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It’s All Apart of the Plan

Jonah 1:7 ~ And they said every one to his fellow, Come, and let us cast lots, that we may know for whose cause this evil is upon us. So they cast lots, and the lot fell upon Jonah.

When Jonah refused to go to Ninevah to preach the gospel as the Lord had asked a “whale” of a story followed! But the reality of it was, how many people died outside salvation in Ninevah while Noah was rebelling against God? One was too many…

The practice of casting lots was common of the day; every decision was from the Lord and when the lot was properly used, the answer was not a matter of chance but came from God. Because we now have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us the lots are no longer necessary, however the answer is still not a matter of chance.

Proverbs 16:33 says “The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.” I have to wonder if this is not where the phrase “It just fell into my lap” came from, when in truth nothing just “falls” into your lap without the divine providence of God either directing it there, or allowing it. It is then our task to determine the direction to go.

My lap is often full of decisions. I sometimes fear a boatload of Tarshish immigrants will pass by the shores of Calhoun County and declare “Throw her overboard. The troubles we’re in are her fault! It’s a habit in my life to assume responsibility for something that was not within my control. Yes… it’s crazy, but it’s my lot.

The point I want to make here is this, “No decision is allowed to come into our lives that God’s not a part of. He either allowed it or created it, either of which was designed to send us in His direction for the answer. There are times I wish the practice of casting lots was still an option, a “yes” or “no” answer would be helpful. But what a decision requires, where it be big or small is prayer and lots of it. Reading the Word of God and allowing the Holy Spirit to minister our soul.

Jonah made a mistake, it wasn’t fatal but it had a nasty repercussion. Imagine being in the belly of that great fish for three days! What would be going through your mind? Just kill me already! I’ll bet he did some serious soul searching then. It was all a part of the plan…

Matthew 12:40

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

God was not caught off guard by Jonah’s rebellion. He expected it. I’m sure God would have much preferred if upon telling Jonah to go to Ninevah, he replied, “I’ll pack by bags and be out the door in the shake of a dog’s tail.” But being that wasn’t his answer and God used that too. He used Jonah’s act of rebellion as an example of God’s ultimate redemption. He said I’ll show you that way back there in 786-746 BC that I knew you’d mess up in 2013 AD, so 2000 years ago, I died on that cross of Calvary, they placed Me in the tomb and in three days I came forth too! But not as whale puke, like Jonah. No, I came forth victorious. Satan thought he won, until I knocked on his door and said I’ve come for the keys of death, hell and the grave. Revelation 1:18

Decisions are rough. We can’t cast lots, and sometimes we’re not nearly as in tune with God as we should be, but isn’t it great to know that God’s got it all worked into the plan. He can use even our mistakes to bring glory to his name. Amen!

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Church of the Big Hole

Sign near the entrance of a church in Wisdom, Montana. The Church of the Big Hole is a reference to the Big Hole river valley that follows along highway 43. It is one of three Churches of the Big Hole- others are at Wise River and Melrose, Montana.

(Photo by SeattleRay)

Complacency: It’s a death sentence to the spirit. It’s not a switch that suddenly goes off but gradually takes over the spiritual life of a believer day by day as they distance themselves more from the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Church events outside the norm of Sunday and Wednesday are checked off the list first, followed by an occasional Sunday for special events or to get caught up on sleep. Due to long list of things in your life you’ve now decided to step down from teaching or helping out in the ministries of the church, it’s just too much and someone will surely step up and fill the gap. You’ve done your time, right? Now that there is no obligation to the body of Christ and your load is so much lighter! You noticed that nobody stepped into your position, but they will. Little by little, week after week, your bible reading stops, church attendance stops, guilt ceases and the hole that was once filled with the goodness of God is now filled with vain attempts to accomplish trivial tasks on your “day off.”

Ezekiel wrote “O Israel, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts. Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord.” ~ Ezekiel 13:4-5

Ezekiel, speaking to the leadership of the church says “you’re like foxes in the desserts.” Away from everyone and useless to them, you’ve left a hole in the church. Just for the record, nobody can step into your position, it’s yours until God says it’s not. And when He says that position is no longer yours, He’s already got another worked out. That’s what prevents complacency in the life of a Christian, else there’s a gap.

