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Chick Pic of the Day

I’m starting a new post for 2016, posting a “Chick Pic of the Day”  for your viewing pleasure. 🙂 Hope it  encourages your day!

chick pic 1.1.16

My husband David is super excited about this find. Kind of a belated Christmas present to himself. His goal is to restore her back to her days of glory, as for now she’s a rust bucket. I have named her, Ruby the Rust Bucket. I do have to admit though that I’m kind of looking forward to helping him with this project, but for today it brought to mind that scripture in Matthew 6. The things that we treasure here are but temporary blessings… even rusty blessings. How wonderful to know that the treasures that God has in store for us in Heaven are eternal blessings!

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Don’t Look Back!

Unbelievable!  We’re teetering on the edge of 2016,  and although my body feels another year older, my mind is saying “What happened?” It was just New Year’s Day 2015 yesterday! It’s like we’re on a Nascar track headed for the finish line and we’re not even slowing down for crashes. Troubles beset us round about but our eyes are on the next pit stop in life.  Try as I might, I can’t slow it down and it will do no good to look back.

Jesus said in Luke 9:62 No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” Forward Ho!!!! Well I guess I just went back from the race track to the wagon train. Today on the Eve of 2016 I’m scheduled to sing at the funeral of a dear child of God who lived a full life and to her too it no doubt seemed like but a day. To her children they surely long for more time but it’s not possible. We’re on the course and the time allotted is known to no one but God. So what do we do when we’re teetering on time passing and the future? If we’re wise we’ll go to the Word of God!

James 3:17

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

James 3:17 is a good reflection point that provokes anticipation. Sounds like a great verse for New Year’s Eve!


Wisdom from above – From the creation of all, the Word, which was authored by God has been pure and infused into the soul of a child of God through the Holy Spirit. That same purity produces purity (not perfection) into our lives, our conversation, and intentions, by driving us forward to a better life in Christ. The purpose of reflecting on 2015 is not to look back on the failures (although they can be good lessons) but rather use it as a gauge on where you’ve been and where you are at this point in time so that you can determine where you want to be when you stand on the eve of 2017, if God allows. Looking back for the purpose of counting failures is detrimental to your purpose. It causes doubt and confusion… neither of which bring anything good to the banquet table. They bring stale leftovers from a dinner you didn’t even enjoy the first time… throw them out and move on!

Peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated (treated) full of mercy and good fruits. Sounds like a place I’d like to be in 2016! A day spa that lasts 365 days of the year and at the end of the day has the Lord rubbing your shoulders like a player on the field of life, telling you what a great game you played. That game is well played by extending the mercy we’ve been shown by Christ. We’re not on the field to crush our opponents, we’re on the field to win them over to our team and then they become the fruit of the banquet table! Glory to God isn’t it wonderful how God uses food analogies. Because He knows we’re a hungry people… be it for physical or spiritual food… we long for it… and lots of it!

God is no respecter of persons, nor should we be. Without partiality, and without hypocrisy. He loves you just like He loves me, although sometimes I’m pretty sure I’m His pet, just sayin’. In the words of my sister Sarah…. God is soooooooooooooooooo good! And so very real. We need to share that message with every soul that crosses our path… or race track… or trail.


As I anticipate 2016 I’m looking forward to the Lord doing great, unusual, mighty things in my life and ministries. What are you looking forward to? Don’t look back unless you’re using it as gauge to see how far the Lord takes you next year. Forward, ho!!!!


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Posted in Christmas, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

How to have a Satisfied Christmas


Satisfaction. I don’t know that I ever achieve it when it comes to my personal goals. I’m not satisfied being a mediocre Christian, and yet that’s what I am in comparison to many others.  Comparison and   satisfaction are mortal enemies that kill the spirit. I have two very different daughters. One loved music the other sports and I tried to nurture each accordingly. The irony is they really weren’t so different. The lover of music because a nurse who cared for the injured. The athlete was musically gifted as well, and relies on her sister quite often for help with injuries, being the mom of three very active little boys. My point in that story is that I love them so much, I don’t compare them, because they are two entirely different beings; unique and awesome just the way God created them. Comparing children causes them to doubt who they are as individuals and damages the spirit. Now me on the other hand, I’m a little harder on myself. No, I am lot harder on myself.

