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Canaries and Crows: Natalie Grant and the Media

Crow and Canary, Street Art in Downtown Los Angeles

“We left the Grammy’s early. I’ve many thoughts, most of which are probably better left inside my head. But I’ll say this: I’ve never been more honored to sing about Jesus and for Jesus. And I’ve never been more sure of the path I’ve chosen.”

 Natalie Grant tweeted those words and then the media sang… only not like canaries, more like the obnoxious sound a crow makes. (Cawl, cawl, cawl)… so I’m going to take their advice and “call” it like I see it. American media (for the most part) is a biased, one sided, self-promoting group of people in the hands of Satan. Harsh? Yea, I guess. But I’ve had it up to my eyeballs with Christians being bashed for taking a stand on the side of morality. In the nineteenth century, leading newspapers reported from a Christian perspective. Today, however, journalists increasingly take an anti-Christian stance while claiming to be neutral. I’m wondering how colleges and universities now define the word neutral. According to Merriam Webster it is defined as – :  not engaged on either side; specifically :  not aligned with a political or ideological grouping <a neutral nation>:

This doesn’t sound like any of the media I’ve heard recently. More arguably the new definition of neutral is Liberal neutrality, which is the idea that the liberal state should not promote any particular ‘conception of the good’. Meaning I assume in my simplistic mind that “everyone’s idea of good is right.”

Oh yea… that’ll work.

As a music lover, and believing that the origin of music was designed by God and for God, what many call music today I call noise. But I don’t begrudge them their right to listen to it, I just don’t get it. And I don’t have to, it’s their life. So when the Grammy’s decide to dole out awards for varying music styles, I expect there to be music that I don’t particularly like recognized. And that’s okay. I didn’t watch the Grammy’s by the way, but I was interested in a particular group who were in the running, Dailey and Vincent, so I got up Monday morning looking for results, only to find article after article bashing Natalie Grant for having the audacity to stand for what she believed in.

If you didn’t watch the Grammy’s and don’t know the controversy it included a gay wedding on stage officiated by Queen Latifah and  performances deemed “risqué” that were not “child appropriate” by Beyonce and her husband. So as a Christian artist, Natalie Grant walked out because she was offended. But according to our “neutral” media she’s not entitled to her opinion, only theirs. And the question music lovers on both sides of the argument should be asking the Grammy Association is “What did any of that nonsense have to do with the artistry of music?” All it served to do was take the attention away from what the Grammy’s are supposed to recognize which is talent. So please don’t try to tell anyone that someone there wasn’t promoting their own agenda, not music.

So… what does God think of all this?

Romans 1:22-32 ~  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Stand on Miss Natalie. God is watching.

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The Power in the Puppet

Two of our youth surrendering to the Power of Puppetry and becoming the Hands of Jesus

For several years our church has had a puppet ministry. In the beginning it was a great opportunity for our church and well received by our congregation and other churches inviting us in. But as time went by the luster of puppet entertainment began to wane, both on leadership and youth commitment. So the puppets made their way into a closet and there they’ve stayed for a few years, occasionally making their way onto the scene of a Vacation Bible School or other youth event, but for the most part they set perched on their posts waiting for an opportunity to serve…. Hmmm… sound familiar?

I’ve watched many Christians do the same. They start out all gung ho and then little by little, their labor for the Lord becomes more burden than blessing and they begin to let one thing after another fall by the wayside until they find themselves sitting in the church, moving back one row, and then another, until they find themselves out in the vestibule (entryway) where they make the executive decision that it’s better to go home and stop taking up space.

As I walked past the puppet closet at our Church Sunday after Sunday, I could almost hear those little critters calling my name.. “Shari! We’re still waiting to tell someone about Jesus, but we can’t do it without your help!” Even as I type those words I tear up… I’m serious! I know I’m a sap! But the fact of the matter is these blessed tools of the ministry are just like us. If we’re not filled with the Spirit of God, and used in His service we stiffen up become less and less viable for the Kingdom’s use.

2 Chronicles 30:8 ~ Now be ye not stiffnecked, as your fathers were, but yield yourselves unto the Lord, and enter into his sanctuary, which he hath sanctified for ever: and serve the Lord your God, that the fierceness of his wrath may turn away from you.

