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by wptg
A Message from the Keeper – What He gives back, He’ll be in – The Jesus Chick

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Matthew 3:1-3 ~ In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

John the Baptist came out of the wilderness eatin’ bugs and wearing leather britches; he was the toughest hombre of the day. He’d known Christ from prebirth (having lept in his mama’s womb when Mary came to visit after the Lord had revealed His plan to her). He was excited then and he’s excited now but he doesn’t deliver his message in blazes and bling; it’s simplistic, rugged and humble. It’s straight forward. The salvation of the Lord had begun in the wilderness when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, the law we could not keep; and its completion began in the wilderness when God gave John the Baptist the message of the Keeper, “Repent!”

Turn away from Sin to Sanctification

The Holy, Creator of all the universe, Who created this earth in perfection only to have it marred by the fallen angel Lucifer needed a sacrificial way to restore His relationship with mankind. Throughout the Old Testament the blood of slain lambs was a temporary fix for sin, but at this point God was about to reveal the final sacrifice. And the initial announcement didn’t come from where they’d have expected it… the church. They were waiting for a King in a splendor greater than King Solomon to arrive on the scene, but instead God sends a cowboy preaching on sin. And it works! Because deep in the core of God’s creation lies a seed waiting to take root, and when it hears the Word of God it’s a fertilizer on the soul that makes that seed grow the sinner know that it is God who speaks, and a desire to know Him springs forth. Every Word of the gospel spoken after that is water on the dry thirsty ground making them grow in the grace and wisdom of God’s design. It’s seldom traditional… there’s still a wild side about it. It’s as if we’re still blazing new ground, although it’s not new. But because sin has taken root in the world it is what is considered the norm. So when a child of God begins to see sin as it is (to be fled from) the world doesn’t understand why we’re so against what’s normal.

Turn away from Religion to Relationship

In John the Baptist’s day and in ours religion is a part of the problem. Religion doesn’t like leather. Unless it’s on the embossed seats of their pews. Religion likes tradition, things that don’t change… but when God’s involved things change. Religion doesn’t want a relationship with God, it wants rules. Everybody doing the same thing, the same way, every day, day in and day out and what occurs is legalistic ritualism. So, when God does speak it scares them to death, it’s not the norm.

John the Baptist had spent time away from the world and the message he received and still delivers is “Repent!” There’s no works involved in a relationship with Christ, it’s simply turning away from what the world offers, and turning to what Christ offers. The work comes when we build relationships with people so that we can introduce them to Christ. That’s work! Because religion has convinced them that God is a sharped dressed, Rolex wearing, untouchable man that flies around in a jet looking down on the people. When in reality God is common clothed, barefoot Lord that will stand toe to toe and eye to eye with His creation to prove that He loves them and wants to be a part of their lives in non-traditional ways.

Non-traditional is not about what we wear, or eat, or any man created ideas. Before you think that what you are, is what God’s about… you need to ask Him about it. Turn away from everything in your life and give it to God… what He gives back, He’ll be in.

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