Posted in Bible Journaling, Political

They are But Men

I declare it was an accident! I had to take two of my grandchildren for their sports physicals yesterday and as I sat down in the waiting room, I realized the television was on the news. CNN no less! And they were broadcasting live the Mueller hearing. My stomach rolled over. I was forced to listen to the arrogant democratic questioner as he so obviously twisted and turned every word to fit his agenda. This isn’t political rhetoric I promise. This is a stand as a child of the Living God, and a prayer to my Savior to help us.

Enough is enough. I see little to no representation of the Nation and the believers on Capitol Hill. They mock my God and allow absolute Godless, satanic representation to have the louder voice while professing Christians sit idly by and say nothing. Yet they’ll show up at Christian rallies and say they’re our voice. Horse pucky! If you’re my voice, defend my God.

This morning as I continued my journey journaling in Psalms I concluded Psalm 9 as my prayer for our Country. It seemed fitting for my experience yesterday.

Put them in fear O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah. (verse 20)

They’ve Lost Their Fear

I can tell you quite honestly, as 2 Timothy 1:7 says “God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  I still know to fear God in reverence.  He spoke the world into existence and He can just as easily speak me out of it. I don’t stand in that fear, I stand in the confidence that He loves me and it’s what humbles me to want to serve Him and stand for Him in this country that has turned their backs on Him. They’ve turned their backs because they don’t understand who He is.

Romans 3:11-18

11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. 12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. 13 Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: 14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: 15 Their feet are swift to shed blood: 16 Destruction and misery are in their ways: 17 And the way of peace have they not known: 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.

Sounds like Capitol Hill to me.

They’ll Get it Back

Revelation 15:4

Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.

It’s what keeps me going. It’s why I continue to celebrate the Nation that I live in because I know on what ground it was founded. They can deny it all they want. It doesn’t change history and it doesn’t change the word of God. Though many versions have tried. Something they too will answer for.

I just needed to say today, though I doubt any of those Capitol Hill convicts will read it, I may not watch the news, but when it comes to the elections, I watch what you do and say. I see your hypocritical behavior, and you may not hear or support my voice, but my God does. And you really should fear. This world will end and when it does,that hearing will have but one Judge. His word will be final and His truth will be spoken. Your arrogance will cease and His Righteousness will stand. You are “but men.”

Glory! I wrote myself happy again! God Bless America!!!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Evangelism, Faith

It’s The Real Thing

I would tell you not to tell the preacher on me, but I literally set just a few feet away from where he stands preaching on Sunday evening, so I’m pretty sure he knows. My attention span is only as disciplined as my imaginations allows. It is the boss of me so often. I’ll begin my note taking with the greatest of intentions. His sermons are packed full wisdom that I long to remember, but then… the Shari of constant chaos engages with my brain, and my pencil has a life of it’s own. My notes turn into doodles and quick jot and before long of got an entire page of nonsense. Well, to anyone who dares to look at it. But to me it’s the sweetness of God’s word saved to the page for me chew on later like a fine piece of licorice!

Sunday night it was that Coke can that caused my mind to go amuck. Pastor Steven was preaching on one of my favorite topics, the Holy Spirit. And the difference between the thirst quenching power of the world (which is fake) and the thirst quenching of the Spirit, which of course is the Real Thing! I know it all too well!

It was at that point the Coca Cola jingle from my childhood began playing in my head. I had learned it in the 5th grade Grantsville Elementary School Choir. We all stood on the playground and sang it at a special event for which I don’t remember. But I remember the day, and I was excited, because that day had music, and music has always made me happy. Just like many things in the world do, for a while. But it never lasts.

But the day I felt the Holy Spirit move in my soul for the first time, I wasn’t trading it for anything in the world. I knew I’d found the real thing! How did I know? I’m glad you ask!

A Real Peace

That was the most significant thing in my life. Because I’d never had it. From my earliest memories my soul was in turmoil and fear of eternity. But the day the Holy Spirit moved in, the day I said yes to Jesus as Savior, was the day that peace arrived on the scene of my heart and hasn’t left. I may have moments of insecurity or uncertainty, but it’s quickly followed by assurance and steadfast confirmation that my world is in God’s control. That’s the Real Thing!

