Posted in Praise, Purpose, Word of God, worship

The Difference Between Earthly & Spiritual Wisdom, from a Mother’s Point of View

Luke 1:46-55 KJVS
And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, [47] And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. [48] For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. [49] For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. [50] And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. [51] He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. [52] He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. [53] He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. [54] He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; [55] As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.

Not every woman has the opportunity to have children, but every woman has a mother. Not every mother/daughter relationship is perfect. Probably none are. And sometimes those mother/daughter relationships are formed without a blood bond, but rather through the grace of God when He allows a special friendship to be created from the nurturing of another woman’s heart. I have been blessed to experience all the above. But this morning my mind was drawn to the Mother of our Lord, who through her humility and a heart for God was given the opportunity to be bring the Christ child into the world.

It wasn’t until the other day that I thought about Mary as a young teen, a teen who knew the scriptures and biblical history so well that she was not confused about what was happening to her but rather embraced it with humility and grace that would likely not have been found in an older woman.

[46] And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, [47] And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. [48] For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.

The Difference between Mary’s “Blessed” and What the World Believes

Mary never had the intentions of being made into a statue to be worshiped. Her thoughts were far from what Catholic religion teaches. Mary was “blessed” because she was a vessel of the Lord. She was humbled that God would choose her to fulfill such a role in the Kingdom of God. Christ no doubt loved His mother and had a very special bond with her as most children do, but He did not elevate her above other women, and Mary didn’t mind.

Mark 3:32-35 KJVS
And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee. [33] And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren? [34] And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! [35] For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

As a young convert I read that scripture and thought in my spiritually immature mind, “How hurtful that must have been for Mary to hear!” But as I matured in the faith I realized that it did not hurt Mary because of the humility for which she was chosen. She was blessed to be a part of His story. She knew His love for her, but she knew His love for mankind. Think about the depth of His love that she had witnessed. None of us have experienced His selfless acts of love in the flesh. But Mary did. Can you imagine Christ as a Child? At every point of His life Mary would have watched God growing into a man. We have however been blessed to see His selfless acts of love in the Spirit. His Spirit working through people today.

The Difference Between the Strength of Men and the Power of the Lord

[49] For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. [50] And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. [51] He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. [52] He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.

I have no idea if Mary knew what persecution she would face as the mother of Jesus. A young woman, pregnant out of wedlock without explanation. Her reputation tarnished and facing the very real possibility of the very least being cast out. I do believe she knew from the Word of God and the Spirit of God that it was going to be okay. She said “He that is mighty hath done to me great things!” Have you ever felt that way? Just an inconceivable blessing that you knew God used you in spite of what the world thought of you? Oh I have! I have been given the opportunity to speak and sing from Calhoun County to the Philippine Islands. Me. A nobody in the eyes of this world, but so blessed by God. I don’t ever want to take any opportunity I have been given, or position I’ve been blessed to hold for granted. Because I know the world would rather I sit down and shut up. That is the Power of God! The same is true of you. Don’t take lightly the roll you’ve been given in this life and the gifts God has blessed you with.

I have recently frustrated a few in power both in the spiritual world and secular world. That’s what happens when you serve God. I say that not with vanity but with the humility and understanding that obedience often is the sacrifice.

The Difference Between the Hungry and the Full

[53] He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. [54] He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; [55] As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.

You can fill an empty vessel, but one that is filled to the brim, has no room for anything else. What an image of this world today. It is sad to say it is also an image of the church. The church is filled with people who are vessels filled to the brim with earthly wisdom and earthly things when they walk in the door. There is no room for the Spiritual and there is no desire. But you take someone who is humble and empty, who just wants to feel the presence of God moving in their life, that vessel is about to experience something amazing even if the rest sit there like knots on a log.

Can you imagine what kind of a young woman Mary must have been for God to choose her for such an amazing roll in life? Mary was created no different than any other young woman, but she caught the Lord’s eye for some reason. I believe that reason to be she was hungry for all things God. She knew the scripture at a time when probably many women didn’t, and young girls even less.

Are you hungry or full today? Pour yourself out before the Lord and allow Him to be your everything. Be blessed! And love on your momma, or a momma this weekend!

