Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration

Rest Defined and Learned

Rest: The manipulation and deception of the body into a position where exhaustion takes over with a result of sitting still or falling asleep, only to arise in a state of guilt and frustration later for the “wasted time.”

That’s my warped definition of rest.

It’s only been lately that I’ve come to the realization about how very little I rest. And by rest I don’t mean my warped definition, but that of the Lord Jesus Christ who said in Matthew 11:28 “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Prior to that verse He had chastised cities where He had done great works, but there was no repentance (vs. 21-24) But then His conversation turns to those for whom He has compassion, the wise and the prudent,”  who God has hidden things from as though they were babes; those who still don’t understand who God is but are willing to learn. (vs. 27)

I don’t really consider myself to be the “wise and the prudent.” But I guess that I am from the standpoint that I seek to know God deeper, past the infant state that I feel that I’m in most of the time. And often times I can’t get to that deeper relationship because I’m just too tired from life. And so God understands and gives me this verse to chew on today, and to experience it once again, but this time, to go deeper into understanding “rest.”

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.  (vs. 29-30)

Take my yoke… attach myself to Christ in such a manner that the two of us are working together as one.  The same work that I’ve put upon myself, alone, believing that to be the best idea. Yes, I am that foolish mortal.

God desires to bare that load and give us rest even in the midst of the labor. But we must first yoke ourselves with Him so that every step we take, in every day, we take it together.  Allowing Him to shoulder the load that drives us to exhaustion.  When I do the dishes, He is there, When I make the bed, He is there. When I write, sing, serve, He is there!

Not only allowing Him to shoulder the load, but getting so close, as we’re bonded together through the yoke, that we begin to witness and understand the character of Christ. He’s not a slave driver; He is meek (humble) and lowly (common and simple) willing to take on and share in even the menial tasks of our lives so that our lives can be better.  God, the Creator of all the earth, wants to walk with His creation just as He did in the days of Adam, but now through the Holy Spirit.

What must it have been like when Adam walked in the garden with God? No doubt an awesome, enlightening experience. We have that opportunity, but we’re too busy to realize He’s there, waiting to shoulder our load, our every burden, and talk us through.

I am a critter lover. I have two dogs, a cat, and 10 chickens. They each have their own personalities and agendas. The dogs live to serve, the cat lives to be served and the chickens live to be fed and to feed me (eggs). They all depend upon me, but they’re not all grateful. However, the one thing they all have in common is they understand the need for rest.  Critters don’t overthink anything, they just do what they’re created to do.

I get that they don’t have souls, they’re not burdened for the lost, nor do they really care if I have money in the bank. They don’t understand any of that. But they understand the simplicity of the Creator. The humble and lowly Jesus.

If we are to live our lives being more like Him, we, or at least I, need to stop overthinking life because it overwhelms my soul and robs me of rest.

Jesus knew that. That’s why He wrote those verses. That’s why He made me a critter lover, so that I could see Him through His creation.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, Not Another Manic Monday, Not Another Manic Monday Video

How to Spiritually Prepare for the Cold


Get dressed, Put your shoes on and don’t worry about provision.”

That’s what I heard as I read Ezekiel 24 on Saturday morning.

I’d been struggling to get back into the reading of this book because it’s so tragic. Israel’s rebellion and punishment from God breaks my heart. It also heaps the guilt on me because I feel like Israel most of the time. The rebellion in my heart never seems to go away. I look at our country, and the shape that many of the people in our nation is in and I could easily go into depression were it not for the fact that I know the end of the book and I know I’m going to be okay, as well as all others who know Christ as Savior.

But what about the bad days that I’m struggling with more than reading Ezekiel. That’s where the scripture I read in the book of Ezekiel really helped out.

In chapter 24, the obedient servant of God, who’s doing his best to live a righteous life, loses his wife. God warned him in advance that he was going to take away the “desire of Ezekiel’s eyes.” That scripture proves the love Ezekiel had for her. But God tells him that he’s not going to cry, or morn, but he’s going to put on his turban and his shoes, and everything else in between I assume, and preach! And as he does, he’s not to worry about the provision of the people. God will take care of him.