Satisfaction should be a personal goal between you and God. God has expectations of His creations, and we are full of unused potential. I fully believe that, and yet comparison causes us to limit our abilities and kills the spirit within us to be all that we can be. We align our talents up to the world around us. It’s also very easy to align our Christmas up to the world around us. Neighborhood houses compete for the best lights, friends compete for the best parties, and parents compete for the best gifts, all of which serves to kill the spirit of Christmas.

This morning I sat my sights on satisfaction. That’s the gift that I want for myself for Christmas. I want to be satisfied with where I am, but excitedly expectant of where I’m going. If God has me sitting still today, that’s okay… perhaps I need a time out. But there’s still a plan in process that requires action so long as I’m breathing.

Apostle Paul said in  Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”

I’ve learned that there is a fine line between content and contention. Contention (conflict) comes from within when we get our sights off things above. Paul had multiple time outs, did he not? How many times was he beaten and imprisoned and taken off the “apparent” playing field. And all the while he was writing these letters… the ones we read today that encourage our soul a few thousand years later. Paul was satisfied with where he was, believing with confidence that God had something greater. And that something greater was me. Not me being better than Paul, but that in 2015 I would be sharing Paul’s words for the encouragement of others and taking them to heart for myself. Glory to God!!! I just wrote myself happy again.

Sidelined… I hate it. I guess that’s why God never gave me the desire to play sports. First of all He knew I’d be really bad it; my baby didn’t get her skills from me, and because of that I’d have been sidelined in every game. And I’m a doer. And in so being a doer I sometimes (actually often times) do it hurriedly. Hey, I’m 53, who knows how much time I got left! God’s working on me this  Christmas to give me the gift of “satisfaction.”

I sang at my Mom-in-laws funeral service Sunday, “I’m satisfied with, just a cottage below, a little silver, and a little gold, But in that city, where the ransomed will shine, I want a gold one, that’s silver lined!”

I do indeed live in a little cottage below that causes me often times to want a mansion on this side of glory… Be satisfied Shari… I want more money… be satisfied Shari…. I want God to use me…. Be satisfied Shari…. I want more acoustic instruments…. Be sati…. 🙂 Just kidding Lord. Be Satisfied Shari.


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3 Points to Ponder on Christ’s Return

chick soul

The eminent return of Christ can cause a gamut of emotions in me depending upon the day. I look at the sorrow in the world: “Okay, Jesus…come now.” I watch my grandchildren playing: “Umm, Okay, Jesus… wait.” I watch the news: “Okay, Jesus…come now.” I think about lost family and friends: “Okay, Jesus…please wait.” But the reality of it is, He’s gonna return!!! Ready or not. Excited or not. Whether people believe it or not. So I ponder three thoughts today…


1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Every single word of the bible is truth: either proven truth, or truth to come. Every prophetic event on the Lord’s time line has happened just as He said it would, the rapture will be no different. Watch the news and it mightily reveals the end times. The arrogance of our leadership who believe themselves to be in control and are slowly siding against Israel will be our end should someone not step up and prevent it. I do not know how America’s story will end “pre-rapture.” Post rapture, when the tribulation is playing out, the only nation under the protective hand of God is the one we tread closely of offending, Israel.

The coming of the Lord is Absolute!


1 Thessalonians 5:1-5

But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.  For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

Christian’s, who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and have the Holy Spirit living within them, don’t know the day but they should know to be ready. John 14:17 says Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

And yet we live (myself included) like that day will never come. The return of Christ is in His time. But His time can be before I close this blog today. We are children of the light! Praise God He has shown His light within me and gives me great peace in these tumultuous times, but He did not give us peace so that we could rest. He gave us peace so that others would see the testimony of it and desire Christ. However, you have to speak about the peace, else no one will know and they will be caught unware.


It’s a one word question that packs a multitude of answers when asking people of their readiness should Christ return.

  • Many don’t have clue that Christ’s return is even on the radar. (just like in the days of Noah)
  • Many don’t believe it.
  • Many fear it, kind of believe it, but doubt it enough not to take action.
  • Many deny it.
  • Many assume because they’re “good” people they’ll be taken to Heaven with all the other good people.

Good people don’t make it to Heaven. For there is none but Jesus Who is good.