A Real Place

With real people. Not perfect ones, but ones like me who made mistakes and let me know it was okay to not be okay, but it wasn’t okay to stay that way. A place where the altar was more than a step to the platform, but it was a step to getting your life together. Sunday after Sunday I wept at that altar, trying to figure salvation out for myself, thinking I could fix my life. Because that’s what the world wants us to believe. That’s a lie. Salvation is through our belief in Christ  and His finished work on the cross, alone. But being in a place to grow and learn is how you keep on going and winning the real battles that come in life. Those are a real thing too!

A Real Passion

When I discovered the love of God, and began to understand what He did for me, there was a passion that began welling up in my soul and God sent person after person to add fuel to it. Preachers, musicians, singers, mentors… so many people of talent and a like passion that I couldn’t get enough of serving the Lord! That’s all I wanted to do. It’ was the first time in my life that I was doing something that I knew for certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, made a difference. An eternal difference.

I’d done a lot of  great things in my life to help folks out, but all of it was going to burn up on the last day of earth, and I knew it. But now I had a purpose that would last all of eternity. And that passion is still alive and well today. It’s the real thing!

Is it real in your life. Do you have real peace, a real place of acceptance and love and real passion make a difference in this world. I pray so. If not, please, please shoot me a message on Facebook, or in the comments below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! Let’s get this matter taken care of! We have places to go and people to see, and an Eternity to spend together.

Posted in Bible Journaling

Life’s A Mess, Bring a Towel

It could have been way worse this morning when my coffee slipped out of my hand. My computer was just inches away. And even though there are days I’d like to insanely chuck it in the highway and send a video to the creator of Windows, it is also my sanity through creativity. So as the coffee poured from my cup and onto the art that I’d just spent a considerable amount of time creating I wanted to walk away, leave the mess for another time and call it quits for the day. But I couldn’t. The thought process that had started the entire morning event wouldn’t leave my mind. And so I grabbed a towel. Blotted the paper dry and sat back down to ponder the direction of my day. And such is much of my life. It’s a mess. Some days I need a towel to clean the mess and other days I need a towel to dry the tears.

Not by happenstance I’ve been journaling Psalms. An ongoing saga of tragedy and triumph and always encourages my soul. Today it’s Psalm 3

Let’s talk about the Enemy

1 Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me. Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah.

It seems like a never ending list of things to do, bills to pay, emotional struggles and life issues. There are words of encouragement and discouragement that battle it out in my head. It reminds me of the story of the Indian Chief who said. “There are two dogs fighting in my mind, a kind one and a vicious one. The one I feed wins the battle.”

Lately I’ve been feeding the dog of doubt and it’s eating me alive. So this morning the spilled coffee seem to be the dog of doubt, knocking it out of my hand, saying “Give up! You’re weak.”

But then I read my text. It’s not about me Satan. It’s about my God and to Him be the glory!!

Let’s talk about Encourager

But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

I started just to use the drawing as it was. It seemed fitting for the way I felt. Messy. But how would that have brought glory to God? So I grabbed my tracing paper out of the drawer and cut a piece to the size of my bible. I traced the drawing that I had previously done. It turns out, tracing is so much faster! I laid out my coloring supplies and began to fill her in again. But this time with another purpose. I use the tracing paper sheets to create journal inserts in my bible; they take only a smidge of space and aren’t even noticed in the thickness of the book. Now, what the enemy had planned on foiling, would be a word of encouragement that I can turn to, or hap upon when I’m reading in Psalm.

With that exercise of creative thinking, God did indeed lift up my head and remind me that not every mess is worth crying over. Sometimes it’s a process.

Let’s talk about the Elect

4 I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah. 5 I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me. 6 I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about. 7 Arise, O Lord; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly. 8 Salvation belongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah.

Luke 18:7 says And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day night unto him, though he bear long with them?

There’s something very satisfying about the thought of God mashing the mouth of the enemy. It’s also a reminder that it’s not my job. My job is to let my Father know I’m in trouble, and then allow Him to take care of it for me.

It’s a rarity that I lose sleep, but lately (mainly because I’ve forgotten to get a prescription filled) I’m losing sleep. I wake up in the wee hours of the darkness and my mind is flooded with what feels like “ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about.”  I feel like there’s about to be something upset at any moment and I don’t have a big enough towel to clean the mess. Do you ever feel that way?