Posted in Christian Service, Evangelism, failure, Grace, Leadership, Life Inspiration

When God Cracks You Like an Egg

Tent meeting night number two, and the faucets inside my eyes refused to shut off. I truthfully didn’t try. Tears like that had been a long time coming and I knew I needed it. Pastor Alfred Hickman had started the water works on Monday when he preached the message “It’s your Move.” I cried through the music of Brother David Harney (which was amazing) and right through the message which spoke directly to my soul, knowing that I had to get myself out of this place of frustration I was in. Why am I frustrated? Because the world was taking it’s toll on my ministries and I felt powerless against it. I’ve been smiling and saying “I’m fine” for months when that was far from the truth. I fully believe that this is why we have revival. Because it’s easy to say I’m fine, until God cracks you open like an egg and all your insides gush out. 

The word of God is indeed sharper than a two edged sword…

Hebrews 4:12 KJVS

[12] For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

I’ve watched that verse play out the past two days. 

Cut to the Quick

Have you ever done that when manicuring your nails. 😣 Owch! It’s even worse when you play guitar and you do it on your chording hand. While we think the word quick as generally speaking of something fast, in this context it’s speaking of “to make alive!” The word of God stirs your soul and brings to the surface things that are deeply rooted. It is painful, because that’s what the world does, it bury’s itself in you and wraps itself around every facet of your life. For me the world had rooted itself into my children, grandchildren, husband, Mother, family, the teen ministry and many of the people of God that I know.  I felt as if I was making little to no impact anywhere. These people are my heart. I love them more than anyone of them know and seeing the world taking a hold of them definitely cuts to the quick.

Quick to Decide

Part of my issue, (believe me when I say I have many issues) but part of my issue is defined in the very first verse I claimed as a life verse. 

2 Corinthians 2:1-2 KJVS

[1] But I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness. [2] For if I make you sorry, who is he then that maketh me glad, but the same which is made sorry by me?

I’ve always been determined to leave people better than I found them. I thought it better not to let them know I had struggles. But what ended up happening is I’ve adopted their struggles as my own. And they are many. So many in fact that I’ve collapsed under the weight. I’m sure you’re not shocked. But I was! I thought that I could handle anything.Yes, I know. Foolish mortal. God never asked me to take on the world. But I felt that it was my job as His child. I needed to fix what was broken but I was powerless against any of it. Just like the egg, only the Creator can repair that kind of damage. When Pastor Alfred preached, “It’s your move” Monday night, I thought maybe my move is to get out of God’s way and step out of the ministry for a while. I’ve only felt this way one other time since I’ve been saved. And it was a battle. A battle to where I literally held onto my seat in the church because Satan had told me to start moving toward the door. For all you backseat Baptists, maybe this is for you. Don’t get too close the door. When I say I hung onto my seat, I mean that literally. I have sat front row, isle seat for 25 years. If anyone wants that seat, that’s fine, I’ll find another front row seat or possibly 2nd row; but I’m not moving far, because Satan wants me out of the church. And before you say that that’s an arrogant statement, if he doesn’t want you out of the church, you’re not doing enough. Yeah… this is revival week. 

I was a little too quick to decide it was time to get out of the ministry.

Decide to Follow

Night two, and Preacher Brian Evans stirred my heart like a scrambled egg. I wept the entire service. His message title was “Just Keep Grinding.” Preached from Luke 1 and the story of Elisabeth and Zachariah and their unfruitful times that became fruitful. His points were this: 

  1. Unfruitful and broken
  2. Faultless but trusting God (not perfect, but doing their best)
  3. Faithful to God
  4. Fulfilling God’s work

He might as well have titled it the life of Shari. Before you think that I’ve completely lost it to think a man preached a sermon just for me. He didn’t, there were others touched just as deeply by his message. But it’s whats amazing about the Word of God; one message can touch every life in the building in a different way. But for a couple of us, we were both leaning the same direction, out the ministry door. But his message to just keep grinding, even on the rough days when you think there’s no hope, just stand your ground on the spot God gave you to stand on. For Zacharias it was the temple of God. Even when God did not provide them a child, year after year, decade after decade, and yet it says 

Luke 1:[8] And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest’s office before God in the order of his course, [9] According to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord.

