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I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I have the hardest time with this new reality that we’re living in because it is not the reality for which I grew up in or raised my children in. But as I listened to the Blaze News reporters talk about an action taken by the Lego (R) toy company, my stomach rolled over. 

This is a snippet of one of the online reports:

The email requests removal of product listings and features for more than 30 LEGO building sets, Minifigures, and accessories that include representation of police officers, firefighters, criminals, emergency vehicles, and buildings. Sets include the LEGO City Police Station, Fire Station, Police Dog Unit, Patrol Car, Fire Plane, Mobile Command Center, Police Highway Arrest, and many more. Even the LEGO City Donut Shop set — which includes Police Officer “Duke DeTain” and “Crook” Minifigures — roleplay items including a Police Handcuffs & Badge Set, and the adult builder LEGO Creator version of The White House made the removal list.


What side do you suppose their on? Perhaps they should make a LEGO looters set to replace it. It could have little glass shards that protrude from the store windows, I’m sure those wouldn’t hurt children. Perhaps it could have little old ladies with removable hand bags for the muggers, and Molotov cocktails for throwing. Ridiculous right? Well for me, that is no more ridiculous than a toy story not wanting to promote our local heroes. As the wife of a fire chief I can tell you what I’m not going to do, I’m not going buy any more lego products for my grandchildren. Getting rid of the ones they have is not a good idea, why punish the kids for adult stupidity? But I’ll not sit in silence when I see a company who has made millions off the product line of  emergency services and then throw them aside like trash.

As I posted yesterday, I’m so glad I live where I do, I’ve not witnessed anyone in our area being unkind to our local heroes. Well… with maybe the exception of a few people who were on the wrong side of the law to start with. When I quote a scripture like 1 Timothy 2:1-2 KJV, I can’t help but to think about the writer of that scripture, Apostle Paul. He wrote:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

Break that verse down into the divine instruction that it is:

Let’s talk to God about “all” men.

No color. No gender. Just everyone. Let’s pray for each other. Those in a uniform and those without. The created beings of the Creator. 

Let’s thank God for all men.

Have you thanked God for the people in your life lately. The policeman, fireman, those who defend our country? How about those that defend our homes, like the mom’s and dad’s who watch over the children and the critters and all the things. Have you just thanked God for your people. 

How about the king…oh wait, we don’t have a king, but we have a President. 

Have you thanked God for him? You may or may not be a Trump fan. I personally will love you either way. But I am a Trump fan, because (while I don’t think he’s perfect) I think he’s chosen and appointed by God for our country for such a time as this. I think he’s been attacked worse than any political figure in history and too many have ignored the truth.  

Now, last but not least, let’s talk about those in authority.

The Police and defenders of the law. The same people who are spreading hatred and lies against law enforcement are the same people who have round the clock body guards. When they perform a concert, they call for extra police (at the cities expense) to cover the area so their safe. They live in gated communities and hire people to run their errands. When they feel that they are in harms way, they dial 911 and expect an answer and an action. And yet, these are they who have just requested and started a petition to have the budgets cut of local city departments and the money given to minorities. 

Are you kidding? 

Remember who wrote the verse in 1 Timothy. Paul. Who was beaten and arrested for sharing Christ. Yet he defended the laws of man. Paul knew that even though sometimes life is broken, and doesn’t work like it should, there is protection in law and order. And God is for order. 

Satan is for Chaos. And he has got his minions by the thousand across the United States offering money for chaos and crime.  

While there is no justification of an officer who uses force against a man in cuffs. That officer is a coward and a creep that deserves the penalty for which he charged many to and so do those who idly stood by and watched. But the fact of the matter is our law enforcement is the only thing between us and chaos. Well… unless you live in West Virginia, and then there’s a few rifles, pistols and other ammunition between us and chaos. Yes. This Jesus Chick is Pro-gun, Pro-Life, Pro-law enforcement and Pro-President. I will continue to teach the children in my life to respect and honor emergency service workers and all those in authority. And I will explain to them the evil that is in the world and call them by name when necessary so they’ll know who to avoid. 

I pray you are safe, and I pray you are wise. Don’t buy the liberal lies. Stand strong in the word of God and know His will and His ways. 

Love ya! – Shari, the Jesus Chick

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