The ACTS prayer method. I was reminded of it in a Pocket Testament League devotion yesterday, and today it was again on my heart, desiring that sweet Spirit of the Lord in my life. Have you felt it today, or has it been a while since you got that bubbling up in your soul so vast that you feel at any moment your mouth will fly open and the Holy Spirit will assuredly burst onto the scene? And then He does! His indwelling becomes an out pouring of praise of and gratitude for what He’s done in your life. It’s amazing!
- Tell Him how much you love Him and watch and feel as you are loved in return.
- We all know our short comings, for me they are many. What an awesome feeling just to clear the air with the Lord. He knows what we’ve done, but He longs to hear His children confess their sins and turn away from it and back to Him.
- Have you counted your blessings lately? It’s amazing and humbling when you start thanking God for all you have; especially when you look at the world around you and see the countless who have not.
- Our prayer list at church gets longer and longer, my own does too. There are so many people in the world suffering, who need someone to lift them up in prayer. For me it’s overwhelming at times. But like the blessings I have to name them one by one and not dwell on the fact that I can do nothing, but that God can do anything. Who has He laid on your heart today?
ACTS. Such a small acronym with big results. I hope you’ll use it for your model prayer today and then let me know how the Lord blesses it!
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