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Galatians 4:6

And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

Have you heard it? The Holy Spirit within your heart desiring to be in the presence of Almighty God? It’s Sunday morning and I’m thankful for the Spirit that dwells within in me, the One that reminds me that I have been adopted into the family of God and that His desire is to commune with me as Father and child.  I am reminded of the feeling of hopelessness that filled that spot prior to salvation, when Sunday mornings didn’t matter in more than Saturday morning; both were just the weekend. That feeling makes me nauseous. The feeling of “not belonging.”

We all have that desire within us to belong, do we not? We may squelch it down beneath the pride of “I don’t need anyone to make me happy,” remarks but if we’ll allow ourselves to get real for just a minute we know that it’s a lie. A lie fabricated by Satan himself to make us feel that we are responsible for our destiny and happiness.

This morning you’ll find me in the fellowship of my brothers and sisters at Abba’s house. It’s a place I’ve called home since 1996 and I love even the aroma of the building, because I know that it is where I first met God. Where I first felt a part of the big picture of creation. The world had let me down, I was frustrated with the circumstances of life and then in one sparkle in the eye of my Heavenly Father, the feeling of disconnect was gone. I belonged!

I’ve always been a part of an awesome family; parents and siblings who loved me, a husband and children, and now grandchildren! But it’s not the same. It’s not the same as realizing that you are a child of the Creator of the universe and that He now travels with you where ever it is that you go. Hearing your heart cry… “Abba, Father, are you there?” and your soul answer “Yes, I was waiting for you today.”  Oh, my soul leaps within me!

What about you, have you heard it? If not then you need some one to One time with the Lord. Here’s how the adoption conversation goes:

God, I can look at creation and know that it didn’t “just” happen. (1 Corinthians 11:14) I can feel love and know that it didn’t come from an organism that evolved into something else. I believe You are the creator of all. And I want to be Your child and feel a part of that wonderful family of God. You are a holy God that I’ve been separated from by the rejection of Your Son. (John 12:48) I believed I could do it on my own. But I was wrong. (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23) I need You and I realize that the only way that I can come to You is to accept the sacrifice that made it possible. I believe Your Son died on the cross of Calvary to pay the debt I could not pay, I believe He rose again the third day and ascended back to Heaven to be my intercessor. I don’t have to understand it all, I believe that because I hear You speak to my soul. (Romans 10:9-10)

If in reading that statement you believe it and you felt your heart leap within your chest you’ve just received your adoption certificate. I encourage you to click on the scripture links and read what God says, don’t take my word for it! And then you need to go meet your family at a good bible believing, Spirit filled church that preaches the Word of God. As Preacher T.D. Jakes put it, they preach “Hell hot and in 15 minutes.” And I’d love to know, please message me below and let me know of your decision or find me on Facebook and private message me there. God Bless you!

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