Posted in Christian Service, failure, Faith, Fear, Health, Life Inspiration, Political, Praise, Word of God

The Rona & the Radicals


First off, me using a football reference is somewhat comical, because I know nothing about football, well…. except when they score. But it doesn’t prevent me from watching the game and cheering when the rest of the crowd cheers as if I knew all along what happened. But a football analogy is kind of appropriate when it comes to speaking about the Rona (Corona Virus) and the Radicals, because apparently nobody can give us a clue about their next move either. And now pro football is completely political just like the virus and radicals. But the fear involved is very real for a lot of people. 

What do you fear most right now in your life? How much of your day does that fear monopolize? What would you rather be thinking about? Good questions to begin our topic of today. 

The Rona and the Radicals

Both are current events out of our control! When the disciples in Mark 6 were without Jesus on the boat in the middle of the storm, they were suddenly faced with the possibility of death. 

We know from experiencing storms that they either calm down, or grow more fierce and we can’t aid in either direction, we can only buckle down and get ready. Life is much the same way. There are some things right now that are so far out of control, it’s ridiculous. I have no problem comparing it to how the disciples must have felt before Jesus got tin the boat. 

But where we differ; Jesus is never outside of our boat!

Mark 6:46-53 KJVS

[46] And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray. 

What do you suppose Jesus talked about with God that day? Do you think they discussed current events? I have to think they did. Not that either God or Jesus was surprised at any of the events, but maybe they talked about they human reaction of the people involved.

“Did you see the look on Peter’s face when he realized the bread basket wasn’t going empty, that was priceless!?”

What about the look on Matthew’s face when I told him to feed the 5,000 with that little bitty 🧺 basket! He almost swallowed his tongue trying to figure out the math on that one!

I would have loved to have been in on some of their conversations during Jesus’ prayer time.

But while Jesus was up in the hills talking to His Father, the disciples were down in the boat in the middle of a storm.  And it says they were toiling and rowing in contrary winds.

[47] And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land. [48] And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them. [49] But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out: [50] For they all saw him, and were troubled.

In the process of their fighting the waves, they were so caught up in that fight that they almost didn’t see Jesus walking on the water. But that was not a common happening in the day, or in our day! I don’t know if I seen Him walking that I would have immediately thought, “Oh, that’s gotta be Jesus, who else could do that?” No, I would have been shaking in my shoes, or worse! The same is true in the happenings of today. When something goes down with the virus or with the current uprising, I’m more apt to immediately feel fear of the unknown, rather than asking myself, “Okay, where is this coming from and who or what is responsible, and what should my reaction be.”

We are quick to say, oh, it’s Satan. While he’s having a field day, we can’t always blame him. Sometimes it’s evil people struggling for power. So once I’ve determined who might be responsible, what am I to do with that information in order to calm myself down. 

Do what they did. Talk to Jesus. 

 (50b) And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

Nothing said Jesus started the storm. But He showed up in the middle of it and talked to them and told them to “be of good cheer.” I can’t help but sing the song, “don’t worry, be happy.” 

I think it’s important for us to key in on the fact that it didn’t say Jesus started the storm. God is not starting this nonsense in our world today. But He for certain is here with us and He’s telling us, “Don’t be afraid, I have this under control.” The question is, are we talking to Him, and then listening to Him. 

He’s not going to come in and stand in the middle of the room, but through prayer and the Bible we can get the peace we need to calm our souls in the middle of the storm. 

Don’t forget your miracles. 

 [51] And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered. [52] For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.

They were “sore amazed.” They just couldn’t believe that Jesus did that. Well that might be our problem too, When we’re in the middle of a miracle, we’re like, “Yeah baby, that’s my God!” But then we get in the middle of a crisis, and we think, “this is it, we’re going down!” 

What happened to our miracle mentality? And I don’t mean Moses parting the water, but the very fact that God is Who scripture says He is.   He spoke the world into existence. And this world is trying to speak us out of existence. He parted the water, He really did. He fed the 5,000. That’s not a fable, He really did that, He has huge plans for us, but we’re letting the current state of our world cloud our thoughts until we can’t see or remember those miracles of God. 

When I started watching blaze news, it was almost more than I could stomach. It often times caused anxiety. So I have to keep life in perspective, even watching a show that focuses much of the news on Bible. Every day we are given the opportunity to live our lives in a way that shows our faith in God or our fear of the world. 