Luke 18:19

And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.

Those who have called upon the name of Jesus, believing that He is the virgin born Son of God, crucified on the cross, rose again the third day and now sits at the right hand of God interceding on our behalf will go to Heaven.

John 14:6 reads Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

My three points are the acronym A.i.R. – Look up!

Luke 21:28

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

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Rest, Reasoning and Relaxation with God’s Word

chick ponderingEvery time I pick up God’s precious word it speaks to me. Sometimes like a child in Sunday School class who wants to tell you everything that happened at the house this week. They need to catch you up on the latest and greatest; and other times in commentator form… slow and detailed. And then I realize, no, that’s how I read it. And guess which one I’m apt to be reading as. There’s nothing usually slow and detailed about me. More likely than not I’m a “Let’s skip to the chase” kind of gal.

Skipping details can, if you’re not cautious, gets you into trouble. It may not be coincidence that fast talkers are slow learners.

My morning began about 4:30 a.m. as I lay in bed with my mind rushing to and fro like an intersection at rush hour. I need to get this done and this done and this done. I want to do this, but I have to make sure this is done first and wait… I’ll have company this morning so… GET UP!!!

So I do.

I brewed the coffee, picked a couple of tunes on the guitar, worked out a fiddle lesson for my niece Phebe, ate some cereal and settled in on the couch. And when I finally stopped trying to write my day for me, God said… shssshhh. Let’s just be still for a minute and so I was…

And there in the stillness I heard the songs I’d been practicing lately

Peace be Still

There is a Time

Come as You Are

Each one of those songs preaches a sermon to my heart, each one has made me shed tears. This morning His word brings them together. The world is chaos. Between the political mayhem and the arrogance of anti-God rhetoric on the television my mind is often tumultuous; and that’s not good for someone who’s mind already runs like a race horse. I feel like I’m about to wreck!


Mark 4:39 

And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

I love the song, I love the scripture, and I love the Lord Jesus who calms the chaos in my mind with just three small words. Oh what power there is those words though! No matter the turmoil Isis and other political parties try to stir they cannot un-calm the peace of God. They do not have the power over the ocean.  They can stir no more than a puddle. Thank you Jesus for that peace this morning!


Ecclesiastes 3:1

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

The seasons work in perfect harmony for creation. In West Virginia we’re in Autumn, the leaves have fallen to the ground and the earth is gray and barren around our home. But if I just wait a few more months, the earth will come back to life and a new season will begin. This chaos that we experience on earth… it too is a season.  The arrogance and anti-God rhetoric will die and God’s purpose will be fulfilled.

We read of a city John saw coming down from God out of Heaven,
The walls are of Jasper, the gates are of Pearl, the streets of pure gold;
He tells of a pure river of life that flows from the throne,
And after we’ve reached that beautiful place we’ll know as we’re known

Lyrics from “Let’s meet by the River”


My new guitar piece that I’m working on is a song by Crowder called “Come as you Are.” Oh my stars… the lyrics to this song are just beyond! I don’t know of anyone in my life who’s not been broken in one form or another, but recently my heart breaks in two as I see the anguish on the faces and I know that I have the answer but they refuse to listen. They’re trying to fix their own life, scrubbing and buffing the fenders of the car until they shine, not noticing that the engine is missing. They want their lives to look perfect to the world, and to the world it just might… but God looks inside. And what He sees is an empty space that He longs to fill and provide the peace that they desire, but aren’t willing. And I am not of this world… so I see it too. That’s the spiritual discernment that God affords His children.

Matthew 11:28

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

I am so grateful to serve a God Who is Able to

Calm my storm

Give reason for ever season

And give rest to the weary…

Posted in Christian Service, Christmas, Evangelism, Uncategorized

A Better Use of a Hashtag

chick starbucks

After ordering a drink at Starbucks, Josh Feuerstein, an internet evangelist with quite the personality, became upset with Starbucks because their plain red cups weren’t decorated for Christmas as they have been in previous years and Starbucks employees were forbidden to say Merry Christmas. So upset that he took to social media to start a movement asking people to tell Starbucks their name is Merry Christmas so that when they write the “name” on their cups they now have Christ name on their cup whether they like it or not.