The Stiffnecked Saint

We have a carnal nature within ourselves to become rigid (stiffnecked) when things don’t just flow along with ease and be rest assured they likely won’t in the ministry, especially when more than one person is involved. Seldom ever do two people agree about everything; throw 50-100 into the mix and you’ve got issues. If you’re not careful you’ll find yourself on a shelf in the closet and the ministry going on without you which is the equivalency of someone else getting your blessings. I’ve never handled that very well… I’m like Elisha… give me two blessin’s Lord!

A Surrendered Saint

Yielding to God is about as popular as popular as the brussel sprout line in the school cafeteria, because with yielding is the expectation of producing something. When a garden yields a good harvest it’s because the farmer put TLC into the production. A surrendered saint knows that when you allow the Holy Spirit to begin working in your life there’s going to be some yielding using both definitions. To yield, as in to stop doing things your way, and to yield as in to produce fruit for the Kingdom! The puppet is controlled completely by the puppeteer, imagine what a site a puppet show would be if the puppeteer was continually having to fight with the puppet to get it to move correctly. No one would want to see that show… well, I’ve seen Christians go kicking and screaming all the way into the will of God. It’s not a very good show either.

A Serving Saint

The puppets in the closet are useless unless they’re in the hands of the puppeteer, and it’s then that they become a sanctified minister of the gospel. It’s the same with us, we’re nothing without the Holy Spirit leading us and guiding us to say and do the right things. As sanctified (set apart) believers we have the ability to bring life to another human being by allowing the Holy Spirit to use us as the mouthpiece for the gospel. How we do that depends on our talents. Some do it in song, some do it in preaching and teaching, some do it in the silence of a prayer closet with just them and God, and crazy people like me do with critters and crazy antics. But to have the opportunity to be involved in an eternal purpose of the Lord requires a little loosening up. He may use you stiff, but you’ll probably break.

Be a Super Saint – Surrender to God’s Plan!

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He is There!

My emotions have been on every level the past few days with information overload. I look at the blessings in my life and joy floods my soul, I read the news and my heart is burdened for the nonsense that goes on around us, I visit the pages of my friends on social media and my heart breaks for there are so many who are struggling with sickness and loss. But what I discover in my overload of emotions is there is one common denominator in all of the circumstances.


Satan would have us believe that in the worst of times God is not found, but oh contraire! Tis a lie from the pits of Hell. The news that burdens my heart is prophecy fulfilled in ways that have me shaking my head and wondering why our leaders who call themselves Christians cannot see it; they appear to go on making decisions that are so far from God’s intended design with little thought to a “payday someday.” R.G. Lee preached a sermon titled “Payday Someday” over 1,000 times in his ministry. And as I listened to a portion of it this morning from the text in 1st Kings 21, the story of Jezebel’s wicked plot to get the property of Naboth for Ahab her husband, I couldn’t help but see the resemblance of what is still occurring to Israel today. But the wicked will not have that land. Israel is not called the Promised Land without reason, and God doesn’t break His promises. It’s their land and it will stay their land. And Heaven help anyone who gets in the way of that promise. Even America. God’s still in the story.

On a personal front, Satan continues the lie that God is not found. I read story and post, one after another of heartbreak and sorrow in the lives of God’s people. Heartache doesn’t take a holiday. If anything there’s likely more heartache in the midst of the Holiday Season than any other. Because it’s a Holy Day. Satan thinks that if he can get the focus off of Christ and onto self he’ll have succeeded on some level of thwarting the Spirit of Christmas. Not true! What I see happening is even through the heartache and sorrow God is glorified in the lives of the Christians. Yes they’re hurting, yes they’re upset, but woven into their stories is that thread of hope that each one holds onto with the knowledge that God has a better day for them.  Go Jesus!!! He is faithful and true.

So to the naysayers I send the challenge from Isaiah 41:21

Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob.

Go ahead and show me your reasons that there is no God and I can show you an endless supply of reasons that He is there. The big lie is that you believe there is no God. Because within you, you who God created by the way, is a seed of hope that lies in Him. You may have covered it up with the dirty lies of Satan, but deep within your heart still beats a desire to know your Creator.

Wrote myself happy again today! Let me know where you find God in your season!


