Psalm 74:6
But now they break down the carved work thereof at once with axes and hammers.
Psalm 74 is a psalm written in a time of great affliction and is given for instruction to the church as to what we should do in the day of trouble.
Pray like all get out!
I had to look “all get out” up to make sure it wasn’t a Shari colloquialism. Turns out it’s in Miriam Webster Dictionary defined as ‘to the utmost conceivable degree.’ And that’s just how the church needs to be praying.
Christ didn’t die for a social club
While the church in the Bible was being physically accosted the modern day church is being spiritually accosted by Satan and his band of demonic forces. The Psalmist complained that they were mutilating the artistically hewn woodwork with axes as though it were no more than a tree in the forest. That’s a pretty good analogy to what’s happening to us spiritually. The church garners no respect from the world, it’s no more than a “business” in the eyes of many in the secular world, serving no other purpose than to entertain or socialize; all the while tearing at the very heart of God’s design which is to get people saved.
Christ didn’t die for a family reunion
Well, I guess technically He did in the fact that He wants reunited with His children in Heaven, but I’ve seen enough “Our four and no more” churches to last me a life time. If you don’t understand that concept you’re not alone, I don’t either! But there are many congregations that see no need to evangelize or encourage church growth because their four already attend. To encourage growth would upset the balance and bring new ideas into it; and they’ll have no part of it. Truth or no?
Christ didn’t die for the “warm and fuzzies”
That will certainly pack a pew! But that’s all it does. It brings no conviction of the soul and the fact that we are sinners separated from the Creator who loved us enough to die for us, and He expects no less from us through the death to ourselves and the dedication to Him. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.
Satan’s axes are not the tools of the trade the Psalmist complained of. Satan’s axes are the invisible vices that cause churches to lay down their swords (bibles and biblical truths) and still believe they’re protected from harm. It’s not the buildings that are being torn down, it’s the men and women of God who genuinely want to serve Christ. It’s hard day after day after day to tell friends and families of their need to be saved and be looked upon as a religious freak.
But that’s okay… The great thing about being a religious freak in Christ Jesus, is there is no ax nor sword nor any other weapon that can tear this body down in Spirit. Woot Woot!!! That’ll put a shout on you. We need to keep on keepin’ on friends of faith! Satan is working overtime because he knows what we should know… his days are numbered.
Pray without ceasing.
…. That’s with all get-out!
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