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by wptg
It’s Time to Tell Them – The Jesus Chick

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My Dad ran for office on a local level when I was in early elementary school. My quiet, humble father was in politics. It meant very little to me until my 18th year and I was allowed to vote for the very first time, which also happened to be a year that my father was up for re-election. That year it mattered. For the first time I witnessed the ugly side of politics, and it is was very ugly. And yet my quiet, humble father refused to say anything. Every lie that was published I would protest and ask my dad to protest and he’d just smile with that steadfast grin of his and say, “If they know me, they know the truth.” And I’d fume! Why on earth would he say nothing? The answer was as simple as the grin on his face, because my Dad read and understood the truth, grace and predestinate God. No, I’m not saying we are predestinated for salvation; that is a personal decision God expects everyone to make, nobody is destined for Hell by God’s design. But, if God desires a man or a woman to be in office, you better believe He has the power to make it happen. Does He desire every man or woman currently in office to be in that position… Nope. I believe He lets us have what we ask for. Even if it’s stupid…and then sometimes He spares us because there is a predestinated event that God’s plan requires. I think we’re seeing that plan play out.

This morning as I read a few “political” posts my heart sunk and my stomach rolled over, and then I thought about my Dad’s statement, “If they know me, they know the truth.” So I turned that statement back to myself: Because I know Him, I know the truth. The political rhetoric of the day has no effect on the truth. They can stand flatfooted and lie to the American public, they can stand flatfooted and side against God in all the arrogance and disdain for His Word, and it doesn’t change one Word of it. Hallelujah!!! God knows the end, we do not.

But for Christians to sit on their hind parts and do nothing because we feel overwhelmed, outnumbered and unheard is as idiotic as Hillary Clinton saying that we need to empathize with those who seek to destroy us. If by empathize (understand and identify with them) she means, we should desire that they be destroyed too, then okay. I empathize with them. Would I love to see the world saved, Yes Amen! But that’s not reality. And it’s certainly not God’s intention for us to allow the name of Christ to be taken in vain by the leadership of our country and to watch as they side with the enemies of God.

Forever and a day I’ve felt disconnected from American political decisions. Locally, I feel I have a voice but nationally not so much.  And yet here I am with my very own platform on the World Wide Web and although it still has limited reach, it has a reach. I am without excuse to say that I don’t have a voice, and if you’re reading this, so are you. You have a voice.

The very reason we have the wicked in power in America that we do is because we’ve allowed it. I don’t understand how a man got elected to whom everyone I meet says that it wasn’t their vote that got him elected. I’ve heard enough supporters of him to know he had more than a few votes. So what I’m inclined to believe is that those who had the power and the desire to see him voted out… didn’t vote. Praise God I was not one of them… but I’m just as guilty.

I have not voiced my opinion loud enough because I didn’t want to deal with the political fallout. Well, look what that theory got me. I love my Dad’s laid back attitude. It was needful for me to see that God has this world in control even when it’s out of control. But from my Dad’s vantage point now, in the presence of God, perhaps he would say. You know the truth Shari, but they don’t… SO TELL THEM.

Romans 14:12

So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

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