The Gap Defined:

1: A break in a barrier (as a wall, hedge, or line of military defense)

We’ve witnessed in America what happens when our borders are not guarded. The enemy comes in, sits among us un-noticed and launches an attack from the very ground we live on, and our people are lost. The gap you create by failing to attend church is one around your own life. Your family sees that church was of little importance, that God is expendable. And the gap that you’ve created leaves just enough room those that you care about to fall into the pits of Hell. Harsh? Yes. Real? Yes.

2: An opening in a solid structure or surface; a cleft or breach:

The church is getting less and less influential in our communities today. There was a time it was very real, and a solid structure in the lives of America. Now it’s viewed as a social meeting place where people come to be entertained or have their children attended to for a few hours. There’s a gap in the solidity of God’s house because His people have allowed the very structure of the church to be weakened by not taking a stand on the Word of God. What once was the “saving place” is now the place we’ll save if all else fails. And then, when we do need it, we’re so estranged to the Holy Spirit we don’t even know Him; and the gap continues.

Summer time is hard on me spiritually because I see so many people fall out of church during that time. We lose someone most every year during the summer because there’s “so much that needs done” elsewhere. And the gap begins.

If you’re thinking that this summer is too busy for Church, then your summer is too busy. Stay faithful friend! I found irony in the fact that the actual Church of the Big Hole was in “Wisdom” Montana and another at Wise River. Be wise… fill the gap.

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Hold My Mule… I’m About to Get Happy

Proverbs 23:16

Yea, my reins shall rejoice, when thy lips speak right things.

When reminiscing about the spiritual joys in my life I can seldom go too far without having Preacher Walt come into my mind. Many people have touched my life but only a few have left a thumbprint on my heart because they touched me so deeply. Walt was one such individual because he taught me how to let go of the mule. One of his favorite sayings was “Hold my mule, I’m about to get happy!” Walt was relinquishing the reins and allowing the Holy Spirit to take charge, and sure enough as soon as he did, we had a time in that service! This morning as my eyes opened at 4:30 a.m. I began to pray that God would lay a scripture on my heart that would encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ. One that cause them to be happy in the Spirit of the Lord. And as always, God is faithful. The word “speak” has been on my heart for days. But not necessarily in a good sense; more aptly thinking on how the thoughts of a person’s heart are betrayed by their lips. When I speak what’s on my heart, it’s not always the right thing to say. God said in Proverbs 23:16 that He would rejoice when we spoke right things. I have to wonder if when His reins rejoice, if they don’t loosen a little.

We are held back by the reins

I hesitate to ask some people how they are because it’s often followed by a twenty minute dissertation of how terrible their life is. They’ve made up their mind that they’re going to be miserable and they share that misery with everyone who dare to ask. I don’t want to discourage someone from asking a brother or sister for prayer because they’re going through a rough spot, that’s not what I speak of. I’m talking about ‘those’ folk, and you know who they are, that seldom ever have a good day. They don’t speak right things. They won’t let loose of anger, or bitterness and because of it their reins are held tight. They aren’t allowing God to have control, else they’d have to forgive and forget. You’ll not likely see them get happy in the Lord because their content at being miserable and their speech reflects it.

Hold my mule, I’m about to get happy!

We are Lead by the reins

When our heart is right it’s also reflected in our speech. We speak truth and encouragement; and we can feel the reins loosen a little and God working in our lives. He starts directing us and putting words in our mouth. His words. And joy begins to multiply in our heart and rather than focusing on the negative things in the world we begin to look for the good, and that too encourages us and before long we’ve thought and spoken ourselves happy! And then one day we find ourselves in the Spirit of the Lord, happy for no other reason than God gave us one more breath. Life’s not perfect, but God is. He has a plan, go with it.

We are loosed by reins

If the driver of the buggy never let loose of the reins he’d never travel very far. The horse doesn’t need the reins off to get where he’s going he needs them cracked! That’s how I feel this morning. I feel like God has cracked the reins and I’m moving. He’s doing something in my life, taking me to the next leg of the journey. A mule is said to be stubborn and content to stay put. I don’t want that.

Here, hold my mule, I’m about to get happy!



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Upon their advice… One step away from a bad ending


2nd Chronicles 24:27 –  Now concerning his sons, and the greatness of the burdens laid upon him, and the repairing of the house of God, behold, they are written in the story of the book of the kings. And Amaziah his son reigned in his stead.

