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We All Need a Super Hero

Jesus Chick Graphics

1 Thessalonians 4:6

That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified.

There are some days that you just need a Super Hero; and reading a text like this one was it for me. It’s not that I have an enemy in any man (or woman) as the case could be. But rather my enemy is Satan, and sometimes myself. I’ve said in a few blogs lately that Christmas was hard on me. I’m still not feeling up to par and that takes its tole on me spiritually and emotionally. It’s at that point, the lowest point, that I can feel Satan kicking the guts out of me because he knows I’m too weak to fight back. 

After the heart attack I was on a mission to better health, I had cardiac rehab three times a week which kept me motivated to eat better and look better. Then the rehab stopped, weight increased and my desire to eat well and live better slowly diminished and I went back to many of my old habits. You know… like bread and junk habits. Add the stressors of a holiday and by December 26th my body was wracked with pain. There was no super strength that I used to be able to muster. Just weakness. I would come home from the office and do a minimal amount of housework and collapse in the bed to Pureflix, Instagram and Facebook. But only scrolling… not even using it for what I had always done, which is the promotion of Christ. Ugh 😩

So what’s a girl to do? 

And then there He was. Where He had always been but I had neglected to see. My Super Hero and Avenger, long before Hollywood thought they had the market wrapped up on it. Although those are my favorite kind of shows. Well… they used to be, until the story line never changed and the gore got too much. Sorry. Squirrel 🐿! My ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) kicked in and I went by the way side. But interestingly enough, God never does.

I never lose His attention. 

Paul tells us in the 1 Thessalonians 4 that they’ve been warned and those warnings were backed up by testimony.  Not only Paul’s testimony but mine as well, and likely yours! I have story after story of how God has blessed my life and allowed me to do amazing things that a country girl from the ridge of Zion should never have had the opportunity. So when I hear the things like Satan has been whispering in my ear, I shouldn’t fall for it, but I do. Every time. 

But then… my super 🦸‍♂️ hero swoops in and rescues me, and tells that demon to “Back off, this child is Mine!” Glory to God! 

Paul continues on to tell the church to love one another, and another of my favorite verses in this chapter when he tells them to “mind their own business.” That cracks me up for multiple reasons. 

1 Thessalonians 4:11

And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;

In my weariness and busyness I neglected my business. Which is the ministry of the Lord. I was  commanded when I was called to serve to make that a priority in my life. But I had allowed that jerk of a demon to distract me away from what needed done, and in the process allowed myself to come under attack. 

This morning I feel somewhat better. Actually having talked to my second super hero, my husband David, about the fact I wasn’t feeling well. I hadn’t told him about it as not to concern him, or let him tell me I needed to see the doc. Which is my least favorite thing in the world.

I realize that this is somewhat of a random, all about Shari blog, but I felt the need to share. Possibly because you’ve been feeling overwhelmed and under attack as well. You too need a superhero!

Blessings!!!! And please share this post if it blessed ya ~ Shari.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Church Unity, Eternity, Evangelism, Uncategorized

Reunion Ready

Paul’s letter captivates my thoughts quickly this morning, causing me to wonder about my level of commitment to the saints of God and to the service of our Lord. The depth of his heartache can be felt so intensely if you ponder each line as I believe God intended in our study of His word and our desire to get to know Him through Paul. His greatest desire at the point of his writing was to see those in the church of Thesalonica. But because of his own obligations, he decided to stay in Athens alone and send Timothy to the check on the spiritual welfare of those he trained in the gospel.

His goal of discipleship is listed in the final verses of this chapter, 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13

And the Lord make you to increase, and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you: To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.

Three quick points for this Monday morning of the year 2019’s final days leading into the New Year of 2020. It’s my prayer for you.

That your church has

Love Abounding

Not only toward each other but toward all men.

It is so easy for us as separate denominations to feel superior over another. Believing that we are right and they are wrong. Forgetting that there is one gospel and that it was never Christ’s intentions to have the separation of the churches as we do today. No, I’m not suggesting we all join up into one church. That’s a good way to get a fuss going. But would it not be a grand gesture if our love could abound toward all men and women without regard to denomination. 

