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As a youngin’ in hills of West Virginia, our family grew up the way most every other family did; we had hard working parents that provided for our every need. They loved on us, fixed cornbread and milk for a bedtime snack, took in strays (kids and dogs), handed down our clothes from sibling to sibling, and it never occurred to us until we were teens and the world told us so, that we were not rich. Over all it was a pretty charmed life when I look back. Many of their characteristics shine through in us, we all look a tad alike, we’re a compassionate non-confrontational lot, we have a love of music and art and for the most part we are similar in many ways, but different in a thousand others. So my question this morning to myself was, how do families with “bad genes” break free from the mold and become something outside the norm of their family? While I don’t understand the scientific side of it, or if behavioral tendencies are even an inherited lot or trained, I’ve seen enough “hand me down” characteristics to make me wonder. But no matter we are without excuse in Christ.

2nd Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

I do not want to make light of the life of someone who was brought up in less than ideal circumstances. I know how blessed I am because I’ve witnessed countless times those who were not so blessed. Probably some of my worst days when working with the court system were the days I dealt with parents, who came in and degraded their children for being arrested and in such a predicament, when I knew I could pull the parents file and it would likely look much worse. I’ve also seen the flip side where good parents were broken into a thousand pieces because of their child poor decisions.

The point that I want to make in all of this is be it nurture or nature it’s a moot point in Christ! Upon the acceptance of Christ as your Savior the Lord creates within your soul a whole new heritage. While we are still the biological children of birthparents, our new birth has made us a child of the King. We have a new nature!

  • So that cranky woman who is cranky because her mother was… she is without excuse.
  • The son of a thief, does not have to steal…
  • The daughter of a harlot, can be as white as snow…
  • The child of abuse, can know and show love…
  • The child of neglect, can be an awesome parent…
  • The child raised in wrath can have a home of peace…

So whether your “genes” are blue (depressed), torn (stressed), holy (missing pieces), designer (unique) or even hand me downs of another sort you received a brand new pair in Christ. He now lives in you! You are without excuse. Live and love well friend!

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