Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, salvation

The Final Authority

Why I did it, I don’t know. I knew it would end badly; but the show’s title intrigued me. “The Good Place.” This is not a recommendation! The premise of the show is, that a woman dies and is in error sent to the good place. Which happens not to be heaven. Because, in the words of actor Ted Danson who plays “Michael” the architect of the good place, “Buddhists had it a little right, Muslim’s had it a little right, as well as Christians and all other religions, but all were wrong.” There was not one way. It was by the weighing of good and bad deeds in life that were determinate of your destination. The bad place was however called eternal damnation. Interesting I thought, since most of Hollywood doesn’t believe in Hell at all.

But anyway… back to my blog and my scripture for the day which proved that “The Good Place” had somethings right, and everything wrong.

I know… that’s confusing right? Well one thing that is not confusing is the word of God. It’s ironclad clear on eternity.

Ezekiel, an Old Testament Prophet is called up into Heaven either in body or in spirit, it’s unclear. But God allows him to see some things that we are not privy to. One thing is the throne room of God. But He’s also privy to a conversation between God, 6 men and a Writer clothed in white linen, believed to be Jesus. It does not say His name, but it does speak of an authority that only One would have. The Pen of the Writer Who determines who goes to Heaven.

Ezekiel 9:2-6

And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer’s inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar.

And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer’s inkhorn by his side;

And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.

And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity:

Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house.

Old Testament History is a bit gory for my taste. I have a weak stomach and a tender heart. But although I find it a hard pill to swallow, I’ve studied enough bible to understand why it had to be so. And contrary to Ted Danson’s theory, Christianity wasn’t wrong. Even in the Old Testament we find the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He was and is and always will be.

The Writer

The Prophet wears the writer’s inkhorn. The Lamb’s book, the great things of the law and the gospel which God has written to us, for it is  the Spirit of Christ in the writers of the scripture. Christ is the Lamb and the only One with the power to write the names of those in the Lamb’s book.

So when I read in Ezekiel 9:4 that the Lord said to him go and spare those who sigh and cry for all the abominations, sins that were done before Christ died on the cross; I know Who it is that would have that power. The One who will come in the future as prophesied and who died for sins past and future. Christ is exonerating those who had shown mercy and kept true to the law of the day. Those who had compassion for God’s people and His ways. He is the writer as well as …

The Righter

The problem with Hollywood, is they want to justify sin to which there is no justification.

That’s why I felt it particularly odd that they used the words “eternal damnation” for the bad place on the show. The world doesn’t believe there will be a judgement day of any kind.

So the show had it a little right in the fact that there is a good place and a bad place. Even the main character of the show was upset because she wanted an “in between” place to which there was not one. Nor is their one in the Bible. It’s Heaven or Hell. Nothing in between.

A little right is still all wrong. Without Christ in the equation and an understanding of the price He paid for us as the reason behind His authority, the world is destined for Hell. But those of us who know and believe that Christ died, and paid the price for those sins of the past, present and future, know that He has made right all our wrongs by His blood. And therefore He alone can write our names in the Lambs book of Life. Glory!

The Wrong

When I read that God told the six to go through the city and kill, not sparing even children, my heart sinks.  

I don’t profess to have complete understanding of why God did it as He did. But I do understand that children left to be brought up in wickedness would fall to a far greater damnation than those who were saved from Hell by an early demise. 

I also understand that those who are wicked and anti-Christian do far more damage than we are aware of. Even a show like “The Good Place” which is meant for entertainment has an undertone of Satan that serves to convince the unsaved there are other ways to Heaven.

But there is a Final Authority. His Name is Jesus, and every Hollyweird soul and child on the planet will meet Him face to face and answer as to whether or not they accepted His payment for their sin as the final authority of their eternity.

I pray you know Jesus. And if you do not, or have questions, please comment or find me on Facebook!

Posted in Life Inspiration, Not Another Manic Monday, video

A Jealous God

I love being live on Monday’s! But what ever the day is you’re tuning in, I hope that his video serves as a word form God to encourage you and help make your day a little sweeter. Tune in every Monday at 10 a.m. to my “Not Another Manic Monday” Vlog and please share this with your friends! For questions or comments, send me a message or find me on Facebook by searching for The Jesus Chick!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Heaven, Life Inspiration, Peace, salvation

Heaven Help Us

In the book of Nahum we once again find Israel having been carried captives into Assyria. A common storyline in the lives of God’s people. Sin, become captive, repent, obtain freedom, repeat.  But before we cast any stones we, generally speaking, don’t have to look long into our own lives to find that we too are repeat offenders of captivity.  The world has a way of laying hold on us and doesn’t relinquish us to freedom easily. Our enemies are fierce, but our Father is the fiercest of all!

