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by wptg
The Wow Factor in God’s Plan! – The Jesus Chick

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Today is the first day of school for the children in our community, so for the purpose of encouraging their little souls last night at Wednesday Bible Study, I taught at lesson on Esau (Who had a poor choice on chow and chicks) – Jacob (Who pursued power and position at great cost) – Leah (Who Labored for Love) and Rachel (Who was a diva of discontent). It was fun lesson but my favorite part was wrap up. I’ll leave you to go back and read Genesis 25-29 if you’d like to catch the full story.

The wrap up…

My goal in choosing these characters was to remind the teens that life doesn’t always go as planned. We sometimes think something is so extremely important that we’ll surely die without it. When in reality it’s merely temporal, like a bowl of soup, and certainly not worthy of trading the magnificent things that God has in store for us.

Relationships with friends and family are complicated, but of those that we have a choice in we need to choose wisely, else God’s plan for our lives could be jeopardized. Esau was firstborn and entitled to the birthright, but I can’t help but believe that Jacob was God’s chosen all along to continue the lineage of Christ. The Momma’s boy Jacob was far from perfect, but he wasn’t as wishy washy as Esau (a man’s man hunter) who gave his birthright away because his tummy was growling and married idol worshipping women who I’m sure took his focus off of the things of God. Jacob’s wrestling for position began at birth (Genesis 25:22), Jacob mentally wrestled, although sometime deceitfully with his brother through life, and he wrestled with God (Genesis 32:24) and got a new name. Jacob was a fighter! interesting side note (Jacob and Esau were likely in their late 60’s when that went down). They were far from the boys that we often see depicted in story books.

Jacob leaves home and gets snookered into marrying two women, one he loves, and one he tolerates. Now this is where the story gets the wow factor! Rachel, who was all that and a bag chips, was the choice bride of Jacob and yet he wasn’t enough, she wanted children. He loved her from the day he laid eyes on her having worked 14 years for her and they felt like but a day. I’m sure the evidence of his love for Rachel was on his face lit up like glory and a knife in the heart of Leah who knew she was wife by default. Jacob worked seven years prior to their marriage, but not for her. So she gave him four children, thinking that surely with each one he would love her more, but it was not so. Genesis 29:31 says “ And when the Lord saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb: but Rachel was barren.”

The lesson for my girls was this, – God is the only one that will satisfy your soul. Being the prettiest or the most loved won’t do it. And all those times that you feel you’re the plain Jane, not the most popular, not the most attractive and Satan has you convinced there is not greatness in your life… hang on to the story of Leah.

Here’s the wow factor?

Matthew 1:2 –  Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren;

It was Leah’s great x 19ish grandbaby that was the Redeemer of the world. Not the pretty girl Rachel’s. God used Leah to bring salvation into the world through the lineage of Jacob. That thought just blew me away! I was that plain Jane gal, okay, but not great. Never the most popular, talented or beautiful… and yet today I feel like a million dollars because God is using me in such an awesome way.

I urged my teens to hang onto that thought on the days that Satan had convinced them that they didn’t measure up… GOD’S GOT A PLAN!

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One response

  1. I stumbled upon this today and was inspired by this post. Nice. I was doing a study on why Rachel kids weren’t the ones who carried on the covenant…… you helped by the way. God bless your passion.

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