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It was one of those words that caught me off guard; sent my mind pondering about what it was doing there.

Job 7:6

My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and are spent without hope.

I’m just focusing on part “a” of the verse. Part “b” is a little too sad for my spirit this bright sunny morning. Even though I spent the night battling blood pressure and sleep deprivation. Perhaps the two coincide. But it all coincides with age and the thought process that suddenly changes.

Please don’t think that I’m considering myself ready for the grave, but it’s a part of the mindset when you have several days of feeling poorly. Now back to the verse…

The weavers “shuttle.”

I viewed the word shuttle as a modern word, not one from the oldest book in the Bible. And being that I’m not a weaver, although I might like to be, I had no concept of what that instrument might be. So I had to Youtube it. Isn’t that a great tool in the ministry?!

And there it was, the little shuttle boat that goes rhythmically through the threads of a loom; swish, swishing back and forth, carrying the bobbin of thread through and intricately weaving a beautiful pattern of art. Just like life.

The years have swished by to the count of 56 for me, though I’ve been telling people I’m 57. I’m a nut! For Job, though the years of his life had passed quickly, time had suddenly slowed painfully down and in his sorrow, and the discouragement of his friends he had lost hope.

It’s easy to do.

It’s why I’d rather focus on part “a.”

In the words of Jerry Reed’s country song, “I’ve got a long way to go and short time to get there,” I want to weave more into that pattern of life.

The little shuttle boat is a handcrafted vessel that carries the fabric of the tapestry. Is that not us? Every single person is a beautiful piece of the Master’s work that He uses to weave into the lives of others. And together we all makes this beautiful piece of work called life.

Job had no concept of the impact his words would be making thousands of years after that terrible day.

My live video feed yesterday was along this same path. “Why we go through what we go through.” There is always a reason, and one of my favorites is the Overcomer’s Club. It’s those people, who against all odds became a victor. They weren’t supposed too. Just ask Job’s friends and they’ll tell you what a terrible person they thought Job to be. They thought he was a sinner deserving of his woes for being non repentant. When in truth he was a vessel of God’s amazing grace. A little boat passing swiftly through time but leaving beautiful colors in the path. His words encouraged my soul because I know the end of Job’s story.

He wanted to die. But God gave him a new reason to live! It will take a few chapters before I get to read about his victory again, but it reminds me that I may have a few chapters of my own before I get to sing the Victory song too.

So where is your little shuttle going today, and how are you going to weave the Word of God and the purpose of God into your day. Don’t miss it. Blessings!!!!

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