I needed this Psalm today… I needed to be reminded that I am God’s elect. Chosen by Him to do what I do. I hope that what I do is encourage you. If I have, please shoot me a message and let me know. Let’s spread some of this encouragement around!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Leadership

Twelve 2019 A.D. Truths from 1044 B.C.

Every day I become more and more conscience of the scriptures playing out right before my eyes. It’s why I can “Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.” To the world that makes no sense. How can you rejoice in fear? To me it makes perfect sense. I know what a mess I am, and for certain what a mess this world would be in if I were in control, or any of the other knot heads that think they are. Why would anyone want that!?

Psalm 2 has 12 verses; one for each month of the year. Twelve 2019 A.D. Truths from 1044 B.C.

1Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

Have you ever seen a time when rage and vanity was as bad as it is now? You can’t turn on the news and not see it. Everyone’s angry because someone has an opinion that differs their own. And they’re not questioning whether their opinion is right, only that they’re entitled to it and nobody else is.

The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,

Not only are they entitled to their theories of morality, they’re also entitled to their people and God’s design doesn’t enter the equation.

Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

We are raising a generation of children who define the rules rather than obey them. They also have a mighty fine example of that in Washington D.C.

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

And God laughs. Only it’s not funny. The last thing anyone in this world really wants is to be mocked by God.  Because He alone holds our future in the balance, determining what direction we’re to go. America elected Donald Trump President, who has at least stood on the side of Israel, pro-life and conservative values. I didn’t say he was perfect. But he is our President. However, talk about derision!  Good grief. There’s a reason that word rhymes with division. We are a nation of disrespect for the very thing that has made us stand out among the world’s leaders. Freedom.

Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

Do you think we’re a vexed nation? Vex defined is annoyed or aggravated. America is an angry Nation. Myself included. I have to check my attitude on a pretty regular basis because I want to hurt people. Believe me when I tell you that I’m not always thinking about the soul of an unbeliever. Sometimes I’m thinking about their neck and how I’d like to wring it for stupidity, pride and arrogance.

Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.

But then I remember Who it is that is in control. And it’s then that I’m in awe that He hasn’t wrung my own neck. My Savior. He Who died as a meek Lamb, but will come again as a roaring Lion!

I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

We tend to put God into the perspective of man.

The God of John 3:16, long before the world knew Him face to face, He was. His plan was laid out before Him, and He stepped into it without regard for Himself, but for the sake of His people. He did so for an example to His children of how to put others before themselves. And there was a time that America did. It’s what made us a melting pot. People would come to our country for opportunity and they were accepted and loved not because of where they were from, but because of where they wanted to come. America! They loved our Nation and wanted to become a part of the dream. Now many have become a nightmare.

We are children of God because He chose to allow us to be. Not because He had to, or that we were deserving of it.

Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.

God has been highly tolerate of a rebellious generation. Our government preaches tolerance, yet they don’t understand the first thing about it. Getting your way isn’t tolerance. And God has been far more tolerant that anyone would have believed in 1950. Immorality has become the norm not because of tolerance but because of apathetic people who rather than stand up for the morals of a godly nation that was fought for, they chose to cower to people who wouldn’t defend them for love nor money. But God’s tolerance will most certain wane.

10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

As I said before, serving God with fear is easy. Especially when the result of serving man is being lived out on the evening news. I love the fact that I know that I know the Creator of all the universe. That the God Who named the stars, has a new name waiting for me in Glory, There’s a new song that even the angels cannot sing. What a privilege to know Him and commune with Him with just the speaking of His name. There is no disconnect for the child of God and if the kings of this world were wise, they’d be calling on Him to give them instruction. And He will!

If our leaders would call a prayer meeting, good night Irene!!!! I cannot imagine how this nation would turn around. Because I know He has that power is why I rejoice and tremble in His presence. He’s amazing.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

To “Kiss the Son,” is to choose Him above all else. It takes humility and faith. A very small price to pay for the gift of eternal life. For the gift of peace during this life!

Praise God He is in control 365 days and every second of every day! I’ll gladly serve Him and what an honor it is.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith

These be They, but Ye Be Loved

It seems like an eternity since I woke up this morning, and yet it’s 9:00 a.m. and I’ve got very little accomplished. It’s hard for me to stay focused today. My mind is in so many different places. It’s in New Mexico with Dewey, it’s in Minnesota with Lynn, it’s in Virginia with Whitney, Spencer with Tiffani, Marietta with Dr. Guiler and in the Word with my Lord. I told someone yesterday that I felt scattered. That’s the only way I can describe where I’m at. It’s exhausting to try to pick pieces from all corners of the earth, much like I need to pick up pieces throughout the corners of my house. My desk looks like something exploded on it.