Okay, I have to confess that I think it’s a pretty cute technique of marketing Jesus. But still… Starbucks frustration leads to grins and giggles at the bank.  Just sayin’. I don’t figure this is “teaching anyone a lesson.” Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a coffee fanatic! But I’m not going to Starbucks, I think their coffee tastes like gasoline (not that I’ve drank gasoline) but really… quadrupling the strength of coffee and calling it gourmet is akin to sucking a lemon and calling it gourmet lemonade. It’s just nasty!

Now if you really wanted to get back at Starbucks for not allowing Christ in the Holiday that celebrates His Holy Name, here’s my suggestion. Go to Duncan Donuts, (My personal fave!) and get a cup of coffee in their cup. Drive to Starbucks and sit in their coffee shop sipping your Duncan Donuts Coffee and have a Bible Study. Or if you like Starbucks… buy their coffee and have a Bible Study in their shop. Or… don’t waste three dollars on a cup of coffee! Have it at the house and save that money to give to a poor family at Christmas who could use a can of Maxwell house, along with beans and potatoes for their kids.

Really people. Starbucks is the least of America’s problems. While it speaks volumes on the degradation of political correctness and the ignorance of those who deny God, our time can be better spent. Rather than trying to make a national scene why don’t we try to make a local scene. The nearest Starbucks in our area is over an hour away, but I have family and friends who need Jesus right in my hometown. If we spent our day talking about the goodness of Jesus, rather than the badness of Starbucks to our family it would make a greater difference for the cause of Heaven.

Even I have now contributed to the Starbucks hype with my #MerryChristmasStarbucks blog. But how about #JesusDied4U #SatanLies #JeremiahOneFive

Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

That Starbucks employee forced to write the name of Christ on a cup may not know Who He is, and likely won’t have the desire to know Him after being forced to write the name. But if you bought a cup of Starbucks, tipped that barista with a buck for themselves and shared the gospel with them, just maybe, when we gather for coffee in Heaven around the Lord’s kitchen table, that barista may be there with you.

#HashtagThatSatan #TheJesusChick

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Question of the day – “Where Art Thou?”

chick connect

Genesis 3:9

And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?

Last night after getting home from church, catching up on messages, having supper with the hubs and settling in for the evening I began looking for my cell phone.

And Shari called unto cellphone, and said unto it, where art thou?

Again and again I called it, I called myself; but to no avail. It wasn’t in my house, it wasn’t in my car or in between! I’m tired and ready to hit the hay and the last thing I want to be doing is hunting for something… but this something is important to me. It’s expensive, it’s my life line if I need help, it’s my livelihood should folks need to reach me. But it is gone, gone gone like the old song says.

Well, I’m spoiled, so I have an iPad too and I happen to remember that on that iPad and my iPhone is an app called appropriately enough, “Find your Phone.” Glory!!!! So I type in my password and hit the find button. And there she is. In all her splendor… somewhere between here and the town of Grantsville on a 6 mile stretch of map. But don’t panic. Even though somewhere doesn’t have a name, I know it is Holy Holler, the place where my favorite church in the world is and it’s likely under the hymnal or laying out in plain view, I just didn’t have my brain engaged as I was leaving services last night to remember it. So this morning I drove to Holy Holler and retrieved my phone, laying under the hymnal just as I had figured.

It caused me to ponder the question myself this morning of the Lord. “Where art thou Shari?” I just came off a whirlwind two city tour (and I’m being funny) of speaking this weekend where my goal is to help women find out where they are spiritually. As I prepare it causes me to dig in the word, be in prayer and study to show myself approved; but the conferences are over and it’s back to dirty dishes, mile high laundry and a side of bluegrass. So now that I’ve a little time to myself, I need to find Shari again.

The Shari of day to day purpose. The one who’s not in front of women and having encouraging words thrown at her, handed gifts and loved on like she’s all that and a bag of chips. Today, I’m just plain ol’ Shari. Dishwasher’s running, coffee in hand, hair a mess, Izidora the Chihuahua by my side, the real Shari… pondering those words, “Where art thou?”

I’m here Lord!!!!

He already knows. He didn’t leave me sitting in the church seat under a hymnal. He paid too much for me. I’m expensive, costing Him His only Son Jesus. How about you? Do you understand your value this morning? He did that very same thing for you. Don’t’ forget your value.

