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Foul language never leaves anyone saying… “Wow, that person has a high level of intelligence.”

Although foul language has seemingly been a part of our lives forever, and for many it literally may have been; but for those of us who began life before 1970, it really wasn’t a part of our every day life in the public setting. Some, experienced it at home. I did not; although I had relatives who did use bad language. It was something I understood at a very young age was not permitted. I however wasn’t above using it as a young person trying to impress friends who were not raised in church. So I understand when I hear a young person use it because I know where their theory of thinking comes from. It unfortunately often originates in the home and the greatest influence of all, our families.

It is unfortunate that at some point in history, I really can’t pinpoint the year, it became an acceptable way of speech and went undisciplined or acknowledged in pulbic places and worst of all, the school. Mainly middle – high school. But certainly not exclusive to those two.

A construction professional purposefully counted the number of times the “F” bomb was used in a 75 minute meeting and he quit counting at 125. (constructionpros.com) That language isn’t limited to construction companies either. I was in the workforce long enough to hear it on a daily basis, and let me say in all honesty, office workers sound a lot like construction workers and think nothing of it.

What we’re not thinking of is the cost of foul language on our young people and on our businesses.

  1. Using foul language ignites negative and hateful conversations. Grudges, bullying, and fear are much easier to develop as well as unjustifiable feelings of empowerment by the user and degradation by the victim.
  2. Leaders using foul language no longer garner the respect that leadership once had.
  3. Foul language, especially spoken by management and leadership gives the impression of impatience and lack of ability or desire to train and teach others
  4. Foul language always leaves someone feeling less than positive about the situation, themselves or both.
  5. Foul language doesn’t create an atmosphere of harmony or desire to accomplish tasks for someone.  It usually tends to slow progress down.
  6. Users of foul language generally are covering up weaknesses, insecurities or lack of ability to inspire, motivate and encourage.
  7. Foul language is a sign of disrespect. It simply means, I can talk this way and I don’t care who does or doesn’t like it or finds it offensive. Often the more offended someone might be, the more apt the person speaking it is to use it.
  8. Children at a very young age know it’s wrong, but view the use of it by adults as forbidden behaviors glamorized by their role models. That too will lead young people to desire “forbidden behaviors” that are far worse than language.
  9. Foul language cheapens life and takes away from the pleasurable experience of enjoying the time we spend with people.
  10. Anyone can accidently say something they shouldn’t, foul or not. An apology and acknowledgment that it was wrong will go a long way in correcting the behavior of ourselves and others we’ll stand accountable for some day.

This page is my attempt to start a movement to correct the wrongs of my generation who never stopped to count the cost.

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