And yet she is so remarkably calm. If only I could get inside her plastic brain and rest for a while. If only I could actually sit in that position and then stand up again without assistance! But life happens. So I continue on in my journaling exercise in the book of Jude, nearing the end of the book.

Jude vs. 19-20

These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

My first question is an often ask one, “How do people survive without God?” I know I did it for 34 years, but the truth of that is, I at least was pretending to have Him in my life. In all my years I have never said there was no God. I knew there was, I just didn’t know how to connect to Him.

Romans 10:14

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Thank You Jesus for preachers!

So this morning as I grieve with a family who lost a child, as I miss my children, and as I give thanks to God for friends who feel like they’re in the room with me, when actually they’re across the country; I’m ever so grateful that in my soul, within the very being of my body is the Holy Ghost. He who finds me “beloved.” He who calms my fears, soothes my stress points and sends laughter into my soul through nutty videos that wasted more of my time, but was oh so necessary.

He is Who builds my faith like a Lego house. Brick upon brick, day by day, bad and good. Never failing to remind me that He has all these things in control and we be loved.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Eternity, Evangelism, Leadership, Uncategorized, Word of God

How to Deal with Mainstream Mayhem

Many of the conversations I’ve had, both inside my head, and with other people, have recently been around the discussion of end times. It’s a topic not everyone desires to discuss. For me, from the standpoint of myself, I get excited! But then I begin to think of family and friends who aren’t prepared. It’s at this point that those who are not prepared, or those who are uncertain turn me off. And it’s when I begin to worry and stress about how much I’m doing for the cause of the Kingdom. I need to find ways to reach more people. I need to find a way to reach my people! You know… the family who “think” they’re okay, and those who just don’t think about it all, but would rather live in ignorance, not knowing that Jesus could be ready to step out on the cloud at any moment and call His church home.

Are you ready? Do you know that you know? I knew that I knew last year when I had open heart surgery. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can afford that peace. When I see that people don’t have an understanding of the end times, and really don’t care to know, I’m more than a little alarmed. But I guess that’s because I know. So in reading Jude, which by the way reads like a book specifically about 2019, I feel compelled to share the news I discovered about the news!

Jude vs. 16-18

These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage. But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.

Wow. How accurate is that?

According to a poll from Axios last year, 72% of 4,000 Americans polled, believe “traditional major news sources report news they know to be fake, false or purposefully misleading.” Other polls say it’s less; but then again, how do we know if even those who do the polls are reporting honestly. It’s just a sad state of affairs that we live in. Jude didn’t need the internet, a poll, or the evening news to tell him what the prognosis was for mankind. He heard it straight from Heaven. He walked with the Creator of all, and his words give an outline of modern times.

How not to Mistake the Fake

Stop watching all mainstream television. There are none that truly don’t have an agenda. I fully believe that. And in so doing, they’ll do they’re very best to persuade you in to believing what they say, even if it’s only in part. And it’s not only the news outlets. You can’t watch a good comedy without an agenda in it! If there’s such a thing as a good comedy. The dark side is found in almost every show I’ve attempted to watch over the past years. Wholesome television is almost nonexistent. And if you think children’s television is any different, think again. I’ve had to ban complete children’s channels off my television with the grandkids because they promote homosexuality, violence, and disrespect. It’s insane! So what’s the answer? Are we going to stop watching entertainment? Probably not, but we need to take Jude’s advice to heart before turning it on.

Never Trust Their Lusts

I’m not just trying to rhyme. It was a fact I learned about myself in our Sunday sermon at Victory Baptist Church. I covet stuff. Shiny stuff. I have a serious issue of wanting things I don’t necessarily need, and much of it comes from all the time I spend on social media. There’s always something shiny and new waiting for me on the web. Just ask They’ll show you your shiny desires too, because they follow your networking trends. But it’s not always your lusts that are the issue. Their lusts can be come your lusts if it’s entered into your information gatherer enough times. That’s why I can’t watch shows who push the liberal agenda. Because I know their design is to mess with my conservative brain.

