Posted in Bible Journaling, Evangelism, Family, Fear, Leadership, Youth

How wicked do you think this world is?

From the days my girls were born, I enjoyed every stage of their life. I didn’t always do it right… more often than not, utterly wrong. But parenthood is trial and error. 

Where I mostly got it wrong was the fact that God was not in my life until they were 8 and 12. By that time I had sewn quite a few mistakes into the material that they would use in raising their own children. Sad fact, but one I have to take responsibility for. They’re good gals. They too are navigating the parental waters, but their sea is so much rougher than mine. I’m proud of them. They have no idea how proud. But I’m scared. Not in the sense that the world is frightened of everything right now, but from the standpoint that my children and grandchildren are facing the greatest evil I’ve ever witnessed. And I’ve seen some pretty crappy stuff in my 58 years.

I would like to remove my grandkids out of the equation of harms way, but that’s not humanly possible. Even if I put them in a padded room, they will be within reach of the spiritual wickedness of this world. Be not deceived… you may be the greatest, most protective and sheltering parent on earth, but your children are in danger. And the reality of it is, most parents are not the most protective and sheltering parents, because we want our children to experience life. We mainly try to keep them away from wicked things. 

But what happens when the wicked come in when we’re not with them?

I know I’m a like a broken record lately. But I feel compelled to tell the truths I’ve been told so that I can forewarn my part part of the world.

Did you know that 27 states in the United States have adopted a curriculum for sex education to be taught in all grades from kindergarten through senior high, that is so graphic in nature (even for the 5 year olds) if we showed it to children outside of the school we would be arrested for exposing children to pornography, but its considered “education when the teacher does it.” I doubt many of you know. Get ready to be shocked! The images on the curriculum are blurred, else my site would be marked as porn. 

Here’s the link to some samples:

Now that the crazies have got the worlds mind on the corona virus, racism, etc, they’ve now set their sights on our kids. And if you’re thinking I’m a conspiracy theorists, you are so wrong. I have always been naively simple when it comes to trusting people. But the world we’re living in has made me very tired of having a Susie sunshine attitude, and I had to give myself a dose of reality to protect my family. The liberal crazies are now targeting our kids directly in the classroom with “Comprehensive Sexuality Education.” They’re teaching kids — as early as kindergarten — masturbation, anal sex, transgenderism, and abortion. It makes me nauseous that those words are in my blog. I want to share Jesus, not that. But 27 States have already adopted it! Just in case you didn’t look at the curriculum, I need you to understand the perverseness of this world and the direction they’re headed, which is to our children’s schools. 

Ephesians 6:10-12 KJV

[10] Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. [11] Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. [12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

When God had Paul pen those words to the Ephesians, I wonder how much insight Paul had toward the year 2020.

The Spiritual wickedness in high places refers to the spiritual realm of Satan and his demonic forces. But it could just as well refer to American hierarchy who is cutting the throat of their own nation. 

Satan has launched this attack against the children of the world and most people refuse to listen, thinking rather that folks like me are the crazies and we’re fabricating fear when I’m truly trying to warn my kids and everyone else’s to put that armor on your children and yourself, and don’t blindly let the world “educate” your children. And never assume it won’t come to us in the little communities of America. 

My grandchildren’s schools have been on again, off again because of the exposure to the virus in our community. I seem to go from one extreme to the other in worry. One minute I’m worrying because they won’t get to play like children, and then the next minute, I’m worrying that they won’t even get to be children. 

Praise God! That although this world is filled with bad news, we have the good news every day to guide us and to give us hope that Jesus is coming soon to take us out of here. We are complete in Him, Jesus Christ. He, Who through the Holy Spirit gives us wisdom to know what we need to know. I believe that He sent me to tell you this information. And I believe He’s telling the church to do their best to stop it now before it’s too late. 

Colossians 2:10

And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

Posted in Christian Service, Life Inspiration

Dear Mr., Miss or Mrs. Weary… read on

I know I’m not alone when I say that I have days when I’m weary. Those times when I look around and feel somewhat like Elijah who though he was the last one left when Jezebel sought to kill him and the Lord had to remind him that he was not alone. I know I’m not alone, I know that there are countless servants of God out there on the battlefield with me, but Satan loves to get you feeling weary so he makes you believe you’re outnumbered.

