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In the land of social media the warriors are brave. There is no bloodshed, right? Everyone has the right to throw their opinion into the arena, whether or not it’s truth, lie, or unknown. We all know the adage we were told as children, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” And even though we also know that the adage was a lie (words do hurt) it was a different era in time. There was no social media, and most children were taught the proper behaviors and acceptable manner in treating people. There was always the bully, but they were never applauded by the majority, just a few weak followers who thought they were in the “in crowd” by being a friend of the bully and not the victim.

We’ve read the news stories of the worst end of a critical spirit. It’s the end of a life because the hope was criticized out of a heart until nothing was left but despair and a life was ended by suicide. Is it any wonder our kids don’t understand that bullying is wrong when adults have yet to figure it out?

Proverbs 12:18 KJV
There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.

Solomon… such a wise man. (Except when it came to women, not so much on that side of his life). But the words from Proverbs 12:18 stirred my soul this morning as I became burdened for the critical spirit I witness daily throughout social media. Nobody uses constructive criticism, where you build something, but rather destructive criticism where they can tear people down with an end goal of making them feel less. Putting them in their place… a place that is beneath the one in charge of the criticism. They feel it’s their obligation to line this person out. Never thinking of the soul and the end result. The nights with tears on their pillow or the pain of a broken heart. God help this entitled nation. I wonder if the people down south, who have lost everything, care one iota about the opinions of any entitled neighbor. I’ll bet there’s not an entitled neighbor because that playing field was leveled by hurricane Helene that put everyone in that area in the same mess. Praise God for those who were spared, and pray for God’s mercy on those in the middle of that tragedy. It puts life in perspective quickly for those experiencing it. But those of us high on a hill, looking down on the souls of others from our safe haven continue to think our opinions matter.

  • Opinions can’t stop a storm.
  • Opinions can’t stop a disease.
  • Opinions can’t stop tragedy.

I am of the opinion that my opinion only matters when it’s got God’s stamp of approval on it. Solomon said our words either injure or heal. But God’s word is more powerful than a twoedged sword! If a soul reads it, and just takes it for what it is, leaving mans opinion out of it, the word of God will reveal everything we need to know about life.

Hebrews 4:12 KJV
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

I shared a video on the Ridgeview News Facebook page of a friend preaching at a 1982 Foundation Event. The post got several positive responses. But one reader felt the necessity to post his negative opinion again and again. Another reader suggested I had an agenda. Well duh. I’ve never denied it and have tried to make it known that my agenda is to glorify God with the truth. Which includes the gospel truth. I do not deny the secular world their say, God gave everyone free will, so will I. But I am the one who spends many, many dollars to pay for the publishings of the Ridgeview News and The Jesus Chick sites. I do that so that I may share the gospel of Jesus Christ and share the truth about the goings on in my community. That’s my agenda. Truth.

And to tell you the truth, I’ve been struggling again. Frustrations have overwhelmed me, and some of those frustrations have come in the form of opinions. I watch as my mother ages at a rapid pace from dementia, and all that matters to her is her family. Who will stop by. Who can I tell her about so she can remember a happier time. She cares nothing about my opinion. We talk about Heaven and we talk about family. That’s it. I don’t share negative stories with her. What purpose would that serve.

And there is where I’ll land today. What purpose are our words serving?

There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.

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