That seems a tad harsh for me.

But it also helps me get life into perspective.

Prior to that verse in chapter 22, verse 30, God says “I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”

I sometimes feel that that is how God looks at America. But then I know better, because I’m in it. And He hasn’t destroyed us yet. Although I’m a failure sometimes, I also stand in the gap with the word of God, sharing the gospel of Christ and standing for Him, in the gap that has been created by a fallen world.

Yes, America is a mess. But let’s look at us individually. Those of us who are on this blog today, looking for hope and believing that we’re going to find it in the word of God.

Over the last few weeks I’ve had some terrible days. Days I physically did not feel like going on. I had to fight to move. Days that I failed my family and I failed God and I wasn’t really sure what was going on.

I have a feeling this may have been how Elijah felt as he preached judgement and wrath again and again and in the process of that he lost his precious wife; and God basically tells him to suck it up and get back out there.

How did He do it?

Wrap your mind

The tire that the Lord tells Elijah to bind around his head isn’t a steel belted radial. It’s his turban. A piece of fabric that protected his head from the elements of the day as he went out into the world.

We need that in a spiritual form that protects our minds from the elements of the world. Negative people and thoughts of our own and drag us into a mindset that’s unhealthy. Satan always makes us believe it’s worse than it actually is. 

Wow, did I need to hear that. All week I had been procrastinating some things I needed to do because I was sure it was going to be terrible. When I finally got around to it, it was fine. But in my mind I had convinced myself of the worst case scenario.

That’s how Satan works to knock us off our game and cause us to step out of the positions and plans that God has for us. Doubt and fear are never of God. He may warn us of things we shouldn’t do, but He will never incite fear. That’s a tool of the Devil.

So in order to bind our minds we have to fill it with words of encouragement. The word of God is a great place to start! But also godly music, and friends who speak life into you!

Shod your feet

That’s the second thing that God told Ezekiel to do.

Ephesians 6:15 tells us that part of the armour of God is to have “Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;” Before that it said to have the helmet of salvation on. God’s word may change forms but it never changes the truth.

Just as Ezekiel spread the word by physically walking in the heat of the sun to get to the people of Israel, we can spread the word by walking in the power of the Son! S.O.N.

Perhaps an acronym for “save our nation.”

The Word of God speaks peace! My struggle with Ezekiel had less to do with the book, but rather had to do with my state of mind. I was allowing Satan to get inside my head and preventing me from sharing the gospel.

God’s third piece advice for Ezekiel was:

Feed yourself

At the loss of his spouse, there would no doubt be people that would want to help Ezekiel out. God warned Ezekiel not to rely on others for preservation.

The same is true with us. We cannot depend on someone else to feed us physically or spiritually. We have to take care of ourselves.

It’s why I listen to preaching multiple times a week. I feed myself the word of God through any means possible. I read the bible, I listen to preaching, I listen and sing gospel music. Things that feed my soul and encourage my spirit so I can encourage the people God puts in front of me.

Years ago, when I first got saved I claimed 2nd Corinthians 2:1-2 “But I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness. For if I make you sorry, who is he then that maketh me glad, but the same which is made sorry by me.”

I determined as a young Christian that I would sow seeds of hope and happiness, not seeds of despair and sorrow that I had witnessed so many other saints of God sowing by constantly telling the people around them how terrible life was.

I’ve not always been able to stick to my convictions, but I honestly do try. And that’s why this Monday live video is so important to me. I want to give you hope and encourage you for the day.

I feel that Ezekiel’s example, although sorrowful, is still a great scripture to hang onto today.

As the weather changes, we have need for a turban, or toboggan as the case may be, sandals have been replaced by boots and hot soups are soothing to the soul on these cold days. Let those serve as a reminder that God has you covered too!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, worship

Social Media Saints

I am guilty of only posting the pretty pictures. I don’t post the countless times I wad up a disfigured Jesus Chick or other images that don’t measure up. If someone takes a picture of my bad side, which can actually be any side that I don’t deem myself “pretty” I don’t post it and I’m quick to delete it off my phone before someone accidently on purpose stumbles across it. Are not our lives much the same way?

