It’s a real life struggle to keep my heart and mind in check with my soul.
I attended a music concert the other night, which was a much appreciated gift from a friend. I don’t want to make light of that because I didn’t take it lightly. I went with an impression in my mind of what type concert it would be, and it was not. It wasn’t bad, parts of it were wonderful, but it just wasn’t my cup of tea. Especially since I am a Java Junkie, and a person with a tender brain when it comes to loud noises.
So I humbly returned home, grateful for the gift but not really looking to buy the guys music. It did cause me to ponder the balance in my own life. Going into the Easter Season should always be a week to pause and reflect on how our lives align with the gospel of Christ and assess our relationship with Jesus.
Job 31:4-6 says [4] Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps? [5] If I have walked with vanity, or if my foot hath hasted to deceit; [6] Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity.
If I were to categorize the areas of my life it would be
And under each category would be sub categories.
God (Time in the Word, Prayer, Conversation)
Marriage (Relationship, Partnership, Prayer and Finances)
As I write those words, I know my families in each category and subcategory. But I believe that in taking a moment in time to reflect on these matters it will help me go into the Easter weekend with a prepared heart.
Let’s look at each of those categories in the shadow of Job 31:4-6
What are the steps I’m taking to Draw Closer to God through each of the Categories. Whether or not they are spiritual or secular doesn’t matter. But it does matter what role God plays in each one.
That was my issue with the concert… I went for spiritual edification and left hungry. There was too much world and not enough Jesus.
How are my Ways?
When it comes to each of my points how am I stepping in each of the relevant areas. Is God leading me? Am I in His Word, shoring up my Spirit in a way that gives me confidence to make the right decisions in my life? Am I communicating with God dual directionally? Meaning am I talking to Him and Listening to Him? I talk much, but my listening skills have never been good if I’m honest. And how is God reflected in my marriage, family/friends, ministry and career. Is God guiding my steps in those places as well so that my ways are His ways? I have to tell you, when it comes to anything outside of my relationship with the Lord Himself, it is not uncommon for me to take off walking alone.
How is my Walk?
Am I walking in vanity and deceit? I have to tell you that this one hit me pretty hard when I think of my attitude towards “stuff” and the desire to have more of it, my concept of what I should take far more serious when dealing with friends and family and how I should be more aware of what’s happening around me that might effect their relationship with God. It is so easy to be deceived by this world that there are things that matter and things that don’t and there are things that matter far more than I am paying attention to them.
How is my Weight?
Let’s not talk about how much I physically weigh, that is definitely something that needs attention! But let’s consider how we’re going to be weighed in the balance as Job describes. Do we have the understanding of how we align with God’s holiness? That is the weight that God’s going to weigh us by. How does our lives weigh in comparison to God’s design for our lives. I have to think about it like this… If God put all my work for Him on one side of the scale, and my work in the world that had no eternal value on the other side of the scale, how would it work out for me.
Last night was communion at Victory Baptist Church and it’s been a long time since we gathered together for that purpose because of the Corona. My heart was tender to the Lord, a fact I’m grateful for. It had not been the case this week. I had allowed the world to come between me and God to the point I was feeling worthless and ashamed. Not a good spiritual condition to be in the week of Easter or any day. But such was the case and I needed my heart stirred. The Pastor’s text for the evening was 1 Corinthians 10:21-23 KJV
Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils. Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he? All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.
Those verses immediately resonated with my spirit. I felt like I had been dining at the Devil’s table all week. I hadn’t read the Bible like I should, I hadn’t prayed like I should and going into the time of year that we celebrate the very reason we are who we are, I was lower than a snail’s belly. Praise God by the time the wafer and communion cups were passed out I had asked God’s forgiveness and felt as though fresh oil had been poured upon me. God is so good.
The scripture still drew my thoughts back to the week I had endured and the world we live in. It’s so warped. To most people Easter is just a holiday, not a holy-day. So long as it’s the celebration of Easter bunnies and baby chicks all cute and cuddly nobody has a problem with it, but mention the truth that Christians pause this time of year to celebrate our risen Savior and the world has a problem with us. Delve into the depravity of man that created the need for Jesus to be crucified, and the world gets its little feelings hurt because they’re offended. And not only the world, the church (collectively) has chimed right in with that reasoning. They’ve removed the blood songs from the hymnals and excluded any sermon topics that aren’t politically correct for fear offending the power of the left, and the powers of the right are as week as day old dishwater. How did we get here? How did I get where I was the beginning of this week and stay there throughout! It’s ridiculous.
“Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy?” as Paul asked. I have no doubt. It’s why I began scribbling the communion glasses on my iPad as the preacher preached last night. One represents the world, the other the purity of the Lord. The worlds glass is dark and tainted with the opinions of man not the doctrine of Christ. I listen to this young man on Instagram for entertainment that I perhaps shouldn’t. But he intrigues me. His name is Christian Walker, and he is the son of retired professional football player Hershel Walker. He is epitome of the world, and has made a name for himself as an out spoken Republican conservative and is praised for his boldness, and the shedding of the typical stuff shirt that the right is usually viewed as. I’ll give him that. He’s definitely not your typical conservative. He’s flaming gay and broadcasts it loud and clear without apology as he professes his Christian faith.
Ummm, doesn’t that go against what the word of God says in Romans 1:25-27 ~ Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
It sure does! And yet I watch him and enjoy his rants and ravings against the leftest agenda as he ignores his own sin because it’s his lusts, and somehow his sin is okay. That’s warped. But that’s the world we live in and it’s created an unholiness in the church that’s going to make God puke.
Revelation 3:15-16 KJVS
[15] I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. [16] So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
So what does all that have to do with Easter and Communion? How much value do we place on what Christ did for us? How many times do we compromise in our own beliefs to cater to the world around us, or to our own lusts, pretending they’re the “small sins.”
By the end of the service last night my mind had drifted to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, who stood at the foot of the cross that her Son hung on having been beaten beyond recognition, spit on, stripped naked and mocked. I could feel her heart breaking, I could feel the tears sting my own eyes as I tried to imagine that as my child, but couldn’t. It would be too much to bare. I imagined her screaming, “This is my Son! He did nothing but love us!” And with that the shame of my own lack of reverence for the Lord and the things of the Lord stung me. Thank God for grace.
The world may take this day lightly, the day before our Lord arose from the grave. But imagine being there, having witnessed the horrendous events of the days before, and then seeing the tomb empty, feeling your heart burn within you as the men on the road to Emmaus. (Luke 24:32) Meeting the risen Lord face to face, being with Him, speaking with Him, seeing Him ascend back to Heaven where He awaits our arrival. Glory to God how can we be so lacks when it comes to the Holiness of God?
Following His crucifixion Peter went back to fishing, the other Apostles hid for fear of being the next to be killed, until He arose. And then the gospel was back with a vengeance against Satan’s plot to destroy the Lord.
Well, the vengeance is on us now. Satan has turned the world against us, but we still have the same reasons to rejoice and loudly proclaim Christ arose! But first we must stop cheapening the price He paid by allowing the world to convince us this day is about bunnies. Nothing against bunnies, but our children need to know that it’s about Jesus!
I was one proud Noni this week when my grandson Logan wanted his hat for the Easter Bonnet Parade at his public school to be about the “real meaning” of Easter. I’m proud of His boldness! God…. let me be so bold in my world
Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
Of this text J.C. Ryle wrote:
I believe that our Lord delivered this solemn warning for the perpetual benefit of that Church which He came to earth to establish. He spoke with a prophetic knowledge. He knew well the diseases to which human nature is always liable. He foresaw that the two great plagues of His Church on earth would always be the doctrine of the Pharisees and the doctrine of the Sadducees.
He later said in that article that the Pharisees doctrine could be summed up in three words, “formalists, tradition-worshippers and self-righteous.” The doctrine of the Sadducees could be summed up in the three words, “free-thinking, skepticism, and rationalism.”
J.C.Ryle died in 1900. I wonder what his thinking would be in the 21st century. We’ve certainly came along way since his day, and not for the better.
As a new convert I remember being told the way to remember the two sects of religion was to remember that the Pharisees, were “not fair, you see,” and the Sadducees, were “sad, you see,” because they didn’t believe in the resurrection. Another good summation of two very religious groups.
I try to be anything but religious. I came out of religion. Religion is what was about to send me to Hell as it allowed me to go to church, hear a sermon and remain unmoved or unchanged. I didn’t consider it as such because unlike the Pharisees I wasn’t judgmental, but perhaps I was more the “free-thinking” Sadducee. Seeking a sign, not a Savior.
