I guess every community has them; those power hungry people who want to prove their value by wielding their authority in such a manner that all who see them know they are king or queen of their domain. It’s not enough for them to have the title, they want the awareness of their power and position by the underlings. I just cracked myself up, because I know these people! And I borderline, if not crossover the threshold of sin with my lack of respect and tolerance for them. I written before about my issues with arrogance and how I struggle to love people who put themselves above others. Well, toss children into the equation and I have an even bigger issue with you, because I love kids and if I determine that you’re not treating them well, well… I’m upset.
And so was the case in a discussion I was in this week which lead to today’s blog post and my position on leadership. What I wouldn’t give to throw my moderate good sense to the wind and tell you who I’m speaking of and why they’ve upset my wagon. But I won’t, because that wouldn’t be wise or godly. So I’ll think my frustration through in a manner that will hopefully help us both in a lesson on “what not to do when you’re in charge of the world.”
In order to establish the “world” of which I speak, I’m referring to any domain that you’ve been given authority over. Such as the school, church, or even the home. So where ever you are that matters to you, that is your world. Are you in authority, are you an underling, or do you live in the bliss of a well ran monarchy where everyone knows their position and stays in their lane? I pray so, but if not… read on.
Rehoboam was the son of the great Solomon, placed into the position of King not because of his talents, but because of his birthright. Which was the culture and rule of the day. Nobody would deny his right to be in that position because that is how God intended it to work. God also intended those who were and are given positions of authority to lead through His guidance. This was not the case of Rehoboam. Rather than seeking God, as did his father, and grandfather, Rehoboam thought it wise to bring his childhood friends on as advisors, who then gave him ill advice. Although they were called young, Rehoboam was actually 41 years of age. Wisdom doesn’t always come with age it so seems.
The people had came to him and ask him to lighten the heavy load that Solomon had put on them. But rather than heed to their request, he heeded to the popularity of his friends and put more stringent work and taxes upon the people, ending in rebellion and war. But it all started with an commonly spoke quote of today. “I’ve got more strength in my little finger than that guys got in his whole body.” Sounds good… until it’s proven otherwise that a pinky strength isn’t worth a whole lot.
1 Kings 12:10 KJVS
[10] And the young men that were grown up with him spake unto him, saying, Thus shalt thou speak unto this people that spake unto thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, but make thou it lighter unto us; thus shalt thou say unto them, My little finger shall be thicker than my father’s loins.
Rehoboam ended up losing the majority of his world to his brother Jeroboam, who was a terrible leader as well. He worshipped false gods and trash talked the man of God until the man of God turned his arm to stone. And then suddenly he had a change of heart about him, desiring him to come to his house. But the man of God wisely spoke and said
1 Kings 13:8 KJVS
[8] And the man of God said unto the king, If thou wilt give me half thine house, I will not go in with thee, neither will I eat bread nor drink water in this place:
Two leaders, placed into the position at the Lord’s will, but neither with the good sense to lead a nation. And so it would seem America is in the same mess. Whether it be a national or local incident with leadership, poor leadership effects the whole of us. So what are we to do when we’re in charge of the world?
Consider yourself a leader
In my home, where my children are grown, my husband and I are King and Queen of our domain. I haven’t always taken my role as serious as I should, nor has my husband. And I have to wonder how many people do? Do we understand the cause and effect of who we are on those around us, that lead out to, and effect the world around us. Our reach extends to the universe… that is a pretty far piece.
The man of God understood it. He wanted nothing to do with Jeroboam’s wicked world.
What if today we refused to allow the world to enter us? The man of God said he’d not travel in the path of Rehoboam, nor would he enter his home, eat his food or drink his water. How would that advice fit in our world and the places we lead?
The Man of God Understood Authority
Do we really understand authority. It is God Himself that we should be looking to in every part of our world whether that’s in the workplace, home or church. God should be the head of all, and we should never put ourselves above those whom we lead to be taskmasters over them, but what we should be doing is following in God’s footsteps of creating leaders. We do that by instilling confidence in people, not tearing them down. Teaching them purposeful productivity not completion of tasks. At the end of the day everyone needs to know they’ve made a difference.
The Man of God Understood Spirituality over Materialism
Our worldly worth is more often than not measured by our material worth. A man or woman with great wealth will garner respect and opportunity, while a person of meagerness will be thought of as labor, not leadership. But that’s not the view of God. Nor does it mean that labor cannot make a great difference in the Kingdom of God. Jesus Himself labored in the ministry and lead by example. The man of God could gone with the King and “been somebody” but he was far more concerned about his relationship with God, than the earthly King.
The Man of God was still Human
Boy o boy can I identify with being human and being often swayed by the world around me more than the Spirit that dwells within me. In the 12th and 13th chapters of 1 Kings, the “man of God is never mentioned by name. He leaves the presence of the king and runs into another character, a nameless prophet. It is the nameless prophet that will be his demise. The prophet lies to the man of God and tells him that he’s been visited by an angel of the Lord that said it would be fine if he stopped into his house, and so the man of God does. Because of this he was later eaten by a lion!
“But wait Lord, he was lied to, that doesn’t seem fair!” Life’s not fair, and even good leadership makes mistakes and the price is sometimes high. While it seemed a small thing to enter into a prophet’s house for dinner, even a good thing, it wasn’t a God thing, and it wasn’t His will for his life. And so the man died.
This short study this morning brought a great thought to my mind that I, and I only, am responsible for the role that God gave me. I need to lead well, but I need to follow better. If only the man of God had talked to God, He would have told him, stay on the path… but he didn’t and then he was dead.
I have a tendency get out of the lane God gave me to stay in as the Jesus Chick. I want to go to certain places in my community and give them a piece of my mind in regard to their leadership. But as I wrote this, my youngest grandson Parker came into my room crying. He was watching a video where someone was being mean to and elderly couple. He was literally weeping because the elderly didn’t have good food and the young people did. It was a good discussion between me and a piece of my world named Parker. And it made me realize that this is my Kingdom, and it is here I’ll make the greater impact. Stay in your lane Shari… stay in your lane.
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