Two places in the Bible we find the phrase “weary in well doing,” both written by Paul, someone who assuredly had moments that he could have been weary. I found it interesting that both forms of weariness were tied to other people.

Don’t grow weary of the weak

I can handle an unsaved sinner’s bad behavior, but I run the risk of growing weary at a child of God who uses the excuse “Well it’s just how I am” for obnoxious and rude behavior or blatant sins against God. But Paul encourage the believers to take care of one another, encourage those who are serving in the faith, and leave all others to God; because we all reap what we sow, good or bad. So I’m here to encourage you today! March on soldier, we have work to do!

Galatians 6

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Don’t Grow Weary of the Wicked

Watching the news is enough to make you want to tuck your head under a covers and yell “even so Lord Jesus come!” But couple that with attacks and persecution on the local level and the days are rough. We’re living in a time that our grandparents could never even fathom; a time when men (and women) embrace wickedness and shun the gospel. A time when people defend a religion of hate and hate a religion of defenders, it’s insanity is it not? But Paul said don’t grow weary.

2 Thessalonians 3:13

13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

In reading the text that leads up to verse 13 Paul encourage the believers that he has confidence in them that they’ll continue on even in the face of wicked men that do not have faith. What a supporter Paul was even in the days that he himself needed encouragement to continue. Paul tells them to draw away from “that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.” There’s a time that you need to get away from the naysayers and the blasphemers and those who tear down our God and us.

I hope that today you’ll get your Bible and get alone with the Word of God and let Him speak great peace to your soul.

Perhaps this is your only time today and you chose to spend it with me. I’m honored and humbled. I pray that I encouraged you to keep on keepin’ on and that you’ll encourage me back by a comment or by sharing this blog with your friends.

Weary not my friends… I’m with ya!

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Posted in Life Inspiration

Why are you being so Ugly?

evil queen

That was the question to myself yesterday during the business conference I’m attending. Perhaps it was because my sinus’ have caused my head to  feel as though it’s going to pop off of my shoulders, or a half dozen other factors of the week, but one session yesterday left me in a seething mood as the rude woman spoke. Her information was outdated and non-relevant and she read all 57 gray and black slides with little emotion and an occasional awkward snicker. The conference folk made the mistake of giving me a link to an online evaluation survey of her piece of the event at the beginning of the session. Well, in my boredom I felt compelled to fill it out on my iPhone. I didn’t care if she thought I was texting and being rude, she was rude.  And as I entered each little black dotted rating I happen to wonder what God might think of my own behavior. After all… as a speaker I’ve been extended favor and mercy on more than one occasion and amazingly enough been invited back. Seriously Shari… why are you being so ugly?

1 Peter 3:8-9 ~ Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.

A Compassionate People

I certainly want compassion in my life when I have an off day. For certain the woman was not ready for the conference, she stumbled over ordinary words in her slide that would likely not have been an issue if she’d studied. Tell me you’ve never shown up somewhere less than prepared… I can’t. Another issue I have issues with is uncompassionate people who feel compelled to rip everyone apart as if they’re they authority on life, I just about slipped into that one myself.

A Contrary People

I’ve met many a contrary railing people. They’d argue with a fence post if nobody was around, but Peter said contrariwise blessing. I highly doubt God has appointed you or me as “Heaven’s Critic.” Our job is to be a blessing, and that can’t be done when you’re tearing someone apart. Let some chick gain a little wait (or a lot), have on an unkempt pair of jeans or a dress without a slip and watch the party start among critical women. Oh my goodness, I’m meddlin’ now! But it’s the truth and if you’ve been in any church across America you know it’s a fact. I remember one particular time the “slip” issue slipped out of someone’s mouth about a mother of several children. My first thought was “are you serious? You’ve never seen the profile of a leg before?” Not to mention the fact that this perfectly tailored lady had grown children and had long since forgotten what it was like to pile the kids in the car and get to church on time. It was a miracle she was at church, and you dare comment on her lack of a slip. The truth of the matter was, she’ll likely find a slip before that lady finds some manners.

A Called People

Knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing….

We’re called to not only be a blessing but to inherit one. My lesson today, as I began another day of long sessions is to remember what God called me to do. I’m to be the example of Christ. When someone looks at me that should see something contrary to the world. The world will eat you up and spit you out, I should have no part of it. My presence should be like a balm on a wound of a soul in pain, because that’s what my Lord has been for me.