I’ve sang and spoken to churches of another denomination without concern for our differences. We had a common ground that made that very easy and is a necessity for communion with other churches, which is, that they too believe in Jesus, the way the truth and life. Only His sacrificial atonement though the blood as our way into Heaven. Not of ourselves in any way, shape or form. That said, I sing and speak Christ. And the Spirit of God joins in because of our love abounding to one another. 

Hearts Established

Unblameable and Holy? That’s tough right? We likely all feel that there is plenty of blame to share in us and holiness is far from an achievable feeling. Namely because we have an accuser who loves to walk this earth and remind us of our failures. But having your heart established, meaning that you are conscious of where your spirit actually abides, will bring you to the next level of service. Because God “hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:” (Ephesians 2:6)

Together. We are members of the body of Christ. There is no Baptist church in Heaven. Glory to God! There is no Methodist, Pentecostal or any other church in Heaven. When we meet together up there, there will not be no fussin! We will know the truth because we’ll be in the presence of the Truth! 

But here, in this place, we have to get our hearts established through the Spirit that indwells us. And that means staying in His word until we see the world and ourselves through His eyes.

Paul never claimed to be perfect. In Romans 7:15 he says “For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.”

Can you identify? I sure can! The things I want to do, I don’t. And the things I don’t want to do, I do. It’s the flesh. Paul battled it and so do we. But through Jesus Christ we are seen blameless and holy in the eyes of God. In that we have to get established and continue on doing the best we can, not the least, so that we are

Reunion Ready!

Paul said that we need to be established at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints. That glad reunion day when all those who we miss on earth, we’ll be joined with again! I have so many. I know that they have no concept of time, and as fast as time is going in my life, I hardly having any concept either; but our reunion day will be one of great joy and the beginning of a life without complexity. No denominations, separations, aggravations and failed expectations… just celebrations! Worship. Collective worship as one Nation! The Nation of Heaven. 

Just wrote myself happy! I am reunion ready, are you? 

But until that day there is a work to do and a people to care for. Let’s do it today! 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Uncategorized

Why my crown is rockin!

For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For ye are our glory and joy.

1 Thessalonians 2:19-20

For the most part television evangelists miss the mark. Not all of them. There are guys like Cal Ray Evans on our local channel 3 on Sunday Morning that will bless the socks off of you, give you solid teaching and truly cares about the reach of his ministry. And then there are others… nameless others… who possibly seek to glorify God, but they’re concern for the congregation of cyber land, radio wave and satellite is more about how many wallets they can reach. Sound like I’m bitter? No, not bitter, but most assuredly frustrated. Because when I read scripture like the one above, and I see the true compassion and dedication of Paul and the others, I wonder where it’s gone to.  And I understand why there is a trust issue in the world when it comes to gospel teaching.  How many of those on the air waves today would be willing to go through a fraction of what bible disciples went through to reach the masses? Would I? Good question. While Paul and the others were preachers of the gospel, it wasn’t only the preachers willing to die for Christ, but the congregation as well. So before we throw stones at ministers of the gospel, we have to acknowledge that the accountability of spreading the gospel does not only lie at the preachers feet.

What is our Hope?

More now than ever the world needs hope. I see it and more aptly read it in the faces and posts of the people I meet through social media, visiting other places and in my own home town. Folks need hope, but they have no idea who to trust when it comes to sharing their struggle. I’ve shared my own struggles with people who I could tell by their reaction they really were not that interested in what I was going through. And so I too find myself retreating inside my head because I don’t want to bother anyone, and I certainly don’t want to feel unloved. And that’s the truth as I feel it when someone turns me off when I’ve risked my personal exposure of pain to tell them what’s going on. O boy… that’ll preach won’t it? How many people have felt like that? And how many of us (myself included) have been the one turning people off?

So what’s our Hope. Our hope is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the one that we have to share so that people know when the world let’s you down there is ONE WHO WILL NOT EVER!!!

What is our Joy?