And so he did, year after year, decade after decade… He followed God’s design, regardless of how he felt. Even if he may have wanted to throw his hands up in the air and walk away, he did not. He stayed the course. Oh Lord Jesus! How sorry I was for not wanting to stay the course. How dare I say that I am suffering when I look at the examples set before me in the word of God. Every disciple persecuted, everyone (save John) killed for the cause of Christ. Zachariah and Elisabeth’s long awaited son was beheaded and yet these people stayed the course. 

Am I struggling? You betcha! Am I gonna quit? No. God has plan and I’ll continue to follow. If you’re on the edge of a decision like mine, stay the course dear friend, stay the course!

Posted in Christian Service, Christmas, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

What are you Magnifying this Christmas?

Jesus Chick Graphics

My mind has been on Mary, the mother of our Lord this week. And also a writer of the 300-400 AD era by the name of Epiphanius. It was his name that came up in my study on Monday from Luke 2, when I read in a commentary that it had been “hinted to” but not documented in scripture (which is very important) that Mary was martyred. That would not surprise me with the evil of the world then and now. Satan would have loathed the woman who brought our Lord to fruition through her womb, by the power of God. And who would have better known the facts of the matter than she herself. Oh my stars, my stomach just turned over to think of her life and watching the crucifixion of her child.

My youngest, who is 32, just left on a trip to New York, I worry for her and her safety, it’s the way of a mother. My soul hurts, literally, when one of my girls or grandchildren struggle. So to imagine… and I can’t, the pain Mary went through as the mother of our Lord, is beyond what I could possibly comprehend. But I am also very careful not to put her in a position of magnification above what the Lord allows. She’s wonderful. But she is not to worshiped or idolized as some would have us believe. She too was just like those of us willing to serve. A vessel of the Father. 

So back to Epiphanius. When I read his name and what he “hinted” at, I became fascinated with him. Who was he? And when he spoke those words, if he did, in what context were they spoken? Was he one who idolized Mary? And if so… I couldn’t give weight to his words. So I did what all tech gals do, I went to the web in search of information. And boy did I find some! Now I’m kind of in love with the guy. But my husband has no worries… he’s long gone. Having died as he lived in the year 403 A.D. Serving. 

There is a story for which I read, there were many, and not always so factual. But one that had facts to back it up was the story of “the curtain incident.”

A letter from Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis, in Cyprus, to John, Bishop of Jerusalem covers the  incident of the curtain, which unlike other passages attributed to Epiphanius, is accepted as authentic by scholars. All of which is according to the web. Which we know wouldn’t lie, right? (Insert rolled eyes here). But I guess as far as we can tell, this is truth. 

The letter reads as follows:

Moreover, I have heard that certain persons have this grievance against me: When I accompanied you to the holy place called Bethel, there to join you in celebrating the Collect, after the use of the Church, I came to a villa called Anablatha and, as I was passing, saw a lamp burning there. Asking what place it was, and learning it to be a church, I went in to pray, and found there a curtain hanging on the doors of the said church, dyed and embroidered. It bore an image either of Christ or of one of the saints; I do not rightly remember whose the image was. Seeing this, and being loth that an image of a man should be hung up in Christ’s church contrary to the teaching of the Scriptures, I tore it asunder and advised the custodians of the place to use it as a winding sheet for some poor person. They, however, murmured, and said that if I made up my mind to tear it, it was only fair that I should give them another curtain in its place. As soon as I heard this, I promised that I would give one, and said that I would send it at once. Since then there has been some little delay, due to the fact that I have been seeking a curtain of the best quality to give to them instead of the former one, and thought it right to send to Cyprus for one. I have now sent the best that I could find, and I beg that you will order the presbyter of the place to take the curtain which I have sent from the hands of the Reader, and that you will afterwards give directions that curtains of the other sort—opposed as they are to our religion—shall not be hung up in any church of Christ. A man of your uprightness should be careful to remove an occasion of offence unworthy alike of the Church of Christ and of those Christians who are committed to your charge. Beware of Palladius of Galatia—a man once dear to me, but who now sorely needs God’s pity—for he preaches and teaches the heresy of Origen; and see to it that he does not seduce any of those who are intrusted to your keeping into the perverse ways of his erroneous doctrine. I pray that you may fare well in the Lord.[10]

