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by wptg
A Day Out From the Big Lie – The Jesus Chick

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Yesterday I was somewhat in shock; as was the Clinton campaign. I had gone to bed assuming what the media was informing me of was true, that Clinton was a sure win. Shocker! They didn’t know. It’s why I had stopped watching the television news altogether. Between the lies and the anti-God spin of everything, it kept my stomach in knots.  So a day out from the big lie and my mind’s a little clearer, my hearts a little happier and I have a few thoughts on the new President elect.


2 Chronicles 7:14 says “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

For certain there have been times when President Elect Donald Trump was less than humble and may be again, it is his personality. But during the latter part of his campaign, he apologized, accepted responsibility, and graciously accepted his win without arrogance. I believe they call that humility and it’s a great start. A humble attitude is one that God can work with. Yesterday I was humbled. I truly felt that God had heard the cry of His people in America. Again and again, (but not nearly enough) I thanked God for the election results. I truly believe it’s a chance for America to return to the right path.


Now that God has offered the opportunity, it is up to the American people to pray for not only our President and President Elect, but for each other. I began praying for Donald Trump’s protection and that of Vice-President Elect Pence. I don’t think Satan is the least bit happy about Tuesday’s results and he’d love to destroy the work God has begun. He can’t, any more than he controlled Tuesday. But he can wreak havoc with us and will if we don’t stay humbly on our face before God.


Seeking the face of God is an intentional act. You don’t “happen upon Him.” It’s deliberate act in hopes of receiving His attention, mercy, grace, and blessing. Now is not the time to go back to business as usual in our spiritual life. God answered our prayer; now we need to seek His wisdom for ourselves, our leaders and our nation has a whole. We need to turn from the wicked ways of the past and turn to our future hope which is the Lord Jesus Christ. Boldly and unashamedly, glorify our God to a nation that had all but walked away from Him. Including the church He died for. Churches are empty and attitudes are lacks’. God is so far down on the list of priorities that He barely gets an honorable mention. And He play second fiddle to nothing or no one, and our Nation’s path can turn on a dime without warning back on the road to destruction unless we put God back in first place.

God has forgiven a lot. Now is not the time to turn our backs on Him again. Set your heart to serve Him greater! And He can make this nation great again.


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