When a verse like Nahum 1:7-8 comes into my reading time, I take note, and need to delve further into the God of all comfort. He comforts me like the favorite blanket that I wrap up in on a cool fall morning.

Nahum 1:7-8

The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.

Heaven helps those who do

Jesus told the young ruler in Luke 18:19 Why callest thou me good? None is good, save one, that is, God.

A very quick and honest search of our own hearts and we realize that we are not good. Sin abounds inside the heart of every man and is only covered by the blood of Jesus when we ask Christ to save us. But it is forever a constant battle creating trouble in our lives. Either our sin or the sin of someone else. So what a joy and privilege and highlight worthy verse we find in the book of Nahum; because even though we’re not good, God is! And He’s a stronghold for those that know Him. A stronghold is a place of security and safety. For King David being sought by Saul, it was cave. For me this morning it’s a blanket on the couch that I’m wrapped up in studying God word. I love this time of the day when the busyness and stress of the day hasn’t quite kicked in and my heart is still tender and receptive to God’s guidance

It’s good seed sown in a dirty ground that grows beautiful things.

Come what may for the rest of the day (an our lives) we have to trust that God is good and He takes care of His own.

Heaven Help those who don’t!

Nahum described it as an “overrunning flood” for the enemies of God. And although most people who have not claimed Christ as their Savior, don’t view themselves as the enemies of God, they are. They are because they’ve allowed the world to rule their hearts and the world is the enemy of God.

James 4:4 says as much when James wrote: Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

That “should” strike fear in the heart of anyone who hasn’t been saved, but it doesn’t. They are blinded by this world into believing that there is another way out besides salvation. And the heartaches and troubles they face every day, that overwhelms their souls and very much feels like an overrunning flood could be traded for the strong hand of God that would remove it and replace it with His peace for the asking. But many will not.

And sadly many who know God and He knows them, live in defeat because they don’t take the time to get in His word where peace is found.

I’m ever so grateful that in all my errors and blunders in life, God’s grace is sufficient to pull me through the tough days and allow me to celebrate the good days with gladness! I pray you’re experiencing that peace today and that you’ll share it with someone along the pathway.

If you’d like to know more about sceduling the Jesus Chick to speak or sing, contact me at 304-377-6036 or find me on social media under “the Jesus Chick.”

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration

Great Things!

Its confession time for me again. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. But although confession is good for the soul… it’s hard on my emotions. Confession can sometimes be a testimony of failure, guilt or pain, and depending upon the response post confession from the confessor and the confessee, determines the successful healing or purpose. So here’s my confession in a nut shell…

For the past couple of years God has placed on my heart to plan an event. I’ll give details on that later. My response was, “Okay. Later.” After all, I’ve told God “no” before, and I know how that turns out. So “later” seemed like a more viable option. Again and again, too many numerous times I heard this request from God.  And I always had a reason behind my answer.

The first one was the Moses response. “Who am I, Lord that You should use me?” I always followed that by, “Lord, who would even listen?” My self-doubt fed right into that answer. Coupled with the fact that there are those who really don’t take my ministry serious or feel that it is a worthwhile investment. So, I thought I should wait until I grew up, or a “God thing” happened that made me know for sure. Like possibly a heart attack.

My second response was, “They don’t want it. Lord, You and I have been here before and the people won’t come.” To which I would hear, “the ‘right’ people will come. Its’ all in the chapiters.” That response came from a sermon of Mickey Carter’s that he preached three years ago; and to this day I can’t get it out of my mind. On the top of the tall pillars in the temple were chapiters with the finest of detail that no man could see. But God could. Many people don’t see our efforts, but God does. And it’s He who will reward. And so I thought some more on the event God asked me to do…

I’ve been praying for directions, asking for God’s wisdom because I really don’t have the answer. I kept hearing “read Jonah.” And I planned to, but later. After 2 preachers and a lady who spoke at our Monday Women’s event used the story of Jonah as an illustration, I finally conceded that perhaps I should read the book of Jonah. I am a slow learner.

The Great Fish

God did a preparatory work for Jonah four times. He started with the biggest. The “Great Fish.”

But prior to the great fish, Jonah had some great people who encouraged him. The ship’s crew who cried unto their gods and threw the ships cargo over board in an attempt to save themselves and Jonah, knew that there was a difference in Jonah’s God. They knew He could save them. (Chapter 1 verse 6).

I’ve always had encouragement, even from the lost. Those who have faith in “my God” because they’ve seen His work in me. But I will allow the naysayers to overshadow those whom God sends to encourage.

