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The question arose yesterday morning during our Sunday School Class from teacher Donnie Pitts, “Why did the Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah?” It was a question I hadn’t given deep thought, but I had certainly wondered about that before. But the greater question for me this morning is why does anyone reject Christ today? In a lost world where most everyone is looking for some type of hope, why do they not start with the only source of hope?

I realize that many have not officially been introduced to Christ, either because they choose to avoid the all things Christian, or because the church has failed them, or perhaps they’ve chosen another path entirely that leads them far from any thing involving the truth of Christ. I’m sure there’s plenty of reasons. But there’s really no excuse.  And as I begin to embark on 2022, I find there’s no excuse for me not telling people about Christ. I have multiple platforms and a quite frankly a big mouth. A North Carolina Preacher told me once as I walked off the platform from singing, that I’d “Make a great hog caller.” I took that as the kindest of compliments. He was a jewel of preacher. But am I using my talents to their fullest extent. Of course not. And if you would confess it, I doubt you are either, because none of us do all we can, we do what we want, or what makes us feel comfortable and holy. Nothing past that.

The answer to Donnie’s question came in multiple forms. But for me it boiled down to the fact that Jesus did not fit the mold of who the Jews thought the Messiah would be. He wasn’t fancy, or legalistic, He didn’t hang out at the temple all the time, or with the temple crowd. He was most noted for hanging out with heathens. He didn’t begin His life with earthly pomp and circumstance. Heavenly pomp for sure! But His cheering section on earth was a few ratty shepherds and and some Kings from out of town. The local tribe of politicians were too afraid of losing power to acknowledge a Savior. Are times any different? 

Herod went so far as to killing innocent babies in hopes of getting the right One and stopping an heir to the throne. That tactic has never stopped. Although they know they can’t touch the Lord, they can touch His people. Herod’s act was one of canceling as much as today’s attempt to quiet the Christian faith is by demonetizing and devaluing anything that acknowledge Christ as Lord. Whether that is a church, business or news, the goal is still the same, kill their influence. 

When it came to my new publication, The Ridgeview News, I had to do some serious soul searching about how I was going to publish an unbiased newspaper?   The world would tell me that I can’t. I’ve been told that on multiple jobs, to leave Christ out of it.” But the Lord has pointed me to one word every time the subject comes up. Truth.

Paul told the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 13:8 ~  “For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.”

The truth will be revealed. Whether it happens today or much later, it will be revealed. So to stand on the side of truth will always be the winning side. I really want to be on the winning side! It is also what everyone will tell you they want. I’ve yet to hear the first person say to me, “Please lie to me. I don’t want to know the truth.” No, we all know that we are far better off in the end when we have the truth, whether or not we like it. So long as I stand on the side of truth, I believe God will honor my publication and the community will grow to trust it, whether or not they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. 

I have a sweatshirt that I created when the world began getting very biased against Christians, and I love it! It’s the featured image on this post. “Unapologetic Child of God.” That’s who I am. I’m not going to ram my beliefs down anyones throat. But nor will I deny the Lord Jesus or fail to give Him glory.  And if I should fail to give the truth in the matter of the news, then it’s not news it’s opinion. The news is simply “what happened, to who, where and why.” That’s exactly what the word of God is. The truth of what happened, to Who and Why. People can deny it, that doesn’t change it. We can ignore. Still doesn’t change it. 

I’ve never fit the norm for society. If I would have lived in the days of Christ’s earthly ministry, I would have most likely been the rejected of society. The weird woman down the street. For that I’m grateful. Because Jesus didn’t hang out with pretty and fancy people. The lepers, the sick, the sinners… those were Jesus friends. Because it was those people that He brought out of those lifestyles and gave purpose. The religious liked the power they over the people. Jesus was the true power, and they missed it. Don’t miss it. And don’t be apologetic to this world. Let them know Jesus needs no apology!

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