

Silence the Fool

Easier said than done, right?

1 Peter 2:15

For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:

It’s the will of God! Glory!

So how do we do it? By doing well.

That’s not speaking of prosperity, as some would have you believe, but rather speaks of the character of God’s people. Arguing with a fool seldom creates silence. It usually just creates chaos. But silencing the fools with righteous living, honest conversation and good works is extremely satisfying to the soul.

Jesus told Paul in Acts 9:5 I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.”

Paul trembled at Christ’s words. Number 1, because it was God, but also because His words pricked, pierced Paul’s heart. That’s what the word of God does to the unsaved. It’s like a bee sting, or a slap in the face. It catches them off guard and it is for certain our greatest tool in our weapons of warfare. It’s why it send the liberal news agencies into a feeding frenzy when they hear someone in Washington quote scripture or mention the name of Jesus. There is power in those words. There is also power in His people when we’re doing His work. The Lord has an agenda too. It’s to get as many people to Heaven as we can. And it is so easy to lose sight of that with all the rhetoric we’re hearing in the world.

If you want to silence the masses, start by telling them how Jesus saves.

If that doesn’t work

Avoid the Fool

Titus 3:9

But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.

I so often just want to see the liberal losers put in their place. But God said that it is sometimes better just to avoid them all together. They’re just talking to hear themselves and sometimes so are we. Or so is “me.” I just need to say anything because I’m tired of everything.

We’d do much better if we’d just speak an appropriate scripture to the situation and then drop the mic. Sometimes that takes a little research, and sometimes the Holy Spirit will just speak it into your soul if you’re listening.

My third, final and most appropriate point for my own study is

Don’t forget, you were the fool

Titus 3:3

For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.

Tell me it’s not true? I have to confess it was the case with me pre-salvation and I’ve been known to linger on a few of those issues even post salvation.

Satan has the liberal lot, and many who are caught somewhere between liberal and conservatives, deceived; because they don’t trust either side and with good reason. We do not always speak the words Jesus would have us speak. And we forget that we once were just as mislead.

While I want to silence, and in the worst kind of fleshly way, wipe the arrogant grins off CNN and the likes of news reporters, I need to remember who it is that I represent.

Jesus’ people ought to have more class than to get into a shouting match with the fools.

Just speak His word, walk away and then pray for the enemy. That too is a weapon of warfare that they can never have in the arsenal. They don’t have anyone to pray to.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Grace, Leadership

Have You Sold Him Out?

Zechariah 11:12

And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.

Believe me when I say, that I could have gotten in the flesh so easy when I read this scripture this morning in Zechariah. There is no irony, it was deliberate, as is every word in the word of God. Nothing just happens, and nothing was just written for the sake of taking up space or embellishing the Book. It’s there on purpose.

Before I began reading, I asked God to speak to my soul through Zechariah. I about half believed He would. I’m just being honest. Sometimes the Old Testament prophets are either too meaty or too dark for me. They’re not about the ratings. They don’t care what I think. Zechariah was preaching the truth to Israel, they had not been in a good place with God. He’d taken them to the wood shed so many times the splinters had splinters. And at this point He’s telling them like it is, one final time “If you won’t listen, I’m giving you a serious time out.” (Yes that’s the Bible according to Shari) This is about 518 BC. Jesus doesn’t make the scene for greater than 500 years and Israel’s time out is long and silent.

My stomach just turned thinking about the times that God has been silent in my life and how hard it was. I didn’t hear from Him until I got into a place that had me wanting Him more than I wanted the world.

During Israel’s silent time, many people went on to the afterlife having never experienced God. Oh, how sad.

So, back to the scripture. It’s all too familiar to Matthew 26:15

And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.

If you know much about the bible, you know that that was what Judas received for betraying Jesus.

Shari “in the flesh” wanted to write about Washington D.C.’s betrayal of the Lord. I wanted to name names, and parties. And I may or may not have been justified. I wanted to name news stations, and denominations. Yes, I was feeling very fleshly indeed. Until God brought up my own sell out. The times I could have spoken up, showed up and stepped up and did not.

Speak up

I’m not saying it’s easy. I’ve failed on multiple occasions to speak up in the face of adversity when dealing with non-believers. But when a President, who clearly has not lived at the foot of the cross, does more for the cause of Christianity and speaks the name of Jesus in more sincerity than some backslidden politician  who refuses to speak up on behalf of Christians who elected them because of their stand on Christ, something’s wrong and they should be called out.

Show Up

It’s an odd thing to me that people will go to great lengths and expense to attend a secular event without regard for the day of the week, or the way they feel. But come Sunday church, or Heaven forbid a revival or Christian concert and suddenly they just don’t have the energy, money or time.

Stop lying to yourself and to the unsaved. Because you know better and so do the lost. Show up.

Step Up

The hardest one of three most likely because it requires commitment.

The saddest part of the story of Judas is the fact that Jesus would have gladly saved him. He repented of the money he took and gave it back, but couldn’t admit he was wrong about Christ and humble himself, but rather committed suicide.

He had weighed the price of his sin at 30 pieces of silver. That’s what he said the life of Christ was worth. Even though he had spent all that time in His presence.

The children of Israel had spent time in His presence too, but still failed.

I fall in that category too. Every time I fail to speak up, step up or show up I’m letting the world see how much I truly value Christ. Not nearly as much as I should.

Praise God for grace.

Before I throw anyone or any group under the bus I need to examine my agenda. Is it self-righteous Shari, self-promoting Shari or possibly even self-denial Shari who would rather bring attention to someone else’s issues than face my own head on.

Once that’s clear. I and you, need to speak up, show and step up into positions of authority that will give us a voice for Lord. And when others in authority weasel out and don’t defend Him, we need to call them out and set it right.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, doodles, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration

Real Life Struggles of the Jesus Chick

It seems so absolute petty, and so very vain. And as I told someone sarcastically this week “I’m sure it compares with the starving in Africa.” But today it is a struggle.

My knee accident and treatment continues to be a major issue in my life. Mainly because it’s so discouraging. I have so much I want and need to do in the ministry and in life and not being able to walk with grace, and sometimes at all, really throws a kink in that plan!

We had a very cold rainy weekend and it through my arthritic body into a tizzy. It threw a temper tantrum like a toddler. It wasn’t going anywhere! I made it to church Sunday morning (in flats!) Oh the horror! J And didn’t make it at all Sunday night. Actually didn’t make it off the couch. Monday morning came and my hopes of being better were greater until midafternoon and I derailed again with knee pain. I only lasted two innings into the tee ball game and had to come home.

My beautiful beige high heels that I longed to wear to church on Sunday morning taunt me from the corner while my “sensible flats” smirk with glee. I know it sounds so petty. But what it is, is discouraging. How did I get here and what am I going to do about it?

It isn’t so much about the heels, which I’m truly not that vain, I just like them, but it’s more about the fact that life is taking a toll on my ministry work. And though I know that it didn’t catch God off guard, and perhaps He truly is trying to slow me down before another heart attack, but I feel that it’s Satan trying to thwart my efforts. And I must fight back!

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” PHIL. 4:13

That’s the verse that was on my mind this morning as I thought about those sensible shoes. I don’t want to be sensible. I’ve never been sensible in my life, ask anyone who knows me!

I want to jump and watch the Holy Spirit’s net catch me from afar knowing that I walked in faith. In pretty shoes! I know it doesn’t compare to the problems in the lives of other people who are facing tragedies. I know it’s silly. But faith is faith. For silly shoes, or  surgery. I have to be able to trust my Lord.

Now He may say. “Shari, it’s just shoes, wear the flats.” And if He says that I’m fine and I’ll be grateful I can walk, there are people who cannot. But if He says, “those shoes look marvelous darling.” I’m going to be ready.

This is my point for you and me today. The Word of God is truth from the first word in Genesis to the last word in Revelation. And “all” means “all.”

But “through” also means “through.” I have to do it all through Christ. It’s from Him that I’m going to receive the strength, and that strength may or may not be in my knee, it may be in my Spirit.

When people quote Philippians 4:13 they’re often doing it through the flesh and not through the Spirit. Because they want something so bad, they believe it’s what Christ wants too, and that may or may not be the case.

So what I understand from my silly little drawing this morning is I can do ALL things that Christ wants me to do. Including wear shiny shoes if that be His desire.

Does Christ think about shiny shoes? Well He adorned the angels in shiny attire, I truly think it matters. But what matters most is that I keep priorities in check.

Shiny shoes mean nothing, if Christ isn’t in the story.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration

There it is, And it’s how I feel

Today is a gloomy Gus kind of day outside my window. Spring rains are in the day and I noted in my mind that there is a difference between a spring rain and a winter rain. While obviously the temperature difference is much easier on my arthritic bones, but the spring rain hydrates the land and suddenly overnight the trees are out and the flowers are blooming. I need my spirit to fall in line, it’s still in the winter mode.

I have projects that need done and a house that needs cleaning and repairs and all I want to do is set and space out which is not healthy for my mind set in so many ways! And it’s surely not healthy for the things that need done. So this morning I pushed past it and turned to another book in my reading through the Bible, the book of Zechariah.

One of the minor prophets who always have a major word.

Zechariah 4:6-10

Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.

His Spirit Not mine

Trying to do things in my own always leads to trouble, but I do it none the less. While I need to focus on my personal ministry work I have the collective work of the church on my heart as well. Which Zechariah spoke directly to this morning.

Chapter 4 begins speaking of a candlestick which represents the church. We are supposed to be a light to the world, but we seem more to be a flashlight under the bed looking for our lost socks. Wow… where did that analogy come from?

But there it is and its how I feel. There’s always something we’re looking to do and finish, like the other sock that never gets found. And rather than making progress, we’re looking for the lost sock while the laundry is stacking up and there’s plenty of other stuff to do, but the sock is important.

His Mountain, Not Mine

Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.

Truthfully right now I don’t have a mountain of laundry, I have only a couple of loads, but what I have is a mountain of mayhem going through my brain. Bills that need paid, things that need done, people that need visited,  blogs that need written, lessons that need prepared, songs that need sung… each one of them seems to be a missing sock. I just can’t get it together. I need God to flatten this mess out. 

Grace, grace unto it!!! Please Jesus.

His Mercy, My Message

Have you ever been told, or told your children (probably both) “I’m going to straighten you out!”

Well, that’s what I feel like God needs to do to me. I’m out of line.

Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you.

10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth.

The plummet was used to make sure everything was in line in the building of the house of God. Now, how that plays into the missing sock, I’m not sure. Other than God is in the details of house work. Be it, the House of God, or the house of Shari. God’s aware of everything that happens to and fro through the whole earth. Even the times that I sit in frustration and feel that the mountains are just too big to move, And God sends a guy like Zechariah to say that no matter the mountain, God’s work will be done in me. And you!

We just need to stay faithful

God knows where’s that sock is. And He knows every missing piece of our work in His name. Keep looking… we’ll find it.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, salvation

Dreams of a Soul Winner

Daniel 12:3 ~ And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

I am a dreamer! I have goals and ambitions that likely far exceed possibility, but still I dream. Daniel was no ordinary dreamer and his dreams were not ordinary dreams, they were visions far into the distant future; likely a vision into our “now.” Much like the book of Revelation, the book of Daniel reads like a newspaper.

And while I must confess, without the assistance of theological commentaries I wouldn’t know beans about the majority of it, a verse like Daniel 12:3 stirred my soul this morning and so did the notes on the side of my bible page. It may have been a sermon outline, or it may have been my thoughts, I’m not sure of where it came from, but there it was… an outline in the waiting for me this morning as I finished out the last chapter of the book.

Know the Word of God!

The wise men did then, and so do the wise men and women of the day. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” it says in 2 Timothy 2:15.  

I’m always stressing the importance of bible reading to my students. Sometimes I feel like I’m beating a dead horse. Sometimes I’m the dead horse. It’s so easy to get caught up in the world and not read the word of God. Believe me when I say, I get it.

It’s also easy to read it and not divide it. Trusting that what a preacher or commentary said is correct, which may or may not be the case. Also, when reading the word of God it is a living, breathing document designed to speak to you personally. The message never changes, but how you’re to apply it does and you need to be able to read and divide (understand) what God wants you to know.

Look for Evidence

When Daniel interpreted dreams, the interpretation was truth. If there had never been any evidence of what his interpretation was, nobody would have ever believed him.

When winning souls to Christ, and witnessing to our family and friends, they need to know that you know what you’re talking about. Not that you’re a bible scholar, but that you have a relationship with the Lord that means you can hear from Him and understand what He wants you to know. Just as I know people  need proof in the pudding of my relationship with Christ, I want proof in the lives of the people I touch. I want to know that I’ve encouraged them and made a difference. It’s the things my dreams are made of.

Act on It!

When the wise men of Jesus’ day heard that the Messiah had come, they didn’t stand around waiting for a news brief. They went to discover the truth themselves.

And when it comes to Messiah’s return for His church we don’t need to be standing around for a news brief either, that news hit the stands 2000 years ago. We need to be acting on.

The Apostle Paul shared that news in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

The archangel… the same one that spoke with Daniel will blow the trumpet for the Lord Jesus Christ! His word does not change. The end result is still the same. Jesus is coming back and we need to ready and sharing that word with our family and friends.

It is the dream of this soul winner that no one I love is missing in Heaven. Please… be faithful child of God! Tell the world of Jesus.

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration

A Steadfast Hope!

A few days of Fibromyalgia kicking my tail and I am so appreciative of the sun shining outside my windows today. It’s humbling how the feeling of hopelessness can kick in so quickly and that defeat can consume the mind. Oh did I feel the drama queen coming out of me during that time! It’s not something I let the world see, or anyone other than the hubs usually. But it’s a very real side of my personality. Or should I say “personalities.”

Praise God! for the steadfastness of Jesus Christ. From the Old Testament to the New Testament God is still God! Somehow or another as I read in Daniel this morning it lead me to the book of Hebrews.

Stick with me, I promise in my “drama mama” way, this road will lead to discovery, at least it did for me.

Daniel 6:26 ~ I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and stedfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end.

King Darius made that decree after Daniel was delivered out of the Lion’s den. And Daniel wrote in the following chapter (7:14)“And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.

The same steadfast God of Daniel is the same steadfast God of the writer of Hebrews who wrote in Hebrews 6:17-19 ~ Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath: That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;

Glory to God that stirs this girl’s soul this morning!

I made the mistake of tuning into a Fox newscast on Facebook this morning of the church bombing in Sri Lanka that killed 300 people on Easter Sunday. The day after I lay whining on the couch on Saturday.

It put my days into perspective.

What a wicked world we live in. Another thing that has not changed from the garden is the evil of Satan and his intention of destroying this world and taking as many souls with him as he can. He is the original drama king of this world. His focus is on destruction. But Halelujah! He cannot touch our world… you know… the one we’re headed to, not the one we live in. He’ll have his day down here, but not there.

Daniel knew and shared with Darius what I know and share with my readers. We serve a living God! That is reason to get dramatic on the side of good news!

Heirs of the Promise

Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:

The Pain won’t last forever! My fibro-weekend wasn’t fun, but today is Tuesday, and I’m feeling so much better. Can you imagine how much better I’ll feel in that Promised Land! Glory to God let’s get dramatic!

Lay hold of His Hope

That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:

For a split second, okay, maybe several hours I lost hold of that hope on Saturday. The pain over took my mind and I was not in the mindset that I should have been in. I have no doubt that it’s for a reason, and one such reason is, it gives me a greater understanding of those who suffer. If I didn’t suffer too, I could never say “I understand, and really understand.” But praise God, I can share the hope He provides and the promise of a better day.

That hope is what brought Daniel through the lion’s den, because he knew that one way or the other there was a day Darius didn’t control. And so it was with the faith of the writer of Hebrews.

That Hope was Anchored at the Cross

Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;

We just celebrated the splitting of that veil that day of the cross when our Savior died. We now have that anchor to the soul ready and waiting for us to come to Him, not through a priest but personally, and it’s not going anywhere! From here to eternity our Lord is Alive and so will we be with Him one glorious day.

I may have many “fibro days” ahead of me. Or not… I still pray and believe my Lord can heal. But if He chooses that I go through instead of out, I’ll live for Him because He died for me.

I hope these words encouraged you today, because they sure did me… Let the Son Shine!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Easter, Uncategorized

According to the Promise

In this day and age where promises are so easily broken, I can certainly understand the hesitancy of the unsaved to believe anything Christians say. Many Christians don’t have any more of a testimony of honesty and purity than the unsaved.

That truth was an “ouch” moment for me. I certainly haven’t lived a life above reproach. There are no stones in my pocket. If anything I’m forever in a state of waiting for someone to hurl one at me.

So on this Holy weekend I’m ever conscious of what my Lord has done, as well as conscious of my ingratitude and lack of understanding of the depth of His love.

Last night was our Good Friday Communion Service at Victory Baptist church. Lifting that bread and cup to my lips is difficult. I’m never sure that I even should. That’s the depth of failure I feel. But Praise His Holy and wonderful name He does not intend for me to stay in that state.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 1:1

Not your typical Easter scripture. But for me it reminded me of what the cross meant…

The Promise of Life

That promises is only found in Christ Jesus and His finished work on the cross. Not Shari’s work, not the preacher’s or the deacon’s or anyone else in this world, but Christ alone.

It’s the life that the unsaved long for but they don’t even know it. It’s a life that can only be experienced by accepting what the blood of Jesus did that day on the cross.

Red Makes White

As an artist I’ve on more than one occasion mixed a strong pigmented color in with a lighter color and ended up with a gallon of paint trying to fix it. Yes that’s an exaggeration. Red into white would certain cause that effect. But not with Christ.

In reading this scripture this morning that’s what happened with me. All my failures and sin were covered with that promise Christ made at the cross. And it’s what gives me the strength to go on. I understand Paul when he said that “by the will of God, according to the promise.”

It is God’s will that we continue on serving even on the days that we don’t feel worthy. It is His will that His children continue His work. The work that He died for on the cross.

Stir it Up!

That was Paul’s advice to Timothy in verse 6 of Chapter 1:

Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.

Paul had laid hands on Timothy and ordained his service for the Lord. And while that is a wonderful testimony and service of the church, it doesn’t mean that we who have not had the hands of man laid upon us are not ordained for a work in Christ Jesus. Start searching your heart for the truth of what it is God has called you to do and you will stir something inside of you that you may or may not have felt before. But it’s the work, and it’s a specific work that God has called you alone to perform. I believe that.

I don’t believe there is anyone else who can or should do what I’ve been called to do. But I also am painfully aware that I have taken on other people’s callings because I was too impatient to wait for them to step out in faith and do it.

Don’t let me or anyone else rob you of the blessing that comes from serving Christ. Let God stir that gift up in you as He did Paul and Timothy!

Paint the Town!

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

My tendency to fall into a vat of guilt keeps me from doing the work I’ve been called to do. It stops my productivity and creativity in the Lord. What a sad statement. But that’s Satan’s goal when he reminds us that we are unworthy. Which if it were only of ourselves would be a true statement; but not according to the promise of life which in in Christ Jesus!

In that promise we can paint the town red. By sharing what the blood of Christ has done in our life. But only if we ourselves believe it to be true, and live it like it is.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Easter, Forgiveness, Health

Renewed Like the Eagle’s

Most every day since the heart attack has been filled with a plethora of emotions. There are days I feel awesome! And I appreciate those days because they’ve been less than more. I ask not for pity. It’s just the process of aging and the result of having poured more junk into the vessel the Lord gave me rather than healthy fuels. The truth hurts… sometimes literally.  The same is true spiritually.

I’ve spent a lot of time in the book of Psalms lately. It’s my go to place when I’m in need of encouragement. Most likely because I can relate to many of them which were penned by David, who certainly experienced more than one lifetime of emotions through tribulations and celebrations.  Take Psalm 103… Just in the first 5 verses it describes my day to day:

That is my prayer this morning as I approach the Easter weekend and attempt to dry nigh to the Lord Jesus. It’s difficult when you’re in the flesh and throwing a pity party for your aching arthritic bones. I find myself saying “Oh my stars!” more than “Oh my soul!”

Which is exactly why I needed to fuel my body with His words instead of mine!

The Benefit Package

1Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

While insurance companies are paying less and less on the average health care bill, the benefits of serving the Lord have been multiplied. A fact I need to remember. As a matter of fact it’s a prescription dose we all need this week.

Because of the cross our benefit package is out of this world. There is nothing that our God cannot do so long as it’s His will. And His will is for certain that His children walk in truth and joy.

However when you reach 40 and over, your responsibilities have likely changed considerably. Most will have families, mortgages and debt, which makes life-insurance an attractive option to ensure financial protection should the unthinkable happen. But for you to know the reasons why you might consider getting life insurance in your 40s, you can visit a helpful site like for more info!

The Prescription Plan

Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

In 2017 I took no medication. At the beginning of 2018 I took 2, by mid 2018 to now I’ve been on 9-13 daily meds to make this body of mine function. How ridiculous is that!

Well, I may not like it, but it’s what keeps me going. Missing anyone of those pills can make life difficult. The same holds true with my spirituality. Failure to take the prescribed daily dosage of God’s word and time in His presence takes its toll on me. I feel terrible. And not only that,  I miss the blessing of feeling clean and whole through His forgiveness. And for certain I lose sight of the fact that He has the power to heal this body and strengthen me for His service.

The Forgiveness Clause

Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

This was an “oh my stars!” moment for me today. Only God has the power to take back the damage that I have inflicted to this soul and body. He created me, through sin and poor decisions I destroyed me, through doctors and medicine He restored me, but He can just as well heal me. He has that ability and His mercy may go there… or it may not. But either way He has given me so many opportunities I did not deserve. Yes Glory to God it is an Oh My Stars! Kind of day.

Open Enrollment

Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Unlike the insurance world enrollment isn’t limited to a certain time. It’s any time. God’s ready and willing for us to use our benefits and renew our relationship with Him. This is a good week to think about that…

Posted in Bible Journaling, Easter, Eternity, Not Another Manic Monday

The Lord’s Cup and Mine

The Power of His Word

Those who are saved know there is power in the Word of God. But we sometimes forget that the power is literal, not figuratively speaking. Just by speaking it out loud, things can happen.

It’s not magic. It’s understanding that the Holy Ghost is within us and when we speak what He tells us to speak, there is power in those words. The key word there is what “He” tells us to speak. When people put the power in incantation (chanting or reciting something over and over in religious discipline) then they’re actually saying that they have the power. Examples are: Reciting the Lord’s prayer without thought of what those words mean, reciting the prayer of Jabez for the purpose of greed. Those scriptures are not evil, they’re the word of God. Us reading and studying and even reciting those prayers aren’t evil. They can stir the soul and cause you to draw nearer to God through the testimony of those writers. What’s wrong is putting the power in the word (little w) and not the Word. (big W!)

One of my favorite mental images is that of Christ blowing people down with His words. Wouldn’t that be a great ability for the child of God? J

What biblical super power would you like to have? (Elijah’s fire) (Moses’ staff)

We can’t blow people down, but sometimes the Word of God blows me away; especially when it reveals things to me and causes me to think about the Word like I hadn’t before; like Doug Rowe did in Sunday School class last week. It causes me to search deeper into the word of God to discover what God wants me to know during this Easter season that will help me appreciate Him more.

John 18:1-14

1When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth with his disciples over the brook Cedron, where was a garden, into the which he entered, and his disciples. And Judas also, which betrayed him, knew the place: for Jesus ofttimes resorted thither with his disciples. Judas then, having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons. Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye? They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them.As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth.

There’s not always safety in numbers, as Judas thought because God doesn’t control things from a human perspective. Judas knew somethings about Jesus, but he didn’t know Jesus.

What are some things we know about Jesus that the unsaved wouldn’t know or understand?

Where do you see people of the world thinking they’re in control?

When searching your life during this special week before Easter, where do you see places in your life that you “think” you have control or you’re taking control when you shouldn’t?


The Power of His Ways

Even Peter who had seen the Power of God at work and believed that He was the Messiah, missed the mark as a child of God on several occasions. This was one of them. He attempted to “fix” the problem.

Peter missed God’s directive.

Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way: That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none. 10 Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.

How many of us are guilty of that?

Some of us have that personality. I’m a fixer. I want to fix everyone’s problems. But sometimes that makes me the problem. There are some things that from the surface look bad, but the end result is a great victory. That was this circumstance. Peter was trying to remove the cup from the Lord, and which one of us wouldn’t want to do that from a human perspective, but from God’s perspective, all of these circumstances lead to the end result of eternal security for us.

Jesus had just said, let these go their way: That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.

He wasn’t going to lose any in the garden by the battle, and He’s not going to lose any out of Heaven because of the cross.

What was Peter focusing on?

Jesus had Heaven in view, while Peter had this earth in view.

Isaiah 55:8 reminds us

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

Peter didn’t always have his focus on the wrong thing. When Jesus asked in Matthew 16:15 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

Verse 16 says And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

He knew God like Judas did not. Simon proves again and again that he’s not perfect. Why do you think God may have put someone like Simon in so many places of prominence in the Bible? What is there about his character that God wants us to understand?

I personally relate to Peter on many levels. His jump and the net will appear attitude is who I’ve been all my life. When looking at the Apostles, do you see yourself in any one of the characters and why? (back page list)

The Power of His Blood

That’s what Peter didn’t understand at that time.

11 Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it? 12 Then the band and the captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus, and bound him, 13 And led him away to Annas first; for he was father in law to Caiaphas, which was the high priest that same year.14 Now Caiaphas was he, which gave counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man should die for the people.

Caiaphas didn’t understand the truth of those words the way that we understand them today.

Only one Man could die for the people. All the people. And that Man was Jesus.

Jesus had to drink from that cup, because He was the only One that could have. Without the sacrifice that He made there would have been no hope for mankind. That part Peter didn’t understand, but there would come a time that he would.

What About My Cup Lord

There came a time that Peter would understand the cup of Christ, and the fact that he too would have a cup. He would also learn, not to worry about what someone else’s cup is filled with.

15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. 16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep. 17 He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep. 18 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. 19 This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me. 20 Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? 21 Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? 22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me. 23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? 24 This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true. 25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

Peter would be crucified like the Lord, although it is said that he was crucified upside down by his own choice. John wasn’t crucified, but his life wasn’t a piece of cake either; he was boiled in oil and banished to the isle of Patmos where he wrote the final book in the Bible.

