I’ve often said there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. In my world there’s an even finer line between confidence and lack of forethought. I am that leap and the net will appear kinda gal. So, yesterday as I drove down the road listening to a podcast of some of my favorite people, I should have seen the warning signs. That bristling on the back of my neck, the fact that I was biting my lip, my righteous rage and holy hostility festering just beneath the surface, and then, just as I pulled into my destination it exploded in an iTunes rating.
So let me back up and tell you how the story began.
The podcast that I was listening to was a Christian podcast of some characters that I will leave nameless for now although some of you may already know. In faith, I love them. I love their stand for Christ and the great witnesses they are. But they had a day of stupidity and it caught me on a day of pondering it too long. They were talking about the stock market and the fact that one of them loved dabbling in it and was pretty successful. I don’t have a problem with that. And I don’t think the stock market is gambling, even though there’s risk. I theorize that on the idea that it’s investing in the hope of American business. Is it guaranteed? Nope. But neither is going into business. That’s a risk. But if you have the money and you’re investing your money at VT markets with the knowledge it’s not a sure thing, I don’t think God minds.
But then their conversation went somewhere I never expected. Poker and other forms of gambling. Only one of the three was involved, but he was very adamant about the fact that he didn’t consider it gambling because he was very good at it. Therefore it wasn’t a risk.
The conversation progressed into a the fact that he also agreed with video gambling because he was very good at. At which point he goes on to say that he had recently had a conversation with President Trump’s son, and tried to convince him that they needed to legalize it again because it was a great way to make money. Gambling could be a reliable source of income for those who knew how to play the odds, and for those looking for more strategic opportunities, using the Best Spread Betting Brokers UK could be a smart way to maximize their potential earnings.
My outspoken, Christian star, who I adore and love listening to, just broke my heart. I have heard this man take a stand on the word of God, witness to lost souls in places that he wasn’t invited for that purpose and do it boldly! But this day his focus is not on the things of God, but rather the almighty dollar and how it’s okay to bilk other’s out of their money who aren’t as good playing cards. Trump’s son, took the high road, and informed him that gambling was indeed wrong in that it destroyed people’s lives. And it was at that point that I pulled into my destination.
For the record, I didn’t throw stones. I just pointed to the word of God and that in Romans 14:13 it clearly reads:
Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way.
Whether or not you consider that it is “not an issue for you,” doesn’t change what it is.
Gambling defined is “To play games of chance for money; bet. Or to take risky action in the hope of a desired result.” That would mean that those who do it are “gamblers.” It doesn’t say only those who lose. And somebody has to lose for someone to win. That’s not so with the stock market. Everyone “can” win. They likely don’t, but they could.
Probably the preverbal straw that broke the camels back was when he added alcohol into the mix saying “drinking is not a sin, but there are those who are alcoholics, that shouldn’t drink.” But the fact of the matter is, how do you know who’s an addict? And if by your drinking (which this guy doesn’t) and you cause an alcoholic to fall, by drinking in their presence, who’s accountable? I’m pretty sure, you’re a stumbling block.
Now, that being said, and off my heart, let me put this into perspective as a child of God in times like these. As I told my brother in Christ in my iTunes rating. “I have issues.” I’m not saying I’m perfect. But what I’m saying is if we’ve been given a platform for the Lord, He is going to hold us accountable for how we use it. And in these uncertain days, our time is way better spent witnessing for Christ rather than lobbying for the devil.
I will continue to listen and watch this podcast. Because I’m not throwing away all the good that they’ve done on the 50 other shows I’ve listened to, because of one bad day. For the record, the other two on the pod cast who are his family, never defended him. They however, didn’t call him out very well. I said all that to get to the point of my bible journaling pic… Life is war. We have to be confident in our battle and we have to be bold in our stand! Don’t destroy your testimony by defending bad behavior. Just own it… and move on.
One response
Shari,i have often wondered about 50/50 tickets and raffle tickets they have for benefits.They say well its for a good cause.And I admit i have bought some from time to time,but would wonder.I have seen many church people buy them so it had me questioning.