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I ask myself that this morning after reading Zephaniah 3:17 KJV which says:

[17] The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.

We met a man at Chick Fil-A on our trip this week whose name was Roy. I hesitate to call him a “bus boy” although he did bus tables. It’s likely not politically correct, and he was not a boy. If I were guessing he was in his 70’s. A small in stature, black man, with with a wild silver afro that stuck out from his ahead more than a few inches. And a personality to match. I say that just so you can get a visual. And you can understand that he caught my attention. When he realized that he did catch my attention, he and I immediately started a conversation. We talked music and church and just overall had a pleasant experience.

One would think that cleaning off tables and dumping the trash would not be a very glamorous job. But this was not his attitude. He made the experience a joy for those he served. He asked questions about their lives, where they were from, why had they come to Lancaster, were they enjoying their stay? He had a genuine concern for the people he spoke to. It was such a sweet experience because he joyed in them, you could see it! This morning I thought how God joys in His people and desires sweet fellowship.

I love a verse that breaks down into a point by point lesson for me to learn from God’s word.

He is here and He is Mighty!

“The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty;” Can we possibly understand what it means when we’re in the presence of God at every given moment of every given day? And the power for which that brings us? As I sit here in my recliner with Izadora the chihuahua snuggled up by my side, and God viewing my life through the lens of my heart, I’m overwhelmed at the thought. He is here. My great God and Savior is setting with me in my humble house watching me search His word, speaking to my soul sweet thoughts that I pen on the page… well technically type. But what a privilege to know that as the world around me falls apart, my God has my life planned out for His glory. Nothing catches Him off guard that is coming my way today.

He is here and He will Save!

I met with a group of friends yesterday who are planing an event in hopes of seeing souls saved in our community, something that only God can do but He allows us to be apart of the search and rescue. As the wife of a firefighter I have see the adrenaline rush that David and a his fellow fire fighters have when they’re a hero to someone in trouble. It’s an exciting experience. But in the scope of an eternal Hell, God’s rescue provides so much more. While the earthly rescue will allow someone to liver another day, a rescue by God allows us to live eternally.

He is here and He Rejoices!

He rejoices in His people as He sees them serve, fellowship and study His word. He knows the desires of our hearts and minds, and for me this morning, my desire is to understand His word and apply it to my life in a way that makes me productive for the Kingdom and makes my God rejoice! God blessed me with a mini vacation that allowed me to renew my body and mind and really get refocused on things back home that had begun to overwhelm me. And that is why in reading this scripture this morning I especially love that…

He is here and He rests in His love!

Without any variation or change, nothing will separate us from the love of God. He Himself receives satisfaction from loving His creation and being a part of our lives. To think that the time that I spend with God, the time He spends with me and the gifts of life that He gives to me brings contentment to HIS heart. It’s as if I’m a small child and I’ve crayoned a drawing and my Dad puts it on the refrigerator in pride. What I have to offer God seems so very little, and yet it creates joy and pride in Him. Isn’t that an amazing thought?’

He is here and He is Singing my Song

…he will joy over thee with singing.

I’ve never thought of God singing. Angel’s singing yes, but God? But that’s what scripture says. That He joys over me with singing. It causes me to wonder what song God sings when He’s thinking about me? That brings such joy to my life, because I know the joy that comes from singing. it causes dance in the soul and often in the feet. Does God dance when He sings? I don’t know… but He created His creation to dance, so quite possibly He does.

What I know from this small study is the Lord is as complex as the universe is expanse. With their new telescope, NASA discovered new worlds this past week. With the word of God, I discovered new things about the Creator of the Universe. It’s just amazing to be a child of the King!

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