Peter’s conversation with Christ helps us to understand that we’re to look at no other persons walk with Christ and judge it, or compare it to ours. We each have our cup to bear if we’re doing anything for the cause of Christ.

Examine your life this week. Draw and Write inside your cup the things (both good and bad) that God has allowed you to go through because it made you a better child of God.

The Apostle personalities:

  1. Peter – quick to speak and act, crucified upside down
  2. Andrew – Soul winner (Peter) Often in the background.
  3. James – Inner circle, one of the Sons of Thunder, First martyred. Brother to John
  4. John – Loyal, fiery temperament, leader, last of the apostles to die. Brother to James, the other of the Sons of Thunder
  5. Philip – quick soul winner (Nathanael) died a martyr.
  6. Nathanael – skeptic but loyal
  7. Matthew –Left everything and devoted himself to Christ.
  8. Thomas – doubter, risk taker and prone to extremes.
  9. James the less – little known
  10. Simon the Zealot – mentioned only 3 times
  11. Jude – tenderhearted
  12. Judas – betrayer
Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Political, Word of God

But Until Then, Jesus

Let’s Get Real, the Flesh Rises

Boy does it! I’ve been thinking a lot about my fleshly ways. You know… trying to justify it. One such occasion is my frequent trips to our little town of Grantsville, West Virginia for which I always seem to be in a hurry. And somebody else doesn’t. On multiple occasions over the past few weeks I’ve been behind a Sunday driver in the middle of the week. Our speed limit is 55 mph. Although people unfamiliar with West Virginia roads would say that is likely too fast! And obviously some of our locals who are content at driving 40 mph. And I truthfully have a freeway brain. I would like to go 70 mph. I have places to be!

Let’s get real. Nowhere that couldn’t wait a few minutes. But the problem with my freeway brain is; our West Virginia roads have very few passing zones. So if you’re behind a Sunday Driver on a Friday. It really does feel like it may be Sunday before you get to town, which sometimes causes my flesh to kick into a higher gear. One such occasion happened last week.

I had followed this guy until my head was about to explode. At least a couple of miles. But the passing zone was coming up and I was praying, (I’m godly you know?) Lord please let the zone be clear. As I come around the turn I think it’s okay, until I see a mail lady stopped half in the passing lane and half out, delivering mail. She’s in the middle of the zone! so now I have to wait again.

I wait and as soon as I’m past her I dart out into the passing lane and low and behold another truck is coming around the turn in my lane. So I gun it! And my little Kia Soul almost sounds like it’s rubber band is going to break but it’s got the power when I need it. Praise God! And then I think about the lettering on the back of my car.

“Soul Seeker”

And I’m not quite so impressed with my car or myself anymore. I wonder if the guy I just gunned it passed seen my decals and thought… such a godly woman. Umm. Probably not.

So yesterday I had another rising of the flesh but I managed to keep this one internal. I was invited to a new place to sing and I met some people who didn’t know me from Adam. Certainly they didn’t know I was the Jesus Chick. Two minutes into meeting them, they’re trash talking everyone around them and I’m nauseous. “Why did I come here?” I thought. And then I remembered, because my idea of saying no is “no, I wouldn’t mind.” And then I remembered why I do what I do. So people can see Jesus. And so I did just that… I changed the conversation. Woohoo! This was a win. Well partly… they still had the occasion to trash talk.

Incident number three, I was home alone scrolling social media. Which can so easily get me in trouble. After about the fiftieth social media jab by liberals about everything from abortion to the President my head was about to explode again. It’s very well my biggest pet peeve. I’m so tired of this liberal agenda and the inability to defend our rights as a nation and more importantly the agenda of Almighty God without being attacked. So I say nothing. I just don’t want the negativity on my social media pages.

I delete who I must (anyone who speaks filth) and I scroll past who I can (those who I hope will see my post and want Jesus.)

So this morning when I read 2 Peter 2:9-10. I praised God that He delivers people like me. And that He forgives people like me.

Peter spoke of Lot a few verses before when he said, “And delivered Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked.  (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;” ~verses 7-8

Oh be careful little eyes what you see… you probably know the song.

The word of God was a reminder for me that I need to sing that song to myself. I need to watch what I do for certain. I need to shut some people out… yes indeed! And I need to be grateful that God will deliver my soul some day from this wicked, wicked world. And then the judgement.

But until then. Jesus.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, Word of God

This is Just the Appetizer

How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth.

Psalm 119:103

This verse keeps popping up in various places. In my mind, social media posts, again and again. I don’t believe that things like that just happen. I think that God needed me to focus on the sweetness of His words for a reason.

This brought to mind somethings that have left a “bad taste in my mouth” as the old adage says. Words that were spoken in anger, pride, or without regard for the feelings of others. Some by me, some by others; but that is not the case with the word of God. There is not one word that was written without the intent of doing good. Isn’t that an awesome thought? It’s why the Bible is such an encouragement to the child of God and such a missing link to their successful walk if we’re not reading it.

I believe the writer was describing how the word of God brings enjoyment to the senses. In every form, be it written or spoken, sung or quoted, it brings joy the person who has the Spirit of God within their heart. It can also cause alarm like a spicy dish or like the savoryness of a good plate of food it can satisfy the bones. I do not know how that works. But like the writer of Psalm, I know it’s true.

Jeremiah knew it too when he wrote Jeremiah 15:16

Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by Thy name, O Lord God of hosts.

Not only does the word have the ability to nourish and it can bring refreshing like a cool drink of water on a hot summer day.

Proverbs 25:25

As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.

Oh my stars how awesome and true! Just as the spring rains replenish the earth and cause our spring flowers to bud forth, so does the word of God. We soak it up, we bloom where we’re planted and all who pass can see the beauty of God in our lives. It’s a miracle that no other book can boast. Another book may entertain, but the word of God nourishes and satisfies. It builds physical strength for the day ahead.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my blog post today. But it was just the appetizer. The meal comes when you read what God has specifically for you!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance, Faith, Life Inspiration, Not Another Manic Monday

3 Reasons I think People Don’t Feel Saved

For  many years if you’d have ask me if I was saved I’d have said yes. Largely because of shame and because I couldn’t admit that I didn’t even understand that concept. Most people who knew me assumed I was saved for no other reason than because I went to church. That was it. That was all it took.  Not because there was any evidence of it in my personal walk with Christ. Which I didn’t have.

So yesterday, as I was blessed to sit in church and hear a convicting message of the gospel; and by convicting I don’t mean I felt like a dirt dog, because I’ve been in those sermons too. But by convicted I knew there were areas in my life that needed more commitment.  And one of those areas was my Monday morning video “Not Another Manic Monday.” I had lost sight of what I wanted to accomplish. I wanted to draw people closer in their walk with Christ.

So today’s topic is one that I believe every child of God has an occasional if not consistent struggle with. The assurance that you’re saved, and three possible reasons that I think will help in winning that battle.

People Don’t Read Beyond the Norm

So what’s the norm? Unfortunately, I think people rarely, if ever read the word. I think that because that’s who I was in my previous church life.

Hebrews 10:22 ~ Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

A preacher friend of mine (and I’ve used this illustration so many times) said that the Word of God was like a spiritual “warsh” cloth. I know it’s wash cloth, but that’s how he said, and I love that memory.

It’s a phrase that has stuck in my head because I know it to be true. And it’s one of the primary reasons people lose their assurance of salvation. Because they don’t understand the importance of reading the word of God.

Prior to salvation, my idea of reading the word of God was, #1~ it was the preacher’s job. # 2 ~ it was there if I felt troubled. But the problem with the second notion, is at that time I wasn’t saved. So it was like reading the owner’s manual of a product I didn’t have. It made no sense what so ever. 

But once I became saved, and the Spirit of God came into my heart that changed and I was blessed with an immediate desire to soak in the word of God in every form. Spoken, written and recorded. I know I’m not the norm and many people may not have the time that I spend in His word. But the writer of Hebrew spoke a great truth when he said

…  having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

That evil conscience (that causes us to doubt our salvation) is covered by the blood. But without the reading of the word to remind us of that, we lose the feeling of being clean.

There is one thing I can tell you with bold assurance because I’ve lived it and I’ve failed at it; without the reading of the word of God, you will forever battle the assurance of salvation.

When the writer of Hebrews wrote 10:22, and when my preacher friend was inspired to say “warsh cloth” it was because both of those men had a relationship with the Lord beyond the norm.

People Don’t Live Beyond the Norm

1 Thessalonians 1:5 ~ For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.

God has blessed me with some amazing Spirit filled saints in my life. People who live out the faith. They’re not perfect, but they’re living in the perfection of Christ.

By Spirit filled I don’t mean that they have more of God in them than the average saved person. When we get saved we all get all of God. 

Ephesians 3:19 says And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

When I think of the fullness of God I think of it like shaking a soda pop. When you do the carbonated bubbles explode to the surface. Well that’s what it’s like when you’re filled with the Spirit. It’s not that you have any more of God that anyone else. But rather the Spirit in you begins to bubble up with excitement because of the work God is doing in your life. And when it bubbles up and out, it’s evident to not only you, but the people around you.

At those times, nobody can tell you you’re not saved. Because you’re living it. And while we can’t live on the mountain all the time, if we’re serving God enough, those experiences will leave very little room for doubt in your eternal state. Not for you. Or for the people around you.

I was successful in my early walk with Christ because the people around me bubbled with excitement. And I wanted it too.

People Don’t Attend Church Beyond the Norm

Colossians 2:2 ~  That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;

Growing up I thought that faith was a Sunday morning thing. Sunday night and Wednesday Night Bible Study was for the blue hairs and old men. And most churches are still like that today, if they even have a Sunday night or Wednesday night service.

Right after I got saved our church began a Wednesday Night Study called “Journey to the Heavenlies.” It was a study on the book of Revelation. A pretty heavy topic for a new believer. And while I certainly didn’t understand all of it, I understood enough, because of an excellent teacher. I was fascinated about the prospect of Heaven and no longer feared the end times.

That understanding helped inspire me to read and live beyond the norm. And it gave me the desire to come back again and again to learn more. I was so thankful for the truth of God’s word being taught to me that I wanted to live and do more for my Lord.

When Paul wrote to the Colossians he hadn’t been with them for a while. But they were holding on to each other and it multiplied their assurance.

That’s what attending a church does and why it’s crucial to your assurance.

When I got saved I was attending every revival around me. I couldn’t get enough church, be it mine or someone else’s. I just wanted to be with God’s people. I still do.

I know that in being with God’s people, I’ll not only be encouraged, I’ll be accountable. We need people in our lives that will keep us from slipping in our faith which causes doubt.

Last night the preacher told the story of some old time saints in a remote village. They didn’t have a closet to get into for prayer, but realizing the importance of spending time alone with God they would carve out a path in the woods. Each would have their own.

But if someone’s path started having grass grow on it, it would be evidence that they weren’t spending time alone with God. And one of their friends, in a nice tone would say, “Friend, your path has grass on it.”

They were letting them know that they were concerned that their friend wasn’t spending enough time with God.

So that’s my question for you.    Friend, does your path have grass on it? I hope not. And I don’t stand in judgement. Because my path any day could start growing grass because I’m just flesh and blood.

That’s why I go to church, read the word and live beyond the norm. Because I’m not normal.

That should get a big amen!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Church attendance, Life Inspiration, Praise

It’s Not about Us this Morning

A quick drawing and a quick thought this morning as I prepared my heart for church. I needed to remember, and perhaps you do as well, that God’s idea of mercy and mine are two entirely different notions. Mine has limitations, His goes higher than my mind can fathom.

As I prepare my heart for worship, Satan loves nothing better than to bring my failures into view in hopes that rather than glorifying God, I’ll remember me. But the fact of the matter God has thrown them as far as the east is from the west.

Now let’s go to church and praise Him for it.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Life Inspiration, Purpose, Uncategorized

Rain On Me Lord!

April showers bring May flowers, provided they’re properly cared for by the gardener. And while wild flowers can grow with seemingly no care whatsoever, my sometimes, confessedly neglected flower beds begin to dry up within hours of me forgetting to water them. My spiritual life is much the same. Left unattended, without the water of the Word and I’m as shriveled and parched as a raisin in the sun. It’s also true if I don’t spend time nurturing my relationship with the Lord. I cannot do it for the Jesus Chick, not for my Sunday morning class or my Wednesday night class, but for me alone. It’s personal.

Isaiah 45:8-12

Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it.

Getting in the word is just like my spring time flower beds; digging around always unearths something. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. The word is always good, but sometimes there’s some bad in me that needs rooted out cast out. If I spend all my time focusing on ministering to other people, I miss the ministering I need. And the weeds of this world will prevent my own spiritual growth. We need to take time for us.

Isaiah understood that concept when he received the word of God. Isaiah was a vessel, filled with the seeds that God had given him and a relationship that allowed him to be used mightily by God. We too are that vessel!

Stop Striving with God

Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?

Striving against God? Who would be that stupid, right? Me. That’s what I do every time I feel the coercing of the Holy Spirit to spend time alone with God and I spend it in the world. When I read verse nine I could hear God say, “That is not what I created you for. I didn’t create you to be exhausted with things of no eternal value. Stop striving.”

Stop Doubting God

10 Woe unto him that saith unto his father, What begettest thou? or to the woman, What hast thou brought forth?

Why do we question why we were created as we were? Boy, oh boy does that question hit me hard. I’ve never made any bones about it when it comes to my always questioning God’s direction in my life. Even though I know. Even though it’s as obvious as the nose on my face. But even with the knowledge of what I’m supposed to do, I’m always playing the comparison game with other writer, artists, and singers. Basically telling God that what He did in me, isn’t enough.

Stop Bossing God

11 Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me. 12 I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.

When I read these verses I immediately knew that God wanted me to know. To Shari quote it in the manner I heard it inside of my head, I heard God say “Why don’t you ask Me and My Son what we have planned for you instead of telling Us what you have planned. I’ve created the universe and the host of all of Heaven. What have you created by comparison?”

Wow. That is so true.

I’m learning at a snail’s pace to love myself and my work. But it’s hard. I criticize myself until I feel like a dirt dog unworthy to eat from the scrapyard. True story. But the reality is, who created strife and doubt? and Who created confidence and love? We know the answer and yet we buy the lies of Satan every day.

Stop Striving. Stop Doubting. Stop Bossing. Start enjoying the gifts God has given you.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Easter, Life Inspiration, Purpose

It is the Power of God

I feel foolish a lot. There are days that every dream and imagination I’ve had seems like the dumbest ideas ever. True story. Not an exaggeration. But the one solid foundational belief within me is that the cross made all the difference in my life, and when the rest of my world falls apart the cross still stands.

This morning I needed that truth. I guess I need it every day, but today more than ever. I don’t want to give credit where it’s not due; and there are times that I’m pretty sure it’s me attacking my mind and not Satan. My self-doubt is running haywire today. So I turn to the one sure thing in my life. The cross.

The world may view it as foolishness but my work in the ministry I’ve never doubted. I’ve never doubted my purpose in that place because I always stand in amazement at what God has done in my life and it’s all because of the cross.

The Cross brought Communication

I love the image of the veil being rent from top to bottom (Luke 23:45)

And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.

 As Jesus “gave up the ghost” and the work was finished on the cross, the final price was paid so that we could have a relationship with God. So that I could talk to the Creator. I have no need to go through a priest. The High Priest is at the right hand of God saying “that child is mine, she can approach the throne any time she needs.”

I have never been turned away.

The Cross brought Comfort

John 14:26

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

When the world says I’m foolish, the Holy Spirit say, “You’re fine.”

That comfort that comes from within cannot be explained, it can only be experienced. It’s heartbreaking to think of the world who does not have it because I know what it’s meant for me to have the indwelling of God. Especially on days like today.

Please don’t think that I’m asking for sympathy or a pat on the back for what I do. I’m just sharing with you what you too have probably experienced. Doubt is a powerful tool. It’s the avenue of quitters and I have a hard time not traveling down that road.

The Cross Brought Compassion

It’s what keeps me going. I know the world needs to see more of it. It’s the reason I can kick doubt out of the way and keep on keeping on; because I have compassion for the people of God who need words and images of encouragement. I don’t know what the future holds for the Jesus Chick, but as the song says “I know Who Holds” it.

With the Easter season upon us and the many worldly images of the season, it’s good to have a reminder set before us. God created the bunnies and the chicks, but He communes with this chick, and I am so grateful for the cross that made it possible.

Posted in Evangelism, Forgiveness, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration, testimony, Youth

The Danger of Walking on the Wild Side

I’ve recently watched a few Christian friends, and by watching I don’t mean “watching” in the sense of waiting for them to fall or judging their walk. I watch because they’re drawing attention to themselves and the fact that they are drawn to the wild side. To my knowledge, they’re not actively participating in a bad lifestyle, but they’re fascination of it brings me to the realization that I too, and likely every child of God, can be drawn into a desire to walk on the wild side. And there is a danger.

Romans 11:24-26

For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?

For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, untill the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.

And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungoliness from Jacob.

Apostle Paul is speaking to the Jews about the wild side of the Gentiles. They didn’t appreciate it. They’d always steered clear of the Gentiles; and now, this Gentile loving Jew was telling them that they should embrace them and call them brothers and sisters. What? That rebel nation is now God’s people too. Yes! Hallelujah. Because we were made new. We were not a heathen branch grafted into a healthy tree that would have weakened it. But rather we were a newly formed branch, not formed by nature which grows wild, but rather formed by the Creator with purpose. I just wrote myself happy!

The Jews were represented by the olive tree, a valuable, fruit bearing tree. But their focus wasn’t on the fruit, it was on their status as the original tree. Apostle Paul was trying to reintroduce them to the Fruit Bearer. Christ. The long awaited Messiah that they had rejected because they didn’t understand the mystery of the work that God had done. They didn’t want to understand. That would be key.

And sometimes we don’t want to understand the price God paid to turn us from that wild branch, into a Holy Nation. You see, there’s a side of me that can look back on the wild side of life and think “that was fun.” But then I remember what life was really like outside the True Branch. And nothing on the backside of where I am now, seems appealing. I don’t want to mar the beautiful Branch that I have been allowed to become a part of.

That’s what scares me about the friends of mine that find joy in reliving the wild side memories and walk dangerously close to marring the branch.

Glorifying Sin Mars the Branch

When someone speaks of the past life’s sin in a manner that makes it sound fun and exciting, it can cause the unsaved to think that we’re missing out on something by being saved. That’s a mark on the branch, because it is the furthest from the truth.

I lived unsaved 34 years. I had plenty of experiences in life that the world deems as fun. I also know the miserable state I was in at the time. That somehow gets forgotten by those glorifying those days.

But now… Glory to God I’m having more fun, and more excitement than I ever had pre-salvation. Hands down, it is not an exaggeration!

Glamorizing Sin Mocks the Branch

That thought makes me nauseous. But for me it’s what happens when I hear someone laughing and joking about sin. Whether it’s their sin from a previous life, or someone else living in sin. There’s nothing funny about it.

What someone views as a funny story about a drunk, reminds me of the lives I’ve seen ruined, absolutely destroyed because of alcohol. When a Christian speaks of alcohol as “not sinful,” when drank in moderation, I wonder who they’re trying to convince.

While few people joke about drugs, the legalization of marijuana (visit to buy them legally) reminds me of a night at 15 years of age, I almost died because someone laced mine with PCP.  You may say one has nothing to do with the other. I disagree. Because one is a gateway drug to the other. Just as beer is the gateway to a stronger fix for an alcoholic. And one time just may be the end to a life that wasn’t saved. It’s a game that is too dangerous to play, and certainly doesn’t need glamorized by God’s people.

Glossing over Sin Moves the Branch

Making light of any sin, or looking at the wild side of life as a fond memory causes an instability in the life of the believer not just the unsaved. I’ve watched it play out too many times.

I heard a preacher mock the “Baptist” about not being drinkers for months and months, and then I watched him fall to alcoholism. He did eventually win the victory over it, and I praise God for that, but he paid a high price.  

I watched as a woman made light of her indiscretions and almost destroyed her marriage.

I was broken hearted when a preacher friend fell to a sexual sin. I also remember his last sermon, the title of it was “Finishing Well.” He did not. Infidelity counseling was knocking at his door and it helped save him.

I didn’t get my 20 plus year badge of the Christian faith without being broken hearted, hurt, and yes, I too have fallen because I’ve walked too close to the wild side. It’s too dangerous to make light of and Satan loves it every time a Christian “fondly” remembers a day of sin. Don’t give him one drop of glory.

Remember what the price for that sin was. We are not heathen branches grafted into a healthy tree. We were made new! Let us act like it.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Not Another Manic Monday

That Doggone Tree

Genesis 3:5

For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

I don’t want to scare you but I have a 22 point message. And before you tune me out, they’re actually sub points of a __ point message and they’ll only briefly be mentioned, and in a manner I think you’ll come to appreciate regarding the tree of good and evil from Genesis 3.

I think often about that doggone tree in the garden that started it all when it comes to sin and mankind. If it hadn’t been for that tree, life would have been so much different for each one of us. And Then I think of who I’ve become because of many the evil things in my life, and it makes me ponder the tree a little deeper today.

The Fallacy of the Fruit

When God created the fruits of the tree, it says in Genesis 2:9 And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

It doesn’t say there was any difference,  with the exception that in verses 16-17, God said And the Lord God commanded the man, saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

They were all good for food, but one was forbidden, and yet it wasn’t entirely evil. It was the tree of good and evil. That’s where some confusion on my part comes in. How can a tree be filled with both. And why was it even there? Why would God put something so tempting in the garden that He knew would reap such destruction for all of mankind?

If there’s one thing that I have figured out in my 56 years of life on this earth, it’s that “Nothing just happens.” God has purpose for every single thing on and in this earth. And while it was not ever God’s intention for man to sin; God still knew the story before it happened. He also knew Satan’s starring role in the story and how Satan twisted the words of the Lord to confuse Eve.

“Ye shall not surely die:” he said.

And so Eve ate of the tree and the rest, as they say, is history. But what Eve set in motion isn’t just history, its future as well. There are things that have happened and things that are going to happen that are horrible because of the circumstances of the original sin.

All the fruit of the garden was good, and Eve could have had any one of them and been satisfied. But it says that upon the temptation of the Serpent’s words, that eve

… saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

Something happened when they discovered evil. They already knew good, but now they’d discovered the opposite of good, which is evil.

They knew they were naked.

For the first time they experienced fear, shame and guilt. They no longer had confidence in who they were. Where they had once looked forward to the arrival of the Lord in the garden, now they were hiding and covering their bodies up because of that doggone fruit of the garden. And we’re still doing it today, even though it’s no longer necessary.

I created the drawing and used all the words I could think of that began with “D.” But there’s a thousand others that start with many other letters that could fit on the branches as well. All things that cause our relationship with the Lord to suffer. That was Satan’s goal. He was jealous of Adam and Eve and what they had with the Lord. He was out to destroy it. And he’s still destroying it today. He hates our relationship with God. How many of us are suffering one of the afflictions I’ve listed on the tree, or multiple. And how many times do they drive us away from God because Satan convinces us that we’re unworthy of God’s love. That’s what Adam and Eve discovered that day. That they were unworthy. Shameful. They didn’t know that before they discovered evil. But from that one act of disobedience, look at how many problems came.

When I think about how many offshoots of sin came from the seeds of that one forbidden fruit I realize how very important it is to get to the Root of the matter. Pun totally intended.

The Foreknowledge of the Father

What happened in the garden did not catch God off guard.

Isaiah 46:9-10

Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, 10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

“Why” God created the tree in the garden isn’t as important as the fact that He “created it.” He spoke it, and it came to be. We want to question everything, rather than acknowledge that God is just amazing! He knew everything that would happen and he allowed it to happen because everything has purpose.

For certain Satan is to blame and there will come a day that he’ll be taken care of. But what the fall of man proves is that man and woman need God. The very thing Satan didn’t want. Every single bitter fruit on the tree does one thing, it causes us to search for hope and hope is found at the root of the tree.

I’ve experienced every single thing on that tree. But I’ve also experienced everything at the root of that tree. And because Christ is, (and this is the final point)

The Foundation of our Faith

He is the Root of all we need in Life.

Isaiah 11:10

10 And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious.

We can find rest in His knowledge that is provided to us through the Holy Spirit because of His sacrifice.

All of the evil that Eve unleashed on that tree is covered by the blood of Jesus. Adam and Eve tried to use fig leaves to cover it up. Something else from a tree. But that wouldn’t do it, only the blood sacrifice would cover up what they’d done.

What I came to realize from this study, is that all of the things on the tree that I thought were evil, God used it for His good. That’s why I believe it’s called the tree of good and evil. Satan could only see the evil. The destruction, death, doubt, depravity of man. But God, who knew the ending would see what His Son would offer in its place. Devotion, deliverance, defense, our Daystar…

Too many other good things to count. But we have to take responsibility for our part of the evil. And then God’s shows us the goodness of His sacrifice.

We are the good fruit of someone. God handpicked us for a purpose.

I pray today you’ll remember that when Satan tries to show you the bad fruit in your life. And you’ll remind him of the good that’s come out of it. There is some.

And I pray you’ll never lose sight that we’re going to get to see that perfect garden someday when it’s redesigned by God.

Revelation 22:16

13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

We live in an exciting time. Don’t let Satan rob you of any of the goodness of God.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

All that and a Bag of Chips

I try my best to keep life in perspective. My friend Gloria has a saying about vain people that “They’re all that and a bag of chips.” I don’t know where the saying comes from, but I like it. Because it sums many of us, including myself, who sometimes need an attitude check on life.

Apostle Paul said it like this in Galatians 6:3

For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.

The word “something” was on my mind when I woke up this morning. It was just there, lingering around, waiting to be searched out. I thought it odd that such a common word of today was only found eight times in scripture. But it only took one of those times to capture my mind.

The Perspective of Our Performance

Galatians 6:4

But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself, and not in another.

While our performance is not what gets us into Heaven, that is the acceptance of what Christ did and that alone, it is important to God. We just have to put our performance into perspective. Our performance should bring “rejoicing.”

That is so often not the case. Be it in the secular world or the spiritual world. Performance often brings with it a competition, frustration, or self-condemnation. My work isn’t as good as theirs? Why am I not where I want to be? It’s not good enough? I speak from experience, not judgement. Knowing that happiness (rejoicing) will not be found there.

Rejoicing only comes when we prove (demonstrate) our work for God. When it is done to please Him, not anyone, nor even ourselves. We don’t have to like it, although we should. We just need to do it for Him. That is the perspective of our performance, is it being done for Him?

