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Why is it that every news report, countless daily conversations and many of the thoughts we have are currently filled with struggles. Or is it just me? I’m thinking it’s not. Right now there are basically three types of people that I contend with. Those of a conservative and concerned mindset about the moral condition of our world, those who have allowed the world to convince them that sin is acceptable and only relative if it effects them personally, and those with little awareness who deem it easier to live that way than in reality. I love each one, but I can tell you that I struggle with the matter of conversing with the latter two. 

A word search of “struggle” lead me to only one mention of it in scripture. And a fitting scripture it was. The story of two nations in the womb of a concerned momma who feels them struggling within her. 

Genesis 25:21-34 KJV

[21] And Isaac intreated the Lord for his wife, because she was barren: and the Lord was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. [22] And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the Lord. [23] And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

The Inquiry

Rebekah’s first reaction was to “inquire of the Lord of the struggle.” Would to God that people would ask God His opinion of the current struggles in our world. I had a conversation with a young person this week that I finally had to just shut down the conversation to keep a contentious attitude in control. My attitude wasn’t so healthy either. I could feel the ire rise within my soul as they implied that God approved the sin of homosexuality, made light of bible characters, and wanted to debate morality. This is the world we live in, and it’s not only the young. The influence of the secular collegiate educators is corrupt and our young people are in the mouths of a lion. 

After that conversation I too inquired of the Lord. Where is this struggle deriving from and how do I change that mindset? It hurts my heart that the word of God gets less and less respect. I believe the reasoning behind that is the conviction it brings. John Powell’s comment about the Bible being a “Spiritual Washcloth” always comes to mind in times like these. The word of God is meant to clean up the heart of the reader and the world wants no part of it. Their solution is to struggle against God’s purpose by injecting Satan’s questioning. Just as it was in the garden with Eve when Satan ask “did God not say,” and then continued to manipulate the words of God to fit his agenda. 

The two nations that Jacob and Esau came to represent were literal countries: Israel and Edom. Two brothers formed in the love of Isaac and Rebekah became two nations at odds of one another, and what was a simple family struggle became nations at war. Can we not see that potential in the church? We have one side standing on the Bible as the inerrant word of God. We have the other side saying, well yes it is, but we believe God didn’t necessarily mean what He said. Wait… what? How can that be. Well it can’t. And a simple “family struggle” has become an assault against us and their using our children to attack. 

I beg you to make an inquiry of the Lord yourself, and see what He says.

The Counter Intelligence

Counter intelligence is activities designed to prevent or thwart spying, intelligence gathering, and sabotage by an enemy or other foreign entity. If you break the word apart and define it, it’s the opposing effort of mental capacity. Good vs. Evil. Smart vs. Stupid. There is God’s side, and all others.  If you go against any part of the word of God, you are siding against Jesus Himself. Oh, but the world says no. You’re allowed to disagree with God. Yes, yes you are, it’s called free will; and its what all of us will stand accountable before God and answer for. And many will discover that all those “errors” in the word of God were in fact truth. And they’re going to be in a heap of trouble. 

On with the story of the birth of Esau and Jacob:

[24] And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. [25] And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau. [26] And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau’s heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them. [27] And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents. [28] And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison: but Rebekah loved Jacob.

The boys were born to adversity between each other, and the attention of their parents, pitting one against the other. I’ve watched this play out in families that I know and it basically works the same way every time. Animosity and division that seldom ever heals. Personalities clashed between the brothers, one as a hunter and the other as a momma’s boy and sides were chosen.  There was now a division in the family. 

How many divisions are there in the family of God? There are 45,000 denominations globally according to google. And we know that Google is the truth second only to the word of God. I’m joking!!! But it is a source of information none the less, so we’ll go for it being that I only wanted a guess-timate anyway. Like the churches of today, both boys were vying for the attention of the parents, believing that they were the favored and the righteous. But not until a wrestling match did one gain the favor of God, but that story is for another day.

The Integrity

 [29] And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came from the field, and he was faint: [30] And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage ; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom. [31] And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. [32] And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? [33] And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob. [34] Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright.

And this is where integrity went right out the window! I don’t know how long it was since Esau’s last meal, but I’m pretty sure he wasn’t on the edge of death! He was however famished and desirous of his brothers soup. An opportunity that Jacob took full of advantage of to con his brother out of his birthright. He traded a very temporal satisfaction for a lifetime of inheritance. 

The writer of Hebrew says this of Esau: Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.

While Jacob’s character at this point was certainly in question, Esau is said to have despised his part of the world to come, he denied the resurrection of the dead, and had no regard to the spiritual blessings or to the Messiah. Jacob, who like every man on the earth is flawed, becomes Israel through a change of heart and obedience to God. 

I see the world as having Esau’s heart. While Esau was seemingly more productive than his brother Jacob, his lack of respect for the things of God caused him to lose everything of importance. Today the world focus’ on their own opinions being more important than truth and  their disregard for their own inheritance of the Kingdom of God will leave many in the church lacking.

I pray that as I continue working and serving the Lord, I pray that my words always align with scripture and that the flesh has no part of this message.

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