Posted in Christian Service, Faith, Leadership, Life Inspiration

How to Pick Your Battles

Not the best of advice from a Christian blogger. Perhaps I should write about how to win friends and influence enemies, but I generally write what’s on my heart, and today this is it. How to Pick Your Battles.

There were years, perhaps decades, when I would not pick a battle, I wouldn’t pick a side. I hated division to the point that I would walk away from it without so much as a comment. But after salvation, something happened in me. I became very vocal on matters of faith and then I became very vocal on matters of the world and how they related to matters of faith. I try to be polite and respectful, and steer clear of subjects with certain people that make for tense conversations, but that cannot be helped sometimes. As a child of God, should we ever battle?

1 Corinthians 14:6-11 KJV

Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine? [7] And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped? [8] For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? [9] So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air. [10] There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification. [11] Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me.

If this scripture is read in context, it of course is speaking in reference to tongues. But something Paul said to the Church of Corinth struck me this morning when I thought about mealymouthed Christians who are afraid to speak out on tough subjects. Paul said in verse 8, “If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?”

I think that will preach.

As children of God the Bible is clear that we are set apart from the world and to live our lives focused on spiritual matters, but not ignorant of worldly things. We are not to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that things around us are wonderful when there is brimstone and ash falling from the sky. If you can look at the current condition of the United States of America and say that we’re in good shape, clearly you are of the ostrich persuasion. 

I don’t believe God wants us to get a megaphone and stand on the street corner screaming to the top of our lungs that the world is going to hell in a hand basket. I don’t think He wants us to disrupt pleasant conversations with depressing political statistics and truths. But if there is a time and  opportunity to share information with friends and family that will protect them from harms way, then we should take every opportunity. We should also be known as people of astute wisdom about current events, so that if something happens we can perhaps discuss and warn others about how it came to be. 

I think about the days leading up to 911 and the destruction of the twin towers and the pentagon building. We could see the Islamic influence in America growing. There were those who warned us, but few listened – thinking we were like the unsinkable Titanic. Well of course the Titanic did sink and of course America was struck without notice. God hates arrogance. It is pride and it goes before the fall. Tell me of a more prideful Nation than America right now? It is boasting of sin and throwing it in the face of God and it will come back to bite us. 

So… what battles do we choose to fight as children of God? 

The Good Person

I was brought up to respect my elders. I have within me a great love for people of age. Especially since I’m becoming one. But people of age and authority have great influence and it’s not always good. 

There are teachers in the public school system that are well educated people. Some would call them good or great, but the influence they have over our children is anything but good. If a teacher is permitted (and they are) to hang a pride flag in their classroom, and students see it day in and day out, whether they know it or not, those students become acceptant of that flag and what it stands for. They may believe it’s wrong, but they will not likely say that it is, for fear of persecution, ridicule, or even punishment for discrimination. For the few hours in the evening and weekends that their families are trying to instill Christian morals into them, there are “good teachers” undoing it all day everyday that the kids are in school. 

This is when we as parents and grandparents have to be conscientious of what is happening in the classrooms of Calhoun County, or wherever you happen to be, and speak with our children about it daily. Ask them what they seen or heard at school today, if there was something that struck them odd, or questions they may have. Communication is key. That is why Paul said

1 Corinthians 14:19 KJV

Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.

If we are not clear with our children about what we believe and why we believe it, they’ll never understand why the things they’re hearing and seeing in school are wrong. Paul said that a few clear words were far better than ten thousand people can’t understand. Again and again we need to introduce children to the scriptures where God lays it out plainly that certain things are wrong and they are battles worth fighting. 

The Politically Correct

Correct me if I’m wrong (which I’m not) but are Christians not suppose to believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God? Of course we are. And yet Christians everywhere are jumping onto the politically correct ways of the world and choosing unbiblical behaviors and calling them biblical because God is love and love never offends. Where did they get that idea?

It was no different in Paul’s day. A matter which Paul dealt with in Ephesians 4.

Ephesians 4:14-23 KJV

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 

We have to get into our minds that Satan is playing for keeps with our families. He has every intention of keeping the souls of our family’s and friends. If your people are not saved, Satan already has control of them and he places people in their paths to make sure they stay his. One of the methods he is using is the ability to shut people up. Like using Political correctness, a tool of the devil in the hands of the government. How scary is that?

The Perception of Men

[15] But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: [16] From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. 

Because we are living in the flesh, I am here to tell you that my perceptions, any given day, can be so far off base from reality that my life is more like a cartoon that is being animated by me. Poorly drawn and bad acting. Men’s perceptions (and women’s) tend to favor that which advantages self. The same is true when it comes to the church of God which is ran by men.  Men’s perceptions often times replace the Holy Spirit.

I had a preacher tell me one time that I should not listen to the voice in my mind because that wasn’t the Holy Spirit. My stomach literally rolled over. How else could I listen to God if He weren’t speaking to me through mind. Add to that thought from another preacher that I shouldn’t be involved in politics or watch the news because they were evil and filled with lives and we couldn’t make a difference in them, and my life was turned upside down. If I can’t make any difference in this world, why did God put me here and why did  He put this passion and drive in me to make a difference?

One man’s perception almost took me out of God’s will. The men who said these things were not bad or evil men. But the perceived God’s word in a manner that was not revealed to me in the same way. If I took their word I would stop being effective for the cause of Christ and Satan would have won a battle that I wouldn’t have even known to fight. 

But the Spirit stepped in. And revealed to me that the battle is the Lord’s and He takes no soldier out of the fight before their time. 

All three of the aforementioned battles are not easy fights. But the are worthy fights. 