One of the reasons I panic over the lost cell phone (other than its value) is that I know it’s also a life line to many of the people that I love who may stand in need of me. So if I’m not near my phone, I may miss their call. Well that’s not how it works with God. He’s my lifeline, 24/7, no dropped calls, no voicemail, no declined calls. How awesome is it to know that the Creator of all is but a whisper away when I stand in need. “Where art Thou, Lord?” … “I’m here. Always here.” Glory!!!  Don’t forget you’ve got a lifeline!

The last reason my cellphone being gone is an issue is the fact that it could cost me. People who are looking for The Jesus Chick for conferences and such have my cell phone number as the contact number. Although God is but a whisper away from me, I’m sometimes miles away from Him. Being away from God can cost you. It can cost you the peace of God, which is priceless.

Philippians 4:6-7 says Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Being out of communication with God, could cost you the peace of God which will keep your heart and mind in check through Christ Jesus. Don’t forget to connect with God every day!

What a great life lesson, all because I’m an inept cellphone owner!

Child of God, don’t forget!­­

  1. Your value
  2. Your Lifeline
  3. Your connection
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Purple Lizards and Christ’s Return

chick watchThere was a time when I sang in another Bluegrass band that one of our most requested songs was “Matthew 24”. A song about the coming of the Lord and our need to be ready. Oh it was a beloved song, but the message in reality is not readily accepted. Nobody wants to hear about the return of Jesus Christ, and yet they do. I know… sounds like either a riddle or a bluegrass song. Perhaps I’ll write it! If there’s time. The blood moons got several people excited and ready for a major spiritual event. But what if that event was a major spiritual non-event.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 says But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

This verse always causes me to roll my eyes when the predictors start giving dates of the Lord’s return. What part of Matthew 24:36 do they not understand when it says But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” God said simply to “Watch.” In verse 42 of that same book, and so that’s what I’ve been doing. Watching…

I’ve watched:

  • As many have professed to be God (Matthew 24:5)
  • As there have been wars and rumors of wars (24:6)
  • Nations have risen against nations (24:7)
  • Pestilences (diseases) have come (24:7)
  • Famines have come (24:7)
  • Earthquakes have occurred (24:7)
  • As Christians are killed and hated by all nations (24:9)
  • Many are offended (24:10)
  • False prophets deceive man (24:11)
  • Iniquity abounds (24:12)
  • Many wax cold (24:12)
  • The gospel is preached to all nations (24:14)

Yes, I may roll my eyes at the predictors, but I’m not fool enough not to watch.

Verse 42 says Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.”

Before I put the last dot on this blog… Christ could return. And that brings joy to my heart until I read  the end of verse 43 ~ But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.

That brought new definition to “Broken Homes” for me. And it breaks my heart to think that many of the people that I know and love, and who love me in return, won’t take heed. I might as well be telling them that there’s a purple lizard is taking over the planet; because for them the return of Jesus sounds just as crazy. And lest they take heed, their homes will be broken eternally.

Did it happen on the night of the blood moon? Nope. But it will happen. Look at those bullet points of Matthew 24 and tell me which one has not occurred. The “non-events” are precursors to “The” event. Don’t watch the predictors… watch the skies.

Posted in Christian Service, Leadership, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Why I Made a Covenant with God Last Saturday

chick covenant

The issues of life. They are so many and they change day to day if not minute by minute. We can be clipping along at a steady pace and the bottom will drop out of our world or someone close to us. It’s a continual struggle to find the good in a world full of bad. I loved a post I on social media a few days ago that read “It matters not if the glass is half full, or half empty. It’s re-fillable.”

How true!

There are half empty and half full days, but every day the Lord waits for His children to stop in for a refill. Romans 15:13 says ~ Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

I will be the first to confess, and my friends will Amen! it when I say I have issues. Every day. Just this morning I woke up overwhelmed by the days before me and the things that I need to get accomplished. The goals that I set for myself are a lot for a 52 year old gal. I sometimes feel like Moses must have felt at the age of 80 when God stopped by and told Him to pack light and be ready. He has things for us to do.