See why I love him! He kind of reminds me of my David. Who is often harsh when it comes to correctness and those who live in err and profess to be right. Now… don’t tell him that I told you (I’m joking, he knows) he is not always right either. But David indeed does have the work ethic of similarity to the biblical ethics of Epiphanius. 

So this is why I am thinking much on Mary and Epiphanius today and the days prior. When Mary said  in Luke 1:46 ~“And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,” she knew what we all should know, it wasn’t about her. And even though to some (but not to my David) they would say that Epiphanius’ reaction was brash; when rather than politely asking the church to remove the curtain, he ripped it to shreds. But he knew what this world does not, how much the Lord loathes religion over relationship. 

Religion is everywhere. And I really hadn’t thought about the images we project into our mind and lives that are not biblical. So over the last few days when I drew what I imagined Mary to be like, you’ll note I did not put a halo over her head, I however did add some sparkles, just because I think every woman of God should shine. 

So as we go into the Christmas season, I’m challenging myself and you to rethink some of the images you have in your mind about what this season should look like. Remember, Jesus “was a baby,” Now He’s a very grown up King. And our images will in no way do justice to the real King of glory. Wow! I just wrote myself happy again. 

Love ya. Mean it. Shari

Posted in Eternity, Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Uncategorized

How to Know if You’re Religious

Jesus Chick Graphics

Luke 1:17 ~ And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

John the Baptist. One of the characters of Christmas that I seem to gloss over until it comes to his beheading. And then I quickly read past it because it breaks my heart to think of the profound immorality of the world then and now. Not much has changed in regard to religion. And I use that word only to generally define us. John the Baptist wasn’t religious. Religion wore a fancy robe, John wore camel hair. Religion drank wine and had fancy hors d’oeuvres, John ate locust and honey. Religion pointed a finger, John pointed people to Christ. Religion was pompous and societal, John was loud!!!! “Prepare ye the way!!!” He cried. Even Isaiah warned the people about  him. 

Isaiah 40:3 ~ The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Sunday as we prepared for the Christmas Cantata, our sound man Carl, struggled to hear the voices of the music. (He didn’t know there wasn’t any on this particular part of the sound track.) In his attempt to find them he turned the split track up full blast, unbeknownst to the choir. When voices did finally come onto the track they blared out full decibel, and the entire choir just about jumped out of their skin! It was hysterical! We laughed and laughed and it took five minutes to regain our composure and get back to the matter at hand of rehearsal. Good times! 

This morning it reminds me of what must have been the reaction of those stuff shirt religious Pharisees when they heard John the Baptist coming out of the wilderness and into their part of the world. Religion doesn’t like to upset the🍎 apple 🍏 cart.

My text today, Luke 1:17 likens John the Baptist to Elias, also known as Elijah. Both were men of the same spirit and disposition. They were zealous, leaders and loners. They dressed weird. 2 Kings 1:8 says that Elijah was “an hairy man, and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins.” Neither really cared about what the current trend of the day was. They both reproved kings and both suffered persecution because of it. 

Religion makes me nauseous. 

How to know if you’re religious. (I do, because I was)

  1. You not only care about what you wear (which is fine) but you judge the apparel of others (which is not.)

I personally love clothes. But, I like every kind of clothes. Yesterday I wore the cutest red 👠 shoes ever, a black lace skirt and a shiny jacket! I love them. But to the evening service, I wore 👟 sneakers and jeans. I’m truly not about impressing the masses with my apparel. I wear what I like. I fully believe it is more about my relationship with God than my relationship with a tailor. 

  • You care about where you live (which is fine) but you judge where others live. (Which is not.)

