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How to Make it Through a Terrible, Horrible, No Good Day – The Jesus Chick

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Chick Comfort

My husband and I recently watched Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Don’t ask me to critique it. My attention spans can capture a commercial but as for a movie, unless it’s AMAZING, you can pretty much rely on the fact that I’ve got three other projects going while it’s running and a couple setting on the burners of my mind in case those don’t pan out. (truth)

The premise of Alexander’s story is, he’s always having a bad day and his family and their perfect lives just can’t identify. Until the day that the tables turn and Alexander is the chosen child while his families lives fall apart… then the comedy of errors is on. Life is full of bad and good days and we’re all just a phone call away in either direction. The vast majority of us go through life in a state of “Us and Our Typical, Mediocre, So So, Average Days.” Giving little thought to “No Good” days until we’re confronted with them. At least I do. I am the Queen of the “I’m Fine Theory.” Life is good until it’s not and then I’ll pretend it is to the rest of world while my inward world crashes down around me and I’m left in a puddle in the road until the Savior comes and scoops me up, comforts my soul and puts me back in the game of life.

What about you this morning? How exactly is your day? For me… I’m in need of comfort for myself and for my friends; so if you’re one of those… consider this blog for you.

2 Corinthians 1:3-6

The Source of Comfort

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;

The Creator of life and He Who must stamp “approved” on any circumstance in our life is the God of all comfort. I’d be lying if I said I’d never questioned why God put me through some things in my life. I did not enjoy them, sometimes I was not sure I’d survive them. But I can honestly say that when all was said and done and I was on the other side of that horrible day, God had a purpose and it was always amazing. The harder the trial, the more amazing the end result. It’s that coal and diamond theory… pressure makes us shine.

The Science of Comfort

Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

I’m not sure how God turns a lump of coal into a diamond or makes me shine in some of the ugliest circumstances, but it happens. Although we’re the beneficiary of it, it’s not for us that that science occurs, it’s for someone else whose going through a trial of their own, thinking they’ll not survive and then low and behold God sends us  across their path, and the Science of Comfort is the word “hope.” Which could have been lost, with tragic end if we were not allowed to set before them as an example.

The Savior of Comfort

For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.

It is through our relationship with Christ that we identify with His death, burial and resurrection, we understand the new life we were given on the day of salvation. But also on that day of Salvation was Christ living in us and becoming a part of our lives… prospering us through Him. Christ does not joy in our suffering any more than He enjoyed enduring the cross, but He brings us through to the point of victory because on that day He creates in us something new again. Something we’ve never experienced before that will draw us closer to Him and cause us to discover a strength or gift that we did not know existed.

The Salvation of Comfort

And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.

I’ve known far more Christians saved in the midst of heartache than happiness. I’ve also seen the heartache of a saint turned into happiness when they realized that their strength in the storm was what caused a lost soul to recognize the difference between the heartaches of saved and lost.

Friend… if you’re suffering today, I’m not privy to the reason but I’m privy to the Redeemer. And I know He has a purpose in your fight. If you’re not saved, that is first and foremost on your agenda to understanding. Here’s a link to help you out.

If you’re a child of God and you’ve found yourself facing the trial of your life, get into the Word of God and cling to those that speak peace to your soul. And if Satan tells you not to bother… run faster, because he’s far too close. And then prepare your Victory Speech! Because God will bring you through.

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