On Saturday of last week God began to do a work in my half empty heart… again. It’s an ongoing project of His. He knows my desires, He also knows my weaknesses. He has seen me at my best and at my worst.  Don’t start throwing rocks, He sees you too! God reminds us through Jeremiah 23:24 ~ Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord. There’s nothing secret with Him. So why is it that we try to pretend life’s okay. We all have issues.

I for one am tired of saying I’ll do something, anything the Lord asks, and just as quickly pretend I didn’t hear what He said. I’m a very private person when it comes to heartaches and sorrows. I don’t share those well… if at all. It is an area of my life that I do not walk the talk.  I want everyone to feel as though they can share their burdens with me without the possibility of judgement, condemnation or any other concern, but I won’t tell another soul that my glass has days of being empty of hope. Saturday was not a day of hopelessness but more haplessness. I just couldn’t see anything positive at work in my ministry.  And so God and I talked, and talked… and I tried to listen.

I have a heart of a distraction. I’m so unfaithful to the things of God. At the drop of a hat my attention can go astray. I have a dozen projects going at once, I have obligations to people, my creativity is on overflow… song lyrics run through my head and out my ears, there are unfinished projects that lie in wait in the shadows of my day causing me to feel undone and a failure. That is the confession of the Jesus Chick in all it’s reality. So back to Saturday… I needed to do something. I needed to commit to God in a way that way that binding and that filled me with hope. I wanted a visual reminder that I had a made a Covenant with God that I was ready to abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. And so with fingertips to key board I penned a written covenant. Click here —> COVENANT WITH GOD if you’d like to read it. I had no intentions of sharing it, but today God spoke to my heart to publish it on this site as another way of keeping it not only before my eyes, but before the eyes of witnesses who read it.

I entered into a Covenant with God the day I accepted Christ as my Savior and said that I would follow where ever He led, but I’ve failed. Praise God that His Covenants are never failing. This Covenant that I entered into Saturday was more of renewal of dedication to the responsibilities that Christ has placed in me. I share it with you today in hopes that you’ll commit yourself to greater service, and that you will pray for me. I need it. Please pray for:

  • My strength (physically and spiritually) to do the work of God.
  • Opportunities to serve.
  • Discernment of requests made on my time.
  • Humility to step out of the paths of others.
  • That I be an example of the Leadership of Christ.

Please send me your prayer request and if you are led to make a commitment to God through a written or verbal covenant. I’d count it a privilege to lift you to the Lord.

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Posted in Church attendance, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

Sunday Morning’s Sign

chick yield

Words… they’re a funny thing are they not? The same word can mean something entirely different, or a word that sounds exactly the same is not the same word at all – in spelling or definition. What’s more amazing than that is the way our brains wrap around those ideas and understands them. We’re amazing creations of God Himself, and yet that fact is so often forgotten by many.

This morning the word “yield” seems to have my mind’s eye as I prepare myself and my heart for today’s worship. My first thought on the word yield was that precious little triangular sign that gets so many people in trouble. After all, it’s not a stop sign… unless of course there’s another vehicle coming. But if that vehicle is a few lengths away you can technically be within your right to gun it and go, can you not? But if that vehicle happened to have a bubble atop you’d do more than yield… you’d likely stop! (If you had any sense). How much better should we be yielded to God and the Holy Spirit? We realize He’s there, we may even wave hello; but then pull out in front, heading on down the highway without regard to the very Creator. The Law Maker and giver of life.

I hope today you’ll slow down…

Romans 6:13

Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

As a bluegrass girl I can’t help but think about the word instrument without attaching it to music! And music reminds me of worship and worship is for God alone! Woohoo let’s have church. That’s when the Attention Deficit Disorder works in my favor. It’s unfortunate that the same thing that draws my mind into God can draw others just as easily away. Same thing two different reactions, just like the word “yield” can be defined two different ways.

Yield – to give right of way

Yield – to produce (such as a harvest)

Failing to yield to God can certainly yield a harvest of fruit that you don’t want in your life. Failing to observe the day of rest as God designed will cause unrest in your life. Failing to understand why we worship will allow Satan to give you something else to worship which will lead you further away from God and further away from the peace He provides. Failing to yield, yields. See what I mean by words being funny!

Words are funny however disobedience is not. It breaks God’s heart. I hope you are yielded to His Holy Spirit today and today finds you worshiping with fellow believers in the House of God!

Love ya! Mean it. – Shari

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