Jesus described it best in Matthew 23:15 when he said “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.”
I would have considered myself a child of Hell. And if that makes you nauseous, imagine how it makes me feel. To realize because of “religion.” I was two times closer to Hell, than Heaven. So I take Jesus’ warning very serious and desire to tell the world of my relationship with Christ, not my religion.
I’m not seeking a sign, I have a Savior
Matthew 16:1-12 KJVS
[1] The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven. [2] He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. [3] And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? [4] A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.
I don’t have to seek a sign, they’re everywhere! If the religious leaders of that day had only come with a heart open to hearing the gospel they too could have discerned the signs. But they didn’t. The Pharisees and Sadducees much like the world today were closed minded to anything other than their ways. Religion wants it written in black and white. But Jesus wrote it in red on the cross. That’s not logical. Religion loves to make it about self. But Jesus took self out of the equation and let it be known that there is nothing you can do to be saved. Nothing. He took it all to the cross with His final sacrifice. But religion needs to do “something.”
I’m not seeking a reason, I was the reason
[5] And when his disciples were come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. [6] Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. [7] And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have taken no bread. [8] Which when Jesus perceived, he said unto them, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have brought no bread?
Even though I know in my heart of hearts why Jesus did what He did, it’s still hard for me to fathom that He would do that for me. I know how unworthy I am. It doesn’t make sense. Until, I think of it it respect to my children. My daughter Whitney is in Texas right now with her husband and children. And though it’s not the same as those who have been separated from family because of death or other harsh reasons, it’s still tough on this momma. I know they’re fine. But I can’t see them and touch them. That must have been how God felt when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. He could no longer be in their presence. I know how it breaks my heart, but that’s got to be a drop in the bucket by comparison to God’s broken heart. Which is why He was willing to got to the cross. And why He hates religion. It’s not about what we do, it’s about what He did. And every time religion makes it about self, it’s as if we’re saying what He did wasn’t good enough. That is beyond heartbreaking.
I’m not seeking religion, I want the Relationship!
[9] Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? [10] Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? [11] How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? [12] Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
That is why J.C. Ryle’s words hit me so hard this morning. In this day of disease (COVID19) the greater disease is not that, but rather the disease of Pharisee and Sadducee doctrine. It spreads through this earth like wildfire and is being broadcast on every form of media. It’s all about self reliance, fault finding and skepticism. The world does everything possible to get our minds off of Christ and onto the disease. When, what it should do, is cause us to realize that our only hope lies in Him. He who took death upon Himself on the cross so that we would only die once, and then live an eternal life with Him, never to be separated again. Without Him death is twice, once in this life, the second an eternal death in Hell, forever separate from our Lord and family and friends.
But the world doesn’t want you to hear that. But it’s the truth. And I’m so grateful, that while the world seeks the cure for COVID19, I found the cure regardless of the outcome. Jesus. He is my hope. He is why I “can” live in victory. And not in fear. However… I’m human. This world takes its toll on me. And that is why I heed the warning of the Lord, not to have a Pharisee or Sadducees heart, because I can. I cannot lose my salvation, but I can lose my hope and peace if I listen to religion and not my relationship.
How’s your relationship this day before our greatest of all Holiday celebrations? When HOPE arose f rom the grave! Glory!
In this day and age where promises
are so easily broken, I can certainly understand the hesitancy of the unsaved
to believe anything Christians say. Many Christians don’t have any more of a
testimony of honesty and purity than the unsaved.
That truth was an “ouch” moment
for me. I certainly haven’t lived a life above reproach. There are no stones in
my pocket. If anything I’m forever in a state of waiting for someone to hurl
one at me.
So on this Holy weekend I’m ever
conscious of what my Lord has done, as well as conscious of my ingratitude and
lack of understanding of the depth of His love.
Last night was our Good Friday Communion
Service at Victory Baptist church. Lifting that bread and cup to my lips is
difficult. I’m never sure that I even should. That’s the depth of failure I
feel. But Praise His Holy and wonderful name He does not intend for me to stay
in that state.
