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by wptg
The Antics of the Enemy – The Jesus Chick

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anticsIt’s a funny thing for me when the word of God leaps from the page and reads as if it were a Fox News account of the antics of today’s politicians. And so it was this morning as I read a few chapters from the book of Acts and the story of Paul (who I in no way am comparing to President Donald Trump) but the antics of his enemies are like yesterday’s headlines. And while the Bible is pure truth and the media is mingled greater with lies, it is my prayer that Christians unite and stand firm on the side of President Trump, who I believe has good intentions for our Nation, and his enemies are tools in the hands of Satan.

Paul vs. the Preachers & Politicians

As for the story of Paul, he preached and was willing to die for the very faith he had once murdered people for professing. That’s quite a bit more serious than the cries against Trumps sins of the past. But when Paul discovered the truth he was willing to stand up for what he had once fought against. And to put it in plain terms, people hate the truth. They’d rather believe a lie and live in either religious separation or rebellious liberal anti-law viewpoints than to allow a Nation to work together for the good and safety of its people. The religious leaders of Jerusalem didn’t care if people got saved, they were happy being in control of the people they had, and when they saw both Jew and Gentiles worshipping together, it got ugly. Paul went into Jerusalem in Chapter 21 of Acts knowing that there were Jews wanting him dead. They were not happy he had opposing views and through the power of the Holy Spirit had the ability to prove his views worthy of acceptation; and people were getting saved, both Jews and Gentiles alike. This angered the religious crowd into lying about Paul, and stirring up the crowds into a rebellious tirade. Sound familiar?  Dear Heavens! If Christians cannot see the hand of Satan in today’s political endeavors they are blind. The crowds attacked and beat Paul within an inch of his life until he was rescued and taken into custody by the law. Seriously? The law had to take religion into their own hands? Very much like it is in our day with Christians being censored everywhere!  In verse 34 of Chapter 21 it says that “And some cried one thing, some another, among the multitude: and when he could not know the certainty for the tumult, he commanded him to be carried into the castle.”

There was so much junk being spewed that they couldn’t tell fact from fiction. Hello? I have a feeling there was indeed a modern day CNN of biblical times, stirring with a big stick! And the people cried “kill him.” But God had other plans!

God chose to use a man who was once His enemy, to bring thousands to salvation. Can God not use President Trump to bring America back into the fold of His grace? Why do you think Satan’s got that stick out continuously?

When Paul spoke it silenced the cities because the people wanted to hear what the ruckus was about. (Acts 21:40)

I’ll say one thing, Trump has America’s ear. Every word by Tweet, news briefing or rumor mill drops like a pin in the room. This man can make a difference. He’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination and he has said things that I for certain disagree with. But if the people of this country (who want the change to be a nation of good moral stance, and the freedom to walk not in fear of one’s faith and the blessings of Almighty God) get behind the administration and proclaim it openly, not in secret.  We could see our nation turn around again.

God would turn Israel on a dime when they turned their hearts back to Him. He would wipe out every enemy they faced without them so much as getting a hair out of place. He’s still that God. He has not changed. But this nation has.

We need to get a bigger stick people!

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