Jonah finally confesses that it is he who’s caused the angry waves and tell the men to throw him over board. He’d rather die, than get right.

For the record… I would not rather die. But I still didn’t get right before my heart attack. I’m not saying that’s why it happened, but it certainly garnered my attention.

The Great Gourd

Even after Jonah survived being whale puke, and reluctantly but obediently preached the gospel to the Ninevites, he continued to be angry with God for saving the people of Ninevah. So God gave him a brief period of rest and created a gourd to grow above Jonah’s head and give shade in the heat of the day. (Chapter 4,verse 6)

Following my heart attack I wasn’t angry with God. I’ve never been angry with God, but rather angry with Shari and my feelings of inadequacy for life and on more than one occasion I was secretly angry with people who didn’t believe in me. But God gave me a rest from that and allowed me to regroup my thoughts. So I collectively put them all back together in the same place by telling the Lord I wasn’t fit for what He was calling me to do. I was a disobedient sinner, and He surely couldn’t use me.

The Great Worm

God allowed Jonah to rest for a little while and then He caused a worm to eat the gourd that provided the shade. And there Jonah was, exposed to the elements of life again. Still angry because the Lord wanted to see the people of Ninevah saved. (Chapter 4,verse 7)

Following my healing and rest after the heart surgery I began to find strength and purpose again. I began serving the Lord in my “safe zones” and all was right… except… the continual knowledge that I wasn’t fully obedient to God’s will for my life. That doggone worm ate my shade and I too was exposed to reality. The reality that not everyone in the world loved me but I was required to love them.

The Great Wind

God’s final preparatory work was the great wind. He drove the sun down upon Jonah’s head until he passed out! God asked him, “Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd?” And Jonah answered in what I imagine to be a total eye roll, smart aleck attitude “I do well to be angry, even unto death.” (Chapter 4, verse 9)

God nailed Jonah to the wall by asking him why he was more concerned over a gourd dying than the 120,000 souls headed for Hell until he preached to them the gospel. Ouch.

And for me He asked why I was so much more concerned with those who reject my ministry’s effect, than those who would embrace the Lord’s purpose for me through what God has ask me to do. The world is full of hurting and exhausted ministers and people of God who need to be encouraged in the Lord.

So when God put it on my heart to lead and organize a conference for such a purpose, it scared me to death. I didn’t want to die, but I thought I might if I stepped out in this endeavor. But after prayer and counsel the decision’s been made with excited people on board for the spring of 2019.

Posted in Life Inspiration

I’m a Free Woman!

This video is a post from my weekly event “Not Another Manic Monday”. It may have been more manic than I thought because I start out sideways on the view. But hang on for a minute and I get myself straightened out! 

The Message is from Galatians Chapter 4 about what we recieve being the children of God! 

  1. The Freedom of the Father
  2. The Fringe Benefits of the Father 
  3. The Freewill of the Father
Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Purpose, testimony

When Heaven Answers

Have you ever just wanted the day to stop? For the clock to stop winding down and allow things to get caught up and back in order. Life has a way of getting out of control, creating anxiety and feelings of unfinished business. Many of my mornings start out that way before I get out of bed! Mornings are my most productive time. This morning I prayed… “God, please bless my brain.” Lord have mercy, I needed Him to speak to my Spirit and give me words not just for the blog, but I needed a message for myself. I needed the sun to stop before it even finished rising. I wanted to feel God’s power working in my life and as always, He moved and I felt it. I believe that God was faithful to provide a message for us both from the book of Joshua.

Joshua 10:12-13

12 Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.

13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

14 And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the Lord fought for Israel.

There was no day like it before, or will we see it in our time again, for it was written, this was one time deal that God took orders from a man.

A little back story is that an ally of Joshua’s was attacked by five other kings for being friends of Israel. By request Joshua and his army came to their aid and God promised victory, even killing more people by casting “great stones from heaven” upon the enemy than Israel killed with the sword. But as the day was finishing up, Joshua didn’t consider the job done. So, in front the witness of Israel, Joshua orders the sun and moon to stop… and it did.

Glory to God! I’ll bet that was a “mic drop moment” in Israel’s history.

I don’t believe God will be doing a repeat of that miracle today, but He is still in the miracle business.

A dear friend of mine who has long since gone to Heaven gave me a method of rest that has never failed me. I don’t abuse the privilege, but on nights when I need my rest, and the time has gotten away from me causing me to head to bed much later than I would have liked, I pray this prayer. “Lord, please give me a double portion of sleep.” I’m essentially asking for God to pack 8 hours into 4, or 10 into 5, whatever the case may be. And He does. Because that’s the God I serve. So Joshua’s request doesn’t take me by surprise or allow one doubt to enter my head that’s its true. It’s also backed up by scientific research!