We let people see the “pretty” side of our selves. The one who is made up and picture perfect on Sunday morning, but what about the one that breaks down into tears on Monday because their world just ain’t right? Oh… that one.

No, nobody needs to see that, right?

Yesterday as I loaded yet another load of laundry for two obviously very dirty people into the dryer I felt a knot in my throat and tears well up in my soul. There was no reason. Other than I just felt overwhelmed.

I quickly sucked it up, started a new load of laundry and told myself, you don’t have time for that.

This morning as I loaded the dishwasher, for obviously very hungry people, the Spirit spoke to me and said, “just be real.”

I scroll through the countless images of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Listen to the ranting of crazy people and realize that there doesn’t seem to be a happy medium. There’s either the beautiful, seemingly perfect families or the nutcases.

I sing this song at the Long Term Care on Monday’s that the residents just love. I didn’t add it to my repertoire for a couple of years for fear it would offend. It’s called “Who do you think you’re foolin” by Joe Mullins and the Radio Ramblers. When I played the last note yesterday, the little old lady behind me yelled, “We need more like that!”

I realized then, and again this morning that people want the truth, not just the pretty images of Christianity. They need to hear that all of us have moments of sorrow, confusion and days that we too would be nutcases if we weren’t Spirit controlled preventing us from publishing that nutcase rant of reality.

Isaiah 57:15

For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

Two quick points to ponder before you post today.

The Sprit of the Humble

I love humble people. People who don’t lift themselves above others but realize that we are at best sinners saved by grace. There is also a humility we all tend to ignore and avoid whenever possible, and that is the humility of allowing people to see the brokenness within us. That life hurts sometimes.

I’m always careful to buy waterproof mascara for fear of the black clown face that can occur when that spirit of humility takes over. I waterproof my social media post too. But what we miss when we do this the spirit of revival. God will revive the spirit of the humble… not the proud.

The Heart of the Contrite

To have a contrite spirit is to be crushed and broken. Hello? My thinking is the only people who want the world to see that is the nutcase “ranters” who make me shake my head.

My thinking is wrong.

There has to be a happy medium and I see it once in a while. When someone just gets real for the sake of encouraging others. In that process they do not drag someone else into their post, it’s about their relationship with God, not man. God uses broken vessels to let the water of life pour out for others to drink and have their souls revived as well.

After my open heart surgery my water intake was extremely limited. Prior to that I didn’t even like water, but suddenly I craved it, and still do. Their denial of that life giving substance, though it was for my own good, caused me to desire it more.

The more dry and broken we become the greater desire we have to be revived. But you can ignore it until it becomes the norm. Oh… how often I’ve seen that across the churches of America. They only want the pretty Sunday’s, not the ones where broken people get revived and give control to the Spirit of God. It is then that rantings are replaced with the testimonies of broken people being healed, tears flow and God is welcomed into that place and He shows up in a mighty way.

Do we want that?

I don’t want people to air dirty laundry on social media, but it would be good if people shared  a trial and how God brought them through. We all have struggles. People need to see they can have victory too.

Share yours today!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, Not Another Manic Monday, Not Another Manic Monday Video

Why Our Conversations with God are Lacking

Below is the video link as well as my notes for the “Not Another Manic Monday” Video Blog published October 8, 2018. Tune in  live every Monday at 10 a.m. on Facebook as I share what the Lord has laid on my heart to encourage us for the coming week. 


To begin with, it’s hard to begin a conversation with

  • Someone we’re not familiar with or perhaps may not even know.
  • Someone we’re angry with (if we’re honest)
  • Someone we’re afraid of, or
  • Someone we don’t understand.

It’s sometimes helpful if we have a conversation starter.

Prayer needs are obvious conversation starters. I used to think I was prayer warrior until I realized all my prayers started with “Lord help me.”

Who wants a friend who only comes around when they need something? Don’t get me wrong, God wants to hear everything we need. But He’d like to have some talk time with us just for the sake of getting to know Him better. Not hearing just hearing about our problems.