I love beautiful homes. I however do not live in a home that will ever find it’s way to the cover of a design magazine. It’s a double wide that’s had work done, and needs work done. It’s small, but it’s home. I raised my kids here, and they come home here. It’s got a lot of hand made goodness by my husband that makes me smile every time I see it. Because he was proud of his handiwork. It’s loud. And the kids are rowdy and sometimes annoying, but it’s where we live. 

When John the Baptist came out of the wilderness, he must have looked a sight! But those who listened didn’t care. They got the message. In Luke 3:3 it says of John that he came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;”  and some folks listened and others loathed him (much like today), especially Herod the tetrarch, because John called out his sin of having an affair with his sister in law! 

John didn’t judge… he left that to God; he just spoke truth and the world doesn’t want the truth. And the truth of the matter is, religious people really do care where you live and where you come from. And they care for the wrong reasons. John didn’t care where people came from, he cared where they were going! That’s good stuff right there isn’t it? Forget the neighborhoods we live in, let’s talk about where we’re moving too! Glory!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service

Mary knew, Do you?

Luke 1:47

And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.

Three points for me to ponder from the word of God as spoken by Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus.

This thought began early this morning but has lingered throughout the day as I worked between one project or another all day, and couldn’t seem to get back to what was fresh on my mind at 6 a.m.

I love the character of Mary because I love her humility. Nobody was any more surprised than she was that she was chosen for such a God glorifying moment. She was carrying the Lord God Almighty, Creator of the universe in her womb. Forget that the world was trying to strip her of her good reputation, they could not strip her of the fact that God chosen her. Nor can they strip us. We who have decided to follow Jesus and step into His plans for us like a toddler steps into the big shoes of their Dad. They don’t fit… yet. But we’ll grow into to them by and by!

Mary knew that the Rescuer Had Come!

She may not have understood all the plan as she gave birth in that stable, but she understood that however it was that God decided to work it out, it would work. It’s a good thing she didn’t know how. What a burden for a mom to carry to know that her child would be crucified for the sins of the world. Hers included. But the Rescuer had come, His name was Jesus and He had come to save the world!

Mary knew the Rejoicing had Cause!

The angels in Heaven rejoiced, the shepherds and wise men rejoiced. And Mary rejoiced. Angels had announced His birth. They filled the skies with noise, and the hearts of those who witnessed it with wonder. Is not that the feeling we have on the day of our own personal salvation when we discover what the Lord has done. It was with me. I knew there was a reason to rejoice in my life. Salvation had come and I and my world was changed.

Life for me wasn’t perfect, nor was it for Mary. She no doubt had moments where terror filled her heart as she was hunted down for her Son. Or maybe she was a far better woman of faith than me and she trusted God through it all. But whether or not she had faith 100% of the time didn’t change the heartaches that would come in her future. But it didn’t change the promise either. Glory to God!

Mary knew the Response had a Calling!

Mary knew when she had stepped into that role that God had given her that her life had new purpose. She wasn’t just Joseph’s bride, she was the carrier of the gospel. She would soon be a part of the ministry of her Son and with it all the miracles and the messes it created.

That’s the same calling we have upon us when we accept the Lord as our Savior. We too are called to carry the gospel and to be a part of the blesses and messes that come with service.

What’s your response? Are you standing in Daddy’s shoes waiting for your orders or are you still barefoot? Step in faith my friend! It’s an exciting adventure!

Blessings from me, the Jesus Chick.

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Posted in Christmas, Life Inspiration

My 2017 Christmas Message

It’s quiet in the house this morning. Just a soggy December rain outside, falling on our tin roof that breaks the silence and makes me halfheartedly wish it were snow. I’ll get over that after the first flake hits and sticks.  I have a minor mess left to clean after we celebrated Christmas with the children and the grands last night. My heart is full…with a cup of Ninja Coffee Bar ® coffee in my hand, compliments of a husband who loves me that much. I need to hear from God. It’s been a week of running wild for events and sometimes just running for the sake of running.