The Perspective of Personal Accountability

Galatians 6:5

For every man shall bear his own burden.

Every single one of us have been given a role to play on this earth until God says we’re done. He did not say it would always be easy, but what we do for Him will be productive. While there is certainly teamwork within the church, we each carry a responsibility for the ministries of God. For some reason the church has lost that perspective. It’s the preacher, teacher, deacons or some other person’s job. Not the congregation. Their job is just to show up right?

Not according to scripture.

Galatians 6:6-8

Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

The Apostle teaches that we’re to take care of those that teach and preach the gospel. The word “communicate” means to “provide.” This also brings reward. The word sowing has such a negative connotation in this modern day because of television preachers who have greedily used scripture for their own gain. Not the Lord’s.

My husband David fell asleep with the television on a few days ago and when I woke up I could hear a TV evangelist shouting for $100, $500, $1000 seeds that he assured the listener would come back 1000 fold. Are – you – serious! I was angry. I quickly turned that charlatan off.

God guarantees that we will never out give Him. But He didn’t say it would come back monetarily. And Jesus didn’t look like Mr. T with gold dripping from His neck. That’s a perspective we need to understand. But ministry work costs money. And for those who cannot go and do, God may have called them to provide. Some way, some how, every child of God is called to be a part of the ministry. Not just a pew sitter.

The Perspective of Perseverance

Galatians 6:9-10

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

It’s easy to lose sight of the goal. Again… I speak from experience. While I spend every day in some way in service for the cause of Christ, sometimes it’s me trying to survive and that’s not how God intended His children to live.

God’s plan for His kids is to do good; take care of ourselves, take care of each other and rejoice in it all. I must confess that somedays I’m not rejoicing. But when I think about how good God has been to place me in the place I’m in, with the people I’m with, I can rejoice on the worst of days.

I pray you have a blessed day, and that you understand that in and of ourselves, we are nothing, but in the Lord’s eyes you really are all that and a bag of chips!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Uncategorized

The Appointment

Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? Are not his days also like the days of an hireling? As a servant earnestly desireth the shadow, and as an hireling looketh for the reward of his work.

Job 7:1-2

Not a soul on earth has likely ever felt the frustration of ministry work like Job. Here he was, a man who the scripture described as “Perfect and upright and one that feared God,” ~ Job 1:1, and because of that he was targeted by Satan and tested by God. There is a vast difference between Job and I. Yet it doesn’t stop the ministry frustrations at times and the feeling that my eternal difference making is sparse. The only difference, I’m not worthy of the right to complain. Still doesn’t stop me from doing it though.

This morning Job 7:1-2 gave me the kick in the pants that I needed.

The Appointed Time

I have not felt well lately. Mainly because I’m not taking care of myself. My friend Gloria has told me that she is having a difficult time raising me. This damaged knee of mine has me feeling like I’m a rebellious teen ager who has just been told they’re grounded. I’m sneaking out at every turn, but unfortunately I’m closer to being a senior citizen than a senior in high school, and sneaking out means that I’m walking and working more than I should around the house. That’s sad isn’t it?

But my ministry work suffers because my psyche suffers.  If I sit, I feel worthless. Imagine how Job felt. It literally makes me nauseous to think what that man went through. It’s why his words carries weight. He earned that right.

Job knew that there was an appointed time to die, and that unfortunately this wasn’t it for him. He was wishing for death.

I am wishing for life! If there is an appointed time to die (and there is) there is also an appointed time to live; and by live I mean serve. Until we draw our last breath there is work to be done. This is our appointed time. What are we going to do with it?

If you’re not dead, God’s not done!

The Appointed Work

Job’s work for that time in his life was to be a witness. He didn’t realize. He didn’t know we’d be writing, talking and preaching about him for thousands of years later. And we don’t know what our tough times will mean either on the other side of eternity. 

I think God has some reading for us to do when we get to Heaven.

Psalm 56:8 says “Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?”

When we’re serving, they’re talking about us in Heaven. Our tears are in a bottle and there is a book of our story!  I don’t want my book covered in dust because it’s never written in. (not that they’ll be dust in heaven.” Maybe angel glitter. But I want my book to be a best seller!

The Appointed Reward

Revelation 22:12

And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

We forget that God’s idea of quickly and ours is two separate notions. But “quickly” just might mean before this day is through, and the opportunity to collect those rewards are limited.

My rewards are those I love. I have a house full of kids today, I’m believing that they’re going to make my life easier. Yeah…. I didn’t believe that any more than you do. But, it’s an opportunity for them to see Noni serving God in hopes that they too will have that desire. And that will be reward enough!

Posted in Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Not Another Manic Monday

Serving The God of Creativity

Or… why you should never stop coloring

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. ~ Genesis 1:27

I find myself asking, at what point do kids stop considering themselves an artist. And then I also find myself asking, “At what point did some adults think they were?”

There was a social media video going around the other day about the child of an artist who at the ages of a two or three had his paintings selling for thousands. I rolled my eyes, curled my lips and determined in my heart I wouldn’t be bitter. It was just ridiculous to me. This kid was literally throwing paint on a canvas and they are in awe of his talent. He may grow into an amazing artist, I won’t begrudge him that. And I wouldn’t tell the little fellow his art was subpar. But I would gladly tell the people paying thousands for it that their brain was subpar.

I’ve never been drawn to too many abstract artist. Although some I have found very talented. I could tell by the way they created it wasn’t about throwing paint on the canvas, but there truly was a method to their madness. By color and design, it was good. At least that’s my opinion. If you like abstract art, glory to God! I just don’t get it.

I’m going from the prospective of the greatest of all imaginations. God. He just didn’t throw paint on the canvas and call it a sky. The colors worked together. When He created man, He sculpted Adam and Eve in magnificence! Look at everything else on earth. It’s beautiful. None of it looks like an afterthought.

So back to my original question. When do children stop considering themselves to be artists? I don’t know for certain, and I’m sure it differs, but I would wager a bet, if I wasn’t Baptist, because we’re not allowed to bet. But if I was, I would wager a bet that it’s after the first negative critical experience.

If you know anything about me, you know I’m an encourager. I don’t criticize. Even if I think it. I may offer a suggestion to help someone, but I know that when someone creates something, they’ve usually done their best. And I can guarantee if they gave it to God, He would put it on His refrigerator. But He may not hang it in a gallery.

It’s taken me 30 years to call myself an artist. Not because anyone has ever criticized me, because that is the furthest from the truth. I have great encouragement in my life. But I have no self-esteem. And of the few negative nellies that have critiqued me, and they’ve just been a few. That’s all it took to squelch me down.  It’s what has kept me from making a living at the gift God gave me.

I stopped taking coloring serious. I still did it, but I didn’t take it serious. Most people just stop doing it all together, although it has made a reprise in recent years with the new adult coloring books.

Going deeper into the realm of creativity causes me to explore why we are less apt to be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit telling us to do something, to create something new. Perhaps its because we fear that same critique of the world that we experienced as children that caused us to no longer view ourselves as artist.

You might be an artist of words, works, numbers. There are too many talents to list. What is your gifting and is it something that you should be using for the Kingdom, either for a living, or for a ministry. And why aren’t you using it?

How do we know if it’s Refrigerator or Gallery worthy? All good questions. And worthy of looking into the scripture to see what God says about who we are.

In His Image

He created us in His image. With passions like Him.

Psalm 139:13

For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb.

He controls us and creates specific desires within us. He created us to create. I personally don’t know of a child who doesn’t like to create “stuff.” It’s engrained in us as babies from making a mess to making what we think is the most amazing piece of art ever! All six of my grands love creating, even though they may not all grow up to be artist. Praise God, they don’t know that. They just want to create.

I believe that as we grow that creativity takes shape into different amazing things. But creating is not just an artistic endeavor. Creating is doing a new thing.

Isaiah 43:19 says Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

God didn’t stop creating, why should we. He went from creating things, to creating paths and then using us to complete His work so that He can get the glory. I think people and churches get stalemated when we lose our desire to create, or we just don’t know the direction we should go. We’re satisfied with just showing up.

The church should be an ongoing project of getting souls saved and that takes many shapes and creative ideas.

I’m a project driven person. I need a project to feel purposeful. And I believe that’s how God created us all. Like Him, we are made to create.

Isaiah 43:7

Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.

That verse makes me very happy! I (and you) were created by God for His glory. Meaning that when He created us, He created us to do something. Not just sit in a church pew.

For His Glory

Where ever we are in life, we are there to bring glory to God in that place. In our churches, in our work and in our passions.

Isaiah 45:12

I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.

God created all the earth and all of creation to glorify His name.

We have to have doctors, nurses, gas station owners, pharmacists and every other position in life to make the world go round and function. But all of those positions should point others to Christ.

Isaiah 45:8

“You heavens above, rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness flourish with it; I, the Lord, have created it.

All of Heaven and earth work in harmony.

This morning I picked up my fiddle that I had had to put a new “E” string on because I broke the old one tuning it. I hadn’t played it for a week or two and every string was out of tune. It sounded awful. But when I got the tuner out and put every string in tune, suddenly I felt like a musician again. That’s how life is. With artistry, with jobs and churches. We get out of tune. We lose our passion and purpose. We need tuned up. We need to find that creativity and desire to make something wonderful for the Lord. A new coloring page.

My grandson Logan was creating a Charizard. Which I don’t even know what is, other than it’s a Pokemon character. But it didn’t matter. It only mattered that his hand created it.

God wants to see some of your work, your best creative pieces. And there’s a reason that Christ said that we should come to Him like little children. Because it’s with that mindset that we feel free and welcome to create. Not judged.

Don’t squelch your creative spirit. God may just be getting ready to do something amazing with you.

Not By Accident

This was His word for me when I was ready to back out of His work again because I would be judged.  God told me this. He said “you’re past the age where you can throw stuff on a canvas and call it art. Be intentional. And do it.”

God doesn’t create things by accident.  He had purpose. So should we. Don’t ever stop coloring. There’s something about that child within that helps you to keep in check with Who’s really in control.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Purpose

Stepping Into the Unknown

When I think of the Bible characters that stepped into the unknown at the instruction of the known, my heart is encouraged. When I get ready to take my first step, it’s always a flutter. It’s usually followed by nausea and fever blisters. Weird right? That’s what stress and nerves do to me. Once I get past the first step and start walking on the new ground I settle in pretty quickly. But those first steps often feel like a cliff.

When Abraham stepped out of the Ur of Chaldees he may or may not have felt a little apprehension. The Bible just says he went. But in the book of Shari it will say, see went… but she didn’t feel good.

When Moses was told to step into the leadership role of Israel, He argued with the Lord that he wasn’t very good with a bullhorn. So God gave him a mouth piece named Aaron. But it didn’t take him out of the role of leader.

When God made David King, he was in one of the lowest positions of the day, a shepherd boy. But God used all that position to make him a mighty defender and a man who could lead people with the same passion he lead sheep.

When Christ picked “Team Jesus” from the crowd, He picked a variety of twelve characters with a variety of talents. We know their names 2,000 years later because of the impact they had in their work.

I just wrote myself happy.

I’ve never really got to experience a comfort zone, because God is always doing something in my life. Sometimes it’s because He’s fixing what I broke, and that’s very uncomfortable! Today is no different. A new ministry direction is on the horizon with doing things I’ve had a passion to do for 20 years. But this time it’s on God’s terms. So it makes me feel a little better about taking the first step.

I hope that in sharing my thoughts on my zone, that maybe it will help you navigate yours a little better.

Please make the following a matter of prayer when it comes to the new Jesus Chick direction:

  • That God would open the doors (not Shari)
  • God provides a team of people with a passion for the work.

The work will focus on the following areas:

  • Promoting the Gospel (always first and foremost)
  • Youth programs
  • Adult programs
  • Women’s programs
  • Senior programs
  • Substance abuse educations programs

That would be why I need a team. There is a huge amount of work on my plate. But I want to reach as many people as I can with this ministry and give them the tools to reach more.

Big Step… but I’m ready.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, Purpose

It’s Time to Come to Myself

Sunday is not my only day of listening to sermons. I listen to a variety of preachers and pastors throughout the week, some might surprise you and some may not. I’m no respecter of denominations. I’m a respecter of those who biblically speak Jesus. Period. It’s why, when a preacher that I’m “Facebook friends” with, and I use that term very loosely, went on a trashing spree of preachers my blood boiled.

There were a few that I utterly disagree with too, but I leave them to God. Although if someone asked, I’d willingly tell them why I disagree.  But this guy went so far as to say they were lost! My first thought was “who made you God?” The only One who has the right to call a man or woman saved or lost is God. I cannot look on the soul and tell. Nor do I want that responsibility.

I’m not sure he mentioned Perry Noble, though he probably would have; but I’ve followed the ups and downs of Perry Noble for years. I’ve wept with him and for him. He broke my heart when he fell as Pastor of New Spring Church. I cheered him on when he fought his way back. Though he didn’t know, because he doesn’t really know me. See… we’re “friends” too.

I like Perry because he’s real. Sometimes too real for me, I’ll be honest. He says some things that goes against my good Baptist girl grain. And he says some things that make me laugh really hard that really shouldn’t. But most important he gives me a desire to have a deeper relationship with my Heavenly Father. And that is what a preacher is called to do. Not judge other preachers!

So this week on Perry’s new podcast for his new church “Second Chances” he preached on the prodigal son. Not an unknown sermon for even a lost person. But Perry preached it from the perspective of the brother who stayed home. Again not an unknown sermon topic. But what was new to me was the thought about the “good” son didn’t have enough of a relationship with his father to know that (1) how upset the father had been (2) that the son had come home and (3) why there was a need for the party.

The prodigal came to himself, the farm boy needed a come to Jesus moment with Dad. But that’s not what he got. The Father had mercy for both. That was the gist of Perry’s sermon. But much better. I just gave the highlights.

What drew my mind into this today was my own relationship with God. How much do I know about what God wants for my life? I know what I want, but do I know what He wants?

It’s time to come to myself.

I am often guilty (really often) of studying for the purpose of others, and not for myself. It’s not that I don’t receive and need the messages I write and the Word of God that He speaks into my soul as well. But many of those messages are about general life issues, not personal life issues. If you’ve studies scripture for yourself, you likely know the kind; when the word of God cuts you open and fillets your heart like a fish! Showing you all the nooks and crannies of it and draws you into a conversation with Him where you almost feel like you’re sitting in His office on a crystal stool like a princess as He gives you the “Dad” talk.

Oh…. I so need to draw that someday.

But more importantly I need to be there.

I don’t need to preach to anyone about “their” life, nor do I ever want to be guilty of judging the soul of another person. I don’t know who’s saved. I only know that we all need to come to the knowledge of Who Jesus is and then grow in His grace so that we can know Him in a way that a child should know their Dad.

My girls have a very special relationship with their Dad. They adore him and when he speaks, they trust in his wisdom. That’s how a child of the King should be. Adoring. Listening. Believing.

When I lay down at night, I should listen for His bedtime story. When I rise in the morning we should meet at the table for a game plan kind of day. It should never be about you. It should be about us.

When the prodigal son came home His dad cleaned him up and threw a party. The other son threw a temper tantrum, complained about the slavery he had invested in for his Father and missed out on all the fun. Don’t miss the party because you’re looking at other folks. I’ve been guilty of it.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Grace, Purpose, Uncategorized

Do You Care?

We love Him, because He first loved us. ~ 1 John 4:19

There are some people in our lives that are easy to love. My bestie Gloria is one such person, so are countless others. I am blessed with people. Lots of people that I call and mean it when I say they’re friends. And then there are people that I am acquaintances with via life or social media and of those I may or may not have a great depth of concern for.

I would certainly pull them out of the path of a truck. But I might not take them chicken soup if they were ill. That sounds very mean. But it’s not meant to be. It’s not that I don’t care about their health, it’s that they are not on my radar of cares of the day. Nor am I likely on their radar either. So how exactly did God intend for us to love one another?

What is our level of compassion for those outside our immediate family and friends?

For me I only had to think about 1 John 4:19 for a split second before I realized that before I knew God, before I realized what He did for me and when I was just floating around in the world like a bubble on a summer day without concern for my soul or anyone else’s… He loved me.

He loved me when I was out in sin and behaving in a manner that would have made a sailor blush. Yes, I was that kid. I grew up fast when I married and had children, but I still didn’t know Jesus and was as filthy rags, and yet He loved me. He maneuvered my life to get me into a position to hear the gospel in a miraculous way that has me in awe today. He uses me even yet today when I still fail Him miserably.

Now… I ask myself that question again about the people I don’t know. “Shari, do you care?”  I asked myself that question about the people I’m pretty sure I don’t even like. “Do you care?”

I ask, because at any moment God could have given up on me or never thought enough of me to waste His time and yet He did.

This morning I was convicted by this thought because there are so many hurting people that I know via ministry and social media that I don’t care enough about. Ministry isn’t just to the pretty, easy to love people. Its’ for all people. Even the sometimes ugly, grouchy, negative, arrogant,  drunk and drugged up people. The latter of which I have an easier time loving. The grouchy, negative, arrogant people not so much.

I’m wondering who might cross my path today that needs loved on? I’m wearing a new pair of white jeans… I wonder if I’m willing to get them dirty. Isn’t that how we decide?

I have a doctor’s appointment for my knee this morning at 10 a.m. Perhaps it’s there that I’ll answer that question. Maybe it will be on social media, or maybe on an unplanned adventure. Like the one that got me saved.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Eternity, Grace, Life Inspiration, Purpose, Uncategorized

The Concept of God

It was a thought that seemed almost foreign to me this morning as I read John 3:16…

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

It’s likely the most widely known and quoted verse in the bible. We say it without thinking. It just rolls off the tongue of most Christians regardless of how long they’ve been saved. The point being, even if you can’t quote it, you know it. But this morning, it just seemed brand new.

Not necessarily the verse, but rather the concept of the depth of God’s love and the vastness of His being, and the fact… I need to repeat… the fact that He did what He did for someone like me. A nobody. That this morning in my living room and in the home of my friend LuAnn, God spoke to us and said, I have a work for you to do.

I received a message from my friend Faye yesterday, and through her God said… there is a work to do.

My friend Dewey and I speak most every day. But lately God has given us a deeper love for the ministry and a desire to do more. There is work for us to do.

Why me…

Why does God put these awesome people in my life?

Because His concept is beyond what anyone of us can imagine. And the possibilities of what He can do with us are beyond what anyone of us can even think. And I know this because today John 3:16 was a brand new verse in this ol’ girls head.

The concept of the “Father, Son and Holy Ghost” three in one has often boggled my mind. How can three be one? It just doesn’t make sense to the earthly mindset. I’ve heard it explained by using the illustration of the egg which has three parts (the white, yolk and shell) yet it is one. It’s a great illustration. But it’s an egg… not God.

But lately as God deals with me, trying to get me to a better place spiritually to where He can use me, He speaks to my heart about understanding who He is, so I can better grasp who I am in Him.

He is Huge!

Isaiah 48:13

Mine hand also hath laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together.

Isaiah 40:12

Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance.

Who did that? My God! He is in the details.

If God can measure Heaven with His hand, that means He’s a pretty big Fella. That means that these people who make light of our God, should really think twice. He can flip them off of the planet. I have to be honest, that image kind of made me giggle. And kind of made me want to watch! But then I remembered that He could flip me off the planet too, and that God died for the “whosever.” Not only Shari.

He Has Always Been

How can God have “always been, and how did God, “beget” Christ, His Only Son? I don’t know. But when I think about the Creator of the universe and His Son, who were from the beginning, which is what the Bible tells us in John 1:1, I am somewhat awestruck like a rock and roll fan at their favorite concert. I want to get close enough to hear One whisper to the Other, and close enough to know them as intimately as a bestie. But in order to do that, I have to get out of my little brain get into Heaven as the Bible tells us we are in Ephesians 2:6 that says “And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”

That’s present time, not futuristic. So if I’m sitting in Heavenly places, that means I should be able to overhear a few conversations of God and His Son. So can you.

In Jeremiah 1:5 it also says that God knew us before we were in the womb. So… exactly how long has our conversation been going? I don’t know. But what I do know is that as a child, before salvation, I had a desire to know God. So Jeremiah 1:5 is not hard for me to understand. And because of that it is getting easier to understand John 3:16.

He knew me, before I was me. He chose me before I even came out of my mother’s womb and He placed me like He placed the stars in Heaven on this piece of dirt in Calhoun County, West Virginia. And He connected the dots with North Carolina, New Mexico, the Philippine Islands  and so many other places, in a way that others may not understand, but I’ve experienced. So yes… I’m a fan of my Savior. Yes, I reverently respect and fear Him because of the enormity of Who He is. And today I feel so loved because of John 3:16.

There’s a story of a little orphaned boy who is found on the street and a man sends him to an address with the instruction to knock on the door and say “John 3:16.” When he gets there he taken in, bathed, fed and tucked into his bed where he for the first time in his life feels safe. He later says when he becomes a preacher that he didn’t understand John 3:16 at the time but it made a dirty boy clean, a hungry boy full and a scared boy feel safe.

Yes… yes it does. I don’t have to comprehend the vastness of God. I can feel it.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Not Another Manic Monday

Crash Test Christianity

That’s the thought that came out of the teen class lesson yesterday as my co-teacher Doug taught our youth. My brain goes strange places sometimes and either like honey or mud, it’s stuck in that place until I dig around and find out what the Lord needs me to know about that word.

The word was “prove”. Meaning to demonstrate, show, give evidence or verify something.

It’s what most of us want on the everyday front of life; we want evidence that we’re going the right direction, that God is pleased, that we’re forgiven. And God tells us that’s okay. He wants us to prove Him.

But sometimes proving Him leaves me feeling a little like a crash test dummy. Not that God wants me to be that. He’d rather I be the evaluator. Not the demonstrator. But I hit the wall again and again. I’m no different than the original crash test dummies, they however were on camels not Kia souls.

Behavior Lessons

In Exodus 15:24-25 it says

And the people murmured against Moses, saying, what shall we drink?

There third day into the trip and they’ve already found something to complain about with leadership. They’d arrived at Marah and couldn’t drink the water because it was bitter. And that was Moses’ fault.

Yesterday, my grandsons Luke and Parker were wrestling in the floor and knocked something off the table. Within a second of the crash Parker yelled, “Luke did it!’

We’re always looking for someone to blame for our problems in life rather than taking responsibility for it ourselves. I’m not apt to throw someone under the bus, though I might, but more than likely I’ll blame circumstances for my errors. Knowing it was my fault.

But God gives Israel the bitter water to prove something about Himself.

Verse 25:

And he cried unto the Lord and the Lord shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for a statute and an ordinance and there he proved them, and said, if thou wilt hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth you.

Praise God for grace! We are not bound by the law. But that doesn’t make the law nonexistent. It’s still there. But now it proves that we cannot keep ourselves. We depend on that grace to clean us up when we crash and burn.

And He does. The name of Grace is Jesus.

Faith Lessons

In Exodus 16 we find the children of Israel complaining again, but this time its about the food.

Verse 3

And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger.

For some reason that scripture struck me funny. Although I don’t find it funny when my provision isn’t coming in like I wish it would. If you’ve ever lacked (and we all likely have), you can understand the children of Israel’s mindset. We often chalk them up to being a bunch of whiners, but if you’re a million strong in the wilderness and you’re not seeing a Walmart, you’re worried. But the Lord intervenes in the conversation:

Vs. 4

Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no.

More evidence. More being tied to the law. Again… praise God for grace! Our provision is not tied to the law, it’s tied to faith.

Philippians 4:19 ~ But my God shall supply all your  need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

2 Corinthians 9:8 ~ And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:

Philippians 4:6 ~ Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God

Verse after verse we’re given about the provision of God. And yet ye all know that there have been times when we’ve been without. Is that a lack of faith? Perhaps it’s just another way God proves Himself to us. Paul said it like this in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10:

 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Sometimes it’s about learning that we can survive without it.

One of my nephews crashed a motorcycle one time and once the downed bike stop sliding and he stopped rolling, he jumped up and said, “I’m fine.” No one was any more surprised than he was. He learned that sometimes we can crash and not burn.

The last place I want to talk about being a crash test dummy is in Exodus 20:20

Grace Lessons

 We just talked about it through Paul. So how does grace work with the laws of God.

And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not.

Moses had just given them the Lord’s Ten Commandments. They had seen God come down as lightening, thunder and the noise of a trumpet and they wanted no part of it. They wanted an intercessor. So do we.

Remember, this was before the days of sci-fi and special effects. This was the real deal and I probably would be afraid too. The only one not shaking in his shoes was Moses and that was because this wasn’t His first rodeo with God. He’d been in conversations with God before.

But now. Glory to God!!! We don’t need an intercessor. We have a more excellent way. There is no need to go through a priest. Christ took care of that on the cross.

Matthew 27:51 – And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

Ephesians 2:18 ~ For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.

Second to the Resurrection, which proved my Lord’s power over death, my favorite part of that story is the renting of the curtain in the temple. The very thing that kept the common man out of the Holy of Holies was gone. Torn in two from top to the bottom, and opening our way to have direct access to God Himself through the Holy Spirit.

God proves that every day to His children by showing them His presence in their lives.

While the children of Israel felt condemned by the law, there is no condemnation in Christ, only grace for those who come to Him.

Romans 8:1

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

There is no crash and burn for the child of God. Just like those crash test dummies, we my crash, but  we’ll be fine. Because the Lord is on our side!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Family, Life Inspiration, Peace

A Hippy at Heart

I truly am a hippy at heart. And by hippy I don’t mean the stereotypical one’s that those of us who were raised in the 60’s and 70’s remember. Though I must confess I would have fit that mold at various times in my life too. But by hippy I mean, tie-dye lovin’, peace seeking, freedom speaking child of God. I think God like’s the hippy mindset so long as He is the center focus.

Perhaps you agree. Perhaps not. Either is okay. But it’s where my mind is at this morning. I actually drew two images (one above and one below for this blog) The first was the dove below but then the blog took on a whole other direction. And thus the hippy Shari showed up.

My verse this morning for focus was Isaiah 26:3

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

So you may be wondering how I got from the dove to the hippy? It was a short trip. It started with my niece Holly. She’s a little hippy-ish too. And she’s been on my mind a lot lately. She’s a single mom of three and such a free spirit. I love her. I love all my nieces and nephews and my children because each one is so different. I mean really!!!!! different. Out of the 12 they have a few commonalities, but their personalities are nowhere close. Much like the church of God.