1 Timothy 2:5  says “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.

Conversation Starter

So if by way of a conversation starter you heard God ask “Why don’t we talk more often?” How would you answer?

Which one of the excuses would you have, or perhaps another one. But be honest with yourself and ask, what causes me not to have a closer relationship with Jesus Christ? Do you fear Him?

The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.”

So let’s break that verse down.

If God hasn’t give us the spirit of fear, who has. Easy question to answer. Satan loves it when you won’t talk to God. Because he knows without a good relationship with Jesus, God can’t work in your life to the fullest extent. So he whispers lies in our ears to keep us apart and a way from a three fold promise.

The Power of God. The Love of God and the Strength of having a sound mind. Power to make it through any problem we’re facing. Love, not condemnation which Satan wants you to have, and a sound mind, meaning that you worry and stress less. Is that not something we all desire?!

So take the time to have that conversation with God today. What’s coming between you and Him?

Tell it to the Scapegoat

Anything that prevents you from having a conversation with God is a sin. Even if you don’t view it as a sin, it is because it’s keep you apart from your Creator.

In the book of Leviticus, an Old Testament ritual was that the priest on the Day of Atonement would take two goats before the people at the temple. The first he would kill which symbolized the blood sacrifice that Jesus would make in the future. The second goat he would release into the wilderness, symbolizing that the sins of the people were carried away.

I love the scripture which says “As  far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.”

Everything that causes you apprehension with God, is gone. You can visualize it on the scapegoat, running into the wilderness never to return.

What an awesome way to visualize our sins! Running away from us.

The last point for today is to have a

Tell it to Jesus

It’s a conversation that I had last night in the preparation of this morning’s video blog. I needed somethings to go away. I had to get very honest.

I’ll share those with you, because I need to get them out in the open and perhaps your struggle is similar.

  • I feel every burden of my family on my shoulders. Everyone’s. And I most always think that it’s my fault.
  • I don’t ever feel that I measure up before God or man and that I’ve failed everyone who loves me.
  • I feel that my value is tied to my pay. Which for someone in the ministry, (not a paid ministry) that makes my value “0”.

That may or may not be your issue. But something probably is that keeps you and God from having in depth conversations.

I hope that today you’ll take the time to talk to Jesus. Tell Him the truth about why you and He don’t talk as much as you should. And let’s start this Monday on the right foot, getting closer to our Lord.

God bless ya!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration

Twenty Minutes Late for God

Bible Journaling Art by The Jesus Chick – Shari Johnson

It’s not my nature to be late for anything. I struggle with it. It’s as if to say if I arrive on time for everything in my life, all is obviously right in my world. Right? Wrong. Very wrong. But I can at least pretend for that day of punctuality that I’m okay.

So for this entire week, I’ve awoken at 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. multiple days. I hear the Holy Spirit speak, “Get up, I have something to say to you.” And rather than get up, I would lie in bed awake, in frustration with my body that loved the feeling of the covers against my skin and drift in and out of sleep; only to wake up a few hours later feeling as if I’d been beaten, with every joint in my body aching. So this morning at 3 a.m. when I heard to Holy Spirit speak again, I snuggled back beneath the covers, had a nutty dream and heard Him speak again at 5. Just like the past week every day. So at 5 a.m. I determined to get up and listen. But by the time I rallied myself up and made it to the kitchen it was 5:20.

Twenty minutes late for God…

That too is my nature. I’m not late for the world, but I’m late for divine appointments on a consistent basis and for multiple reasons and excuses.

Twice this week, two different very close friends ask me how I “really was.” They ask me hard questions that examined me like a spiritual physician and I knew they were warnings from God that I once again needed to slow myself down and take some pressure off. Doggone those people who love you.

Did I listen? I tried. But life has a way of getting you to the point that you’re 20 minutes late for an appointment with God. And that’s not good. Nobody makes God wait without consequences.

My mind went to Jonah, and his very own book. A look into the life of a man who tried to make God wait. But God didn’t lead me to that scripture, He lead me to Luke, chapter 12.


Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning. And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding where they will even use a Wedding Limo Company in Ottawa for travel: that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.”


The scripture refers to the return of Jesus Christ, when He comes to call His church home. But it could just as easily refer to any time the Lord knocks and requests us in His presence. Like 3 a.m. wake up calls.



Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: very I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

My mind is humbled at the very thought that the Lord would serve me. And yet He does when He speaks to my soul and ministers to my broken spirit. He’d had sent angels of mercy in the form of friends who gently warned… “Rest.”

He Himself had not tried to wake me to steal my rest, but rather give me rest through His word. And yet I refused to listen but rather drift back into a restless sleep. Until today. And though I was twenty minutes late, He was still right on time to give me the message that I needed to hear to calm my troubled heart.



And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.

I weep in the wisdom that the Lord provides my portion in due season. Which often time comes later because I didn’t answer the door when He was prepared to make the delivery.

It came late this week because I kept failing to answer the door. I studied this week out of necessity of teaching opportunities. Not for personal portions. It’s like savoring the goodness of someone else’s plate as you deliver it to their table. Never experiencing the food for yourself. I wonder how many Pastor’s experience that.

This morning the Lord and I dined over frosted mini wheats and coffee and the word of God. It tasted so good! And the mini wheats were pretty tasty too.

A lesson in life from the Jesus Chick… when God knocks, open yourself to opportunity.

Posted in Evangelism, Life Inspiration, Not Another Manic Monday, Not Another Manic Monday Video, video

Let’s Talk About Us

Notes from Monday, October 1, 2018 live feed. Video Below 

If you ask me where my “Happy Place” is in the word of God, I would tell you John 14. Verses 1:6

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

So I give you three points to ponder today as we start the new work week. Help, Hope and Happiness and they’re all found in those verses.

Jesus begins by telling us “Let not your heart be troubled.” Whatever it is you’re facing this week, Jesus has it under control.

In Psalm 121:2, David wrote “My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.”  I’ll put these scriptures in the comments below when we’re done.

David understood and we need to remember that at the Creation of the earth, God the Father and God the Son were there. The Creator of all the earth. The Scriptures said “Let Us make Man” Genesis 1:26 The “us” was God and Jesus.  If He can speak a tree, an animal an ocean into existence, what is any problem that we have.

If He can speak life from nothing, can He not speak over your problems, and either take you through, around or out. God has the power to do all three.

The rest verse 1 says “Ye believe in God, believe also in me.”

That’s the “Us” again that from the foundation of the earth.  David said in Psalm 119:114, Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.”

John 1:1 says In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

Sometimes that gets confusing; how can God and Jesus be one? Well to confuse us further, They’re actually three. And I don’t profess to have it all figured out. But to help my mind fathom what it means I have to understand the Word that was written.

Isaiah 48:13 says “Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand together.”

The universe cannot contain God. But the Son walked on earth. That helps me to understand the roles the two of them play in Creation. And the Holy Spirit, the third part of the Trinity, I feel within my soul.

It’s because of that I have Hope, and know that God is my protector. He is within m and understands everything I’m going through. He knows my every thought.

Verse 2 of John 14 reads, “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

This earth and all the sorrow in it, is temporary. God is preparing us a world beyond what our imaginations can fathom!

Another verse in Psalm 144:15 b (meaning it’s the latter part of the verse) says “Happy is that people whose God is the Lord.”

Those who understand verse 6 when Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

The only way you can have true happiness is through Jesus Christ. And believing in His finished work on the cross. Jesus Who walked as a man, and died as a man on this earth that He created, did that on the cross to pay the price for our sin so that we could go to that happy place He is preparing.

I made that decision in 1996. I lived 34 years in fear of Hell. Also a very real place. But praise God, I got saved! I hope you know Jesus today. And if you don’t, please, private message me and you and I together will walk the road to salvation.