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Dumb For a Season

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As often is the case, my warped sense of humor took over this morning as I began to read the Christmas story. I hadn’t even made it to the Jesus part of the story, nor John the Baptist before I was seeing it in a somewhat non-traditional form. I’ll blame my two year old Granddaughter, Paityn.  We were on our way to Thanksgiving Dinner and she had said something silly to which I ask “Who taught you that Paityn?” and to which she replied “Duh, my mom.” I know… totally disrespectful right? No it was hysterical. She was mimicking someone older but she had the context correct, as if to say “where do I learn anything worth knowing?” We may have our hands full with this one.

Back to the story…

I said that to say this, Gabriel had his own “Duh” conversation with Zacharias in Luke 1:18-20 ~ And Zacharias said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years. And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings. And, behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season.

Zacharias had just ask an angel of God “How would he know what the angel had said was true; that as an old man he was going to father a son.” To which Gabriel replied. “Duh, I’m an angel.”

No he didn’t, but can you not hear it in his voice? “Come on! I’m Gabriel…an Angel of God for cryin’ out loud, His own messenger Standing before you in an array of light, pronouncing this great thing, and you ask ‘how can it happen?’ How often do you see angels?” So Zacharias was dumb for a season because of a lack of faith, meaning he could not speak until the season of child birth was completed.

I’d keep laughing at Zachariah if it didn’t hit quite so close home. How many times has God performed miracles in my life, and yet even the smallest things I have doubt that God will do, and then wonder why they don’t happen. For some reason I think God’s out of the miracle business, yet Jesus said in Matthew 21:21, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

Faith goes a long way. Far enough to move mountains. And snow storms. My recording session this weekend is in danger of cancelation because of a weather blip. If it’s hammering down snow I likely won’t be traveling 4 hours to Cleveland, Ohio, so I need to have faith. I’ve seen God move the snow before. I’ve told the story and it bears repeating about a snow storm that had hit our county on a Wednesday night not long after I had been saved. I wanted to be in church more than anything in the world, but I didn’t drive in the snow. So as I worked that day I watched the radar and prayed that God would keep the snow at bay until after church that night. As a new convert I believed God could move mountains and mountains of snow and He did just that. The radar showed every county around us being hammered with snow, but over Calhoun County where I live was a donut hole of clear sky. The snow was stayed all day, I kid you not. As I pulled out of the parking lot of the church at 8 p.m. it began to spit snow, and shortly after I arrived home it dumped a truck load. It was to be expected, God had held it back all day!

Duh, He’s God ya know.

I don’t want to be dumb for a season. I sometimes feel I’ve been stupid for a life time. Join with me in belief that God will stay the snow this weekend, I’ll let you know how it goes!

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Game on!!! It’s Christmas Time



Just a few days into the Christmas season and I can already feel it. That attack on me from within and without. Projects are vying for my time, my to do list has gotten longer than Santa’s naughty list, and over all life is way out of control. One more meeting, one more event, one more phone call, one more thing to do, to buy to say… ugh.

It takes its toll. Both physically and spiritually.

You may have noticed that I’ve not blogged for a few days. My uniform hadn’t arrived yet. I’m on the home team where I play offense, defense and sometimes I jump over or crawl under the fence, none of which are very graceful. All of that cute gibberish is for one purpose… to remind you and I both that this is the season we need to be even greater spiritually defended.

My battle hero that I often look at is David. He knew what it was like to be under siege on every level. In Psalm 5:11 he says “But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.”

Let us not allow Satan to steal our joy this season. Don’t think for two seconds that you can defend it, you may be good… but you’re not that good!


Be Loud

Be Happy

Believe that God has a plan in every Holiday event, mishap or success, believe there is purpose. He is Christmas control.

Be Loud! Make a joyful noise for the Lord at every opportunity; sing carols, sing praise, just sing! You’d be amazed at what a joy spring can fill your heart through a song. (Please pray for me as I sing this weekend at a recording session. Which is partially the reason my blog has been lacking… one of many irons in the fire) Overpower the world’s song with the song in your heart

Be Happy! I know it’s so easily said. But what also is easily done is to look around and see how blessed we are in comparison to so very many others across the earth.

I hope to be back on line in the morning with a little more in depth blog, but for now this is where I am at…

Too busy for my own good, too quiet for the world’s good, and my too lack luster for the Lord’s good, He deserves so much more!

DEFENSE PEOPLE! The Game’s on!

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The Color of Deception – A survival plan for America


Acts 27:30-32 ~ And as the shipmen were about to flee out of the ship, when they had let down the boat into the sea, under colour as though they would have cast anchors out of the foreship, Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved. Then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the boat, and let her fall off.