Don’t Fluff up the Puffed Up

Meaning: don’t take their efforts lightly. They’ve got it down to a fine art on how to manipulate the American mind. They use people and things that appeal to us. It’s why the celebrities are pushing every product and agenda out there. Because if we love their shows, music and movies, we’ll be easy marks to love their mindsets too. Which if you’re not careful will lead you down a pathway far away from the Lord Jesus Christ.

I’ll tell you where I stand. I’m a pro-Jesus, pro-life, Baptist conservative that makes no apologies for rolling my eyes at liberal brats who want my children and grandchildren to be corrupted by the notion that they are entitled to a world of shiny things that will take their minds to places God never intended His children to go. I hear it in their voices every time they get upset because life treats them unfairly or a commercial comes on with the latest and greatest and they want it, or a show or song plays that has garbage throughout it and they repeat it. And yet, when I praise God, or bow my head to pray I’m the one viewed as a fanatic.

It’s why Jude makes it clear that if you want the truth there is only one place to find it.

Take a look at the book!

So how do we deal with the Mainstream Mayhem? We measure everything we see and hear by the words of Jesus Christ. It is the only absolute truth in this world.

It’s why I love writing and working for Because Pastor Dewey Moede views the world through a biblical lens, and before he publishes it, it has to meet God’s standards. We know we’re accountable for what we say. The Bible is clear on that! We’ll stand before God and give an account of the words we speak and write. We’re not the only ones. That liberal bunch of liars that’s out there, they’ll have their day when they’re mockery comes to an end.

The book of Jude is one chapter from the end of the Book.

I feel like that’s where we are on the time line of eternity. And this chapter is coming to an end quickly…

Posted in Bible Journaling, Grace, Life Inspiration, Peace, Praise

The God I Know

For the past week, you may, or may not have notice my lack of presence on social media.

In the world of rural West Virginia, for lack of another terminology, crap happens. My niece-in-love Kaitlin was traveling the highway in front of our home, as well as a dump truck that had just unloaded his bed. In thinking that the bed was completely down he began moving on the road, when it turns out the bed was still partially up. He then clipped our phone and internet cables, which was bad, but; but also in the process it broke a bolt from the truck projecting it like a shotgun shell through Kaitlin’s truck windshield where it lodged. (see photo below) Which was a nightmare that I can’t even fathom. Accidents can happen at any time. You may get into an accident and your car may be wrecked while driving to work. In such cases, you can hire an attorney who can help you get compensation for the injuries or damages caused.

Without the providential hand of God, this story could have ended so much worse. I’m sure it’s a thought that ran through Kaitlin’s family’s mind on more than one occasion. I’m so grateful that she’s okay. I’m so thankful that I know that God!

Because of Kaitlin’s truck accidents in Beaufort, it caused me to spend far less time on social media. I was not entirely without service. If I walked around the house or yard, held my hand and my mouth just right, I could get enough service to get the occasion message or post through to my phone. I’m a sad and desperate social media junkie. I need help! (Insert smile here)

But I spent my time journaling the book of Jude, verse by verse. Which I’ve only made it to verse 13 of the 25. There’s just so much meat in the book! I could chew on one verse for days and not get all the flavor out of it. So I share with you today, Verses 9 and 10 and a few of my thoughts on religion and why I’m so glad I know the God of that bolt!


The LORD is There

Satan loves religion! So we find him in verse 9 arguing with Michael the archangel; but Michael is refusing to argue back. I’m not that strong. I run my mouth to Satan on a pretty regular basis. But the scripture is clear that it wasn’t Michael’s fight. And I fear that I may have fought more than a few battles with Satan that weren’t mine to fight.

As I understand it from commentary, Satan wanted the body of Moses to be buried where the people would be able to set up a monument, which would become a shrine. Far be it from the children of Israel to worship something other than God, and their great respect for Moses (occasional) and reverence (with days of hypocrisy) would have likely caused them to take their eyes from their true deliverer, which was God!

El Shaddai

Lord God Almighty

He was the One with the power to deliver, not Moses. He may choose to use people, or like in the circumstances of Kaitlin, He may just stop a bolt bullet. None the less, He is God Almighty! And worthy of praise!