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ
by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 1:1
Not your typical Easter
scripture. But for me it reminded me of what the cross meant…
The Promise of Life
That promises is only found in
Christ Jesus and His finished work on the cross. Not Shari’s work, not the
preacher’s or the deacon’s or anyone else in this world, but Christ alone.
It’s the life that the unsaved
long for but they don’t even know it. It’s a life that can only be experienced
by accepting what the blood of Jesus did that day on the cross.
Red Makes White
As an artist I’ve on more than
one occasion mixed a strong pigmented color in with a lighter color and ended
up with a gallon of paint trying to fix it. Yes that’s an exaggeration. Red
into white would certain cause that effect. But not with Christ.
In reading this scripture this
morning that’s what happened with me. All my failures and sin were covered with
that promise Christ made at the cross. And it’s what gives me the strength to
go on. I understand Paul when he said that “by the will of God, according to
the promise.”
It is God’s will that we continue
on serving even on the days that we don’t feel worthy. It is His will that His
children continue His work. The work that He died for on the cross.
Stir it Up!
That was Paul’s advice to Timothy
in verse 6 of Chapter 1:
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance
that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my
Paul had laid hands on Timothy
and ordained his service for the Lord. And while that is a wonderful testimony
and service of the church, it doesn’t mean that we who have not had the hands
of man laid upon us are not ordained for a work in Christ Jesus. Start searching
your heart for the truth of what it is God has called you to do and you will
stir something inside of you that you may or may not have felt before. But it’s
the work, and it’s a specific work that God has called you alone to perform. I
believe that.
I don’t believe there is anyone
else who can or should do what I’ve been called to do. But I also am painfully
aware that I have taken on other people’s callings because I was too impatient
to wait for them to step out in faith and do it.
Don’t let me or anyone else rob
you of the blessing that comes from serving Christ. Let God stir that gift up
in you as He did Paul and Timothy!
Paint the Town!
For God hath not given us the
spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
My tendency to fall into a vat of
guilt keeps me from doing the work I’ve been called to do. It stops my
productivity and creativity in the Lord. What a sad statement. But that’s Satan’s
goal when he reminds us that we are unworthy. Which if it were only of
ourselves would be a true statement; but not according to the promise of life which in
in Christ Jesus!
In that promise we can paint the
town red. By sharing what the blood of Christ has done in our life. But only if
we ourselves believe it to be true, and live it like it is.
every day since the heart attack has been filled with a plethora of emotions.
There are days I feel awesome! And I appreciate those days because theyâve been
less than more. I ask not for pity. Itâs just the process of aging and the
result of having poured more junk into the vessel the Lord gave me rather than
healthy fuels. The truth hurts⦠sometimes literally. The same is true spiritually.
spent a lot of time in the book of Psalms lately. Itâs my go to place when Iâm
in need of encouragement. Most likely because I can relate to many of them which
were penned by David, who certainly experienced more than one lifetime of
emotions through tribulations and celebrations. Take Psalm 103⦠Just in the first 5 verses it
describes my day to day:
That is my prayer this
morning as I approach the Easter weekend and attempt to dry nigh to the Lord
Jesus. Itâs difficult when youâre in the flesh and throwing a pity party for
your aching arthritic bones. I find myself saying âOh my stars!â more than âOh
my soul!â
is exactly why I needed to fuel my body with His words instead of mine!
The Benefit Package
1Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within
me, bless his holy name.2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his
While insurance companies are paying less and
less on the average health care bill, the benefits of serving the Lord have
been multiplied. A fact I need to remember. As a matter of fact itâs a
prescription dose we all need this week.
Because of the cross our benefit package is out of this world. There is nothing that our God cannot do so long as itâs His will. And His will is for certain that His children walk in truth and joy.
However when you reach 40 and over, your responsibilities have likely changed considerably. Most will have families, mortgages and debt, which makes life-insurance an attractive option to ensure financial protection should the unthinkable happen. But for you to know the reasons why you might consider getting life insurance in your 40s, you can visit a helpful site like for more info!
The Prescription Plan
3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;
who healeth all thy diseases;
In 2017 I took no medication. At the beginning
of 2018 I took 2, by mid 2018 to now Iâve been on 9-13 daily meds to make this
body of mine function. How ridiculous is that!