We sing “Joy to the World” this time of year, but who has a depth of understanding of it when the commercialization of Christmas has become so ridiculous?  When people want to get through the Holy Days so they can get to the Holiday. We don’t want to be inconvenienced by church services lasting too long, or the expectation that we should worship Christ in the ways of scripture. From Christ’s birth to His death we find powerful worship. And then post death, pre-return, we find disciples like Paul and his buddies who were willing to be imprisoned, beaten and killed to worship. And we, in a free world, won’t go to church on Sunday, but expect people to believe we’re Christ’s disciples. Nope… can’t do it. 

It’s when I get bitter. 

This year for Christmas I made my sweet delicacies in sparing because of time. I love to bake and cook and treat my family to special foods all year long. But in the process of making my fudge this year, one of my kids came in and I neglected the stove. 🤦‍♀️ Not good. So when I poured my fudge into the pan to cool, I knew it was off. I’d scorched it. It still sits beside me on the table taunting me of my failure and it’s bitter taste. But it also reminds me that Hell’s 🔥 fire will scorch the souls of men someday, and are scorching souls now that were neglected by the church. So you want to know about true joy? 

It’s the saving grace of Christ that allows a soul to go to Heaven and never taste the flames of Hell. That is true joy. It’s why I want to live bolder and pray that God gives me opportunity in 2020 to share the gospel of Christ with people. It’s my prayer every New Year, and at years end I always feel that I fail miserably.

What is my Glory?

You are. Those of you who read what I write, and receive encouragement from it. That is my glory, because I know that that is bringing glory to God. I do not seek the applause of men, but I sure do seek to see the fruits of my labor. I pray that I do better at posting and sharing the gospel every day in some form or another and I pray that I’ll be able to be face to face with many of you this year sharing the gospel in song and word.

The days of scripture being written are done. Revelation caps the book and no other words were added, regardless of what some religions tell you. It’s finished. But the word of God, written thousands of years ago is still as fresh today as it was the day it dripped from the pen of the writer. Every time you open the Bible it’s like a brand new book never read.  And we have need to share it! Because that is where this miserable world is going to find hope and joy and God will be glorified! And I just wrote myself happy!!!!

I pray you know Jesus. I pray you’ll make a commitment to live bolder in 2020. Because there are souls a plenty in 2020 who need Christ! Let’s get out there people and tell the world about our Savior!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Evangelism, Uncategorized

What Does it Mean to Wait?

There are days that I consider myself a fairly good example to the children of God and to the lost… maybe two days out of the month. That would make it multiple so that I could use the tense of “days.” But most days I feel like an epic failure because I know that I’m not living up to the potential within me through Christ. 

These past few weeks have been a blur; I went from one project and one task to another until they all ran together like melted crayons. I felt consumed. That’s not a good feeling. I had very little rest, mostly just collapses of exhaustion and then I would wake up and begin again. But today… the day after our celebration of the Lord’s birth I feel renewed. There’s nothing pending… well except work. But that’s okay. There’s nothing that has my attention away from the Lord. His word is honey to my mouth, and oil to my joints. I’ve been stale and stiff. I have no other description of how I’ve felt of late physically. Nothing satisfied my tastebuds, and my body groaned under the pressures of the day. But today… not so much… That makes me sad and glad all at the same time. Because I missed Christmas this year. Or at least the Spirit of the season. I was too busy… again. 

But today my mind is slowed down, absorbing the word and the mind of God. I’ve missed Him (I moved, not Him). And I wasn’t a very good example; not like the children of Thessalonica  for which Paul, Sylvanus  and Timotheus wrote to.

1 Thessalonians 1:7-10 KJV

[7] So that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia. [8] For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing. [9] For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; [10] And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

Sounding Christians

Ensample is a large example; meaning that the Thessalonians were collectively serving as a group of believers, sounding out the word of God, not only in their hometown but spread abroad! Yes, that’s exciting for those of us on the internet and those of us who are a part of the body of Christ through the local church. Because imagine what the folks from Thessalonica could have done with such a tool. And while I have sore attempted to spread the word abroad, I’m not always successful because I’m not using the tools I’ve been given to their full potential. That’s what I believe the children of Thessalonica were doing. They were being heard… loudly!