If you know Him, I hope you’ll write the verses that I gave you down somewhere you can see them this week and hang on to the hope that comes from the Word of God.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, Peace

The disease of dis ease

I for certain am a work in progress. Especially when it comes to the social graces in life. There are days when I think I have diarrhea of the mouth and I just can’t keep it from running. I know… that’s gross right? Well I warned you about my social graces. But put me in a new or awkward situation and it’s even worse. I want to spill out everything I know in 20 seconds or less. I’ve become increasingly more aware of this lately. Add to that the new health concerns since the heart attack and the times I question… exactly what is that pain? And I’m a mess! So what can I do, other than go to God and say, “Lord, please help.” And for the last few days I’ve heard

But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

1 Peter 3:4

That verse does not describe me. Mainly because people see Shari much more than they see the hidden man of the heart, which is Jesus Christ.

The Hidden

Apostle Paul understood the hidden Man when he wrote Galatians 2:20 “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”

But the difference between Paul and Shari, is though I too was crucified with Christ upon the day of my salvation; crucifying the flesh is something I have to do again and again. I am not always so willing to allow Christ to have control of the flesh. That’s a personal decision for every one of us to allow Christ to have control. It’s not that we’re not saved, it’s that I’m not obedient. That stings my heart to even say the words, but I know its truth.

The Meek

The most misunderstood personality of them all. More often than not mistaken for weakness. But meekness is the ability not to say what you’re thinking. Not to do what you’d like. Tell me that’s not strength!? Perhaps not for you, but for me it takes great gobs of muscle power of the heart through Christ to pull back the reigns as I lunge toward the fleshly feelings that want to take over.

Meekness is absolute power under perfect control.

In the book of Numbers 12:2-3, Aaron and Miriam were chastised by God for their murmering against Moses. They questioned “Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? Hath he not spoken also by us? And the Lord heard it. (Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)

Moses would not defend himself, but you can better believe that God defended him and reminded Aaron and Miriam that He spoke to Moses “mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches;” (Vs 8) showing Aaron and Miriam the respect that God had for Moses and his meekness in that His relationship with Moses was far greater than with the two of them.

Would to God I would shut my mouth sometimes and listen as Moses did…

The Quiet

The very thing I long for, but am so unwilling to be. The ever so wise Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 4:6 “Better is a handful with quietness, than both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit.”

Stuff is not my friend. I want stuff. Lots of stuff. Which causes me travail and vexation of spirit.

Travail is effort. It’s a constant struggle for me to have more stuff. Things that take my focus off of the quietness of God. Not necessarily bad things, just stuff. I’m slowly, ever so slowly learning contentedness in my life. Learning… meaning I have by no means arrived. I perhaps may be barely out of preschool. But I’m learning that God perhaps did not intend for my mansion and my hearts desires to be fulfilled this side of glory. I am learning to be contented with my double wide home in a mansion frame of mind. Grateful for the gifts God has given…

Vexation is frustration and exasperation.  It’s difficult to find quietness in the midst of frustration. Almost impossible. My frustration with the state of affairs of the world and my life particularly vexes my soul and I lose my quiet. This morning my house is quiet. These words came “fairly easy.” But it’s been a week long struggle.

Oh God… that my soul would quiet down and the flesh would be squelched out of existence.

A meek and quiet spirit is to God of great price, because it was great price that He paid to get into the heart of man. God does not want my heart to ache in the manner it does, and not necessarily from heart disease. But more than likely from heart dis ease. Not a typo… I have to wonder how much of my life’s woes comes from not “dis” experiencing the “ease”, comfort of being a child of God.

A good question for myself today. Perhaps for yourself too.

Posted in Uncategorized

Two Unlikely Characters

I love Bible study! Be it on my own or listening under the teaching of others. And one of my favorite times is the Teen Class at Victory Baptist Church. I co-teach with a couple of fella’s whose characters are as far from one end of the spectrum as the other, but both bring such wisdom to the table and allow the kids to see that God’s method of understanding is personal.

This past Sunday I sat with the youth and listened to a lesson from co-teacher Doug that I told him I was totally going to steal and not give him credit. I wouldn’t do that… at least not entirely. Below is what I gleaned from Doug’s wisdom on Isaiah chapter 1.

Isaiah 1:1-3 

1The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.