Paul, a prisoner among others on board a ship sailing to Crete had warned the shipmen about their impending fate should they move forward. But who is he but a tent maker and a preacher? And so they sail on, and as was expected by Paul they hit rough seas. Fearing certain destruction of the boat, the crew of the ship let down the dinghy pretending to cast out anchors with a plan of leaving Paul, the guards and other prisoners on board to surely perish. Forget the captain goes down with the ship,it’s every man for himself. But Paul, the same who had warned them of the storm, warns them again of their demise if they don’t stay on the ship, so the soldiers cut off the dinghy’s rope and let it fall and all were saved in the ship.

This story rings true of our country to me this morning. They’ve heard the word of God, and yet our leadership continues to sail on in the direction of certain destruction. They’ve thrown out the dinghy’s, their plan to “move America forward” as the MSNBC commercial (which I loathe) says, and they don’t care who’s left in the ship to perish. It’s my prayer this morning that some of the soldiers of the cross will cut the lines of their escape plan and let if fall away from us. Yes there will still likely be rough seas ahead, but we’ll survive. Enough is enough.

The color of deception is motion sickness green. It’s America being tossed to and from, away from the traditions and moral convictions our nation was founded on and the acceptance of lies for lies. We don’t even believe it’s the truth, we’re just willing (as a whole) to follow liars, because they’re in charge. They’ve got the dinghy. We need people to stand up against these knot heads and cut the strings by making them follow the same care plan we’re on. They may be captain of this ship but they don’t control the tide. Hello?

I realize that’s a lot of metaphorical speaking. But I figure the resemblance to the shape of America is so obvious it won’t be an issue of understanding. Why is it that we allow them to say the Word of God is void? Why is it that there is reportedly 83% of Americans claiming the Christian faith and yet so few standing up for it against the 500ish men and women Senators and Representatives in Congress. Somebody needs to cut the dinghy ropes from these dingbats in Washington.

I know why I don’t, it’s probably the same reason you don’t. How?

To begin we have to one by one start cutting the ropes locally and then nationally until all the dingbats fall in the water. 2014 will be another election year. If Christians don’t do something to keep their people in the ship, we’re going to perish.

I, for one, have not given up on God in our nation. I’ve had no angel speak to me as Paul did. I’ve had no divine revelation from God. Only the Word of God that tells me if I continue on with Him, I’ll be safe. I believe God can still turn our nation around. But He’s not going to do it alone. We’re the ones in the ship.

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Woohoo ~ Light the World!

I love social media for as many reasons as I hate social media. It’s true. For all the good it does, it also creates that much heartache. But as my good friend Dennis Legg says, “I can eat the fish, and throw away the bones.” There is such great truth in that statement. Facebook has exploded over the holiday weekend with Christmas tree and light posts from homes across the globe. I love it! So much so that I posted my own. But even greater than that are the posts about the light of my Lord.

Not until Heaven will we know the result of the seeds sown through social media. I know there are naysayers. Say on. I’ll even Amen you once in a while. But every time I see a scripture post, a word of encouragement, a cross or the many images with wonderful encouraging words I want to put up a score board and say, “That’s one more for Jesus!”

Through Social Media I have met some of the most wonderful “lights.” People in their own communities lighting the tree every day of the year, not just at Christmas. I know from the comments on their posts that their lights shine true. I’m not the only one that tunes in. Their testimony sparkles of glitter and gold and some days I want to create a fan page for them! But then I think that’s kind of creepy… and really they already have their fan page. It’s the pages in the Word of God that they share so liberally in a liberal world that doesn’t want it, but they got it anyway.

Isaiah 28:10

For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

Little by little we’ll light the world.

1 John 1:5-7

This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

Let your little light shine!


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Who Will Know You Care?

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I ventured out to do some early Christmas shopping with my girls on Thanksgiving evening, and it’s always a little surreal. Yes, I know it’s a family day. Yes I know it’s crazy, but I was with my crazy daughters, so it’s all good! Please don’t judge. The massive crowds eagerly awaited to spend their last dime on what truthfully wasn’t even a bargain and I watched as several disappointed and angry people vented about having missed the big deal as if their entire life’s purpose hinged on that one purchase. I’m not judging. Put me in a music store and I can be every bit as unglued as the Walmart shoppers of 2013, I just don’t have the financial means to back it.