We have a common bond, Christ Jesus; but our personalities are what makes us who we are in Christ, and it’s what makes each one of us cope with difficult times in a different way.

I cope with life struggles by relying on the freedom of Christ. That’s the hippy mindset in me. It’s not that I want to go wherever the wind blows, that’s not God’s way; but I want to go in the direction the Spirit leads, and sometimes that’s down weird path that other people don’t understand.  

So on a day that I’m struggling with some issues in life I turned to this verse and found the freedom for living that I needed.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Perfect Peace?

What does that look like? Well, first of all you have to tune into the first word of that sentence. Thou. Thou is God. And it is in Him only that you’ll find perfect peace.

It’s not that life is perfect, it’s that we can rest in the knowledge that whatever we’re facing is in His control. If He chooses to take us through it, we’ll go. If He chooses to remove us from it, we’ll go out or around, but some way, somehow God’s got it taken care of.

That sounds so easy right? But we know it’s not always. Life sometimes stinks and it’s not any fun, and that’s where the hippy attitude of the flower children and God’s children parts. We’re not escaping reality, we’re living in the very real knowledge that we serve a God who can and does amazing things in the lives of those who serve and trust Him.

That’s where that free spirit takes me that is my happy place!!! I can trust in Him who I have served for 23 years and watched as He brought me through time and time again. I know that if I keep my mind focused on the direction God, the Holy Spirit is leading, I’m going to come out a winner. Because I’ve read the end of the book.

Just as my 12 nieces and nephews and 25 great nieces and nephews (yes there is a boatload of us) differ and have many talents, so does the church. Find yours, give it to God, and then walk in the freedom His peace affords knowing He’s guiding you.

That’s my advice to my kids and grand-kids, and it’s my advice for you…

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Praise, Purpose

Let Them Have It

Do you ever have those days when it feels like your entire self-worth was wasted effort? I get so excited about projects and life and then in a swift swoop, on a day when it feels that I can do nothing right, I find  myself falling into this pit of despair (I know dramatic right?), but it feels very, very real and it’s very heavy on my shoulders. And the end result is usually a total mind melt down, followed by God prying my mouth open like a rebellious sick child and giving me a dose of the word. And then, glory! Miraculous healing.

That’s this morning.

Quite often the prescribed dose for days like this is from the book of Psalms. I love the word of God from Genesis to Revelation, but the books of Psalms has a special place in my heart, because it’s so often my go to place for days like this.

Like today. When Psalm 138 was spoon fed to me by the Lord in just the right measurement…

They Can Have their god

I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.

What gods you may be asking? There is none but Jesus Christ our Lord, right? Right! But the world didn’t seem to get that memo. People themselves think that they are sometimes gods and deserve our undivided attention, even over the things of God.

Tears just flowed from my soul and out of my eyes because I’ve been there too often lately. Too many things, some of mine, some of others that have taken my mind off the Lord’s work. I haven’t been singing His praises like I should.

They Can Have Their king

I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, when they hear the words of thy mouth.

In that final day of earth, no man will bow before another man. We will all bow before our King. The One with a capital “K”. The One who resides in the Holy Temple of Heaven, who is kind, and honest and does not speak to me in a the condescending tones of the earth that I despise and it breaks my heart and spirit. Especially when it’s done by another Christian.

That was my day yesterday. Don’t feel too sorry for me. I’m fine. But it’s those days that we all have that the world takes it’s toll. And our focus gets off Heaven and I forget where my headquarters is. And they forget Who’s Boss.

They Can Have Their work

Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord: for great is the glory of the Lord. Though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me. The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.

Glorrrraaaaaay! Those words stirred me this morning. I’ve heard it said, and I’ve said it myself that I serve the God who sits high and looks low. And there it is in the word of God! Psalm 138:6

Though I walk in trouble, and there is plenty of it in my world; it is God who will revive my soul. God will not only take care of my enemies, He will give me the energy to thrive in my purpose.

Verse 8 really spoke to me in a way that I needed so badly today.

The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.

God will “perfect” (finish) that which concerns me.

There is a work He has called me to do and He’s going to get it finished through me. That is such good news! I’m pretty sure I’m into overtime with Him but it’s okay, it’s in His time, not mine.

He has a work in you as well! And He’s going to get it done. But we need to stay focused on the One True and Living God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Let the world have their gods, show them how awesome ours is! Let me have their kings, they only “think” they have power. Let them have their work, show them what great and mighty things we can accomplish through Him. I hope your day is blessed with great eternal accomplishments. ~ Shari

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism

A New Direction

I’m beyond excited about the direction of my ministry. Thanks to a generous act on my sister Shelia’s part and the grace of Almighty God, I will soon be a 501c3 ministry which will open the doors for me to do more and create a team of ministry people, not just solo me. Who is sometimes (oftentimes) so tired.  So what does that have to do with the message today?

It has to do with the great commission in Matthew 28:19-20 ~ 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

As children of God that should be our primary focus. So today is a Recharge Monday. I needed it. Not that I’ve forgotten that it’s my responsibility as a disciple of the Lord Jesus, but that my battery sometimes runs low.

So How’s your Battery Doing?

Who doesn’t need a recharge? I need one multiple times a day. Burdens get on me like cat and dog hair on a black sweater. That should sum it up pretty good if you’ve been around critters. So how does my ministry, your battery and all this tie together?

By me doing what I’ve been called to do, which on Monday is to recharge your battery after I first recharge mine.

I did that today as I read 2 Chronicles 15, verses 1-15.

Asa is returning from battle and he’s met by a prophet who encourages him to go on with the work of the reformation of Israel by promising him that the presence and help of God will go with him.

Well, I’m not a prophet, but I can make that promise to you today because I have it too. It is freely given to anyone who seeks God. He is a very present help available to us without even speaking a word. He just knows.

Whether or not you’ve been in a battle, Monday’s always seem to bring on the feeling of too much work for one week. At least that’s how mine is starting. 

So… back to the story. Asa is returning from battle. And the word reads.

1And the Spirit of God came upon Azariah the son of Oded:

And he went out to meet Asa, and said unto him, Hear ye me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin; The Lord is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you.

Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law.

One sure fire way to get into trouble is to not have the teaching of God. As a teacher, I need taught.  I don’t profess to know everything. But I know where to find it. And if I can’t find it, I have a Pastor who can help me find it. He may not have the answer off the top of his head either, because he’s not done learning. So point one for today is

Seek Him While You Can

Finding time in a day to get alone with God may not be easy, but it should be a priority. Israel had gotten themselves into trouble, into a battle because they’d been without three things. The Power of God, The Prophecy of God and the Practices of God.

If you’re a child of God, saved by the blood of Jesus, you can’t lose God, but you can lose His power by not renewing your relationship with Him on a daily basis. Not just on Sunday, but every day.

The Word of God is forever, because it’s settled in Heaven. It hasn’t been the most read book in the world without reason. God made it that way. But our failure to read it, the very prophecy of God will suck the life out of you like leaving the lights on in your car. The juice, the water of the word eventually drains out like the juice in a battery if we’re not renewing ourselves by reading His word.

And while we’re not under the law as the Israelites were, being away from God for very long will cause you to forget the practices of Christianity. The behaviors. It’s so easy to get drawn away from the things of God and into the things of the world without warning when we’re not in a good relationship with God Almighty.

So every day we need to be seeking the power of God, Reading the Prophecy of God and living in the practice of God.

Serve Him While You Can

But when they in their trouble did turn unto the Lord God of Israel, and sought him, he was found of them.

And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries.

And nation was destroyed of nation, and city of city: for God did vex them with all adversity.

Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.

It’s a privilege to go, teach and observe everything that God shows us in His word. I know that not everyone is a teacher, but you are an example. When the children of Israel got into trouble they sought God. That’s good advice! And it’s always the example we want to set for others.

Everyone messes up in life. We all fall. We haven’t come very far, if any, since the days of the Israelites battle. We still need God to clean up our messes. But after the fall, after the struggle, pick yourself up and start serving again. Don’t let Satan convince you to delay it, because it can cause you to stay out way too long.

Always remember that Satan is a liar. And the last thing he wants is for you to receive rewards of God. So, he can stop them, by stopping you.

Succeed While You Can

There will be days of defeat. We all have them. But start every week with an attitude of successful living. Encourage yourself in the Lord because great is that reward and it is the Matthew 28:19-20 Commission. 

Listen to what happened when Asa got recharged:

And when Asa heard these words, and the prophecy of Oded the prophet, he took courage, and put away the abominable idols out of all the land of Judah and Benjamin, and out of the cities which he had taken from mount Ephraim, and renewed the altar of the Lord, that was before the porch of the Lord.

And he gathered all Judah and Benjamin, and the strangers with them out of Ephraim and Manasseh, and out of Simeon: for they fell to him out of Israel in abundance, when they saw that the Lord his God was with him.

10 So they gathered themselves together at Jerusalem in the third month, in the fifteenth year of the reign of Asa.

11 And they offered unto the Lord the same time, of the spoil which they had brought, seven hundred oxen and seven thousand sheep.

12 And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul;

13 That whosoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.

14 And they sware unto the Lord with a loud voice, and with shouting, and with trumpets, and with cornets.

15 And all Judah rejoiced at the oath: for they had sworn with all their heart, and sought him with their whole desire; and he was found of them: and the Lord gave them rest round about.

They won mighty battles, they celebrated their victories and they had rest. Who wouldn’t want their week to end like that!?

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith

Take Heart Child of God

He brought me forth also into a large place; He delivered me, because He delighted in me.

Psalm 18:19

Room to Breathe

Have you ever been trapped in a small space? Even sitting in a crowded theatre where people are shoulder to shoulder is not a feeling I enjoy. I’m not claustrophobic but I still don’t enjoy it. It’s the same feeling that I get when trouble happens in my life. I feel as though the walls are closing in on me, breathing is difficult and being a heart attack survivor, those times are not what I want to experience.

I need room to breathe. And Praise God! He provides that room through His word.

Psalm 18, another of David, who assuredly had enemies, was likely written in his old age. Perhaps a reflection of his previous enemies, maybe new ones. As a child of God we all have enemies, the greatest being Satan. Sometimes I’m my own worst enemy. Heaping and heaping things upon myself, until I’m out of room.

This morning I imagined God swooping in , brushing my burdens away and telling Satan, not today. She’s got no time for that. And I could breathe.

That place… that awesome large place… is Heaven. Me seated in Heaven with the Father as spoken in Ephesians 2: 6

And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

There is plenty of room to breathe in Heaven!

Removed from Battle

He delivered me. I did not fight the battle because I didn’t have the strength.  If David was in his final days upon writing this Psalm, he likely wasn’t able to physically fight the battles any longer.  Regardless of age, life’s battles takes its toll on your strength.  It weakens the spirit and with it weakens my hope that I’ll win.

I’m in that place this morning.

It’s why I turned to the word of God, looking for hope in the only place it is a surety. It’s there I found the freedom to breathe and the relief of not fighting the battle. Just to sit and watch God as He removed me from the battle.

Raised in Belief

Belief that I am a favored child of the King. Raised, meaning lifted up and strengthened in the knowledge that He who sits high and looks low, not only controls my world but the world of those that would seek to cause anxiety and stress in my life.

He loves us! He does not want us to fight these battles alone and He desires that we talk to Him about it and get out of the mindset of defeat. He delights in you!

I can’t help but think about my own children and how I delight in them. I can’t wait to see them and speak with them. I love hearing what’s going on in their life, it’s not a burden, it’s a blessing. I want God to do amazing things in their lives and for them to have Victory.

Is it any different for our Father?

 Take heart child of God. You are loved and adored by your Father above. You are with Him in Heaven and He is with you on earth.  The battle is over with Him because He goes before us. We have His word as a promise and a reason to believe. I hope this encourages you today! It sure did me

Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith

How Thirsty are You?

It’s a thought that’s been so heavy on my mind and heart lately. I’m not thirsty enough. Not when it comes to water in a bottle, or the water of the Bible. I just don’t want it bad enough, knowing that it is the quencher to the thirst within.

Why is that?

The old adage “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink” comes to mind. There are people all across the earth that would literally give their right arm for what I have freely flowing in the tap. The same holds true for what’s lying beside me on the couch. The water of the word that is all over my house, on multiple tables, bookshelves, and electronic devices, and yet I don’t thirst enough. I read it. But I don’t thirst for it.

In Psalm 42 David writes as he’s being persecuted by Saul for doing nothing less than trying to be of help in a position that he knows is actually his. He is on the run, driven from his homeland where he longs to be. Away from family and friends, away from the house of God. All these things that I have surrounding me and yet I take them for granted.

This morning I have burdens on my soul. Ministry burdens. Life burdens. But I’m not on the run. Sunday morning, Lord willing, I’ll be in the sanctuary of Victory Baptist Church listening to the word of God without fear of being persecuted or killed because I’ve openly walked through the doors in the free country that I live and am protected by.

However, today I’m so parched by the world around me. I’m thirsting. I’m tired. Maybe you are too. Maybe you’ve had enough of bad news, wickedness abounding and world of hurting people. If you’re ready to sooth your weary soul. Read along with me and let’s unpack how David lived on the run…

Thirsting for His Presence

One of my favorite, fav-o-rite songs that I sing is “Your Presence is my Favorite Gift of All” by Claire Lynch. It blesses my soul! It causes me to remember that feeling that I have when I’m in the presence of the Almighty God. It causes me to long to be there again. Imagine David, on the run and unable to attend a worship service that He so loved being a part of. That’s where he is in the beginning of Psalm 42. He misses being in God’s presence. So do I.

1As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?

The living God! Oh my stars if we could get a hold of that thought and take it in with every breath. God is not dead, He is very much alive! And He longs to be found alive within His church today. Not dry and dusty Christianity, but praise singing, hand raising, shoutin’ time Christianity. The real deal that comes from being thirsty.

I can imagine the hart (deer) running to the brook after being high in the mountains away from the water for a long time. Needing to feel that moisture running across his tongue and down his throat into the depths of his belly. What a relief! that’s where my soul was this morning. I needed to feel the Spirit of God like a glass of water from a well spring. Can you feel it? Just in the reading of a few lines of scripture I feel my soul moistening, tender, ready to receive His word.

Thirsting for His People

My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me: for I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept holyday.

There was a time when many, many churches were on fire for God. They are few and far between. I need a church that praises and preaches the joy of God. One that I can feel the love of God through. I have that. David had that, he missed that. I long for a revival both in my soul and in my church. I want a soul stirring meeting that doesn’t want to end. We experienced one such in our church in 2010 when a 5 day revival went for weeks. We were thirsty. We not only thirsted for God but for each other. We couldn’t get enough of the fellowship. You practically had to throw people off the lot. David got that. He loved His people like that.

Thirsting for His Power

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance. O my God, my soul is cast down within me: therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan, and of the Hermonites, from the hill Mizar. Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me. Yet the Lord will command his lovingkindness in the day time, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life.

The Hermonians lived on a high hill, Mizar means little hill. I have to wonder if David isn’t reminded of times when regardless of being in a high place or a low place he experienced God’s power.

Am I thirsting for that? Do I even believe it will happen? I’m ashamed to say that there are times when I just don’t believe. Not because of God, but because of the flesh that I allow to rise upon with me.

I went to the Orthopedic doc yesterday for my knee injury that I got at work, so I decided to get an injury lawyer for this from His diagnosis without the MRI was vague. He said it could be that when I injured it I flared up some serious arthritis. Or it could be the original diagnosis of a torn meniscus. Following the appointment I went to my friend Tracy’s for a new hair doo and she is a power packed prayer warrior. So as we discussed my knee I said, I’d rather it be arthritis than the tear. Which is crazy because the tear can be surgically healed, arthritis not so much. But I can’t have the surgery due to the open heart surgery being to close. To which Tracy responded and loudly. “Why are you not praying for complete healing?” To which I said inside my head, because I don’t have enough faith.

David was using the water that was overflowing him, that would have drowned a lesser man, to ignite the revival in his soul and the power to give God glory for the victory, even in the face of little hope.

Can I get a witness that that has got to encourage your soul!!!

Thirsting for His Praise

David was distraught and downhearted in a way I cannot even imagine. But I can imagine it on my level.

I will say unto God my rock, Why hast thou forgotten me? why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy? 10 As with a sword in my bones, mine enemies reproach me; while they say daily unto me, Where is thy God? 11 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

I have never felt that God forgot me, but I can tell you that I’ve felt that God was choosing to ignore me. I always knew it was my fault. I allowed myself to get there, but I couldn’t feel Him moving in my life. And I can tell you that I did not praise in that moment. But David did.

When the doc gave me the diagnosis yesterday I said, “Okay… this is what it is.” But what if God said… “It ain’t what you think.” I didn’t even leave room for the option.

I need to be a little thirstier for God’s side of this discussion…

Posted in Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Faith, Family, Heaven, salvation, testimony

That’s a Good Funeral

Proverbs 17:27

He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.

One might think (and often correctly) that me and the phrase “sparing words” would never be in the same sentence. It is however a family trait.  While I have no problem speaking what’s on my mind, there are times (sometimes days upon days) that I’d rather say nothing to anyone. The ringing of a telephone causes my stomach to go nauseous and even messages on social media overwhelm me. I like silence. Because I know that in those times is when I am most likely to hear God speak. And then there are other times, if I’m honest, that I am drawn to the noise of the earth around me because I know in the silence I’ll hear God speak, and that scares me too. It’s crazy, I know! But it’s me being real.

Yesterday I attended the funeral of a sweet cousin who’s epitaph verse was Proverbs 17:27. He was a very well educated man with much to say, but seldom said it. This is one of the most serene funeral services I’ve attended. His daughter said it best when she said “if he spoke you should listen, because his words were weighted.” What an awesome testimony he had, all I can say is that it was a great cremation memorial with the most beautiful sympathy flowers I’ve seen in a while. A cremation services is much more peaceful for the family since their remains are with them after their passing. You can have a funeral pre-arrangement plans and hire cremation memorial services for your loved one if you want this process, you can view online all of the funeral services they have available at certain funeral homes.

As I sat there and watched his children work through their grief in front of an audience and do it so God glorifying; it did what cremation services like this should do, it caused me to reflect on my own life and the cause and effect of silence. Silence can be good, or silence can be bad, there must be balance as in everything in life. Even Cheesecake. I know that’s random… but it’s true.

The Racket

Three times in Psalm 46 the Psalmist says that “God is our refuge.” Refuge being a safe haven, sanctuary or shelter. As a child of God I understand that. I have run into that place to escape the sorrows of the day so very many times. I’m in that place right now. I needed this word this morning to send me to the feet of Jesus to speak to Him about the many burdens in my life. They accumulate so quickly. Too much, too often and I’m consumed by it.  They’re a racket in my mind. God understands. That’s why He spoke this Psalm into David. Not only for him, but for us.

Psalm 46

1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.

Those roaring waters and trembling mountains that feel as though they’re going to bury us in defeat are exactly what runs us into the refuge. If it were not for that trouble, we’d think we didn’t need help. We’d be sure that it was us who could get us through the issues of the day. God doesn’t make the trouble, but He’ll get His glory in the midst of it!  I witnessed that yesterday.

My cousin’s death was not a death of God’s timing. But God knew the heart of the man and used the occasion of his memorial to quiet the noise in my life and probably many others. Death has a way of putting life in check.

  • This is important. √
  • This is not. √

The River

There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.

I sing a song titled “Tell Me One More Time About Jesus” and in that song there is a line that speaks of the Pastor’s words being like a “cool drink of water.” The Psalmist’s words are such. So were the words of the memorial, because they all point to Jesus. Jesus is that river, that makes glad the city of God! When a child of God comes home, whether timely or not, you better believe there is rejoicing in Heaven! Should there not be on earth.

I told my cousin Duke last night when he called to see how the funeral went, that “I love a good funeral!” We laughed, but he knew what I meant. Because we both know Jesus. And there is joy in knowing that a loved one’s struggle is over and they are sitting beside of Victory! Glorraaaaaay! That puts a shout in my soul.

The Refuge from the Rage

The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. 10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. 11 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

You can better believe that Satan was not a happy camper at Gassaway Baptist Church yesterday. He expected worlds to fall apart when he moved “his kingdom.” But this world is not our home, and this world was not what my cousin’s children had their eyes on.  They were standing in the refuge of the God of Jacob. The same God and Savior who gave Jacob a new name when he wrestled with God in Genesis 32.

Every battle of a child of God ends in Victory, even if it doesn’t always appear that way.

My cousin was described as a man of few words, yet he was a writer, a thinker, a ponderer… and he and I had many times talked about our ponderings of God. He left his testimony with us through his children when his daughter said, “Our dad was a humble man who wouldn’t want you to focus on his education, successes and the many things he did that no one knew. He would want us to tell you of the day he made Jesus his Savior.”

If someone in your family has passed away, I highly suggest you to look for Asian funerals services. You may also learn more about Tuell-McKee Funeral & Cremation Services.

That’s a good funeral.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

Stuff I Got to Remember Not to Forget

With every stroke of the brush, marker or pen my mind’s eye goes into critical mode. “That line’s not straight… that looks dumb…why did I put that there?” It’s likely the nature of the beast of an artist. A word I have always had issues with because I’ve never considered myself to be one. So today, 2 Corinthians 12:9 caught my eye and took me to a different place.

The place called grace.

2 Corinthians 12:9

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Perhaps it’s a trip you needed to take today as well.

His Grace

The only grace that truly matters, because He is the only One Who is worthy to give it. I can extend grace to others and I should, because I need it as much as they do. I’m a sinner saved by grace, fully forgiven because of the blood of Jesus Christ. But often times there is no one harder on me than me. I’m sure Apostle Paul could identify. How many times did Satan remind him of his previous life? Countless no doubt. And for me, Satan may only have to remind me of fifteen minutes ago. But there’s something about pen to paper that makes my mistakes more permanent than just the ink.

His Strength

Seeing the mistake on the page weakens me. It reminds me of the fact that I often consider myself faux artist, much like the technique of faux art. I’m not real. It’s why I need His strength. I rely on it to get me through those times when Satan would tear me down and with me the ministry I long to build for the Kingdom of God. That’s why Satan does it.  Every time he can use self-criticism as a tool he can thwart the Kingdom’s work.

His Power

I don’t know how many times, far too many to count that I have walked off the platform feeling like a dirt dog because I had failed. Only to be greeted by a child of God who described a performance that was far above the one I experienced. That’s His power! Not mine. He can take a vessel, marred and broken like me and use me in spite of myself and my mistakes.

There was an illustration once at a retreat I attended where the ladies had taken a pitcher, broken it and glued it back together. In front of the audience they poured water into it only to have it pour through the cracks of the broken vessel. Hello! This is where we get happy. If we allow our brokenness, our mistakes to be seen by other people, the Holy Spirit can flow into and out of us blessing many and drawing them to the grace, the strength and the power we experience as His children.

Yes… this is what I have to remember.  My imperfections are made perfect by my Lord. His grace, His goodness, and His greatness dwell within me. I just have to let them leak through the cracks of my broken, messed up self.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

Swamp Monsters and Other False Hoods

I am pretty sure that I am not alone when it comes to growing weary of the news media of today. There was a time in my life, when the news was on, it may not have been the gospel, but at least it was truth. There was a standard, this remarkable word called “ethics” that governed media. But today media is marketing and entertainment without accountability. But it is not however there is great repercussions.

I won’t call out call letters of media that I consider to be absolute liars. That’s not my purpose here. And I’m not so sure that any television news outlet of the day is to be considered truth. Their bias is obvious and they’re either sold to the highest bidder, or they’ve got their own agenda which clouds their objectivity.

So why am I here?

I guess to tell you where I stand and hopefully encourage you with some gospel truth about the world we live in.

My first Bible study as a new child of God was on the book of Revelation. Talk about a meaty subject for a milk drinker! Oh my goodness, it was. But what it did was solidify me in the truth of the gospel. Praise God I had a Pastor that was there to break it down and help me understand what I could, and skip past what I couldn’t for a day when I was weighted in the word and ready for it.

It is important for a Christian to read and study the word of God, not only for personal edification, but for prophetic wisdom for the day.

Please don’t misunderstand, I’m not privately interpreting the Bible. God is clear on that. But I’m here to tell you, if you read it, as religiously as the world watches the swamp we call news, you’ll see the prophetic words of old that read like a modern day newspaper.

A Light in the Dark

2 Peter 1:19-21

19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

The world is a dark place. Television, the web, the movie screens, all cater to darkness and evil. And Americans pay top dollar for it. Parents allow their children to watch it as if it were no more dangerous than Tom and Jerry of our day. There is repercussions. I see it playing out in our locals schools in rural West Virginia. I can’t imagine the dark side of public schools in larger areas. But I know it’s there.

Peter said we’d do well to take heed to the light that shines in those dark places because there was darkness then, and it’s far worse now. The world around us seems oblivious to it and willing to buy into any lie the media feeds them.

2 Corinthians 4 says it best…

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

We have the wisdom we need for the day within us. You don’t need me to tell you, but perhaps you needed me to remind you.

A Truth for Tomorrow

20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

My words are not prophetic, but they’re truth as revealed to me by the Holy Ghost as I sat in my living room this morning wanting to hear from God. I didn’t turn on the news because there was nothing there that would encourage me. I tuned into the Word of God and this image of the swamp monster came into my head.

That’s how I see the media of the day. They’re a vile group of people working on the agenda of Satan himself to lure people into the darkness, not the light. They love creating dissention among people and groups because it makes news and keeps people talking about prejudices, politics and pathetic individuals seeking personal notoriety.

No Prejudice in the Gospel

The gospel will shine the light on every single one of those topics. There is no prejudice in God. All men are equal. Peter said it as God revealed it to him in Acts 10:34 ~ Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:

God loves all people!!!

Colossians 3:11 

11 Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

No Politics in the Gospel

It was politics that killed Jesus, God’s Only Son. People wanting to please people. This ought not to be.

Matthew 16:26

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

No Personal Agenda in the Gospel

Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:

31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

32 Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:

33 Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.

While life goes on around us, and there are things we have to do and conversations we have to have that have nothing really to do with the gospel, it’s just living. But all that we do should in some way glorify God.

God is only in the truth.