On October 30th, 2017 Cambridge researchers announced that they had pinpointed the date of the biblical account of Joshua stopping the sun — which they claim is the day of the oldest eclipse ever recorded — to October 30, 1207 BCE, 3,224 years ago.

I didn’t need for Cambridge researchers to tell me it was true. God said it, therefore it was. But it’s nice to know they agree.

The story of Joshua gives me two points of pondering today:

  1. God heard Joshua and so did Israel.
  2. God helped Joshua and so did Israel.

In ear shot of Israel, Joshua stepped out on a limb and orders the sun and moon to stop, which can only be done by He who created them. I’m not that bold. But I can step out in faith in the things the Lord allows and so can you. But we first have to slow down and listen, which is why it’s so very important on Satan’s agenda to make my day and yours get crazy. I don’t need the Lord to stop the sun and moon… I need the Lord to stop me.

I need to listen to what the Lord has to say to me and speak that truth to others in the family of God. So that when it comes to fruition, God will be glorified!

I also need to enlist my brothers and sisters in Christ to become a part of the bigger picture that God allows to work in me so they too can experience the power of God at work in their lives as well.

Those days on the battlefield must have ended in the biggest celebration ever, or perhaps they ended it with a nap being that they had been up for 24 hours. But none the less it ended well and gloriously because Israel showed up and God showed out in a major way.

Today… I showed up at the key board. It wasn’t a battlefield, but it felt like one. I needed direction and God provided it for me. I pray that this scripture and these words encouraged you to understand that God has the victory already done, and whatever else needs accomplished, He’ll do that too. Slow down and listen, enlist your friends and let’s get some serious work done for the Kingdom’s glory!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Just Do Something!

Some mornings the start is rough. The older I get it seems the rougher it seems and our 54 degree morning here in West Virginia made this morning a little crunchier. The sky is clear and the sun is shining but my bones feel like mid-November. That’s enough whining… now I’ll get to the point of today’s very short message. Weep. Pray. Do Something!

That was my mindset this morning as I attempted to wrap my head around a thought as I read in 2 Chronicles again today, trying to finish up my Bible reading list. But my thoughts were going back to scripture in the days before when the Levites had to help the Priests out because there wasn’t enough of them to do the job. My heart breaks for the little country churches across America who don’t have willing leaders, or for some of them any leaders, but for most of them, worn out leaders!  I also have many friends with broken hearts for various reasons and my heart breaks too. As the tears fell down my cheeks this morning I was frustrated at my inability to fix “stuff” and people. And then the thought popped into my mind and the burden lifted from my heart.

“Weep. Pray. Do Something!”

In Psalm 126:5 David writes, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.”

I was sowing tears in my Bible this morning and believing that God was going to turn the mourning hearts of friends into joy one day. Maybe not today. But today I could reap the joy in knowing that God had their lives in His hands and He was faithful to answer their prayers and mine. I just needed to do something. Even if it was cry. Sometimes that’s enough.

Psalm 56:8 says

Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

On some days tears are enough. God obviously appreciates that effort, else why would He put our tears in a bottle and write it down in a book. He commemorates our weeping. That thought captured my attention.

On the days when I don’t think I’m doing anything, God takes note…

So I dried up my eyes. Sketched todays image. Wrote these few words to remind you and I both. “Just do Something.” Whatever it is, if it’s done for the Lord it’s a worthy effort.

I love you… I’m praying for those that read todays blog and asking God to help you understand what your ‘something’ is.

Posted in Christian Service, Church attendance, Evangelism, Leadership, Life Inspiration

One Generation can change the World

I watch as my 83 year old Mother mows her lawn, weeds her flowers, quarrels because the deer eat them, and continues to feed them by making sure her beds are filled with new flowers each year. She cooks Sunday dinner for her children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren to the number of 20-30 every other Sunday. Her work ethic is not dampened by the fact that her legs don’t function nearly as good as they did a few years ago. Her generation is still an example set before us that is so very much taken for granted and discarded in the lives of many. They are often the weakening back bones in most of the church across America while the generations below them are too busy or too apathetic to make church a priority.

In 2 Chronicles 27:1-5 we have an example of Generation Builders.

Jotham was twenty and five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name also was Jerushah, the daughter of Zadok. And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his father Uzziah did: howbeit he entered not into the temple of the Lord. And the people did yet corruptly. He built the high gate of the house of the Lord, and on the wall of Ophel he built much.  Moreover he built cities in the mountains of Judah, and in the forests he built castles and towers. He fought also with the king of the Ammonites, and prevailed against them. And the children of Ammon gave him the same year an hundred talents of silver, and ten thousand measures of wheat, and ten thousand of barley. So much did the children of Ammon pay unto him, both the second year, and the third.