It’s Thanksgiving and they’re afraid they’re missing Christmas. Now that’s crazy! This morning as I sit in the quietness of my home, my Christmas tree is up, gifts wrapped beneath it and the mantle is decorated, and I’m afraid of missing Christmas too. It’s so very easy to get wrapped up in the festivities and forget what Christmas is about.

There’s a new Christmas chotchky in my décor this year. An owl. He looks rather festive with his music note body and a little silver here and there for added appeal. He’s my thought behind this Christmas message this morning. Strange I know, but the Bible significance of an owl lead me to focus back on the true meaning of Christmas. And it can’t be bought. It’s the purpose of Christmas and it can’t be found on a shelf in any store in the world.

A relationship with God.

We were never meant to be alone. God created Eve for Adam as a help meet for the garden, He sanctioned marriage between a man and a woman and would call the church the bride of Christ, and what an abundance of joy in my heart this morning to serve the One who feeds my soul this message. Life is relational. But what happens when it’s not? What about those who may be in a crowded room full of family and friends but they’re still alone?

David felt that way in Psalm 102:6 ~ I am like a pelican of the wilderness: I am like an owl of the desert.

He is silent in his affliction, alone, without friends or support, and yet David knew God. But the world had taken its toll on him. The sound of an owl in the darkness is lonely and wanting. Whoooo, whoooo. The very word is relational. I can feel the sorrow in my heart this morning for David who felt that everyone had forsaken him. Who would help, who would come to his aid… who really cared? I see that same cry in the faces of people I meet who may or may not know Christ. I want to do more to reach out to them and let them know they’re not alone.

That is the Spirit of Christmas. It’s building relationships with people so that they may know Who it is that cares. It’s giving hope in a hopeless time. Christ came to earth as a baby, but He walked the earth as man building relationships for the glory of God. So should we.

Who will know you care this Christmas?

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Messed Up and Blessed Up… Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving morning. Wow, where did 2013 go? As I sit here this morning with my Jack Russell, Sam, curled up against my leg and a fire glowing across the room, I’m toasty warm and blessed with an abundance. I’m thankful for this platform that I’ve been given to share the gospel, encourage friends and make new friends along the way, (you can never have too many ya know). This morning I seem to be in an attitude of reflection and as usual Sam is not the only one on the couch. I hear him whisper, you’re an epic failure, so you’ve done some good… let me remind you of how you’ve failed. Ugh, does Satan never grow weary? I know I do. I’m almost ready to throw my hands up in defeat and walk away from the keyboard. What do I possibly have to say this morning…

Leviticus 7:15

And the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings for thanksgiving shall be eaten the same day that it is offered; he shall not leave any of it until the morning.

Old Testament sacrifices were a temporary fix in more ways than one. Not only did there need to be another sacrifice another day, that sacrifice wasn’t going to last through the day. Igloo coolers weren’t in business nor was Frigidaire, so the sacrifice needed to be eaten right then. Tomorrow it wouldn’t be any good.

What about our peace offering for thanksgiving? Here’s a few Thanksgiving Thoughts:

  1. Whatever the circumstance around you, be at peace. I know, easier said than done right? Not if you determine that that is the ways it is. Satan can turn the entire day upside down but if your heart is right side up, looking up in gratitude and taking note of all you have, peace can abound.
  2. Be thankful today. It may be a family feud, a burnt turkey or spilled pumpkin pie kind of day, but be thankful. Be thankful the same day for what you have, for tomorrow it may be gone. Someone noted on Facebook this morning that there were some empty place settings at family tables. Don’t take the day for granted.
  3. Don’t leave it until morning. Don’t put off telling someone you love them, mending fences or sharing a treasured thought with a family friend. Sometimes it’s a sacrifice on your part to open your heart up in such a way, believe me when I say it won’t go unnoted or unblessed.
  4. Remember that though heartache and blessing alike are temporary, the sacrifice Christ made on the cross was forever.

I just about let Satan steal my gratitude today. Thank you who are reading that encouraged me to write on until I reached this place. What place?

Remembrance. That the ultimate sacrifice was made so that I could have that sweet peace 365 days a year, even though I’m so very “messed up,” I’m also very “Blessed up!” God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving. I pray it’s filled with love, laughter and safe travels.