1 Thessalonians 5:21

21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Fear, Praise, Prayer

Friends in the Fire

Oh to have the boldness and fearless testimony of the three Hebrew boys… without the fire of course! Can that even happen? Can you have a testimony to that degree without the test? I don’t think so.

I have so many friends currently in fires of varying degrees. I stand by with helpless emotions wishing and praying that God will spare them this trial and await His answer. I guess that was the same prayer that many were praying for me in May of 2018 when I had the heart attacks and surgery that followed. But for some reason it felt different from my perspective of laying in that hospital bed with round the clock monitors, medical staff and drugs. I was too busy going through the battle to realize it was a fight. It was just a process. The real battle began when I came out of the hospital and continues today trying to get and stay healthy.

It began when I once again had control of the situation.

Maybe that’s how the boys felt when they answered King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 3:16


16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. 17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. 18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

To West Virginia-nize it “Listen up Neb… we ain’t even got to think about it. Do your best. Because our God is able, either through the fire, or out of the fire. The decision is His!”

That’s the attitude I see in these guys. They’d fully relinquished this event to the Lord.

When I laid in the bed at Ruby Memorial for 4 days prior to surgery I had plenty of time to stress out. And I won’t lie to you and tell you that I didn’t occasionally have moments of fear. But they were truly rare. (No one was more shocked than me!) Mainly because I recognized that this was out of my scope of expertise. So likely the Hebrew boys recognized that they were not fire fighters.

But what about the unmentioned friends who watched? How was there faith? I don’t know, it doesn’t say. But I know how I am right now watching my friends go through their fire. I don’t like it, but Gloraaay! I have hope. I know my God can deliver! But I would not have so great of faith if I hadn’t spent a little time in the furnace myself.

The post surgery healing probably took more out of me than the actual surgery.


19 Then was Nebuchadnezzar full of fury, and the form of his visage was changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: therefore he spake, and commanded that they should heat the furnace one seven times more than it was wont to be heated. 20 And he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace. 21 Then these men were bound in their coats, their hosen, and their hats, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. 22 Therefore because the king’s commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flames of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. 23 And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

When Satan seen that there was no fear in the boys, he turned the heat up via Nebuchadnezzar. He does that with us too. When he sees us in our bravest form he’ll often heap more on! I don’t know how many times the medical staff tried to “explain” to me how sick I was. Finally one very intelligent gal looked at me and ask, “Do you want to know the danger you’re in?” To which I replied, “No. That will serve no purpose other than to stress me out.” Ignorance may not be bliss, but it’s handy to calm the nerves.

Sometimes we just need to tell Satan, and some people to shut up. I know that’s not nice, and I was raised better.  But negative people will bring you down. We are aware in the battle we have an angry enemy, but don’t let that voice be louder than the voices of Victory.


24 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished, and rose up in haste, and spake, and said unto his counsellors, Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? They answered and said unto the king, True, O king. 25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.

At this point in biblical history, Christ was in the fire. Now He’s in us!

John 15:7 

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

That same faith that the Hebrew boys drew upon to save them from that fire, is the same faith that we draw upon today. The only difference is, He’s even closer. He’s in us! Ready and willing to get us through or bring us out!


Even Nebuchadnezzar knew. He seen the power of the God of the Hebrew boys. The same God we serve today.  

26 Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace, and spake, and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, ye servants of the most high God, come forth, and come hither. Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, came forth of the midst of the fire. 27 And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king’s counsellors, being gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them. 28 Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king’s word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God. 29 Therefore I make a decree, That every people, nation, and language, which speak any thing amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made a dunghill: because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort. 30 Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, in the province of Babylon.

As the wife of a fire fighter, I’ve smelled smoky clothing a lot! It’s nasty and it penetrates the fabric and everything around it.

So for that smell, to be nowhere on anything the boys wore speaks such Victory to me. It means that God brought them through the fire, and when they got out, there wasn’t any evidence they were ever even in it.

Gloraaaaay again!

God is able! Pray church and believe that God will bring us through and out and Satan won’t get one drop of recognition for his part in it.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

Sweeter as the Days Go By

Sweeter as the days go by! That truly is how it is when you’re serving Christ and doing your best to stay in the center of His will. I had, what my friend Gloria and I call a “Cinderella” day yesterday. It’s when all the stars align, and things are going well. You’re just having a great day.

I taught on the Holy Spirit in my Teen Sunday School class and the kids were so gracious and interactive with the lesson. And as they walked out of the class they said to each other, “this was a good day.” And I thought, yes, yes it was! Not because of me but because the Prince had shown up.

We then went to worship and again the Spirit was moving in the service and it was so, so very good!

During and after church there were terrible wind storms and the trees began to break, tearing the power lines down and knocking out our electric. On a day that I had two grandbabies. So no tv, no internet, video games were dying and it could have gone down the tubes were it not for the kids who said, “can we make crafts?”

So we spent the afternoon making paper and craft stick projects and the it was a sweet time. That I would not have had, if the power hadn’t have gone out.

Well how true is that in life that we don’t realize how sweet some things are until they’re gone. Or, we’ll spend so much time focusing on the negative and ignore the positive.

I can tell you when the electric went off I was about to get frustrated. Had it not been for the kids, I would have. They just roll with the punches. So it started me thinking about how many times I’ll look at the painful events in my life and much like the honey bee’s of spring we’re about to experience, all I see is the stinger. I forget about the sweet honey that I love the flavor of.

Psalm 19

The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.

Glory to God! Even a simpleton like me can have a Cinderella moment in the study of the Word of God because the Holy Spirit makes it possible.

While the law of the Lord is perfect, I am far from it. And I’m a rule breaker from a way back; so getting my flesh under control isn’t always easy and it’s seldom ever fun.

Most people do not like bees buzzing around the flowers of their house for fear of getting stung. The focus is not on the honey, it’s on the potential pain. And while the saying “no pain, no gain,” has its place in fitness, it doesn’t necessarily have to be so in life.

If we would focus less on what we can’t do and more on what we can do in Christ, the days certainly get sweeter. When the lights went off yesterday my first thought was, well, there goes wifi. The boys first thought was, let’s get some glue!

There are 10 “Thou Shalt nots”. But how many shalls are there?

I don’t know, but I know there’s a bunch.

The testimonies mentioned in verse seven is why we find great joy in verse eight.

The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.

We know in our hearts that the advice of the Lord is always good. His word is always right and encouraging to our souls. And if we allow that word to really penetrate the heart to the point of rejoicing, God suddenly opens up the scriptures in ways that we’d never noticed before.

The more we testify, study and share the word of God with each other, the more we find ourselves focusing on the honey, not the sting.

We still fear the bee, but we’re not fretting over him. We’re happier if we can just let him do his thing and we’ll reap the reward later in the grocery aisle of a sweet jar of honey.

Two more verses and then we’ll be ready to get on with our day.

Fear is a healthy emotion if it’s kept in check.

We should have a healthy fear of bees, rock cliffs and fast driving. And the Lord!

Verse 9 days The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

Fearing God isn’t something terrible. It’s a healthy respect for He Who controls the world. 

We almost missed Sunday evening services. But not quite. The electric came back on 45 minute before church was due to start. If I had gotten frustrated because of all the things I wanted to get done and didn’t yesterday afternoon, I could have ruined not only the afternoon but the evening as well.

I know from experience. Our  mindset is ¾ of the battle on any given day. So are you looking at the honey, or are you watchin’ the stinger?

It’s good to be reminded about Who is in control.

Verse 10:

 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.

What’s to be desired more than gold? His judgements. His decisions on our behalf are sweeter than honey and the honey comb.

Just before Jesus disappeared into the sky after the Resurrection He shared something with His people.

Fish and honeycomb.

Luke 24

36 And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.

38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?

39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.

40 And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet.

41 And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?

42 And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb.

43 And he took it, and did eat before them.

44 And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,

Psalm 19, The Law of Moses and Luke 24, all work in perfect harmony. Just like our lives if we let God control the narrative.

They were standing in front of the risen Lord, feeding Him fish and honey. And He tells them, I’m the real deal.

And He’s still telling us that today.

Even in the hard times, and they were about to have some as the persecuted church. But God wanted them to remember a sweeter time.

I hope you have a sweet, sweet day today! And praise His name at days end.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Will My High Hopes Last?


The sun is shining and it’s a balmy 52 degrees today in Calhoun County, West Virginia. It gives me high hopes that spring is just around the corner! High hopes because I can see the glorious sunshine and feel the warmth (well kind of) on my skin as I go out to feed the chickadees in the hen house.

But what about next week when the temperatures drop back into the twenties, snow is possibly in the forecast, and the chicks still need fed. Will I have high hopes that day that spring is just around the corner? Or will I bundle up and growl as my bones ache in protest to the chore? Not believing with any great confidence that spring will come?

I see and occasionally fall victim to the same faulty thinking as a child of God. Hope is fleeting in this fallen world, is it not?

2 Corinthians 4:18 says

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

I have only girls in my henhouse, because, it is after all, a henhouse. And boys are bossy. I speak in poultry language of course, not humanistic. I would never say that my husband is bossy.

Okay… that’s a lie.

But he will tell you that I listen about like the poultry dames. I love my chickens. I do not however love their hygiene. They’re pretty gross. But they provide breakfast and attribute to my baking; so, I’ll tolerate their stinky butts and shovel their poop if I can’t con the hubs into. Which is usually the case. But my point of my Bantam banner is this, those girls always have hope!

They’re expectantly awaiting me to come to the hen house and feed and water them and they graciously (with the exception of one Silkie) allow me to take their eggs. They don’t care what the weather is like, although they’re a little less productive on cold days, much like me. But they still have hope. They’re doing what chickens do.

Am I? Doing what I’m called to do? Every day? Or just on days when I feel like the Son is going to return?

Just like the ladies in the henhouse, God’s plan for me has been mapped out rain or shine. Cold or warm. Muddy or dry. I need to be productive for the cause of Christ which is to tell others of His return. That may come in the form of a blog, vlog, speaking engagement or a song I sing. But all should point other to Christ and tell them of His imminent return. That is hope.  That is what we have. It’s not up for debate. He’s coming back for the church!

Will it be this spring? Today? Tomorrow, next year or 2025? It doesn’t matter. He’s coming back! It only matters that I’m doing what needs to be done. So… I’ll feed my chickens, I’ll feed my family, I’ll feed the youth in the teen department with the word of God and I’ll feed my own faith with God’s word like 2 Corinthians 4:18.

I hope you found some nourishment in that word today too!


Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, worship

The Offering

Some of the Old Testament is often difficult for me to relate to because it’s so different than how we relate to God today. We are so blessed by grace! A fact that is made all the more clearer as I read the worship experience in the days of Ezekiel.

Through the closing chapters of Ezekiel God is laying out prophesy and Christ like illustrations. Typification that is easily seen from this side of grace. It causes me to wonder what it was like to view it from God’s side of Heaven.

Ezekiel 45:20-25

And so thou shalt do the seventh day of the month for every one that erreth, and for him that is simple: so shall ye reconcile the house. In the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, ye shall have the passover, a feast of seven days; unleavened bread shall be eaten. And upon that day shall the prince prepare for himself and for all the people of the land a bullock for a sin offering. And seven days of the feast he shall prepare a burnt offering to the Lord, seven bullocks and seven rams without blemish daily the seven days; and a kid of the goats daily for a sin offering. And he shall prepare a meat offering of an ephah for a bullock, and an ephah for a ram, and an hin of oil for an ephah. In the seventh month, in the fifteenth day of the month, shall he do the like in the feast of the seven days, according to the sin offering, according to the burnt offering, and according to the meat offering, and according to the oil.

There is no doubt in my mind that the formality and pomp of this event was amazing. Should not our worship experience of modern day be every bit as glorious? So why is it not? Likely because we don’t see the blood as we should. The blood of that day was likely not such a glamorous viewpoint but the reality that something died for your sin.

I must confess that blood makes me squeamish. Even that of hamburger or any other raw meat. I just don’t have the stomach for it. But I deal with it. So I praise God that our worship of today and the sacrifice that our Lord and Savior made on the cross over 2000 years ago, covers our sin; and I don’t have to deal with the blood of goats and cows! But the blood must still be recognized.

God’s View

When God looked over the balcony of Heaven as the children of Israel made their sacrifice He knew the rebellion of His people wasn’t over. He knew that that blood was a temporary atonement for continual problem. He could see the coming atonement that was a permanent solution to an ongoing problem.

As I read the details of the offerings and the feasts and it goes on and on and I get burdened in my mind from what seems like more information than I currently need. And then I think about my God. The God Who is in every detail of my life. All the piddley little things that are so unimportant in the scope of eternity and yet He cares. How can I not care about every little detail of a sacrifice that set the example of what His Son did for me so that I could have peace for the day and hope for eternity? God’s view then, is my view now, even though mine is from earth, I can see it just as clearly as God did from Heaven.

God’s Vow

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The final sacrifice. No more critters. No more pomp and circumstance over the blood of animals. No more separation from God! No more necessity of a man on earth to make our intercessions to God. We alone can approach the altar of grace from anywhere we are, in any state of condition that we’re in because Christ made the ultimate sacrifice and God make the ultimate promise. It was finished! He opened the door of the throne of grace for every child that accepted Him as Lord and Savior and the door would never again be closed.

God’s Victory

1 Corinthians 15:55

O death, where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory?

1 Corinthians 15:57

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Having just lost another family member this week, these verses provide fresh hope. Not just victory over death, but victory over every day living. All the struggles I face. All the times I just don’t get it, and I fail God miserably. He is there for all of it. He has me covered. His offering was enough. “It is finished!” He said on the cross. And I am so grateful…

Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith, Fear, Life Inspiration

When the Monster Returns

Anxiety. Not for the good Christian girl and boy, right? Umm, wrong. Multiple people have recently come to me requesting prayer for their anxious spirit. And I’m ever so glad to lift them to the Lord, believing that He will remove their fears and anxiousness and restore to them the peace that comes from knowing Christ. And then, moments later, I’m in the same predicament. What is it about anxiety that can get such a hold on the believer?

I know my Lord is greater, but for the life of me I cannot convince that monster that is lurking behind me. He just won’t believe it. I read the word of God and the anxiety flees, only to return after I allow the cares of the world to creep back in.

Most days for me it’s manageable. I reiterate the fact again that I am not a super saint, but God has given me this ability to shut things out; almost like slamming the door in Satan’s face. It’s my coping mechanism and it serves me well, until it doesn’t. It can also allow me to shut out things that I should be managing.  That’s when the stress can get out of control and that monster lurking behind me almost feels like a physical presence on my shoulder.

When I had the heart attacks, it was the heaviest it had been in a long time. So now, I try to keep a handle on things. But like most everyone, I don’t always win my monster mayhem.

My imaginary conversations. Oh my stars, I am so glad you people are not inside my head. I have more conversations that never take place in reality than anyone should. I tell people off, I rescue the distraught, I line people up and line them out. It’s awesome! And then I come back to reality. Bury the thoughts, shut out the world and crawl into my pity pit that allows the anxiety to take hold over the peace my Lord wants for my life.

The street scene in Mark 5 wrangles my angst this morning.

22 And, behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and when he saw him, he fell at his feet, 23 And besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live. 24 And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him. 25 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, 26 And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, 27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. 28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. 29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. 30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes? 31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me? 32 And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing. 33 But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth. 34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague. 35 While he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue’s house certain which said, Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further? 36 As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe.

Two characters who triumph over anxiety are Jarius and the woman with the issue of blood. Both had life altering issues. Jarius was at the point of losing his young daughter (12 years old). The woman with the issue of blood (for 12 years) is losing hope. I don’t think these two 12 year old stories are in the same part of scripture by happenstance. Jarius wants to keep alive his issue, the woman, wants her issue to go away. We all have issues. Some physical, some emotional, but all can be spirit breaking.

So what can we learn from the word and the characters of study this morning that will help us with our own issues? I think that there was a commonality to both of their victories.


I can almost guarantee there was a lot of weeping prior to their coming to Christ. What parent cannot identify with tears both of joy and heartache when raising children? But the thought of losing one is beyond comprehension or acceptance. And the woman with the issue of blood had had the issue twelve years; preventing her from spending time with the people she loved, draining her physically and emotionally. But using the acronym of W.E.P.T  both

They Worshipped – Both fell down at His feet

Entreated – Both reached out to Him for a solution.

Prayed – Both prayed for God’s mercy

Trusted – Both trusted His answer.

And both received Victory. Jairus’ daughter lived, and the woman was healed. And the anxiety was stopped. Oh what power I the word of God! These were not my issues, my issues are far less. So how can I not trust Him?

Will the monster return… probably. But so will victory.

Posted in Uncategorized

The Art of Conversation

The PDF version of this tool with instructions are free and ready to print at the end of this post

Monday morning I had two of the grandbabies and breakfast protocol at Noni’s house is pancakes, and with pancakes being messy I distributed napkins accordingly. And these were special “conversation starting” napkins that I purchased from our local grocery store, Foodland.

Each napkin had a question printed on it to get family conversations started, which I think is really cool. And it worked perfectly.

The first question was “You had a dream last night and it came true, what was it?” To which Noah (age 11) responded “school was canceled.”

His dream however did not come true.

But it did get me thinking about conversation starters. And with Valentine’s Day right around the corner it got me thinking of Valentine’s Day conversation hearts, which I personally love the flavor of! But more importantly than the flavor I love the idea of using them to share Jesus by starting a conversation around the condition of a soul, or the topic of church.

I thought of a few…

  • Biggest Fear?
  • Got Faith?
  • Who do you Miss?
  • Dream Life?
  • Who loves you most?

I’d love if you posted in the comments some things you think would be a good conversation starting question. I’m going to make and print these conversation hearts for my youth class on Wednesday night. I’m going to make myself a set. Whether or not it’s Valentine’s day, it’s still a great soul winning tool.

Conversation Flavor

Philippians 1:27 

Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;

One of the reasons I like the flavors of conversation hearts is because they’re delicately sweet and not over powering. That’s how I like the Christians I meet. Just show me Jesus!

When Paul said “Whether I come to see you or not,” that causes me to think that perhaps there was dissention among the ranks. Maybe they weren’t happy he wasn’t there, or perhaps because he wasn’t there the leadership had gone awry. But whatever the reason for his comment, it brings attention to the fact that the world doesn’t need to see disgruntled Christians. There’s enough of that everywhere else.

And it leaves a bad flavor in the mouth of the unsaved. Why would they want to be a part of that?

Our main focus should be striving to share the gospel. That’s why I like this tool that the Lord gave me this morning. So I’m going to act on it. Our conversations need to lead to action.

Conversation Fun

1 Timothy 4:12

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

I’d like to add, let no man forget his or her youth.

Some of the conversation starters that might lead to a salvation conversation can be a fun topic. A question like “What does your dream life look like?”

Very few people don’t like to dream about the perfect life. Wouldn’t we all want it? So what would it look like? And how easy that can enter into a conversation about the perfect life we’ll have in eternity.

That’s a fun time!

Conversation Facts

2 Corinthians 1:12

For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward.

Whether we’re talking to the saved or the lost we need to know the truth through the word of God. Not using our own wisdom, but what the Word of God says, because that’s going to speak the heart of those we’re having a conversation with.

A question like “What’s your biggest fear.” And the scripture to calm the fear such as 2 Timothy 1:7 will go a long way in starting a conversation.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

I don’t know of a person who doesn’t have fear, and who’s not looking for peace. I have fears. I needed that scripture today. I needed it yesterday and every other day. What a great question to ask someone who’s lost. Because we know they likely have great fears.

What about the question, “Who do you miss?” For me it’s my Dad. Many, many others, but most him. And how wonderful that I have the scripture that tells me that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord! And that Jesus has prepared a home for me that He talks about in John 14.

So what’s your conversation starting questions?

I’m serious about listing them below. Even if you think they’re too long for a piece of candy, maybe together we can shorten them. The printable link to the ones I’m using tonight are below! Enjoy and let me know if you use them and how it goes.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church attendance

Not Because I’m a Saint

This is the table that is before the Lord.

Ezekiel 41:22b

It is one of my greatest heartaches and concerns of the American church today that the Sunday morning altars are empty. Pastors should not have to heap guilt upon the congregations to create movement and cause a begrudging child of God to kneel at the altar of grace. We should not ever do it out of vain repetition but rather with the knowledge that there is always a need, be it ours or someone else. For me… it’s me. I take others to the altar too, but I’m here to tell you, I go because I know what a wretched sinner I am and how I fail my Lord every day. I don’t go to prove my “sainthood” or that I am all that and a bag of chips in the house of the Lord. I’m not trying to impress anyone in any pew. I’m going because I need it!

I find three things at the altar (and more). But three very notable things.

I Find Quality

Ezekiel spoke of the altar as a table. The finest wheat, and sweetest bread is there waiting for me every time I kneel. Jesus said in John 6:35 I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

It is apparent from my waistline that I love to eat. But I pray that my soul is every bit as ravenous for the things of God. That is why I go. I don’t always feel hungry for the things of God. I’m ashamed of that. There are times I want worldly things that tickle my fancy. It’s a real struggle. I’m a vain, bling loving babe that likes techy things, music things and all things artsy craftsy. Those are the things that can so easily draw me away from God. I need reminded that those things are fine in their place, but that the true and finest filling of the soul comes from time with the Master.

I Find Quantity

God has not one time refused me time. Isn’t that a great thought? But what’s shameful for me again is I have refused Him time over and over. I need reminded on as I kneel at the altar that it is a privilege beyond comprehension that the Lord of Glory wants to talk to me. Wants to give me His precious time.

I Find it Quietly

While there is a time for praising and shouting the glory down, my time at the altar is in humble, silent awe. It’s the feeling of the Holy Spirit that dwells within, also coming from above like a mighty rushing wind and just settling there on top of me pouring Himself down into me and blessing me all over. Helping me to understand that in my greatest failures, I am loved. In my deepest pain, He understands it. And when I just don’t know what to say. He intercedes on my behalf, making groaning where there was no words.

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. ~ Romans 8:26

That is why at every opportunity you’ll find me at the altar. Not because I’m a saint… but because I ain’t.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Evangelism, Heaven

God is in the Details

So, I’m back in Ezekiel again today, and I’m enjoying the Lord’s work in me through His word. Even the words I don’t understand.

Ezekiel 40, according to the commentary of John Gill, tells me that the Jews under the age of 30 were not allowed to read chapters 40-49 until they were of the age of 30 years old. And then they were to read it with the understanding that they wouldn’t understand. Finally, someone who gets me!

It speaks of a temple, of glorious grandeur and it speaks in great detail. I mean GREAT detail. As my eyes were glazing over while I read the cubit after cubit detail, the number of steps, the width of the rooms, the length of the porches, I begin to wonder why? Why does God give Ezekiel this information? So I looked closer. And began to try in my feeble brain to imagine what those images would have been. And I came across a few words that captured my attention for a minute and took me to a happy place. A pickin’ parlor.

In verse 44 of chapter 40 it says that “without the inner gate were the chambers of the singers in the inner court. ” That’s when I understood that God is all about the details. As He described this location to Ezekiel it didn’t really matter when it was, only that it was going to be, and when it was and where it is, we will be.

I don’t have to understand the future events, I only have to believe that God has got an amazing place for the believer and that it has been designed in great detail for us.

Don’t miss out on it by not knowing Jesus as your Savior. And if you’re saved, tell your family and friends so they don’t miss out!

Glory!!!! our God is Good!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration

What Matters Most

World arrogance. Oh… my… stars. It’s why I don’t watch the news and I avoid negative conversations around me. This world actually thinks that they can do whatever it is they desire, without repercussion and without accountability. Well, they thought the same thing in the days of Ezekiel. Which for me I found great solace in. Perhaps you need to hear this word today too.

Are you tired of seeing evil played out on an international, national and local level? Me too. It’s why I don’t miss my days of working in the courthouse of our not so fair county. I witnessed evil first hand, and grew weary and discouraged with each passing day in those halls. Not everyone was evil. But there was enough to suck the life out of me.

Ezekiel no doubt felt the same way. But when you’re a servant of God, which he is, and I am, it’s like being a fire fighter. You can’t just walk away. You have to do what the Lord tells you to do or there could be casualties on your watch. I don’t want casualties on my watch.

So as I read Ezekiel 38 this morning, determined to hear a word from the Lord that I could pass on to you, this is the word…

Names don’t matter, Positions don’t matter, and Numbers don’t matter. God’s promises matter. Just like the sparrow… God sees it all and He has us covered.

Ezekiel 38:1-3

1And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:

Gog and Magog. Interesting names and there is some debate as to who they even are. I won’t even attempt to guess. And truthfully, it’s irrelevant to me for the word that God has given me. Because God’s first point for me to ponder is

Names Don’t Matter

How many times do we hear people say that someone was trying to make a name for themselves in a certain sphere? While obviously God and Magog thought they were of great power in the days of Ezekiel, scholar’s debate who they even were. So how important were they in the scope of those days? And when all is said and done how will we remember those who are our adversaries today?

I love that my grandbabies associate me with Jesus. Glory! That’ll put a shout in my soul. Because I know if I’m doing something in His name, it matters. If it’s in the name of anything or anyone else, not so much. So when I apply that theory to the world around me that is filled with so much evil, what I’m doing is so much more important.

Positions Don’t Matter

Ezekiel was speaking to the chief prince. I’m sure he thought he was all that and a bag of chips. But when the dust settled, it did not.

While I do not ever glory in anyone falling, I can’t say that I may not inwardly smile when evil is defeated. Even if evil has a name and a position. I’m tired of the arrogance of elected officials who do not regard the position’s for which they were elected to as an opportunity to do good. Woah… I may have went right into preachin’.

Numbers Don’t Matter

Scroll forward in chapter 38 and Ezekiel’s still laying it on.

15 And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army:

I’m sure those mighty armies came with great confidence. So does the world and the political rhetoric when they make decisions on behalf of our Nation that causes God to go red in the face.

I actually just discovered that God does.

Verse 18 says “And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face.”

I don’t think any of us wants to witness that. People who get red faced are usually about to explode. If God explodes, it’s going to get ugly quick! And no matter the number, you lose. So when I look at the odds that are against America on so many different fronts, it sometimes discourages my soul. But then I think about the fact that God hasn’t wiped us off the map yet and I believe it’s because He still has enough people who care. There are still a few Ezekiel’s out there willing to say what needs to be said. And that’s not our word, but rather the Word of God!

God’s Promises Matter

Ezekiel 38:19-23 sums up the matter. If God said it, it will come to pass.

