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That’s Satan’s daily agenda. He can’t have our souls, so he’ll settle for our days and boy do I make it easy for him sometimes. As I began to write this morning; trying to wrap my mind around spiritual things, the debate from Tuesday night’s Presidential spar came into view. I was nauseous because President Trump did not bring his “A” game. I expected better. Biden, no doubt through the aid of medicine, and only the Lord knows what else, actually kept himself together with he exception of a few meltdowns and multiple bold face lies that Chris Wallace, the moderator,  helped him with. And so my mind went there, because all it took was a little something shiny to get my mind off the task of sharing Jesus, and onto my frustration. My mind was almost overthrown.

Overthrow by definition is to “subvert or defeat.”I cannot be defeated because I have Christ living in me, but… I can certainly be subverted (overthrown or confounded).

On my phone is the 1828 dictionary which defines words from a biblical viewpoint. One of the best apps by far for a child of God who studies the word. When using “subvert” in a sentence for example it read “ He is the worst enemy of man, who endeavors to subvert the Christian religion. The elevation of corrupt men to office will slowly, but surely, subvert a republican government.” 

Wow… did that fit in where my mind was going! Maybe God didn’t mind me being frustrated.

America is being overthrown from within and the children of God have two choices: either stay distracted with Satans political rhetoric which will accomplish nothing productive, or point lost souls to Christ, Christians souls to their purpose, and leadership to the cross as a reminder that Victory has nothing to do with the outcome of an election.

So today I fight the overthrow, perhaps you need some help too!

2 Timothy 2:16-21 KJVS

The Babblers

[16] But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

Have you ever seen a time when people ramble on without reason? Or a time when people feel that they have the right to spew their opinion at anyone, regardless of insult or injury? It’s crazy. And yet we tolerate it as the norm, because suddenly it is. Babbling or rambling, they run a close race. But the word babble comes from Genesis 11 in the period of time after the flood, when all the earth was in one language, but God “confounded” them with multiple languages as the result of their belief that they could become as high as God by building a tower. 

Have you seen a time when so many people believe they are as smart as God, or that there is no consequence for actions against God? God doesn’t have to create a new language, we’ve confounded ourselves with unrealistic ideas that make no sense. Someone thinks something up, and it must be right, because they did. Kneeling (which I consider an act of humility) is now an act of disrespect toward our nation and flag. Vulgar and unapologetic language that used to be a rated “R” conversation in front of the general pubic and especially children, is now rated “G.” And most everyone accepts it as the norm. 

Babblers are tearing at the fabric of our nation by tearing down our nation one family at a time where nobody respects anybody and anything goes. As Paul instructs Timothy to avoid ( shun) these vain babblers, he tells him that the lying and misleading speech is like a mouth canker. Ouch! Paul even goes so far to call out their names.

 [17] And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; [18] Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some. 

But Paul warns that those lies will “overthrow the faith of some.” Cause their downfall. The problem with society (as a whole) is that we’ve become so accustomed to a false narrative by the left, that we’ve stopped defending the right. 

[19] Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. 

We’ve been told to shun (avoid) the babbling, and now Paul says to depart from the iniquity. “Walk away Chuckie, just walk away.” 

It’s easier said than done sometimes. But by staying in a conversation with anyone who argues that what’s going on, on the left, is okay, we’re subjecting our mind to the damage it does. Arguing with them will serve little purpose, but a mic drop moment of walking away might cause them to think, and it will certainly let them know where you stand. 

[20] But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. [21] If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

If we avoid, and sometimes just walk away from the negative, nasty comments of the day, we’ll be doing ourselves a favor and allowing our minds to focus on what God would have us focus on. His work… you know… the good work.

As I begin my day to day, it’s my prayer that God will send someone who needs Jesus across my path, and that I will have the clarity of the word of God to share Christ with them in a way that causes them to desire to know Him. 

Just because the world is evil, doesn’t mean that I have to be subjected to it. I have the light of Christ living in me that can certainly outshine any darkness of this world. Amen! Shine on Children!

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