Showing Christians

To be a part of an ensample, you have to personally be an example. Showing the love of Christ is more than a December thing. The world seems to get extremely good at showing love this time of year. But by January the feeling has long since faded into background of Christmas and the New Year and new goals and objectives are on their minds. This ought not be the case with Christians. We should have that Spirit of giving 12 months out of the year. Not that we should be giving out fruit baskets continually, but the fruit of the Spirit! 

The Thessalonians were so good at being an example that it says nothing else needed to be said. Oh that I were such a one! 

Serving Christians

The word “wait” gets a bad rap. It is so more often thought of as a spirit of setting, not serving. But add an “er” at the end, and suddenly the spirit of serving, as in being a waiter or waitress, shines a different light on it’s meaning. The children of Thesalonica were not sitting around twiddling their thumbs, waiting for the return of Jesus, they were telling the world about the One that was to return and save this world from the wrath to come. For the record… the wrath is still on our timeline. 

Those who don’t know Christ will not be spared the wrath of God when He pours out judgement upon the earth in the last days. We see the signs of it everyday. God has a calendar too. 

My friend Sue gave me another beautiful date book for me to keep my busy life in view. I love it… but this morning it reminds me that God has something else I need to keep in view. Eternity. Where will you be in eternity? Where will your friends and family be? Let’s find out today and add another mansion address!

What does it mean to wait? Serve not Sit!

God bless ya! Shari

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Praise, Uncategorized

The Fruit of our Lips

Hebrews 13:15

By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

In search of a word from the Lord, He reminded me that I have words too. Words of praise, words of encouragement… words.

Lots of them. 

His words come first. For guidance, instruction, chastisement, peace, and sometimes just wonderful conversation. All of which is an example to me that I should be more about my Father’s business. It came in the form of a visit from a childhood Sunday School teacher, Miss Janet. One of the sweetest ladies in my life. She stands just a little over four feet tall, but inside that tiny frame is one of the first people I met in Calhoun County who forever impacted my life for Christ. She’s was a soul winner, long before I had heard that terminology. She loves Jesus and she uses her words for that purpose. She uses her words to tell her little part of the world that she loves Jesus. That is a huge part of our Father’s business.

The Thanksgiving Holiday is just a few weeks away. Can you believe that? Where has another year gone. I stand in awe at how very quickly life is passing. I’m 57 years old. Yesterday I was in Miss Janet’s Sunday School class in the basement of the Mt. Zion Methodist Church. And I know that for her it seems like yesterday that she too was a young woman. We have less and less time to make our words impactful. But along that pathway of life, we need to take the time to show our gratitude to the Lord for all He’s done. To praise Him continually. It’s what I learned from Miss Janet yesterday. She’s still a teacher. Never stop praising Him. 

Words are the fruit of our lips. What’s the flavor of your fruit. Sweet like an apple, hardy like a pear? Perhaps in that ooey goodness of a banana. I hope if you’re a lemon you add a little sugar. Are you a peculiar fruit like a star fruit. Oh my goodness. My mind is going so many different places. God’s creation is a great place to start praising Him!

What’s in your frig today? If you have anything, and I’ll bet you have more than that! We need to thank Him for it. So many in the world have nothing. They don’t even own a frig. I learned that from my friend Martin in Africa. They harvest, kill and eat. No left overs. No frig. Just living day to day. Oh… we have so much to praise Him for today! 

I pray you’ll use your words wisely. Be sweet and fruitful. Using your words to glorify the Father. Happy Saturday! And if you’re reading this today, remember tomorrow is Sunday. A good day to go and praise Him!! I’m ready!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Eternity, Life Inspiration

You Can Do It!

Those are the words of Christ, that spoke to my heart this morning. He did not say it in that manner of course, His words were documented by Matthew in chapter 19, verse 26:

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

All things? Well, let’s unpack the context of that verse and see what Jesus says about “all” things. I need to unpack it, because I hear that verse yielded around so often. It’s a great Instagram and Facebook verse. It encourages those who are down and need a word to continue on. It’s encouraged me in like fashion. But that response wasn’t toward something that most people use that verse for. Jesus had just told a young man to sell every thing he owned and give it to the poor. 

