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by wptg
Don’t Miss Out on the Blessing! – The Jesus Chick

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chick blessed

If there is one thing (and there are many) that our new Pastor teaches as he preaches, it is that the Word of God in part or in whole is the Word of God and not to be taken out of context. The world today loves to take a piece of God’s Word and twist it to fit their fancy or should I say their agenda. The Word of God offends those who are not right with God, it does not offend those who are but it can hurt like a swift kick in the pants. I say that with confidence. I didn’t say it wouldn’t offend saved people, because there are saved people who are not right with God. I’m sure there have been times that I’ve been one. But I do strive to understand and rightly divide the Word of God. Believing that I will stand before God for every stroke on the keyboard done in His name.

This morning as I sought to see through God’s eyes via a challenge from a man journeying through cancer, I landed in the book of Luke to see what God’s eyes saw. And I was amazed that He saw me.

Luke 6:20-23 ~ And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh. Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.

He lifted His eyes on His Disciples

Hey! That’s me. Although I wasn’t there in the multitude that had seen the many miracles He performed, I’m in the multitude who has been the miracle. One that God chose to use in spite of all my imperfections. When Christ lifted His eyes it didn’t say He looked at the crowd, it said His eyes were on His disciples, His fellow servants and friends. And then He ran down the list of why they were blessed.

If you’re poor you’re blessed… because you realize that it’s not a cliché to say that God is everything. Any material possession that we strive to own (and I do) is going to pale in such comparison to the riches that wait for us in glory. I have no idea what musical instruments await me in Heaven, but compared to the ones I long for down here… well… I doubt they’ll compare.

If you’re hungry you’re blessed… I’m always hungry so I must be extra blessed! But God speaks not of food, although He knows it’s tasty; but rather He speaks of the Word of God that so offends the world but fills the soul of the hungry child of God. It can’t be explained it must be experienced. When you read the Word of God it is every bit as satisfying as supper at the end of a long day.

Blessed are they that weep…for ye shall laugh! That’s the Heaven I’m talking about. I cry because I’m sad, happy, blessed and concerned. I wear my tear bag on one sleeve and use the other sleeve to wipe the snot. Oh… I know that’s ugly, but you have no idea how often I cry! So what a wonderful thought that God says I’m blessed because I’m a bawlbaby and that God’s got a thousand corny jokes waiting for us in Heaven. The Pastor will be so pleased!!!!

Blessed are the hated. I don’t think too many people hate me, but it is for certain that I create a level of discomfort with all my Jesus chatter. And Satan and his cronies hate me. But even if they hate me, it’s okay! Because God said when they part company with me… we can dance! Leap for joy He said, that sounds like dancing to me.

Well, I hope I rightly divided the Word. And I hope today finds you blessed for all the right reasons. Father. Son. Holy Ghost. Child of God.

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