Jotham was a leader with work ethic, however not so much in the backbone department evidently. There was much said about the attention of detail he gave to rebuilding the city and House of the Lord. His battles were fought and won and yet one sentence in his story speaks volumes in the coming generation.

“And the people did yet corruptly.”

His leadership took care of the materialistic and defensive matters of the day, but the ethics were sorely lacking. Sound familiar? Continue reading in 2 Chronicles and you’ll discover that his son Ahaz was a wicked, idol worshiping, child sacrificing moron that God punished by allowing his captivity as well as Judah’s. God had had enough and the entire nation paid the price. Why would we think that America would be any different? It’s purely speculation on my part, but I have to wonder if Jotham failed to be vocal and forward about teaching his values.

I didn’t realize that my Momma’s generation was called “The Builders,” but I believe that’s an appropriate description, while Baby Boomers is a good description of mine because we’ve blown up quite a bit. We are failing the next generation in leadership by following in the ways of my speculation of Jotham. We are not vocal enough about the ways and expectations of the Holy God we serve.  Yes, our buildings are beautiful, but there’s not very many people in most of them.

It only took one generation of mealy mouthed leadership in Jotham’s day to become a fallen nation in the day of his son, Ahaz. We were nearing that point just a few years ago when we sat silently idle as our country’s leadership embraced every false religion and scorned Christianity. We are raising a spoiled generation who believe they are entitled to the freedom of immoral beliefs and our children are being sacrificed to the gods of this world which are at their fingertips.

However, I believe that God has given grace to our nation because of those of us who are willing to speak out against the “Ahazian” (my own word regarding Ahaz) leadership that still remains in Washington and Hollywood who are trying their best to destroy the work God is doing in through the current administration. No the current administration is not perfect, they’re sinners just like the rest of the world, but at least the name of Jesus is back in our White House! Praise God!!! Our soldiers are supported and our flag is respected.

I pray you are vocal to your children and grandchildren about the Lord Jesus and why we need to let the world know He Saves! Because that is what will save our Nation.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

The Eyes of the Lord are On Us

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. ~ 2 Chronicles 16:9a

I needed this verse today. Perhaps you did too. I needed it for a reminder that nothing goes unnoticed by God. Sometimes I forget that. It’s like poor little Shari is down here all alone, and nobody could possibly understand, nor do they see my struggles. I won’t share them willingly so it is primarily my fault. And so I go into this mode of frustration, all the while hearing the sirens of Satan blowing in my ear, blasting the sounds of emergency and fear. He is so good at that! And I’m so goofy to buy into it. :-/

His Eyes

I know that my bible journaling art did not capture even the faintest beauty of the eyes of the Lord, but just the thought of Him peering down from Heaven gives me great comfort. The three fold being of God is everywhere, but God Himself sits high and looks low into the earth and sees me. Personally. And you… personally. I don’t pretend to comprehend how God can be all places at all times, but I know that He is because scriptures like this reveal it to me. He sees all. I know that His Spirit is present with me at all times, because I feel His presence in me. I know that His Son is on the right hand of God making intercession for my failures, and they are many. What a joy to have that wisdom!

His Strength

The second part of that scripture says that His eyes see throughout the entire earth to show Himself strong on behalf of me. He seen me yesterday in my weakened state. He knew that I was slowly but surely buying into the weakened spirit within that still feels alone even in a crowd. The one that borderlines depression at all times and has to fight out of the pit almost every day.

Sound dramatic?

You don’t get to be a creative spirit in the work of the Lord without drama. At least that’s my belief. Satan and his minions didn’t care one iota about my creative abilities until I began using them for the Lord. And then suddenly I was on their radar and haven’t been able to get under it since. Even as I write this, his attack is ramped.

Whatever or however the Lord chooses to use you for His Kingdom’s glory is the very place Satan will attack you. And it is only by His strength that you will be able to thwart that attack.

Our Heart

My heart perfect? Not even close. But His heart which covers my heart is the purest of perfection. And it is only because of the salvation of Jesus Christ that God is ever present in my life; providing me the calming peace that overcomes the fear of rejection, failure, and loneliness. He sees me, and He sees you. He knows our struggles and they’re very real. But they are also very covered.

Get in His word and let Him minister to your heart. Ask for prayer and let your friends and family in Christ lift you to the Heavens. You’ll be amazed at how life can turn on a dime when the Lord of all makes His presence known…