So is that a word for everyone? Yes and no. When the young man asked the question “what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” God knew the intent of his heart. As well as ours. Scary thought. In my teen class a few weeks ago, one of the younger of the boys was there when we were discussing the fact that God sees every thing. And I said to them, “God sees all the good you do.” To which he replied with direction to his peers, “Yeah, God sees it when we’re good!” To which I followed it up with “And, God sees when you do something wrong.” At which time he responded with a a look of concern on his face, “He does?” Makes sure you draw that word “does” out to about three syllables. Because he did, and I cracked up. Because I knew he had just fed me a line about something he did that wasn’t true. Well that attitude is in little boys and boys, and little girls and big girls. And God knows our heart.

The rich young man wanted eternal life. And in all honesty, God did not need his money. But Christ’s response about a rich man going to heaven being as likely as a camel going through the eye of a needle, bothered them all. It bothers the vast majority of the earth today. The young man wasn’t willing to even consider giving up what he had to serve Jesus. And Jesus knew that. It wasn’t that he couldn’t be saved, it’s that he wouldn’t be saved. That broke my heart. Because I see it everywhere I go… including the church house, and including my own heart.

I am viewed, and I’m humbled by it, as an outspoken child of God. I am very vocal about my love for Jesus and the worlds need for salvation. But if I truly examine myself, and I don’t have to dig very deep; there are parts of my heart that I have yet to surrender to God. I’m hanging on to my riches… Anything I have, I owe it to the one who gave it to me. So when Christ says “with God all things are possible,” He means all. As I said, it’s a great verse of encouragement. But God speaks in spiritual terminology. Not of monetary means. Which is why the young ruler wasn’t willing to give it all. He valued that more than heaven. While the unsaved often will not surrender their heart to the Lord because they don’t want to leave the pleasure earthly means give; Christians, who have already been given enteral life, forgo all the spiritual goodness of God because they forget that He knows their heart.

He knows. Two little words that render the feeling in my soul of inadequacy. Praise God for grace. So back to the title “You can do it!” Yes we can. We can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13) He gives us strength, but He expects some effort on our part. So a word for me, and perhaps you today is this: in the examination of your heart, what is it that you refuse to give up for Christ? 

I give up a lot to serve God. Mostly time. And I know my Lord is grateful. But there’s this thing in my heart that I’ve yet to trust Him with… and He knows. Emphasis on “knows.” Draw that out to about three syllables. Because that’s how I feel today.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Life is Heavy

One of the few things (other than a ton of memories) that I got from my Mother’s home place was yoke that my Uncle Dennis gave me. Thinking that I, in all my weirdness, would no doubt find it to be a treasure. And I did. I did, because it had a spiritual meaning to me, knowing that I had been yoked to the world for so long, but now was yoked only to Heaven. Glory Hallelujah for that! But the meaning of the yoke goes far beyond what I was released from. It is a reminder of who took the burdens of that world upon Himself.

Matthew 11:28-30

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

A yoke is a large wooden harness that fits over the shoulders of bulls or oxen. It attaches to piece of equipment that they’re to pull. A “heavy laden” animal has a big load to pull, and so do those of us laden with the cares of this world. The demands of life can flat weigh ya down, and cause you to buckle beneath it unless you are blessed with the saving grace of Jesus Christ. It is He Who removed these burdens from His children, when He took them upon His shoulders on the cross. It’s hard to imagine that something happening today was on the cross 2000 years ago, but it was. Jesus frees  us from all the burdens of today. The rest, peace, promises of love and healing that we receive from God does not end the toiling that we have to do here. But it changes that toil into a labor of love.

I told my friend Chief this week that I had not looked forward to going back into the workforce. I know what comes with it. But the stresses of the day have been outweighed this week by the opportunity to be blessed and be a blessing to the people I come into contact with. Even though I’m in the secular world of work, it’s still a partnership with Christ. He’s opened doors that I had no clue He would ever open.

So at weeks end, when I came home and collapsed in exhaustion, feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, a nap and a new day has caused me to reflect on the opportunities that I was given this week. I bet you were given your share too!

As we go into our day of worship, I pray that you and I will take the blessing with us in the form of a testimony at church tomorrow. God bless ya! And I look forward to seeing you in church… even if it’s in a different one.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Grace, Life Inspiration, Purpose, Word of God

All the things!

