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Lord's day


It’s Sunday! I’m studied up for the teen class, I prayed for,the man of God preaching, the Sunday School teachers, the choir and Chris who has our special music today. I’m just like that crazy sheep inside because I “get” to go to the house of the Lord! Do you know what a privilege it is? Or will you wait until that privilege is gone before you experience it? It’s an exciting place to be. I love going in and listening as others come into the building, many are as excited as I am. It’s just been since Wednesday that we’ve been there, but a few days in this cold cruel world is enough to make you jump for joy when you get in a place that encourages your soul. I need it. I thrive on it!

Today’s blog is short and sweet because I’ve spent the morning preparing for church. This day defines my week in many ways. I encourage you where ever you are to find that place this morning and be in it. It’s yours. Christ died for it. Satan wants to destroy it.

Keep it Alive!!!

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