I had put off reading the book of Luke in my yearly reading because I wanted to save it for Christmas. So this morning as I read through the story of Elisabeth and Mary, two of the Christmas Chicks, I marveled at their humility. They were both shocked that God had blessed them in the manner He did; I’d say they still marvel when they realize 2,000 years later, we’re still reading their story, and sermon after sermon have been preached with them as the key point. It makes me wonder how God would have my life be preached? I’m not so sure I’d want to be in the building as my life “illustrations” were used. But Mary and Elizabeth… their lives are proof that God honors those who are faithful and gives me reason to pause on this 23rd day of December. The day I too gave birth to one Tiffani Danielle. Who hasn’t stopped blessing me since.

A three point message for the faithful came from the two sister chicks of Luke:

Luke 1:39-47

And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda; And entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth. And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And when is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.

For the faithful God Reveals Secrets

When Mary spoke the Holy Spirit filled Elisabeth and the baby that was in her womb leapt for joy. How exciting for both women! God had revealed the secrets of both women to one another and He still reveals the secrets of the Savior to His people today.

Secrets in the sense that the world doesn’t experience that leap in the depth of our soul when the Savior makes Himself manifest in the life of His child. I understand the women’s awe. It’s how I feel every time God reminds me that He is in me, just as He was in Mary.

For the Faithful God Reveres His Servants

Luke 1:48 – For He hath regarded the low estate of His handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.

She was blessed! And so are we,  that the Creator of all, who spoke the Christ child into existence in the womb of Mary, spoke the Holy Spirit into existence in our souls and allows us to be used for the Kingdom. The Jesus Chick isn’t famous in the halls of earth, but in the halls of Heaven, I am known by God. And because of Him I’m known in the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, California and Minnesota. My friend in WV know me as the Jesus Chick, failure that I am in my own sight, but loved in spite of it by them. I stand in awe this eve of Christmas eve…

For the Faithful God Revives the Saint.

Luke 1:53-54 –  He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich He hath sent empty away. He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy. As He spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to His seed for ever.

Glory to God how my soul is filled and stirred today because the God of Abraham still speaks to me. Even when I turn my back on Him. You don’t know the countless times I fail the Lord. You don’t see how I feel so unworthy of His love and so I run, and would run to the ends of the earth…but I don’t have the money. And so I’m stuck with the rain on the tin roof of my West Virginia home and the rain of tears in my soul because I know how unworthy I am to be called His child and filled with His Spirit.

The best, and eternal gift that I can never repay or deserve…

Merry Christmas Shari… again.

Posted in Christian Service, Christmas

3 Christmas Chicks

Rewarded for Patience

Every stage of our life is an opportunity to serve the Lord. But often the very blessing of the stage becomes the reason that many don’t serve.

Children feel that they can wait, there’s plenty of time to serve God.

Married life brings with it a load of responsibilities and others who depend on us and are vying for our time. Careers are often our focus and between that and family, serving God is something that will need to wait for when the children are grown or life calms down.

So life calms down and we’re in retirement or widowhood and it’s time for rest. We’ve done our part, now let the younger one’s pick up the slack. But the problem is, there’s nobody picking up the slack. We aren’t seeing children, middle age or older women serve. We see a few worn out chickd who shoulder the load in most churches because we just don’t have the time.

But what would have happened if the the three women of the Christmas story, the Christmas chicks per say, would have had that attitude? Praise God! They didn’t and they were richly rewarded for embracing their opportunities to serve, rather that avoiding or making excuses.

The first of our Christmas chicks is Elisabeth. (Luke 1:1-25)

Elisabeth would represent the Married among us. Her life had been far from perfect. She and Zachariah had long prayed for a child, and during the culture of that day it was great embarrassment if a woman didn’t provide a child for her husband. This was the family legacy after all. And for her it would be the literal future of her husband’s ministry. And so they prayed and prayed and God had not allowed it to happen. Perhaps it was a test, or just God being God, waiting to make someone’s story into an awesome testimony.

