Restless nights… they’re a rarity for me. I have the gifted ability to fall asleep within minutes of laying down. It perhaps could have something to do with the fact that my overly active mind is either going to stop or explode. I shared a post on Facebook the other day that said “Having a creative mind is like having 2,857 web browsers open all at once.” I laughed… and then sighed. That was me for certain. Another sleep trait of mine is that if I dream, I seldom remember having had them. But not last night… it was a vivid dream with some well-known characters of my past and a few barely known. The setting was my Grandma Vada’s home place where I’d taken my own granddaughter Paityn. We were in an upstairs bedroom that I have such great memories of as a child. Two big ol’ iron beds that we bounced and laughed upon for hours on end; thousands of memories and secrets shared between cousins. But this day as I shared those memories with Paityn, or Princess “P” as we call her, some family members from the past came and halted the visit. I woke up frustrated. My mind reeled as I began to think of how those same family members “finagled” that property out of our family’s lives and that I would never really get to share that special time there with Princess “P”. And then I began to wonder about the power and purpose of that dream… who was behind it?
It seems the supernatural has a super attraction in the word today. What was once a comedic act of the Ghost Busters is today considered “science.” I’d roll my eyes but it would lose affect. Why is it that we’ll put stock in everything but the truth! People will believe that spirits can speak to them from another realm, but absolutely refuse to put any stock in the fact that the Creator of the Heaven and earth can speak to the hearts of man. They’ll seek a soothsayer to interpret a dream or put great stock in Sunday’s horoscope, and yet the Bible full of prophecies fulfilled and promises never broken is considered an antiquated outdated book. Insert another eye roll here. Seriously? So again I question my dream. Why now did these people that I had long since stopped allowing to inundate my thoughts, invade my sleep? I stopped it right there. Why would I waste a second of time on a chapter in my life that had long since had the epilogue complete? Because Satan could distract my mind from the things in life that I have begun to write a prologue to. You see… God has some plans for my life that I’ve been thinking on a great deal lately, and I think Satan is feeling a little left out.
Dreams are very intimate events. If it’s something that captivates your mind when you awake it’s usually because it’s something meaningful at your very core. And Satan is so very good at core’s… Just ask Eve. I won’t put any stock in something that disturbs me as a sign from God.
1 John 4:1 says Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
And it is clear from Galatians 5:22 that the Spirit of God is not sent to trouble the mind when it says “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.” So if there is a spirit troubling your soul who do you think is in charge of it? These thing are heavy on my heart because I see so many people giving over to a spirit in their lives that troubles their soul
Spirits like:
- Hurt
- Sorrow
- Fear
- Anger
- Bitterness
- Envy
- Pride
- Slander
- Jealousy
- Murmuring
- Backbiting
Oh that list could go on for miles, anything that stirs strife in your soul and takes your mind off of the things of God.
If I had allowed my mind this morning to give place to the thoughts that I awoke with, I can guarantee you the spiritual plans I have had on my agenda for today would have been washed away by the rain outside my window.
It doesn’t have to be a dream. You can be standing flat footed and wide awake and Satan will remind you of something that immediately causes strife in your soul. Again the scripture says in Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
So when it comes to the spirit world (which is very real) don’t open up an avenue to Satan and his minions by thinking on or exploring “their” realm. God isn’t involved with them, so why would you want to be? Those who dabble with darkness just might get more than they bargained for.
Finally,brethren, whatsoever things are true,whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever thingsare just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoeverthings are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Don’t let unexplainable dreams halt God’s undeniable purpose.
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