19 For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel; 20 So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground. 21 And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man’s sword shall be against his brother. 22 And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. 23 Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord.

Even in the face of today’s evil we can take heart that God will be glorified. So turn that frown upside down! God has us covered church! We are covered by the blood of Jesus and He will have victory, and through Him, so will we.

Posted in Bible Journaling, failure, Faith

Broken Again

Whoever coined the phrase “getting old ain’t for sissies” was so in tune with my life right now. So by way of confession, I’ll let you in on a secret, 2018 was brutal on me and 2019 isn’t so great either!

I stopped going to cardiac rehab at the hospital because I’m a wimp with cold weather. It was just easier to stay home. But I didn’t want to lose the progress that I’d made so I was doing some exercises at home. Which included a step aerobic that I really enjoyed when it was pain free. I was having some knee issues but I was determined to fight my way through. So as I step step stepped on my little Gold Gym ® stepper I misplaced my foot and stepped backward really hard. I immediately knew I was in trouble when a blood curdling scream proceeded from my mouth that brought the critters running to my rescue. Except Callie the cat, she is way too important to worry about her handler.

I refused to go to the hospital because it was cold outside. I told you I’m a wimp. So I waited 24 hours, for which worked really well for me because the temperature outside dropped to the negatives. But after x-rays and exams it was determined (as best they could without an MRI) that I have a torn meniscus. So I’m “peg leg pete” as my daughter Whitney now calls me, and I’m feeling very feeble. And not just physically.

Psalm 38 was written by David as a Psalm of remembrance. Although there is debate whether the Psalm was written to remember his sin with Bathsheba or the distress of Israel, for me it matters not. I only know that it resonated with my heart today.

Physical pain, and the pain of sin and regret take its toll on the body. It weakens me spiritually and causes an angst in my soul.

David penned it well when in verse 8 he wrote “I am feeble and sore broken: I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart.”

Feeble Folk

Feebleness is a state of frailty, weakness or delicacy. None of which I care to be described as. But I doubt I’m alone. We all have times when we feel weak whether or not it’s physical or emotionally in times of life’s woes. It brings to mind our mortality and just how very little we are in control.

While my torn meniscus could have been remedied by using a little common sense when exercising on laminate floors, my sins can be remedied by using a little common sense in my brain. Neither of which I overly skilled at. Obviously a trait King David bore as well.

I recently have been following a couple of gals on Instagram that are just a tad too perfect. Their actually not, they’re very human, but they’re posts are “pretty”. Their homes are pretty, their lives are pretty, their spirituality is pretty. They make me nauseous. Yes. I’m sinning in thought. But it’s the truth. I can’t handle all the “pretty” stuff. I need some reality. They really do inspire me to be better. But I also tune into a preacher who has been an utter failure! But he’s fighting back and roaring through the hard times and allowing me to see into his life of blunders and mishaps and helping me to understand, I’m not alone.

When I fell off the step, I roared both in my soul and in my physical being. I let the puppies know, momma was hurt. I believe we need to do that spiritually as well to a world of perfectionistic attitudes that see only the “pretty” images on social media and in life. We come into church with our perfect attire and attitudes having just left the brokenness of life at home and the reality that all is not necessarily as well as it looks.

It’s why I appreciate people like my preacher friend who lets me see his realness. Then my realness doesn’t make me feel like a complete failure, just a recovering failure. Which is truthfully what I am.

If there was an F.A. meeting (Failures Anonymous) I’d go. But there’s not. And once you attend you’re no longer anonymous. Everyone knows! So I’ll just go to church, read the word, talk to God and share with you. My therapist. Thanks for not charging me an arm or a leg (for which I only have one left.)

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Faith

Finding Our Super Powers

Below is the teen lesson I’ll use for tomorrows Sunday School program where I teach 9-12th grades. It’s certainly a suitable study for adults as well, after all, I teach these teens as the spiritually mature adults they are. On more than one occasion they’ve taught me.

Most days I feel like the underdog. I fail, I fall, I get up and try again. I leap in faith only to look more like a leap frog than leaping a building in a single bound. I venture a guess I’m not alone. I’ve yet to meet a saint of God (at least any I cared to be around) who thought they were an absolute success. Servitude brings a humility that allows us to remember who ­­the real super Hero is: The Lord Jesus Christ! But even the bible recognizes the making of a hero. We’re not super heroes, but yet we too have the potential to be a hero by using the power within us. We (or at least I) fail to remember that it’s never me who has the ability to make things happens when leading souls to Christ or serving God in any capacity. But rather the Holy Spirit.

The rollcall of heroes in the book of Hebrews gives me great hope that God can use someone like me. So what is our role on the roll and what is our superpower.

One of my Dad’s favorite verses was Hebrews 11:1 ~

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Superpower #1 – Seeing the Unseen

Other Christians see things in me that I don’t see. Or I don’t have the faith in my abilities to bring them to fruition. But if we view life through the vantage point of God what are the unseen things we’d see? And how do we see them?

Hebrews 1:3

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

What unseen things do you “see” in creation?

When I think of framing I think of an incomplete project. God created this world by speaking it into existence. “Framed by the word of God.” But there is still work to do. We are that work for which we do by stepping and leaping in faith to show others to Christ.

Why do you think that unsaved people, especially those in the field of science, struggle with believing in God’s creation?

Superpower # 2 – Willing to Kill

The first hero mentioned in the book of Hebrews 11 is Abel. His super power was a righteous kill.

Hebrews 11:4

By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.

Abel killed in obedience. Cain on the other hand killed out of jealous and pride and the killing was of his own brother.

Why was Abel’s killing of the sacrifice righteous?

Is that hard for us to understand, especially if we are critter lovers?

Of course it is! But it may be a little less difficult for those of us who are not vegetarian. We can understand the sacrifice a critter makes for us to have a hamburger.

Abel’s refusal to sacrifice an animal was his unwillingness to recognize that sin required a blood covering. It still does. But Christ made that final sacrifice on the cross.

The death now is our own. We are dead to ourselves and alive in Christ!

Superpower # 3 – God Pleasers

Hebrews 11:5

By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

What can we do that would please God and allow the world to see this superpower?

One thing for certain, without faith we will not please God. Hebrews 11:6 says

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe00 th0at he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

If by seeking God, it pleases Him, how do we seek Him? And how does seeking Him show faith?

Superpower #4 – Boat Builders

Hebrews 11:7

By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

In that day, that was more than a little bit crazy. From this side of it we know how wise he was, but at that point it had never rained one drop.

Sometimes if we want to be obedient to God’s calling we have to be a little bit crazy!

Have you, or do you know someone who’s been a little bit crazy?

Superpower #5 – Going to the unknown and believing the impossible

Hebrews 11:8

By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; he went out, not knowing whither he went.

Stepping out in faith isn’t for the faint of heart. Abraham had no idea where God was sending him, but he was willing to go.

Where would you fear God’s calling on your life? Has He called you to do something you now fear?

What country(s) would you fear being called to?

Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a  child when she was past age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.

Sarah was 90 and Abraham 100 when Isaac was born. There is nothing that God cannot do?

Write down something that you struggle believing God will do in your life and then remember the principles of your superpowers!

Superpower #6 – Eternal Living

Hebrews 11:20-22

By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. By faith Jacob when he was dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff. By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones.

All these men knew that there was an eternity to live for. Until their dying breath they handed down that legacy. We should never stop believing that we need to tell people about Jesus.

How should an eternal mindset cause us to live?

Superpower #7 – Facing the Fire and Water

Hebrews 11:

23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment. 24 By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; 25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; 26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward. 27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. 28 Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them. 29 By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned.

Moses stood before the fire when God called him out of the burning bush and he stood before the Red Sea believing through the power of God they’d get through it. Even as an infant he was placed in harms way. All this is evidence that even the chosen children of God are not immune to heart aches and danger. His own family rejected his wife and gossiped behind his back, but God took care of it all.

How does this encourage you in your everyday life?


Superpower #8 – Girl power!

Hebrews 11:31

By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.

God doesn’t only use men for the higher powers. Rahab is listed as a “harlot” and yet she is in the lineage of Jesus Christ. What does that tell us about the people God will use for the Kingdom’s glory?

Rahab and her family’s life was spared because she believed in the God of Abraham and protected His people. She truly had girl power to face certain death if she was caught. She also proved that God can use people even with questionable pasts.

Paul went onto mention more heroes of the faith, but what we might find when we get to Heaven is that in a book of the things we’ve done for Christ we too are mentioned as heroes of the faith!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Beware of Dry Bones

A Nation of Dry Bones

Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1–14) came to him after God had directed him to prophesy the rebirth of Israel in chapter 36. God was using Ezekiel to restore Israel to her land of blessing. But it didn’t seem humanly possible. Israel was once again in captivity having fallen away from God’s grace through rebellion. In that state it would take a miracle to find hope! Something like dead men’s bones coming back to life.

When God told Ezekiel to tell the bones that God would make breath enter the bones and come to life just as He had created Adam, Ezekiel obeyed. He’d been transported to the valley of dry bones already so no doubt he was in a mind to listen. When that body of bones resurrected with flesh and blood to stand as an army it symbolized the coming together of the Nation of Israel in end times.

As I read commentaries of the Ezekiel’s valley experience, I couldn’t help but see the implications against us. We’re  in captivity and aren’t even aware of it. At least Israel knew.

This morning’s breaking news with regards to New York Governor’s celebration of the abortion bill passing that would allow unborn children up until birth to be aborted made my eyes well with tears and my stomach roll over. It’s murder. Plain and simple and there will come a day of judgment that I wouldn’t want to be in the vicinity of. That smug look of self-righteous indignation on the faces of the “victors” will be removed by God Himself.

These and other acts of rebellion as a nation are dry bones to beware of. We will be held accountable for our votes and our attitudes of remiss when standing against those who support such atrocities.

A Church of Dry Bones

The only thing worse than government leaders being elected who stand for abortion is churches that stand with them or those who take no stand at all.

Edmund Burke said it well when he said that “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

How true that is. It’s what’s happening in our churches today when church leadership is refusing to take a stand against what the bible plainly lists as sin for fear of government repercussion or offending their congregations.

I thank God for churches who stand in the gap for these unborn children. They are children, they have names! God that in Jeremiah 1:5 that before we were in the womb He knew us. We have a name and a purpose long before we’re born.

The infants that the governor of New York celebrated their death may have been the doctor who cures cancer, Alzheimer of eradicates drug abuse through some revolutionary tactic, but it will never come to pass because they were murdered. They may have been the preacher that leads your grandchild to Christ, but your grandchild will never cross their path, because they were never born. Drama? No, reality.

A People of Dry Bones

We cannot change our nation and our churches until we’re ready to believe that God can resurrect the dead.

I will not give up on my nation and the churches across this great land because I know a lot of great people who are willing to take a stand for the cause of right. I believe that’s the only reason God hasn’t eradicated us.

But there’s not enough of us willing to make that stand known. Sometimes it’s because we don’t know where to start. Other times it’s because we don’t have enough support in our own troops.

Start by taking a stand on your own. In life, on social media, where ever the opportunity arises. Ask your church to get involved in awareness and then contact every political leader telling them your position and assure them that you’ll make their position known.

When Ezekiel made those bones dance, he did it through the power of God but it no doubt made him shake in his own shoes a little; mainly with excitement that God would revive His people again. He will. And He will revive us if those who say they stand for right do it.

We need to beware of dry bones but we need to be prepared for possibility that they just might come to life and bring this nation back in God’s grace once more!

Whether or not it happens only time will tell. But we will stand before God and answer for our efforts, or lack thereof.

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Beware of Christians

It’s pouring the snow down in Calhoun County, West Virginia today, and the odds of me making it to our morning service are growing slimmer. Praise God, I was in church with the teens for fellowship last night, else I’d be even sadder.

I don’t know how people make it without a church family for encouragement.

The teens and I watched a film called “Beware of Christians.” It was documentary by four college boys who wanted to know what lies beyond “religion” who went by faith on a journey to Europe to witness for Christ.

As most movies it started out a little slow, and I’m sweating it because I want the kids to enjoy it and have a good time. Well let me tell you, when teens applaud at the end of a movie, with nobody to hear their applause but each other and God, you know the Spirit has moved and I’m not a failure as a youth leader J

When the title speaks of “Beware of Christians,” it’s not what you initially think. Or at least not what I thought. It’s speaking primarily of religious Christians which in the context of this film, I personally think most of us fit into. I’ve witnessed very few people in my life who live their lives to the extent of the disciples and by the instruction of Christ through the word.

These young men warn of the cause and effect of religious church goers who talk the talk but their walk doesn’t back it up. They interviewed people in the many cities they traveled, often times ending up in cities they never intended on going to. But God has His methods! They asked tough questions of young people regarding their sexual morality and spoke candidly about their own struggle. They delved into materialism and so many other topics that few Christians dare to ask themselves. Such as “Are you prepared to give up everything to serve Christ?” What does it mean to be a Christian? What things do you “need” and what things do you “need to get rid of?” Are you willing to walk away from some people because they’re unhealthy for you?

I’ll leave much of it for you to experience should you decide to watch the movie. You can rent it on YouTube for $1.99. This is not an endorsement, but rather an opportunity if you’re interested.


What I wanted to accomplish by this post this morning is to ask you what I had to ask myself last night? What good are you for the cause of Christ? How much of an impact are you making? What will you do differently this week because I ask you these questions?

Because I’m not going to make it to our services this morning, I’m going to spend some time pondering these questions myself. If you’d like to share your answers or your thoughts I’d love to hear from you!

Posted in Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Strange but much needed encouragement

This may be the strangest blog ever, but… if you read on you’ll be encouraged.

So yesterday, as my friend Gloria and I traveled to the big city, we had our usual babe banter going by trying to catch up on days and weeks’ worth of news in just a few hours. Somehow or another, (as only it could with us) we began a deep discussion of Mairzy Dotes and Dozey Dotes and Little Lambsy Divey.

I kid you not.

She was shocked that I didn’t know that that was a children’s pronunciation song exercise for  “Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy, a kid will eat ivy too, wouldn’t you.

Who Knew! Well, I guess plenty of people besides me. So, this morning I’m kind of in that same mode, only with the word encouragement. En “courage” ment. My word for the year! How had I not noticed courage in the center of that word? I know… I’m a cheap date, it takes so little to entertain my mind. But on days like today when I’m struggling to stay encouraged, I’m looking for courage where ever I can find it. Maybe you are too.

Encouragment defined is:




  1. the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.
  2. persuasion to do or to continue something.
  3. the act of trying to stimulate the development of an activity, state, or belief.

Every single definition is a piece of the soul winning plan!

The Help of Hope

1 Corinthians 15:19

If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

How true! And a huge part of my testimony. I was of all people most miserable before knowing the Lord as my Savior. I knew there was a God, but I didn’t know God. I knew I feared Hell, but did not know how to keep from going. I needed peace, but didn’t know what it truly was until I experienced it post salvation.

It is these words of encouragement that I need to share with others to give them the courage to go on. To give me the courage to go on in the ministry. You probably have a like testimony, how can you use that today to encourage people in your life.

The Passion of Persuasion

Acts 26:28

Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

What a sad statement by Agrippa. He was almost persuaded to be saved, but it wasn’t for the lack of Paul passion. The preceding verses stir my soul yet today!

Acts 26: 21-26

For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me. Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come: That Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles. And as he thus spake for himself, Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad. But he said, I am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth and soberness. For the king knoweth of these things, before whom also I speak freely: for I am persuaded that none of these things are hidden from him; for this thing was not done in a corner.

Nor is it hidden today! God bears witness to every soul on earth. We know. And that is why God’s word will not return void, because within the heart of every girl and boy is the desire to know God.

Have courage! Share Him today.

The Beauty of Belief

Romans 10:15

And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

How beautiful! Nothing is more beautiful than seeing a soul come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Words can attempt to capture it but will never do it justice like being in the presence of it happening. I have been privileged to see so many souls come to Christ, but never enough! I long to be used by God in such a manner. But I kid you not it takes courage.

It takes writing posts like this for myself. I need to see God’s word in action. How about you? I hope I gave you courage today. Tell somebody about Jesus. Post it on social media, call them on the phone, and tell them face to face. Get the word out in every way possible. It’s a beautiful thing!

Posted in Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

The Power of Drama


/ˈdrämə (noun)

  • a play for theater, radio, or television.
  • an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances.
  • A self-centered social media post for the purpose of inciting concern by others without basis, reasoning, logic or the realization that there are people with real problems.  – Definition added by the Jesus Chick

The Bible doesn’t say anything about social media, because it didn’t exist in those days, but if it had, Jezebel would have no doubt been an avid user and abuser of it. Her husband Ahab’s page, would have no doubt been filled with vile and self-promoting posts while Jezebel’s would have spewed hatred and slander towards God’s people, all of which would have been shared by her 850 followers (prophets which ate at her table). She would have no doubt intertwined those posts with her own drama and that of her sniveling man. #IneedNabothsVineyard #NabothWontGiveMeWhatIWant #JezebelsMyWoman #ImGoingToBedUntilIGetMyWay

That same nauseous feeling I get when I read the story of Ahab and Jezebel killing Naboth because he wouldn’t sell Ahab his garden (which was a family inheritance), is the same feeling I get when I scroll the drama on Facebook.

Now granted, no one is killing anyone for a plot of land. Or at least they’re not posting about it. But they’re still stirring dung for the purpose of inciting anxiety – be it in their friends or their enemies. And Christians are in the mix.

I read a post from a “friend” who was so traumatized because someone hurt her feelings that she felt compelled to post it on Facebook. It was one of those I’ve been hurt too many times to count, nobody loves me but my mom and even she doesn’t understand me posts. Insert rolled eyes here and tell me “What Would Jesus Do?”

This may not be the godliest of posts of my own. I’ve just really had it up to my eyeballs with Mr. and Mrs. Ahab’s drama. I need to know who told these people that their life would be without issue. I didn’t get that memo. And lest I get a stone back through my window, I can’t say that I’ve never vented on Facebook. But I can tell you those times are rare and regretful.

Drama is powerful

1 Kings 21:25 says of Ahab and Jezebel:

But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up.

Ahab had basically sold his soul to the Devil and his wife stirred him with a big stick. That’s what drama does. It stirs people up and not in a good way. When Ahab threw his temper tantrum on the bed (1 Kings 21) his wife’s solution was to kill a man because he wouldn’t share his inheritance. That seems crazy right?

What’s crazy is that that mentality is still alive and well. But because we have laws that frown on murder, people kill each other with words. So here’s a thought for you and I to ponder today.

Matthew 12:36

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

That includes social media posts.

So perhaps my thinking is a little melodramatic. It’s not the first time I’ve been accused of such things. But I’m not bitter.

We’re really not killing people right? But we are killing the power of our testimony! If I see an unsaved person on a rant, I always try to remember that they are not privileged to have the Holy Spirit dwelling within to help them out. But the child of God is without excuse.

Our job is to edify the body of Christ and to point the lost to His saving grace. If we look back at our posts, how many qualify?

It’s a question I ask of myself today. How can I do more for the Kingdom, and less for the cause of Shari? And may I never be guilty of inciting anxiety in the world. There’s enough there already.

Posted in Christian Service, Life Inspiration

Brr…the Winter Time Blues

Solomon said that To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven: (Ecclesiastes 3:1) and whether it’s physically or metaphorically we all know it to be true. Life is full of seasons. This morning in the literal sense, winter has finally hit our area of West Virginia. Snow, ice and all its splendor lies on the cold, cold ground outside and I just want to hold up in the house until the first Sunny day in March.

Sometimes I feel that way spiritually as well. But, there are people depending on me and quite frankly I am depending on me to get out of this winter time slump that hits the day after Christmas. The “BRR season.”

Spiritually Barren

When I look out at the trees, with the exception of the evergreens, I see a dismal gray forest that discourages my spirit. I don’t why I’m like that, but I need color! There was a time in my life (pre-salvation) that I wanted every thing I owned, be it clothing or home décor in shades of brown. It was no wonder that I was struggling! But after I became a child of the King I needed color! Lots of color and the brighter the better. I love color! It makes me happy. And while I guess gray is technically a color, it doesn’t make me happy. It depresses me and sends me into a shell that I have to make myself come out of. Welcome to my January.

Spiritual Resignation

Oh, I know, I’m the Jesus Chick and I’m not allowed to resign my post, but there are days when I have moments of “wishing” that I was one of those people who didn’t feel compelled by Holy Spirit conviction and accountability to keep on keeping on. But wait… wouldn’t that mean I wasn’t saved? I don’t know. Ask all the people in the world who confess Christianity but don’t feel compelled to do anything for the Lord Jesus Christ Who was crucified for them. That may have sounded a little bitter.

I’m in that season.

I want to do more, I know I should be doing more, and yet my body and my aging bones say that I should climb upon my comfy couch with a my fuzzy blanket and just stay toasty and warm and watch the British Baking Show on Netflix.

Spiritually Reasoned

Praise God for His longsuffering and for somewhat of a spiritually mature me. I said somewhat because believe me when I tell you I have tantrums. But I also have been at this long enough to know that just like winter, this too will pass. I’ll be un-frustrated with life and find some color just waiting to be explored. I truthfully already have. I’m revamping my website this week to include some new features. They are filled with color! But this morning I was feeling a little BRR.

Spiritually cold. Until I began to read the word of God, and write the words of the Holy Spirit Who said, “Just bundle up and keep going. It’s cold outside but it’s warm inside of you! And the world needs to see the Lord at work.”

That message is no doubt for you too, else you’d not be here with me today. I love you and I pray that you are toasty warm, un-frustrated and ready to do some great things. If not… grab God’s word and let Him warm your soul!

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Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, Peace

Finding Peace in the Trouble of Today

I really don’t understand the concept of preachers who preach that a child of God will not experience trouble, or can “speak” issues away. If that’s so, then I have some serious issues. Well, let’s face it, I’ve got issues. But my issues are issues with me, not God.

I have no power on my own, but I have a mighty God Who has the ability to remove or let me travel through any of the issues in my life. And I believe that His decision is for my good. Of that I am a firm believer, even if I sometimes don’t particularly like it. But if I could share an encouraging word with you today it would be the truth of Isaiah 26:3 ~

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

My bible journaling efforts this morning was drawn from a conversation that I had with my buddy Dewey Moede. And of a show I watched last night on Netflix. Dewey spoke of his concerns of the day, and the many battles from many directions we face as a Nation, and most importantly his reliance upon God. The Netflix show spoke of the future, and their reliance upon man. Two very different perspectives. It is unfortunate that there is likely followers of Netflix than Jesus.

Hollywood (or Hellywood) as a preacher friend of mine calls it has a tendency to jade life. As I watched that show last night the characters had the ability to come back in time and “fix” what was broken in people’s lives. But even they agreed that there were some things just beyond our control.

One of the main characters had the ability to know historical events. Including tragedies that had yet to happen in our time (his history, as he was from the future.) Those events burdened his heart, as they would us, which is why God doesn’t let us know the future. We couldn’t handle it. At least I couldn’t.

The trouble of day is enough.

Matthew 6:34 reminds us Take therefore no though for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

So what about today’s troubles. How do we handle those?

Isaiah 26:3

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Perfect peace? How’s that working for you? Not so well for me every day.  But even if there are days when I have “issues” there are no issues with my Lord.

The reason I don’t have perfect peace is because I watch Netflix rather than reading the Word of God. True Story! If I “stay in the word, I have peace. If I watch Netlix or spend too much time on Social Media I allow the cares of the world to govern my thoughts.

Mark 4:19 says it best when it says And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.

That’s exactly what happens!

Those things that garner our attention be it on the television, movie screen, books or computer are often lusts that choke the word of God out of our thought processes and prevent us from experiencing the true and perfect peace that God intends for His people. He didn’t’ say you wouldn’t have trouble, but He did say we could have peace in the midst.

Funny things about the heart attack and pending surgery between May 20th and May 25th. Netflix didn’t enter my mind. I wasn’t worried about not having the nicest house or being the best at anything. I wanted to survive the day. And oddly enough I had the ultimate peace. Peace that I now, 7 months later, don’t experience because I don’t have my mind “stayed.”

Remember what I said about encouraging you? Well… turns out I need encouraging too. And this little miniature study of the word of God reminds us all that peace is found in one place. The Word of God. Not in the chaos around us, not in other people, or a cup of coffee and a piece of cake with 7 minute frosting. We need to “stay” our minds and trust in the only trustworthy thing in the universe. God.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Forgiveness, Grace, Life Inspiration

The Extent of Forgiveness

It’s not an original thought. I heard a preacher close his sermon out with it this morning, and then it was stuck in my head… which basically means that the preacher did his job!

If you’re a Christian you’ve likely heard the sermon, you know the salvation message and you understand the concept. But it is so easy to lose sight of the depth of God’s love and the extent of His forgiveness. Especially if you’re discouraged or have feelings of unworthiness.

So just what is the extent of God’s forgiveness, lest we forget?

As far as the east is from the west

As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us. (Psalm 103:12)

That’s pretty far wouldn’t you say?  In God’s realm, I don’t think the east ever meets the west. God took (removed) our sins from us, and yet we so often take them back and fail to accept His gift of forgiveness. I am the worst at rehashing failures and staying in a mindset of defeat.

I need to remember what God chooses to forget. And that forgetting is a choice.

As deep as the ocean

Who is God unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He retaineth not His anger forever, because He delighteth in mercy. He will turn again, He will have compassion upon us; He will subdue our iniquities; and thou will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:18-19)

Satan would love us to view God as angry all the time. So would a few preachers I’ve heard preach. But God does not retain His anger. It doesn’t say He doesn’t get angry. I believe that with the worst, despicable sins out there, God gets angry. When a child is abused, or a heart broken by broken vows and abuse, God’s upset. But at the first sign of repentance of that sinner, God is ready and willing to forgive. The word says He delights in it! It brings God great joy for us to come to Him in search of a renewed relationship. It is then that He casts our sins in the depths of the sea. That’s not only a deep thought, that’s a deep location.

Never Void

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)

This is a verse we often use to remind ourselves that anytime the word is preached, it always serves a purpose. But have you thought of yourself being the recipient of it? If God spoke it to you, it was spoken with purpose and its purpose will be fulfilled. So when we read these verses as personal, we understand that they are written to prosper us. To help us live a life of joy and abundance through the price Christ paid on the cross to cover our sins.