Well, I may not like it, but itâs what keeps me
going. Missing anyone of those pills can make life difficult. The same holds
true with my spirituality. Failure to take the prescribed daily dosage of Godâs
word and time in His presence takes its toll on me. I feel terrible. And not
only that, I miss the blessing of
feeling clean and whole through His forgiveness. And for certain I lose sight
of the fact that He has the power to heal this body and strengthen me for His
The Forgiveness Clause
4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with
lovingkindness and tender mercies;
This was an
âoh my stars!â moment for me today. Only God has the power to take back the
damage that I have inflicted to this soul and body. He created me, through sin
and poor decisions I destroyed me, through doctors and medicine He restored me,
but He can just as well heal me. He has that ability and His mercy may go thereâ¦
or it may not. But either way He has given me so many opportunities I did not
deserve. Yes Glory to God it is an Oh My Stars! Kind of day.
Open Enrollment
5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good
things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
Unlike the insurance world enrollment isnât
limited to a certain time. Itâs any time. Godâs ready and willing for us to use
our benefits and renew our relationship with Him. This is a good week to think
about thatâ¦
who are saved know there is power in the Word of God. But we sometimes forget
that the power is literal, not figuratively speaking. Just by speaking it out
loud, things can happen.
not magic. It’s understanding that the Holy Ghost is within us and when we
speak what He tells us to speak, there is power in those words. The key word
there is what “He” tells us to speak. When people put the power in incantation
(chanting or reciting something over and over in religious discipline) then
they’re actually saying that they have the power. Examples are: Reciting the
Lord’s prayer without thought of what those words mean, reciting the prayer of
Jabez for the purpose of greed. Those scriptures are not evil, they’re the word
of God. Us reading and studying and even reciting those prayers aren’t evil. They
can stir the soul and cause you to draw nearer to God through the testimony of
those writers. What’s wrong is putting the power in the word (little w) and not
the Word. (big W!)
of my favorite mental images is that of Christ blowing people down with His
words. Wouldn’t that be a great ability for the child of God? J
What biblical super power would
you like to have? (Elijah’s fire) (Moses’ staff)
can’t blow people down, but sometimes the Word of God blows me away; especially
when it reveals things to me and causes me to think about the Word like I hadn’t
before; like Doug Rowe did in Sunday School class last week. It causes me to
search deeper into the word of God to discover what God wants me to know during
this Easter season that will help me appreciate Him more.
1When Jesus had spoken these
words, he went forth with his disciples over the brook Cedron, where was a
garden, into the which he entered, and his disciples. 2 And Judas also, which betrayed him, knew
the place: for Jesus ofttimes resorted thither with his disciples. 3 Judas then, having received a band of
men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with
lanterns and torches and weapons. 4 Jesus therefore, knowing all
things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye?
5 They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with
them.6 As soon then as he had said unto them, I
am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.7 Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye?
And they said, Jesus of Nazareth.
There’s not always safety in numbers, as
Judas thought because God doesn’t control things from a human perspective. Judas
knew somethings about Jesus, but he didn’t know Jesus.
What are some things we know about Jesus
that the unsaved wouldn’t know or understand?
Where do you see people of the world thinking they’re in control?
When searching your life during this
special week before Easter, where do you see places in your life that you
“think” you have control or you’re taking control when you shouldn’t?
The Power of His
Even Peter
who had seen the Power of God at work and believed that He was the Messiah,
missed the mark as a child of God on several occasions. This was one of them.
He attempted to “fix” the problem.
Peter missed God’s directive.
8 Jesus answered, I have told
you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way:9 That the saying might be
fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.10 Then Simon Peter having a
sword drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear.
The servant’s name was Malchus.
How many of
us are guilty of that?
Some of us
have that personality. I’m a fixer. I want to fix everyone’s problems. But
sometimes that makes me the problem. There are some things that from the
surface look bad, but the end result is a great victory. That was this
circumstance. Peter was trying to remove the cup from the Lord, and which one
of us wouldn’t want to do that from a human perspective, but from God’s
perspective, all of these circumstances lead to the end result of eternal
security for us.
Jesus had
just said, let
these go their way:9 That the saying might be fulfilled,
which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.
He wasn’t going to lose any in the garden by the battle, and He’s
not going to lose any out of Heaven because of the cross.
What was Peter focusing on?
Jesus had
Heaven in view, while Peter had this earth in view.