In verse 10, it is a continuation from verse 8, which speaks to the people of Jude’s day (which sound a lot like the people of our day). It says they were filthy dreamers, defiling the flesh, despising dominion and speaking evil of dignities. Sound like American politics to you? Politics and religion are close in relation. Satan loves when both make it into church house conversations because they are sure to cause division with “most” people. But not a church whose focus is the unity and leadership of God.

Jehovah Raah

The Lord Is My Shepherd

Michael the archangel had a relationship with God, not a religion. He knew the Lord well enough to know that he did not need to argue with Satan, but leave that conversation to God, Who will put the smack down on Satan in the end of our story! Glory to God! Even though Michael, a spiritual being, had the power to kill thousands, and would have no doubt been a worthy adversary of Satan, he was strong enough to shut up. I’m not that strong. I am more often than not in the natural. It is in that mindset that we corrupt our relationship with God. Because we don’t allow Him to have control of us.

I’m so, so very grateful that Kaitlin is safe and is the momma of three beautiful little girls and can continue raising them. And I’m grateful that through her safety, I learned many lessons from the book of Jude. Including the fact that I can rest in the knowledge that God has my world in His control.

Satan may be the little “g” god of this world. But he can only go so far as the Lord will allow! Glorrraaaaaay!

Jehovah Shalom

The Lord Is Peace

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Purpose, Uncategorized, Word of God

When Your Value Seems Less

23 For it was the king’s commandment concerning them, that a certain portion should be for the singers, due for every day.

35 Lod, and Ono, the valley of craftsmen.

Nehemiah 11:23,35

I realize that those two scriptures may or may not mean much to you this morning, but for me as an artist, singer, creative person often less than extraordinaire they meant a great deal.

When I tell people that I struggle. That’s not a lie and it’s not said for pity or pride. It’s just reality. I get up way too often in the morning feeling like a failure and that what I do doesn’t amount to a hill of beans in the scope of eternity. So when I read in Nehemiah this morning, as I’ve read at other times (but too often forget), God truly cares about the creative.   That brought such joy to my heart.

While people enjoy music and art; unless you’re an honest to goodness “professional” your value is often viewed as less. It’s a hobby or a past time, not a career because it doesn’t come with a paycheck. And while I have people in my life that more than value me, I don’t value myself enough it seems.

So today I thought I’d post this short thought for those dealing with “feeling less.”

God made the moon the lesser light… and yet how many nights have we sat marveling at it. (Genesis 1:16)

The mustard seed is less than all the seeds on the earth… yet birds find rest and lodge there. (Mark 4:32)

There are parts of the body that we view as less important, and yet, we dare not want to live without them. (1 Corinthians 12:23)

Paul thought of himself less than all the saints (Ephesians 3:8) … but look at the difference he made in eternity.

David, King of Israel was the least of his brothers and not even considered by family in contention for the position, but God had other plans! (1 Samuel 16)

I reminded myself of these scriptures today, in hopes of encouraging my soul that lesser is often as it is, so that God can do the greater and receive the glory He deserves.

You and I are valuable members of the body of Christ. We are irreplaceable by anyone else.

He cared so much about me this happy Thursday morning that He showed me in His word and through friends how much the God of all creation, cares about the creative.


Posted in Bible Journaling, joy, Life Inspiration

Just for the Joy of It!

While there are numerous verses in the Bible for which folks can cling to and call their own for such a time as this in their lives; I may have found a new life verse for me. Insert smile here for the cupcake, but the verse does speak more to my heart than just that sweet treat! It speaks to my soul on a level that God knew I needed today.

I always say I have issues, but I really believe that I have my share and someone else’s too. I love to live life, I love to give joy, I always mean well even when it doesn’t end well, and I have the hardest time of receiving anything with joy. I’ll receive it with gratitude, and the consciousness that I am beyond unworthy, but joy doesn’t come easy.

So Nehemiah 8:10 pricked my heart this morning.

A friend had sent a message today that they were going to contribute to my ministry and I didn’t have words  (other than thank you) to tell them how I felt. It doesn’t come natural for me to receive things without guilt.

Why that is, I don’t know, because that’s never been the intent of the givers. They give with joy… so why can I not receive it with joy? Follow along with me in verse 10 and I think you and I will both discover why…

Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Accept My Goodness

I don’t know why God is so good to me. I don’t say that in humility, I’m really clueless. I know my heart. I don’t deserve any of it. And yet, He pours His goodness down upon me and says, “Here it is Shari. Just take it and enjoy.

