This is how God works. Country girl (me) who seldom traveled to neighboring states falls in love with God and then discovers the awesomeness of God’s people and their diversity. So God branches her out through a thriving Bible believing church and Bible College and introduces her to the President of Marietta Bible College and Pastor, Dr. Myron Guiler. Marietta Bible College is a mission based training college that brings foreign students to the United States, trains them and returns them to their country. Through their affiliates they receive support and are able to minister in their field with a little help from their friends in the U.S.A.
Because I’m tech savvy (just enough to be dangerous) I began working for the college to get students registered through the federal portal that brings them into the country. Through that relationship my love for the foreign students grew much deeper and I guess didn’t go un-noticed. Dr. Guiler at the end of class one year announced that I’d been invited to go with his ministry team to the Philippine Islands and see the work first hand. And what a humbling experience it was…
I watched as 5,000 Filipino’s gathered under a newly built outdoor revival stadium for two weeks, in the heat of the day through the calm of the night for 12 hours they sat and listened to the gospel every day. Unencumbered by the heat, or the sleeping conditions (concrete bungalows) they worshipped and the altar would be lined with literally thousands pouring their hearts out to Christ. I’ve never witnessed anything like it. I was treated like royalty and cried for days, and still cry thinking about those precious times. I was privileged to sing there and left a piece of my heart when I headed home. I’ll never forget them.
So… when I see the devastation of the typhoon, my heart is so very broken. I’d love to catch the next flight out of here and minister to them the way they ministered to me. But alas, it must be from afar.
Please join with me in prayer for not only the few listed below, but the thousands of hurting, displaced people in that land. I love them, and I love you. Thanks!
Pastor Fidel Racal’s brand new church building is gone, plus his own house and car. Praise God the people of his church were not harmed. Four or five other Independent Baptist Mission for Asia churches in that area were damaged and one church in Ormoc. These are friends through Marietta Bible College who were trained there and then returned home to minister. Please pray for God’s mercy and a quick healing of that land. Pray for comfort and most of all pray that even through this tragedy our Lord will be glorified by seeing souls saved. None of us are promised another breath. It can happen here as well.
When sorrow strikes a foreign land
And hearts are broken deep
Their images burn in my mind
And cause my soul to weep.
Yes the tears fall from my eyes
But deep in the well in they grow
For at the very core of me
Is God Who makes it so.
He placed within this heart of mine
a love for all His kin
Those who live great miles apart
And those in the town I’m in.
I long for the day when sorrows gone
No tears will be shed in that place
But God will soothe our trouble hearts
Until He we see Him face to face.
Shari L. Johnson (11/12/13)
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