Isaiah 55:8
reminds us
For my thoughts are not
your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
Peter didn’t
always have his focus on the wrong thing. When Jesus asked in Matthew 16:15 15 He saith unto them, But whom
say ye that I am?
Verse 16 says And Simon
Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
He knew God
like Judas did not. Simon proves again and again that he’s not perfect. Why do
you think God may have put someone like Simon in so many places of prominence
in the Bible? What is there about his character that God wants us to
I personally
relate to Peter on many levels. His jump and the net will appear attitude is
who I’ve been all my life. When looking at the Apostles, do you see yourself in
any one of the characters and why? (back page list)
The Power of His
That’s what
Peter didn’t understand at that time.
11 Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy
sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink
it?12 Then the band and the captain and
officers of the Jews took Jesus, and bound him,13 And led him away to Annas
first; for he was father in law to Caiaphas, which was the high priest that
same year.14 Now Caiaphas was he, which
gave counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man should die for the
didn’t understand the truth of those words the way that we understand them
Only one Man could die for the
people. All the people. And that Man was
Jesus had to drink from that cup, because He was the only One that could have.
Without the sacrifice that He made there would have been no hope for mankind.
That part Peter didn’t understand, but there would come a time that he would.
What About My Cup Lord
came a time that Peter would understand the cup of Christ, and the fact that he
too would have a cup. He would also learn, not to worry about what someone
else’s cup is filled with.
15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to
Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto
him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my
lambs. 16 He saith to him again the
second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord;
thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.17 He saith unto him the third
time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said
unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou
knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed
my sheep.18 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When
thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but
when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall
gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.19 This spake he, signifying by
what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto
him, Follow me.20 Then Peter, turning about, seeth the
disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper,
and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee?21 Peter seeing him saith to
Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?22 Jesus saith unto him, If I
will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.23 Then went this saying abroad
among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto
him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that
to thee?24 This is the disciple which testifieth of
these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true.25 And there are also many
other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I
suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be
written. Amen.
Peter would be crucified like the Lord, although it is said that
he was crucified upside down by his own choice. John wasn’t crucified, but his
life wasn’t a piece of cake either; he was boiled in oil and banished to the
isle of Patmos where he wrote the final book in the Bible.
Peter’s conversation with Christ helps us to understand that we’re
to look at no other persons walk with Christ and judge it, or compare it to
ours. We each have our cup to bear if we’re doing anything for the cause of
Examine your life this week. Draw and Write inside your cup the things (both good and bad) that God has allowed you to go through because it made you a better child of God.
Apostle personalities:
– quick to speak and act, crucified upside down
– Soul winner (Peter) Often in the background.
– Inner circle, one of the Sons of Thunder, First martyred. Brother to John
– Loyal, fiery temperament, leader, last of the apostles to die. Brother to
James, the other of the Sons of Thunder
– quick soul winner (Nathanael) died a martyr.
– skeptic but loyal
–Left everything and devoted himself to Christ.
– doubter, risk taker and prone to extremes.
I feel foolish a lot. There
are days that every dream and imagination I’ve had seems like the dumbest ideas
ever. True story. Not an exaggeration. But the one solid foundational belief
within me is that the cross made all the difference in my life, and when the
rest of my world falls apart the cross still stands.
This morning I needed
that truth. I guess I need it every day, but today more than ever. I don’t want
to give credit where it’s not due; and there are times that I’m pretty sure it’s
me attacking my mind and not Satan. My self-doubt is running haywire today. So I
turn to the one sure thing in my life. The cross.
The world may view it as
foolishness but my work in the ministry I’ve never doubted. I’ve never doubted
my purpose in that place because I always stand in amazement at what God has
done in my life and it’s all because of the cross.
The Cross brought
I love the image of the
veil being rent from top to bottom (Luke 23:45)
the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.
As Jesus “gave up the ghost” and the work was
finished on the cross, the final price was paid so that we could have a
relationship with God. So that I could talk to the Creator. I have no need to
go through a priest. The High Priest is at the right hand of God saying “that
child is mine, she can approach the throne any time she needs.”
