I feel like I should have to preface the image above by saying, “For display only.” The odds of me running in any physical race are slim to none. But the spiritual race… oh, I’m in that one!
It’s times like the ones we’re living in where I am extremely grateful for where I live and where I was raised. Were it not for the providence of God, I could have been anywhere. Including smack dab in the middle of the riots. But the only rioting going on around my house is when the six grandkids come over. And I am sometimes crowd control, and I am sometimes the instigator. It depends on the day. But one thing that hasn’t changed in my life is the blessing of being raised where the color of someone’s skin was more of a curiosity to me, than an issue. I knew that the color of the skin meant that the culture of that family was almost inevitably different than mine. I have not met too many dark skinned red necks. And as I grew up in Calhoun County, West Virginia, there was only one black family in our area. So to say that I can identify with racial indifference isn’t true. I have nothing to relate too. Over the years the diversity of skin colors has changed in our area, but still yet, for the most part, white skinned red necks are the lot of our bunch. But I’ve traveled and I’ve met people of all different nationalities and I’m here to say, each are a product of God’s purpose. Some living in it, some running from it, and most trying to figure it out. So when I see the hatred and vicious behavior of the riots going on, my heart breaks for the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not who He created us to be.
I said all of that so that you’d get a snapshot of who I am, culturally speaking. I’ve lived in the country most of my life, with the exception of a few years in the city of Parkersburg, West Virginia. My kids were raised country. I have a daughter who’s an avid fisher and hunter, and the other who loves everything about mudding and frog giggin’, my sweet little girls did not grow up to be fancy pants. I on the other hand, love everything sparkly, which is why I have such a fascination about Heaven. And why I could care less about the color of someone’s skin, thinking that all of our souls are transparent at this point. Or perhaps they too are sparkly. I’d like to think that way.
The most frustrating part about the state of our country right now is the division. We should be fighting for each other, not with each other. When I agreed to run the race for Jesus in 1996, I didn’t look back. All my past transgressions were under the blood and the people that I had issues with in my life, there’s were no longer on my mind. I just loved everyone. I just wanted to see everyone come to know the Jesus that I know. The One and only who could die to pay the price for all of my sins, and they were many. They one who rescued me from a heart of turmoil. Who exchanged for one filled with peace. Oh my goodness, why would I want to go back into that life, or why would I consider standing in judgement of any man or woman knowing what Christ brought me out of. I love running this race. I do not like physical running. It tires me quickly with my heart condition. The only thing that tires me quicker, is see people running down my nation. I love it. I’m a die hard fan of God and He is a fan of the old America. Not the one we’re living in now.
We need to go back to the old paths, where in is the way.
Jeremiah 6:16 KJV
Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
Jeremiah’s instructions are a timeless solution
Stand in the ways… God’s ways.
See… His provision.
Walk… as He leads
Rest for our souls… we need it now more than ever.
But even then they said, “we will not walk therein.” And America is filled with that same rebellious spirit. But regardless of it, we who are children of God do not have to follow suit. We can run this race single minded, God focused. We can choose to love, even the most despicable of characters, you know… like politicians. I know… that wasn’t very nice. I’m not lumping them into one category, how rude would that be?
I hope you are safe, and I hope you are filled with the Spirit of God, guiding you. Have a topic you’d like to hear more on? let me know. I’m always looking for a good study.
Bless ya! ~ The Jesus Chick
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