At seven years old Joash was crowned King. It’s unfathomable to us today to think of someone so young being put in that position, but he was and he began to reign well under the strong spiritual guidance of Jehoida the priest. He rebuilt the house of God and turned the people’s hearts back to serving, but then Jehoida died.  And upon his death it is written in verse 16 of this same chapter “And they buried him in the city of David among the kings, because he had done good in Israel, both toward God, and toward his house.” But of Joash, a few verses and a long story later we find that he has been murdered by his own servants (vs. 25) And when they were departed from him, (for they left him in great diseases,) his own servants conspired against him for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, and slew him on his bed, and he died: and they buried him in the city of David, but they buried him not in the sepulchres of the kings.

One chapter and a tale of two leadership teams in a ministry left me thinking this morning about the importance of those we surround ourselves with. With the guidance of Jehoida, Joash had accomplished great things which are written down for all to read.  But as is often the case it matters most on how you finish. Following Jehoida’s death, the princes of Judah became his advisors; they began “making obeisance,” flattering him with words and his sites were no longer toward God but toward serving idols. Spiritual advisors tried to step in, he had them killed, and low and behold the King dies at the hands of his servants, diseased and ashamed; not even buried with an honorable death.

Since salvation I have been blessed with strong spiritual leaders who advised me in the paths I should take and trained me in the ways of the Lord. To God be the glory, it was His leading and placement that got me to that place. I’m grateful, and after reading this story, very cautious. Any of us are just one decision away from enacting the next chain of events that could lead to a bad ending to our story. If Joash had harkend to Johoida’s son, Zechariah, when he told him to turn back to God, if he had not listened to the lies and flattering tongue of the political powers he could have lived a blessed life. But he chose the temporal feel good paths that lead to his destruction. God’s ways are not always the easy ways (they seldom are actually) but they’re always the right way.

Everyone has advice, but it’s not all good, and it’s certainly not all in your best interest. When making any decision it’s important to surround yourself with godly people, and to be wary of flattering tongues. King David knew it when he penned the words in Psalm 12:1-2, “Help, Lord; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak.

Is this the hour of decision for you? Pray! Seek godly counsel and then decide. Remember you are one decision away from a bad ending. Finish well!

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A Starring Role!

Genesis 1:16

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

In the beginning, long before I was a glimmer in the eyes of my parents God made the stars in Heaven to glimmer creating us both with purpose. I love the scripture in Jeremiah 1:5 where God attests that “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Purpose was in place and I was some place, though I know not where. In my miniscule mind I often wonder if God and Satan had a conversation about our souls to which Satan said, “They only love You because they’re with You, send them forth on their own and they’ll not return.” God knew us before we were born, so we had to be there with Him. What if… and it’s a big what if, He sent us forth to prove to the arrogant and jealous Lucifer that there were those who would desire to be with Him at all cost. Those who would die in and for Him. And to those He gave purpose. I often do things without a thought as to the outcome. To every star in the sky God has purpose, as well as all other creation.

He made the stars also…

That big bang. I would surely think that it was loud when God began to speak things into existence. I seriously doubt that it was a little “phhhttt”… there it is. The earth. No, it was more like a sonic boom, only greater, larger and more explosive than any sci-fi movie special effect! And the stars also… the first bedazzler. They weren’t an afterthought, I doubt God had spare parts from the planets and said… Hmmm… what can I do with this? Ah yes, stars. No, they had purpose!

Declaring God’s Glory

Psalm 19:1 ~  The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

A clear night in the hills of West Virginia where dusk to dawn lights are scarce declare and reveal God’s Glory. It is said that in Calhoun County, West Virginia where I live we have the number 1 site for stargazing because of the absence of artificial light. There are many advantages to country life, and one is certainly that we see clearer images of Heaven. I believe that one of the key reasons people neglect to see God’s glory is because of the artificial light of Satan. Not everything that sparkles comes from God.

2 Corinthians 4:4 ~ In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Take the path of Saul, God had to darken his path so that he could see the way. His focus had been entirely on the law. It made perfect sense to him. He could see right from wrong. But grace? That made no sense. Who was going to pay the price, someone had too? I’m not sure of the volume of God’s voice in Acts 9 when He spoke out of the sky on the road to Damascus; for some reason I don’t envision it as a “still small voice.” Saul dropped to his knees, blinded by the light. Some of us have a harder head than others. Saul eventually got the point, he got his eyes off his accomplished laws and got them on the Creator’s accomplished grace at the cross. The cross declares the Glory of God. He did that for us. That cross takes all the glory off of man’s vain attempt at self-righteousness. When Saul seen himself as he truly was, a murderer and a breaker of the law without justification he knew Who deserved the glory. God had created Saul with purpose, and when he finally figured out what that purpose was he shined!