There are days when I think that I have gone completely mad and that the world is in a tailspin that cannot be stopped. And then I realize that I need to take the “L” out of the world, and latch back on to the word. 

I spent yesterday going from one work project to personal project and back all day long. I had computer software, billing programs issues, cheerleading squad projects and a load or two of laundry thrown into the mix just for fun. By the time I hit the sack last night I was not just physically exhausted but mentally as well. And I “almost” complained. And then I realized, Shari, you are blessed beyond measure as my friend Loretta Propst always reminds me. 

In the midst of exhaustion I hadn’t bothered to realize that I had the strength to do it all and it was only through Christ that I had it. Isn’t that wonderful!? How the word of God refocuses your mind. I woke up a little late this morning and my wise husband said… just rest a minute. And so I did.

I did however have enough time for a quick piece of art and a short blog today. I hope it blesses you to realize that you too can do ALL things today through Christ. He is so very faithful. Have a blessed Friday (or what ever day you read this). And know that you are loved by the Lord Jesus, and me as well. Blessings! ~ Shari

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, Faith, Grace, Life Inspiration

Is Jesus Missing You?

The news came this morning of a fallen child of God. I’ve watched it over the years as they strayed further and further away from the Lord, falling backing into alcoholism, domestic issues and yesterday an arrest with multiple charges. My heart sunk, the tears welled and I became frustrated, hurt and then really, really sad. I also became really, really conscious of the state of being human. We’re all just one bad decision away from needing grace. While I can’t imagine myself falling into the sins of my friend… and yes, they’re still my friend, because they’re still he friend of Jesus… I am aware that life changes on a dime. We all have good days and bad, and every day we need to hold tight to Jesus. Not because He’ll ever let us go, but because it’s up to us build our relationship with Him. And relationship are relational. Shocker! Right? 

Then why are we surprised when we don’t feel close to Jesus? When’s the last time we spent some serious time in His presence? I love the scripture in 1 Chronicles 16:22 that warns the world

Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. – 1 Chronicles 16:22

You see, I know that I am anointed. I’ve known it from the time I got saved and began serving Jesus. But I don’t always act like I’m anointed.

Over the past few weeks I’ve re-entered the workforce on a part time basis. I’ve had to restructure my life, which has been good. It calls for very early wake ups and very early bed times. It calls for organization skills, which doesn’t come easy for me and it especially calls for time management. My ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) is on overdrive. I feel like that cartoon where the guy’s head is spinning like a top. Which way do I look! And then I realize. Up!!!!!

For the past few days I’ve had to pull an extra shift, prepare for my first board meeting and then attend a days training out of town which was all extra time in my schedule that I had not prepared for. It took me out of the ministry work, and refocused my attention on secular business and not the Lord’s. While I know He understands; He is not surprised, our relationship suffered. Certainly not on His end. But mine. 

And I said all that to say this: when my friend fell, I felt the fall. I had felt it every time I seen this guy and his family around town. I missed his fellowship at church. And so I wondered as I zoomed down the road, hither, there, and yon if Jesus watched me zoom by and said… “I miss you Shari.”

Has He said it about you lately?

How can we feel the power of that statement of God, “Touch not mine anointed,” when we’re not spending time with Him. 

  • The scripture leading up to that verse reminded Israel, and us, that we need to look at the life of Abraham (known as the friend of God) and how his relationship down through the ages has brought blessing. 

1 Chronicles 16:11-22 KJV

[11] Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually. [12] Remember his marvellous works that he hath done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth; [13] O ye seed of Israel his servant, ye children of Jacob, his chosen ones. [14] He is the Lord our God; his judgments are in all the earth. [15] Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the word which he commanded to a thousand generations; [16] Even of the covenant which he made with Abraham, and of his oath unto Isaac; [17] And hath confirmed the same to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant, [18] Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance; [19] When ye were but few, even a few, and strangers in it. [20] And when they went from nation to nation, and from one kingdom to another people; [21] He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes, [22] Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

So as I head to work again today, these things are on my mind.

  • I sought the Lord and I’ve been strengthened in the Lord. Hallelujah!
  • I am mindful of His promises, not only to Abraham, but to me! Hallelujah!
  • And I am ever so aware that even though there are days when I feel like a stranger in my own world, I am God’s anointed. Hallelujah!!!