I have never been turned
The Cross brought Comfort
John 14:26
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father
will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to
your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
When the world says I’m foolish, the Holy Spirit say, “You’re
That comfort that comes from within cannot be explained, it can
only be experienced. It’s heartbreaking to think of the world who does not have
it because I know what it’s meant for me to have the indwelling of God. Especially
on days like today.
Please don’t think that I’m asking for sympathy or a pat on the
back for what I do. I’m just sharing with you what you too have probably
experienced. Doubt is a powerful tool. It’s the avenue of quitters and I have a
hard time not traveling down that road.
The Cross Brought Compassion
It’s what keeps me going. I know
the world needs to see more of it. It’s the reason I can kick doubt out of the
way and keep on keeping on; because I have compassion for the people of God who
need words and images of encouragement. I don’t know what the future holds for
the Jesus Chick, but as the song says “I know Who Holds” it.
With the Easter season upon us and the many worldly images of the season, it’s good to have a reminder set before us. God created the bunnies and the chicks, but He communes with this chick, and I am so grateful for the cross that made it possible.
Happy Resurrection Sunday! I’m excited about the coming events of the day, Sunrise at the Park… in the rain… at 48 degrees. Ummm, I’m excited about the day, not so much the weather. But then I think of You. Are these raindrops or tears this morning? I’m excited about our services today just like I am most Sunday mornings. But if I’m honest, I can’t say every Sunday morning. This ol’ flesh lets me down more than I care to confess, but then again, You know anyway.
Omniscient Father
All knowing Father. There were times as my girls were growing up, that I’m pretty sure I was glad I wasn’t an all knowing mother. What must it be like to watch your children every day and know that the very people for which You went through the horrific crucifixion for are so ungrateful. Myself especially. Today, those of us who know You, are celebrating not the crucifixion, but the resurrection. The end of Satan’s tyranny. He no longer held the keys to death, Hell and the grave but Victory was won for sinners like me who had only to confess You are Lord! That’s it. Nothing more. Oh God… I love You so much, for not nearly enough.
Omnipresent Father
Everywhere I go You are there. David said in Psalm 139:8 “If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.” Glory to God, in the worst of days and the best of days You’ve never forsaken me. I’ve forsaken You every time I turned away from the path You chose, the Words You spoke and the opportunities You provided. But You went with me, even during my mistakes, You stayed. The world let me down, You did not ever.
How can I complain? The world has let You down too. Every single person in it and yet You stayed not only with them through the presence of the Holy Spirit, but You stayed on the cross when the world spit on You and beat You to the point of death, and You lived on until You were ready to die. You said “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” You stayed even though when those of us who accepted Your death as payment for our sin, and knew that that’s what it took to save us, and yet we still fail. I still fail You Jesus. I’m so very sorry.
Omnipotent Father
All Powerful God. Happy Resurrection Sunday! Today is the day that we celebrate not the failures of humanity but the power of God! The Power to say “It is finished” at the cross and the Savior reigns. Satan no longer has control over us. He has powers in this world to convince us to take our eyes off of You but He has no power to take our hearts. You hold the keys not only to death, Hell and the grave but the key to peace. Likely what I am most grateful for above all that You have given me in my life. Which is so very much. But the peace of eternal security, knowing that my soul rests in Your hands is overwhelming. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.
Lord, for my own church, and for those around the world. I pray that the gospel in truth is preached today. Not sugar coated like the bunnies and baskets. But the truth that without Your death, there would be no life for us worth living. From Genesis to Revelation that was the plan. You knew we’d fail. You knew we needed a Savior and You told the Father “I’ll go.” I’m so sorry You had to, but so glad You did.
Today we celebrate not only Your resurrection but the resurrection of every earthly body that has professed You as Lord in the coming rapture. My Dad’s soul is with You, and so many others that I love. I’m ready for that day. But ever so glad that You’ve given me more time to be a witness for You down here. Praying today that there will be no circle broken in my family and friends on that day. But today the circle is incomplete. Lord, help me show them the way.
I pray I Love You more today and every day. You alone are worthy.
I have no qualms with the Easter Bunny, or Santa Claus or any other fictitious character that has been created to give children happy childhood memories. It did not warp me, nor my children that we were told the Easter Bunny was watching in order to make us behave better, even if it were only for a few days. We gradually and gracefully grew into the wisdom that those characters weren’t real and there was no traumatization. My oldest grandbabies have figured it out too, but continue the charade for their younger siblings, even though any other time they’d love to squash their little dreams. What baffles me is that the “logical” thinking world has yet to figure out what critters and new creatures in Christ have long since known.
