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by wptg
It’s not up for debate – The Jesus Chick

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I did not watch the Republican debate a few days ago, and I cannot say that I’m sad about it. Republicans praised themselves for a job well done like high school jocks coming off the field after a winning game and the Democrats acted like school children poking fun of the new kid with weird clothes. And that was just the social media posts. The News crews didn’t act any better. Can you tell that I put little stock in American democracy? Will I vote? Of course I will, I’d be crazy not to; but the reality of it is we have a lot of crazy people in society who didn’t vote the last time else we’d not have the demonic forces in the White House that are there now. Hey… this is my blog, if you’re offended… get your own. It’s not my intent to offend, it’s my intent to stir your heart for the cause of Christ, not for the cause of a political party.

Life is not up for Debate

Romans 14:7-8 says “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.

Although you may eat well and live well the truth of the matter is you do not control the length of your life. You may shorten it by stupidity, but the how long you live is entirely God’s decision. How you live your life is yours. You are either living it for God, or you are living against Him. There is no in between. Being a democrat is no more wrong than eating pork… unless you are a democrat who doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ, or you do not care that your behavior offends Jesus Christ or His people. Being a republican is no more right than not eating pork. Those are earthly titles and works, what are they doing for Christ? And if your goal is to offend the democrat… you’ve not presented Christ in a very good light, because Christ is not in either party, but the agenda of Christ better be in both if Christians are going to stand up for it. You are either 4for Him, or against Him and you are for certain living out one or the other by your decisions.

Judgement is not up for debate

Romans 14:9-10

For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

Whether or not we agree on candidates we need to understand that Christ died for all, so that living or dead we can have a relationship with Him. Opinions are like hearts, everyone has one; and they beat rapid or slow depending upon what they’re passionate for or about. Every heart of a child of God should be passionate about God’s people who He died for. Whether or not you agree with them, shouldn’t change how you feel about their soul. But that’s not what I see happening. Christian Republicans and Democrats alike are touting that they have only the best in mind for God’s people… and yet the evidence is to the contrary because neither side treats the other as God would intend. Both sides are judging from a human viewpoint… not God’s. And even though I certainly see God greater in one party’s agenda than the other, I don’t see that party coming together in the cohesiveness of Christ who died for all. Rather they have separate agenda’s that God is partially in and they themselves govern the rest of the agenda. Christ died for all (the entire agenda). You either live for Him or not… Not in part, but in whole.

The Final Authority is not up for debate

Romans 14:11

For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

God will not be mocked… that’s Bible. And you may not care that you offend me or anyone else. But if you have offended God you’ve got problems. He is the final authority on life. He decides if you live or die, and when (not if) you stand before Him one day there will be no arrogance about you. There will not be a political party in Heaven nor an agenda up for debate; it was settled on the cross. Does yours line up with it?

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