What’s scaring you today? Who’s responsible? Where is God in it? How is He speaking to you? Those are the questions that we need to ask. Maybe even journal. It would be interesting to read what some of our thoughts today are, or a year from now, or a decade… or maybe we won’t even have to read it…Maybe Jesus will come back and we can just go home! Glorrraaay! 

But until then. Let’s keep telling the world about the amazing God we serve, so that they will desire what we have. 

Posted in Bible Journaling, Leadership, Life Inspiration

For They Considered Not the Miracle


It’s true in my life too. A few days of struggle, a few rough waves to get over and I’ve long since forgotten the countless things that God has done in my life. I pondered the upcoming election this morning as I read the story of the forgotten miracle:

Mark 6:48-52

And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.  But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out: For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid. And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered. For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.

Jesus had fed 5000+ people with 2 loaves of bread and a few fishes, followed by calming the raging sea and scaring the pants off His buddies and they were sore amazed and wondered. They’d already forgotten about that amazing lunch He provided from basically nothing! It was as if the bread and fish were a little miracle by comparison to the angry storm. How much different is it today?

We are so impressed when God does what we deem amazing, when the amazing is being done right before us every day in our lives by the provision and sustainment of life. So why are worrying about the waves of this election?

I’ve seen some really positive, good posts on social media recently about what Jesus can do through this election, but I feel they’re being over looked by those wanting to sensationalize, and refocus us on the stormy waters surrounding the candidates. I will confess that the candidates of choice are not my choice, but I have to look at what I have available. The folks on the ground that day with Jesus had but one choice for dinner, “bread and fish.” The miracle was not in the choice, it was what God did with the choice. I feel the same way about this election. I don’t think either one of these people are living at the foot of the cross, but I know the One Who died on the cross for the salvation of man, and He can work a miracle with the matter. It’s not much… I wouldn’t call those two a happy meal, but… let me preface this by saying I’m voting for Trump. Not because he’s all that and bag of chips, but I feel he is the provision for America and Hillary is the destruction. I won’t get into anything other than that. That alone is enough for me to ponder today when the world would rather I worry. If Christians will pray and vote… in that order, rely on God to take care of us as well as work for Him until He comes, this might be the most amazing four years of American history!

Posted in Christian Service, Fear, Grace, Life Inspiration, Life's Failures, Uncategorized

It’s Only Bread

Bread of Life

Mark 6

Jesus had just left his home town where (vs) He marveled because of their unbelief, He as just a carpenter’s son after all, how could He be so wise and do such marvelous works?  It was from there that He began sending His disciples out two by two, He’d given them power over unclean spirits and instructed them to leave with  nothing  and rely on God for provision, which they did without question. But then one of the many strange stories that have me shaking my head, until I look in the mirror.

The disciples were in the inner circle, they’d seen His miracles, they’d no doubt felt His frustration when the folks from His hometown rejected His message and were offended, they were willing workers in the gospel movement and are our heroes of the faith for many reasons. They were there that day when Jesus had greater than 5,000 people sit down on the lawn and eat to their full from 5 loaves of bread and two fishes, and then took up  the remnants of the meal to the tune of 12 baskets of bread! Glory to God what a service!

Jesus then sent the disciples in a ship to Bethsaida while He went to the mountain to pray. As evening comes the disciples were in the middle of the sea in high winds, and as they fight the storm they notice someone walking on the water, and they cried out in fear. That doesn’t surprise me. They’re human after all and that no doubt was a pretty scary time.  It’s what happens next that bothers me.

Jesus begins to talk to them and says Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.” (Vs. 50) He gets into the boat, the storm stops and they’re amazed, but they don’t know its Jesus, and then the scripture says its because  (vs. 52) they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.

The mirror flipped on me. How many times have I seen the miracles of God, witnessed them first hand in my life, watched God do the undoable, and then later sit in fear because of circumstances that are beyond my control. How many times have I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart and not recognize that it was the voice of Jesus? Too many…

It was only bread.

