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Why is it that a Christian Nation is so divided? How can that be? Any innocent conversation can be drawn into a battle of wit and words with a phrase or ideology that goes against the person you’re conversing with. 

It is with hesitancy that I share my opinions, I never mind sharing the gospel, for it is not my words, but God’s, so if they have a problem with that, take it up with Him. But my words, my opinions are made often times in the midst of great passion of conversation. Things come out of my mouth that I really wish they’d paused for effect so I’d have a chance to stop them completely. But the reality is, I speak first and think about it later. 

A Bible conversation that could have had great dividing power was the one between Apostle Paul and Philemon. Philemon had a slave named Omesimus that had stolen from him and then runaway. But as fate would have it, his runaway journey ran him straight into the arms of Jesus through the Gospel preached by Paul. He not only became a child of God, he became a great friend and encouragement to Paul, but Paul knew his backstory. And wanted to reunite him with his master, also a friend of Paul. 

Paul wrote the letter (the book of Philemon) for this purpose. Which I read this morning in search of guidance as I travel in this world of division today. It’s only a 1 chapter, 25 verse book that you can read it in just a a few minutes. The verse that struck a chord in my heart today was in the latter of the book:

Philemon 1:17-20 KJV

[17] If thou count me therefore a partner, receive him as myself. [18] If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee ought, put that on mine account; [19] I Paul have written it with mine own hand, I will repay it : albeit I do not say to thee how thou owest unto me even thine own self besides. [20] Yea, brother, let me have joy of thee in the Lord: refresh my bowels in the Lord.

I smiled when I read those verses. Paul basically offers to repay Omnesimus’ debt, but reminds Philemon, in my own country words, “I ain’t even gonna remind you what you owe me.”

Can you hear those words from the Lord Jesus this morning in this divided world? Where everyone wants to be right and free the slaves that aren’t slaves and pay the debt that isn’t owed. 

This morning I’m sitting in an empty Hotel Lobby that would likely be bustling in a normal time. But we’re not living in normal times. We’re living in a time when our entire nation is as divided as Philemon and Omnesimus. The only hope for a restoration is if people, starting with the church, listen to those words of Paul, and imagine them coming from the mouth of the Lord Jesus. 

“I ain’t even gonna remind you what you owe me.” 

But His Father will. 

Before we launch into that argument. Before we tell our side; let’s take the side of Jesus and offer forgiveness, even if it’s not warranted. A little love goes a long way. 

Let’s share God’s opinion more than ours today. That way if there’s division, we’re for certain on the right side. 

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