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by wptg
The Access Point – The Jesus Chick

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Grace is hard to understand. We want it, we attempt to give it, sometimes tongue and cheek (meaning we forgive but never forget). We, I speak collectively, though I really mean me, when I say I often think I’ve messed up past the point of being offered grace, because life sometimes just flat out stinks.

True story.

When life gets hard, this Jesus Chick is not so spiritual as to immediately ask the question, “What is God teaching me in this moment?” That would sound really good and churchy wouldn’t it?  No, I’m more apt to ask the question, “How long will I be here, Lord?”

Romans 5:1-2

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:  By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

So much is missed in the midst of a struggle. And life is full of struggles. But the Apostle Paul reminds us that as people of faith (those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ) we have access to some things the world is not afforded.

We have Access to Peace

There’s a difference between access and acceptance. It’s the same as salvation, we’re all offered it; but if we don’t accept it, we’ll never experience it. There is a difference in the end result. Those with salvation will go Heaven whether they experience the benefits of salvation here on earth or not. The journey is just a lot more difficult. But those who never accept salvation are headed to Hell.

I’m not surprised when children of God don’t have peace in the middle of a storm. Because I’ve been there too. It’s usually a matter of feeling worthy or letting myself get too far down before looking up. If there’s sin or other failures in our lives, we don’t feel worthy. Even though neither will keep you from peace if you talk to God about it. As children of God, it’s ours for the asking!

That’s just the kind of Lord He is.

We have Access to Grace

I love the acronym for G.r.a.c.e. = God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense. Isn’t that amazing? There’s nothing we can do to earn it. It is however what makes me be the person I am. I was born with a servants attitude and when God saved me from the Devil’s Hell, my gratitude went toward servitude.

Grace will do that if you strive to understand it. Many Christians miss the mark because they’re not in God’s word, they’re not in church and so they cannot fully comprehend what the Lord did for them. I sometimes avoid the truth of it myself, because I can’t imagine the degree of pain and humiliation my Lord took upon Himself for someone like me who adds more too it when I fail Him.

The shame wasn’t only on the day of the crucifixion. It’s on us when we blatantly fail God, knowing what He did for us. But the grace is still there. That’s why it’s amazing.

We have Access to Joy

It’s what we can experience even in times of sorrow. The loss of a loved one is gut wrenching, but the knowledge that they were saved and now in the presence of Jesus brings great joy!

The struggles we face are never pleasurable, but the victory is always a joyous moment and made that much sweeter because of the struggle. We realize the strength that we have from knowing Christ as Savior. The unsaved may experience moments of victory, but not as the child of God. Knowing that there was Someone standing beside us all the way and there was never a reason to feel alone. That is joy! He has our back here and He’s waiting for us there!

We have Access to Hope

Not just hope, but we need always reminded that the peace, grace, joy and hope are always for the glory of God. It’s a privilege only afforded a child of the King. I wrote on hope yesterday. It’s a subject I could write on everyday and never grow weary because I need it. I need to know that my aches and pains, those of the physical, mental and spiritual nature will someday be lifted whether here or Heaven.

Maybe you needed to know that too. If I’ve encouraged you, let me know! If I can pray for you, let me know that too. We’re here to be the hands, feet and sometimes words of Jesus. Use us Lord!

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