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by wptg
Growth is a Journey but Bloom Where You’re Planted – The Jesus Chick

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Luke 2:49

And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?

My Father’s business. These words keep ringing in my mind this morning. At twelve years old Jesus knew the plan and began working it. He submitted to His parent’s authority but He continued to work the plan God had placed into motion in that manger in Bethlehem. This morning I’m trying to get into motion my Father’s business plan. I’m working on upcoming speaking engagements, marketing conferences, blogging, networking, praying and learning! Wow. I’m exhausted just telling you what I’m doing. For the longest time I would feel guilty every time I marketed myself as a speaker, singer or any of the other hats I wear. Until I finally decided to roll with the plan God placed in motion on August 11, 1962, my birthday.

All along, what I had been doing by believing Satan’s lies and failing to market myself was being a failure at a business God had destined for success. It is destined for success not because of me, but because of my purpose; which is to glorify God. Satan had convinced me that I was marketing “me”, knowing that in my humbleness of attitude and insecurities I would know that I’m not worthy. What a liar! And what a sap I was for believing him. Gradually over a year long journey I have grown to this place. Where is here? The portal to purpose.

It’s where I stop saying I’m Shari Johnson, and then as a side note say I’m working for the Lord. It’s where I say, I’m a child of the King, Shari Johnson. God is my employer. He sent me to you today to encourage you to be all that you can be for His glory. God has a purpose for my life, and yours. We truly are to bloom where we’re planted. This day I’m planted in West Virginia, this evening my vines are reaching out to a prayer conference in Marietta, Ohio. Tomorrow, who knows where I’ll be, but God has a plan.

Has Satan been feeding you a pack of lies? Has he been telling you to stop dreaming, hope is gone? He’s a liar. God has a plan, step around Satan and move forward!

Post a comment and let me know where you’re at on your journey!


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