I wrote these verses down in the back of my bible under the title “The extent of Forgiveness.” I want them handy so I can show myself, my friends and for certain Satan. He seems to need reminded a lot.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

Mary knew, Do you?

Luke 1:47

And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.

Three points for me to ponder from the word of God as spoken by Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus.

This thought began early this morning but has lingered throughout the day as I worked between one project or another all day, and couldn’t seem to get back to what was fresh on my mind at 6 a.m.

I love the character of Mary because I love her humility. Nobody was any more surprised than she was that she was chosen for such a God glorifying moment. She was carrying the Lord God Almighty, Creator of the universe in her womb. Forget that the world was trying to strip her of her good reputation, they could not strip her of the fact that God chosen her. Nor can they strip us. We who have decided to follow Jesus and step into His plans for us like a toddler steps into the big shoes of their Dad. They don’t fit… yet. But we’ll grow into to them by and by!

Mary knew that the Rescuer Had Come!

She may not have understood all the plan as she gave birth in that stable, but she understood that however it was that God decided to work it out, it would work. It’s a good thing she didn’t know how. What a burden for a mom to carry to know that her child would be crucified for the sins of the world. Hers included. But the Rescuer had come, His name was Jesus and He had come to save the world!

Mary knew the Rejoicing had Cause!

The angels in Heaven rejoiced, the shepherds and wise men rejoiced. And Mary rejoiced. Angels had announced His birth. They filled the skies with noise, and the hearts of those who witnessed it with wonder. Is not that the feeling we have on the day of our own personal salvation when we discover what the Lord has done. It was with me. I knew there was a reason to rejoice in my life. Salvation had come and I and my world was changed.

Life for me wasn’t perfect, nor was it for Mary. She no doubt had moments where terror filled her heart as she was hunted down for her Son. Or maybe she was a far better woman of faith than me and she trusted God through it all. But whether or not she had faith 100% of the time didn’t change the heartaches that would come in her future. But it didn’t change the promise either. Glory to God!

Mary knew the Response had a Calling!

Mary knew when she had stepped into that role that God had given her that her life had new purpose. She wasn’t just Joseph’s bride, she was the carrier of the gospel. She would soon be a part of the ministry of her Son and with it all the miracles and the messes it created.

That’s the same calling we have upon us when we accept the Lord as our Savior. We too are called to carry the gospel and to be a part of the blesses and messes that come with service.

What’s your response? Are you standing in Daddy’s shoes waiting for your orders or are you still barefoot? Step in faith my friend! It’s an exciting adventure!

Blessings from me, the Jesus Chick.

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Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

God’s Protocol For Worship

Psalm 100

Below is my study of Psalm 100 that I’ll be using for the teen class tonight. Perhaps it will stir some thoughts in you to draw you into that spirit of worship our souls long for! It certainly did mine as I studied His word.


Protocol defined: the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions.

Who set the protocol for worship? The word of God.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.

Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Protocol 1 is

Make Noise!

There are many types of noises in the world, what do you consider a bad noise? (painful, loud, extreme, unnecessary)

Who do you think uses these noises and why? Satan of course!

What are some good noises?

Psalm 100:1 says to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. What do you consider a joyful noise to sound like?

Who should be shouting?

John Gill’s commentary said:

all the inhabitants of the earth, who are called upon to shout unto him as their King; as the angels did at his birth, the disciples when he made his public entrance into Jerusalem, the apostles at his ascension to heaven, the saints when the marriage of him, the Lamb, will be come, and both men and angels when he shall descend from heaven to judge the world; and such a joyful noise or shout should be made unto him as to a triumphant conqueror, who has got the victory over sin, Satan, death, and the grave, and every enemy of his and his people, and made them more than conquerors through himself;

That reading should stir your heart when you think about the reasons we should make noise!

The 2nd Protocol in Psalm 100 for Worshipping the Lord is to

Serve Him

And to not just serve Him but to be happy about it.

Since serving God is a protocol, how do you want to serve Him?

Protocol Number 3 is to

Come before His presence

I think that speaks to our attendance as well as the recognition that while in attendance to church we expect God to be there and we treat the service accordingly.

How should we come into His presence?

Protocol Number 4 is

With singing

Everyone? Yes! Everyone on the platform? No!!!!!!

But there is not only safety in numbers there is also a blending of voices that covers a multitude of bad notes. Why do you think music is important to God?

How important is it to you?

Do you feel called into the music ministry?

Do you understand what a calling is?

Protocol number 5 is to


Know what? Know that the Lord is God! That’s a must to understand the calling on your life. You have to frist be saved, and then get to know the Lord so that when He speaks, you understand it is Him.

Have you ever felt the Lord speaking to you?

How would you describe it?

Do you think people misunderstand the Lord’s calling on their life? Why?

Protocol Number 6

Enter with Thanksgiving

What are some reasons that we have to be thankful as we come into the building and worship service?

The final Protocol in Psalm 100 is number 7, we should

Bless His Name

We always ask the Lord to bless us, but do we ever think about blessing Him?

What are ways we can bless Him?

The final verse of Psalm 100 gives us 3 reasons we should worship the Lord and have an attitude of worship.

Because He is good

(even when the world around us isn’t)

Because He is merciful

(every day we stand in need of it)

Because He is truth

(The world may be filled with lies, but the word of God is filled with nothing but truth.)

A Study with Shari Johnson (The Jesus Chick)

www. the Jesus (Please share my ministry page!)

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

A New Thing!

What better way to start off 2019 than thinking about new things on the horizon! I loved the illustration of a new year that my friend D.L. Kerby always used of “a fresh, new piece of paper.” Nothing there but room for ideas, and of course for me improvement!

Isaiah 43:19 is a great verse to ponder today…

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.


An announcement of worthy attention!

I think of new stuff every day. But much of it is not worthy of anyone’s attention. But when God announces that something new is on the horizon. Glory! It’s worthy of our notice. There is nothing stale or boring in God’s world and according to His word it is He who does the “new thing.” But how do we know it’s for us? Have you prayed for something new? That would be a great place to start. And if you’re praying for God to do something new in your life what is the purpose of it and what role does He play?

Too many people want God to do something new and amazing but then they’d rather He butt out and allow them to take over. I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.

Jeremiah 31:22 speaks of Israel when he writes “How long will you wander, unfaithful Daughter Israel? The LORD will create a new thing on earth – the woman will return to the man.”

That new thing was the Lord Jesus Christ. There will be no more new things to that magnitude, but there is certainly new opportunities to serve Him there for the asking. As a child of God we should be prepared to focus our minds on ways to glorify and serve our Lord in the coming year. God may provide new opportunities in the secular realm, but that shouldn’t be our focus and should still include God as center focus.

Be Watching!

Now it shall spring forth! As a budding branch springs forth out of the ground.

I start longing for spring about January 2nd. I’m done with the cold, dead looking trees and frigid temperatures of winter. I need to see some life in the hills of West Virginia. But it’s not in my time, it’s in the Lord’s and the same is true when it comes to the new things that God has planned for us. His timing is imperative. But if I’m not watching for it, I might miss it.

We need to stand with a watchful eye on the world around us for ways that we can serve and glorify God.

Last night I sat beside a man that I really wasn’t certain of his soul’s state until the subject of church came up. He let me know immediately that he didn’t want any part of the church and that he was a “believing agnostic.”  I told him I hated to hear that because I really cared for him. He seemed shocked that I thought he was going to Hell. I spoke to him in love for as long as he would tolerate me, and in a moment of awkwardness where the subject had gotten too deep, he left my side for a worldlier lot. And I went home. I felt I’d done as much work as I could there. The man didn’t get saved but I had been watching for an opportunity and God opened the door, for that I’m grateful.

Be Ready!

For anything. God’s ways are not our ways. We don’t expect ways in the wilderness and rivers in the dessert. If we’re preparing for such an excursion we’re packing weed whackers and bottled water. But God said no… I’ve already got the path cut and the water supplied! You just need to be ready.

Oh my goodness those words make my soul stir. I’m not really a prepared person. I jump and go. Which gets me in trouble… a lot. But God said if I’d be ready for His way, I’ll be okay. But before I jump and go, I need to wait for some instructions. And so do you!

Isaiah 43:19 may or may not be your verse for 2019. But the wisdom that can be gleaned from it is for everyone.

God does have a new work for us and we for certain should be watching and be ready for His announcement.

What’s He laid on your heart to do in 2019? I’d love nothing more than for you to share that with me so that I can make it a matter of prayer. Blessings!!!!!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christmas, Eternity, Heaven, Life Inspiration

The Plan’s in Place

I don’t know who it was that posted on social media last night that they were glad Christmas was over because it was highly overrated. But I remember they were a saved person, and I remember the frustration in my mind and the desire to get in the flesh and comment. Not in anger, but in God’s rebuke that it wasn’t a very good message to send the lost. But then I remembered… I wasn’t God. And I didn’t know the circumstances. And so I scrolled right on off Facebook and onto something else.

But this morning that post is still on my mind. And I found myself saying, I’m glad Christmas is over too. But not for the same reason. I’m glad it’s post-Christmas because I have I can refocus on the message of Christmas. “Redemption!”

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for He hath visited and redeemed His people;

Luke 1:68

I don’t know why it would surprise me when God’s people of today miss the message of Christmas. After all, God’s people of that day missed the first message! They’d been waiting for the Redeemer, but He didn’t come like they’d expected. They expected a King in all His royal pomp and circumstance! Not the baby of a lowly Jewish girl. Nor did many of them expect that He would die on a cross, crucified by their own. But He did.

When He died, I’m sure many believers thought, “What a letdown. We believed He was the Messiah…”

Christmas for many is just that, “a letdown.” We want the pomp and circumstance of the holiday, the tinsel and perfect family memories and they rarely ever measure up to our expectations. This year at our house was a little different than most years, we are all a little more grateful. I was grateful I had them, and they were grateful they had me. We laughed and carried on like a family that truly enjoyed the company, because we did. A heart attack and open heart will do that to you. But not every year has been like that.

Today, December 28, 2018 is three days past the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Post-Christmas. Just like it brings to mind the post-crucifixion after Jesus died. I’m ready to refocus on the message God sent me to speak! Jesus saves. He didn’t come to fix this world. That’s why Christmas gets messed up and that’s why families continue to be messed up. He came to give us eternal life and a perfect world to come. Glorrraaaaay that makes my heart happy.

In the corner of my living room I’ve redone the little pencil tree that was decorated for Christmas and made it a Valentine’s tree. L.O.V.E. My main focus in 2019 is to show the love of Christ to more people. I want to help them understand that there is hope in the name of Jesus and even when things don’t go to plan in this world, there is a world to come that we can anxiously anticipate without worry or regard as to whether or not it will measure up because the word of God says

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. ~ 1 Corinthians 2:9

All we have to do is love Him. And He is going to take us to a world where there is no such thing as disappointment. That’s an awesome message and reminder for us as we go into 2019 that God’s got a plan, and we need to make sure us and everyone we know is a part of it!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

We’re Going to Have to Get Better

C.S. Lewis said “He (God) loved us not because we’re lovable, but because He is Love.”

Love has been a matter of my heart for a while. Mainly because I see the declining of it across our nation. Of course in the political arena, and even though it’s worse than ever, it’s still something we’ve come to expect with the nature of differing opinions. But when it comes to Christians, there should not be differing opinions. We can have separate church doctrines, but in the matter of Jesus, one way and one way only, and His love, it’s not up for debate. And yet, the evidence is lacking that the church fully believes the word of God.

Salvation’s Security

I will not argue why I believe in eternal security. I know what I believe and why I believe I, and if you believe otherwise, I probably won’t sway your mind. But when it comes to salvation, there is no argument. You either are, or are not saved. The scripture is clear:

1 John 4:15-21

15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.

Romans 10:9-10 says  ~ That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

You either believe that, or you’re not saved. So now that we have that matter cleared up, let’s assume that you have the security of salvation. You now have the Holy Spirit, God Himself, dwelling within you.  And as we continue on in 1 John 4 there’s an evidentiary fact that should be viewed in every Christian’s life. Love.

Salvations Sincerity

16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

It’s not hard for us to conceive that God would love us. I mean really, what’s not to love right? But what about others. The enemy and the downright wicked. Does He love them too? Oh yes, enough to die for them just as He died for us, and though we hate to confess it, we know that our sins were by comparison the same level of unworthiness. But Christ took the sins of all upon His back on that cross of Calvary. We conceive this knowledge, but do we convey it?

Salvation’s Sheriff

The Holy Spirit. It’s the very first gift we receive when we become saved. What a joy! But it’s a new day and the conviction of the Holy Spirit is evident. We know when something’s not right in our life. And the only way to get right, to be made perfect is to repent and accept that what Christ did on the cross is enough for me, and everyone else in the world.

Even those I have a hard time tolerating.

What should never be evident in my life as child of God is found in the closing verse of Chapter 4.

17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 19 We love him, because he first loved us. 20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

There is no fear, nor hate in the child of God.

Fear is faithless

I’ve seen too many churches who rather than teaching the love of God, teach the fear of God first.

Romans 2:4 says OR despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the good of God leadeth thee to repentance?

It does not say that the fear of God will cause a man to repent. But rather the goodness of God. Perhaps we could say the “love of God” causes a man to repent.

Prior to my salvation I had enough conviction on my life to choke a horse. I felt the disconnection from God. And I believe if everyone’s honest, we’ve all felt it before we’re saved. We know we belong to Him, it’s rebellion that causes us to deny it. But when we experience His love as shown through the church, and a sense of belonging that can be found there, that’s when I felt the Holy Spirit move in my life in such a way that I said, “I need to be saved!” The preacher preached Hell, but the church showed love.

The word “hate” makes my stomach turn. Especially when I hear it used in the context of “I hate so and so.” And sometimes by Christian people. This ought not be. We need to remember that the person we’re hating needs to see Jesus. And there is no way under the sun they’ll ever see Him if we’re spewing words like that out of our mouth. There is also no way they’ll see Him if we using words that we know will cause hate in the heart of another person.

Christians should always take a stand for what’s right in the eyes of God. But in taking that stand we should do it in love and through the prayerful guidance of the Holy Spirit.

I know I’ve been guilty of not doing that.

If we’re going to make a dent in the lost of this world, we’re going to have to get better at loving people.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration

Kiss the Cook

Proverbs 17:27-28

He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

I’m not the best cook in the world, and when it comes to my cooking my husband’s not too critical because usually he’s just happy to be fed! And when all of the food disappears from the pot, I don’t need a “That was awesome” comment because the lack of needing to rinse before putting it in the dishwasher speaks for itself. If only life could always have words and ways of encouragement. But that’s not the case is it?

If only it were the unsaved that had a critical spirit we could understand it. But often times it’s the exact opposite. The unsaved can be more encouraging than the saved.

Another random thought I’ve had is “why are their silent letters in words? What purpose do they serve?” And “does someone, somewhere, pronounce them?” It was then I realized that they served as much purpose as a critical spirit.

Spared Words

Why it is that some people are compelled to share the entirety of their opinions as if the world would fall off its axis if they did not, I do not know. I’ve been in their presence when they did; and before the words came out of their mouth my stomach would turn somersaults as if I had just eaten rotten food. There is not a fine line between criticism and constructive criticism. There is a canyon’s width.

Constructive criticism harbors no ill intent. A critical comment has several intents. It’s meant to prove that they’re wiser than the person being criticized. It’s meant to make the criticizer feel important. And it’s said without regard for the feelings of anyone concerned except the person offering their opinion. I’ve experienced it and I’ve probably been the one who had the critical spirit. But that would be rare. Not that I’m without faults, that just happens not to be one of mine because I’ve been the victim far too many times. It’s what happens when you do a lot. It offers more opportunity. It’s probably why many people do nothing.

Spirited Words

What is an excellent spirit? They are God’s gift to a troubled world. They’re people who speak wisdom and words that encourage and applaud someone who’s at least trying.

I have to be honest and tell you that there is a critical spirit within me that I have to squelch on a pretty regular basis. Whomever coined the phrase that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” may have been speaking about humanity or perhaps they were an art critic.

Last night I was watching a home improvement show and this “artist” with obviously more money than I, (perhaps I was jealous) was redoing their art studio. For which is my kitchen table. Anyway… they were an abstract artist, and not what I would have considered a good one. But they have a studio, and I have a table, so what do I know?

Another artist that I had recently seen on Etsy was selling art for huge prices that looked literally like some of the work my grandbabies do that I consider more valuable. They had thousands of followers and I’m like “are you serious?” I’m so glad that I don’t know that person personally. Yes, I too have a critical spirit. But I don’t feel compelled to post my feelings online or tell someone that they’re less than good.

Because if it’s not something that you’re paying money for, life really is subjective.

Spirit Led Words

What each of us should be is more Spirit led. Before opening our mouths we should ask ourselves “How would Jesus respond?”

Not critical. He has never one time criticized anything I’ve done for Him. But I have. Even the words that I speak over my own efforts should be examined for their intent. When I got finished with my video blog on Facebook yesterday I immediately tore into myself for a job poorly done. It’s why I refuse to watch them after I’ve posted them. I post them in faith believing God can use someone like me.

It’s also why I don’t have a critical spirit toward other people, because I understand how it tears you down and discourages you from your efforts.

I’m not sure why this thought was on my heart today, other than I needed to hear the last point myself. I hope it encourages you for the good!

God Bless!


Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration

Who Says Water and Electricity Don’t Mix?

Well. Actually from an earthly standard they don’t. But from a spiritual vantage point, they not only mix, the experience is beyond amazing!

A few weeks ago Dr. Mickey Carter preached at our church, on the subject of the light that God shines before us; and how that light grows as we we grow, and the distance before us is further as we are obedient and able to handle what it’s shining on. Such a good message! This morning I find myself studying ligtht once more in the book of Psalm 36.Twelve little verses. So much wisdom.

This earth is filled with people searching for what the child of God has. They’re missing it and we’re not doing our do diligence to give evidence of what we have within us. Our bulbs are not burnt out, they simply have a loose connection and a little water.

The Dark Side

1The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.

For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful.

The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to be wise, and to do good.

He deviseth mischief upon his bed; he setteth himself in a way that is not good; he abhorreth not evil.

The last part of verse 4 could sum up most of the people I know who don’t know God. Now, I certainly know my share of people who have wicked tongues and wicked ways. But the bulk of the unsaved people I know are people who are “in a way that is not good, he (they) aborreth not evil.”

They haven’t learned to hate the very thing that makes them miserable. Sin.     

I know this because it hasn’t been so long ago that I was one of them. I wasn’t a wicked person, devising evil plots for personal gain. I was a good person trying to make the world a better place. The problem was, I needed to start with myself before I tried to fix the world around me. Case in point. I was on every civic minded board I could be on. I was highly sought after to be on those boards because I was a worker! I thought that by serving my community I could fulfill that desire within me to help. There was indeed a little light shining within my heart that always gave me a desire to help people. But my yearning was never completely fulfilled because it wasn’t being filled with what the Creator intended it to be filled with.

I’m not saying that serving on civic minded boards is wrong. We need to be a part of our community, but our primary focus should always shine the light toward the Creator. Not the created. It’s when we glorify ourselves or others that the light short circuits. It’s not attached to the source of power.

In The Shadows

Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds.

Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judgments are a great deep: O Lord, thou preservest man and beast.

How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.

Jesus said in Luke 13:34 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not.”

The Jews had completely missed their promised Messiah because they were not focusing the glory on the Lord, but rather through works, they sought to gain glory for themselves. All Jesus wanted to do was love and protect them, as a mother hen would her chicks, but they wanted to stay in the spotlight. And so they’re solution was to rid themselves of the Light that shone so much brighter.

Good people don’t always seek the glory. Many seek the thrill of helping, which in reality is seeking the glory. That adrenaline rush that comes from helping or “saving” someone is addictive. And it can overrule allowing God’s control or protection. I was that person. I was so focused on helping others, that I wouldn’t allow myself to realize I was the one who needed saving.

The Light!

They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house; and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures.

For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light.

10 O continue thy lovingkindness unto them that know thee; and thy righteousness to the upright in heart.

11 Let not the foot of pride come against me, and let not the hand of the wicked remove me.

12 There are the workers of iniquity fallen: they are cast down, and shall not be able to rise.

When life got so miserable out from under the wings of Christ, and I could see nothing but my discontent and discouraging world, God sent a light to show me a pathway to the shadow of His wings. That light was a Preacher who used the water of the Word. And when that water, mixed with that light…. Glory!!!! Something amazing happened! Once I received the wisdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, by accepting the fact that I could save no one and that He could save everyone, there was more light, and more direction to what my God given purpose in life was. To shine the light so that someone else could see their way to the safety and peace of being under the shadow of His wings.

And just like brother Mickey said, when I start down a path for the Lord, He shine the light far into the distance and I see that there is amazing things ahead.

I hope you’ve experienced that light. If not, follow the link on my main page to “the plan of Salvation.” And please! Let me know if this has encouraged you. Comment in the comment section and share my post on social media. I love you, but more important than my love is the Love of Jesus Christ!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Purpose

Be Thou my Vision

Bible Journaling Art by The Jesus Chick

Proverbs 29:18

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

One of the very familiar verses often quoted from the Bible, and quite often completely out of context. I have no doubt been guilty of the same. But this morning this verse caught my attention and gave me the desire to dig a little deeper into its meaning for my own personal application.

I consider myself quite the visionary when it comes to life. I love new and exciting adventures and I’m open to the Lord’s leading down unfamiliar paths without hesitation. The problem with me is that quite often it’s a Shari vision, not a God vision. So those paths have many times lead to disaster!

The Word of God is a book like no other in the world. It’s the living, breathing, Word of God that can speak life into its reader. Another book may excite you, and inspire you, but it can’t speak life. It’s also why we shouldn’t read the Bible in a haphazard manner as to take scripture out of context or apply our own definition to it.

When Proverbs 29:18 is quoted, the word “vision” is often thought of as a prophetic vision that renders itself to personal direction. But in this context vision is “an inspired revelation of wisdom from God.” Which may be personal direction, but in its full context, which people tend to ignore, it is followed by “keeping the law.” So… when you take someone like me who is apt to be a free spirit, the law has a connotation of control. And that doesn’t fit well with my application of the freedom of vision.

I’m somewhat telling on my rebellious heart. But it’s good to be real, because it will help you and me both. Nothing is worth doing unless it is the will of God. And the will of God will never be outside the Word of God. So if we want the reality of it, we can’t just say we have a vision without searching the Word of God for the truth of His will. Woah… that’s a pretty deep thought for me.

2019 is on the horizon, and I have big plans, as always. But are they God’s? Good question.

Three points for me to ponder, and perhaps you as well, from Proverbs 29:18

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

No Instruction leads to Destruction

Proverbs 1:5

A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:

I received a call from my good friend Dewey last week, who asked if I minded some counsel. The Lord knew I was in need of it, and He even sent the messenger, so who am I to say no. And so I listened. But I’m not always that wise. Some of my greatest failures in life have been not seeking or heeding the counsel of others. It’s not that I feel I know best. It’s usually that I just don’t know and I’m too excited to slow down.

But not today. Today I’ve taken it slower and asked God for some insight into the vision He has given me for 2019. The year of our Lord 2018 has been quite difficult. For more than the obvious health reasons. I had an appointment with my cardiologist today and was discussing the frequent, steady chest pains that cause me concern. After listening to me, and running the appropriate tests, it was discovered that I’m under too much stress. Shocker! 2018 has been filled with stress, and I need a reprieve in the coming year. That will require some changes in the vision of The Jesus Chick Ministries.

First… I need to treat it like a ministry. Not a hobby.

Godly Instruction leads to Construction

Council can often be constructive criticism, and that’s okay with me too. So long as it leads to construction and things get built rather than being torn down. The problem with my ministry is I’ve been building it alone, and as God told Adam, it’s not good for man to be alone, or woman as the case may be. I’ve partnered with many others in their ministry work, but I’ve soloed my own, missing the counsel of Christ where He told the disciples to go two by two.

So I need to build my ministry so that it’s more productive. I need to expand my ministry reach, and believe God that my ministry work will be rewarded with financial provision; which has been most of the stress of 2018. I need focus. I need counsel. It’s why I appreciate ministry friends like Dewey who love me and feel comfortable to follow the leading of the Lord to say things like, “slow down.” Or encourage me to seek a 501c3 which would make the Jesus Chick a bonified ministry for contributors and provide me with counsel through a board of directors.

Vision is God’s Provision for the Journey

And so I search His word for direction.

Proverbs 12:28

In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death.

There is but one job one pathway for me, and the way of righteousness is through Jesus Christ alone who will be my vision. There is a song written by Ian Lynn entitled “Be Thou My Vision.” It’s words stir my soul today.

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art

High King of Heaven, my victory won
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heav’n’s Sun
Heart of my own heart, whate’er befall
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all

And so that’s my prayer today. “Be Thou my Vison Lord.” I seek not riches or man’s praise, I seek a pathway that will allow me to share Christ through the talents that God has given me.

I covet your prayers and would love the privilege of praying for you.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration

An Unusual Thanksgiving Message

Book of Wars Journal entry and Poetry by Shari L. Johnson

Although I know it was a word search that lead me to Numbers 21, I don’t remember what word I was searching for. I got so caught up in verse 14 and wondering just where is that book? And why do I not remember this scripture?

Wherefore it is said in the book of the wars of the Lord, What he did in the Red sea, and in the brooks of Arnon.

I did a quick web search on the book and read that it was a “missing book,” a “canonical book” not included in the scriptures and a book spoken to a man by an angel just a few years ago! None of those intrigued me enough to search any further for the book, but rather I decided just to let the Holy Spirit speak to me this week of Thanksgiving on what that book meant to me. And why I was lead to the book of Numbers, chapter 21, and verse 14 this morning.

I imagined the wars that God had penned in that book for me. Penned much like I do in journaling, for the purpose of reminiscing and to look back on a time in my history that something amazing happened. Something worthy of documenting. And what will it be like when I get to Heaven and discover in that long, lost book, all the times God rescued me.

Ephesians 6:12  says

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Are those wars written in that book? I don’t know.

But I know this. I know God is worthy of far more gratitude than I give, Thanksgiving or otherwise. I’ve had to fight a lot of battles within and without lately, and everyone was won with the Word of God. I had to fight them again usually because I let the flesh take over and remind me not of the win, but of the battle.