God made the sun and the moon, and also the stars. They were of no lesser importance. Whether God speaks to us in a small circumstance or a thunderous happenstance, it’s no less significant. It is also no less significant if God speaks to Saul, who’s life as touched countless throughout the ages or a Pastor of a church of 22 in the hills of West Virginia. The Creator of the universe Who spoke the Heavens into existence and you also, did it with purpose; so that He could be glorified.

When did God get your attention? Was it a still small voice, or a loud thunderous clap! It’s important to remember. God marked the birth of Christ with a star in the Heavens; markers were important throughout the Bible to remember a place, a time and the significance of it. It usually was followed by a change of direction or a purpose exposed. In the scope of eternity your purpose is a starring role that can be filled by none other than you. Make the most of it today!

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We Cannot Sit in Yesterday’s Grace

1st Samuel 20:27 ~  And it came to pass on the morrow, which was the second day of the month, that David’s place was empty: and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, Wherefore cometh not the son of Jesse to meat, neither yesterday, nor to day?

David had discovered Saul’s intentions to kill him, and even so, he gave his best friend Jonathan the opportunity to prove to him that his father had no ill will toward him. Once both Jonathan and David were aware that Saul was indeed plotting to kill David, Jonathan and David met one last time to say their goodbyes.

The story of Jonathan and David is one of my favorites. Their friendship is the epitome of what true friendship should be and is set before us as an example of what Christian friendship should look like. As I read this text this morning, the first thought that came to my mind was “David didn’t sit in yesterday’s grace, and neither should we.” Why this message is on my heart I do not know, but the Lord does. Perhaps it is you that read it today, or another week or month down the line that needs to comprehend what the Lord is saying.

David had served King Saul honorably, but when Saul rebelled against the Lord and the Lord’s hand was removed he was aware that David was next in line to the throne and that God’s favor now rested on David. Broken hearted, David made the choice to leave. He could not sit in yesterday’s grace, it was gone. If he stayed he’d surely be dead.

There are times in our lives when we must realize that it is better to move on than stay put and die. I’ve had to make that decision multiple times. Sometimes on the secular front with my career and other times on the spiritual, but both were fronts of a battlefield. It’s not easy to leave friends and it’s extremely hard to swallow that a friend has become an enemy. Things change; and where we once found grace, it’s now gone. If I had stayed in the position I was in my zeal for life would have died; enemies have a way of draining the life out of you.

Don’t live in yesterday’s grace. Ministry should be a mobile force, and by mobile I mean moving forward! If David had stayed in that place we would not know of King David. God’s plan would have moved forward without him and David would have missed out on the greatest adventure of his life. Yes he made mistakes, he was far from a perfect man; but what made him a man after God’s own heart was his servitude. And when the opportunity to serve ceased… he moved on.

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The Real “After Earth”

Intrigued by the title I watched the movie trailer for After Earth this morning. The action packed film will no doubt be riveting with special effects and fear producing plots that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat with anticipation of the outcome. But I’m here to tell you they will fail in comparison to the real one! As I read’s verse of the day, Revelation 21:2-5 (prior to watching the trailer) I thought “I need to write on this!” Then as is often the case I got distracted, by a blueberry muffin mix calling my name from the kitchen. But God is faithful! When I returned with my muffin in hand I searched for trends of the day to see what webwatchers were watchin’. And low and behold the movie “After Earth” came up as the second highest. NBA was the highest, but that didn’t capture my attention like the second.

After Earth stars Will Smith and his real life son Jaden as a distanced father of a teenage son who takes off on an adventure to restore their relationship. A description from the site describes the movie as such: “The action is set a thousand years after humanity had to evacuate a despoiled Earth for a distant solar system, to which the species has adapted. Mankind’s main obstacle is a monster race, called Ursa, which is blind and detects its human prey by smell—literally, by the scent of fear.” A one liner that I’m sure will be remembered is “Danger is very real, fear is optional.”

I’m sure it’s an awesome movie for fans of that genre, but the real thing…the one that’s in truth destined for earths inhabitants is going to be a jaw dropping, no special effect, gospel truth reality.

