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12117Whither shall I go from the Spirit? Whither shall I flee from Thy presence?

Psalm 139:7

Sometimes I confuse myself. I know the word of God, the power of God, the compassion of God, the omnipresence of God, and above all I know the forgiveness of God. But it seems when I’m at my wits end in life, and I’ve tried my last human effort; I still have one thing left to do. RUN! And the whole time I’m running I’m thinking… “There’s no sanity in this. God is my only hope.” But do I turn back? Nope! That makes way too much since and Satan is so, so very good at what he does. Convincing me that I am unworthy, defeated, or hopeless.

I’d like to tell you that after twenty years of salvation, and greater than 10 years of writing and studying the word of the Lord I’m above it. But I’m not. When David penned the words in Psalm 139 it was an affirmation. He was reminding himself that there was no where he could go that would put him out of God’s presence. There was no part of him that God did not know. There was nothing he had done that God had not seen. Hmmm…. That explains why I run. It’s called guilt. Its likely Satan’s most powerful tool on the child of God.

He has no power to control the child of God (unless we give it to him) because we have the Savior within our hearts. A spot that Satan cannot occupy. But he is still the prince of the air, and those air waves are very disheartening. David too much have understood that when he wrote in the same Psalm (vs. 16)  “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect, and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

Long before God created me, He knew who I would be. He knew I would fail. And yet it says in the following “How precious are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them. If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.”

That’s a humbling thing to know, that the Almighty God Who created the universe in all its splendor and has so much to do, takes time to think of me. That’s a word that the prince of the air doesn’t want you to know. He doesn’t want you to know that in the course of God’s day, whatever that might look like, I’m on His mind. I also wonder what He must have thought when I turned my back on Him.

Disheartened? No, being disheartened is to be discouraged, intimidated, downcast. None of which describes God. Here are just a few scriptures that tell us Who God is.

God’s thoughts are so much higher than I can imagine  ~ Isaiah 55:8–9

He does not grow weary, even of me! ~  Isaiah 40:28

He knows my hair better than my beautician! ~  Luke 12:7

Before I was born, He implanted His career design in me. Even knowing I would not do it justice. ~ Jeremiah 1:5

He is not partial to anyone more than me. ~  Deuteronomy 10:17

I always feel less and unworthy, both of which play into the hands of the prince of the air causing me to flee from God. When scripture tells me, I a loved, forgiven, planned and blessed by God. I hope you are wiser than I. Don’t buy the lies of Satan. They’re extremely expensive.

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