The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.

God uses two unlikely Characters… hmmm…. Just like Doug and me, to teach a lesson about the rebellious heart. The ox and the ass. Two animals who knew more about submission to authority than the nation of Israel. But before we step out of the stall and consider ourselves to be above that, perhaps we should check the bottom of our shoes to see what we’re treading in.

It seems that no matter how far I come in my walk with Christ, I still always have plenty of path before me. I have nowhere near arrived! There has always been a rebellious, just roll with it, side to me that gets me into trouble. I never give God full control. I always hold back just a little of Shari to mess things up.

Israel had unfortunately kept a lot of themselves in their Nation and rebelled again and again on God their Creator.

Doug’s lesson had four wonderful points that are so very worthy of pondering.

  1. We were Created by God.
  2. We were Stolen by Satan (separated from God through sin)
  3. We were Bought back through the blood of Christ! Glory!
  4. We were Gifted life by God

We were created in God’s image (Genesis 2:16-17). The ox and the ass know their masters here on earth, although they too can be rebellious and stubborn. But so much can be learned from God’s creation.

We have several critters around our home, but the three who I deal with beneath my feet daily are Izadora, Versace and Callie. A Chihuahua, a Jack-Huahua (1/2 Chihuahua and Jack Russell) and a calico cat. The dogs are adoring creatures who just want to love us continually. They cannot get close enough. Callie the cat is a vicious creature who loves nothing more than to come from nowhere to grab your bare feet with her claws and scare the daylights out of you! She is self-absorbed and could care less if you like her, so long as you feed her. True story! But which creature sounds more like God’s human creation?

That’s because Satan stole our hearts. Oh my goodness! That thought makes me so sad. When Satan tempted Eve in the garden, he tempted her with something that would steal her heart from her Creator God. She fell, Adam fell and because of that, we are all a fallen, stolen creation from the Savior. (Romans 6:23) The wages of sin is death. Once we get to the age of knowledge, when we can determine right from wrong, Satan has us in his clutches, just like he did Eve underneath that tree.

But praise God! We were bought back. 1 Peter 3:18 ~ For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.

It’s a price my mind cannot fathom. I try. But I just can’t wrap my mind around the physical pain that He endured for me, and His separation from His father. How could He love me that much (John 3:16) even in my rebellion? A point Doug brought out that sorrows my soul is that Christ even did it for those who will never accept Him as Lord. He loves us all the same.

God’s greatest gift to us was the freedom of life.

Doug’s favorite verse is Matthew 11:28. It’s one of mine too and it’s a reminder that we do not have to live with the burden of sin and strife.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

The ox and the ass know where to go when it’s time to rest. They go to master’s crib. We too should find ourselves cradled in the arms of God when life gets too much. O God… to be so wise…

Thanks Doug for the thoughts, and thank You Jesus for your word.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Life Inspiration, Not Another Manic Monday Video

3 Steps to a Great Day

I love being live on Monday’s! But what ever the day is you’re tuning in, I hope that his video serves as a word form God to encourage you and help make your day a little sweeter. Tune in every Monday at 10 a.m. to my “Not Another Manic Monday” Vlog and please share this with your friends! For questions or comments, send me a message or find me on Facebook by searching for The Jesus Chick!

Posted in Bible Journaling, Christian Service, failure, Grace, Life Inspiration

Why Will You Die?

Another milestone in the zipper club (heart bypass) journal was the completion of my first week of cardiac rehab. Also another  reality check on the lack of care for myself over the last several years of life. Following my decision to stop smoking on May 26th, 1997 (with the prompting of the Holy Spirit after a year of salvation) I traded my addiction to tobacco for an addiction to all things tasty. Gradually I blossomed into the well-rounded person I am today both spiritually and figuratively.

The criticism and judgement of sometimes well-meaning people (sometimes not) served me well in the department of discouragement and depression. The added pressure added extra weight. However, before anyone thinks I blame others for my blessed figure status, the answer is no. I’m the one who lost her will power. And so today as I read Ezekiel 18, I remembered my week at cardiac rehab. The struggles that I had as I pushed through each piece of equipment and so did not enjoy it. As I tried to clean up the mess I had created over the past 21 years.