Revelation 21:1-5 ~ And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.  And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.  And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Will Smith’s  broken relationship needing restored with his son is very reminiscent of our own with the Heavenly Father. Our relationship with Him was broken in the Garden of Eden and has been crippled by separation since then. But there will come a day that it will be restored! Shout the house down on that one!!! Our new earth will not however be filled with scary and dangerous demonic forces; there will be no fear or anything else that causes sadness, it will all have been destroyed. When John saw New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven, that Holy City was about to land on earth with God himself piloting the ship. I want to put an exclamation point after everything I write, that’s how excited I am thinking about that glorious day!

But for now there is a very real danger, and fear is still optional.

1 John 4:18 ~ There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

How do we cast out fear? Because it seems very real does it not? A perfect love is that relationship with God the Father, which doesn’t have to wait for the new earth. As a matter of fact it can’t.  By that time it will be too late. A relationship with God doesn’t take the dangers of this world away, it relinquishes control to the One with power over all and affords you the peace in knowing that come what may, demons, Hell or high water, God has your back. And there will come a day that we’ll see that New Jerusalem, or we’ll be riding down with it if we’ve gone on to Heaven before that day. Our New Earth will be more than any mind can imagine; there’s not enough exclamation points in the world to illustrate the excitement level of that day.

Want to know more? Read the book! It’s in there.

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Who Told You That You Have a When?

I have about a 40 minute commute to work each day which gives me an opportunity to listen to some of my favorite preachers. Even though I’m a musician, and I love to listen to music, I have such a desire for the Word of God, it is my preference of Spiritual encouragement in the car. Earlier this week I was doing just that and heard these words ring out from a preacher “Who told You that You have a When!?” Over and over I’ve heard them ring out in my mind this week. Even as I write these words there’s a large bell on college campus chiming out the time as if to say, “You’re not guaranteed another chime, who told you that you had a when?”

We’ve all likely heard it and said it.

“When I grow up I’ll serve in the church.”

“When I get out of debt I’m going to give to the Lord’s work.”

“When I get my life right I’m going to get in church and get saved.”

“When my kids grow up I’ll serve the Lord.”

Well… who told you that you had a when? 2 Corinthians 6:2 says “For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” We’re not guaranteed another second of breath. This message is for me as much as anyone. I can get so wrapped up in the trivial things of the day and at day’s end discover I’ve done nothing of eternal importance. I realize that there are some things that must get accomplished, dishes done, laundry folded, phones answered, documents written, websites updated… these things are needful. But at some point in my twenty four hour period what did I do for God? Did I introduce anyone to His goodness and faithfulness? Did I offer hope when I had the chance or a piece of bread or drink of water in His Name? Who told me I had a when?

Something else I do as I travel along is talk to God. Not nearly as in depth as I should. Sometimes it’s no more than my West Virginia traveler’s prayer “Dear God, I am Yours and the deer are Yours, please don’t let us meet!” But this morning I began to pray again that God would break my heart for souls. I prayed for my husband, children and grandchildren that God would move in their lives and prick their souls where it was needed to remind them they too are not guaranteed a “when.” I prayed for my siblings, nieces and nephews and their children, I prayed for the teens in my ministry, I prayed for my Pastor, I stood in the gap for as many as I could in that short drive, but that’s only the beginning of my day. If God allows I still have several hours to go… What will I do for Him that will survive when tried by the fires of eternity?

Right now I have business tasks at hand… but I’m watchin’. I’m believing that God is going to open a door for me today that I can glean some fruit! What about you? Perhaps you don’t even know where you’d spend eternity if your “when” was now, and your time was over. Don’t ride on chance, there are many souls in Hell separated for eternity from the people they love because they were sure they had more time.

Here’s the “how”…

A – Admit you’re a sinner who owes a penalty for sin. Everyone is. (Romans 3:23) and then…

B – Believe that Christ died to pay that penalty. He was the only worthy sacrifice that could be made. Through His holiness and righteousness you are given the gift of eternal life in Heaven (Romans 6:23) if you…

C – Confess, meaning to agree with the Word of God, that Jesus died on that cross, rose again the third day and is now your intercessor in Heaven. (Romans 10:9, 10) and then…

D – Decide, Heaven or Hell. It’s that simple, because, you’re not guaranteed a when.