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, Faith, Life Inspiration, Purpose

Distractions, threats and battles

And such is life.

Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to visit many churches, and from those visits I always leave with new friends. Then, by the means of social media I am able to stay connected to those that I grew to love in just a very short while. Apostle Paul did not have that privilege. And I do count social media as a wonderful privilege, even though it can also be used as a tool of the Devil. Satan always does his best to take what God receives glory for, and make it evil. And  he’s wildly good at it. But he will never be as good as God with connecting to people; because there is a definite difference between Spirit filled friendships and friendships formed by worldly means which is the biggest tool in Satan’s box of devices. It’s why it’s very dangerous to attract people to a church with worldly ideas. While a coffee bar is sweet! And I’m all about coffee and fellowship, but if they come for the coffee and don’t receive the truth of the gospel, you’re in Satan’s wheelhouse, not the Lord Jesus’. If you attract young people by loud music and lock-ins,  and at no point during that evening you calm it down and bring their minds into the comforting Spirit of Christ, you’ve missed the mark. But this isn’t a blog post about coffee bars and rock music, it’s about friendship. But just like a good church service, the Spirit of God, and the message of Christ has got to be the foundation of a sustainable friendship. 

I have friends in the world who don’t know Christ. And as much as I love them, I do not receive the same encouragement from them, who I may be with in person quite often,  as I receive from my friends in Christ, who I met once, but they continue to encourage my soul just by remembering them, or connecting online. 

Philippians 1:27-28 KJV

[27] Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; [28] And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.

 Paul wrote to the people of Philippi about his desire to visit, but whether he came in person or not he wanted their relationship to be founded in Christ and rock solid in the wisdom that no matter how many times and ways Satan came against them, they had the power of God through their salvation to withstand it!

Glory! I just wrote myself happy with that remark. Because while I receive encouragement from friends in Christ, the demons of Hell don’t let up. 

I got up this morning and asked God to please give me a message. And then I tuned into social media for a couple of hours…. yes, you read that right, and ignored God. Because that’s how fickle I am when something shiny, funny or inquisitive pops up on the screen. 

But when I finally settled in to some scripture, immediately my heart was pricked with the word of God and it seeped into my soul. Reminding me that, like Paul, I have friends that I need to encourage. 

Satan can come from any avenue he chooses. And the closer it is to the avenues that Jesus walks on, the better he likes it; because he knows all he has to do is get us distracted, scared or bothered and he has our mind ensnared and away from the thoughts of God.

Diva Distractions

I can be such a Diva! I keep telling you guys how shiny things capture my attention, but not just shiny, anything that floats my fleshly boat. A diva is defined as a temperamental woman who’s hard to please. I don’t really consider my self that until I think of myself in the Spirit realm. Remember the earlier comments about the worldly attracts that get people in church, well, worldly distractions keep me out of the word of God. And God will not compete with the world. He already won that battle on the cross. He’s not fighting it again. 

He wants His people to desire Him above all else. When “else” is in the picture, we’re distracted. Whew! Can I get an amen! How can I study the word of God when the world has my number on speed dial with bling and things? That’s why Paul told them to “Let their conversations be as it become the the gospel of Christ.” Turn the world off! 

Terrifying Threats

Another distraction that Satan loves to use is fear. If he can keep you cowering in fear from speaking boldly for Christ, he’s gotcha. Today’s current trend is to “cancel” anyone who speaks the truth. That’s scary. Especially if you use the social platform for the ministry. Because the very reason you’re there is the very reason that will get you canceled.

Speaking boldly won’t only get you canceled on social media, it will get you canceled by friends. Years and years ago, when I was first saved, a friend was having a party. It wasn’t evil, it was just a little tasteless. Someone who went told me later that when they ask my “friend” why I wasn’t there, she said, “I can’t invite her, she’s all churchy now.” Hmmm…. I was canceled before canceling was cool! I can assure you if you’re bold for Christ, you’re gonna get canceled. But count it an honor that you are too exclusive to be on their list. Only the best will dine with Jesus in Heaven.

While that is scary, it’s not terrifying. Terrifying threats come when your Christianity prevents you from participating in things like getting a job, getting a loan, getting healthcare. That’s what this cancel culture is trying to accomplish.  They want to “retrain the brains” of conservative thinkers by putting us in “retraining camps.” That’s no joke, and I’ve heard it come out of the mouth of more than one popular liberal whose voice will be heard in Washington. This is why we need to speak out in our communities while we have the chance. We need to tell every elected official that we will not tolerate their votes going toward the liberal agenda, and if it does, we need to make sure someone stand against them boldly and loudly the next election. 

Apostle Paul did is best to persuade King Agrippa who said in Acts 26:28 “Paul, almost thou persuades me to be a Christian.” Has anyone said that about us lately?

Bothersome Battles

A great distraction from the gospel is anything for arguments sake. Scroll social media and I can almost guarantee at least one of your friends is on a rant about something. Our minds immediately go to that place… then to the comments…. then maybe commenting ourselves. Then back to follow up on those comments! Those bothersome battles can consume our day. I speak from experience. Just bein’ real. If it’s shiny, I’ll look!

Take this challenge today… scroll your own social media posts for one day and count how many are encouraging in Christ, or simply worldly thoughts and notions. If it’s the latter, why? This is not to get on you, it’s to encourage you to keep godly conversations going, not worldly ones. Because your worldly conversations may be the “something shiny” that distracts another brother or sister in Christ. Not that we can’t have normal conversations; but the bulk of our conversations should be used to draw all men to Christ. 

Hey, here’s an idea. If this blog encouraged you today, share it! Then you’re one post up on the side of Christ!