Creation is by the Creator
Of all the things (and there are many) that point me to God as Creator, its critters. My chickens for example. I have plain ol’ ordinary chickens and then I have the “fluffies.” They’re actually called Silkies, and they’re the youngest of our brood. They recently just started laying eggs, and although there are no roosters in the vicinity it still doesn’t stop them from treating their eggs like there’s something other than breakfast inside. I have to fight her off to get the eggs. And she’s not happy about it.
I had been collecting several of their tiny eggs each day, but a few days went by and there were no eggs in the box. It had gotten a little colder and chickens tend to lay fewer eggs during those times, but I really would have thought that out of my four specialty chickens, somebody would have laid an egg. On the third day I went to move their water bin and discovered that everybody’s eggs from the previous three days were hidden behind it. I cracked up! That overprotective hen had pulled a good one on me.
How could that not be intelligent design? How on earth could an explosion create love? I need to ask no other question for myself to believe in the Creator. Although there are the occasional critters who don’t have the instinct of parenting, (including humans) most understand their responsibility and the exact methods of taking care of their young. Birds know how to nest, and chickens know how to sit and all know how to protect.
Romans 1:20
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Regardless of whether or not someone professes that God is God, and Jesus is Lord, and the Holy Spirit dwells within the saved and convicts the lost, doesn’t change the fact that it’s truth. Creation attests to the Creator.
Long before I knew the truth as the truth, God was working in my heart and mind to understand Who He is and who I was. I recently wrote another song titled “Salvation’s Song” and one of the verses speaks of the how I knew I wasn’t saved, and how I knew when I was. Before I was saved… no peace. After I was saved…. PEACE. Only God can make an internal difference. We are created with sin coursing through us. That explains the world. But when God’s presence comes within through the Holy Spirit, Glory to God there is peace on earth. Not outside… but in.
Yes, even the Easter Bunny knows God. Do you?
There’s a link at the top of this page titled “the Road to Salvation.” If you don’t know or are unsure of your salvation, and that if you died today you don’t know if you’d be in Heaven or Hell. CLICK THE LINK. And let me know so I can pray for you.
This blog is in it’s 8th year. Hosted on for the past five. Expenses incurred for the operation of this site are without complaint and with gratitude for the opportunity. If the Lord would impress you to give to help cover some recent technology issues, I’d be grateful. I’ve not been in the world’s workforce for 3 years and for that I glorify God. It’s given me the opportunity to not only write and work on music, but minister to nursing home patients, volunteer in the Christian School teaching art and help other ministries with marketing. All of which require technology, communication, time and gasoline. Again it’s without complain… but just in case you have a desire to help, or have “extra money” 🙂 Know that I would be eternally grateful.
I found it ironic that Google celebrates every goofy and non-goofy day of the year with a new Google logo or doodle but Good Friday didn’t even get an honorable mention. Ironic yes, surprised, no. The world celebrates Friday because it’s the start of the weekend more than they do the start of eternal life through the sacrifice Christ willingly made on the cross that dark day. Many Churches are taking the blood out of the story because it’s too offensive to people and yet the movie industry is bombarded with gore and people take or allow their children to view the video with little regard for the way it effects their child’s mind. Don’t even get me started on the fact that Cartoon Network has cartoons that aren’t fit for adults to watch.
But this blog isn’t about bashing the world… As the Lord said, “they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34. Today’s post is about a grateful heart who “didn’t know” for 34 years how much I had to be thankful for. That was the age I came to the knowledge of the Salvation of Jesus Christ. I understood (as best my mind can) the sacrifice of the cross. That God was willing to spend that Friday suffering unimaginable pain, ridicule and desecration of his body that He lived in on earth, only to serve and teach others how to serve.
But then came Sunday!!! And as dreadful as Friday was for Him and for His followers looking on, Sunday came and the darkness was made light by the empty tomb and a risen Savior that had won victory over death, Hell and the grave. The blood is gory, yes, but its crimson color that stained His cross serves as a reminder that because of Him, I have life and have it more abundantly. I cannot fail to thank Him for Friday, for He gave me Sunday.