Please pray for my friend. He needs restored. And Make sure you take some time today to refresh in God’s word and prayer. So that you too can be remind that you are His anointed and you have a purpose for the Kingdom. 

God bless ya! ~ Shari

Posted in Bible Journaling, Faith, Forgiveness, Health, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

You Can Fix Stupid

It’s Saturday morning, I’ve had a crazy week and I stand in need of some serious rest. Well. Guess where I’m going? It’s not to the world. And it’s not sleep of which I speak. It’s mental rest that I’m in need of. This world can drag me into oblivion and I feel like I’m drowning. And so I go to the only place I’ve ever found true rest. The Word of God.

Christ says in 1 John 14:27

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 

John 14 is one of my favorite books. It’s speaks of that place for which God Himself is preparing for us, but until then, He has provided the Comforter. And just reading the word of God causes my anguished soul to calm and the peace for which I’m longing is there. 

Sometimes the blog comes and then the image, but this morning it was the other way around. I could feel myself collapsing under the weight of the world before I got out of bed. I love the quote “The struggle is real!” Because it is. I’m sure I’m not speaking anything new to you. We all feel it. I’m not the only one with issues. Am I? Of course not. And our dilemmas are personal, and although the struggles of other people may be far worse, it doesn’t mean that ours will be ignored by the Lord. He understands. Long before He went to the garden, where He felt a struggle far beyond anything we will ever know, He still had earthly struggles. 

There were stupid people who walked the earth in Jesus’ day too. That may be a Jesus Chick original quote… just sayin’. Stupidity was a seed planted in the garden of Eden and we’ve been eating of that tree ever since. I won’t throw the rest of the world under the bus and say that I have not had moments of stupidity. Most of the pressures I feel are self inflicted. That seems to be a reoccurring theme on my blog and in my life. So I guess the question for today is “What do we do with the stupidity of this world?”

Fix What You Can

I’m looking at my own life and what’s going on right now. I’ve re-entered the workforce and have taken a job that needs some serious TLC. (Tender, loving, care). This week had me wading through paper work, checking accounts and new computer programs and the occasional stupid person. Mainly a computer programmer who I have no desire to ever meet. What I discovered is, I can fix this. But every problem has to be dealt with one at a time and with wise counsel. I’ll be honest with you, that’s never been my strong suit. Asking for help has always made me feel weak and less. But when the computer program kicked my butt this week, I had to call for counsel; and when the computer programmer talked to me like I was an idiot, and told me that his program took 2-6 months of training, which wasn’t included in what I’m paying him, I immediately knew who the idiot was, and it wasn’t me. So how do you fix stupidity. Get a new program.

The same is true in life. If what we’re doing isn’t working, we need to get a new program. It might be my stupidity or that of another that’s causing me issues, but I can’t keep doing the same thing and get a different result. So let’s change it up.

Don’t Let What’s Broken Cause you to Fall

For certain something broken can cause you to fall. My broken body has put me into the position of falling on several occasions.That feeling has caused me frustration and I’ve had to learn that aging is a process, but it’s not an ending. It’s just a new program.  And I’m slowly learning that the new program isn’t bad. I’ve just had to adjust my ways of doing things and my way of thinking, a lot! 

But what if it’s not something physical. What if it’s a broken heart or broken dreams. Perhaps it’s a broken promise. All of which can cause us to fall into a spiritual trap of the Devil. Satan loves it when something stupid happens in our lives that breaks us. When we’re down on our knees we have two choices; we can either cower to the demonic forces that want to make us miserable, or we can take what’s broken to the Lord Jesus Himself, and allow Him to fix it for us. It takes counsel. Sometimes from people, but always from the Lord. He is the only One that has the power to mend a broken heart or spirit. 

So you see, contrary to popular belief, you can fix stupid. 

I am aware that there is an exhaustive list of stupidity. And that it’s not a one size fits all. But it is a One size fix’s all. And that’s the Lord Jesus. Regardless of the category, the level or the depth of disaster. God’s got it covered and is more than willing to work with us. Isn’t that great?! You can fix stupid… who knew!