Share My Goodness

I don’t always have things to share. Not like people share with me. But when I do it does bring such great joy to me. It’s why I love sharing the art that I do and why I give so much of it away. Because it does bring great joy into my life. It’s also why selfish people are miserable. Because they don’t experience the joy God intended us to have.

Celebrate my Goodness

For this day is holy! That part of the verse got me. God intended this day to be used for His glory. That’s why He puts His blessing upon it and says, “I did this for you. I did this so you and I could celebrate the day together.”

Isn’t that a great thought? That God creates a party for no particular reason, just because He loves you. 

Now stop feeling guilty about it. You’re ruining His fun. That’s what I heard. God said I was a party pooper.

Draw Strength from my Goodness

Life is full of enough bad days. When we get a good one, we need to store up that goodness and remember it.

Much like me, the children of Israel were not always obedient. They were more often than not a rebellious nation. So there was plenty of guilt to go around and they were justifiable in the feeling. But God tells them to “stop living in defeat because of past mistakes.” It won’t fix them and it will mess up what He had planned next.

Glorrrrraaaaay! That’s a good word, right? Let’s celebrate with cake! Just for the joy of it!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Heaven, salvation

It Doesn’t Change the Book

I can tell by the look in their eyes when they’ve tuned me out and they’re wishing me off the planet. Even family. It’s not that they don’t love me, it’s not that they’ll not tolerate me. It’s that I make them very uncomfortable. Which is never my goal, but almost always the outcome. And such is the life as someone who loves to share Jesus and wants everyone regardless of heritage to become a part of my family. To share my Father. The Lord Jesus Christ.

And to ask most of them, they’d say they already do. But deed… “the proof ain’t in the puddin’,” as the saying goes.

It’s been the case as far back as Genesis. Someone always trying to get in by somebody else’s coattails, or by works, or just assuming God would never let them go to Hell. And so those of us who know the truth, continue to tell the truth and those who don’t want to know, shut us out. But that doesn’t change the book. –

In the book of Nehemiah, which happens to be where I’m reading, I was dreading chapter seven. It’s a chapter of name after name after name. And as I read I prayed, “God, please let me get something out of this besides a glaze over my eyes.” And as I traveled through the names, hoping someone’s would pop off the page and capture my attention, it didn’t. It wasn’t the name God wanted to capture my attention with. It was registration process.

In verses 64-65 my heart broke.

These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found: therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood. And the Tirshatha said unto them, that they should not eat of the most holy things, till there stood up a priest with Urim and Thummim.

Urim and Thummim were priestly devices found on their breastplate and used to determine God’s will. In my small mind, I imagine it to be as a priest flipping a coin. Don’t believe everything I tell you, I might lead you astray. But that’s still how I see it.

But for today, there’s no more coin flipping. And there’s only one Priest that matters and that’s the Lord Jesus Christ. Friends and family can tune me out, shut me down and tell me to go away, but when it comes to their final days, the question will remain “Are you a part of the family of God?”

Matthew 7:21-23 King James Version (KJV)

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

There were 642 persons (verse 62) who professed to be children of Israel. But the word said they were polluted. What an indictment. And it’s the same indictment that’s going to be against those who profess to be children of God but have never made Him Lord and Savior. Oh… they believe in Jesus. But then again, so does Satan. They believe in God. Satan knows Him personally. That won’t keep him out of Hell. Some of them go to church, most do not. But to tell you the truth, Satan’s in church every Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday. He never misses a revival. He’s usually sitting beside of me trying to get my attention off task. The question still remains, “Is your name written down in the Lamb’s book of Life?”

Revelation 21:27

And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Those who are not written down, having accepted what Jesus Christ did for them on the cross as payment for their sins, are still covered with the pollution of this world. They won’t enter into Heaven with that pollution on them. They’ve got to be clean, and the only way they can be is to be covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. And why would they be?

If your child died for someone so that they could be free, and that person denied what they did and never acknowledge with gratitude the cost that was paid for them, why would you want to spend eternity with them?

God not allowing folks in Heaven sounds harsh until you view it from there.

What a privilege to be a child of the King! A member of the Family of God. You can’t change the book. Not the Bible or the Lamb’s book of Life. Both were written in indelible ink.