Just in case you were wondering… they survived. And we Rejoice!
It was a call in the wee hours of the morning that rustled my husband and I up from our sleep today. I watched him go into full rescue mode as he has one thousand times over the past 20 or so years of emergency services. (I’m not real sure of that time frame or the number of calls) It’s mostly a blur. He goes into rescue mode and I cry out to God for David and his comrades and for the people in distress. As the call went out my first thought was, it’s likely nobody I even know, but I’ll pray anyway. As it turns out it was somebody I knew, a cute little Sunday School boy from ages past… or just a few short years. It was a miracle of all miracles that he was okay (ish) He was still a long way from okay, and he sure could use your prayers.
As a Momma I want to shield every kid I know, my own and everyone else’s from harm, but it’s just not possible. We live in a fallen world where sorrows happen and no one is immune. The good, the bad and the ugly are in the same boat when it comes to heartache. So how do we get through? There’s one major key and several doors to getting through the hard times.
- Know God is Creator and Controller of All
1 Peter 4:19 ~ Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.
Any verse that is 4:19 is significant in my life because my husband’s emergency service unit number is 419. So those verses capture my attention. This morning’s was poignant and timely. For whatever reason, my friend’s accident was according to the will of God. I don’t have to like it, but I have to understand that the Creator of all the universe has our little piece of the world in His control.
- Know that the door to understanding is personally knowing the Creator
My friend’s family are Christians, meaning they personally have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It doesn’t make days like today easy but it grants them peace in knowing that God takes care of all their needs in the hour they need it.
Another 419 verse that I have clung to so often is Philippians 4:19 ~ But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. And I’m sure my friends are clinging to that today.
I pray you have that peace too! If not, shoot me a message, I would love to show you where to find it.
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