I love watching the reach of my blog. It fascinates me to think that anyone (outside of family and friends) would read what I write, and yet they do! I love that I’m seeing prophecy played out through me, and with the help of technology the Word of God is going across the earth. Whether or not I ever know those who read my blog face to face on earth doesn’t matter, although it’s cool when I do, but if they are a child of God I’ll meet them face to face in Heaven.
I’ve watched over the past few weeks as Canadians and Ukrainians have vied for position in the list of readership. My sister is a missionary to Canada, so I’m tickled that I too am a missionary of sorts in that land sharing the gospel of Christ from my kitchen table or sofa, in West Virginia, USA. But Ukraine was not on my radar until a few weeks ago and then all of a sudden the number of readers increased. A quick Google search of Ukraine lead me to an article on the website of Eastern European Mission seeking to raise funding for Bibles for Ukraine due to the increase in requests of public schools desiring to teach from it. Yes, I said public schools. The word “Da” is yes in Ukraine. They believe that giving the Bible to their children (saying yes to God) will change the future of their country. Imagine that?
2 Corinthians 1:20 ~ For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.
Faith in God can be summed up in one word, “Yes,” or “Da” if you’re in Ukraine. With that one word you receive all of the promises of God, enough promises to last you through eternity and more than you can ever imagine. God doesn’t ask anything other than for us to say yes to the gift of Salvation through the confession that His Son, Jesus Christ, was born of a virgin, died on the cross, rose again the third day and now intercedes on our behalf when we err in this life. That is far easier for me than believing we “exploded into existence,” especially since the earth and all that is in it bears witness of God, and from a very young child I’ve had pull on my heart toward Him.
If you’re from Ukraine, I’d love to hear how the gospel is making its way into your homes and what Jesus is doing in your life. It’s a shame the progressive nation of the United States digresses away from the Bible in public schools for fear of influencing children, and yet they’re embracing the influence of false religions. It’s not inconceivable that another country could be sending missionaries into our land.
Ukraine, I’m so happy that you are saying “Da” to God. America… the word is yes. Let’s do it and get our nation back on track!
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