Ezekiel 8:31

“Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?”

I believe Israel had gotten on God’s last nerve. They’d sinned, worshiped idols and used their children as sacrifices. What a mess they’d gotten themselves into because they’d gotten their eyes off the Lord and put them onto the things around them. I won’t throw any stones in that department either.

But the end result of a life without God, is always death. And no matter what I try to do in life without God as the central focus, it will surely die, because I am His, and He is mine and He expects to be a part of my life.

So how do I make sure that’s the case when living everyday life and making decisions that can change my future? And how many times have I gotten on God’s last nerve by not listening to Him.

The Word tells me.


Cast away from you, all your transgressions.

Easier said than done, right? Well, yes and no. We know that nothing is impossible for God! But we must first allow Him to have it. For me and my transgressions… there were many. The overeating and desire for food replaced an addition that had begun when I was a child. I smoked my first cigarette at 13 years of age. I had been addicted a very, very long time. But when God got involved the desire for that substance was replaced with a desire to be better for Him. But the cigarettes had also come with a stigma of non-acceptance by the world, both saved and unsaved people alike. So it wasn’t hard to not desire it. But everyone loved food!  It was acceptable.

But the weight gain was not.

Add to that the fact that God had called me into ministry work and I was now standing before people every week, I became very weak emotionally.

I allowed the pressure of that judgment, whether real or not to get the best of me and I ate all the more because it made me feel better.

So what did I need to cast off?

Addiction. Self-Condemnation. Irresponsibility.

If Jesus had cast my sins as far as the east is from the west, I needed to cast my transgression to Him so He could take care of them. Because when I threw them down, they never failed to land out of arms reach and I would pick them up again 

Psalm 103:12

As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.


…and make you a new heart and a new spirit:

So how do I do that?

I have to change somethings about my life. Beginning with my mindset. Your brain tells your heart when to beat.

In the course of the day, your heart will beat somewhere around 100,000 times and over a calendar year might beat up to 35 million times. Over the course of a lifetime then, your brain and your heart have to work together to engineer 3 billion heartbeats.

However there’s something in the heart called automaticity.

Meaning that the heart, even if it’s disconnected from the brain, will continue to beat at a set rate.

For me that shows that there’s a thought controlled side of the heart and a God controlled side of the heart. Praise God! He knows when to kick His side in.

But when it comes to decision making He leaves that to me for the most part. So I need to create within myself a new heart and spirit. Basically new desires and passions that align with God.

I can only do that if I focus on godly things casting those things that are unhealthy to Christ so that He can help me get them out of my life.


…for why will ye die,

Commitment was something that Israel didn’t have. They’d make and break promises as fast as the ink would dry on the paper.

I’m not any different. I yo yo diet, and I yo yo commit to the promises that I make God that “I’ll do better.”

We take commitment too lightly. Forgetting that God doesn’t take it lightly. Over time, God allowed many of His chosen people to be killed because they couldn’t keep their commitment to live for Him.

When I quit smoking, I partially did so because I believed God was going to allow me to die a dreadful death because of the effect of smoking. He warned me to quit… and so I did. Honey Lake Clinic is a drug rehab and recovery facility that approaches the problem of addiction from a spiritual point of view.

The transgression of poor health was not so easy for me to commit to overcome. I allowed emotions and lack of self-respect to play the major role in controlling my diet. Scroll forward to May of 2018, three heart attacks, open heart surgery and now cardia rehab and I am beginning to think I should have listened sooner.

Duh. I’m a Slow learner. Israel and I have a lot in common. Most of all, and Hallelujah, we have God’s grace in common.

But eventually God’s patience runs thin and we get on God’s last nerve. Before that happens, it would be much better to give those transgressions to Jesus. Everyone has them, and their personal to them.  

There’s a 3 step plan for it. Cast. Create. Commit.

God’s final verse in chapter 18 was  For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.  

There is life in Christ! And a much better, more rewarding life. Live it! And live it well.