Elisabeth is the very same name of the wife of Aaron. The priests were very careful to marry within their own family to maintain the dignity of the priesthood and keep it without mixture. They were held to a far greater accountability than the average Joe in the children of Israel. Elisabeth and Zachariah knew it and it is said of them that they both were righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. God’s timing had no doubt not been their timing. Elisabeth was well stricken in years. We’ve seen the effects of that in other women of the Bible who were impatient, like Abraham’s Sarah. Look what a mess that made when she gave her maid Hagar to Abraham, and the the world is paying a high price. Maybe that thought came to Elisabeth as she waited and helped her be more patient. But Elisabeth was willing to wait, if it never happened, believing God for what’s best. She and Zacharias had likely stopped praying for a child at this point, but God remembered their prayer. And they were rewarded for patience.

What are you waiting for God for? I have much. And I’m not as patient as Elisabeth and I often get the cart before the horse.

Rewarded for Purity

The second Christmas chick is the one we all believe to be central of the Christmas story and that is Miss Mary. (Luke 1:26-

She represents the single age of life, even though she was promised to Joseph. But she still remained pure of heart and pure of life and God took note.

The world is so jaded at this point, purity is seldom discussed in most homes. Celibacy, yes. And we may think of them as the same thing, but you can be celibate and not have a pure heart. A pure heart is a dedication far above just denying the desires of the flesh, it’s a focus on the sacredness of life and accountability to a Holy God; and that’s what’s missing in our conversation with youth. Even in our warped society it’s still expected that we speak to our young girls about saving themselves for marriage, but we don’t speak about the importance of dedicating themselves to the service of the Lord at that time; and what an important role that is in choosing the right mate and living the right life.

Mary obviously had that.

Scripture said that she was highly favoured, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women.

The angel alone had scared her to death, but to hear that the Lord had taken such note of who she was must have certainly took her aback. I think we’ll be surprised what God notices in our life. And as young women, we need to understand that God is looking at our lives and He’s still looking for pure hearts to use for the Kingdom’s glory.

We learn that Mary was pure of heart, pure of body and pure of soul, willing to take on the persecution that would surely befall her because of the out of wedlock pregnancy. God continually provided for her. He changed the heart of Joseph, He allowed her the blessing of raising the Lord Jesus Christ and He allowed her the opportunity to continue to serve all the days of her life. He also made sure that she was taken care of when Christ died by appointing John to look over her.

Children who are taught to serve grow up with the understanding that God provides opportunity and He provides what’s needed for the day. I always imagine what Mary might have seen Jesus do as a child. What if He refilled all the chocolate milk cups, or made sure everyone had never ending cookies. We don’t know much about His childhood, but Mary did.

She was reward for her purity and willingness to serve

Rewarded for Perseverance

The Third Christmas chick is Anna, a widow. In the retirement of life. I found her most interesting because that’s where I’m heading.

The Spirit of prophecy which had ceased in Israel above 300 years but was now revived and through a woman. It may not have meant anything more than she was a woman of understanding. But she made it her business to instruct the younger women in the things of God. God will not be left without His witnesses

She was 84 years old and had long been a widow. She lived with her husband only 7 years when he died, and never remarried. We know nothing more than that of her married life, except that it is mentioned to her praise because she obviously dedicated herself to the things of God. She was constantly at the temple and it is speculated that she had a place to call home in the out-buildings of the temple. Her worship was both public and private. She prayed, fasted and served God night and day.

The Pharisees prayed and fasted too, but for vain glory. Not Anna. She did it for the glory of God!

It said that she spoke of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.  She was a soul winner long before the word existed. Anna is a reminder that we should not grow weary in our well doing. She had waited a long time for the opportunity to see the Messiah. I doubt her days were filled with soap operas and bonbons on the sofa. As a widow without children she would have been at the mercy of the Lord for provision and some of her days of fasting may not have been by choice. Because of her perseverance in those hard times, God rewarded her a piece of the Christmas story.

It’s kind of tucked in there at the end and often forgotten. Elisabeth is tucked in the beginning and is often over looked, but all three women serve as examples of the stages and progression of life that women go through.

Where do you see yourself? And how are you allowing God to use you?

This Christmas let’s keep their examples in our mind as we worship the Lord through this season.

Let us be patient if the Lord has us waiting.

Let us be pure if the world around us is full of corruption.

And let us persevere in the face of all adversity so that God may use us and bless us for His glory.

Merry Christmas from the Jesus Chick!