Today I’m grateful, first and foremost for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who fought every battle for me on the cross of Calvary when He died for my sins, and yours. I’m thankful that He continues to sit on the right hand of the Father, and watch over me, comfort me and strengthen me through the Holy Spirit.

I do not know what battles have been written down, but I know that the battles above my head in the spiritual realm are real. And I know they’re not mine to fight, else they’d be lost.

Every time I write, draw, speak or sing for Him, I know there’s a battle above me to squelch the praises worthy to God’s name, a battle I must fight. Today, it’s a battle I’ll win on my Lord’s behalf.

THANK YOU JESUS. Thank You for that sacrifice on the Cross and thank You for speaking to God on my behalf. I’m sorry it’s necessary. But I’m grateful You are there.

THANK YOU GOD. For listening. For allowing Your Son to make that sacrifice on the cross. I can’t, nor do I want to, imagine the pain You experienced that day.  But I’m grateful that You had a plan to save my soul so that I could thank You in person someday.

THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT. Thank You for being with me every single day. Guiding me. Strengthening me and encouraging me. Without You I know my creativity would be naught. Without You I know I’d be so overwhelmed. Thank You.

Win your battle, Thank Him today!!!!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith, Grace, Life Inspiration

The God Satan Doesn’t Want You to Know

For certain Satan doesn’t want you to know God because he’d prefer you stay in his custody. But once a soul has given their heart to Christ, Satan has to change his game plan to interfere with the Kingdom and the Kingdom’s work. There is nothing he can do to remove the seal of Salvation that God puts on His children.

Ephesians 4:30

And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

Glory! But he can certainly do a lot of damage to the spiritual walk of God’s children by binding them with lies. Or at least that’s the case with me. So today I search the truth and invite you along…

Micah 7:18-20

18 Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy.

19 He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.

20 Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob, and the mercy to Abraham, which thou hast sworn unto our fathers from the days of old.

We’re not to fool ourselves and believe that God is not a Holy and just God Who doesn’t get angry. Oh… I believe He gets angry and I believe He gets frustrated with me on a pretty regular basis. But the trouble with my thinking is, I get stuck there. There in that place of God’s frustration, long after He has moved on and sometimes may never have been, I’m still there. He moved on the second I repented, but I choose to stay in that place of bondage and allow Satan to convince me that God’s frustration lingers on. And I have a feeling I’m not alone.

It’s much easier in our less than merciful flesh to view God as a less than merciful God. If every day we would remember three words that God has attested to, through His Son Jesus Christ.


Micah 7:18 – God delights in mercy! The other day I watched as an adult was less than merciful with a child. The children happened not to be hers. Not that that is always the case, I know parents who are less than forgiving. But on this occasion the child had misbehaved and she separated herself from him as if to say “you are not worthy of my presence.” My heart broke. Praise God our Savior doesn’t treat us in that manner. He longs for the relationship to be restored as soon as it’s broken. But we delay, buying into Satan’s lies that God is forever upset. No… God is forever merciful.


Micah 7:19 – How deep is the sea? I personally don’t know, but I know it’s deep! And how far is the east from the west? Really far! You can’t get there from here. And that is the geographical location of our sins. Yet Satan wants us to believe that God has them attached to His refrigerator, so that every time He goes there, He is reminded of my sin.

That’s how our minds work. Not God’s. I have to work really hard not to rehash old hurts. Because they are not in the sea. They’re in the recesses of my mind waiting for a day that I can call them to mind and be frustrated and hurt again. And have to forgive… again. If I don’t bring them up, Satan will. And so when I’m in need of God forgetting something I’ve done or someway I’ve failed, I am reminded of how someone hurt or failed me, and I attach that theory of thinking to God too. What a lie!

God is not man!

Isaiah 55:8

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.


Micah 7:20 – God’s plan nor word has ever changed, but man’s sure has. The recent election was proof of that. The political rhetoric coming from all sides made it impossible to know who was telling the truth. And even if someone had a video as evidence, we still couldn’t trust that it hadn’t been manipulated in some way and voting was a very serious game of chance. And such is life sometimes. Marriages fail, friends forsake us and parents and children break our heart. So when we hear the word “forever” in the biblical sense, it’s sometimes hard to grasp.

I can’t help but think of Satan’s words to Eve… “ye shall not surely die.” So we have on one hand the thought that forever will never come, and on the other hand, that forever is subjective to the situation.  And both make it hard to fathom eternity.

But God’s word will stand true and Satan will forever by a liar! He would much prefer that we didn’t   know the truth and one way he can help that happen is to sabotage our relationship with the Lord. It’s not hard when fewer and fewer people keeping their relationship with the Lord first in priority. The more we put between us and God the easier it is for Satan to convince us that God is not desiring a relationship with us. And when we fail, we can’t feel God’s mercy because there’s too much distance. But guess who didn’t move?

God’s exactly where He’s always been. In eternity past, present and future. Loving us as much today as yesterday and wishing we’d just talk to Him, and skip Satan the middle man… he’s a liar anyway.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, Peace

Do You?

But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.  ~ Proverbs 1:33

The grey skies of November mess with my head even in the wake of the holiday season. Sometimes because of the holiday season. I seriously try to be honest with myself and struggle. Even though the truth is within me…the literal truth of Jesus Christ; I can still suppress the wisdom of God and allow depression, fear, anxiety to creep into my heart. Reading through Proverbs 1 this morning I found one of the countless nuggets of truth that surfaced and refused to let the clouds over power it. So I thought I’d share it with you. Perhaps you need it as well.

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Yes, that Christmas tune is now playing in my head, but it’s a worthy tune.

Do you hear what I hear
A song, a song
High above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea

The voice of God can thunder or it can be as still as a whisper, and most usually it’s the latter. What I hear is the voice of God asking “Who’s listening?”

Are you the ‘whoso?’ Am I? Am I genuinely listening for the wisdom of God or am I waiting until He says what I want to hear?  And so I ask myself, why am I not listening? Mainly because I fear. I don’t fear death, I fear life. Dying’s easy. I have no control over that with the exception of how I take care of my body. And because I know that I know that being absent from the body is to be present with God, it’s not something I fear. But life. I struggle with it. It can get so out of control and I’m the queen of roller coaster living. Finances. Responsibilities. Accountabilities. Deeds undone. Those things make those November clouds and cold rains feel like a cloak of evil around me.

Yes… I’m a tad dramatic. My grandchildren don’t get that drama from anyone strange.

Do You Feel What I feel?

Do you feel safe? I honestly do. I know that God will not leave me nor forsake me in my hour of need! But the people of the world will. Though I have the comfort of the Holy Spirit, I don’t always feel comforted by people. Sometimes I’d rather avoid them too. A friend of mine struggles with depression far greater than I, but depression isn’t fun for anyone no matter the level. We spoke the other day about times when we’d rather not leave the house for any reason, no matter how joyous. It’s much easier to retreat inside my head and pretend that all is right with the world than to go outside and prove it’s not.

I don’t consider myself akin to Job in struggles but I understand his words when he wrote, “I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet; yet trouble came.” Job 3:26. He no doubt felt very overwhelmed. King David, felt overwhelmed and shared that thought in Psalms on 7 occasions. It’s why I felt the need to share that the Jesus Chick struggles too. For Pete’s sake if David can confess that he struggle, why cannot I?

It’s not the struggle that I want to share though, I want to share the process of victory. It’s usually not an immediate response from God that gives me peace and removes the dark clouds. It’s a conversation… You can’t hear if you’re not listening, and you can’t listen unless someone is talking.

Do You Know What I Know?

Even on days like today, when I struggle to get out of my Pajama’s and I don’t really care if the bed’s made, because I’d like to retreat back to it, I still know what I know.

I know that there is quiet from the fear of evil and it’s found in (1) the Word of God. (2) The Wisdom of God through prayer. And (3) the Way of God by hearkening to what He says.

If I’m brutally and shamefaced honest I have to tell you that sometimes I still don’t listen and the clouds continue to hover. But if I search His word and speak what I find He is faithful…

Ephesians 3:17-20 King James Version (KJV)

17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;

19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

Posted in Uncategorized

Lead Me On Lord!

Below are the notes from my “not another manic Monday” Facebook Live video feed. If you’d rather watch the video, scroll down to the bottom of the page and follow the Youtube Link.

I’m not sure what has got me in the Christmas spirit so early this year, I’m usually a November 25th kind of gal, but I’m blaming it on the heart attack. I blame a lot of things on the heart attack, but this one may be closest the truth. I think I come to realize how precious holidays and holy days are.

So somehow or another, I tend to relate all scripture to Christmas, which is true as well, because scripture all relates to Christ, and Christ is Christmas. But this Christmas verse is found in the book of Psalm Chapter 16 and although it doesn’t have anything to do with Christmas, it will help you out on your Monday manic if you happen to be in that mode. And I happen to be.

Psalm 16:11

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

I am

Always Looking for Direction

When it comes to life it doesn’t matter how old I am, I’m still directionally challenged. And as a directionally challenged person who takes a picture of her car before I go into a store, I need more help than most. So I appreciate how God took care of the wise men by giving them a sign that could not be missed.

The star…

That star lead the Wise men to the place where the Christ child lay and then it stopped.

Matthew 2:2 has the Kings asking:
“Where is He that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him.”

Matthew 2:9 reads … the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.

That is my kind of signage!

And the bible is filled with historical information, but it’s also filled with today’s information.

I still rely on the word of God in some form or another, preacher, teacher and reading myself to finish this journey. I’ve found the Christ child and the Savior, now I’m trying to stay on the path until we meet face to face.

Part of that journey is that I’m

Always Looking for Joy

Psalm 16 tells us exactly where it’s at and to what extent we can achieve it. In His presence is the fullness of joy! But being in His presence doesn’t guarantee that result. After all, we have Him in our heart, and yet we’re not always happy if we’re honest. Sometimes, on the bad days we have to prepare for it. If we show up to a party with an attitude of dismay and discouragement, pretty soon the rest of the party is brought down with us. But if we show up anticipating the joy of the event, it’s a great day! Well, it’s a great day if we go into this week with an attitude of anticipation for what the Lord can do. One thing I’ve been learning myself lately is that the words we speak have more power than we understand.

If we say something like “I’m dreading this week, I have so much to do and it’s never going to get finished.”

Satan and his merry men will jump that band wagon and ride it all the way into Saturday. But if we speak the word of God over it, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13

For thou Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour thou wilt compass him as with a shield.  – Psalm 5:12

Speaking those words causes my attitude to change and Satan to flee. The wise men knew the word of God was the way to Christ because within the word of God it was prophesied 700 years before the event. That proves the power in the word of God.

Micah 5:2

But thou, Beth-lehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting.

That prophesy foretold of the birth of Christ in that little city, long before the wise men were given directions.

God knows our destinations as well. Isn’t that great news! But it wouldn’t have been great news if the Kings had had the attitudes most of us have when God gives us directions. 

We doubt and fear because we don’t prove God’s words by stepping out in zones of discomfort. And we miss the joy of the adventure.

That’s what I want in November and December. I want to experience an adventure with Christ! And I can only do that by finding out what God’s word said and how it pertains to my manic Monday or terrible Tuesday, or wicked Wednesday that Satan would like me to experience.

I want victory over every day.

Always Looking for Pleasure

Who doesn’t want to please God? Pleasing God is following, worshipping and acknowledging Who His Son is and Where He is. The third part of our scripture said at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

1 Peter 3:22 tells us that Christ is on the right hand of God. But to understand that is to understand the symbolic gestures of Old Testament.

In Genesis 48, Joseph brought his sons to Jacob to be blessed,  but he got upset when he seen his father lay his right hand on the head of Ephraim because that was a blessing reserved for the oldest child and Ephraim was younger than Manasseh. So Joseph called it to his father’s attention, and his father replied, I know what I’m doing, leave me alone. Shari quoted bible.

So Jacob was basically saying that the younger son was going to be greater than the older. And as harsh as that seemed for Joseph to hear, it was prophetic. And He needed to hear it.

If we want the blessing of God, we have to trust that the Son on the right hand of God has our best interest at heart. But we’ll never understand that unless we get into a deeper relation with Him.

There was some serious relationship issues within the families of the bible. But if we want to experience the pleasures that God has for us in life, we cannot have relationship issues with Jesus Christ.

God didn’t send His Son to this world, to be taken for granted.

Before the heart attack I took a lot of things for granted. One of them was Christmas. That’s why, this year I’m starting early. I want to “experience” this season by having greater clarity and joy about my purpose in life. And I want a greater relationship with the Lord Jesus.

When I read the words in Psalm, it just leapt off the page at me like a Jack in the Box on Christmas morning. God’s verse to prepare my heart for this season.

It doesn’t matter if I’m talking about the Christmas season, or a season in your life that you’re going through. You and I both need the same thing. A deeper relationship with the Lord.

We can only have that if we’re prepared to invest some time.

We have to turn the television off, or the radio, or the computer. Whatever it is that is distracting us from this journey that God is taking us on in November and December!I’m excited about it! And I’m excited that you joined me today and I hope that you’ll let me follow you on your journey by messaging me and clueing me in on some of the things the Lord has been doing in your life. 

God Bless and I hope to see you next Monday at 10 am. on Facebook live. 

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Oh How He Loves You and Me

Hosea 3:2

So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver, and for an homer of barley and an half homer of barley:

Have you ever wondered why God puts up with you? I certainly do. Most every day I’m asking myself that question. I have a feeling that nobody asked that question any more than Gomer, the wife of the prophet Hosea.

The story of Hosea’s prostitute wife was not that of the ordinary man of God. God had instructed him to marry a prostitute. That is what I would all an extreme sermon illustration! Once they were married, Gomer’s infidelity and abandonment meant that Hosea had to buy her back out of prostitution, in a very public way and then tell the children of Israel how his wife’s infidelity was no different than theirs was to the Lord; which would bring great judgment upon themselves.  

Praise God for grace… but Gomer’s life story still rings my bell. I long for a relationship of deeper proportion with the Lord, but I stay so busy and scattered about with various things that the Lord more often than not, gets scooted over to make a seat for some vain desire. Thinking I’ll get back to Him later. What? Even writing that makes my stomach roll over to think that I would treat the Creator of all the earth in such a manner.

It’s why I can identify with Gomer. Hosea married her and made an honorable woman out of her, but she refused to stay away from the world from which she came out of. She had children, and she even abandoned them to go back.

Infidelity has a much broader meaning when it comes to our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

He’s not asking us to turn our backs on family, forget about hobbies or favorite pass times, He merely wants included. And yet, even I, who the world around me knows me as the Jesus Chick, will not bring Him into a conversation for fear of it being an unwanted conversation sometimes. Or I’ll get distracted by some worldly television show or social media and my day has dwindled away and I’m left wondering why I feel like a dirt dog at the end of the day.

It’s the equivalency of not showering! The Word of God is a spiritual wash cloth as one of my favorite preachers use to say.

My relationship with Christ cannot possibly get to a deeper place, if I’m not willing to wade out into the water where He is.

It reminds me of those times that He and the disciples would get away from the rest of the world for some ministry training and rest and it would be in a quiet place, or in the midst of the sea. It wasn’t in a crowded room, dusty street, or in front of a blaring television with idiotic commercials every 3 minutes.

So today in an attempt to understand why God tolerates me I looked into the eyes of Hosea through the eyes of Gomer. I realized it was for no other reason than He loves me. Thank God, I am redeemed. Bought back with the blood of Jesus Christ after I went astray.

He loves you too you know…

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Heaven, Life Inspiration, Peace, salvation

Heaven Help Us

In the book of Nahum we once again find Israel having been carried captives into Assyria. A common storyline in the lives of God’s people. Sin, become captive, repent, obtain freedom, repeat.  But before we cast any stones we, generally speaking, don’t have to look long into our own lives to find that we too are repeat offenders of captivity.  The world has a way of laying hold on us and doesn’t relinquish us to freedom easily. Our enemies are fierce, but our Father is the fiercest of all!

When a verse like Nahum 1:7-8 comes into my reading time, I take note, and need to delve further into the God of all comfort. He comforts me like the favorite blanket that I wrap up in on a cool fall morning.

Nahum 1:7-8

The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.

Heaven helps those who do

Jesus told the young ruler in Luke 18:19 Why callest thou me good? None is good, save one, that is, God.

A very quick and honest search of our own hearts and we realize that we are not good. Sin abounds inside the heart of every man and is only covered by the blood of Jesus when we ask Christ to save us. But it is forever a constant battle creating trouble in our lives. Either our sin or the sin of someone else. So what a joy and privilege and highlight worthy verse we find in the book of Nahum; because even though we’re not good, God is! And He’s a stronghold for those that know Him. A stronghold is a place of security and safety. For King David being sought by Saul, it was cave. For me this morning it’s a blanket on the couch that I’m wrapped up in studying God word. I love this time of the day when the busyness and stress of the day hasn’t quite kicked in and my heart is still tender and receptive to God’s guidance

It’s good seed sown in a dirty ground that grows beautiful things.

Come what may for the rest of the day (an our lives) we have to trust that God is good and He takes care of His own.

Heaven Help those who don’t!

Nahum described it as an “overrunning flood” for the enemies of God. And although most people who have not claimed Christ as their Savior, don’t view themselves as the enemies of God, they are. They are because they’ve allowed the world to rule their hearts and the world is the enemy of God.

James 4:4 says as much when James wrote: Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

That “should” strike fear in the heart of anyone who hasn’t been saved, but it doesn’t. They are blinded by this world into believing that there is another way out besides salvation. And the heartaches and troubles they face every day, that overwhelms their souls and very much feels like an overrunning flood could be traded for the strong hand of God that would remove it and replace it with His peace for the asking. But many will not.

And sadly many who know God and He knows them, live in defeat because they don’t take the time to get in His word where peace is found.

I’m ever so grateful that in all my errors and blunders in life, God’s grace is sufficient to pull me through the tough days and allow me to celebrate the good days with gladness! I pray you’re experiencing that peace today and that you’ll share it with someone along the pathway.

If you’d like to know more about sceduling the Jesus Chick to speak or sing, contact me at 304-377-6036 or find me on social media under “the Jesus Chick.”

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Great Things!

Its confession time for me again. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. But although confession is good for the soul… it’s hard on my emotions. Confession can sometimes be a testimony of failure, guilt or pain, and depending upon the response post confession from the confessor and the confessee, determines the successful healing or purpose. So here’s my confession in a nut shell…

For the past couple of years God has placed on my heart to plan an event. I’ll give details on that later. My response was, “Okay. Later.” After all, I’ve told God “no” before, and I know how that turns out. So “later” seemed like a more viable option. Again and again, too many numerous times I heard this request from God.  And I always had a reason behind my answer.

The first one was the Moses response. “Who am I, Lord that You should use me?” I always followed that by, “Lord, who would even listen?” My self-doubt fed right into that answer. Coupled with the fact that there are those who really don’t take my ministry serious or feel that it is a worthwhile investment. So, I thought I should wait until I grew up, or a “God thing” happened that made me know for sure. Like possibly a heart attack.

My second response was, “They don’t want it. Lord, You and I have been here before and the people won’t come.” To which I would hear, “the ‘right’ people will come. Its’ all in the chapiters.” That response came from a sermon of Mickey Carter’s that he preached three years ago; and to this day I can’t get it out of my mind. On the top of the tall pillars in the temple were chapiters with the finest of detail that no man could see. But God could. Many people don’t see our efforts, but God does. And it’s He who will reward. And so I thought some more on the event God asked me to do…

I’ve been praying for directions, asking for God’s wisdom because I really don’t have the answer. I kept hearing “read Jonah.” And I planned to, but later. After 2 preachers and a lady who spoke at our Monday Women’s event used the story of Jonah as an illustration, I finally conceded that perhaps I should read the book of Jonah. I am a slow learner.

The Great Fish

God did a preparatory work for Jonah four times. He started with the biggest. The “Great Fish.”

But prior to the great fish, Jonah had some great people who encouraged him. The ship’s crew who cried unto their gods and threw the ships cargo over board in an attempt to save themselves and Jonah, knew that there was a difference in Jonah’s God. They knew He could save them. (Chapter 1 verse 6).

I’ve always had encouragement, even from the lost. Those who have faith in “my God” because they’ve seen His work in me. But I will allow the naysayers to overshadow those whom God sends to encourage.

Jonah finally confesses that it is he who’s caused the angry waves and tell the men to throw him over board. He’d rather die, than get right.

For the record… I would not rather die. But I still didn’t get right before my heart attack. I’m not saying that’s why it happened, but it certainly garnered my attention.

The Great Gourd

Even after Jonah survived being whale puke, and reluctantly but obediently preached the gospel to the Ninevites, he continued to be angry with God for saving the people of Ninevah. So God gave him a brief period of rest and created a gourd to grow above Jonah’s head and give shade in the heat of the day. (Chapter 4,verse 6)

Following my heart attack I wasn’t angry with God. I’ve never been angry with God, but rather angry with Shari and my feelings of inadequacy for life and on more than one occasion I was secretly angry with people who didn’t believe in me. But God gave me a rest from that and allowed me to regroup my thoughts. So I collectively put them all back together in the same place by telling the Lord I wasn’t fit for what He was calling me to do. I was a disobedient sinner, and He surely couldn’t use me.

The Great Worm

God allowed Jonah to rest for a little while and then He caused a worm to eat the gourd that provided the shade. And there Jonah was, exposed to the elements of life again. Still angry because the Lord wanted to see the people of Ninevah saved. (Chapter 4,verse 7)

Following my healing and rest after the heart surgery I began to find strength and purpose again. I began serving the Lord in my “safe zones” and all was right… except… the continual knowledge that I wasn’t fully obedient to God’s will for my life. That doggone worm ate my shade and I too was exposed to reality. The reality that not everyone in the world loved me but I was required to love them.

The Great Wind

God’s final preparatory work was the great wind. He drove the sun down upon Jonah’s head until he passed out! God asked him, “Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd?” And Jonah answered in what I imagine to be a total eye roll, smart aleck attitude “I do well to be angry, even unto death.” (Chapter 4, verse 9)

God nailed Jonah to the wall by asking him why he was more concerned over a gourd dying than the 120,000 souls headed for Hell until he preached to them the gospel. Ouch.

And for me He asked why I was so much more concerned with those who reject my ministry’s effect, than those who would embrace the Lord’s purpose for me through what God has ask me to do. The world is full of hurting and exhausted ministers and people of God who need to be encouraged in the Lord.

So when God put it on my heart to lead and organize a conference for such a purpose, it scared me to death. I didn’t want to die, but I thought I might if I stepped out in this endeavor. But after prayer and counsel the decision’s been made with excited people on board for the spring of 2019.

Posted in Life Inspiration

I’m a Free Woman!

This video is a post from my weekly event “Not Another Manic Monday”. It may have been more manic than I thought because I start out sideways on the view. But hang on for a minute and I get myself straightened out! 

The Message is from Galatians Chapter 4 about what we recieve being the children of God! 

  1. The Freedom of the Father
  2. The Fringe Benefits of the Father 
  3. The Freewill of the Father
Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Purpose, testimony

When Heaven Answers

Have you ever just wanted the day to stop? For the clock to stop winding down and allow things to get caught up and back in order. Life has a way of getting out of control, creating anxiety and feelings of unfinished business. Many of my mornings start out that way before I get out of bed! Mornings are my most productive time. This morning I prayed… “God, please bless my brain.” Lord have mercy, I needed Him to speak to my Spirit and give me words not just for the blog, but I needed a message for myself. I needed the sun to stop before it even finished rising. I wanted to feel God’s power working in my life and as always, He moved and I felt it. I believe that God was faithful to provide a message for us both from the book of Joshua.

Joshua 10:12-13

12 Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.

13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

14 And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the Lord fought for Israel.

There was no day like it before, or will we see it in our time again, for it was written, this was one time deal that God took orders from a man.

A little back story is that an ally of Joshua’s was attacked by five other kings for being friends of Israel. By request Joshua and his army came to their aid and God promised victory, even killing more people by casting “great stones from heaven” upon the enemy than Israel killed with the sword. But as the day was finishing up, Joshua didn’t consider the job done. So, in front the witness of Israel, Joshua orders the sun and moon to stop… and it did.

Glory to God! I’ll bet that was a “mic drop moment” in Israel’s history.

I don’t believe God will be doing a repeat of that miracle today, but He is still in the miracle business.

A dear friend of mine who has long since gone to Heaven gave me a method of rest that has never failed me. I don’t abuse the privilege, but on nights when I need my rest, and the time has gotten away from me causing me to head to bed much later than I would have liked, I pray this prayer. “Lord, please give me a double portion of sleep.” I’m essentially asking for God to pack 8 hours into 4, or 10 into 5, whatever the case may be. And He does. Because that’s the God I serve. So Joshua’s request doesn’t take me by surprise or allow one doubt to enter my head that’s its true. It’s also backed up by scientific research!

On October 30th, 2017 Cambridge researchers announced that they had pinpointed the date of the biblical account of Joshua stopping the sun — which they claim is the day of the oldest eclipse ever recorded — to October 30, 1207 BCE, 3,224 years ago.

I didn’t need for Cambridge researchers to tell me it was true. God said it, therefore it was. But it’s nice to know they agree.

The story of Joshua gives me two points of pondering today:

  1. God heard Joshua and so did Israel.
  2. God helped Joshua and so did Israel.

In ear shot of Israel, Joshua stepped out on a limb and orders the sun and moon to stop, which can only be done by He who created them. I’m not that bold. But I can step out in faith in the things the Lord allows and so can you. But we first have to slow down and listen, which is why it’s so very important on Satan’s agenda to make my day and yours get crazy. I don’t need the Lord to stop the sun and moon… I need the Lord to stop me.

I need to listen to what the Lord has to say to me and speak that truth to others in the family of God. So that when it comes to fruition, God will be glorified!

I also need to enlist my brothers and sisters in Christ to become a part of the bigger picture that God allows to work in me so they too can experience the power of God at work in their lives as well.

Those days on the battlefield must have ended in the biggest celebration ever, or perhaps they ended it with a nap being that they had been up for 24 hours. But none the less it ended well and gloriously because Israel showed up and God showed out in a major way.

Today… I showed up at the key board. It wasn’t a battlefield, but it felt like one. I needed direction and God provided it for me. I pray that this scripture and these words encouraged you to understand that God has the victory already done, and whatever else needs accomplished, He’ll do that too. Slow down and listen, enlist your friends and let’s get some serious work done for the Kingdom’s glory!