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Just Shy of God’s Intentions

Numbers 32:5-7 ~ Wherefore, said they, if we have found grace in thy sight, let this land be given unto thy servants for a possession, and bring us not over Jordan.  And Moses said unto the children of Gad and to the children of Reuben, Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here? And wherefore discourage ye the heart of the children of Israel from going over into the land which the Lord hath given them?

I love a preacher that challenges me to live better. It was hard at first coming from a fairly liberal attitude into a conservative church that preached Hell hot and Heaven real and both 20 seconds away. I have no clue what it is like being on the battlefield of a foreign country, but I know quite well what it feels like to a foreigner in my own land. When I stepped out for the cause of Christ I became an adversary to many that I had stood in agreement with before salvation. When I heard the truth about Jesus and understood the sacrifice He had made I couldn’t turn back. I was moving forward to that land I’d been promised. I was excited. Heaven was real and I’d not have my mind changed. But not everyone shared my enthusiasm.

Many Christians today live contently on the edge of Jordan. They’re satisfied living just shy of God’s intentions, because that would take commitment. Rueben and Gad parked their families on the land east of Jordan and went halfheartedly over to help take the Promised Land for Israel but only because Moses made them feel guilty. I say they were halfhearted because they left their family on the other side; while they were willing to fight for the cause their minds had to have been on how things were progressing at home. They knew going in that this wasn’t their land, they were going back to the other side.

Halfhearted Christianity has taken its toll on the church. It’s hard to stay committed in church leadership when the army doesn’t even bother to show up. What a fine example the children of Rueben and Gad were given when their father’s left them on the other side. It must have spoken volumes toward their need to be involved in the battle.  Summer time is a real good time to have this conversation when Sunday after Sunday attendance is down, and while family vacations are understood and needful, few people have 3 months of vacation.

Rueben and Gad were unwilling to relinquish their old ways and be fully committed to Israel’s cause and because of it they and their entire family lived just shy of the Promised Land. Just shy of having everything God wanted them to have. The same holds true when we fail to commit to church attendance and involvement in the ministries, we’re living just shy of having everything God wants to give us. It’s an honor and privilege to serve in the army of God, but you can sense Moses’ frustration when he has to say to them “Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here? And wherefore discourage ye the heart of the children of Israel from going over into the land which the Lord hath given them?”

Don’t for two seconds buy the lie that nobody notices when you’re gone. Folks like me notice! Not because I’m a busy body but because I love you! And your family.  It’s discouraging to church leadership and to the Pastor when half of our heart is missing. Stay faithful! And go all the way for Jesus. Don’t stop just shy of the Promised Land.

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Don’t Make Life Harder Than It Is

I have an old friend who when ask how things were going? Would reply, “Simple people have simple ways.” Even though he was an attorney, working with Alex Spiro he never lost the foundation of a humble childhood and country way of living. King David must have been much in the same mindset.

I’m often shocked at the ignorance of intelligent people. I make no claims at deep intellectual abilities, but in my way of thinking if great intelligence is not used for the glory of God, then it’s wasted. Am I saying that wisdom is wasted on the secular world? No. But as Christians what we learn, teach or do should point back to the cross at some point.

Psalm 116: 6-9

The Lord preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me. Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living.

Simplicity Brings Rest

King David had all manner of riches but he knew and sought peace only with the Lord. David’s predecessor King Saul sought David to play the harp and soothe his soul, David used the harp to praise the Lord and soothe his own. That’s why it’s so important to have your own relationship with the Lord. We need to be in church on Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night, because it is there that we’ll be fed and encouraged by the man of God, but the balance of our week should be seeking God on our own, through His word and in His service. That’s how David did it! David was in the battle, not on the sidelines.

Simplicity Brings Wealth

God had dealt bountifully with David, but his wealth was not in gold, it was in the impact he had on others. To think of how many souls have been touched by the words of David is unfathomable. I weep in thinking of how God has used him to stir my soul. Oh that I would stir souls like that for the cause of Christ! If everything in my world pointed to Him, how rich would I be…

Simplicity Brings Direction

Where ever David went he walked before the Lord. David knew God was watching and guiding his steps, he knew God’s hand was on him. When David spoke, whether it was in the authority as the king, as a psalmist, as a shepherd, regardless of what he was doing, his words pointed to the Lord. His ways were simplistic: he ask God, trusted God, and then praised God, and God blessed.

Don’t make life harder than it is.