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by wptg
Dear Mr., Miss or Mrs. Weary… read on – The Jesus Chick

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wearyI know I’m not alone when I say that I have days when I’m weary. Those times when I look around and feel somewhat like Elijah who though he was the last one left when Jezebel sought to kill him and the Lord had to remind him that he was not alone. I know I’m not alone, I know that there are countless servants of God out there on the battlefield with me, but Satan loves to get you feeling weary so he makes you believe you’re outnumbered.

Two places in the Bible we find the phrase “weary in well doing,” both written by Paul, someone who assuredly had moments that he could have been weary. I found it interesting that both forms of weariness were tied to other people.

Don’t grow weary of the weak

I can handle an unsaved sinner’s bad behavior, but I run the risk of growing weary at a child of God who uses the excuse “Well it’s just how I am” for obnoxious and rude behavior or blatant sins against God. But Paul encourage the believers to take care of one another, encourage those who are serving in the faith, and leave all others to God; because we all reap what we sow, good or bad. So I’m here to encourage you today! March on soldier, we have work to do!

Galatians 6

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Don’t Grow Weary of the Wicked

Watching the news is enough to make you want to tuck your head under a covers and yell “even so Lord Jesus come!” But couple that with attacks and persecution on the local level and the days are rough. We’re living in a time that our grandparents could never even fathom; a time when men (and women) embrace wickedness and shun the gospel. A time when people defend a religion of hate and hate a religion of defenders, it’s insanity is it not? But Paul said don’t grow weary.

2 Thessalonians 3:13

13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

In reading the text that leads up to verse 13 Paul encourage the believers that he has confidence in them that they’ll continue on even in the face of wicked men that do not have faith. What a supporter Paul was even in the days that he himself needed encouragement to continue. Paul tells them to draw away from “that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.” There’s a time that you need to get away from the naysayers and the blasphemers and those who tear down our God and us.

I hope that today you’ll get your Bible and get alone with the Word of God and let Him speak great peace to your soul.

Perhaps this is your only time today and you chose to spend it with me. I’m honored and humbled. I pray that I encouraged you to keep on keepin’ on and that you’ll encourage me back by a comment or by sharing this blog with your friends.

Weary not my friends… I’m with ya!

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