I hate the thought that my heart is hardened.  I want to believe that I am tender and pliable for the Holy Spirit to do a work in, but then struggles come and I sit in fear having the many miracles of grace and mercy in the recesses of my mind, ready to draw upon for strength, but it’s only bread. That was yesterday, this is today. Sad and true. My heroes of the faith are just like me. The present storm had taken their mind to place where they failed to recognize the voice of Jesus until they reached the safety of the shore.

God knows I’m human. He knows when I’m in the middle of the storm my attention span is short. He’d like me to be more faithful, but His word reminds me that it’s not the first time His people have let Him down. The question is, what are you going to do when the waves stop, or the dust settles?

Vs. 53-56

And when they had passed over, they came into the land of Gennesaret, and drew to the shore. And when they were come out of the ship, straightway they knew him, And ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard he was. And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

Get to work! God understands our human nature when the storms rage around us, but when the waves die down and the dust settles it’s time to remember that it wasn’t just bread. It was the Bread of Life making provision for our way and there are countless other people who need to see that God can bring them through too! When the disciples made it through the storm they hit the streets running, and didn’t just give lip service for the miracles of Christ, they brought the people to Him. And as many as touched Him were made whole. How many? As many… numbers are nothing with Jesus. 5,000-5 million… God can!

Posted in Uncategorized

The Rescue Mission!

A trip to Marshall County, West Virginia turned into quite the journey for me yesterday. Following the advice of Google map for a “quicker” trip we went off the beaten path and then Glory! We were in God’s country for sure with the elevation alone.  Mile upon mile of one lane farm road along scenic river beds to the top of the mountains made for awesome views and a two hour delay in getting to our destination.  At one point I glanced over toward my coworker’s iPad and realized that the little blue dot that locates our vehicle on the satellite was in the middle of nowhere! No roads, no directional advice, just tan space surrounding the little blue blip.

I’ve had that same feeling spiritually…

I knew the intended destination God had me on. I’d prayed about it, had peace about and knew that I was going that way, but in the midst of the journey I would find myself alone, Christ nowhere to be found and struggling with doubt  that I had heeded the Word of God at all. Been there? It’s an uneasy feeling. My main concern yesterday was not if we were going to the right place; my job required me to do a site visit to Cameron Middle High School. My concern was that “Thelma and Louise” (my coworker and I) had resources enough (aka gas) to get me out of the tan space and back onto the directional blue line that took us to Cameron.

Long before GPS and satellite the disciples found themselves in much the same predicament. Mark 6:45 said “And straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship, and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida, while he sent away the people.

Jesus had given the disciples clear direction, “You’re going to the other side.” But along the way they found themselves in the middle of the sea, in the darkness of night with this queasy feeling in the pit of their stomach, “Somethin’ ain’t right.” A storm had come up and the wind was contrary to them, and then out of nowhere they see Jesus walking on the water. But they don’t know it’s Jesus! And then in verse 50 they hear the voice of the Savior “Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

There were reasons

It doesn’t say that Jesus told the disciples why they were going to Bethsaida. He said go, and obedient servants that they were they got in the boat and went. Being in the will of God doesn’t mean there won’t be trouble. Just ask Jesus, they crucified Him. The disciples were following God’s plan, but here they were in the middle of the sea, in the darkness of a storm. Some of the stormiest times of my life have been when God was doing the most. Don’t assume because the “winds of life are contrary” that you’re not in the will of God.

There were reactions.

51 And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered.

Out of nowhere Jesus had come, climbs into the boat, calms the storm and their reaction was shock! The God of Heaven, the Creator of the Universe just walked on water, calmed the storm, climbs into the boat and says (in my words) “chill out guys, it’s Me.” Can you hear the “woah Dude…” When God does something extreme in your life our reaction is sometimes not exuberance and joy, it “eek! And Jiminy Cricket!!!!” We’re just amazed that it happens.

There was a rescue

God had a plan. As close as the disciples were to the Lord, that still didn’t let them in on it. Sometimes we’re just not going to have that insight. It’s not until they get to the other side that they see the plan unfold. Vs. 56 ~ “And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

The plan… the rescue of souls. Is that not what this journey is about?

We went to Cameron yesterday to work on a project in that community that is getting their people healthy. It’s fun and they’re excited. So am I! But not nearly as excited about Cameron as I am about the journey that Christ has me on here. A journey to rescue souls – – now that’s an exciting trip. Will you join me?