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Have you ever been spiritually frustrated? Or should I ask “When’s the last time you were spiritually frustrated?” If you’ve walked the path of faith for any length of time at all, and by that I mean greater than 15 minutes, you’ve no doubt experienced it. But one would think that the longer and further you’ve walked, provided you’ve clung to the Rock, you would experience frustrations less. I have met very few (if any) people who don’t struggle.

I have witnessed those who get in a big way of talking and and say that they got in the face of the Devil and said “You’re a liar Satan, and I rebuke you in the name of Jesus to get out of my life.” And then according to their testimony, he did. I’ll just tell you from my stand point, I’m going to let God do the rebuking of Satan, because any time I’ve tried it, Satan has came at me that much harder. I’m not always sure it’s Satan I should be giving the credit to for the hard times any way, I’m sure I am often to blame. But struggles come and go and with them, many conversations with God.

So as I read through the short book of Habakkuk following a funeral yesterday, his words struck a chord in my soul.

Watch and See

Habakkuk 2:1 KJVS
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.

Have I been watching? Have I had any desire to see what the Lord has to say about the recent frustrations in my life? I have to ask myself that honestly. I tell you often that I am quick to ask and slow to listen. It’s as if I’m a toddler who looks at a parent right before they stick their hand in the fire and then is shocked with the result. Other times it’s like the child who falls and scrapes their knee and screams bloody murder because a parent wants to put medicine on it, only to discover the medicine took away the pain. Watch and see…

Habakkuk looked high, he didn’t look low. He did not seek man’s advice but went to the One and only capable of answering. He didn’t stir the masses up with his problems and he didn’t assume that Judah wasn’t the problem. He only knew that God would take care of them some how. He asked and then he listened. Hmmm… I could learn.

What He Will Say

When the Lord answers He gives Habakkuk an instruction.

Habakkuk 2:2 KJVS
[2] And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

Write it down. And here we are over 2500 years later, reading the words that he wrote that God continues to speak through. That’s amazing! God told Habakkuk to write down the vision, a plan for the future and Habakkuk listened to his Lord’s words. God was sending a warning out to the people that judgement was going to come. It’s still true today. Sometimes it’s swift, but as it was in the day of this text sometimes God waits for a while to bring everything to fruition so that it can be understood and work for His glory.

I hate to wait. I have a microwave mentality most of the time. But if I think about the fire of an oven in comparison to the artificial heat of a microwave, the baking result is vastly different. It’s always better in the oven. Slower… but oh so good.

Wait for it

Habakkuk 2:3-4 KJVS

[3] For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. [4] Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

Waiting requires trust. Trust that come what may, it’s for my good.

This chapter records God’s answers to the questions that challenged Habakkuk’s faith: (1) How long would evil prevail (1:2-3)? (2) Why was Babylon chosen to punish Judah (1:13)? God said that the judgment against evil, though slow to come, was certain. And though God used Babylon to punish Judah, God also knew Babylon’s sins and would punish it in due time.

But what are we to do in the wait? For me I think I should consider what my role in these battles has been. Facing the reality that I could be the problem or at the very least a part of it. Habakkuk didn’t go up and get his answer and then storm down because God’s truth wasn’t what he wanted. He accepted God’s truth that there were those whose soul’s were not upright. Does that happen today? That the souls of even God’s people are not always upright? The flesh is a very real adversary in the life of a Christian. Turning control of your frustrations and desires over to God and trusting Him to fix it isn’t easy.

The Answer…

Habakkuk 3:2 KJVS
O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.

Revive thy work. That is the answer. I skirted all around it, trying to make far more out of Habakkuk’s message than needed to be. What I love about God’s word, among many things, is the simplicity of His speech. I often don’t go to the word because I too am afraid of God’s answer. I assume that even though the balm He’s about to put on my wound is for my own good, it’s going to be like Merthiolate. That bright reddish orang medicine our parents would put on a raw wound that burned like fire! But it is not. It’s a salve of goodness to the soul.

Revive thy work. The works trumps everything. Every little issue, every big issue on this earth means nothing in the scope of the work that the Christian is supposed to be doing. If we lose sight of that, then souls go to Hell.

I had a sermon from 2013 outlined in my bible from Habakkuk 3:17-19 that spoke to me again.

My notes said thus…

Yet I will rejoice – leave the doubters and get with the shouters!!
We need to practice
A salvation that is established on the Word of God
Phd can mean piled higher and deeper
Isaiah 40:8 the Word of our God will stand forever

God’s word never changes
God never changes
Sin never changes
Penalty for sin never changes
Plan of salvation never changes

God’s word is spiritually discerned

Habakkuk rejoiced in the God of His salvation. For all that is wrong in my world, there’s plenty that is right. I’ll focus on that and leave the rest to God.

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